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Dependena de alcool

Dependena de alcool a fost definit ca boal i descris n mod intrinsec pentru prima dat de ctre mai
muli medici din Anglia i Germania la sfritul secolului al XVIII-lea. Cu toate acestea, a trecut ceva timp pn
cnd acest concept a fost acceptat oficial.
In ciuda faptului c Organizaia Mondial a Sntii (OMS) a declarat, de asemenea, dependena de
alcool ca fiind o boal, aceast declaraie nc genereaz zmbet ironic i ndoielnic pe feele oamenilor. In
pofida acestui fapt, veridicitatea acestei declaraii poate fi dovedit cu fapte medicale i juridice.
Da! Trim ntr-o lume n care oamenii beau fr discernmnt. Oamenii beau pentru c sunt fericii, triti,
plictisii, beau fr motiv sau pur i simplu pentru c consumul de alcool a devenit un stil de via. Bannerele
publicitare sau spoturile TV abund de mesaje care stimuleaz consumul de alcool i care sunt urmate de
avertizri ipocrite precum c: "consumul de alcool ar putea cauza prejudicii grave". Cu toate acestea, nimeni nu
poate spune unde ncepe abuzul, aa c ... oamenii continu s bea.
Ar fi exagerat s se considere c orice cantitate consumat de alcool este periculoas pentru un adult. O
cercetare recent a artat c 40 de grame alcool pur pe zi pentru brbai (aproximativ 0,1 1 de buturi tari, 0,4 l
de vin, sau 1 l de bere) i 20 de grame pentru femei constituie limita dintre consumul inofensiv i cel duntor.
Atunci cnd se practic consumul excesiv de alcool la vrste mai tinere, acesta ar putea servi drept un
semnal de tulburare sever a personalitii sau poate indica faptul c tineretul triete ntr-un mediu social
disfuncional. Consumul excesiv de alcool n rndul tinerilor reprezint un semn de alarm serios, datorit
faptului c dependena de alcool se dezvolt mai repede la persoanele tinere.
Majoritatea alcoolicilor nu accept cu uurin s fie supui tratamentului sau nu ar accepta niciodat s
urmeze un tratament pentru a scpa de problema lor. Din pcate, majoritatea oamenilor nu percep alcoolul ca
fiind drog i nici problema lor ca fiind o boal, n conformitate cu definiia din dicionar, dependena se refer la
o stare de supunere, obedien caracterizat prin pierderea libertii personale.
Muli oameni cred c scopul lor principal n via este de a tri o via plcut, uoar i activ, de a atinge
un "bun", statut social, care satisface ateptrile lor i pe cele ale celor din jurul lor, i de a-i controla viaa i
starea lor psihologic-mental.
Un amestec al acestor obiective poate duce la dependen. O regul general spune c "dac un anumit
comportament este urmat de un rezultat plcut, acest comportament se va mai repeta n viitor."
Alcohol dependence or addition
Alcohol dependence was defined as a disease per se and described for the first time by several doctors in
England and Germany in the late eighteenth century. However, it was some time before this concept was
officially accepted.
Despite the fact that the World Health Organisation (WHO) said also alcohol addiction as a disease, this
statement still generates doubtful ironic smile on people's faces. Despite this, the veracity of this statement can
be proven with medical and legal facts.
Yes! We live in a world where people drink indiscriminately. People drink because they are happy, sad, bored,
drink no reason or simply because alcohol has become a lifestyle. Banner ads or TV spots abound of messages
that alcohol stimulates and are followed by warnings hypocritical and that "alcohol could cause serious injury."
However, no one can tell where the abuse starts, so ... people continue to drink.
It would be exaggerated to believe that any amount of alcohol is dangerous for an adult. A recent study showed
that 40 grams of pure alcohol per day for men (about 0.1 1 strong drink 0.4 liters of wine or 1 liter of beer) and
20 grams for women the limit of consumption and harmless the pest.

When practice binge drinking at younger ages, it could serve as a sign of severe personality disorder or may
indicate that youth living in a social environment dysfunctional. Alcohol abuse among young people is a serious
warning sign, because alcohol dependence develops faster in young people.
Most alcoholics do not easily accept to be subjected to treatment or would never accept to undergo treatment to
get rid of their problem. Unfortunately, most people do not perceive alcohol as their drug or as a disease
problem, according to one dictionary definition, dependence refers to a state of submission, obedience
characterized by loss of personal freedom.
Many people believe that their main purpose in life is to live a pleasant, light and active, to achieve a "good"
status, which meet their expectations and those of people around them, and to control their life and
psychological-mental state.
A mixture of these objectives can lead to addiction. A general rule says that "if a particular behavior is followed
by a pleasing result, this behavior will recur in the future."
Alcohol addiction
For the first time alcohol dependence has been defined as a disease, and is described as such in the late 18th
century, several doctors from England and Germany. However, it took time for this concept adopted officially.
Despite the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) has also announced alcohol addiction disease, the
statement still causes irony and smiles on people's faces. And yet, this statement can be proven medically and
Yes, we live in a world where people drink indiscriminately. They drink when they are good, bad, when they are
bored, they drink without a good reason, or simply because drinking has become a part of doing their lifestyle.
Banners or TV commercials absorbed hypocritical warnings on alcohol products, that "Drinking alcohol leads to
serious consequences." However, no one can say exactly when you become addicted ... so people continue to
A statement that the consumption of alcohol in any dose is dangerous for an adult, is no exaggeration. According
to recent research 40 grams of ethanol per day for men (about 0.1 liters of spirits, 0.4 liters of wine or 1 liter of
beer) and 20 grams for women are the limit between the harmless use of alcohol and the use that is detrimental.
When drinking is found among the young, it may be a signal of severe personality disorder, or it may mean that
the young man / woman living in socially dysfunctional environment. Binge drinking among young people is a
serious danger, since alcohol addiction quickly develops at an early age.
Most alcoholics hardly agree to be treated, or they do not agree to deal with your problem. Unfortunately, many
do not perceive alcohol as a drug, but his problem as an illness. According to the dictionary, addiction is meek
and submissive state, characteristic of the loss of individual freedom.
Many believe that their main purpose in life is to live idly, easily and actively to achieve "good" status in society
that would satisfy him and those around him, as well as control over their lives and their mental health. Mixing
these goals can lead to dependence. The general rule is: "If the behavior involves a cheerful outcome of this
behavior in the future will only be repeated."

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