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@ este folosit pentru aciuni obinuite, repetate: PRESENT TENSE SIMPLE FORM: affirmative : subject + verb I go.

. You eat. !!! he, she, it ------ verb + -s / -es. He eats. He studies. He goes. interrogative : Do + subject + verb? Do I go? Do you eat? !!! Does he / she / it read ? negative: subject + do not + verb I do not go. You dont eat. !!! He / she / it doesnt read. always usually often sometimes seldom

I will call you as soon as I get home. ~ condiionale, introduse de if, unless provided, in case: I will go if I have money. EX I Trece urmtoarele propoziii la forma interogativ, apoi la cea negativ : The girl goes to school every day.

every____day / winter / month /year once a week / winter / year from time to time as a rule never ever I go there every day. @ este folosit pentru exprimarea datei, avnd valoare de viitor: Tomorrow is December 1st. Tomorrow is Saturday. @ este folosit pentru redarea unor aciuni planificate, a unor aranjamente pentru viitor, conform unui orar sau program stabilit. We leave the town at 8. The train comes tomorrow.

Tomorrow is my birthday.

The cats morning.





@ exprim aciuni generale --- prezentul

EX II Reformuleaz urmtoarele propoziii, respectnd indicaia din parantez : My sister eats apples every day. (negativ) The teacher comes to school by car. (interogativ)

@ cu valoare de viitor, este ntrebuinat i n propoziii subordonate: ~ de timp, introduse de : when, after, before, as soon as.

generic. The Earth moves round the Sun.

All the children play in the park after school. (interogativ) Claire likes tennis. (negativ) PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE FORM:

USE: @ exprim aciuni n desfurare n momentul vorbirii. now, at present, at this moment He is reading now. EX I Trece urmtoarele propoziii la forma interogativ, apoi la cea negativ : The birds are singing now.

affirmative : subject + TO BE (Present Simple) + verb-ing I am going. You are eating. interrogative : TO BE + subject + verb-ing? Am I going? Are you eating? negative: subject + TO BE (negative form) + verb-ing I am not going. You are/t eating.

@ exprim aciuni carea au loc ntr-o perioad limitat de timp, dar care include i momentul vorbirii. today this week this year

We are studying French this year. @ exprim aciuni planificate pentru viitor, dar planuri personale, nu oficiale. What are you doing tonight? @ exprim aciuni temporare in prezent. I live in Paris, but I am living in London this year. @ exprim aciuni repetate n prezent, care sunt enervante pentru ceilali. He is always laughing when I say something!

We are going to France next summer.

The boys are doing homework at this moment.


EX II Pune ntrebri pentru cuvintele/structurile subliniate : The children are going to school.

My mother is cooking dinner. Sara is reading a novel now. They are visiting Paris this week. Completeaz tabelul:


dont like

They visit this part of the country. a. in the summer b. usually c. are I often school by bus, but today I on foot. a. go/go b. am going/ go c. go/am going Present Simple sau Continuous? Scrie forma corect a verbelor din parantez: Joe and his friends .. (to play) football in the park every Sunday. All the women .. (to have fun) at this party. I never .. (to eat) mushrooms in the morning. Who .. (to study) German with you? Lots of people .. (to visit) Rome in the summer.

Alege varianta corect: The children school. a. today b. usually c. every morning go to




I You He

do are you writing ? doesnt fly plays is it going? are not cooking are swimmin g

We .at project this week. a. are working b. work c. works


She It We You

My cousin .Italian at school. a. studys b. study c. studies The sun is shining and the birds are singing a. every summer b. in this very moment c. today





drink) milk in the morning, but this morning we .. (to drink) The apple train juice and we (to at .. (to eat) banana pie. .. evening arrive) 10. Look! It .. (to snow). You .. (to want) to make a snowman? The teacher always .. (to tell) us that it .. (to be) important to help those in need. tomorrow

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