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1) Topul fan page-urilor pe FACEBOOK (Top
30 fan page)

Rank Facebook Fan Page Name Number of Likes Facebook Fan Page URL

1 Texas Hold'Em Poker 25,568,343

2 Facebook 23,630,608
3 Michael Jackson 22,430,514
4 Lady Gaga 21,336,449
5 Family Guy 19,903,117
6 Eminem 17,937,772
7 YouTube 17,866,500
8 Vin Diesel 17,480,817
9 The Twilight Saga 16,356,692
10 Starbucks 16,099,677

Noul link : top fan page

2) Studiu facut in perioada iunie 2008- iunie 2009 ( publicitatea pe social network-in
special facebook)

In anul 2010, banii pentru publicitate ar trebui investiti nu in TV, nu print nu radio ci

Potrivit studiului Nielsen retelele sociale sunt cele mai importante pentru ca acolo sunt
potentialii clienti. Studiu facut in perioada iunie 2008- iunie 2009.
Additional findings include:
Dar nu orice retele sociale. Potrivit aceluiasi studiu Facebook e pe primul loc ca si numar de

Numarul membrilor la facebook a crescut cu 198% din iunie 08 pana in iunie 09.

E si locul unde ne petrecem cel mai mult timp, dintre toate retelele sociale.
(The Nielsen Company, June 2009)

3) Cum sa-ti promovezi afacerea pe Twitter

Brandurile care aleg retelele sociale sau platformele de microblogging ca si loc de

promovare trebuie sa cunoasca particularitatile fiecarei retele pentru a incheia cu
succes diferitele campanii publicitare, potrivit

Promovarea pe Twitter se bazeaza pe utilizatori si necesita un continut potrivit si

interesant pentru a avea success, tinand cont si de proximitatea temporala: un post cu
informatii vechi va fi ignorat de catre utilizatori.

Un tweet este un mesaj de maximum 140 de caractere pe care utilizatorii il posteaza pe

profilul lor Twitter.

Reprezentantii Twitter au anuntat recent serviciul de "promoted tweets" ca pe o

modalitate de a pastra vizibilitatea mesajelor in pagina de cautari a site-ului.

Un tweet promovat nu este un anunt publicitar propriu-zis, dar va aparea primul in

pagina de rezultate pe un anumit cuvant cheie. In momentul in care nu va mai fi accesat,
acesta va disparea.

Twitter a fost foarte atent la noul program de advertising pentru a-l adapta la politica sa,
in care utilizatorii detin controlul.

Spre deosebire de obisnuitul advertising online, unde un algoritm decide relevanta fata
de cerintele utilizatorilor, pe Twitter utilizatorii sunt cei care dau verdictul relevantei.

Twitter denumeste aceasta abordare drept “rezonanta” si isi va dezvolta criteriile pe

masura ce noul program se desfasoara.

Cum functioneaza rezonanta Twitter?

Un singur tweet promovat va aparea ca prim-rezultat in cautarea unui anume cuvant-

In acest moment, se plateste la mia de afisari, insa pe masura ce Twitter isi va dezvolta
algoritmul de rezonanta, cel mai probabil acest aspect se va modifica.

Cel care publica tweet-ul rezerva un cuvant-cheie, stabileste un buget si apoi alege un
tweet pe care doreste sa il promoveze.

Este exact ca un tweet obisnuit, doar ca are un fundal de culoare diferita si o eticheta la
baza unde scrie “Promoted by…”.

Daca oamenii interactioneaza cu respectivul tweet, acesta va ramane in partea de sus a

paginii de rezultate si poate fi vizualizat in continuare.

Daca tweet-urile promovate de un advertiser sunt ignorate de utilizatori, Twitter da

inapoi restul banilor si permite altor companii sa rezerve cuvantul cheie. 

De ce sa apelezi la “promoted tweets”?

Pentru cele 5 milioane de tweet-uri pe zi

Twitter este extrem de popular si functia sa de cautare a luat amploare, asa ca exista o
garantie clara ca vei fi vazut in rezultatele de cautare si ai putea ramane acolo pentru
multa vreme.

Potrivit reprezentantilor Twitter, tweet-urile platite vor aparea si in rezultatele Google si


Daca ai inteles eficienta Twitter

Daca esti urmarit deja de multi oameni care iti raspund la tweet-uri, promovarea va fi de

Ai deja cateva informatii despre cum se desfasoara lucrurile, care au fost tweet-urile
preluate si care au fost omise, asa ca ai sanse mari sa iesi in fata cu o promovare

Poti sa iti faci o idee despre eficienta pe Twitter folosind instrumente de masura precum
Objective Marketer sau Twitter Analyzer.

Ce inseamna Twitter in contextul actual?

In momentul de fata nu poti sa beneficiezi de “promoted tweets” decat daca esti unul
dintre partenerii alesi de Twitter cu atentie pentru aceasta actiune, precum Sony
Pictures, Virgin America, Starbucks si Best Buy.

Exista insa o modalitate de a calca pe urmele acestor nume grele, pentru ca si ei fac
parte dintr-un mare experiment si folosesc cele mai bune idei pentru a iesi in fata cu
tweet-uri care sa aiba success, in acest nou model de  promovare.

4) Retelele sociale de top cu cea mai multa publicitate

Dupa ce a fost lansata Ad Platform Twitter, reclamele pe microblogging au crescut doar cu


5) Global Faces & Network Places (a Nielsen report on social networkin’s new global
footprint –march 2009)


Cum retelele sociale creaza o potentiala schimbare in comportametul consumatorilor.

In raportul Nielsen Online, termenul „Global” se refera la : USA, Brazilia,Marea Birtanie,

Franta, Germania, Italia, Spania, Austrita, Elvetia. ase i

Figure 1: Member Community growth twice that of any of the other fi ve

most popular sectorsn

ReachSource: Nielsen Online, Global Index, December 2007 – December 2008. E.g. In Dec 08 the
Search sector
reached 1.9% (points) more of the world’s online population than it did in Dec 07
1 ‘Global’ refers to AU, BR, CH, DE, ES, FR, IT, UK & USA only
Dec 07
% Point
IncreasActiveFigure 3: The total amount of time spent on Facebook increased by 566%

Source: Nielsen Online, Global Index, December 2007 – December 2008

1 ‘Global’ refers to AU, BR, CH, DE, ES, FR, IT, UK & USA only

Figure 2: Germany has seen the greatest increase in online reach of

Member Community websites
Source: Nielsen Online, NetView, Home and Work Data, December 2007 – December 2008 (*Home
only). E.g. In
Dec 08 ‘Member Communities’ reached 67% of the global online population compared to 61% in
Dec 07
1 ‘Global’ refers to AU, BR, CH, DE, ES, FR, IT, UK & USA only (JP fi gure not included in
Global fi gure)

Figure 4: Switzerland has seen the greatest increase in share of time

accounted for by Member Community websites
Source: Nielsen Online, NetView, Home and Work Data, December 2007 – December 2008 (*Home
E.g. Between Dec 07 and Dec 08 the share of time accounted for by ‘Member Communities’ globally
from 6.7% to 9.3% - a relative increase of 38%
1 ‘Global’ refers to AU, BR, CH, DE, ES, FR, IT, UK & USA only

Nielsen study
Social network advertising1 is a term that is used to describe a form of Online advertising that
focuses on social networking sites. One of the major benefits of advertising on a social networking site
(facebook, myspace, friendster, bebo, orkut...and many others) is that advertisers can take advantage
of the users demographic information and target their ads appropriately.

[edit]The Social Network Advertising Market

Parts of this article (those related to section) are outdated. Please update this
article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Please see the talk
page for more information. (November 2010)

eMarketer predicts that $2 Billion will be spent this year (2008) on social network advertising
worldwide and that this market will continue to grow - reaching $3.8 billion in spending by 2011[1].
However, a large portion of this spending is predicted to be coming from the US market. As Internet
usage continues to grow in other parts of the world, and social networks continue to proliferate[2],
advertising dollars on social networking sites outside of the US will begin to play a major role.

There have been many claims that Social Network Advertising will revolutionize the online advertising
market. Most famously, founder of facebook Mark Zuckerberg, announced that "For the last hundred
years media has been pushed out to people, but now marketers are going to be a part of the
conversation."[3] No doubt social network advertising is a significant new way of reaching customers,
but the market is far from being mature.

"In general, it's been improving but we still have a long way to go. Things have been going well this's hard to predict where social networking will come out." - Sergey Brin (Google Co-Founder) [4]

[edit]Forms of Social Network Advertising

There are three major classifications of Social Network Advertising:

 Direct Advertising that is based on your network of friends - This can be the most
effective format but also causes the most controversy. An example is the Facebook beacon
project.[5] Based on an action your friend has taken, you might see a message in your news feed
saying 'Bob has just bought a 'RadioHead CD from MusicWorld'. This can be an extremely
effective mode as often people make decisions to purchase something or do something based on
their close group of friends. However, there is also a lot of controversy surrounding this as it can
be considered exploiting the personal relationships you have with your friends and also raises
privacy concerns.

 Direct Advertising placed on your social networking site - This is a more traditional form
of web advertising. Just like you see banner ads on many other sites, this is a similar concept,
except on a social networking site. You can see these - for example - as a brick in the top right of

MySpace pages, or as a banner on the left of Facebook profiles and so on. There are two
differences however - One is that these social networks can take advantage of demographic data
on your profile and hence target the ad directly to you. Secondly, these types of ads can also be
placed by individual developers on their application pages through ad networks such
as SponsorPay, AdParlor or Offerpal. They have access to the same data and can generate
income for application developers giving them further motivation to create apps and giving
advertisers a more engaging way to reach out to these social networking users.

 Indirect Advertising by creating 'groups' or 'pages' - This is an innovative marketing

technique in which a company will create a 'page' or 'group' that users can choose to join. They
will use this to build up 'subscribers' or 'fans' and use this to market a contest, a new product, or
simply just to increase brand awareness. These groups can quickly grow in numbers of
subscribers which can become a very effective marketing tool.


1. ^ Social Networking Ad Spending Update

2. ^ Social Networking World Maps

3. ^ - Word of mouse

4. ^ Reuters - 'Brin says Google social network ad business "improving"'

5. ^ Facebook Beacon Project

A social network is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes",

which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such
as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or
relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.2


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