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Tratament homeopathic complementar la pacienii cu infectii septice severe

Context: Mortalitatea la pacienii cu sepsis sever rmne ridicat, n ciuda

dezvoltarea mai multor strategii terapeutice. Scopul acestui studiu randomizat,
dublu-orb, controlat cu placebo a fost de a evalua dac homeopatia este
capabil s influeneze rezultatul pe termen lung la pacienii grav bolnav care
sufer de infectii septice severe.
METODE: aptezeci pacienii cu infectii septice severe au primit tratament
homeopatic (n = 35) sau placebo (n = 35). Cinci globule ntr-o poten de 200C
au fost date la interval de 12 ore n timpul ederii la unitatea de terapie intensiv.
Supravieuirea dup un 30 i 180 de zile a fost nregistrat.
REZULTATE: Trei pacieni (2 homeopatie, 1 cu placebo) au fost excluse din
analizele din cauza datelor incomplete.
Toi aceti pacieni au supravieuit. caracteristicile iniiale, inclusiv vrsta, sexul,
condiiile de IMC, n prealabil, scorul APACHE II, semne de sepsis, numrul de
eecuri de organe, nevoia de ventilaie mecanic, nevoia de vasopresoare sau
hemofiltration veno-venoase, iar parametrii de laborator nu au fost semnificativ
diferite ntre grupuri. La 30 zile, nu a fost non-semnificativ statistic tendina de
supravieuire n favoarea homeopatiei (verum 81,8%, placebo 67,7%, P = .19).
La ziua 180, supravieuirea a fost semnificativ statistic mai mare cu homeopatia
verum (75,8% vs 50,0%, P = 0.043).
Nu s-au observat efecte adverse. CONCLUZII: Datele noastre sugereaz faptul
c tratamentul homeopatic poate fi o msur util suplimentare terapeutice cu un
beneficiu pe termen lung pentru pacienii grav septice admii la secia de terapie
intensiv. O constrngere la aplicarea mai larg a acestei metode este numrul
limitat de homeopai instruii.
PMID: 15892486 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Oboseala de cauza suprarenaliana

Suprarenalele prin productia de cortizon si adrenalinasunt esentiale in situatiile
stresante pentru organism ( psihice si fizice ) .
Cand conditiile stresante devin cornice intervine epuizarea suprarenaliana si
apare oboseala, insotita de bulimie, obezitate, precum si alte simptome, cum ar fi
* Dependena de cafea
* Cicluri menstruale neregulate
* Insomnie
* Cresterea in greutate (mai ales n jurul abdomenului)
* Dureri musculare i / sau dureri n general

Dorinta de sare
Dureri de cap *
* Scderea libidoului
Simptome ce apar si in depresie i fibromialgie ce pot determina simptome
1) Vitamina C
2) Plante adaptogene pentru oboseala de cauza suprarenaliana :
ginseng, ashwaghandha, i Rhodiola)
ntr-un studiu de 2009, de exemplu, cercetatorii au descoperit ca administrarea
576 mg de extract standardizat de Rhodiola un supliment n form de zi cu zi a
redus nivelul de stres i o cretere a performanei mentale (fr a produce efecte
adverse) ntr-un grup de aduli care sufer de oboseal legate de stres.

Sindromul ovarului polichistic tratament homeopat

Sindromul ovarului polichistic.
Lot de studio 36 femei care sufereau de sindromul ovarului polichistic (PCOS),
au fost tratate cu medicamnetul homeopat Pulsatilla 6C, de 4 ori pe zi timp de 2
sptmni, de la terminarea menstruatiei, iar acest lucru a fost repetat timp de 4
cicluri consecutive.
La sfritul perioadei de prob 30 din cele 36 de femei s-a constatat disparitia
totala a simptomelor de sindrom i producerea de foliculi normale ovulatie, iar
alte 4 din 36 a devenit asimptomatice.
Autori :
Sanchez-Resendiz J., Guzman-Gomez F., sindromul ovarului polichistic. Boletn
Mexicano de Homeopatica, 30, 1997, 11-15.
Sindromul pre menstrual (PMS). ntr-un studiu randomizat controlat dublu-orb
(1992-94) 19 femei care sufer de sindromul premenstrual au fost tratai cu

individual cu homeopatie. 90% dintre pacienii care au receieved tratament

homeopat experimentat mai mult de 30% ameliorare. Numai de 37,5% dintre
pacienii care au primit placebo au nregistrat o mbuntire similare. Bolnav zile
nainte de menstruaie s-au redus 0.75-0 n homeopatie-grup, i a fost
nemodificat n grupul de control. Utilizarea drogurilor convenional a fost, de
asemenea, redus n homeopatie-grup.
Yakir M, Kreitler S, Brzezinski A, Vithoulkas G, Oberbaum M, Z. Bentwich Efecte
de tratament homeopatic la femeile cu sindromul premenstrual: un studiu pilot. Br
homeopat J. iulie 2001; 90 (3): 148-53.
Homeopatie i retragerea de estrogen. 40 din 45 femei cu cancer de san
retragerea de estrogen si apoi tratate homeopathically, mbuntirea experien
semnificativ n simptomele lor primare, anxietate i depresie, precum i
mbuntirea calitii vieii. simptome primare schimbat 7.8 la 5.4, i 7.2 - 4.1 (p
<0,001). Abordarea homeopatic pare a fi util clinic n managementul
simptomelor de sevraj de estrogen la femeile cu cancer de sn.
EA Thompson, Reilly D. abordare homeopate, pentru tratamentul simptomelor de
retragere de estrogen la pacienii cu cancer de sn. Un studiu prospectiv
observaional. Homeopatie. Iulie 2003; 92 (3) :131-4.
Homeopatia n plngerile menopauz. ntr-un studiu prospectiv 82% din 102
pacieni au raportat ameliorarea simptomelor menopauzei dup tratament
homeopat. Principalele simptome s-au remarcat bufeuri de cldur i transpiraii,
oboseal, anxietate, probleme cu somnul, schimbari de dispozitie si dureri de
cap. Femeile menionate la homeopatiei au fost cei care fie nu ar putea avea
legate de tratamentul cu hormon (HRT), pentru care terapia de substitutie
hormonala a fost n pretenii, care nu doresc sau care trebuia s vin off THS.
durata medie de tratament homeopatic a fost de 5 luni.
Relton, C. NHS Homeopathy Menopause Service. Outcome Study. In press.

Inhibarea carcinogenezei chimic induse de substante inductoare de cancere, cu

medicamente homeopatice.
Homeopatia este considerat ca fiind o modalitate pentru terapia cancerului.
Cu toate acestea, exist rapoarte doar foarte puine clinice cu privire la
activitatea de droguri, precum i n animale experimentale.
S-au evaluat efectele inhibitoare ale preparatelor homeopatice mpotriva inductiei
tumorale prin N'-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) ce produce carcinom hepatocelular
la obolani, precum i sarcoame 3-methylcholanthrene induse la oareci.

S-a folosit Ruta, Hydrastis, Lycopodium i Thuja, care sunt frecvent utilizate n
homeopatie pentru tratarea cancerului.
Administrarea de NDEA la obolani a dus la inducerea tumorilor la ficat i au
crescut enzimele marker, cum ar fi gama-glutamil transpeptidaza,
transaminazelor glutamat piruvat, glutamat oxaloacetat transaminazelor i
fosfatazei alcaline n ser i n ficat.
Administrarea concomitent de medicamente homeopate a intarziat cresterea
tumorii i a redus n mod semnificativ valori crescute ale enzimelor marker nivel
de referinta morfologica, biochimica i histopatologica de evaluare.
Din cele patru medicamente studiate, 200C Ruta artat inhibarea maxim de
dezvoltare tumori hepatice. Ruta dilutir 200C si 1M, Phosphorus idem ce au
fost gsite pentru a reduce incidena de sarcoame 3-methylcholanthrene induse
si au crescut durata de viata a oareci.
Aceste studii demonstreaz c medicamentele homeopate, la doze foarte mici,
ar putea s scad progresia tumorii prin administrarea de substante cancerigene.
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2007 Jan-Mar;8(1):98-102

E vorba de un studio ce a implicat 38 de pacieni cu talasemie care utilizau

hidroxiuree (HU) terapie pentru diferite perioade de timp, administrarea de
medicamente homeopatice corespunztor selectate (Pulsatilla nigricans 30c,
americanus ceanothus (tinctur i 6c), Metallicum Ferrum 30c) timp de trei luni a
fost dovedit a fi asociate cu scderea semnificativ a feritinei serice i creteri n
serul hemoglobinei fetale.
n plus, o scdere semnificativ n mrimea splinei a fost gsit n cele mai multe
dintre pacienii cu splenomegalie (splin mrit).
Mai mult un decalaj a crescut ntre transfuzii a fost gsit la majoritatea
pacienilor care au primit medicamentul homeopatic, n plus fa de tratamentul
cu hidroxiuree.
Autorii conchid, "remedii homeopate fiind ieftin si fara nici cunoscute efecte
secundare par s aib potenial mare n a aduce beneficii suplimentare la
pacienii thalassemici; n special n curs de dezvoltare care sufer de transfuzii
de snge de screening inadecvate i sunt lipsii de standarde stricte de siguran
n rile dezvoltate.
Can Homeopathy Bring Additional Benefits to Thalassemic Patients on
Hydroxyurea Therapy? Encouraging Results of a Preliminary Study," Banerjee A,
Chakrabarty SB, et al, Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2007 Oct 29;
[Epub ahead of print]. (Address: Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory,
Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani-741 235, West Bengal,
India. E-mail: )

Homeopatia ca o alternativ la antibiotice n diaree la purcei

Un studiu efectuat la Universitatea Wageningen din Olanda sugereaz c
homeopatia poate fi o alternativa la antibioticele diareei neonatale la purcei.
Utilizarea excesiv a antibioticelor la psrile de curte, carne de vit bovine i
producia porcin reprezint o ameninare grav pentru sntatea uman,
sntatea animalelor i a mediului. Si homeopatia este o alternativa durabile la
antibiotice cand acestea sunt strict necesare .
Antibioticele organice sectorul creterii animalelor sunt recomandate au fost
nlocuite cu medicamente complementare sau alternative (CAM), din care
homeopatia este cel mai frecvent aplicate. Tratamentul homeopatic are beneficii
semnificative, deoarece nu exist reziduuri de medicamente homeopate, n
produse de origine animal, i nici nu genereaz homeopatie microorganisme
Agricultura biologic Systems Group de la Universitatea Wageningen din Olanda
efectuat recent un studiu de cercetare pentru a investiga n cazul n care
homeopatia ar putea fi o alternativ la antibiotice intr-unul din cele mai comune
boli la porcii care este diareea neonatal a purceilor. Aceast boal conduce la
pierderea n greutate i mortalitate purceilor crescut, care are consecine
economice substaniale. tratamentele conventionale de Escherichia coli (E. coli)
este diareea administrarea de antibiotice pentru purcei afectate, sau de
vaccinare preventiv a scroafelor.
Pentru a investiga dac E. coli diaree neonatal la purceii ar putea fi prevenite
prin homeopatie, cercetatorii au creat un studiu randomizat, studiu de observator
orb i controlat cu placebo. La o ferma de porci comerciale 52 scroafe de pariti
diferite, n luna ultima lor de gestaie, au fost tratai de dou ori pe sptmn, fie
cu agentul Coli homeopate 30K sau placebo. 525 purcei nscui din aceste
scroafe au fost marcate de apariia i durata de diaree.
Purcei de grupul tratat homeopatic au avut semnificativ mai mic de diaree de E.
coli purcei dect n grupul placebo (P <0.0001). Mai ales purcei de la paritatea
prima scroafe a dat un rspuns bun la tratamentul cu Coli 30K.
Diaree a fost mai puin severe n pui tratati homeopathic si efecte secundare nu
au mai aparut .
Avantaje la nivel de ferm sunt aplicarea tratamentului de ctre fermier i de
reducere a costurilor.
Aceste avantaje, iar rezultatele pozitive din acest studiu cu medicamentul
homeopat Coli 30K o alternativ atractiv potenial n prevenirea diareei E. coli.
Acest studiu sugereaz, de asemenea, c tratamentul homeopatic n efectivele

de animale ar putea ajuta cetenii europeni s fie protejai de reziduuri

farmacologice n produsele de origine animal i pentru a reduce astfel problema
de rezistenta la antibiotice.

Homeopathy as replacement to antibiotics Homeopatiei nlocuire la antibiotice
in the case of Escherichia coli diarrhoea in n caz de diaree, n Escherichia coli
neonatal piglets purcei neonatal
I Camerlink Am Camerlink
* ,LEllinger ,LEllinger
, EJ Bakker , EJ Bakker
and EA Lantinga i EA Lantinga
Biological Farming Systems Group, Wageningen University, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708
PB Wageningen, The Netherlands Agricultura biologic Sisteme Group, Universitatea din
Wageningen, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB Wageningen, Olanda
Centaurea, Orderparkweg 5, 7312 EN Apeldoorn, The Netherlands Centaurea,
Orderparkweg 5, RO Apeldoorn 7312, rile de Jos
Biometris, Wageningen University, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB Wageningen, The
Netherlands Biometris, Universitatea din Wageningen, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB
Wageningen, Olanda
Background: The use of antibiotics in the livestock sector is increasing to such an extent
Context: utilizarea antibioticelor n sectorul zootehnic este n cretere ntr-o msur
that it threatens negative consequences for human health, animal health and the environc aceasta amenin consecine negative pentru sntatea uman, sntatea animalelor i
ment. munc. Homeopathy might be an alternative to antibiotics. Homeopatia ar putea fi
o alternativ la antibiotice. It has therefore been tested in Acesta a fost testat, prin urmare,
a randomised placebo-controlled trial to prevent Escherichia coli diarrhoea in neonatal un
studiu placebo-controlat studiu randomizat pentru a preveni Escherichia coli n diaree
piglets. purcei.
Method: On a commercial pig farm 52 sows of different parities, in their last month of
Metoda: La o ferma de porci comerciale 52 scroafe de pariti diferite, n ultima lun de

gestation, were treated twice a week with either the homeopathic agent Coli 30K or
gestaie, au fost tratai de dou ori pe sptmn, fie cu Coli homeopate agentul sau 30K
placebo. placebo. The 525 piglets born from these sows were scored for occurrence and
duration 525 purcei nscui din aceste scroafe au fost marcate de apariia i durata
of diarrhoea. de diaree.
Results: Piglets of the homeopathic treated group had significantly less E. coli diarrhoea
Rezultate: Purcei din grupul tratat homeopatic au avut semnificativ mai mic de diaree E.
than piglets in the placebo group (P < .0001). purcei dect n grupul placebo (P <0.0001).
Especially piglets from first parity sows gave Mai ales purcei de la paritatea prima
scroafe a dat
a good response to treatment with Coli 30K. un bun rspuns la tratamentul cu Coli 30K.
The diarrhoea seemed to be less severe in Diaree prea s fie mai puin severe n
the homeopathically treated litters, there was less transmission and duration appeared
tratai pui homeopathically, nu a fost de transport mai puin i durata aprut
shorter. mai scurt. Homeopathy (2010) 99, 5762. Homeopatia (2010) 99, 57-62.
Keywords: Homeopathy; Piglets; Neonatal diarrhoea; Escherichia coli Cuvinte cheie:
homeopatie; purceilor; diaree neonatal; Escherichia coli
Introduction Introducere
The use of antibiotics in the agricultural sector is increas- Utilizarea antibioticelor n
sectorul agricol este n cretere
ing worldwide. ING n toat lumea. In the Netherlands, total antibiotic usage in n rile
de Jos, antibiotic de utilizare total
the livestock sector increased from 322,000 to 590,000 kg sectorul creterii animalelor a
crescut de la 322,000 la 590,000 kg
active substance between 1999 and 2007. Substana activ ntre 1999 i 2007.
High use of an- utilizarea nalt de-o
tibiotics can have negative aspects for animal health, human tibiotics poate avea aspecte
negative pentru sntatea animal, uman
health and the environment. sntii i a mediului.
This rapid rise in usage of Aceast cretere rapid n utilizarea
veterinary antibiotics necessitates the development of sus- antibiotice veterinare necesit
dezvoltarea sustainable alternatives. alternative durabil.
In the organic livestock sector the amount of antibiotics is n sectorul creterii animalelor
ecologice cantitatea de antibiotice este
restricted. restricionat. Here, antibiotics are partly replaced by comple- Aici, antibioticele
sunt parial nlocuit prin complementarmentary or alternative medicines (CAM), of which home- sau alternative medicamente
suplimentar (CAM), din care la domiciliu
opathy is the most frequently applied. opathy este cel mai frecvent aplicate.
Homeopathy has Homeopatia a

demonstrated in many medical areas its effectiveness in demonstrat n multe domenii

medicale eficacitatea sa n
practice, but scientific evidence is lacking. practic, dar dovezile tiinifice lipsesc.
The veterinary Sanitar-veterinare
homeopathy research literature comprises less than 20 pub- literatura de cercetare
homeopatie cuprinde mai puin de 20 published, peer-reviewed randomised controlled trials (RCTs). bilite, de tip peer-reviewed
studii controlate randomizat (RCT).
Previous research concerned mastitis in cattle, infertility in cauz de cercetare anterioar
mastita la bovine, n infertilitate
cattle, infectious diseases in pigs, growth rate in pigs and vite, boli infecioase la porci,
rata de cretere a porcilor i a
salmonella in chickens. salmonellei la puii de gin.
Homeopathic remedies have Remediile homeopate au
significant benefits since there are no residues in animal beneficii semnificative, deoarece
nu exist reziduuri n animale
products, nor does homeopathy generates resistant micro- produse, nici nu genereaz
homeopatia rezistente la microorganisms. organisme. According to the European Committee for Potrivit Comitetului
European pentru
Homeopathy Homeopatie
: ''If homeopathy is introduced into the live- :''n cazul n care homeopatia este introdus n
livestock farming sector, the European citizen could be better stoc sectorul agricol, cetean
european ar putea fi mai bine
protected from pharmacological residues in animal prod- protejate de reziduuri animale
farmacologice n PRODucts.'' Homeopathy aims to activate self-healing mecha- ucts homeopatie.''are scopul de a
activa auto-vindecare mecanisme
nisms of the body. nisms a corpului. Therefore the healing process might Prin urmare,
procesul de vindecare s-ar putea
have a longer duration and more attention need to be paid s aib o durat mai lung i o
mai mare atenie trebuie s fie pltite
to determine the correct remedy. pentru a determina remedia corecte. Lack of knowledge
and Lipsa de cunotine i
understanding might be reasons for the limited use of home- nelegere ar putea fi motive
pentru utilizarea limitat de homeopathy in the present livestock sector. opathy n sectorul zootehnic prezent.
In swine, neonatal diarrhoea is one of the most common n porcine, diaree neonatal este
una dintre cele mai comune

illnesses. boli. In the first days after birth Escherichia coli n primele zile de dup natere
Escherichia coli
*Correspondence: * Corespondena:
I Eu
Camerlink, Camerlink,
Wageningen Wageningen
University, Universitatea,
Biological Farming Systems Group, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 Agricultura biologic de
grupul de Sisteme, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708
PB Wageningen, PG, Netherlands. PB Wageningen, PG, rile de Jos.
E-mail: E-mail:
Received 6 April 2009; revised 26 September 2009; accepted 28 A primit 6 aprilie 2009;
revizuit 9.26.2009; acceptate 28
October 2009 Octombrie 2009
Homeopathy (2010) 99, 5762 Homeopatia (2010) 99, 57-62
2009 The Faculty of Homeopathy 2009 Facultatea de homeopatie
doi: DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2009.10.003 , available online at , Disponibil online la
Page 2 Pagina 2
bacteria may cause diarrhoea, leading to weight loss and in- bacterii poate provoca
diaree, ceea ce duce la scdere n greutate i n
creased piglet mortality. purcel crescut de mortalitate.
Conventional treatments of E. coli tratamentele conventionale de E. coli
diarrhoea is administration of antibiotics to affected piglets, diareea este administrarea de
antibiotice pentru purcei afectate,
or preventive vaccination of the sows. sau vaccinrii preventive a scroafelor.
Homeopathic treat- Homeopate tratament of E. coli has been studied by Velkers and others rea E. coli a fost studiat de ctre
Velkers i altele
in commercial broilers. la puii de carne comerciale. In that study, broilers were infected
n acest studiu, pui de carne au fost infectate
with E. coli and treated afterwards with an antibiotic or with cu E. coli i tratate ulterior
cu un antibiotic sau cu
different combinations of homeopathic remedies, including diferite combinaii de remedii
homeopatice, inclusiv
a nosode of Coli 30C. o nosode de Escherichia 30C. None of the homeopathically treated
Nici unul dintre homeopathically tratate
groups differed significantly from the controls. grupuri diferite n mod semnificativ de
controale. In another ntr-un alt
experiment E. coli nosodes were administrated to calves Experimentul E. coli nosodes au
fost administrate la viei
suffering from scours. care sufer de scours.


Here, the nosode treated group Aici, grupul de tratament cu nosode

did not differ significantly from the control group, but the nu difer n mod semnificativ
din grupul de control, dar
study was underpowered, due to small numbers of diseased Studiul a fost underpowered,
datorit reducerii numrului mic de bolnave
animals in the treatment and control group. animale n tratarea i grupul de control. Many
experi- Multe expements in the homeopathic field have failed to prove an effect mente n domeniul
homeopatice nu au reuit s dovedeasc un efect
of the treatment. de tratament. Reasons for that could lie in the methodol- Motive pentru
care ar putea consta n metodicaogy of medicine testing as applied in regular medical ogy de testare aplicate n medicin
medicale regulate
science, which partly contradicts with the homeopathic tiinei, care contrazice parial cu
philosophy. filozofie.
This research aimed at investigating prevention of E. coli Aceast cercetare care vizeaz
investigarea de prevenire a E. coli
diarrhoea in neonatal piglets by using a homeopathic Coli diaree la purcei neonatale prin
utilizarea unui homeopat Coli
30K nosode. 30K nosode. The choice of E. coli was based on economic Alegerea E. coli
economic sa bazat pe
importance for the livestock sector and its relevance to an- importan pentru sectorul
creterii animalelor i relevana sa pentru otibiotic usage. tibiotic de utilizare. For the present experiment it was hypothe- Pentru
experimentul de fa, a fost hypothesized that administration of the homeopathic agent Coli mijlocii faptul c administrarea
de agentul homeopatice Coli
30K to sows one month pre-partum can prevent neonatal 30K la scroafe o luna de prepartum poate preveni neonatal
diarrhoea in piglets caused by E. coli bacteria. diaree la purcei cauzate de E. coli bacterii.
Materialsandmethods Materialsandmethods
Animals and housing Animale i locuine
The experiment was performed on a commercial pig Experimentul a fost efectuat pe un
porc comerciale
farm, where approximately 300 sows (Large White ferm, n cazul n care aproximativ
300 de scroafe (Marele Alb
Dutch Landrace) were present. Olandez Landrace) au fost prezente. Piglet mortality on
the mortalitii pe Gui
farm was 12.1% in 2008, partly caused by neonatal Ferma a fost 12,1% n 2008, parial
cauzate de neonatal
E. coli diarrhoea. E. coli diaree. Fifty-two healthy sows in their last month Cincizeci i
dou de scroafe sntoase, n ultima lun lor
of gestation, which had never been vaccinated against de gestaie, care nu au fost
vaccinate mpotriva


E. coli before, were selected. E. coli nainte, au fost selectate. Twenty-six sows were
Douzeci i ase de scroafe au fost
randomly assigned to receive homeopathic treatment and aleator pentru a primi
tratamentul homeopatic i
another 26 sows received placebo. nc 26 de scroafe au primit placebo. In total 525
piglets, n total 525 purcei,
born from these sows, were included in the experiment. nscut din aceste scroafe, au fost
incluse n experiment.
The placebo group comprised 265 piglets, the verum group Grupul placebo cuprins 265
purcei, grupul verum
consisted of 260 piglets. constat de 260 purcei. Piglets could suckle colostrum Purcei ar
putea alpta colostru
from the sow. de la semeni. Piglets did not receive additional milk Purcei nu a primit
suplimentare de lapte
replacer or feed. nlocuitor sau hran pentru animale. Both groups were housed in the
same com- Ambele grupuri au fost cazai n acelai compartment. intreti. Animal care was in accordance to institutional de ngrijire a animalelor
a fost n conformitate cu instituionale
guidelines. orientri.
Experimental design Experimentale de proiectare
The experimental design was a randomised, observer Experimentale de design a fost un,
observator randomizat
blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. orb, controlat cu placebo, studii clinice. Sows
were assigned Scroafele au fost atribuite
to gestation groups, ie batches, depending on expected grupurilor de gestaie, adic loturi,
n funcie de ateptat
week of farrowing. sptmn de la ftare. There were four gestation groups with Au fost
patru grupuri de gestaie, cu
farrowing dates between August 27 and September 20, datele ftare ntre 27.08 i 20.09,
2008. 2008. Each group included on average 14 sows. Fiecare grup a inclus, n medie, 14
scroafe. According Potrivit
to former research parity has an influence on the occurrence la paritate de cercetare fostul
are o influen asupra apariiei
of neonatal diarrhoea. de diaree neonatal.
First parity sows may have fewer n primul rnd paritate scroafe pot avea mai puine
antibodies than older sows and therefore might transfer anticorpi mult mai mari i, prin
urmare, scroafe might de transfer
less immunity to the piglets. imunitate mai puin la purcei. Therefore strata were made
Prin urmare, straturile s-au fcut
for i) sows in 1st parity, and ii) sows >1st parity. pentru i) scroafe de paritate n primul, i
ii) scroafe> primul paritate. The four Cele patru
gestation groups were first divided in strata and thereafter grupuri de gestaie au fost
mprite n straturile i, ulterior,
randomly allocated to group A or group B, in which A alocate n mod aleatoriu din grupa
A sau grupa B, n care un


received placebo and B the homeopathic treatment (Coli placebo a primit tratament
homeopatic si B (Coli
30K). 30K). Randomisation was computer generated per batch, Randomizare a fost
generate de calculator pentru fiecare lot,
ie gestation groups 14. gestaie grupuri adic 1-4. Administration of treatments,
Administrarea de tratamente,
observations and statistical analyses were all performed observaii i analize statistice au
fost efectuate toate
blind. orb. The research was conducted in normal farm condi- Cercetarea a fost efectuat
n condiii normale de fermtions, according to homeopathic principles of disease and iilor, n conformitate cu
principiile homeopatic al bolii i
recovery. de recuperare. Therefore animals were not deliberately infected, Prin urmare,
animalele nu au fost infectate n mod deliberat,
nor was the treatment performed at a random farm but in nici nu a fost de tratament
efectuat la o ferm de ntmplare, dar n
a situation where E. coli occurred naturally. o situaie n care E. coli au aprut n mod
Treatments Tratamente
The homeopathic agent Coli 30K is a nosode prepared Homeopate agentul Coli 30K este
un preparat nosode
from various strains of E. coli bacteria. din tulpini diferite de bacterii E. coli. It seeks to
prevent Acesta ncearc s mpiedice
and cure diseases such as colibacillosis and mastitis caused i vindeca boli, cum ar fi
colibaciloz i mastit cauzat
by E. coli. de E. coli.
The homeopathic dosage Coli 30K consisted of Coli homeopatice doza 30K a constat n
99.85% demineralised water, 0.1% pure alcohol and 0.05% 99.85% ap demineralizat,
0,1% alcool pur i cu 0,05%
milk sugar sprinkled with a homeopathic potentization of zahr din lapte stropite cu o
dinamizare homeopatic al
E. coli. E. coli. The homeopathic milk sugar tablet was manufac- Homeopate comprimat
zahr din lapte a fost fabritured by Unda-Dolisos (LOT:C00A03 341UH6761 F33). structurat de Unda-Dolisos
(LOT: 341UH6761 C00A03 F33).
The placebo had exactly the same content, except for the ho- Placebo, a avut exact acelai
coninut, cu excepia homeopathic preparation of E. coli. pregtirea meopathic de E. coli. Homeopathic
substances Homeopate substane
are absorbed by the blood through soft tissue of the body sunt absorbite de sange prin
intermediul esuturilor moi ale corpului
eg mouth, nose, vulva. de exemplu, gura, nasul, vulva. For practical reasons the treatment
Pentru motive practice tratamentului
was administered by spraying the agent in the vulva of the a fost administrat prin
pulverizare de agent la nivelul vulvei de


sow. semeni. Treatments were administered to each sow twice Tratamentele au fost
administrate de dou ori pentru fiecare scroaf
a week during the last four weeks pre-partum. o sptmn n cursul ultimelor patru
sptmni de pre-partum.
Clinical examination Examenul clinic
Observations were performed, observer-blind, on both Observaiile au fost efectuate,
observator-orb, pe ambele
sows and piglets. scroafe i purcei. During application of the treatment the n timpul
aplicrii tratamentului
body condition score of the sows, ranging from values of Scorul organism condiie de
scroafe, variind de la valorile
15, was recorded. 1-5, a fost nregistrat. Piglets were observed daily regarding Purcei
au fost observate de zi cu zi n ceea ce privete
faecal consistency. fecale consecven. Normal faecal consistency was scored coerena
fecale normal a fost marcat
as , diarrhoea defined as watery faeces was noted with ca, diaree definit ca materii
fecale apoase a fost notat cu
+, and severe diarrhoea with dehydration was scored as +, i diaree cu deshidratare
sever a fost marcat ca
++. + +. Faeces samples were taken from three different litters Eantioanele de
excremente au fost luate de la trei pui diferite
and sent as a mixed sample to the lab of the Animal Health i a trimis ca un eantion mixt
la laborator de sntate animal
Service, Deventer for identification. Service, Deventer, pentru identificare. Faeces were
cultured Fecale au fost cultivate
to identify enteropathogenic E. coli, E. coli K99 and Sal- pentru a identifica E. coli
enteropathogenic, E. coli K99 i Salmonella. Monella. None of these were identified as present in the fae- Nici unul dintre
acestea au fost identificate ca fiind prezente n FAEces sample. CES eantion. This does not per se demonstrate that Acest lucru nu n sine, s
demonstreze c
enteropathogenic E. coli were not present at the farm at E. coli enteropathogenic nu au
fost prezeni la ferma de la
that moment. acel moment. It was a relatively small sample size of three A fost un
eantion de dimensiuni mici relativ de trei
litters, which would not necessarily include the infective pui, care nu ar include neaprat
agent. agent. Because treatment with Coli 30C had worked before, Deoarece tratamentul
cu 30C Coli au lucrat nainte,
and E. coli diarrhoea generally can be distinguished based i de E. coli diareea, n
general, se pot distinge pe baza
on day of appearance and colour, this was not further inves- n ziua de apariie i de
culoare, acest lucru nu a fost n continuare investigated. tigated. Piglets having diarrhoea were noted by individual Purcei cu diaree s-au
observat de fiecare


registration number and duration of morbidity was re- numrul de nregistrare i durata
de morbiditate a fost recorded. fir. Scours from E. coli bacteria were distinguished Scours de la E. coli bacterii
au fost distinse
on the basis of colour and day of appearance. pe baza de culoare i zi de nfiare.
Neonatal E. Neonatale E.
coli diarrhoea is generally observed between 12 h and 5 coli diaree este, n general
observate ntre 12 h i 5
days after birth zile dup natere
, therefore individual observations were , Observaii individuale, prin urmare, au fost
continued one week post-partum. a continuat un sptmni post-partum.
Diarrhoea in piglets Diaree la purcei
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Statistics Statistic
The data were analysed with SAS Institute Inc., Cary, Datele au fost analizate cu SAS
Institute Inc, Cary,
NC, USA 20022003 (version 9.1.3). NC, SUA 2002-2003 (versiunea 9.1.3). Data per
piglet Datele pe purcel
were used to generate frequency distributions, further statis- au fost folosite pentru a
genera distribuii de frecven, n continuare statistical analyses were based on data per sow. analize de criz, ct s-au bazat pe datele per
scroaf. To test if the Pentru a testa dac
treatment had an effect on the occurrence of diarrhoea, tratamentul a avut un efect asupra
apariiei de diaree,
data were analysed using the module Generalized Linear Datele au fost analizate cu
ajutorul modulului generalizate liniare
Models. Modele. The type of distribution was Binomial, as Link Tipul de distribuie a
fost binom, ca link-uri
function the Log has been used. funcia Jurnal a fost folosit. To correct for possible efPentru a corecta pentru o posibil EFfects of season, parity, and group, these factors were in- fects de sezon, paritate, si de
grup, aceti factori au fost ncluded in the model. inclus n model. Values of P < 0.05 were considered Valorile P
<0,05 au fost considerate
significant. semnificative.
Results Rezultate
In total 52 sows were treated with either Coli 30K or pla- n total, 52 scroafe au fost
tratai fie cu 30K Coli sau placebo. cebo. Both treatment groups included 26 sows, see Ambele grupuri de tratament a
inclus 26 scroafe, a se vedea figura1 . .


Baseline variables of the four batches, ie gestation variabile de baz a patru loturi, adic
de gestaie
groups, are presented in . grupuri, sunt prezentate n Tabelul1 . There were no
significant Nu au fost semnificative
differences between the four groups. diferene ntre cele patru grupuri.
Birth parity number of the sows varied between 1 and 8, Naterea numrul paritate de
scroafe a variat ntre 1 i 8,
with a mean of 3.9 (SD 2.16). cu o medie de 3.9 (SD 2.16). Mean condition score was 3.0
Scorul condiie medie a fost de 3,0
(SD 0.35), which is common. (SD 0.35), care este comun. Two sows from the placebo
Dou scroafele de la placebo
group were excluded from the data, one of them was barren, grup au fost excluse din
datele, unul dintre ei era stearp,
the other was excluded because other piglets were placed cellalt a fost exclus, deoarece
alte purcei au fost plasate
with the sow. cu semeni. In total 650 piglets were born. n total, 650 purcei s-au nscut.
Sows in their Scroafelor n lor
first parity had on average smaller litters than sows in later paritate a avut pe primul pui
mai mici dect media scroafelor n mai trziu
parities, 11.0 vs 13.2 live born piglets, respectively. pariti, 11.0 vs 13.2 vii nscute
purcei, respectiv. Mortal- Mortality in first parity litters was lower, which resulted at the end tate n pui de paritate a fost
mai mic, ceea ce a dus la sfritul
of the observation period in 9.6 piglets on average for first perioadei de observaie la 9,6
purcei, n medie, pentru prima
parity litters and an average litter size of 10.6 piglets in later pui de paritate i o
dimensiune medie de 10,6 gunoi purcei mai trziu
parities. pariti. Piglets that died from non-viability or that were Purcei care au murit din
statele non-viabilitate sau care au fost
crushed by the sow were excluded from the experiment. zdrobit de scroafa au fost
excluse din experiment.
In total, 58 piglets from the placebo group and 67 piglets n total, 58 purcei din grupul
placebo i 67 purcei
from the Coli 30K group were lost to follow-up. din grupul de 30K Coli au fost pierdute
la follow-up. From the Din
525 remaining piglets 265 were born from sows that re- 525 purcei rmase 265 s-au
nscut de la scroafe care received placebo and 260 piglets were from homeopathic placebo ceived i 260 purcei au
fost de la homeopate
treated sows ( tratai scroafe ( ). Figura1 ).
During the total observation period 88 piglets suffered n timpul perioadei de observaie
n total 88 purcei suferit
from scours. de la scours. Only two piglets suffered from severe scours, Doar doi purcei
suferit de pe urma scours sever,
denoted with ++. notate cu + +. Therefore the differentiation between Prin urmare,
diferenierea dintre


diarrhoea (+) and severe diarrhoea (++) was not taken diaree (+) i diaree sever (+ +) nu
a fost luat
into account during statistical analyses. n considerare n timpul analize statistice. Fifteen
piglets Cincisprezece purcei
were excluded because they did not fit the definition of au fost excluse, deoarece acestea
nu se potrivea cu definiia
E. coli diarrhoea, based on day of appearance and colour. E. coli diaree, bazate pe zi de
aspect si culoare.
After correction there were 73 piglets with E. coli diarrhoea Dup corecie au existat 73
purcei cu E. coli diaree
as defined, and 452 piglets without. astfel cum sunt definite, i 452 purcei fr. Piglets in
the placebo Purcei n placebo
group had slightly over six times more diarrhoea than grupul a avut puin peste ase ori
mai mult dect diaree
piglets treated with Coli 30K ( purceii tratai cu Coli 30K ( ). Tabelul2 ). Administering
the Administrarea
Figure 1 CONSORT flow chart for treatment with Coli 30K versus placebo. Figura 1
Consort diagram pentru tratamentul cu Coli 30K comparativ cu placebo.
Table 1 Baseline variables for the four gestation groups (batches Tabelul 1 variabile de
baz pentru grupurile de gestaie patru (loturile
14). 1-4). Numbers, except for number of sows, are presented as means Numere, cu
excepia numrului de scroafe, sunt prezentate ca mijloace
per batch (parity and condition score of the sows) or means per litter pentru fiecare lot
(paritatea i scorul starea de scroafe) sau prin mijloace de gunoi
Batch Lot
No. of sows Nr de scroafe
17 17
10 10
13 13
12 12
Parity Paritate
4.1 4.1
5.5 5.5
2.7 2.7
3.6 3.6
Condition score Starea Scorul
3.2 3.2
2.8 2.8
3.0 3.0
3.0 3.0
Piglets life born Purcei de via nscut
13.9 13.9


14.4 14.4
11.7 11.7
12.0 12.0
Piglets dead born Purcei nscut mort
1.4 1.4
1.7 1.7
1.8 1.8
1.3 1.3
Final litter size Final de gunoi dimensiunea
11.4 11.4
11.4 11.4
9.6 9.6
9.2 9.2
Piglets with diarrhoea Purcei cu diaree
1.6 1.6
0.8 0.8
1.3 1.3
2.0 2.0
Table 2 Incidence of diarrhoea in piglets due to E. coli Tabelul 2 Incidena diaree la
purcei, datorit E. coli
Group Grup
No. of sows Nr de scroafe
No. of piglets Nr de purcei
No. of piglets with Nr de purcei cu
diarrhoea (%) diaree (%)
Placebo Placebo
26 26
265 265
63 (23.8) 63 (23.8)
Coli 30K Coli 30K
24 24
260 260
10 (3.8) 10 (3.8)
Diarrhoea in piglets Diaree la purcei
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homeopathic agent Coli 30K instead of a placebo signifi- Coli homeopate agent de 30K
in loc de un placebo semcantly diminished the occurrence of neonatal E. coli diminuat semnificativ apariia de E.
coli neonatale
diarrhoea in piglets (P < .0001). diaree la purcei (P <0.0001).
In the placebo group diarrhoea occurred throughout the n diaree grupul placebo au avut
loc n ntreaga


observation period, with peaks on day 0 (within 24 h after perioada de observare, cu

vrfuri n ziua 0 (n termen de 24 de ore dup
birth) and day 1 ( natere) i ziua 1 ( ). Tabelul3 ). In the Coli 30K group 60% of n Coli
30K grup 60% din
the piglets got diarrhoea between 24 and 48 h after birth purceii am diaree ntre 24 i 48
de ore dup natere
(day 1). (Ziua 1). In 70% of all affected litters, piglets within a litter In 70% din toate pui
afectate, purcei, ntr-un gunoi
started to show signs of diarrhoea on the same day. a nceput s dea semne de diaree n
aceeai zi. Duration Durat
was counted from day of appearance of diarrhoea until fae- a fost numrat de la o zi de
apariie a diareei pn FAEces retuned to normal consistency or until death. CES retuned la consisten normal sau
pn la moarte. Only two Doar dou
piglets were lost to follow-up while suffering from diar- purcei au fost pierdute pentru a
urmri n timp ce sufer de Diarrhoea. rhoea. Average duration of diarrhoea tended to be longer Durata medie de diaree
au tins s fie mai
in the placebo group than in the Coli 30K group, 1.86 vs n grupul placebo dect n
grupul de 30K Coli, comparativ cu 1.86
1.3 days respectively (P = 0.1552). 1.3 zile, respectiv (P = 0.1552).
Data were stratified for first parity sows and >1st parity Datele au fost stratificat pentru
paritate prima scroafe i> prima paritate
sows (2nd to 8th parity). scroafe (dou la paritate 8). There was no significant influence
Nu a fost nici o influen semnificativ
(P = 0.3735) of parity on the occurrence of diarrhoea, (P = 0.3735) de paritate la apariia
though it can be seen that in first parity litters there was dei se poate observa c, n
primul pui paritatea nu a existat
a larger difference between the placebo and Coli 30K group. o diferen mare ntre
placebo i Coli 30K grup.
While none of the piglets in the Coli 30K group showed n timp ce niciunul dintre purcei
n grupul 30K Coli au artat
signs of diarrhoea, piglets from first litters sows in the pla- semne de diaree, purcei de la
pui primul scroafelor n placebo group showed higher morbidity rates ( a). Grupul cebo artat morbiditate rate mai
mari ( Figura2 a). This Acest
Table 3 Day of occurrence and duration of diarrhoea for newly Tabelul 3 Ziua de apariie
i durata de diaree pentru nou
affected piglets purcei afectate
Occurrence (%) Apariia (%)
Duration (%) Durata (%)
Day Zi
Placebo Placebo
N =63 N = 63
Coli 30K Coli 30K


N = 10 N = 10
Days Zile
Placebo Placebo
N = 63 N = 63
Coli 30K Coli 30K
N = 10 N = 10
0 # 24 h 0 # 24 h
17 (27.0) 17 (27.0)
0 # 24 h 0 # 24 h
23 (36.5) 23 (36.5)
6 (60.0) 6 (60.0)
12 1-2
39 (61.9) 39 (61.9)
7 (70.0) 7 (70.0)
9 (14.3) 9 (14.3)
23 2-3
8 (12.7) 8 (12.7)
3 (30.0) 3 (30.0)
9 (14.3) 9 (14.3)
1 (10.0) 1 (10.0)
34 3-4
3 (4.8) 3 (4.8)
4 (6.3) 4 (6.3)
2 (20.0) 2 (20.0)
45 4-5
12 (19.0) 12 (19.0)
1 (1.6) 1 (1.6)
1 (10.0) 1 (10.0)
>5 > 5
1 (1.6) 1 (1.6)
Figure 2 (a): Numbers of piglets with and without diarrhoea within placebo-treated litters,
fractions denote morbidity rate. Figura 2 (a): Numrul de purcei cu i fr diaree n tratai
cu placebo, pui, fraciunile denota rata de morbiditate. Litters are Pui sunt


presented by parity number of the sow. prezentat de numrul de paritate de semeni. (b):
Numbers of piglets with and without diarrhoea within Coli 30K-treated litters, fractions
denote (B): de purcei cu i fr diaree n Coli 30K tratate cu pui numere, fracii denot
morbidity rate. Rata de morbiditate. Litters are presented by parity number of the sow.
Pui sunt prezentate pe numrul de paritate de semeni.
Diarrhoea in piglets Diaree la purcei
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reveals that treatment with Coli 30K offered good protec- relev faptul c tratamentul cu
30K Coli oferit bun protecie
tion against diarrhoea, especially in first parity litters. tion mpotriva diareei, n special n
primul pui de paritate.
In the placebo group 16 out of 26 litters showed diar- n grupul placebo, 16 din 26 pui
artat Diarrhoea, compared to 7 out of 24 litters in the Coli 30K group. rhoea, fa de 7 din 24 pui n
Coli 30K grup.
Within litters transmission of infection can easily take n termen de transmitere pui de
infecie pot lua cu uurin
place. loc. This was indeed observed in the placebo group Acest lucru a fost observat ntradevr n grupul placebo
( ( Figura2 a) where the piglets rapidly infected each other. a) n cazul purceilor infectate
rapid reciproc.
However, in litters where piglets were treated with the ho- Cu toate acestea, n cazul n
care pui purceii au fost tratai cu homeopathic agent the disease did not spread further agentul meopathic boala nu
rspndirea n continuare
( b). ( Figura2 b). While in Coli 30K-treated litters mostly only n timp ce n Coli pui
30K tratai cu cea mai mare parte doar
one piglet was affected, 54% of the placebo-treated litters un purcel a fost afectat, 54%
din pui tratai cu placebo
had a morbidity rate of 0.20 or higher. a avut o rata de morbiditate de 0,20 sau mai mare.
Day of birth (P = 0.3999), gestation group (P = 0.5461) Ziua de natere (P = 0.3999),
grup de gestaie (P = 0.5461)
and condition score (P = 0.1373) had no significant influ- i scorul condiie (P = 0.1373)
nu au influeneaz semnificativence on the occurrence of diarrhoea. riena la apariia diareei. Since all births took
Deoarece toate naterile au avut
place within two consecutive months, effects of season loc n termen de dou luni
consecutive, efectele sezon
could be excluded. ar putea fi exclus.
Discussion Discuie
Research in the field of homeopathy is often subject to De cercetare n domeniul
homeopatiei este adesea supus unor


criticism. critica. One of the reasons is that at molecular level no ac- Unul dintre motive
este c, la nivel molecular nu ACtual substance in highly diluted homeopathic medicines can substan mutual n diluat
medicamente homeopate foarte pot
be detected. fi detectate.
To ensure that possible differences between Pentru a se asigura c eventualele diferene
placebo and the medicine could not have been caused by placebo, iar medicamentul nu ar
fi putut fi cauzate de
placebo effect or by the farmer taking care of the animals Efectul placebo sau de
agricultor avnd grij de animale
differently after treatment, a randomised, observer blind diferit dup tratament, un studiu
randomizat, observator orb
and placebo-controlled set up was followed. i controlate cu placebo stabilit a fost de
Results showed that the placebo group faced over six Rezultatele au artat c grupul
placebo cu care se confrunt de peste ase
times more diarrhoea than the homeopathic treated group diaree ori mai mult dect
grupul tratat homeopatic
(P < 0.0001). (P <0,0001). Although mean duration of diarrhoea was Dei durata medie
de diaree a fost
not significantly different for both groups, 1.86 days on nu n mod semnificativ diferite
pentru cele dou grupe, 1.86 zile pe
average in the placebo group compared to 1.3 days in the n medie, comparativ cu grupul
placebo la 1,3 zile n
Coli 30K group, the difference of half a day can make large 30K grupului Coli, diferena
de o jumtate de zi se poate face mare
differences in the overall performance of piglets. diferene n performanele generale ale
purcei. In a study ntr-un studiu
of Johansen and others de Johansen i altele
diarrhoea caused a loss of 8 g in diaree cauzat o pierdere de 8 g n
average daily weight gain over the period from birth to ctig mediu zilnic n greutate n
perioada de la natere pn la
weaning, even though sows were vaccinated against nrcare, chiar dac scroafele au fost
vaccinate mpotriva
E. coli and piglets received preventive treatment against E. coli i purcei au primit
tratament preventiv mpotriva
coccidiosis. coccidioza.
Within litters, piglets from the homeopathic treated group n termen de pui, purcei de la
grupul tratat homeopatic
seemed to be better protected. prea s fie mai bine protejate. When diarrhoea occurred
Cnd a aprut diaree
within a homeopathic treated litter the disease did not ntr-un cuib tratate homeopat boala


spread further, while piglets from the placebo group rapidly rspndirea n continuare, n
timp ce purcei din grupul placebo rapid
infected each other ( infectate reciproc ( a). Figura2 a). It is common that there is at Este
comun c exist la
least one weak piglet in a litter. cel puin un purcel slab ntr-o litier. This piglet usually
also has Aceasta are, de asemenea, de obicei, purcel
a lack of colostrum intake and therefore is more susceptible o lips de admisie colostru i,
prin urmare este mult mai sensibile
to disease. la boli.
Piglets from first parity sows are more susceptible to get Purcei la paritate prima
scroafele sunt mai susceptibili de a obine
neonatal diarrhoea because of fewer antibodies in the colos- diaree neonatal din cauza
anticorpilor mai puine n Colostrum. trum.
The observation that first parity sows showed an es- Observaia c paritatea prima scroafe
a artat o especially good response to the administration of Coli 30K, pecially bun rspuns la
administrarea de Coli 30K,
might have been due to lack of former exposure to E. coli ar fi fost din cauza lipsei de
expunere fostul E. coli
or lack of habituation to antibiotics. sau lipsa de obinuin la antibiotice.
Homeopathic prescriptions are generally based on the reetele homeopate sunt n general
bazate pe
symptoms of disease and individual characteristics of the simptome ale bolii i
caracteristicile individuale ale
patient, in this case the animal. pacientului, n acest caz animale. In principle the
homeopathic n principiu, homeopate
preparation of E. coli can be used for all types of coliform pregtirea de E. coli pot fi
folosite pentru toate tipurile de bacterii coliforme
bacteria infection. bacterii infecie.
However, the effectiveness of an agent Cu toate acestea, eficacitatea unui agent
may also depend on farm characteristics, such as breed. poate depinde, de asemenea, cu
privire la caracteristicile exploataiilor agricole, cum ar fi rasa.
Hence, one treatment for a particular disease cannot be Prin urmare, un tratament pentru
o anumit boal nu poate fi
a guarantee for each situation. o garanie pentru fiecare situaie. Independent repetition on
repetarea independente privind
different farms with standard preventive treatment against ferme diferite, cu standard de
tratament preventiv mpotriva
E. coli, is required. E. coli, este necesar.
The owner of the farm where the experiment was carried Proprietarul fermei unde
experimentul a fost efectuat


out was at first quite sceptical about homeopathy. mai a fost la nceput destul de sceptic
cu privire la homeopatie. After the Dup
experiment he decided to apply Coli 30K to all sows. Experimentul a decis s aplice 30K
Coli pentru toate scroafe. Since Deoarece
thenE. thenE. coli diarrhoeahas hardly occurred.In the experimen- Escherichia
diarrhoeahas greu occurred.In experimental set up the homeopathic treatment was administered twice tal stabilit pn tratamentul
homeopatic a fost administrat de dou ori
a week, over a period of four weeks. o sptmn, pe o perioad de patru sptmni.
In practice it might be n practic, aceasta ar putea fi
possible to administer the treatment once a week during posibil s se administreze un
tratament o dat pe sptmn n timpul
weeks 13, 14 and 15 of gestation and twice a week in the sptmna 13, 14 i 15 de
gestaie i de dou ori pe sptmn n
last week before partus, ie week 16. ultima sptmn nainte partus, adic 16 sptmni.
Time spent on admin- Timpul petrecut pe administration of the homeopathic agent (approximately 5 s per nistrrii agentului homeopate
(aproximativ 5 s pe
sow) can vary per housing system, since animals have to scroaf) pot varia n funcie de
sistemul de locuine, din moment ce animalele trebuie s
be approached closely. fi abordat cu atenie. Advantages at farm level are appli- Avantaje
la nivel de ferm sunt aplication of the treatment by the farmer and cost reduction. carea tratamentului de ctre
fermier i de reducere a costurilor.
These advantages and the positive results from this study Aceste avantaje, iar rezultatele
pozitive din acest studiu
make the homeopathic agent Coli 30K an attractive poten- face homeopate agentul Coli
30K un atractiv potential alternative in the prevention of E. coli diarrhoea. alternativ potentialului n
prevenirea diareei E. coli.
Acknowledgements Cuvnt de mulumire
The authors thank Sim Breukelman, for supporting the Autorii mulumesc Sim
Breukelman, pentru sprijinirea
research by practical advices on the methodology and by cercetare, prin sfaturi practice
privind metodologia i de ctre
giving admittance to the farm, and Mirjam Nielen for da admitere la ferm, i Mirjam
Nielen pentru
critical reading of the manuscript. lectur critic a manuscrisului.
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