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Propoziii condiionale

Condiionalele au doua pri: propoziia condiional, introdus de if, i

propoziia principal. n propoziia If it rains I shall stay at home, 'If it rains'
este propoziia condiional, iar '1 shall stay at home' este propoziia principal.
Sunt patru tipuri de propoziii condiionale, iar reula principal este c dup if nu
putem folosi !ill, !ould respecti" !ould ha"e.
0) Propoziia condiional de tipul O e#prim o relaie $ntre cauz i efect.
Prezent simple if Prezent simple.
e. If it rains, the streets %ecome icy.
If you don&t !ater the plants, they die.
1) Propoziia condiional de tipul 1 e#prim o aciune pro%a%il, pentru
care e#ist anse de realizare:
Future Simple !ill " #1) if Present Simple
e. If !e ha"e time, !e&ll o for a !al'.
If it doesn&t rain, !e&ll o campin.
(e la aceasta form pot e#ista i mai multe "ariaii:
In loc de "iitor putem a"ea may$ mi%ht$ can$ could$ must$ should:
If the fo ets thic'er, the plane miht %e di"erted.
If your documents are in order, you may lea"e.
(up if putem a"ea present continuous, respecti" present perfect:
If you are !aitin for the %us, you&d %etter )oin the *ueue.
If you are stayin for another niht, I&ll i"e you a %etter room.
If you ha"e finished dinner, I&ll as' the !aiter for the %ill.
&) 'ondiionala de tipul & e#prim o aciune care are anse mici de realizare:
Prezent 'ondiional S " !ould " #1) if Past Simple S " #&)
e.. If I had a map I !ould lend it to you.
If someone threatened me, I !ould tell the police.
n loc de !ould se pot folosi mi%ht$ could$ should(
If you tried aain you !ould succeed.
If I 'ne! her num%er, could rin her up.
+orma de condiional continuous, !O)*+" ,- " #-.," I/0, poate fi
folosit $n loc de forma de condiional prezent:
If I !ere on holiday, I miht %e tourin Italy, too.
In loc de past simple se pot folosi past continuous sau past perfect(
If !e !ere oin %y %oat, I !ould feel much happier.
If my car !as !or'in, I !ould ta'e you to the station.
If I had ta'en your ad"ice, I !ould %e a rich man no!.
1) Propoziia condiional de tipul 1: e#prim o aciune care este imposi%il de
realizat deoarece momentul respecti" a trecut:
Past 'ondiional S " !ould ha2e " #1) if Past Perfect S " 3ad " #1)
e.. If I had 'no!n you !ere comin, I !ould ha"e met you at the airport.
If he had tried to lea"e the country he !ould ha"e %een stopped at the %order.
n loc de !ould se pot folosi at,t 'ould$ 4i%ht dar si Past 'onditional
If -om& %oy had not %een there, I !ould ha"e %een sittin in the front.
If !e had found him earlier he !ould ha"e %een sa"ed.
If !e had ta'en some time off, !e miht ha"e sol"ed all our pro%lems.
.utem folosi Past Perfect 'ontinuous $n loc de Past Perfect Simple.
If I hadn&t %een !earin a seat%elt, I !ould ha"e %een seriously in)ured.
!ill, respecti" 5ould pot fi folosite dup if numai daca e#prim o cerere
politicoas, respecti" %un"oina sau $ncp,nare:
e.. If you !ould !ait a moment, I !ill see if /r. 0ones is in.
If you&d please )ust sin in this reister.
If he&ll listen to me, I !ill %e a%le to help him.
If they !on&t accept a che*ue, !e&ll ha"e to pay cash.
If you !ill1 !ould play the drums all niht, of course your neih%ours !ill
In2ersiuni 6n propoziii condiionale(
a) If " 5ere se transform 6n 5ere " S " 2er7(
e.. If she !ere to %e offered the )o%, she !ould feel "ery happy.
2ere she to %e offered the )o%, she !ould feel "ery happy.
If I !ere in his shoes, I !ouldn&t do that.
2ere I in his shoes, I !ouldn&t do that.
7) If " should se transform 6n should " S " 2er7(
e. If anyone should call, tell them I&m not in.
Should anyone call, tell them I&m not in.
If I should find out anythin a%out that, I&ll tell you.
Should I find out anythin a%out that, I&ll tell you.
c) If " had " #1 se transform 6n 3ad "S "#1(
e. If I had 'no!n, I !ould ha"e told you that.
3ad I 'no!n, I !ould ha"e told you that.
If I had %een there, I !ould ha"e helped you.
3ad I %een there, I !ould ha"e helped you.
8lternati2e pentru IF
1. -2en if$ e2en thou%h: 4ou must o tomorro! e"en if you aren&t ready.
5. !hether9.or$ If9..or: 4ou must lea"e !hether you are ready or not.
6. )nless " afirmati2 : if " ne%ati2: 7nless you start at once, you !ill %e
late1 If you don&t start at once, you !ill %e late.
8. ,ut for : if it 5eren;t for$ If it hadn;t 7een for: 9ut for her help, !e
!ouldn&t %e here1 !ouldn&t ha"e %een here.
:. Other5ise( 3er father pays her fees. ;ther!ise, she couldn&t finish her
<. Pro2ided that$ On condition that: 2e&ll %e there at se"en pro"ided that1 on
condition that !e lea"e on time.
=. Suppose$ Supposin%$ !hat if<( Suppose1 Supposin the plane is late, !hat
shall !e do>
'ondiionale de tip mi=t
1. If " Past Simple, Future Simple(
e. If you told him, he !ill 'no! !hat to do. ?(ac i@ai spus, "a ti ce s fac.A
If you in"ited them, they !ill come to the party. ?(ac i@ai in"itat, "or
"eni la petrecere.A
&. If " Past Simple, Past 'onditional(
e. If you !eren&t so a%sent minded, you !ouldn&t ha"e lost your !allet. ?(ac
n@ai fi at,t de aiurit, nu i@ai fi pierdut portofelul.A
If he 'ne! more Chemistry, he !ould ha"e passed the e#am. ?(ac ar ti
mai multa chimie, ar fi trecut e#amenul.A
1. If " Past Perfect, Present 'onditional(
e. If you had ta'en the map, !e !ould 'no! !here you are. ?(ac ai fi luat
harta, am ti unde ne aflm.A
If she had read the instructions, she !ouldn&t %e in hospital no!. ?(ac ar
fi citit instruciunile, nu ar fi in spital acum.A


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