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A. CURSURI UNIVERSITARE I LUCRRI GENERALE 1. Ligia BRZU, Curs de Istorie a Orientului antic (partea I), Bucureti, 1991 2. Miron CIHO, Istoria Orientului antic, Bucureti, 1992 3. Sabatino MOSCATI, Vechile civilizaii semite, Bucureti, 1978 4. Sabatino MOSCATI, Vechi Imperii ale Orientului, Bucureti, 1982 5. A. BURGUIERE et.alti, Histoire de la famille, vol I-II, Paris, 1986 6. J. BOTTERO, Naissance de Dieu: la Bible et lhistorien, Paris, 1986 7. M. TOSI et alti, La comunicazione nella storia , Roma, 1989 8. *** The Cambridge Ancient History (vol I-2, II-1, II-2, III-2, IV), Cambridge, 2006-2009 9. R. ADAMS, The Evolution of Urban Society: Early Mesopotamia and Prehispanic Mexico, Londra, 1966 B. SINTEZE I MONOGRAFII 1. George ROUX, La Mesopotamie, Paris, 1995 Ancient Iraq, Londra, 1964 2. A. PARROT, Sumer, Paris, 1960 3. A. PARROT, Assur. Paris, 1961 4. H.W.F. SAGGS, Everyday life in Babylonia and Assyria, Londra, 1965 5. L. WOOLLEY, Ur of the Chaldees, Londra, 1982 6. L. DELAPORTE, Mesopotamia: the Babylonian and Assyrian civilization, Londra, 1996 7. S. DONADONI, Omul egiptean, Bucureti 2001 8. Harriet Crawford, Sumer and the Sumerians, Cambridge, 1991 9. E. Drioton, P. DU BOURGUET, Arta faraonilor, Bucureti, 1972 10. Nicolas GRIMAL, Historire de l Egypte ancienne, Paris, 1988 11. K. MICHALOWSKI, L art de l Egypte, Paris, 1994 12. Claire LALOUETTE, Civilizaia Egiptului antic, Bucureti, 1987 13. Miron CIHO, Faraonii Egiptului, Cluj, 2003 14. SAUNERON, YOYOTTE et alti, Enciclopedia civilizaiei i artei egiptene, Bucureti, 1974 15. L. DELAPORTE, Les hittites, Paris, 1936 16. Margarite RIEMSCHNEIDER, Lumea hitiilor, Bucureti, 1967 17. Sabatino MOSCATI, Lumea fenicienilor, Bucureti, 1975 18. R. CLEMENTS, The world of ancient Israel, Cambridge, 1991 19. M. GRANT, A history of ancient Israel, New York, 1984 20. H. SHANKS, Ancient Israel, Englewood Cliffs, 1988 21. C. HUART, Ancient Persia and Iranian civilization, Londra, 1996

22. E.R. PIKE, Ancient Persia, Londra, 1961 23. P. MASSON-OURSEL, Helena GABROWSKA, Ancient India and Indian civilzation, Londra, 1996; trad. rom. India antic i civilizaia indian, Bucureti, 2006 24. J. AUBOYER, Viaa cotidian n India antic, Bucureti, 1976 25. J. AUBOYER, Arts et styls de l Inde, Paris, 1961 26. H. FRANZ, P. GAEFKKE, L Inde ancienne, Paris, 1990 27. I. KAMENAROVIC, China clasic, Bucureti, 2007 28. W.L. IDEMA, E. ZURCHER, Thought and Law in Qin and Han China, Leiden, 1990 29. Marcel GRANET, Civilizaia chinez, Bucureti, 2000 30. Marcel GRANET, Gndirea chienz, Bucureti, 2006 31. J. RAWSON, Ancient China. Art and archaeology, Londra, 1980 32. W. WATSON, The Arts of China to AD 900, New Haven, 2000

C. SURSE ISTORICE 1. A. FINET (trad.), Le Code de Hammurapi, Paris, 1973 2. Ed. SOLLBERGER, J.R. KUPPER (trad.), Inscriptions royales sumeriennes et akkadiennes, Paris, 1971 3. G. CADASCIA (trad.), Les lois assyriennes, Paris, 1969 4. W.L.MORAN (trad.), Les lettres dEl Amarna. Correspondance diplomatique du pharaon, Paris, 1987 5. R. YARON, The Laws of Eshnunna, Jerusalem, 1988 6. Confucius, Analecte, (trad. Florentina Vian), Bucureti, 1995 7. Lao zi, Cartea despre Dao i putere (trad. D. Luca), Bucureti, 1993 8. Biblia. Vechiul Testament: Geneza, Exodul, Numeri, Deuteronomul, Leviticul, Ruth, Judectori, Regi I, Regi II. 9. L. Renou (trad.), Anthologie sanskrite, Paris, 1947 10. Codul lui Manu (trad. I.Mihlcescu), Bucureti, 1991

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