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Reptile Peisaje Tradiii, obiceiuri,
Mamifere Plante Psri Peti Insecte Habitate
i amfibieni specifice arhitectur specific
Proiect cofinanat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regional prin Programul Operaional Sectorial Mediu.
Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Cuvnt inainte Foreword

Delta Dunrii este una dintre marile comori ale acestui The Danube Delta is one of the great treasures of
pmnt binecuvntat. Nu este doar o balt din this bountiful land. Its not just Romanias backyard
fundul curii Romniei, unde ne duceam n taberele pond, where we use to go to communist summer
comuniste de var, nu numai un loc n care sindicatele camps, where unions go fishing during their
pescuiesc n concediu vara sau parlamentarii vneaz summer holidays or parliamentaries go hunting in
toamna... este nc un motiv de mndrie naional, the autumn... It can still be considered a point of
de contiina faptului c avem pe teritoriul romnesc national pride and we should all be aware that this
un patrimoniu mondial UNESCO. Nu putem scoate place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We simply
din tabloul heraldic naional Delta Dunrii, asa cum cannot exclude the Danube Delta from our national
nu putem ignora Dobrogea cu Tomisul, Capidava, patrimony, in the same way Dobrudja cannot be
Adamclisi i poetul Ovidiu i cu cele peste 40 de situri left out, along with Tomis, Capidava, Adamclisi,
istorice ale sale Este, n ordinea marilor resurse the Roman poet Ovid and other 40 historical sites
romneti, locul cu cel mai mare potential ecoturistic In the hierarchy of great Romanian resourses, this
internaional neexploatat al Romniei. Orice romn ar place has the highest potential for international
trebui s tie despre comoara de lng Marea Neagr ecoturism. Every Romanian citizen should know
pe care o gestionm ns... destul de ngrijortor i o about the hidden treasure near the Black Sea and
putem pierde distrugnd-o. the fact that the way we manage it now is quite
A face ru Naturii nsemn a ne face ru nou. alarming and can irremediably lead to disaster.
Sloganul nostru la Salvai Dunrea i Delta este: To harm nature is to harm oneself. Our motto here at
n lupta cu oamenii pentru Binele Naturii. i n final Save the Danube and the Delta is: Fighting people
pentru binele oamenilor! i pentru c sunt de prere for natures sake and, eventually, for peoples sake!
c farmecul discret al nostru st n comuniunea cu Because I strongly believe in our connection to
Natura, n autenticitatea relaiei cu pmntul, v nature, in the authenticity of our relationship with
invit s descoperii n paginile acestei cri de ce se the land, I hereby invite you to discover in the pages
spune despre Delta Dunrii c este cea mai bogat a of this book, why the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve
treia rezervaie umed ca biodiversitate din Europa... is ranked as the third largest biodiversity in the
Aflai care sunt zonele strict protejate i ce vieti world... Find out about the strictly protected areas
ascund ele, multe aflate pe Lista roie a speciilor and the creatures that live within their bounderies,
ameninate cu dispariia. Vei ntelege mai bine de many of them classified in the Red List of threatened
ce Delta Dunrii este paradisul aproape pierdut species. You will have a better understanding why
the Danube Delta is now the paradise almost lost

Liviu Mihaiu Liviu Mihaiu

Preedinte President
Asociaia Salvai Dunrea i Delta Save the Danube and the Delta Association

Cuprins | Table of content

Cuvnt nainte / Foreword ............................................. 1 Lebda de iarn / Whooper Swan ..................................... 49
Egreta mare / Great Egret.............................................. 50
Egreta mic / Little Egret............................................... 51

A.SPECII / SPECIES oimul dunrean / Saker Falcon ....................................... 52

Vnturelul de sear/ Red-footed Falcon.............................. 53
Codalbul / White-tailed Eagle.......................................... 54
Mamifere / Mammals Piciorongul / Black-winged Stilt........................................ 55
Vidr / European Otter.................................................. 6 Strcul pitic / Little Bittern............................................. 56
Nurc / European Mink.................................................. 7 Pescruul cu cioc subire / Slender-billed Gull..................... 58
Hermelin / Ermine ..................................................... 8 Pescruul cu cap negru / Mediteranean Gull........................ 60
Pisica slbatic / Wildcat................................................ 9 Strcul de noapte / Black-crowned Night Heron.................... 62
acal auriu / Golden Jackal............................................. 10 Pelicanul cre / Dalmatian Pelican..................................... 64
Dihor de step / Steppe Polecat....................................... 11 Pelicanul comun / Great White Pelican............................... 65
Dihor ptat / Marbled Polecat.......................................... 12 Cormoranul mic / Pygmy Cormorant.................................. 68
Cine enot / Racoon Dog ............................................... 13 Strcul loptar / Eurasian Spoonbill .................................. 69
Vulpe / Red Fox .......................................................... 14 ignuul / Glossy Ibis................................................... 70
Mistre / Wild Boar....................................................... 15 Criste cenuiu / Little Crake .......................................... 73
Popndu / European Ground Squirrel................................ 16 Ciocntors / Pied Avocet ................................................ 74
Delfin / Short-beaked Common Dolphin.............................. 17 Chira mic / Little tern ................................................. 77
Porc de mare / Harbour porpoise...................................... 18 Buha / Eurasian Eagle-owl.............................................. 78
Delfinul cu bot gros / Common Bottlenose Dolphin................. 19 Gsca de var / Greylag Goose ........................................ 79
Grlia mare / Greater White-fronted Goose........................ 81

Plante / Plants Cufundac mare / Great Northern Diver............................... 83

Corcodelul mic / Little Grebe.......................................... 84
Otraelul de balt / Common Bladderwort .......................... 20
Clifar rou / Ruddy Shelduck.......................................... 85
Floarea miresei / Babys Breath ....................................... 21
Clifar alb / Common Shelduck........................................ 86
Trifoia de balt / Water Clover........................................ 22
Cormoranul mare / Great Cormorant................................. 88
Nufr galben / Yellow Waterlily........................................ 23
Raa suliar / Northern Pintail ......................................... 90
Nufr alb / White Waterlily............................................. 24
Volbura de nisip / Sand Bindweed..................................... 25
Ridichioar de nisip / Sea Rocket...................................... 26 Peti / Fish
Vineele / Knapweed..................................................... 28 Porcuorul de es / White-finned Gudgeon........................... 92
Capul arpelui / Vipers Bugloss........................................ 29 Avatul / Asp................................................................ 93
Bujor / Lax-Flowered Orchid ........................................... 30 Boara boarc / European Bitterling .................................. 94
Orhideea piramidal / Pyramidal Orchid............................. 31 ipar / European Weather Loach ...................................... 95
Liana greceasc / Silk Vine.............................................. 32 Vduvia / Ide............................................................. 96
Mltini / Dark Red Helleborine...................................... 33 Zvrlugi / Spined Loach ................................................. 97
Stupini / Lesser Butterfly-Orchid.................................... 34 Lin / Tench................................................................. 98
Brndu de nisip / Colchicum......................................... 35 Fusarul / Streber ......................................................... 99
Ac de mare / Broadnosed Pipefish .................................... 100

Psri / Birds Cambula / European Flounder.......................................... 101

Strcul purpuriu / Purple heron........................................ 36 Pltica / Bream........................................................... 102
Strcul galben / Squacco Heron........................................ 37 Lufr / Bluefish ........................................................... 103
Raa roie / Ferruginous Duck.......................................... 38 Cosaul / Grass Carp . ................................................... 104
Buhaiul de balt /Eurasian Bittern .................................... 39 Biban soare / Pumpkinseed Sunfish.................................... 105
Gsca cu gt rou / Red-breasted Goose............................. 40 ignuul Btrn / European Mudminnow............................ 106
Prundraul de srtur / Kentish Plover or Snowy Plover........ 41 Somnul / Wels catfish ................................................... 107
Chirighia cu obraz alb / Whiskered Tern............................. 42 tiuca / Pike............................................................... 108
Chirighia neagr / Black Tern.......................................... 43 Morunul / European Sturgeon........................................... 109
Barza alb / White Stork................................................ 44 Nisetrul / Danube Sturgeon ............................................ 110
Barza neagr / Black Stork.............................................. 45 Pstruga / Starry Sturgeon ............................................. 111
Ereta de stuf / Eurasian Marsh-harrier................................ 46 Cega / Sterlet............................................................. 112
Dumbrveanca / European Roller...................................... 47 Pisica de mare / Thornback Ray........................................ 113
Lebda de var / Mute Swan............................................ 48

Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Reptile i amfibieni Peisaje specifice

Buhaiul de balt / European Fire-bellied Toad...................... 115
Broasca estoas de uscat / Spur-thighed Tortoise.................. 116
Broasca estoas de ap / European Pond Turtle.................... 119
Despre zonele strict protejate
Vipera de step / Meadow Viper....................................... 120
About strictly protected areas.......................................... 173
Triton dobrogean / Danube Crested Newt............................ 122
Roca-Buhaiova............................................................ 178
arpele ru / Caspian Whipsnake...................................... 123
Pdurea Letea / Letea Forest.......................................... 180
Lacul Nebunu / Lake Nebunu........................................... 182
Molute i crustacee Pdurea Caraorman / Caraorman Forest............................. 184
Mollusks and shellfish Srturi-Murighiol ........................................................ 185
Scoica mic de ru / Thick Shelled River Mussel.................... 124 Ariniul Erenciuc / Erenciuc Alder Grove............................. 187
Racul / Danube Crayfish................................................. 125 Sacalin Ztoane .......................................................... 188
Grindul Lupilor / Lupilor Levee......................................... 190
Insecte / Insects Grindul Chituc / Chituc Levee.......................................... 191
Vduva neagr / Mediterranean Black Widow....................... 126 Lacul Rotundu / Lake Rotundu......................................... 194
Miriapodul gigant / Mediterranean Banded Centepede ............ 128 Lacul Potcoav / Lake Potcoav........................................ 196
Cosaul / Romanian Bush-cricket...................................... 130 Vtafu-Lungule........................................................... 197
Pianjenul viespe / Wasp Spider ...................................... 132 Lacul Rducu / Lake Rducu............................................ 198
Clugria pitic / Dwarf mantis....................................... 134 Insula Ceaplace / Ceaplace Island..................................... 199
Fluturele purpuriu imperial al lui Freyer Insulele Prundu cu Psri / Prundu cu Psri Islands............... 200
Freyers Purple Emperor................................................. 136 Insula Popina / Popina Island........................................... 201
Molia-tigru ptat-crem/ Cream-spot Tiger........................... 138 Belciug...................................................................... 202
Fluturele de cupru mare/ Large Copper.............................. 141 Periteaca-Leahova....................................................... 203
Capul Doloman........................................................... 204
Istria-Sinoie................................................................ 205
B.Habitate / Habitats
(1110) Bancuri de nisip acoperite permanent de un strat mic de
C.Tradiii. Obiceiuri.
ap de mare / Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water
all the time . ............................................................144 Arhitectur specific
(1310) Comuniti cu Salicornia i alte specii anuale care
colonizeaz regiunile mltinoase i nisipoase / Salicornia and
Customs, traditions
other annuals colonizing mud and....................................146

(1410) Pajiti halofile mediteraneene / Mediterranean salt

and rural architecture
meadows.................................................................148 Oamenii din Delta Dunrii / Inhabitants of the Danube Delta..... 218
(2110) Dune mobile embrionare / Embryonic shifting dunes (under Porturi tradiionale / Traditional garments .......................... 220
formation.................................................................150 Turism. Ecoturism / Tourism. Ecotourism ............................ 222

(2130*) Dune fixate cu vegetaie erbacee peren (dune gri) / Arhitectura tradiional din Delta Dunrii
Fixed coastal dunes with Traditional architecture from the Danube Delta .................... 224
herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes) .............................152 Letea ....................................................................... 228
(2160) Dune cu Hippopha rhamnoides / Dunes with Hippopha Alte obiceiuri tradiionale i obiecte specifice
rhamnoides...............................................................154 Other traditional occupations and crafts ............................ 230

(1150*) Lagune costiere / Coastal lagoons .........................157 Pictur de icoane pe lemn, sticl icoane lipoveneti/ Hand-
painted icons on wood, glass - lipovan icons ........................ 230
(91AA) Vegetaie forestier ponto-sarmatic cu stejar pufos / esturi. Custuri / Textile arts and crafts/hand-stitching........ 231
Eastern White Oak Woods..............................................158 .
Olrit / Pottery ........................................................... 232
(1160) Melele i golfuri / Large shallow inlets and bays..........161
mpletituri din rchit i papur
(3160)Lacuri distrofice i iazuri / Natural dystrophic lakes and Wicker and bulrush basketry ........................................... 233
ponds......................................................................162 .
Lotca / Lotca.............................................................. 234
(62C0*) Stepe ponto-sarmatice / Pannonic sand steppes.........164
Apicultur/ Apiculture................................................... 235
(6260*) Pajiti panonice i vest-pontice pe nisipuri / Pannonic
sand steppes.............................................................166 Mncruri i buturi locale.............................................. 236
(91F0) Pduri ripariene mixte / Riparian mixed forests........... 168
DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!


DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Lutra lutra
Vidra vneaz de cele mai multe ori n grup, noaptea
i doar foarte rar, ziua. St cufundat sub ap pn
la 6-7 minute. Se hrnete cu peti, broate, raci i
mamifere mici. Vidra este ntlnit n Europa, vestul
i centrul Asiei i n nordul Africii. n Romnia, vidra
se simte bine n Delt i n rurile montane n care
abund pstrvii. Vidra se regsete n anexa II a
Directivei Consiliului 92/43/CEE/Formularul standard
NATURA 2000 SCI 0065 de interes conservativ la
nivel european, vulnerabil n Rezervaia Biosferei
Delta Dunrii.

Eurasian or European Otter

Lutra lutra
Otters live in small family groups and they usually hunt waters of the Danube Delta and mountain rivers
at night, only rarely during the day. Otters can stay abundant in trout. The otter is included in Annex II to
underwater up to 6-7 minutes, without breathing. Council Directive 92/43/EEC/NATURA 2000 SCI 0065
Their diet mainly consists of fish, but they also eat as a vulnerable species present in the Danube Delta
frogs, crustaceans and small mammals. Otters have Biosphere Reserve - a site of community importance
a broad range that spreads from Europe to Central designated as a special area of conservation.
Asia and North Africa. In Romania, otters enjoy the

Mamifere Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Nurca european
Mustela lutreola
Nurca i sap galeriile pe malul apelor. Poate s noate i s se scufunde
pentru a se hrni cu peti, insecte sau mormoloci. Este un vntor
nverunat, chiar i cnd ntlnete un adversar mai puternic. Se gsete
n jurul apelor stttoare i curgtoare, la es, la deal i munte. Nurca este
un animal monogam. Se regsete n anexa II a Directivei Consiliului 92/43/
CEE/Formularul standard NATURA 2000 SCI 0065 de interes conservativ
la nivel european, vulnerabil n Rezervaia Biosferei Delta Dunrii.

European Mink
Mustela lutreola
Minks dig their burrows by the waters edge. They
swim and dive in order to catch fish, insects and
tadpoles. Minks are ferocious predators, even when
fighting a more powerful opponent. Minks live along
lakes or rivers flowing through plains, hills or mountain
slopes. Minks are monogamous animals. The mink
is included in Annex II to Council Directive 92/43/
EEC/NATURA 2000 SCI 0065 as a vulnerable species
present in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve - a
site of community importance designated as a special
area of conservation.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Hermelina Ermine or Stout

Mustela erminea Mustela erminea
Hermelina se asemn cu nevstuica. Este un The ermine is very similar to the weasel. Ermines
animal activ att ziua, ct i noaptea. Se hrnete are both diurnal and nocturnal. They generally
cu mamifere mici, cu pasri i cu oule acestora. feed on small mammals, birds and eggs. When
n timpul vntorii, i sperie prada prin tot felul hunting, ermines are frightening their prey through
de sunete pe care le emite. Bun crtoare, noisy sounds. Excellent climbers, they climb
i urmrete prada pn n copacii unde aceasta trees to follow their prey to its nest. The ermine
se retrage. Hermelina este o specie de interes is a vulnerable species of community importance
conservativ, vulnerabil n Rezervaia Biosferei present in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.
Delta Dunrii.

Mamifere Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Pisica slbatic
Felis silvestris
n Romnia este o specie relativ comun, rspndit solitar, cu excepia perioadei de mperechere n
n Carpai, Subcarpai, dar i la es, n pdurile care poate fi vzut i n grupuri mici. n timpul
ntinse i ferite. Adpostul este reprezentat de acesteia, pisica slbatic se folosete de glanda
scorburi, peteri i vizuinile altor animale. Hrana sa perianal ce secret un lichid cu miros de
const n oareci, pui de cprioar sau cerb i valerian pentru marcarea teritoriului i pentru
diferite psri. Este un animal care prefer traiul atragerea partenerului.

Felis silvestris
Wildcats are common in Romania, with a broad The wildcat is primarily a solitary predator, except
distribution that extends from the Carpathians and during mating season when the wildcat can be found
Subcarpathians to lowland regions. They usually in small groups. In the same period, the cats preanal
live in large and quiet forests, finding shelter in glands secretes a strong smelling substance with a
hollows, caverns and sometimes abandoned dens. valerian-like odour in order to mark its territory and
Their diet includes vertebrates: mice, the fawns of to attract the partner.
red deer and roe deer and different types of birds.
DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
acalul auriu Golden Jackal
Canis aureus Canis aureus
Se aseamn i cu lupul, i cu vulpea. n ceea ce The golden jackal is very similar to the wolf and the
privete conformaia, este mai apropiat de vulpe, fox. In terms of structure, the golden jackal is more
ns blana se aseamn mai mult cu cea a lupului, comparable to the fox, but the characteristics of its
de unde a primit numele de lup auriu. acalul fur indicate a closer affinity to the wolf, hence the
este un animal nocturn, carnivor, care doar dar name of gold-wolf. The golden jackal is primarily
la nevoie devine omnivor. i stabilete brlogul nocturnal and carnivorous, but can also have an
n spaii pustii i izolate. acalul este rspndit n omnivorous diet if needed. Its burrow is located in
Oltenia, Muntenia i Dobrogea. remote, hard to reach places. The golden jackal can
be found in Oltenia, Muntenia and Dobrogea.

Mamifere Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Dihorul de step
Mustela eversmanni
Dihorul nu are o vizuin proprie, obinuind s calde, atunci cnd nu duce lips de hran (oareci,
le foloseasc pe cele prsite de alte animale. veverie, popndi, iepuri), dihorul se deplaseaz
Nu se preocup mult de vizuin pentru c nu mai puin. Dihorul de step se regsete n anexa
triete prea mult ntr-un singur loc. De aceea, II a Directivei Consiliului 92/43/CEE/Formularul
adpostul lui pare ntotdeauna improvizat i lipsit standard NATURA 2000 SCI 0065 de interes
de rezisten. Dihorul de step este mai activ pe conservativ la nivel european, vulnerabil n
timp de iarn, cnd se deplaseaz aproximativ Rezervaia Biosferei Delta Dunrii.
12-18 km pe zi. n timpul ninsorilor, migreaz n
zone favorabile, cum ar fi de-a lungul pantelor ori n Romnia, dihorul a fost vzut numai n Dobrogea.
n apropierea aezrilor umane. n anotimpurile

Steppe Polecat
Mustela eversmanni
The steppe polecat does not usually dig its own plenty of prey available (voles, squirrels, hares)
burrow, instead using those abandoned by other polecats hold relatively stable territories. The steppe
animals. Their home is not properly cared for, as they polecat is included in Annex II to Council Directive
dont live in one place for too long. For this reason, 92/43/EEC/NATURA 2000 SCI 0065 as a vulnerable
their burrow usually seems improvised and unstable. species present in the Danube Delta Biosphere
In winter, the steppe polecat is more active, and will Reserve - a site of community importance designated
move approximately 12-18 km a day. During snows, as a special area of conservation.
the steppe polecat migrates to favourable areas, such
as along the slopes of steppe ravines or near human In Romania, polecats can be found only in Dobrogea.
settlements. During warm seasons, when there is

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Dihor ptat Marbled Polecat

Vormela peregusna Vormela peregusna
Denumirea sa popular vine de la culoarea blnii The name comes from the mottled appearance of its
cu aspect neuniform, ptat. Este un animal de patchy pelage. The marbled polecat is a steppe animal
step care evit spaiile arate, n care se simte that avoids cultivated areas, where it can sense human
prezena omului. Doar accidental este ntlnit i presence. Only occasionally can marbled polecats be
prin vile rurilor sau pe lng aezrile omeneti. found in river valleys or near human settlements.
Dihorul ptat este un animal oportunist, folosind The marbled polecat is an opportunistic animal, often
adesea galerii de popndu. n ceea ce privete using the burrows of ground squirrels. As far as the
hrana, prefer roztoarele, psrile, reptilele, food is concerned, they prefer rodents, birds, reptiles
fructele i unele ierburi. Dihorul ptat se regsete and some fruit and plant matter. The marbled polecat
n anexa II a Directivei Consiliului 92/43/CEE/ is included in Annex II to Council Directive 92/43/
Formularul standard NATURA 2000 SCI 0065 de EEC/NATURA 2000 SCI 0065 as a vulnerable species
interes conservativ la nivel european, vulnerabil present in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve - a
n Rezervaia Biosferei Delta Dunrii. site of community importance designated as a special
area of conservation.

Mamifere Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Cinele enot
Nyctereutes procyonoides
Cunoscut i ca bursuc cu barb datorit favoriilor
de la baza gtului care l fac uor recognoscibil. Animal
oportunist, se adpostete n vizuini prsite de viezuri sau
vulpi i doar dac nu reuete s gseasc astfel de locuri,
i construiete singur adpostul. Este o specie monogam.
Inamicii lui sunt cinii, vulpea i lupul.

Racoon Dog
Nyctereutes procyonoides
Also known as the bearded badger due to the long whisker-
like hairs around its neck. The racoon dog is an opportunistic
animal, finding shelter in the abandoned dens of badgers or
foxes, digging its own burrow only when needed. Racoon
dogs are monogamous. Its main predators are dogs, wolves
and foxes.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Vulpea Red Fox
Vulpes vulpes Vulpes vulpes
Vneaz singur, spre deosebire de lup, care Unlike wolves, who prefer to hunt in packs, red foxes
prefer haita. Nu se aventureaz n afara are solitary hunters. They very rarely exit their den
brlogului pe timp de zi dect n cazuri extreme during daytime, only in cases of extreme hunger.
de foame. Altfel, st ascuns n vizuina pe care o ia The red fox may use tricks to steal other animals
de la bursuc, printr-un vicleug. Vulpea stropete homes. The fox uses its scent glands to spray over the
cu udul ei urt mirositor intrarea n vizuin, iar entrance, which causes badgers to instantly abandon
bursucul cedeaz propriul adpost n favoarea unui their home, in favor of a cleaner space. The red fox
loc curat. Vulpea se ntlnete cu precdere la deal lives mainly in hill slopes and lowland areas abundant
i cmpie, dat fiind c acolo se gasesc din belug in mouse-like rodents.
roztoare, precum oarecii.

Mamifere Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Mistreul Wild Boar

Sus scrofa Sus scrofa
Are un dezvoltat sim al mirosului care-l ajut n Wild boars have an incredibly acute sense of smell
special la recunoaterea pericolelor. Mistreul este that helps them to identify any potential danger. The
un animal folositor pdurii deoarece contribuie wild boar fulfills an essential role in the ecosystem, as
la combaterea biologic a duntorilor prin it has a major contribution to biological pest control
consumul de insecte, iar prin rmat stimuleaz (by eating insects) and its rooting behaviour has a
regenerarea natural. De obicei, mistreii stau significant effect on the natural regeneration. Wild
departe de oameni, ns dac sunt rnii sau i boars usually avoid humans, but if wounded or under
simt ameninat teritoriul, pot s atace. threat, they may attack.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Popndul Ground Squirrel
Spermophilus citellus Spermophilus citellus
Este o specie relativ comun care aparine familiei The European ground squirrel is a species from the
veverielor. Popndul s-a adaptat la mediu astfel squirrel family. European ground squirrels have
nct s aib un orizont larg de vedere, fr s ias adapted to their environment in order to have a
cu totul din galerie ochii si mari i distanai l wide visual field, without having to fully expose
ajut. Triete n colonii, ns fiecare popndu i themselves to potential attacks. They live in colonies,
sap propria galerie. Popndul i petrece cea mai but each animal digs its own burrow system. European
mare parte a timpului sub pmnt, n galeriile sale ground squirrels spend most of their time inside their
ntortocheate. intricate tunnel systems.

Mamifere Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Delfinul Common Dolphin
Delphinus delphis Delphinus delphis
Triete n Marea Neagr, unde se hrnete cu Short-beak common dolphins can be found in the
peti pelagici (hamsie, prot, etc.), crustacei i Black Sea and they predominantly feed on pelagic
cefalopode. Vara poate s vin foarte aproape de fish (particularly European anchovy, sprat, etc.),
coast, iar toamna are loc mperecherea. Dup crustaceans and cephalopods. They can be often
10 luni de gestaie, femela nate de obicei un spotted approaching the coastline during summer
pui de care are mare grij. Delfinii triesc, n months. Mating season occurs in autumn. After a
medie, 30 ani. Delfinul este o specie de interes gestation period of 10 months, the female gives birth
conservativ, vulnerabil n Rezervaia Biosferei to one calf that is very carefully looked after. Average
Delta Dunrii. lifespan of common dolphins is 30 years. The Short-
beaked common dolphin is a vulnerable species of
community importance present in the Danube Delta
Biosphere Reserve.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Porcul de mare Harbour porpoise

Phocoena phocoena Phocoena phocoena
Este un mamifer acvatic, denumit i marsuin. The harbour porpoise is also known as the puffing
nrudit cu delfinul, i porcul de mare poate face pig. Related to the dolphin, the porpoise can also
acrobaii. Hrana sa const n peti, calamari be acrobatic. Porpoises mainly feed on fish, squid and
i crustacee. Foarte rar supravieuiete n crustaceans. They can rarely survive in captivity. Like
captivitate. La fel ca n cazul delfinului, viaa dolphins, porpoises are threatened with extinction by
porcului de mare este ameninat n principal de fishermens nets. Porpoises are fast swimmers, with a
plasele de pescuit. Marsuinii sunt buni nottori, speed of up to 55 km/h. Porpoises have been known
atingnd viteza de 55 km/h. Triesc n medie n to live 8-10 years on average.
jur 8-10 ani.

Mamifere Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Bottlenose Dolphin Delfinul cu bot gros
Tursiops truncatus Tursiops truncatus
Common bottlenose dolphins are highly sociable Este un animal foarte sociabil. Pentru a se
animals. Dolphin groups often work as a team to proteja, delfinii sunt solidari i i ofer ajutor.
protect themselves. Dolphins are highly intelligent Delfinii sunt mamifere inteligente care ofer
creatures, often performing acrobatic figures above adevrate spectacole acrobatice, n special cnd
the water surface, especially when storms are se apropie furtuna sau n perioada mperecherii.
approaching or during mating season. Cea mai serioas ameninare este reprezentat
Dolphins are seriously threatened by fishermen who de plasele pescarilor n care se pot prinde. S
accidentally catch them in their nets. Should we give renunm la spectacole de acrobaie natural cu
up naturally occurring dolphin acrobatic shows for delfini pentru doar cteva kilograme de pete?
just a few kilos of fish?

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Otraelul de balt
Utricularia vulgaris
Plant carnivor, Otrelul de balt crete n ape
stttoare sau lin curgtoare. Are ntre 4 i 8 flori
galbene care plutesc deasupra apei la captul unei
tije. i completeaz necesarul de azot i fosfor
prin digerarea zooplanctonului (organisme foarte
mici de natur animal ce plutesc n masa apei).

Common Bladderwort
Utricularia vulgaris
A carnivorous plant, the common bladderwort is
typically found growing in the shallow standing water
of ponds and small streams. It produces between 4 to
8 yellow flowers, which are held together on stems
slightly above the waters surface. It captures and
digests the zooplankton (small organisms that float
freely in different bodies of water) to supplement its
nutritional need for nitrogen and phosphorus.

Plants Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Floarea miresei Babys Breath

Gipsophyla paniculata Gipsophyla paniculata
Triete n habitate de step, nisipoase i Its natural habitat is on the steppes in sandy
stncoase, adesea pe soluri calcaroase. Este and stoney places, often on calcarous soils. It is
o plant frumoas, adesea folosit n buchete an ornamental plant commonly used in flower
decorative, dar dac o ntlnii, fii cumsecade i arrangements. If you happen to find one, be kind
nu o rupei pentru c este o specie vulnerabil n and let it be, as it is a vulnerable species of the
Delta Dunrii. Poate fi observat n Perior, C.A. Danube Delta. Babys breath is present in Perior,
Roseti, Caraorman i Letea. C. A. Rosetti, Caraorman and Letea.
DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Trifoiaul de balt
Marsilea quadrifolia
Este o ferig care i-a primit numele ca urmare a
asemnrii cu un trifoi cu patru foi. Se ntlnete
n anuri, iazuri i bltoace cu ap limpede.

Trifoiaul i va purta noroc dac l lai la locul

lui! Este o specie de interes conservativ la nivel
european, vulnerabil n Rezervaia Biosferei
Delta Dunrii.

Water Clover
Marsilea quadrifolia
The water clover is an aquatic fern that got the
name from its resemblance to the four-leaf
clover. The plant can be found in small channels,
clearwater ponds and lakes.

Water clovers bring good luck to their finders,

especially if they remain untouched! The water
clover is a vulnerable species of European
community importance, present in the Delta
Danube Biosphere Reserve.

Plants Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Nufr galben Yellow Waterlily

Nuphar lutea Nuphar lutea
Nuferii albi i galbeni sunt considerai simboluri White and yellow waterlilies are considered the
ale Deltei Dunrii. Cu ajutorul frunzelelor mari symbol of the Danube Delta. Their large floating leaves
i plutitoare, nuferii ofer adpost i umbr provide shelter and shadow for many fish species. The
diferitelor specii de peti. Florile de nufr galben flowers are usually found above the water surface in
plutesc pe ape ntre iunie i august. June and August.

Nu i deplasa de la locul lor natural, nu i distruge Dont take them away from their natural habitat,
i nu i rupe bucuria de a-i ine n mn va dura dont harm or pick them up... they joy of holding
prea puin, n doar cteva minute se vor ofili n them will last too little, for they will wither in just a
minile tale, n schimbul unui mare deranj few minutes, to cause such irrremediable damage...

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Nufr alb White Waterlily

Nymphaea alba Nymphaea alba
Florile de nufr alb cresc n apele stttoare White waterlilies typically grow in shallow standing
i lin curgtoare. Este o specie rar, cu flori waters and small streams. The white waterlily is a
mai mari dect ale rudei sale, asemntoare, rather rare species, with larger flowers than its closely
Nymphaea candida mai des ntlnit pe related genera Nymphaea candida - more common to
teritoriul Deltei Dunrii. the waters of the Danube Delta.

Florile de nufr alb pot fi admirate ntre lunile Flowering is from June to September. White and
iunie i septembrie. Nuferii albi, uneori alturi yellow waterlilies are often seen bordering lakes,
de cei galbeni, ncadreaz prin borduri lacurile, wide channels and brooks.
canalele i grlele mai late.

Plants Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Volbura de nisip
Convolvulus persicus
Plant rar care se gsete pe litoralul nisipos al
Mrii Negre. Este inclus n Lista Roie a speciilor
aflate pe cale de dispariie. Dei se presupune
c odinioar a format o bordur compact ntre
Sulina i Sfntu Gheorghe, n prezent se gsete
izolat, fragmentar i n continu scdere.

Sand Bindweed
Convolvulus persicus
The sand bindweed is a rare plant found on the
sandy Black Sea coast. It is included in the Red List of
critically endangered species. Although it is believed
that sand bindweeds once formed a border between
Sulina and Sf. Gheorghe canals, today they can only be
found in small fragmented patches, with a constantly
diminishing habitat.
DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Sea Rocket
Cakile maritima
The Sea Rocket is a plant in the moustard family
which grows in clumps on sandy soils. It is in bloom
during spring when the flowers are purple. It
contains an acid with toxic effects on some animals.

Ridichioara de nisip
Cakile maritima
Ridichioara de nisip este o plant din familia
mutarului care crete n smocuri pe soluri
nisipoase. Primvara nflorete n nuane
purpurii. Cakile maritima conine un acid care
poate s aib efecte toxice asupra unor animale.

Plants Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Centaurea pontica
Knapweeds are robust plants with spiny leaves having
the role to protect their flowers and seeds. The
knapweed is very similar to a closely related genera
from the Asteraceae family that grows abundantly in
sandy littoral areas.

The knapweed is a rare plant (can only be found in

Sulina area and in Ciotic, south of Sf. Gheorghe). It is
Vineele a species of community importance and among the
species to the brink of extinction from the Danube

Centaurea pontica Delta Biosphere Reserve.

Este o plant robust, cu spini prin intermediul

crora i apr florile i seminele. Seamn cu o
rud a sa care crete din belug pe solurile nisipoase.

Este o plant foarte rar ntlnit (n zona Sulina i la

Ciotic, la sud de Sf. Gheorghe), de interes conservativ
la nivel european, n pericol de dispariie iminent
din Rezervaia Biosferei Delta Dunrii.

Plants Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Floarea acestei specii
se aseamn cu un cap
de arpe care i scoate
limba; la nceput florile
sunt roii, iar apoi i
schimb culoarea spre
albastru, pe msura ce
mbtrnesc. nflorete
ntre lunile iunie i
septembrie, iar fructele
sale au forma unor
nuci. Este o specie de
interes conservativ la
nivel european, rar
n Rezervaia Biosferei
Delta Dunrii.

The flowers of this plant
are pointed like the head of
a viper, hence its common
name; the flowers start
off as reddish when in
bud stage and they later
open to reveal bright blue
petals. It is in bloom from
June to September and
bears nut-shaped fruits. It
is a species of community
importance, rarely found
in the Danube Delta
Biosphere Reserve.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Orchis laxiflora elegans
Este o specie de orhidee cu flori de culoare violet. Forma
florilor, ca la mai toate orhideele, imit femele insectelor
polenizatoare, atrgnd masculii acestora pentru
polenizare. Este o plant adaptat la condiiile mltinoase,
de interes conservativ, vulnerabil n Rezervaia Biosferei
Delta Dunrii.

Lax-Flowered Orchid
Orchis laxiflora elegans
It is a species from the Orchidaceae family, with blue-purple
flowers. The flowers appearance imitate the shape of female
pollinators, thus attracting male pollinators. The plant is
well adapted to swampy soils. The Lax-flowered Orchid is
designated as a species of comunity importance, vulnerable
in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.

Plants Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Orhidee piramidal
Anacamptis pyramidalis
Orhidee ale crei flori violete sunt aezate n form de
piramid. Se gsete n zone uscate i este polenizat
de fluturi i molii de noapte. Orhideea piramidal este o
specie de interes conservativ, vulnerabil n Rezervaia
Biosferei Delta Dunriii.

The Pyramidal orchid has dark
red-purple flowers arranged
in a compact pyramidal shape.
Pyramidal orchids can be found
in dry areas, prefering to be
pollinated by butterflies and
moths. The Puramidal orchid
is designated as a species
of comunity importance,
vulnerable in the Danube
Delta Biosphere Reserve.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Plant agtoare, specific
zonei mediteraneene, cu
tulpini lungi care ajung pn
la 25-30 m, mpletite ca nite
sfori. Lianele dau pdurilor
Deltei un aspect tropical!

Silk Vine
The silk vine is a climbing plant,
specific to the Mediterenean
area, with long twisted stems
growing up to 25-30 m. Silk
vines give the Danube Delta a
tropical feel!

Plants Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Mltini sau
Spnzul regal
Este o orhidee cu flori mari, cu nuane
de rou-nchis spre violet. Triete
n zonele mltinoase, are parfum de
vanilie i este polenizat n general de
albine. Mltinia este o plant de interes
conservativ, rar n Rezervaia Biosferei
Delta Dunrii.

Dark Red
or Royal
It is an orchid with large flowers that
sometimes vary in colour, but are generally
dark reddish-purple. Helleborines can be
found in swampy areas and emit a strong
vanilla scent, which makes them highly
attractive for bees. Helleborines are a
species of community importance, only
rarely found in the Danube Delta Biosphere

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Stupinia sau Lesser
Untul vacii mirositor Butterfly-Orchid
Platanthera Platanthera
bifolia bifolia
Specie de orhidee cu flori albe i doar dou frunze, The lesser butterfly-orchid is a species of orchid with
cu miros puternic, asemntor celui de garoaf. white flowers, distinguished by its two basal leaves
Prefer pdurile de foioase, pdurile rare i and its strong carnation-like smell. It typically grows
pajitile din zonele umede. Stupinia este o plant in deciduous forests, clearings and meadows located
de interes conservativ, rar n Rezervaia Biosferei in humid areas. The lesser butterfly-orchid is a species
Delta Dunrii. of community importance, only rarely found in the
Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.

Plants Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Brndua de nisip Colchicum

Merendera sobolifera Merendera sobolifera
Este nrudit cu brndua de toamn i are The colchicum is closely related to the autumn
dimensiuni mici, cu flori roz deschis-violaceu, cu crocus, having small pale-pink star flowers with
petale lungi ce dau senzaia c ar crete dintre separate elongated petals that seem to grow
frunze. Prefer solurile umede i locurile nsorite. directly from the leaves. They are found in well-
drained soils and sunny sites.
Brndua este o specie de interes conservativ,
vulnerabil n Rezervaia Biosferei Delta Dunrii. The colchicum is a vulnerable species of
Este ntlnit doar n zona litoral, iar florile sale community importance, present in the Danube
pot fi admirate primvara un anotimp foarte Delta Biosphere Reserve. It is a rare species found
potrivit pentru vizitarea Deltei. only in littoral areas, blooming in spring the
perfect season to visit the Danube Delta.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Strcul purpuriu Purple Heron

Ardea purpurea Ardea purpurea
Face parte din categoria strcilor mari. Corpul su Purple Herons are large birds that belong to the
comprimat lateral face posibil strecurarea prin heron family. Their slender and narrow bodies
stufriuri dese i plante cu care se confund. Gtul allow them to slink past thick reedbeds and dense
strcului purpuriu arat, n poziie de repaus, ca un bushes that often provide excellent camouflage.
fel de arc comprimat. Their long neck looks particularly snake-like, with
Pasre migratoare, poposete la noi din martie- more of an S-shape in flight.
aprilie pn n septembrie. Rar cuibrete n Herons are migratory birds, staying in Romania
preajma coloniilor celorlali strci, prefernd traiul from March-April to September.
singuratic, pe plauri. They rarely nest near other heron collonies,
preferring isolated reedbeds in shallow waters.
n trecut era considerat o specie comun, ns
prin intervenia brutal a omului (fragmentarea Purple Herons used to be considered a common
habitatelor prin construcii de canale i species, but due to invasive human activities
intensificarea turismului), efectivele au sczut (building channels and increased tourism causing
ngrijortor de mult. severe habitat fragmentation), the population has
decreased considerably.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Strcul galben Squacco Heron

Ardeola ralloides Ardeola ralloides
Pasre migratoare, poposete n Romnia din Squacco Herons are migratory birds which are
aprilie pn n septembrie. Este o pasre relativ staying in Romania from April to September. During
solitar care zboar n stoluri mici n timpul migration they fly in small groups and emit sharp
migraiei, scond sunete specifice, stridente. croaking sounds.

Strcul galben este activ dimineaa, nainte de They are mainly active in the morning, just before
rsrit i pe nserat, pn dup apusul soarelui. n sunrise and around dusk, even late after sunset. In
timpul zilei st retras pentru odihn n tufe sau n daytime they usually rest and sleep in bushes or
copaci. n timpul dansului nupial i ridic penele, trees. During courtship displays, both adults get
asemenea egretei i punului. Penajul este folosit brighter colours and longer crest and back feathers,
pentru atragerea partenerului, dar i pentru a like egrets and peacocks. The special plumage is also
intimida i a ine la distan potenialii adversari. used to intimidate and ward off potential enemies.

Ca majoritatea strcilor, este o specie aflat sub Like most herons, this species is protected
protecie special. under the law.
DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Raa roie Ferruginous Duck

Aythya Nyroca Aythya Nyroca
Se hrnete cu semine, rdcini, plante i Ferruginous Ducks feed mainly on seeds, roots,
vieuitoare acvatice mici. Ciripitul femelei este mai aquatic plants and small aquatic insects and molluscs.
strident i aduce a car, pe cnd masculul este The call of female ferruginous ducks is a karr,
ceva mai silenios, aducnd a ciuc-ciuc-ciuc. Raa while males utter a long series of soft kack-kack-
roie este cea mai rar specie de ra slbatic din kack. Ferruginous ducks are the rarest species of
Europa, aa c inei-v respiraia cnd o vedei, s wild ducks in Europe, so hold your breath when you
nu o deranjai... see them, you wouldnt want to disturb them...

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Buhaiul de balt
Botaurus stellaris
Este o pasre care prefer traiul singuratic, n stufriuri ferite de aezrile umane. Buhaiul de balt
poate fi recunoscut dup strigtul pronunat pe care masculul l produce, pe care l putei asculta mai
ales la apus i nainte de rsritul soarelui. Buhaiului are o tehnic proprie de camuflare n stufriul
n care triete, fiind ajutat de liniile verticale din penajul su.

Denumirea popular i se trage de la asemnarea glasului cu sunetul buhaiului tradiional romnesc,

cntat de Anul Nou.

Eurasian Bittern
or Great Bittern
Botaurus stellaris
Usually solitary, the Great Bittern nests in open
reedbeds, keeping away from human settlements.
It can be easily recognized by the deep call of the
male, typically occurring at dawn and dusk. Its
striped feathers provide an excellent camouflage in

The name Botaurus is the Latin for bull, because the

bitterns call resembles the bellowing of a bull.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Gsca cu gt rou
Branta ruficollis
Specie gregar, zboar n stoluri mixte, mpreun Braconajul este o cauz a scderii continue a
cu grlia mare, n cutare de culturi agricole n efectivelor. n plus, zonele de odihn ale gtii cu
care se gsesc cereale grul, orzul i rapia sunt gt rou au fost tulburate iremediabil; specialitii
printre preferatele ei. Are un zbor energic i rapid. observ cum gtele se ntorc din ce n ce mai rar
n aceste spaii.
Gsc nordic, cuibrete n tundra siberian. n
toamn, aproximativ 60% din populaia global de Gsca cu gt rou este una dintre cele mai periclitate
gte cu gt rou ierneaz n Delta Dunrii. specii de gsc slbatic din lume, deci considerai-
v norocoi dac o zrii (de la deprtare!)
Principala ameninare se trage din asocierea ei n
stoluri de grli mare, specie admis la vntoare.

Red-breasted Goose
Branta ruficollis
The Red-breasted Goose is highly gregarious and species allowed for hunting. Poaching is another
occurs in mixed flocks, regularly in association with possible cause of the significant decrease in the
the Greater White-fronted Goose, flying together population. Also, their roost sites have been
in search of cereal crops such as wheat, barley irremediably altered; specialists have reported
and rapeseed its favourite feeding grounds. These that their numbers are gradually diminishing each
birds have an energetic and rapid flight. year.

The Red-breasted Duck nests and breeds in the The Red-breasted Goose is one of the most
Siberian tundra. In autumn, approximately 60% of endangered species of wild geese in the world, so
the global population of Red-breasted Geese come consider yourself luck if you spot one (even from a
to winter in the Danube Delta. distance!).

The main threat comes from their association

with the flocks of Greater White-fronted Geese, a

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Prundraul de Kentish Plover

srtur or Snowy Plover
Charadrius Charadrius
alexandrinus alexandrinus
Ciripitul care aduce a uit i biuit devine mai The call of Kentish Plovers is generally a mellow ku-
strident atunci cnd se simte ameninat. n aceste wheet, becoming a sharp krut when restless.
cazuri, prundraul i protejeaz oule acoperindu- To protect their eggs from potential predators,
le cu nisip. Cuibul este construit n pmnt, ntr-o adults cover them with sand. They usually nest in
groap mrginit de pietre sau vegetaie. Hrana a ground scrape or in loose stones, surrounded by
preferat sunt insectele i vieuitoarele acvatice. little vegetation. Kentish Plovers mainly feed on
Toamna migreaz spre zone mai calde, n estulul insects and aquatic larvae. In autumn they migrate to
Africii, Arabia i India. warmer regions like eastern Africa, Arabia and India.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Chirighia cu obraz alb Whiskered Tern
Chlidonias hybridus Chlidonias hybridus
Seamn cu ruda sa, pescruul. Chirighia se The Whiskered Tern shows similarities in appearance
remarc printr-un zbor spectaculos prin care i to the Gull, being closely related. It is characterized
procur hrana de pe suprafaa apei. Cuibrete n by a great ability to fly and spectacular dives when
zone umede, n colonii mari. Primvara cuibrete foraging for food. This species breeds in humid areas,
n Delt, unde gsete numeroase plante plutitoare on floating material, usually in large colonies. In
pe care se poate aeza, iar toamna migreaz spre spring they nest in the Danube Delta and in autumn
zone mai calde. they migrate to warmer regions.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Chirighia neagr Whiskered Tern

Chilidonias niger Chilidonias niger
Este o pasre elegant, adaptat condiiilor The Black Tern is a small and elegant bird, adapted to
mltinoase n care se gsete vegetaie acvatic live in peaceful wetland area, with abundant aquatic
din belug i linite. Se hrnete cu insecte vegetation. Black Terns mainly feed on insects and
i larve, la noi n ar din aprilie-mai pn n larvae, in Romania between April-May and September.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Barza alb
Ciconia ciconia
Barza alb este o pasre sociabil, obinuit s
triasc n apropierea omului. Cuibul este refolosit
mai muli ani la rnd chiar i zeci de ani. Primul
mascul care ajunge la cuib devine stpnul lui,
ns dac mai apar i ali masculi, se pornesc lupte
pentru stabilirea proprietarului final. n Romnia,
barza sosete primvara, n luna martie.

White Stork
Ciconia ciconia
The White Stork is a gregarious bird, adapted to living
near humans. The pair may use the same nest for
several years sometimes even for 10 years. Usually,
the first male which arrives at the
nest-site becomes its owner, but if other white stork
males happen to come, they are fighting to decide the
final owner. White Storks migrate to Romania during
spring, in March.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Barza neagr
Ciconia nigra
Barza neagr are conformaia celei albe, ns este
ceva mai mic. Cea mai mare parte din penaj este de
culoare neagr doar abdomenul este alb, iar ciocul
i picioarele sunt roii. Barza neagr se distinge prin
schimbarea nuanelor din penaj odat cu trecerea
anilor: adulii sunt de culoare neagra, cu reflexii
violete i verzui, iar roul este mai pal dect la
berzele tinere.

Black Stork
Ciconia nigra
The Black Stork has the same structure as the
closely related White Stork, but it is slightly
smaller. The beak and legs are red, the plumage is
all black, except for the white lower breast. The
plumage of adults black storks changes gradually
over time: the area corresponding to the black
feathers acquires a purplish green sheen and the
red becomes less bright.
DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Ereta de stuf
Circus aeruginosus
Ereta de stuf este o pasre prdtoare care prefer
roztoarele, psrile i reptilele. Migreaz solitar,
nu n stoluri, i i petrece iarna n Africa. Spre
deosebire de alte specii de rpitoare, ereta i
construiete cuibul pe sol. Prefer zonele compacte
de stufri i plaurii. Femela construiete cuibul,
iar masculul ajut doar la transportul materialelor.
Perechea are cuiburi false pentru odihn.

Delta Dunrii este unul dintre siturile-cheie pentru

conservarea speciei pe termen lung i, de aceea,
pasrea se bucur de protecie.

Eurasian Marsh-harrier
Circus aeruginosus
The Eurasian Marsh-harrier is a large predatory bird which
feeds on rodents, birds and reptiles. It is a solitary migrating
bird that avoids flocks and spends winter in Africa. Unlike
other birds of prey, Eurasian Marsh-harriers nest at ground
surface. They prefer dense reedbeds and marshlands. The
female usually builds the nest, while the male only helps to
collect nesting materials. The pair uses fake nests to roost.

The Danube Delta is one of the key-sites for long-term

conservation of the species, being protected under the law.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Dumbrveanca European Roller

Coracias garrulus Coracias garrulus
Pasre cltoare, dumbrveanca poposete n A long-distance migratory bird, the European Roller
Romnia din aprilie mai pn n septembrie. stays in Romania from AprilMay to September. The
Penajul su are culori armonioase i vii care i dau plumage is brightly coloured, with exotic brilliant-
un aspect exotic. Ciocul negru, puternic i puin blue feathers. The black strong, slightly hooked bill
ncovoiat o ajut la capturarea insectelor, hrana is used to catch insects, their favourite food. The call
preferat a dumbrvencei. Ciripitul seamn uneori is usually a harsh crow-like sound: koww-koww,
cu cel al coofanei i al stncuei: cioc-cioc, iar often alternated with a rasping screech typically used
alteori cu cel produs de gai: rrac, rrac by jays: skaaak-shraaak.

Dumbrveanca nu are dumani naturali, ns este

ameninat de vntori i de lucrri de extracie a
pmntului prin care se distrug cuiburile.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Lebda de var
Cygnus olor
Este o specie cu rspndire larg n Europa. n Delta Dunrii, situaia ei este stabil, aproximndu-se un
numr de 1000 de perechi cuibritoare. Se bazeaz ndeosebi pe hrana din ap, putnd s se scufunde cu
gtul ei lung la mai mult de un metru.

Lebda de var necesit cel puin 10 m de ap liber pentru a-i pregti zborul. Sunetul din timpul acestuia
este produs de aripi. Dei iarna este o perioad destul de grea pentru lebede, unele dintre ele rmn,
retrase n zona lagunar unde apele salmastre nghea ceva mai greu.

Mute Swan
Cygnus olor
Mute Swans have a wide distribution in Europe. Their situation in the Danube Delta is stable, with a population
of approximately 1,000 breeding pairs. They mainly feed on submerged aquatic vegetation which they reach
by plunging their more than one-meter long necks in deep waters.

The flight of Mute Swans is spectacular, needing at least 10 m of clear water surface to be able to run
and take off. The humming or musical buzzing associated with the Mute Swan comes from the vibrant
throbbing of the wings in flight. Although the winter season is pretty harsh for Mute Swans, some birds choose
to not migrate, withdrawing to the brackish waters of lagoon areas, which have a lower freezing point.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Lebda de iarn Whooper Swan

Cygnus Cygnus Cygnus Cygnus
Este mai mare dect lebda de var i are o alur The Whooper Swan is larger and heavier than the
dreapt. Foarte bun zburtoare, lebda de iarn Mute Swan, with a long neck that it usually helds
este oaspete de iarn, obinuind s cuibreasc n straight. Whooper Swans are good fliers, in spite of
their large size, that migrate to Romania in winter and
Scandinavia i n nordul Rusiei, pn n zona Arctic.
Este o psre migratoare care vine mpins de have a breeding range that spreads from Scandinavia
and northern Russia up to the Arctic region. The
valurile de frig. Cu ct iernile sunt mai blnde, cu
Whooper Swan is migratory, moving southwards to
att vin mai multe specii de lebd de iarn. Prefer
s se hrneasc pe terenurile agricole i nu prin more temperate climates. During milder Romanian
scufundare n ap, aa cum face lebda de var. winters, the population tends to be larger. Unlike
the Mute Swan that only forages on water by head-
Specie puternic, nu are niciun prdtor la noi n dipping, this swan also grazes on agricultural crops.
ar, cu excepia omului.
It is a powerful species, without any natural predators,
except for humans.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Egreta mare
Egretta alba
Egreta mare este o specie protejat, aflat pe prin ntinderile de stuf, ferite de zgomot i de
cale de dispariie. Omul a contribuit la scderea activitatea uman, la care nu se poate adapta
dramatic a efectivelor prin modificarea nicicum. La noi se ntlnete n anotimpul cald.
habitatului i prin obiceiul (din trecut!) de a
vna egrete pentru penele nupiale, folosite n Egreta mare este declarat Monument al Naturii.
scopuri ornamentale. Egreta mare cuibrete

Great Egret
Egretta alba
The Great Egret is a critically endangered species The Great Egret usually nests in reedbeds, away
protected under the law. Human activities have from any noise and human activities. In Romania,
largely contributed to the dramatic decrease in it can be found in the warm season.
population, now close to extinction due to habitat
loss and excessive hunting (in the past!) for The Great Egret has been declared a protected
breeding feathers, used for ornamental purposes. species of national interest.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Egreta mic Little Egret

Egretta garzetta Egretta garzetta
Are o istorie neagr pentru c n trecut a fost A look at history shows a dark period of extensive
vnat. Pe lng podoaba nupial, are cteva fire over-hunting. In breeding plumage, adults have
ornamentale care formeaz o frumoas creast two long nape plumes forming a beautiful crest.
It was a great achievement that people became
ce pornete de la ceaf. Ce bine c oamenii au aware of the danger of extinction and prohibited
contientizat la timp i nu se mai folosesc de the use of Little Egret feathers as fashion
egret pentru podoabe vestimentare! i plac decorations. They prefer shallow and muddy
lacurile cu ape mici i ml. i este caracteristic un freshwaters. Little Egrets are characterized by
pescuit activ, urmrindu-i prada. active hunting, preferring to stalk their prey.
It is a rare species that can be found in the Danube
Egreta mic este o pasre rar care cuibrete n Delta, nesting in mixed colonies, particularly
special n Delta Dunrii, n colonii mixte, ndeosebi in small willows. In autum, they migrate to the
n slciile pitice. Odat cu sosirea toamnei, Mediteranean Sea.
migreaz spre Marea Mediteran.
The Little Egret has been declared a protected
species of national interest.
Egreta mic este declarat Monument al Naturii.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

oimul dunrean
Falco cherrug
Este un animal de prad care se hrnete n special pe cale de dispariie, cuibrind uneori n Dobrogea
cu popndi i psri pe care le captureaz n zborul i Cmpia de Vest. oim de talie medie, triete
su rapid i energic. La noi este o prezen rar, uneori alturi de alte psri, cum ar fi strcii.

Saker Falcon
Falco cherrug
The Saker Falcon is a raptor that mainly feeds on ground
squirrels and birds, captured during his rapid flight, with a
vigorous flapping of wings. It is a rare presence on Romanian
territory that can be found sometimes in the steppe regions of
Dobrudja and the West Plain. The Saker Falcon is a medium-
sized falcon which often lives in mixed colonies, usually
associated with herons.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Vnturelul de sear Red-footed Falcon

Falco vespertinus Falco vespertinus
Triete n colonii i se folosete de obicei de cuiburi Red-footed Falcons are colonial breeders, reusing
de cioar de semntur. Este mai activ la amurg, the old nests of rooks. They are more active at dusk,
cnd se hrnete cu gndaci, plonie, crbui i when they usually feed on various bugs like bedbugs,
coropinie. Adesea poate fi vzut pe firele electrice beetles and fen crickets. They can be often spotted
sau zburnd pe loc. Ciripitul su const n sunete perching on electric wires or hovering in mid air.
stridente. n Romnia poate fi ntnit ntre lunile
They emit strong sounds. In Romania, they can be
aprilie i septembrie.
found from April to September.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Este una dintre cele mai mari psri de prad
din Europa. Vneaz peti, psri mici, reptile
sau mici mamifere, precum roztoarele,
avnd rolul de a ine sub control anumite
populaii. Se aseamn unui vultur, dar este
o acvil (acvilele sunt animale de prad, pe
cnd vulturii se hrnesc cu hoituri).

Pna la 60-70% dintre puii care prsesc cuibul

nu reuesc s treac de prima iarn, fapt
ntlnit la multe dintre psrile prdtoare.
Din acest motiv, rata de nmulire este extrem
de scazut, specia fiind n prezent ameninat.

Specialiti n ornitologie spun c, dup pelican,

codalbul este a doua emblem a Deltei.

The white-tailed Eagle is one of the largest
predators in Europe. Prey specimens can
often include fish, small birds, reptiles or
small mammals, such as rodents, having
a significant role in keeping the size of
certain populations under control. The
While-tailed Eagle resembles the vulture,
but is in fact an eagle (eagles are predators,
while vultures are birds scavenging on

Up to 60-70% of the young dont survive

the first winter after fledging the nest, as it
usually occurs with most predators. For this
reason, the breeding rate is extremely low,
the species being classified as vulnerable.

Ornithologists consider the White-tailed

Eagle as the second symbol of the Danube
Delta, after the pelican.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Piciorongul Black-winged Stilt

Himantopus Himantopus
himantopus himantopus
Piciorongul i trage numele de la picioarele sale The Black-winged Stilt has very long and fine reddish-
foarte lungi, de culoare roie. n zbor, este o pasre pink legs and black wings, hence its common name.
uor de recunoscut deoarece picioarele i depesc It is easily recognizable when flying due to the long
cu mult corpul. legs projected beyond the tail.

Oule de piciorong sunt clocite de ambii soi. Both male and female incubate. The chicks can
Dup eclozare, puii i urmeaz imediat prinii. follow their parents immediately after hatching. The
Cinii ciobanilor care fur oule piciorongilor sunt main threat comes from shepherd dogs and there
principala ameninare, simindu-se nevoia unei legi should be a law restricting the dogs access to the
prin care cinii s nu fie lsai n Rezervaie, cel Reservation, at least during the breeding period.
puin n perioada cuibritului.
The Black-winged Stilt has been a protected species
De mai bine de o jumtate de secol, Piciorongul a of national interest for more than half a century.
fost declarat Monument al Naturii.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Strcul pitic
Ixobrychus minutes
Denumit i btlan, este oaspete de var la noi n ar i poate fi rar observat
deoarece prefer zonele retrase n care se poate camufla printre stufriuri.
Este un animal de prad, cu un cioc puternic i un gt lung care-l ajut s prind
insecte, crustacei, broate i peti de mici dimensiuni. Strcul pitic este o pasre
static ce prefer s se ascund n stuf n caz de pericol, n loc s zboare. Dac
strcului nu i e bine cu oameni n preajm, s-i respectm dorina!

Little Bittern
Ixobrychus minutes
The Little Bittern comes to Romania in summer. They can be rarely seen because
they prefer isolated areas such as reed beds, providing good camouflage.
Little Bitterns are predatory birds, with a strong bill and a long neck that allows
them to feed on insects, crustaceans, frogs and small fish. It is mainly a static bird,
when in danger preferring to hide behind reedbeds than to fly. If Little Bitterns
would rather stay away from humans, lets not try to convince them otherwise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Pescruul cu cioc subire

Larus genei
i seamn pescruului rztor, ns este mai mare, iar ciripitul are un timbru mai grav.
Penajul su este predominant alb, cu argintiu i negru pe spate. De regul oaspete de
var la noi, ierneaz n nord-estul Mrii Mediterane i n sudul Mrii Caspice.

Slender-billed Gull
Larus genei
It resembles the Black-headed Gull, but this species is slightly larger and
heavier. The call is more nasal and harsher compared to the sounds uttered
by the Black-headed Gull. Its plumage is predominantly white, with silver and
black on the back.

Slender-billed Gulls come to Romania in summer. During winter they can be

found in the northern-east of the Mediterranean Sea and the southern part of
the Caspian Sea.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

cu cap negru Mediteranean Gull
Larus melanocephalus Larus melanocephalus
Are un ciripit aparte care aduce a mieunat. Prefer The Mediteranean Gull is a noisy species, with a
insectele de uscat i nu vieuitoarele acvatice. nasal yeah call. They prefer insects to aquatic
organisms as their primary food.
Cuibrete n colonii, alturi de alte specii de
balt, precum pescruul rztor, chira de balt, This gull breeds in colonies, along with other
piciorongul, ciocntors. Se remarc printr-un ritual species, such as the Black-headed Gull, the
nupial impresionant, cu deschideri ale ciocului, common tern, the Black-winged Stilt and the Pied
ale aripilor i micri specifice ale gtului. Avocet. It is characterized by impressive courtship
displays, including bill-tossing, wing-spreading and
n urma colonizrii Dobrogei dup Rzboiul de typical movements of the neck.
Independen, densitatea acestor psri a sczut Following the colonization of Dobrudja after the
treptat, pentru c n prezent s se cunoasc o Romanian Independence War, the Mediteranean
singur colonie n toat ara, aflat din nefericire Gulls have suffered a significant decrease in
n apropierea unei osele i a unei localiti. population to the extent that today there is
only one colony in the entire country, which
unfortunately is located near a highroad and a
human settlement.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Strcul de noapte
Nycticorax nycticorax
Este o pasre frumoas i elegant, cu 2-3 pene strci i cormorani mici. Numrul strcilor de noapte
lungi ornamentale. Prefer s pescuiasc n amurg, este n scdere i de aceea este o specie ocrotit de
de unde i se trage i numele. De obicei formeaz legislaia Romniei, ct i de cea internaional.
colonii mixte, alturi de egrete mici i alte specii de

Black-crowned Night Heron

Nycticorax nycticorax
It is a beautiful and elegant bird, with 2-3 long Night Heros have suffered a significant decrease
ornamental plums. It prefers to feed at dusk, fact so, for this reason, this species is protected
that gave rise to its name. They usually breed in under national law and several international
mixed colonies, with other species of herons, Little conventions.
Egrets and Pygmy Cormorants. Black-crowned
DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Pelicanul cre
Pelecanus crispus
Penele de pe ceaf sunt cree, iar aripile superioare sunt
albe, pe cnd la pelicanii comuni sunt negre. n perioada de
reproducere, culoarea penajului este deosebit plumburiul
devine argintiu strlucitor. Sunt psri foarte sensibile dac
o colonie a fost deranjat ntr-un an, exist riscul ca n anul
urmtor psrile s evite acel loc. Este o specie periclitat la
nivel mondial.

Dalmatian Pelican
Pelecanus crispus
The Dalmatian Pelican has long curply nape feathers and the
upper part of the wings coloured in white, comparing with Great
White Pelicans which is black. During breeding, it has silvery-
grey plumage. Dalmatian Pelicans are very sensitive birds if
a colony was disturbed, its very probably that the birds will
not return to it. Its an endangered species protected under
international conventions.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Pelicanul comun
Pelecanus onocrotalus
n Delta Dunrii se gsete cea mai mare populaie de pelicani
comuni din Europa. Pelicanul mannc doar pete, n jur de 1-2
kg pe zi. Este considerat un adevrat sanitar al blii deoarece
se hrnete i cu petii bolnavi care pot fi contagioi. Este o
pasre foarte mare, cu o anvergur de pn la 3.20 m. Gua
seamn cu un sac, aflat n spatele mandibulei inferioare. Se
crede c pelicanul depoziteaz petele n acea gu, ns n
realitate aceasta l ajut chiar s captureze petele.

Pelicanii cuibresc n zone de plauri sau pe insule, n spaii greu

accesibile. Pelicanul cre este i el foarte sensibil la prezena
uman, cunoscndu-se cazuri n care nu s-au mai ntors la
cuiburile lor odat ce acestea au fost deranjate de turiti.

Pelicanul este considerat emblema Deltei Dunrii.

Great White Pelican

Pelecanus onocrotalus
The largest population of Great White Pelicans in Europe can be
found in the Danube Delta. They mainly feed on fish, on average
1-2 kg per day. Pelicans have a major role in water sanitation,
as they also eat fish affected by contagious diseases. It is a huge
bird, having a wing-span of up to 3,20 m. Great White Pelicans
have an elastic pouch that extends from their lower bills to the
base of their throat, resembling a bag. It is commonly believed
that pelicans deposit fish in their pouch, but in fact it only helps
them to catch fish.

Pelicans prefer nesting in small isolated islands. As is common in

pelicans, the close approach of turists to a breeding colony in the
Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation has been reported to cause
the pelicans to abandon their nests, including eggs and chicks, in

The Great White Pelican is the symbol of the Danube Delta.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Cormoranul mic
Phalacrocorax pygmeus
Triete n colonii mixte, mpreun cu egrete, deranjeaz psrile. n perioada cuibritului este cu
cormorani mari i strci. De obicei este un oaspete att mai grav pentru c adulii prsesc cuiburile,
de var care migreaz odat cu venirea frigului n iar puii lsai singuri cad i se neac.
zone calde din Bulgaria i Grecia. Totui, n iernile
calde sute de cormorani rmn n Delta Dunrii. Pe plan global specia este pe cale de dispariie,
ns n Europa este considerat doar vulnerabil. S
Proliferarea speciei este afectat de turismul avem grij!
haotic brcile care ajung n apropierea coloniilor

Pygmy Cormorant
Phalacrocorax pygmeus
Pygmy Cormorants come to Romania in summer. They disturbing the birds. Its even more critical when
prefer nesting in in mixed colonies, along with other Pigmy Cormorant adults are leaving the nests, the
species such as egrets, Great Cormorants and herons. juveniles are left alone so they fall and drown.
Only during warm winters they stay in Danube Delta.
Otherwhise Pigmy Cormants are migrating to warmer Altough globally this species is close to extinction, in
areas from Bulgaria and Greece. Europe is only classified as vulnerable. So, be careful!

Proliferation of this species is affected by chaotic

tourism the boats floating near the colonies are

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Strcul loptar
Platalea leucorodia
Este o pasre de rm, are nevoie de ape mici i
noat doar n cazuri extreme. i construiete
cuibul pe sol, n zona lagunar sau n arbori, n
interiorul Deltei. Cnd coloniile sunt aezate pe
terenuri sigure, acestea atrag an de an tot mai multe
exemplare. Hrana este prins cu ajutorul ciocului
su neobinuit, prin micri circulare laterale care
i-au atras porecla de cosa.

Strcul loptar este ameninat de turitii exagerat

de curioi care ptrund n colonii.

Eurasian Spoonbill
Platalea leucorodia
Eurasian Spoonbills needs shallow waters. They side to side into water, hence the nickname the
can swim only in extreme cases and they usually reaper in Romanian.
nest on the ground or in trees. When a colony is
formed in a safe place, it attracts more birds each This species is vulnerable to human disturbances,
year. Eurasian Spoonbills use their atypical bill being close to extinction due to turist invasions
to forage for food, by moving head and bill from into their breeding areas.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Plegadis falcinellus
Are un cioc lung i curbat cu ajutorul cruia caut hran n nmol. Poate fi
recunoscut dup zborul frumos i elegant, cu momente de planare. Oaspete
de var, triete n aproape toate coloniile mixte, alturi de strci de tot
felul i cormorani mici.

Pe vremuri, ignuul a fost o pasre comun. n anii `70-`80, erau

nregistrate 12.000 de perechi, dar ntre timp numrul lor a sczut drastic,
ajungnd n prezent la doar 1.200 de perechi.

n timpul comunismului, s-a ncercat chiar producerea de conserve cu carne

de ignu. Ne trec fiorii i ne bucurm c ncercrile au euat! Azi nu mai
constituie obiectul vntorii, dar sufer din cauza turismului haotic, fiind pe
cale de dispariie.

Glossy Ibis
Plegadis falcinellus
It has a long hooked bill used to forage for food in muddy waters. They usually fly
in flocks, in large formations, with rapid wing-flaps interspersed with short glides.
A summer resident on Romanian territory, the Glossy Ibis lives in mixed colonies,
in association with different species of herons and Pygmy Cormorants.

The Glossy Ibis used to be a common bird in Romania. In the 70s and 80s, there
were reported 12,000 pairs, but meanwhile, their number has dramatically
decreased to only 1,200 pairs.

During the communist regime, there was a project to produce canned Glossy Ibis
meat. We are appalled at this initiative and extremely content that it has failed
in the end! Hunting is prohibited today, but this species is still threatened by the
chaotic turism in the area.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Criste cenuiu
Porzana parva
Iubete nmolul i vegetaia de mlatin, cu frunze plutitoare pe care poate
s mearg. Oaspete de var, este o pasre pe care des ntlnit la noi n
ar. Toamna migreaz spre sud.

Little Crake
Porzana parva
Little Crakes show a preference for muddy waters, dense reeds and marsh
vegetation, with floating leaves on which they often like to walk. A summer visitor
in Romania, this bird is relatively common throughout the country. In autumn
they migrate to the south.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Recurvirostra avosetta
Pasre de rm, nrudit cu piciorongul. Are o Manifest agresivitatea fa de intrui. Se preface
alur elegant i un cioc neobinuit, rsucit n rnit atunci cnd este ameninat pentru a
sus, folosit pentru a scurma n ape mici pentru distrage atenia i astfel, pentru a-i apra puii.
capturarea de viermiori, rcuori, larve acvatice Paznic de ndejde al ntregii coloniei, scoate nite
i insecte. Picioarele au culoarea cerului, rar strigte, lip-lip, care alarmeaz toate speciile
ntlnit la psrile de pe teritoriul Romniei. din zon.
i plac apele salmastre, unde i construiete un
cuib rudimentar, din cteva fire de iarb i scoici. Specia este protejat de legea naional i de o
serie de convenii internaionale.

Pied Avocet
Recurvirosta avosetta
The Pied Avocet is a shorebird, related to the They become very aggressive towards intruders.
Black-winged Stilt. It is a very elegant bird, that When threatened, they pretend to be hurt in
shows a conspicuous upcurved long bill, used to order to distract enemies and protect their chicks.
forage for food in shallow waters to capture little A very reliable guardian of the entire colony, their
worms, tiny crabs, aquatic larvae and insects. loud calls kloo-eet alert all populations from
It has long pale blue-grey legs, which is quite surrounding areas.
uncommon for Romanian birds. The Pied Avocet
breeds in brackish waters, where it builds a This species is protected under national law and
rudimentary nest, using grass stems and shells as several international conventions.
nesting material.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Chira mic
Sterna albifrons
Penajul su seamn cu cel al pescruului. Oaspete
de var, prefer ca loc de cuibrit Delta Dunrii. De
regul, triete n mici colonii. Toamna migreaz
spre vestul Africii, zona Mrii Roii i inuturile de
coast din sud-vestul Asiei pn n India.

Little tern
Sterna albifrons
The Little Tern closely resembles the gull in plumage.
A summer Romanian resident, the Little Tern usually
breeds in the Danube Delta. It prefers to live in
isolated pairs or small colonies. In autumn Little Terns
migrate to warmer climates such as western Africa,
Red Sea region and the south-western coasts of Asia.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Bubo bubo
Este un prdtor de noapte care zboar fr s iepuri), broate, psri mici i insecte. Buha se
produc zgomot, pn la 15 km distan de cuib. ntlnete cu precdere n Lunca Dunrii i n zonele
Hrana preferat const n mamifere mici (oareci, de cmpie.

Eurasian Eagle-owl
Bubo bubo
A noctural predator, the Eurasian Eagle-owl has rabbits), frogs, small birds and insects.The
a silent flight, up to 15 km away from its nest- Eurasian Eagle-owl can be found especially in the
site. They mainly feed on small mammals (mice, Danube Meadow and also in flatlands.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Gsca de var Greylag Goose

Anser anser Anser anser
Este strmoul direct al gtei domestice. Are abiliti This species is the ancestor of most of the domestic
deosebite, putnd s zboare sute de kilometri fr geese. Greylag Geese have amazing abilities, being
oprire. Pentru hrnire, prefer apropierea de zonele able to fly for hundreds of kilometers without
agricole. stopping. They show a preference for agricultural
crops as a main source of food.
Sunt considerate printre cele mai inteligente psri,
trstur pus pe seam sociabilitii acestora. Se Greylag Geese are considered among the most
observ relaii foarte puternice ntre gtele ce intelligent birds, due to their gregarious nature.
aparin aceluiai stol e nevoie de o singur chemare There are very strong relations between the
ca ntreg stolul s se mobilizeze. members of the same flock a single call is enough
to summon an entire congregation.
Interdicia de vnare a gtelor pe teritoriul
Rezervaiei Biosferei Delta Dunrii, introdus odat The hunting restrictions in the Danube Delta
cu anul 2012, a fost resimit: psri mai puin Biosphere Reservation introduced in 2012 have
temtoare i n numr mai mare. already showed results: the population is larger
and less alarmed.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Grlia mare
Anser albifrons
Formeaz cea mai numeroas populaie de gte vntorii, dar i prdtorii naturali, precum
din Europa, n prezent nregistrndu-se peste acvilele, acalul, vulpea i, n unele cazuri, cinii
250.000 de exemplare. La noi este oaspete de vagabonzi.
iarn, venind tocmai din tundra siberian. Sosete
n octombrie-noiembrie, formnd stoluri uriae Are o strategie de zbor deosebit pentru c
mpreun cu gsca cu gt rou. zboar n formaie n form de V: n frunte
stau exemplarele adulte, experimentate, iar la
Este o specie general acceptat la vntoare n mijloc stau exemplarele tinere. Pe tot parcursul
Europa, dar exist reglementri n ceea ce privete zborului, familia de grlie comunic.
sezoanele permise. Principalele ameninri sunt

Greater White-fronted Goose

Anser albifrons
It is the largest population of wild geese in Europe, seasonal restrictions. The main threats are hunters,
with over 250,000 birds today. They come to but also natural predators such as eagles, jackals,
Romania in winter all the way from the Siberian foxes and sometimes feral dogs.
tundra. They arrive in October-November, flying
in huge flocks, usually in association with the red- They are characterized by flying in V-formations:
breasted goose. with the more experienced adults in front and
juveniles in the middle. The Greater White-fronted
This species is generally accepted for hunting in Geese usually communicate with each other when
Europe, but there are certain regulation regarding flying in flocks.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Cufundac mare
Gavia immer
Cufundacul mare e o prezen rar n Delta Dunrii, care
poate fi vzut doar n sezonul rece. Poposete n general pe
apele nengheate. Cuibrete n Canada, Alaska, Groenlanda
i Islanda. n Romnia ajunge mai degrab accidental.

Great Northern Diver

Gavia immer
The Great Northern Diver is a rare presence in the Danube
Delta, which can be seen only during the cold season. They
usually roost on frozen waters. The Great Northern Diver
breeds in the arctic regions of Canada, Alaska, Greenland
and Iceland. Its occurrence on Romanian territory is
rather accidental.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Corcodelul mic Little Grebe

Tachybaptus ruficollis Tachybaptus ruficollis
Corcodelul este mai mic dect porumbelul i are The Little Grebe is slightly smaller than a pigeon and
un corp rotunjor. Coloritul modest l face greu its body has a roundish shape. The plain-coloured
de observat, ns prezena sa este trdat prin plumage makes it hard to notice, but its presence
strigte n triluri ascuite. Specie bine adaptat la is often given away by the shrill trills. This species
viaa acvatic, corcodelul este acoperit cu un strat is well-adapted to aquatic life, being covered by
de puf impermeabil. i construiete cuibul n zone
dense and waterproof feathers. It usually nests in
cu vegetaie deas, lng coloniile de pescrui
sau liie. Cuibul este plutitor, construit din plante densely-vegetated areas, near colonies of gulls or
acvatice. Uneori rmne la noi i pe timp de iarn, rails. They usually build floating nests from aquatic
atunci cnd gsete ape nengheate. plants. Sometimes they stay in Romania during the
cold season, when they can find unfrozen waters.
Corcodelului i este specific un elegant ritual de
mperechere: un dans n dou sau trei exemplare, Little Grebes carry out elaborate and highly
cu micri rapide i sincronizate. elegant ritualised breeding: two or three bird
perform a dance on the water surface, with rapid
and synchronized movements.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Califar rou Ruddy Shelduck

Tadorna feruginea Tadorna feruginea
Specie acvatic i migratoare, poposete n Romnia It is an aquatic and migratory species, present
din martie-aprilie pn n mai-iunie. Cuibrete n on Romanian territory from March-April to May-
scorburi i vizuini vechi de vulpe, uneori aflate la June. Ruddy Shelducks usually nest in cavities or
mare deprtare de ape. Are nevoie de zone umede, abandoned fox burrows, sometimes far away from
n special n perioada de nprlire, dar i de cmpuri any water. They need humid areas, especially during
molting period, and also cereal crops, meadows and
de cereale, pajiti i stepe, unde se poate hrni cu
steppe areas, where they can feed on plant matter
materii vegetale i diferite insecte. and various insects.
Clifarul rou este caracteristic zonelor de ap i The Ruddy Shelduck usually breeds in wetland
step din Asia i Europa de Est. Numrul lui este n regions and steppe areas of Asia and Eastern Europe.
cretere n Delta Dunrii. The population is increasing in the Danube Delta.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Califar alb
Tadorna tadorna
Clifarul alb este o pasre impozant i frumos colorat, de
mrimea gtei domestice. Este o pasre cltoare ce poposete
pe teritoriul romnesc ntre martie i octombrie. Iubete apele
mici din zonele costiere i cele cu ape salmastre. i construiete
cuibul pe sol, fie n malurile ravenelor i rpelor, fie ocup o
galerie gata fcut de o vulpe sau de un viezure.

Faptul c este o specie protejat, considerat Monument al

Naturii, ajut la mbuntirea numrului de clifari albi.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Common Shelduck
Tadorna tadorna
The Common Shelduck is a striking colorful bird, but sometimes they also use burrows already built by
resembling the domestic geese in size. It is a migratory foxes or badgers.
bird, settling on Romanian territory from March
to October. Common Shelduck breeds in shallow The fact that the Common Shelduck is now a protected
coastal or brackish waters. The nest is usually built species of national interest helps to increase their
on the ground, or on the slopes of steppe ravines, population.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Cormoranul mare
Phalacrocorax carbo
Are un cioc puternic, cu un fel de crlig n vrf care
este folositor la prinderea i nghiirea petelui.
Scufundtor excelent, st sub ap chiar pn la 70 de
secunde. Principalul adversar natural este codalbul
cormoranul este vnat imediat dup pescuit, cnd
nu poate zbura pentru c trebuie s i usuce penele.

Cormoranii mari i pelicanii sunt considerai duntori

de ctre localnici, crezndu-se c srcesc balta de
pete. Specialitii ne spun ns c nainte ei erau
prezeni n numr mult mai mare, iar petele tot
exista. Erau mai muli cormorani i pelicani pentru c
se gsea mai mult pete.

Great Cormorant
Phalacrocorax carbo
Great Cormorants have a strong bill, with a hooked Great Cormorants and Pelicans are considered
tip that helps them in catching and swallowing fish. important fish competitors by local fishermen, as
An excellent diver, the Great Cormorant can stay they believe that they cause a decrease in the size
submerged up to 70 seconds. Their main natural of fish populations. However, specialists argue that
predator is the White-tailed Eagle, which usually the Great Cormorant population was larger before,
hunts Cormorants immediately after they come out without this affecting in any way the size of the fish
of water, not being able to fly because their feathers population. Their number was simply proportional to
need to be dry. the number of fish.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Raa suliar
Anas acuta
Este denumit i raa ascuit sau raa cu coad de
frigare deoarece dou pene din mijlocul cozii sunt
mai lungi. Are o siluet lung ce o face recognoscibil
n timpul zborului. Raa suliar este o specie care
traverseaz teritoriul romnesc. Rar se ntlnesc
cteva exemplare care ierneaz aici.

Northern Pintail
Anas acuta
The males long central tail feathers give rise to
the species name. It can be easily recognized by
its elongated shape in flight. The Northern Pintail
only transits the Romanian territory. It rarely
winters in this region.

Birds Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Porcuorul de es Gudgeon
Gobio albipinnatus Gobio albipinnatus
Porucuorul de es este o specie destul de rspndit The White-finned Gudgeon is a common rheophile,
pe tot parcusul Dunrii, prefernd de regul apele freshwater species found in all sectors of the Danube.
curgtoare i dulci. Triete n zonele mai adnci i It prefers deeper, slow-moving waters with sandy
cu un curs lent, cu fund nisipos sau argilos. n ape and clay bottoms. Its presence in stagnant water is
stagnante este ntlnit doar accidental. accidental.
Nu se pescuiete industrial sau sportiv i nici nu are
valoare culinar, fiind o specie de mici dimensiuni. A small scale species, it bears no appeal for industrial
or recreational fishing and has no culinary value.

Fish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Avatul, haut, lupul obleilor

Aspius aspius
Este des ntlnit n cele mai multe dintre rurile Avatul prezint interes n pescuitul sportiv. n
mari din zonele de deal i es, n Dunre i blile buctrie, avatul este mai puin apreciat pentru
sale inundabile. Pe teritoriul Rezervaiei Biosferei c are o carne fr gust i cu multe oase n zona
Deltei Dunrii este un pete frecvent ntlnit, n spinrii. De obicei, este gtit n amestec cu alte
toate apele dulci i n dreptul gurilor de vrsare a specii, n ciorba pescreasc, srat sau afumat.
Dunrii n Marea Neagr.

Aspius aspius
Frequently found in most foothill and lowland large The Asp is of interest for recreational fishing. From a
rivers, in the Danube and its floodplains. A common culinary point of view, the Asp is less appreciated. Its
species of fish within the Danube Delta Biosphere meat is bland and it has lots of bones along the spine.
Reserve, it can be found in most freshwaters, large Usually it is eaten along with other species, in fish
shallow inlets and even in the Black Sea at the mouths broths, salted or smoked.
of the Danube.
DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Boara boarc / Chisoag / Behli

Rhodeus sericeus amarus
Behlia este rspndit n cele mai multe dintre caliti culinare. n pescuitul sportiv, boara
apele dulci stagnante din zonele de deal i es. folosete ca momeal pentru pescuitul staionar
Se mai ntlnete i n sectoarele lente ale mai al petilor rpitori, cum ar bibanul i tiuca.
multor ruri i prauri. Boara
este o specie comun n Delta Dunrii. Boara este o specie pe cale de dispariie la nivel
Nu este de interes pentru pescuitul industrial european.
deoarece are dimensiuni mici i este lipsit de

European Bitterling
Rhodeus sericeus amarus
The European Bitterling is found in most foothills and is used as bait for the stationary fishing of predatory
lowlands, in stagnant freshwaters, as well as in the fish, like perch or pike.
slow-flow areas of many rivers and rivulets. It is a
frequent species in the Danube Delta. Being a very The European Bitterling is considered an endagered
small scale species with no culinary value, it has no species throughout Europe.
appeal for industrial fishing. In recreational fishing it

Fish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

ipar / Chicar / Vrlan

Misgurnus fossilis
Prefer apele stttoare i sectoarele lente ale Nu se pescuiete pentru c are dimensiuni mici,
rurilor, de la deal i es. La secarea apelor, iar gustul su fad aduce a ml. iparul este folosit
se ngroap n nmol pn la aproximativ 20 ca momeal vie.
cm adncime, protejat de mucus i ferit de
deshidratare. Petele revine n ape odat cu o Pentru c apele mezotrofe i oligotrofe ale Deltei
nou inundare. Dunrii s-au mpuinat, numrul iparilor s-a redus
considerabil, specia fiind pe cale de dispariie.

European Weather Loach

Misgurnus fossilis
It prefers stangnant foothill and lowland waters, river and has a bland, muddy taste. Loaches can be used
slow-flowing areas. When ponds dry out, loaches lay as live bait.
deep down to 20 cm beneath the mud. Its mucus
layer prevents dehidration. Fresh floods bring it back As mesotrophic and oligotrophic waters became
to aquatic life. scarce in the Danube Delta, the number of loaches
also decreased considerably, thus becoming an
A small sized fish, the loach has no commercial value endangered species.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Leuciscus idus
Este ntlnit n general n rurile de cmpie, mai un pete rar, iar n pescuitul sportiv se prinde doar
puin primvara cnd se ndreapt spre bli ca ocazional. n prezent, au fost semnalate vduvie
urmare a creterii nivelului apelor. Nu mai prezint pe braul Sulina, ntre Maliuc i Gorgova i rar n
interes pentru pescuitul industrial deoarece este Samova-Parche i Razim-Sinoie.

Leuciscus idus
Generally found in lowland rivers, except during in recreational fishing. Recently it has been spotted
spring, when it withdraws in ponds due to a raise in down on Sulina branch, between Maliuc and Gorgova
water levels. It is of no interest to industrial fishing and rarely in Samova-Parche and Razim-Sinoie.
anymore, as it became scarce. It is rarely captured

Fish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Zvrlugi, Cre
Cobitis danubialis,
C. tanaitica, C. megaspila
Are o form alungit, cu trei perechi de musti se activeaz pentru hrnire.
n jurul gurii i un spin sub ochi. Este o specie
relativ frecvent n Dunre. Triete att n ape Nu are caliti alimentare i nu este de interes
curgtoare, ct i n cele stagnante. Ziua st pe pentru pescuitul industrial sau sportiv. Uneori se
fundul apei, ngropat n ml sau nisip, iar noaptea folosete ca momeal pentru pescuitul rpitorilor.

Spined Loach
Cobitis danubialis,
C. tanaitica, C. megaspila
It has a long, thin body, three pairs of barbels bottom covered in silt or sand. During the night
around the mouth and a two-pointed spike under it becomes active and starts feeding. It bears no
the eyes. It is a relatively common species in the culinary qualities and has no interest for industrial
Danube basin. It prefers both fresh and stagnant or recreational fishing. Sometimes it is used as
waters. It spends the daylight hours on the bait for catching predatory fish.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Tinca tinca
Povestea linului este pozitiv i ncurajatoare n fost interzis ntre anii 1991 i 1997. Odat cu
legtur cu viitorul Rezervaiei Biosferei Delta reducerea polurii cu nutrieni, populaiile de lin
Dunrii. Din cauza polurii i a eutrofizrii (polurii s-au refcut i astfel a devenit un pete de interes
cu nutrieni), numrul linilor se diminuaser industrial pentru care nu exist msuri speciale
considerabil i de aceea pescuitul speciei a de protecie.

Tinca tinca
The story of the tench is a positive, encouraging consequently banned between 1991 and 1997. Once
one when it comes to the future of the Danube nutrient polution was reduced, tench populations
Delta Biosphere Reserve. As a result of pollution recovered and it became interesting for industrial
and eutrophication (polution due to nutrients), its fishing again, without any special protection
population had severely decreased, so fishing was measures.

Fish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Zingel streber
Fusarul e o specie care prefer apele curgtoare fusarul este relativ comun pe tot traseul Dunrii,
mai adnci, cu substrat solid, ndeosebi de nisip n aval de Brila i, de asemenea, n unii aflueni
i pietri. De obicei st pe fundul apei, fr s se (Prut, Siret, Olt, Jiu, Timi, Bega, Mure, Cri,
mite. Se reproduce n perioada martie-mai cnd Some, Tisa). Nu triete n crduri i nu migreaz.
icrele sunt depuse pe pietre i crengi. n Romnia,

Zingel streber
The streber prefers deeper waters with hard bottoms relatively frequent all along the Danube, downstream
mainly consisting of sand and gravel. It usually lays from Brila and also in some of the tributary rivers
still on the bottom of the water. Breeding takes place (Prut, Siret, Olt, Jiu, Timi, Bega, Mure, Cri, Some,
between March and May when the eggs are laid on Tisa). It never forms shoals nor migrates.
stones and tree branches. In Romania, strebers are

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Ac de mare Pipefish
Syngnathus typhle Syngnathus typhle
n Romnia se ntlnete n Marea Neagr, iar pe Can be found in the Black Sea and at Gura Portiei
teritoriul Rezervaiei Biosferei Delta Dunrii se in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. It usually
gsete n dreptul localitii Gura Portiei. St de lurks in densely vegetated waters, so the population
obicei n apele bogate n vegetaie, dar pentru declined once plants became scarce. It has no value
c acestea s-au diminuat, se observ declinul for industrial or recreational fishing, which doesnt
populaiilor. Nu prezint interes pentru pescuitul
mean that we should not appreciate its contribution
industrial i nici pentru cel sportiv, dar asta nu
nseamn c nu trebuie s-i apreciem contribuia to the ecosystem.
la echilibrul natural.

Fish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Platichthys flesus
n Romnia este ntlnit de-a lungul litoralului ndreapt spre ape mai adnci. n trecut, cambula
Mrii Negre. Odinioar se gsea n mod frecvent era o specie valoroas pentru pescuitul industrial,
n tot complexul lagunar Razim-Sinoie, nainte de fiind un pete foarte gustos, ns din cauza raritii,
ndulcirea acestuia. Triete pe fundurile nisipoase nu se mai pescuiete.
ale apelor, n preajma rmului, iar iarna se

European Flounder
Platichthys flesus
Present along the Romanian Black Sea coast. from the low shore, moving back to deeper waters in
Previously found all across the Razim-Sinoie Lake winter. A tasty fish, formerly of value for industrial
Complex, before the waters turned fresh. The fishing, it is no longer being fished as a consequence
European Flounder is usually found on sandy seabeds of dwindling populations.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Abramis brama
Se ntlnete de-a lungul Dunrii, n canalele i Este o specie care se pescuiete industrial pentru
lacurile dulci din Rezervaia Biosferei Delta Dunrii. c are o carne gustoas i gras (calitate care d
Masculii care sunt n perioada de reproducere pot gust petelui), ndeosebi din zona complexului
fi recunoscui dup butonii nupiali aezai pe cap. Razim-Sinoie.

Abramis brama
Found all along the Danube, in canals and freshwater they grow white tubercles on their heads. Due to its
lakes in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. In the fat tasty meat, it is fished industrially, especially in
spawning season, males can be easily identified as the Razim-Sinoie area.

Fish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Pomatomus saltatrix
Se ntlnete de-a lungul litoralului Mrii Negre, n octombrie se ndreapt spre ape mai adnci.
ns tot mai rar n ultimele zeci de ani. n luna mai Are o carne gustoas, ns se consum rar din
se apropie de rm ca urmare a nclzirii apei, iar pricina raritii.

Pomatomus saltatrix
Found along the Black Sea coast, unfortunately draw near the coast, while in October they retreat
more and more rarely over the last decades. When towards deeper waters. Its meat is tasty but it is
the waters warm up in the month of May, they rarely consumed as a result of its dwindling numbers.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Cosaul / Crapul chinezesc

Ctenopharyngodon idella
Specia a fost adus n Romnia pentru a fi crescut prin ritmul crescut de cretere i prin faptul c
n mod intensiv n iazuri i heletee, n scopuri ajunge la dimensiuni considerabile, astfel nct
comerciale. Avantajul acestui pete este faptul c poate concura cu speciile native. Nu exist dovezi
se hrnete cu resurse trofice care nu sunt utilizate c se poate reproduce pe cale natural, aa c
de ali peti. n mediul natural n care a scpat, ptrunderea speciei n ecosistemele naturale este
cosaul este o specie invaziv care duneaz pus pe seama neglijenei proprietarilor de iazuri
ihtiofaunei prin lupta pentru aceleai resurse, i heletee.

Grass Carp
Ctenopharyngodon idella
This species was brought to Romania for intensive resources, due to its rapid breeding rate and its
stock pond breeding for commercial use. Its main considerable dimensions that help the Grass Carp to
advantage is its usage of trophic resources otherwise compete with native species. There is no proof that
not consumed by other commercial fish species. it can breed naturally, which means its presence in
When it makes its way into natural environments, it natural environments can be only attributed to stock
alters the ichthyofauna by competing for the same pond owners negligence.

Fish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Biban soare
Lepomis gibbosus
Specie ntlnit frecvent n apele dulci i stagnante nu este exploatat industrial. Aspectul neobinuit
din Rezervaia Biosferei Delta Dunrii. Are o carne al bibanului soare l face s fie o specie care nu
gustoas, ns fiind de talie mic, se consum rar i poate fi confundat cu o alta din Romnia.

Pumpkinseed Sunfish
Lepomis gibbosus
Frequently found in the stagnant freshwaters of consumed and never industrially exploited. Its
the Danube Delta Bisphere Reserve. Its meat is unusual features make it easily recognizable,
tasty but, given its small dimension, it is rarely hard to be mistaken for other species.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Umbra krameri
n prezent specia se regsete n ape stttoare n ultima vreme, ignuul a devenit o raritate
din judeele Satu Mare, Bihor, Giurgiu, Ilfov i n habitatul su, disprnd din multe zone.
Clrai. La secarea apelor se ngroap n ml, Motivul? Fenomenul de eutrofizare a condus la
unde rezist timp ndelungat. Pentru c are deteriorarea habitatelor favorabile. ignuului i
dimensiuni foarte reduse, nu prezint importan se acord o atenie sporit privind protecia pe
pentru pescuit. plan european.

European Mudminnow
Umbra krameri
Presently the European Mudminnow can be found Lately, the mudminnow has become a rarity in its
in several ponds in Satu Mare, Bihor, Giurgiu, Ilfov habitat, all but disappearing from many areas. The
and Clrai districts. When ponds dry out, loaches reason? Habitat deterioration. Consequently, the
lay down beneath the mud for a long time. It has no mudminnow enjoys a particular attention in terms of
fishing value, given its very small dimensions. protection all across Europe.

Fish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Silurus glanis
Somnul triete n ape dulci, n zona de es, coline i aproximativ 80 de ani. Este un rpitor nocturn
dealuri. Prefer rurile, dar n timpul reproducerii care i surprinde prada printr-o metod proprie
se ndreapt i ctre apele stttoare. Cel mai de aspiraie brusc i un sunet specific. Somnul
mare exemplar de somn a avut peste 5 m lungime este o specie de interes comercial deoarecere are
i aproximativ 400 kg. Somnul triete pn la carnea gras, iar oasele sunt mrunte.

Wels catfish
Silurus glanis
Catfish can be found in lowland, foothill and hill to 80 years. Catfish are nocturnal predators, with
freshwater. It prefers rivers, but also withdraws in a characteristic prey capture mecanism by suction
stagnant waters in breeding season. The largest feeding, during which it emits a distinctive sound.
catfish ever caught weighed around 400 kilos and Catfish bear a primary commercial value, due to
measured over 5 metres in length. It can live up their fat rich meat and small bones.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

tiuca Pike
Esox lucius Esox lucius
tiuca se ntlnete ndeosebi n apele stttoare, Pike can be found especially in stagnant, densely
bogate n vegetaie. n apele curgtoare se gsete vegetated waters. It can also be found in slow-flowing
n poriunile mai lente. Gura larg i permite s areas of running waters. Its broad mouth allows it
nghit peti mari. Dinii sunt bine dezvoltai, to swallow large fish. Its teeth are well developed,
puternici i ascuii. Interesul comercial se strong and sharp. Its main commercial value is due to
datoreaz boabelor de icre de dimensiuni mai
its large roe grains. Its meat is tasty but has numerous
mari. Carnea este gustoas, dar cu oase mrunte.
Nu triete n crduri. tiny bones. It never forms shoals.

Din 2005, tiuca este protejat, existnd o Pike has been under protection since 2005. Fishing is
perioad de prohibiie n timpul reproducerii. prohibited during breeding season.

Fish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Huso huso
Morunul este cea mai mare specie de ap dulce de maxim nregistrat a fost de 118 ani.
pe Terra. Morunul este o specie de sturion, putnd
fi considerat un veritabil dinozaur viu. n Romnia Pescuitul necontrolat a dus la periclitarea existenei
au fost identificate dou zone de hrnire n care acestei specii. Acest lucru a determinat introducerea
grupuri diferite vin s se alimenteze. Morunii nu unui ordin de conservare a sturionilor prin care se
au dini, dar pot s-i nghit prada. Longevitatea interzice pescuirea morunilor pn n anul 2016.

Beluga or European Sturgeon

Huso huso
Belugas are the largest freshwater species on Earth. longevity was 118 years.
Belugas are sturgeons and can be considered modern
day dinosaurs. Two food-sourcing areas have been Unregulated fishing lead to the species being critically
identified in Romania where different groups come endangered. Consequently, a sturgeon conservation
to feed themselves. Belugas have no teeth, but they order was enforced, which forbids beluga fishing
swallow their prey whole. The maximum recorded until 2016.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Acipenser guldenstaedtii
Nisetrul este o specie migratoare din Delta Dunrii, Longevitatea maxim nregistrat este de 33 ani.
din familia sturionilor. n ciuda frecvenei lor din
trecut, numrul lor s-a diminuat considerabil. Romnia desfoar un program de populare de
Migrator asemenea morunului, nisetrul este susinere a nisetrilor.
dezavantajat deoarece are scuturi osoase vizibile
cu care se poate aga n firele plaselor.

Diamond/Danube Sturgeon
Acipenser guldenstaedtii
Diamond Sturgeons are migratory Danube Delta large bony plates or shields, which can be easily
fish belonging to the sturgeon family. Despite their tangled in fishnets.
past frequency, their populations have diminished Maximum recorded longevity is 33 years.
considerably. Migratory like belugas, Diamond Romania is currently running a Diamond Sturgeon
Sturgeons have the disadvantage of having rows of repopulation program.

Fish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Acipenser stellatus
Cel mai frumos dintre sturionii marini din Romnia viza i cega. Hibrizii prezint aspecte comune ale
este pstruga. Ziua st la adncimi mari, iar speciilor parentale.
noaptea urc la suprafa pentru hran. Pstruga Vrsta maxim a pstrugilor din Marea Neagr
nu se reproduce n fiecare an. poate atinge 23 ani.
Pstruga se ncrucieaz cu nisetrul, morunul,

Starry Sturgeon
Acipenser stellatus
The most beautiful of Romanian sea sturgeons is the Sturgeons and Sterlet Sturgeons. Hybrids share
Starry Sturgeon. It spends the day in deep waters common features from both parents.
and climbs to the surface at night to feed. Starry The maximum reported age for a Black Sea Starry
Sturgeons dont breed every year. They sometimes Sturgeon is 23 years.
crossbreed with Diamond Sturgeons, Belugas, Thorn

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Cega Sterlet
Acipenser ruthenus Acipenser ruthenus
Cel mai mic sturion din Romnia, cega, este The smallest sturgeons in Romania, sterlets depend
dependent de efemeride, insecte care triesc n on ephemeridae, insects that live in galleries on silt
galeriile din funduri argiloase (zboar o singur bottoms (they fly for one single day, reproduce, lay
zi, se reproduc, oule sunt depuse n ap i la
their eggs in the water and die by the end of the day;
sfritul zilei mor, iar petii din jur se hrnesc cu
cadavrele acestora). fish feed on their dead bodies).

Morunul se reproduce n aceleai locuri i n Belugas breed in the same season and places as
acelai timp cu cega, ceea ce determin uneori sterlets, which sometimes leads to beluga roe being
ca icrele de femel de morun s fie fertilizate de fertilized by sterlet males.
masculi de ceg.
A significant sterlet population decrease was recorded
n anii `80, s-a nregistrat un regres accentuat al in the 1980s, a fact ascribed to pollution. After 1989,
populaiilor de ceg, fapt pus pe seama polurii. once polluting industries were reduced, a gradual
Dup anul 1989, odat cu reducerea industriilor
rebuilding of ephemeridae populations was noticed,
poluante, s-a observat o refacere treptat a
populaiilor de efemeride, n 2004 existnd so in 2004 signs of a recovering sterlet population
semnale c i populaia de ceg i revine. were also recorded.

Fish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Pisica de mare
Raja clavata
Se afl pe Lista roie a Rezervaiei Biosferei Delta multe ri n care nu este periclitat, carnea pisicii
Dunrii pentru c se ntlnete doar n mod izolat, de mare este consumat, iar din ficat se extrage
de la Gura Portiei spre sud. n trecut, specia era untura de pete, bogat n vitamina A i D.
ntalnit frecvent de-a lungul ntregului litoral. n

Thornback Ray
Raja clavata
Placed on the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve the Black Sea coast. In many countries where they are
Red List, it is found only occasionally, south of Gura not endangered, ray meat is consumed and fish oil rich
Portiei. Formerly, rays were frequently found along in vitamins A and D is extracted from their livers.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! reptile i amfibieni

reptiles and amphibians Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Buhaiul de balt Fire-bellied Toad
Bombina bombina Bombina bombina
Broasc rioas mic, de aproximativ 4-5 cm The European Fire-bellied Toad is a small toad,
lungime. Are corpul ndesat i aplatizat, iar ochii approximately 4-5 cm long. The body is depressed,
sunt bombai, cu pupile n form de triunghi. the eyes are set high and the pupils are triangle-
Cnd se simte ameninat, buhaiul se ntoarce cu shaped. When threatened, European Fire-bellied
burta n sus pentru a se preface mort. Avei grij Toads lift their four legs so that the ventral part is
cnd v ntlnii cu buhaiul de balt, pentru c displayed, defending itself by playing dead. Be careful
este cea mai otrvitoare specie de broasc de la when you meet one, it is the most poisonous species
noi din ar! of toad found in Romania!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! reptile i amfibieni

estoas de uscat
Testudo graeca
Este o estoas mic, ajungnd la maxim 30 cm. n caz de
pericol, i retrage cu totul capul i picioarele n carapace.
Este o specie relativ vulnerabil, ntlnit n zona de
step, pe pajiti, n pduri i n vii expuse soarelui.
Broasca estoas de uscat intr ntr-un joc nupial
deosebit masculul urmrete femela, o muc uneori
de membrele posterioare, dup care urmeaz lovirea
repetat a carapacelor.

Testudo graeca
It is a small tortoise that can reach a maximum length of
30 cm. When the Spur-thighed Tortoise feels threatened, it
withdraws its head and limbs into its shell for protection. It
is a relatively vulnerable species that can be found mainly in
the steppe regions, but also in sunny meadows, forests and
The Spur-thighed Tortoise performs a very particular courtship
display the males follow the females, sometimes nipping
their limbs and repeatedly ramming their shells.

reptiles and amphibians Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! reptile i amfibieni

reptiles and amphibians Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Broasca estoas
de ap
Emys orbicularis
Activ ziua, triete n ape dulci, lin curgtoare sau stttoare.
Preferatele ei sunt lacurile mrginite de vegetaie abundent.
Se adapteaz habitatelor nsorite, cu sol nisipos pe care i
depune oule.

Broasca estoas de ap se sperie uor, retrgndu-se n ap

atunci cnd simte un potenial pericol. Se hrnete n ap,
dar pe timp de zi st la soare, aproape de rm. n timpul
reproducerii, masculii devin teritoriali i agresivi. Degradarea
habitatelor naturale a afectat populaiile de broasc estoas,
din ce n ce mai rare i ameninate cu dispariia.

European Pond Turtle

Emys orbicularis
European Pond Turtles are more active during the day and they
typically live in small streams or standing freshwaters. They
prefer lakes with densely vegetated shores. They are perfectly
adapted to sunny habitats, with sandy soils where they can lay
their eggs.

The European Pond Turtle is very shy, withdrawing into the

water when it feels a potential danger. They usually feed in the
water, but during the day they like to lay in the sun, close to
the shore, mostly on fallen logs. During the mating period, the
males become territorial and aggressive. The European Pond
Turtle is now an endangered species, with population size being
severely affected by habitat loss or destruction.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! reptile i amfibieni

Vipera de step
Vipera ursinii
Vipera de step se hrnete cu
mamifere mici i oprle pe care le
nghite de vii, fr venin. Prefer
traiul n stepe, pduri, stufriuri i
cmpii mltinoase. Iarna hiberneaz
n adposturi de roztoare, iar n
martie-aprilie revine la suprafa.

Meadow Viper
Vipera ursinii
The Meadow Viper mainly feeds on small
mammals and lizards, swallowing the prey
alive, without injecting venom. They show
a preference for steppe areas, forests,
reeds and marshy meadows. They spend
winter hibernating in rodent tunnels,
coming back to life in March-April.

reptiles and amphibians Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! reptile i amfibieni

Triton dobrogean
Triturus dobrogicus
Tritonul se poate ntlni rar n Delta Dunrii, n mperecherii, masculul i schimb nfiarea,
apropierea apelor. Intr n lacuri sau bli pentru modificndu-i pigmentaia din regiunea cozii.
reproducere, n lunile aprilie-mai. n timpul

Danube Crested Newt

Triturus dobrogicus
The Danube Crester Newt can be found rarely in
Danube Delta, in the proximity of freshwaters. They
usually enter the standing waters or ponds for mating
in April-May. During the breeding period, the male
changes its appearance, having the pigmentation
around the tail modified.

reptiles and amphibians Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

arpele ru Caspian Whipsnake

Coluber caspius Coluber caspius
Este cel mai rapid i agresiv arpe din Romnia. Nu It is the fastest and most agressive snake in Romania.
este un arpe veninos, aa c muctura lui este Caspian Whipsnakes are not venomous and their
doar dureroas, fr s amenine viaa. Se hrnete bite is only painful, without being life-threatening.
cu oprle, roztoare i oareci. i place s se caere They mainly feed on lizards, rodents and mice. They
pe stnci, copaci i arbuti. Este protejat prin lege, can easily climb rocks, trees and bushes. Caspian
fiind o specie vulnerabil. Whipsnakes are protected under the law, as they are
a vulnerable species.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Molute i crustacee

Scoica mic de ru
Unio crassus
La nivel european, numrul acestor scoici este n
continu scdere din cauza deteriorrii calitii apelor
i a fragmentrii habitatelor favorabile. Pradtorul
natural al scoicii de ru este vidra.

Thick Shelled
River Mussel
Unio crassus
At the European level, the population of Thick Shelled
River Mussel is decreasing because of water quality
degradation and habitat fragmentation. Its natural
predator is the European Otter.

mollusks and shellfish Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Astacus leptodactylus
Triete n ape lin curgtoare, lacuri, iazuri i
canale. i construiete ascunztori n malurile sau n
vegetaia subacvatic. Este deopotriv activ ziua i
noaptea. Pentru c nu prea are preferine n legtur
cu hrana, este considerat un sanitar al blilor.
Asemeni altor specii de raci de la noi, este foarte
sensibil la poluarea chimic.

Danube Crayfish
Astacus leptodactylus
They live in small streams, lakes, ponds and canals. They
usually build hiding spots in the shore and the submerged
aquatic vegetation. Crayfish are active both during the
night and day and feed on almost any type of food. For
this reason, they are considered water sanitarians.
Like other species of crayfish from Romania, they are
highly sensitive to chemical pollution.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Insects Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Vduva neagr
Latrodectus tredecimgutattus
Vduva neagr este un pianjen avea complicaii. Statisticile arat c
uor de identificat, avnd culoarea se nregistreaz un deces la 200 de
neagr lucioas, cu pete roii, cazuri. La 2-3 ore de la muctur,
contrastante. Vduva neagr nu se extind durerile, de la locul mucat
este o insect mortal. Totui, este spre ntreaga zon. Mai pot s apar
adevrat c dac sunt mucai de urmtoarele simptome: salivaie,
acest pianjen, batrnii i cei care transpiraii, tahicardie, stare de
sufer de probleme cu inima pot ameeal, amoreal i furnicturi.

Mediterranean Black Widow

Latrodectus tredecimgutattus
The Mediterranean Black Widow can The pain usually appears 2-3 hours after
be easily identified by its brilliant black the bite and it extends from the injury
colour and red spots. Its bite is not to the entire area. Other symptoms
deadly. However, it can be extremely may include excessive salivation and
dangerous for old people and people perspiration, tachycardia, numbness,
suffering from heart diseases. It is tingling and drowsiness.
estimated that the death rate is 1 in
200 people.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Miriapodul gigant
Scolopendra cingulata
Acest miriapod este o nevertebrat rar, ntlnit pe
insula Popina din Delta Dunrii. Are un comportament
reinut i un venin slab, inofensiv pentru om. Dei este
mai blnd, sub nicio form, nu este recomandat s
o manipulai! Se hrnete cu gndaci, greieri, viermi
i lcuste, oprle i amfibieni, melci i psri mici.

Insects Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Mediterranean Banded Centepede

Scolopendra cingulata
This centepede is a rare species of invertebrates, that can
be found on the Popina Island in the Danube Delta. It is
generally shy and its venom is not that toxic, being harmless
for humans. Altough Mediterranean Banded Centepedes
are not that agressive, it is highly unrecommended to play
with it! They feed on bugs, crickets, worms, grasshopers,
lizards and amphibians, snails and small birds.


DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Insects Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Isophya dobrogensis
Insula Popina din complexul lacustru Razelm-Sinoe
este singurul loc din lume unde gsim cosaul Isophya
dobrogensis. Aceast lcust este considerat o specie
unic, endemic i este protejat prin lege.

Isophya dobrogensis
Popina Island from the Razelm-Sinoe Lagoon Complex
is the only place in the world where the Romanian
Bush-cricket Isophya dobrogensis can be found. This
bush-cricket is a unique, endemic species protected
under the law.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Insects Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Pianjenul viespe
Argiope bruennichi
Este o specie pigmentat cu dungi successive de
galben i negru. Seamna cu viespea, este confundat
cu aceasta i, prin urmare, este protejat de muli
prdtori. i ese pnza sferic i spiralat n amurg,
completnd-o cu dou benzi verticale al cror rol nu
este clar, dar care se presupune c ar contribui la
atragerea insectelor.

Wasp Spider
Argiope bruennichi
It shows striking yellow and black markings on its
abdomen. It is very similar to the wasp, being often
mistaken for one, and therefore protected by many
predators. The spider builds a spiral orb web usually at
dusk, featuring a prominent zigzag shape of uncertain
function, though it may be to attract insects.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Insects Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Clugria pitic
Ameles heldreichi
Este o specie din familia clugrielor (praying mantis),
denumit astfel datorit poziiei de rugciune n
care i ine membrele din fa. Se ntlnete mai des
n complexul lagunar Razim-Sinoie.

Dwarf mantis
Ameles heldreichi
Its a species of praying mantis, named so because of
its prayer-like posture. It can be found frequently in
Razim-Sinoie Complex Lagoon.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Insects Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Fluturele purpuriu
imperial al lui Freyer
Apatura metis
Triete n pduri, n preajma rurilor i prurilor.
Femela depune ou grupate pe crengi de salcie, iar
larvele eclozeaz dup aproximativ 6 zile. Pupele se
formeaz fie pe crengi, fie sau sub frunze.

Purple Emperor
Apatura metis
Freyers Purple Emperors usually inhabit forests and are
often found nearby rivers and streams. The females lay
eggs in small batches on willow twigs and caterpillars
will grow quickly after approximately 6 days. They will
pupate suspended on twigs or under leaves.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Insects Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Molia-tigru ptat-crem
Arctia villica
Prefer apropierea de pduri i de alte zone
nsorite, bogate n vegetaie. n timpul zilei,
fluturii se gsesc pe sub frunze, odihnindu-se.
Omizile se hrnesc cu plante: ppdie, ptlagin,
urzic moart, coada oricelului, mur, urzic vie,
vineele i cpuni.

Cream-spot Tiger
Arctia villica
Cream-spot Tigers are often found nearby forests,
sunny areas abundant in vegetation. By day, these
moths can be found resting on leaves. Caterpillars
feed on a variety of herbaceous plants: dandelion,
plantains, deadnettles, yarrows, blackberries,
nettles, knapweeds and strawberries.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Insects Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

de cupru mare
Thersamonia dispar
Aceast specie de fluture iris prefer cmpiile
joase i mlatinile, pajitile umede, lacurile,
rurile i izvoarele. Omizile se hrnesc cu mcri.
Reproducerea are loc de dou ori pe an.

Large Copper
Thersamonia dispar
This species inhabits lower flatlands and marshes,
wetlands, lakes, rivers and streams, located especially
in peat-rich soils. Caterpillars mainly feed on sorrrel.
There are usually two broods in a year.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!


Numrul din parantez indic Codul Natura 2000 al Sitului de Importan comunitar Delta Dunrii R O S C I 0065
(The number in paranthesis indicates Natura 2000 Code for Site of Community Importance Danube Delta R O S C I 0065 143
DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Bancuri de nisip acoperite permanent

de un strat mic de ap de mare (1110)
Adesea, bancurile din nisip conin i pietri sau n care sunt orientate n raport cu rmul (paralel,
ml. Habitatele au forme rotunde, alungite sau perpendicular). Bancurile de nisip pot fi lipsite de
neregulate, n funcie de curenii de ap i de felul vegetaie.

Sandbanks which are slightly covered

by sea water all the time (1110)
They consist mainly of sandy sediments, but mud features, depending on water currrents and their
may also be present. Sandbanks are rounded, position (parallel, perpendicular) to the shore. The
elongated or may have irregular topographic vegetation may not be present.

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Comuniti cu Salicornia i alte specii

anuale care colonizeaz regiunile
mltinoase i nisipoase (1310)
n acest habitat se stabilesc de specii care prefer i uneori inundate, n perioadele cu precipitaii
soluri bogate n sruri, mai ales Chenopodiaceae abundente. Se stabilete pe srturi maritime i
din genurile Salicornia, Suaeda, Salsola, Bassia, pe continentale.
terenuri nisipoase i umede, adesea mlatinoase

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Salicornia and other annuals colonizing

mud and sand (1310)
This habitat is composed predominantly of wetlands, in periodically inundated muds and sands
species that prefer salt-rich soils, in particular of marine or interior salt marshes.
Chenopodiaceae of the genus Salicornia, Suaeda,
Salsola, Bassia, colonising on sandy soils and

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Pajiti halofile mediteraneene

(Juncetalia maritimi) (1410)
Sunt grupri de pipirig de mare, cu aspect tufos, aflate n mici depresiuni
n care se acumuleaz ap i materie organic, cu un coninut sczut spre
moderat de sruri solubile. Aici se instaleaz multe specii de plante care
prefer mediul srat.

Mediterranean salt meadows

(Juncetalia maritimi) (1410)
This habitat is dominated by sea rushes, typically growing in coastal saltmarshes
and saline swamps. It is rich in annual plant species tolerant of saline soils.

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Dune mobile embrionare

(n formare) (2110)
Habitat de dune mobile medii i nalte n care se instaleaz
formaiuni vegetale costiere cu rol important n fixarea nisipurilor
marine. Vegetaia specific este adaptat condiiilor aride ale
acestui habitat: expunere la soare, substrat uscat, coninut
sczut de humus i sruri nutritive. Habitatul este slab acoperit
de vegetaie, cu pn la 50-70%, drept pentru care uneori, ca
urmare a aciunii vnturilor, dunele se deplaseaz 10-20 m.

Embryonic shifting dunes

(under formation) (2110)
Habitat de dune mobile medii i nalte n care se instaleaz
formaiuni vegetale costiere cu rol important n fixarea nisipurilor
marine. Vegetaia specific este adaptat condiiilor aride ale
acestui habitat: expunere la soare, substrat uscat, coninut sczut
de humus i sruri nutritive. Habitatul este slab acoperit de
vegetaie, cu pn la 50-70%, drept pentru care uneori, ca urmare
a aciunii vnturilor, dunele se deplaseaz 10-20 m.

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Dune fixate cu vegetaie

erbacee peren (dune gri) (2130*)
Dune fixate pe care se instaleaz specii erbacee perene, ndeosebi covoare de licheni i muchi.
Acest tip de habitat este populat de numeroase plante rare.

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous

vegetation (grey dunes) (2130*)
Fixed dunes, stabilised and colonised by more or less closed perennial grasslands and abundant
carpets of lichens and mosses. This type of habitat has a wide floristic range.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Dune cu Hippopha rhamnoides (2160)

Dune joase, fixate sau semifixate de exemplare predominant, acoperind pn la 90-95% din
pitice de ctina alb i alte cteva specii care suprafaa substratului.
prefer mediul nisipos. Ctina alb este planta

Dunes with Hippopha rhamnoides (2160)

More-or-less stable sand dunes in which sea- plant species tolerant of sandy soils. Sea-buckthorn
buckthorn is abundant, with a limited range of other covers the substratum up to 90-95%.

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Lagune costiere (1150*)

Sunt ntinderi de ape cu salinitate variabil, srate i care se gsesc doar aici. n categoria
delimitate parial sau total de mare printr-o lagunelor costiere intr i bazinele srate care i
barier de nisip i nu au maree. Sunt populate au originea n vechi lagune, chiar dac acum nu
de numeroase specii de flor i faun marin, mai comunic deloc cu marea.
dar i de cteva specii care triesc n ape uor

Coastal lagoons (1150*)

Lagoons are expanses of shallow coastal water, of of moderately saline waters. This habitat also
varying salinity, wholly or partially separated from includes delimited marine water bodies, originally
the sea by sand banks, without tide. They have a former lagoons, even though they have been cut off
wide range of species, both a marine and freshwater from the sea.
flora and fauna, as well as endemic species tolerant

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Vegetaie forestier ponto-sarmatic

cu stejar pufos (91AA)
Habitatul este alctuit din pduri adaptate la un climat submediteranean, uscat i cald. Predomin
stejarul pufos, dar se gsesc i alte specii lemnoase i ierbacee.

Eastern White Oak Woods (91AA)

The habitat is dominated by forests adapted to dry and warm submediterranean climates, predominantly
by Eastern White Oak woods (Quercus pubescens) and other hardwood species and herbaceous plants.

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Melele i golfuri (1160)

Sunt ntinderi de ap de mic adncime (civa i de petii aflai n perioada de reproducere.
centimetri), ferite de aciunea valurilor. Habitat Formarea unui golf i mai apoi a unei lagune
preferat de speciile iubitoare de lumin i cldur dureaz mii de ani.

Large shallow inlets and bays (1160)

Large indentations of the coast where, in contrast It is a favourable habitat for species adapted to sunny
to estuaries, the influence of freshwater is generally and warm areas, as well as for fish during breeding.
limited. These shallow indentations are generally It takes thousands of years for a shallow inlet or a
sheltered from wave action. bay to be formed.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Lacuri distrofice i iazuri (3160)

Sunt lacuri izolate, cu ape curate, ncadrate de o explozie de alge i vegetaie, fenomen cunoscut
stufriuri i vegetaie nsoitoare. Primvara i sub numele de eutrofizare i supranumit de ctre
toamna, cnd Delta este alimentat de Dunre cu localnici nflorirea apei.
o cantitate mare de azot i fosfor, pe lacuri are loc

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Natural dystrophic lakes

and ponds (3160)
Characteristic of standing clean bodies of water amount of nitrogen and phosphorus, the lakes are
(lakes, puddles, ponds, isolated waterways), abundantly covered by algae and vegetation, a
bordered by reedbed and vegetation. During spring phenomenon scientifically known as eutrophication,
and autumn, when Danube Delta receives a great nicknamed water blooming by local people.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Stepe ponto-sarmatice (62C0*)

Este o rmi a habitatului care acoperea Kochion i Pimpinello-Thymion zygioidi. Aici
odat toat Dobrogea i Ucraina. Este populat triesc numeroase mamifere mici, cum ar fi
de plante cu talie joas, din alianele: Festucion popndul.
valesiacae, Stipion lessingianae, Agropyro-

Pannonic sand steppes (6260*)

Its a remnant of the habitat that used to cover all i Pimpinello-Thymion zygioidi. Here live various
the Dobrogea area and Ukraine. It is populated by species of small mammals, like the European Ground
small sized plants of alliances such as Festucion Squirrel.
valesiacae, Stipion lessingianae, Agropyro-Kochion

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Pajiti panonice i vest-pontice

pe nisipuri (6260*)
Acest habitat include vegetaia de pe nisipurile similare ntlnite n Delta Dunrii. Se stabilete pe
continentale din vestul Romniei, dar i grupri terenuri ntinse, cu substrat nisipos i uscat.

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Pannonic sand steppes (6260*)

Pannonic sand steppes include the vegetation habitat communities usually occur in flatlands, in a
located in western continental Romania, but also dry climate, on sands.
similar communities in the Danube Delta. The

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Pduri ripariene mixte cu Quercus

robur, Ulmus laevis, Fraxinus excelsior
sau Fraxinus angustifolia, din lungul
marilor ruri (Ulmenion minoris) (91F0)
Sunt rspndite n luncile rurilor mari, cu maluri foarte rar i fragmentar din cauza tranformrii
naturale. Pdurile ripariene, cu stejar de lunc luncilor n terenuri agricole i a nlocuirii
i amestec de frasin, sunt adaptate la inundaii pdurilor native cu monoculturi de plopi hibrizi.
frecvente. n prezent habitatul se ntlnete

Habitats Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Riparian mixed forests of Quercus robur,

Ulmus laevis and Ulmus minor, Fraxinus
excelsior or Fraxinus angustifolia, along
the great rivers (Ulmenion minoris) (91F0)
This habitat typically occurs in the meadows of great It became rare and fragmented due to the
rivers. Riparian forests, with oak and ash trees are transformation of meadows in agricultural land
liable to flooding during regular rising of water level. and the replacement of natural native forests with
monocultures of hybrid poplars.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!


DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Strictly protected
Zone strict protejate areas in the
n Delta Dunarii Danube Delta
n Rezervaia Biosferei Delta Dunrii exist 20 In Danube Delta Biosphere there are 20 strictly
de zone (reprezentnd 9% din teritoriu), care se forbidden areas (representing around 9 % of its
afl sub regim de protecie integral deoarece n territory). The reason for which these areas are
aceste spaii triesc n condiii naturale specii de under strict protection is that here numerous rare
plante i animale rare, aflate pe cale de dispariie. endangered species are living in natural conditions.
n acest fel se asigur conservarea habitatelor In this way the conservation of needed habitats is
specifice de care depind numeroase specii. secured.

n aceste spaii sunt interzise activitile Economic activity is forbidden inside these areas,
economice, intrarea fiind permis doar pentru and access is only granted for research and
pentru cercetarea i monitorizarea ariei. supervision purposes. Acces denial is the most
ngrdirea accesului n aceste spaii reprezinta efficient way to prevent damaging the environment
un mod sigur prin care se previne distrugerea and disturbing plant and animal species.
habitatelor i a speciilor gzduite.
The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve contains over
400 lakes of various sizes, broad expanses of reed,

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Rezervaia Biosferei Delta Dunrii cuprinde oak and ash tree forests, sand dunes and sea shore
peste 400 de lacuri, zone ntinse i compacte beaches that constitute optimal habitats for over
cu stuf, pduri de stejar i frasin, dune de nisip 5,000 plant and animal species. Moreover, the
i plaje n care mai mult de 5.000 de specii de Reserve is remarkable by its large populations of
plante i animale gsesc condiii potrivite pentru several species that nowadays are rare or have
supravieuire. De asemenea, n acest spaiu completely disappeared from other areas on the
triesc numeroase specii rare sau care lipsesc continent, where they once found favourable
cu totul din alte zone ale continentului, unde habitats. Many of these rare species are especially
odinioar se gseau habitate favorabile. Tocmai found in certain areas of the Delta and that is
pentru c aceste specii rare au gsit n anumite precisely why those areas have been placed under
teritorii ale Deltei un loc prielnic, acestea au strict protection rules.
primit un regim de protecie special.
One of the most valuable treasures of the Reserve
Una dintre principalele bogii ale Rezervaiei fauna are the birds which are either feeding,
este reprezentat de psrile care fie se hrnesc, nesting and breeding in Danube Delta or they are
cuibresc i i cresc puii n Delt, fie doar just making a stopover within its borders during
staioneaz pe acest teritoriu n timpul migraiei. their migration period. 320 bird species can be
Aproximativ 320 de specii de psri pot fi found in the Delta, among which 200 are protected
remarcate n Delt, dintre care 200 sunt protejate on a national and international level.
prin reglementri naionale i internaionale.

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Rezervaia Biosferei
Delta Dunrii n cifre:
peste 1800 de specii de plante se gsesc n Rezevaie (aproape o treime din numrul de
specii de plante care triesc n Romnia)
3.400 de specii de animale triesc pe teritoriul Rezervaiei
Cele mai multe specii de plante medicinale (195)
Cele mai mari suprafee compacte acoperite cu stuf de pe glob (~180.000 ha)
2 pduri unice n Europa, formate din stejari seculari
i liane mediteraneene (Pdurile Letea i Caraorman)
37 dintre acestea au fost gsite n Delta Dunrii pentru prima oar n lume: o specie de
vierme, 5 specii de paianjeni, 30 specii insecte i o specie de pete.

The Danube Delta

Biosphere Reserve in numbers:
Over 1,800 plant species (almost one third of plant species in Romania)
3,400 animal species have been identified by researchers
Largest number of medicinal plants (195)
Largest compact reed beds on the planet (approximately 180,000 hectares)
Two forests that are unique in Europe, made of centennial oaks
and Mediterranean lianas (Letea and Caraorman)
37 species were first identified here: a worm species, 5 spiders, 30 insects and one fish species.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice
Zone tampon n Delta Dunrii
Sunt zonele din jurul ariilor strict protejate n care turismului, sub monitorizare strict). Aproximativ
sunt permise activitile tradiionale locuitorilor 38,5 % din teritoriul Rezervaiei Biosferei Delta
Deltei: pescuitul, punatul, cultivarea agricol Dunrii (223.300 ha) este alctuit din zone
n anumite limite, recoltarea stufului, practicarea tampon.

Buffer areas in the Danube Delta

Areas that surround strictly protected areas plots and strictly monitored tourism). Around 38,5
and allow for local traditional activities (fishing, % of the territory (223,000 hectares) is made up of
harvesting reed, grazing, agriculture on restricted buffer areas.

Zone economice
Includ aezri umane, zone dedicate pisciculturii, permise activitile economice n condiiile n care
agriculturii i silviculturii. n aceste zone sunt ele nu afecteaz echilibrul natural al Rezervaiei.

Economic areas
They include human dwellings, areas designed ecological balance of the Reserve is permitted
for fish breeding, agriculture and silviculture. Any within these areas.
activity that does not interfere with the natural,

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Zone de reconstrucie ecologic

Sunt zone economice amenajate pentru prezent au fost acoperite 11.425 ha cea mai
agricultur, piscicultur sau silvicultur care mare suprafa de reconstrucie ecologic din
nu au mai fost rentabile i, prin urmare, aici se ntreaga Europ. Aceste zone ndeplinesc din nou
desfoar activiti de refacere a echilibrului funciile de refugiu, hrnire i reproducere pentru
natural i de renaturare a zonei afectate. Pn n fauna Deltei Dunrii.

Ecological reconstruction areas

Economical areas formerly designed for agriculture, restored, the largest ecological reconstruction
pisciculture or silviculture which became surface in Europe. These areas can bring back
inappropriate and were consequently listed as areas refuge, feeding and breeding ground for the Danube
to be integrated back into the natural environment. Delta fauna.
In total, 11,425 hectares have been ecologically

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice
Zonele strict protejate

Zona se afl n partea de nord a Deltei (n jurul fost declarat Rezervaie Natural, iar ncepnd
lacului Matita, ntre grindurile Letea i Chilia) i cu 1979 a fost declarat Rezervaie a Biosferei,
este format dintr-un complex de lacuri i bli alturi de Pdurea Letea. A fost declarat zon
ce includ o mare diversitate de biotopi (conform strict protejat deoarece aici cuibrete cea mai
DEX, biotop: mediu geografic n care triesc un mare colonie de pelican comun din Europa 3.500
grup de plante i animale n condiii omogene) de perechi. Tot aici se gsesc i alte psri rare,
specifici deltei fluviale, cum ar fi: plauri plutitori cum ar fi egreta mare, egreta mic, strcul de
i fixai, lacuri, grinduri fluviale, grle naturale, noapte, cormoranul i loptarul. Zona adpostete
terenuri inundabile, zvoaie de slcii, mlatini i mamifere, precum: vidra, nurca, hermelina,
stuficole etc. cinele enot, vulpea i mistreul. Lacurile i
blile abund n specii de nufr alb, nufr galben
Aceasta zon a primit pentru prima dat un i piciorul cocoului.
regim de protecie special n anul 1940, cnd a

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Strictly protected areas

The area is in the Northern part of the Delta (it and it was declared Biosphere Reserve in 1979,
stretches between Letea and Chilia levees, around along with Letea forest. It was declared a strictly
Lake Matia) and is formed by a string of lakes and protected area because it is the nesting ground
ponds which include a great variety of biotopes for the largest common pelican colony in Europe
(Oxford online dictionary - the region of a habitat 3,500 pairs. Other rare birds can also be found here,
associated with a particular ecological community) such as the Great Egret, Little Egret, Black-crowned
characteristic for river deltas, such as: fixed or Night-heron, Cormorant and Eurasian Spoonbill. The
floating islets, lakes, river levees, natural creeks, area also shelters mammals such as the Otter, Mink,
floodlands, willow groves, reed marshes etc. Ermine, Racoon Dog, Fox and Wild Boar. Lakes and
ponds abund in species such as the White Lotus,
This area was granted a special protection status ever Yellow Waterlilly and Corn buttercup.
since 1940, when it was declared Natural Reserve,

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Pdurea Letea
Pdurea Letea (2825 ha) se afl n nordul Deltei, pdure i liana greceasc, planta care d pdurii
la est de comuna C.A. Rosetti. Doar o parte din un aspect subtropical. Aici au fost identificate
pdure este ncadrat ca zon strict protejat peste 2.000 de specii de insecte, vipera de nisip,
pentru ocrotire, ncepnd cu anul 1930, iar n vulturul codalb, trei specii de oim, corbul i multe
1938 a primit titlul de Rezervaie Natural. alte psri.

Pdurea este alctuit din stejar de lunc, stejar Aceste specii de plante i animale, rare ii
brumariu, plop alb, frasin de lunc i tei alb. deosebite, genereaz nevoie unei atenii i griji
De asemenea, adpostete numeroase plante sporite pentru conservarea Pdurii Letea i a
crtoare: vi slbatic, hamei, curpenul de bogiilor pe care le gzduiete.

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Letea Forest
Letea Forest (2,825 ha) is situated in the Northern Hop, Old mans beard, Silk vine the latter giving
part of the Delta, east of C.A. Rosetti. Only a the forest a Mediterranean look. Over 2,000 insect
section of the forest has been classified as a strictly species, the Meadow viper, the Bald eagle, three
protected area for preservation, since 1930. In 1938 falcon species, the Common raven and many other
it was granted the title of Natural Reserve. birds have also been identified here.

The forest consists of English oak, Pendunculate oak, All these rare and special plant and animal species
White poplar, European ash, Silver linden. It also need proper attention and care in order to protect
shelters several crawling plants: Porcelain Berry, the Letea forest and the riches it shelters.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Lacul Nebunu
Lacul Nebunu face parte din complexul de lacurilor de mic ntindere, cu adncime redus.
lacuri ontea-Fortuna. A fost pus sub regim de La acestea se adaug condiiile bune de cuibrit
protecie pentru c este un spaiu potrivit pentru pentru diferite specii de rae i alte psri de ap,
reproducerea speciilor de peti caracteristici de-a lungul lunilor de var.

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Lake Nebunu
Lake Nebunu belongs to the ontea-Fortuna lake characteristic to broad and shallow lakes. Also, during
group. It was granted protection status because it summer months, it offers great nesting conditions to
is the predilect breeding ground for fish species various wild ducks and other waterfowl species.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice
Pdurea Caraorman
Se afl n centrul grindului Caraorman, n partea Stejarul ngenunchiat datorit ramificaiilor ce
sudic a Braului Sulina. n interiorul zonei ating pmntul.
protejate se afl cele mai dezvoltate dune de nisip
care ating pn la 7-9 m. Pdurea este format n Pdurea Caraorman au fost observate cuiburi de
din stejari (de peste 30 m nlime), frasini i vultur codalb. Spre deosebire de Pdurea Letea,
plopi printre care se gsesc tufe i vegetaie aici nu se ntlnete liana greceasc i nici vipera
agtoare, cum ar fi: via de vie slbatic, iedera, de step.
hameiul i curpenul. Pdurea gzduiete cel mai
impuntor stejar din Delta Dunrii, de 400 de Pdurea a fost declarat n anul 1940 Monument
ani i cu o circumferina de 4 m, stejar numit al Naturii.

Caraorman Forest
Situated in the centre of the Caraorman levee, in the across, and its known as the Kneeling Oak, because
southern end of the Sulina Branch. The protected some of its branches reach down to the ground.
area includes the most developed sand dunes,
reaching up to 7-9 metres in height. In 1940 it was Several Bald eagle nests have been spotted in the
declared a natural monument. It comprises oaks Caraorman forest. Unlike in the Letea forest, no Silk
(over 30m high), ash trees and poplars among which vines or Meadow vipers can be found here.
can be found shrubs and crawling vegetation such
as the Grape Ivy, Common Ivy, Hop and Old mans Caraorman forest has been declared a protected
beard. The largest oak tree in the Danube Delta area of national interest since 1940.
can be found here its 400 years old and 4 metres

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Lacul Sraturi-Murighiol este situat ntre localitile i animale, n general microscopice, care triesc n
Murighiol i Plopu. ap pn la o adncime de 200 m i care constituie
hrana petilor i a altor animale acvatice).
Apele lacului Srturi-Murighiol sunt puternic
salinizate, de tip cloruro-sulfatic, fiind caracterizate Lacul are o mare importan pentru psri, aici
prin marea diversitate a zooplanctonului (conform cuibrind specii valoroase: pescru, chir de balt,
DEX, zooplancton: totalitatea organismelor vegetale piciorong, ra cu ciuf i prundra de srtur.

Lake Srturi-Murighiol
Lake Srturi-Murighiol lies between Murighiol 200m deep and constitute food for fish and other
and Plopu. aquatic animals.

Srturi-Murighiol waters are strongly salted The lake is greatly important for birds - many
with chlorine-sulphate compounds, and contain valuable species use it as their nesting place:
a great variety of zooplankton (the totality of the Gull, Common tern, Black-winged stilt, Red-
animal and vegetal living organisms, generally crested pochard and Kentish plover.
microscopic, which live under water down to

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Ariniul Erenciuc
Este situat de o parte i de alta a canalului de acces fr ntreruperi. n Ariniul Erenciuc cuibrete
n Lacul Erenciuc. Este singura zon forestier din vulturul codalb, specie strict protejat.
Delt n care arinul negru se dezvolt compact,

Erenciuc Alder Grove

The Erenciuc area includes the alder grove situated black alder grows compactly, without gaps. The Bald
on either side of the access canal of Lake Erenciuc eagle, a strictly protected species, is nesting in the
and is the only place in the Danube Delta where the Erenciuc Alder Grove.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Sacalin Ztoane
Const n complexul de lacuri, grle i grinduri psri, iar 30 dintre ele i cuibresc. Lacul Lejai,
din sudul Deltei. Este format din grinduri marine parte din complexul Sacalin Zatoane gzduiete
tinere, nisipoase i lacuri puin adnci sau izolate. colonii de pelicani crei (Pelecanus crispus) i
n acest spaiu migreaz aproximativ 100 specii de comuni (Pelecanus onocrotalus).

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

The area includes a series of lakes, brooks and 100 bird species can be found here, 14 of which
levees situated in the Southern part of the Delta. are also nesting. Lake Lejai , part of the Sacalin
It consists of young, sandy maritime levees, Ztoane complex, is preferred by the Dalmatian
alternating with shallow or isolated lakes. pelicans (Pelecanus crispus) and the Common
During the spring/winter migration, approximately pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus).

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Grindul Lupilor
Este situat ntre lacurile Razim i Sinoe. Aici s-a petilor (crap, alu, pltic) i pentru iernarea
dezvoltat o vegetaie adaptat solurilor nisipoase, psrilor. n plus, bursucul i acalul auriu,
iar zona prezint importan pentru reproducerea mamifere rare, se stabilesc aici pe timp de iarn.

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Lupilor Levee (Grindul Lupilor)

The levee is situated between Razim and Sinoe and and for bird hibernation. Also, several very rare
features typical sandy soil vegetation. The area is mammals, such as the badger and the jackal make a
important for fish breeding (carp, zander, bream) Winter stopover here.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Grindul Chituc
Este poziionat n sudul Rezervaiei, fiind format Cuprinde vegetaie specific zonelor litorale, n
dintr-un mozaic de lacuri mici, dar foarte care triesc bine oprla de nispuri i acalul, o
importante pentru migraia i iernatul psrilor. prezen din ce n ce mai rar.

Chituc Levee (Grindul Chituc)

Found in the Southern end of the Reserve, the features typical coastal area vegetation and offers
levee is made of a mosaic of small lakes, but very proper living conditions for the sand lizard the jackal
important for bird migration and hibernation. It - an ever more rare presence.

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Lacul Rotundu
Lacul Rotundu este un lac de lunc din complexul asociaia biologic de plante care se afl ntr-un
lacustru Somova-Parche. Este ultima zon de echilibru dinamic dependent de mediu) adaptate
acest fel care nu a fost afectat de indiguiri. la amplitudini mai mari ale undei de viitur. Este
i o zon important pentru reproducerea unor
Prezint interes deosebit pentru studiul i specii de peti (ndeosebi pentru pltic).
conservarea biocenozelor (biocenoza este

Lake Rotundu
Lake Rotundu is a floodland lake belonging to the of biocenoses (biological associations of plants living
Somova-Parche lake complex. It is the last of its in an environment-dependent dynamic equilibrium)
kind, still unaffected by damming. which are adapted to greater water movements. It
is also an important breeding ground for several fish
It is of great interest for the study and preservation species (especially bream).

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Lacul Potcoava
Zona cuprinde lacul Potcoava i aria dintre lacurile de refugiu pentru mamifere precum vidra, nurca,
Babinii Mari, Babinii Mici i Potcoav. Este locul hermelina i mistreul.
preferat pentru rae, liie, crstei, corcodei i
pentru colonii mixte de strci, ignui, egrete i n Lacul Potcoava se gsesc dou specii periclitate
cormorani mici. Zona reprezint un important loc de peti: caracud i lin.

Lake Potcoava
The area consists of Lake Potcoava and the space area, it is the perfect refuge for mammals such as
between lakes Babinii Mari, Babinii mici and the otter, mink, ermeline and wild boar.
Potcoava. It is the predilect nesting ground for
several aquatic species (ducks, rails, crakes, Lake Potcoava is the host for two endangered fish
grebes), as well as for mised colonies of strci, species: Crucian carp and Tench.
ignui, egrete and cormorani mici. An isolated

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Zona se afl n complexul de lacuri Rou-Puiu Zona reprezint o oaz de linite pentru coloniile
i a fost inclus pe lista zonelor strict protejate de strc pitic i cormoran mic i un important loc
pentru diversitatea formelor de relief: grinduri, pentru reproducerea mai multor specii de peti,
depresiuni, formaiuni de plauri plutitori sau cum ar fi caracuda i linul.
fixai i lacuri n care triesc specii remarcabile de
plante i animale.

The area is situated in the Rou-Puiu lake The area is a silent oasis for colonies of Little
complex and was listed as a strictly protected Bittern and Little Cormorant and an important
area in praise of the diversity of its relief: levees, breeding ground for several fish species, such as
depressions, fixed or floating islets and lakes Crucian carp and Tench.
sheltering outstanding plant and animal species.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Lacul Rducu
Se ntinde ntr-o zon de protecie integral, Ghiolurile Rducu i Rducule gzduiesc numeroase
localizat n partea de sud-est a pdurii Letea. specii de peti: crap, somn, alu, pltica, tiuc,
Cuprinde lacuri cu ap dulce, nconjurate de grinduri biban, lin etc.
marine cu soluri srace, mobile sau slab fixate.

Lake Rducu
Situated in a fully protected area, South-East Lakes Rducu and Rducule are important
of Letea forest. It consists of freshwater lakes, breeding and feeding grounds for several fish
surrounded by marine levees with poor, mobile species: carp, catfish, zander, bream, pike,
or poorly-fixed soil. perch, tench etc.

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Insula Ceaplace
Se afl la nord de lacul Sinoe, aproape de Grindul trei locuri din Romnia care adpostesc colonii de
Lupilor. Insula Ceaplace se numr printre cele pelicani crei.

Ceaplace Island
It is located in the northern part of Sinoe Lake, near is one of the three sites in Romania where Dalmatian
the Lupilor Levee (Grindul Lupilor). Ceaplace Island Pelicans can be found.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Insulele Prundu cu Psri

Sunt localizate n sud-vestul lacului Sinoe. Este pelicani crei i alte psri care depind de ap i a
o rezervaie tiinific ce adpostete o colonie cror supravieuire este ameninat.
mixt de psri, cu loptari, pelicani comun,

Prundu cu Psri Islands

The islands are located in the south-western part Spoonbills, Great White Pelicans, Dalmatian Pelicans
of Sinoe Lake. The area is designated a scientific and other water-dependent species to the brink of
reserve hosting a mixed colony of birds, including extinction.

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Insula Popina
Insula Popina reprezint un important loc de Dintre nevertebrate se remarc rariti ca
popas pentru psrile migratoare i de cuibrit pianjenul veninos vduva neagr (Lactrodectus
pentru clifarul alb. tredecimguttatus) i miriapodul gigant
(Scolopendra cingulata).

Popina Island
Popina Island is an important standing area for Here live very rare insects, like the venomous
migratory birds and breeding area for Common spider Mediterranean Black Widow (Lactrodectus
Shelduck. tredecimguttatus) and Mediterranean Banded
Centepede (Scolopendra cingulata).

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Pentru c este un lac izolat i adnc (aproximativ Zona este vital i pentru mai multe specii de
7 m), mai multe specii de peti pe cale de psri, cum ar fi strci, egrete i rae. n plus, aici
dispariie triesc i se reproduc aici: caracuda, au fost semnalate cuiburi de cocor (Grus grus),
linul, vduvia. specie ameninat cu dispariie.

Because its a deep and remote lake, in Belciug a Beside the numerous herons, egrets and ducks,
number of endangered fish species find a proper here there were found Common Crane nests, an
breeding area: Crucian Carp, Tench, Ide. endangered species.

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

n aceast zon s-au dezvoltat formaiuni de plante
adaptate la nisipurile uscate ale grindurilor, pe
cele inundate de apele mrii, ale lacului Razim i
formaiuni adaptate la variaii mari ale salinitii.
De asemenea, este refugiul preferat n timpul
migraiei diurne pentru populaia de gsc cu gt
rou (Branta ruficollis).

This area is covered by plants adapted to dry levee
sands and to large salinity variations. Moreover, is
an important refuge area for Red-breasted Goose
daytime migration (Branta ruficollis).

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice
Capul Doloman
Zona este important pentru conservarea
vegetaiei adaptate mediilor uscate, pentru
cuibritul drepnelei negre (Apus apus), a
pietrarului negru (Oenanthe pleschanka), precum
i pentru protecia dihorului ptat (Vormela
peregusna), a arpelui ru (Coluber jugularis) i a
arpelui de ap (Natrix tesselata).

Capul Doloman
Its an important area for the preservation of
vegetation adapted to dry environments, for
Common Swift and Pied Wheatear breeding, as well
as for the Marbled polecat, Large Whip Snake and
Dice Snake protection.

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Istria-Sinoie Istria-Sinoie
Spaiu prielnic pentru o mare varietate de Its a favourable area for a large number of bird
psri, precum clifarul alb (Tadorna tadorna), species, like Common Shelduck, different ducks,
diferite rae, gte i cele limicole, care prefer gooses and waders.
apropierea de ml.
Here lives Spur-thighed Tortoises (Testudo graeca),
Aici se gsete i estoasa de uscat (Testudo Large Whip Snakes (Coluber jugularis) and Dice
graeca), arpele ru (Coluber jugularis) i arpele Snakes (Natrix tesselata).
de ap (Natrix tesselata).
The area is important also for archeology because
Zona se remarc i prin importana arheologic here are preserved remains of ancient civilizations.
deoarece aici nc se mai pstreaz vestigii ale
vechilor civilizaii.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Complex Fortuna

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Enisala - Razim
Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Grindul Chituc

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Insula Popina

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Plaja Sulina

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!
Peisaje specifice

Landscapes Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!


DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

|D.Customs, traditions
and rural architecture|

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Oamenii din Inhabitants of the

Delta Dunrii Danube Delta
ndeletnicirile tradiionale ale localnicilor, n The local population is generally engaged in
armonie cu natura, sunt pescuitul, agricultura, traditional sustainable occupations like fishing,
creterea animalelor, valorificarea stufului i agriculture, animal rearing, utilization of reed
agroturismul. Ocupaia de baz i, totodat, cea and rural turism. Fishing is the predominant and
mai veche, rmne pescuitul. oldest occupation.
There are various ethnic minorities living in the
Pe teritoriul Deltei se regsesc numeroase etnii, delta, the most representative of which are the
printre care cei mai bine reprezentai sunt Lipovans, Ukrainians, Turks and Tatars.
lipovenii, ucrainienii, turcii i ttarii.

Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Portul lipovenesc
nc mai este purtat de srbtori, la biseric, n
special de femei. Costumul presupune un batic
floral, o bluz simpl, o fust floral i uneori un
pois, adic un cordon brodat cu alb i/sau roz cu
un ciucure la capt care atrn peste fust, avnd
rolul de a proteja de cele rele. Femeile mritate
poart n cap i o chicic. Barbaii au pantaloni
lungi, o cma i pois.

Lipovan Folk
They preserved the traditional costume for
celebrations and church, especially the women.
The clothing includes a floral head scarf, a simple
blouse, a floral skirt and sometimes a pois, which
is a belt with white and/or pink embroideries and
a tassel attached to one end hanging over the
skirt, used for protection against evil forces. The
head of married women must be covered with a
chicika (a head scarf). Men wear long trousers and
a pois (a belt).

Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture


Presupune sarafan, coroni i batist. Culorile
pot varia de la un loc la altul.

Folk Costumes
The costume includes a sarafan (a traditional
Russian long trapeze-shaped dress), a coronet and
a handkerchief. The colours may vary from one
place to another.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Turism / Ecoturism
Turismul reprezint o surs de venituri relativ s-i admire frumuseea.
recent, dezvoltat dup cderea comunismului.
Ecoturismul reprezint acea form de turism Ecoturismul atrage turiti bucuroi s interacioneze
potrivit pentru bunstarea comunitilor din cu natura i cu oamenii locului, sensibili la
Delt, prin care se pun n valoare, pe termen lung, preparatele i tradiiile locale. Practic, turitii
resursele zonei speciale n care triesc. sunt extrem de interesai de tot felul de aspecte
pe care oamenii locului le pot considera banale
Este tiut faptul c turismul are un impact pozitiv sau de la sine nelese. Turitii sunt ncntai s
asupra economiei i ntregii comuniti, nu neleag modul n care localnicii triesc, n ce fel
numai asupra celor direct implicai, prin taxele de case, din ce fel de materiale sunt construite, ce
i impozitele care se colecteaz, dar i prin legume cultiv, cum gtesc petele, ce se mnnc
implicarea altor domenii conexe, precum industria iarna, cum se pescuiete, ce fel de brci au i cum
construciilor, textil, farmaceutic i alimentar. funcioneaz, ce obiceiuri locale exist .a.m.d.

Ecoturismul reprezint un alt mod de a privi Marele avantaj al oamenilor din Delta este tocmai
explorarea unui teritoriu de ctre turiti. faptul c triesc i cunosc acest spaiu unic i mult
Ecoturismul i propune s ofere experiene i apreciat n ntreaga lume i c pot oferi turitilor
amintiri deosebite oamenilor, innd cont de experiene de neuitat.
nevoia de conservare a naturii.
Turitii caut autenticul n peisaje i n
Ecoturismul presupune investirea unei pri din arhitectura tradiional. Nou, tuturor,
venituri n activiti de conservare a naturii.
Ecoturismul are un caracter educativ, ntruct
ne revine responsabilitatea de a pstra
turistul vine s neleag locul respectiv, nu doar frumuseea comunitii.
Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

Tourism / Ecoturism
Tourism is a relatively new source of income in Ecotourism attracts people that are generally
the Danube Delta, developed after the fall of happy to interact with nature and the local
communism. Ecotourism is a form of tourism that population, willing to discover and enjoy their
improves the well-being of the local communities, specific foods and traditions. Tourists are usually
while promoting the specific natural resources of interested in all sort of aspects of the local way
the area they inhabit. of living, which the locals may find uninteresting
or take for granted. Tourists are thrilled to
Tourism has a positive impact on local economy understand the way people live in this area, what
and the entire community, not only on the people their houses look like, what materials they used
directly involved, by the collection of taxes to built them, what vegetables they grow, how
and fees, but also by involving other related they cook their fish, what they eat in winter, their
commercial activities like building, textile, fishing techniques, what type of boats fishermen
pharmaceutical and food industries. use and how do they function, local customs,
Ecotourism is a new approach to travelling.
Ecotourism provides travelers with special The local people have the great advantage of being
experiences and memories, while ensuring the the residents and best connoisseurs of this unique
conservation of the natural environment. and well-renowned place, that enables them to
offer travelers unforgetable experiences.
Ecotourism involves investing a part of the
generated income in ecological conservation. Travelers are usually looking for pristine
Ecotourism also has an educative role, as it helps landscapes and traditional architecture. It is our
tourists to understand the place they visit, besides responsibility to preserve the distinctive features
admiring its beauty. of our local communities.
DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Arhitectura tradiional din Delta Dunrii

Dei s-a redus mult ca activitate n ultimii ani, Zicem un DA hotrt stufului pentru c este un
prelucrarea stufului i a papurei este o activitate material izolator foarte bun, pstreaz cldura n
important a locuitorilor Deltei Dunrii. Stuful timpul iernii i rcoarea pe timpul verii. n plus,
este folosit n mod tradiional ca surs de energie, este i un material care izoleaz fonic, astfel c n
iar mpletiturile sunt folosite pentru carpete, cas este mai mult linite. Stuful este un material
decoraiuni interioare, perei despritori, garduri uor i fiabil care poate rezista i 50 de ani dac
i acoperiuri. este ngrijit corespunztor. Se ncadreaz perfect
cu peisajul splendid al Deltei!

Traditional architecture
from the Danube Delta
Although it has severely decreased over the last We are HUGE fans of reed, as it is a great insulation
years, the utilization of reeds and bulrushes is material, keeping the house warm in winter and
still an important occupation of the people living cool in summer. It is also an excellent phonic
in the Danube Delta. Reed is traditionally used as insulator, hence the house is more quiet. Reed is
energy source, while woven reeds are used for a light and flexible building material that can last
carpets, interior decorations, separating walls, for up to 50 years, if properly cared for. Plus, it
fences and roofs. matches perfectly the beautiful natural landscape
of the Danube Delta!
Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Arhitectura satului Dobrogean casa

n Delta Dunrii arhitectura variaz n funcie de de lut, paie i blegar, uscat la soare) sau ceamur
habitat, context istoric i etnia majoritar. (lut frmntat cu paie i cu unele substane
minerale), stuful, olana (tub scurt de lut ars folosit
Din punct de vedere urbanistic, amplasarea caselor pentru stlpi, sobe i conducte de ap) i lemnul.
nu s-a fcut dup un plan anume i de aceea are o Casele sunt adesea vopsite n diverse combinaii de
structur neregulat. alb, albastru i verde.

Gospodria unei case tradiionale cuprinde casa Astzi, cele mai multe dintre case sunt construite
propriu-zis i anexele care difer n funcie de din materiale moderne, combinate cu materialele
ocupaiile de zi cu zi ale familiei: buctria de de construcie tradiionale Deltei.
var, grajdul pentru vite, depozitul pentru nutre,
cuptorul etc. n unele sate, se ntlnete ca anex a locuinei baia
lipoveneasc. Este o instalaie de tip saun n care
Materialele specifice pentru construcia unei se ncing pietre mari de ru peste care se toarn
case tradiionale n Delta Dunrii sunt: nuielele, ap fierbinte, astfel nct s devin aburinde.
pmntul prelucrat sub forma de chirpici (amestec

Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

Traditional architecture
from the Danube Delta
The architecture of the Danube Delta varies bricks (a mixture of clay, straw and manure, dried
according to habitat, historical context and in the sun) or light straw clay (clay mixed with
predominant ethnic group. straw and minerals), reeds, clay tiles (burned-clay
tubes used for pillars, stoves and water pipes) and
From an urban planning perspective, the houses wood. Houses are typically painted in different
did not have any layout plan and for this reason combinations of white, blue and green.
they are not structurally organized.
Today, most of the houses are built using modern
A traditional household includes the main house materials, combined with natural building
and different premises that vary according to the materials.
familys day-to-day occupations: summer kitchen,
cattle shed, hay barn, the outdoor oven, etc. In some villages, houses are provided with a
Lipovan steam bath. It is a type of sauna, where
The typical materials used for building a traditional steam is created by throwing boiling water on hot
house in the Danube Delta are: twigs, adobe river stones.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Satul Letea reprezint att un spaiu natural unic, Casele sunt decorate cu o bogat dantelrie din
ct i o zon de confluen etno-cultural care, dei lemn, acoperite cu stuf auriu, iar elementele de
deosebit de valoroas, este insuficient cunoscut dcor de pe timpanul frontonului de la faad
n ar i n strintate. Valoarea de patrimoniu sunt semnificative pentru istoria i ndeletnicirile
natural universal a Rezervaiei Biosferei Delta care se practic n gospodrie. Evenimentele
Dunrii a fost consfinit prin includerea acesteia satului (ziua satului, hramul bisericii, srbtorile
n reeaua UNESCO. Izolat n mijlocul Deltei, religioase etc.) relev elemente din patrimoniul
Letea este cel mai bine conservat sat tradiional, cultural imaterial (cntece i dansuri) bine
fiind reprezentativ pentru patrimoniul cultural, pstrate de locuitorii satului Letea, n viaa de
material i imaterial al acestei zone. Satul Letea zi cu zi, pescari, agricultori sau cresctori de
are toate caracteristicile pentru a face parte din animale. Privit ca expresie cultural, prepararea
patrimoniul cultural UNESCO. meselor pe baz de pete la Letea este ridicat la
rang de art gastronomic.
Delta Dunarii reprezinta att un spaiu natural
unic, ct i o zon de o deosebit importan Alturi de biodiversitate, obiceiurile, gastronomia
cultural, rezultat din intersectarea valorilor i arhitectura tradiional sunt elemente de
provenite din cele peste 10 grupuri entice. Pe identitate ale Deltei Dunrii, astfel c prestigiul
grindul Letea, unul dintre cele mai slbatice i natural al zonei poate fi ntregit prin creterea
mai izolate spaii din Delta Dunrii, se afl satele prestigiului culturii locale, reprezentativ pentru
comunei C.A. Rosetti. Dintre acestea, localitatea o ntreag civilizaie ascuns de braele Dunrii.
Letea, aflat lng pdurea Letea, este un Proximitatea unei arii naturale strict protejate,
adevrat muzeu viu al satului tradiional deltaic Pdurea Letea, dar i peisajul natural nedeteriorat
romnesc. Aici triesc mpreun romni, rui- de intervenia uman, sunt elemente care aduc
lipoveni i ucrainieni, iar rezultatul cultural de plus-valoare i contribuie la unicitatea cultural
pe urma convieuirii acestor etnii este demn de o a acestui sat. Avnd n vedere bogaia cultural
atenie special. a satului Letea, este esenial inventarierea
elementelor care constituie ansamblul de
De-a lungul strazilor de nisip sunt nirate case limbaje ale unei lumi izolate, dar n acelai timp
tradiionale, vruite n alb, cu ferestre i ui vopsite reprezentative pentru ntreg spaiul cultural
n culori naturale, n care predomin albastrul. deltaic romnesc.

Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

Letea village represents both a unique natural woodwork, covered in golden thatched reed, and
environment and an ethno-cultural confluence the tymapnum over the front entrance is adorned
area which, although extremely valuable, is with the specific household craft symbols. Village
insufficiently known in Romania and abroad. The events (the Village Day, the church patron saint,
Biosphere Reserve belongs to the UNESCO World other religious events etc.) feature elements of
Natural Heritage network. Isolated right in the immaterial cultural heritage (song and dance) that
middle of the Delta, Letea is the best preserved have been well preserved by the locals (fishermen
traditional village, characteristic for the cultural, and farmers) on a daily basis. Regarded as cultural
material and immaterial heritage of this area. The expression, the cooking of fish-based meals in
village enjoys all the necessary features to be Letea is ranked as gastronomical art.
listed as part of the UNESCO cultural heritage. Along with biodiversity, customs, gastronomy and
traditional architecture form the Danube Delta
identity, so that the reputation of the natural
The Danube Delta represents both a unique environment of the area can be complemented
natural environment and an area of outstanding by the growing prestige of the local culture,
cultural importance, a result of the interaction representative for an entire civilization embraced
of values coming from over 10 different ethnic by the branches of the Danube. The proximity of
groups. The villages around C.A. Rosetti are the Letea Forest strictly protected natural area,
situated on the Letea levee, one of the wildest as well as the natural landscape, unaltered by
and most isolated areas in the Danube Delta. human intervention, are the added values that
Among them, the Letea village, on the verge of contribute to the cultural uniqueness of this
the Letea forest, is a true living museum of the village. Acknowledging the cultural richness of
traditional Romanian delta village. Romanians, Letea village, a review of the diverse languages
Russian Lipovans and Ukrainians live together, and of this isolated world becomes essential, since
the cultural outcome of this conviviality deserves it remains representative for the entire Delta
special scrutiny. Along sandy paths, you meet rows cultural space.
of traditional whitewashed houses, their windows
and doors painted in natural shades, with blue the
prevalent colour. Houses are decorated with rich

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Alte obiceiuri tradiionale

i obiecte specifice

Pictur de icoane pe Hand-painted icons

lemn / sticl, icoane on wood/glass,
lipoveneti lipovan icons
Se ntlnete mai ales n Tulcea, Jurilovca i They can be found mainly in Tulcea, Jurilovca and
Slava Cerchez. Icoana are dublu sens n casa Slava Cerchez. Icons have a double role in the
tradiional: obiect de cult, dar i decorativ. traditional house: an object of worship and also a
decorative role.

Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

Other traditional occupations

and crafts

Textile arts and

esturi / custuri crafts/hand-stitching
n Cerna i Luncavia se mai pstreaz nc In Cerna and Luncavia textile arts are still
obiceiul, devenit rar. Femeile din cas obinuiesc present, but they have become a rarity. Women
s lucreze cu mna mbrcminte de zi cu zi i de still use hand-sewing for their day-to-day and
srbtoare. ceremonial clothing.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Olrit Pottery
n Dorobanu i Crjelari se mai ntlnete nc The people in Dorobanu and Crjelari still practice
aceast ocupaie. Vasul se formeaz prin aezarea traditional pottery. Wares are constructed by
unei mini de argil pe roata olarului, care este mai placing a ball of clay in the center of a turntable,
apoi rotit cu piciorul n timp ce minile modeleaz the potters wheel, which the potter rotates with
lutul pn la forma dorit. one foot, while using his hands to shape the piece
of pottery.

Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

mpletituri din Wicker and

rchit i papur bulrush basketry
Este o ocupaie foarte veche care se mai practic n It is still present in Tulcea, Chilia Veche, Luncavia,
Tulcea, Chilia Veche, Luncavia, Somova, Topolog Somova, Topolog and Mahmudia. The local people
i Mahmudia. mpletiturile se realizeaz din nuiele, have practiced weaving with natural fibers long
paie, pnui, rchit, papur, n funcie de menirea before textile weaving and pottery. The materials
used for weaving are twigs, straw, maize, wicker,
obiectului. Se manufactureaz obiecte uoare, dar
bulrush, depending on the type of product. They
rezistente, apropiate de natur n special couri usually make light but durable eco-friendly objects
de diferite mrimi i forme. especially baskets in different shapes and sizes.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Lotca Lotca
Denumit i parus, este barca tradiional a This is the traditional rowing boat of Lipovan
pescarilor lipoveni din Delta Dunrii. Lotca cu fishermen, also known as parus. This type of
parus interacioneaz mult mai prietenos cu apa, boat is completely eco-friendly, the passengers
pasagerii unei astfel de ambarcaiuni se simt mai are closer to nature, and the sailing is more
aproape de natur, iar navigaia n condiii de comfortable and safe in wavy waters or even
valuri sau chiar furtun este mai confortabil i mai during a storm, as compared to high-speed boats.
sigur, n comparaie cu o alupa de vitez.

Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

Apicultura Apiculture
Altdat rspndit, are acum n Delta Dunrii Formerly a wide-spread activity, apiculture in the
puini cunosctori activi. Danube Delta is now very rare, with a few active
apiarists and beekeeping enthusiasts.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Mncruri i buturi locale

Retete de Adrian Gagea

Roea de tiuc Pike stew

Un fel de plachie delicioas, uor i simplu de pregtit A delicious dish, quick and easy to cook during
n excursii. Specialitatea de atac a lui Radu Anton trips. This is Radu Anton Romans attack
Roman n duelul gastronomic cu Gelu eitan, la vatra specialty in his gastronomic duel with Gelu eitan,
taberei din Delta Dunrii. at the Danube Delta camp.

Se aeaz un strat de ceap i ardei ntr-o tav Place the diced onions and bell peppers in a large
ntins sau ceaun. Deasupra se pun buci de tiuc, baking tray or ironcast pot. Arrange the pike
fr s se ncalece. Se toarn ap pn la acoperire. chunks on top in one layer. Pour water until it
Se pune sare, zahr i piper sau ciuc dup gust. covers all ingredients. Add salt, sugar and pepper
Pentru ca apa s nu se evapore rapid la fierbere, se or preserved hot peppers, according to taste. To
toarn ulei, atta ct totul s se acoper cu o pelicul prevent water from evaporating, pour oil until it
subire. Dup ce ingredientele fierb la foc mic, circa forms a thin film on the surface. Bring to boil over
20 de minute, se toarn bulion sau suc de roii din low heat and leave to simmer for approximately
belug. Se adaug usturoi zdrobit sau mujdei. Nu se 20 minutes. Add plenty of tomato juice or paste.
amestec. Se mai dau cteva clocote. La sfrit se Add the crushed garlic or garlic sauce. Do not stir.
asezoneaz cu ptrunjel, leutean i ment, tocate. Leave to simmer for a few more minutes. Season
with finely chopped fresh parsley, lovage and
Pentru 4 persoane este nevoie de:
Ingredients for 4 portions:
- 1 kg de buci de tiuc, bine curate
- 2-3 cepe - 1 kg pike chunks, thoroughly cleaned
- 1-2 ardei - 2-3 onions
- 2-3 cei de usturoi - 1-2 bell peppers
- Cteva linguri de ulei - 2-3 garlic cloves
- Un borcan de bulion sau suc de roii - a few tablespoons of oil
- Verdea, sare, zahr, piper, ciuc, dup gust - one can of tomato paste or juice
- fresh herbs, salt, sugar, pepper,
preserved hot peppers, according to taste.
Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

Local foods and beverages

Recipes by Adrian Gagea

Ciulama Blanquette
de pui de balt of frog legs
O reet care valorific mult mai simplu pulpele A simple way to cook frog legs and an easier
de pui de balt dect modul lor clasic de alternative to the classic way of cooking frog legs
preparare, pane. fried in bread crumbs.

Pulpele de pui de balt se recolteaz n lunile care Frogs are usually caught between May and July. Put
n-au litera r n denumire. Acestea se fierb mult the frog legs in plenty of boiling water, add salt and
n ap cu sare, pn se desprinde carnea de pe leave them to boil until thoroughly cooked. Strain
oase. Bucelele de carne se extrag din fiertur the pieces of meat using a colander. The matchstick-
cu strecurtoarea, iar oasele, ca nite bee de shape bones will sink at the bottom of the water.
chibrit, rmn pe fundul vasului. Se prepar un Put oil in a hot pan, then add some chopped onion
sos de ceap prjit n ulei, se stinge cu suc de and fry until golden. Add tomato juice or paste,
roii sau bulion, se amestec cu bucelele de then the meat and leave to simmer. In case you
carne i se mai d un clocot. n caz c se adaug want to add garlic, you should put it in the pan only
usturoi, acesta se pune n ciulama dup ridicarea after taking the pan off the flame, otherwise it will
ei de pe foc, pentru a nu da un gust amrui. Se taste bitter. Season with fresh herbs. Ardeleans are
mai adaug verdea tocat, iar ardelenii au voie allowed to add a teaspoon of sugar.
s pun i o linguri de zahr.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Piure de Mashed
ciulini de balt Water-chestnut
Un piure la fel de bun precum cel de castane slbatice. This puree tastes as good as the one made from
n zonele ferite de vnt ale lacurilor curate i n sweet chestnuts. These greenish-red plants can be
golfurile unor canale limpezi i linitite, plutesc nite found floating in the wind-free areas of clean lakes
plante verzi-rocate, cu smocuri de frunze late i and in the bays of clear and quiet canals, bearing
dinate, la umbra crora cresc fructe verzi (sau negre green fruits (or black, when fully ripened). This
cnd sunt complet coapte). Aceste fructe, de forma diamond-shaped fruit, with four barbed spines, as
romboidal, cu patru ghimpi ascuii, de mrimea big as a nut, is also knows as the devil pod (due
unor nuci, se mai numesc popular i fructele to its shape and spines). But it should be called
dracului (din cauza formei i a ghimpilor). Ele ar the divine pod, since in times of hunger or in
trebui s se numeasc fructele divinitii pentru survival cases, it has saved many lives. Their seeds
faptul c n perioadele de foamete i n situaiile de are persistently sought after not only by humans,
supravieuire au salvat multe viei. Seminele lor but also by muskrats, wild geese, wild boars and
sunt cutate insistent nu numai de oameni, ci i de other living creatures, as they are very nourishing
bizami, gte slbatice, mistrei i alte vieuitoare due to their starch content. The local fishermen,
deoarece sunt foarte hrnitoare prin amidonul pe and lately tourists, have discovered their taste and
care-l conin. Pescarii locali, mai nou i unii turiti, fine flavour, similar to that of sweet chestnuts.
au descoperit gustul i aroma lor fin, asemntoare Their seeds can be eaten as they are or can be
castanelor slbatice. Fructele se fierb, se sparge mashed into a delicious puree with added salt, oil
coaja lor dur i li se scot seminele de mrimea unui and pepper, and consumed as a side dish for fish,
bob mare de fasole. Seminele se pot mnca ca atare or with added sugar and jams as a dessert.
sau se poate prepara din ele un piure delicios dres cu
sare, ulei i piper pentru garnitura preparatelor de
pete sau cu zahr i dulcea pentru desert.

Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

Raci cu mujdei Crabs in garlic sauce

Se pune la fiert un vas cu ap, suficient de mare In a large pot put enough water to cover the crabs.
ca s acopere toi racii. Cnd apa clocotete, se When the water is boiling, throw in the live crabs,
arunc n ea racii vii, crora li se smulge solzul after pulling the middle scale off their tail, thus
central din coad, extrgndu-li-se, astfel, i pulling out the end section of their intestines. Add
ultima parte a intestinului. Se adaug sare din plenty of salt. The water must boil for at least 5-6
belug. Racii trebuie s clocoteasc cel puin 5-6 minutes, until the crabs turn as red (as lobsters)
minute, pn devin roii (ca racul) i gustoi ca and taste at least as good as lobsters. Crush two
homarii. Din dou, trei cpni de usturoi zdrobite or three garlic cloves to make a mayonnaise-like
bine se prepar o past, precum maioneza, prin paste, by progressively incorporating oil and water.
ncorporarea treptat a uleiului i a apei. Acela This is the garlic sauce.
este mujdeiul. Altfel, mujdeiul de usturoi este un

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Salat din miez

de papur Bulrush shoots salad
Un model de salat, similar cu cea de andive. A type of salad, similar to endive salad.

Miezul de papur tnr se taie n bucele, de-o Chop the young shoots in bite-sizes. Add lemon
nghiitur fiecare. Se amestec sucul de lmie, juice, salt and sugar to a glass of water, then
sarea i zahrul ntr-un pahar cu ap, dup care pour the mixture over the chopped shoots. Add
sosul se toarn peste bucelele de miez de papur. oil. The sweet-sour taste of the salad is the
Se adaug ulei. Gustul acrior-amrui al salatei se perfect companion for fried fish and a friendly
preteaz cu petele prjit i compania vesel. atmosphere.

Salat de burei Willow

de salcie mushroom salad
Bureii de salcie cresc n grupuri, precum ghebele, Willow mushrooms grow in large clusters, like
imediat dup ploaie, pe cioturile putrede de salcie. honey mushrooms, immediately after the rain, on
Sunt albi cu dungulie gri. Se culeg imediat, se fierb rotten willow trunks. They are white with grey
proaspei, cnd nc sunt moi (altminteri se ntresc). lines. They should be collected as soon as they
Dup rcire se amestec cu un sos de ceap murat appear and should be boiled while still fresh,
n soluie de oet sau vin sec, ulei, sare i piper. Se otherwise they tend to be chewy. When cool, mix
poate aduga i usturoi. Este lesne de neles c reeta with preserved onions or dry wine, oil, salt and
este recomandat numai cunosctorilor de ciuperci. pepper. Garlic may be added. It is recommended
Buretele de salcie nu este pe lista ciupercilor legal only for mushroom connoisseurs. Willow
comestibile la noi n ar, cu toate c localnicii deltei mushrooms are not inluded in the national list
l mnnc de sute de ani. De altfel, toate ciupercile of edible mushrooms, however, the local people
se pot mnca, dar unele o singur dat. have been eating them for hundreds of years. Wild
mushrooms found in the Delta are usually edible,
some of them can be eaten only once.
Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

Scoici mari cu orez Large clams with rice

Este vorba despre scoicile uriae de ap dulce care Large freshwater clams are extremely abundant
se gsesc din belug n canalele puin adnci din in the shallow channels of the Danube Delta,
delt, mai ales ancorate n solul nisipos. Cu un cuit especially anchored in the sandy soils. Use a
se slbete ligamentul (brbia) care ine valvele clam knife to cut the muscle that keeps the
nchise. Dac nu reuii s-o deschidei imediat, shells together. If you do not succeed in opening
nseamn c scoica este moart i trebuie aruncat. it right away, it means that the clam is dead and
Noi recomandm s reinei numai piciorul musculos, you should throw it away. We recommend to use
care se taie imediat dup deschiderea forat a only the muscle, which is cut immediately after
valvelor. Bucile crnoase se prjesc n ulei alturi the forced opening of the shell. Fry the pieces of
de mult ceap mrunit, felii de ardei, rondele meat in hot oil, then add chopped onion, pepper
de morcovi i, eventual, puin ardei iute. Se adaug slices, carrot slices and, if desired, hot pepper.
treptat orezul i apa, astfel nct amestecul s Add the rice and water in small amounts, making
clocoteasc. Dup ce orezul s-a nmuiat, iar fiertura sure the pot keeps simmering. After the rice is
a sczut, se adaug verdea, leuteanul dnd aroma softened, and the water level has decreased, add
cea mai potrivit. Preparatul merge bine asociat cu fresh herbs, lovage being the perfect seasoning.
un vin alb. To accompany this dish, serve with white wine.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Plcint dobrogean cu brnz

O placint simpl i bun care nu lipsete de pe se acoper cu cealalt jumatate de foaie fr
mesele dobrogenilor. compoziie, ncreindu-se cu mna din lateral
spre centru. Se aeaz foile umplute n tav, se
Aluatul: fin, ap, 1 ou, grsime (untura ct o nuca ung i, pe deasupra, se porioneaz i se dau la
sau o lingur de ulei),sare. Se amestec totul pn cuptorul ncins n prealabil. ntre timp, se face
se obine un aluat potrivit de moale, dupa care se un amestec din 4 ou i jumtate de kilogram de
las la odihnit circa o jumtate de ora. Aluatul iaurt sau smntn. Dup aproximativ 30 minute,
se mparte apoi n 6 buci i se ncepe ntinderea cnd placinta ncepe s se rumeneasc, se toarna
foilor cu fcleul de lemn, pe masura tvii. uniform peste aluat amestecul de ou i iaurt
(smntna). Se mai lasa la cuptor aproximativ 15
Umplutura: avem nevoie de branz (dulce sau srat, minute.
n funcie de preferine) i de ou. Compoziia se
face n functie de cantitatea de aluat. Pentru un Dupa ce se scoate din cuptor i se mai rcete
aluat preparat dintr-o can de ap i fain (cam un pic, se arunc peste un praf de zahr pudr.
500-600 g), sunt de-ajuns 700 g de branz i 6 ou Versiunea rapida i confortabil a acestei placinte
pentru umplutur. Branza frmiat se amestec const n folosirea foilor de placint gsite n
energic i cu spor cu oule btute. comer, cu riscul incontestabil de a pierde din
savoarea acestei plcinte.
Umplutura se pune din loc n loc pe jumtate
din foaia uns cu untur (sau untdelemn), apoi

Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

Dobrudja-style cheese pie

A simple and delicious pie always present on Place the filling on half of the fat(oil)-greased sheet,
Dobrudjan tables. then fold the other half over the filling, pressing the
sheet from the sides until it forms creases. Place the
Dough: flour, water, 1 egg, fat (pork fat the size of a creased sheets in the tray, grease with fat (oil) on top
nut or a spoon of oil), salt. Mix all ingredients until a and put them in a preheated oven. Meanwhile, mix
soft dough is formed. Leave to rest for half an hour. 4 eggs with 500 ml of soured cream or yoghurt. After
Divide the dough in 6 pieces and start rolling out approximately 30 minutes, when the pie starts to
the dough until thin sheets are obtained, the size of develop a golden crust, pour the egg mixture evenly
which should fit in the tray. over the surface. Allow an additional 15 minutes of
Filling: cheese (cottage or fermented cheese,
according to taste) and eggs. The quantity of
ingredients vary depending on the amount of dough. When ready, leave to cool off for a few minutes, then
For a dough made out of 500-600 grams of flour and add confectioners sugar. The fast version of this pie
water, add 700 grams of cheese and 6 eggs for the is made using ready-made dough sheets, with the
filling. Beat the eggs energetically with the cheese risk of losing the authentic flavour of this pie.
until a creamy paste is obtained.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut! Tradiii, obiceiuri,
arhitectur specific

Buturi locale Local beverages

Buturile alcoolice tradiionale locale, produse de The traditional alcoholic drinks (usually
regul n gospodrii i servite adeseori ca aperitiv, homemade and typicaly served as appetizers)
sunt uica, obinut prin fermentarea i distilarea are: plum brandy, obtained from the fermentation
prunelor, i rachiul de fructe, obinut din caise, and distillation of plums, and fruit brandy, made
ciree, corcodue, piersici, viine sau zarzre (i care from apricots, cherries, mirabelles, peaches, sour
mprumut aroma corespunztoare fructului folosit). cherries or wild apricots (which add their fruity
De obicei, alcoolul obinut prin folosirea cazanului de flavour to the brandy). The alcohol content of
uic poate atinge chiar i 40 de grade. such drinks can reach up to 40 degrees.

Suc rece Cold juice

din miez de rizomi of thick-stemmed
de trestie groas cane rhizomes
O butur rcoritoare agreabil, dulceag i acidulat, A fresh, tasty, sweet and acidulated beverage, easy to
uor de preparat n tabra din Delt. Miezul rizomilor prepare at camping sites in the Delta. Chop the fleshy
subacvatici de trestie groas (nu stuf subire) se rhizomes of thick-stemmed canes (not thin-stemmed
mrunete i se pune n recipiente mari de plastic reed) and put them in large plastic containers (of
(peturi de trei, cinci sau mai muli litrii) mpreun tree, five or more litres) and cover with water. You
cu apa. Se poate aduga cte o lmie cioprit. can also add a sliced lemon. The container is then
Recipientul se atrn la umbr i vnt pentru put to macerate in the shadow and wind. After one or
macerare. Dup o zi sau dou, coninutul se filtreaz, two days, filter the content and wrap the container in
iar ambalajul se nvelete n prosoape umede. Vntul cold towels. The wind helps with the fast evaporation
ajut la evaporarea rapid a apei din prosoape, rcind of the water in the towels, which leads to a surprising
spectaculos coninutul. cooling effect.

Customs, traditions Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!
and rural architecture

Votc cu esen de Mint-flavoured

ment crea Vodka
(Izm de balt, Mentha aquatica) (water mint, mentha aquatica)
O butur agreabil, uor de preparat n tabr, care It is a delightful drink, easy to make at camping
imit (pn la confundare) coniacul fin franuzesc. sites, which imitates (and can even be taken for)
a fine French cognac. The common vodka, an
Votca banal, spaima narilor din Delt, poate fi eco-friendly mosquito repellent, can be easily
ameliorat i diluat simplu, n amestec cu ceai de tranformed into a mint-flavoured beverage by
ment preparat special. ntr-un ibric sau vas similar se dilution with a specially prepared mint tea. In a
fierbe un buchet mrior de ment de balt. Aproape teapot or a similar pot, boil a large bunch of water
peste tot n delt, la marginea canalelor linitite sau a mint. Found almost everywhere in the Danube
plaurilor, plutete i se nal din ap tulpini i frunze Delta, in the shallow margins of quiet channels
roiatice de ment. Rdcinile plantei sunt nfipte n or reedbeds, the water mint stems and red leaves
pmnt sau n buza plaurului, alturi de stuf (nu lng are floating and rising above the surface of the
papur). Ceaiul se fierbe pn cnd toate esenele water. The roots of the plant are imbedded in the
volatile dispar, iar culoarea lui devine brun-rocat. soil, always nearby reedbeds (not bulrushes). The
Astfel, n amestec cu votca, butura nu are miros tea must be boiled until all volatile oils evaporate
aromat, iar gustul ei este uor amrui i, la fel ca cel and the colour becomes brownish-red. Thus, when
al buturilor fine, nu poate fi descris dect poetic, mixed with vodka, the drink is not aromatic, and
avnd nevoie de companie plcut. it acquires a sourish taste. Like all fine drinks, it
can be described only metaphorically, always in
good company.

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Dei bogia i valoarea Rezervaiei Biosferei Delta Dunrii este confirmat la nivel internaional,
de multe ori atenia i grija care i revin nu i fac cinste i nu i asigur viitorul. Prin atlasul de
fa ne-am propus s ilustrm i s punem n lumin cteva fragmente din ntreaga diversitate
valoroas gzduit n acest spaiu, n sperana c astfel va fi neleas mai bine.

Au contribuit cu informaii tiinifice Eugen Petrescu (expert Societatea Ornitologic Romn),

Silviu Covaliov, Kiss Botond, Vasile Alexe, Torok Zsolt, Alexandru Doroenco, Radu Suciu, Aurel
Nstase, (experi la Institutul Naional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Delta Dunrii) i Administraia
Biosferei Delta Dunrii.

Atlasul este o iniiativ a organizaiei Salvai Dunrea i Delta, coordonat de Roxana chiopu,
Laura Zaharia i Mihaela Marin.

Mulumim fotografilor care au surprins ntr-o manier spectaculoas aportul acestui spaiu la
biodiversitatea lumii: Daniel Petrescu, Sorin Onior i Helmut Ignat.

i mulumim, de asemenea, domnului Dr. Ing. Adrian Gagea pentru delicioasele reete culinare.

Atlasul a fost realizat de echipa K Consulting Management and Coordination, adic de Mircea
Nanc, Irina Georgescu i Dan Pastia & Goran Drenkov (design).

Although the great diversity and value of Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is confirmed by
several international conventions, too often it is not adequately treated and for this reason its
future is vulnerable. Through this atlas we aim to illustrate and bring forward some pieces of
the great diversity hosted in this area in the hope that it will be better understood.

Eugen Petrescu (expert at Romanian Ornithological Society), Silviu Covaliov, Kiss Botond, Vasile
Alexe, Torok Zsolt, Alexandru Doroenco, Radu Suciu, Aurel Nstase, (experts at Danube Delta
Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development) and Danube Delta Biosphere
Reserve Authority have helped us with scientific information.

The Atlas is a Save Danube and Delta Association initiative, coordinated by Roxana chiopu,
Laura Zaharia and Mihaela Marin.

We thank the photographers which have captured in a spectacular manner this great biodiversity:
Daniel Petrescu, Sorin Onior and Helmut Ignat.

We are thankful as well to Dr. Eng. Adrian Gagea for his delicious recipes.

The atlas was made by the K Consulting Management and Coordination team, compound of
Mircea Nanc, Irina Georgescu and Dan Pastia & Goran Drenkov (design).

Danube Delta - the almost lost paradise!

Daniel Petrescu................................. pp 611, 13-16, 20, 22-77, 79-81, 84-91, 114-119,
122-125, 128-210, 213, 215

Sorin Onior...................................... pp 218-231, 233-235

Helmut Ignat..................................... pp 211, 212, 214,

Peter Pfeiffer.................................... pp 99

Flpa- pp 12, 94, 96, 98, 101-104, 106-109, 113 pp 17-19, 78, 82, 95, 97, 105, 110 pp 21, 100, 111 , 112, 120, 121, 126, 132 ............................... pp 92, 93

Valeriu Leonov.................................. pp 232

George Clin..................................... pp 236-245

DELTA DUNRII - Paradisul aproape pierdut!

Delta Dunrii Paradisul aproape pierdut! Campanie de informare i contientizare cu privire la protejarea
biodiversitii Rezervaiei Biosferei Delta Dunrii este un proiect implementat de Asociaia Salvai Dunrea i Delta,
n parteneriat cu Administraia Rezervaiei Biosferei Delta Dunrii, confinanat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare
Regional prin Programul Operaional Sectorial Mediu.

Editor: Asociaia Salvai Dunrea i Delta

Data publicrii: 1.09.2013
Coninutul acestui material nu reprezint n mod obligatoriu poziia oficial a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului Romniei.

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