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Chimia analitica are o importanta mare atat in cercetari stiintifice cat si in

aplicatiile practice. Analiza chimica este de mare importanta pentru stiinta si


Insasi cunoasterea temeinica a chimiei nu este posibila fara chimie

analitica, deoarece ea prezinta si sugereaza aplicatiile practice imediate, fiind
un mijloc de control si de aprecieie critica in cercetarile stiintifice din domeniiile
chimiei. Edificiul modern al chimiei se sprijina pe cunostinte de natura analitica,
“toate progresele chimiei fiind in legatura mai mult sau mai putin directa cu
metodele analitice” (R. Fresenius, 1861).

Toate ramurile economice si ale productiei isi axeaza cercetarile si pe

rezultatele analizei chimice. Analiza chimica cuprinde cel putin jumatate din
preocuparile chimiei (sinteza si descompunere).

Prospectarea si exploatarea rationala a materiilor prime, organizarea

productiei de bunuri materiale este imposibila fara concursul chimiei analitice.
Analiza materiilor prime, urmarirea proceselor tehnologice de fabricatie si
controlul calitatii produselor intermediare si finite sunt conditii de baza pentru
organizarea stiintifica a productiei. Analiza chimica permite intrebuintarea mai
rationala a materiilor prime si obtinerea unui maxim de randament.

Preocuparile moderne de reglare si automatizare in industria chimica, si nu

numai, nu se pot materializa fara a apela la rezultatele teoretice si
instrumentatia moderna a chimiei analitice. Controlul analitic intrevine pe tot
parcursul fazelor de productie, de la materii prime pana la produsele finite. Nici
o unitate industriala nu poate obtine produse de calitate superioara fara un
control analitic riguros pe toate etapele sau fazele proceselor tehnologice.
Toate stiintele naturii sunt in mod firesc in stransa legatura cu chimia analitica.
In geologie, stiinte biologice, medicina, agronomie, rezolvarea problemelor
zilnice, progresul si noile descoperiri sunt conditionate de investigarea intima a
compozitiei si reactivitatii substantelor implicate. Importanta chimiei analitice
privita prin prisma legaturilor cu domeniile stiintifice inrudite, poate fi ilustrata
prin contributia sa insemnata la dezvoltarea metodelor de analiza aplicate in
analiza materiilor prime, in controlul de calitate, analiza compusilor biochimici
si farmaceutici, analiza mediului inconjurator, analize chimice, s.a. Cercetarile
nucleare, rezultatele epocale in descoperirea de elemente si de particule noi
sunt si realizari ale chimiei analitice. Necesitatea de specialisti ce au cunostinte
temeinice de chimie analitica in toate domeniile stiintelor naturii, si nu numai,
este fireasca deoarece chimia analitica este importanta nu numai din punct de
vedere al aplicatiilor ci si pentru cercetare. Chimia analitica are un rol deosebit
stiintei si tehnicii si contribuie intr-o masura insemnata la dezvoltarea multor
stiinte ca: geologia, geochimia, mineralogia, biologia, agrochimia fizica,
medicina, metalurgia si altele
‘Some heroes don’t wear capes, we call them doctors’
This one-liner said by an anonymous person is something we all have felt at some point or the other
in our lives. Indeed, doctors play a significant role in our lives. The absolute first and the last event
of a human are both certified by doctors, in maternity hospitals and morgue. A doctor is a person
with extensive knowledge in the domain of medical science, who applies and dedicates his
knowledge to identify the medical problem faced by the patient and then uses his skill to prevent or
cure it.

Hippocrates and Imhotep are some of the most ancient doctors in the world who contributed a lot
towards mankind. In India, the history of medicine goes way back as well. Sushruta was the first
surgeon in the world who lived around 800 BC. All these men belonged to different era and
background, however, their dedication and passion for saving lives and mending them are what
makes them stand together. They represent the community known as doctors.

Their contribution to human health is beyond comparison and the rich culture of the medicinal world
is still in its glory in this era. So let’s have a look at how the doctors play an important role in our
1. Saving life
Mostly this arises during the event for an emergency procedure or an elective procedure for a rather
time sensitive or serious illness. An accidental injury and troubled labor also account for the same.

2. Extending life
Unfortunately, not every illness can be cured completely. But with the effort of doctors and
medicines and therapies, the lifespan of the patient or onset of the worst effect of an illness can be
extended significantly. Though this time varies greatly from case to case and patient to patient, the
efforts behind the cause are commendable.

3. Improving lives
Not every disease threatens the life of the patient. However, living with the discomforts for a
lifetime is not an acceptable option either. The effort of doctors makes it possible to mitigate these
discomforts and help live their life to fullest.

4. Controlling the epidemics

Some diseases claim an entire population than just handful of random people. Contagious disease
and other epidemic conditions are for instance, are a huge threat to the health of a common people
living in that geographical boundary. Timely measures and awareness by doctors can curb or
eliminate such catastrophic situation.
These are some of the many, many contributions these apron-wearing armies make for us. To pay
our tributes to doctors in India, we celebrate Doctor’s day on 1st July every year. This date coincides
with both the birth and death anniversary of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy. It reminds us the special
contribution made by this legendary physical, who treated thousands and inspired millions of lives,
including the life of Mahatma Gandhi.

Prior to the discovery of modern medicine, life had been a fleeting motion for all of mankind. The
environment was replete with unseen dangers in the form of diseases and unexplained medical
conditions. With the passage of time and advanced technology, medical practice changed into an
organized profession, and humans experienced a significant improvement in the quality of their lives.
Even though, one might argue and say that technical advancement may have replaced these ‘angels on
earth’, but the position of doctors in our society has not diminished, and till date, they remain

Saving Lives
For people around the world, a doctor can at times mean the difference between life and death. Ask a
soldier or a competitive athlete, and you would hear countless tales of how their fractured and wounded
bodies found solace and healing through the hands of a skilled physician. A regular cough and cold is
not where the job of a medical professional starts and stops.

Extending Life
Cancer survivors usually owe their endurance or survival to doctors, whose skills and dedication are
crucial for their cure. Modern medical technology coupled with a doctor’s’ care can give patients
diagnosed with terminal illnesses, the hope for living longer.

Being Human
Humanitarian work and doctors have been synonymous since time immemorial. Some public support
groups related to health and wellness, such as cancer and diabetes, draw membership from the medical
profession and help promulgate information about how to avoid certain illnesses through lifestyle
changes. From volunteering, to working on missions that provide healthcare to disaster victims and the
underprivileged, doctors play more than just one role in our world.

Conducting Extensive Research & Controlling Epidemics

SARS, Bird Flu, and Dengue were at some point of time diseases that led to inevitable death rates that
could not be cured. In today’s day and age, when such fatal diseases outbreak or occur, information
provided by doctors can help contain the epidemic. Doctors check the spread of such diseases by
creating awareness amongst masses. They do so by alerting them about bad hygiene, and risky
behaviors that lead to such ailments. Besides this, doctors also work alongside researchers to find new
cures, and run tests on consenting patients in order to come up with the perfect medical concoctions.

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