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1 Filme despre formarea psihologiei, psihoterapiei; soarta i evoluia profesional a unor

personaje istorice din domeniu.

Kinsey, 2004.
When Nietzsche Wept, 2008.The Master, 2012.
My Name Is Bill W, 1989.
A Dangerous Method, 2011.
Princess Marie, 2004.
Soul Keeper, The, 2003.
Freud, 1984.
Freud, 1962.

2 Filme n care poi vedea cum acioneaz psihologii i psihoterapeuii: tehnici, modele de
comportament, exemple de acordare a ajutorului psihologic profesional sau neprofesional,
greelile psihologilor, descoperirile lor i realizrile.
Don Juan DeMarco, 1995.
The Tree of Life
Another Earth, 2011.
Der grosse Bagarozy, 1999.2
Kunsten tenke negativt / The Art of Negative Thinking, 2006.
In Treatmen, 2008-2010.
Lilith, 1964.
Ansikte mot ansikte, 1976.
Necessary Roughness, 2011.
Ordinary people, 1980.
Sans queue ni tte, 2010.
Fairly Legal, 2011.
The Sunset Limited, 2010.
Princess Marie, 2004.
Scorpio Men on Prozac, 2010.
Awakenings, 1990.
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nes, 1975.
Ruby Sparks, 2012.
Family Life, 1971.
Good Will Hunting, 1997.

3 Filme, care i permit s analizezi i s interpretezi n termeni de filozofici i teoria

principalelor modaliti terapeutice personale i interpersonale,crizele psihologice ale oamenilor
i cum ai putea s le acorzi ajutor:
Antichrist, 2009.
Akiresu to kame, 2008.
Young Adult, 2012.
Shine, 1997.
Barfuss, 2005.
Into the Wild, 2007.
Vanilla Sky, 2001
Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul, 2003.
Harold and Maude, 1971.
Vuosaari, 2012.
Mr. Nobody, 2009.
Wuthering Heights, 2009.
Dirty Filthy Love, 2004.
Days of Wine and Roses, 1962.
Another Woman, 1988.
If. , 1968.
Mean Creek, 2004.
Life as a House, 2001.
Pay It Forward, 2000.
The War Zone, 1998.
Dogme 2 Idioterne, 1998.
Instinct, 1999.
Antwone Fisher, 2002.
The Kings Speech, 2010.
Ice Storm, The, 1997.
Lilith, 1964.
Ansikte mot ansikte, 1976.
As Good as It Gets, 1997
Silver Linings Playbook, 2012.
Non ma fille, tu niras pas danser,2009.
May, 2002.
O Lucky Man! 1973.
Ordinary People, 1980.
Fantasy Island 1998 (1 sezon)
The Ward, 2010.
Boys Dont Cry, 1999.
The Prince Of Tides 1991.
Winged Creatures, 2008.
Mammuth, 2010.
Perfect Sense, 2011.
The Descendants, 2011.
Scorpio Men on Prozac; 2010.
Birdy 1984.
The Five Senses, 1999.
Breaking the Waves, 1996.
Love Actually, 2003.
Ruby Sparks, 2012.
Bully, 2001.
Family life, 1971.
The Weather Man, 2005.
The Soloist, 2009.
Black Snake Moan, 2006.
Shame, 2011.
Stuart: A Life Backwards, 2007.
Submarino, 2010.
Albert Nobbs, 2011.
You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger; , 2010.
Good Will Hunting, 1997.
Beautiful Boy, 2010.
Chatroom, 2010.
Rain Man, 1988.
Shock Corridor, 1963.
Scorchers, 1992.
Ich will doch nur, da ihr mich liebt, 1976.

3.1 Crize existeniale, revizuirea valorilor morale n faa morii, suicidul:

Noruwei no mori, 2010.
The Guita, 2008.
Knockin on Heavens Door,, 1997.
Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011.
The Bothersome Man / Brysomme mannen, 2006.
My Life Without Me, 2003.

3.2 Suferinele pierderii:

Another Earth, 2011.
Noruwei no mori, 2010.
3.3 Acceptarea sinelui i a destinului dup o traum care i limiteaz posibilitile. Probleme
de adaptare social:
Die Zeit, die man Leben nennt, 2008.
Intouchables, 2011.
BenX, 2007.
Inside Im Dancing, 2004.
Le Chiavi di casa, 2004
Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011.
Mar adentro, 2004
Le scaphandre et le papillon, 2007.
Die Zeit, die man Leben nennt, 2008.
I am Sam, 2001.

4.1 Secte totalitare:

The Wicker, 2006.
The Master, 2012.
Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011.

4.2 Filme despre dezvoltarea personalitii prin stpnirea sinelui i autodezvoltare:

Everything must go, 2010.
Hero, 1992.
Dirty Filthy Love, 2004.
Cast Away, 2000.
Running with Scissors, 2006.
Girl, Interrupted, 1999.
The Accidental Tourist, 1988.
London Boulevard (William Monahan), 2010.
Temple Grandin , 2010.
Its Kind of a Funny Story, 2010.

5 Filmele care prezint modelele de cretere i dezvoltare a individului, problemele de cretere,

socializare, probleme ale educaiei:
Fish Tank , 2009.
Anita ur en tonarsflickas dagbok, 1973.
Lge de raison, 2010.
Lost and Delirium, 2001.
After.Life, 2009.
Hounddog, 2007.
Klass, 2007.
Moonrise Kingdom, 2012.
Luan qing chun, 2008.
Ansikte mot ansikte, 1976.
The World According to Garp, 1982.
My Little Princess, 2011.
Apflickorna, 2011.
Dead Poets Society, 1989.
Taking Off 1971.
How to Be, 2008.
Polisse, 2011.
Ghost World, 2001.
LOL(Laughing Out Loud), 2008.
Ruby Sparks, 2012.
Stuart: A Life Backwards, 2007.
Detachment, 2011.

5.1 Filme despre problemele autoidentificrii, dezvoltare psihosexual:

Lost and Delirium, 2001.
Naissance des pieuvres, 2007.
El diario de Carlota, 2010.
Elose, 2009.
Tomboy, 2011.

5.2 Violena asupra copiilor:

Mean Creek, 2004.
Bully, 2001.
Perras, 2011.
Cyberbully, 2011

5.3 Formarea comportamentului deviant:

Les Quatre Cent Coups, 1959.

6 Filme care prezint exemple ale psihopatologiilor, personajele crora pot fi exemplare de
studiu la cursul de patopsihologie sau psihoterapie:
Agnosia, 2010.
Being There, 2006.
The Sunset Limited, 2010.
La fille sur le pont, 1999.
The Snake Pit, 1948.
On the Inside, 2011.
Kotoko, 2011.
Ddales, 2003.
El Maquinista, 2004.
Silver Linings Playbook, 2012.
Running with Scissors, 2006.
Ne te retourne pas, 2009.
Front of the Class, 2008.
Memento, 2000.
De wisselwachter, 1986.
Stuart: A Life Backwards, 2007.
Equus, 1977.

6.1 Agorafobie
Public Domain (2003)
Thomas est amoureux, 2000
Frozen with fear (2000)
Naked Fear (1999)
6.2 Tulburri din spectrul autismului
Adam (2009)
Mozart and the Whale (2005)
Ben X (2007)
House of Cards (1993)
Cube (1997)
The Boy Who Could Fly (1986)
My Name Is Khan (2010)
Mercury Rising (1998)
Snow Cake (2006)
The Big Bang Theory (serial) ( 2007)
Temple Grandin (2010)
Rain Man (1988)
The Black Balloon. (2008)
6.3 Tulburarea bipolar (boala maniaco-depresiv):
Mad Love (1995)
The Informant! (2009)
Michael Clayton (2007)
Mr. Jones (1993)
Pollock (2001)
Sylvia (2003)

6.4 Tulburare depresiv major

An Angel at My Table (1990)
Veronika Decides to Die (2009)
The Virgin Suicides (1999)
Interiors (1978)
The Butcher Boy (1997)
Prozac Nation (2001)
Ordinary People (1980)
The Assassination of Richard Nixon (2004)
De Gales hus, 2008.
The Hours (2002)

6.5 Tulburri disociative:

San taam (2007)
Numb (2007)
Hipnos (2004)
Shattered Image (1998)
Passion of Mind (2000)
Dorothy Mills (2008)
Hide and Seek, 2005.
Identity (2003)
El Maquinista (2004)
The Uninvited (2009)
Never Talk to Strangers (1995)
The Jacket (2005)
Peacock (2010)
Psycho (1960)
Angel Heart (1987)
Sybil (1976)
Secret Window (2004)
Dark Floors (2008)
Thr3e (2007)
The Three Faces of Eve (1957)
The Hurricane (1999)
Frankie & Alice (2010)
Color of Night (1994)
Me, Myself & Irene (2000)

6.6 Tulburri obsesiv-compulsive

Glee (2009)
What about Bob? (1991)
The Aviator (2004)
Matchstick Men (2003)
Dirty Filthy Love (2004)
As Good as It Gets, 1997
Cat People (1942)
K-PAX (2001)
Geheimnisse einer Seele (1926)
Phoebe in Wonderland (2009)

6.7 Amnezie retrograd

The Snake Pit (1948)
Mulholland Drive (2001)
The Number 23 (2007)

6.8 Schizophrenia:
Revolution 9 (2001)
Englar alheimsins, 2000.
The Madness of King George (1994)
Benny & Joon (1993)
Keane (2004)
Donnie Darko (2001)
Sucker Punch (2011)
Igby Goes Down (2002)
Hide and Seek, 2004.
A Beautiful Mind, 2001.
The Perfect Host (2010)
The Fisher King (1991)
Mr. Brooks (2007)
May (2002)
Images (1972)
Julien Donkey-Boy (1999)
Shutter Island (2010)
Spider (2002)
Geomi sup (2004)
K-PAX (2001)
Jeanne dArc (1999)
Though a glass darkly (1961)
The Soloist (2008)
Die Summe meiner einzelnen Teile, 2011.
Conspiracy Theory (1997)
Black Swan, 2010.
Clean, Shaven (1995)

6.9 Tulburri delirante i alte tulburri psihotice

Babycall, 2011.
Inside, 2002
Hypnotisren, 2012.
The King of Comedy (1982)
Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
Obsessed (2009)
Repulsion (1965)
Fatal Attraction (1987)

6.10 Tulburri de anxietate

Ordinary People (1980)6.11 Dependen, codependen
28 Days, 2000.
Clean and Sober, 1988.
The Basketball Diaries, 1995.
Days of Wine and Roses, 1962.
When Love Is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story, 2010.
When a Man Loves a Woman, 1994.
Trainspotting, 1996.
Junkhearts, 2011.
For Colored Girls, 2010
Leaving Las Vegas, 1995.
Ray, 2004.
Shadow Hours, 2000.
Flight, 2012.

6.12 Pasiune dureroas sau atunci cnd dragostea devine o problem

Electroshock, 2006.

7 Filmele care ilustreaz tiparele sociale i psihologice

Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1984.
Gattaca, 1997.
Dogville, 2003
Mean Creek, 2004.
Cube, 1997 .
Cube 2: Hypercube, 2002.
Cube Zero, 2004.
Mon oncle dAmerique, 1980.
Branded, 2012
Somebody Is Waiting, 1996.
Lie to Me, 2009 (serial)
The Ward, 2010.
Lord Of The Flies, 1963.
Lord Of The Flies, 1990.
Carnage, 2011.
Rachel Getting Married, 2008.
Bully, 2001.
Family Life, 1971.
The Weather Man, 2005.
City Island, 2009.
Passion in the Desert, 1997.
Stupeur et tremblements, 2003.
Catch-22, 1970.
Experiment, Das, 2001.
Compliance, 2012.
Die Welle, 2008.

7.1 Filme distopie

Nineteen Eighty-Four, 1984
Brazil, 1985.
-1138, 1971.
Harrison Bergeron, 1995.
Gattaca, 1997.
Brave New World, 1998.
Metropija, 2009.
Schizopolis, 1996.

8 Filme poliiste n care terapeutul / psihiatru (criminalul, vampir sau un extraterestru

malefic) este n cutarea infractorului, sau fptuitorul este bolnav mintal:
Hypnotisren, 2012.
Hide and Seek, 2004.
Faces in the Crowd, 2011.
The Silence of the Lambs, 1990.
Final Analysis, 1992.
Basic Instinct, 1992.
Shutter Island, 2010.
The Jacket, 2005.
Doctor Sleep, 2002.
Shelter, 2008.
Color of Night, 1994.
The Sixth Sense, 1999.
Shock Corridor, 1963.
Equus, 1977.

9 Comedii n care exist umor, satir, ironie, sarcasm pe tema psihoterapiei, psihoterapeui i
tulburri psihice:
The Shrink Is In, 2001.
What About Bob?, 1991.
Analyze That, 2002.
Analyze This, 1999.
Hysteria, 2010.
I Heart Huckabees, 2004.
Le pre Nol est une ordure, 1982.
La chance de ma vie, 2010.
K-PAX, 2001.
L Antidote, 2005.
Mortel transfert, 2000.
The Couch Trip, 1987.
The Dons Analyst, 1997.
Psy, 1981.
Scenes from a Mall, 1991.
Anger Management (serial), 2012.
Anger Management, 2003.

10 Filme tiinifice despre psihologie i comportamentul uman

The Human Behaviour Experiments, 2006.
Obedience, 1965.

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