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Cap. 9.

Business Presentations & Public Speaking in English

In general oamenii se tem de vorbitul in public, dar daca urmati cateva

reguli simple, o prezentare poate deveni destul de facila. Acest curs va va
ghida prin fiecare etapa a unei prezentari in limba engleza, de la pregatirea
initiala, pana la concluzii si intrebarile de final.
Chiar acest curs in sine este structurat ca o mini-prezentare.Iata

1. Introduction

2. Preparation
3. Equipment (echipamentul)

4. Delivery (expunere)

5. Language (limbajul)

6. The Presentation

7. Review (rezumat)

1. Introduction

Toate prezentarile au un obiectiv comun. Oamenii tin prezentari deoarece

doresc sa comunice, cu scopul de a:

• Inform(a informa)
• train (sa instruiasca)
• persuade (sa convinga)
• sell (sa vanda)

O prezentare de success este unul dintre cele mai eficiente moduri prin
care poti transmite mesajul tau. Si pentru ca limba engleza este atat de
raspandita in mediul de business international,cunoasterea unui vocabular de
lucru si a unor tehnici folosite intr-o prezentare desfasurata in limba engleza,
este o aptitudine valoroasa (a valuable asset).

We will start by exploring the importance of preparation .

After that, we will consider what equipment to use (ce echipament sa


Then we will look at how to "deliver" a presentation (cum sa expunem, sa

“livram” o prezentare).

After delivery, we will examine the language of presentations,

before moving on to the presentation itself.

Finally, we will conclude with a review of what we have covered.

2. Preparation ( pregatirea)

Can you name the 3 most important things when giving any presentation?

Number 1 is . . . Preparation

Number 2 is . . . Preparation!

Number 3 is . . . Preparation!!

Preparation is everything!

Cu o buna pregatire si planificare vei fi mai increzator (more

confident) si mai putin nervos (less nervous). Si audienta va simti acea
incredere , si astfel, va deveni si ea increzatoare. Va avea incredere in tine.Si
asta iti va oferi sentimentul de control.

With control, you will be 'in charge' and your audience will listen
positively to your message.


Inainte de a va pregati pentru o prezentare, ar trebui sa va intrebati :

"Why am I making this presentation?" (de ce tin aceasta prezentare?). Do
you need to inform, to persuade, to train or to sell ? Trebuie sa aveti
obiectivul clar definit in minte. Daca nu este clar pentru dvs, nu va fi clar
nici pentru audienta dvs.


"Who am I making this presentation to?"

Uneori raspunsul la aceasta intrebare va fi evident, dar nu intotdeauna. Ar
trebui sa va clarificari si acest aspect.
How many people? Who are they? Business people? Professional people?
Political people? Experts or non-experts? Va fi un grup mic, de 4-5 colegi,
sau va fi o adunare mare, de 400 de competitori? Cat de multe stiu ei despre
prezentare si ce asteptari au de la dvs?


"Where am I making this presentation?"- Unde va avea loc aceasta

- In a small hotel meeting-room or a large conference hall? Intr-o sala de
sedinte a unui hotel, sau intr-o mare sala de coferinte?
- What facilities and equipment are available? Ce facilitate si ce
echipamente sunt disponibile?
-What are the seating arrangements? Cum sunt aranjate locurile in sala?

Time and length

"When am I making this presentation and how long will it be?"- Cand are
loc prezentarea si cat va dura?
Will it be 5 minutes or 1 hour? Va dura 5 minute, sau o ora?
Just before lunch, when your audience will be hungry, or just after lunch,
when your audience will be sleepy?- Inainte de pranz, cand audientei ii va fi
foame, sau dupa pranz, cand vor fi somnorosi?

How should I make this presentation?" Cum ar trebui sa tin aceasta
What approach should I use? Formal or informal? Ce abordare sa
folosesc?Formala sau informala?
Lots of visual aids or only a few? Multe imagini, sau numai cateva?
Will I include some anecdotes and humour for variety? Sa includ si unele
anecdote sau glume pentru varietate?

Content (continut)

"What should I say?"

Acum trebui sa decideti ce vreti sa spuneti. Prima data trebuie sa faceti
un brainstorm-ing al ideilor .Cu siguranta veti gasi multe idei pe care vreti sa
le includeti in prezentare, dar fiti selectivi. Trebuie sa includeti doar
informatiile relevante pentru audienta si obiectivele dumneavoastra.
De asemenea, este necesar sa gasiti un nume/un titlu pentru
prezentare.Titlul va va ajuta sa va axati pe subiect(the title will help you to
focus on the subject).
Tot in aceasta etapa trebuie sa alegeti si imaginile ajutatoare (visual
aids),daca ati decis sa folositi.

But remember, in general, less is better than more (a little is better than a


O prezentare bine organizata, cu o structura clara este mai usor de

urmarit de catre audienta., si este deci, mai eficienta. Ar trebui sa va
organizati ideile intr-o ordine logica. Cele mai multe prezentari sunt
organizate in trei etape, urmate de intrebari:

• welcome your audience

• introduce your subject
Beginning • explain the structure of your
(inceputul) presentation
• explain rules for questions

Middle Body of • present the subject itself

(desfasurarea) presentation

• summarise your presentation

End • thank your audience
Short conclusion
(incheierea) • invite questions

Questions and Answers

(intrebari si raspunsuri)

In timpul prezentarii ar trebui sa fiti cat mai spontan. Nu este indicat sa
cititi prezentarea,trebuie sa fiti familiarizat deja cu subiectul si cu
informatiile pe care doriti sa le transmiteti.
So, if you don't have a text to read, how can you remember to say
everything you need to say?
With notes! Va puteti crea propriul sistem de notitte
Some people make notes on small, A6 cards. Some people write down just
the title of each section of their talk.
Some people write down keywords (cuvinte- cheie) to remind them.

Notitele va vor oferi incredere, dar daca va pregatiti prezentarea cu
atentie, cel mai probabil nici nu vezi avea nevoie de ele.(The notes will give
you confidence, but because you will have prepared your presentation fully,
you may not even need them!)

Rehearsal (repetitia)

Repetitia este o parte vitala a pregatirii. Ar trebui sa va rezervati timp

pentru a va exersa prezentarea de doua sau trei ori. Iata cateva beneficii care
vor decurge din asta ( the following benefits) :

• you will become more familiar with what you want to say (vei deveni
mai familiar cu ceea ce vrei sa spui)
• you will identify weaknesses in your presentation (vei identifica
punctele slabe)
• you will be able to practise difficult pronunciations (vei putea exersa
pronuntarile dificile)
• you will be able to check the time that your presentation takes and
make any necessary modifications (vei putea vedea cat dureaza
prezentarea si vei face modificarile necesare).

So prepare, prepare, prepare!

Prepare everything: words, visual aids, timing, equipment.

Rehearse your presentation several times and time it.(repete prezentarea de
cateva ori si cronometreaza-te)
Are you completely familiar with all your illustrations?
Are they in the right order?
Do you know who the audience is?
How many people?
How will you answer difficult questions?
Do you know the room?
Are you confident about the equipment?

Cand ai raspunsul la aceste intrebari, vei putea si increzator si entuziast in

legatura cu prezentarea.

3. Equipment (echipamentul de lucru)

Care credeti ca este mai important echipament folosit in cadrul unei

prezentari? Simplu. Sunteti chiar… dumneavostra! Asigurati-va ca sunteti
in cea mai buna forma in ziua respective si verificati totul cu atentie inainte
sa incepeti . Daca nu o faceti dvs, audienta o va face cu siguranta!

Vom prezenta mai jos o lista cu echipamentele cel mai des folosite in
cadrul unei prezentari, denumirile lor in limba engleza, si cateva specificatii
utile despre fiecare.

The overhead projector (OHP) (Retroproiector).

Are cateva avantale fata de proiectorul cu diapozitive:

• it can be used in daylight(poate fi folosit pe lumina

• the user can face the audience (utilizatorul poate sta
cu fata la audienta)
• the user can write or draw directly on the
transparency while in use (utilizatorul poate scrie sau
desena direct pe folia transparenta, chiar in timpul

The whiteboard (tabla) (more rarely blackboard or greenboard) is a

useful device for spontaneous writing - as in brainstorming, for example.

For prepared material, the OHP might be more suitable (mai potrivit).

The duster is used for cleaning the whiteboard.

It is essential that the duster be clean to start with.
You may consider carrying your own duster just in case.

Markers are used for writing on the whiteboard (delible - you can
remove the ink) or flipchart (indelible - you cannot remove the ink).
They are usually available in blue, red, black and green.

Again, it's a good idea to carry a spare set of markers in case you are given some used ones
which do not write well.

"A good workman never blames his tools."

The flipchart consists of several leaves of paper that you 'flip' or turn
over.(reprezinta cateva coli de hartie pe care le veti intoarce)

Some people prefer the flipchart to the whiteboard, but its use is limited to
smaller presentations.

The Slide projector (Diaproiector, sau

proiectoul cu diapozitive) - which must be used
in a darkened room - adds a certain drama.
The majority take 35mm slides or transparencies
(as seen here), but projectors for 6x6cm slides
are also available.

Transparencies are projected by an overhead projector or a slide projector

onto a screen - in this case a folding screen which can be packed up and
transported.(foliile transparente sunt proeictate de un retrproiector sau un
diaproiector pe un ecran- in acest caz unul care se poate plia pentru a fi
transportat cu usurinta.)

The notebook computer is increasingly being used to display graphics

during presentations.
It is often used in conjunction with an overhead projector, which
actually projects the image from the computer screen onto the wall
screen.(este adesea folosit alaturi de retroproiector, care efectiv
proiecteaza imaginile din calculator pe ecranul de pe perete.)

Handouts are any documents or samples that you 'hand out' or distribute to
your audience( reprezinta orice document sau mostre pe care le distribuiti
Note that it is not usually a good idea to distribute handouts before your
presentation.(nu este o idée buna sa le distribuiti inaintea prezentarii)
The audience will read the handouts instead of listening to you.

4. Delivery
Livrarea se refera la modul practic in care veti tine prezentarea.Este un
aspect vital al prezentarii.
Delivery is at least as important as content, especially in a multi-cultural

Nerves (nervii, emotiile)

Most speakers are a little nervous at the beginning of a presentation.

( Majoritatea vorbitorilor sunt un pic nervos la începutul unei prezentări.)
Asa ca este normal daca esti nervos. Solutia este sa fii putin mai atent la
inceputul prezentarii. Prima impresie conteaza(First impression counts).
Acesta este momentul cand stabilesti un raport cu audienta ta. Incearca sa
vorbesti rar si calm. O idee ar putea fi sa invatati introducerea pe din afara.
Dupa cateva momente va veti relaxa si veti castiga incredere.

Audience Rapport (raportul cu audienta)

You need to build a warm and friendly relationship with your

audience. Enthusiasm is contagious.
Daca sunteti entuziasmat, si audienta va fi la fel. Si aveti grija sa stabiliti un
contact vizual cu fiecare membru al audientei.
Each person should feel that you are speaking directly to him or her.(
Fiecare persoana trebuie sa simta ca vorbiti direct cu ea.)
This means that you must look at each person in turn - in as natural a way as
Acest lucra va va permite sa detectati semne de plistiseala (boredom),
dezinteres(disinterest) sau chiar dezaprobare (disinterest), permitandu-va sa
va modificati prezentarea in functie de acestea.

Your objective is to communicate!

Body Language

What you do not say is at least as important as what you do say.

Corpul tau ii vorbeste audientei inainte sa deschizi macar gura.Hainele,
parul, mersul, ochelarii , tunsoarea, expresiile fetei- din toate acestea
audienta isi formeaza o prima impresie atunci cand intrati in incapere.
In general, este mai indicat sa stati in picioare, decat asezat, atunci
cand faceti o prezentare. Evitati orice gesturi repetitive si iritante. Trebuie sa
fiti constient ca miscarea corpului este o metoda de control: de exemplu,
cand va miscati spre sau dinstre flipchart, va puteti misca incet sau rapid,
crescand sau reducand astfel dinamismul prezentarii.

Voice quality

Este important ca audienta sa va auda tare si clar in timpul

prezentarii.Daca va indepartati de audienta, incercati sa vorbiti putin mai
tare. Puteti de asemenea sa incercati sa variati vocea.

You can vary your voice in at least three ways( in trei moduri) :

• speed (viteza): you can speak at normal speed, you can speak faster,
you can speak more slowly - and you can stop completely! You can
pause. This is a very good technique for gaining your audience's
• Intonation (intonatia): you can change the pitch of your voice. You
can speak in a high tone. You can speak in a low tone.
• Volume (volumul): you can speak at normal volume, you can speak
loudly and you can speak quietly. Lowering your voice and speaking
quietly can again attract your audience's interest.

Important este sa nu vorbiti cu aceeasi voce plata si monotona pe tot

parcursul prezentarii, pentru a nu plictisi audienta si a le pierde interesul .

Visual aids (imagini ajutatoare)

Din totalul informatiei care ajunge la creier, marea majoritate (80%) o

reprezintea cea vizuala, si doar 20% cea verbala. In aceste circumstante,
importanta folosirii imaginilor exemplificatoare si ajutatoare este evidenta:

• visual aids are an extremely effective means of communication

• non-native English speakers need not worry so much about spoken
English - they can rely more heavily on visual aids

Este deci important sa alocati timp creari unori imagini sau grafice de
calitate. Dar retinert sa pastrati totusi o masura, astfel incat sa nu faceti abuz.
Alocati destul timp prezentarii lor, astfel incat audienta sa le poata vedea si
intelege bine.

Pe langa fotografii, unele dintre cele mai folositoare imagini sunt diagramele
si graficele, precum cele tri-dimensionale de mai jos:

-Piecharts are circular in shape (like a pie)/ Diagramele de structură radială sunt
de formă circulară (ca o placinta).

-Barcharts can be vertical (as here) or horizontal/ Diagramele bară poate fi

verticală (ca aici) sau pe orizontală

Graphs can rise and fall.

5. Language (limbajul)
Say what you are going to say,

Simplicity and Clarity

If you want your audience to understand your message, your language must
be simple and clear.

Use short words and short sentences.( folositi cuvinte si propozitii scurte).
Nu folositi jargon, decat daca sunteti sigur ca audienta il va intelege. In
general, vorbiti despre fapte concrete, decat despre idei abstracte. Folositi
verbe active in locul celor pasive.Cele active sunt mai usor de inteles, si au
un impact mai puternic. Iata un exemplu in acest sens:
Toyota sold two million cars last year.
Two million cars were sold by Toyota last year.

Which is easier to understand? Which is more immediate? Which is more

powerful? #1 is active and #2 is passive.

Signposting (marcarea, semnalizarea)

Atunci când conduceți pe un drum, știi unde va aflti pe acel drum.

Fiecare drum are un nume sau un număr. Fiecare oras are un nume. Și
fiecare casă are un număr .Nu va puteți pierde. Dar când tineti o prezentare,
cum poate publicul sa știe unde se afla ? Cum pot ei cunoaste structura
prezentării? Cum pot ei ști ce urmează? Stiu pentru ca tu le-ai spus. Pnetru
ca ai plasat „marcaje” la incepul, si pe tot parcursul prezentarii. Aceasta
tehnica se numeste 'signposting' (or 'signalling').

In Introducere, ar trebui sa prezentati publicului care va fi structura
prezentarii. Ati putea spune ceva precum:

"I'll start by describing the current position in Europe. Then I'll move
on to some of the achievements we've made in Asia. After that I'll consider
the opportunities we see for further expansion in Africa. Lastly, I'll quickly
recap before concluding with some recommendations." ( "Voi începe prin a
descrie poziția curentă în Europa Apoi voi trece la o parte din realizările care le-am făcut
în Asia.. După care voi lua în considerare oportunitățile pe care le vedem de extindere în
Africa. În cele din urmă, am "voi recapitula rapid înainte de a încheia cu unele

Membrii adientei pot vizualiza structura sub forma:

• Welcome
Introduction • Explanation of structure (now)

• Europe
• Asia
• Africa

• Summing up
Conclusion • Recommendations

Aceasta structura le va ramane in minte pe parcursul prezentarii. Unii

dintre ei probabil o vor si nota pe hartie. Si pe parcurs, veti marca fiecare
punct atins si veti arata ce umeaza.

When you finish Europe and want to start Asia, you might say:

"That's all I have to say about Europe. Let's turn now to Asia."

When you have finished Africa and want to sum up, you might say:

"Well, we've looked at the three continents Europe, Asia and Africa. I'd like
to sum up now."

And when you finish summing up (de rezumat) and want to give your
recommendations, you might say:

"What does all this mean for us? Well, firstly I recommend..."

Tabelul de mai jos contine o lista de expresii utile pe care le puteti folosi
pentru a marca diverse etape ale prezentarii:


Function Language

• I'd like to start by...

• Let's begin by...
• First of all, I'll...
Introducing the subject
• Starting with...
• I'll begin by...

• Well, I've told you about...

• That's all I have to say about...
Finishing one subject... • We've looked at...
• So much for...

• Now we'll move on to...

• Let me turn now to...
• Next...
...and starting another • Turning to...
• I'd like now to discuss...
• Let's look now at...

• Where does that lead us?

• Let's consider this in more detail...
Analysing a point and giving
• What does this mean for ABC?
• Translated into real terms...

• For example,...
Giving an example • A good example of this is...
• As an illustration,...

• To give you an example,...
• To illustrate this point...

• We'll be examining this point in more detail

later on...
• I'd like to deal with this question later, if I
Dealing with questions
• I'll come back to this question later in my talk...
• Perhaps you'd like to raise this point at the end...
• I won't comment on this now...

• In conclusion,...
• Right, let's sum up, shall we?
• I'd like now to recap...
• Let's summarise briefly what we've looked at...
Summarising and concluding
• Finally, let me remind you of some of the issues
we've covered...
• If I can just sum up the main points...

• Firstly...secondly...thirdly...lastly...
• First of that...finally...
• To start finish up...

6. The Presentation

Most presentations are divided into 3 main parts (+ questions):

Cele mai multe prezentari sunt impartite in trei parti importante (+ intrebarile):


2 BODY (Questions)



Ca o regula generala in comunicare, repetitia este importanta. In prezentari
exista o regula de aur despre repetitie (a golden rule about repetition):

1. Say what you are going to say,

2. say it,
3. then say what you have just said.

Cu alte cuvinte, utilizați cele trei părți ale prezentării pentru a consolida
mesajul pe care doriti sa il transmiteti. Vom prezenta mai in detaliu fiecare


Introducerea este poate cea mai importanta parte a prezentarii. Reprezinta

prima impresie pe care o si-o face audienta, de acceea trebuie facuta corect.
Ar trebui sa va folositi de introducere pentru a:

1. welcome your audience

2. introduce your subject
3. outline the structure of your presentation
4. give instructions about questions

Urmatorul tabel ofera exemple de limbaj folosit pentru fiecare aceste


Function Possible language

• Good morning, ladies and gentlemen

• Good morning, gentlemen
1 Welcoming
• Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman
your audience
• Good afternoon, everybody

• I am going to talk today about...

2 Introducing • The purpose of my presentation is to introduce our new range
your subject of...

• To start with I'll describe the progress made this year. Then
I'll mention some of the problems we've encountered and how
3 Outlining
we overcame them. After that I'll consider the possibilities for
your structure
further growth next year. Finally, I'll summarize my
presentation (before concluding with some


• Do feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions.

4 Giving
• I'll try to answer all of your questions after the presentation.
• I plan to keep some time for questions after the presentation.
about questions

Body (“corpul” prezentarii)

Reprezinta adevarata prezentare. Daca Introducerea a fost bine pregatita

si a reprezentat un success in captarea atentiei audientei, acum va aflati deja
in control. Veti fi deci relaxat si increzator.

Corpul prezentarii trebuie sa fie bine structurat, divizat in mod logic si cu

multe imagini ajutatoare.

Remember these key points while delivering the body of your presentation
( amintiti-va aceste puncte-cheie pe parcursul desfasurarii prezentarii) :

• do not hurry (nu va grabiti)

• be enthusiastic (fiti entuziastmat)
• give time on visuals (lasati destul timp asupra imaginilor)
• maintain eye contact (mentineti contactul visual)
• modulate your voice (modelati-va vocea)
• look friendly (aratati prietenos)
• keep to your structure (respectati structura)
• use your notes (folositi-va de notite)
• signpost throughout (indicati catre material, grafice,etc)
• remain polite when dealing with difficult questions (ramaneti politicos
atunci cand va confruntati cu intrebari dificile).


Folositi concluziile pentru a:

(use the conclusion to):

1. Sum up (sa rezumati)

2. Give recommendations if appropriate (sa faceti recomadari daca
este potrivit)
3. Thank your audience (sa multumiti audientei)
4. Invite questions (sa invitati la a pune intrebari)

Urmatorul tabel ofera exemple de limbaj pentru fiecare dintre aceste

functii. Va fi nevoie sa va modificati limbajul folosit, dupa caz:

Function Possible language

• To conclude,...
• In conclusion,...
• Now, to sum up...
1 Summing up • So let me summarise/recap what I've said.
• Finally, may I remind you of some of the
main points we've considered.

• In conclusion, my recommendations are...

2 Giving • I therefore suggest/propose/recommend the
recommendations following strategy.

• Many thanks for your attention.

3 Thanking your • May I thank you all for being such an
audience attentive audience.

• Now I'll try to answer any questions you

may have.
• Can I answer any questions?
4 Inviting questions • Are there any questions?
• Do you have any questions?
• Are there any final questions?

Questions (intrebari)

Intrebarile sunt o oportunitate de a interactiona cu audienta, Ar putea

fi folositor sa incercati sa prevedeti ce intrebari ar putea adresa, astfel incat
sa va pregatiti raspunsul in avans.

Poate veti dori sa acceptati intrebari pe parcursul prezentarii, sau veti

aloca un timp la sfarsitul acesteia, pentru intrebari. Este alegerea dvs, si ar
trebui sa clarificati acest aspect in introducere. Fiit politicos cu cei care pun
intrebari, chiar daca ele sunt dificile. Ei isi exprima astfel interesul pentru
ceea ce spuneti, si merita atentie.

Now that we've covered the presentation structure, we will conclude with a review of
what we have learned...

7. Review :

In this seminar, you have learned:

• to allow plenty of time for preparation

• to ask the all-important question-words, why? who? where? when?
how? and what?
• to structure your presentation into introduction, body, conclusion and
• to write notes based on keywords
• to rehearse your presentation several times and modify it as necessary
• to select the right equipment for the job
• to use equipment effectively
• to make use of clear, powerful visual aids that do not overload your
• to use clear, simple language, avoiding jargon
• to use active verbs and concrete facts
• to explain the structure of your presentation at the beginning so that
your listeners know what to expect

• to link each section of your presentation
• to signpost your presentation from beginning to end so that your
listeners know where they are
• to say what you are going to say, say it, and say what you have just
• to overcome your nerves
• to establish audience rapport
• to be aware of your body language
• to understand cultural differences
• to control the quality of your voice
• to maintain interest by varying the speed, volume and pitch of your
• to deal with listeners' questions politely
• to respond to your audience positively.


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