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Vom incepe aetasta lcqie co recapitularea cuvintelor pe care deja Ie
B. Completali propoziliile in Ilrnba engleza cu cuvintele corespunzatoare:
A Complel3li propozitiile in limba englez3 cu unul din urmatoarele cuvinte:
Probabil ca el va fi concediat.
4. labourers
8. trade-union
12. negotiations
- How much will she >C:lm now?
- Wages will be >nus.:d
- He will probably be >1U1:d
- How many >cmplo:- has this business?
- They are still
- Many are in danger.
- Benefits have been >rctluccd again.
- He has left the of his
- Why haven't you >apph.:d for this job?
- Only a >-tnl..c can help us to get what
we want.
- All the >mc.T1!'l.:1" attended last week's
- Yesterday's were not
- What can we do against growing
- The factory needs many more
- They earn good >\\ 'Il_
- What do your >COI!Ili.ll:!UC!> think about it?
- You should inform your >lradc'UllIon
- Will there be a >r.u!> for all of us?
business to his sons.
3. raise
7. members
II. management
2. wages
6. colleagues
10. strike
Ce cred colegii tlii despre asIa?
Ei inea negociaza.
Ni se va acorda tUluror 0 mance de salariu?
Ei salarii bune.
Ar Irebu! sfi-\i iofonneZI sindieatu!'
Cali angajati arc aceasta inlreprindere?
Fabrica 3fC nevOlc de mult mai
mu1li muncilon.
EJ a 13sa! conducerea intreprinderii sale
Negocierile de ieri nu au avut succes.
Ce pulem face impolTiva
care se extinde in continuare?
De ee nu ai Beut 0 eerere pentru acest
Ajutoarele de au fost din nou reduse.
9. employees
(pe mana) fiilar sai.
Multe slujbe sunt in pericol.
I. jobs
Cat va ea acurn?
5. unemployment
TOli membrii au participat In intilnirea
de saplamana tfecula.
Salariile vor fi marite.
Numai 0 greva ne pontc ajuta sa oblinem
ceea ce vrem.
lata un exerci\lu de in care veti recapitula cate"'a veThe ..,.,!'d-
propoziliile in limba englez.a. cu fonnele vcrbale corespunzatoare:
Cine tia dat asIa?
Unde au plceal?
Who >ga\c you that?
- Where have they>
inca nu Ie-am scns.
A condus cu grija pentru ca
se fucuse noaple.
Ai luat mai mult decal aveai vaic.
Ea cat de departe poatc sa mearga.
De ce nu ai facut asta?
inca nu am vorbit cu ei.
- We have not >", 10 than yet.
- He > c carefully because the night
bad fallen.
- You >, more than you were allowed to.
-She> how far she could go.
- Why> you do it?
- I ha' en'l > 10 them yet.
L-ai V3ZUt vreodata? - Have you c\'cr>
Ei au crezul c<1 noj nu
Toti vorbeau spaniola.
Totul a mers prost in ziua aceea.
aSia de mulll ani.
Ce ai f'acut cu dlct1onarul?
Am dus scrisoarea la
EI nu a condus mClodata 0
atat de mare.
Pe vremea aceea ea scria romane.
Am fost aici toata dupa-amiaza.
Cui i-ai dat biletele?
Au venit cu Irenul?
EI mi-a citit scrisoarea.
- They >11 we dJdn"t know.
- All oftbem > 0; Spanish.
- Everything >1 cnl wrong Ihal day.
- We have >1". n that for years.
- What have you >...01'1 with the dictionary?
- 1have> the letter to the post-office.
- He has never such a big car.
- She > novels In those days.
- 1have> here all afternoon.
- Who have you > en the tickets to?
- We > ue h ,J each other very well.
- Have they >come by train?
- He >rcaJ the letter to me.
Noile cuvinte din aceasta leclie sunt din domeniul artd al lileraturii.
Cititi-le cu alenlie cu voce lare:
,n > [,I 'I]
- arta
artist >Iallst]
- artist
talent > ItEl':lIuJ
- lalenl
sculptor > (s".lpla'J
- sculptor
photograph > {faula1!ra f]
- fotografie
work of art > lua'k a\ arlJ
- opera de arta
photographer >
- fotograf
exhibition > t< IbhnJ
- expozilie
art gallery >
- galerie de arta
expert > [rl pa'l]
- expert, specialist
landscape > I lEnd. "CJpJ
- pelsaJ
painting > Ipe-mllfl' 'J
- pictura
Sa repeillm acum aceste cuvinte in alia ordine:
landscape > (lEndsl..c'Il]
- pclsaJ
photograph > (fautagra,1l
- fotografie
talenl > {tElal1l]
- talent
- piclura
> lskalptarJ
- sculplor
exhibition > rckslbi\n}
- expozilie
artist >Ia'wn]
- artist
expert > Il.'bpa't]
- experl, specialist
photograph > !lllUt.:lgrJ f)
- fotografie

> I a"ll
- ,rtj
art gallery > ".'tgElan
- galerie de arta
work of art
> 'ua
" it\ it 'IJ
- opera de arta

Chris: That's right. And the other one is a painter.
- E vorba de expozilia acelui
tanar fotograf can:

- Este vorba de opere de ana
modemi probabiJ eli tu
preferi peisajele.
- Ai vazut noua expozi\ie de la
Galeria deArta Modema?
- Nu SUn! expertli, dar imi plac
fotografiile lui foarte mult.
- Mol tern ca nu.
- Dar picturile lui sunl (oarte
- Da, Unul diD el esle
sculptor, nu-i
- Este foarte lalentat, ca
fralii lui mai man.
- ei Sunl
- Da. FOlografiiJe lui sunt
adevarate opere de ani.
- e. lar celilalt ute pictor.
>[ IZhlZfi I 'fll
a, rt u l .1\ .'IJ
> I, U II; &I nau uan a\ " .:m
a ,I..alpla' iLnl hI.
> [bal hl7 pcmtlll"l:l. a:'
\'en slrelndJI
> ') <:1 a 'hau'l a'llsh z d
> [ue! D'Hs moda'n a"t
EnJ Ill, prohilbh pnfa'
IEnd:.kclp.. J
> t IY!-.b raJt LnJ D I aWa
IL a pelnl..
> hI. hl:L a p,rt.'lt tl-:lanl 10l11.
hlll'lda' bmD 0'''1
> I 1m nut .10 t.'l.sp.l'l m:llsclf bal
allall..llIL u lot]
> [hb IU. Sl n D a mu.
eblnhn H D/ Ol mod,l'n
a:'1 gllanJ
> r'7 0'1.:1 ckslt;.i n u
bat I>'ft an
trb la' End 10 afa
He has a great talent like
his elder brothers.
They are both artists as well.
Oh yes, I know. One of them
is a sculptor, isn't he?
Yes, it is. His photographs
are real works of an.
Is that the exhibition of
photographs by that young
traveller and photographer?
Well, that's modem an and
you and probably prefer
But his paintings are
very strange.
I'm afraid I haven't.
I'm not an expen myself, but
I like his photographs a 101.
Have you seen the new
exhibition at the Modem
An Gallery?
Chris: Well, that's modern art and you and probably prefer landscapes.
Sa cxersam acum pronunlia fiecarei Propozilii in parte:
Chris: Yes, it is. His photographs are real works of art
Kate: I'm not an expert myself, but I like hIs photographs a lot.
Chris: He has a great talent like his elder brothers. They are both artists as well.
Kate: Oh yes, I know. One of them is a sculptor, isn"t he?
Noile cuvinte apar intr-un dialog in care Kat! Chris vor discuta despn: DOID cxpoz'\ie dintr-o
galerie de ana. Citili cu atenllc:
CIYis: Have you seen the new exhibfuon at the Modern Art Gallery?
Kate: I'm afraid I haven't. Is that the exhlbrtJon of photographs by that young traveller and
Kate: But his paintings are very strange.
That's right. And the other
one is a painter.
Completali propoziliile in limba engleza:
Rodin este unul din cei mai celebri sculptori.
EI picteaza indeosebi peisaje.
ExiSla sindicate ale
Ce cred despre asia?
Cred cil nu prea are talent.
Unele opere de ana COSI sume
enorme de bani.
Expozitia se va inchide pe dala de
5 seplembric.
Ea a citil mult dcspre arta.
1mi voi asigura picturile.
El nu face decal fOlografii albnegru.
Exista vreo galerie de ana in
Ea sa maritat cu un fotognf in 1960.
- Rodin is one of the most famous> ..:ulplo"
- He mainly painls > andM::<Irc
- Are there tradeunions for >anl h'
- What do the >,; pcns think of il?
- He hasn't much >talcnt, I think.
- Some >" orks uf art cost enormous sums
of money.
- The >exhlbllLOIl will close on September
the fifth.
- She has read much about>JTt
- 1will have my >p,llntln}! insured.
- He makes only blackandwhite
> phOlugraphs
- Is there any >art 'allef)- in your town?
- She married a > ph 'Ill in 1960.
Sa inv3\3.m acum cateva verbe s:i substantIVe noi. Cititile cu voce lare, fiind atenli mai ales la
pronunlia la corespondentul lor in limba roman:t:
> Ilt.lanlllJI
> I a 'tbllkJ
10 adorn
> Ilu,ldo'nl
> {rrollllllanlJ
10 inspire >
[IU In r:lla'J
pIcturesque >
10 develop >
ttl dl\eUrl
contemporary >
10 enlarge >
l tu mla 'dJJ
. .
[ Imagmary
to exhibit >
(tu 1f!7ib11J
- lalentat
- artistic
- a impodobi, a omamenl8, a decora
- proeminent, evident, remarcabil
- a msplra
- piloresc
- a developa, a cultiva, a dezvolta
- contemporan
- a (se) mari, a (se) largi, a se extinde
- imaginar, inchipuit
- a expune; a demonstra
Complet3li propozilille in Ii mba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc cit iIi-Ie cu voce tare:
- Ei au folosit rizboiul ca
sursii. de inspira!ie.
- Perelii sufragtn sale sunt
decorali cu tabloun
Acele case vechi
sunt foane
- Crea!iile sale sunt expusc
acum in
Ea este 0 $crutoare talentata.
- Are vreo valoare anisticii.?
- Carlea
o lume imaglnan.
- Ea studiazA arta contemporana.
- Yom mafl fotografiile.
- EI este unul din cei
mai importanli
pictori din lara sa.
- Everybodysaysheisa>1
- There is a programme about the
>contcmporary Dovel.
- Flowers >adom her room.
- Can you >enlarge this photography
- Don't be afraid; the animals in
thiS film are
- They are an >.lI'tI.IJC family.
- Has this film been >dc\-clopcd I
- She >c\hlblled much patience.
> LD'auz auld hauZlz
aT \('fI pllt 11.1
>(hE 11 En! 11 'ti\lIk \E1ill.]
> [IU: sud dl\'f'lup /0:[ IEI:lnls] - Ar trebui sA-II eultlvi talentcle.
> -an \fY ut
promInan! e nt z
In hi .... ntn
> I O'el a' lnspa13'd bal
I)'a uo.')
> (I, hb fa'itagra
mi. 'dJdJ
> lYa hUK IZ iI
ImEJllllafl II
> 111 '"k
In Blu Urt:<\( n
> Lremlln' j(l
., h17 :i'
Filmul acesta a fost dcve1opat?
Ea a dat dovada de multa ribdare.
Ei sunt 0 familie de
Estc 0 emisiune despre romanul conlemporan.
Poti mari aceasta fOlografie singur?
We will have the photographs
You should develop
your talents.
Nu te spcria; 3nimalcle din
acest film sunt imaginare.
Those old houses are very
lata cflteva propozilii in care apar noile cuvlnte. Rellne\i Iraducerea acestora:
He is one of the most
prominent painters
in his country.
Paintings adorn the walls
of his living-room.
Camera ei e decoratA cu flori.
The booK is about
an imaginary world.
Has it any artistic value?
Toatii lumea spune eli este un tanar taleotat.
She studies contemporary an. >
They were inspired by
the war.
She is a talented writer.
His works are exhibited
In Bucharest now.
Ce le-a inspirat eel mai mult?
EI esle un fOlograf celcbru.
in aceasla regiune sunt 0 multime de
- What >lIIsplred you mosl of all?
- He is a >promlllcnt photographer.
- This region has plenty of >P1L:l!1rcsquc
Sa ne reamintim eontextele in care apare verbul "would";
Stirn co l'erbul aux/liar """'Quld" este fa/osit ell \'Oloure de conditionol # in \'Orbirea inJirectii:
He would buy the tickets ifhe had the time.
She said she would nOI read it.
Would este, de asemenea,folosit pentru a uprima:
J. voin!u sau inteli/ia cuiva, de exemplu:
I asked ber 10 wait, but she wouldn't.
She would go, no matter what I say.
- El ar cumpara bilcle daca ar avea limp.
- Ea a spus ca nu 0 va CilL
- Am rugal-o sa rna dar nu a vrut.
- Ea vrea sa indiferent ce spun eu.
in aecostii sili/afie. "would" se Iraduce in limbo romiimi prin w!rbul "a vreu ", pentru eii
exprimii \'Oin!o subleclului.
1. repetifia I/llei aefiulli .foU un obieei din trecllt, de exempll/:
He would stand there for alleaSI half
an hour every day.
I would have everything ready by
the time they arrived.
- Statea aeolo eel putin 0 juml.itate
de ora in fieeare zi.
- Aveam totul gata pani!. eand soseau ei.
in astfel de propozi!ii. ;n limbo romonii se folosese des adverbele de frecvenfa "intotdeauno n.
"adeseo" Sf verb.,1 "a sii". Constnlcfio used to, pe care a still deja. ure un ;n!eles
similar Si este mai des folositii decor "would" ,-n englca \'orbifii. Folosirea \'erbului "would"
cu aeest seils necesitii un comat mai lurg Si, de aeaa, acesf verb esfe folosil eel mai des ;n
deserieri mai defoliate ale ac{iunilor trecute.

Folositi aceste reguli gramaticale in traducerea Propoziliilor urmiHoare:
Lucram 0 ora, iar apoi beam 0 de cafea.
Am spus ca vreau 53 prind ultimullTen,
dar ea niel nu a ... rul sa ::Iud! de ap ceV3.
:> \ 'uld" ork lor an
l I.(l {II ..:ollcc.
:> III J \\:lS gomg to dnx
(' "-ouldo '. hear of
EI veritica loate inamle de a pleca. > ch... all the doon: \dOn:
Ei nu ne ascultau, de aceea am plccal ime<hal >
Era inca intuneric cand incepeam luem!'
M-am ofent sa Ie ajuI, dar ai vrut
sa faei asta singur.
Participam impreuna In Stanta Liturghie.
Nu au ... rut sa creada ce Ie-am spus eu.
:> \\ould ,lItend
:> They \\ouldo"' b"'"ICH'
I I d them.
EI putca voia sa raeA aSia, chiar daca
nu era de nici un folos.
Ea termina 0 cane la fiecare trei zile.
Sa ne amintim de pasivi.
:> lie could and \Iould do It
clen If It \\as no us
:> 'he \\-ould lim. h a boll\( Ihrtt da)li.
$t;!; eii din propo:/,;o eu \'erbul fa d,alco oct/wi pot ji ob!inUle doua propo:;lii eu w>rbul 10
diateza pas;wl:
He gave me. moncy
l' '\
complement complement
indirect direct
The money was given to me (by him).
I was given the money (by him).
- EI mi-a dat banii.
- Banii mi-au fost dali mie (de catre el).
- Mi s-au da! bani.
In prima propozilie cu verbul 10 diateza pasivii, compfemenrul direct 01 propoziliei cu verbullo
d;aleza activO ("the a de\'en;t subject, jar rn ceo dea doua subiectul este complementul
indirect - "me ", care are forma caracteristicii a $ubiectuJu; in cazuJ nominativ, "/"
Unc:le verne cer folosirea prepoziliei "to" inainte de complementul indirect. "'\
in aceste cazuri, este plasat dupa complementul direct. ca de exemplu:
They delivued the goods Co us. - Ei ne-au livrat marfa.
Cu verbe de acest fel se pol forma propozilii cu verbul la dialeza pasiva, in care
numai complementul direct poale avea rolul de subiect, ca de exemplu:
They delivered the I;oods to us.
The eoods were delivered to us.
- Ne-a fost livratll. marfa.
Yom prezenta acum ditcva verbe care cer folosirea prepozitiei to'". Citi\i-Ie cu atentie re\ine\i
echivalentul lor in Jimba romana.
10 address to > [Ill adn's Ill} - a adresa (cuiva)
to announce to >[tu i1ll311ns tLl)
- a anun\a (cuiva)
10 ascribe to > [tu asknllb tll] - a atribui, a pune pe seama (cuiva)
10 communicate to >[tu bmw /llkel1 tu] - a comunica (cuiva)
to confide to >[tu k:lnlald tuJ - a incredinta (cui va)
10 dedicate 10 > [tu delhkeit tu I - a dedica (cuiva)
to describe to >[IU dlsknllb tLll - a descrie (cuiva)
to entrust to >[tll mlnlst til! - a lncredin\a (cuiva)
to explain 10 > [Ill Iksplcm luI - a cxplica (cuiva)
to introduce to >[Ill mtrad/u stu] a prezenta (cui va)
to mention to - a menliona, a pomeni (cuiva)
to propose to > [Ill pmpauz tu]
- a propune (cuiva)
to read 10 >[tofl:dtu] - a cili (cui va)
to refer to >[11l1Ila'1u] - a se referi la, a trimite la
to report to >[ lunrm,'t1U]
- a raporla (cui va), a anun\a
to reveal to >!Iumiltu] - a dezvalui (cui va)
to say to > [Ill SCI Ill] - a spune (cui va)
/ ,
IGS;=-,:,c,j Nu de a.semenea, cli atunci eiind.verbul to refer tenninatia
sau -ed, uillma consoana a verbulUl se dubleaza, ca de exemplll: "referred,
"referri ng".
in conlinuare transfonnati propozi\iile cu verbul la diateza aetiva in propozilii eu verbul la diateza
pasiva. In aceSle propozilii yom lntalni prepozi\ia "to" inlre verb eomplemenlul indirect. Pentru a
va sarcina vi se vor da eehivalentele acestor propozi\ii in lirnba romana. Nu uita\i ea la
diateza pasiva autorul aXliunii poate sa nu fic mentional $i, din aeesl moliv, in proPoziliile noastre
aeesta va fi omis (eu litlu de cxemplu am men\ionat autorul ac\iunii numai in prima propozi\ie
Am adresat scrisoarea surorii mete.
I addressed the letter 10 my sister.
Serisoarea a fost adresata surorii mele.
letter was to my Sister (hy me).
Ei nu au dezvaluil nimanui descoperirea.
The haven't revealed the discovery to anybody.
In Ill\:
cd to them
III be c
Silrilc nc-au fosl anuntatc_
> I he 111:" s ha to..:..:
Accldentul eSle pus pe seamJ TCIDlI.
> n: n.ldent I!> 3. C,
Sttretul poate 53-ml fie spus mle.
> 1I,ld to me
MOIl\'ele ili vor fi explicate mal larzlU.
> n-", lOS" ill Ix to vou laler.
Ordmul iI va fi comumeat
Descoperirea nu a fost dezvaJuU.1 nunanui.
> I he dl!CO\ ha!>n'l been d to
Cui i-a fosl raportat delictu!?
> [Ov.hllmv.a Ihecnmerc
Sa spus ceva desprc vreo manre de salariu?
> Was an"thlOlo'! said
inca nu Ie-ai fost prezental.
> , ou hal e IlI.t cI tk::en 1011
Ti-au fost men!ionate cirlile acelea?
> Were those bllO" menU" K t IU)
Pentru alte infonna\ii sunte\l indrumat catre
biroul nostru din Brailov.
> For lurther mftlrmallon Y(IU r rclcrrcd
to ou Br:hO\ ofli.:c.
BijuteriiJe nu Ie vor Ii incredintate.
> rill: le\H:J1er} " III cnlnJ ted 10 Ihem
Sltua\1a deja ml-a fosl descnsa.
> 1ho.:: ,Ih ,lion re
Romanul a fost dedleal talalul sau.
> III" 10 hi: rather.
Aceastli lueru Ie va fi propus angajalilor lui.
> It \\ 111 be propos.:u lO hI

Ei deja mi-au descris situalia.

They have already described the situation
to me.
iii vom expliea motlvele mal tarziu.
We will explain the reasons to you later.
POll sii-mi spui scerelul.
You ean tell the secret 10 me.
Inca nu Ie-am prezentat lor.
I have nOI yet introduced you to them_
EI ili-a dedieat romanullataJui sau.
He dedicated his novel to his father.
EI nu Ie va incredinl3 bijuteriiJe.
He will nol entrust the Jewellery to them.
EI Ie propune aceSI lueru angaja!ilor lui.
He will propose it to his employees.
Penlru alte informalii adresa\i-va biroului
nostru din
For further information refer to our
Bralv office.
Cui i-a raportat (e1) delictul?
To whom did he report the crime?
EI pune accidentul pe scama vremii.
He ascnbes the accident to the weather.
Ei ii vor comunica ordmul.
They will communicate the order to him.
Ei nc-au anunlal iltirile.
They have announced the news 10 us.
Au spus eeva despre vreo marire de salariu?
Did they say anything about a raise?
Ti-au mentionat c3r{lle acelea?
Did Ihey mention those books 10 you?
in primul cxercitiu din accasta p3rte a [eetiei veli recapitula vocabularul care se rcfera la cumpariituri.
A. Complcta\i propoziliile in limba englez3 eu unul din unnatoarcle cuvintc:
I. exit
5. receipt
9. bargain
2. trolley
6. shopping-list
10. discount
3. customer
7. cash-desk
II. sales
4. shop-assistants
8. shop-window
12. shopping-bag
B. Comp1etali propoziliile in limba engleza cu cuvintele care lipsesc:
l\i faei 0 [isla inainte de a merge la
Viinzarea soldurilor incepe
miercurea viiloarc.
Plati,i la casa, va rag.
Ai ncvoie de 0 mai mare.
Sa ceri intotdeauna chitanlii.
POli sa iei un carodor
pana la
Aceasta rochie esle un chilipir;
nu costa dedit jumiitatc din prelul ei
Nu tOli vanzatorii de aiei sunt
Reduceri maTi de prc\Uri nUlnai
saplamana accasta!
pana pleaca ultimul client.
Te VOl liingii
I-am gasit stand in fala unei vitrine.
Cit costa ceasul acesla?
Nu prea mai exista preturi avantajoase.
Nu prea mai cumpar din acel magazin.
Muncitorii necalificati se pot angaja aici.
Nu eumpara lucruri care nU-li sunt de folos.
Este important sa continui sa
- Do you make a >shuppmg-llst
before you go shopping?
- The start next Wednesday.
- Pay at the please.
- You need a larger >shoppmgbag.
- Always ask for a >rcccipt
-You can take a
to your car.
- This dress is a great >b3rg:lln; it costs
only half the usual price.
- Not all the >shop-asslslants
here are helpful.
- Large >ths..:ounl." only this week!
- Wait till the 13st>customcr has left.
- I will wait for you near the >C.\I!.
- We found them standing in front
ofa 'shup-wmdo\\
- >110\\ much is this watch?
- There are >Imrdly allY bargains.
- I >harllly c\ er buy at that shop.
- >Unsklllcd labourers can find jobs here.
- Don't buy things that are not >useful.
- It's >1l11pOrl;:Jlltto keep reading.
Sa recapilulam din nou verbele neregulate. Comp1etal1 propozitiile in limba engleza eLI formele
verbak corespunzatoare:
Nu estc adevlirat cc spun cd din conducc;re.
Nici macar flU au inlrebat.
inca flU sunlem mullumiti.
in fiecare an revin probleme.
Am survolat munti superbi.
Ea adus dicllonarul.
Ei au miincat in ticcre.
Am pastral secretu]lo\i ani.
Cine a pllUit masa?
Ce i-ai invatat pc copiii tai?
Am auzit zgomotul dc la marc distanta.
inca nu am inccreat sa rcpar ma'jina.
Ea statea aeolo Th.ra sa scoata un cuvant.
Tabloul acela cclcbru nu nc:-a fast
amtat nieiodati.
L-am cumparat din Franta.
De atunci nu au mai canlat niciodata
acel canlec.
EI a baut nu mai mult de trei pahare
de Lapte.
Sper eli nu ai uitat nimie.
Unde ai pus geanta?
Cine a tacu! asIa?
Ea s-a laial la deget.
Astazi soarele a slralucil loata ziua.
I-am v!zul facandu-ne cu mana.
Am trimis pachetul inapoi in aeeea'ji zi.
Cealalli lustra atima deasupra mesci.
Ea a spus cli nu este adevaral.
Nu lc-ai spus inca?
In curand ca sa simtit mai bine.
- What the management say IS nOI >true
- They didn't >\,\..:0 ask.
- We are Dot >:'..lll Ilcd yet.
- The >same difficulties return e..ery year.
- We >llc\\ over beautiful mountains.
- She has >hro hi the dictionary with her.
- They >.1\1: in silence.
- 1 have >\..cpt the secret all these years.
- Who >pald for the meal?
- What have you your children?
- Wc >hcard the noisc from a grcat
- I havc 001 >lned 10 repair thc car yct.
- Shc > oilthcrc withoul saying a word.
- That faimous painting has never been
1\\ n to us.
- We >t..lughl it in France.
- They have ncvcr > un lhal song
agaio since then.
- He > no more than three glasses
of milk.
- I hope you haven't >forgnHcn anything.
- Where did you >ru1 the bag?
- Who has >made it?
- She >cul her finger.
- The sun has> hunc all day.
- I >:>3\\. them waving to us.
- We >. cont the pareel baek the same day.
- The other lamp >hun over the table.
- She >sald it was not true.
- Haven't you >tolt..l them yel?
- She soon >fdt better.
In conlinuare va vom prezenta un nou set de cuvinle. Cili\i-le cu atcn\ie
rc\inc\i echivalentul lor in limba romiina:
play > t J
- picsa (de tealru)
playwright >Ipll'/rall]
- dramaturg
sculpture > (sl".lpl::-a'l
- sculptura
row >lrall)
- .dod (de scaune)
- garderoba
critic > [krilll..)
- critIc
>lp3 'I)
- rol, parte
- romaocler
> [prapllu7lJ
- propunere
- critlca; critici
- judecati. opinie
praise > [pn:l.ll
- lauda
Sa repetam acum aceste cuvinte inlr-o alia ordine:
- critica; critici
cloakroom > [klaul..rum)
- garderoba
> [pIe/raIl J
- dramalurg
praise > [pn:i7]
- lauda
p,n >lra II]
- rol, parte
- propunere
> [r.iu]
- rand (de scaune)
play > [riel]
- piesa (de teatru)
novelist >lno\ahsl)
- romancler
'Sculpture > J
- sculptura
judgement > IdJadimant]
- judecatA, aprecieri, opinii
> I I"rilll,,]
- critic
Verificali daca ati retinul noile cuvinte. Completali propozitiile in limba engleztl:
lata ciiteva propozilii in care apar cuvintele noi. Relinell traducerca lor in limba
> [hIt d,ald,mant IZ 1101 'T - Aprecierile lui nu valoreaza mult.
- Un cuvant de lauda poate face
- EI este unul din ttl mal buni
dramaturgi al
- POli sa-Ii halna
la garderoba.
- Criticile te pot 3Juta sa inveti
sa faci lucrurile mal blne.
- Romancierul acela a calatorit
mult in Spania.
- Ce actril.A va primi rolul Julielei?
- in scam aceasta este 0 piesa
de Icatru la televizor.
- Criticii nu sunt prell des de
- Cred c-A sculpturile lui sunt urate.
- Ne vom gandi la propunerea ei.
- Avem locuri in randul al cincilea.
- We all need >prnhc now and then.
- She recognized somebody in the lasl >ro\\
- Many >pluy\\nghuo are also aClors.
- Several things were stolen fonn the
- He knows a lot about Ihe 19th century

- I think it's a good show, no matter
what the >cntu;s say.
- Such a >Sculplure would look good in
my garden.
d-n till > 1.. ,I'd .1\ pi
mat J
> [hI 17. "an.'IV 0I1la hr I
> IU. L.l n II /0 Laut n
I)-a I;hlkrum
> Eklrc!l II gct /) a
pa:'t ll\ Jlull.ltj
> (Olea' It a pie, un tclc\ IJl1
> (D'Et no\ah!>t hlltrhald
a 101 10 pt:tn I
> (kntl_ i7.m mel II 1 IU
hau tu du 1 In Z I'{'I ']
>lkril1 du nlll ag i Hn
Ito. nDatifP]
> 1m Pin 'hi l.alptsa'z
u_ ag.hl
> ["I: 111""10' " Jhaut ha
Eu cred ca esle un speclaeol bun,
indiferent de ee spun criticii.
Critics do not agree very
Mu1li dramalurgi sunl !j:i actori.
There is a play on television
We have seats in the fifth
Ea a recunoscul pc cineva in ultimul rand.
His judgement is not worth
Au fost furate cateva lucruri de la garderoba.
Cnticism may teach you
how to do things beller.
Which actress will get
the part of Juliet?
Cu tOlii avem nevoie de lauda din cand in cando
You can leave your coat
In the cloakroom.
E1 !j:tie multe despre romancierii din secolul
al XIX-lea.
I think his sculptures are
That novelist has travelled
a lot in Spain.
We will think about her
He is one of our best
A word of praise can do
o astfel de sculptura ar arata hine in gradina mea.
Poti avea intoldeauna incrcdcrc in judecata lui'! - Is his >Judgement always reliable?
Daca ~ putea obline un rol in filmul acela! - If only I could gel a >p Irt in Ihat film!
Nu te lasa descuraJal de crilieile lor. - Don't let their >l.:rHh: II discourage you.
Ai vizut deja ultima lui piesa? - Have you seen his latest >pl , yet?
Noi am fost de acord eu propunerea ei. - We agreed 10 her >pwf\' ..11
Sa invatarn inca un grup de cuvinte noi. Citilile Cll voce tare, fiind atenli la pronunlia coree-ta:
lata noile cuvinte in propozilii. Cititi-le cu aten\ie ~ uTEndrili traducerea lor in limba romanlt
negative > (negall'
10 welcome
> 'tu "elbmJ
constructive > (kan5lrak11\}
to praise >[1UPll."I/j
to judge > [IU JJaJ.lJ
famous > (felm,lS]
to propose >[ pr.lplHLL
- El este un compozitor de seama.
- Nu fi atal de rdractar la
ideile lui.
- Nu a devenil celebru decat
dupa ce a muri!.
- Ai vreo propunere de lacut?
- in rcvista aceca se fac cronicile
filmelor de slipllimana aceasta.
- a recenza, a face 0 cronica,
a expune
- TOli criticii lauda modul
in care ea canta.
- bineveOlt
- negativ; rcfractar
- conSlructiv
- a intampina, a primi
- a lauda
- faimos, cclcbru, binecunoscut
- a crilica
t.. a judeca, a aprecia
- a propune, a face
o propunerelun plan
- remarcabil, Important, de seama
> (,Illnh ana' hll de I lhd hI
Oll..Cllll !"rlm. 1
> (dJ.unt hi UU nrg:ul\
ah:mt hlz aldi;uJ
> 10. D a I..riuh rrcu h
10 10' 1
> (hE, /U got I::OIT III
tu prarauz!
> (tUTl\/U_J
> l"ell.J.m}
> I h It an aut 1lndm"1
> rtu l.rill5a1Z,
> {Ill D i'tmEgatl n n I
"t-ks IilmT a r mlu dJ
> [auht.lndm' 'I
In that magazine this week's
films arc reviewed.
Don't be so negatIve about
his ideas.
Have you got anything
to propose?
Only after his death did he
become famous.
to review
All the critics praise her
He is an outstandmg
to criticize
Venficati daca ati inva131 toate cuvintele; completa!1 propozitllie in hmba engleza:
> ("a, a,' Ill, 0 !uaz
kntl...,zm'l m,
> I "I U.I ' uelkanuJ hal a
dllha:-; smelJ
- Am fost inlampmsll de
un miros dellclos.
- Criticile conslTUCtl\""e pol
fi de mllre folos.
- Aid vei fi inlotdeauoa binevenit.
- De ce rna cnlicatl mereu?
- Nu pol sa-mi fonnez a parere
lara alte infonnaJII.
- Can't he be more >constrm:tl\C in his
- Any new ideas will be >wclcOll1c.
- The conductor thanked
the audience.
- They were for being late.
- Can you >Ju... 'c Ihe quality of this fridge?
- She was very disappoinled wilh
their >nc '111 C Judgement.
- They >pral,>ed Ihe children for
giving the fight answers.
- By whom was the book >rc\ ,c\.. cd'
- What you >pWp:l IS far 100 expensive.
- The group was ekomcd by
loud cheering.
- I have an >ullhlandmg- book
aOOUi Ihis subject
> I mCI

bl \f'rl helpful]
> [IU' "II 0 luelL hi "elkam
> Ial keD ha'dh dJadJ 1I

Ei au fOSI criticali ca au intarziat.
Ei i-au hiudat pc copii ca. au dat
raspunsurile corecle.
\Vhy are you always
CritiCISing me'!
De cine a fost rccenzata cartea?
Nu poate fi mai constructiv in critica lui?
Po!i apreels ealitatea aeestui frigider?
You will always be welcome
I can hardly judge without
more Infonnalion.
We were welcomed by a
delicious smell.
Constructive criticism may
be very helpful.
Toate ideile noi sunt binevenite.
Ce propui lu cosla mult prea mult.
Ea a fost foarte dezamaglta de
gandlrea lor negatlva.
Fonna\ia a fost inl5mpinata cu
aplauze pUlemice.
Celebrul dirijor a mul\umit publieului.
Am 0 cane remarcabila
despre acesl subiect.
in wIele cazliri construcria yerb + ptl'puzi{ie poatefi in/veuita de un verb ell illreles asemiilliitor.
lala caleva verbe de aces! fel pe care deja Ie
to look at =' 10 walch
to send for = to call
10 speak to '" to address
to arrive at = to reach
-3 se uita 13
-3 chema
- a vorbi (cui va). a se adresa
- a ajunge la, a 50si 13
lata acurn verbe Roi din categoric:
to look for:::: \0 seek >
- a criula
10 look upon = to consider > ( - a considera
to talk about ... to discuss > Iludlska"j - a vorbi dcspre, a discuta
10 look after = to lend > Llulcndj - a avea grija de, a ingriji
/Substantlvul sau pronumele care unneaza dupa construqia verb + prepozilie
se complement prepozltlonal poate fi transfonnat in sub.eclul
unci propozilii cu vcrbul 13 dialeza paslV:t.
'- ./
lata cateva exemple de propozilli la dlatezele achV3 paslva:
They hardly looked al her.
She was hardly looked al.
We looked for the glasses in vain.
The glasses were looked for in vain.
We shall send for the doctor.
The doctor will be sent for.
He will soon speak 10 Ihem.
They will soon be spoken 10.
People look upon It as SQmething serious.
It is look.ed upon as somethmg serious.
They did nOI arrive at an agreement.
An agreement was nOI arnved at.
- Abia dad. se uitau la ea.
- Abia daca era privila.
- Degeaba am cautal ochelarii.
- Degc3ba au fost cauta\i ochel3rii.
- Vom chema doctorul.
- Va Ii chemat doctorul.
- Va vorbi in cunind cu ei.
- in cumnd Ii se va vorbi.
- Lumea iI considem un lucru serios.
- Este consideral un lucru serios.
- Ei nu au ajuns la un acord.
- Nu s-a ajuns la un acord.
Everybody talked about the wedding.
The wedding was talked about (by everybody).
My parents will look after the children.
The children will be looked after by my parents.
TanH! lumea varhea DUrlta.
- Se vorbca despre nunla (de cttre loala
- Parinlii mei vor avca grija de copli.
- Copiii vor fi ingrijiti de pannlu mei.
Yom introduce acum cateva exprcsii care sunt des folosite in conversatie. Cititi propozi\ii
retineti traducerea lor in limba romana:
Is Mr. (Mrs.) Jones in?
Yes, sir.
Yes, madam.
Pleased to meet you;
how do you do?
I'm looking forw::lrd
10 it.
Will you be kind enough
10 close Ihe door?
Have a good time!
] had Ihe time of my life.
You are quile right.
When shall] be seeing
you again?
Would Friday suit you?
That suits me very well.
We happened to meet
them al the theaIre.
> [11. mista' (miSIZ) dl;lUn.lllll
> (tesmEdm]
> I p\l:7d Iu ITIl,IIU'
h::lu du: IU: tlu:]
> l::lllTI !u"m
to:' anJ
t U ItJ
> [UiIIU, bl. \.:alnd Inllf
tll "hUlL D'a do:']
> lhh a gud t<llm]
> I til hEd D'a ((11m a\
mal huf]
> I ilL ;1:' """:UI rallJ
> [Uen at hi: si
IU ;.lgenJ
> fraillel siu:t iU:]
> [D'Et me \Crt Uclj
> lUI' hEpaml tll: I11l.t
D'em EI D'a "Pial;I']
- Domnul (do3mna) Jones eSle
- Oa, domnulc.
- Oa, doamna.
- imi pare bine sa va cunosc;
(imi pare bine de
- Abia
- amabil sa inchizi
- Distractie placuta!
- M-am dislral de minune.
- Ai (perfecta) dreptale.
- Cand Ie voi vedea din nou?
- Vineri ili convine?
- fmi convine foarte bine.
- Ne-am intalnit din
intamplare la teatro.
COlls/mc/ia "happen " + inftlli/iv, care a fost folositii in II/tima propozirie, se poate traduce ill
prill "0 se illtampla sa", "a ... dill il/tiimp/are ".
lata inca un exemplu cu aceasta constroc\ie:
J happened 10 be in when he called.
- $-a intiimp]at sa fiu aeasa cand a sunat el.
inca 0 observa(ie prill;nd expresia "lookfor"";ard to ", Dac(i aceasla expresie este urmatr; de lin I'erb,
acest llerb tern/ill(l!ia "-ing ":
We are looking forward to their coming.
Traduce!i in limba engleza Propoziliile urm.atoare:
Ea ca va fi dificil.
Noi mergeam 13 teaw in fiecare
seam de sambal3.
Ea ia rugal sa vina cu noi, dar ei nu au vrut.
Am fosl rugal sa iau loco
Li s-a spus sa vina mai taniu.
Ea Ie-a fost prezenillta tuturor.
Continutul nu ne-a fosl dezvaluil.
Ei erau considerali actori buni.
Trebuie chemat un doctor.
De cine au fosl ingnJ1li1
Va lTebui cautat ceV3 mai bun.
in dupa-amiaza aceea s-a ajuns
1a un acord.
iIi mul\umesc roarte mull ca mi-ai spus
aces! luem.
Mi s-a explicat ca doamna Green
nu estc aeas!.
Vor fi indrumati catre line pentru infonna\ii
S-a vorbit foarte mult despre div0'1ullor.
Cui ii este dedicat romanu!?
Te voi revedea CUI"and?
Sa intimp!at s1-i pomenesc nurnele ei.
- Abia ca ei sa vina.
> SIL..: II "uold dl l\:ull
> We:: Yo ould J:;l) to theatre c\ en
Satunl:Jy OIhl.
>Sh asked them !oJ .Iuln U". hUllhe::y Yo ouldn"1
> I \\ a.. asked to Slt d(l\\ n
> TIll') \\cre told to come hack later.
> She:: 1I1troduccd to alllllllll'm.
> I he contents ,""cre n(lt rc\ c.lled III us
>.\ dl tllr ha 10 be cnl for
> 111...1 altcrnoon 110 agreemcnt
"allarrl\ ...dat
> Thanl.. \IOU \cn mUl.:h f,lT tdllng me
. .
> It \\,a.. \'\plamcd til me that Mrs. Green
\\;t .. not In.
> They Will bo: reflcred 10 YlHI for
furthcr 1I1funnatl\ln.
> rh... ,rdl\orce:: \\3... much talked about
> ShaJ I be <'cmg HIU >agam 'n I
> I happened to mentltlO her marne to rum.
VcrificlIli lIcum c:'it de bine ali relinut noile cuvinte ~ i traduceli dilllogul urmator in hmba engleza:
Chris: Tocmai am citit 0 cronica a filmului
pe care iI vem vedea diseara.
> I've just read a revle",
we are gOing to see IOI'VQ
Sper ca nu a fost criticat prea duro
Sa !?tii ca este 0 cronica mal
degraba negativa.
Dar sunt t ~ i actori celebri In
acest film. Trebuie sa-l vad,
~ i eu. Criticii adesea apreciaz3 filmele
altfel decat spectatorii.
Uneori nici chiar criticii nu sunt
de acord intre ei.
> I hope that It hasn't been criticised
too much.
> Well, this is rather a negative review
> But so many famous actors are
in this film. I must see it
> So must I. Critics often judge a film
In a different way than the viewers.
> Critics themselves sometimes do not
agree with each other's Judgements.
lata un exerci\iu de pronlln\ie; cuvintele de pe e e ~ i coloana conlin sunete identice:
lei} [au] I a:IJ
l 'J
play cloakroom
famous purpose enlarge judge
praise photograph pari come
d.y know
prey <ow f.<m ,un
17.1 Verbul "would" este folosit pentru a exprima:
a) vointa sau inten\ia cuiva:
[asked her to wait, but she wouldn't.
b) repetitia sau un obicei din trecut:
He would stand there for a half an
hour every day.
- Am rugat-o sa mil dar flU a vrul.
- Stalea acolo jumil.tate de ora in fiecare zi.
17.2 Unele verbe eer folosirea prepozitiei "to" inaintea complementului indirect:
They delivered the goods to us. - Ei ne-au livrat marfa.
in aceste cazuri numai complementul direct paate fi folosit in calitale de subiect al propozitiei
ell verbul la diateza pasiva:
The goods were delivered to us.
The letter was read to him.
This news will be announced to them.
The accident had already been reported
to the police.
- Marfa ne-a fost livrata.
- (Lui) i-a fost citita scrisoarea.
- Aceste Ie vor fi comunicate.
- Accidentul deja fusese anun\at la politie.
17.3 Un substanliv sau un pronume care unneaza dupa construqia "verb + prepozilie" se
complement prepozitional poate fi folosit in functia de subiect al propozitiei cu verbul la
diateza pasiva:
[t was hardly looked at.
An agreement was not arrived at.
- Abia daca se uita cineva la el.
- Nu s-a ajuns la un acord.
17.4 Unele construqii de tipul "verb + prepozi\ie" pot fi inlocuite de alte verbe cu inteles identic:
to send for'" to call
to arrive at '" to reach
17.5 Ex-emple de expresii des folosite in conversatie:
You are quite right.
Have a good time!
When shall I be,seeing you again?
- a trimite dupa, a chema
- a sosi la, a ajunge la
- Ai (perfecta) dreptate.
- Distraqie placuta!
- Cand te voi revedea?
A Traduccti urmatoareJe propozitii in limba ramana:
I. The critic said he would not review lhe play.
2. He would gel up before everybody else.
3. He is looking forward to meeting his relatives.
4. You are quite right; you shouldn't reveal il 10 them.
5. A doctor will have to be sen! for.
6. Will you be kind enough to explain it to me?
B. Traduceti unnatoarele propozitii in limba englm:
I. Ei Ie citeau p o v ~ t copiilor lor in fiecare zi.
2. Scrisoarea ii fusese incredintata prietenei sale.
3. EI a fosl intotdeauna considerat un prieten.
4. Iam rugal sa rnai sica, dar nu au vrut.
5. S-a discutal despre c:xcursia lor.
6. iIi convine sambaU\ seara?
C. Transformali propoziliile cu verbulla diateza aCliva: in propoz!lii cu verbulla diateza pasiva:
I. He announced this news to all the employees,
2, She will introduce his niece to me tomorrow,
3, They haven't mentioned the raise to him yet.
4. He should explain this idea to all of you,
5, That writer often dedicates his novels to his relatives.
Ca de obicei, vom incepe aceasta lectie ell recapitularea unul set de cuvinle; de data aceasta elc fae
parte din domeniuJ casnic.
A Completati propozitii1e in limba engleza ell unul din unniltoarele cuvinle:
I. mop
5. sink
9. cupboard
2. towel
6. tiles
10. rubbish-bin
3. bucket
7. gas-cooker
11. saucepan
4. fridge
8. tap
12. oven
Pune-lla cuptor limp de zece minute.
vrea sa am faiantl1 pc perelii
din bucatarie.
Podeaua trebuie curatata Cll un spalator.
Am varsa! cafeaua pc aragaz.
Nu pot folosi acest prasop murdar.
Pune farfuriile la lac in dulap.
Cine a stricat acest robinet'?
o giileatii. de apa este suficienta.
Ea a lasat carnea in cratilii.
Tortul ar trebui sa fie 1inut la frigidcr.
Toate farfuriile murdare
au fost puse in chiuveta.
Arunca merele acelea Slricate
la de gunoi.
B. Completali propozitiile in limba engleza:
Casa ta a fosl izolata?
Te rog sa gole!;ili farfuria la de gunoi.
Vrei sa-mi cureli tu cartofii
Farfuriile unsuroase nu pot fi curatate
cu apa rece.
Mobila a fost !;ilearsa de praf?
Aceste case nu sunt de inchiriat.
Podeaua trebuie spalata.
Este de vanzare de mai bine de un an.
- Put it in the> oven for 10 minutes.
- I would like to have >llles on the walls
of my kitchen.
- The floor has to be cleaned with a >mop.
- I've spilt the coffee on the >gas-cookcr.
1can'l use this dirty >\
- Put the plates back in the >cupboaru.
- Who has broken this >t:Jp?
- One >buckcl of water is enough.
- She has left the meat in the
- The cake should be kepi in the >fnugc.
- All the dirty cups and saucers have been
put in the >slllk.
- Throw those bad apples in the >rubblsh-bin.
- Has your house been >msulalcd?
- Please >cmpty the plate into the rubbish-bin.
- Will you >pcd these potatoes for me?
- You can't clean >greasy plates in cold
- Has the furniture been >dusled yet?
- These houses are not >to let.
- The floor has to be >mopped
- It has been >for sale for more than a year.
Mirosea a proaspat clilcate.
Tu ai inchis aparatul de radio?
Sa livtiim marfa?
Vrei sa-mi impachelezi haina, te rog?
Nu linem in stoc acel anico!.
Te voi sprijini in loate privinlele.
- There was a smell offreshlY->lrllllell shirts.
- Have you >fumed oil the radio?
- Shall we have it >dell\crrd"
- Are you being >'oCr\cu'
- Will you please >v.lap up th.. coat for me?
- We don'l that article.
- I shall >, you in every respect.
C. Sa ne intoarcem la recapitularea verbelor neregulate. Completali Propoziliile in limba engleza
cu fonnele verbale corespunzatoare:
E1 a inceput sa se simta obosit.
EI au construit biroul in 1950.
Nu am prins nici un
Cea$Ca a caZUI de pc masa.
Astazl am vandut multe aparate de radio.
Ea nu gasit inca 0 camera.
EI nu putea sa slea in picioare fiindca
iI durea spalele.
AI donnil bine?
Devenea din ce in ce mai dificil.
Nu ca imi pierdusem porlofelul.
Ce inah te-ai facul!
I-am int51nit in Austria.
Soarele abia raslirise cand ne-am sculat noi.
- He has >txgun to feel tired.
- They >hu II the office in 1950.
- We haven't >cal ,ht any fish.
- The cup >1.. from the table.
- We have>. d many radios today.
- She hasn't >1 .1 J a room yet
- He could not stand because his back >hurt
- Have you >-ll:pl well?
- It >became more and more difficult.
- I didn't know I had >lll"l my wallet.
- How lall you have >gmlo'n
- I >l11ct them in Austria.
- The sun had hardly >n"cn when we got up.
Ei au inchis toate ferestrele inainte de a pleca. - They >.;hut all the windows before leaving.
Ti-ai cheltuit tali banii?
De obicei el purta un pulover negro.
Ziarul8 fost luat de vant.
Uite! A inghetat apa!
Ei au IU8t tali banii.
Ei nu sau trezit inca.
Ea a visat eli era unnaritli..
Saplam5na trecUt3 fabrica a ars din temelii.
Vantul bitea cu [0113 dinspre est.
EI a alergat ca sa: prinda ultimul aulobuz.
- Have you >spent all your money?
- He usually >WOI"C a black jersey.
- The newspaper was >blown away by
the wind.
- Look! The water has >In.vcn
- They >!!-llt all the money.
- They have not >woLcn up yet.
- She >drcamt of being followed.
- The factory was completely >b1 mt down
lasl week.
- The wind >ble" hard from the east.
- He >nn to calch the lasl bus.
latii noile cuvintc; fiti atenti la pronuntie retincti traducerea:
literature > Ilitntsa'J
- literaturli
prose > [prnuLj
- prozii
poetry > (paulin]
- poezie (co gen Iiterar)
language > [lEnl"guidJl
- limbi, limbaj
poem > {pawmJ
- poeZle
fairy-talc > [fem lell]
- poveSle, basm
line > [lam]
- rand, vcrs
translation > [trEnslel,n)
- lraducere
chapter > (bEpla']
- capitol
author >{ol a']
- autor, semtor
fame > [ll:=JmJ
- faima, renume, reputatie
pool > [p:.aUlI]
- poet
translator > [trEn"lclta'j
- traducator
Sa repetim euvintcle intr-o alta ordine:
line >[1011111
- rand, vcrs
poet > (pUUltJ
- poet
language >
- limbli, limbaj
translation >
- traducere
literature > llltfl\l;>u']
- Jiteraturli
translator > l trEnslclla']
- traduciitor
fame > [felmJ
- faima, renume, reputatie
prose > []
- proza
author > [o:T'a'1
- autor, senitor
poetry > [paUlin)
- poezie (co gen Iiterar)
fairy-tale > (fem tell)
- poveste, basm
chapter > [llrEpt3']
- capitol
poem > {pawmj
- poezle

Sa analizam aeum impreuna fieeare propozitie din acest dialog; fiti atenti la pronunlie tradueerea
in limba romana:
Noile cuvinte apar intr-un dialog. Este vQrba despre un intcrviu radio, in care reporterul are drept
interlocutor un poet tradueator. Citi\i cu aten\ie:
- Ati inceput s1l scrieti poezie
in auolescen\1I,
- Dragi ascultiltori, invitata
noastrl'i de astlizi este celcbra
poeta tradueatoare. dna Jane
- este. Am scris prima mea
poezie pentru un concurs
la varsta de 14 ani.
- Buna ziua tuturor ascultatorilor.
- Pentru unnlitorul concurs
am seris 0 poveste.
- $i all dm nou.
- Vli pllicea literatura
- Nu avea dedit opt rinduri,
dar a concursu!.
>[Iu: sla:'llu tu nllt paUltfl
Ycn IU: Ya' a li.ncl(JJa'
diunl /Ll, J
> (It hEd aunll CII larnz bat
31 Uon D .. L.omplli nI
>(hclau Ihna''''}
>l D'Eh rail III raul moll
fa:'st paulm Yen ;11
lo:'ti n lor a sku,1
>[end u. n 'nJ
> tdlar lisn;rz aU,I'
ludl"1 I" D' ,I fe/lOa.. paUll
End lrFnsll"lta'
dletn kolms]
> (lor IYa ncbt kompld n
3J raut a feln tellj
>( 3J" iu inln)lld In
lilnt;:.a' lYen]
Dear listeners, our guest today is the famous poet and translator
Mrs. Jane Collins.
But yau took an interest in languages, didn't you?
Oh yes. J learnt three foreign languages and I have always loved doing
You were very young when you won fame with you translations of
contemporary English prose. Now, could you possibly read one of
your poems to our listeners?
And you won again. Were you interested in literature then?
I had some favourite authors, but I didn't like reading long novels.
I usually couldn't get any further than the second chapter.
You started to write poetry when you were a teenager, didn't you?
That's right. I wrote my first poem when I was 14 for a school
competition. It had only 8 tines but I won the competition. For the next
competition I wrote a fairy-tale.
Hello, listeners.
Were you Interested in
literature then?
For the next competition
I wrOle a fairy-Iale.
Dear listeners, our guest
today is the famous poet
and translator Mrs. Jane
And you won again.
That's right. I wrote my
first poem when I was 14
for a school competition.
You started to write poetry
when you were a teenager,
didn't you?
Hello, listeners.
It had only 8 lines but
I won the competition.
I had some favourite authors,
but I didn't like reading
long novels.
I usually couldn't get
any further Ihan the
second chapter.
But you look an interest in
languages, didn't you?
> 1:1/ hI:.d sam h:'lvnt o. T'a
b,n :1I didnt lilik ri lhn
> lal IUlllJlL kudnt gel
t<:m (arlY,,' LYa
""knd ht-:pta']
> I 0;11 I\L tuk an 111
uldnt lU:l
- Aveam cfiliva scriitori preferati,
dar nu-mi placea sa citesc
romane lungi.
- De obicei nu sa tree
de al doilea capitol.
- Dar va interesau limbile straine,
Oh yes. I learnt three foreign
hmguages and I have always
loved doing translations.
> [lluies Jlla'nt T'n: fonn - Sigur ca da. Am invatat trei limbi
End al hE\ straine intotdeauna mi-a
" luell. b\u trl:nslclSIlz] placut sa fac tmduceri.
You were vel)' young when
you won fame with your
translations of contemporary
English prose.
And now, could you possibly
read one of your poems to
our listeners?
> LIU, uJ ' \ f.'rl lan'" uen
ill, uon felln 10:'
II EnslclSIIL iI\ k'.HlICmpilr,lri
> lnau kud Ill' p"'ilhll
n:d uan a\ lo:r raUllllL tll
- Era!i foarte tanara cand ati
devenit celebra eu traducerile
dumneavoastra din proza
engleza contemporana.
- aeum le-ati plilca citi
ascullatorilor una din'
poeziile dumneavoastra?
Completa!i propoziliile in limba engleza eu cuvintele care lipsesc apoi cit iIi-Ie cu voce lare:
sunt numai penlru eopii?
imi plac limbile slraine.
Romanele cuprind de obicei
mai multe capitoIe.
EI scria romane, dar era poet.
Poeziile lui Shakespeare au fost traduse de ea.
EI loate versurile acestei poezii.
Lui ii place foarte mult proza sud-americana.
Traducerea in limba engleza va aparea
luna viitoare.
EI nu serie decat pentru renume?
Nu-mi amintesc cine este autorul acelei c3.I1i.
El este unul din cei mai cunoscu!i traducalori.
Ce eSle atiit de special in poezia ei?
Pe atunci preda literatura la noastra.
- Are >falry-tales only for children?
- I take an interest in foreign >languagcs
- Novels usually consist of a number
- He wrote novels, but he was also a >poct.
- Shakespeare's >pocms were translated by her.
- He remembers every >llnc of this poem.
- He is very fond of South-American >prose.
- The English >1r::mslatlOll will appear
next month.
- Is >famethe only thing he writes for?
- I can't remember who is the >lluthor
of that book.
- He is one of the most famous >tmnslators.
- What is so remarkable about her >llOCtry?
- He taught> hternture at our school then.
lalA acurn ultimul grup de cuvinte noi din aceastA lectie. Este vorba despre c5teva adjective Si verbe:
to Slrive for
> [lil,lran]
- Iiterar
- a se stradui, a lupta penlru,
a unnJiri (un scop)
poelic > [pauellkJ
10 quole > (lu kuaul]
Insane > [msrm)
10 print >[Iupnnt)
persuaSl\lC >
to translate > (IU Ir.mslellJ
candId > (lE:oonJ]
to publish > [IU I
passionate >
to recite > I tu f1":JII}
Verbul "10 strive" csle neregulat are unnMoarele fonne:
- poetic
- a cita
- nebun
- a lipari
- convinglHor, persuasiv
- a lraduce
- sincer, candid, pur
- a pubhca
- fierbinte, aprios, pasional
- a recita
strive - Slrove > (strau,'] - striven >fstrhnJ
in propozitiile unnatoare veti recunoaste noile cuvinte:
He reviewed this book in
a very persuaSive way.
My uncle is a passionate
> [hI ri\lu d D'IS bllk 10
> (mal 3nklll a
- El a tacut 0 cronica foarte
convingJitoare acestei ca'1i.
- Unchiul meu este un citilor
Fame is all she is striving for. > I felm IL 0:1 ". lJ' - Ea luptJi doar pentru glorie.
His words were very poetic.
The book has been printed
in Sweden.
The children are going
10 recite a poem.
The novel is about an
Insane woman.
When was it published?
> lhl ,en pauetlkJ
> [D/a tluk hE hi n prinlld
In sui dn]
> [D'a bi loran ll:' gauln'
tu n".tt a paUlm]
> [D'a no, aliZ ahaul 1m
!nSf'm n]
> (....n II
- Cuvintele sale erau foarte
- Cartea a fost tiparita
in Suedia.
- Copiii vor recita 0 poezie.
- Romanu! este despre 0
femcie nebuna.
- Ond a fost publicat?
She is always very
candid when she talks
about her work.
He often quotes from
the work of other authors.
His poetry will be
translated into French.
Do you call that a
literary work?

"en tu
abaut ha' ";Irq
> 1111 ofn lrom 0 a
a... aD a'o T'il'l]
> I hlz pauatn bl:
lr.ulslefllJ intu
> Iuu IU. 1\0:1 D'Et a
- Ea este intotdeauna foane
sincerli cand despre
opera el.
- El citeaza adesea din operele
altor autori.
- Poezile lui vor fi traduse
in franceza.
- Asta tu opera literaJii?
Completali propoziliile in limba engleza:
lumina lunii crea 0 atmosfera foane poetica.
Era atat de convingatoare ca era
cat pc ce sa 0 credo
Versetul acela biblic a fost adesea citato
iJ place sa recite poezli.
Vrel sa-ml traduci asta in
Ar trebul sa Ie zbali sa oblii
o promovare.
M-am abonat la 0 revist3 literara.
Chipul sau arata eli nu era (un om) sineer.
Multc romane vorbese despre dragostea
o parte din operele sale nu au fost
niclodata publicate.
Unii oameni cred cli lot ce este tiparit
trebuie sa fie adevlirat.
Uneon credeam cli innebunesc.
- The moonlight created a very >poclJc
- She was so >r-:-rs 1\ that I nearly
believed her.
- That biblical line has often been >ql 'led.
- He enjoys >rc.. mnl! poems.
- Will you please >1r.JTbllte that into
Romanian for me?
- You should >strl\C to gel
a promotion.
- I have subscribed to a >lltcrnry magazine.
- His face showed that he was not >canull.l.
- Many novels are about >passlonate love.
- Some of his works have never
been >puhllshed.
- Some people think that whatever
is >pnnted musl be lrue.
- At limes I thought I was going >msane
Re\ine\i expresia care a fost folosita in ultima propozitie:
10 go insane

- a innebuni
Sa ne i'ntoarcem la dialeza pasiva.
Propo:iliile eu wrbulla dUlfe:a pas;wi sunt mulf ma; tics folosil/! '-II limbo engle:ii dedit ill limbo
rOn/olUi, deoarece iI/limbo ellgle:ii exista I/n "umar mat mare de verbe lranziti\'e (\'erbe urmale de
complement direct) decal illlimba rOmanti. NUIl101 "erhele (rmdti\'f' pot forma dlOte:a pasil'lI.
Propozlliile cu verb intranzitiv la d13teza acllvi nu pot fonna propoZ1tll cu verbul
la diateza pasiv3. Din categonaverbelor intranzillve fae parte, pnnlre allele, verbele
"run", "fall", "enter", "work",
lata diteva exemple de propozi!ii cu aces!e verbe:
She ran to the car.
The book fell from tbe table.
We entered a.Iler..1tw:n,
They worked without any tools.
-Ea a alergal la
-CaTtea a cazul de pe masl'i..
-Noi am intrat dupa ei.
-Ei au lucrat rara instrumentc.
Parfile de propo:irie .nlhliniale nil sum comp/emetrte directe, ci camp/en/elite prepo:ifiollo/e.
o propo:i,ie ce coniine structura verb tranziti
+ complement dire" + prepozitie poote fi
trans/ormatii in 11110 sou mai multe Propo:lfli cu diate:a pasivti.
C;llf; urmoroarele exemple ce conrin SIMlCIUra descnsii mal sus:
10 sel fire to
to lay claim to
to lose sii:bt of
10 find faull with
to pay attentjon to
to take notice of
10 lake care of
to make fuo of
> Ilu SCI t:ua' lui
> [IU le. Idclm tuI
> [tu 1U:2 s:1I1 ;IV]
> (IU ramI.! fo'h "10 J
> IIU pCI 1I1en"an tu I
> [tu lelk naut" J.\ I
> {tu lell kea a\.]
> [lumclJ..fana\.J
- ada foc (Ia)
- a revendlca, a pretinde, a cere
- a nu mai vedea, a plerde
din vedere
- a considera
a se lega de, a critica (pentru
minore). a cauta nod
in papurn
- a fi atent la, a acorda atenlie
- a observa, a bAga in seamA,
a pnvi
- a avea grij3 de
- a ride de, a face haz de
in exemplele din gropa A nu pot fi separate de complement. ill acest co: nu este posibilii
dedit 0 construC{ie pas/va. Complementul prepo::ifiollal (house, money, facts, me) devine subiectul
propozi/iei cu verbulla diateza
lata cateva exemple:
They set fire to the house.
The house was set fire to.
- Ei au dat foc casei.
- Casei i sa dal foc.
He laid claim to the money.
The money was laid claim to.
She loses sight of the facts.
The facts are losl sight of.
He found fault with me.
I was found fault with.
- EI revcndieat banii.
- Banii au fast revcndicali.
- Ea pierde din vedere faptele.
- Faptele sunt picrdutc din vcdcre.
- El m-a consideral vinoval.
- Eu am lost considcrat vinovat.
in exemplele din grupa B cuvintele subliniate pot fi separate de adjectiv mu (Ie determinant. in
caz sunl posibile dOl/a cOl1struerii pasil'e:
They paid l.iU1.e aention to his words.
l. His words were paid little attention to.
2. Little attention was paid to his words.
They took sufficjenl notice of the car.
L The car was taken sufficient notice of.
2. Sufficient notice was taken of the car.
\Ve took good care of the patient.
I. The patient was taken good care of.
2. Good care was taken of the patient.
They made grl:a.t fun of him.
I. He was made great fun of.
2. Great fun was made of him.
- Ei au aeordat putina atentie cuvintelor lui.
Putina atentie Ii s-a acordat cuvintelor lui.
- Ei uitat indeajuns la lna.:;ina.
- a fost examinata indeajuns.
- Noi am ingrijit foarte binc pacientul.
- Paeientul a fost ingrijit foarte bine.
- Ei au fiicut mare haz de el.
- S-a Iacut mare haz de el.
Yom folosi inlr-un exereiliu regulile pc care tocmai Ie-am invalat. in acest excreitiu va trebui sa
transforma!i ProPoziliile cu vcrbulla diateza activa in propozilii cu verbulla dialcza pas iva. Acolo
unde este posibil, formali doua propozitii eu verbul la diateza pasiva:
We soon lost sight of the ship.
in curiind nu am mai putut vedea vaporul.
They will take good care of the children.
Ei vor ingriji copiii foarte bine.
She has laid claim to the furniture.
Ea revendieat mobila.
They take no notice of hls letters.
Ei nu baga in seama scrisorile lui.
The soldiers set fire to the farm.
Soldalii au dut foc fermei.
They paid no attention to the news.
Ei nu au dat nici 0 atentte
> 1 he shIp was soon lost sIght of
> rhe chIldren WIll be taken good care of
> Good l;arc wtll be taken of the l;hiJdren.
> The fumllurc h<lS been hlld chllm to.
> Ills letters lire lalcn no notice of
> :'Ilo nOIlCC is taken of hIS letters.
> The f;Jrm was set fire 10 (by the soldll':rs).
> '1 he news was p:lld no attenllon to.
> No Buentlon was paltJ to Ihe news.
We have found fault with their translation..
Noi am considera! traducerea lor.
They made fun of his singing.
Ei au fiicut haz de modul in care a dntal eL
> rhclr trallslalli)n has found lault With.
> /-lIS smglflg was made fun of.
> Fun .... as made of IllS slIlgmg.
1;1 aeeosta {eerie afi if/viitut eli numa; tranzilive pol forma constructi; pasive. aceastii
regula are excepfii. III general, dillteza pasivii se poate forma lIumai ill cazul verbelor care
exprimii acriuni SOli evenimeme. Verbele care arata slarea ->'; care, de alt/e!. sum intranzitive, nu pot
forma consfruC/ii pash'e. Dintre verbele de acest Jel menriomim, prinrre alrele. verbele "have",
"resemble ", "conraill ", "consist of", ''fit ",
lala caleva excmple. Am subliniat complementele direcle care, in acesle exemple, nu pot fi transfonnate
in subiect:
She resembles her aunt.
That bag contains apll1e.s.
The brown shoes fit me.
The novel consists of (Qur cba{.lkrS..
They have two cars.
- Ea seamana cu ei.
- in geanta aceea sunt mere.
- Pantofii maIO lmi vin bine.
- Romanul este compus din palru capitole.
- Ei au doua
lata inca un grup de expresii des intalnite In conversatie. Citili-Ie cu voce tare relineli traducerile
acestora in limba ramana:
I'll see tQ it.' > [llil tu It] Am sa rna ocup de asta.
I don't care. > [al d,lunt kea'] - Nu-mi pasa.
What's the use of doing il? > I Uots O;a iu:z 3\ - Ce rost are sa fac asta?
What's the matter with YQu? > ["ots lYa mEtlJl UjD' iU'] - Ce s-a inliimplal eu line?
It can't be helped. > III \..a nl bl. helpt} - Nu e nimic de facu!.
It's out of the question. >[HS aut a\ D'a kucstsn] - Nici nu se pune problema.
That will do. >[ O'[t \IiI du:J - E bine.! (E) de ajuns.!
E suficient.
It's ashame. -Epacat.
On the contrary. >[on DIu konlr.ln] - Dimpolriva.
You are mistaken. >[iu' a:
mistclknJ -
I'm much obliged 10 you. >[Ultll mat:; abla/djd til iU:) - iIi sunl foarte indatorat.
Traduceti propozitiile unnatoare in limba engleza:
~ i n nu se mai vedea.
Pisicile noastre au primit 0 ingrijire excelenta,
Pe perete s-a scris ceva.
Copilul seamana foarte mult cu parintii sai.
Cartea aceasta a fost tradusa de ea.
Poezia a fost criticata (pentru n i ~ t e
lucruri minore),
Nu prea i se dadea atcntie profesorului,
Langa perele a fost pusa 0 biblioteca.
Ce rost are sa tiparim asta?
De ajuns pentru astazi.
Casei i s-a dat foc de catre copii.
Cuvintcle mele nu au fast luate in seama.
Tabloul a fost luat de pe perete,
Din cale capitole esle alcatuit romanul?
S-a ras de hainele lui.
Aceasta fusta nu ii vine bine,
> n,e C:lr \\;lS lost sight of
> b:cdlcnt c;lre was laken of our cats.
> Sornt:lhll1g has b..:cn wlItti'n on the walls.
> The child rescmbles It!> p;lrcnts 'vcry much,
> This bOtlk was translated by hcr,
> The poem has heen found fault w1th
> Ilardly any aUellllUn was paId to the teacher,
> A hookcase was rUI agamst Ihe wall.
> What"s the use of prllllll1g this')
> rillS \\lll do for
> The houst: was set fire to by the cllLidren.
> My words \\cre I<lken no nollce of.
> The pIcture ''viIS taken from the \\al1.
> 110\\ many chapters does the no\ el consist
> illS cloth<;s \\ere made fun of.
> ThiS skIrt doesn't fit her.
Vom incheia aceasta leetie cu un exerciliu de pronuntie. Cititi unnatoarele grupuri de cuvinte ce
cantin sunete identice:
(I lei] Lau] fal]
candid Insane cloakroom line
chapter fame quote recite
lalent translate prose strive
language claim row inspire
thai praise those fire

Vom recapitula loala materia prezenl3tii in acesle douA lectii. Dupa ce rezolva\i aceSl exerci\iu lara
treccti la efeclUarca Icroci penlrU acasa.
Traduceti unnatoarele propozilii in limba engleza:
EJ scria poczii limp de ore pe zi.
tram rugal sa faci 0 cronica a poeziilor rode,
dar nu a vrut.
Ea va lipan volumul, indiferent
ce zic criticii.
Ea Cll nerabdare vizita lor.
Nu toate informaliile neau fost dezvaluite.
el nu i-a dedicat caT1ea sOliei lui.
Sa-I trimitem 13 line?
Paeal ea aceste opere nu au fost publicate
Ce le-ai propus?
Nu a fost plictisilor. Dimpotriva.
neam distral mal bine ea nlciodata.
Ei mergeau sa vada 0 piesa de lcaln!
in fiecare sapUimana.
Cui ii esle atribuit romanul?
Ea mi-a incrcdintat mie bagajele,
Nu rna intereseaz3 cine va recita poezia,
EI mia spus ca expozitia se va
inchide duminica.
inlamplator, ea il pe barbatul
cart: silica linga ea.
> II..' 'o\uuld .... nlc poctrv Itlr IX hour a dav.
> I asled him 10 rc, my IXlCms,
but he \\(mldn'l
> She \\111 have her \olume published.
no matlC( '0\ hat Ihe CllUl.', $<I)',
> Shc IS looklllg forward 1{1thclr VISit
> r\ot 311 the facis have occlllcvcaJcd to us.
> You're ml.'ital.en. he h.hllt deUIl:Jted Iw.
to hIS \\-IIe,
> Shall "'c rdcr hun 10 )llU'
> II's a shame that "tlrL. !lase neH::r
been published
> \\ hat has e you proposed III lhem'
> 11 .aso', b!,nng, On the <,;ontrJty
'" e had the lllnc Ilftlu 11\ I:
> 1 h If \\ uuld go 10 !;el,' a riB) CI} \\ eel...
> Whu IS the nmel <Iscnbclltll?
> She entrusted to me hel luggage
> I d.lO't c3(e who IS gumg tn recite the poem.
> lie mentIoned '0 me that the exhIbitIOn
..... ould be closed on Sund.!:--
> She hJprcned III knuw the man
nnl to het:
in unnalorul eltcrcitiu veli transfonna verbele de la dialeza aclivii la diateza pasiva:
They will address the letter to their uncle.
I h3ve entrusted the furnIture to a friend.
Did they repon it to the police?
They look upon It as good poetry.
Whom have you sent for?
What did you talk about?
We soon lost sight of our friends.
Have they taken any notice of your words?
We shall set fire 10 it.
I shall take good care of it.
Nobody will lay claim 10 it.
They will propose it to you.
Can they explam the poem to us?
They read it to all of us.
What shall we say 10 the others?
Who communicated this to you?
They will introduce you to her.
We have looked for it in vain.
They arrived at an agreement.
We made great fun of his hair.
> nlC kiter be adJn: <;d olhcl unde.
> The furniture hali b....en enl led 10 a friend.
> \\ IS II reponed to the pulice'
> Who has heen cnl for"
> \\ hal \\as talked abutJl'
> Our fnends "ere IOlitlilghl of
> H,l.S any notlee "ecn 1,lkc:n llf your words"

> It wl}l be set tire to.
> It WIll be taken gUllJ care tl!'
> II \\ III nul be laid c1aun 10 (l'ly anyll<ldy).
> h "111 he 10 you
> Can the poem be l.",-pl.IJncd to us)
> It "a, read 10 all of o1S
> \\ hal" til Slud III lhe lither
> B ,hom "as thl 1."'OlTUnUI1Icaled to youJ
> \(,.J \\ III be Intnx.luced to her.
> It ha bl.'cn IOtlOkCd fm 10 ... am.
> An agreemenl was al
> IllS hair made 1!ro.'at fun (If
18.3 Verbele de stare nu pot forma construclii pasive:
18.4 Exemple de expresii des folosite in conversalii:

- Noi am intrat dupa ei.

- Ea a fugi! la m a ~ i n a
- ~ e bine.
- Nu eSle nimic de ficul.
(Situatia nu poate fi imbuniI31ilii.)
- Noi am ingriji! fcarte bine pacientul.
- Ea seamiina cu miitu$a ei.
- Paclcntul a fosl ingrijit foarte blne.
- Casei i s-a dat foc.
- Ei au da! foc casei.
- Gre$e$ti. (Nu ai dreptate.lTe in$eli.)
You are mistaken.
We look good care of the patient.
We entered after them.
1. The patient was taken good care of.
They set fire to the house.
Cind intre verb ,i complement poale fi pus un adjecliv sau un determinant, pulem formula
doua constructii pasive.
The house was set fire to.
She resembles her aunt.
She ran to the car.
That will do.
It can't be helped.
2. Good care was taken of the patient.
18.2 Din propozitiile care contin structura "verb +complement direct +prepozitlc" se poate ob{me
o conslruqie pasiva, daca intre verb ,i complemcm nu poate Ii pus alt determinant:
18.1 Verbele intranzitive (cele care nu pot fi UrInate de un complement direct) nu formeazl diateza
A Traduccti urmatoarele propozitii in limba romana:
I. The Olhers were taken no notice of.
2. She will be made fun of at the office.
3. They only strive for fame.
4. A timetable was hung on the door.
5. What's the use of writing it again?
6. I don', care ifil will be performed.
A Traduccli urmatoarele propozi\ii in limba englezA:
I. Rornanul a fost scris etl multi ani in unna.
2. Nu i s-a atras atenlia.
3. Langa sa construit 0 biblioteca.
4. Aeeasta poezie are 10 randuri.
5. Te flU el este autorul
6. De ce i-a fast critical romanul?
C. Complet3ti propozi!iile unniHoare eu prepoziliile corespunUitoare:
I. The police caught the boy who had sel fire ... the building.
2. All the animals are taken good care... here.
3. Don't worry; I'll see... il.
4. That poem consists... ten lines.
5. Does it rain a lot in that country?
... the contrary; it hardly ever rains.
, ,
to address
10 address 10
10 adorn
to announce to
to arrive at
an gallery
to ascribe to
to be mistaken
to communicate 10
to confide to
to consider
to consist of
to conlain
to criticize
to dedicate to
10 describe to
10 develop
10 discuss
10 enlarge
10 entrust 10
to exhibit
to explain 10
> [tuadtesJ
> (Ill illlres IuJ
> Ltu ado"nl
> (tu an_uns III I
> (Iuar./\ ,-ti
> a:'IJ
> [a:'tgElanJ
> L. 'list]
> (a.'thllli.l
> lo'T'a'J
> I tu bl: lTIlSICikn]
> [kEndid]
> tt tpta']
> (kl:lUkrumJ
> (IU l..amlU m"e/l lu1
> (IU kanrssd tuJ
> lu komid3')
> lu 13\ J
> [kansltalIIY]
> (IU kametnI
> [L..anlcmparari]
> I L.ontmn]
> lL.ritlkJ
> [tu kntlsliIlZ)
> [knlisinn]
> ttu deJlkelllU]
> (IU dbL.uub luJ
> (IU llJ\'elar]
> (IU disk.']
> IIU lOla 'di]
> rlu IOtnlsl tuJ
> (tu IgzibltJ
> [ekslbi.nJ
> IeL.!>pd'l)
> (lU lksplem luJ
> (fem tell]
- a adresa
- a se adresa
- a impodobi, a inrrumusc13
- a anunta, a comunica
- a ajunge 13, a sosi la
- artJj
- galerie de ana
- artist
- artistic
- a 3tribui (cuiva)
- aulor, scriitor
- a a se
- candid, pur, sincer
- capitol
- garderoba
- a comunica (cuiva)
- a incredinl3 (cUlva)
- a considera, a se gandl La
- a se compunelalcatul din
- constructiv
- a conIine, a cuprinde
- contemporan
- contrar
- crilic (persoollal
- a critica
- critica, critici
- a dedica (cui va)
- a descrie (cuiva)
- a dezvolta; a developa
- a discuta
- a (se) mari, a (se) largi, a se extinde
- a illCredinla (cuiva)
- a expune, a arala
- expozilie
- expert
- a explica (cuiva)
- poveste; basm
fame > I Ie/Ill! - faima, celebritate
> {fe/mas]
- faimos, celebru, binecunoscut
10 find fault with > I tu famd fo:ll milT] - a considera vinoval/gre$it,
a se lega de, a critica (pentru
minore), a cauta nod in
10 go Insane > Ilu gau lIl'c/n] - 3 innebuni
. .
> [lmEdjlllanJ
. .
Imagmary - Imagmar
msane > [m"eml - nebun
to inspire
> [IU lflspad]
- a mspn'3
to introduce to > Itu mtrad/u s IU] - a prezenta (cuiva)
to judge > III dpdl)
- a judeca, a aprecia
judgemenl > l.i)ad.1mant J - judecali, apreciere, opinie
landscape > IEnllsll.ClpJ
- pelsaj
> [lEn' IgU/lIJl
- limba, limbaj
10 lay claim 10 > lu le/ld"'lm IU) - a pretinde, a revendica
> [lam) - rand (intr.o poe:ie etc.), vers
IIlerary > [litJrdrtJ - literar
literature > Ilitm,a'] - lileratura
to look forward 10 > [tu luk 10 'uard IU]
- a a$tepta cu nerabdare
to make fun of
> [IU me/Ii. fan a\)
- a ride de, a face haz de
10 mention to
> (Iumemnlu]
- a menliona, a porneni (cuiva)
negative > Inegatlvl - negaliv, refractar
novelist > IIl00allsIJ - rornancler
> [i1b!llldJd]
- indatorat
- remarcabil, important, de seama
- pictur1i
p,rt > [pa,'t]
- rol
- pasionat, aprins, fierbinte
to pay attention to > I tu pel 31el1\l1 tu]
- a dalacorda atenlie
persuasive > Iparsuel'l\ J - convingilor
photograph > I TaU!.1!!rn. f]
- fOlografie
> (ralogr.lfa']
- fotograf
> [plkl)ara k]
- pitoresc
> [plctl
- pies! de leatm
> [pIClI'3JI]
- dramaturg
> [pawm]
- poezle
poet >lraUlIJ - poel
poetiC > IrauitlLJ] - poetic

10 praise
10 print
to propose
to propose 10
to publish
to quote
to recite
to refer to
to report 10
to resemble
to reveal to
to review
to send for
to seek
10 sel fire to
to slrive for
slrove for
slriven for
10 suit
to take nOlice of
to tend
to translate
to welcome
work of art
> [paulin]
> (r0711l\ J
> fpn=u]
> (IU prci7]
> {IU pnnt]
> IprapllullJ
> f tu pr.lpauz)
> IIU rrariuz tu]
> Iprduz]
>! tu rabh\>]
> [tll kuaulj
> [tu nfii' IU]
> Itll nzcmbl]
> tumi'llu]
>lr.< }
> I J..a1rta']
> I kalpt::-afJ
> Ilu fo'J
>llU .k]
> Ilu fal IU]
> (IU stra/v lorl
> (.m.lUv for}
>(slrhn forJ
> Ilu
> I tl It:;k naUlls iI\ I
> I ttJantj
> (tElantuJ J
>{tu tend}
> 'u
> [tmnslc,"Jta'}
> IuelkamJ
> Ilu uelkamj
> [uork Ii\' 3:'1)
- poezii, poezie (ca gen literar)
- pozitiv
- lauda
- a lauda
- a tipari
- preeminent, rernarcabll
- propunere
- a propune, a face un plan
- a propune (cuiva)
- proza
- a publica
- a cita
- a recita
- a trimite (pe cineva la)
- a raporta la, a anunla la
- a sernana (cu cine-\'Q)
- a dezvalui (cui va)
- a face 0 croniclfrccenzte; a expune
- rind (de scaune etc.)
- sculptor
- sculptura
- a trimite dupa, a cherna
- a cauta
- pacat
- a se luplalstradui pentru, a urmari
- "to strive", fonna a II-a
- "to strive", fonna a III-a
- a i se potrivi
- a observa,. a baga in seama
- talent
- talcntat
- a tinde
- a traduce
- traduccrc
- Iraducilor
- binevenit
- a inlampina
- opera de arta

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