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Dora Lee


copyright Editura Amethyst 2007

Dora Lee - Micua extraterestr

eparte, departe de Pmnt, pe o planet necunoscut oamenilor, tria un

popor de extrateretri. Planeta lor se numea Planeta Verde pentru c acolo, absolut totul era de culoare verde: casele, drumurile, nisipul, apa mrii,
chiar i pielea locuitorilor era tot verde.

i acest popor era condus de un mprat vrednic i iubitor de dreptate. i
mpratul avea cinci fiice: una mai frumoas ca alta, ns cea mai
mic era de o frumusee aparte: trupul zvelt, prul rocat i
ochii verzi, cu o privire blnd i ntrebtoare.

Se juca i ea alturi de surorile ei dar cel mai mult i
plcea s asculte poveti despre lumea oamenilor. Bunicii
ei fuseser pe Pmnt i micua le sorbea cuvintele. Bunica i spunea c oamenii au suflet nemuritor care se nal
la cer atunci cnd prsete corpul. Viaa extrateretrilor
dureaz cteva sute de ani, dar atunci cnd mor, sufletul
li se preface n cenu i se mprtie n cele patru vnturi.

i noi cum am putea dobndi suflet nemuritor?
ntreb micua.

Exist o singur cale: s iubeti i s fii, la rndul tu, iubit de un pmntean. Iubirea i face sufletul

Cuvintele bunicii rmaser adnc ntiprite n
inima micuei.

i cnd voi putea cunoate lumea oamenilor?,
ntreb ea, sfioas.

Cnd vei mpini cincisprezece ani, vei putea
cobor pe Pmnt.

Mai erau aproape cinci ani pn atunci, dar
micua extraterestr se mulumea cu gndul c surorile ei mai mari i vor povesti cum e acolo, n lumea

i sosi ziua n care cea mai mare dintre ele mplini
cincisprezece ani i cobor pe Pmnt. Cnd se ntoarse,
le povesti surorilor o mulime de lucruri:

E minunat pe Pmnt! spunea ea. Peste tot
e o simfonie de culori: albastrul de mrgean al mrii
nspumate sau albul sidefiu al norilor, verdele crud
al ierbii, galbenul auriu al spicelor de gru sau roul
sngeriu al asfinituluite simi ca ntr-o poveste!

Dora Lee - The Little Alien

ar, far away from the Earth, on a planet which was unknown to humans,
there lived a people of aliens. Their planet was called The Green Planet as
everything there was green: houses, roads, sand, the water in the sea,
even the inhabitants skin was green.

And this nation was led by a worthy and just emperor: and the emperor had
five daughters, each more beautiful than the other, but
the youngest was of an exquisite beauty: slim body,
red hair and green eyes, with a mild and wondering
She would play with her sisters, side by side, but
what she liked most was listening to stories about
the world of humans. Her grandparents had been
to Earth and she was mesmerized by their words.
Grandma told her that people had an immortal soul
which rose to heaven when it left the body. The
aliens life lasts for a few hundred years, but when
they die, their soul turns into ashes and spreads in
the four winds.

And how could we get an immortal soul?
asked the little alien
There is only one way: to love and be loved by a
human. Love makes your soul immortal.
Grandmas words remained burned on her heart.
When will I be allowed to get to know the world
of humans? she asked bashfully.

When you are fifteen, you will go down to
There were almost five years until then, but the little alien was content with the thought that her elder
sisters would tell her how life is there, in the world
of humans.

And soon the day when the eldest was fifteen
arrived and she went down to Earth. When she came
back, she told her sisters a lot of things:
Its wonderful on Earth, she said. All over
theres a symphony of colours: the coral blue of
the foaming sea or the pearly white of the clouds,
the raw green of the grass, the golden yellow of the
wheat ears or the bloody red of the sunsetyou feel

Dora Lee - Micua extraterestr

n anul urmtor cea de-a doua dintre surori mplinea cincisprezece ani i
cobor pe Pmnt.

Cnd am ajuns acolo, spunea ea, am rmas fermecat de sunete. Nimic nu
se poate compara cu clipocitul apei, cu ciripitul psrelelor, cu fonetul
frunzelor Am ascultat i un pstor cntnd din fluiertoate lucrurile din jur preau s se fi oprit n loc, prinse de vraja muzicii.
Veni i rndul celei de-a treia. Ea intr n vorb
cu oamenii i fu invitat n casele lor. Acolo rmase ncntat de mirosul i gustul bucatelor:plcinte calde, mmlig
aburind cu lapte proaspt, carne fript
i multe alte bunti. Cnd se ntoarse,
le mrturisi surorilor ei c niciodat nu
mncase ceva mai gustos!

Cea de-a patra sor cobor i ea pe
Pmnt un an mai trziu. i pentru ea,
aceast experien a fost unic: pentru
prima dat n viaa ei a mngiat blana
unui iepura, a atins petalele unei flori,
a simit picturile de ploaie pe fa

Cea mic le asculta povetile,
fascinat, ateptnd ziua n care va putea
s cunoasc i ea acea lume minunat.

i ziua mult ateptat sosi. Cnd
micua extraterestr cobor pe Pmnt,
zorii zilei tocmai se artau. n rcoarea
dimineii, cnd soarele se pregtea s
rsar, un brbat tnar se sclda n
ru: cu un trup perfect, ca al unui zeu,
cu pielea alb, prul negru, prea ireal de frumos. Micua extraterestr l
privea fascinat i simea cum inima i
se umple de un sentiment nou: era cu
siguran iubirea. Ea nu ndrzni s i se
arate tnrului, de fric s nu-l sperie cu
pielea ei verde. Cnd tnrul plec, micua
extraterestr se ntoarse i ea pe Planeta Verde, mai tcut i mai ngndurat ca
oricnd. Surorile ei o ntrebar despre ceea ce

Dora Lee - The Little Alien

just like in a story.

Next year the second of the sisters was fifteen and she got down to Earth.

When I got there, I was bewitched by the soundsNothing could be compared with the purling of the water, with the chirping of the birds, with
the rustle of the leaves. I also listened to a shepherd playing his flute.
Everything around seemed to have stopped, bewitched by the music

Soon the turn of the third came. She talked to people
and she was invited to their houses. There she was enchanted by the smell and the taste of the food: hot pies, steaming maize with fresh milk, roast meat and many other tasty
dishes. When she came back, she confessed to her sisters
that never in her life had she eaten anything tastier!
The fourth sister went to Earth one year later. For her, this
experience was also unique: for the first time in her life she
petted the fur of a rabbit, she touched the petals of a flower,
she felt the rain drops on her face
The youngest listened to their stories, fascinated, waiting
for the day when she will be allowed to get to know that wonderful world.
And that most wanted of the days came: when she got down to
Earth, the dawn was breaking. In the coolness of the morning, when the
sun was about to rise, a young man was bathing in a river: with a perfect
body, just like a gods, fair complexion and black hair, he seemed to be
of illusory handsomeness. The little alien watched him fascinated and
she felt her heart invaded with a new feeling: it was definitely love.
She didnt dare to show herself to the young man for fear that
she would frighten him with her green skin. When the young
man left, she went back to the Green Planet, more quiet
and more thoughtful than ever. Her sisters asked her about
what she had seen on Earth but she didnt tell them anything.
Every morning, from that day on, she went down to Earth,
going to the place where she had met the young man. She
often used to see him bathing, at the first morning hours, but
she still stayed hidden behind a rock.
Many months passed like this and love was flourishing more and
more in the little aliens heart. One day, she decided to reveal her secret
to grandma: she told her that she was in love with a human and that

Dora Lee - Micua extraterestr

vzuse pe Pmnt, dar ea nu le povesti nimic.

ncepnd cu acea zi, n fiecare diminea cobora pe Pmnt, n locul undel ntlnise pe tnrul brbat. l vedea adeseori, scldndu-se la primele ore ale
dimineii, ea ns rmnea ascuns dup o stnc.

Trecur astfel multe luni i iubirea nflorea tot mai mult n inima micuei
extraterestre. ntr-o zi se hotr s-i dezvluie taina bunicii: i spuse c iubea un
pmntean i c dorina ei cea mai mare era s-i ctige dragostea i s poat
dobndi suflet venic. Pe btrn o ngrozir vorbele fetei: extrateretrii nu puteau supravieui pe Pmnt. Dac rmneau acolo mai mult de doua-trei zile, i
pierdeau memoria, uitnd complet cine erau i de unde veneau i i schimbau
culoarea pielii, aceasta devenind asemntoare cu cea a oamenilor. Ei nu se mai
puteau ntoarce pe Planeta Verde ns zilele lor erau numrate i pe Pmnt: dac
scopul pentru care veniser aici nu era atins, atunci ei i pierdeau viaa.

Aceasta era ntr-adevr o alegere dificil pentru micua extraterestr. Plec
ngndurat spre camera ei i toat noaptea nu putu s doarm. Se gndea la familia ei, la viaa pe care o dusese pn atunci, dar sentimentele pentru frumosul
tnr nvinser pn la urm. n zori, micua iei din cas, fr s spun nimnui

Cnd ajunse pe Pmnt, merse direct la locul unde-l ntlnise pentru prima
dat pe brbatul iubit, se ascunse dup o stnc i ncepu s atepte.Timp de dou
zile nu se ntmpl nimic deosebit, dar a treia zi, vzu cum pielea i se albete i
parc ncepu s-i aduc aminte cu greu de unele lucruriSpre sear czu ntr-un
somn adnc i cnd se trezi, vzu lng ea un brbat tnar, cu trup de zeu, piele
alb i prul negruEa nu putu rosti nici un cuvnt, l privea doar cu ochii ei mari
i verzi, rugtoriTnrul o lu la el acas, i ddu s mnnce i o ntreb cine
este i de unde vine. Ea ns nu putu s rspund. El crezu c ea fusese victima
unui accident sau c rmsese orfan i o invit s rmn n casa lui.

Timpul trecea i micua extraterestr se obinui n casa tnrului, ncepu
s vorbeasc, nv s aib grij de cas dar tot nu-i amintea nimic despre viaa
ei de dinainte. Tnrul o ndrgea ca pe o sor, ns ea l iubea cu adevrat i ar fi
fcut orice s-l vad fericit.

i iat c ntr-o bun zi, tnrul brbat sosi acas trist: ntlnise o fat care
i furase inima ns ea locuia departe, pe alt continent i a doua zi urma s plece.
El era trist pentru c poate nu va mai reui s-o vad niciodat i i povestea micuei
extraterestre necazurile inimii sale, ca unei surori. Aceasta vrs lacrimi amare,
la gndul c inima lui era deja druit, dar se hotr s-l ajute s fie fericit, chiar
cu preul durerii ei. l sftui s mearg s-i caute iubirea, chiar de-ar fi s fie la
captul lumii i-i promise c ea l va nsoi.

A doua zi plecar la drum.Urm o cltorie lung, plin de obstacole i

Dora Lee - The Little Alien

her greatest wish was to earn his love and get an immortal soul. The old alien was
terrified by the girls words: aliens couldnt survive on Earth. If they stayed there
more than two or three days, they lost their memory, they forgot completely who
they were and where they came from, they changed the colour of their skin, getting a new colour similar to that of humans. They couldnt come back to the Green
Planet, but their days were counted on Earth too: if the aim they had come for
wasnt attained, then they lost their life.

That was indeed a difficult choice for the little alien. She went to her room,
engrossed in thoughts and she couldnt sleep all night long. She was thinking of
her family, of the life she had led until then, but her feelings for the young man
won in the end. At dawn, the little alien left the house without saying a word to

When she got down to Earth, she went directly to the place where she had
met the man she loved for the first time, she hid behind a rock and she began to
wait. For two days nothing special happened, but on the third day she saw her
skin becoming white and she seemed to remember some things with difficultyIn
the evening she fell into a deep sleep and when she woke up, she saw beside her
a young man with a gods body, fair complexion and black hair The young man
took her to his home, fed her and asked her who she was and where she came from.
But she couldnt answer. He thought she was the victim of an accident or that she
was an orphan and asked her to stay with him.

Time was passing and the little alien became accustomed to living in the
young mans house, she began to speak, she learnt to take care of the house but still
she couldnt remember anything about her previous life. The young man loved her
like a sister but she really loved him and she would have done anything to make
him happy.

And one day the young man came home sad: he had met a girl that had stolen his heart but she lived far away, on another continent and she was to leave the
next day. He was sad that maybe he wouldnt be able to see her again and he was
telling the little alien the torments of his heart, as he would tell a sister. She shed
bitter tears at the thought that his heart was already given but she decided to help
him to be happy, even at the cost of her own pain. She advised him to go and look
for his love, even if it was at the end of the world and she promised to accompany

The second day they set off on the journey. There was a long trip, full of
obstacles and unexpected situations, but at the end of the year they managed to
reach the destination. The girls parents received him with open hearts, being impressed by his gesture of covering such a long distance to find his love. The young
man asked their daughters hand and they agreed with joy.

Dora Lee - Micua extraterestr

de situaii neprevzute dar, la captul

unui an de zile, reuir s ajung la
destinaie. Prinii fetei l primir cu
inima deschis, impresionai fiind de
gestul lui de a strabate o distan att de
lung n cutarea iubirii. Tnrul le ceru
mna fiicei lor i acetia consimir cu

Nunta se anun peste o sptmn
i micua extraterestr i simea sfritul
aproape. tia c n ziua cnd cei doi se vor uni,
ea i va pierde viaa.

Sosi i ziua nunii: peste tot chipuri fericite, flori i zmbete. Doar micua extraterestr
era trist: aceasta era ultima ei zi petrecut pe
Pmnt. Deodat i simi trupul arzndi n
faa ochilor i apru un nger care-i opti:

Micu extraterestr, te-am vzut de
acolo, de sus! Ai sacrificat totul pentru iubire i ai tiut s iei mereu nvingtoare
Sufletul tu i-a ctigat dreptul la nemurire!

Micua extraterestr nu-i mai
simea deja trupul, se simea uoar ca
un fulg, i ncepu s pluteasc n aer,
s se nale spre luminDe acolo, de
sus, i vzu pe cei doi miri, fericii, jurndu-i credin n faa altarului i le
zmbi, binecuvntndu-le dragostea..

Dora Lee - The Little Alien

The wedding was announced within a week

and the little alien felt her end drawing
near. She knew that the day the two were
united, she would lose her life.
The wedding day came: happy faces, flowers and smiles all over. Only the little alien
was sad: that was her last day on Earth.
Suddenly she felt her body burningan
angel appeared in front of her and whispered:
Little alien, I saw you from up there! You
sacrificed everything for love and you were
destined to be a winnerYour soul has won the right
to immortality!
The little alien couldnt feel her body any longer, she felt as light as a feather, and she began
to float in the air and shoot up towards the light..
From high above, she saw the young couple, happy, swearing faith to each other in front of the altar, she smiled to them, blessing their love


Bac la englez - Liliana Huzdup

Lets Learn English Correctly - Liliana Huzdup

English Is Fun - Vol I - Liliana Huzdup + CD audio - voce Richard Proctor

Jurnalul regsirii - Dharma Green

Insula Paradisului / The Isle Of Paradise - Dora Lee

Destinul Albei / Albas Destiny - Dora Lee

Frumoasa se ndrgostete / Beauty Falls In Love / Dora Lee

The Green Planet Stories - Dora Lee - voce: Richard Proctor

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei

Micua extraterestr = The Little Alien / Dora Lee. - Cluj-Napoca : Amethyst, 2007
ISBN 978-973-87895-8-6
copyright Editura Amethyst 2007
Str. Alexandru Vlahu Bloc Lam B, sc 1 , ap 1
Cluj Napoca 400310
Tel: 0364 404215 0744 670733
Copert i tehnoredactare: Editura Amethyst
Ilustraii: Adina Bogtean

ABC-ul biologiei - Ion & Leonida Huzdup

Astrologie practic - Estella Bloom


English Is Fun Vol II + CD audio - Liliana Huzdup

O colind de Crciun - Charles Dickens
S ne tratm cu remedii naturale

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