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com/articole/germania+interzice+facebook Facebook este cea mai popular reea social din lume, cu peste 700 de milioane de utilizatori, iar n ar noastr va depi, n curnd, pragul de 4 milioane de utilizatori. Iat ce informaii nu trebuie s dezvlui pe Facebook pentru a nu cdea prad infractorilor clasici sau a celor cibernetici. Imagine: Majoritatea utilizatorilor Facebook ncarc pe reea fotografii i mprtesc cu prietenii lor diferite informaii. Iat ce nu trebuie s postezi pe Facebook, Twitter sau oricare alt reea social. Data de natere. Poi posta ziua n care te-ai nascut pentru a primi urri din partea colegilor i prietenilor, ns dac treci i anul i locul n care te-ai nscut, pui la dispoziia hackerilor un mijloc pentru ca ei s i acceseze datele financiare. Acest lucru este valabil n special la americani unde s-a demonstrat c data i locul naterii nlesnesc aflarea codul numeric personal (Social Security Number). Planurile de vacan. Dac scrii pe Facebook c pleci n vacan i spui destinaia este ca i cum i-ai invita pe hoi s te jefuiasc. Poi posta fotografiile pe Facebook cnd te ntorci din vacan, dar nu invita infractorii la tine acas, mai ales dac tii c pleci n alt ar sau pe alt continent. Adresa de acas. Dac i postezi adresa unde locuieti te expui hoilor, evident. Un studiu recent efectuat de Institutul Ponemon a artat c 40% dintre utilizatorii de reele sociale au postat pe site adresa personal, 65% nu au setat msurile de securitate, iar 65% sunt convini ca toi oameni din lista de prieteni sunt cu adevrat prietenii lor. Nu face mrturisiri. i urti slujba, nu i-ai pltit taxele de trei ani, consumi droguri uoare! Facebook nu este locul unde s te spovedeti. Multe companii folosesc reelele de socializare pentru a angaja oameni i uneori pentru a-i concedia. Conform unui studiu, anul trecut, 8% dintre companiile din SUA au concediat o persoan sau mai multe pentru folosirea necorespunztoare a social media. Indicii despre parolele pe care le foloseti. Dac ai mai multe adrese de mail sau conturi pe diverse site-uri probabil c ai raspuns la mai multe ntrebri de securitate de genul care este numele de fat al mamei?. Ei bine, pe Facebook sunt multe quizuri cu ntrebri mai mult sau mai puin personale. Fii atent la ce ntrebri rspunzi pentru a nu dezvlui informaii care se vor dovedi utile celor care vor s i sparg contul. International Level - Impiedica statele precum India sa permita libertatea presei, tocmai pentru ca retelele precum Facebook aduc un prejudiciu imaginii lor. Kapil Sibal, MINISTRUL comunicatiilor si inforatiei in India, este tinta caricaturilor si glumelor de pe FB, ceea ce provoaca guvernul sa inchida pur si simplu site-ul. EVERYONE wants to be your friend

Everyone takes the term "friend" differently. For me, it means people I am actually friends with, even if we only spoke briefly at a party but decided; mutually we would like to keep in touch. But facebook has given new meaning to the word "friend." Now, everyone thinks they are your friends, whether you graduated the same year in high school- even if you never SPOKE all four years, or you made eye contact from across the room at a keg party in college. For some reason some people believe that qualifies as reason to be your "friend" on facebook, and stay involved in the on goings of your life. Of course, whether or not you accept people as friends is up to you, but I choose to keep my friends closer, and the people I'm just not friends with.... Well.... as not friends. Newsfeed! Ooooh newsfeed. I remember when facebook didn't have a newsfeed and you actually had to work to find out information about people, and things were still semi-private. But now...with blips like "Mallory just had a sandwich for lunch." Or "Jeff Smith is no longer in a relationship" the whole world pretty much knows what happens, maybe even before you do! There was even a short period (whether this is still the case or not, I do not know) where facebook would report on newsfeed, what you purchased online! Talk about an over share of information! Hope it was "safe for work!" Spam! When facebook first began, it was pretty straightforward. You could post notes, events, pictures, and message your friends. Simple enough. Over time though, things have changed and now there is an abundance of "applications," and you are lucky if you can even find a friend's wall to leave a message. I probably get about 20 invitations a day to join somebody's zombie mafia, water their "little green patch" or take the "what color of the rainbow are you?" quiz. Sure some of the applications are fun, and they're all great time wasters, which is really the ultimate purpose of facebook, but having notifications from people you don't even know, is just a drag to sort through. And even if you do block all the applications you keep getting invites for, more will come along before the week is over. So much drama! If I had a dollar for every time I heard "she said WHAT about you on facebook?" Or "oh my god, her boyfriend has sent me like 12 facebook messages, is that cheating???" I would probably be as wealthy as Mark Zuckerberg himself. Posting party pictures and having instant access to basically everyone you know is no doubt going to cause heat with the younger generations. I have witnessed friendships ending, teens getting in trouble at school, and trust in relationships decreasing all because of the alternate universe we call facebook. There is also the awkward situation of having colleagues from work trying to "friend" you. I have personally made the decision to not friend people I work with, nor do I use facebook as a professional networking tool. Facebook is something I have been using since before I even had a job, and although I do not post anything I wouldn't feel comfortable with the general public seeing, that is one way in which I keep my personal and professional life separate. I have also learned to just grit my teeth and nod when older professionals throw around the word facebook to sound modern and tech savvy even though they have no idea what the site is actually for. If I hear "let's make a facebook!" as the solution to something one more time, I may run off to an entirely tech free private island. All in all, I do find facebook to be a great site. Like anything in this world it has its ups and downs, and some people will abuse it, while others make the most of it. We cannot go back to the days when there was no newsfeed, and there will always be that generation gap of people who remember when it was only limited to college students, and the grandmothers who write on peoples' walls like they are crafting a private e-mail. But regardless of what quizzes you post or when you joined, Facebook has been a huge milestone in the world of technology and I see it as always being the king of social networking sites, and I will continue to be its queen.

It may have 30 million users worldwide, but you'll never find me on Facebook. The social networking phenomenon, which allows users to create profiles containing photos and lists of personal interests, exchange private or public messages, and join groups of friends, is the second most popular destination on the web. Nevertheless, it represents dangerous territory - a messy fingerprint that blurs the line between work and play, and one that could leave an indelible mark on your career. In March, in a poll of 500 employers by UK recruitment agency Poolia, two thirds admitted to regularly carrying out internet searches, including checking social networking sites including Facebook, MySpace and YouTube. An even larger poll, of 2000 workers and 600 employers, by the social networking site Viadeo suggested that one organisation in five carries out such checks - and that a quarter of those that did had rejected applicants as a result. Who's to say that those hilarious' Ibiza holiday snaps won't find their way into the hands of an unimpressed potential employer? And do you really want to be struck off the candidate list before you've even got to the interview stage, on the pretext that the boss doesn't like what he's seen of you on a website that was supposed to be the private domain of trusted friends? Australia FEDERAL Communications Minister Stephen Conroy insists Facebook should have taken down a racist page that portrayed Aborigines as drunks who sniff petrol and bludge on welfare. The creator removed content from the Aboriginal Memes Facebook page following a barrage of complaints to Facebook, the Australian Communications and Media Authority and the Australian Human Rights Commission. But Mr Conroy says Facebook itself should have acted to shut down the site. "I think it's absolutely inappropriate," he told ABC TV on Wednesday. "This page should be taken down by Facebook. "We don't live by American laws here in Australia, we live by Australian laws and this is an Australian who is using the fact that Facebook is based in the US to get away from Australian laws." Race Discrimination Commissioner Helen Szoke has said the page could be in breach of Australia's anti-discrimination laws. Mr Conroy said Facebook had an employee in Australia "and we are in conversation with that employee". He said in the past court orders had been ignored in the US so the key was obtaining "cooperation" from Facebook. Dr Szoke earlier said young people needed to be more educated about the harm that could be caused by misusing social media. Organisations like Facebook needed stricter standards, she added. SBS has reported the racist site was created by a 16-year-old Perth boy. Indigenous boxer Anthony Mundine had joined a group of Australians supporting a campaign condemning Facebook over its initial claims that the page was not considered hate speech. Read more:

Cazul meu:

1. Nivel international 2. Nivel de stat 3. La nivel de individ 4. Datoria statului- EXTENSIE

1- SUA- AUSTRIA ISSUES -India -controleaza mass-policy - hate speech - racist 2. Nivel de stat- COMPANIILE HARDCORE Germania etc. - Scurgeri de informatii very important 3. Individual- Security issues - confidentialitate zero 4. Extensie

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