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APLICAREA PRINCIPIULUI PROPORTIONALITATIL iN CAZUL RESTRANGERII EXERCITIULUL UNOR DREPTURI Marius Andreescu Universitatea din Pitesti, Facultatea de Stiinfe Juridice si Administrative, Strada Targul din Vale, Nr. 1, Pitesti, Arges, 110040, Romania, E-mail Abstract An essential dimension of the lawful state is represented by the consecration and guarantesing of the fundamental rights and liberties, the ensuring ofthe optimum conditions for ther exereising. The state has the negative ‘obligation to resrain from any arbitrary or excessive requement that may restrictor condition the exercise of the constitutional right. In order tobe legitimate and eonstittional, any restriction ofthe exercise ofthe fundamental rights and liberties through the measures prescribed by the state's authorities, needs to have the character of exemption, not to affect the substance of the law and to fulfil all conditions stipulated by item 53 of the constitution. In elation to these premises we analyze in this study the constitutional institation of restraining some rights’ exercising andthe relevant aspects of jurisprudence. The observance of the principle of proportionality is one of the constitutional requirements in order that such a restrictive measure be legitimate. The main particularities ofthe principle of proportionality applied in the matter of restraining some rights” exercising are analyzed with reference tothe jurisprudence ofthe Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human’s Rights 1, Limite, restrangeri si derogari privind exercitarea drepturilor si libertitilor fundamentale Un autor roman sublinia e8 libertatea are sens numai in conde existent limitei, deoarece pentru a se ma- nifesta ea trebuie si depinda de ceva, si se cireumserie ‘unor coordonate. “Libertatea umand se interpreteazi intr- tun manunchi de limite care sunt conditiaexercifului ei.” ‘Consacrarea si garantarea drepturilor omului prin re- glementiri interne si internationale nu exclud posibilitatea Timitiri acestora. De altel, existenfa unordrepturinecon- diionate, teoretic, nu poate fi admisa int-un sistem con- stituyional democratic. Absentalimitelor sia condor de exercitare, previzute de lege, constiuti sau instrumente Jjuridice internationale poate si ducd la arbitrarin sau la abuz de drept, deoarece nu ar permite diferenfierea com- pportamentuli legal de cel ilegal. Aceasta idce este expri- mati de art.4 din Declarafiafranceza a drepturilor omului si cetiteanului: “exercitarea drepturilor naturale ale fiecd- rui om, nu are alte limite decdt pe acelea care asigurd ce- lorlalti membri ai societifi posibiltatea exercitiri aces- tor drepturi.” De asemenea, doctrine juridicd a refinut cf {in raporturile dine tituarii de drepturi“libertatea unuia se opreste acolo unde incepe a celuilalt, deoarece conditia inerenté persoanei este relia ei cu alti” Ordinea si stabiltatea socialé presupun toleranfS gi respect reciproc intre subiectele care partcip& la relatile sociale. Exercitarea drepturilor si libertajilor fundamenta- Je mu trebuie si contravind ordinii existente in viata soci- al: coexistenta libertailor si protectia social sunt cele dowd comandamente care stau la baza limitelor edictate de

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