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Introducere Cu English in 20 Minutes a Day puteti invata engleza din mers. Acest program este astfel conceput incat sa se incadreze in stilul dumneavoastré de viata, oricat ati fide ocupat. Nu aveti nevoie decat de lectia pentru zlua respectiva, de Resource Book si de CD, si puteti studia si asculta oriunde $i oricand va convine. Un program in etape Fiecare dintre cele douasprezece etape ale programului va va prezenta diferite situatii Intalnite In viata de zi cu zi, ca sa Thvatati o englezA cu adevarat utila, Veti incepe cu activitati simple, cum ar fi aceea de a va prezenta sau de a solicita unele informatii, ajungand apoi la limbajul mai complex si exigent al persuasiunii si dezbaterii Engleza ca limba international English in 20 Minutes a Day va va ajuta s8 comunicati eficient cu oameni din lumea Intreaga, folosind engleza ca limba international. Cuvintele si pronuntiile care diferd de la engleza britanica la cea americana sunt scoase In evident, pentru a v3 ajuta sa fiti cu adevarat international" Componentele Pentru etapele 1-6 aveti: + Un dosar cuprinzand toate lectille de care aveti nevoie, cu un separator, precum acesta, la Inceputul fiecarei etape + Sase CD-uri, cate unul pentru fiecare etapa. + O Resource Book, cuprinzand réspunsuri la exercitii, gramaticd de referint’, si un bilingv (englez-roman si roman-englez) al cuvintelor folosite In lectii + O carticica, Audio Scripts, cuprinzand transcrierea tuturor Inregistrarilor de pe CD-uri, ca s& puteti citi in timp ce ascultati ‘+ © mapa de plastic In care s puteti pune materialele de care aveti nevoie pentru fiecare lectie. inidictionar Lect * Fiecare lectie Incepe cu 0 Intrebare usoara, de incalzire" * Veti trece apoi la o lectura sau o tem de ascultare. Pentru auditie, pe foaia cu lectia gasiti numarul corespunzator al Inregistrarli de pe CD, Intr-un simbol de casti audio. * Majoritatea lectiilor cuprind o problema de gramatic& pe care sa o Invatati si s& 0 exersati. Unde vedeti cuvintele See Grammar Bank, veti gsi mai multe informatii in sectiunea de gramatics din Resource Book * Daca lectia vi se pare usoara, sau daca va Incadrati bine in limita de timp, puteti merge mai departe facand si activitatea suplimentara 20 minutes+. Dac& nu aveti timp Ins, nu va facet eriji. Ati parcurs partea esentiala a lectiei. Caracteristici speciale In fiecare etapa a cursului, puteti ‘sé luati o pauza si s va Imbogatiti vocabularul cu lectiile speciale din pliantele Breakthrough + s8 urmariti o povestire palpitanta pe CD. * sa va verificati tot timpul progresele. Succes, si bucurati-va invatand engleza cate 20 de minute pe zi! Primele lectii LESSON 1 Meeting and greeting people (Sa facem cunostinfa) se [Formule de salut) concentreaza asupra LESSON 2 Where do you come from? unor elemente simple: [De unde sunces2} formule de salut pentru LESSON 3 What do you do every day? diferite ocazii, discutii {Ce facet in fecare 2) despre activitatile LESSON 4 Talk about your family zilnice, descrierea [Sa vorbim despre familie] muncii si a familiei # dumneavoastra Se ee Obisnuindu-va cu acest curs, veti prinde curaj LESSON 5 Introducing people pentru etapele (Facesicuncsting!} urmatoare. LESSON 6 What work do you do? {Ce ocupatie aver} LESSON7 Completing forms and giving personal details [Complearea unor formulare cu date personae] What can you do? {Ce suis faco) Inregistrarile audio sunt 0 component imporeanté a lectilor. Daca e posibil, LESSON 8 ascultati-le de mai : i Se LESSON 9 Seaside Mystery: Part 1 Beep gry dea ha {Suspans pe malul mari: Parcea 1] ingelegeri de la ineeput LESSON 10 Check your progress fiecare cuvant. Puteti INerincagiva progresele) folosi transcrierile LESSON 11 Applying for a job (1) inregistrarilor pentru a [Cererea de angsiare ()] | Vi ajuca, Pe misuri ce LESSON 12 Leave a message vi obisnuiti 4 auziti [Lasagi un mesaj) Bee Seer BREAKTHROUGH 2 At the bank va va fi mai usor sao [La baneal vorbiti. Ca exercitiu, incercati si repetati LESSON 13. Saying thank you cu voce tare cuvintele [Formule de mulgumiri) ‘si propozitiile pe care LESSON 14 What do you look like? le auziti {Cum arses] LESSON 15. Likes and dislikes (1) [Ce va place si ce nu (1)] LESSON 16 Likes and dislikes (2) [Ce va place si ce nu (2)) LESSON 17 Applying for a job (2) {Cererea de angalare 2] LESSON 18 More family talk [Mai multe despre familie} LESSON 19 Seaside Myster [Suspans pe mall mac: LESSON 20 Check your progress [erica progresele} In La drum, veti intalni mai multe situatii obisnuite legate de calatorii. Limbajul pe care-1 invatati in aceasté etapa va va ajuta sa va orientati folosind limba engleza si sa exersati intrebari si raspunsuri simple. suplimentare din casetele Do you know? si Word Power pentru a va imbogati vocabularul legat de calitori, LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 Asking where things are {intrebari despre unde se afl un anumit loc] Giving directions [Rispunsuri orientative] Signs and notices (1) {Semne gi panouri (1) Telling the time [Despre ora exacta] BREAKTHROUGH 3 At the station LESSON 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LESSON 8 LESSON 9 LESSON 10 LESSON 11 LESSON 12 [La garal Buying travel tickets {Bilecele de calatorie] What is happening? {Ce se incampa?] Signs and notices (2) [Semne si panouri (2)] What are you going to do? {Ce urmeaza 58 facet] Seaside Mystery: Part 3 [Suspans pe malul mari: Partea 3] Check your progress (Verifcagva progresele) Asking about places {Turul orasului] How do you spell it? {Cum se pronuntat} BREAKTHROUGH 4 At the airport LESSON 13 LESSON 14 LESSON 15 LESSON 16 LESSON 17 LESSON 18 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 [La aeroport) Finding out about {Despre local) Can you repeat that...? (Vreti sa repetati] Making sense {Si ne facem ineles) Finding out about countries [Despre tari] Dealing with travel situations Tineimplari de calatorie) Ways to travel IModuri de a cilitori} Seaside Mystery: Part 4 [Suspans pe malul mari: Partea 41 Check your progress INerifcati-v progresele] Ss In La cumpirturi veti intalni mai multe situatii legate de cumpairat si vandut — in contextul cumpararii de alimente, luarii mesei la un restaurant, inchirie: unei locuinte sau probarii unor haine intr-un ‘magazin. Invatati cateva schimburi simple de cuvinte Tn engleza si cum sd faceti fat unor situatii mai complicate, cum ar fi o reclamatie sau schimbarea unor produse. in cateva locuri veri gisi unele diferente {nere engleza britanicé (UK) si engleza americana (US). in acest curs sunt evidentiate cele mai frecvente, dar nu uitati c& limba se schimba permanent! Principalul este si incercati s& evitati confuzil Nu uitati si folositi Word Bank sau un dictionar bun pentru cuvintele in privinta carora nu sunteti sigur. LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 How much are they? [Cat costa’) Weights and measures {Masuri si greuesy] Let’s have a takeaway! [Comenzi prin telefon) Convenience shopping [Magnzine generale) BREAKTHROUGH 5 Eating out LESSON 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LESSON 8 LESSON 9 LESSON 10 LESSON 11 LESSON 12 [Sa mancdm in oras) Buying online [Cumparaturi online} Renting a room [Inchirierea unei camere] Hiring a car {Inchirierea unei masini) Placing an order {Cum cereti ceva la magazin) Seaside Mystery: Part 5 [Suspans pe malul mari: Partea 5) Check your progress (Verificai-vi progresele) How do you like to shop? [Cum preferay si faceti cumparituri?] Hotel information Ulnformati despre hoteluri} BREAKTHROUGH 6 At the hotel LESSON 13 LESSON 14 LESSON 15 LESSON 16 LESSON 17 LESSON 18 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 {La hotel] Checking in {fnregistrarea la hotel] Making a complaint {inaintarea unei reclamatil) Checking out [Plecarea de la hotel] At the shopping centre [La centrul comercial] Exchanging goods {Schimbarea unui produs) Sending things by post [Expedierea prin posta] Seaside Mystery : Part 6 {Suspans pe malul mirit Partea 6) Check your progress (Nerifcativa progresele) Deseori, intr-o conversatie trebuie sa vorbiti despre dumneavoastra insiva sau despre alti. Lectiile din Sa privim camenii va vor spori capacita- tea de a descrie pe cineva in engleza si va vor ajuta s& faceti comparatii in Imprejurari de zi cu zi. Veti incepe de asemenea sa puneti intrebari si si rispundeti la Intrebari despre evenimente trecute. Uitati-va in sectiunea gramaticali din Resource Book pentru mai multe informati si exemple, de cite ori vi se sugereazi acest lucru. Gramatica englezi nu este atit de grea cum se crede! LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 Identifying people IIdensiearea perscanclor] Is this yours? [Asta va apartine?) What do they want? [Ce vor ei?] Comparing people IFaceti compara BREAKTHROUGH 7 _At the game LESSON 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LESSON 8 LESSON 9 LESSON 10 LESSON 11 LESSON 12 ltajod) The biggest and the best {Cel mai mare si cel mai bun} Asking and answering questions [Puneti intrebari si rSspundey la inerebari] What are they doing? [Ce fac ei?) Describing people ([Descrieres persoanelor) Seaside Mystery: Part 7 [Suspans pe malul mari: Partea 7] Check your progress LVerificagi-va progresele] Personalities [Personalci] What do you like doing? [Ce vi place si faceti?] BREAKTHROUGH 8 At home LESSON 13 LESSON 14 LESSON 15 LESSON 16 LESSON 17 LESSON 18 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 tAcasil What did you do at the weekend? {Ce ay ficut in weekend?] What was it like? [Cuma fose! Then and now (Auunci si acurn) Have you ever...? (Asi ficut vreodata.2) Multi-word verbs [Verbe prepozitionale] Party people [Oameni de petrecere) Seaside Mystery: Part 8 [Suspans pe malul marii: Partea 8] Check your progress (Verificati-va progresele] Cu tofii trebuie s8 dam sau sa primim instructiuni la un moment dat, acasi sau la serviciu, Lectiile din Atentie! se refera la modul de a da sfaturi, avertismente si explicatii, Veti invata de asemenea despre modul de exprimare a cauzei si rezultatului in propozitii conditionale. Tn aceasta etapa veti gisi sfaturi despre cum i fifi politicosi cand dafi instructiuni sau cereti ceva pe englezeste. Oamenii apreciaza intotdeauna acest lucru, aga incat merit efortul suplimentar, chiar daca asta inseamna si folositi cateva cuvinte ‘in plus. LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 Giving orders and making requests (1) [Das dispozi sau cereti ceva (I) Giving orders and making requests (2) [Das dispozi sau ceres! cova (2) Following and giving instructions [Urmagi sau dati instructiuni) Giving advice (1) {Cum dim sfacuri(1)} BREAKTHROUGH 9 _In the office LESSON 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LESSON 8 LESSON 9 LESSON 10 LESSON 11 LESSON 12 {la birou} Giving advice (2) {Cum dim sfaturi (2)] Talking about obligation [S& vorbim despre obligatii) Saying how to do things [Spuneti cum se face ceva] Talking about quantity (1) [Si vorbim despre cantiate (I)] Seaside Mystery: Part 9 [Suspans pe malul mari: Partea 9] Check your progress [Werificati-va progresele] Talking about quantity (2) IS vorbim despre cantiate (2)] Talking about quantity (3) [88 vorbim despre cantitate (3)} BREAKTHROUGH 10 _ In the street LESSON 13 LESSON 14 LESSON 15 LESSON 16 LESSON 17 LESSON 18 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 {Pe strada] Making suggestions and talking about probability [Despre sugesti si posible rezultate] Talking about cause and result [Despre cauza si rezultat) Describing how something is done (Descrieti cum se face ceva] Describing something that is happening now [Deseries! ceva ce se intampla acum) Tell me about them [S§ vorbim despre camenil Describing an action [Descries o actiunel Seaside Mystery: Part 10 [Suspans pe malul miris Partea 10) Check your progress IVericagivd progresele] Lectiile din Povestiti sunt axate pe relatarea unor evenimente care au avut loc in trecut. Ele se refera la situatii mai complexe, cum ar fi povestirea unor ‘intamplari sau scrierea unui raport. Apoi veti pri spre viitor, astfel cd acum veti putea exersa toate timpurile verbale de baz’. In areata eee Srurean io privew anipra verificarilor progreselor pe care le-ati facut (leczlle 10 si 20 din fiecare etap’) si vederi cat de bine va descurcati. Ati parcurs o cale lung. de la Etapa 1. Bravo! vk in 20 ales day Fist edion ©2004 The Readers Digost London ‘Pros pentru Reader's Digest do Alig Pres, Landon ‘sign Btige creative Services ‘Copyright © 2008 Eatura Read's Digest, Bucs, pont eda romans Readers Digest! ogoul Pegs sunt mis Inregiarate ale The Readers Digest Association, Ine Pleaser New York USA Descrerea CIP Biblioteci Nationale a Rome! English n 20 minotes # day -Bucwrest Reader's Digest 2005 Concept code I 01310 Poted and bound in aly by Olficine Graiche Novara 1901 $8, 005 LESSON 1 LESSON 2 LESSON 3 LESSON 4 Asking about past events (1) {increbiri despre ce a fost (1)} Asking about past events (2) [inerebari despre ce a fost (2)] What were they doing? [Ce faceau el?) Telling a story [Spunesi o poveste] BREAKTHROUGH 11 At the museum LESSON 5 LESSON 6 LESSON 7 LESSON 8 LESSON 9 LESSON 10 LESSON 11 LESSON 12 [La muzeu) What did you do next? [Ce ay ficut dupa aceen! When did it happen? [Cand s-a intimplat?] Talking about obligation IS& vorbim despre obliga) What's going to happen? [Ce urmeazi si se intample?], Seaside Mystery: Part 11 [Suspans pe malol mari: Partea 11] Check your progress ‘[Verificati-va progresele] Talking about future plans [Despre planuri de vitor} Saying when something is going to happen [Cum spunem cand urmeaza sa se intample ceva) BREAKTHROUGH 12 That's entertainment! LESSON 13 LESSON 14 LESSON 15 LESSON 16 LESSON 17 LESSON 18 LESSON 19 LESSON 20 [Hai si ne distram!) Talking about past events [Despre evenimente din trecut] How do | get there? [Cum ajung acolo?) Reporting what people say (1) [Ce au spus alsii (1)] Famous lives [Personaje faimoase) Reporting what people say (2) [Ce au spus agi (2) Promises and resolutions [Promisiuni si hotérar Seaside Mystery: Part 12 (conclusion) {Suspans pe malul mari: Partea 12 (ncheiere)] Check your progress IVerifcat-va progresele] Getting to know you eee ‘Meeting and greeting people 1 um proce cand face contin cu news? 2 ln tev xpos flaste nibs engl ts cnd do can oe conor scala ete! 7 {meer ) : I> ceceeet ten eet Goes ee 3 Act pencane ae cuoae dl, Chi suka cn Sess core log ene o comer telefon? 1 Met. ing How are ou? Tp, Mu How te ou? “ood tern, Dad, How ae hinge? Wi Sharon. How a you? ‘vey wel han yo, rer, wel “Yes al, Hay 4 a repunsl adecva ea cr for de salt (1-5). reeine Response 1 Eeuse me ate you De oun? Tot, thant 2 How do youd? |b) Pleisd to met you Ms asbesk 3 How ae ox? e514, 4 Helo. ay Rasch 4 How do youd? 5H sharon: Net ee eu ) Niceto se you, ly E Inject Wher ons exe bree Now a emt rear ep dnt oe at nt FB 20 minutes+ Compleat acstedlopu cca 9 eae in hens Flos feane avin sau expe ng td 1 BRE... at you Pessor Rosy? 2B es.tam, i Wee to se you reshnts 26 Hein Sharon 2 rcs me » ardour How do you to 3k aa Poe Aad! Gy Msstaumeesnwe ean vei rns Getting to Where do you come from? 1 et cae devi Dad, ce se een? ran ceateas epee e AMS 2 Cit amatouee cat de va stcompie popotie, A ° SSS lary Raisbeck Fi Poet jee Stee Retire Professor Anna Polsky Brown hy anda Pe Rises 1 a comes rm (rome ctioan 2 ad Kee es in. (rane of oan) 2 Sharon Wad wri. Irae oft 4 fora Ply ern trame of oun $1 Bown wai nk trae oftorn 16 Yang Chong comes om € (rire cure 3 Ua din ou a ee de via (Y) orati ecaeo au despre fear ponauna 4 Ascatatofaimeac ten de cna vrbind despre onl are eeu ntl 2 Holywood ‘aa aes cv Word Bank dhe noe itereat snl iely spot walk dive ee aspundt la nttosree nei, Putt sca in nou eps ‘heyy a 4 at peop in Hoye? They crn 5 What nf Roue does se ne? She thes ina hovse ¥ 20 minutes+ ispundr la wmitowele inves 1 Wher oyu come on? esme tom (rae county xh toe) 2 here do oun in Irae otto 3 whats yourrans? My pamo 4 here do ou woe sore (rane ttown ier ig to know you What do you do every day? At un poarch cre sa ‘Sptimansluele pe cree ae don westend? TS Ge shopping Gp? Matte Mat win dere raga et nine eg dine verbee de mal os pera complt textal. Pott ves ce scam in Word ac, we fish out etree me veteup tue lee = © ley ect 4 thesame tings ery dey 1 sie, bat sayin bed utl see ssn ‘teal wahesme pt sncthen! breaks -—some toast anda cup fae 1 ‘thehous at ele thy and tothe bussop 1 to workby bs. 1 kt aout in and 1 work atvec i Inthe even 1 dinner and lesen a onthe cmp Ln ayn be by lent fanterrenrerenp, entre rowen | Matehoatmne > — ‘Acesttinp verbal folstpertuavorbi La mafrtate verb se aug espe actuate nod ba ‘dod eooesc hs aos ae fr as Stele sek my ay ote yu eva Mein i ein. Este floss pena vrl despre fate Noga se oem prin ees | ‘sadetrt enale Ae nite verb. | Pl el i he tl State a tint some is, Heian don 3, co casen de mat sus pens dec Michael lose rene Sinplsin descr I 4 odie maton propo fan 1 lgstupat son teen Michal ets pat eeven teen 4 enh wok fre or He es ort fv ors. 5 tush teleon we es teleison, 6 play on teeter Me onthe compute, 5 Punt popoutile deat sus, cn stings In nes loin de. TL. dent. get up at, seven Sifter 20 minutes+ Serle un pal despre dumneavaets complet cee rope 1 (tein fat 1 (artes Then hae Sekt ' heave / theese at) te, /to wor 1 rsh werk at Inthe ering Getting to know you Talk about your family ‘cum ost elle de adele? sat ‘ewe other peng ther | coves 2 viable genslg al Hanah sab ce rd de ruenie stephen Sather Macin Mate and eote see Marte Brown. Gone Caley Sn lism. Kon Haren (1935-2001) = JT —] : -_\~ 2 Cau verbal fem Gramma nk ‘ge ooa coc a verbal pene completa cet propel 1 ater Oven ae nie 2 sam the ony daughter ny fal. 5 Gemma sae the same ae os me 5 Wein/aea tei, © They aes my anda. 4 Pune popoatile de exerci a nept up mod at My. beet, oem... ees Gp * Resa ge tah tid de ant innocent epune Cbrenstunde case cent cite see 6 ‘aca in pou repeal scene cite cu oce te ne th ny oe and myer nd my vo bh Tey ae ale schoo he me, hare vo gandncti one pater tir rend eon me sod one aut. 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Foon de iain tach hose emia UK dlr U8) oo oe ‘oc of ats (UR) ung (UR) ranch house (U8) tered ous UK) rw hose (US) sine alg (5) Detaton ‘peo tome 1 shows who or ore stcmys hat sot jin anther. detached have, 2 ahs with none sor 3 atl bling vith separate homes on each oor 4 shoe that is cine anther hose ono se 5 shoose tis oie to acter hse on th es G9 2 tas ep ba()e elase pearlet metinte fat tachadhouse termed house) bang [") semidetaced howe Welcome! @ {ce plan cave adeciate penta compet propane 1 The aly her meal abe ing. 2 Do you want tous the compute? ts inthe 3 Theiler carn around and ply nthe A cant sete ee? “Yes fous the seed oor along the 4 Thea watch lesen nthe 6 Weieto stone and watch the surg down, 7 Wee sme neh inthe Do you nano se them? | bovis inthe es making some asad ale forbes 20 minutes+ Asciat dn nou conversa scompeta propor, 1 wheres Brana kein 2 Wt doe tran dk? Hedin 5 Wt doe Susan ato Mae? She ses ir 44 How the ty? ma 45 What does Maresh Suan and oan tod? 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Nees, taking, 2, peep ial speaer? as tango people Speers as visting ter cours spears es wong ah species asthe ter salt 20 minutes+ ‘Asuka! i ou negate pe nest lec ght exemple ct fare eu det ar secte, T Mave, te, std al dag Speer ses sear. ese con at sa ep Lc ohatTaTe od dared iV (orp ‘Completing forms and giving personal details 1 et asc converte elo ‘Utter sgn is mtn inte 18 Who do you think spain? What do youth the oveston abou? Gp 2 ests recs et pune 3 al scat oda stcamplet fala tena) Gey Fata 7 owt ‘ont ay 4 Aeum imagine pleat vacant Si compa formal Be tele ‘hunneoroates| ‘sad impact efleescadeen au acest expres in conve eeons wo ee ee ices Catalin somem, Teepe pee betel Se, ence Se Gramma ark 5 core ine acest proposes o cree stare se reed laprceperes sn apaates de alae ceva 2)? 1 fae and ater can dance ey al. .2 3 Could we come side moment? 1 cauldyou ip mers th od. phase? ecerenereeccnne worn Powe =. |e eee 20 minutes+ ‘Cs spunsul deca wmtorle nee 1 io an e302 27h shh of May ieaen vent 2can take your deer : by tent to br some tal sua. 2 How do oa spel eae Coro, Gorge Steet, Orngetle iar your tec nk 1) Ofcourse, wt do you ne know? 5 Whats your ese iho Re FAH, Getting to know you | {,, What can you do? 1 ce rei sau competent sve? Le fl activites ' dumnesvoasts lat catova exemple. Le pute veriicam | | | 3 ‘pean fea gue cea cial ma ce ate deine eae ‘tide eat operons 2 Mculat cel pesos vorbind despre pein competent. 8 Penrice orbit sre ce exe poe ‘ee prghe eon ce compete eb sate ste oaths. teacher “aching + revacare ne odpm eas + Ceca pact de mal aan proeie ‘aie + Mate peri Ina on heh ads ‘Simulcaa omoctett men ‘sultan po converses lake exemple cu a ot (posers! on apace) Care er ee east pers competent eae pen resi? a ata Completurmitee propenticy su hae gage 1 peter. 99%..adploma aessng a1 each al winter pos 3 They sped the nguges~ Spish French and Er 4 re cing ence? 5 Aleta pope or preesing and computer sti ee ay, 6 te tive ry tease he 20 a hee St non pve pe mien cece wi o0000 4 Care ire dent! spun aes propo? bike Caos Peter sec tonight yu ar busy ae atthe sehot So enn Check your progress ‘Aceat ect vi pels xen cea ntat pnd acem, ‘Vesna raspansle veel ce proses a ace ‘Sete pana m chenore Functions 1 Gis incloans dn crap propose coespnntete sui ins, 2 reing stone oa don ow 1 hovetwo ser ana bres 5 sang whee yu a om Crave for wor tight ok sing whee you the 64 es Ey Fash 5 deserting what yu do se day 1) Ta sales esis 6 tain ston yur ay 4 come tom Spin 7 sying wha yu door ving ihe pose saying what yu lie tou youriod I Hither E Howare you? 9 ging surname 4 thee dees in ils 10 dseting your aaiitons It How oyu do Ling? mB Sounder rant +a = grenarents, + shir = eltien 5 rsh 2 Completa abl dee! sus ca cvintele sein membi l fie a 3 Gefacocse pescane? 2 acess ste 3 ain ie He 4 sine ste 4 Flos oma oes aun verb aden pana completa propel 1 say toast an eto for beast 2 Pres Plty from macedonia a wate wok gy bus 4 Ny bres the same 2623500 tHe degen oman 6 tmarandiersot my cabal dy 2 Hom help ou? {De town the Peters 5 Sr fomele complete crespunztarefomelr contac dn acete prope 1 Phi 2 ay pl Were te 2 haste tine? 4 Hes my tote, 5 Theyraldershan me 6 Whe the tax? 16 Aces propo desi compton suo pegsie? Bio meoloana erect ‘uation 1 ve gota ima insect ile 4 Caos pans Els an Span 5 Yoshiko har dere in Bsns (6 ybrcher ha ence to ee oes Getting to know you fe ‘Applying for a job (1) ‘seomplest nit oceee? Vet spa ote chu ine lou ner ce near. Pent ip demu este tense? Aecia 9 ge fine fotogalie deal foe ‘Asc in nous completa caren de apace eos ane mln oc AS Semone Wo00”” Retna: TAS 60 fais 17 ORCHARD ROAD, EMP Wepre: 02 8758 48s feferrrerreen. eae ka appro: — olin is lange wrkparsine?]we rower | Arai e wrk [Monday Fey Weekends (igs SP sucess whan ano start wok? an Doyoutme ny ean atat! Ite ne ‘yon fate eden? yes le gv detail STxRT NEXT YOR, Pes dese your wok expsiens ncn partie werk Boar. ATTENDANT 1 no. 35. Te Ti BON 4 cos acest resume ropa anne i sume Name: Rose Lang Adress: 203 Parkway, Bret, BRAS ha Tolophone: 045245783 Date otben: 19182 Place firth; London, UK Eavoeton, 1980-98 Bomort Par Scho! 1805-2001 Mootands High Soho! Sie ana uations: 2002 Op ean Hakeessng Employment: 20%-now Ne Ha Sen theres she fom? ‘what questions he she eo? 3 Whatdoes Rote do? 20minutes+ ks: Teeahone Hae of ith to know yo Leave a message MEL 4 cebetse messi at rink pnt scasa? (bisa lelsat ater ble? 2 cat acest mesa spunet nde ene cel al proba ‘Slew iT ‘Your next apainment with DR LEWIS T= Date me] Spm Fray 25 Ap 2 eae nl dpe etn et nce ‘open care spe a ese refer cae a ae Gee ae Message? esages 4 Ascua in ou st spunecare set sunt de rade lt Deliine un celia apa? ewe. Sind.) essages Mesasge2 essae 5 esaee 3 Messages ‘od ems spe cue her aparine cue sa eo pemoans ‘ete apap de cine loli rl re rmitouee avin: Singular Phra ~ ow ‘ ie } a ‘rat acest exemple neste 5 Compleat umsoarle propia unl date adecvele poses fel sun Pinel el sunt cn egitre, 1 can wetatkabout lan forthe ween? 2 Wecanttnd avs 2 rata cae mate ppt, 4 oo who he iba hi. car iepret 5 Thats ie dog, Whats same? 6 Rose phones ether eve ween 20 minutes+ iat nao data a mesa nae sare et mes sure 1 Toremid youself you nso by sme stam tod 2 Touts your mater ahapy Maha. 3 Totl our sister stout telephone cal for erm ren FT ea eam Se eT eae Oe ee At the bank Tavel money (UR) bark nt sng ae pusrala 2207 ils Hef ws: 218 als ee FEB sons 2 65catos BS sonia 1031004 ftowind 213 ts “4 Asch lca al Me own a Boel completa paral ur oles ete sek 2 "Mr Brom sks te cashier alin some dls She ats him if he want) Hemishewss Sin) ann) Sta recone 6 Tow bts at te ‘te Inner: Hesarsecan cn tick ron She thin of he ‘noe ‘opting 5 state ema sconlet cinoma de INN sto ncn 132050 PETERS vor son om Pe f i £ oa sms its Woon ia ts 190 gist 205 Flite senting hag for 50 to her aught Elsbth lake Fel als wars to pay e cegoes and ome cach et iret coi s}Greaue £3290.) Choque? £1200 Cash 50382021) renee ma at NL’ ‘CODE NUMBER Se canes een oan RSF aK 20.50 s0e03sy ows 50 oes 20 ows 10 ies TOA OSH ee fer stadTaTe Cod ured VA (010 rp Saying thank you Ce spuset nd wes 1 uum tel ate penoane?| Folost nuit expres? ‘Steam se ispunde lat citeva expres ural pentru alumi sirasuna ie mui 3} Teak for etn 1) Youre melon fas 6) Tat wold be vey (That very he of, Ths sels! 1 tankyouso mech 2 lnumioarclestuatice exces ot rede vet flo? Bo) sb tera coespuzicre dn abe! 1 Someone of to cary your bas. I Someene cols someting i ory Somecne pres ya present 2 4 someone tans you to heing em | 5 Somecoe ares our are tera Semecne nite 3 out rth rnin Gp > Ponstel ete, 4 Ci scste frm de cele penta stor Yours ine ‘Whine Yous ay pte Lever the eer begs, ‘lthe test cam somal de reducer oul! de inher 1 Dear Faison al Lotsa ove 2 desir 1 You ty 3 beara 2) Yous ence 5 Cat acest dou scr Care ae ce un pretenapopa? ‘le cne et cel? Care ete copa ela? Compl cesta Sato de mui te opens lend expe a cena Suny 1th ach ora douse ast ght hata nonde eek 1 What abot ner at the Mango Resour a ‘oul pik you up asim your house and {tos cb stores, no feria daTe a oll dale ol rp What do you look like? Cum desi nar prop bt? Vorb speci Ssopecal genera ‘Aces vine desist igen ret persoane Pate veica stor thin tg small Bond dak bald eaticoking Gt pty medium-uld bie gy ack brown lng chy hi) 2 Aeum pans canna in umstonle catego short blue good-looking Pv toga sss corespondontul tn dose 6 de ma fos ARDie 2a 1 esta uth er ae e 2 Shes vey py th ong Bend Ae 5 Tey bth havelong cy hata se je 4 4 Hes thinbut hoof oO 5 Shes gt sho, dt nr and lasses a 6 Hes bald and he ot bear nfo doo prop sia. nian cid oun Sie land seg Ho a oie lamas Se ats Poti female I-seue pent aloe propia at 1 sets siteen 2) bates rote ft 2 Hes youre by but daoghes ees are brown, 3 were inourfonies now bit she lols tweny-one “4 Those en tates but they te eenaes 5 tee got tue eres bute los much younee 6 Hes yeas ‘but we sal el you! Alege onl sa bt pen a compen usr propel 1 Helethinson hes a tearager now, 2 tm Lome tim shoe than my bother hes ey 2 mate! 3 Senarbrom ees shes vey rey 4 My pares areal hey are oth ve 5 Wes abi on, eat 6 Sessinteen shes suet 20minutes+ ‘cult pe oi descr pe nal sls complet propre: 1 hos ace ead ate 2 Hes bigman, bt he at 5 Hester thn my + Hesaute Sere re prop penis dete pe dunnesoaet vs Getting to know you Likes and dislikes () 1 Cex place ce uw place? Diagram ce ms on print ctove ‘nt pe ee pute eosin acest ee 2 Asal ce spun ces pescane degre cele pace se nuit) ule despre votes Speaker Speaker? here ne seen tens ere he he ther thet ther anials tinal inate ‘sity ‘amy ‘emiy 2 toca in ou abl ce place ot ma opoctie oes sunt osevarte\/)seutsneixi? (| [I reerere 1 Spar ies the people wr wth a we 2 elles geting tine ot ORD PoweR, Bin of 2 Spal es bn wer cten | mmc te: cae 4 she doesn hehe ob Prtine ce sumone, + opie gh owe SY] 6 He thes dos 4 Completa acest propnit de dato Int can cain soi ie etc nul sino ae tie oe bt. im 2 He ie Me ei 2 ink oti Tok fot 4 me ting up ea. ‘hey seting ups 51 fring tthe ers. 1 ington dent 6 Shesees ot shes gota or oer spe dct ne pce su ma atte {ols i mid etc er ng ey ey i te em ha sing ca et mie mate ands 20minutes+ Sele cinc prope despre att cou usu cate plac bv pl Getting to know you, Lkes and dislikes (2) | cee memento Suvoneosen eee? Uhdevidetanvarinwawaea 2 Ci aceste mes de tp internat ub Magmise 2. serpin iy. tape you don min a Joust eat mye As yukon, nar Weert accra come tom Tain Ee ren Lanaon bara my far trea fra Bren orpary. We oo res uth Conan, eae pat ofthe Pt sre vey hoses and pars sry tenden Tarn tu eke Tan, aoesaiy ne wer wnon gps vo Ot, Evan fiat orm Dace wart ESR Engrs teacher anlar spend sito Be rang Engian bre. ei re Engisn bor, rk a gest way 08m 12 Fade engin tends My proofed ‘Matte see ny Eras poco etse | dnt gong pubs ed ute ec ti ang on tenet ard ope you do, 0. 2 Compleat tbo espe Ser Kis London ving et heme 4 Cat aco verben mesa Pte can Word Hank ce nsemed fem Alege verbul cot peu 2 completa umitoxele propa u ys ie your ef 2 ke teveling but sy em an ami 3 Doyou tot N tonight? “1 ou pt tis letertmar 6 Harps We you havea ret day Beas rode un mes penta un Sint concn pent un anu mee i "bee Lane eam fern ora ans i 01 ge oar ae Seema Bank ‘esticlele eempletm meme. Getting to know you |, Applying for a job (2) SE) cum vi green ant poten angst? (eli poutve pate pune despre cmreavoases? est avin sant foe pet & deel personae ue chta tn Word Bank ce een ce, pate ey tounderand py (io wth people 2 Ch wnat ext in eres de sna Thomas Wood » Srtepundelinbcbae despe et ‘ 1 Why does temas hin th job could be wet tr bin? Ieculd alpine preparer stating a 2 what perl is doe eae? 2 What dose ie aout Peso Sipemanets? ; 2.Yel ws why you wart ol Fes Supermarkets nd wy yu thik Jona atl forthe pe of we ete i Sen in ea euch 2 iy ae ay fo ths far cad tab we to prepare fe it bai Bek ie wl eta cer ‘ Liars dae Tea! ake RY Seah j Ns esa selon ited ——__—- 2 Asus depare intel a Thomas Woed a reste ‘ope umstoare pare afm, A. at youd when oatmeal tou? 1 Whites ington nod te get angy lsln to fram ad by fo trebeshrd Uh tron ig Tad Shy Wpb rghit cot hon tea” | Sercledy sch a he int go hae nya te ec nk? hal so fcr Scie Peedi tan Tan Fl as ok Ysoy ont doh ? a — MI eal neheursaestefclet pence Acoli htt ree oo ‘eva sauna nedetermina ent ceva ncn determi He ua? orc sus ea es sprain team a em a ‘su periua dese ocupata uel percane, Wistert? |Stimc exo anit Hera probe) Arco naodat neste fost pen [Site careincep ex woes ees eet at a i Shs agin 4 completa acest propo cues the, 2 Leet leterand ation ty 2 Ween cent oltow, butts at pace met popes make nd Uhre st ‘but haat computer 5 youve et rete, youcan mane about Hes ver aso wth ele, 20 minutes+ Sere spurl dumesvosa a sete nei 1 hat do you do when aaxomar ideo you? 2 What do yu do when tne ogo Home an you sl ae woofs? Getting to know ys r More family talk 1 cin era dumneaveses ovr? Ce place a aceat? Creare din amaze civ sides? 3 (Pate estan Word akc ncaa ficare Ah dali 2 etl suno fata yorind espe ude. Gta propeie 6) eves is 1) wantetotstentome 4 iveithmy aut andurce 3) ave nny somcines 1 tater Oo a ayeandmate =O] 5: My ther o Oo q on00 3 sul diapout sbi dc see pops sun adv 1 eX ou o> Noreen ar ™ : ‘Tred Fae 4) Dow kom?) 1 er ithe wos ey a 2 Shelves in England wth er moter 4 Her gandether's gcd istner 4 Her gander tes the se ton 5 Her brother inte sare cass. 6 Herter tate a i mee Mak 7 nce Ha se athe rear 1 Unc Hany san actor a nes in ono, Fearare prexerusimplcu fe sesauit Late verbo aug dors ack verbal setermint ca sndeh, Hed drama er singe. ‘he genpy sins pom Nu uae verbal ie 9 be Hes my ae Hove da 4 completa propitec oma core verb dre partes, 1 Se is er athe very much when es may 2 Te ay wth ond hair (apo the same soo a hisister 9 Her nda Uy see her tthe weaken 4 iy erend aye ee me Howe 5 she (ort ng wth er arene, 6 Hy (con very wel With isis Tie (ha 2 ob nF 20 minutes+ Completa cet paragat despre ua dine uele demesne: My aout lates my ei heb My thes. Ne/She's see het esha hatrand think he/she Seaside Mystery: Part 2 {Hester fr so ane det te Ger Yoshio They this King iret woman | spundet ia umole eb egte de pve 1 Who are Peter and ilo? 2 Where isthe angnge toot? 5 Why does Yorhio go home aerthe Pty? 2 Umsonel avin expest apa pute dou a pvesie Bini) pe cate pe cael cca de Veet doc putt he etnaant clshe sxulid peace ae G} > Retin ste te cl dou ns Seumerlo propa | 1 Peterwanteto teobsy tse them 2 cats gtiend here Yok ie. 2 pater inoue ‘sinew ooo 4 Ty ok sing bar 5 Meng ising sade 6 Shesay Yoshio i shout Verio. 1 ter tink tat onthe asor 1 cals thns that ‘exmes rom Span 9 cals ns reer pers the dot 10 ers wore tothe before ts dak, 4 Gist et exemple cL nancies ep pil a dou ‘in Sue Ms ak Check your progress H ‘cea lected pill exer ce a nat pas acum. Verfteatvaraspansiesvedel ce progres oct ‘Serta poncaal im chenare 1 completa acetal flsnd cave expres dn chenaal de mals. Fist names Fay ane iH Adress: 7 Longa, svn 8901, South Aten Telephone umber mal adress Your die of bir Your age in years on Ist September 2005, Your sex Nasonaly South Aican 12/484 21 years Mayo 021248675 Female CapeTown 2 Gastn oko espe ropa corespuaaate sito 1 2 egress spresaton 1) Daca tomy pa 3 ending eter ovo dane 4 ving someone 2) Wiehe fe 5 seating sme 1 Ih fot 1 saymewhat yo the 1 Pease phone meat 7 yng st ou don ite 1 Thankyou for wade ernie 78 3 ole outa acest covite pent a ese tee psa din imagine de mals Foe eine o sing dt thin prety young angy fit bald 2h 4 Compleat aces abe they 5 Compleat propoutilec na diate cst vee nor crc 1 What wonders ookou : eek get thnk do ae othe tech te fom ty phone a he got brown hair? i te few to meting on a she 1a undead at tes ae #5 heuer S00 ey wk. 10 ctor send cy @! ‘Asking where things are paca sae peoae cen nd aloes eh * apolte induction Saveston ung uine 1 Spolte ending Asc o dar logue Dac aunt foma conta, Dian evn spect ‘Chit undo tbs pol complet spans cu Thee Tee st 1 wher ete bs ttn? 4 here atthe nes 5 tsthaeatealstop 6 were cree ato Soap tht ede hops? Inthe cent o town ear hee? one nes tthe bank ‘Rema me pets arage ela Sate seme 1 Wheres the nearest 2 note ‘ded tll ane cl ma ‘Thankyou sn Thanks sat cle Cp 4 scat este praca cand nd (is err care lg mains crespuncstoare seal ren apr un oe canes reponse pane “inten sbeantnd usps ete de oe on ark ar th ne ‘earn ect ‘ir samt he as to sult dn nou regisearea, Ce pepe un? 20 minutes+ Pune uitoarle pop crdne covets pent aces dou let (Pen tect dog Wa dt aril prime propos) comeraton 1 ‘onrrtion 2 1 of thankyou, 1Ok tenth cert often, 2 Doyes now where cna? 2 Yes, peme 5 whee tha 5 Gaels os? 4 Theet une Sema on Mat Suet 4 Wheres th san? 5 Baa ne 5 Oh, wont the bs sat, 1 Maric sue nthe cen oftoun, 6 Ah hak you 1 Ye 7 Theres tus tation and a in tao, 5 3 ova aul Giving directions | Codec aa acest naetste are? ta teva egret uae pent ada ind , ae ‘ce sal on. onset | (seston o> 2. Aaa! sae pencee ein nd Stil unde wea ‘ears pesca bilan cloaacorespunstasre 2 Pj aete paar complet cuvine p mndeatle de mal 1 Gosuatat fer Landen, 2m for 37am forsee 4 Theale onthe 5 Theres the hone over thee 16 Thetis ae ead Gp + ins saa tem de dite ee pocne ese lesin numeral rn port dc ‘fe on ig ‘eon argon ee. 1 ed ont iit ings i on ei ‘ert let ata ga Uta pe Bart apne nde merge eae shestee Polaris ce mal sus pena compet acente neal Stl ite un it In car ph, 1 rome thst tothe pots ha ‘Come cute theae atm Pe tne he 4 nn tinge the oar nd you se he posal 2. Rom Geen Puktothe ston Eee] “Come ut ofthe pang gp ahead Ath not head tum. Take the mien ek andor seth tn ‘ome ct fhe ie and go ha Takethe third unig onthe. any the ps, the move Signs and notices (1) MEF 4 nde ano i et ot a There infortion ‘ert us what wn can > X 2 Asta sate penne verb eet sec a 88S @o eo 60 Se See eee ore | * face Seabee cel ode noe Se eee 9 Mohd tae ie ep pte Pv panurle. Clit ropodtie Sue ded i? Bog 1m esa eaerpunatae 1 Youcan pakyourcarhre at ah 4 Nari et os £595. . FT Admission Price fv 2 You canta your dog i thi park 5 The jb eve closed on Sng Frrossor ® ensinar srcerree 7" pet 19 (0) ase B27 rowers was eae 3 You must ot ui ere Caritoe Sore Monday sam hm Sst Bante pm. Sunday ~ closed Telling the time 1 Cocina si expe flst momtos esau a spune ct ces? dock quater past al pact quarerto Testis oeck Tecgunmergast thee, Weipa ten, ‘equaner9 one G7 taal caicomeratl Petts et de ma es poxs ‘Seen cas nual convene ws [oes laa | « | +] + | + | «| — | — cows [iais [enrme| «| «1 4 | +] 4 | 4) + nas_[isao[earme| «| + | 4+ | +) «| +] — so [isis jearw | + | + | + | + | «|| + wo few java] «| +) +) +)+)|-)] + ives [avis [amu | # | + | + | +] 4+] 4) + Compleat propel lose erat din cat, 1 igh 2536s 2 ight B28 ais In Pant 3 On Mends.the ist ole to art eaves 4 The lt planet an ames at 5 A200 oxen fyon 6 Fighe aA 208 pesto Panera... loka the ateroon 7 Fgh 842502 Fant ner tes. ‘Take the train cade de itr 2 the trot td to arte a pl 1 to lave at ptm 3. net be annune Inyelow At the station GH 5 cata ssepersoane afte ak Staite ace care Sle ante covespusstoare fee vebtr spetee buying ao eee Speskerd hing to sea cet Speer ‘son fra pation Sper ling sou I eee spears slr about ot prope Speier ing someting read 46 Pit ana completa Inert be ao. 1 From Holy Raed to Gasens Orig Tle the te 2. rom Westie Fast Se? Tak the te, 3 Toget tom Southwood Ea Se. tae the line anchange at 4 Toset fom Queen Bigs o West, the the Ine an change at Bas ie 5 dona ne Nay af bath othe tne. ou donee to rn HI FERGe Compleat pops flew ci cae asi. wie lous the tin to Ran let on? ‘his sueaeis ery hay Where can an Basoge > ee 1640 fom Hest recy mines Ws now de tre ick ay walt onthe tan 29 | mast go the ce wan rum to Gago plone ‘To get tothe udeound you go dove te Fr going ov my bag inthe et fice ie shopping el 6 a ee a ee 6 Oe a es a Buying travel tickets 1 Inara durnenvars ee dae sees perscane a reduce ate HHT s 2 bai a bell de a fsx pret itl Prfererernrpre) 1 asta rom London to rbrah? worn rower | 2a day retum to Bristol fr a child? It costs. ingle | one way: olet cores Risen | Joencouaer vor retour po ala 5 tenet accra | sprees 8 asheltocambsdper tests —_—_——! atonal Ticket prices ates fl De et) on Unk eos hig sa ries i) cr) a a ogc tet tat Cr rcs in od sh dt at ese, en ad see is, Tp Paneling care propoce pol cout in hens Ex ponarande ‘Yerieaens ponan ncatnd reget, 61650 vm ea 63250 eA si00 1 pat sien pound ty 2 Thats eo euros nd ent cots 5 Thats hyo pound ty 4 Tarsthe eos ete 5 Thats hdd ls G} Mente dal. compet il c ie From London e fom Sydney | magne ett | we’ Se | peat et | asics ae) Singlefy Return[] | fare | 17 seperti Watnal HATTTE nade | rom: Hampton te Paris |e New York ‘Type Le| jeturn| 1 Jreetudet, pect aee sence] awed (el(Rown/¢rie [el Student) Senter Citizen] | rene Lua DALE 20minutes+ Gator cmp epi lumstowe Vert espana und in ou ncgorres en tind aracire 1 Theman wants to go 2 sna ots 2 He wantstofon ae. 4 Hemantsa 5. ie oes 88 on (6 Mhetidecont oy aula What is happening? 2 He seaming a suns. 4 She inventing newspaper ‘costtimp verbal ols penta deste Penuverbele cae Se temin in, ‘Stonlereseintmpliinacest moment santem <9 ouain- sefomesatca tes verbinfomacny yyy mig erent kee esr verbee cre eterno vera ‘Thea ra en Sits ose corso, ble, am tng am enscona use Foro iy a verbs tne, c-ruming 5 g (eb ging ga ny e-tnny alt 3 me cle They tak) He seaey ‘rn i : ee aes ‘mute despre purl substantive Cite Subten verble erent singe. Incereut vel pez conti My nares Hele Wie. woo Eastern ines and ama let The company hs 2 plots but ely the ae women, ney eb ‘The company buying to ew plane 0 athe ment |am ening tof jbo lets. sit but am wong har an mast roan eve Ca ram) Signs and notices (2) Go atest prone ton Sui ape eae sean beefcre a i Cd erry ery Ersoy eee) Perea Eon EUROPEAN UNION Eten Prana Coan Cie kecun ee BUS Avs) cued ee ‘warding pase 2 You hive to stow your. pono teloeyoueetonthepine. fae 4 Wie inthe Po? Rather wsing forme the , 2 Ae thn fem London ooo Hane les in wen minis Gj) cata! nurture, Compleat iermatile pes Ceo cod Oya Mu ‘What are you going to do? 1 Tt agenda rte lot une eacwones? Completa acest paging open cu nee sptamant ear ses. Sunday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Thursday May: won Gp 2 Mestpette on cone ad ein rete re ee, |e Sti |] sirug waren iy sant with Rebecca Folosim presenta continu pent ‘tutarea present cornu este deere aerate se nempl scum pt orb despre rut po ar evr (eee 6, De exemple ‘ice tee Mure ion reve \astuapiapn is ‘comin +o sao ed ito am playing mio Sa. oar cing the bas ao » Soutmmmteamatmaeaete PREP RPAA i twiakityenretonn | worn power 3 We. hire car at the alepert. timp ——* ts cenotettonninne | Beem eae, = G+ hat cn pctv ere evr —e sO 0X ce of ef) —— | Die 7 g 20 minutes+ Pvt agond Sune entre mies Completa tet de ma ose infomat in agond et flee preset ori Suna (1) na th Hen at 1 ook Then she 2 ae wt Helen ad ote Ther) cae let 1230. Inthe ate, he (2) the ahops ook fo ome ne shoe an a. he een she) nn Ate a wth Da The th 6) Mba Seaside Mystery: Part 3 | Aceste cit spartans in prea ala a pores Bate) pe cole Deca le concede 5 autor Word Bank pe eee elegy tem svming ied stingeneey Tough tekst sanvihes alone Stange (Gp > seater tents chee tn Ttinper scl eegstares 1 Raspund arose reblog acest parte 2 pores. 1 Wo mecbe? 2: What are the students doing in las tad? 2 What does Yoko hk tou swing In Eland? 4 Where do he sade goat arch me? 5 What does Pte ak Yio? 4 completa proponile cs unele de caine de xe 1 tr Mccabe hopes the sade ae felgal 2 Yoel says shee bit 2 teres ‘one Dec nthe sabi 4 casos esr Mccabe because he mash 4M King sae sr hat she cat make Yoshio 6 Yo thn ‘hat anny the beach wth 2 rman she des natn, Uncle cuits fomeaz in vere, er =. der canes ‘verbal Ele sant flste ca sebsantve In proper deteriora verb Doyo te snmig hes? ec a ends 5 Compleat ropstiteolorind umitsel avin ‘sling shpsing eating siting long semming ee eM Ty) ‘aceon fee 5 On Saturdays 40 atthe supermaet. (i ACEO de recreere: | i: aS a a a on a ale ees Lela e ayellam1eele LC) Aca ace reels exer ce Ima pbd ace. ‘entered iepamurlesvedel ce popes a cet Seva poses im chenre 1 sit clone dn despa sett corespunetote pope 1-10 pele vit a eb etn derma mate Screed reece 1 want eu tke Fas, lease 2 aking where things ae 2 ange Ne Svmin! 1 eine detions > hat fin Hes tng sa sting about te 4 Excise. Whee theta tation? understanding ntces 6 canyou tlle whee the cena lease? 1 Geszrbne shaeshaopning 17 tm plaing fot on Sn. 4 desing tue pase barn Menge to ay 700-1800 10 Tae het et na then es saat ahead co 2 scrub cre imagine coamulcrec. laggge teat timatble volley gate A 2 complet rope lolosndumstowrl cai, inkkay ming atecon 1 Lam paingseni th it Bese 4 The bask lee at our clack inthe 5 Weare ong tothe esau = pt one co a 4. Soret desta emele conse din sctte prope 1 en the pot fice? 2 Thayrecne erento 3 You ant smote nthe rsa: 4s onthe et nest tthe bocshop 5 rm going onli roo Sci ome cree verb lt mpaarene pent a ones propel ‘rebuilt pezetl inp preset crt sta 1 nyrame vena. te aie a hy planes to Spain ar Fos 2 Nex we Igo} on tito Fane wth yay awe eae on Seu inte maine 5 Lem ene, (cee for Landon Pts {6 Ascuacle pay lor i icles ac rile ‘Sede co ise 0) Shes mecting Fal 2720, 1 The resturant onthe rahe a you walk owas the nema, 4) Togettothe cae he mast ge atthe poste | 1 The aes ext tothe bookchon 4 The shops dose at af past ve 3 She wants t9 bya book, 4 Hes going to Aster by arplne 1 There tinea une pa to. ©) He isbupnga rem ee, 1 Trelis eum er Aula Asking about places 1 Care nce sete ct places evista apd merge run oa Incare nates? Sere pale weep ie 2 os QO? Sennsieeaeee spasert speakers Spa? Spates spar spsters > sn da ati pen doe Afoediactons —B sbouthe pct tists ¢ bout opening ines seeatert C soars seeater? sper) speater? spesere | Oe exer ite heheh os ‘amos ty ne ga ‘The tore near an hte pt tecty ‘csi cspunsure coecte a tebe 1 How on dows out? 2 oe pat eo fe ol balngs. 2 hte dts the towrtat? by Me Embanient 2 Whsttme does the et tour?) 100 for atts an 5.00 chien, {hen ithe at tou? One out 5 where done thet? eam 16 How nh does oat? 8 Spm 20 minutes+ ‘Algtcel ma porcine penta a completa ec spi ew CO he 6 9 nn 1M 98a te Ul 60 nn the yh ese the cy tis castor aden, Ina fin cou How do you spell it? ABCDEFGHUUKUMNORORS TUVWxY¥Z G0? Sottt mnmando tes denen Para L G5 Meta ono mit dog ccs Yoshio. how do you spel our amy rae? ooo es apt Ear iti (mos dbo hn so But can jou spl he owe where ive? KS eta Ofcom Rs ‘mae: Thats ih! can spl te name othe own ‘where youve ts Yeo: Yey leer Su ts isa hao. Cin you spl ‘the mame ofthe apt of Stan? fomes: hinkso ts ont Yost: Wel doe hin hat ely hard cause got lees init you dons ‘cmon: Yesithas Sofas the thing youcat food wth ‘Yowes) Oh yournmana ‘hee at oto wens ith sl esas in Dg, rer thee? Whatabout the name ofthe sh tary an insect? cmon tsa hag thats Maou ts. Yessno: Dont bes Caos. A apis ba a fat mean s¥ 20 minutes+ Prnuna cuvitele de ma fos spun cae sant tree mate in eae Gene monsewe sven tre aed ee ae eee ae ea a a ee as ee as eS SE Ready for take off 1 cand merge a aeroplane ms? Pine aceste acide cor —— ieeereerrere, Checkin Worn Geothrugh pap conta RP Power Dosome duty fee shaping ety hee aie | pices faeethone Atetig 2 cepunetntagil de mand? Gist pont cuvintele din ast oenpondetal 5) ‘mine. iat) oblecee pe cen de oc bra i toatibnsh aye | comb | sghen 5 tei pope ovespuaioie ie main 1 Yes thee arses alae fr gh 02 3 Lats by something to read on the plane 4 Pang fom ths leh ae ein Ale no, poem er ek Oo Se eo (6 paul de ple spunea ce Fpl cae sr. Deesemle:1The ih to Chagas teen tiny coy cm eer eas meas Gate 24 ears an) Pa ene 20minutes+ Asc comers spunea de chan. Apo completa poperiile cucu in cael Ey 1 Thochatin de wats the ys sd passports. 2 Thetamiy ato ted 3) The woman tks ber hsb as ten is 4 The checkin clk hn the famiy has xs 5 One he bags ene Oe Uie er Fining out about cites ‘Muni sin atm decease lease ee otae as tr om iS ——— = Se 1 Landon he PA. Enlai 2 ihaea cnr it ion, peat Hiei 3 caf and Bol ne 4 Ded i sal Inland 5 Penance and Huds ae scat! dus pecan vin dese orl ‘eco stent completa! arate Ups. Population towsnd ay tesee ety | wurby| taf date espe o locate punted rrebi tn care foot iste? gaa Ae tee» pla, De exo: ste a ae ep et any erste saps ‘Complete he a Ae re an oper hous in dae? ny tn in they ete a subway chau? ay theses in Btn? any guided cue of he ty? ‘5. imagines va ceil penta puncte carl: orh south st west norbest notwest southeart souharst Urata din ou a ara Angi Completa propose ‘ctlnd cite un cutee eee spate 5 Dedham isa vig ity miles tonto, 5 Uiepealiethe of ea name tty | ere the tye | les nant of London | epaltion a ow do you get there? On |e move Can you repeat that....? Seer Ascot expres dia meisrares epee 1 canyourepst tht eas? 2 How do you spel that. please? 4 Can youspel tat eae? 2 lost propo adeciate de Is exerci! penta complete daguile|AD) a O Eatipr re mown saya scmecine eee ra “Yes ef couse Hlth in, pease OG eBireeine rates cresting” PHA str nat els Tso Mae ee How do you do? oe make ate ‘Yourish Pea. 7 sos cf cue Ms Mall EOL Yous eke ed. hall we Send 7 a "es plese pact cst peli ome Tne. Probab va eb sles! de dato 1 rag doesnt key 3 eouweewan feererreeeere, ] 9 She doar ten cate Wor Power 1 Ste docant check tht she understands ii | stutter ee pein you tate 5 She doesnt he her name aorta URE Ras 0 cpa ry "ach atin ey Gp ¢ Mom sca a pedo i eae cn ete. 1 Sb spate ely 2 Shes the name of he company 5 She ges herown name 4 She athe cleo irae 5 she checks that she can sel isname 6 sheass orth tence manber on leer 7 she pts hin traghto someone who cin phi, 8 sheisao 20 minutes+ completa casa converse tli flsid nda in olan stags Comput punal cu mode in neuer Kay ‘Pak tosputo Helen Fare 1 Helter Marl > Say shes ay td. + 1 rms bt ake hentai, = ken > Swysoudbot now Youcan nd maa Soyo, Sarshesin tao Moen roan ca mre : ‘Ad forcallersname and teephoe number. Yes caulé , he your me ad amt ‘Ask thecal eet the ncmaton 7 8 cou : (ve the naman agin, nie a thank you ard goodbye Thanks move ‘Making sense 1 Puscrutian engin ate at pe itr ‘ntlaphesseopune a teva seme de parc mile Iovened commas Tm gong out tonight sh sald coma es seling fa vegetables and flowers semicolon | Dont speakto hin: he cnt ear «elon Forename fulsop (Green Pak sno the et ‘qestonmat | Wheredoyoulve? aces ‘hea 2001 msl costs 800 euros. roohe Tome byphen harboring captallener |My names Pain 2 Pune zene de puncte musclle in urmdorl og, ‘ct morning an heb Yo0 ‘sees wana det 01 [ohn eeenthns green . chr en who you want fy on any ure the tenth thet ht ZT that es Gp > tetera de mess copa cite et sex puncuata core ' thepostotiee 5 thas. mobile pone 2 anther 6 that sansoe 3 hes topaietomonow 7 nsonlaother ete 4 tow machina tit doyoumantan do 4 nengles ex mute avn cre pronarafl ar sear atcevasl es det Elec numosc mbm Ct usar ovo sichatate n Word nak wore | wo ft on wat weit | ter) thee some sam fee iow | 00 | tere | hear 5 RSspunsule a uml det sea In exes & One, tes oe Doe the rane 6 The al the para ie Be ost tey? 4 eying stamps. 2 somethings ate, ou have 9 hon bade the © ‘rn 10 rs the fist tumng onthe 2 To put works on paper ue 2 est ofce ror her? 3 The cpposte of ye 1 Gault you pet ht pease ome inthe ete th ola stem 20 minutes+ ‘ht scat axstepopoo sleet clr 1 Doyou s/f what your owt? 2 won by ses omer my mete, 3 Ther ae ping wie to me about he ob 4 Peace ty ha hr he oc fo, 5 Hes my sen ma ve im eich, (6 Th pst fice oer ie ie, On the move ;, Finding out about countries SS! 1 cum se numeste rae dunneavssra cre ste nucle ‘stimanles? complet popentie emai My hme count ay anguae (a 2 Ta mute se vrbesc mal ate ib ‘Asa convesatie scamplest propo ‘ 4 oe seams from 7 captal ty sale The The captors Ie anlehour The ens Tal nar nihtour ie * [core | tet ac compute ve aru fkad Dac sunt ete ooo te. | oct ‘Wl a ald | ‘ome ys Chis oc acute sae aproape: arm chia a fel obs ats w= aia se eee 2 Pv tabla Fle erate pera completa propos a a 2 Pouca Spain peel co 3 Aen Poms soa ssai0 4 hoa aly aly conto 4 masa ‘anda, Srey cine Ic tmctan mene, Gree aren prance NH ea a ant country eon the Noch atlantic Oxon ls Ine catabe._larger than Porgal ee 10300 square lores bt Ihara al poplin: 288000 people. about athe Population les in and around ‘the capital cy ~ Ryan They Spek elandse—it i very od language land hes son curngs the eons which ‘means coum in English, ‘ea (i (angus) \popuition) 20 minutes+ GS cre ea toe nb ‘eres aspunsue etn conversa ingens 1 Whats your ational? Brie 2 tsyout cou ele ae End? 1) The eo, of couse 5 Wats th pope? (Peck, Gemn a Dt 4 hatis the pit? 4 No. al 30000 se Mometes. 5 What cane) ou us 1 Seles 6 What counts te our igh? 1 Abou Lo mon 1 what languages do people speakin 1 Wehavebrde wth France, Gamay, yourscunty? ‘The Nate and Linen ol Rau) Dealing with travel situations 1 cole armel ts? ispndet a mein onset A Yortnin is dae 8 Youare gong oe lofora meeting You wantost ts nosmaking ale in Year ina hay gettoche apart G0 7 Set de stu de nat sce ers QE ite 153010 Butte waning? J. Exess me. can you help plese? D Latnesce Yes athens B Yenc Wha dolrrout mint ry 2 Teta oe con! ncn What est et a boat oe ron ag? & ksdeenoatana nia ort to [Bieta tet QR tte one ree ease Bransan sua? Oo \ircous Unorunateyy tenis QA Whee mada chinetsotm gine Minor ple ming te a: Boom Ht ono mo Nie tne rer ae A bone ce en tie 8 Gest oO ‘es ering 6 st for thew irre ero orig o ‘Oh good. Oo ‘v7 = 3 Ct comersts dn now # vedo unde sat folate expres in net Word ome Converston | WoRD Power Foe acct rete Enya course Shure eno con, lecme see “ 4 compat rope alana wal ln eat in eayed mist let rumniog plenty) bane 2 tm sry but theta te. 5 Dont ems yout oftme to ete he plane ‘ ‘tome ll gv hn the memage 5 Hes gore strane et ary wp, 6 Ineséta smeone nm ingen. 20 minutes+ sc propos mcr lost mitosrele exes. seine 4 Hold on a mest 5 Lethe ok Our F lay to travel 1 cum vi pice ctor Pele itr conor sacu pie ‘gle vt oul completa atl de 5. 1 ye 2 eng 3 wang | sane 5 ang 2 Asati cn percun vorbind despre am le places tress mail de lo. (Ghee dae lial 10 fe cad Bore vobor? Spier Spee? Spee Speer Speer 1 etteceapst ayo tae 2 tsa slow way to uave bu ver comforable. 2. Thee ate timetables repr. 4 Yo usa meet trig poop 5 othe ais way owe nye 6 thee me and eat 17 Youcan tate a mh agpge wth ous you Nt 4 negestonng sometines, {9 Youre ocd after dunn our loure. 10 Veandeade when tostep, 2 Compleat miele proponi cu verb core a itereeeeneercnee 1 ten yb nena Wor Po 2 Doyen ‘oandn by i? Sao > Hea se oot [Etatiatenreeary 4 Shes. ‘round the world in a small Bost. fyin.s plane 9 cnyen shone? | fein aca bmcr ta asa 16 Itahes about three hours to. rom =e) nt | ede bigtle oF» horse ieee to nan fealty 40 yaa, ely eb ta G) 4 tei dno cere su ance pean de ‘hl Cte ave de ec a ga? 20 minutes+ ‘Completa acest cinl prop despre dmmenvse ‘es dot, pat lls dee ae precee 1 tay z nnn ROB a.) 2s ad (tower... 9 Se I ete.) alot at.) 5: ends sap nee. Seaside Mystery: Part 4 1 aestepropeni despre poveste, Sunt ani sae? 1 Ms king ates ana 2 Yoh iste or Me Mecabes as, 3 Yet set Ms King eka. 4 King son the beach wth Mr Mabe 5 Yoo retusa! wh Carlos and Peter 2 ‘rebui s cunoie!wmitnrelecavite ane de 2 eps sn theatres, a pele cutee Word Bank (Gp 2 Meat enema pet pt eines 1 ho phones Pee 2 hort lento Yost? 2 hat doe Me King wan oso ro? 4 hee scale? 5 ete ss King? (6 Whoteate wt? Check your progress cont ete i pill exer ce at nat pnd acum. Verticata raspunsre 5 vedetl ce progres a tt ‘Seta ncn chenre on 1 shi coerpondetl ane din saga rte afimaple cn paca deaps 1 sang bout aes 2 Cosi you ay that agin, lene? 2 spelingo wor 1) Wht county doy come ton? 3 sang about pening ins 6) ether aoe a 4 cheng yo understating 64 Fn sory m going to be too at forthe meting 5 inne ot stout actaty ©) Scan ta os of ope 6 esta fora 1 Setete an opt house ea ere? 7 tootngs esl ina rest 12 What tine does open? saying youre eng tomes an appoitment What the population ance? 9 sayag why youll to vol by ar 1) nee aroma the neh 10 fing oat about someones natontty i) Doyauhavea table for, please? 2 Compleat sat cvs expen in cera sisting 1 hen mon alia ket go iene 2 London 200 ea at ote en 5 Weareguingonaguded extnecey ths moming ae fe rmpst ou thought the accartedepanent stizcion 5 He isn Suen bat county tay fees tata bt yi a Say 6 Dont wo Yeast ofimeco eth your van oe The ‘fondo is stu igh mln ‘elton 1 Yoo wane to hat the mater wth hr an. 10 Thefigh New eis so woare nga be the ous ate " 3 niece dine acest props ex ete ores gant Sere verses core 1 ts there any ond ensure? 2 Landon onthe ssth of Een “The pos ose heres in Bee Sst 4 Loot The man running towards the bide 5 Sor lea comeI laters th ae there ino Londo this eng? alesis not as ble than nga 1 tama pay tomar 9 Yost phoning to Peter 10 e you go et ont. cats? 4 Set acese propor semnele de punctual crete In punt pest cae sea de puncte) 1 you an buy tet url fou elo : 2 whatimes th ght she ase SE " BS aTo) eye) iaTe] How much are they? 5 Raspunde lo umstowele bit Ma asst dats inegitaes dc det. How much oe the apes? 1 hey How much te the apes? 2 The Bck gaps ae andabe wie Wha doth lane oranges cst? 5 Te georges cet eh ‘what do these cot 4 Theres fortache ‘i dtp prinal derbi: crs ae rm mite ‘tacarese aca spusurcu wane, wer ei oe dag or 8 Sex ramen 4 tse exemple cu acest dos tpt de nae in cones 5 Cetera sass gn sw? (colar coreapunatonre eso ak 1 where can by some ft? 2 How moc tht? 3 Doyeu nae ating ea? 4 What one ae 08 88? 5 Arethe grapes tom South Ata? 6 canyoutap me, lease 20 minutes+ Compleat propo cuir nerogaty ptr Folosti care cava o igi dat. A oul nena, Ie that manor te isthe net tino Landon? Bio res Weights and measures 1 Pv putt open coepuntone dn. » ° ° e o @ f ~W ff 1 alate fe shoes 2 tmvey tl 3 weigh wo handed ponds 4 Imgate stor anon wah 57 los. Pv abel iat in Word Bak ce nseam ivrele pecare ules Sue shes) | Slet Itinches 150 pounds Sue 0 jes) 15metes 75 kdce all ta eo redum on ax 2 Pune epunae 12 ub rebar adecvath 2 tmstxtoot 8 lg hunted nc ten pound 3 ates ae tele de 9 he pit sven meres 4 wei ore handed an ony pana 10 rm vey bean 6 tmpacve ea 2 Ems le 4 Sciet mal de ml os oon el aeons 1 fe fet tn ne 58.10. 2 wo and al pounds, 3 fty-ine ibe 4 exec thee inches 5 leven stro menes 6 thyhe tomas stm clara dn doops espns crc a etree gs 1 How aa you? Atwater, 2 hat do you weigh? 1 No.tme lage 3 hata ae you? Se sve shoes. 4 Whats shes do you tale? 4) No,rm gute. 5 Aeyou shore 2 tt et for 6 Neyoua medium? 1 sy 20minutes+ spine a mitxel nei Whats ate 02 What oyu nih wei Waste shoes you tala? ST] ole Ms Let's have a takeaway! ME Unde mana ac nave matt ‘ing? Pate comands a elon ‘Veriea umole inne ‘nord Bark customer oder » ler mena sca! ous pescane candid ment teleton Da (restart ae potvete Beare propor ‘nor pop lse po pov able etarante ‘ose ane o | v 2 Me ctomer ves a the Hh Steet ‘ 23 Tecistomer vest ‘7 aogier 1 the customers oder tastier mines, 2 Ghat exemple de mui verbal oul dn anecre Iwregstrs pena sceae ectie 4 Completa umole neh lon deen ‘hey he chinese food? she wnt to crera thin 20 minutes+ ers eth to havea akeava the weekend ( Youle theresa inthe High Stee? sonst || word POWER eer ty ima? shamay (05) ako (15 fo delve rare ote SEE ae ‘ear ohare ‘Gk cloana din dreapt connate propose 17 2 boroutie | 4 How one 5 lth 6 The pais 1759, 2 ou deer sev? Prato? -e ondera pia 9 nclting dative 21 Bac ba noe 9 omen? 8 doyouhetz Eredar ‘Convenience shopping 1 Teoma ext magsine generale non-stop? a evi erent per lara pe cael pet compare tn-un ate de magn Le pte vere Wor an toothpaste sucess nevepapes brad coe Imoguioes sotrints tes rll sihiches Gy 2 cov soca sete lg ese a ‘rei crave Fare te cet opine {let unde eas produ - RH arenes Ni tae s nero steer 8: Hepa Suyvepene lowe QA Do yousehwer x mono 8 Noss We dort sl ash 1 You vekone 1. dovoutnow bere erase stv Yee Theres an ofcence rea eam pat per cr gigi sect 10 a0 30 4 ee, aa poe sie aps rumelea sprodie ay sofolosestemimebitpenrua ala Exe fle in ropes ese penta dhe cova ce pete sa | spunechcov mse pete ve gt ao Dogue ba?) i ‘See Gramma a 4 ist exemple cain loge de ener 2 5 complet unite propos losin ny verb dn parateze 1 ee fai. forme? ae 2 There tomatoe lt jt be) 5 lowes “Thee adets lsh can ot pe) . 5 They ene nove 20 minutes+ ‘sm coloana dn drape reps ancien sign 1 Doyou hve any rpg? 1) One hee,n the tom sh ’ 2 Hae you go any mil i 1 Yersr He you a, 3 hte tthe sandichee? Nowe heat 4 hte nt byte Laat som We have got any Cou have upc grees, please? 0 nthe chemist shop orth oad OFT RN a ED, ea eae rie ae TASLS py ceors Sona Te Rest 87 "ons Oo? wae ocasonromanae dene a syn an ood eas Bona ponte eee reste gn Simran tn oysters memes 5 morse ames Kelly 2) Mack degre resaurail The Caaits “ale caret a fe coc state deat? oe rae mespugeemons | eis | ecm Saueestietie |S miamcro MSc for A Now fe The wl go theres 1 he ins onset, (Te stat a tery 20minutes+ Compleat pte cuca dn ace lect 1 te faking ceca, 2m. Is binging he men 5 Could hare some ie pease? Ame this esau rakes wend oh es 5 wat woud you ke for pain? dhe chocolate mouse pease (ee ee A it oe ae Aa a a. a oe ee: eel ai a mi Shopping M Buying online Facet ump elin pnt) Ci mail despre comps ine BE (1 dc sumtt sauna ce seed cee sereedhogee ike shop trom my own hae ean ai etzohtine ode whet wat, ein itis bring at shop. on vest bow doi, Umit gratin v8 tt cu comand nine ie sia Tr Word Bank veep cae ales | Tome or wee, 8 Maine ohn he acs archi th gr ution The fom pape sien ton peas 2 On the homepage th rd search to TMs ts yo sh nine pe So ae Boo {cee btn A stoping bast fl 3 Cesetampl cin dt clk pe uu clin bine de malo? ‘cists pent eae ispensu aden, 4 Alege nr cavtle demos pot compet rites prope barton home pe ck oven our website by tlre Maaproduts co kin he esa, 2 sts jourB toourwebate> 5 To indout bout te compan 90 the 4 hen ou want buy someting the baton A shoppin base 5 heen ranber nthe qui. 1 Theproduet sane son hee and ideo the home page. 20 minutes+ Pune propoatile ndings areca pte ace cmp online Folosi exerci 2 pent avr epee, ‘ype anepreducco akin the tes bt 2 1 Click ett Al shaping be: 2 This tales ou tothe cline xine 5 ciekehe co buon 4 clk teeny you net okt. 5 Theme page sen then spears | chekehe pros baton 7 ser he fren number sn any 1 clk he roc seth btn, 9 Select amathed of payment, 10 Then deck stmt buten Shoppi ‘i Renting a room ‘Aveo loci cit? I Romi cea china sche camer? scat! dco die dl sen ae cast camer eet Say ce code lecae student espe camer Uncle per sunt impraste ‘denmindt stele de nit ul ec dn nu vee espe Netins he momharsloey ew | yf 6 He thnks there eto many loge, 7 Hens the hehe very ral, 1 edocs ie the land, 9 Hethink they ate to0 busy tocnok afl ne atm este aesugtt Amie mt deo dint neat co mtebare dunt rir a? e0 smi et ‘evie bebe Inbar since se rece folosesc nd nea iunaspuns ‘Wma rede, sumatyDacl verb cin propo este © Neate uma deo dsncina semaine betolstoma te prone penorsl cl Neetmesinger sie She verb est rma promume eee. ee ed ne ang ete ps 3 Compleat aesenvobiadbupnd interes sunt ade 2 Youdor' ie my etn. 2 3 Theyate coming fr ane 2 1 We tou tonight > 4 completa acest propo cy cavinte da ese, epost tad bt ledger set Fae Ina house nthe tet own 3 You mus gee ano 2 foe oreo sy wns the use ube ie 5 shesaam en sod 20 minutes+ completa ropoxil gin commu dec 1 Sbelterherbeat a sot 2 Theater home ent ne 3 Youdne se, 1 doesnt she 4 sn 4) ether? 5 Ter don pe Chinese, dort yu? 6 Hel om apn, fh dower Shopping Hiring a car | cum nha o mas a Romi? Unde cpt compile cre ‘hla masin? Teebule aetna? 2 rv aeste aunt pet nh de aon front Ct propa 1-5 gal ann orespuete ie ‘nel rapt se fer a ma tease DIRECT CAR HIRE Great crs, Low rates, Large range of cas and vans ow rates for weekends and holidays | | You hrf mor than ace. Book online at wwctyears. cok Telephone: 02339 8889456 | | Free pickup fom yur home or office Lowy cauteurdrencar, 1 @ Indluing stretelimes, av ror:theates, partes arpors race | | CLASSIC ectings ete CARS Food and drink avalable on etl ca as request ‘ible fr nnd oxi ‘Soon Cas fe Tide od ic Tel: 022346 7772398 Find us at www.lassiccarscom 1 Youn he carn the ema wth his company 2 The company cantate sou othe aor. 2 this company las ou up tem your are oe, 4 You can hae we in thc 5 Yoo an hie 2c tom hs eampay 26 hour dy 6 The cats tom thi company are cheaper toe at weeende "| 1 This company has spac as for spec das {This eompony has cars and ane sable | ee tr mang | treater ety cae alent G2 nome cits ee OE | ede 4 Aca dn pus (dct popoctilesane | Howe (devite su are ut Te Fale Dotnow 1 He wan to hie the crfor the wechend 2 He doesn ind what oof cr is, 2 There companys car stlable. “These hie Ford Festa 5 Their company coves 8 pm. 1 Thean thinks he le his ving cece a home, { Themans wie has her deing ence wth et 20 minutes+ complet propel creat 1am asnets | eles yar 2 means e151 room fora dy 3 Weare eneto house n Londo inthe samier {Ste sats to searto go Setand 5 Te nord sae wean ‘heat to next eck Tey want to te forthe neg Placing an order Sao 69 > sett tm ny ace fo eran eck aber ale towers ‘epetbes —Supermaiat shop, temitatets “what ae they oro? ‘Whoa thy dering x? seater! seater seaker2 speiera speakers spear) speakers peers oe mac many surtooete pets mang ert de un ba i plat ‘a teba despre carat cess um ef rans gas ‘espe nual de ach pele pveere Sabstntdeleti de lal cote, im a tn vate He mach nde a? | ow muy eps ose? 3 Completa roost ca mat su ma 1 Bow any 2 How 2 How. 6 How G) + Cet pepe ee ae nai ode st lee ple ae thet nthe regener? time do you aver ays before we oon bode? mone hve you pt nthe nk boos do yu ae? ‘scl twegivres vers espunsiie, 1 How much ate thee owes? 2 Does he est mst? 5 want ane pil hows 6 ee you in shoal os? 1 whats the mater wth you? 1 tae ok Spestert "ie wanton ety emi cat 2 He doen checkifthey have adres, Spester? 1 He srt got many vegeta ee 4 The dlver thes hee dys Speke) 5 He wan to buy the book or is ‘oper 4 He knw the ane ofthe author pester ‘elie. 7 The lower ate fora wading. 4 Shels the pieces ecrse they Shopping ‘Th sry fo Yoshi upset She as eter fom Ms Kings ‘Kingass her ond 2 pe fan fe wth Aa, means has aken some of Yoshio money. Yosh meets Peter inthe park Caos phones them tosay hes atthe aln ston Ms King there wth 3 man ah he Iman shouting at er Peter snd Ysito meet Cros at the salon Ms ‘Kings them her son Hany inoue ted he sed afc money. Seaside Mystery: Part 5 4 aspunde is urate eb derprepovesti 1 hat oes the tess? 2 Watcher hing malig Yori vse 2. Whte docs Yoshiko mast eter? 4 tesco? 5 Wha dose King son ned? Gp 2 Neva cece eves stun ei 1 Who af eteran ats olovig? 2 What does the man ge ns? 4 Wat dos the an geo the sles asistnt? 5 What is inthe bog? 1 Why do Peterand aro goo Yio ple? 4 | Who watsto go tote pate? Gp > a ont on ee opt Peter Cavlor—Yetiho | the on thr peopl who ae unin ae you ned me 2 aes, oj noth ma? 2 methinks gun «uth don want at Mrs King Yshe 5 I dont ete, 6 leant er arene 8 coment techn ‘tau propouie dn poveste ee eae «i ee cane fin ta) a ‘nee pronue ato fea lt ‘hy ene ect propa ronal yu struc i See Grammar Bane 1 tr nd Caos low. mothe shopincene. Hay King) 2 sto swore because she ca fd (mes xn) 2 ck op Pee Whats nie? thea 4 Couldyou put then nthe fr. Tha) 5 ois pleased oso (cased ee 5 Fotos avnele ext in cases penta conplets wmitoaele prope hut te gud for ag Sle happens feenger—cstcer 1 rie. Laat the othe et or 2 The shop asian stahingsothe 3 ese could you put the tn former tte slg when he fel ovata, 6 People fen eave the things en in llth tie, 7 hinkstee bec th an as 1 Lestat i tthe aaa Check your progress ‘cea ete vl pela xen ce at ntat pnd aca Vernet aspansue ved! ce proper facet ‘Seta puna im cherare Functions cst corespondenul aur ae ngs ne limi dn pres ep 1 aking how mich someting costs 3) Hae you est ary tet? 2 saying tow mich ace wee by Yeu te on mete hie. 3 sng What ne someting Could se your dig nee? 4 saea tow al someone 4 Clk the seach baton 5 oxdennge ea ove the pone 1) Do you thik the then bt al? 6 ang someore hy hae something 1 Aceon redo plas, "bang things on th itera hike re S deci trent aoc one dee pn pz, please ohiega car 1) Howmuch ethe soos? 10 otdetog toner 1 tm bout seventy oe pula 2 Alege categui eects penta ecard civil dem os, mau dese fhe fet tin ches LYoates soe shoes Siler tall heany Sp ured pounds 3 Compleat! rope ce uel dire eave cast 1 wee ine shoes 2 The apes 082508 3 We'd keto odera {onthe ome ps, he product seach baton 5 shies sours fun deform 6 Thea eat carforthe neta, 8 dodo ett ‘nase 4 completa propo Dy sau Oss. 2 shespea neon 3 uae oer mens? oo ete pia? 5. Compeatl propor cu How mick ou Hav mae Tanquoges oyu spake water's inthe gas? tine de she he? others do you hae? onto ropochie 1 flo meine anv a 1 the peta, 2) ae we? 2 elites his me 1 dortyoue 5 Youspea nash she? 4 Seis on Sin, asm 5 ser ot, latter? 6 Weare hope, 1 does he? SE Shopping essen 1 How do you ke to shop? 1 Ses ct oot om pe te? titcsen mec ee pecan mesic Se ct cnt 2 Pinan! sab cep decomp rein Sin tns pro pe ‘eget exes crenata dea Sete sb cae imagine. Inashoopigamie atamarat stall onthe phone cnire nthe sperms G5 Act oe por convert! sab ande ae oc Hc, Completa cuter ove i ata de lo. 2)sthone _ b)inan etic a shop tart agents) ata mate all Vg ee ie ety ™ somata + he Speier! ong hte ~ 2) ening ‘ { 1 ; By tuyngsome teeing aie 20 minutes+ Ct tnt tet de mal os cit tn Word ak cine importante pe care seg ne pe ine > custonen mronnian Voor ornmcidieck | Mentrhy pt Sete ne ee “hn ce 78 15015 Seater alan Fain re: 0870950122 Speaclt = sae % Eo vein ooo tee a Re, wonne se sme mea Koerner Mice aia mantra ag ate yaa ht popzeile ia) das ent dette sa aoe | The astomerenguty line erat pen on Monday ong. 2 ilyeuorderbyphore you needa eerence mmber 5 The pone ine ae open 24 hous 2 {Alten willbe delivered within 1 das 7 ify orerby phone youneeda debit or cet ca | There ia adana chase for delivering heitue. | Sule) ren) Hotel information 3) Glace erespumatoe proctor ci apt 1 toon te 12) Youcan se the se om th 0, 2 ile om » Tisrom hate ownthrcon, 2 eaview 6 This uarates youth mom, tone 4 THis show much he rom cote 5 reenaton This foom as singe ed 4 isn clara da despa puns crspunttr roponle cn tings 1 Doyou ne any wom 2) of ese. Would yout asnleor 8 wonasen ven? doibiereen? 2 1heo took a oom for by othe iis Sauda ihe. 5 How lone wuld out to stay? Asie. pease {Wain of 0am oul yo he? 6) Doubles at 120 an snes 58, 5 Was tb om te Yea curoms do 20 minutes+ Completa propo folsnd cave ncaa 1 togpsrimming? 2 aap oleate 3M to come on ida with us tte that Me hates hig 580 tolkioyoe ‘ sy forte ts? ‘Which hotel? 1 rv sleet oer Pe care cede ar alge persone dn insite 7° 2 au crept? it scone de maui ale caspetr atresia celor we hate ‘sable hotel este desis At the hotel ‘5 Un caspete se inregistreazs la hotel (ast sepunaie crete Sierocptone! seb 1 Have you got single rom or a} Ceri what tie? two is, lease? 1b Yess. We aes oom wth 2 In breafastincaedinthe pce? aly on he cand Boor 3 Doyouesdtosee my peso?) Noprcbem, Do you Wa inmate? 4 Couldt havea wahe-yp callin) No, sc The menz and price st nou rom 5 ite possible get mating et tt aight? thetoun cent ©) No, asi theses estan rm, please 1) Weave 2¢-hout oom sens otha wl eno probe, Name Sn Roms) ate ne ton Ma Laue wash Feng Dron TOTAL) sunt "Bree niy thou) (hows) 3 [= see {6 Ci nota de plat de a crstore prime Me Bundese bspunc a tebe de ma 1 er Bunesen wants hoe shed 2 nwa is ess 9 eos oy clan isu 4 Healso wants par sch and two fame of 6 Me dy bl come to 20 minutes+ Compl propo cu cue din acest ci Apo silt ine lost. Panel) penta ‘unalent (2 pent a ata de lhe 1 he ‘sale vo our om ow 2 Peaselewre your com cpio when ou go ot 5 canines wakeup 730, peae? 4 reat sere inthe room between een aren ey ong 5 comeostonothe ating, and locket the dew a onde? esate Checking in 1 cospunet ind virwegsuat en ote? Cafe de nora dere Sumpoavoasta wise caine? GQ > frees crete eat comers comple femur ai eel sel ome toe mb any ner ie) Ne eatin ECEnONEE God evening Can Thlp ou? Fruscas Yen. have areeration rcs Reconct_Could have you name plese? fusca Yes thats ht acoreeen Aye Mr anos Menton? Rom Cans? focae Yer Jared this aenoon Rrconseer Welcome site Youre eras forthe one it, Pace Yes. gine vst my dover Aberdeen toro She he sey thee, ecrosn Aberdeen Thats he place but ot 5 ganas Eaburght oul jus ake Your dead the ees epson fon? Ca have ou ada in Can? Facts ee 177 on Avene, Tono, Oma, TL TAS. ramoven And yur telephone number? occ Thats ose Firs SoyouT cardi. Ma sce your sas? cerns Thankyou Abd do yu haw aca wth ou? Fecon Nott. Reconoust Thankyou Thatsall we reo. Hote ou tom ky, Yuen oom 24 onthe thd floor Enjoy you ty 3 Ch in au convenati srspundet la wemorele ore 1 How one ance ing 2 Wen did eae? 3 Why ie ing to Aberdeen? 4 What does the recon ako see? CCT TT wor POWER, seiai WA car ae amples treorurch cs Numeral ona snt fobs pert a ata Tecscea nro ieuce “ro on et fr, 20 minutes+ Gp Seno lel ast compe cx regres coun Good evening (t : Cees Mra a Pee 2 ns ANB cerns Ms Pere? Yes yo sn 2) 0s, ‘onthe fooe foes Thankyou, Do you eed ay pap? ‘acmows= No, thts ne necessary ye old tt inthe guest » term cous Yes ofcourse, Recon Thankyou, Mss Perea Heres your) hope ou. 1 Shopping 2 Ct acest reamai prvind camer de hotel gst daa erespnone ecien Can Word ak cv pe cre nt Making a complaint 1 Ceexparente nepicate aa tid sn el? Vise pre eu a oa oeclamati? 1 theatrconatoring stool, 3 The bed int made 2 The bath sce (6 The beside iit cbr 3 Thetelenowterinthe minibar 7 Thaeare notes 4 Thetelepone wort work | Mewatere cod (G} > Pesce nen cet ee tpn emt eel 1 Room 487 and reo ofc iht ea. 1 Sor abut hat Someone wil rng sme edly (Ondea iach or you what amr do you want to one? ' tmver sry We dnt sly make up the eons ur ater brekast Yes, You wl needa pcal hey om een Tate a sal cage fr hat Speer spelers Speier? Spaler3 spesier3 ‘cum zu! logue compete ve Sparse: 4 comple reams cu cai dn ade mo. ty not made ead ney tometer broken iste hee th sham ote showeraeT Re WHEE) Imac ea Woe bay Pike ptomeiete nn Thebeet | UR Oh ers ve | th ca "abo it irom te 0 | Sete nerd (Mb how wats we | eepion fre ds ce Porter telcayean vate ting to do about? 20 minutes+ Hotelier ce bie da espe un frm completa x opto ‘Compleat pe edema se ter reamat pop, aes Plaza Hotel piston | ane Ror Nanber We would be grateful or your comments about our hotel 1 hs ours sto he Grand Placa Ht? weO wo 2 Wow di you he your om? xlert coed Qk Foor 2 Wh of the flonase you use? Minibar) Roomsenie CQ Retauant Ocoee stop Qnty Q. 4h comment about your saya the Edrbugh Gard Paz Hot ny Shopping Checking out 1 Va vert tdeeane ater ace? Ci ts de Peers ‘vento Este coe? Voted Lowerta. Séto Date: 16/9/08 oom deta: 1 Double 1419/06 6 1519/06 46 2 Ascukato pe mis Perea vrbied espe aca (Gees coe aru despre care spunea Sut tn es? ‘cor cee reception aac 3 Ascuat nou bt (/) dc rede haere tal sunt ade so ee, | Shes being charted the sn oom te 2 She only made one nteaxoal phone cl 1 She sas she dnt hee anything om the mi bt | 4 Sh wants to speak tothe ot! manager 5 She want nit the spor, | 6 She wants sorcne to clet herbage fom her om, 7 She sysitis one oth es hee. 4 She says she coming back es year Cavin de leptrs pecan fee altap rsa ose pets leg dot pate propose lets nora eon? Se Gramma Bank 4 Ch wencsces regi pn scent eal, nemple pas cove de legtrt esi alu Coste dd cai de loan oh | 20 minutes+ Alege cov de legit cor pont complet mits ropa “athoush —becawe or 1 The room e645 ora singe fora oe 2Weitete oa | ‘eos on arly tet 5 she needs aun tothe spor the htel bs ef és tts ver capers se isthe hel ey mach 5 tanta oom with shower. bat (want to chek ot no ae ey an heen Sate dialer cry ch ggg come 1 Pv cst pln af unl centr comer Ce pute um th nesincle ‘in Wesel Shoppes Cone? 2 te mags in centr comercial unde pte umpire dn obec dn deapta Utelese ges mma male maga Westerfield Shopping Centre mo oe ie or &, ig) “wae Ca we = m 16 - ett ce ee ea ee os peore) ceca eee ‘a Pe 107 The American Spars Soe Company ‘rae (reenter ay, oe woe owes | a er eR 105 elie by cig) ‘etounatl av Sap LF Le °e Chr rs road Frese tee enc utarpd 4. Conpeta propo cu un adja de atin init de mo. folgn repr exremedoulle ee pase 1 could hove ete with ml lease? 2 Do youspesk any Iangvge? can speak Russa, 2 He wantstodosone spots ha hanging when bes asst 4 The standard sence taks to das but We oan see eon takes four hous 5 Hae you ss oom ith shower for Fen? 6 The we | bute feria he it 20 minutes+ ‘Ascukat n nou convestile salt ce ace gt ‘necare ine magne. 1 shes ashes ashes Asm Ssheis Shopping Exchanging goods om Thecharangooms ae oe there ‘ehange then Have ous the eee? a Thanh yo, Now it pute nag br you are 4 Raspunes a umszowele eb derpre conversa din mags, 1 hy haste ester bought back he jean? 2 What dos the sles assistant sugges? 2 What dos the caster wan to | Whats des the astomer akon? 5 Wy ste cutomr happy wth he ew eens? 6 What deste sales sista ned bee she can eachange the fans? {5 Chain clan dn despa canteen din einge 1 iy fe 2) bute thinsthe houses to nay 2 Arye 1 to cold or ong ening. 5 Lado nae he ose «too many people on the tin, 1 He te the rom 4) becase my shoe retool 5 Thee ae 0 a they wee a0 een 6 Shesaithesa wae 1 toosanetohie sar 20 minutes+ Alege die ovine deal jos pena complet rms propou ant thee ester the ue oe? 2 The shop wl Youre? own 5 You neo ge them te you wae ae bc same. aetoobigiorme 5 Doyen think they me Shoppin Sending things by ost | nde er Sear Customs Declaration G9 2 sata imepsoce compe Oe ‘co cemocsonceeee | pap me a ‘Business papers, | > comet oa ln cent ee Essen ie ee ee ae ote setonn nto ca, woos — 3 Theres a lage | for you in alent per. «onthe cord $ ecm etn youve te page teereereererece worn rower | Hottscengtaine | | Seureaminerpetnadee | srreieipe nin | ‘rtm pet Ni = 4. Foes fora dn fotos a Word Power en a completa umitowele ropes 1 Hou much tose his 2 enjoy your tipo Landon. and send usa of lala Sue 5 Can have en fist hs ac ots secon ss. lesser amis Isto heart sen ima rinetosendt ral pense How ong wit ake as alta ng couse Gp & Mela ene wt sent Sin comme mie timate devote 1 Holo ane Heware you? 2 nirDowing my uel. 2 Hes tang his sweiercf cass ot 4 White hey inthe dor? 4 Why areyeu cna? 6 Welnow 2 long way 08 20 minutes+ G-Man sou comeas Nea umole src pee dan near le at alk he stamps onthe pte | sey har inte prt ‘tints catoms declton tek the toner tof Jeol with me Shopping Seaside Mystery: Part 6 ‘sg fast newspaper and a ote of minor watt They ume Kingsheuse. Yoshio upset becuve se a nd Ms King sree | Rispundet inuemiosle inves dere pores 1 Whee Cato and Peter 2 Wo doth ink heya ing? 5 What doer the man ve tothe shop ssstan? 4 What sini the bg? > steers enna die Stab care et se pore ie agi Paw 8 Pewee 1 Hes eng he someting nae" 5st tha eis? Whe ee ene? {ned lp Can jou come? Can sou ing some mony?” 5 -Alotopecple have bs in hte when they shaping” nel ees fomesn rin acgaes tl vat Io ews ecmpie in PrtleS9t nS yg. es ty i et ey st ae Peon. lp Ms ig? 4 Asa in ou pina pea iveise completa ca cnet adeot ‘erate di acoso propout 1 tanto go the pce 2 Whatcan you say them? 5 Mabe Mes King oon. er 500 4 Woke the gun 5 Compleat ace prope cu un din expres dn ath speststogoback comein geteut— pickup 1 uate beth oor 2 wantto s booksttheBekshon 3 she er metho the poe ery day sats ‘othe ft 5 hese ‘Would ie some cles? Ake Check your progress Aceat ete lt pill exe ce a nett pnd acu. Voretsaraspnsie st vet ce progres eeu ‘Seva pancal Im chenre a | cach coresponden action tanga propoatile i pares rept 1 orden tom acatlgte 2) Ther are mats onthe 5 om Manheter 2 busin tat Doyen tate ase oom fr ats lah? 5 booking hse om £2) atoo srl oyu hve a ager? 4 cxhanginga state 4 Therare no touts nth toon, 5 sending prs! 1 oul you dos the window lease? malin pte eee 1 one chess and nese pis Do}ou dene? 1 making compan 1 Do you fave avin hens? boc ale hy Asie is £50 aight 9 ordennga taconay mel 1 Yes, thei thecstons dectzton, 10 hg ace 1 tsthe dest on page 2. The cade 45608 1 oder ower 1 Te xanga re lc aps lease 12 finding cut te pri ota oom 1 doen ones plese 2 Compleat proponents cove rotmade find deren exchange sane tt oi rent later shaping came bag stumps 1 casi thoes redrass plese? atthe onthe pre 9 Keepour yoo sat aid 10 poyeutinkthese eas ne 1 They theo sop athe. 12 Lee urthem ina foryu 3 Completa popockl olen cave dn casts 1 they 1 oto the shopping cre The ae shoeing a banat? {There rat | ‘0 mit hosel esertn, 5 torent the fat « to to thenew shpping cote 4 Completa ropoxile cu thou ns 1 She asa sine oom theres ay double ome arabe, 2 Would you the a rng spel 2 {teva expensive they ie the oom ery mach 4 Doyou wan velar stagecofee 5 He oud toe cat scare wring © Would you the osenthe pars egal tte ews? 5 Completa prpentilecs nal ne verbeie a fo 1 weet some ot tthe mk 2 Les thee Chinese restart. 9 She tthe ma helt on the gud ooe Aes terwhon she comes hore Se People watching frees Identifying people 1s mute moda cere d iden dese penal tA Re ‘heb ew they lock thereltnshipa ha atoaliy Stat care dine mdse de ota de ml ss corespund umtomea roped 1 gt ithe Geman gt who's staying wh fr fw das 2 That alse gl verthee isRobe | 3 This my we cal, 4 Hele sor ne nating manager] G} 7 Ssauameste vate peste dtd a pene. Ce modaltate de descr folset a als vr din cre dig? syekers speakers Foose is pert un ble Foes the pent msimaecbiecte sea ‘pecan atin prpiere de ro perce afte mapopere deo. "5 omy me > ines waa ea robcinn pases ie Folosin ths porn al mate ole 8 snd wl Incurecae dtart dena BE alate a rece an de ot, ‘aiics aera et Th per rani fe a | 5 Incostepopoeie deal foxes ee Prt image pe cre einer ere gel ‘ihrem ote xt ¥ = @ 20minutes+ ‘ent nie tn enn vt ‘scatter conta oa 1 Smt ey an 2 rope tings he vee Wt door seu Bh can hg ol ly 3 Aalto noon gat Ma ekne Got «Tepe en rt Rn Ae aes we BW eel People watchi 's this yours? 1 Vapi twa brat up tin mod su cede ml Inpertant rat sie comode? Ce pura ipa ana? Gian umd is sit adlowse nowses aitie ade =e ee ee NTT Ree, 2 Cand descr ce poatenes puto dere mode WORD Power m alnelr cis act powe pan ere anak Ue sdeimbrackinte Stee — | Sela one scans | stot long a | Gp > sstatiweesare cla ato nt Sy sone hae veh Ca apr alee? Tnenledext dou moda { dea dese poses, 1 Alec poses + substan 2 Subsanty + verb + pronume posse yy ome ie Tet cmp mine fr iearar Tea ae oo Sr or te Tess yas Teak ts Ie” or wh for Laer so ‘oy Th err. "hr Tees a eo mn then Tec nt i ‘See Gramma an 4 cit caste proponi bate pe itersares pest puncl Schimbat uvintle dn pratt afc sau proaumele 1 those ae i. ears. Theyre th P= 2 Whe oR ROOK non? 5 res titel ihe 4 es oneet he... ambi. 5 Theyo(ve).... Pains. They) 8 eS you os mt be GH) este) ae he) 1 6 08 20 minutes+ Completa converse cu fama poses cerca su proumne Asal! iregisvare verfcataspunsale seem) ook oa Nitin Why do yu a6 Hn? Peta 2) (He han thisbook 2 Nits intent Wal 9) isthe Lok tong anes gor ramet. hye, ota PLTLGET People watchi What do they want? 1 St sti Ce veil conduc Credet cd marina pane ceve espe personae slr? Sy 2 ssa eats et lc pte wind desc mash @ og ey Sena ait a losin un alec comarate + ae 5 Pens maleate active ai in! enn compar dat su ral mle fare nase erin poem me poscane sa bloc mine cecal | St an i | 1 Adige rl fect cute eat juseree ‘iat me | aaa ‘une cee an a Fora compart a utbaestewne 2 Dock aleve termi ch sch yin ‘Te ok sl nk efi ste et ‘herd ete i fay air ras rele See Gamar Bak (Gp 2 iis sen pn dt mag pol ssa ese ‘seat pe Ro Sine vrbiadesoe mafic we dei QC SS skowdy Sunset 14 2 years on. tert onan TA Fereerer WorD Power very heap 0198 separ “eerie ald a reccimene | ogee [mpg aocrcpecesopae | Amimmar® ( etitmesanire Seo | Bi snapped odors Speirs Ne a nstcg 4 Foopt cave dn caste penow a compe prope 1 Sanda wants carton Rob 3 Sans nes carta Rob (Sans ts carton Sb 5 Sana wants carton Rb 6 Rabuanaa carthan Santa 1 Sac wants chat totheenvicamer 20 minutes+ nee tre umitosrele propo sua crce, ale oni o ey lo) practi cores pune o crus) gh cle cane cnn rosel Apo cnet wey 1 Yo ars ethan ny te 2 Thiscomputer iret is moh easyer owe 5 Mya crm than noone 4 You mast be more ctl in ture 5, Hes ery ide. He shuld be lt to people, People watching freer] Comparing people 1 cot exasate ane cilia, cat Inver completa vine ie ame Rowe gt Se eas ee ee aoe or aoe oon oe ae er tepan 98 a2 ame Je ey ei) ace 75 ange po re {9 enna ‘petenr Oost “srt sense ‘hype 58 pe NA Cane a8 Ge oe ten yn Cr Manet langue SA Digan SA ion Cate ain 2. RSspandet in rman nab despre 4 Who asthe mest quaitaton? 5 Wiohasthetevestqubisins? ‘and ems compar dos ma Late! pte ne compari | ‘mae pernae sn ole fox coset ‘rade compara thn Yuga a et hn ae se a ome tr dt sk Ee a ei ss mags a ame Pacem dace inert lain wt edict ans nem rt oa ons dpa sway hag cr 3 Completa iene pope cao expres din case. asmuch perio atasold ae {sary aaileatons ar ae many languages os 1 ames Haney and ener Lae ren be Tephany 2 ober Topany des hve ene ee 5: eer ow doesn soma Robe Teh. 4 ames Haney dose ve Bob Teas 4 Robert Tephany ames Honey snr Lee a st ite peru post Intercatr aes acm cate ete elma candidat ‘Asli carvers 6 completa mala de ats Fron hare Ferre | WorD Power Reet eates f = wera huatoned event ine | get ran, Secoma ee te percep ee eee | orn Rarer tecrcmetee | | TY ttc cmecny eee ecm icra ors nce Seer e | Se cirantecrm tain I Te eae 3 eee eee ‘at qty sore important han ue late know wht ou tn, and ge bak te 20 minutes+ G's stes ett eset pe ee inca dene, comes ropexi pot asta Ieper ene. 1 veer that tony many tines Re ald ae ox 2 Your ede array wel behied There god tose 5 Wha the mater You lok tel You a white, 6 thee 4 He por at al weed bout sitar 8a at apie 5 Inher new des se oc ety a cscumier 6 tmsting by he fe ow and Fn a warm a 1 ashes, hel Ei irl ee eel i Pl Be ieee Pe eel ed At the game a ar 5 ea iain ‘cel ee near ‘tn tal oc aa sopwach | ara eet 4 see ce dlains z ca pra rece Sismec moar im cebeeteaeeaeeeel we ad maior 2 @ oa 3 a Se ee eal, een you need » bre + High Peak calé and restaurant. om of te word and ey Sthcowe meal orem Rispuns a acest nen dese high Pak Wine Spo Is the uy of th stow goad rad? 4 tothe siting rk indo ators? 5 here en ou tava deco mea? Where an you see anc dan show? 20 minutes+ eet cove dia acest lc penta conpita opie 1 The game ony tops when he owe his while 2 whats year taut sort shin snowboarding rating? 3 She i sell much ser ith Rea en. 4 Par your bet se. an dit. ‘henmtcht 9 You ned ise forte ht. Sieahidie ‘ECR aA Oe eo Re a eo oo ee ee People watchin: aoe The biggest and the best 1 Pal pone acest bb. Foosn un asec supe cnd compe: achat emi ny aoa devin ‘mol mu de deus pean ie ‘lft ons pt she gs cr te sor Pen adc rl losin he) mst estan a nay er war i imei Supe adetneor sce ete hms he dha ot ei me co ett et (edt Fee spe alte te) hot FeamaSipelats ttf elm 2 Pon fc dn tnebatle de mai, (Yb ule corpus, Bian Tony Mat Cony emember ho, 1 has at the ngs a 5 tawearng the art dates? A ithe cider 5 tthe younger? 6 «asthe cheapest toe? 7 has the most expense ba? 1 hs got the gs be? 2 Chi pope completa cee seperti ache Sin prance. Feat ele cin Grammar Bot 1 ourplayesnerewin The aretha ott eamin 2 Lock tat huge spe Tht the i one eve ae, 5 Shes aly prety reody ares that hehe atrie) 5 These shoes os lt of mane. They ae the epee net in the sh, 20 minutes+ ‘Tesco gone cu trl: 1 Which the test mani? 4 hie the anger 2) Dre 8) thee 1) lane by memssssee: a Meiney the Yangze 2 Wc the dope la? 5 heh the bigst ocean? 4) Lake anna 5) The Ase On 3) nena The Ati On Late Mian 6) The ace Osan 3 Who wate frat mano he moon? 3) Yer age 3) aa Ate © Nal Amatong ‘Asking and answering questions 1 Duncan spunde Is srt des rete, sd thon ple my grit nits it th hg te oem a ene caitlin acest eb Har yg wt 2 sae cateva tne pena Duncan spss. Pune civil expres edinen cre pei foe rb 1 ae updo your what te? Me Zeta, when my alrm clack sat et 2 eetup/ do when yous 3 phone who / oso fer She ftas mark ton, 4 ae you to wrk dha? 4 tra T gt the 71, 6 ofc yours where? Fae ty corr 2 ave /do olan hat? PPP wai ne core trv. ‘itl conrad ats sat tegen. Compleat spate ch rebiede pecar le ua Tiebasle at alegaresconvennte, Aha tme do you gt up Atabout hal pic ‘Oh. it er tha hat 5: Wel, usual ust have cate No, rer el he etn inthe ming talus big unh ‘Ach. st hive sndhich ora holo sup Something gue simple uch that he fing meal shoud the nea he dy. 20minutes+ faa a a regal nates fact eal sm WORD Power | lam utcig talon | lds fosoca 3 Vani ce asp Meir bat Doreen exec 27 Completa prone losin reson coins 1 Doran een te or Wiis 2 simon to tengo ofc. 3 ane amewting with he ctr salt 4 Polly oon hoe to. 5 ob len howto we the ne compute, 6 fame eran inthe sk Tan some shopping uk hace i Gp 4 fetes eta pe Mela een et se, SScondacs ose Sos invebale pe carele pune. 1 Poly 20 minutes+ ct propecia. Soret pen ere nse care cor elon prevent contin Foot verbele incase mh hast ato ae 1 What are pe, math? ‘Ain cle Te Conga 2 wha 3 wae yn jc Abeokty Gtk ter ‘othe cena 6 my Because ve fs sen someting rely fray! tte) el LMU Ka Describing people |v imal ran eee dn parantene parr fm ate. Insert tn cael de mal sn patel arate vet ee un a cant : + wo a : 4 Slee popanie osnd ses cant. ‘Aca eregntaeasicompletat etl cu coviele hs tte wl esi ite aan) onda) ae se raauiats He sel mises hc cay fe i te some 6) ey sr wane ey yore gy 7 Adm ns Worp rower — | seen ee sry twentesssrots cata | trie 2320 a an verti 24-7 de es late trie 37-80 ceo mldaeaged chor de peste Odean | ery create ey El roe 2 Asc pe dnevadeszind dere pescane Sst din oe. Pat ieee Sistle erect? > Tere ae ow people ny ofc. apart eo, fe Fel there at the se, Shes in ern tes bats ake ely Young. amo teach Shetland ‘She ot og bown Ral The hte Cot ies hin wh og akan be lye nage fry ambitious Sh lim an hae SSL Macha st bt nat et ‘hoe stan the oes She sins thites are Shes utes character Shes et this eraung oe hata ones over ere Shes avs very easly ss wc que ust rs os supose. - a “4 carat in cena des asp i eae desc o stare de spit sau personales? Panel oleae corespnatore end tandsome appr tind Se ee funny generous ‘al Sal 20 minutes+ Tnchiput ch vel un nou pretence a mod regu. Price eu 8 i desc propria persin, Cntu tel de majo. Dear Gre Travks fr yur Lette. Tt was grant to hear fom you. So you wat ‘to ken what im the? Wl, Tha bt cameras 30 I don't hae any pots to srk yeu. rynyy 2 People watchii Seaside Mystery: Part 7 “he siya Cats and Peter go back o Yoho show, When they gt ‘here oso ts upsct because she crn Ms Knee nly She ot nthe ous. and the Ino messge Yon hn the men who an kl rs Kings sn have got bec Feter telat then nthe ‘eparmont store He thins wae Ms Kings son Anan phones ond os, speak fo Ms King He says he ss Kngs So. ry. oso and Peter "hike ying he int Me Kings son. Ms King phones and ace ten, ‘otbnghersome money. Se is wating the talon She need ely. spun a umitoace eb despre ove 2 What does she hint has happenat? 2 here ae these students? 5 wat dose xing ant them todo? 2 Acete cave apres apa taten putea apta 2 pores Sia (/yeaitele peer eV dcp hl es esas asgcnt station edt sup) takeout ters cheque eke ts) Glee nbbishbin pre Gh > Neat peta sabi deste umttare pop ¥ ‘rho Peer Caren eRe 7 1 ean gt sme money cut ots ing 7 2 canyousee Mes ig? 2 Look do ou se tha lak ca cnet thre? ro 4 Te gota gunn mya 3 Weave gt ny one, 1 oashesss Peter, 7 ttl ushow much ad whet tak it 4 Least in the ich in earthe dose 9 Where are we going get E000 fom? 10 Ihave pln. 4 tsp para exp xen wnsrres Invegeva pero panes apt ince Nay | WorD Power Eeeaaere a _ | susie fr vere sare? ¥ re wall ay Check your progress Acca lee vi peel 2 exer ce ait pnd ace, ‘Vesflenve aspansue ved ce prosese a cet ‘Sete pecan chonare 1 Gis corespondontul act in sng ne people in pare rapt | ashing soma about the nperener a met you athe tation be wesrng 8 2 desing somes sua rob ‘ped hie sit and Ble outers. 2 sling bent somebody psa apoeance 1 SHE nial sod probaly in ate forties sre es 4 ein southroblas prance rte pnt quinine and he 5 ting tout the pic ot sameting at experience, hough e doer speak comparing peor ‘sey ganees 7 describing what sone ot Ie 4) Wt doe your sister lok ke? 8 esting some forthe pretences 1) Hou long have ou woted hee? 9 deserting someboy ge 1 Hes qe lin, wth ang, ian 10 describing wha someones wenng iran 1 Tis i probbly the most xpersivesanlc Teeever tad 1 Which would ou ther hae a bday on Ubebeach oon inthe mourns? bute couse eden haves mah Thee nt ding ey wel a the meen ‘They os ght ot nine ames 2 lst epuna core seb dn ane nul de spars este wala peta dou eb, 1 os that over tar? 3 es Roa 2 Whose mone he? by my rcher Rona 2 Whoo these eas bln to? Oh. theye mine 41a bbe Hate aa 64) Wal hrs my beter yu 3 Aleget coin cret penta completa propose, nuncio cenit alae sibel vite 1 could you me oto the shop and get ame rea? 2 What tat vere ha? 2 Thee wee sever apn apis forte new ob, 4 Mylo intense igo very wel Te mini wa a nny 9 Wat me do you stage wo? 6 hes wearing white Thr anda rll a ess. 7 tant 2 ome, awe a shower and are something ea. 1 Wha oyu tk our coe bak owe? 9 Wis isis thie? 10 Hear to diene ca ast ye ‘ 4 Completa! rope cau vt sau eps chen. Unelecavite nase peter ni una ite propos ' here neste 2 es que cld nth oie. | sugges you war sev sie 5 core! geple dn umstoatle roosts 1 This ey chen, Oli and Ca 2 wethis your betas ou must flr inte 5 myers mc aller, he siont wo metal 7 She doer speak Ealh a e708 me 8 We doesn Ane a much ulictns asthe othe 10 be git! wath eon, SE Personalities s 1 Lite eng at mule exes lone pe ree flosn Dent dese personales nor onment. Ace eps tg ‘Sls pears cael se poste fect expresie, ay, party animal couch potato anes ia 2 il cuit de aon. Pe cree tl del? ‘eae desu dere eaters Soe ce insane roms (lta Word Bak cave pcre le ee rato emneous trendy mostlet choos catatve nr pate pepe stim sal hy vet Pate pune gale a4 elaine. a6 nates aieivelr Infos unl asc petra penn et see es es irae ie Sisal ‘eta oni aaa [ite foloreste de obec adiectve eave Theyre de See Gramma Bak 3 icv tem propel, Gs incase Grammar prim ue ps Sapot lege un ale adeeat den exe? pena completa, fare popexie. 1 esr He wamstobe Preset ene dy 2 sheea ‘She hes eaeing ees, 3 shess She ay sa Pes and hank ou theyre 1d tink err see the ok voy ortad semper 5 mypephew sa pret bien 00 hn oe 6 Mysteries reser itil to havea short 1 yer heats wan 1 remember arom She ws. schoo Evenone vant to be herd Asal megsates peor a avers espnsure 20 minutes+ Completa care pope oper ctatl in cree ‘Age din cst antl po. 1 yl eyo bt oy eter can be quite 2 tm notatal i. rm the complete oppose ewer 2 yom ey dy Br Hs Ie thet 4 You seh ky boy hy at you be mre ie your cous? Mee 5 rmeserly liane my bet enh ey People watchii fe What do yuk doing? son coapbestenimmniterwonesieaton (freer su prea ceva mal eats elt Pv imagine sta de heya Sv denumies abby ub care pox TAY gle hotties: nore cellengstamss gardening panting Pystectllhomestng—_Suinming 2 Acute percare vein despre hoya activi ar din timp oer Sebi cre ee bobby fecela, ‘Algo dine cil execu 2. spelert seater Speaters Spears 4 Umitosree cab fc els peta a tage ni me, ‘Gest pene Beate ana sumele bul crspunctr WetenasFhirg Cub Pesmote Wain Group Spring ley Commun Ost Canta Cai ot at eee fy Do oie bio pace nd gi) ‘fh tod peri ome Wot to et nay for all ena Find que sun bythe ce ith om ‘Phone 678 324 874 for il eon Rando at esl ae ise ate oa Sue poi er, owt co ot te in ey) ‘ont arene sen hen wat Soe ty mero eee 5 vet un Roby suo peseupre? ‘Soret ani nar anrnitr clr es exerci & Pate fos sugested aos ‘eyou..2 Youllenoy.. Yeunend Prone former norman 20 minutes+ ‘ctl imcoloana dn rapa connate propose an reap, 1 py 2) ld coms, egestas 2 hee 1 clothes ae jel orm ends, 3 allt 2 phetagaphy and colin 41 4) smog sing ae smi 5 nate tenis sll and gl. Boer ME ARP el i el Sel AB et kk a ee) ‘window curtain (UK! drape (US) chair shelves) picture ornaments stereo system soe epee castion floor sla cole ble ase ete in at cl 6 na op ane dicen dncs boost tap spcon ttle cooker tapst shoes sve sol usin: photos sink dlswasher ue chats |. For Sale! tet ny on et SONA tcc a . ae en. nitro te rte ee eg felminooa ecinihocd forks and erase sane Ieee oie. Ups thee aay a. dct eA te po te he oe a tah sage [eg 0°45 76 572 or further information, Lato ol AUC Ce ale Mrs What did you do at the weekend? Gj) | Act megan sae perscone vresc despre ees ea fut 19 inweckend, Sabie pa erespunde fee! peneane osm yeu sins penta ver oun rr te a espe err cne ou Impact | psu yn pty ‘ere eplte eres weit snp eterna der verbal + ee ‘yeode sive ang -bd sy td tend nd nkl aad ey 2 comple cate despre eran dea sel counver dincseD Asiosintagas din cet coated fed watcha studied denned play conputereiam bercar fetbll the Bdrm the howe se om De 33a © tk hd ae 1 onsets. F. paged. Soetbat and. went te, the. ie, 2 onsundsyi 3 onmy bith 4 Dunn mis oy People watching What was it like? 1 at fost ans dn ‘acai? A peut ine? (ti acest rela uni hat! complet propooile cocaine din case ‘dens beach bones ink esis po! stall akuny eee Seo erel emer ere oon eaten fe es (naa ee Sa em (adi i hg a wo a a Sak pean ro para ie ak ag mel neg eg a oe i te oe dg 2 a Sons ar end Bal wl make your say the Rp Plns Hotel eyo ei? i a eal Pal sc ste 1 me besiooms were wer smal. 7 These was dangerous 2 Meese wer uncomfnabie 1 he wether ward, 2 The serie inthe exarat ws sow 9 uksio the ar ner env 4 Tre food wane. 10 The smmiog ool as very sal Flos aot let te A tA x uve pete ent a descie sual negate din tect a dex acu nese ec, ‘Tos ney ambrac ‘mang i hp 4 itl scrsoaes pe carne ober adres tela complet ‘frm cores verb epee. he it BD —— ay eda a) gs Hm gat) te aig mete oH dy he Fon df (8p hl em cheng bs ct 6 nt (9s wig oat Poe me wr bee Mar akon UD nc) Nl sey ech. 8 ed eral sh nad ii ih ryt Be ail bene nee, he lr be) ad a a et hoe ot each | poet ea nae We ae 0 hed —— ef east emia wh tS fn (560 ey aly nd fm ae he) en Sie area ea We ek na lin a py tl ctcin Yas sea Tooele ae 20 minutes+ aes afrmai legate desta ane 2 a Rober it ck rant deve a ale 1 the nod the food nthe etl 2 The didn slep well dari the ly. 5 They sat onthe beh ny. 4 Al heel sat wre vey re 5 The et the becom lt on one evening 6 The beach was conedin ds ans 1 The spoke tothe ating manager onthe hi Sa 1 The be wer huge a ious e' ‘oe dom Ca es no vey le Me wisp )__ a9 naa at ee ad ig betel ol RUE ICC aTe Mrs Then and now ti ra ems os tein ees Veta un eter cy ttl despre eae eel ‘Completa ara civil pe rele wat FROM RICHES TO RAGS.. THE STORY OF A DOTCOM MILLIONAIRE rts Chana a ay He) onpany fidoan Oana Sod made fi 3 ileal eine beso) —_ yrs of han he as on 25 epaeadcanl et companys nek cy een Hie bea oe of ee ay ng of thes fom the cnn And ten eeyig we eng. Poor mangement andthe fc of amon, fr ote compe, Sd te copy ‘ing sees ad eng o> "hay 16m ow hig me an mma, ans eo aca ni ats guy bw ej sing in pee ) Diners now spleen i eutrona gad) + cinta dotcom ie de tse uo fm de cer pe interac [Eta nel nse nese promt dotcom Persea ee ‘donor secs pe nere oe mms dem bona + Ears am rag tices ene cerca na ns ‘gual wearin recs ctr nese, an em 6 oxbin espe ct pe eae fe eam nec ornate mal em flsinwed ve 1d eat say mo Te gd nt ty nt ak ater 2 Ascattl dn pou teystre complet! peopel 7 de moe Felon wl fms coreaa a evar din eset cae propor Upelcvie a treba 6 els de mat mae crt wrte wok go. cook tne rlst ink spend ‘Mort “cat The eed 1 hate Roan ee, ne. ina L6room manson. bat no he te Spee nt Me oh erin. cee de tse set te ote Tous pein end en ve taan om Tote at eet. ray th semuchesrtle tov te. prac sumac 20minutes+ i " _V-at schimbat sau vis schimbet stil de vats fee My ( sontoarsngey wie ‘mlm cava ani? magna post cua eleseatciont espe acs shinbt Sat mat jos caters popontt on Gole ye os kaa i eremplele de —_~ “set tar ong. ord andra ee - ta i People watchin ar Have you ever. 1 Cum insets pe cines daca it nu cea? Ps taste ct dllourle in ule 0 ona e % a ie Put stmuebim pe cine act afiet Cu est timp ols Heer aeste ‘Sun unluraflocn kw ys ‘expe tempore: aay cin para wet ne oe en ay? ae oe me la oe? ie een tet Kt Ree it Mare oe Pr? 2 Cites de mo. ‘eu scala sparse dn ere ‘sab a vebtor ss ps Heer rebar, 1 Haveyouoerben sing? Speer 2 Hare you ere been othe let? Spear 5 Hare you ce sed the eter? Spa 4 Nino pe 3 hore eb a a hd per $ too fel Sa 1 ie ot we ein? Sar { renyonnat oy er ‘anon 3 ciiamitanetdmextucean omen — [ECEPERERER RETR Sinus carseat |" worn ‘cu oTntrebere i care sf folositi prezentul pecfect s ewr. Power, Jriatense toons i oa is aang Sey | Saree ae or sat 3 iy ak Ot ey, pdt, at 26 (9 lo pid tm? ey fy god ot 1 On ay, ad Sow rt r/o 3 cr cee a rh? Wot by wt Aya re sas esl by PA ns, HO a Ge Beth ctr | ws 56 ctl mate scence snore tres? asa iy, at 2 et astra wt ye el ne sacs dias ey ere ces aaa al? a yt? aa tka do yw eb? ot coe a a he emt ay Spot ot igs o mote ne H's ly goad, cg any many meas! nay Spnch cs (gg tS tr 4 eg oie mace nae 6) 10 Saw feo wr tee rig by paw ls bro cpt toe nyt? er yar ne? ae ee ag 5 ose mane of ral ot 30 ave 20minutes+ Da darn? Stl ce proponent it, ‘conn vet dn pote Spt naa mel Tre eaten Mexican food a Sew times. ey ne 1 hen 2 tates > ie et > ae a Multi-word verbs 2 Ting about the stay ta company, 3 by imoduan somo 6 Tlirg about someone wh they don ik 4 Taleg sour someting ta omeone ee suing taste, 4 Tes oa clea a wo ‘Veron ce eng lees recent ome Te drape ‘ert prepnnae Axe bl rn Un se repestionl est rma int-an ‘bs grepulie Deena sputem ‘ne nae dees. nr fn ns of aa pu ai Sabi ce verb peepetiona eorespunde Hc! stage. Toate aceste ‘ere prepodtonl ufos lst tn ivegsvre de exec 1 ston 2 santa busines 2 got 2 tyto ind someting {Took oe 6 stop doin uns 5 clove dom ete et 6 tae on 1h sake conto somating 7 conein 1 lane atanortus Go reratay acieueeeateopeptapnar anecccoaora eran a ‘soir Ae! iepte ye spun Completa propo cu ver repnons dn cst. In nee cz 2 vuln oma ver ew dae: Noting sets She should en Wesnestey 6 We mete Ranceformy lst oly, and Bk so much re rae RE a a ee ea eee eae People watching (acon te 1 Aepsentudcdiepcerome moran dntent ‘ropozitie.Apot ascutat! Invegistarea pentru a vi verfica rspunsurie. & Se @ ‘Becky: Brian Clack. He's my cousin, Why do you ask? 4 ee el thd eae othe ak ed i you peat al at nd yr Bec Most fi yes. Bat Bosh ute ot ready pared from s/t supemaatta as s opened om te rd ese Nell ouve done a tb, eT. That Thi ast ae dlcous. Mae you te one? os Nott Min youre neh They fet bare they? Wel bat ete tse es tak to Bian. Seo ter! 4 Alege covet se sotagma cnet penta a completa propo 1 He desis ve hs tan mine 2) beat” mete beau e) mow bentel 2 The pawn stad ae wonder They the things tot ‘a daicous by motedeldous rm delidous 5 Themuscislovel bt ean had Hert Canoumaleit ’ Bioud By louder) les “That woman ove thee ee she nee tps tig a) bonne bl morebormz el themost rng 5 es bean won art he ay ye ben tera on i! 2 goat Bl beter) best 20 minutes+ Gp nest coment it see Ca ele aici oe, ‘Aol scala egsarea pent a8 verses pans, Jo HL Whats youre? (a ty nane Steve, Whats ous ae? Tr nm. Hoe youcaed to England ers holy? No,Fm here on sins. Mie company hea fe not am he Non wth my Wile. Sex verte owe se the tale sor wth the lng hai? Sree Thats ec Ae youhstean our oun? owe Noi wth my asbnd He this man with the blue ade ier here, ‘What di you rein Erle? STO West arvineto dis a, Jews, and when ong you ee alto? STE st eck Howe theeeyoutae saat tine i People watching fer) Seaside Mystery: Part 8 ‘hes Te te students go he ton Fook or Ms King ‘wo men get ov of black and came oars them One an ssh ‘as agin and nants some mney Yat gives Nn £9 fom he ash ‘ot but hess 5 not enh He ean bene he wars ove ‘one. Potr nse il et sone mow arp tn aah inne & {Si nthe beach The mon dsappeor and Peter ‘els oro and Caso 0 ‘eth at the beach the ret dy He ing to pat par! no he ‘ibn They are gong wal Se who comer et Petr gee " ome a Cro pre ith Yshiko othe plc 1 spundei lane despre partes sapen 2 pves 1 Why ae the students igo esti? 2 What doesthe man wat? 3 why isthe manana? 4 at des Peter greet do? 5 hat a Yate an Caro pong tod the ety? 2 Toate cet cuvte expel aparn panes 20a a pores Dae pe cele pe ae ett des Ica sgt ce Toca clelake Intinp ce seat poe, this patot_fehenad mess coors Btthetop " srange seimmingcestume suse fotereepce pss tale Cat 4 tsp eo exclanati mtn Check your progress ‘Aceast ete vl peel a exert ce a neat pnd acum. Vert rispunsie st vedet x roses et ‘Serta pancam chenore Functions |. Cae orespondenu an i sng ne rope in pare rept 1 desing what somebody ks ike 2 is ad sot fl. 2 eshing tou somebody pha appstnce Have you gota hates? 2 eng shoo set perenalty 6) le hy roti? 4 describing something tat ou hae nt done have eer been bad bo 5 comparing wo people Alin usd trea tbat now he 6 desebina somebody ope wos tom hme 7 sng ar seb ding in thi ft shecider han your . tretine (0 What dows your sister ook ie? 10 descting wht sme inthe pst 1 fan’ gc met eran than Sah i 2 Hes aver toep young man he ays nye est’ and Tank os) {std he don in my fete? Wall. ove eneph inf au spend to mich mone or ising now fete Theres pol nto 2 ist hobby ctespunztr ete ae. Piovinggo wooing usigthetmenet watching eon eating in estan 1 eso nce al so od oka for yo, ander somone to othe washing patna 2 Ich i ony soon a get home and spend mt fhe evening at 3 My ile ugk me sme clas or my ity andthe’ ce ny hg, 4 lopend hour one a sen ais tall my eds 5 usualy fy but petro by wan an beter by oa go enh ne Completa propa ce covnt au oepese dn cate calleste gone gtton pled te 1 by compter aso, Bat 8 a 2 Wheres Hes to heaena 2 net wots inthe se cee St my 4 Wedent ee wath ac ter 5. ists crea ree in mtwele propo Un putt penta gsrea ese ‘al weir crete et 1 Tis fm sng she on sa ast wk 5 Ihave phoneé my mathe yseey 4 hen 2s young. 4st ih wth yates al the tie (6 stp ect carespurate tect ome de at 1 hod b) been) gone eno) met Giving orders and making requests (1) Prive mage. Ce cede ci pun personae ‘and em se spunem sau cremcla fc, foto de bie! foma de ait sv. hc Divi ono naga est pena eae exresecoxespanctone incase Son dou expos eae ave nevole @? acasaece Pate ace wn orn mal potas usm ranma un oi ito ragiiete sdsugand ple anceps sola stl polio lo hn Co oe, ropes (Wl yin Cua you id meas ‘yebalwebic sine termine ng. Huo as ‘winless he adept? Wold mpi est ‘See Gamma ark 4 Fac umstosrel roost ml plltcas losin cite 1 Heme wih his sutese. (pase) Plece,, wth, this seas. 3 rassmeapirofesen, (would you) 4 Open te door (sl ou) 5 Asa egsarea Vel aun er in sev de aa un aeropet facut cu un pases. Pr! imag puree eaies core acess 20 minutes+ Ct eepanur corecte itebie din ccona dn nen 1 Cold yu mae mea cole, ise? 2 Hang oo tm coming 2 Pease hary ut by Watt se. spi 2 can come nt 1) Helpyourall Have big piece yo he 4 Cauldyou titan cantly Ys Take seat nd mae youre the. 5 May hae ee cate? couse Blak or whe? 6 What se ou ane et 1) OK rmal eas. Formy bahay Attention! Giving orders and making requests (2) Pindar tie de ma ot. Sense care? Gm’O® °@ °S °® 6 °0 °@ Scie ce mseamna eee ndetr Meet dite exile din casas oemy noon noparing_—_ nog tm sotors —nobigdes” ——pedetransonly tolet te 119, parking, 5 2 ‘ esi dus persone fon srs. ‘laut ce aca Aes tegorres {stabil despre ce indeed ‘and em st spunem sats com cua aac ceve, loi ort, Dot sou Noe rman verb art aoe ent Newitt a ane ring. tere) 4. compleat fice nati cv ores dees dn cant Sant ou at Newply —Dontaoss Dart smale Donotgo Conttouch Buotghe Neverpallcat Dont fet Dent, feed. theonmals the ond ere ino there who 5 Asa septa pope in eeistare Vert dak opens care, ard a em acne fick Pater randoms int ite ‘cov, putea pts ade oltcusalonind Wa yn = fee ‘et teint ining. Pater aden oe Sor bata fin mat pole ‘Woe min ai? resi, elon hig pl 20 minutes+ Fact umitocle rine ma polos lon expres dn parte, " Doni touch the compute (pase) 2 Dont tlto me ie hat! (wold you ind 2 Dont open the widow. (woud you mind plese) ‘Dont nterapeme (rm so, bat wuld ou md) 5 Dont open his doors) Attention Following and giving instructions 1 iain a pra cD players erat dct ti denumile dilerzior componente =— — evtray — sy en a7 Be OO? seams geen coin 3 vitae de malo ponte nadine orc 4. ssculut dn ou negate, Toate propor de malo apa Intwoyseae Complete cs civil cnet din cat tum 2} open pg ese) pur” sh) owe rerrneennere) 1 rastotalt you. PAg. tin WorD Power > ctMepowrbatonenteep theme, | fem ada mt fe thet | Snot ace un prt Sn th dpe 6 en oe no oureDin Cu 2 he eH th i dow gn Bc etn, 9 oso theal ontol othe te ond sane cai cum fc ce near inudem porary aeta fotsmtora de iva verb, rina re etn, sal ns he ato, i 00 Gramma ak 5 i nsec de ost ena tcoptrs complet propane 20minutes+ Urnatoee are du trac! despre cam se folsesc ete rt ‘ist por car biel ret 1 athe in thet, tum he engine ole the ane, 9) elec atle ‘rina ger and ve aa 2 Insert he sk, double cc nth rd nthe double cick on 1 ido payer ‘he elder ican inthe tp lo comet nd thee you wat Fil icup wth wate lut in attain are aomstaly hen the wate bos, 2 © computer oon 4 Patyour dosent nthe mach, fc down. the amber you Want nd wa fo te document to > ough, © cma 5 Pata vieoin press end and when teaches he begining, es the Play btn To gt abe pete, aust he otro on ou st Giving advice (1) 1 Leda ead et Pri bltede ex Cs an in iecare? Completa espana hua vers take kok um eer holiday —dthes M ver sk male eating fob) sac ten los fame Inpeave le verbelr pent dt sat simple rel tin Ged, 2 Ron sa maifort code son rte ie soar ‘recvent hres de en. facta aga lai ere despre care vorbeste amie 4 Ch acest ster dnt revit complet ec un code adecat Gene kere eae eS Wana tn on a good book ta read. aie. x ue et yo = ‘eos gees re 6 er ae onthe te ot sisoieu te 5 Boe ost uri 2g ‘ 6 aig eg nn ley stot 7 Dag ‘rnd bn are oie y 20 minutes+ G}_ Seismic. ve ato emis draco cst pn mores el in sn Inti ce scula complett poate de mao. 3 god dior. ew words when you athe local aweppec tothe alo ad tevin, Inresauans where eal peopl et an ot et the tout a. to ea people whenever possible Sc Office work |e cede aes samen? Fest! 4 durneavoas renal dite laure especive ‘nmeserie sau a pate ain sve lnc? 2 ish deine cresprstome pnt image de mai us, Cth usb the ang machine to chek the ae Aereeernreeep, WORD Power, Susan and Tm ae loling tthe new neat | 4 Inet etal oases on the shoe. 5 Sonar chechng hr emis Annas ang te 181 ona isting te rons G3 Asal pe aceasta deecasre ‘erbid sstent len, Bla ecutle pe cae es atone ef (6 Pru aticolee de birt ce mal fos. Bion 1 pe cele pe care leave aca, a a= < Bo — _ 6 papel” toremone pent mas tm paper 20 minutes+ eaten ca el si seen pent anti te els? toatl sae demise. 1 dine oe ope oth oir 2 Coa yo kth one nat er et 3 othe ty appsinmets on et a? 4 canyou tne Ape te 2 Wt te ce than ogee? 6 Canthavea primo the ert oe on thet ¥ Pesala (0) 1 ape Giving advice (2) Unpiten ban eng probleme 5a ont cen sf (Cesta dante cc? 1 fet teat he ie % 2 have ge any money 5 wating to ba 4 My aio wring asin 5 eestor tothe Candaredemctebinecacinea saci Cind ucandem che ine acne va los sl tu hi er Sac ceva, fos lt ‘Sine Iain. nda etn, Yass war area my Yi sled se eat bu, Youn sat va Se rama ‘a emsowes sewer hn ata teh * Co te i fo | eeeeeeeerereree) se spond eat take goa) ak ane | BL sorry to near you re taving prbiens, | ourmten Yell, the anor is gulte apie you 11) ket so 00 many long hoass. You (3) your boas Zor som tine Yow ze else worried about not having enough money. Again John 3 oposie de wings ope pins pare url dialog (tat cominurestn clara dn dean, 1 det ty ol 1 re 68 Hov sot ing te ston o 2 regstatere etache me 5 tm teal he tie pple eet 4 calthepli! samsont cen nya! rss on shou ete ne 5 1thnkc mista htc how about mova os 6 ter eto one ‘Sime conn 1 akon tx aver eet © Regen vey ty. Yon scl en nua wi 1 hate thistle weather, 1 Is itan wonder You sped aon COs! 1 calm down, maybe youle tin the restaurn. Why dont powell ha es Gy 4 Paso meebo. At tepceae 20 minutes+ cespun penance in stan? Compleat Bulele You shou ep toed How about watching some eleson? if | ‘ea shuld otothe doce Why dnt you mate ourself something toa Why dont you bo ane one? ‘Why dont ou goon er il i Attention! Talking about obligation S14 ct por unitetaon abl cum umes dfertle componente felt Sloss Flot cvintle incase pen sconple element. al te ‘Gare ral Ui = mn —— FERRE RRR REE WORD Power | 2 ose elon nb Ce ma ee? ey | Too rs ma peso Care sunt valablie pentru dumneavoastrs? | catphone (us) erped loc ses tae | | Yat cr he ee Peaieettitn ‘You must pay for calls inthe evening aw etctio: | Yee crthnet peat wen coma | eats ghea omamieetamertegindetshmane | Aitfoneenuatinme | | Sil cant cara dememere | — Cndcredem acer cfoareimporaet de Cind rede ch cova mi ete ‘ew loin mat ve aint aces lei drt eB ve Taint Yon fe tain mnt hay ane credo fone important ea cera ‘Sic flim mat «vet la tnt ny ounce mab mc 3 Vet aus un ator estind ual ent wn 20 lon nb ‘hi popectie sede ne baie 2 ery mora od this. ts very import mt dis 1 Use tonpleneserstpetal stations... 2 Opt > use tn the bes inthe bah, 4 Keepin its er 5 charge itup ery. 6 buy newbateerforit 1 Use formere than ten mines 4 Ci amit props completa ch ma mi Sd he una din ersewrele vote water forget stay read ess ao 1 thats toda thease We, den, he 12. 5. thesupermaskt 2 This gratok You seamen ou. {tera witout coin swe to post obs cand. is brea onarow 16 te got an eam ao we, 0 vee 20minutes+ G} Myst tec ue compare ue nox desea Completa propailec oes spun. u you about fe company les 2 you hae at apt ion Money mominge 3 yeu ae han ht who sign et. 400 there you dnt want, 5 v00 sue ote bck nthe oie by to ilk 6 y00 2 pec ade number to ope, 101 twteiten yur on 1 eee You anh for ht ke, Attention! re] ‘Saying how to do things | Pav indatorl sensei de malo. Complete cv un cv «incase, Catia Word Bnkewitele pe caren i. ulaly—shwly—sudniy daly carey "Ei Casispuremcamfoccnevacevssau Unt adhere a cee orm cu seni eve fs wt abe, adit ‘debe desi cue verbelr gD tl Mute p eaptomate ¥ a i af er ert suk ity Uncle adr sant erga Shes ty esd dre Hed ajc are stein -y dev scvesbeschimtnd yin ey sear amples propo cu un adver deca in cae (haan ord ask avr pe cave mel dy beat sadly femly any uty 1 Hectic DiGi tert hate ced eer to ve sin 2 She usally sng. at ht she i ei hat al ‘he nec at 9 He spk so that by cold hh, 4 Bene es in oases knee 5 She stoped the. enue thie att in the oa 6 Beaulet, tet 3 Arle major fet au ule peso aes ac "Sum mer de ogre. Completa! patil osname adverbs s cuit din cath ain are alow ted goad dy ied Ite guck Gear Advice for interview candidates 1 Dress ‘Wear your smartest loos and make sure your shoes ar clean. 2 Think, the iterview. about what you're ing to sy before 3 Arvive on tn. I leigh to arrive a Hele 1 bat watever you do, don't arrive 1 4 Dont peak 00 Gp «eta we Vs at renin fun manager aed fat elo cate se du itera deargare Vera rasunsule exerci S sides ate deel. | 20 minutes+ aces fet ce de malo? Gist cand crespurator eciea computer’ tain cng aeroplane Mary 1 tgs quite fast 40 miles pa ou a 40000 2 spk quety rou wl tart the pope 5: Gana i nce quite wl bt he iter very goa. 4 came ate aan oa. had to wa on he ltr fr most allan hae 5 Them tare ery a med the ist ew ints. ») I Attention A Talking about quantity (1) 1 Cum peg plat tn vaca? Ca at de abel cu dumnencoss? G) 7 feat meester det ere erie de cae au nei Bit (/ebreele pe cael mentioned ‘ee is PRE ‘ols de ble! am tn roputlafimatve. Faas sme nebare pent Wee gt mes im tonal pata ales edn em 9 ots Cl ge a me te? Foloin de bce aye tee Si popoati pean taney aoe Wehr omer chs. Gp > Mestainge estes comet ropa 1 Weve got Se. sun cram. 5 He dor ne oy. ht, 2 What about tlre chugs? We ae go a. ake we? 9 Weve gt... lls tn bought is ya {el ntti wet td tee ri 5 caulayou be thse when ou get the fn? 6 Westoudtae oaheth uae ‘hee rom the tak 9 Would yu the met bay ye ols ora? 4 Completa umole propos cme oy 2 Would yee. mae 8? 3 Wecant gout because we haven gt reer 4 Have yous fimtorte cme? 5 Nobody hes hin He hase at frends. 6 Weve runout of suse Would you the met gt. me thespemaer? 5 Cecredet ch spun coment? Completa spite som Sa an cote corespunstenre agin. GD * Sesia steps spate dee Verte cpus enti 20 minutes+ Compl ropa xen, em yn umn 1 Gantt. toaanie 2 Tate wae ew tthe par 3 tthe: ou nant tom the hope? 4 couldyou gt me “tos? 5 thaet gt to eat lor week 6 thoi soe So oer tae vacate oS ‘The sy ur Cato and Yostito gto the police sation then on to ‘his house o pick up some thine. When they get tee thoy Se tat ‘he hoot dors open The house sna terle ese. They oo wt ond fina that ooo beioom doo itl ace st hen ey eae Semone running down the sr, ouch lok ut the Boa now: She this he sees Har King runing down the ste. They a6 leavingthe house when the telephone ings: When Cals anos the hone thecal ane op Seaside Mystery: Part 9 ispundet aunts reb legate deporte 1 Why do carlos and York go ck her hous? 2 What they nti ten they the? 5 What dothey fn hen te a ie? 4 Whorans oot the ute? 2 Tate sate vie ti pte sa poet ae tic pece pow ede pg ‘Sima scp, iad need malecofee robied sth Sscely dongs shins velar le dou 4 Asal pvestiea sbi) dc cet atl Sunt adem ae 1 ato nes very er the beach 2 Yerhkotes Petr ait ha nnened, 3 Caan Yeh wat og back tthe pace o 4 Peer pus the pls bao then by thea. 5 6 aris phones Ptr on hs mobile tert thoes owt, 1 Yost flows Ptr thecal. 8 Theman fd the palin he bin 9 Therman gets int cara dees 10 Cates Yio cid to flim the man 1 Cae 4. lsticte un nemo acest dou loi ae a tn parte noun in seni mjsay. Set exo Check your progress ‘Acco ete vd reels eran ce af int pe acu ‘eae aspnstri vet ce prepress a ace ‘Sette pact im chenare. 1 st oespondetl acini aga ne propose din tea deap 1 lng somebody nt odo someting 2) Tike ast. 2 making ole ope request ») Youshout goto he dsr 5 taliog sarebod to de someting Dont pen the dor 4 aking pot poste reque 4 Postal psn 5 binge ©) Have we gor any bees? 6 ving instncion ou you ind retain me eta? 7 talig about gant 1 Weve pt sme bana 1 asing sat ary hy Phase hep me with this compte 2 Ct rior ex. Pt propocie sublet ba 1) fs veryimporantto do this is very ponent rt odo this Tinta ten ae aos camer) pms ok sfc oust dap irs sncymthy Al) yuma ant ca The ood no i a pomer yan (yd hen a ae ff Bt rma, (9 rout co alae wan tetas cng steed (Yu dit eo (oon her he Zen don for yu een ig pate 1 Bice Bose bane Ban Coa ome 0. 3 Compleat umitzarele propo flosnd url dnre verbena 1 bert ror ourmouth when ssn 2 ‘henson afr iin othe form 2 Pie ef houah he town 4 ley of iter inthe let, 2 ae sre ou ntine forthe ei 6 Youleok hue, bisa, 1 Nee. the oad here 9 Dont somch og! 10 vou mu thebanenes surrey com ma 4 comple propo cums am. 1 She i ot rene 2 Would you he meto get ik om th supe? 4 Would you te wine wth yours? 5 Could you bay me cote? © Theyre ends 5 Sct fama adverbial 2 umole. 1 gue 6 alm 2 slow 7 ety 3 ana hopes 4 aod 9 sudden 5 ate 10 ws Attention! en Talking about quantity (2) edt msc pint dite Wl ‘ont ociinee 5 alr deere 8 wae ma = Se) caunghecolte C1 paving de rcomputer games] wating or layng ott] avenge o watsingteletson —]—_wehng Oo 2 ist pen ropontle 1-8 coreapondental 1 fan and tian ite cect, 2 Tony. Mat Brendan ad Nn ik fost 2) thot theme 5 Jan, Mike, Cae, Wilma Pater te watching Nether often het television, bat emy dost 1 Nene ther ke 4 Gan To and al ike pling ode aes, 4) Someot hem ie ‘bt ob, rams Chtle an Mol do ©) Mosofthem te 9 Geof andi dite useing at {Atte eit (6 Anne Hed Susan a oy ae working Folin bt som, mses oe penta er despre ante (2 ot em te ot objets oF Pop) DOO Ashe i fr more ha sje Pope) (2009090 smatieee 20909 Nottm ie G0 Netra se or objects pope) (©00 Nae ne or more ten es set people * hii ere a. ll nether oth ere guaers halt op VORP POWER, Beth. ofthem i th im (Bemieand Stew) | 50% = 1 fall Rospatent more mney (798) ofthe moneys missing (0%) than et mas Jon and Sash) ! lhe ese are ke, (10) Gp «ese meinen fe Samson al eli dct espe cofrina ‘erga o.intinp ce sel, pl progr de maar Bb) dich ‘ropoctie 8 sunt adevate st oe APEX Industries Annual Conference Pendry Hat! ‘aay openness and ons Te: Sot ot te of ttn |ms tra 138 Wengen te | 38 Seem 1 Rt snes en 10 cota 115 Hearn ose op ak ent (a5 leg deen 1338 etiam eer, Mis Gets etc cea A os ees bon aol epson, 1 Nos ofthe spas had to tart the resemttios ate 2 Althe presentations wre lng 5 Alofthe presentations wre bot. 4 Nether Soon Sally rs thought LUrThonesons presentation was goad 5st jeand sally hough the ch mas oe 6 The des answered lll the deegtes’ qcsons, 1 None he dlegses mised the al weak 1 Bh joe and aly hin they shoudl le anager hat they tout fhe conference ‘Thisyear nmi conference nas tig dappoirner spec ater it ear ces ewe ae he man pobiens tha reed o be aeened 9 ot tho spears ha to tar Dar present te Beas the fit pele ook sir how Fray oof tha speakers ep eas Sor fe presentations wer rater brig. The only exception wa th fl eke, Lz Thomo, whos ta on ctl narnes was teretng a prc. Sly Jenkins andl. ae at he company ees ae pol ike ee 1 The dros arsed... of he uesons thy wate ae, apd ary of fe ‘hat they wer avd the important es oth deletes med he worth tthe al of he ateoon. The Wee obi ed she thang ring. Paced ‘Talking about quantity (3) 1 Coil in cae au sauna singe ik egg ome ae sett te Sere es eae cas aa ea er eee ates Sorte aos Srbenced ieee meee pe reread ete iota ese can nanan ese fees accor ees eae eee ee eee, aoe. oe ee ‘ut Grammar Bo 5 i uemerle pop Bat) prope cre it crete Ince stint avintl nee saci eos eiitle cre 1 Test many le ca you 0 ant sine mere? 2 How much Weaae hae you gt? 3 She hasnt gr sme tends 4 They made much misabsin he ep, 5 There wernt mach pec at the pa 6 Tho ars fear in te de. Lats mae cae 7 How many re woul you the? 3, Ct acest fragment dno sarsoures completa foasind ao a, mi ‘Sousme Tn uel ca sit pote al pe spunea Ista my ow ob at nek. The soma hos mal fein the hy. Tore. thers ot esd ve others. The bw men ork ry held thr area Bet fe ne ng te da ee et nan tno es Ig is ae cony. eas baad ood shop in the area, and you know how © il ihe shopping! On the other hand they don pay very money, ss probably us as wll “don't ge the chance to spend it The fod news is that 1 money for my holiday 4 Completa proponite din staga cu consnure lr din sao di epi. 1 Wealove to ep yu, but urorunsely we haven at os fod nthe hose 2 You stauld Vis Lordon when you oe in Engl 1) some rally good ends one 1) altot good museums > Lenjys pss fe. have Re woad recone 4 ycoc eet get on have 4) ruc fd inte nose 5 Wella go toa esau fordnne Thee ist many tends G} 5 Matec svi ipa 20minutes+ Compe roost cy cavinte dn case Tos of things mech money many ends some voter same broken pas 1 ow ou they? hee Inthe idee 4 ant go oto hve st 5 tht are viedo te Bo Rush hour! Rush hour pedis perl i nets Stl eps clnd atl ato mat “igomert. pen hoa ee Sau sce ‘Setaserice ‘a ite fr wok Beate the sh hur wf sersobad ‘Bont tenth ash Rouryou dont hve a 1 Cumaumi ta omanese meatal nfl este cel alone? (Gp 2 vats Cm ae sence amen Age re wil nce a ORD Power see ‘Ehime dence seatee? Tate Ie Rene ogcBe ls Spester 3 = mee Str roa pak Spiers Souter Sie? In the street a pn de pe acess poi op) ita de ma fos pe ae levee it, mI kt tenexiuR maior) Re eer 7 pes e a . roundabout UI tall ce US) am ‘Where to stop R a Ee eee ee Pv asa a cer nu ca. acl estan unl len de wali adi ‘ideale cu probleme de pe hart Falont expres dn cet, Prt Aaa gl comple acest int ce peters sos in punt Ain pct Ios ca probleme ‘Toate hewoule pos tu a ete the yu sto then tn ght nto Gen Se. Go staight oer athe) hs, he ate inmeditly moa one-wyseet cals rick ane, Ate en of rk Lane you can en note Rngue- Fallow she ngwas tothe et (3) ue et ‘Tha thera ott oun 20 minutes+ (is spans croct a tebe 1 whyate ous in 2) Wel we don want get aug ithe i ot 2 Wy af welening cary. Do?) No. yu cit Lok non Ty the ang, 2 Athens on tine tday? They caning out ome mor od wos 44 Memads dosed What can wed?) Yes. my a at he pte od 5 iy ths od cod? 61 Wehveta aes fern ute 6 Areyougingtoworkby bas?) No,tmatald they ning ate today 17 Gantt et ne? Loesch tere tric om. Attention! oe ‘Making suggestions and talking about probability it ums lg. Compete kina propor cu eile (Comm basing some problems wth ths xspapr aie Pato: What 0 of robles (Cone Wal tee are 0:many or dont understand Canyou hep me? mo You dont need my help. yo dn ndetand Pops condones flees Patmos verb precum mt ld pera ae sues as pen vor desperate posible, ears Yrowak me, i y e aes Yon pa ol io andra hk a aon et oy 2 ts nee Decor el le de magne Go * ereceecctisa connie Sar Te ae trot smth Pryce so Fak parent, ‘he pas Fo vate Bk Go? Sots dears epee ema onset sont rts comple fee doe 1 yet down ny soul tanto uch eter ["] 2 You mp hel ote uae ley [-] > fyoutle Wo ales. theists ev.) 4 tremor jouresin sbout no oma.] 5 Hemi eit we don opente immed] b 6 youdosone gene re ou shoes fe oe. [] esto da tn rmtanee stu? fe Tonle tmgoingtomiss—Frventatebleenaacte, ‘ie plane does ok yb ver hey = cerrnerrna WORD Power. vs ‘Thecompater ent Poor ido dts ook GU cecte pe seated cto 20minutes+ ne risgusr poste pe suse de exec ao pen ae stun eles | Wal you ite to boron my laptop? [_) 2 Hes jth Ce hm soe ater [_] 3. My dent ou enn fortes ou] 4 bot wom: etme eau afte myer] 5 More Reet te sen. [-] Attention! eh Talking about cause and result infers publics? Cumin prodce doth promir An eclame? Vou desamsg veo eu? 2 itt donut rodeos evar dn capt sont publictre de ios cit eae nary ample denuies od sou sere seen. ‘mo washing ponder ‘reek rteraton! Bk ‘Shanghal Howse Restrnt hese supemaet, amie —the amt lia expec 3 e Fox whites tat are olden sandy beaches, ‘tr than the whitest furquolse seas, blue shies, ‘wt! Spell offer uti A holiday on our magial ‘pl 17:1 you by two island bas teal tn factwe : believe that if you have a Dor youn soci ivremest as ea See wams | Sear ; a | Cn west stem chose Putem folos de asemenea dv st wert | Recep eee ae iorinreseap rome J 3 Cen ou setae dea exerci 29 complet pe cae cna intl de jos Completa chor ites aus caee 1 jolet somect the bs cle nd end shes this seeottie at [] 2 yl eng syater ser oral tet] 2 yxtsive wp 020% ur sbopsing i [_] 4 yoleam annie 458 ie ou mein ond. an ony per Peco am C] 5 yl qe tind att et] 4 stn colona din deaps continues propane dag, 1 exelent 2a wel get done more aus 2 fits nice day tomorow, by ilarg yout morning ised 3 tfyeu dnt goto bed nw, ) yulbecoet 4 itsusanne aes helo us buy neve. 5 nin tama, looks something realy 6 idan cali, 1 yulse the Ete Tove 7 ityeu ome tomy pice tn. 8) wewont goto betesch 8 you goto, 1) well gofore pene 9 tyoudort stop snk 4 youl ely tet 10 (me compuce doesnt von, 1 wegen on te 20 minutes+ Fol cvs demas pena ace propo condos. 1 You/ gorse oes ations ish ood TE spe. 9p. 12, Gray, Soe, pl ect tradtend. Brey, See 2/5 Fame et ou best whas 4 You lat tomorow 1 erly anes 5 Toy doesn wok tees (6 Ye /don/ wae 00 iit tin Describing how something is done 1 ols woos eee cand ei? Vise pre wort uma inckatie dato ete? 2 Gis nase antl orespunitcare nar ‘lata Word Honk avn pe cae meet, eat ch hep bah ne mix spoon spend te see ‘eae 2. Asan esr Vel aus cine xpi cam ofc ise pias, Treimpce sult Peeland ch isn cloona stings verb erespurater eke propo 2) hing medium ot ven for abot Bite, the het aed pepper osm ces 1 the ted inal eaters. 1) the tomato tue ces the bread. 1 thetomat pase aa, al aed poppe tiger ina bow eon ‘ind sper cums face ce, Pv sa omens ood te un Gar nsenevtestspunem ce ce panei ect {oo tm cn te one ese slant a) fee aaa vera ies RE SOE pena veel oy i fal eu rsh apt (e) Se Gama an G) 4 Nesiings nese Al compte de mo loi rms path cron averbeler donee 3 EASY RECIPE N" 12 ‘a really easy to make these plats. Fest of al the tomato paste, gal, salt and pepper (2) 0... together in 8 bow. Then the bread 2) Jengthways, and the tomato mixture) ver the breed The mince (4) evenly using «spoon or knife, then the cheese (9) sna 6) ‘on top ofthe inte The herbs ° Under cold tp, and then the hers and sd pepper) nto small pieces. These tare placed on top ofthe cheese, and the whole thing ° ‘i a medium hot ove fr shout 20 minutes 5 Cares patie weit ale aera vets? 1 ate, sl 2 nk 6 show antl aor ae te ae a sie mae mate 8 oo 20 minutes+ Conpetat prop 8c fama pasa ule re verbele den exer 5 (contin ce coe hr ree 1 Alotefcokay progamnes-—) a) ‘rom cre sh whet orcm, 12 Sushi sasbie and sukiyaki | 0 season food, 5 alos tars seaeberies a na giengrces and maness 4+ Ingman. champstne 2 rae eee Jira 2 wodng or other spc events, rae Ln a. she0m.on Btn telson 7 bed 5 eh » sl oer the wold vacuo Describing something that is happening now ‘Gat pent ere deta corspuniour. ° e e °o e yoeem a (1a secant beau someone paige om, 1] dont us tis machine because someone is eps Tc econ because somone senna the om, 5] Dont enethie oom bcase sone conde a ite Te Dont ene his oom bcs somone tang ane, ‘tt prope A= dela exes 1 sleet pas ‘and em 6 spune "tinge ewig are oes, darn 1 Dont are thie machine beaut (nate aspen ice ‘Suen, pate fos psa ‘ews se formes losin € Becartl Recs theroom re Bg + pai weet 1 Dont enters oom because ite Myke sf aoe passe) ‘See Gama ark Compleat rope ce ual dave verbele dn act . sow densi 1 nin rom... Beng. decorated, ee 2 My asa the garage ae er) 2 newblock Inthe touncene bt 4 Te ol phecocoper vith ew one 5 Te woaters ely bas fut marches tod 6 Lean ic wat to watt nS many ood pogommes 7 be cae We by thr eet amen se oe ety Cant * tno se ony hw ae ee 1st the moment She it aya the moment np sat + Hm pret we he pln te op. st 9 epee + cree crany wt eco ob at 4 daca negro aul un dr pe Mr Mal, ori sce, 20 minutes+ ‘Ascat! n nu Tegstre complet propo folosnd omele covet Secunia din caats, dean remove putin pat ora tal ae ee 1 Meuse Ms Edwards cae she... by smear or the ala sation, He cant wei fer esas He it we om 1 bec ne ene He cat ae oom 1 bec by wrvaon He cant ue om 28a a newcomer He can ue oom bec the winds He cat ave cof bea the chine Hecantstinhs artes t the pce pve Tell me about them 1 Ascites Le veal p Helen 3 City vrbin espe pescnele cin otgete Vi sence e cae? Joho Steanna Thomas Brendan Maly From et et they a 2 Inpanen ods a convent Cathy span a Helen mal mute espe clear nveas Asa cy tee st repunet InInebile ‘dena os snd mumele de a exe | 1 ho sot nthe fice ar afe...Jehe 2 ho bles his/hereb sve important? 3. Whenever an mone? 4 ho mates Cathy 2 tenes? 5 ho wots fourteen hows a? 1 Who cat hep ale the teroon? ‘Dap nuit adectivefolsi pepo Prepon depind de ache pe ee los 7 Hes sd ct is ser a rai, ta, de wa san pope inl se tone @: ‘ama umavatle ropes rege de a exerci 2. aaniattpreponileoste dupa ier aalectv? Alte deco cnet shout at fom wth ole Tima bie titanate 2 Shesalvas sted wok 3 Shessosaaus hero 4 She response... taking oe employes 5 Hesalvas stor... ah 6 ego ib 7 Hescten sient. the ice 1 tmauite fond... im 9 Hes famous... lng asleep at is desk 10 es otal fern... eveone oe Poca in ou negorare versa sponse {1 po ik the mar (ait aa bout ra) Reverber Toy? Ha oa ota fly —- Jeo Sel Wel bee mare ey Wel ma fd hyve tod tae pain = Nace een) Describing an action 1 Ascuta eepstares Vet au ctea pescae tun bia vrbind ‘nsec fre Sait cele are persond 2 Salvi 1 hakrg seid for ii taking soe te nesses aes 5 bole abn for sme tine of 6 fants 4 sng forsore snd. 7 Helens 1 thong bout hs ols, 8 bonis 1 oon for er mobilephone. 9 Adie 1 apologsing or coming ate 0 ines 1 talk t har boss: ups une verb sin prea Pepotia deine de verb! pe care ein deco WoRD Power sal mei rating ‘ing phone se iacrnns Weariidwsebmbrommaits | ptr erecmon | Vance prepa me cfleare verb Apert teri ‘eampleta ute propor lad prepa sce 1 acme ing. Fer. ta take ou othe sation 2 Haale while you were out. Cou ye ng her : 5 tam wing tapos odin yo the wong prods 4 Caller beg the conteenes by ing... or pliner the ‘oxpany oe tent fe 5 oma neta. Ou tay 6 Were kre soliton tour cure lcespae poten 7 ould you go tothe warehouse and ick... the ew roche when 1 hy bos bles este oh taking on moet 9 Jamin ak... sme nfraton on your tt ser itn 10 Thasksou hehe yo sve hen we vst yu lt week, G > Net nso egte. a (dk wns atemsth setae su ae 1 Narn cds fut he andes 2 Sally as he fice when Me ens phoned. 3 MrMellors not hoy wth Toys erases 4 is company made profit £2 millon 5 aloe tes Mri thre asa oneal tom Montes 6 fan cled hers few mates ao. 17 anki elena there ay post theses deinen 1 on wen 9 Spin ister 9 amie mening hae nt nth 10 lanes alate to aah 4 Chl cate erase din reine: La ef pubs? eget ine epi ince fale stton ateevson pogamme an insntce company Gmoqaine aloha ba Oreste © restemenin pe meng: 20 minutes+ ‘cope recamele doa sus. Nu uta al, V since pepo ctieloste pens 2 completa uniter prope? 1 ite... the psa! mangers PO Bor, London W338 2 Fhe teat nite ed ong sen the Pete Wade show on #5741 3 Wy not stop by eda a pick 1 ochre wth or itt inte tes? 4 Satscrb now by phoning 393 1298 an ating... oie 5 Dojautetine siete 6 calor Tess nom anal orator ses @? Attention! Seaside Mystery: Part 10 ‘ie say fo Cats an Ys gto were Caro I tying the ter side of town Caos cls eter tll him abou the mes toh and ‘he man hey sa ning out the Rowe They tl Peter Wighened ‘heya The est ay hey oo the beach ana at for Pero come. ‘They sei walk ona the cal and pt bag ita rubbish Then egos tothe clé Aman comes sd takes the bag tl gor in Clos phones Peter ttl the man has cbeced the money, depandet a umitsrele trebles de poveste, 1 Where does Caos ve? 2 What doe Caos vat Peto aow? 4 What does tarde? 5 What does the man do? “eat acs cites epes apr in pre een a poveste. Blo 1 pe cle pe ree sit deja ede dk pute hic (rinaeunl cae, ecd poverten Wat enwy wowed deck emoty ey cele "enough wong too te eerrrcreeereent | worp POWs veeatongetanesremate | eponperana asta 2 Asculttl in ou pvestie gt contnuuea caret proportion imcolana tng, 1 Theplatc mg hares a gotckto nes Kings Bouse 2 Yorkin ewe 1 hoch luo he oe 5 Thetheestuers 1 rosee ns irs. 4s ng comes rosea unin the ten, 5 eto ee sapised Soy she oo Yeah money 6 ary got tobe 1 wspaper ard agains nit 2 ary ane want io tecom, 8 betas 1 seyaney when thet cen the be 9 Themen areguiegtobe 4 abouts i 10 They hear somatoay A Aural 4 st exemple cu aeste dou noob le a mt Ipanens tees» poses Check your progress cent let pil exec nat pnb acum, Verto rispunsrie 9 vedet ce proses act ‘Seta puncapl chenre 1 sti coninuares propor - inte proostile MF 1 ite and A se working 2 John, en, Sue, Har and Wendy he ping vido gues, bt Bob sn 2 Ane Sle ong oto cnet. 4S. A new arya Aa he wei tein 5 MA Anew Hara Alan sie washing the shen 6 Tom rand ie gin tothe beach but Ema, ane Neckar Haydon 1 Both otha het Sol them ite 1 Nether of them the E Most them tei © None tem ie F Alten eit 2 is coesponentl etunr dn stings ne propel de paren dea 1 tng about lage gary afsomething a) youdor understand word Tone up inthe ona 1) The io eon the tale 4) Hees to nora Bose Pit of al th chore eget Weve gt sme apples inthe rigor You might feo mre ela ouake holes 1) oy hous is beng decorated at the moment 2 Ct acest agent nto sree sample fosnd mat, ac same Inne cn sunt poste ma mate tpn 6 dectting somthin that sharpen now 1 asing a pepxtion tak about time 1 using pepntion aso ston here) red museums ard other hings to s6e. mete wh 2. feds (don are and ne ad we te haing (3) fun We dn hae) freee tba wae out ld Unorantey. thee ae 5) bsachos Bt the one ie othe hotel snc. tm nar god phstograsher bt hve aes 5 phorogapt 4 Neg crt su engrei cor dn casts dem penir a completa rope ‘curently peel if any hall phone bate should atthe moment mix 1 nt fal you the atc 2 canyon metace 3 Theyre by. 4 ‘hepa for twat mines ¥ 5 Yoel efor work yeu dont har up 6 Stes iting ea 7 Doyunae ing . ‘he tomtoes, gale at oinstogethrin a bow 9 Neatly Hedeleaes misedthe ol nedahop 10 trond sre ee. ou, los some wiht '5 Tet popontile de mal sa foma pas. 1 Someone is ering theo, 5 someone scaring the Ig om \ 4 Someone i bulings hose R {6 Compe rope cu ua din repoatie din case ¥ wot about for back wth 1 She soloed reine 2 Te boss int hy Hams week 4 ratherota our hola an. ¥ 5 Hes ered j Tell me about it ||. ‘Asking about past events (1) Ces mimo a timo sipuet propane ne fect naan 1D) they boustesome fond 2] Hetrckehistng 3] she geeadeee Ci theyventoriemaiee —] He were to meta] he went to une Ci teria picricintne par] Hetelldewstais, 2] shepased alle xin, GQ} ? Cts seta ote compe ce ti Ccomenaton | comeraion 2 1. Noming Sim 1A. tues trl ds Te train ws hae an ss fa had tad Nominee So, ban you nd ae” re tne cath oy tn fe? last mht 1A. Nera get tothe Ye. had to get tahoe sc es. prepare forth sles Thanks ean goto the tank neh ee Ro, vaste comet ‘on rope omy pesetion we Feb og Simd op a alt cole al oer erent) ty 0 ch =| ‘and pune nee erp rect Sous we sabe + ae “sepa un pars w/w lod Bi riot «wa iain allie opae ieee Diy senda yarn? Yo a emp 2 te espns crespurtor pets neem cloana tangs 1 oiyeu steam 1) Yes ewer Me was ey ang athe, 2 wath? 1b) No, ttl ave to. my preset, 5 idjou do our woe Yes, a Ls hi ait 4 er they id? 4. nt swam asl 5 Did in years? ©) Ye aT planning 0g the heave 1 War keuper wth you? (Yes, they wee They id geo lwp una 1 idyou make any plans tor Yes, was eae 3m he shade Age conta cot pet 2 cnet umole {reba despre copia cumeesens at opunsrseute eer Yo ‘lle help pley each youngest chy 1 bye nyse? 2 iy Erg tour shoo? 5 Diayou atic? 6 vivo ith he verve ¢ home? 20 minutes+ Raspandet a umitowele tre despre eveninerte ec ‘Asus al propoie pena a expla aspunsl. ‘uestion Di you go out nSaturiay ening? Dormer Yes Id weno the cies nse No, de stayed be wih ay 1 Dye gout a le? 2 Were ou te or wots wk? 1 bid ou do ay ease the ween? 4 Did you nave a ey yar 5 Were ou happy when you were at choo? ‘Asking about past events (2) ima eb an piten stn cle despre aan [tetra neeb pe caret pites pone Caste vps seat, 1 How vs yourhel? 3 Wes a wonder play pias, 2 Wher aid you gs? Absolut acai 3 What dso do? 6) Wewent to Gt. 4b oa ae ay phe? 4 Yes, 1, Doyou wnt to ee them? ‘and punem medi deapre wecit, Sau Wt, Wl, Wh, Why, hen | ‘ols de oie! Wi Whe, ton + swe sable ‘Wig hon How + subi et Isidne, Wat eth Who wr gaa? Wa ou a it? Sees | ‘Whe dl you yf? How os pug? ‘Win ie ore Completa tebe co unl in note incase de goats you doa hee yous wero te wereyou thon Study? 2) completa nabs cu uns din exes din case What do youdo Whatyoudo What you do tit? "id some housek td wach ters

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