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Serotonina ( 5-hidroxitriptamina) este in principal un neurotransmitator, o substanta

chimica care ajuta in trimiterea semnalelor dintr-o regiunea a creierului in alta. A
fost pentru prima data izolata si purificata din using beef serum; S.a descoperit ca
aceasta substanta se gaseste predominant in trombocite sic a are actiune
vasoconstrictoare si de aici deriva si numele de serotonina: sero- de la serul de
unde a fost identificata si tonin( tonina) datorita actiunii vasoconstrictoare sau
cresterii tonicitatii vaselor de sange. Studiile initiale nu au scos la iveala efectele
profunde ale serotoninei asupra creierului uman, efecte care mai tarziu ii va aduce
numele de molecula fericirii.


Serotonina se formeaza in urma unui singur process biochimic produs in creierul
uman; Sinteza serotoninei incepe de al aminoacidul esential triptofan pe care il
gasim in alimente precum : banana, ananas,prune,curcan,lapte; Asupra triptofanului
actioneaza enzima triptofan hidroxilaza care adauga u grupare hidroxil pe inelul
benzenic in pozitia 5 si duce la formarea 5-hidroxitriptofanului;De aici o alta enzima
aminoacid decarboxilaza inlatura o grupare carboxyl si duce la formarea 5hidroxitriptaminei.

Efecte biologice:
1.Functia intestinala: Cea mai mare parte din serotonina existenta in corp se
gaseste in tractul gastrointestinal unde regleaza dupa cum am spus functia si
miscarile intestinale si pe langa aceasta joaca un rol important in reducerea
apetitului in timpul meselor;

2. Serotonina joaca un alt rol important in influentarea dispozitiei individului, a

anxietatii si starii de fericire a acestuia si automat droguri precum Ectasy si LSD
care altereaza dispozitia persoanei conduc si la o crestere masiva de serotonina .
3. Mai are rol in formarea cheagurilor de sange; serotonina este eliberata de
trombocite atunci cand exista o leziune si aceasta produce vasoconstrictie reducand
pierderea de sange si ajuta la coagulare;
4. Rol in densitatea osoasa:anumite studii au aratat ca un nivel crescut si constant
de serotonina in oase poate duce la aparitia osteoporozei;
5. Rol in functia sexuala: un nivel scazut de serotonina determina un libido ridicat in
timp ce o crestere a concentratiei de serotonina duce la scaderea libidoului si a
functiei sexuale;

Mecanism de actiune:
Neurotransmitatorul serotonina este concentrate in vezicule sinaptice cu ajutorul
unui transportor specific SERT.Eliberarea se face rpin procesul de exocitoza, process
dependent de concentratia ionilro de Ca. Odata eliberat in fanta sinaptica,
serotonina interactioneaza cu receptorii specifici de pe membrana postsinaptica si
duce la aparitia unui impul nervos; Intreruperea acestui impuls nervos se poate
realiza prin 2 mecanisme:
1.Prin actiunea enzimei monoamin oxidaza de tip a MAO-A care are actiune
oxidativa asupra serotoninei si o degradeaza;
2. Prin inlaturarea rapida a neurotransmitatorului din fanta sinaptica printr-un
mecanism de reabsorbitie, la care participa enzima catecolmetil transferaza;
Receptorii specifici pentru serotonina sunt raspandinti in organism, localizati atat la
nivelul sistemului nervos central si periferic cat si la nivelul sistemelor
cardiovascular si intestinal.Prin conventie receptorii au fost grupati in 7 subfamiliiin
functie de caracteristicile farmacologice, secventa de aminoacizi; Majoritatea
receptorilor sunt de tip metabotrop singurul receptor ionotrop este 5HT-3
permeabil pt cationi

Serotonin is manufactured in the brain and the intestines. The majority of the body's
serotonin, between 80-90%, can be found in the gastrointestinal tract. Serotonin

that is used inside the brain must be produced within it.

It is unknown precisely what causes depression. It is thought to be likely that an imbalance of
neurotransmitters or hormones in the body can lead to the disorder.

An association has been made between depression and serotonin, although scientists are
unsure whether decreased levels of serotonin contribute to depression or depression causes
a decrease in serotonin levels.
Although it is possible to measure the level of serotonin in the bloodstream, via a serum
serotonin level test, it is currently not possible to measure serotonin levels within the brain.
Researchers do not know whether serotonin levels in the bloodstream reflect the serotonin levels
in the brain.
Serotonin levels are heavily associated with depression, although some studies have contradicted
It is believed that medication such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that can
affect the levels of serotonin in the body work as antidepressants and are able to relieve the
symptoms of depression. It is unknown precisely how they work, however.
A study published in 2014 may offer evidence contrary to these widely-held theories. Scientists
ran mice without the capacity to create serotonin through a series of behavioral tests.The mice
did not show any signs of depression, suggesting that factors other than serotonin could be
involved with the development of depression.12 A similar conclusion was drawn by a professor of
psychiatry writing an editorial piece for The BMJ in April 2015. He suggested that low serotonin
is a mythical cause of depression.
Normally once a neurotransmitter has transmitted its neural impulse it is generally
reabsorbed. SSRIs inhibit the re-absorption of serotonin (and norepinephrine)
neurotransmitters and thus increase the levels in the synapse of the nerves in the brain, and
thus elevate mood.
They are also effective in the treatment of anxiety, panic disorders and obsessive-compulsive
Serotonin syndrome is the consequence of excessive stimulation of the central nervous system
and peripheral serotonin receptors. It can arise due to taking medication, illegal drugs or dietary
supplements, and normally occurs when two drugs that affect serotonin levels are taken at the
same time i.e. taking migraine medicine alongside antidepressants.
Carcinoid tumors can cause excessive levels of serotonin. These are cancerous and are
commonly found in the GI tract. The tumors cause too much serotonin to be released. Most
carcinoid tumors have no symptoms, and so they are often found when tests or procedures are
carried out for other conditions.
Serotonin syndrome leads to excessive nerve activity. Symptoms can occur within a few hours of
the substance, inducing the condition, being taken. It is potentially life-threatening, and signs and
symptoms include:7

Agitation and restlessness

Increased heart rate and blood pressure
Pupil dilation
Loss of muscle co-ordination
Muscle rigidity.

Natural ways to boost serotonin levels11

ight: already used as a treatment for seasonal affective disorder, a few studies have suggested
that it can be used to treat depression as well.
Exercise: exercise has an antidepressant effect, and some research has suggested that it can
increase brain serotonin function.
Diet: foods that have higher levels of tryptophan than others could be linked to improved
mood and cognition, possibly due to increased serotonin levels.

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