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O viata fara fumat este defapt o noua viata. Gandeste-te ca te lasi de fumat. Cum ar fi sa te trezesti dimineata si sa te simti improspatat?

Cum ai petrece tot timpul suplimentar pe care il ai deodata in viata? Renuntarea la fumat iti poate schimba viata. Poate crezi ca ai o multime de motive sa fumezi cum ar fi: este un sprijin, un mijloc impotriva stresului, iti sporeste increderea in tine. Sau pur si simplu nu te lasi de fumat pentru ca toti din jurul tau fumeaza. Dar in fiecare an mii de oameni se lasa de fumat. Si tu o poti face. Odata ce te lasi de fumat corpul tau incepe sa se vindece iar facand sport el se vindeca din ce in ce mai repede. Puterea de a te lasa de fumat este reprezentata si de cunoastere, siguranta , daca sti cat de daunatoare este tigara, devii mai puternic. Aceasta putere te poate ajuta sa te autocontrolezi in momentul in care au trecut doua saptamani de cand te-ai lasat de fumat si esti in stare sa faci orice pentru o tigara
Sunt multe riscuri care te pot face sa te lasi de fumat: de exemplu s-au pus pe pachetele de tigari diferite imagini cu o dantura foarte stricata din cauza fumatului, poate aparea cancerul, pot avea probleme copii tai. Si nu in ultimul rand fara tigari economisesti. Sfatul meu este sa te lasi de tigari pentru ca ai toate motivele,

A life without smoking is actually a new life. Think that you quit smoking. How would you wake up and feel refreshed? How would you spend all that extra time you suddenly have in life? Quitting smoking can change your life. Can you believe that you have plenty of reasons to smoke such as: a crutch, against stress, increases your confidence in yourself. Or just do not quit smoking because everyone around you smokes. But everyyear thousands of people quit. And you can do it. Once you quit smoking your body starts to heal and heal him of making sport more and more quickly. The power to quit your knowledge is represented and, certainly, if you know how bad is cigarette, you become stronger. This power can help you self-controlwhen two weeks have passed since you quit smoking and are able to do anything for a cigarette There are many risks that can make you quit smoking: for example, have put different images on cigarette packs with a very broken teeth from smoking, cancer can occur,your children may have problems. And last but not least without cigarettes save. My advice is to give up smoking and take up sports because you have many reasons,

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