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Instruciuni pentru sistemul de referine MLA

Tipul de referin
Carte. Un autor

Citarea n text
(Williams 35).

Surse bibliografice (Works Cited)

Williams, Raymond. Culture and Society. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1978. Nachbar, Jack, Kevin Lause. Popular Culture: An Introductory Text. Bowling Green Ohio: Bowling Green University State Press, 1922. NOT: Pentru mai mult de trei autori, menionai-l doar pe primul i adugai et al. sau menionai-i pe toi. A Handbook of Korea. 4th ed. Seoul: Korean Overseas Information Service, Ministry of Culture and Information, 1982. Auerbach, Nina. "Jane Austen and Romantic Imprisonment." Jane Austen in a Social Context. Ed. David Monaghan. Totowa, NJ: Barnes, 1981. 9-27. Ford, Boris. The Pelican Guide to English Literature, 8 vols. London: Penguin, 1966. Dilworth, James. Production and Operation Management. 3rd ed. New York: Random House, 1986. Doctorow, E.L. Welcome to Hard Times. 1960. New York: Bantam, 1976. Link, Arthur. Woodrow Wilson and the Progressive Era, 19101917. New American Nation Series. New York: Harper, 1954. Amalrik, Andrei. Notes of a Revolutionary. Trans. Guy Daniels. New York: Alfred A. Knoff, 1982. Yorik, L. S. "The Myth of Anchises in Shakespeare's Hamlet". Unpublished Ph. D. Dissertation. Department of English, University of Chicago. Information in a letter to the author from Professor John R. Perry, University of Chicago. September 14, 1987. "Wasatch Range." Encyclopedia Americana. 1993 ed. Spear, Karen. "Building Cognitive Skills in Basic Writers." Teaching English in the Two-Year College 9 (1983): 91-98. Gleick, Elizabeth. "Sex, Betrayal and Murder." Time 17 July 1995: 32-33+. Snyder, Mark. "Self-Fulfilling Stereotypes." Psychology Today July 1982: 60-68.

Carte. Doi sau trei autori (Nachbar, Lause 55-56).

Fr autor

(A Handbook of Korea 241-47). (Auerbach 10).

Lucrare n antologie

Lucrare cu mai multe volume Alt ediie dect prima

(Ford 4: 20-22). (Dilworth 328-33).

Carte republicat Carte ntr-o serie

(Doctorow 209-12). (Link 16-31).

Carte tradus Tez sau disertaie neterminat Comunicare personal

(Amalrik 193). (Yorik 9) (Perry)

Articol ntr-o lucrare de referin "familiar" Articol n periodic

("Wasatch Range"). (Spear 94).

Articol n revist sptmnal sau bisptmnal Articol n revist lunar sau bilunar

(Gleick 33). (Snyder 68).

Articol n ziar

(Jereski C1).

Jereski, Laura. "Entertainment Stocks: Is a Boffo Performance Over?" Wall Street Journal 1 Aug. 1995, eastern ed.: C1+. Harrington, Richard. "Under Siege 2: Railroad Ruckus." Rev. of Under Siege 2. Washington Post 15 July 1995: D1+. Morganis, Nancy. Telephone Interview. 8 Aug. 1995. "Debate on Welfare Reform." Face the Nation. CBS. 6 Aug. 1995. "Kosovo." Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. 13 Sept. 1999 <> .

Cronic de film

(Harrington D1).

Interviu Program TV Surs electronic: Document n proiect academic online Surs electronic: Site personal sau profesional

(Morganis). ("Debate on Welfare Reform"). ("Kosovo").

(Maxwell Library Home Page).

Maxwell Library Home Page. 3 Aug. 1999. Clement C. Maxwell Library, Bridgewater State College. 13 Sept. 1999 <>.

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