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Kinh gti cong ty ERBASU Kinh giti cong ty TAMAX TOi tén la: Ngay sinh: T6i duoc céng ty Erbasu thong bao cd ten d6ng vi pham ky luat céng ty; cac diéu khoan Sau khi duoc gidi thich, toi nhan thay c6 thiéu s Cac quy dinh cia céng ty Erbasu. Téi viét don nay kinh mong céng ty Erbasu tao di phép tdi & lai Romania tiép tuc lam viée dén khi déng. Téi cam két nghiém tic thyc hién cac quy dinh Erbasu va cac diéu khoan trong hop dong. Néu pham, tdi sé bi buéc thanh ly hop dong va chiu vé nuée. : Té6i xin chan thanh cam on! company discipline After listening explanation, | found that | am missed understanding of regulations of the ERBASU Company. | write this letter to hope that ERBASU Company will allow me continue working until the end of contract. | promise that ! understood and will follow the Company's regulations and contract. ift make mistake again, | must be stop working, break contract and pay all fees for go back to Vietnam, In the top of my head, thank you very much. Date:25 /03 /2019 Writer (Full name, sign)

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