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Glossaries for medicine

Nr Term Equivalence def

1. Addiction dependență
2. Alcoholism Alcoholism

3. Allergic reaction Reacție alegică

4. Antibiotic Antibiotice
5. Appointment Programare
6. Asphyxiation Asfixie
7. Asthmatic Asmatic
8. Bowel Intestin
9. Brain damage Leziuni cerebrale
10. Breathing Pasaje respiratorie
11. Breathing Respirație
12. Cancer Cancer
13. Cardiac arrest Stop cardiac
14. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitare cardiopulmonară
15. Cessation of Întreruperea respirației
16. Choking Înecare
17. Chronically ill Boală cronică
18. Cold Răceală
19. Constipation Constipație
20. Contagious Boală contagioasă
21. Cramps crampe
22. Defibrillation defibrilare
23. Depression Depresie
24. Diabetic Diabetic
25. Diarrhoea Diareea
26. Dress a wound Pansarea unei răni

27. Drug reactions or Reacții la medicamente sau

overdoses supradoze
28. Drowning Înecarea
29. Ear infection Infecție la ureche
30. Electric shock Șoc electric
31. Epileptic Epileptic
32. Examination Examinare
33. Exposure to cold Expunerea la frig
34. Eye drops Picături oftalmogice
35. Feel dizzy A simți amețeli
36. Fever febră
37. Fight a cancer Luptă împotriva cancerului
38. Fight alcoholism Luptă împotriva alcoolismului
39. Fight depression Luptă împotriva depresia
40. Flaking skin Piele exfoliată

41. Good bacteria Bacterii bune

42. Give an injection Faceți o injecție
43. Health hazards Pericole pentru sănătate
44. Headache Dureri de cap
45. Heart rates Ritmuri cardiace
46. Imbalance in the Imbalanța in stomac
47. Insulin insulină
48. International Asigurare medicală internațională
medical insurance
49. Itchy skin Mâncărimi ale pielii
50. Lump umflătură
51. Malnutrition Malnutriție
52. Medical insurance Asigurare medicală
53. Overuse of Utilizarea excesivă a antibioticelor
54. Parasite resistance Rezistența la paraziți
55. Pain-killer Analgezic
56. Pneumonia Pneumonie
57. Prescribe Prescrieți medicamente
58. Private medical Asigurare medicală privată
59. Produce an A se produce reacție alergică
allergic reaction
60. Quit smoking A se dezice de fumat
61. Rash iritație
62. Respiratory arrest Stop respirator
63. Respiratory tract Tractul respirator
64. Rescue breaths Respirații de salvare
65. Severe pain Durere acută
66. Severe shock Șoc sever
67. Side effects Reacții adverse
68. Smaller upper and Căi respiratorii superioare și
lower airways inferioare mai mici
69. Sore throats Dureri în gât
70. Stuffy nose Nas infundat
71. Strains of bacteria Tulpini de bacterii
72. Suffer from A suferi de crampe la stomac
stomach cramps
73. Syringe Seringe
74. TB bacilli Bacilii tuberculoși
75. Temporary Surditate temporară
76. The side effects Reacții adverse
77. Treatment Tratament
78. Type of tissue Tipul de țesut
79. Undergo an Să se supună unei examinări
80. Urinary tract Infecții ale tractului urinar
81. Urine sample Mostră de urină
82. Warning side Efect secundar de avertizare

Nr Term Equivalence
1. Academic degree Gradul academic
2. Academic scholarship Bursă academică
3. Academic title Titlul academic
4. Ante-preschool education Educația ante-
5. Assessment Evaluare
6. Categorical funding Fonduri alocate
7. Competition Concurs
8. Drop (dropout rate) Eșecul școlar
9. Exam Examene
10. External evaluation Evaluare externă
11. Faculty Facultate
12. Formative assessment Evaluarea formativă
13. Franchised university Universitate sub
14. Full-time study Studii cu fregvență
15. Graduation Absolvire
16. Higher education institution Instituție de
învățământ superior
17. High school Liceu
18. Holder of the diploma Titularul diplomei
19. Kindergarten Grădiniță
20. Language of instruction Limba de examinare
21. Literacy Alfabetizare/
22. Moral education Educație morală-
23. Music education Educație muzicală
24. Non-formal education Educație nonformală
25. Nursery school grădiniță
26. Education Educație
27. Educability Educabilitatea
28. Educational communities Comunitatea
29. Educational communication Comunicarea
30. Educational Budget Budgeetul pentru
31. Passing score Scorul de trecere
32. Pedagogical lecturer Conferențiar
33. Postgraduate education Învățământ
34. Primary education Învățământ primar
35. Private schools Școală primară
36. Professional title Grad profesional
37. Public education Învățământ de stat
38. School closure Închiderea a unei
39. School efficiency Eficiența școlii
40. School system Sistem școlar
41. Secondary technical vocational Învățământul
education proffesional tehnic
42. Student evaluation of professors
43. Transcript of the record Foaie matricolă
44. Uppear secondary education Învățământ liceal
45. School group Grup școlar
46. Physical education Educașie fizică
47. Intellectual education Educația intelectuală
48. Continuing education Educația permanentă
49. School counselor Consilierul școlar
50. Pedagogical loan Creditul pedagogic
51. Pedagogical approach Demersul pedagogic
52. Didactic didactic
53. Self-evaluation Autoevaluare
54. Bureaucratic school Birocrația școlară
55. Teaching field Câmpul pedagogic
56. Researcer Cercetător
57. Grade clasă
58. Extracurricular activity Activități
59. Teaching activity Activitate didactică
60. Skill Abilitate
61. Opt out A renunța
62. erudite person Persoană erudită
63. Entrance examinations Examenele de
64. fair examination Examinare corectă
65. Failed the test A eșua testul
66. Cheat A copia /a trișa
67. test requirements testul de admitere
68. Student Student
69. School system Sistemul școlar
70. Intelligence Inteligență

Short reports on Importance of Medical Interpreting

In today's diverse world, where people from different backgrounds come together, it's
crucial to ensure everyone can access quality healthcare, no matter what language they speak.
This is where medical interpreting steps in, playing a vital role in making sure patients and
healthcare providers can understand each other clearly.
Imagine being in a hospital, feeling sick or worried, but not being able to explain your
symptoms because you don't speak the same language as the doctor. That's where a medical
interpreter comes in handy. They're like language experts who help translate what the patient
and the doctor are saying so that everyone can understand.
One big reason medical interpreting is so important is because it helps patients feel more
comfortable and confident in their healthcare experience. When patients can communicate
effectively with their doctors, they're more likely to understand their diagnosis, treatment
options, and how to take care of themselves afterward. This leads to happier patients and
better health outcomes overall.
Another important thing about medical interpreting is that it helps prevent misunderstandings
and mistakes. Sometimes, when there's a language barrier, things can get mixed up. Doctors
might not understand exactly what the patient is trying to say, or patients might not
understand the instructions they're given. This can lead to serious problems, like getting the
wrong treatment or taking the wrong medicine. Medical interpreters help make sure everyone
is on the same page, reducing the chances of mistakes happening.
Medical interpreting also respects patients' rights. Everyone has the right to understand
what's happening with their health and to make informed decisions about their care. But if
you don't speak the language, it's hard to do that. Interpreters help patients express their
concerns, preferences, and medical history accurately, so they can be fully involved in their
healthcare decisions.
Furthermore, medical interpreting promotes respect for different cultures and backgrounds.
Healthcare isn't just about treating illnesses; it's also about understanding people's beliefs and
values. Medical interpreters not only translate words but also help bridge cultural gaps
between patients and healthcare providers. This fosters trust and understanding, which are
essential for good healthcare.
Thanks to the course that I have passed at university, I've gained a deeper appreciation for
the significance of medical interpreting. Learning about the complexities of language barriers
and cultural differences has shown me just how essential interpreters are in ensuring equitable
access to healthcare for all individuals.
It's not just about doing the right thing morally; there are also laws that require healthcare
providers to offer language assistance services. For instance, in the United States, the
Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates that healthcare institutions provide interpreters for
patients who don't speak English well. So, having qualified medical interpreters isn't just a
good idea; it's the law.
In conclusion, medical interpreting is essential for ensuring everyone gets the healthcare they
need, regardless of the language they speak. It helps patients feel more comfortable, prevents
mistakes, respects patients' rights, and promotes cultural understanding. By investing in good
medical interpreting services, we can make sure healthcare is accessible and effective for

Short reports on Importance of Social Interpreting

Imagine needing help from social services like getting housing assistance or legal aid, but you
can't speak the language of the people who are supposed to help you. That's where social
interpreting comes in. It's like having a friend who speaks both your language and the
language of the service provider, helping you understand each other better.
Social interpreting is super important because it helps people who might not speak the same
language get access to the services they need. Think about immigrants, elderly folks, or
people with disabilities – they might struggle to communicate with social workers or other
service providers because of language barriers. Social interpreters make it easier for them to
get the help they need by translating what's being said and making sure everyone understands
each other.
One big reason why social interpreting matters is because it empowers people. Imagine being
in a situation where you need help, but you can't express yourself properly because of the
language barrier. It can make you feel frustrated and powerless. But when there's a social
interpreter there to help you, you feel more confident and in control. You can communicate
your needs effectively and make informed decisions about your situation.

Social interpreting also helps improve the quality of service people receive. When service
providers can understand their clients' needs and concerns clearly, they can offer better
assistance. For example, if someone is seeking housing assistance, but the social worker can't
understand what they're saying because of the language barrier, it's hard to provide the right
support. But with a social interpreter, the communication is smooth, and the client gets the
help they need.
Another important aspect of social interpreting is its role in respecting different cultures.
People from different backgrounds have different beliefs and ways of doing things. Social
interpreters not only translate words but also help bridge cultural gaps. This means that
service providers can better understand their clients' cultural backgrounds and provide more
respectful and sensitive assistance.
And you know what's cool? It's not just a nice thing to do – it's often required by law. In
many places, there are laws that say social service agencies have to provide language
assistance services, including social interpreting, to people who need it. So, having qualified
social interpreters isn't just helpful; it's the right thing to do according to the law.
In conclusion, social interpreting is essential for making sure everyone can access social
services, no matter what language they speak. It empowers people, improves the quality of
service, respects different cultures, and even meets legal requirements. By recognizing the
importance of social interpreting and investing in it, we can ensure that everyone gets the help
they need and deserves.

Short reports on Importance Education Interpreting

In recent years, educational institutions have seen a significant increase in the number of
students facing language or hearing barriers, leading to a growing demand for educational
interpreters. These interpreters, whether aiding students with limited English proficiency
(LEP) or those who are deaf or hard of hearing, play a vital role in creating inclusive learning
environments where every student has equal access to education.

The primary responsibility of an educational interpreter is to facilitate communication

between students and teachers. In the classroom, they ensure that explanations, instructions,
and interactions are accurately conveyed, breaking down language barriers and enabling
students to fully participate in lessons. Additionally, interpreters extend their support beyond
the classroom, assisting with parent-teacher meetings and discussions to ensure that families
are involved in their child's educational journey.

When working with LEP students, interpreters help bridge the gap during various school-
related interactions, ensuring that parents are informed and engaged in their child's academic
progress. Conversely, interpreters working with deaf or hard-of-hearing students often take on
teaching roles, using sign language to deliver the curriculum and ensure student

It's important to recognize that educational interpreters are not substitutes for teachers. While
they facilitate communication, they do not engage in direct teaching activities. Instead, their
focus remains on ensuring that students with language or hearing challenges can fully
comprehend and engage with classroom materials.

Education is a fundamental right for every child, regardless of their linguistic or hearing
abilities. Educational interpreters play a pivotal role in upholding this right by creating
inclusive learning environments where all students can thrive academically and socially. By
providing accurate interpretation and fostering effective communication, interpreters
contribute to the educational success of diverse student populations.
In conclusion, education interpreting is essential for promoting inclusive education and
ensuring that all students have access to quality learning experiences. With their specialized
skills and expertise, educational interpreters facilitate communication, bridge language and
hearing barriers, and support the academic and social development of students. By
recognizing the significance of education interpreting and investing in qualified interpreters,
educational institutions can uphold principles of inclusivity and equity in education.

3. The script of the recorded material and the written translation.

I need to explain the procedure to Trebuie să vă explic procedura și să vă rog să
you and get you to sign the consent semnați formularul de consimțământ.
form. Bine.

so we're going to do something Deci vom executa ceva ce se numește

called a gastroscopy. gastroscopie. Știi ce este asta?
Do you know what that is? Nu, nu știu.
no I don't know. Ei bine, ceea ce vom face este să ne uităm la gât
well what we're going to do is have a și la stomac pentru a vedea ce se întâmplă acolo,
look at your gullet and your stomach Bine.
to see what's going on there,
it's a routine procedure what we're E o procedură de ordine, ceea ce vom face mai
going to do first is to give you întâi este să vă dăm ceva care să vă ajute să vă
something to help you relax and then relaxați, apoi vă vom amorți gâtul cu un spray,
we're going to numb your throat with apoi vom trece un tub care nu e mai gros decât
a spray then we are going to pass a degetul mic prin gât până în stomac.
bendytube which is no thicker than Bine
your little finger down throug your
throat into your stomach,
let's say the tube will have a tiny să zicem că tubul va avea o micuță cameră de
camera on the end so that we can luat vederi la capăt, astfel încât să ne putem uita
look at your stomach and if we see la stomacul dumneavoastră și, dacă vedem ceva
anything there what we can do is acolo, putem lua o mică mostră de țesut,
take a tiny tissue sample, de asemenea, vom insufla niște aer în stomacul
we also going to blow some air into dumneavoastră pentru a ne ajuta să vedem mai
your stomach to help us see a bit bine, așa că vă veți simți puțin plin și veți dori să
better so you will feel a bit full and vă așezați pe bancă,
possibly want to bench it sounds a bit sună puțin înfricoșător.
scary. Sunt de acord.
i agree .

Antibiotic,pneumonia , the side effects, sore throats, colds, strains of bacteria, respiratory
tract,cancer, breast cancer,diarrhoea,imbalance in the stomach, good bacteria, bowel, urinary tract
inffection, chronically ill,stuffy nose, ear infection, flaking skin, temporary deafness, appointment,
medical insurance,fever, headache, rash, constipation, severe pain, asthmatic , diabetic, epileptic ,
insulin, international medical insurance , health hazards, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation,
(respiratory arrest, (cardiac arrest) asphyxiation, breathing passages that are blocked, choking
, drowning, drug reactions or overdoses, electric shock, exposure to cold, severe shock, or
trauma., defibrillation, cessation of breathing, smaller upper and lower airways, heart rates,
Rescue breaths, brain damage, treat, treatment , pain-killer, eye drops, cast, crutches,
syringe,feel dizzy, suffer from stomach cramps ,have a lump , be alergic to antibiotics,
produce an allergic reaction , malnutrition, fight cancer, depression, addiction, alcoholism,
put on the plaster ,fight a cancer .fight depression , fight alcoholism, give an
ejection ,undergo an examination , dress a wound, prescribe medicine ,contagious
disease ,parasite resistance, tb bacilli,urine sample ,quit smoking type of tissue,pneumonia,
warning side effect ,appoinment ,private medical insurance ,overuse of antibiotics ,urinary
tract infections ,stuffy nose

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