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GHID de OONVERSATE ROMAN ENGLEZ TABLA DE MATERII Z *PREFATA “Semmele-fonetice ............ eaten -CONVERSATIE “UZUALA Salutari, Expresii de politefe ... 17 Cumineepern o conversatie ... 18 : Formule «te prezentare wd 19 «Propozijii_exprimind -felicitarl, © rare 20 "Propozifil -exprimind 0 “tntre- bare, o rugaminte...seece 21 “Raspunsurl, scurte observajil, Comentarii vseeectierenriecs 24 Propozitii exprimind scuza, FORTEC seeesessecssereerccerses 2B Propozifit exprimtad ietaatnns Pamintul........cceeeee 344) 20 Propozi{ii epeiied ence dul, refuzul .. 30 'Fixarea unei intilniri,: Invitafil, Vizite _ ee 32 Propozifii erpemid erases t ’Propozitit. sasbon een seis; o.sugestie ... -Expresii generale ‘Introducing’ People . PEREPAGB a.csssetes Dee soasen es ee Key to Pronunciation .......... °13 EVERYDAY -GONVERSA- TION Greetings, Polite Expressions... 17 Starting a Conversation . Congratulations:and Wishes .,. -20 ‘Questions, "Requests ........... 22 Answers, Shért_ Statements, Comments vivissiecsieiesecseee Bt -Apologies, Expressions ot Re- 28 29 gret Agréetietit ws Disagreement, Refusal.,.......... 30 Making av Appointment, ‘Invi- tations, Visits Thanks .......0604 Advice «ss General Formulas... secerere 87 k IN CALATORIE Cu trenul . Cu avionul Cu vaporul Cu automobilul Sosirea, La vam& JARA, NATIONALITATEA 50 LAS BANGK ose rssseesqeseerminye 82 MUNCA, PROFESIUNI, ME- SERII . FAMILIA, GRADE DE RUDE- NIB. VIBISTA pu svsoesseseirnras DQ Casa, Apartamentul .......0..° 61 VREMEA . 69 HOTELUL ......0. Culcarea, Scularea seeeuseiee 75 trecesenreeveds) 72 RESTAURANTE, MESELE ZILEI 78 81 83 Cum ne orfent&im ......00000 88 Transportul urban ..,. 91 Indicatoare, semne 94 Vizitarea orasului 6 TRAVELLING ‘By Railway 38 By Air. 4i By Ship . 43 By Car. 45 Arrival. At ‘the Custom House 48 COUNTRY. NATIONALITY 50 AT THE BANK .......:0:0.0.5.. 52 WORK, PROFESSIONS, TRADES FAMILY. RELATIONSHIP, AGE ... 200 seseenseessoare: OF The House, The Flat... ...... “61 THE WEATHER .. THE HOTEL ...0....408 lame sieve’ TB Golng to Bed, Getting up ...... 75 RESTAURANTS. MEALS ‘OF THE DAY Breakfast . Lunch and Dinner IN TOWN Inquiring the Way ......... City Transport co ses ance soe Notices, Signs ...ese+. Sight-Seeing .....+eee meer Oficiul postal, Telefonul} Convorbire telefonica .. .Redactarea unel scrisori .... MAGAZINE SI CUMPé TURI La biicinie Magazinul alimentar. de legume sl fructe ; Raionul de produse lactate . Raionul de carne si pésirl . Rajonul + 110 112 112 Ratonulde mezeluri .. 113 Rajonul de dulciuri y 113 Intr-un magazin universal ...... 414 Raionul de confec{ii pentrn .femei . 116 Stofe . 117 Rafontil de galanterle, Maro- chinarie . . 118 Raionul de inodljaminte Raionul de confecfii copii La modista — Palaril Tricotaje Raionul de parfumerie gi cos- TCH CH oo. 2.005 0c ocnnsseanteete, 20 Bijuterii, Raionul de cadourl ,. 425 Articole de menay, Obiecte de portelan gl sticla. Mobild ... 126 Aparate electrice ay ‘Raionul de instrumente muzi- Page The Post Office: The Telephone 99 Speaking on the Phone ......... 104 Letter Writing ..... 104 SHOPS AND SHOPFI 105 NG ... At the Grocer’s Shop... « 109 The Food Store, The Vevetables aud Frutt Counter. The Dairy Counter.. Meats and Fow! Counter. The Ham-and-Beef Counter. The Confectionery Gounter...., Ina Department Store............ Ladies’ Ready-Made Clothes Department Materials .., The Hosiery Department. Lea- 110 112 112 113 . 113 114 116 117 118 120 The Footwear Departmen The Children’s Ready-Made Clothes Department. 121 At the Milliner’s 122 Hats ., 123 Knitted Goods 123 Perfumery and Cosmetics De- partment= 6.2)..<2.5-..5s05 {pags Jewellery The Gifts Counter 125 Household Goods, China and Glassware, Furniture . Electrical Appliances .. Musical Instruments Depart- ment ,, ~, 128 126 127. Pag. Rajonul de articole fotografice 129 Ratonul de articole de sport .,. 130 LO POD StArS are.sissd, cteadgcainse 13L La librérle ....6.4 ve 132, La chioseul de ziare 134 La tutungerle 135 La un magazin de-cadouri 136 La florarie....... 137 - SERVICII La cizmarle ....sescseee 138 La croitor, La croitoreasd La spalatorie, Curdjatorle. si bolangerie é La optician Lh frizerie. La coafor. DIVERTISMENTE, OCUPA- JILIN TIMPUL LIBER ... 145 Teatru ~ 146 Cmema”.. 148 Opera. Concert +. 150 Danstth vi. ssececeree Muzee si expozifif Carjile. Lectura ., Radioul sf televiziunea fn excursie’.., Fotografia ae 156 159 162 Photographic Goods ment oe The Sporte ‘Articles ment At the ‘Stationer’s At the Bookseller’s At the News Stall... At the Tobacconist’s Ata Gift Shop... + 130. 131 136° At a Flower Shop; «13% SERVICES “At the Shoemaker’s ..,...s e000 138 At the Tailor’s, At the Dress- maker’s . +. 139 At. the nie, The Dry Cleaner’s and Dyer’s . 142 At the Optician’s ... At the Barber's. At. the Halr. 142 CTESSET’S. - sixssesreressieesgtesoye 143) ENTERTAINMENTS. PAS~ TIMES sssone 146. Theatre . 146 Cinema». 148 Opera. Concert 150 Dining re ieee 151 Museums and Extitbttions 153 Books, Reading .......... 154 Radio and Television . Going on a Trip Taking Pictures ., 156 159 162 aees INVATAMINTUL SI CERCE- TAREA STIINTIFICA ...... 163 Scoala primar4/secundara . 165 Universitatea. ....... » 167 Cercctarea stiintificd . 169 ’ SANATATEA SI ASISTENTA MEDICALA . AE La doctor .. 173 La dentist +178 La farmacie kee SPORT, JOCURI ..0.,.00.000006 178 Fotbal .. . 180 Crichet .. eek Tenis si tenis de masa . 182° Natatie. Canotaj . 182 BBO spe ocse siren ve . 183 Bah sins 183 Atletism 184 _ Alte jocuri si sportur! .. 185 NUMERALE, MASURI SI “GREUTATI. OPERATII ARITMETICE 187 EDUCATION AND SCIEN. TIFIG RESEARCH Primary/Secondary School University Scientific Research HEALTH AND MEDICAL AID siivteresss At the Doctor’s At the Dentist’s . At the Chemist’s . SPORTS, GAMES .w...cscccone Football Cricket... .» 181 Lawn Tennis and Table Tennis 182 Swimming. Rowing Boxing ... Chess .., Athletics | Other Games and Sports......... NUMERALS, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. ARITHMETI- CAL OPERATIONS ....... + 187 PREPATA Acest ghid de.conversajie este astfel conceput incit si constitule un indreptar util In diversele imprejurari care reclama Injghebarea unei con- versafii simple, formularea de intrebari si raspunsuri fard ajutorul unut interpret, . Modelele de conversafie care faciliteaz4 insusirea unor fraze uzuale din diverse domenii au fost organizale pe capitole tematice, Una din stradaniile constante ale autorului a fost cuprinderea notiuni- lor si expresiilor celor mai des uzitate in vorbirea contemporana si evitarea formulelor livresti sau preten{ioase, Se infelege de la sine ca diferite capitole reflect& realita{i caracteristic anglo-saxone, iar redarea acestora in limba romana este, data fiind natura prezentei lucrari, mai degrab& idiomaticd decit literara, Pentru a inlesni pronunjarea, toate euvintele englezesti sint prezentate i in transcriere foneticd — utllizind ortografia romaneascd —a_ cdrel explicajie se afld la inceputul ghidului, In cazul unor sunete specific en- glezesti _s-au folosit simboluri speciale imprumutate din alfabetul fonetic internajional, Desi prin forja lucrurilor o asemenea lucrare nu epuizeazd siluatiile lingvistice si nici problemele lexicale si gramaticale pe care le comporta un studiu sistematic al limbii engleze, ea va deveni, sperim, o cAliuzi a celor care se afla in situatia de a folosi aceastA limba, Autorul ee al SEMNELE FONETICE Vocale vocala lunga, aseméinatoare cu 1 romAnese din cuvintele In care.accen- tuaim aceasta vocaldin mod deoscbit. (ef, biine!) eon vocala scurld, un sunet intermediar intre i sf e din mba ro- mai yocalé scurta, asemanatoare cu e romanesc, insd -mal deschisd (cf. bere, fete etc.) vocali scurt&, intermediari Intre @ gi e; e necunoscuta in limba ro- m4n& si se ob{ine deschizind gura pentru @ 51 pronunjind ¢ vocala scurtii, asemindtoare cu un a roménesce scurt; se objine pro- nuntind un @ si retrégind limba putin Inapoi vocal# lung’, rostit# in partea posterioara a cavitatit bucale; pronun- {ind un @ romanesc prelungit si din fundul gurii se objine una: en- glezesc corect. vocala scurt%, neeunosenta fn limba roman4— se pronun}a mai muit In fundul gurif decit o rom4nese $i cu gura mult mai deschisa vocal lungi; se objine pronun{ind un @ roménese lung din fundul gurii * : Yoeali scurta, foarte apropiala de u roméarfese; se pronun{& cu buzele mai pulin rotunjite decit in.cazul niu ‘din. limba romana vocala Junga, ascméudtoare cu vn u romécese prelungit voealA seurtd, nicicdat’ accentuala, corespunzind yocalei a din limba roman& e : vocal lunga, ascminiteare Ini d romSnesc prelungit; se Tosteste cu buzele usor intreaeschise si maxilarele apropiate $ ‘ Dittongt asemanztor éi{tongulu! romfnese din. cuvintele. lei, cet; clementul al doilea al’ diftongului este: sunetul ip seurt englezesc Pi asemiuater diftongului remainese din envintele fda, sdu, cu deosebirea et elementu] al doilea al. diftongului este sunetul u scurt englezesc aseminiitor cu diftongul romanesc din cuvintele.cai, nai, cu. deosebirea eX clementu) al. doijlea al diftongulul, este sunetul i scurt englezesc a 13 ii ea or se apropie foarte mult de diffongul romanese din cuvintele dau, san; elementul al doilea al diftongului este sunetul u scurt englezesc asemanator diftongului romanesc oi din cuvintele oi, roi etc.; primul element o e mai deschis decit in limba romana, cel de-al doilea fiind i seurt la rostirea acestui diftong trebuie avut In vedere sunetul specific engle- zese i confine vocala e (mai deschisi decit vocala simpla ¢ si mai Inchisa decit a) primul element al diftongulul este vocala scurtd o urmata fara efort de @ Ja_pronunfarea acestui diftong trebufe avut In vedere sunetul specific englezese u Triftongl se pronun{a intr-o singurd silaba, tinind seama de caracterul yocalei englezesti [i]: fire [faiaj, tired [taiad] ea gi in cazul lui faia], elementtl de mijloe, aici [uJ], nu este realizat pe deplin. Nu trebuie pronun{at cu emitere puternica de acer, Se obfine © pronunfare corectA a acestui triftong daca se rosteste Intr-o singura siiab& grupul de sunete romanesti afd Consoane : consoana suraa, urmata ce un usor sunet A (aspiratie) cind nu este precedata de alla consoand’ in silaba accentuata poate fi considerata ca fiind identicé cu consoana 6 din imba romana asemanatoare cu sunetul { romAnesc, cu deosebirea c& la articularea ei virful limbii se sprijind pe alyeole (pe radacina dintilor), fiind urmata de aspiratie asemanatoare cu consoana d din limba romana, cu deosebirea ca la articularea ei virful limbii se sprijina pe alveole consoand seurta, urmataé de aspiralie, cind nu e precedataé de alta consean4 in silab& accentuats, ca in cap, sau fricativd, ca in cer poate fi considerata ca fiind identicd cu consoana g din limba romana asemandtoare Intru totul cu consouna romaneased din cuvintele fabried, folos, foc ete. poate fi considerata ca fiind identicd cu consoana v din limba romana 14 THON osge consoand sonora (ca 6, m, g etc.); se obfine pronunfind un d sau z romanese cu virful limbii tntre dinti este perechea surd4 a consoanei 6; ia rostirea ei coardele yooale nu vibreaz&; se articuleazd usor un s (sau /) romanese finind virful limbii intre dinfi poate fi considerata ca fiind identicd cu consoana s din limba roman& poate fi considerata ca fiind identicd cu consoana z din limba romana este identicd cu consoana romAneascad ¢ este identicdé cu consoana romaneascdé xr consoand fundamental deosebiti de consoana romAneasca r, tntrucit se rosteste fari vibratie (ca si s si j, de exemplu); se obtine pro- nunfind j cu gura mult deschisa. Litera r nu se citeste cind e urmata de o consoan4 (cf; short) sau in pozifie finalé (cf, steamer ). se pronun{a cu aspiratie (emitere de aer) mai puternicd decit /1n limba romana aproape identicd cu consoana romaneasca din cuvinte ca cinci, ceard . etc.; se pronun{d cu o usoarda aspiratie (ca si k, p, J. Este 0 consoana surda corespondenta sonora a consoanel surde ci (cf. gingie, geam etc.) poate fi considerata ca fiind idehticé cu consoana m din limba romana poate fi considerata ca fiind identicd cu consoana n din limba romAna asemanadtoare cu consoana n din cuvintele in care n este urmat de c sau de g, ca: inedpere, singular unde n devine, in parte, gutural Inainte de vocala este identic cu / romAnese (ex, live, love); in pozifie fi- nald sau inainte de consoana, / este un sunet voalat la a carui rostire partéa posterioara a limbii se ridicd spre cérul gurii, sunetul fiind pre- cedat de un f foarte scurt, ex. fable (tetbil nu Leibli) asemandtoare intru totul cu consoana romdneasc’i j din ajunge, joc etc, Nota 1. Pentru a face cit mai accesibild consultarea acestu! ghid, In tran- scrierea foneticd a fost adoptat numai partial sistemul fonetic inter- national, 0 seama de sunete fiind redate prin Mterele alfabetulul romanese. Nota 2. Pentru a face mai accesibila pronuntia, cele dou& semivocale w gi y (din went si respectiv yes) au fost asimilate cu vocalele roma- nesti uw si 4, _ Nota 3. Pentru a marca accentul In cuvinte s-au folosit ltere cursive, 15 CONVERSATIE UZUALA » Galutirl. Expresli de wpolitefe Buna dimineata! ‘Buna -ziual ‘Bund seara! Noapte bund!) Salut! Ma -bueur ‘si va vad din mou, Cum © mai duceti? La revedere. La -revedere./Pe :miline. La revedere./Pa, ‘NA mulfumesc. VA mulfumesc | foarte mult, Va muljumese pentru ajutor, ‘Neavefi pentru ce,/ Pentru putin. ‘Sintefi foarte amabil. Cum merg__treburile? Foarte bine, mulfu- smesc. ‘Nu veam vazut de un car de ani, M& bucurai sa va revad. Sper ci me vom mal vedea, Ne vom intilni aici, Pe curiad, 2— NI EVERYDAY CONVER- SAPION Greetings. Polite Ex- pressions Good morning! Good. afternoon! Good evening! Good night! ‘Hallo! How mice ito See you ‘again, How, are you (getting on)? Good-bye. See you tomorrow. Bye-bye./Cheerio, Thank you./Thanks, Thank you very much,/ Many thanks, , Thank you for your help, Don’t mention Not at all. Its very kind of you, How are things? Very well, ‘thanks, it./ Haven’t ‘seen you for ages! Its good to see you again!/ How nice to see you again, I hope Ill see ssome more of you! I'll meet you here, So longt/See you:soon./ Pil be seeing you. 17 evridel convaseisiin grittipz. palait ixpre- ganz gud mo:niy! gud a;ftdnu:n! gud i:vnigl gud nait! *heldul hau nais tA si: iu aghen, han a; iu (ghetip on)? gud bal. ‘si: du -tAmordu, bai bai.felaridu, ‘Beye iu./Oenes, Gaye du-veri maci,/ meni Oasnes. @epe iu fo io: ‘help. ‘atunt ‘menstin it. not at ol, its veri caind Av iu, hau its not ta 64 point, ‘td cam bec Ul... a eee genarait spi:chig... strictli spi:chiy... az al az fa: az ai am can- sand... &z & meta av feet/in fect... /O4 fect/ point iz we 6a fact/point iz det... uot mztaz iz... anda dajin [0a © camstansiz.., in dis cheis.., Sd: in orice caz.. In any ‘case... fn ent chels.,, Orioum/ in orice GAZ... ES AES eniuei/enihan.., Atita vreme/timp cit... ‘So long as... siu log &: Cu alte cuvinte/ In. other words... in ada ud:dz . Altfel spus... Vorbind deschis/Yor- In plain words... in plein ud:dz.., bind fara ocoliguri... ~ Dintr-un motiv sau For some reason or fa sam ri:zn or aod... altul... other... Tata de ce... 24, That’s why... bets wai... Pe de o parte.., On the one hand... on i uan hend,.. Pe de alta parte. . On the other hand... on di ada heend... Mai intii, First, fast. Mai presus de orice... Above ail... Mai mult decit atit... More than that.. «$l aga mai departe, +.and so on/and so and sau on/and s stv fo:8, z forth. * Pentru a rezuma... To sum it up/ t& sam it ap/ Summing it up... samin it ap... tn general. On the whole../ on 68 b&al... La urma urmelor.., After all... afta oil... Ca si nu mai lungim To cut a long story ti cat a lop stort vorba... short/To put the mat- —so0:t/ta put 4a rats in ter in a nutshell... Anatsel... Cam asta este totul. That’s about all there Oets Abaut o:l caria 4 is to it. tu it, Cam atita (despre aceas- So much for that. sdu maci £4 Bet. ta), in CALATORIE TRAVELLING trevliy ~ } ‘ Cu trenul By Railway bai reiluel Mergeti cu trenul? © Are you going by train? a: iu gduiy bal trein? Cind plecaji? When do you leave? uen du tu li:v? Trenul acesta merge Does this train go to...? daz dis trein gau ta.,.? sla...? Cind pleacd spre B When does the next uen daz 64 necst trein trenul urmator? train to B go? ta B gau? Sa-l intrebam pe in- sofilorul de tren, Unde este casa de bilete? Vreau sé merg la biroul de informatii. Cu ce tren mergeti? De la ce gard plecafi? 4 Sper sd prind trenul de opt si douadzeci de la gara Victoria. De la ce gara pleaci trenurile spre...? Exist’ un mers al tre- nurilor in cladirea garii? Este vreun tren direct pind la Bristol? Este yreun tren devre- me dimineafa/dupa- masa? La ce ora pleac& trenul urmitor? As dori si predau va- liza aceasta la vago- nul de bagaje. Mi duc simi cumpar bilet. Un bilet dus pind la Dover, Tog. Doua bilete dus pina la Brighton, Doresc doua bilete dus- intors clasa a doua pentru... Cit costa un bilet de clasa a doua pentru «. in vagonul de dor- mit? intors va Let’s ask the guard. Where is the booking office? I want to go to the inquiry/information office. What train are you going by? Which station are you going from? I'm hoping to catch the eight-twenty from Victoria. Station. What station do the trains to... leave from? Is there a time-table in the station build- ing? Is there a through train to Bristol? Is there a train early in the morning / in the afternoon? When is the next train after that? I'd like to have this suit-case registered, I'll go to get my ticket. Return to Dover, please, Two singles to Brighton, I want two tickets to... second class return. How much is a ticket to... in a second-class sleeper? lets a:sc 54 ga:d. ued iz 64 buchiy ofis? aj uont ta glu ti & incuaiari/infameisan ofis, uot trein a: tu gduig ~ bai? uici steigin a: iu gduig from? aim hdupiy t& ceci ot eit tuentl fram vic- to:ria_ steisiin. uot steisén du 08 treinz lisy from? 4 taim teibl in Oa steisiin bildiy? iz iz bed 4 thru: trein td bristl? iz Oe& A trein d:li In the mo:niyfin oi af nun? x uen iz 6&4 necst trein “atta Jat? aid laic ti hev Sis su:tcheis registad, ail giu tai ghet mal tichit. - ritdé:n t& dduvi, pli:z.. tu: siggle t& braitn, ai uont tu: tichits ta., Secand cla:s ritd:n. hau maci iz a tichit ta... in a secind clas sli:pa? ' Biletul costa... dus sf The fare is... ». @us-intors, La ce ora pleaca trenul? La 9.40 de la perenul 7. ‘Trenul este in static? Trenul intirzie. ‘Trenul va fi aglomerat, NWrean dovd Jocuri’ cu fata la locomotiva, Un loc cu spatele ja locomotiva, va rog. Sint locurl libere? Este ocupat acesta? ‘Va supara daca tumez? Joctil Compartimentul acesta ‘Is © rezervat? Pot si vi ofer locul meu? Este prea cald/rece aici, Inchideti/deschidesi ‘ra- djatorul, va rog. ‘Va deranjeazé daca ‘in- chid usa? Vreli si schimbam Io- curile? Sint cusete libere in’ vagonul gle dormit?. Vreti s&-mi spuneti unde se afl vagonubrestau- rant? Am ajuns? - Cit timp sta trenul aici? La ce ord sosim Ja...? Vreti si-mi spuneti...? — unde este fesirea one way and... return, What time does the train leave? At nine-forty from plat- form seven, - Ts the train “in? The train is late. ‘The train is going to 6a fet crowded, 1 want two seats fating ‘the engine. One seat ‘hatk ‘to the May I offer You my seat? It’s too hot/cold in here, Turn off/on the radi- ~ator, please. Do you mind if 1 shut the door? ‘Will you ‘change seats with me? Are there any free berths in the slcep- ing carriage? ‘Will you téllme where the dining car is, please? : Have we arrived? How long does the train stop chere? What time-do we arrive Stan? Would you tell me...? — where the exit is 40 _ its 04 fe8 $2... wanciel and » Titén, net 4 a daz ey tren at pee fort trim plet- fo:m seyn, iz 0A trein in? 6A trein iz leit. tren iz gdulp ta ghet craudid. bra tur skts feisig engin. nan - bee 14 i engin, eni tri: ‘sits hi? dz Gis si:t Ingheigid: du iu maind if aismane? i Bs cdmpa:tmant Tizé:vd? mei ai off iu mai si:t? tu: hot/cduld in ‘hid, 5 tan offon 0a reidieita, pilizz. “du iu maind if ai sat Ga doz? i ‘uil iu ceingi sits wid mi? @: G¢4 oni fri: ba:0s in 64 slispip cerigi? ull ju tel mi ued 63 dainiy. ca: iz, pli:z? hav ui draivd? hau lop daz 0a tein stop hid? uot taim du ui araiv wetse 2 ud fu tel mi...? ued di eesit iz += unde este biroul de bagaje + — unde este sala de agsteptare Unde trebuie si schimb pentru,,..? Trebuie sé schimbim trenul? Aes ma ‘8% coborim aoa ce am. se sServeste masa?- Toata lumca_ coboardl Cu avionul Aeroportul este departe? Da, este jn afara ora- _ gului, Este un autebuz din oras pind la aeroport? Lace ori pleacd auto- buzul de aici la dneroport? Cu cite zile inainte tre- ‘bule si Jau biletul de avion? Va trebui 3% Juati bilet @e avion cu © sap- 1&min& inainte, Ati cumpirat bilete de avion? Citid plecaji cu avionul Ja.,.? Este o cursd imiine? ¥A vom trece pe lista de pasagerl pentru eursa numirul doua- zeci, ~ whee the luggage uek 24 laghigh offs tz office is — where the. waiting ued 4 ueitip ruan iz is room, Where must I change ued m§st ai ceingl f4.,.? for,.:.2 Must we change? mast ui ceingi? 4s there time'to get out? tz ed taim t& ghet aut? At what time are meals &t uot taim a: midz served? ‘Sa:vd? All change! 0:1 seeingit By Air Dai ea Is it far to the airport? dz it fa: ta di edpo:t? Rather. 10s out ef ra:DA. its aut dy taun, town. > : Is there.a bus from the iz dei A bas fram 6a city to the airport? Siti ta Oi eapo:t? © When does the coach wen, daz 64 ciucl for for the airport deave « Oi edpo;t_ li:v fram from here? hid? How many .days in hau menideiz in Advams advance must I boek ~ car abo:d? ull iu sau as tu aud cebin? ued a: 04 fast clas cebinz?. = A first cla:s eabinz a: om 6& mein dec, du iu wont ta teie io: loghigi uid iw im dA cxbin? ‘Sis boes cin giw ta 33 hauld/laghigf ru:m, hau meni ba-6s ‘a: dea in 6% cabin? hav iw eva trevid on bo:d A sip? dis iz Oa fast taim ab am on be:d av an Gusin Iain’, ui a: teichip 4. pleja eru:2, = udunt iw cam on dec? lets iuc f4 sam dee ceaz. t 6A si: iz smu:O/raf. ui a: ghetig aut in 8 q@upin siz. its tu: cu:? ta sit daun, ai haup ull hey @ smu:@ pesigh. Hai sa coborim in ca- bind, Am xriu de mare. imi ,puteti da ceva suneve raulul de SA dese deschid hublout? ‘Vasul are tangaj pu- ternic, ‘Suport greu caidteria cu vaporul . Gind vom vedea jar mul? ‘Se zareste {armul. Frebuie sine pregitim pentru debarcare. Vedefi un far in de ;partare? Yaporal intr’ in port. Coboard pasarcia. Pe care parte coborim? Afi calatorit. bine? Pe ce ruta ati mers? Vaporul nostru a ancorat 2. Traversarea a fost foar- te plicuta. Am pierdut vaporul cu care trebuia sa. cala- torese. Co automobilul” Vom merge acolo cn automobilut, sLet’s go down below to the cabin, 1 feel seasick. Can you give me some- thing against sea- sickness? Shall 1 open the -port- hole? The beat is pitching/ rolling heavily. dam a poor sailor, When ‘shall awe ‘sight the) coast? The shore is coming into sight. We must be getting ready -for the land- ing. Can you see a ilight- ‘house in the distance? The ship is sailing into harbour, They are lowering the gangway, From which side-do we go ashore? Have you had a good crossing? What route did you take? ‘Our ship dropped an- chor .at... We had 4 very smooth crossing. Imissed the beat on which I was ‘to sail. By Car ‘We'll ‘go there by ar. 43 dets gdu daun ta 03 cxbin. ais fi:l sizsic, ‘ an iv iv mi semi agheinst si:sicnis? sl. ai dupan 4 po:thaul? 8 baut iz picip/rdulig hevili. f ai ama pud seild, axén sal ui sait dA cdust? bildu 0a so: iz camiy inta sait. ui mast bi ghetiy redi fa 0a lendin. ean iu si: -& laithaus in 64 distans? O& sip iz seilip inta ha:ba. Bei a: Jéuadrig 34 geyuei, fram aici said du uf giu aso:? havinhad 4 gud crosig? uot ru:t did iu teic? aud sip dropt eyci At... ui hed 4 veri smu erosiy. ai mist 64 bdut sor uici ‘ai uaz 14 -seil, bai ca: ull giiu ‘Sek bai raz. De cind ave{i masina? Am pus masgina in garaj. Va trebui s-o scot din nou. Vre}i si conduceti? Ce marca aveti? Motorul functioneazd ireprosabil. Cite mile ati parcurs cu automobilul dy.? Cu ce vitezd poate merge pe ora? Trebuie si umplem re- zervorul undeva, Existaé vreo statie de benzina In impreju- rimi? Trageli aici! Porni{i motorul si tra- geti inapoi. Au mai ramas cam trei~ litri de benzina (in rezervor). $& ma uit Ja radiator, S-a intimplat ceva? Motorul pare sa fie supraincalzit. Cind afi schimbat ulciul ultima data? Probabil’ cA e o pana de cauciuc, Unde este roata de rezerva? Am sa duc camera la vulecanizare, Bateria pare sa fie descércata/consumata. Cind afi incarcat-o? How jong have you had your car? TPve put the car away, rll have to take it out again. Do you want to drive? What make is your car? The engine runs per- fectly. How. many miles have you made in your car? How many miles per hour does it travel? We must fill up some- where, Is there a filling sta- tion in this. area? Pull up here! Get the engine started and reverse the car, There’s only about three litres of petrol left, Let me have a look at the radiator, Anything wrong with it? The engine seems to be overheated. When did you change the oil? ‘There’s probably a punc- ture in the tyre, Where’s the spare wheel? Tl have the inner tube repaired. The battery seems to be weak/flat. When did you have it charged? last a6 hau oo hav iu hed io: cai? aiv put 64 ca: duel, ail hev ta teic it aut aghein. du iu uont ta draiv? uot meic iz io: ca:? Bi engin ranz pé:fictli. hau meni mailz hav iu meid in io: ca:? han meni mailz pa: au& daz it trevi? ui mast fil ap samuea, iz dei a filiy steisin in 6is earia? pul ap hia! ghet Oi engin sta:tid and ri 6A ca:. Gedz dunli About Ori: Hitaz Ay petral left. let mi hev 4 luc at 88 reidieita, enifip Toy uid it? &i engin si:mz ta bt duvahi:tid. uen did iu la:st ceingt Oi oil? deaz probabli 4 panc- cid in da taid, ueaz d4 sped ui:l? ail hey di ind tiu:b ripead. 6& betari si:mz ta bs uitc/flet. uen did iu hev it cia:gid? Ayeli niste bujii? Bujiile trebuie inlocuite, Masina a ramas tn pana? S-a’ intimplat’ ceva cu _ aprinderea. Trebuie ‘s& file un seurt- circuit, Farurile din fata func- fioneazai, Farurile din spate nu functieneaza, Frinele sint defecte, Trebuie si fie reglate, Voi duce masina la un atelier de reparafii. Unde faceti intretinerea ~ masginii? Mergem pe soseaua prin- cipala? Strada aceasta duce in “| $oseaua principala. Nu putem merge pe aici. Drumul acesta este in _Peparatie, ‘Aceasta este o strada cu sens unic? Conduceli prudent curba aceasta, Drumul este slunecos, Nu mergeli prea repede. Masina poate sa dera- peze. Sint stopurt noastra? ‘incetini{il la in fata Have you got sparking-plugs? The plugs need replac- ing. * any Has the car broken® down? . Something has gone wrong with the ‘Agni- tion, There must be a short circuit, The headlights are all right. The rear lights won't work, The brakes are out of order, They must be readjust- ed, Vil take the car a repair shop, Where do you have your car serviced? Shall we drive by ie main road? This street will iidte us out onto the main road, We can’t go this way. to This road is ander re- pair, Is this a one-way street? Go - cautiously round this bend.. The road is slippery. Don’t go too fast. The car might skid, Are there any traffic lights ahead? Slew down! Av be& mast hav iu got.eni spa:chip plagz? 3a plagz ni:d ripleisip, haz 64 ca: brducdin daun? sam@iy haz gon-rog uid 8 ignisan, bi A so:t sd:chit, 64 hedlaits a: o:1 rait, Oa fia laits udunt vase, 64 breics a: aut dv o:da, bei mist bi réddgiastid, ail teie 04 ca: riped sop. ued du in hey io: ca: sd:vist? ‘ gal ul draiv bai 6a mein raud? dis stri:t uil brip 4s aut onté 64 mein raud. tu a ul cant gau Uis uel, bis riud iz anda ripea, iz Gis & van uei stri:t? gaéu co:sisli raund dis bend. 0a raéud iz slipari, daunt gau tu: fa:st. 5a ca: mait schid. a: Jed eni trefic laits Shed? slau daun! ‘Trebuie sd asteptiny pind cind stopul se Schimba in verde, Respectati viteza le- gala, Ma putet}i duce cu masina? Dorlfi s& va duc cu masina? Unde s& va las? Sa oprim aici! Vrefi si opriti la in« terseclie, va rog? Care este viteza ma- - ximd admisa In aceas- ta zoni? imi putefi ardta per- misul dy. de condu- cere? Putem gara aici? Cit timp? Parearea interzisi. Opriti motorul, Sosirea. La vamit, Pregatiti pasapoartele pentru control. Ar&tati-mi pasaportul dv., va rog. De unde veniti? Najionalitatea dy.? Care este numele dy. de familie? Adresa din fara dv.? Care este scopul vizitei dy, aici? Am venit pentru: afa- ceri/ca_ turist. We must wait till the red light changes to green, Don't exceed the speed limit, ‘Can ‘you give me.a lift? Do you want a lift? Where shall I. drop you? Let’s stop here: Will. you stop. at the crossroads, please? What’s the speed. limit for this area? Can I see your driving licence? May we park here? For, how long: Parking prohibited. Switch off the engine. Arrival. At the Custom si House Iiave your passports ready, Show me your passport, please, Where are you coming from? What nationalily you? What is your surname? are What is your address? What is the purpose of your visit to this country? I've come on. business/ as a tourist. 48 ui mast ueit til 03 red lait ceingiz ta gri:n. daunt iesi:d 64 spi:d Nimit, cain iu ghiv mi & lift?” du iu uont A lift? ued. sal. ai, drop. iu? lets stop hid! uil iu stop at, 44 cros~ « Faudz, pli:z? wots O& spi:d, limit f& dis edrik? : clin ai si: io: draiviy laisins? mei-ui pare hid? fa haw log? pa:chiy prohibitid. suict of di engin. draival, At’ dh castém haus hev io: pa:spo:ts redi. sau mi io: pa:spo:t, pli:z, ued a: iu camip from? uot nesaneliti a: iu? uot iz io: sdneim? uot iz io: adres? uot iz O4 pdéipas av io: vizit tA dis cantri? aiv cam on biznis/az & tuiirist, cit oar intentionati s& stati’ Am oe gind s& rimin mai mult in orasul acesta, Ag vrea sa fac turul fat Vreau si fac o vizita unui prieten, Mé aflu numai tr tran- zit. Afi mai fost in {ara noastré pind acum? Nu am_ mai fost in fara dy, pind acum, Pasaportul meu este In ordine? . Pagaportul dy. este in regula. . Vreau o yizd de tranzit/ intrare, Unde trebuie s& ma adresez pentru vizi? Avedi ceva de declarat? Nu am nintic de decla- rat. Avefi valut&’ asupra dv.? Am 50 lire in numerar, ”'Nu am bani in numerar. am niste cecuri de calatorie. Acestea sint toate ba- gajele dy.? Aveli vreun articol su- pus taxei vamale? Articolul acesta este impozabil/seutit de vama, Articolul interzis. acesta este 4— C-da 1131 How long do you intend to stay? Pm going togmake a long stay in this town, . I'd like to tour the country, I want to pay a visit to a friend, I'm only in transit, Have you ever been in this country before? I’ve never been. to this country before. Is my passport in order? Your passport is in regular order, I want a transit/an entry visa. Where must I apply for the visa? Have you anything to declare? I have nothing to de- clare, Have you got any foreign currency about you? I’ve got 50 pounds in cash, T have no eash, I have some traveller’s cheques. Is this all your luggage? Have you any iteins subject to duty? This article is liable to duty/duty-free. This, article is. prohibi- ted, 49 han lop du iu intend t& stel? aim gduip ta meic a log stel in dis taun. ald laic ti tua 52 cantr!, af uont ta pef & vizit- tu a frend. aim dunli in trenzit. hav tu eva bin in dis -cantri bifo:? aiv nevi bin ta dis cantri bifo:. iz mai pa:spo:t in 0:d&? io: pe: spo:t iz in reghiulé da, is ‘uont a trenzit/in entri vi:za. ued mast al Aplal f& Oa vieza? hav Iu eniOfy ta diclea? ai” “hav nagip ta dicle®. hay iu got eni forin car&nsi &baut in? aiy got fifti paundz In cas, ai hey nau ces, a, hev sim trevlaz cees. iz Gis o:l io: loghigi? hiev iu eni altamz sab- gect ta dinti? Dis @:ticl iz laidbl tS iwli/diu sli tris. Bis aticl iz prohihitid, Nu am decit_ niste ca- douri, Acestea sint lucrurile pe care le-am cumpad- rat in timpul yacan- tei. 2 Am depisit cola scutila de taxe vamale? Trebuie si completati o declarajie vamala. ~ Va rog s& deschide|i geamantanul~ pentru control, Obiectele acestea_ sint de uz personal? Aparatul foto este im- ~ pozabil? Bijuteriile sint yechi. Aceasta este tot ce am. Trebuie sa plitesc pen- tru aceste obiecte? Cit trebuie si platesc? Puteji inchide geaman- tanul. Poftiji pasaportul meu, Cum pot lua legitura en consulatul? Puteli trece mai parte. de- JANA, NAPIONALITA- TEA Din ce fara sinteti? Sint din Romfnia, Sint romap. I’ve oniy got some pres- ents, it These ar@ the things I haye. bought during the holiday, Have I exceeded the duty-free quota? You must fill im a customs declaration, Open your suitcase for examination, please. Are these_ things for your ree use? Is this camera dutiable? The jewellery is not new. That is all I have. Must I pay on these things? 3 How much have I to pay? You may bag. Here is my passport, How can I get in touch with the Consulate? You may pass. on, COUNTRY. NATIONA- LITY What country do you come from? I'm from Romania, 1 am. Romanian, 50. close your’ aiv dunli got sim prez ants. . diz a: 04 Gipz ai hiv bost dindriy 64 holadi, hav ai iscisdid 64 diu:ti fri: cuduta? iu mast fil in 4 castamz declareisain. dupain io: su:tcheis fo igzemineisin, pli:z. a: Oi:z Oigz fo io: pd:snl iu:s? iz dis cemara diu:tithl? 6&4 giudlryy iz not niu:. Set iz ol al hev. . mast ai pei on di:z Oigz? hau maci hav ai ta pei? o ju mei beg, hid iz mai paispo:t. hau can ai ghet in taci uid da consiulit? tu mei pa:s on, cantri, neesdneliti uot cantri du fu cam from? aim frim rumeinia, ai am rumeinian, Locuiese in capitala, I live in the capital; al liv in 64 cepital, Ati mai fost vreodataé Have y in Anglia? Have you ever been fo hav iu eva bin tu England before? ipgiaind bifo:? Aceasta este prima mea ‘nis is my first visit Ois iz mal fé-st vizit tu vizita in {ara dv, to your country, io: cantri. © Nu am mai fost in 1 haven't been in En i g- al hevnt bin in ipglind nee de cinci ani, Jand for five years. fa faiv iz. a ain mai vizitat nicl yye never visited other aiv nevi vizitld ad& © alla fara, countries, cantriz, El este; He ‘is: hi iz: arab Arab erab african Afrigan efricdn asiatic Asian elsan albanez Albanian olbeinian american American American australian Australian o:streiliain austriac Austrian ostrian bulgar Bulgarian balgerian chines, Chinese ciaini:t cubanez Cuban chiuban ceh Czech cec corecan Korean korian egiplean Egyptian igipsin elvetian Swiss spis finkandes Finnish finis francez Freneh ftenci german German gid:min gree Greek gric indian Indian indian italian Italian itelifin jugoslav Yugoslav jugosla:v : Japanese giepani:2 Norwegian no:uigian olandez Dutch daci polonez Polish pdulis portughez Portuguese po:tiughi:z sovielic Soviet sduviet spaniol Spanish spenis > suedez Swedish sui:dis ture Turkish j tda:chis ungur Hungarian hangarian De cind va aflaji ty Hewlong have you been hau Jog hav iu bin Ie Anglia? ‘ in this country? dis cantri? 9) Am ‘fost ‘In fara. dy, anul trecut. Ce nationalitate aveti? ’ Sinte{i american sau canadian? Afi vrea si faceli o calatorie in nordul/ sudul Anglici? ; Sper sd stau . Saptainini, Ce regiuni din {ara sali vizitat? citeva Ea este din Afrtca/ America Latina, Sintefi cetafean’ tanic? imi‘place si cala@torese. ‘Dri- LA BANCX Unde pot schimba niste bani, xa. Tog? Incercafi la @ bancd cu ghiseu de Schimb, Vreau si schimi banit in lire sterline/dolari, Care este cursul de schimb al_zilei? Cit. dati pentru 20 de dolari? @e suma tru..,? Am cecuri de calatorie, primese. peni- Vreau si incasez acest eee de calitorie, i stayed in your country last ‘year, What nationality are ‘you? Are you American or ‘Canadian? Would you like ‘to tour - the north/the south of England? I hope to stay hereca few weeks, Which parts of “the country have you seen already? She comes from Afvica/ Latin, Ameriea, Are you a British ‘sub- ject? I like travelling. AT THE BANK Where can I change some money, ‘please? -Try it at a bank which has an exchange ter, Brat I want to change my money into pounds sterling/dolars, What is the rate of exchange today? How much do you give for twenty dollars? How much do I get for...? Pye got traveller’s cheques, T want to cash / this trayeller’s cheque. 32 ai steid in fo: cantel Tarst 1A, uot npgineliti a: in? a; da Zmeric’dn 0: canei- dian? ud iu Jaic th tut 3a n0:0/0% sau ay fug- Mind? ai hdup t& ster hia a fiu: ules. uici parts av 64 cant hav fu sin o:dredi? si camz fram: wtricée letin america. : a: iu a britis sabgict? ai laic trevliy. at 0& baye ued :can ai ceingi sim mani, pli:z? trai it at beye ave haz dn ixceingi/caun- ta, ai uont ti ceingt amat mani inté paunds sta:lip/dolaz, uot iz 08 reit dv ixeeing! tadei? hau maci du fu ghix {4 tuenti dolaiz? hau maci du ai gher Lace aiv got treviaz_ cers. ai uont t8 ces Yis trev- laz cee, Este platibil la vedere? Acest cee nu este inc& scadent/este expirat, Ma tem c& cecul nu are acoperire, Cam dori{i banii? Dati-mi banenote de diferite valori. Puteli si-mi_ schimbati aceast& banenota de 10. lire? In banenote deo lira, vi rog. Nu am miruntis, Aveli o lira marun{i? “ Poftiji. Va rog sa veri- fiea}i banii, Pot deschide un cont ‘Ta banea dv.? Completati, va vog, acest formular, Vreau si depun banii cu dobinda, Ag dori si depun 100 de lire, Vreau sa retrag niste bani. Vre{i sa completati acest cee? Trebuie si semnafi acest cec pe verso, Am numai bani mari, Nu am bani, Am cheltuit tofi banil, Is it payable at sight? This cheque is not yet due/is overdue, I’m atraid the cheque is not covered. How would you like your money? Let me have notes of different amounts, Can you’ change this ten-pound note? One-pound notes, please, I haven’t got any small change. Have you got change for a one-pound note? Heré you are. Check your money, please. Can I open an account with your bank? Fill in this form, please, I want to deposit money at interest, I should like to deposit” 100 pounds. I want to draw some money out. WH you write out this cheque? You must endorse this cheque. Thave only large change, I'm short of money, I have spent all my money. 53 iz it petabl at sait? Bis cec iz not iet diu:/ iz duvadiu:, aim iifreid 64 cec iz not cavid. hau ud fu laic io: mani? Jet mi hev nduts av dif- rant 4meunts, cin iu ceingi Bis ten paund naut? e uan paund nduts, pli:z, ai hevnt got eni smo:l ceingi, hav iu got ceingi fo 4 uan paund ndut?.. hi& iw as. cee io: mani, pli:z, can ai dupan an dcaunt uid io ‘bepe? fil'ip dis form, pli:z, ai uont ta dipoezit mani &t intrist. ai sad laic ta dipozit uan handrid paundz, ai uont ta dro: sam mani aut, uil iu rait aut dis cec? fu mast indo:s dis cec, al hev dunli la:gi ceingi, aim so:t ay mani, ai hav spent o:l mai mani, Ni, MESERU Care este ocupafia dy.? - Ce fel de mune pres- taji? Cu ce va ocupati? es ore lucraji pe zi? La ce ord v@-dueeti la - luern? Eu ineep Jucrul fa ora saple dimineaja, Eu. sint sgricultor si lucrez la o fermi, Elb-luereaza intr-um ate- Holier. Eu sint zidar, luerez pe un ntier de con- # isteucfii, El este mecanic califi- » eat pentru motoare, Eu fac munca de teren. Ew Juerez in’ schimbul de zi/noapte. Lucrez opt ore pe zi, Munca’ dy. este obosi- _ toare? La prinz am o pauzd pentru. maga, Eu sint: — dulgher zidar muncitor medic turmator fesitor docher strungar WORK. PROPESSIONS, TRADES What is your profession/ occupation? What kind of work do you do? What do you do for a living? How mauy hours a day do you work? What time do you get to work? Istart work at 7 o’cloek in the morning, TF am a”farmer and I work on a farm, He works piss workshop, 4 Iam @ bricklayer, I work on a building sile, He is a trained motor mechanic, I do field work, Tam on the day shift. have an 8-hour work- ing day. Is your work tiring? T have a break at neon lo have my hinel, Iam a: — carpenter bricklayer worker physician caster weayer — docker — turner ot udse, priifesinz. treids not iz io: prafesan ochiupeisan? uot eaind av uidce du iu du? uot du iu du far 4 livin? hau meni audz a det du iu ud:e? uot taim du fu ghet tu wicc? i al sta:t ud:e at sevn dcloc in $4 mo:nig. ai ama fa:ma and ai ude on a farm, hi utes in a ud:esop am a_bricleid, af udce on a bildip sait. ai hi iz a treind meduts micenic, ai du fidd ude, ai am on 68 dei/nait sift. ai hev an eit aud ud chin dei. iz io: uve taldrig? ai vey & breie at nur 1a hey mai lanci, | bricleia ud:ca - tind lacalus miner sofer tehnician hmetionar casnicd avocat Profesor croftor e calificare Bl rLt hits ° aveli? Aveli o norma completa sau partisla? Pentru ce munea_ sin- te{i cel mai bine pre- gatil? Smt muncitor calificat/ necalificat. Vreau sa mi calific in... N-am cunostinfe anume in aceasti speciali- tate, Am cunostinfe bune in... Prestati ore suplimen- tare? Ce studit aveti? Am o slujbé destul de bine platita. Servieiul acesta imi con- vine, Vreau sd fac cerere pentru ocuparea aces- tui post, In curind slujba, Ce perspective any aici? voi lua o E] vrea si se ocupe de: — astronomic — biologie -—— chimie — locksmith — miner bus conductor technician civil servant — housewife lawyer teacher tailor What are your savas cations? Have you got a full- time/part-time job? What kind of work are you best fitted for? Tam 4 skilled/imskilled worker, I want to qualify ins. T have no special knowl- edge of this branch, I have a good knowl- edge of... Do you have to work overtime? How much schooling have you had? T have a quite well-paid job. This job suits me, I want to apply for this post, I shall take up a job very soon, What prospects. there for me? He wants to take up; — astronomy — biology — chemistry are 53 — locsmif — maind — bas caindacts teenisin sivil sd:vaint hausuaif — lo:id — ticia — teil not a: ganz? hav in got 4 ful oe pat taim giob? uot caind av ware a: ju best fitid fo:? jo: cuolifichei- al dm a‘schild/anschild. ud:ca, ai uont ta cuolifai-in... ai hev nau spegal noligt av tis braticl, = sae ai gud noligt ee xia have tu wae duvataim? Hau. maci sewlip hay iu’ hed? al hey 4 cuait uel peid giob. bis giob su:ts mi, al uont tu Aplai f& dis paust, al s&l teic ap & verl sum, uot prospects a: fa mi? hi uonts té teic ap: — astrondimi — baiolagi — chemistri giob Sea — geologic — matematica — fizicd — agronomie — botanica — construcfii de locu- inte, — constructii de ma- — energetica — dectronica. La ce ord plecafi. de la. serviclu? a Vreau invoiese o a, Astazi este zitia. mea libera. Aveti concediu platit? Cind plecaji in vacan{a? Vreti si intrati in afa- ceri? Fratele meu este conta- Dil/funcjionar lao firma. EI este specialist in sti- infeeconomice. _ Lucra{i in atélier sau pe santier? Sint luerdtor tn trans- porturi, Luerez-la calea ferata, Sora mea Inereazi in- tr-un _laborator/ma- gazin. fn prezent stint. volajor comers ¥ Eu locrez in justitie/in- ‘vi}iimint/medicinds/ teatru, — geology — mathematics. — physics > — agronomy — botany — housing — mechanical _engin- eering. — energetics — electronics. At what time do you £0 off, duty? I want to take a day off, Today is: my free day. Do you get paid holi- days?) 9” ‘When are you going on holidays? Do‘you want to go into business? My brother is an ac~ countant/a a business firm, He is an sexpert in economics. Do you work in a workshop or on the site? I'm a transport worker, I work on the railway, My sister works in a daboratory/shop, Iam a commercial traveller at present. I’m In the legal/teaching/ medical/theatrical profession. — giolagi — mafimetics — fizies — aAgrondimi — botinl ¢ — hauzip — micanical enginiariy — endgetics — ilectronics. ‘ &t uot taim du ju giu Of Giusti? ai nont ti teic & del of. tadei iz mai fri: del, du iu ghet peid holidiz? uen a ju séulp om holi- diz? du iu went ta gau inté biznis? mai bradi iz dn Acaunt- ant/a cla:e ins @ biznis fa:m. hi iz am eespa:t f:efnomics. du iu ua:e in 4 ud:esop o: on 6 sait? aim 4 transpo:t ud:ck. ai uilic on 64 reiluel, mai sisti ud:cs in 4 Maboratari/sep, al im & cémd:sal trevla at prezint, aim in 64 lizgal/tizcip/ medical/Gietrical prafesan, Ancrez de dowdizecl de I've worked in my ani in, specialitate, profession for 20 years. Cine este'seful biroului? Who is the head of your office? j Cit cistigati in medie What do you earn a pe dung? month on the average? Salariul meu. se ridicd My salary amounts to... Ja... Asteptiim:miajorareasae We expect a wage rise lariilor luna viltoare. _ next month, Ce produce fabriea la What does the factory care Incrali? youwork at turn out? ‘Sinte|i_ pkitit eu ziuay Are you paid by the saplamina/luna? day/the week/the month? Cina Iwai salaria? ‘When do you get your wages? Care este salariumediu What is the average al unul...? salary of a..,? E) se va pensiona din He will retire beeause motive de sindtate. of ill health, E) ya fi pensionat, He will bé pensioned off. In_wltimfi ani vi s-au’ Have you had any wage majorat salariile? years? Citi muncitori Jucreaz’ How many workers does én aceasta fabrica? the factory employ? Din ce -sindicat faceti What trade union: do parte? you belong to? Nu cste specialitatea That’s not in my ‘line, mea, FAMILIA, GRADE DE RUDENIE. © > VIRSTA FAMILY, RELA. TIONSHIP. AGE - Cum, va numifi? What's your name? Cum va spun prietenii? What do your “irlends call you? 57 rises'in the past few. - 4. idea? aiv. ndcct in mai pra- fesan 44 tuenti {d:2, hu: iz 0& hed av jo: otis? uot du iu &n 4 man® on, Oi evrigi? mai szlari amaunts ta... ul lespect & uelgi ratz necst_man8, ere daz ¥& tectrl tu 3 peld bat 0a del/83 a:zdu ul:c/$& man@? — uen du iu ghet io: ueigiz? uot iz Oi wvrigh selirt av a2 hi ull ritaid bicoz av i he10, y hi uil bi pensand ‘of, hiv fu hed eni ‘veigi raiziz In 84 pa:st flu: hau meni ud;cdz daz 0a feciari implol? uot treid iu:nian dy iu dilop ta? Gets not in max Jain femili, rileisansip. igh nots jo neim? uot du ie. frendz col in? Numele meu este Ni- cholas dar prietenii imi spun Nick. Ce virsta aveti? Am patruzeci de ani. Nu arataff virsta. Ce virstd imi dati? Cind v-ati nascut? M-am nascut in 1956. Avem aceeasi virsta. Sinte{i o familie nu- meroasit? Citl fratl si cile surorl aveti? Nu am frati dar am doua& surori. Cum se numeste tatal dy.? Care este numele de domnisoara al mamei dv.? Fratele (sora) dv. este ctisdtori ta)? Cu cine este ciisato- rit(ay? De cind este ciisato- rit(a)? Ea este cu dol ani mai tinara decit sotul ei. DL... este rudd cu dv.? Ce fel de rud& va este? Este o rud& departati/ apropiata. Nu, nu imi este rudd. My name Is Nicholas but my friends. call me Nick. How old are you? I'm forty (years) age. You don’t look it. How old do you think I am? When were you born? I was born in 1958, of We're the same age. Are you a large family? How many brothers and sisters have you (goty? IT have no brothers but I hay two sis- ters. What jis your father’s name? What fs your mothews maiden name? Is your hbrother/sister married? Who is he/she married fo? How long has he/she heen married? She’s two years younger than her husband. Is Mr,,, related to you? What relation is he to you? He is a distant;necar relation. No, he is no relation of mine. 33 mal neim iz nic&lis bat mai frendz co: mi nic. hau &uld a: fu? aim fo:ti (ia:z) av eizi, ju daunt luc it. hau auld du iu Gige ai em? uen ui iu bon? ai ulz bom in tim fifti sies. uli JA seim eigl. a; iu & lecgi femili? nein- hau meni bradiz and sistaz hav iu (got)? ai hey ndu bradaz bat al hav tu: sistaz. uot izio: fa:0az neim? uot iz fo: mediz meide neim? iz io: breGa/sista ma- rid? * hu: iz hi/si: merid tu? haw log haz hi/si_ bin marid? giz tu: itz iaggi dan ha hazband, iz mist&.,, rileilid tu iu? uot rileigan iu? hi iz & leis&n, hi iz hi tu distint/nia rie auth main, iz ay Avefi copii? Da,‘am un fiu si doud fiice. Ea este tne&d adoles- cenla. a este minora? Gind. va. atinge eljea majoratul? sint matri/ un copil de trei luni. Cum arala el? El este scund/inalt. J este foarte prezen- ~ tabil; (chipes). Sotia lui este o femeie _ incintéitoare. Ea este 0 fala draguta. Aveti multi;verl si ne- posi?” ~ Nepoata mea si-a siir- batorit ziua de nastere ieri. Fratele meu este neci- ‘“slorit, far sora mea _ este logodita cu un doctor. Cumnatul meu este eompozitor. Cumnata dv. tecta? Nu credefi ci seamina cu tatal lui? Yoate rudele dy. cuiesc in oras? Socrul si seacra _ locuiese la fara. este arli- lo- mea Have you get any children? Yes, I have one «son and two’ daughters, She is still in-her teens. (She is a teenager). Is she under age? (Is she still a minor?) When does he/she come of age? Are his chiklren grown up/married? His eldest daughter has a three-months old haby. Tow tees he look like? He is short/tall. He is quite handsome. I think his wile is a charming woman. She is a pretty «girl. Do yow haye many cousins and nephews. My niece celebrated her. _* ba:Odei iestadi, © birthday yesterday. My brother is sirgle and my sister is en- gaged to a doctor. My brother-in-law is. a composer, Is your ‘sister-in-law an architect? Don’t you think he takes after his father? Doll your relatives live in town? My in-laws (father-in- Jaw and mother-in- law) live in the coun- try. 59 hiv fa’ gotteni cidrn? fes, al. bev uan and “tur do:tai si iz stil-in ha ti (i iz a iz si-anda stil & meind? uen daz hi/si cam av san eigl? a: hig cildrn = graun ap/merid? hiz eldist do:ta hez & Ot: “mands | anid beibi. hau -daz hi lve: laic? hensdin, ai Oiye hiz ‘uaifiz 4 ciamig umadn, si iz A -priti gal du in lev meni aaeet and neyiuz? mai nis sélibreitid ha mai brada iz sipgl and mai sista iz ingheigid tu & docta. mai brada in lo: iz a edmpduza, iz io: sista. in lo: “an @:chitect? d&unt iu’ @ige hi tele’ @fti hiz fa:da? du o:l io: relativz liv in taun? mai inlo:z (fa:04 in lo: and mada in lo:) ‘liv ty 64 centri, SA mergem si felicitam mireasa si mirele. Bunicul si bunica dy. traiesc? Baiatul este prea Inalt pentru. virsta lui. Sinte(l vaiduv/vaiduva? Ea a rupt logedna. Parinjii mei gi-au sar- batorit nunta de ar- gint/nunta de aur anul trecut. El este o persoana agre- abila. Fratele lui are parul blond/negru. Lui a inceput s&-f incd- runjeasca parul. Stntefi foarte bron- zat(a). Ea _ vyrea sa-si pastreze silueta. Ce culoare au ochii ei? Unii ‘barbali pearta musta{a. Barba yA face s& ari- taji mai in virsta. Am slibit/m-am ingré- sat. Cit cintinii? E} se ingrasa. Cine este doamna aceea in virsté? Mama si tatal dy. sint acasi? Face}i cunostin#é familia mea. cu Let's’ go and congratu- Jate the bride and the bridegroom, Are your grandfather and grandmother stil living? »% ‘The boy is rather tall for his age. Are you a widow/wid- ower? She has broken her engagement. My parents celebrated their ‘silver/golden wedding last year. off He is a pleasant person. Tis brother has fair’ dark hair® His hair’ is beginning to grey You are quite sumbuant. She wants to keep slim. What eyes? Some men wear mous- taches. ‘Your beard makes you Jook older, colour are her 1 have weight. 2 What do you weigh? He is: getting stout/fat. Who's that eldexty Jady? Are your mother and father in? Meet my faniily. Dest {put on 60 hu:z lets gan and cdngretiu- leit O64 braid and 04 breidgru:m, a: fo grendfa:da and grandmadai stil live ig? 04 bol iz ra:da tol 1& hiz igi, ain & uidaufatdaua? si haz ‘braucdn of ha ingheigimant, mai perints selibreitid bea sfya/eduldin ues dig last «id hi iz a plesant pd:sn. hiz brada haz fedi/da:e hea, hiz hea. iz highiniy ta grei, ju a: cuajt sanba:nt, si nonts ta chip slim. uot cala a: has aiz? sdm men ued mista: siz. jo: biid meiesoiu luc wuld, ai hav lost put on ueit. uot. du iu vei? hi lz ghetip staut/fet, Get eldali leidl? az to: in? mit mai femili, moda dnd: {4:04 Casa, Apartamental Unde locuiti? Loeniesc cu parintii. Am auzit c% ati cum- parat o casi. ss Ce adres&i aveti?’ Afi locuit aici ttot- -deauna? Locuiese pe strada/in casa aceasta, Locuiesc de muti ani ‘aiel. Aveti cast proprie? Nu, Tocuiese intr-un. bloc, La ce etaj este apar- tamentul dy.? Este la parter, Lecuitk inte-o ckidire. tnalta? Ne-am mutat de cu- Aveti o casd noua? E construita doar de trel_ ani. Not am fost primii care ne-ant mautat. Avefi un apartament mare? Nu, este un aparta- ment de dowd ca- mere si bucdtdrie. Apartamentul are tot confortul modern. Apartamentul meu este confortabil. Acum am s4 vA artt apartamentul/casa, The! Honse: ‘The Flat Where do you live? I'stay with my parents. Ivhear you've bought a house. What's ' your address? Have you always lived ‘here? I live in this street/ ~ “house: I've lived here for years, Have yow got a house of your, own? No, I live in a block of flats, Om what floor is your flat? It Is on the eye floor. Js yours a. talk build. ing? We've just moved. in 64 Haus 04° thet uea du ju liv? I stay uid mai perants, ab hia iuv be:t & haus,- uots fo: adres? hav in oduaz livd. bia? strist/ aiv lived hid fo faz, ai liv in dis haus, hav ju. got 4 haus: dy fo: aun? niu, ak liv i & bloe av flets, on uot fla: iz fo: flet? it iz on Oa graund | 0%, vi iz io:z & tod bildiy? uiv giast mu:vd! .ia, < ( Is yours 4 new house? ‘iz. fo:z\ A niu: Kaus? ce Peak three years an were the, first to move ins Js your flat large? No, {t's a two-room flat with a’ kitchen. The flat has every mod- ern comyenfence, My flat fs very comfort- able. Now Tll'show vou my flat/house, 6r its*dunif Gri: id:z auld. ul ua 38 fist ta musy iz ios flet lagi? nau, its @ tu: rum flet “uid 2 chiciir, 6% fist her evri modn can vintans, mai*fiet iz veri? comfit- abl, naw ail sau fiet/haus, iw “mat Ati mebilat apartamen- tul cind v-ati mutat? Aven mobili In perete -eare esie fearte prac- ticd, De unde ati cumparat aiceste scaune? Arde{i Jemne sau cir- buni? Ni s-a facut Instalatie de incilzire central’. Ferestrele dau in gra- dina? Vreti, yi rog, sai tra geti perdelele? Avem doua& prize in camera; una pentru aspirator si una pen- tru televizor. Este cestul loc in bu- catarie pentru frigie der? Aveti masini cu care A ajuta{i la menaj? Da, am o masini de spélat. Cite camere ‘sint etaj? Acesta este un dormi- ter mic pentru oas- peli. Camera aceasts pare foarte conforlabila, Mai putem pune si un pat pliant pentru un alt musafir. Acesia este patutul co- pilului. Nu aveti un birou? la Did yeu furnish the flat when you moved in? We have built-in-fur- nilure which is so practical. Where did you these chairs? Do you burn wood or coal? We've had central heat- ing put in. Do the windows open on the garden? Would you, please, draw the curtains? We have two wall plugs in the room; one for the yacuyrh cleaner buy and one for the tclevisjon. Is there enough room for a refrigerator in the kitchen? Have yeu any labour- saying devices? . Yes, I have a washing machine, How many upstairs rooms are there? This is a small bedroom for visitors, This room looks quite comfortable. We can also put up a camp-bed for an- other visitor, This is our baby’s cot. Don't have 2 study? you 62 did iu féenig di flet uen iu muvd in? ul Iwey bilt in fénicla nici iz sau prectie cal, ued did iu bal diz ceaz? du iu bain urd o: cdul? uly hed sentral bé:tly putin, du 6% uindiuz dupan on 6& ga:dn? ud fu, pli:z, dro; da efitnz? uel plagz van fa id uan fi 04 teli- vijain, iz ée& inaf ru:m for & rifrigiireita in 6a chicin? huey iu eni leibi” seiviy divaisiz? des, ai hev 4 mxisén, hau meni apslediz ru:mz ar ded? s iv A smo} bedrum a vivitaz uosiy dis rusm lucs cuait came £itabl, ab ein olsiu put ap a bed for dnada Gis iz audi bebiz cot. unt ia bev A stadi? Ce. cover frumos avetil Aceste carpete se asor- teazi foarte bine cu perejii.- > Cum = gasiti acesta? Aveli o masi de toale- t& foarte frumoasa. Decoratia interioaraé a sifonierul fost terminala de cu-. rind. Tata un. divan, paturi de lind si.perne. in perete se afli doud dulapuri. Cum se descured sofia dy. singura cu me- najul? Cautim de mula vre- me pe cineva care sf tie ajule la gospo- aarie. Uneori o rog pe sora mea si o ajute pe solie Ia spalat. Din cind tn cind mai repar si eu cite ceva in casa. Va ocupali mult de graidina? Este foarte curala si ingrijitt. Jarba trebnie tial cu regularitate. Nu m-as deseurea {ari ajutorul sotiel. Sofia mea de obicel uda florile. What a beautiful car-) pet you've. got! These rugs really go with the colour of, the walls. a How do you Jike this wardrobe? . You have a beautiful dressing table. The interior decoration has-been. finished just recently. Tiere are a divan-bed, woollen blankets and cushions. There are two closets in the walls. How does your wife manage all the house- work? We've been looking for domestic help fer quite a while. Sometimes I ask my. sister io help my_ wife to do the wash-" ing. ” I myself do some little repairs in the house, once in a_ wihle. Do you take great care wilh your garden? It looks very neat and * tidy. The grass lawn has to be cut regularly. I couldn’t manage it without my wife's My wife usually waters: the flowers, uot a) biu:tifl ca:pit iuy got! Gi:z ragz i giu uid 0a cdld ay 6A uo:lz, hau di iu iaic dis uordraub? , ju hev 4 biu:tifl dre- si) Leibl, Gi intiarid decadreisan haz bizn finist giast risntli, hia&a: 4 diven bed, u:lan blenchils and cu: $inz. O& a: tu: clozits -in 04 uo:lz, hau daz uaif mea- nigi o:1 6& hausua:c? uly bin luchig fa do- mestic help £4 cuait . a uail, : samtaimz ai a:sc mai, * sista la help mai wife ti du 34 uosip, ai maisclf du sim ltl ripediz in 6& haus, uans in 4 uail. du iu teie greit ched uid fo: ga:dn? lucs veri nist and taldi. dA gra:s lom hrez ti bi cat reghiulali. ai cudnt menigi it uid- aut mai uaifs help. it mal uait iujudli uotdz © da flaudz, Cred ca trandafirii vor inflori foarte curind. Cultivafi si Iegame in gradina? Nu, deoarete este, prea mult& umbr4 (in gra. dina). Mai Intii va trebui sa t&iem copacul acela. Sint niste straturi cu flori. frumoase acolo lingd gardul viu, Aceasta este magazia unde fin uneltele de gradind: sape (hir- Jete), s&paligi, gre- ble, foarfece si roaba. Ce chirie platiti? Chiria si cheltuiclile de administratie sint foarte moderate. Cartierul acesta este li- nistit/zgomctos? M-am mutat din fosta aoe luna trecu- la ee cineya usa. Poftiti indiuntru, va rog. ORA Cit e ceasul? Este ora doua. Este cinci fara un sfert. Este patru si un sfert. Este sase sl jumatate. I think the roses will come out very soon. Do you grow vege- tables in your garden as well? No, the garden is too shady. We'll have that tree eut down first. There are some beauti- ful flower beds over there, at the hedge. This is the shed where I keep my garden tools: spades, hoes, ‘rakes, shears, and the wheelbarrow. What about the rent? The rent andthe man- agement expenses are quite reasonable. this a quict/noisy area? I ‘moved .out of ‘the old house last month. Someone is knocking at the door. Come in, please! Is THE TIME What is the time? It is two o’clock. It 4s a quarter to five. It is a quarter past for. It is half past six. 64 af Bige 54 ra@uziz uil cam aut veri sun, du iu griu vegitablz in io: ga:du &z uel? niu, $& gacdn iz tut seidi. ull hey det tri: cat daun fa:st. 5a a: sim biwtifl fla- ud bedz duva Ged, St 04 hedgi. dis iz OA sed ued ai chi:p mai ga:dn tu:lz: speidz, hauz, reies, giaz and 04 uélberau, uot Abaut 64 rent? 64 rent and 04 men- igimint iespensiz a: euait ri:znabl, iz @is & cabana edria? ai murvd aut ay Of duld haus la:st man, Samuan iz nochip at Oa do: cam in, pli:z! 0a taim uot Iz 84 taim? it iz tu: Acloe, it iz a cuo:ta ta faiv. 16 fs a cuo:ta pacst for. it iz ha:f pacst six, Este deja sase. Este aproape sapte. Este unu gi zece. Este gl zece. Este nou& fir’ doni- wedi. {mi puteti spune ora ‘exact’, vi rog? Este: zece fx. Gite ora la dy.? Se apropie de opt. Este deja trei? Nu am ceas. Ceasul meu este Inain= te/in: urma. cu dows minute. Ceasul dv. pare si o fa mmainte/sd rimink fa urmi. Cred cd coasul mew nit merge. bine: Ceasul meu s-a. oprit. Sra. stricat. Trebule si-l Intore. Trebule si dau. ceasul Ia reparat. La ceasul. meu este exact sapte si jum- tate. Ceasil. bate ora un sprezce. Potrivili-va ceasul. Imi potrivese ceasul dupa radio. Este vremea prinzulul. Este ora cealului/ora de culcare. Este: timpul sii facem © pauza. It’s, already six. I's nearly seven. It’s ten past one. It’s ten past. It's twenty to nine. Could you tell me: the right time, please? It's ten sharp, ‘What time do you make it? It’s getting on for eight. Is. it three already? J haven't got a watch. My watch 1s two min- tes fast/slow. Your watch seems to -be gaining/losing. 1 think my watch is wrong. My watch has stopped. It’s run. down. I must wind it up. Tmust have my ‘watch repaired, By my wateh it is exactly balf past seven. The clock is striking eleven. Seb your wateh correct: iy, Eset my wateh by the radio, Ta Tunch time. It's tea time/bedtime. It's time for a break. its o:lredl sics, its afl seyn, its ten past un, its ten past, Its tuentl t4 naiz cud tu tel mi d& raft 3a:p. uot faim du iu mele ite its ghelin on [4 eit, iz It Ori: o:lredi? ai hievnt got & uoct, mai noel iz tu: minite fa:st/slaiu, fo: uocl simz t& bl ghelnip/liaty. ai Giye mai wei roy. mat wel baz stopt, its ran daun, ai mist unind it ap, ai mast: hey mai uoeh ripedd. bai mai uoci it iz. .ige zectli ha:t past sevn, Bi cloc iz straichig ilevm set lo: uock efirectil, al set mai’ noel bai d4 reldidiu. its lanci taim, its té:taim/dedtaim, Mts taim fra breie, Este uopul si plectim. Dureszi/Cere timp, Ctt timp? In cit’ timp ajungem acolo? Dureazi © ora sau cam atit. De la cond Ja patru. Ali stat foarte mult. Am _intirziat? M-ali asteptat mult? Astept de un slert' de ora. Ain venit prea devreme. Revin mai tirziu. El a yenit prea tirziu. Gral ! Avem destul timp. Vom intirzia o juma- tate de ori, Am foarte putin timp liber. - Nu om-timp. A trebuit sd plee de- yreme. Este la o distanta de fret sferturi de ord de mers. Nu va grabipit Yom ajunge acolo Ia timp. Aveji mult timp liber? Incereati si recuperati timpul pierdut.~ Este o plerdere de timp. Este o chestiune de timp. It’s time we left heré, It takes time. How long? How much time will it take to get there? It wil take an hour oF 50. From two to four. You've been a long time. Am J late? Haye you been walting long for me? T've been waiting for a quarter of an hour. I'm too early. FM come back Iater. He came too late. Be quick! We have plenty-of time. We'll be half an hour late. I have very little spare time, I can’t afford the time, I had to leave early. It’s about three quar ters of an hour's walk from here. Don’t hurry! Take your time! We'll be there in time, Do you get much time to yoursel!? Try to make up for lost time. It’s a waste of time. It’s a matter of time. its taim ui leit nia, it teics tain. hau loy? hau maci taim ull it¢ teic ta ghet dea? it wil tele an aud o: sau, frm tn: t& fo2. fav bin 4 lop taim, Am ai leit? hav iu bin ueitiy lop {8 mb? aiv bin -uciliy far euotd Av~ in aud, aim tu: di, y ail cam bee leita, hi cheim tu: leit, bi cule! ul hey plenti av talm, wil bi hat an aud elt, al hey verl litt spea taim, ai cant Gfed 0a taim, al hed t& iy di, its Abaut Uri: cuo-taz fiv in auiiz uo-k fram hia, dant hari! tele io: taim! uil bi ded in taim. du iu ghet macl taim tu fo:self? trai ti mcic ap [8 Jost taim, its 4 uelst av taim, iis 4 meta av taim, Mal avem citeva mi- We haye few minutes ul hiey a flu: mini. nute. left. left, (Asteptali), va rog, un Just a moment/minu- giast & méumiintjmin- moment/un minut/o — te/second. it/secind. secunds. Veniji la mine la ora Come and see me at cam dud si mi at nouddimineata/dupé- nine o'clock in the — nain fcloc in du mo amiaza. morning/the after- — nip/Ol_a:flanum, noon, Ne ‘Vedem miine la Ill see you at the ail si: iu at: 04 seim aceeast ord, same hour tomorrow. aud tamordu, M& imtore peste un Tl be back in a quar ail bi bee in a cuo:t& sfert de ord, ter of an hour, av an aud, Ela sosit Ia ora fixati? Did he arrive at the did hi Arciv at & appointed time? apointid taim? Co datd este dstizi? What date is today? uot deit iz tidei? Astdzi este sapte mal. Today is the seventh tidel iz Oi sevnd av of May. mel, In ce an sintem acum? What year are we now uot {%: a: ui nau In? in? Stntem tm anul 1982. We are in 1982. uta: in nainticn efti tu: Ce data a fost ieri/ What was the date uot wiz 54 déit iesti-» alaltsieri? yesterday/the day e/38 del bifo: festAdi? ; before yesterday? Co zi este astazi? What's today? uots tadei? Astiizi este marti. Today Is Tuesday. — tadel iz tiu:zdi, Ce a va fi poimiine? What day of the week uot dei av 08 ube Ul will be the day bi O& dei afta tae : after tomorrow? morau? De azi intro sipti- Today a week will be tidel 4 wie ull bi mind e zina mea de my birthday. * mai bé:Odel. | nastere. MA duc Ia {ari odat’ I go to the country al giu ta 3& cantr pe an. once a year. uans 4 ia: Am fost acolo acum I went there four years patru anijanul tre- —ago/last_year. cut. El s-a tors siptS- He came back last. bi cheim bac la:st mina/luna_ trecuta. week/month. ‘ui:e/man®, Plec s’pimina aceasta/ I'm leaving this week/ alm li:viy Us ufef | Siptimina viitoare. next. week. neest ul:c, oT Deunazi tam ifottialt Imet George the other af ae glogi Hi ada pe Geerge.* day, Nu v-am mai vazut dint I haven't seen you af Stemi sia ta stase since lanuarte februaric martic apruie mal funfe julie august septembrie octombrie” notembrte decembrie Pot si vin — dimineata — dupd amlara — seara — deseardy ol ce ai gade Anu! Nou? Ploua mutt primiivara/ teamna? farng ninge mutt 1 RRP el Ador vara Ne. veat duce acolo: — ftuni = marti = miercure — jot — vinect — simbata — duminica, Nu team vazub de un ear de ani, El_ne viniteaz’ o data ta dowl siptamtini. El _urma. s&_soseasct imtinea{s Ya c&derea mopti. ~ January Can T:come: — In the morning — In_the. afternoon — in the evening — tonight? What day will be the New ‘Year? Does it rain much Hn spring/autumn? We get a lot of snow in- winter. { ove ‘summer. We shall go there ou: — Monday — Tuesday — Wednesday — Thursday — Friday. — Saturday — Sunday.» T’haven’t seen ‘him for ages. He calls on us eveny “fortnight. He was to arrive in the morning/at night- fall : 68 — gieniuiri — februari > marci — eiprat — mel — gin — giulai — o'gast — septemba octduba n&uvemba disemba, fin ai cam: in 64 mo:nin — in di aitaniey — in Oi i vnin — tanait? i os, a ull bt Oa ntue ik: daz it rein mecl fu Sprinfo:tam? | ui ghel @ idt av situ in uinta, ai Tav sama, ui gil gu dea on: — mondi — Wiuezdl t > wenzdi > — Ba:zdi — fraidi — selidi — sandi. al havnt sin him fag Gigiz, hi coz on as eval To:tnait. i bi uoz lt araiv. in Kis mo-nip/at nait- fol. M& voi ocupa de aceasta fntr-una din ailele urmitoare, M-a visitat (chiar) tn lua aceea. Se face ttrziu, ‘Timpul a trecut, VREMEA Cum este vremea? Este -o ai drumoasa. Este o dupa-amiazi tneinttoare. Este 0 diminea|i fru- moasd, mut aga? Teri a fost foarte cald. Credefi ci o si ploud? Se pare ca far o sa evem o zi frumoasa, Azi dimineaji 2 fost eeatai/innorat, Astazi este cald/rece. Vremea se tmbunitd- feste/se stricd. Seara este umed/vint. E imdbusltor alci. cam frig sfard. Ingrozitoare vromer Credefi “ed vremea o sf riintnd frumoast? Vremea este stabili/ - instabila, Nori s-au risipit. Cerul s-a inseninat. TH see: to, it one of these days. He looked me up on that (very) day. It's. getting late. Thmne’s up. THE WEATHER What's the weather like? i's a fine, day. It’s a lovely after. noon. It’s a nce. morning, isn't 1t? It _was very hot yes terday, Do you think it looks Uke rain? It looks like being an- other fine day. ‘It was foggy/cloudy this morning _ Today It is warmjcold. ‘The weather Js improys ing/breaking. In the evening it is damp/windy. It's stuffy In here. It's nippy outside. Jerrible weather! Do you think it'll stay fine? ‘The weather 1s settled/ unsettled. “The clouds have cleared away. ‘The sky bas. cleared: all si: tu it nan aw Oi:z delz, hf duct mi op on Bet (veri) del, its ghetig elt, talmz ap, OH eda uots 8 uedi Inic? its A feln del. its &% Tavii- ‘ftinu:n. Its & nals mo-nip, Ant it? it udz_verl hot testddl, du iu Oige it lucs tale rein? It tues ale bi:ig anda fain del, it uaz foghi/elaudl dis monly. tidel it tz, uo:m/eduld, i = Pais tmpra:vig/ in @ uke it iz demp) nindl. its stofi iu hid. Ms nip! outsaid, teribl uedil du iu Gige Itt stel fain? i uedA iz setld) .an- setld., DA claudz hav clidd fuel, Ba scai haz clad. dese soarele. Soarele striluceste or- bitor. Yom avea o zi c&ldu- Toasa, Ce ai furlunoasi/ge- tonsil! Este o zi mohortta/ urtla, Ce vara splendida avem anul acesta! Am ayut o fara foarte geroasa. Zapada se topeste, S-ar putea si plow’. Ma, tem ck ne asteapté © vreme plofoasi. A 4 tnceput, si ploua. Plou& cu gileata. Ploud foarte tare, Toarna./Ploud, cu" gi- leata. Bate grindina, Strasniei ploaie, nu-1 asa? Ploaia a incetat. Fulgera. ‘Se msenineazii, Acum vremea este mal racoroasi. De o siptimin’ vremea ‘se menfine rece, Este cam frig pentru anotimpul acesta, Cerul este cenuslu/po- somorit. Vremea s-a ricit mult. fhe sun fs coming out. The sun is dazzling. ‘We'll have a warm day. ‘What a stormy/trosty 1 ay’ It's a gloomy/nasty day. ‘Whata glorious summer we're having this year! ‘We had af very frosty winter. ‘The ice is thawing. ‘We may expect rai It may rain, Ym afratd we're in for rainy weather. It’s raining already. It’s raining eats and dogs. It’s raining yery hard. It’s pouring. Is hailing. Very rainy, isn't it? The rain has stopped. Is lightening, It’s thundering, It’s cleatin up. The weather is cooler now. “We've had continuous cold weather for a week. It’s rather cold for this time of the year. The sky is grey/dull, The weather has turned much colder. 0a san iz camiy aut. 6A san iz dezlip. ull hev 3 uom del. uot & sto:mi/frostl delf Its 4 glumifnast® det, uot 4 glorits sama ull heviy is 1! ui hed & vert frostl uinta, i ais iz Oo:ip. / ul met Lil rein. /it mei aim. alee wid tm 18 reint wedi, fits reinig olredi. its” reiniy cts and dogz. fis teiniy veri had, Its. posriy. its helliy. Neri reini, iznt it? 34 rein haz stopt, its Iaitnin, ils Oandarig, its :cléiriy ap. Oi ueda iz cul naw ylv . hed cdnténtuils cduld wed fora ube, its rai cluld f% Us taim ay da ia: O& scai iz grei/dal, 84 weda haz Lind maol Esti 1, yint rece, Se apropie larna, A. venit iarnae Ayeli grija si nu ri. cifl pe vremea a ceasta umedd, Burniteaza. Termometrul coboari: Ninge. Este prima ninsoare din acest anotimp. Este extrem de frig. Frigul este insuporta- bil. Mi-este foarte frig. Nu pot suporta frigul. Este alunecos. Riurile sint_ inghefate. Prumurile sint ini. pezite/desziipezite. Ce vreme se anunfa pentru: astizl? Vremea va fl in general uscaté in cea mal mare parte a [Arll. Temperaturile vor. fi in general aproplate de normal. Astizi temperatura este de 15°C sub zero. Cite grade sub zero? Zece gmde sub zero. Ce vremue se anunfa pentru mine? Vreme in general us- cata cu soare in cea , mai mare parte a fairl, There isa cold wind blowing. Winter iy drawing near, Winter has set in, Mind you don’t catch a cold in this damp weather. It’s drizaling, ‘The thermometer fs falling/dropping. It's snowing. It’s the first snow of . the season. It’s bitterly cold. The cold fs unbear- able. I, feel terribly cold. I can’t bear the cold. It's. slippery, The rivers are frozen. The roads are snowed up/clear of snow. What's the forecast for today? Mainly dry in most areas. , Temperatures mostly near normal. Today it is 15 degrees (centigrade) below zero. How. mony degrees of frost? Ten degrees. below freezing point, What's the outlook for tomorrow? Mainly dry with sunny periods in most parts. a Beir iz 4 chuid wad blauiy, uint&é iz drody nls, ututa hiz set 1a, maind fu diuat cect a cliald in is demp ueda, its driclip. 04 Gimomitd tz foato/ dropip. its snduip. its d fst sndu av 3a si:zn. its bitali ciuld, 3& chuld tz anbelirabl, al tht terthlt eduld. al cont bed 3a chuld, Its slipirl, & 34 riviz a: {rdum, &4 rdudz a: sniud ap/ cid ay sniu, uots BA forcast 1% tdei? meinli drai in. maust edriaz, tempriciiiz mdéustll ni no:mal. tidel itt fiftin digri-e Gentigreid) bildu ziirha, hau ment digriz av ohrost? ten digetz bildu trézty point, uots di dutlue fi ta mori? meinli deal uid) sant pédriddz in maust pa:ts, Ploi temporare in sudul sl in centrul fart, eu furtuni sl inter vale senine. Care anotimp va place cel maf mult? Nu_ pof! ii niciodata sigur de vreme. En ies pe orice vreme. HOTELUL Avet! vreo cameri I beri? Afi rezervat o camera, domnule? Nu am rezervat 0 ca- mera, Ce fel de camerd do- HY? Vreau o camera cu un pat numal pentru o noapte. Dorese 0 cameri cu bate. Cit" timp inten flonatt si rdimineyi? Ramm 0 noapte/o sip- taming, Afi retinut “eamera/ea- merele? Am rezervat doud ca- mere, Am o cameri‘cu un pat cu dusfbak Ia etajul eal, ‘Va convine? Occasional rain in the South and Midlands, with thunder and bright periods. ‘Which season do you like best? ‘You can never be sure of the weather, T go out in all weathers. THE HOTED Haye you got any. val cent, room?/Is there any accommedation available? Have you booked ‘a root, sh? I have not reserved a room. ‘What kind of room do you want? I need a single room for one night ‘nly. I want a room with bath. How long will you be- staying? 1 shall stay for one night/a week. Have you made any reservation? I have reserved two rooms. Ihave a single room with shower/bath on the second floor: ‘Will that suit - you? 72 Acheljnal rein in 38 sauQ fn mididindz, wid Ganda aim brait pilirtidz, ey sizn du iv laic ju ie ae bi gut av at Ba aut In 0 wedliz, ba haute hay “Iu” got ent vel- eXint rum? [iz ded al Scomiidelgin Avellibl? see ty Inch A eae, at ay not rizdiyd a note OW sea a ja uont? nid @ siggl rum 14 uan nalt dunli, al uont & rem wld bad, haw lop ull fa bi stelip? af 98) stel £8 wan nalt/a ule. hav iu meld eal rex’ veipin? ab hiv rizd:vd tu: rusmz, ai) hev & sipgh Tuam uid saud/ba:0 on 0a seelind flor. ull Get suit tu? Dori si vedell ca- mera? ‘Ag yrea si vid camera. Care este tariful pentru © neapte/o sdptim- na? Tariful cuprinde sl ser- viciul/micul dejun? Camera aceasta tmnt con- * vines *Nu-ml place aceasta camera. Pot si va conduc la camera dv.? {mi puteti da o alti camerd/ o camera mal fefting? Cit este sérviclul? Vireo taxd suplimenta- rae + Duceff, va, rog, baga- jul ta camera, Ce numar are-camera mea Avefl>caméra 50, Vref si va Inserlett in registru/treceti numele? Vreti, vi tog, si com- pletati acest formu- Jar? — numele — prenumele — nafionalitatea = locut nagtertt — data nesterit — domicilinl stabil = semnadtura ‘Would ,you care to see, the room? T should like to see the room, What are your terms: uot per night/per week? Does that Include the service /breakiast? This room will be all Tight. I don’t like this room. May I show yoti up to your room? Can 1 have another room/a cheaper room? How much do you charge for’ service? Are there any extras? Please, have my things Drought up to my room, ‘Which {s my room num- ber? Tor ea is: number wit" ‘you Rinaly°Yeg- ). fster/enter your name? ‘Wil you. please ill in this form? — surname — Christian name = nationality = where: bom — date of birth permanent address — signature 3 ud fu chet ta si: 08 rum? al gid inte (i st: Oa daz tet Inclu:d Oa sd: vis/brectiist? as rum. ull bt od Tait, al daunt laic Os ru:m, mei al sf Iu ap tu Jo: a im? Xn al hav anads rum A ci:pA rum? hau maci du fu claigh f4 sd:vis? a: Bed ent ecstriz? pll:z, heey mal Olpz bro:t ap ti mai ram, ulel Iz mal rum nem- ba? Jo: ruzm: iz namba‘ rift, ull Ju cainall registay enté, io: ncim? ull lu. plz fil in dis fo:m? = saineim — cristiin neim = naganlist — ved-bom * — deit dy bad — pd:manant tidres = sigatets Dorijt si plauifi acum? Do you want to pay du fu uont td pel now? nau? Trebule s& platesc an- Am [to pay in advance am ai tA pei In Advans tieipat sau la plecare? Cheia de I camera dy., domnule, Unde tas cheia cind * kes? La&sa{{ cheia la portar/ recepjie. As yrea si schimb ca- ‘mera, Este prea zgomotoasii/ ‘prea rece, Aveti o camer aproape de lift? ‘VA rog si incuiafi usa. Dac& dorifl ceva, su- nati. Ne vom intoarce tirafu, La ce ora se inchide hotelul? Este portar de noapte? Astept un telefon. Daci mi cauti cneva fm timp co sint ple- cat, spunc{ii ci ma intore tntr-o ord. Ag vrea si las obiectele de valoare la dv, Vreau si merg Ia frl- zerle/restaurant, Unde este barul? or when checking out? ‘The key to your room, sir Where shall I leave the key when I go out? Leave the key with the porter/reception- ist. I should like to change my room, It is too noisy/too cold, Haye you any room nearer the lift? Lock » your room, please. Ring the bell if you want anything. We shall be back late At what time does the hotel close? Is there a night porter? T am expecting a tele- phone call. If anyone calls while Tam away, tell him TH be back in aa hour, I should like to leave my valuables with you, I want to go to the barber's shop/restaur- ant. Where is the cocktail bar? 4 0: uen cechip aut? 58 chi: tu io: ru;m, si, ued sil ai Uv O& chi: ten af géu aut? Iv D4 chi: uid Oa po:ti/risepsinist, al sid late ti ceingt mal rum, it iz tu: noizi/tu: ediuld, ev iu eni rum nfira 68 Jit? Jo¢ io: rum, pli. rig d& bel if fa uont enidi. ul sal bi hae leit, at uot taim daz d& hilutel cldiuz? iz Ged A nait po:tar al aim iespectip 4 teli- fun co:l, if eniuan co:lz uail al fim uel, tel him all bi bee in din and, ai sid laic t&-Ikv mal veliudblz uid in, ai uont t& giu th 3a babiz sop/restiro:y, ued iz d4 coctell ba:? Putefi si-mi ‘aduce {i micul dejun fn ca- meri In ora gapte? Este un ghiseu de schimb in holul hote- lulu? Unde pot gara masina? Dupa colt se afli un garaj. Aveji scrisori pentru mine? Pind acum nimie, Plec miine dimineajii. Pregiti{i-mi nota de plati In ora opt, vi tog. A Inlrebat cineva de mine? Imi pute}i face nota de plata, va rog? Vieli_ si chemafi un taxi? Puneti-mi geamanta- nele in taxi, Trimite}i lucrurile a- gestea la acroport. Va rog si expediafi toata corespondenta la aceasté adresd. Ne-a fiicut plicere sa stim aici. Aceasta, pentru dv, Culearea, Sculirea Camera mea nu ise 1nd ciilzeste bine, Can T have breakfast in my room at seven? Is there a currency exchange desk/eoun- ter in the lobby? Where may I park the car? There's a garage just round the corner, Have you any letters for me? No mail for you so far. I'm leaving tomorrow morning, Have my bill ready by 8 o'clock, please. Has anybody inquired after me? Can I haye my bill, please? Will you get a taxi for “me? Haye my cases put into the taxi. Send these. things to the airport, Will you, please, for- ward all my mail 4o this address? We have enjoyed our stay. This is for you. Going to Bed, Geiting up My room can't be heated properly, ri} can ai bev brecfist 4n mai rum at sevn? fz Sel 4 cartnst tes- ceingi dese | eaunta in 04 lobi? ued mei ai pac oa ca? Jeiz a —gera:gl last raund 0d co:nd, hey tu ent detiz 1 mi? nit meil fo iu siu alm li:vip tmor&u mo: nip. hey mai bil tedi bai elt icloc, plizz. haz enihodi incuaidd a:fta mi? ein al hey mai bil, pliz? uil iu ghet 4 Lecst fo mi? fev mai cheisiz put intl 8a tees! send diz Olgz td di elipo:t. ull fu, pli:z, fod oct mai mell’ 14 dis a ares? ul hay ingioid aud stel, Us dz fo Iu, gduiy ta bed. ghetig ap mai ru:m cant bi hitid Propili, Va trebui s& dam dru- mul Ja radiator. Radiatorul electric func- floneazii? Functioneazi instala- fia de tnedlzire cen- tala? Camera este _ swprain- calzita. Eu nu pot dorm intr-o cameri rece/incal- Zita. Trebuie si ma cule. Sint mort de oboseala sl mi-e somn. Pic de somn. Na mie somn de lec, La ce ord vA culcati? MA cule ziu. E timpul de cuicare. Am s& ma& culc, Va este somn? SA v4 trezesc miine dintnes }4i? Vre{l, va rog, si m4 sculafi Ia ora gage? Somn> usor, devreme/tir- Vise placutet Mulfumese! gi dv! V-afi sculat deja. La ce or& y-afi trezit? Afi dormit bine? Mulfumese, am dormit foarte bine: M& scol devreme/tirziu. Asemenea © We shall haye to put on the radiator. Does the electric radi- ator work? Is the central heating on? ‘The room is overheated. I can’t skep iM a’ cold/heaicd room. IT must go to bed. Tm dead tired and sleepy. I’m nearly asleep. I don’t feel sleepy a bit. What time do you go to bed? I go to bed early/ late. It's thne for bed. TU turn in now. Are you feeling sleepy? Shall I wake you up tomorrew morning? Will gou call me at six, please? Sleep well. (Have a good sleep.) é Sweet dreams! Thank you! The same to youl You’re up already. What time did you wake up? Did you sleep well? Thank you, I’ve slept very well I am an early/a tate riser. 76 ul sal hav ta puton 5a reldieila. daz Oi ilectric reldieita ~ ule? iz BA sentril hi:tig on? 54 rum iz duvihétid. cant si:p in & ghuld/bi:tid ru:m, ai mast gtu ti bed. aim ded talid dnd al 2 ai daunt fi:l slipl & bit, uot talim du iu gin bed? tA bed a:lif its talm f& bed. afl tin In nau, a: iu fislip sli:pi? sal ai ucic in ap ta morau mo:nip? ull iu. cod mi At six. pli:z? slip uel. (hev 4 gud silrp.) suitt art:mat Oxye ful 34 seim tu jut iuad ap o:lredi. uot taim did iu uele ap? “did tu sli:p uel? Gye iu, aiv slept veri uel. ai Sm an 4:li/4 leit raiza. Aseard meam cculcat 1 went ‘tu cbed) fate ai went ti bed leit Larst tirain. Jast night nait, Aritaff obost. You look tired. du tue taldd, Nu afl dormit bine? Didn't you sleep well? didnt iu slip uel? Am avut.o noapte I had a bad night. al hed & bed. uait, proasta. Nu am dormit deloc. I didn’t skep a wink., al didnt sli:p 4 uige, a etet tae Man us un Thad to take a sleep- al hed td tele & sliping somnifer. dng-draught. aracft, Pot si merg la bale Con I go tothe both- ein ai gu th OX scum? room now? ba:Oru:m nau? Vrean s% fac baie/dus. I want to have my ai wont t& hey mal bath/shower. bba:8/saud, Fac.o balejun dus rece. I take a cold bath/ ai tele 4 eiiuld ba:O/ shower. A, saul, = Trebule si mi spal/ I must wash/shave. al mist uo9/geiv, biirbleresc. Unde-mi sint balatul Where are my dressing nt mal one gaun ‘sl papucll? gown and slippers? MA tmbrac tatr-o-elipi. TM get dressed in no ail — ee in nau time. taim, Fac gimnasticd de di- Ido'my morningphys!- al du mal ealy fai mincaté, eal ‘exercises. ‘eal ecsiisaistz, Ce sé-ml pin? ‘What should I ‘wear? ‘uot sid al ued? Punefi-vi, ceva cildu- Put on something put on samOiy tom. ros. warm, Si-mi pun um costum Shall I wear a. dark gil af ued A da:c su:t/a inchisfo. rochle des- — suit/a light dress? lait. dres? chist? Se asorteani cu albas- It goes well with blue, ft giuz uel uid: blu, Dumintea dorm de obl- T usually sleep tate al seamen ero cel pink ttrziu, on Sundays, sandiz, Huant place si mi I hate getting up ear- al heit ghetly ap a:lt seol devreme dar tre- ly but 1 must hurry - Dat ai mist had tt buie si plec repede * to work. wae, I Jucra. Dupi ce vi spilaji As soon as you have &z su:n’ &z fw | hiv gi va fmbricafi ve- washed and dressed wost and drest cam Se 8% Tuafi micul ~ come down to have . daun tihmv brectast. dejun, breakfast. a7 RESTAURANTE Mesele zilei SA mergem Ia un res- taurant. Este un restaurant in hotel? Unde se afld’ restau- rantul cel mai apro- piat? Este un restaurant viza- vi/dupa colt. ‘Nu se afl un restaurant bun, prin apropiere? Cunose un local bun, Mi-e foame/sete. Nu am Ivat masa inca, Nu mi-e foame deocam- data. As dori si manine ceva ‘Usor. Si -luim o gustare. Neam pofti de min- care! Unde vom lua masa? Putem merge la: — un bar — un bufet lacto un restaurant die- tetic — un bufet expres — un restaurant cu autoservire = 0 cafenea, Sa gisim o masa Iingh fereastra, Se serveste micul dejun/ prinzuljcina acum? Masa aceasta este li- berdi/ocupata? RESTAURANTS Meals of the Day Let's go toa restaur- ant, Is there a. restaurant in the hotel? Where is the nearest restaurant? There is a restaurant across the road/round the corner, Isn’t there a decent restaurant near here? I know a good place, T'mhungry/thirsty. I haven"t eaten yet, I don't feel like eating yet. I should like to eat something light, Let's have a snack, I have no appetite, ‘Where shall ‘we eat? We can go to: —a bar —a milk bor — 4 diet restaurant —a snack bar — a self-service res- taurant — a café. Let’s find a table near the window. Are they serving break- fast/lunch/ dinner now? Is this table vacant/ ‘engaged? 78 restdiro:g2 milz dv B& del lets gan tua resliiro:y, iz Del & restaroy in 08 hautel? ued iz Od nilirist restar ory? der iz & restiro:y Heros 84 riud/raund 8% coma, tent Sei 4 dient restiiro:y nid hid? at nau A gud pleis, aim hangri/Oa-sti? ai hevnt Ltn tet, al diunt fil laie étip jet. ai sad laie tu ist somBig lait. lets hav & snec, aj hey niu apitait, ued sl ui ist? ui edn gdu tu: — Aba: — & mile ba; — A daiat restiiro:y — & snwe baz — a self sd:vis restatro:y — 4 cxfa. lets faind a teibl nid 68 uindau, a: Bei st-viy brectist/ Janei/dind uau? fz Us teibl veicdnt/in- sheigid? © mask pentru doud Persoane, va rog! Ag rea si rezery o ‘mash pentru sase persoune pentru asti seard, ‘Mal pune}i un tactm Ia aceasta masa. Astept niste prieteni. La ce ord se serveste masa? Cheiner, lista, te trog. Acesta este un res- taurant de categoria I. Ce si comandim? Sa va citese meniul. AU ales? Ce afi yrea si mincati? Ce serviti? Eu urmez regim. Nuam voie si maninc... Cum este mai conve- nabil, & la carte sau menia fix? Ce-mi recomandati? Care este specialitatea zilel? Doriji ceva de baut? Seryiji. bauturl alcoo~ lice in restaurantul * dv.? © halba de bere, va Tog: La fel si pentra mine. Domnul/doamna este servit(a)? A table for two, please. I wish to reserve a table for six for this evening, Lay one more cover at this table, Tam expecting friends, At what time-are the meals served? Show me the menu, ‘waiter, This is a .I* class restaurant, What shall we order? Now, Iet me read the menu to you, Haye you made your ‘choice? ‘What would you like to eat? ‘What will you have? Tam on a diet. I am not allowed to cat... Which is cheaper, A Ja carte meals or table> Mhote? What do you recom- mend? What is the special dish today? ‘Will you have anything to drink? Is this restaurant l- censed? A mug of Deer, please, Til take the same. Are you being served? & teibl £4 tu:, pli:z, al ul th rizdv & teibl fa six £8 dis ynip. Jd uan mo: cava at Us telbl. ai dim lcspectip frendz, @t uot taim a: da mi:lz sa:va? sau mi 0a meniu:, ueita, dis iz & Liro:p. wot sal ul 0:8? nau, Jet mi ri:d 0% menius tu iu, hiv iu meid io: ciois? st clas res- uot ud iu laic tu ist? uot uil in bev? ai Am on 4 daiat. ai im not dilaud tu i... nicl iz ci: mi:lz iach] dant? uot du iu recimend? uot iz Ba spepiil dig tAdel? uil fa hev enidig ta arige? 4a Uis restiro:g latsdnst? A mag Ay bid, pikz, ail tele 34 scim. a: iu big siivd? MI sa Tint comanda, [’ve given my order. Vreau o gustare/aiste I want a snack/some sandvijurt, sandwiches, Ce aperitive aves? What hors d’oeuvre/en- trée have you got? Propun si tacepem cu I suggest that we have ‘supa. soup to begin with, Vrefi si-mi aduceft...2 Will you get me...> — 0 farfurie (de supa’) — a’ soup plate — o Linguri —a spom — ofurculita —a fork As (nigte)... mo Vrefi simi destupafl Wil yott open this sticla aceasta? bottie for me, please? Mal aducefi un tactm, Another place, please, vil rog. Vrefl si-mi dati, va Would you, Plesis, pass Tog, niste ...? me some. — Piper — sare — ofet — mustar — zahir — untdelema \amntie — 50s — ardet Ne putefi da niste api? May we have some \ water? Nou-mi place acest (a- I don’t like this,. ‘ceasta) ... Altceva, vi rog? Anything else, please? Nimic, mulfumese, Nothing else, thani you, YVrefi si chemafi chel- Could you call the nerul? waiter? Nota de platd, vi rog. The bill, please, aly ghivn mal . o:da, al uont a sneo/sim senulgiz. ut “8 Aderejontsl he a sy bet ub bev susp th bige-w uid, glass < ah ghd: Laie. (sim)... til duptin dis boll C8 mi, pli:z? Sinadi plois, pil:2. pass mi mei uf hev sinr uotaz ai dunt lalc Uis.. eniGin els, pli:z? naGig els, Geye Iu, cud iu cot d& ueita? OA bil. oli:z, Note separate, sau im- preund? Servictul este foarte bun. Nota dy., domnule Cit- am. de plata? Nota cuprinde si ser- vwiclul? Mullumese Ne-a pli- cut masa Mien! dejun Nu am luat ince talcul, dejun, La ce ori lva{l micul dejan? S& Va serves” micul dejun? Spunefi-ml ce dorlfl sit mineafi. Veet coal sau eaten? Prefer 0 cease’ de ceal, VA place cafeaua en- Blezeasch? Befl ceaiul cu Iopte? Cum wi place ceaiuly fait place ceaitd tarey slab, Boritl fulgi de ovaz saw fulgl de cereale cn dopte st zabair Ia tn- ceput? Mai punetilapte in ceal dac& dorl(l. SA va torn o ceased de” cafea? 6 — 1191 Separate bills or 2 com- mon one? The service Is quite good, Your bill, sir, How much is the bill? Is service included? ‘Thank you, We enjoyed the meal, Breakfast I haven't had. brenke fast yet. What the do jou have breakfast? Shall I get you some breakfast? ‘Tell me what. you want to eat, Do you like tea or coftee? I prefer a cup of tem Do you like | Englisi coffee? Do you tune milk) to your tea? -How do) you like your tent T dike “it strong/weatk: Would) you" like por- ridge or com flakes with mill and sugar to start with? Add some. more miilic to your tea, if you like, Shall I pour you out a cup of coffee? 81 sepilt lle 0: a comin an? i, sdcna-dx lt end Io: bil, si: hau maci iz D4 bil? fa sd:vis -inclu:did? Gwye iu, ul ingiold oa nil breetiist al havnt had breefitst i uot taim du in hev breefitst? gil ai ghet iu sim breofaist? tel mi uot iu uont tu At, au fu lac to: colt? al pritd: 4 cap dy'ts du tu lale tyglly colt? €u_latele’ mile tu: lo ue haw das tw tale to" ti? al laic it steopfulze; tid iu lnie | porigh 0: com fleies uid mile on sugh ta sta:t uid? ‘ed sim mo: mile ty io: Ub, if Iu lale, #8 al po: iu attt & cap fy cofi? Avem si oud cu guned. Mal tau © portle de flerturd de falgl dé o- vaz. Bervifi-va cu gem de portocale. ‘Unit prefer oud (Gerte) tarl/mot Ja micul de- ; Nu mai dorit! nigte pil- ne cu unt? Da, vi reg. Xv, mulfumese. Am lust de ojuns. Dorese niste: piine prajita brinzi oud cu guncd ochiurrt ctrnielort Jourt smintinad — dulcea ta. Dorijf un sandvis? bhirrat Nu, multumese. Este destul. 3 Nu mal dorese, mul}u- mesc. Tmt puteti da o ceased de lapte/cacao? Aff tneercat ceaf eu 1i- mile /rom? V-a plicut micul dejun? Engleailor le place ca micul dejun 4% fie substantial, ‘There's also bacon and ges. TH take another help- ing of porridge, Help yourseif to some marmalade, Some peuple prefer hard-bolled/soft- bolled eggs for break- fast. Won't you bave some more bread and but- ter? ‘Yes, please, No, thank you, Pve had enough. Td like some; — ham and eggs — fried eggs — sausnges — yoghurt Would you Uke a sand- wich? No, thank you, I've had enough, I don't want any more, al thank you, Can I have a cup of milk/eocoa? Have you tried tea with lemon/rum? Did you enjoy your breakfast? English people seem to like a substantial breakfast, Beaz o:lsdy belen ind eee, ail tele dinads helpig ay porigi. help fo:self tA sim mace maletd, sim phpl prifa: ha:d bot.d/soft bojid egz 14 breclast, udunt lu hey sim mo: bred an bata? 48, Bli:z. niu, Gege iu, alv hed inaf, ald Juice sam: — thust Se A) —ham éhd egz — fratd egz — sorsigiz — logat ud iu laic & senujgi? . atu, Gene fu. aly hed Inat. diunt uont en mos, Beye fu, * cin al bev 4 cap ay mile/edueau? hiv iu trafd th uid Jemin/ram? did iu Ingiol to: breefast? togily pi:pl sim ti late & sibstengal brecfist, Prinzul $i cina Cite inese luati pe zi? Care este cea de-a doua mavd a zilel in Anglia? La ce ord Juajl masa de pring? Frinzul se serveste tn- tre orele unn sl trel. Ce minca(f la pring? Unde pot lnao gustare? Se’ poate servi prinzut Ja restaurantele cu meniu fix? ~ Desigur, dar eu prefer si aleg mincarea ca- re-mi place. Ce vrefi sf servifl? Vreau mai inti un pa- har de sue de rosit {suc de ananas, Dali vrea sue de por- tocale/Limtie? Ce supa dorifi2? supa de rosit supa de legume supa de telind supa cu titel supa cu galuste. Putefi's& luafi- si: — clorba de fasole ~ ciorba de cartofi = clorba de maruntaie clorbi de perisoare. Luoch and Dinner How many meals a day do you have? What's the second meal in English homes? ‘What time do you have lunch? Lunch Is served be- tween one and three o'clock. What do you have for Junch? Where can I have a snack? Can you get a sel lunch at a restaurant? Certainly, but I prefer to choose the food T like best. What will you have? To begin with, I'd Ike a. glass of tomato/ pineapple juice, How about orange/ lemon squash? What soup would you like? Td ike: — chicken soup — tomato soup — vegetabie soup — celery soup — noodle soup — dumpling soup. You can also hat — beau soup potato soup = Botan — meat ball soup. 83 Iancl an dini hau men mile a det du iu hey? uots 04 secand mit in ingly haumz? uot talm du iu hev ianei? Janci iz s&:vd bituin uan an Ori: Actoc. uot du iu hey & lanel? ued cin ai hey & snc? etin tu ghet 4 set tanct at a restiro:p? Sd:tnll, bat ai prifa: 1% ciu:z 63 furd al taic best. not ull ju bey? ta bighin wid, ald tale a gla:s ay tama:tau/ painep! giu:s, haw abaut oringifeman scuo$? uot su:p ud fu tate? ald Iai — cichin su:p — Uimetiu sup Vegitabi suzp — damplig su:p, fu cn o:lsdu hav: — bin sup — pilteitiu su:p — giblit su — mi:t bo:t sup. Ce minedruri de. peste What fish dishes! do vot fig dijiz wn hie hie? fWeu de peste prijit — fried fillet of fish = — fratd filit dv fis rulouri de fileu de — rolled fillet of — riuld filit dv aneiayi aveli? you have? Ayem: We haver A hav: = Pests! laeritarfpre, — seMlegtriegueted, — = i adore jlt/ras - hoes rez” “—topster with Flee bbs Wd rails = scrumbie — herring — hey = batog afumat = smoked haeitock ~ — emaet adie — stridii — oysters — vistiz ansoa i anchovy, — Jere negre — cevia: Store de Maxclarla) © — Menchuria Hard roe — meneiutiid> eid ria = rack. crawfish, = ervfis, va place carnea? Do you like meat? du iu laie mit? Imi place carnea de I like beef but 1 don’t ai laic bist ba? at dunt yacd, darnu-mi pliee like pork, luic pores. carnea de pore. ‘Va place cornea de ber- Do you like amulton? du Iu lale main? bee : Imi putefi da... 2 Can I haye., 2 = euean — pasire — tocand de pasate — stinid eichin ciulama de pui — chicken In white — -~ céchin in uait so:s ‘Sauce ry z — came rasol — boiled meat — Void mit — garf de pore — brisket — briskit — tocand de vacd — beet/pork stew — bif/poce stin: - Pore } y ~ fieat — liver + = tied J — creier pane — dish of breaded — diy dv bredid breina brains : — clulama dé-ciupercl — mushrooms cooked —— masramz extet in in sauce tos — ghivect de came = — Ihish stew! — airs stin’ — spaghete — spaghetti — spighett Vieau nipte: I want some: at uont sam: ; — carloft. flerti — bolted potatoes — bold pateititue — piren de eartofi_ —. mashed potatoes + magt patetttiuz s 8s Mai puteti lua o partie te. 7 vribloari muschi de yacd/pore™ snilel cotlet de pore carne de micl entne de vitcl rosblf billec antricot pul la frigare Pee Lee! cirna{i de pore cum val place rosbiful? Imi place rosbiful in singe bine fript: Ce mal luiam? Este prea mult. Serviti-va singur daci ~* mai dori{i. Lasati-o dack nu va place. Accast4 mineare se ser- vesle cu legume: car- tofi, mazire, mor- covi, fascle sau varza. S& vA seryese.-? salatai de resil salata de vinete salati a Ja russe salaf% verde salata beeuf Imi puteti da niste pli- ne albd/neagra? Mai doriti... ? Da, mul{umese. Can you manage ae other helping of.:.? — roasted. steak — beef/pork _ sirloin — schnitzel — pork cuttet — lanb — veal —- roast beef > beefsteak — steak/riy . — chicken roasted on the spit ‘ — pork sausages: How do you like your roast :heef? + I like my roast beef slighty underdone; well-done, Whit’s te next course? I don’t waut so much, Help yourself if you want some more, Leave it, if you don’t like it ‘This dish is served up with vegetables: potatoes, green peas, carrots, beans or cab- bage. Shall I help you to ..? — tomato salad — eggplant salad — Russian salad — green salad — cold meat salad Can I have some white/ brown bread? Would ‘you care for some more...? No, thank you. Yes, thank you. a5 cain fu meenigi dnadé heipig dv...2- — rdustid. steic — bi:ffpo:e sdloin — snital — pore cailit — tem — vi réust bicf bitsteic steic/rib cichin réustid on OA Lit hau.du iu laic io: rdust bii? ai laic mai -réust. bit siaitli and&dan/uel dan. uots 6& next “co:s? ai daunt uont sau mac, help fo:self if iu uont sim mo:. li:v it, ifiu daunt laic it, dis dig\iz stivd ap uid vegitdiblz: pateitauz, grim pz, cwerats, binz o: exbigi. gil ai help tu ta...? = timaitau settd — egplant said — rasin selid — grin selid — chuld mi:t selad cin ai hev sam uait/ braun, bred? ud iu ced [i sam mo:...? niu, Oepe in. ies, Gepe iu. Tm putett da un pa- har de-....? — suc de ananas — suc de rosii — sifon — api mineral De obicel inchel masa en brinza, biseutti sf cafea. Ce si Iuim ca desert? Si-1 tntrebiim pe chel- ner daci au fructe. Cem! puteti da ca de- sert? Putefi Ina: — prajitura pandispan paten/plicinta tort de ciocolata gogost clittite budines compot tart cu. more pliciota cu brinzd briogi Inghefaté inghetatd asortata tnghetata de vanille Mmaghelata de cloco- lata — salaté de fructe, Doriji si bell ceva? pret pereberere Eu nu prea beau Ave}i biuturi ricort- toare (nealeoollee)? Serviji-va cu .. = banane = ananas May “I have a glass Of...? — pineapple juice — tomato juice — soda — mineral water Generally, I finish up with cheese and bis- cuits and coffee. What shall we have for dessert? Let's’ ask the walter it they have any fruit, What can you give me for dessert? You can have: — cake — sponge cake — pie — chocolate cake — pudding ice-cream mixed ice vanilla ice — chocolate ice Lidia — fuit salad. Would you like a drink? Vm not much of a drinker, Do you have any soft drinks? Help yourself to some... — bananas — pineapple 86 mel al lucy @ glais av. — painepl gius — tima:tau gins — siudi — mindril nota gendrall al fiaiy ap wld ect Sn bischits an coli. uot gil ul hev £4 dizdt? lets ase 34 ucitd if Sei hiev ent fru:t, vot can iu ghiv ml fa dizd:t? fu cin hev: — cheic — spangi chele — pai — cioclit_cheie — aiseriim — mixt ais — Vanila ais — ciodit als — frost salad, ud Iu laie & drige? alm not mvci ay @ drinedt, f du fu hrev ent soft driges? help to:self td sim, portocale strugurl pepene (galben) pepene verde eapsunt ameurd piersict prune Pere ‘aise — mere. Cum va place? Mba placut foarte mult, mi pare foarte bine cd va place, lal servifi. Nu, multumese, este de ajuns, Servifi ett dorigt. Pute[I Ina = sempanie conic vermut Hchior VESTA Wy bel SEP whisky vin veeht iu spumos vin sec yin dulce vin de mas& vii rosut vin ald voted. vreil si hel? Dutmeayorstea nu ser VL (ann Prefer co bhuturd re coritoare. — oranges — stapes — melon — water melon — strawberries — raspberries — peaches — plums Je pearseules — apricots — apples. How do. you like it? I enjoyed it immense- yy. Vm glad ivs to your taste (you enjoy ‘it), Have a little more. No, thank you, T don’t fancy any more. Take as much as you lke, ‘You can have: champagne cognac vermouth liqueur gin whisky “ old wines ~ sparkling wine ary wine sweet wlae table (dinner) wine red wine white wine — vodka. What will you drink? Vu have a small bitter, HHEPttt tbh bet Aren't you having one? Td rather have a soft dink, — oringiz — grelps — malin — uot melin — stro:barlz — razbiriz — pisciz — plamz — peiz — eipricots — eplz. hau du tu lalc it? al Ingicid it imensil aim ghed its tu lo: telst (iu Ingiol it). hev 4 litl mo:. néu, Beye fu, al ddunt fensi eni mo:, tele dz mack az iu lale, fu odin hey: — sempein — eonixe — vaemi0 — lichind = gn = viski — auld vain — spaclly uain — drat uatn = suit uain — teibl (din) uain — red uain — ualt uaa — vodea. uot uil In delye? ail hey & smo:l bila, ant Tu hevig uan? aid radd bev 4 soft driye, Xu mi-e sete, Am baut destul. Mal lua{i un pahar de here. Pot si vi maf torn un pahar? Numat putin, ya rog. Eu beau vinuls — ew sifon — fri sifon. fn sindtatea dv.1 Noroet ‘Am Must o/ gustare: pe op raiasd dormiji pu- ul os dar ean (dorm), ( Mal lnati o cafea ine- Inte de plecare. Vreti o figari? Mergem_Inti-o excur- sie slam dort min- care Ja pachet, Mal avem timp 84 bem un pahar inainte de inchidere. Ora inehiderit,, va Tog. IN onas Cam ne orlentam Scuzaji-ms, putes! si-mi spune{i cum ajung ta ..,? = 0 agentic de volaj = ofietud postat Tm not thirsty, T've drunk enonghs Have another glass of beer, May I fill) your» glass again? Just a Tittle, please, Tike my-wine; — with ‘soda — neat, Here’s to you! Gheerst ‘We had a light meal on our way, Do you have 2 hap after Itnch?: Some people do, but I don’t. Have mother coffee be- fore we go. Would you care for a cigarette? We're going on a trip and we'd Iike some packed food, We have just time for anofber glass ~ before they close down. Time, gentlemen, please, IN TOWN Inquiting the Way Excuse me, eoutd you direct me to, 2 — a (ravel_ agency — the post office 8a alm not Od:stl, aiv drage inaf, hev dnadi glas dv bid. met af fil for. glass en? giast & 1, pltz, aj Jale mai ‘nein = uid stud — nt. hidiz tu tat elazt ul hed a Jait mi:b on aura uel, da in hey & nap ets sa pkpl du, bat af dannt, es nada coft hifo: tad fs ke fr & sighret? uld gfuty on & trip and ud Isle sun pitet lu:d, ul hey giast talm far An@da gln:s bifo: Seb eliiuz deun, talm, gentimen, pity, | in tau inenalfriy 08 uet Jeschiu:z ml, cid fu dircet mi 4%. % — 4 trevi eigitnst — 04 piust offs — hotelul cel mai apro- piat — uh magazin univer sal Canoastetf oragul? Ma tem ci m-am rita eft. Merge{i drept tnainte. Tuali-o la dreapta/ la stinga. Mergeti pe strada aceas- ta pina la capat. Acesta este drumul ca- tre ambasada roma- na’, M-ati putea Mdruma? ‘Sinte{f amabil si-mi arata{i drumul? Regret, mu stiu. Nici eu nu sint de aici. No’ v-as putea. spune Precis. refi si-l_intrebafi pe polifistul acela? Am 8% \va/arat-dramoul, Mergefi drept inainte, ‘apol Iuati-o pe prima stradi la dreapla, Mai Intrebajt pe: cineva ‘acolo. Ge distant credey! e& este? Este foarte departe de aie! Awe{i de mers 0 Dueata bund. Cred c& sint mai mult de tel mile. Ih elt Ump ajung acolo? Ss — the nearest hotel —'a department store Do you know this town? Ym afraid Pye lost my way. Go straight on, Turn right/turn Teft, Follow this street to ‘the end. Am I Aight ‘for the Romanian Embassy? Could you put me right? . Would you mind tell- ing me the way? Tm afraid Pve no idea, Tm a stranger here myself. I really, can’t tell you for certain, Would you mind asking the policeman over there? T will show you the way. Keep straight on, then take the first turn ing to, the right, Ask your way again there, How fer do you think it is? IUs a very long way from’ here, Thel’s quite @ distan ee It’s over three mites, ¥ think, How long will It take me to get there? 89 — MA nidrist haute =f dipatmint sto: di fu nity Us tau? aim ifreid av lost mai nel, glu strelt on. tin ralt/t&in left, foliu Gis strit ti tL end. im al rait ft 04 rumein- iin embiisi? eid fu put mf rait? ud fu mind telly mi 0% uel? aim Sfreid aly niu aidi’, aim & streingl& hid maiself. al rik caznt tel Iu 18 sictn. ud tu maind e:schip a pilismin anv Bea? al ull sit fa 0% wel, chip streit on, Jen tele Gh fest tent th 0a rait, aise to: uel aghen ded. hau fa: du Iu Oipe It 2? its 4° veri log uel fram is Gui Ori: matlz, al Gtye. hat log! till 1 tele mt ti ghet dea? Care este drumul cel mal seurt? Cum se poate ajunge acolo mal repede? Ar fi mai bine sa luajt aulobuzul. Ce autobuz trebule si fau? Puteti lua orice auto- buz pentru a ajunge acolo. S& va arit drumul pind la stajia de au- tobuz. Este pe partea dreapta/ stings. Traversaji strada_ jf Tna{i-o Ja stinga, La urmitoarea Inter- sec}ie knafi-o la dreapta, Pot ajunge cu metrotl Ia ...2 Cavt numirul 10 pe strada Orchard, Mergefi Inapol 200 me- t Luati-o tn directia opusa. Cum se numeste strada aceasta? Strada aceasta duce tn soseaua principal’? Acesta este numirul opt? Afi putea afla ce numir este? Drumul acesta duce la Piccadilly Circus? Fiji stent cind tra versa} strada. Which is the shortest way? Which Is the best way to get there? You'd better go there by bus, ‘What bus must I take? Any bus will take you there, Let me show you the way to the bus stop. It’s on the right-hand/ left-hand side. Go across the road and turn left. At the next crossroads turn to the right, Can Iget to... by tube? Ym looking for 10, Orchard Street, Go hack two bundred inetres, Go in the opposite die rection. What's the name of this street? Wil this street bring me out on the main road? , Is this number 8? Could you find out which number it is? Does this road lead to Piccadilly Circus? Look out when crossing the street, 99 uicl iz (04 soitist vei? uicl iz 8a best uci ta Bhet dei? fud beta giu Jed bat has, uot bas miist al tele? eni bas ull teic fu ded, Jet_mi sau. ju 38 wei td 04 bas stop, its on 64 rait hend left hend sala, gin acros O riud an tim left, ft D4 necst crosriiudz tin 1a Oa rait, edn al ghet ti... bal tub? aim luchig fa ten, o:clad stri:t, gi bee tu: handrtd mé- tiz, gum di opazit direesan, uots ‘34 neim av dis strhit? ull dis strit brig ml aut on 4 mein riud? iz bis nombé ell? edd iu faind aut uicl nambi it ie? daz Gis riud list ta picadili sdi:cas? jue aut uen crosiy, 08 strist. Traversati strazile nu- mai pe trecerile pen- tru pietoni: Circulajla este - foarte intens& la aceasta ora. Treceti de fermi si veli ajunge in so- seaua prineipala. Luati-o pe acolo, Opriti la intersectie/bi- furcare/sensul _ gira- toriu. Merge{i spre nord’sud’ est/vest. j Transportul urban Ce Sutpbuze mers spre wis, este autobuz? Ce autobuz ar trebut s& fau spre..:? Autobuzul 172 oepreste aici? stafia de Este o stafie faculta- tiva. Autebuzele o- prese numai la cere- rea calatorilor. Autobuzul acesta cir- » eula de-a Iungul bule- vardulul,,.? Troleibuzul accsta mez ge spre centru/peri- ferie, Luafi autobuzul 164 si coboriji la... Unde trebuie sa ure. s4 cobor? Trebuie sA schimb cu trolelbuzul? €ross the streets only on thé zebras, The traffic is verv heavy at this heur, Go past the farm and you'll get to the main road, Go that way, Stop at the crossroads, the fork/the -round- about. Ge north/seuth/east west. City Transport 3 Which buses go to ,? Where is the bus stop? Which bus ought to take for,.,? Does the nuniber 172 Stop here® It's a réquest stop, Buses stop on request here, Does this bus go along the... boulevard? This trolley-bus is going uptown/downtows (cowntown/uptown- USA Get on a number is4 and get off at Where n:nst I get on off? Do L-have to change to the trotley-bus? SL Cros Oa stri:ts ent: on, OA 2i:braz, 6a Lreefic tz veri heyt is aud, gdu pa:st O& fan ay inl ghet t& 03 mein raud. gau det uel. stop at 64 crosriiudz, ds fo:e/34 raundabaut, gaiu_ no:O/sauf/isst/uest sili tra:nspo:t uiel , basiz gir ti...? -ued_ I72 G& bay stop? i bas o:t ai té teio ° drad an stop hid? {ts 4 ricuest stop.’ basts Stop on ricuest hid sevntl daz dis ous yiu Oa .. bu:tva:? along Gis trlibas: iz. gé@tiy aptaxa/daunta (dauntaun/apiau:), ghet on a nomba : handrdd Sn sixti f ghet of at. nea mast ai ghet cr jor? du ai hev ta cv: agi t3 “84 trolibas? ‘Spunefi-ml, vi rog, un- | de trebuie s& schimb, 11 pe taxator sé ‘spuna el s& co~ dortti Ia... es merg in acecast Cit de des tree auto- 1 buzele de aici? Pe aici nu cirenla tram- ‘abe? TalA ck vi vine outo- buzul. Autobuznl este ajglo- merat. Toate Jocurile sint ocu- pate, Nu mal sint Tocuri (in pieioare) Pregiii|l marunfigul. Taxa, va tog. Pina unde mergeti? Eu merg pind Ja eapit. Cit cost% un bilet pint sda? Tasa Ia acest trolel- buz este. Autobuzul taxator? Este un loc Uber tn fata. cena, vA rog. Unde sintem acum? Sinteli bun s&-mi spu- neti unde trebule si cobor pentru... Aici coboriti, cesta n-are ta timpul orelor de virf emai bine si luatt metrowl, ‘Tel me* where | to change, please. Ask ie conductor to put! you off at. Tm going the same way/ route myself: How often do buses run trom here? Are there “no trams running here? Now, there's your bus * coining, The bus Is packed/ crowded. Fud op inside, ‘Su standing room! Have your change ready. Fares. ploase, How fur do. you 40? 1 go as far as ft goes (1 goto the terminal). Whal is the fare to...? ‘The fare ox tlils trol Tey-bus is. Docs this without a conductor? There’s a vacant seat xt the front. Move up to the front, please, Where, are wwe now? ‘Will you please tell me where to get off for ..? This is where you get off, Duriag the rush hours you should go by wu+ Gerground/tube, on Sh aah shaeaote use Bf eandasta t8 put ia Of ays aim yauly 2a-selm wel? ra:t_maiself. hau oft. du basiz ran frm bk? a: Del mau tremz rani hia? nt, beds fo: baw eal, 3K bas iz prclfercadid ful ap imsnid, nau stendig ramt hev fedz, pil:z. hawt’ fa: dit fn gia? al giu & fa: az It giuz (al gtr th OA tomate. uot iz 34 fed : ceingt tel, s fed on is trolibas uideut & etndact&? Sear & velelut sit at 04 frant, mury ap ta 04 frant, ti pilz, ued a: Wh nau? uil iu pliz tel mt wed td ghet of fi...2 Sis iz ued tu ghet of. @iuarig DA rap audiz ta fd gu ai onda- graund/tizh, Unde este ca mal apre- platt statie de mic: trou? Exist servicin de noap- te? Da, dupa miezut poptit autohuzele clreul’ Ia flecare dowrzect de minute, Alel schimtiait en guto- | buzul 188, Dv. cobori{i Ia a dowa acclo mai este air oO static, © Este 0 static de taxi in apropfere? i Fste una dupi colt. Jatt vine un taxt, Sinteli ocupat/liber? Da, domnule. Unde si vii due? La geroport, va rog. AU putea merge mat Tepede, va og? Ma gréibese, Opriti aici* Aster Liisa’ ali, i Ma Intere imediat, Care este teritul? Cit face? All pierdut hazul? Inet plac autobuzete ton doneze cu imperial, ‘nto. Where fs the nearest underground station? Bu vice’ ‘Yes, after midnight buses run every Lwenty minutes, ‘This is waere you.chany to bus nymber 188, Yours is the second stop. ‘There's only one stop in between, Is. there a taxi rank near here? There is one round the corner. Here comes 4 taxi. Are you engayed/tree? ‘Yes, ‘sir, Where to? To the airport, please, Could you co faster, please? I'm in a - hurry. Stop heret Wait neve! Drop me al the corner of the street. TM be back in a mo- mient, fare? Jiow much do I have te pay? I ike London double- Gecker buses. eB wed fz 0% nidrist endigraund steisiin? fz Ocd @ nalt suvis? Jes, oft& midnait basiz’ ran evr tuentl- minits, Ws fz weX fn ceingl th bas namb van handraid &n citieit: lo:z iz DA sectind stop. Seaiz tunli uan stop in bituén, fz Se & test reye nit hia? de& iz uan raund 8a corn, hid camz & test. a; fu inghelgidjtel:? Jes, si;. ued to? £4 Ot edpo:t, plzz, cad iu gdu fast’, pli:z? 4 aim in & hari, stop bist weit hid! : drop mi at 34 cond av O48 stri:t, ail bi bee in a mdumdat, uots a fed? hau maci du ai hey ta pei? hay fu mist 04 teesi/Sa bas? ‘ai Tale landan debldecd basiz, Indleatoare, semne Intrare desire Agentie de vo! Haj Birou- de informatli Gasa de bilete Atenile Stop lesire ia caz de pericol Loc de parcare ‘Trecere pictoni Sens unic Sens giratoriu Circulajie interzisi Parcarea interzisa Sens interzis Depa rea interzisi Depisirea numai pe dreapta Nu depisi{l culoarele de circulatic. Circula{i, numai intre culoarele marcate, Acorda{! priori tate Atenjie ta tren Drum alunecos Panta periculoasa Drum cu deniv Trecere de nivi velar el Drum deteriorat Semnale luminoase Drum blocat Drum in reparatie Santier in tue: ru lesire din uzin& Curbe pe o de... km aistan|a Viteza. maxima Stajie taxi Atentle! Se deasupra. iucreazi Notices, Signs Entrance Exit (Way out) Travel Agency nquiry Office Booking Oftice Caution/Danger Stop Emergency exit Parking Pedestrian crossing One way Roundabout No thoroughfare No parking entry No overtaking Overtake only on the right Do not wander from Jane to lance, Keep within the lane markings, Give way Beware of the train Stppery road Steep gradient Deformed surface Level crossing Bad road ‘Traffie lights Road blocked Road repairs in prog ress Road works ahead Works exit Bends for... km Speed limit Tax! rank Caution! Men working overhead % naéutisiz, saing entdins cesit (uel aut) trevl eigiinst Incudiicl ofis Duehly ofis -san/deIngl& stop ima:giansi ecsit pecchiy pidesiriin erosly wan uel roundabaut niu Oarited nau pa:chip nin entri dunli on 38 du not vonda trim Jein t& Jein, chip uidin 84 len ma: chigz gbiv uel bluedi dv Oa trein slipari raud stp greldiant difo:md sé@fis lev] crosig bed réiud trelic laits riud bloct riud sipeiz in prdugres raud ndces ahed udzes cesit hendz {4 ... kilomitaz spi:d limit: twest repo ~ co:sin! men ud:chip duvahed Tine{I dreapta/stinga Prim ajutor ingtiin fare De vinzare De inchiriat - Pericol de inec Nu ‘distrugeti_ plantele si copacil, Nu hranijl animalele, Rugim inchideti poarta, Nu face}! murdarie, Proaspat vopsit Intrarea furnizorilor Intrarea_particularilor interzisd A se feri de foe Pericol de moarte! Ca- Du de inalt tensiune Nu cileati pe iarb’, Adresali-va aicl, Program normal Introduceti- moneda ail, Aten{iune! Intrarea in- terzisa. Fumatul Interzis Femel Barbaji Pastrafi curijenta ora- gului. Vieltarea oragulul Exista un birou de fuformafil aici? As vrea sa vizitez orasul. Ce erede{! cf ar trebul si vad mal tntit? Keep right/lett First Ald Notice On sale For hire Bathing is dangerous, Protect wild plints and trees, Do not feed the anl- mals, Please shut this gate, Leave no litter, Wet paint Delivery entrance No adinittanee except on business Guard against all risk of fire Dangerous! High volt- age cables. Keep off the grass Apply within (liside). Business as usual Insert coin here, You have been y urned; keep out. No smoking Ladies Gentlemen Keep your clty tidy. Sight-Seelng Is there a tourist. in- formation office here? I should like to visit the city. What do you think I ought to sce first? an chip’ rait, left Ta:st ald nautis on seil fa hala beidia iz deingiaris, Priteet usild plonts an triez, du not fid Gi animate, plisz sat Oi liv niu Ji wet peint dilévact en niu tdmit, biznis ga:d Agheinst 0:1 rise ay fai deingiaris! hai vdultigi cheiblz chi:p of @& gras ple uldin (insaid). biznis a iujual insdit coin, hid. eit is iesept on fu hay bin uomd; chip aut. nau smduchig leidiz gentlmen chi:p jo: siti taidi saitst:ip Izde4 A tuarist Info:mei- sain ofis hid? al sid late t& vialt da sill, uot du fu @ige al o:t ta sk: facet? Va Intereseaz% ceva hy mod ,deosebit? As dori si particip ta un tur al orogulul, Cu ce-meepe turul ora sult Cit cureaz’ turul ora sului? Vretl si vi ardt oresul? Este foarie amabil din partea dy.- Aritati-mi toate obiec- tivele Lrteresante. Am sh va arit erngul, Vreau si dau o ralta prin magazincle ora- sulul, Ay dori si vid.. — seagull subusbite _ it cartlere — grlidina zoologics, ‘Va ‘Statuiese si vizita lt; muzee galerli de artad expozi{il monumente istorice. Aceasta este strada prine clpali? Cind a fost construita cliidirea aceea? Ce cliidire este accea de pe dreapta/stinga? Ce monument este acela din mijlocul piesit? Ce reprezinti acest mo- nument? Is there anything: you are particularly in« terested in? Td like to join a tour of the town, ‘What does the tour start witht How long does the tour take? Do you want me to show you round? ‘That is very kind of you. Show me alt the places of iuterest, Till take you round the town. I want fo look round the town’s depart- ment stores, Td lke to: see — the town and its outskirts: — the new districts — the zoo, I advise you to go and seg: — museums — at galleries | — exhibitions — historical monu- ments. Is this the main street? When was that build ing put up? ‘What building Is that on the right/left? What monument ts that in the middle of the square? Whom is this mionu- ment to? iz e& enidig ia a pas tichiulati fateistid in? aid laic (2 gigin & tua ay Ga tann, uot daz O& tud stat uid? 6. hau lop daz 64 tuil teic? du iu wont mi td sfiu iu round? Get iz veri caind av iw. su mt o:l Ua pletsiz ay intrist. ail tele iu raund Oa tau. al uont ta tue raund 3a tank dipatmint sto. ald. Inte: tat si — 04 taun 4m its autsedists — da niu: districts — dm. u bake iu t& giu din = ee — act getiniz — ecsibisinz —— historical monte mints. iz dis $4 mein: stret? wen oz Bet bildty put ap? uot biddiy iz hele 8a -rait/lett? a uot moniumént iz tet in 0% midi av 08 scuedi? jhu:m ‘iz dis nioniumint tu? Cind pot vizita...? — Muzeul Britanic — Galeria Nafionald de portrete — Galeria .Tate — Catedrala Westmin- ster — Muzeul Metropali- tan Acela este muzeul? Vol gasi acolo un ghid “eare si m4 insofeascii? -Cum se numeste acest pare? Unde este intrarea in/ iesirea din acest parc? Ati vrea si vedeti si...? Este departe? Prefer si merg singur pe jos. Ag. vrea 54 stiu.. imi voi petrece 0 sdp- tamind pentru a vizita orasul, Va place arhitectura ora- sului? Ce locuri interesante se pot yizita in afara oragului? Am vrea sé facem o excursie 1a... Credeti ca merita sé fie vizitat(a)? Afi vizitat gridina bo- tanici’ Kew? Este vreo asezare me- dieval’ in aceasta re- giune? Cind a- fest constrult acest castel? t— a1 When can I visit...? — the British Museum — The National Por- trait Gallery — the Tate Gallery — Westminster Abbey — the Metropolitan Museum Is that. the museum? Will there be any guide there fo show me round? What's this park called? Where is the entrance/ exit to Lis park? Would you like to see +. aS well? Is it far? I prefer walking about by m, T'd like to know:. I'll spend a week of my stay sight-seeing. Do you like the arehi- tecture of the town? What interesting places are there to see out- side the town? We'd like to make a trip to... Do you think it's worth visiting? Have you been to Kew Gardens yet? Are there any medieval siles ia this area? When was this castle built? 97 - uen can ai vizit...? — 5a britiy miuziam — 04 neginl po:trit gelari ¢ — 04 teit galari — vestminsti xb .— 64 metripolitaén miuziam iz dat 84 miuzedm? uil eX bi eni_gaid sek ti stu mi raund? uots dis pac co:id? aes iz di entriins exit 4 Gis. pare? on jaie tsi az uel? iz it far? ui prifa: vochiy abaut bai naiself aid Inie ta nau... ail spend & ule ay mai stei saitsi:ig. du iu laic Gi a:chilecci& v 0% taun? uot — intristin a. Ged ta si taun? * uid laice {4 maic A trip ju Oiye ua vizilig? hay fu bi:n t& chiu: gaidnz ict? a: fe& eni medii in dis cari. pleisiz roatsaid G2 its saits wen uoz dis ca:sl bilt? Este’ deschis, castelul? Cit cost® -biletul de intrare? = Vreatt s% itez cates drala. Este un ghid care \or- beste frenceza? Unde se afd celebra casa in care a locuit...2 Unde se afd statuia lui exeeutata de ees: De cind dateazd aceas- tA constructie? A fot restaurata? Cine a construit aceas- ta -ckidire? Cine a proijectat-o? Ma. intereseaz’ gealo- a, istoria tarji, mo- veche, ceramica, Ags viea s& vad co- Jeciia de: ~- descoperiri gice — pisiiri >> flaturi ~ insecte — flora si fauna’ locala arheolo- — pictura moderna ~ tapiserii. Girne a pictat tablou? Este original sau copie? acest As vrea si vin eu dv, fhtr-un’ tur al ora- gului, De unde pleacd “auto- aril? F ‘— birds Ts the castle open? What is the admission “charge? P want te visit the cathedral. Is there a guide who speaks French? Where is the famous house where ,.. lived? Where is the statue of . By Ae How old is the building? Has it been restered? Who built this? * Who Cesigned it? Tam interested in aera ogy, local history. old furniture, pottery, T should like to see the collection of; ~ a#rcheeological finds —~ butterfjes —~ inseels -— local flora and fauna = - -— modern paintings — tapestries Who painted this? Ts it an criginal or a copy? I'@ like to join you on a sight-seeing tour round the town, Where dees the. sight- Seeing ceach leaye , from? 98 17% tet cast aupn? misin ciargi” mt ta vizit Oa aral, iz dei & gaid hu: spies frenci? iz G4 fcimés haus eit... livd? i sttin dv, ai ue ued ba han duld iz G4 bildiy? daz it bin risto:d? hu: Dib dis? eid it? in glole histiyi, sid e&leesiin — aehit biidz - bethflaiz insects Riedl flora’ ain fond — modér printipz tapiistriz. peintid dis? bu: fz it gn original o: a copi? aid Iaie ta gicin iu on A saitsitip tua rannd 6% taun, vei daz Gh saitst:ip, educi Hy fram? ’ As vrea si vizitez o intr-o zi? Ce alte locuri intere- sante mai sint. de vacut? Olictal postal Telefonul Cum ayung la oficiul postal? Vreau sé cutnpar niste timbre Acesta este gluseul unde se vind timbre? Cu cit se timbreaza scrisorite interne? Un timbru pentru seri- soared” aceasta, va reg, Gu cit se francheaza scrie sorite pentru. slraind- tate/imprimatele? Care « taxa peulru re- comandate? Vreau sa trimit serisoa- Tea aceasta data/en posta aeriana, Gu clt se frencheazd o scrisonre pentru Ro- mania? Serisoare simpli, reco- mandata sau cu posta aeriand® Scriscarea dv. depiiseste grentzlea’ admisa 2 I'd like to visit a school/ a cultural institution. Do you think T can see. in one day? What other interesting places are there to isecy The Post Office The Telephone — How do I get to the post office? T want to buy some stamps. Is this the right coun- ter for stamps? What is the inland postage? A stamp for this, please. What is the postage for Jetters abroad/printed matter? What is the registra- tion fee? I want to send this let- ter registered/by air mail, What is the postage on a lettes lo Romania? Ordinary, registered or by air mail? Your letter is weight over: 99 ald laic ta vizit A scu:l/& catciaral institin.sin, du iu @ipe ai ean si: . in uan deci? uct «da intristig pleisiz a. ded ta si:? O& piust ofis 6& toifaun haw du ai ghet ta 3a paust ofis” ai vont ti bai sim stemps, iz Gls G4 rait cauntaé f& steps? uot iz Of inkind paustigi? a stemp fi dis, plt:z, uot iz da pdnustigi 18 Jet&z abro:d/printid mata? uot iz O& registreisain (1:9 ai uont 4 send dis kta registad/bai ea meil, uot iz 04 pdustigi on & deta t& rumeinia? e:dinirl, registid o° bai e& meil?_ jo Keta iz cuviueit, Taxa de Pogtald depinde greutatea sorisorii? tink Put da ge ase pit- curt, Pot cumpdara timbre si la automat? Introducefi banil sl apa- saji pe buten, Unde. se. afl cutia de scrisori? Clod se ridick ecores~ ponden{a? Serviciul functioneaz’ toata zina/toata noaptea. imi putet? da un for- mular de telegrami/ un mandat? Eft casita cuvintul? Yreau 64. trimit o te- Jegrama cu raspuns platit. Ya afunge la destinatic astazi? Daca o trimitet{ acum va fi predat& asla- Searai, Unde este ghiseul de post restant, va rog? Este vreo scrisoare pen- , tru mine? Am_ primit reo, scri- soare? Regret, | acum. Unde se expediazd/se primesc colete? ninfe pind Does the postage de- pend on the weight of the letter? Can you let me. have some stamped envel- opes? Can I buy stamps from the slot machine too? Put the money in the slot. and: press the button. Where is the letter box? When. will the mail, be collected?/ What's the next time for collec- tion? They run all-day/all- night service. Can I have a telegram form/a money: order “orm? How much is the word? I want to send a reply- paid telegram. Will it reach the address -today? If you send ft now. it will be delivered this evening, F Where is the poste res-' tante, please? Is there any Jettor for me? Any mail for me? Sorry, no letter 2s yet. Where does one ‘ receive parcels? 1060 wen ull 4 meil bi daz di pdustigi dipend . on 6a Lett iaaeeT cd in let mi fannie stempt- envildups? 4 can ai bal stamps fram 6&_ slot magin tu:? put 64 mani in 68 slo an pres 0% batn, ued iz ba Jet& docs? ‘ cHlectid?/uots Onecst taim f4_ ciilecsin? 4 _ Sei ran o:] dei/ot nait sé:vis, & cin al hav & teligtons fo:m/® mani odd fom? hav meci iz 04 vd:d? ai uont ta send 4 ripleb peid. Leligram. < ull Jt rf scl Oi Adres tide? if fa send it nat it uff Li dilivad dis é:ynig. ued iz 4 pdust restant, pli:z? fz Bei eni Icth £4 mi? eni meil £4 mi? ‘nau let& &z fet. sori, nei daz van bmed taf risi:v passle? Unde este ghiseul pen- tru colete? Vrell si expediati acest colet prin posta? Vreti,. va. rog,, s& mi-l cintariti? Yreti si-l usigurati? Vrea: si-l expediez cons fra ramburs. Aceasta serisoare nu are timbre suficiente. Ay vrea si-mi expedtati corespoudenja la ae dresa aceasta, Coaverbire telefonica De ande pot si tetefo- nec? Unde se afla. telefenul public cel. mai, apro- Piat? folosesc telefowul av.? Imi pare rau, telefonul este defect. Chiar peste drum este 0 eabind teletonied, Cunoasteti numarul de telefon? Cifataji numdrul in. eartea: de telefon. Nu-l giisesc. Se pare c& nu este in carte, Sunati la informatii, Acest telefon este auto- mat? Where’s. the parcel counter? Will_you send. this parcel by, post? Could you, please, weigh it for me? Do you want to have it insured! 2 T want to send it COD {cash on delivery), This letter Is. under- paid. Yd like my mail forwarded to this address Speaking on the Phone Where may I telephone? Where’s. the, nearest (telephone) call-box? May I use your tele Phone? I’m sorry, the fele- phone is out of order, There is a telephone booth just across the street, Do you know the tele- phone number? Look up the number in the telephone. diree- tory, I can’t find it. It doesn’t seem to be in the directory, Call Inquiry/Informa- tion. Is this an automatic telephone? 101° uetiz 6% paisl caunta? uil iu send Ois pa:sl bal paust? ead fu, plizz, uei it [4 mi? du iu vont ti haevit ingudd? al uont ta send it cag on dilivari, dis leta iz andSpeld, aid Inie mai meil t& bi fomdidid 14 dis Adres, spéchip on 64 faun ued mei ai telifinn? ueiz 04 nidrist (telifaun) ¢o:L box? mei al ju:z fo: telifdun? aim sorl, 64 telifaun iz, fut dv ada, Ged iz A telifaun bu:6 glast deros. OA stri:t, du iu ndu d& telifiun nambii? Tuc ap 64 namba in 04 teliftun dlrectari, aj camt faind It. it daznt sim t& bi in 64 di- rectari. cod incualar]/infamel- san. iz dis an o:tametic telifiun? Cum finctioneaza? Mai inti ridicafi recep- torul si introduceti fisa in aparat, Apoi asteptati tonul si formati numdarul, Firul este jiber? Nu, firul este ocupat, Pune}i receptorul jos. . Fisa va fi Iapoiata. Formati numérul inca 0 data, Telefonul sundi, dar ni- meni nu rdspunde, Puneli receptorul la loc gi forma{i numarul ined o data, M& tem ci telefonul e deranjat. Alo, pot si verbese cu dl..., vi rog? Cine s4-i spun ot cautar Imi puteli da a_legitura cu? Aveli legitélira Vorbiti! Regret, este ocupat,’ - Astepta{i la aparat o clip’, Sa vad daca dl... este aici, Cine e la aparat? La aparat (telefon)... Domnul . nu-este aici, Ali putea telefona a tirziu? Nu vi aud. Va vorbiji mai tare, rog How does it operate? nau daz it opareit? First pick up the receiver fa:st pic ap 64 risi:va and drop the coin an drop 6& coin int& into the slot, $4 slot, Then wait for the signal) den ueit fa dA signdiy tone and dial your dun in daial io: number, nambi, Is the line clear (free)? iz 8A lain clid (fri:)? No, the line is engaged, nau, 0% lain iz in- gheigid. Put the receiver down, put 64 risi:vd daun. The coin will be re- 04 coin uil bi rita:nd, turned. Try/Dial again, ‘trai/daial aghen The phone is ringing, O4 faun iz ripiy, bat but nobody answers. ndubédi a:nsaz, Hang up and dial again, hey ap an daiil aghen, ee I’m afraid the telephone aim XMreid O4 telifaun. is out of order/dead, iz aut Av o:da/ded. Hello, may I speak to heléu, mei ai spice t& Mr..., please? mista..., plizz? i Whoshalllsayiscalting? hu: sil ai sei iz co:lig? Can you put me through cin iu put mi Oru: 1a? to..? You are through. Go iu a. Oru: giu ahedt ahead! : Sorry, your number is sori, fo: namba iz engaged, ingheigid. : Just a moment, hold giast 4 mdunmant, hauid oe line, PN see if Oa lain, ail sf if . is in, “mist iz in, Who's) that calling? hice colip? {Wito’s speaking?) (hu:z spé:chip?) This is... speaking. bis iz. I'm afraid Mr... is ho’ aim Atreid mista Ras fa, not in, t Could you call ees cad iu col bee elt? later? s 1 can’t hear you. ai ca:nt hid. in. Please speak louder, © pli:z spice lauda: 102 Nu intrerupeti legdtura, nu am terminat con- vorbirea, Accst numiir nu aparjine de aceasti centrala. Nu este in aceasta zona, Va trebui si cer o con- yorbire interurbani, Doriti s& daji un ayiz telefonic? Tare este Laxa pentru o convorbire de trei mi- nute cu Baeurestiul? A$ vrea sii vorbesc cu Bucurestiul, V& fae legitura chiar acum, Aveli Bucurestial, Vorbiti! Mi-au fAcut Jogdtura cu un numér gresit, Raspundeji la telefon, va reg. Va voi suna miine. Cindy poi gisi Ja te- lefon? Oricind seara, Sintefi in cartea de telefon? Dafi-mi numirul dv. in eventualitatea ca nu ne intilnim. Dac& imi telefonati la birou cere{i lelefonis- _ tel interior 26, Alo, dl. Wright? Un moment, vi rog. Don't cut us off, we are still. speaking. This number is not on this exchange. It’s not within, the lo- cal call area, Fill have to make a truuk cali/a long distance call. Will you book the call? What is the rate for a turee-tminute call to Bucharest? I'd like to put a call through to Bucharest. I’m putting your call through right now. Bucharest (is) on the line, Go ahead! They switched me to a wrong number, Answer the phone, please, T'll call you tomorrow. When can I get you over the phone? Any time in the evening. Are you on the phone? Give me your phone number, in case we don’t see each other, When you ring through to my office, ask the operator extension two-six. Hallo, is Wright? Just a moment, please. that Mr 103 ddunt cat as of, ula: sti! spéchip. dis namba iz not on Gis icsceingl. its not uidin O4 Iducdl co:l edrid, ail hiev ti mele & trayc co:l/A lop dis- tins co:l. uil iu buc di col? uot iz 04 reit {8 & Ori: minit co:l té blu:c&- rest? aid laic ta put 4 col Oru: t& biu:carest. aim putip fo: co:l Gru: rait nau, bia:edrest (iz) on 64 lain, gau ahed! Bei suicit mi tu & rog namba, a:ns& 5a faun, pli:z, ail co:l iu timoriu, uen cén ai ghet iu duya Oi fiun? ent taim in Ui évalp. a: iu on ba fun? ghiv mi io: faun namba in cheis ui diunt-si: éel aba, uen iu rip Oru: ti mai ofis, a:se Oi opéreitaé icstensan tu. six, haldu, fz Get mista rait? giast 4. mdumant, pli:z. De unde vornig® Nu, aud bine, Nu vd inteleg. Vorbi{i mai rar EB cineva pe fir, & ne f{al))cineva pe F Facane jar tegdtura + va Tog. Dorifi si-i comunic ceva? GresealayAti gresit numarul, Be aude ke prost. ti pedir VA rog, rim’ Vorbiti? Stnteti ciutat Ja tele- fon, Redactarea uner serison eri am primit o serl- soare cu posta de ‘ dimineata, «9 | Aveti vreo ‘scrisoare pentru mine? a iste 0 scrisoare jos pentru dv , A venit postasul? =~ Ati primit o sctisoare de la prictenul dv.? Au trimis-o Ja o adrest gresita. Vreau s&-1 raspund la serisoare. Cum ne adresim in scris? Cum se incepe o scri- gocre? ‘Where wre you speaking from? 1 can’t hear you, Ycan’t understand you, Speak more stowly./ Don’t talk so fast. Semebody is interfering, Someone else has cut in, G onnect me a gain, Please Do you want to leaye amessage? . ‘Wrong nmamber! This fine is very poor. Hold ‘the Ine, ‘please. are you through? You're wanted on the phone, Letter Writing , ] had a letter by the Bees ‘post yester- day. Have yon any for me? There’s a letter for you downstairs, letter Has the postman been? Did you have a Jetter from ‘your friend? They’ve sent it to the wrong ‘address, 1 want to reply to his letter. How does one address ‘people in letters? How. does one start a letter? 104 ued a: iu spichfp from? aj caznt hid da. ai cant andastend fu, sphe mo: slduli/daunt to:e ‘siu fa:st. sambodi iz intalidrip, — samuan els b%z cat In cinect mi dghen, pla du ju uont t& Bev A mesigh? roy namba! Bis Jain-iz veri pua. biuld 64 Jain, pli:z.. a: iu Oru:? ud uontid on 64 fdun. el raitip ai hed & Jett bal Ob mor nig paust. gst, hev iu eat Jet 14 ami? Gediz & let fou ean steiiz. haz 64 pdustmén bin? @id-iu hey 4 letd fram doz frend? Seiv sent it th OA roy dares, aj vont t& ripla i hiz deta. hau daz uan adres pi:pl in leth2? hau daz uan sta:t eta? Stimate domn, Stima- 1&4 deamna, os Dragi domnvle . Dragi doamna Drag dommisoara Dragi John, * Nu uitafi sa datati Scrisoarea, Miereuri, 20 august 4980 sau 20 august 1980 Cum se incheie de obicei 9 scrisoare? “Al dv, sincer” se falo- seste pentru scriso- Tile adresate priete- nilor si cunostin{elor, Al dv. cu respect. “Cu dragoste” este/ adesea folosit Intre prieteni si rude. Cele mai bune urari. in asteptarea raspunsu- lui dv. nefwtirziat ... Astept cu neribdare si-mi serieti. Mai am de serfs doar adresa, Nu uitaji s&.semnati scrisourea, Trebuie s& pun scrisoa- rea aceasta la cutie, MAGAZINE §1 CuMPARATUR Unde se:afli magazinele cele mai apropiate? Dear Sir, Dear Madan, Dear Mr ... Dear Mrs Dear Miss :.. Dear John, Don’t forget to date your letter, Wednesday, 20th of August, 1980 or August, 20th £980. ‘What are the usual endings for a letter? “Yours sincerely’ is used for letters to friends and acquaint- ances, Yours faithfully (truly). “With love from’ is often used between friends and relatives, Best wishes, Locking forward to your early reply .., Tin looking forward to hearing from you. Lhaye only the address to write, Don’t forget to sign the Teller, I must post this letter, SHOPS AND SHOPPING Where are the nearest shops? 105 did sh:, ald madam, di& mista. aia misiz di& mis .,. dia gion, daunt faghet ti deit io: Jet’. uenzdi, 84 tuentiié ay o:gast, naintin eft 0: o:gist, 34 tuenti:0 nainti:n efti. uot a: 0% iu:jual endipz fa & leta? lo:z sinsiali iz fu:zd £4 Jetiz tA frendz in Acueintansiz, jo:z fel8full (tra:t), uid lav fram iz o:fn in:zd_bituin frendz an relatiyz. best uisiz, luchig fo:uid tu -io: aii ripla .., aim luchip fo:id 8 hiégig fram iu, al hey daunli Gi ddres’ trait, diunt faghet ta sain ba leta. ai mast pa&ust dis Jeia, + gops an sopig ued a: 4 niartst sops? Am de facut niste cum- p&rdturi. Ce vreli s% cumparati? Trebuie si cumpdr o mulf{ime de lucrurl. Acesta pare sd fie un magazin bun. Acesta este un magazin (universal) cu auto. servire? Care sint cele mai bune magazine din Londra? Mai iatii si ne uitim la vitrine, Cu ce yd putem servi? Sinte{i servit(a)? ‘Va servese imediat La ce ord deschideti/ Inchideti? fn ce zi este inchis? Dorese si. cumpir. Pot gasi aici. Unde pot gisi Tineti/yindeli minusi? Regret, ne lipsesc (din stoc) deocamdati. Din picate, am epuizat stocul. Unde este. ° —ralonul de galante- rie — raionul de cosme- tice 3 — raionul de pescirie As dori si cumpir niste ‘ cimasi_ de poplin. Ce misura, va rog? I've got some shopplig to do. What do you want to buy? I must buy a lot of things. This looks like a good shop, Is this a self-service (de- partment) store? Which are the_hest shops in London? Let’s do some window- shopping first. ‘What can I do for you? Are you being attended to? Pil attend td you in a moment. At what time do you open/close? When is your closing day? TI want to buy ... Can I get here . Where can 1 find... Do you keep/sell any gloves? Sorry, we are short of them at the moment, Unfortunately, they are cut of stock, Where is ...? — the hosiery depart- ment — the cosmetic depart- ment — the fish counter I would like some poplin shirts, What size, please? 106 ene aiv got sii sopiy ta du. uot du iu uoat ts bal? ai mist bal a lot ds Oinz. Gis lucs laic 4 gud sop iz Vis 4 selfsit:vis (dipate maint) slo-? uici a. 0& best sops in landin? lets du sim uind&a s0- piy fa:st. uot cin ai du fo in? a: iu bi:ip atendid tu? ail dtend tu iu in @ maumiint, dt uot taim du iu dupn) eliuz? uen iz fo: clduzig del? ai uont ta bai... cin al ghet hid ..,? ued cin ai faind du iu chi:p/sel eni glo yz! sori, go:t Av dem at 54 mdumant. anfo:ciunitli, dei a: aut Av stoc. ued iz...? — da hdujari dipa:t- mant — 0a cozmetic dipa:t- mint — O& fis cauntd al ud laic sim poplin sats, uot saiz, pli:z? Treizeci gi opt cm la guler, imi puteti arita ciieya modele? Caui ceva eam in felut avesta, Cit costa metrul? Citi iarzifimetri doriji? iardul, Cred cA aceasta se po- triveste. Aralafi-mi, va reg... Ce pre} are acest/ aceasti...? Nu este cam scump? Aveli o masura mai mic3/mai_ mare? Hiau pe acesta/o fau pe aceasla, Nu face/Nu merita Cit y-a costat? Se poate cumpara gi in rate? Ardtafi-mi alteeva, Articolele acestea sint foarte cdutate Era un adevdrat chilipir la prejul acesta, Le iau pe acestea. Nu costa mult. Mai dati-mi unul/una, Aveli ceva mai ieftin? Acesta/accasta este toc- “mai ceea ce caut. Mi-aji putea arata niste cravate? Thirty» eight centic metres neck. Can you’show me sonic of your patterns? I was thinking of something like this, How much is it the yard/the metre? How much would you like? This oue will do, I think, Show me, please ... What“is the price of this ...? Isnt it rather dear? Have you got this in a smaller/bigger size? Til take this (one), I’s not wortn .., What did you pay for it? (How much did it cost you?) Can you buy it on the HP system (hire-pur- chase system)? Show me something dif- ferent, These artices sell very well, It was a real bargain at that price. I'll take these.” They don’t cost much, Give me another one, Have you anything cheaper? That’s the very thing 1 want. Could you show me some ties? ~~ 107 Oct eit’ sextix laa nee, cin iu sau mi siim av io. petanz? au uaz Ofychiy av sanQiy laic bis, hau maci iz it 64 la:d/ OA mila? hau meci ud: iw laic? - Sis uan uil du, ai Oige. gdu mi, pli:z ... uot iz 0a praisav dis? iznt it re:34 dia? hav iu got dis in 4 smo:lii/bigd saiz? ‘ail teic Gis (aan), its not ua:0... uot did iu pei fa it? (hau maci did it-cost’ fu?) e%n iu bai it on da hald Péicitis sistim? giu mi samOip difrant i:z a:ticlz sel veri uel.’ it udz a@ rial ba:ghin &t det prais ail teic diz. Sei daunt cost maci. ghiv mi an@da_uan, hev iu enidip ci:par Sets 84 veri Oig ai uont, cud iu sau mi sam taiz? Aceusta este cimasa pe care 0 caut, As vrea s& cumpédi wluza aceen din vitrind, Nu va vine bine, Este ultima moda, ‘ Ieai putefi dao chitan ta? Dorifi sé plAtiji pe loc racum)? Yrebuie s& plitese in 2unrerar? A3 vrea sa platese in cecuri, Avefi servicn de H- vrare la domiciliu/co- misionar? Mai doriti ceva, dom- eule/doamna? Nu, muljumese, aceasta este totul, Cit face totul? Neta s¢ ridicé la... Unde este casa? Poftifi restul. impachetaji-mit, vi rog, Sa va trimitem cumpa- raturile la domiciliu? Le jau eu mine, VA rog s& Is trimitefi la adresa aceasta, Prefurile aici ‘sint re- zonabile. An winceput vinzarile de toamna. ‘That’s the sort of shirt I mean, Pd like that blouse in the window, Tt doesn’t really suit you, It’s the fatest fashion. Can I have a receipt for it? Do you want to pay the money now? Need I pay in eash? fd like to pay by cheque, Have ‘you got a-honie- delivery service? Anything ¢lse, sir/ madam? No, thanks, that’s all. How much fs it in ali? Your bill comes to., Where’s the cash-desk (pay-desk)? Here’s your change, ‘Wrap it up for me, please, Shall we send_your pur- chases to your ad- - dress? I shall+take them with me, Please send them to this address; Their prices are reason. able, ; The autumn sales are on, ica bets 0& so:t Sv sact ab Bia, aid late Set blauz in 6s uindau, it daznt réili su t ie its OX lettist twesan. cin al hav a risi:t fo: it? du ia uont ta pet 45 mami nau? ni:d ai pel in ces? ald laic ta pei bai cec hav iu got 4 hium di. livari sd:vis? * enifiy els, si.fmedim. nau, Mees, dets oi. hau maci iz it in of? jo: bil cama ta ue&z 64 crs dese (pel dese)? hikz io: ceingl, nep it ap fa mi, pli:z. . gal ul send fo: pé:clasiz ta fo& adres? ai gal tele Sim uid mi, pli:z send dam ta dig Adres, ~ ved praisiz a: ri:znabl. Ot o:tim wellz a. on, “Am cumpirat aceasta jeri de Ja dv, Are un defect. Stateti rg ahte ‘Sohimbatl? ‘V8 multumesc, Afi fost foarte Indateritor. ies, * La bacinie Da, va rog? imi puteti da um pa- chet Ge ceai, va rog? Doresc nigte cafea boaie ‘prajita, Pe care o doriti? Tau cafeaua de cea mai bund calitate, Oudle acestea sint proaspete? Tocmai neeu fest aduse. Cite dori{ji, doamna? $ase ml-ajung. Altceva? Aveti ...? _ serve de peste - a — unt Ast&al Juati sting? Avem niste slinin& sla- ba/grasi foarte frumoasa. ~ Da, pare s& fie slaba. Cit costa kilogramul? Dati-mi un -kg de sla- ning de aceasta, Dorese niste pepte afu- mat. : 2 ae lib I bought this here yes- ai bo:t dis bid lestidh, terday. It is faulty, it iz fo:lti, * Will yeu change it? wil iu ceingi it? Thank you, You've Oeye iu. uy bin maust been most helpful. helpful. At the Grocer’s Shop at O% gréuséz gop les, pli:z?, Can I thave a packet canai bev 4 pechit av of tea, please? ti:, pli:2? I want some roasted ai uont sim rdustid coffee-beans. . cofi biznz. Which one will you wicl uan wil iu teic? ke? take? - TU take the ‘best i tole 5% est cuoliti quality coffee, ~ Are these ‘eggs fresh? a: St egz fre5? — just got them. , ulv giast got Gam in, Ee many will you hau meni ull ju tele, take, madam? madam? Half a dozen will do. ha:f & daz ull de Anything clse? enifig els? Have yeu got. ? hev iu gots? — tinned fish — tind fig ‘ — margarine — ma:giarin > — butter — bata Do you'want any'bacom du ja uont eni beicin today? tadei? We've got some fine leanffat bacon. uiv got sim fain limp feet beicin Yes, it looks lean, ies, it lucs Ikn,. How much 4 kilo is 1t? hau maci & kd&u iz it? Give me a kilo of this ghiv mi 4 kiliu av dis bacon, beican, I want some smeked — aj uont sim smauet fis, fish. 109 Avejl piine de secara astazi? © piine gf dod chifle, vi Tog. Ag vrea niste conserve de rosti/de ananas, amu? ~ Mmultumese, Altceva, Asta-i t¢ Magazinul alimentar. Ralonul de legume sl fracte imi ircbuje niste legume pentru astazi, Aveti ...? — trufandale routs) fracte) = leghmme/tracte con- felate — ciuperci/castraveti/ salat& de sera Ce fel de rogii dori{i? Nu, nu acelea. Sint prea mici/mari. Doua grepuri si trel ~ banane/portecale. Dali-mi, vai rog, 0 co- nopidi si un kg de ceapa. Mai dorili doamna? Da, as mai -vrea~ — fasole morcovi — varzii spenac + vinele si altceva, Have you got an} rye bread today? A loaf of bread and two rolls, please. I'd like some tinned tomatocs/pine- apples, Anything else, madam? That is all, thank you, s The Food Store, The Vegetables and Fruit Counter I need seme vegetables for today. Have you got any — early vegetables fruit — frozen vegetables, fruit — hothouse mustrooms Jeucumbers!green salad Which tomatoes da you lke? Xo, not those, Tucy are too small/big. ‘Two grepefruits and three bananas/or- anges, Give me a cauliflower and 2 kilogranune cf onions, please. Do you want anything else, madam? Yes, I'd also like, beans carrots * cabbage spinach eggplents 110 hay iu got eni rai bred tadel? A lauf av bred an tu: rétulz, pli:z. aid laic sim tind tama:- tauz‘paineplz, eni€in els. medam? Set iz o:l, Oeye in, ~ €4 fnid sto.. 64 vegitablz an fro t cata ai nid sim vegitablz fa tidei, i got eni..? ib Veghiaiblz/tru.t — frauzn vegitablz/iru:t ha -~ hothaus masrumz’ chiveambiz/gri:n scl weel tamactauz Inie® niu, wot dduz, tu smo Whig. fu, gripfrusts art Gri bane naz/oringiz, du in éei_ a ghiv mi % coliflaud an ugrem &V eniinz, pli, du iu nont enifig els. mediin? jes, aid clsiu Jaies - bing cxerats, exbigi spinict 4 rapla nts cartofi miaziire verde felina dovlecei praz usturoi paslirmac ridichi de lina patrunjel leustean muraturi ardei gras ardei iute. Sofia mea ar vyrea si cumpere niste fructe, gului alune zmeura cépsuni lamii piersici struguri eurmale maudarine cirese caise visine fragi arahide fructe indigene fructe eonsevage/ deshidratate. Mai doriti altceva? Deocamdata, atit, — potatoes — green peas — celery — vegelable marrows — leek — garlic — parsnip — early radishes — parsley — lovage — pickles — green pepper — hot pepper. My wife would like to buy some fruit We've got... — apples — pears — (wal!) nuts — quinces hazel-nuts raspberries strawberries temons. peaches grapes dates tangerines cherries apricots sour cherries wild strawberries peanuts —- home-grown fruit — tinned/dry fruit. ‘Will that be ali right? That will do for the . moment, Li — pateitauz — grin pi:z — selari — vegitabl ma#rauz — lie — galic — pasnip — Gli redisiz — paisli — lavigi — piclz — grin pepa — hot pepa. mai uaif ud laic ta bai sim fru:t. uiv got. . — «plz — peaz — (uo:) nats cuinsiz hieizinats ra:rbariz strosbériz lemanz rciz greips deits teugidvi:nz corlz eipricots sand ceriz uaild stro:bariz pinats lidum gréun fruct tind/drai_ fru:t. uil det bi: 0:1 rait? Set nil du {& 6a mdu- mint. 3 Raionul de prodiuse lactate Dafi-mi... — o sticlé de lapte pasteurizat - bring gras — unt de gatit ieurt N@ place brinza de vaca? Eu prefer brinza fran= juzeascd, Brinza aceasta este dul ee sau inte? Aveli oud proaspete zilnic? Ralonul de carve gf past Dorese . _ tn musehi de pore — o bucata de carne de vaci ~- 0 costifa de pore — o costila de berbee — 0 pulpd de miel. Vreji si-mi ardtati niste pul? Ya place carnea con- gelata? Aveti. .? ~—- carne tocatd: — semipreparat de carne — conserve de oarne Bucata aceea este prea grasa, As dori ceva slab. Vreau o ragi/gisci/ gaind/un curean. The Dairy Counter Jive me — a bottle of sterilized. mill — cream cheese: — coeking butter — yoghurt. Do you like cottage cheese? I prefer Freneh chease: Ts this cheese mils or strong? Do you have: new: taid’ eggs every day? Meats and Fow! Couuter- I want a pork sirloin a joint of beef — a pork chop — a mutton chop a leg/joint of lam. Will you show mie some- chickens? Do you like frozen meat? Have you got any ? —, minced meat — semi-prepared meat — tinned micat That feee is too fat. I'd like sumething lean, IT want a duck/goose/ hen/turkey. 112 Ga dedri caunta: ghiv mi — 4 boll av sterilazd inile + erim ci.z — cuchig heats — fogat du iu laie cetigh ei.z? ai prild’ frenei hz, iz dis. chz maild o> stron? du ju iwevy mu egz evri dei? tenet 1 mi:ts dn faul equntd ai uont — & pore sill a gioint av, bit a pose ciop € matn ciop \ — a leg/gioint av kem. uit ix sau. mi sam cichinz? du iu laie frauzn mut? hav iu got enir o? — minst mi:t — semipripead mi:t — tind mist Set) pics in tur fet. aid laic sami: lin, al uont 4 dac/guis/ hen/ta:chi. Cit: ciutdreste* Azi sortimental nu e prea bogat, Ratonul de mezelurl g Cit cosld entia de carne pentru. aperitiv?. Aveti. .? — afumAaturi elrnath ruladi de carne erenvursti musgehl file carne de yild (conserve) Dorese o livra de salam. bP bo TAla{i-l subtire, va regs VA rog, a5 vrea si vAd bucata aceea de sld- ning. Vreti si-mi taia{i/cln- tarifl ...2 fmf putet! da uiste felil de costif{® gras? Poftiti, doamna! — ~ Raionul de duleiuct Dorese 0 cutie de bom- boane si specialila{i de. ciocolata, Aveti elocolatd cu lopte/ simpli? How much does it weigh? The choice fs not very wide today The Ham-and-Beet Counter 4 How much is the thr of. Yuncheon meat? Have you got any. ? — smoked meats sausages rolled meat frankfurters smoked fillet corned beef ‘ | I want a pound of * salami. Cut it thin, please Show me that piece of bacon, please, Will you cut/weigh tor me..,? Can [ have some rashers of streaky bacon? Here you are, madam{ The Conivctionery Counter I'd like a box of sweets and chocolates, Have you got any milk/ plain chocolate? 113 hav meek daz it uel® 84 clois 1z not veri uatd tide! 6a hem an bet eountd hau maci wz 3% tin av lanciin mi t? hav iu got eni * — smauct mists sorsigtz rauld mi.t fALiz sméuct filit comd bit al uont & silami cat it Bin, pli z. paund dv sau mi bet pis fv beicdin, pliz uil iu cat/uet fo mit eda ai hav sam resat Av stricht beictn® bid in a medam' $4 canteesnari’ cauntd aid lale 4 box av sui:ts dn cioclits. hav iu got enf mile, plein ciociit? Cit costa cutia aceasta cu bomboane fine de clocolata? Un sfert de kg de cara- mele, va rog, Imi putefi servi? — o inghelata — © citronadi © oranjada un tort o tarta cu crema/ cu fructe _ un pachet de guma de mestecat un baton mare de ciocolataé Vreau o cutie frumos ambalata pentru un cadou, Mai doriti ceva? Nu, muljumesc, Aceasta este tot, intr-un magazin universal Unde mergem s& facem cumparaturi? Sa mergem la un maga- zin_ universal. Te sculesle de multe drumuri, 5a intram aici sa vedem ce au, Unde este raionul de confectii pentru barbati, va rog? Na stint sigur ce masura am. Vrefi si-mi luafl mdsura? How much is this box- of fine chocolates? A quarter of a Kilo- gramme of toffees. please, Can J have ...? — &n ice-cream a lemonade 5 ~= an orange squash a chocolate cake a cream/fruit. dart — a packet of chewing gum a large bar of ch- ocolate I want a box, prettily wrapped, for a pres- ent. Anything else? No, thank you.. That will do all right. In-a_ Department Store . Where shall we go to do our shopping? Let’s go to a department store, It saves you many calls, Let’s go in here and see what they’ve got. Where is the gentle- men’s department, Please? am not sure of my size. Will you meas- ure met hau maci iz dis box ay - fain cioclits? & cuo:ta av 4 kilAugrem av. tofiz, pli:z, can ai hev . — an -ais =a setiiiela — &n oringi scues cioelit cheie & cri:m/fru:t ta:t. & pechit Av ciaipgam ala:gi ba: av. cioclit al uont & box, pritili nept, far & preznt enidiy els? nau, Oeye iu. bet uil du o:l rait. i in a dipa:tmant sto. ued sal ui gin {4 du aud sopip? lets gin tu 4 dipa: ual sto: it seivz’ iu ment co:lz, lets “géu in hid an. si uot deiv got. ued iz 6% gentimenz dipa:tmant, pli:z? . aim not sud ay maf saiz, uil iu meji mi? | Pot sa ma uit mal Indeaproape la aceste costume? Desigur, domnule, Nu ayeli ceva mai deschis? Nu-mi place nuan{ta aceasta de verde. Voi céuta s& gasese un costum de gata care mi se potriveste, Va mai pot ardta ceva? Vreau si vad un cos- tum de lucru la un rind/ia douaé rinduri, Purtati o mdasur& obisnuita/care depa- seste masurile stan- dard? imi trebule o masura mai mare/mai mica, Este prea mare/prea mic pentru mine. Este prea scurt/lung. Este prea strimt/larg, Minecile sint prea lungi. Vreli,, va rog, sd4-ml ardtafi., ? — o haina — un raglan — un pardeslu — un palton tImblanit — © pereche de pan- talon! —o manta de ploaie — un fulgarin Pot s4-l/s-o !ncerc? Mi se potriveste, Este miasura mea, Va vine bine. May i have a closer look at these sults? Yes, certainly. Have you got some- thing lighter? I don’t like this green shade, Pll try to find a ready- made suit that fits me. Is there anything else T can show you? T want to see a single/ double-breasted business suit, Are you stock size/ outsize? I hee a larger/smaller Te “bigs on me, It’s too short/long. It’s too tight/loose, The sleeves are too long. Will you please show me...? a jacket a raglan @ light overcoat a fur coat a pair of trousers — a raincoat — a waterproof May I try this on? It fits me. It’s my size, It suits you, 115 mei al bev a cidusa luc &t di:z su:ts? les, sd:tnli. hav iu got samOig laita? al daunt laic dis grin seid. ail tral td faind 4 redi meid su:t Get fits mi, iz dei enifip els ai can sau iu? al uont ta si: 4 siygl/dabl brestid biznis su:t. a: ju stoc saiz/autsaiz? al Ae A la:gia/smo:la Its Neiael on mi, its tu: go:t/lop. its tu: tait/lu:s, 6a sli:vz a: tu: log. ull ju pli:z sau mi...? — &giechit — & reglin — A lait duvicdut — 4 f4: cut —A pet av trauzdz — & reincétut — & uo:tapru:f mei ai trai dis on? it fits ml, its mai saiz, It su:ts tu, Se potrivesie perfect. Vreli s&-1/s-0 luati? Nu ‘m-am hotarit inca. Prefer Imbriicdmintea (gata) . confecjionat4 celei de comanda. Revin mai tirziu. Unde este rafonul de con- feci{ii pentru femei? Ralonu! de confectli pentrn femel Vreau © rochie simpla de bumbse/lina/ _ matase, Imi puteti arkta a bluzd arigulk? Pot sé ma vit la o rochie ~ de seard eleganta? ‘As vrea si probez o Jacheta Au si on sortiment bogat de rechif, Arfita{i-mi, va rog un capot. Vreau; — un palton — 0 rochle — 0 fustd — un telor- Fustele Jungi sint din nou 1a moda, Aceasta este ullima moda la Paris. ~ Nu-ml place crolala tuffel. It certainly isa perfect fit, Do you want to take itt Thaven’t quite made up my mind, I prefer ready-to-wear clothes to those made to order, Pll return Jater. Where is the ladies’ @ress department? Ladies’ Ready-Made Clothes Department I want a plain cotton/ wool/siik dress, Can you show me a nice blouse? Can E have a look at a fashionable evening dyess? I'd like to jacket. They also have a good collection of frocks. Show me a dressing gown, please. I want; — 8 coat — adress —a skirt : — a coat and skirt Long skirts are in fashion again. This is the latest fashion in Paris, I don’t Ike the ent of dt, try on a ns it sd:tnli iz 4 pd:ttet fit, du iu uont t& tele it? j al hevnt cuait mela ap mai maind, al prifé: ‘redl ta ned cHiudz th Oiuz meld ~ tu oda, , ‘afl ritdn Tela. ued dz OA Veldiz @ree @ipactmtiat?. leldiz red! meta chiudz dipa:tmaint ai vont & plein cotn, ti/sitk dres, ein fu sau mi ails blauz? cén al hev & lie: a fesndbl t:vnig ares ald laic tA tral von 4 it. gizchil Gel olsdu, hev 4 gud ‘chleesin iy irocs, sau ml & dresig gaun pliz, : al uont: > —- 4 fat — a dres — A skit — Acdut fn seat. lop sc&:ts fesin fighen. dis 12 Oa leltist fesain ta perls, . al daunt. laie 8% cat By it ab # eS Neavefi acelasl model fntr-o nuanta mai deschisa/inchis&? As dori 84 port ceva mai pufin exeentric/ : decoitatjscurt. Hainde ieftine nu se poarta bine, fn acest sezon mu se mai poarté rochille seurte. Acest/aceast&... se poarta bine si Isi pas- treaza forma, Costa cam scump, Merit’ banii, Ag dori si vad ultimele ‘modele pentru femel/ copii. Uitel Are lec’o paradi a model. Stofe imi trebuie trei_ metri din acest material pentru un palton, Imi putetf arita un material pentru un costum barbatese/ de dami? Modelul acesta este prea deschis. Aveti si alte nuante/ modele? : fmi place culoarea dar stofa este prea groa- s4/subfire. Haven’t you got the same pattern in a lighter/darker shade? I should like to wear something less exag- gerated/low-necked/ ~ short. Cheap clothes do not wear well, Short dresses are out of fashion this season, This... wears well and keeps its shape. The price is rather hi, igh. It’s worth the money it costs. I'd like to see the latest ladies*/chil- dren’s desigus, Oh, look! There’s a fashion parade on, Materials I need three metres of this cloth for an overcoat. Can you show me some material for a man’s/ lady’s suit? This pattern [s too bright. Have you got some other shades/pat- terns? I like the colour but the cloth is too “thick/thin, 117 Ieevnt iu got 34 selm petan in & jaita/da:ed a? al sd laic tu ued sambip Jes igzegireitid/ldu nect/sort, ckp cliudz du not ued uel, so:t dresiz a: aut av fein éis si:zn, * dis... wedz nel in chi:ps its selp. 6a prais iz ra:d& “hal, its u&i:6 64 mani it costs, aid Ioic 14 si: 64 leitist leidiz/cildrnz dizainz, du, Inct deiz A fesain pareid on, matidrialz al nbd Ori: mi:taéz av 6is clo far an duvaciut, can fu sau mi. stim matidrial far a menz/ leldiz su:t? Sis petin iz tu: brait. hiv fu got sim abe seidz/petinz? ai laic 4 cald bat 8: clo® iz tu; Oic/@in, Ag dori un - material mai deschis/inchis, Citi metri imi trebuie pentru o rochie/un costum? Acesta este de lind pura, nu-i asa? Ce lalime are? Asta-i tot ce-mi puteti arata? Raionul de galan- teric,. Marochiniarie As dori si vid niste camasi, Vreau 0 cimasi sub- tire de matase, Ce masura? MA tem ef nu avem ma- sura dv, Lipseste, (Nu) este mésura mea, Se spala bine? Sper c& nu spalat. Este garantatd: nu intra Ja spalat. intra la Gulerul isi va. péastra forma? Aceste caémisi nu se caled; se spala usor si nu trebuie calcate, Jau aceasté camasi. Aratati-mi o va rog. Nu-mi place acest ver- de, pijama, I'd like a lighter/ darker material. How many metres do I need for a dress/suit? This is pure wool, isn’t it? How wide is it? Is this all you have to show? The Hosiery Depart- ment. Leather Goods V'd_ like shirts, I want a light silk shirt. What size? I'm afraid we haven’t got your size, It's out of stock, It’s (not) my size, Does it wash well? I hope it won’t shrink, to see some It is-shrinkproof, (It is guaranteed that it won't shrink.) ‘Will the’ collar keep its shape? fi These are drip-dry shirts; easy to wash and need no ironing. I want to have this shirt, Let me see a pyjama suit, please, I don’t like this green shade. 118 aid ‘laic & laitd/da:ca’ matidrial. hau meni mi:taz du al ni:d far 4 dress/su:t? dis iz piud ul, iznt it? hau uaid iz it? ' iz dis o: iu hev ta sau? 8a haujari dipa:t- mant. Jedd gudz aid laic tA si: sim sa:ts. ai uont & lait sile “s&:t. uot saiz? aim afreid ui got io: saiz, its aut dy stoc, X its (not) mai saiz, daz it uos uel? ai haup it uaunt srige. hevnt it iz sripcpru:f. (it iz gerinti:d Get It udunt gripe.) __, uil O& cold chisp its seip? Gi:z a: drip drai- sats; éai tu uog an nicd ndu_ aianig. ai vont tA hev dis sa:t, let mi si: 4 pagia:ma su:t, pli:z. ai daunt laic dis grin seid. a N-ave({i cumvya in albas- tru/galben/rosu? Vreau o cravataé cu un model elegant. Cravata aceasta nu se asorteazd cu costu- mul meu, fm! trebuie: lenjerte de dama lenjetic barbateascd un furow un jupon un sutien chilo{i de dama un capot o camagsa de noapte o centura (un port- jartler) jartiere chiloji barbatesti un maiou ciorapi barbatestt butoni de manseta un buton de guler un fular o esaria un batic © panglicd, Nu dori{i niste batiste drigute? Doresec o pereche de ménusi din piele de caéprioara/imblanite, Pot sa ma uit la..,? —o poseta de plele/ (material) plastic Haven’t you got any- thing in blue/yellow/ red? I want a tie with an elegant design. This tie won't go with , my suit. I need: — ladies’ underwear men’s (gent’s) under= wear a slip a petlicoat (under- skirt) a brassiere (bra) panties (woman’s drawers) a dressing gown a night gown a corset (suspender belt) garters short pants/short drawers . a singlet (vest) socks cuif-links a stud a muffier a scarf a kerchief a ribbon. How about some nice handkerchiefs? I want a pair of kid- gloyes/fur-lined gloves. Can I haye a look at...? — a leather/plastic handbag Ket doh un cordon de -piele — a leather girdle 119 hevnt iu got eniSiy In blu:/ieldu/red? ai uont 4 tal uid an eligint dizain, dis tai udunt giu uid mai su:t, nid: leidiz, andauea menz (gents) anda- uea & slip & peticiut (anda. scat) s = & bresied (bra:) pentiz (u:manz dro:iz) — Adresiy gaun — 4 nait gaun — A co:sit (sispenda belt) — ga:tiz — s0:t pzents/so:t dro:az & sipglit (vest) soes — caf lines & stad a mafla a sca:f a cd:clf & ribin. hau a&baut sim nais henedcifs? ai uont 4 ped dv chid- glave/té:laind glavz, can ai hey & luc at.,.? — a 1eda/plestic hendbeg — & 138 ga:dl — © curea de ceas — © curea Raionul de Incdlpae minte Vreau 0 pereche de sandale/pantofi de strada/pantofi de plaja. Ce masur& (purtati) va TO; Port mdsura.., tofi, Aveti ceva din piele de sarpe? Prefer pantofi cu virful lat/ascutit. la pan- Vre{i si probati pe- rechea aceasta? V& vin bine? O masuraé (putin) mai mare, ve Nu-mi intra piciorul,. Acestia sint prea strim}i/ prea Jargi,» aici. Acesti pantofi sint Iu- crafi_ manual? Vreauo pereche de Pantofl. rezisten}f, Acestia sint prea pret, Ce spunefi de perechea aceasta? Nu-mi place acest model, Ardtafi-mi alii mai usori. cu talpA de Piele, ~ Tocurile sint Inalte/joase, — a watch slrap — a belt- s The ‘footwear: depart~ ment T want a pair of san- alking _ shoes, oe e What size (do you wear), + ha, shoes, Have you got anything in snake-skin? I prefer shoes. with broad/pointed toe- caps, Will you try this pair on? Do they fit well? Next size, please, please? I take size... I can’t get my foot in. These ere too tight/ too large, here. Are those shoes hand- made? I want a pair of hard- wearing shoes. These are too heavy. How shout this pair? I don’t like this style, Show me something® lighter with Jeather soles, The heels are too high/ too low. 120 — 4 uoci strep — 4 belt 04 futued dipa:tmant ,ai uont 4 ped av noe gu:zl uot es (du ju ued), pli:z? al teic saiz.,, in 5u:z, hav tu got enifig in snele schin? ai prifd: su:z uid bro:d{ Pointid tduceps, uil fu trai Bis ped on? du dei fit uel? neest saiz, pli:z. ai cant ghet mal i diz | a: tu: tait/tu: la:gi, hid. ai vont 4 ped Ay ha:d uedrig su:z. 6f:z a: tu: hevt. hau abaut dis ped? af diunt laie Sis stall, siu ml sam@ig laita uid ied sdulz, 0& hislz 9: tur haijftu: liu, Virturile sint prea ascu- tite, Ma jeneaza la degete. Ave! pantofi de lac/ pantoff usori de dans? Dati-mi, va rog, un Nu este misura_ mea, Perechea aceasta este prea mare/nicd pene tru mine. Aveti o pereche In vitrina care-mi! place, Perechea aceasta vi se potriveste? Perechea aceasta este foarte comoda. M& simt foarte bine in acesti pantofi. Vreau s& fin pantofii noi in picioare, impachetati-mi-t pe eel- Tali, va rog, Tau perechea aceasta. Am s& mai tree pentru a cumpdra ghete im- blinite/papuci/sosoni, Acesti pantofi se intind Ja purtare, L-afi putea intinde pe ealapod, va rog? Acesta este ullimul model, Ratonul de confecfii pentru copii Imi puteti arita un costum de joacd pen- tru un baiefel? The toes are too pointed, They pinch my toes, 7 sou ue jot any pat- ier shoes} wight ane shoes? Give me a shoehorn, Please, . This is nol my size. This pair fs too large/ small, You have a pair in the window that I like. Does this pair fit all right? This puir is quite comfortable. These feel quite right. a I want to keep the new pair on, . Wrap up my ald ones, please. Vil take this pair, Yu call again to get some fur-lined hoots/ slippers/overshoes, These shoes will stretch . When you wear them, Could you strelch them on the last, please? This 4s our latest style. all The Children’s” Ready- Madé Clothes Depart- “ment Can you show me a playsuit for a litle. boy? Tet da tauz 2: tu: pointid, Sei pinei mai tauz, hav fu got eni peltant 1e3A_ gu:2/lait dandy pucz? ai mi 4 su:ho:n, pli:z, dis iz not mai -saiz, Bis ped iz tur da:gi! smo:l, ju hey & ped in 04 uindau d&t ai laic. daz is ped fit o:] ralt? dis ped tz ‘cualt ‘camft- &bl. Oi:z Mh1 cuait o:] rait, ai uont ta chi:p 0% niu: peé on. rep ap mai duld uanz, pli:z, ail teic dis ped. all co:} aghen t& ghet Sim {fd@laind bu:ts/ Slipiz/duvagn:z. Giz su:z ull strect uen fu ued 64m. cid in strech dam on 04 last, pli:z? Gis iz aud leitist stail, 64 cildrnz redimeid claudz dipa:tmant can fu 58a mi & fpldsuit far 4 lit) boi? < Ce virsta, domnule? AvejI_ pantalont scurti pentru biieti? Dorese o rochie de vara pentru o felija de opt ani. Avem © colecjie fru- moasi de haine si rochii, Dorese ceva driigut si rezistent, Sa v-o/vi-l impachetez, Nu, muljumese, riml- ne imbracat(a) cu el/ a, La modista Vrefi sai-mi ardtati clte- va paliril? Vrefi sA probali palaria aceasta? Este ullima moda? Va rog, privifi-va in oglinda, As dori simpli. Palaria aceasta este prea extravaganta, Nu credeti ca borul este prea mic/mare? ceva foarte Dorese 0 palarie cle- ganta care si se asor~ teze la talor, Cum va place aceasta? ‘What age, sir? Have you got knickers for. boys? T want a summer frock for a little girl of eight, We have a fine: collec- tion of jackets and frocks, -I want something nice and lasting, Let me wrap it up for - you. No, thank you, he/she will wear it now, At the Milliner's Will you show me some hats? Will you try this hat on? Is it the latest fashion? Look in the mirror, please, r I'd like something very plain, This hat is too showy: Don’t you think the brim is too small/ broad? I want a smart hat to go with this tailor- made costume, How do you like this one? 122 uot eigi, si:? hav iu boiz? ai uont a4 sami froe fr A itl gad ay cit, got niciz fa ui heev 4 fain caleesin dv giechits an froes. al uont* sam@iy nals an la:stip. Jet mi rep it ap fo iu, nau, Oeye iu, hi/si ul ued it nau. i St 64 milindz uil iu sau mi sim heats? ull fu trai dis het on? iz it 3A leitist fasin? luc in 64 mira, pli:z. ald laie samOip veri plein. dis het iz tu: Sdui, d&unt ia Oige 64 brim iz tu: smo:l/bro:d? ai uont 4 sma:t het ta gau uid dis teila meid costium, hau du iu laic dis uan? Palast Dorese o péalarie, va rog. Ce masura, domnule? Nu cunose masura, Incereati piliria aceasta, va rog. Este prea larga, nu-i asa? Aceca este masura sase jumatate, Poftiti una masura gase. Aceasta se potriveste ca masuré dar nu-mi place culoarea, Aveli o palirie gri de acecasi masura cu aceasta? Poftiti, damnule. ° Trieotafe Aratali-mi, va rog, lenjerie tricotata, de dama/barbateasca; - de copii.” Un pulover, va rog. Alegeti, vad rog, in tricou care sa mi se potriveasca, Vreau o cdimasa_ trice- tata. Raionul de parfumercie gl cosmetica imi putefi recomanda o crema de faja/pudra? Hats I want a hat, please. What size, sir? I don’t know the size. Put this hat on, please. That’s too large, isn’t it? That’s size six and a half, Here’s a size six, 4: This is the right size but I don’t like the colour, Haye you got a grey hat the same sizo as: this? Here you are, sir. Knitted Goods Please show me some jadies’/men’s/child- ren’s knitted undere wear. A pull-over (sweater), please. Please select a jumper to rit me. I want a man’s knitted shirt. Perfumery and Cos- metics Department Can you recommend me a good « face-cream/ powder? 123 “hats ai uont & het, pli:z. uot saiz, sa:? ai daunt nau 6a saiz. put dis het on, pli:z. Sets tu: la:gi, iznt it? Sets saiz six in & ha:f, hiaz & saiz six. Ois iz Oa rait saiz bat ai daunt laie $a cal, haviu got 4 grei het 54 seim saiz Az dis? hia iu a:, sa. nitid gudz - pli:z sau mi sim leldiz/ menz/eildruz — nitid andauea, a puliuva (sueta), pli:z. pli:z silect 4 giempa.ta fit mi. al uont & imenz nitid eit. ’ pafiu:mari an cozmes. tics dipa:tmént can iu recdimend mi & gud feiscri:m/* pauda? Vrea 0 parfum, stitim{a de va rog. Parfumu! acesla este prea puternic. \reau unul mai slab, Acesta are miros pldcut, Ave{i rujuri fran{u- zest? imi trebuig o lotune _, eficace pentru par, imi. putefi Ga..,? — un ereion de sprin- cene , un burete y un sdipun niste bigudiuri un depilator oO perie de par © agrafé pentru par o, perie. de unghii un lac de unghii un dizolvant (pentru lac de unghii) niste ace de par o periuja de din{i o pasta de dinti o sticli de api de gura un pamdluf de ras un sampon un pachet de lame de ras o trusd de barbierit Avefi o. nuanja mai deschisa/inchisi ge ruj? . Tau acest ruj. imi place nuanfa, un ba ado hia) 1 want a small bottle ot scent/perfume, Mee scent is Loo streng. I want something milder, This one has a pleas- ant smell. Have you got any. French lipsticks? I need a reliable hair restorer. Can I have..,? —,au. eyebrow pencil a sponge ; a cake/bar of- soap some hair curlers. a depilator a bair-brush a hair-clip @ nailbrush some nail-varnish - a nail-varnish remover some hairpins a toothbrush a toothpaste -a bottle of mouth water — a shaying-brush — a shampoo —a packet of razor blades —‘a shaving set Have you a lighter/ darker shade of lipstick? I'll take this lipstick, I like the shade of it. cee ee td 124) + al uout & smo:t boll av Sent/pd:fiu:m, — pli:z. bis sent iz tu: stroy. af aont sam@iy mailda, dis uan hez 4 plezint smel, hav iu got enl frenel lipsties? ai nid 4 rilaidbl hea risto:ra. , cin ai hev...? — 4a aibrau pens — A spangi a cheic/ba: ay sdup sim hed cédaz & dipileita a hea bras 4 hedelip 4 neilbrag sam neil va:nis Aneil va:nis rimarva stim hedpinz + & tu:Obras si 4 tu:Opetst 4 botl ay mau uotd 4 seivip bras & gempu: & pachit Av reizd bleidz . 4 gseivip set \ hev iu 4 laita/da:c&d geid Av lipstic? all teic Gis lipstic; ai laic 64 seid av it. V& place acest puiver!- zator?, Cit costa, va rog? Axefi. ap& de colviie? Ge aparate de ras elec. trice aveji? Pe care il recomay fat!? Bijuterth, Mafonul de cadeuri Putef{ sd-mi ardttalf nls- te Broje,. vi reg? Vreau si vad un Inel. Ce fet de inel? : Caut un cadeu, potri- Mit penire o, domni- * goara/o, doamnd/un domn, Ce ini-ati putea reco. manda? Pot s& privesc maf in- deaproape acest cer- cel? As dori sai cumpdr un cadew de zing auiva, Aratafiani, un lant, un medalioz: un diamant un pandantly. — un smarald. — un rubin un. coller simpti; dublu/trigha © verigheta, o perla niste bibelourt Wa o rag. - Do you like this scent spray? How much fs it, please? Hate you got cau de Cologne? What electric razors have you got? ~ Which do you rec- emmend? dowellcry, The Giits . Counter Could you shew me some brooches, please? 1 want to see a ring, What sort of ring? I'm looking fer a suit- able gift for a young lady/a._ Iady/a. gentle- man, What would yon sug- it? &Es May I have a ‘closer jook at . tese . ear- rings? I should lke to buy. something for a birth- day present. Could you show me...2 — a chain — a locket. —a diamond ~— a pendant. — an emerald —a ruby - asingle/double/triple necklace a wedding-ring: a pearl some nick-nacks ws ~ du iwlaic dis sent sprel? Haw maet.te it, ple? hay in got du da efldun? uot, ilectric relzdz ey fu got? uch i iy rectimena? giudirt, 64 ghifts » Counts cad fu sau. mf Brduciz, pli:z? al vont ti sti a rip uot so:t ay rig? aim luchig, far fi su:t- abl ghitt far a iag leidi/4 leidi/i, genti- » man, uot ud fa sdgest? 4 sau mel ai hev A eldust luc, &. di:z.. idrigz? ah gid laic ta babsem- Gig, far & ba Oded preztint, cid iu shu misc? celn — a Tochit — 4 daiimind, — a pendant an, .emarald — arabs : @ sipgl/dabl/iripl neclis & uedig rig & pal siin nic necs Acest briliant este ve- ritabil? Aralali-mi ceasul acela de aur, As dori aceasta ‘curea de ceas, Vreau un ceas de perc- te/ecas desteptator. Cit costa aceasta imi- talie? Apropo, montati tre prelioase? pies Inelul acesta este de aur/de argint/aurit? Avem Iucruri dragule pentru toate gustu- tile si toate pungile, Articole de menaJ. Obiecte de portelan si sticla, Mobila Unde este raionul de sticlirie, vi rog? La etajul gist: —arlicole de menaj — sticlarie si fierdrie intil, puteli — mobild. Aralati-mi, — ceainic — borcan — termos — serviciu — serviciu — servicia Tau. aceste: -— cupe — farfurli va rog, un: de masa de cafea de ceai. Is_ this Lrilliant genue ine? Let me see that gold wrist-watch, V'd like to. buy watch strap. I want a clock/a wall clock/an alarm clock, How much is this imi- tation stone? By the way, do you mount precious stones? Is this a gold/silver/ gilt ring? We have nice things to suit all tastes and purses. 4 this Household Goods. China und Glassware. Furniture Where is the crockery goods. department, please? On the first floor you ean find: — household goods — glassware and hard- ware —. furniture. Please show me a; — tea kettle — glass jar — thermos flask — dinner set — coffee service — tea service. Yl take these; — goblets — plates 7 126 iz ia brihant genius 1et) ae sk ristuoci, aid laic t& bai dis uoci strep, ai uont a cloc/A uo:t cloc/an ale:m cloc, hau macl iz 6is imiteisin staun? baj Oa uci, du iu maunt presaz stiunz? Get giuld iz is A giuld/silva/ ghilt rip? ui hey nais Gipz ta suit o:l | teists an pa:siz. haushauid gudz. ciaind an gle:suea. fa:nicia ued iz & croc&rl gudz dipa:tmant, pli:z? 6& fa:st flo: ean faind: — haushiuld gudz gla:sued an ha:dued on iu fa:nicia. z sau mi &: ti: chetl gla:s gia: Qd:mos fla:se dind set coft sd:vis rrbitigs tele Ol:2: goblits pleits — cesti — pahare —-pahare de vim - Sofia mea vrea si cum- pere niste tacimuri/ o vazi, Imi place aceasta ga- rafi de cristal., Cit costa accasta.,.? —‘garnitura de salon — garnitura de dor- mitor — garnitura de sufra- geric Aceasti bibliolec3/co- moda este foarte dra- gua. Acest fotoliu/sezlong este foarte ieftin. Vai intereseaza_ mobila de epoca? Sa va arfit o mobila frumoasa. Ce marime are acest -covor? Covorul acesta este Iucrat de min&? Apurate electrice Cit costa acest aspi- rator de praf/ceainic electric? Cum funcfioneaza a ceasta magind de spa- Jat?. Aveji un aparat elec- tric de lustruit par- chetul? : — cups —. glasses — tumblers (vine glasses). My wife‘ wants to. buy some cullery/a vase. IT rather like this cut- glass decanter, How much is this. .? — lounge suite “— bedrooni suite — dining-room suite This hookease/chest of This armchair/lounge chair is quite cheap. Are you interested in period furniture? Let me show you a fine piece of furniture. ~ What size is this car- pet? Is this carpet hand-wo- ven? Electrical: Appliances How much is this vac- uum cleaner/electric kettle? How does this washing machine work? Have you got an elec- tric Moor polisher? rar — caps — gla:siz n — tamblaz (uain gla:siz). mai uaif uonts t& bai sim catlarijA va:z, al ra:5& laic dis catgla:s dicenta, hau maci iz dis...? — leungi sui:t — bedrum suit — ddiningrum sui-t Gis buecheis/cest Av dro- fiz iz rédli_nais, dis a:mcecdi/laungi iz cuait ci:p. a: iu intristid in pidriéd fd:nicia? Iet mi séu iu & fain pi:s Gv fd:nicia. uot saiz iz dis ca:pit? cea iz dis ca:pit hend ud vin? ilectrical Aplaiansiz hau maci iz dis vechi- udm cli:i/ilectric chetl? hau daz dis uosig“ma- sim uad:e? hav iu got &n ilectrie » flo: polis? Ce mixer/robot Imi re- comandali? Ce marca este aceasta masind electrick de tocal? Cit consuma acest frl- gider? Avefi o baterie de lan- , ternd? Imi trebule un fier de calcat, Vreau sA cumpar un casctofon/magneto- fon/picup. Sofia. mea doreste un uscdtor de piir/o ve- jozi/un ventilator. Raionul de insten- mente Muzicale Aji primit Giseuri noi? Tau niste discurl, M& pasjcneaz’ muzica de jaz, Ce discuri microsion aveti? Pot s& ascult acest discfaceste discuri? Sint mare amator de: — muzici de dans — muzicd de camera — muzicd instrumen- tala — muzicd de opera. imi putesi da o selectle de discuri eu: . — muzica usoarad Which _ mixer/robot would you recom- mend? ‘What make is this elec- ‘tric meat grinder? How much electricity does this refrigerator suse? Have you a battery for a pocket torch? I need an iron, I want to buy a cas- sette recorder/tape re~ corder/record player. My wife wants a hair- dryerfa bed Jamp/an electric fan. Masical Instruments Department Have you got any new recordings? I shall take some re- cords, 3 I'm very fond of jazz music, F What long-playing re- cords have you gol? May I hear this record/ these records? I am a great lover of: — dance music — chamber music — instrumental music — operatic music. Can I have a selection of: — light music records 126 uicl mixa/rdubot ud it- reedémend? uot meic iz dis ilec- trie mict grainga?. hau maci ilectrisiti daz Gis rifrigereita iu:z? hev iu & betari fir 4 pochit to:ci? ai nid 4n aidan. ai uont t4 bai & caset rico:da/teip rico:d&/ reco:d pleia. mat uaif uonts 4 hed- drait /A bed temp/an ilectvic fen, instemmants dipe:tmaut miu hav ia got evi nin. vico:digz? ais! Leie sim reco:dz. aim veri fond av giz miu:zic. uot leg :pleliy reco:dz hav iu got?. mei ai hid dis reco:d/ 0i:z reco:dz? af im a greit lava dv — da:ns miu:zic — ceimba miu:zic — instrumentl miu:zie — oparetic miu:zie. cin ai hev 4 silecsaun ay: — lait miu:zic reco;dz —‘muzicit simfonica — muzici vocala? Avefi lbretul acestei opere de Puccini? Pot. sd vad...? o trompetd un flaut o mandolin’ un fluier 0 vioard © ghitard un_cimpoi ‘ot gsi aici un acor- deon/saxofon Ge ca- lilate? Cite registre are acest acordeon? Cit costa _ un Li? ba] arcus/ © co. aut... — un pupitru — © banda de magne- tofon — un_ac de pileup. Avell disturi cu muzi- ca clasicad englezeas- ci? Eu prefer souatele mu- zicii pop. "Va place muzica do- decsifonica? ~ Ralonul de articole fotogratice Imi trebuie un aparat de fotogratiat, Vreau niste filme pen- tru aparatul acesta. - th 113t — symphony records — vocal music records? Do you have the fi- bretto of this opera by Puccini? Can I have a look at R47. — Simfint reco:dz — vducil mi:zie ~ re- co:dz? "du iu hoy 0A Ubret&u av. bis opiirad bal pue einl? ane al hey & luc @t — trumpet — trampit — flute — tht — mandoline — mandalin — pipe = palp — violin ~ — vaidlin — guitar — ghila: — bagpipe \— begpaip Can T find here a re- cin ai faind hii & liable aceordion/saxo-* riloiibl _aico:diin/ phone? sexafaun? How many registers has this accordion? How much is a bow/a string? I'm ooking for a... — music stand — recording tape — gramophone needle. Do you have any clas- sical English music records? T prefer apna, to pep music. Do you slike dodeca- phonic music? Photographie Goods Depariment I need a camera, I want some films for this camera. 129 hau ment registiz hez Gis &co:dian? hau maci iz & biu/i sirip? aim luchip far i.) — miu:zie stend — rice:dip teip — gremafiiun ni:dl du in hey eni cle ipglis mituzfe reco: prifd: sona:taz pop miu:zic, du iu. Jaic . dodecafo- nie miu:zic? at fiuligrafic guda dipa:tmant anid & camara, ai_uont sam filme f& is cemara. Ce marcd este apara- tul acesta de foto- grafiat? Aveti...? — aparate de filmat — trepleduri — filme — diapazitive — filire* — Ientile Vreau: — um fixetor — um aparat de deve- fopat — un aparat de marit —.niste casete — hirtic fotograficd — un aparat de pro- lectie - — un exponometru. Care esie viteza aces- tut film? Vreti si-mi Incéircati aparatul acesta de fotografial? Ralonul de articole de sport Imi trebute: — un sac de echipa- ment — un hanorac — un cort: - — un costum de schi o trusé camping un eostum de gim- nastich — un tricou un tricou sport fare guler — un costum de bale What make is this cam- era? Do you have,..? — movie cameras — tripod stands — films — film slides — filtres — lenses I want: — a fixer — a developer — an enlarger — some cartridges hard paper . a film projector an exposure meter. What fs the speed of this film? WHI you load this cam- era ior me? The Sporta Articles Bepartment I want; —a kit-bag — an anorak — a tent —a skiing suit — a camping case — gym tights a jersey a T-shirt a bathing costume 130 uot meic iz dis cem- du iu hev...? — mu:vi cemardz — traipod stendz — filmz Im slaidz — filtaz — lensiz al uont: — & fixd & divelopa — an inla:gi& — sam. ca:ztrigiz — ha:d peipa — & film pragecta — &n lespduja mi:ta. uot iz 0& spi:d av ois film? wil fu laud dis camara fo mi? 8A spo:ts az:ticlz dipa:tmant al uont: — 4 chit beg — an entree — & tent — 4 schiiyp su:t — 4 cempiy cheils — gim taits — & gld:zi — & th gait — 4 beidip costlum ‘chiloth — un maiou —ghete de — jambiere — o minge de fotbal — ceara de schiuri. Aratati-mi, va rog, nis- te unelte de pescuit, mi trebuie o arma de vinatoare, Imi puteji da o ra- chelA de tenis/niste mingi de tenis? fotbal Pot sd incere aceastd “ bleicleta? El ywrea s& cumpere o pereche de miéanusi de box, ¥reau doud* perechi de boeanci de alpinism si niste legituri de schi. Cita benzina consuma aceasta motocicleta? La papetarle Cit costa acest creion, va rog? Acesta este foarte ief- tin, Serie in patru culori, imi mai trebule niste hirtie de scris si 0 guind, Vreau o rezervd pentra erelonul: acesta, Veet si-mi aritafi...? un set de (cart postale) vederl din orag — shorts —_a football shirt — football boots — leggings — a football — ski wax. Please show me some fishing tackle, I need a sporting gun. Can I have a tennis racket/some tennis balls? May I try this bicycle? He wants to buy a pair of boxing gloves, . I want two pairs of climbing boots and some ski bindings. How much petrol does this motor-cycle use? At the Statloner’s How wuch is this pen- cll, please? | Now, this one is quite cheap, It writes in four colours, T also need some type- wriling paper.and an eraser (a rubber), 1 want a refill for this eversharp, Will you show me...? —a set of postcard views of the city 13h — gots — & futbol sit — futbol bu:ts — leghinz — a futbol — schi uex. pli:z sau mi sim fisig tecl. ai nid & spo:tip gan. cin ai hey & tenis rechit/sim tenis bo:l2z? mei al trai dis balsicl? hi uonts ta bai 4 pea Av beesig glavz. ai uont tu: pedz av claimip bu:ts an sim schi baindiyz, hau. macl petral daz Gis mdutd-saicl fu:z? at 64 steigniiz hau maci iz dis pensl. pli:z? nau, dis uan fz cuait ci:p, it raits in fo: ealaz, ai o:lsiu ni:d sim taip- raitip peipA amd an ireizi (4 rab&), ai vent 4 ri:fil 1& dis evasa:p, uil iu sau mi...? — A sel dy pdustea:d viuz dy OA siti =— un, caiet un blocnotes — um creion antomat Doresc o hart# a ora- gulul, Imi putefi da niste indigo/hirtie de scris? Voi lua rigla aceasta de caleul, Dori{i si o asculiteare? Aveji niste stilouri tef- tine? api cu plicuri, va rog. Vindeti...? - — masini de seris (por- tabile) — truse, pentru’ desen (tehnic) — calendare pentru a- nul viitor — agende ~ os panglici pentru ma- sina de seris — acuarele oO La Ibrarie Vreau sit cumpar nis- te cir{i de veare am mare nevoie, Ce. vA pot. arata, dom nule? Caut un ghid al orasului. As vrea si cumpdr niste carji englezesti. Aveti piescte lui Shake- speare? Aceasta este ullima edi- tie? — a copy book — a notebook (jotter) — a propelling pencil I want. a map of the city. Can I have some car- bon paper/note-paper? Til take this slide Tule. Do you want a pencil “sharpener, too? Have you got any cheap fountain pens? A pad and seme en- velopes, please. . Do “you. ‘sell’? — (portable) type- wricers —_cases of drawing in- struments — calendars for the coin- ing year _ — diaries — typewriter’ tapes — water colours At the Bookseller's Lowant to. buy: some books “I neéd. very badly, What can I show you, SIE 2... Pm looking for a guide- ‘ book of the city. Td like to buy some English books, Mave you got Shake- speare’s plays? Is this’ the latest edi- tion? 132 — 4 copi buc — 4 ndutbuc (giot®) — 4 prapeliy pensi ai uont 4 mep av da siti cain ai hey sinv eacban gh aBtlnat papa? teic Ois ‘siaid rid, du iu vont & penst ga:pna, tu:? hiv fu got ait kp _ ~ fauntan’ penz? & ped an sim en'vi- laups, pli:z. du iw ‘sel...? —~ (po:tiibly taipraitaz — cheisi-z fv drociy instrumants — celindaz £1 6% cam ip ia — daiariz — toipraita teips — uo:ta calaz ait) 04 bucselaz, aj juont t& bai sim bies ai ni:d veri bedli. uot cin ai sau in, sa:? aim luchig far & gald-° buc av 68 siti. aid Iaie t& bai sim ipglig bues, hav fu got seicspitiz pleiz? 2 iz Bis O& leitist’ edipan? Un» -dictionar euglez~ fraricez, Va Tog, est. esle prea mare. mi pute{i da unul nai usor de minuit? Tau aceasta editie. de buzunar. imi puteti arata niste ghidurl de conversa- ‘ ee Avet$h... _ ae a iautice, — literatura: stiin tifi- co-fantastica Regret, domnule, avem mumai jiteraturé be- < letristicd si car|i pen- tru. copii, Aveli din. intimplare: o carte intitulata,..? Noua edilie nu a api. rut ined, . Ayet! ultimul roman de Iris Murdoch? imi pare rau, este epul- zat/sub tipar, $4 vi-l comand? Va vonv trimite cartea ‘aceasta prin posta, Na-l ayeli intr-o edifie mai ieftind? Puteli lua o edjjie bro- ‘ sata, Prefer edijiile “legate, Ce romane istorice a- iy vei? Cit costa cartea aceea legata in piele? An Engiish-French dic+ tionary, please. This one is too big, Can yout give mea handy one? Vit take this, pocket- size edition. Can. you show me sonie conversation hooks? Do you. keep...? — science books — science fiction Sorry, sir, we only stock fiction, and children’s books, me! Have you. by any chance’ a hook called..,? The latest edition hasn't come out yet. Have you got Iris Mur- doch’s latest novel? I’'nr sorry, il’s out of print/in . press. Shall I order it for you? We shail send this book to you hy post. Haven't you got it in a cheaper edition? You can have a paper: back (paperbound)” edition, 1 prefer hard cover editions. ‘What have you got in » the way of historical noveis? © How much is that book swith a leather bind- ing? 135 an ipglis frenct dicsa- nari, pli:z. uan iz tu: big, can iu ghiv mi 4 hendi yuan? ail teic dis pochit saiz edisin. cin iu siu mi sim convascisan bucs? du iu, ehikp...? — saidns~ bues — saiins ficsdn sori, si:, ul dunli stoc ficsitm. an. clldrnz bues, hav iu bal eni cia:ns: & bue co:ld...? 64 leitist edisin haeznt cam aut iet, hav iu got airis md: docs leitist noval? aim sori, its aut av print/in pres, sal al o:d& it fo iu? ui sl send: dis buc tu ju bai piust, heynt in got it in a cipa edisin? iu cin hey a peipa- uae (peipabaund) edf- sfin, ai prifd: ha:d cava edi- sanz. > uot hiv iu got in 64 uel av historicdl novilz? hau maci iz det buc uid & led& baindip? Vreau si aleg niste romane politiste. Acesia’ este un roman pasionant. Imi putet! da un cata- log cu ultimele pu- blicatii? Nu prea sint Ja curent cu ultimele noutafi, imi pute{i recomanda o edifie bund a ope- relor lui Joyce? Aceasta este ceea ce tml trebuie. Mai dori{i si altceva? Unde este sectia dv, de anticarial? La chiogeul de ziare Mai avelji numdrul din shee te aceasta al revistel., Dorese un “ar de di- minea{A/seara. {mi pute{i da Inc& un exemplar din acest iar? Nu am primit aiarele, M-am _uitat tiuuri. Aff citit editorialele? ined doar la Este un articol inte- resant despre... Ce mai e nou? I want to choose some detective stories, This is a very thril- ling novel. Can I have a cata- logue of the latest publications? I’m a bit out of touch with the latest it~ erature, Can you recommend me a good edition of Joyce’s works? This is quile good enough for me, Do you want anything else? Where is your depart- ment of second-hand books? At the News Stall Have you still got this week’s issue of the... I want a morning/after- noon paper, Can I have an extra copy of this paper? We have not had any papers yet. I've only had a glance at the headlines. Have you read the édi- torials? There is an interesting article on... What’s the news? 134 sain af uont ta ciwz ditectiv storiz. : bis iz A. veri Orilip. noval, cin ai hev a4 cetdlog Av 5a -leitist pabit- cheisanz? alm & bit aut av tael uid Oa leitist litracia. cin ju recimend mi 3 gud edisin av giol- siz ud:es? Sis iz cuait gud inaf fo mi, du iu uont enifig els? ued iz lo: dipa:tmant ay secind-hand bucs? &t BA niu:z sto:l hav iu stil got dts ukes isu av 0a ...? al uont & mo:niy/a:fta- nun peipa. ein ai hev an ecstra copi Ay dis peipa? hay not peipaz iet, aiv dunli hed 4 glama at 64 hedlainz. hav iu red di torialz? betr iz an a:ticl on... nots 64 niu:z? ul hed ent edi- intristig Stirea a aparut pe pri- ma pagina a Ziare-- lor, Acest: cotidian se vinde tn doud milioane de exemplare. Aceasta revisti apare siptaminal/lunar? La ce ziare sinte{i abo- nat? Ag dori si m& abonez la un cotidian, Cit cost’ abonamentul” la,..? Avefi ziare strane? La tutungerle Un pachet de 20 de figari, va rog. Ce fel de {igdri dorifi? Ce fel de figarl cu filtru avetl? Cite doriji? Ce. marca imi reco- mandafi? Cit costa aceste figdrl? Sint tari/moi/nu prea tari? Nu va place gustul acestul tutun? Ag dori s& Incere acest, tutun de pipaé tur- cese, The news has got in/ reached the head- lines. This. daily sells two million copies. Does this magazine come out weekly/ monthly? What newspapers you take in? I'd like to take out a subscription for a daily paper. How much are the subscription rates for the.:.? Have you any foreign newspapers? do At the Tobacconist’s A packet of 20 ciga- reties, please, ‘What Kind would you Ike? Have you got any fil- ter-tip cigarettes? How many would you want? What brand do you recommend? How much are theso clgarettes? Are they strong/mild/ “medium? Don’t you like the taste of this tobacco? I'd like to try this Turkish pipe tobacco, 135 64 uiu:z h&z got inf “rizelt 04 hedlainz, bis dell selz tu: milian copiz. daz dis megizi:n cam aut ul:ell/manOli? uot niu:zpeipaz du iu teic in? ald Jaie ta teic aut 4 sabsertpgin far & dell peipa, hau maci a: 84 sabs scripsan reits f& 54... hey {u eni forin ae peipaiz? &t OA tabecinists & pachit av tuenti sigh- rets, pli:z. uot caind ud fu lalct h&y iu got eni fiit& Up: sigdrets? hau meni ud iu uont? uot brend du iu ree edmend? hau mael a: Viz sigh- rets? a: Bel sical ats . diam? daunt fu ialc 54 telst ay dis tibectu? aid lalc t& traf O18 td:chig palp tébecdu. Se vinde in cutij me- talice elanse. Imi place s& fumez © jigard de fol din cind in cind. % Cit cost& o tabachera? Le avem diferite, » Daji-mi o cutie de chi- briluri, va rog. Vreau sd cimpir; — un porttigaret — o bricheta — pietre pentru bri- cheta " — 0 pipa — un curdafitor de pipe. Puteji procura figari Ja automatul de dupa colt. Sinteji amabil s&-mi da{i un foc? Ja preturi La un magazin de cadourl Este vreun magazin de eadouri prin apro- piere? Vreau si cumpar niste cadouri pentru ‘prie- teni, Pot si ma ult’ Jau.? — aceast4 Insignd aceast4 emblema acest Steag aceasta papusa Acesta este un arti- col indigen? We. sell it in airtight tins, | enjoy a good ci- gar now and again, What Is the .price of a cigarette case? We've got. them various prices, Give ame. a box matches, please, 1 want. to buy: —a_ cigarette holder a (gas) lghter — lighter flints at of — a pipe — 4 pipe cleaner. You can get cigarettes from the slot machine round the corner, Would you give me a light/a match? At a Git Shop Is there 2 gift shop abywhere near? T want to buy some presents for my | _ friends, + Can I have a look ‘at this...? — badge — emblem — flag — doll " Is this made locally? 386 ul sel it in edtait-tinz, al du. ingtol A .gud siga: nau and dighen. uot iz 04 prals av a sigdret_ cheis? uiy got dim at verids praisiz, ghiv mi 4 box ay, mueciz,; pliz. «4 ai uont ta hai: — & sigaret hauldd “= A (ges) “leita, — lait flints — 4 paip — 4 paip dina. - fu cin ghet sigarets frim 0&4 slot masin raund 04 co:nd, ud iu ghiv mi & lali/a meci? at 4 ghift sop iz ve& A ghift eniued nid? sop aj wont ta) bai sim prezints f4 mai frendz, cin ai hey 4 luc at dis...2- — bedgi — emblim “— fleg — dol fz dis meid lducdli? Pot gasi aici ceramic&é englezeasea? As) yrea sa cumpar im eadon de “ziua cuiva, ' Ce fi pot darui une prietene de ziua cé- siitorici ci? Avem ut lurg. sorti+ ment de obiecte ide artizanat. Aceasta carpelé este Incrat& de mink? Broderia aceasta este foarte frumoasii, Ce altceva imi puileti arata? mai La florarie Cum se numese forte acestea? Cit costa un buchet de trandafiri? Xe, trebule o coreand de flori proaspete, As dori un «us cu fiori, Florile acestea ‘shit efi- Tite. Sotiei mele ti plac foarte mult: — wioletele — crinii panselele nu-méa-uita miacii .gavoafele dalille cameliile — crizantemele — bujorii Can I get here English ceramics? T should like to buy. something for a birth- day present. What can I present a frieid with con ‘her ‘wedding day? We have a wide: selec- tion of folk -eraft objects, . Is. this ven? This embroidery is very beautiful, What clse can you show me? rug handwo- At a- Flower-Shop What are -these) flowers called? How much is a ‘bunch of roses? We need a wreath of fresh flowers. I should like ‘a ‘basket of flgwers, These flowers arc drooped. My wife is very fond of: — violets ilies pansies Jorget-me-nots. poppies carnations dahlias (georgines) eamelias — erysanthemums — peonies 187 cin ai ghet/ chia ine glis siremics?— aimsad laic tA bat some Oig fir & bdstded prezint. uot can ai prizent a frend ‘uid on ha ue- dig dei? ul heya uaid ‘silecsain div fiuevra:ft obgicts, iz dis rag henduduvan? dis iimbroldael tz vert biuttif!, uot els can iu $iu mi? ‘ At Aeflaud gop vot a: Oi:z Naudz co:ld? hau maci iz 4 ‘banei ave réuziz? ui nid & ri: av freg flaudz.” gad laic & ba:schit div flaudz, Giz “flatitiz a: aruzpt, ai mai ‘waif Gz ‘veri fond iv: + — yaidlits — liiz — ‘pensiz — daghet mi nots. > — Popiz cameisinz — da:liiz (geo:ginz) camilikz crizenBimimz — peiniz — begoniile — lalelele Acestea sint flori de - Serii/cultivate/sal- batice? Vreti sd) trimitefi- flo- rile la aceast& adresd, va rog? Cum dorlfl dv., dom- ~ nule/doamna, SERVICH La clzmirle Vreau si comand o pereche dey b — pantofi cu toc jos — pantofi cu toc inalt —— pantofi de sport — pantofi de- seard — ghete tmblinite — papuci, Cind stnt gata? Vref{i si trecefi si luati pantofil peste citeva zile, va rog? Vreau sd-mi punefi pin- gele Ia acesti pan- tofl. - Tocurile stint tocite, Cusitura este desfa- cuta, Pute}i pune taipi si tocurl la aceste ghete? Prefera{i talpa de picle sau de cauciuc? — begonias — tulips Are these green-house/ cultivated/wild flowers? Would you send the flowers. to this ad- dress, please? Just as you like, sir/ madam. SERVICES At the Shoemaker’s I want to order a pair of; \ — lnw-heeled shoes — high-heeled shoes — sport-shoes — evening shoes — fur-lined boots — slippers. ‘When can you let me have them? Would you call back for your shoes in a few days, please? I want you to half- sole these shoes for me, The heels down, The seam is undone, are worn Can you sole and heel these boots? Do you prefer leather or rubber soles? 138 — begoniiz — tiulips a; biz grimbhaus/caltt veltidjuatid flau&z? ad tu send. 4 flaudz t& Sis Adres, pli:z? glast. dz iu tale, sa:/ medam, sd:visiz &t 58 su:melekz al uont tu o:d& 4 ped ay: = Thu hid su:z — hal bid su:z — spo:t su:z vnig gu:z — fdJaind burts — slipaz. uen cin fu hey, dam? ud iu co:l bee fo io: gu:z in a fiu: delz, pli:z? al uont iu t& hacfséut diz su:z £4 mi, 04 hi:tz a; udm daun, let mi 64 sim iz andan, e&@h iu stal an hid Oi:z busts? du iu prif@: leda o rab& saulz? ‘Trebuie s&-mi pun tal- pajtocuri la pantofi, Vreau ‘si-mi repar ghe- tele, Puneti blacheuri Ja virf gi tocuri, va rog, Scoalefi-va pantofii si agteplati pind vi-i re- par. Putem face reparatia t pe loc. Cit imi luafi pe repa- rajie? La eroitor. La ervitoreas&é Doresc si-mi fac un costum nou de co- manda. Nu cumpirafi- un cos- tum de gata? MI se pare cd -m-am Ingrasat, Dorifi un costum fara Vesti sau cu yesta? De clli metri'de stofa am nevoic pentru un costum? Avefi un catalog de mostre? Pot si ma uit la niste modele? : Prefer o stofa bund care fine la purtare, Ag vrea sii-mi faceti un eostum din sings aceasta, My shoes need re- sollng/reheeling, I'd like to have my boots mended/re- paried. Put some metal tips on the toes and heels, please. Take off your shoes and wait while I get them done, ‘ We can do the repair while you wait. How much do you charge for the mend- ing? At the Tailor's, At the Dressmaker’s I want to have a new suit made to order, ‘Won’t you buya ready- made suit? I seem *to~have put on weight, Is it 4 two-piece suit or a three-piece suit “ you want? How many metres (of cloth) do I need for a suit? Have you got a book of patterns? Can I have a look at some patterns? I prefer a good cloth that wears well. I'd like to have a suit made of this cloth. 199 mai su:2 nid résiuliy riéhélip, ald laic t& hev maf busts mendid/ripeaid, put sim met! tips on 04 tduz An hi:lz, plzz, teic Of io: su:z an, ett uail ai ghet dam dan, ui cin du uail iu ueit. hau maci du iu cial 4 04 mendip? oa wiped at 64 teildz. 04 dresmeicaz ai uont ta hey 4 niu su:t meid tu oda. udunt iu bal 4 redimeid su:l? al sim ti hev put on neit, iz it & tu: piss su:t o: a Ori: pks su:t iu uont? hau meni mi:tiz (av clo®) du ai nid far a su:t? hav iu got & buc av petanz? cin ai hey & luc at sim petainz? al prifa: & gud clo® Oat uedz uel. aid laic ti hav & sust meld av dis clob. Haina o dorili peta. Hie sau Iejera? Pot sa va iau miasura? Ce capluseald prefe- rati? Haina, va fi cu miitase, Doriji- un buzunar saw doud la spate 1a pan- tsloni? Sai facelf mai lingi/ mai seurfi/mai largi /mal strimti, Cind eredeli ci va fi gata costumul? Ali putea yeni, va rog, simibiila; viitoare la prima probi? Ma tem c& trebuie sa facem niste madifi- eari. Pantalonii nu-mi, yin bine. Sint prea strimtf, Trebuie sk fie largiti/ strimtati, Pantalenii sint prea largi/seurti. Pantatonii sint lébar- jati. Haina este cam larga/ strimta Ja umeri, Face, cute la talie, Cred cd minccile tree buie lungite/scurtate, Acum costumul, vi. se potriveste de minune, Would, you like the coat, tight Gr leose? I take your meas. urements? What kind of: lining do you prefer? The jacket will lined with silks Dov yo Want one ‘or two “hip. pockets in Your trousers? Make them longer/ shorter/fuller/lighter, M be When do you think the suil will be ready? Could you come for the: first. fitting next Saturday, please? Tm afraid there are some alterations to be made? The. trousers don’t fit. They are too tight. They have to be. left oul/taken in, , The trouser-legs are too wido/short. The trousers are baggy, The jacket is rather broad/tight in . the shoulders, % It wrinkles at’ the waist, I think the sleeves have to be: made lon. ger/shorter, Now, the: suit fits: you perfectly, ‘ Hep ud in laie Sa..caut tait.o: luis? mei ai teie fo: meja- mints? uot eaind av Idiniy du » fu, prifa:? G& giechit. uib bi Taind uid sile, du itt tout van “a: tu: hip pechits in, io; trauzdiz? * meic am Topgi/so:tit/ fula/teita, uen du fu Oige 64 surt ull bi redi? cad iu cam f4 4 fast tip next sextidi, pli? : aim Afreid dedir a; sam olttreisinz ta bi meid, OA trauzdz dunt fit. Sei ar tu: tait. Sek heey, th bh lett aut/teien in, Ga trauzit legz a: tur uaid/so:t. : brghi. Ga trauzdz a: 08 giechit iz ra:0a bro:d/ tait im dA sduldaz, it rigclz at: d% neist, al Qige 3a slikvz hav tabi meid lopgii/sa:t2. naw. O& su:t- fits iu péifictli, Puteti “stopa -ruptura ‘aceasta din haindj pantaloni? Pantalonfi mei, sint si- fonafi, Vreti sa-i cal- eati? Mixa ciigut un nasture, Tl putefi cease? Sofia mea vrea si co- ae 9 rochie/blu- za, Ami. puteti recomanda © croitoreasi de in- eredere? Y-afi hotarit asupra mo- delului?, Dorifi o croiali deo- ‘sebila? Vreti si vi nitafi la ultimul nostra. jur- nal de moda? Aratali-mi ceva alb/ verde/albastru, Faceli . fusta dupdi ul- tima moda, Se poarta rochii scurte/ Jungi. V-am Juat masura, Ya putefi schimba in cabina de proba, Cit luati pentru o ro- * chie/bluza? Puteji veni la proba urmadtoare peste ‘(rei sau patru ile? Nu este nevole de nici © modificare. Na vine ‘foarte jbine, Can you amend this » tearcin omy jacket/ ~_ trousers? My trousers’ are ' creased, Will you press them? é: A -button shas come off, Cansyou sew it? My wife wants a dress/ blouse ‘made, Can you. recommend me a reliable dress- maker? Have you decided on the pattern? Do you want any special style? Won't you have 4 look in our latest’ fashion journal? Show me something in white/green/blue. Make the skirt in the Jatest fashion, Short/long dresses are in, I’ve got your measure- ments, You can change-in the fitting room. What do you charge for making’ a pee Dlouse? Can you eome Sen: the next fitting in three or four days? \ No alterations are necessary, It fits you exceedingly well, ; yl cin iu *mend a ited in. mai. giechit/ trauziz? mai trauziz a: cri:st. uil iu pres dam? 4 bain hazcam of, cin iu sau it? mai uaif uonts 4 dres/ blanz meid. cin du recimend) mi . @ rilaiabl dresmeica? nay iu disaidid on 03 petain? du .iju uont .eni spesal stail? udunt iu leev & luc in aud leitist fesin gids. mal? siu-mi sam@ig in wait, gri:n/biu:, meic 04 st in 0a Ieitist fxgiin. so:t/lop dresiz a: in. aiv got io: mejaim4nts, fu cin ceingi in 58 fitip rum. uot du tu. cia:gi fa meichiy 4 dres/blauz? cin iucam £4 64 neest fitipy in Ori: eo: fo: deiz? T: nau oltdreiginz a: nesisari. it fits du iesidigli uel. - Este lind pura? Ce rochie dragu{a a- vell! La spalatorie. Curd {ditorie si bolangerie Cit costé spalatul unei camasi? Ag vrea sd scrobiti gu- lerele si mansetele, Fusta nu va intra la spalat? Rufele (spalate)*sint in- ed ude, Doresc s&-mi_ curajati (chimic) acest costum. Haina aceasta are o pala. © puteli scoate fara a lasa urme? - As vrea sa&-mi vopsili acest material albas- tru intr-o nian{a mal deschisi/inchis&, La optielan Vreau si-mi reparjinlo- cuiese ochelarii, As vrea rame de me- tal/baga/aur. Mi-am spart ochelarii, Putefi repara rama/in- lecul bratele? imi putefi tnlocui Ien- tila ochelarilor? Is it pure wool? What a lovely you've got! dress ‘At the Laundry, The Dry-Cleaner’s and Dyer’s How much do you charge for a shirt? I'd like the collars and cuffs ' starched. Won’t the skirt shrink in the wash? The washing» is damp, I'd like to have this suit dry-cleaned, There is- a stain on “this jacket. Can you remove it with- out leaving any trace? I'd like you to dye this. piece of blue cloth Into a lighter/ darker shade. still At the Optictan’s I want my spectacles mended/renewed, I should like metal/ tortoise shell/gold rims, T bave broken my glasses, Can you mend the frame/replace the side-pieces? Can you replace the lens of my glasses? 142 iz it plua wi? uot 4 Jevii dres tur got! ? at 54 lo:ndri, ba drai clindz an daiaz hau maci du iu cla:gt far & sat? aid laie 64 coldz an cafs sta:cit. ° udunt 04 sed:t gripe in 84 uos? 64 uosip iz stil demp, aid laic ta hev bis su:t drai-clind, Bed iz A-stein on dis glechit, can fu rimu:v it uid:- aut li:vig eni_treis? aid laic iu ta dai dis pl:s dy blu: clo® in- tu 4 laita/ da:ca seid, &t di optisainz ai uont mai spectadclz mendid/rinia:d, aj said laic metl/to:tagelf giuld rimz, hiv bréucdin maf glasiz, ein iu mend 6& fretm/ ripleis 64 said pi:siz? al cin ju ripleis 04 .ens div mai gla:siz? Vreaw o. Jopa. ‘ Ardtati-mi va rog un binoclu de teatru/un etui pentru ochelari, Imi pute{i da o pe- reche de ochelarl de soare/ochelari de pro- tectie? La frizerle. La coafor Tuns/barbierit, va rog, Cum vre}i sA va tund? Nu prea scurt. Vreau tuns scurt, Scurtaji-mi-l, va rog. Sa-] tund drept in fafa? Potriviji-l Ta spate. De ce nu-l mai scur- tall aici? Thiafi-l scurt Ia ceafaé gi in parti. Este de ajuns de scurt? Sintefi mul{umit? Cum va pieptinaj! pa- rul? Pe spate sau cu edrare? Pifrtati cararea—s la dreapta sau Ja stinga? in parti sf Pieptana{i-l pe spate, Face{l edrarea la mij- foe/ia dreapta/ia stin- ga. 1 waat glass. Please show me a pair of opera glasses/a spectacles case, Can I have a pair of sun-glasses/goggles? magnifying: At the Barber's, At the Hairdresser’s . A hair-cut/shave, please. How would you like your hair cut? Not too short. I want a short clip. Cut it fairly short, please. Shall 1 cut it straight at the front? Just trim it at the sides and at the back. Why don’t you take it off here? Cut it short at the back and sides. Is that short enough? Will that do? How do you comb your halr? Back or with a parting? Do you wear your hair parted on the right or on the left? Comb it back, Part it in the middle/ on the right/on the * feft, k 143 al uont & megnifallp glass, pli:z sau mi dv opard gla:siz/4 spectaclz cheis, cin ai hev 4 ped av san gla:siz/gogiz? &t 88 babaz. at 0a heddresiz & hedcat/seiv, pli:z. hau ud iu laic to head cat? not tu: so:t, ai uont 4 so:t clip. cat it feali so:t, pli:z, gal ai cat it strelt at 04 frant? giast trim it at 08 saidz and at ba bee, uai daunt fu tele It of hid? cat it so:t at O4 bee &n saidz, iz Set so:t Oxt ‘du? hau du iu cdum to: hea? bee o: uid & patin? du fu wed jo: hed pa:tid on ¥4 ralt o: on 3a left? fi cium it bac, pa:t it in 54 midl/en 0A ralt/on 0A left, Inaf? uil Favori{ii nu sint egall. Potriviji-mi barba — si mustata, vi rog, Vreau si-mb spalati pi- rul, Dori{i ‘s% vil ud? AAs dori un sampon/o fricjiune, imi cade parul. Doriji o anumitd coa- furdt? Dorifi un permanent rece sau cald? fn cit timp imi faceti permanentul? VA rog si ma coafafi dupa ultima moda. Acesta este ultimul mo- del de coafura? VA rog si-mi uscati _parul ex foenul. Vreau simi vopsese paral, Avefi grijd si nu intre Vvopseaua in_piele. Purtafi. pdrul _ tuns seurt? Vreau sd-mi facefii ma- nichiura. €e lac de unghil y-ar pldcea? Nu-mi — piliti prea scurt. As dori sa-mi rime- la{i_ genele, Imi astept rindul, Multumese, este foarte bine. unghiile £ The whiskers even. Trim my beatd and moustache,. please, I want my hair washed, are tins Do'youwantany spray? Ishould like a shampoo/ a scalp massage, My hair’s falling out, Do you wish a certain hair-do? Dov you “want a cold or a hot perm? How long will it take you to give mea pérm?: Could you, | please, wave (curl) my hair in the latest style? Is this the ce hair. do? Please dry my hair with the hair drier, I hair dyed Don’t rub the «lie in- to my scalp. Do you wear your hair bobbed? I want |to have: my nails. done. What nail varnish. would you like? Don’t trim/file my nails too short. I'd like to have my eyelashes, painted. I'm waiting: my turn, Thank you, that-looks very nice, 144 OX ulsedzy ‘ay -oniswaiay trim mal biad dn) mas- tag, pli:z, ai uont. mai hed uost, diy @ uont eni -sprei? abl sid date A: seempi:/i Scelp meso mai hedz. fo:lig du iu uly a heaidu? du iu uont) d eduld o & hot pa:m? haw log uil it tele. iw ta ghiv mi & pam? sa:tn etid iat, pli:z, ueiv (ca:l) mal hed in oa leitist stail? iz dis D4 leitist headut pliz drai mai hed uid O& hed draia, ai uont mai hed daid. ddunt rab d& dal inta mai seelp. du iu ued io: hed: bobd? ai vont ti hey mai neilz dan, uot neil va:nis ud iu laic? ddunt trim/fall mal +. neilz tu: go:t. 5 aid laic t{ hev mal> ailesiz. peintid, aim ueitiy mai tau: Gene Iu, det: lucs ver! nais, DIVERTISMENTE. OCUPATI IN TIM- PUL LIER ‘Ce facefi in timpul li- ber? Ev sint mare amator de filme, Va place si Inera{i pe Hoga casa? Nona ne place sa_pri- mim musafiri, Sofiei mele ti place sa gateasca, Sorei mele fi place s& seteze, fmi place si ma plitnb, Afi vrea s& facefi o plimbare? O sa-mi facd bine, Mergeti des la concert/ teatru/opera? e Ge va place cel mat mult? Opera, opere- ta, un spectacol de papusl? Ce program aye{i astaé seara? Unde ne-am putea pe- trece seara? Ce posibilitati de ‘dis- tractie exista? Ast& sear& ies impre- una cu prictenul meu, N-am chef si ies asta seara, 40 — NOE ENTERTAINMENTS, PASTIMES What do you do in your spare time? Tam a moyie fan, Do you like working about the house? We enjoy entertaining guests, My wife loves Cooking, My sister Is very fond of knitting. I'm rather fond of walk- ing. Would you like to go out for a walk? Tt will do me a lot of good, Do you often go to the concert/theatre/- opera? Which do you like best? The opera, a musical comedy, a puppet show? What are you eing tonight? ‘Where could we spend this evening? ‘What kind of entertain- ments are there to choose from? Tm going out with my irlend tonight. I don’t feel like going out tonight, 145 ent&teinmiants, pa:staimz uot @u iu du in io sped taim? ai dm & mu;vi fen du iu laic ud:chig abaut, 64 haus? ingioi. entateinig ghests, maiuaif lavz euchiy. ul mali sist& iz veri fond 4v nitip. aim ra:da uozehiip, ud iu-laic t4 giu aut far & uorc? it uil du mi & lot av gud, du iu ofn giu- ta da consat/Biata/opara? fond av ‘ uicl du iu: laic best? Oi opar’, A miuzicdl comidi, 4 papit sau? uot a» in duip tinait? ued cid ui spend dis é:vnig? uot caind Av enta- teinmants a: bedi t& ciu:z from? alm giuip aut uid mak {rend tanait. a ddunt fia laic saulp, aut t&nait. Ati vrea s4 iesim im- preuna? As fi inchitat(a), S4 mergem Ja cinema, Credeli ca .va_ trebul sa stim la rind? Cunoaste{i un loc(al) bun unde am putea merge? Cunose un loc bun, Obisnuiam s& m& duc acolo foarte des. Asgtept cu placere si ne- rabdare (si mergem). Teatru Ce se joaci la Teatrul National? Z Ce-ali zice sa mergem Ja teatru? Sa ludém bilete Ja ma- tineu sau la _specta-. colul de searii? Vei incerea si obfin bilete pentru spec- tacolul de seara. Voi teiefona la casa de bilete sd mi se re- zerve doua bilete. Am‘auzit piesa la radio. Ati vrea s-o vede{i? S&i mergem am!ndol s& vedem piesa, Biletele se pot cumpara dinainte? Cit costa intrarea? Would you like to go sat with me? I'd fove to. Lei’s go to the pictures. Do you think we'll have to queue? Do you know a decent place where we could go? 1 know a good place, I used to go there a lot. I'm looking forward to it. Theatre What's on at the National Theatre? What about going to the theatre? Shall we take tickets for the matinée or the evening perfor- “mance? Il try to get seats reserved for the even- ing performance. I'll phone the box office and have two tickets reserved. I've heard the play over the radio, Would you care to see it? Let’s both go and see the play, Are the seats bookable in advance? How much is the ad- mission? 146 ud* fu daie {4 gdu ae uid mi? aid lav tu. lets. giu ta 84 piccidz, du iu Qiye uil hev ta chiu:? du iu na&u 4. di:snt Pleis ue& ui cad yau? al n&u 4 gud piles. aj iu:st ta gau 6ed & lot. aim luchip fe:udd tu it. orate uots on dt 6% nesanal Gidtae uot abaut gduiy ta 0a tichits [a o: OFi:vnip, sits. &vaig ta ghet 42 Oi ns. 64 box offs hev tu: _tichits rizdivd. iu cues t& ef: it? lets bau -giu- an si: 6a piel. a: OA sists buctill in fdva:ns? hau maci iz Oi ddimi- gan? . BDepinde de locurile pe care Je luati, SA lnim bilete pentru fotoliu de orchestra/ toja/baleon. Din locurile acestea se “vede bine scena? Locurile acestea sint prea aproape/prea de- parte de scena, La cé ord incepe spec- tacolul? Cind se termina? Se obisnuieste sd se poarte haine de sea- ra? Sane lasam hainele la garderoba. Vreau un binoclujun program, va rog. Cortina s-a ridicat, Spectacolul a inceput. Dupa actul dof va fi oO pauza, Piesa este realizala du- pa un roman, De cine este regizataé la distributie. Decorurile si costume- le apar{in lui Unde ave loe actitnea? Cine joacé rolul prin- cipal? 10° It depends on the seats you take, Let’s take tickets for the orchestra stalls/ the box/the dress circle. Do ttiese seats provide a good view of the slage? These seats are too close/too far from the stage. At what time does the performance start? When does it end? Is it customary to wear evening dress? Let’s leave our coats in the cloak-room. I want a pair of opera glasses/a programme, Ppiease, The curtain is up, _The performance has begun, There will be an tn- terval after the sec- ond act. The play is based on a novel, Who is the play pro- duced/directed by? Let me. look up the characters in the pro- gramme, The scenery and cos- tumes have been’ de- signed by... Where does the action take place? Who. plays the main part? 147 it dipendz on 04 sits iu teic. lets telc tichits fa & o:chistra sto:1z/04 box/34 dres sa:cl. du @i:z si:ts pravaid a gud viu: av 3a Steigi? 6i:z sists a: tu: eldus/tu: fe: frim 64. steigi. at uot taim daz 64 pafo:mins sta:t? uen daz it end? iz it castamari tu ued i:vnip dres? lets “li:v aud cauts in elaue rum, ai uont & ped av opara gla:siz/A prdugram, Pp 04 cda:tn iz ap. 64 p&fo:mins haz bigan, Sed ull bi an intaval afta $4 secind’ ect, 68 pic? iz beled on & neval. hu: iz 6A plei pradin:st/ directid bai? let mf luc ap 08 caric- taz in’ da prdugrem. 64 si:ndri a costiumz hay bken dizaind bai,,,. nei daz Si ecsin tele pleis? hu: pleiz 6% mein. pa‘t? Distribufia este cu to- tul deosebita. Cine interpreteaz’ re- Tal lui... 2 C. este unul dintre ac- terif nostri de frunte, O cunoasteti pe actrita aceasta? Aceasta piesii tine scena de aproape doi ani. Am fost fermecat de interpretare, Excelent regizat si ju- cat, Cinema ‘Unde ruleazd filmu! acesta? Trebute s& scrie in ziar. lata, Merité sx fie vaizut? Este un film: francez tehnicolor. Este tradus/dublat in engleza? Filmul acesta rfleazi de sai mult deo lund. Va plac filmele *poli- iste? Imi plac: = — filmele de capi $! spada — fitmele artistice — westernurile — filmele de. calatorie desenele animate filmele documentare The cast is really un- usual. Who’ plays the part of C. is one of our Jead- ing actors, ‘Do you know-this ac- tress? + This play has had al- most two years of successful Tunning (on the stage). I was carried away by the acting, ~ Excellently directed and acted, ‘Cinema Where is this picture showing? g It should be in the paper, Here we are. Is it. worth ‘sceing? Its a French Techni- colour picture. Is it. subtitied/dubbed in English? This film has been run- ning for mere than @ month now. Do you like’ thrillers (whodunits)? IT like: — cloak and dagger films - — feature films westerns travelogues — cartoons documentary7 films 148 Sa caist iz rial anti: jual. hur pleiz 8a pa:t av...? C, iz uan av aud Ii:- din #ctaz. ‘du ju niu Gis ectris? ' bis plei haz hed -ol- miéust tu: fz -av ‘sicsesful rani {on a steigi). 4 ai udz cerid duet bal bi exctin. ecsdlantli dairectid an ectid, sinima ued iz Vis piccid sduin? it sid bi in dA pelpa, hia ul a: dz it ud: sity? its A freneci tecnicala piccia. iz it sebtaitid/dabd in inglis? Gis film haz bin ranip far mo; din & man hau. du fui laic Sr(laz (had- mits)? ai late; £ — chiuc an degd filmz — fi:eid filmz uestinz travaldugz ca:tunz 3 — dochiumentari tiimz — filmele didactice. S& vedem filmul isto- ric despre care vor- Deaji ierl. A primit un premiu Ta festivalu! de la “Cannes, _Acest ‘film. are mare " succes. Deun&zi am vazut un film mut/sonor vechi, Mi-a plicut foarte mult, Am intirziat prea mult ca sa uae gasim Iv- earl bi Vom ian niste bilete ieftine, Mai sint locuri ieftine? Nu mai sint bilete de- eit in rindurile din tata. Nu mai sint bilete. Cit dureaz’ filmul? t Spectacolul dureaz& a- Pproape doug ore. Ast&zi se prezintd vreun jurnal de actualitati? Cine este regizorul a- cestui film? Scenariul apartine Jui... Este inspirat dup& ce- ebro] roman al lui... Care este distribujia? ind a avut-loc pre- micra acestui film? Mutafi-va pe locul ur- maior, va rog, Este un spectacol con- tinuu (non stop). — educational films. Let’s go and see the historical film ‘you were talking about yesterday, It has got an award at the Cannes Festival. This film has been a real success. The other day i saw one of the early si- fent/sound films, I thorougly enjoyed it, We are. too late for the good seats, We'll take some cheap seats, Any cheap seats left? There are only seats in the front rows left. Ail tickets are sold out. How long will the show last? The show will last about two hours, Is there any newsreel * today? Who is the director of this picture? The screen-play is by.. It’s based on the famous novel by.... Who is in the cast? When was this film released? Move up to the next seat, please, There’s a continuous Performance, 149 — ediucheisana4l filmz. lets gau an si 64 historicél film iu va to:chiy &baut iestadi. it haz got an Auo:d &t 64 can festival, Sis film haz bin a idl sdcses. 61 ada dei al so: uan-dv Gi a: gailant/saund filmz. ai Oarall ingioid it. ul a: tu; leit 14 88 gud sits, uil teic sim ci:p si:ts eni ci:p si:ts left? Sear az dunli sists in Oa frant rauz left, 0:1 tichits a; sauld aut, hau lop uil 54 sau la:st? da siu ull Ja:st abaut tu: aniz, iz de& eni niw:zri:I ta. dei? hu: iz 04 directé ay 6is piccia? 84 scri:n plel iz bal... ist beizd on & felmas novil bal... hu: iz in d&. ca:st? uen udz bis film rili:st? mu:v ap ti 54 necst Sit, pli:z, beiz & cintinitds pa- fo:mans, Putem ‘intra (tn sala) oricind. Mi-a pl&cut foarte mult, Acest film poate fi va- zut numai de adulti. Mergefi des la cinema? N-am vdzut nici un film in ultima vyre- me. I Opera. Convert Muzica ma pasioneazd. Care este compozito- raul dv. preferat? VA place jazul? imi place numai mu- zica simfonicdi/de ca- merii/clasicd/moder- TA. Nu-iui plece muzica vo- cali/corala, Stiff sa cintali la vreun instrument? Cihd eram mai tinir cintam ia vioara/ flaut/trompet%/pian, A{i asculfat concertul Mozart de siplamiia trecutd? Mergeti des la concerte? Nu plerd nici un con- cert de pian. Ce este deseard la opera? Sint scumpe bfletele la opera? We cat time. I really enjoyed it. This picture {s for adults only. Do you often the pictures? I haven’t seen any film lately. get in> any go to Opera. Concert Iam a great lover of music, Who is your favourite composer? Do you like jazz? I only like sympho- nic/chamber/classical/ modern music, I don’t like vocal/choral music, Do you play any instru- ment? I used to play the vi- olin/flute/ trumpet/pi- ano when I was younger, Did you hear the Mo- zart concert last week? Do you often go to concerts? I never miss a Piano concert, ‘What’s on at the opera tonight? Are the seats at the opera very expen- sive? 150 ul. cdn ‘ghet “in eal taim. 4 al ridll ingioid it, dis piccia iz far edalte dunili. du iu ofn giu ta a pice eiaz? al hevnt si:neni film teilli, opara, consat al dim & greit lava av miu:zic, hu: iz io: pauza? _ du ju laie giez? al dunli laic simfo- nic/ceimbii/clesical/ modan miut:zic, dunt laic vaucal/ coral miu:zic, du iu plei eni instru- mant? ai iu:st t% plei. 6a- vaialin/flu:t/trampit/ pleniu uen ai uaz iagga did in hid 6& mautsa:t consit la:st’ “vise? feivarit cim- ai du iy of gau td consats? al neva mis & piendu consat, uots on at di tainait? a: 04 sits at-0i opara veri icspensiv? opara ‘Ce cuprinde. programul? Cine . divijeazi? Cine este soiistul? Ew merg la operd in fiecare sdptamina, Wreau si merg «A un concert de violoncel, Unde pot rezerva bi- letele? La ce ora incepe con- certul? Aseari am fost la con- certyl de promenada, Indiferent unde sedetl, vedeli si auzi{i la fel de bine, O celebri trupa de ba- let din... se afd in turneu in {ara noas- tra, vor prezenta trel spectacole. In orasul nostru, Sa nu plerdeli specta- colul, Ei Dansul SUH sa dansafi? Mie imi place foarte mult dansul. N-am mai dansat de ani de ile, Desearé ma duc la dans, Dansam? What's on the pro- gramme? Who is conducting (the conductor)? Who is the soloist? (Who plays the solo part)? Igo to the opera every week, I want to go to a cello concert, Where can I book tickets in advance? What time does the concert begin? I went to the prome- nade concert last night. No matter where you sil, you can see and hear equally well. A famous baliet com- pany from... is on tour to this country, They will. give. three performances in our city. Don’t miss the show, Dancing Can you dance?/Do you dance? I-love dancing. I haven’t. danced for years, I’m going to a dance tonight. * Shall we dance? 151 uots on 64 Prdugrem? bu: iz cd&ddectig (4 cdndacta}? hu: iz Ga sdulduist? (hu: pleiz 64 s&ulau past)? al giu td di opara ~~ evri uize. al uont ti giv tu a celiu consiit, ued cain ai bue tichtts In ddvans? uot taim daz 64 con- sat bighin? al uent ta 64 promina:d consit la:st malt, nau. met& ued iu sit, fu cin si: an hid icuali uel, 4 felm4s bale! camp&ni fram ... iz on tua t& bis cantri, Sei uil ghiv Ori: pafos maansiz in aud sitt, diunt mis 64 sau. da:nsig cin fu dans ?/du iu da:ns? al lav da:nsip, al hevnt da:nst f4 i:az, aim se tu a dans tanaii gal ul pa Pot s4-va invit la dans? mt putefi keorda acest dans? Desigur, Regret, trebuie sd va refuz, Am partener, Sint obosita, vreau si mi odihnese dansul acesta, Haide}i s& dansam, Nu-mi place valsul, N-am chef. Nu ma prea pricep la dans, Nu dansafi in ritm, Senzati, v-am cdlcat pe Picior, Dansafi foarte bine, va asigur, V-a plicut dansul a- cesta? Care este dansul dy. preferat? Orchestra este prea zgo- motoasii/monotona, nu-i aga? Sint obosit#, SA mer- gem, J Pot s& va condue la autobuz/si va tnso- fese dcasi? N-avefi un dise dupa care am putea dansa? S& pun un dise cu’mu- aed de dans? May I ask you to this dance? May T have this dance? Certainly. Sorry, { must refuse. J already have a part- ner. Ym) tired, I want ‘to sit. out this’ dance, Come ‘on, let's dance, I don’t ike waltzing, Vm the mood, I’m not much of a dan- cer, You don’t keep time to the music, Tm sorry, I stepped on your toe, You dance very well, I assure you, Did you enjoy this dance? Which is your fayour- ite dance? The band Is too noisy/ slow, isn’t it? I'm tired, Let’s go, May I see you to the bus/see you’ home? Haven’t you got a rec- ord we could dance to? Shall I put on a dance record? 182 mef al aise fu t& dis da:ns? 4 mei ai hey O18 dains? sd:tnif. sori, ai mast rifiu:z, ai oOlredi hey & bees na, ' aim ‘taidd, ai uont th sit aut bis dans, cam on, lets dans ai d&unt laic uolsiy, ‘aim. not in 0% mu:d, aim not maei . iv . da:nsi. in‘ déiunt chi:p a ta 04 miu:zic, aim sori, ai stept on io tau, ju da:ns agua iu, did iu ingiol dis da:us? veri uel, ai uici iz io feivarit da:ns? 0% bend iz tu: noizi/ slau, iznt it? 2 aim taid, lets g&u, mel ai si: fu ta 54 bas/ si iu haum? hevnt fu got & reco:d ul cid dams tu? gal ai put on & dams” reco:d? . Mnzee st e: Agi me nid xpozit) Vreau si merg la un muzeu/o expozitie Ati dori un ghid? Ma Intereseaza aria ve- che/moderna, : Muzeul este. deschis du- minica2 Muzeul este deschis in fiecare zi in afara de luni. Vrem sa vizitim Mu- zeul de stiinte, se expune la Gale- ria Najionala? Galeria de artA are © bogataé colectie de “tablourl in ulel, Cind este deschis’ Ga- Jeria nationala de portrete? Ce tablouri se giisesc in acest muzeu? Aici sint de vazut une- le_dintre. cele. mai frumoase. opere ale maestiilor italieni si spanioli. Cum ajungem pozifie? _ Cind s-a deschis expo- \ aifia? Aceasta este o copie? Cine a pictat- pinza aceasta? Va place acest portret/ aceastii natura moar- tafacest peisaj/aceas- ~ 1a marjnd? la ex- Museums and Exhibi- tions 1 want to go to 4 mu- seum/an, exhibition. Would you like to have a guide? Ym interested in early {modern art, Is the museum open on Sunday? * The museum is open every day except , Monaay, We want to visit the Science Museum, What does the Nation- al Gallery display? The Art Gallery con- tains a large. collec- tion of oil paintings. When is the National Portrait Gallery open? What pictures are there in. this museum? Here are to be seen some of the finest works of ihe Italian and Spanish masters. How can one get to the exhibition? When did the exhibi- tion open? Is this a copy? Who painted this pic- ture? Do you like this por- trait/still-life/land- Scape/sea-scape? 158 miu;ziimz ima exibi- sting: j ai uont ta gau tu a mfu:- ziim/jan exibisan. ud iu laic ta hey a gaid? aim’ intristid in a:li /mo:dan a:t, iz 04 miu:ziam gupan on sandi? 84 miu:ziim iz dapan evri dei icsept mandi. uont t& -vizit 8% soiins miu:zfaim. uot daz 0a nesinl gelirl displei? Gi ait gelari canteinz 4 la:gi ‘calecsin av oil peintinz. uen iz 04 negs&nl po: trit geliri dupain? ui uot pieciiz a: dea in is. miu:ziim? hia a: ta bi sin sim av 64 fainist aces dy 01 ielian an spen- is. ma:st&z. hau cin uan G exibisin? uen did Gi dupiin? iz dis & copi? hu: peintid dis piccia? ghet ta exibisin au iu lai Gis poztrit/ stil laif/lendscheip/ si:scheip? Remarcati jocul de um- “bre si lumini de pe™ aceasta pinza. E 0 capodopera de Titian, Ce spuneli de aceasta compozilie? Perspectiva este dosh virsita. cui este pottiotnt acela? E un Rembrandt veri- tabil. Acest tablou mi se pare cunoscut, Ce reprezinta? Unde ‘este sala de pic- turd olarideza? Aceasta este © expo- zilie permanenta&? Prielenul meu. a des- chis o expoaitle per- sonala, Expozitia deschis, Intrarea este liberd? Care sint orele cele mai potrivile de vizitare? Ce va intereseazd in mod deosebit? Va place pictura non- figprativa Poftfti_o brosuré care deserie atele. Deschis zilele de lucru, Care sint impresiile Al tocmai s-a Cartiic. Lectura Vreau sd impramut niste car{i. Notice the play of light and shadow on this canvas, It’s one of Titian’s mas- terpieces. What do you think about this genre painting? The perspective is per- fect. Whose portraitis that? It’s a genuine Rem- brandt, This painting seems fa- miliar to me. What does it resist? Where is the room of Dutch painting? this a permanent exhibition? My friend has opened a one-man exhibition. Is The exhibition has just opened., Is admission free? What are the best ti- mes to visit? What are you particu- larly interested in? Do you like non-repre- sentational painting? Here is a booklet de- scribing the exhibits. Open daily/Mondays to Saturdays, What are pressions? your im- Books, Reading 1 want to borrow some books. ndutis $4 plel av lait ‘an’ s2d4u ‘on bis « cenyvas, ' its uan Ay tisianz ma:- stpi:siz. uot du iu @ige abaut éis janr peint!p? da paspectiv iz pa:fict, hu:z po:trit iz det? its 4 geniuin remLrent. Bis peintip si:smz [a- milid La mi. uot daz it reprizent? ued iz 6&4 rum av daci peintiy? is 6is & pd:manant exi- bisan? mai frend hiiz dupand 4 uan men exibisan. OL exibfsin dupand, iz Admisan fri:? uot a 6a best taimz ta vizit? uot a iu pa:tichiuldll intristid in? du iu Jaic non repri- zenleisanal peintip? hiar iz &. buelit di- scraibiy Oi igzébits. Gupan deili/mandiz ta setadiz, uot a: io: haz giast impresinz? bues, rizdip ai uont t& bordu sam bucs, imi place foarte mult si citesc. Sint multe _ biblioteci In oras? Unde este sectia de im- prumut? Cite carti dori{i si im- prumutati? Clte. carti se pot im- prumuta deodata? Aveti legitimatie de ci- titor? Vreti s& completaji a- cest formular? Cit timp pot tine aces- te carti? ~ Cind trebuie sa fie res- tituite aceste carti? O restitui siptamina vi- itoare, Cartea aceasta este im- prumntata. M-ali © putea cind va fi restituita? Fireste, am sa v-o pis- trez. €it costA si impruinnti carji? Pute|i imprumuta carli gratuit, Unde este sala cata loagelor? Vreji sd ma ajutati sa gasese titlul pe care il caut? Jinefi. romane/lucrari de sliin}a/periodice straine? Instlinja- I am_-very fond of reading. Are there many libra- Ties in the town? Where is the lending department? How many books do you want to borrow?, How many books may be borrowed at a time? Have you a reader’s ticket? Will you form? How long can I keep these books? (What's the lending pe- riod?) When do these books fall due? Till bring it, back next week, This book is out on Yoan (is not in), Could you let me know when it has been re- turned? Certainly, I'll keep it for you. What’s the charge for borrowing books? You can take out books free of charge. Where is the catalogue room? ‘Will you help me trace the title [I’m look- ing for? Do you keep novels/ science books/foreign periodicals? fill in. this 135 aim veri) fond “av ri:dig. a: ded meni laibrariz in 0a taun? ued iz 64 lendiy dipa:t- mant? hau meni bues du iu uont ta bordu? hau meni bucs mei bi boraud at 4 taim? hav iu 4 ri:daz tichit? uil fu fil In dis fo:m? hau log can ai chip di:z bues? (uots ba lendip piariid?) uen du diz bues fo:l it bee neest ois ae iz aut on Iun (its not in). cad iu iet mi nau uen it haz bin ritté:nd? sd:t3ull, iu. ail chi:p it fo ju can teic aut bucs fri: av ciacgi. ued iz 54 cetilog rum? uil iu help mi treis - 64 taitl aim luchig fo:? du iu chi:p noyAlz/ saidns bucs/forin pidriodicAlz? Pot s& ma uit la car- file de pe rafturi? Puteji cerceta si ca- taloagele noastre de~ ear{i. Sala‘ de -lectura este deschisa? Aveli 0 enviclopedie? Vreti sa-l intrebati pe bibliotecar? Romanul acesta merit& 84 fie citit? Afi citit cartea aceasta? V& plac nuvelele? Su prefer poezia Ceva usor de citit, vi Tog. De cite volume dispune aceast& biblioteca? Aveti intreadevar o bi- blioteci bine inzes- trata, Radioul si televiziunea Am cumpdrat un apa- rat nou de radio, Este un aparat de ra- dio cu tranzistori por- tabil. Poate receptiona ‘orice post? Pot recepjiona pe orice Jungime de unda&: ultrascurte, — scurte, medii sau lungi. | May T have, a look at the hooks. on the shelves? Yow ean also have a “lock at our book catalogues. Is the reading room ._ open? Have -you got an en- cyclopacdia? Would you mind ask- ing the librarian? Is this novel worth reading? Haye you read this book? Are you keen on short stories? I prefer poetry. I want ‘some reading, please. How -man% volumes does this library con- tain? i ¥ou certainly have a very well-equipped library. light Radio and Television We've bought a new radio set, It’s a. portable tran- sistor set (receiver). Can it get any broad- casting station? I can tune in to any wave length: VHF, short, mediunr or long wave-lengths, 156 meiai bev A luc at ba bues on 6h gelvz? iu cir olsin Inev & luc &t aud buc cata~ logz. iz 04 ré:diy rum dupin? hav fu got an insal- claupi:dia? ud iu maind a:schip 64 laibredtriin? iz a novitt ua:O The a i red dis buc? . a: id chin on so:t storiz? ai prifé: péuitri. af uont sim lait ri: Ld pli:z, hau meni volinmz dae Gis laibriri ciintein? Ju sd:témli hev & verb uel icuipt laibrari, rediau an telivijan uiv bo.t a niu: reididu its 4 po:tabl trensisté set (risi:va), can it ghet eni bro:d- ea;stip steigin? ai cin tiun in tu enl ueiv ley@; vicictef, so:t, mi:diam o: lop ueiv JegOs, { Cum funcifoneaz® te- __ levizorul/radioul dv,? € este destul de buna/cam slaba, Sunetul nu este prea clar, Na prind decit postu. Tile loeaie, Aparatul meu este de- fect. Se pare ci s-a defectat o lampa. Aveti nevoie de antena? Nu, este ‘un ‘aparat foarte puternic, Ochiul magie funeti- oneaza? 5 €ind Incepe emisianea? Cind transmit’ stirile7 Ce program este “1a ra- dio? Ce post doriti si re- ceptionati? Ag dori sh aud ‘ora exactii/buletinul sportiv. Azi am pierdut’ Dule- tinul de stiri/jurnalu! radio/buletinul meteo- Trologic. Staffa aceasta transm!- te pe o altA lunginie de unda, Imi place s ascult. tea- tru radiofeic/en- gleza la radiofemisi-* mea .Cine stle cls- tiga", , How does’ your TV set? Tadio set work? Reception is quite good/rather poor. The sound is not cle: enough, I don’t get anything beyond the local sta- tions, My set is out of order, A yalye seems to be faulty, Do you need an aerial? No, it’s quite a power- ful set, Is the magice eye’ all right? When does the broad- east/programme begin? is When do they” broad- cast the news? hau @az-io: th vi: set /reidiau set ud:e? risepsin Iz cuait gudf ra:da pua, 64 saund iz not elit Inaf. ai daunt ghet eni€iy bifond 8& lducal stei- ganz, mai set iz aut dvo:da. a velv fo:lti, du fu ni:d an earial? nau, its euait & peudful set. iz 04 megic at ot rait? si:m2z t& bi ten daz 0% bro:dca:st/ préugrem bighin? uen du de¥ “brovdearst 6a giucz? What's on the radio? guots on dX refditu? What. station do you want te tune in to? IT shoul like to hear the time-signal/sports round-up. Fve missed the news bulletin/newsreel/ weather report today. This ‘station broadcasts on a different wavelength, T like to listen to the radio theatre/English by radio/quiz pro- grammes, 137 uot steisin du in uont ta tiu:n in. tu? ai sid laic ta hk oa taim: signdl/spo:ts raundap, % aiv mist 6% nfu:z bue Htin/nierari:l/aeda ripo:t tidal. Gis steisin bro:deasts on 4 difrant ueiv len. ' al laic ti lisn ta 04 Teiditu O/atd/igglis haf reiditu/cuiz prau- greemnz, ‘SA deschid/inchid ra- dioul? Dali mal incet (re- duce{i volumuil). Daci este prea tare fi va deranja pe ve- cini. Ce se transmite la radio deseard? Se va transmite un program de muzica la cererea ascultatori- lor, A{l ascultat comenta- riu} acela interesant? S-a transmis aseard la radio, Care sint cele mai bune televizoare pe piala? Am cumparat acest te- levizor in rate, Shall I turn: on/off the radio? Turn the sound down (Turn it down). If it’s too loud it will annoy the neigh- bours. What’s on the wireless tonight? A request programme will be broadcast. Did you listen to that ‘interesting commen- tary? It was on the radio last night. What are the best tele- vision sets at pres- ent? I’ve bought this TY- set by instalments. Ce dimensiuni aré ecta-, What’s the size of the nul? Pe cite canale recep- fionéaza? Sa-i dim drumul. Nu stiu cum sa reglez diferitele butoane, Imaginea_pilpiie/este estompata/este de- formata/se sterge/dis- pare. Ce este la televizor asté seara? La ce ora 'se transmite? V-ali uitat fa televizor aseard? Nu, nu m-am_uitat. Ma sustrage de la citit, screen? How many channels does it operate on? Let’s switch it on. I don’t know low to adjust the different knobs, The picture flickersjis blurred/is distorted/ washes out/goes blank. What's on (the) TV to- night? What time is itvon? Did you look in last night? No, I didn’t. It distracts me from reading. 158 pal ai tan on/of 8 reidiau? ; t&:n 64 saund daun(tai:n it dawn), : if its tu: laud it uil anoi 04 neibaz, uots on $A ualdles tinait? 4 ricuest prdugrem ull bi bro:dea:st, did iu lisn ta dat intris- tip comentari? it uaz on 6a reididu ja:st nait. uot a: 6a best telivijan sets at prezant? aiv bo:t dis ti:vi: set bai _insto :Im4nts, uots 04 saiz av seri:n? oa ~hau meni cienilz daz it opareit on? lets suici it on. ai daunt nau hau tu adgiast 04 difrant nobz. a piceid flicaz/iz bla:d/ iz disto:tid/uosiz aut/gauz blege, uots on (03) tanait? uot taim iz it on? did iu luc’ in nail? . nau, al didnt. it distracts mi fram T:dip. tijwir la:st Ma uit cu regularitate Ja programele de va- netati/meciurile de fotbal. fm plac indeosebi trans- misiunile de simbata Ja, televiziune. El a vorbit la televizi- une saptamina trecu- ta. Ce marca are acest apa- rat de radio/televizor? Numa pricep la apara- tele de radio/televi- zoare, Televizorul/aparatul de radio s-a defectat. Voi chema tehnicianul radio. In exeursie Ce locuri ma sfatulji sa vizitez? Sint bilete cu pret redus pentru excursii la ...? Aveli vreun plan pen- tra vacanta? Unde vreti s& petreceti vacan{a anul acesta? Noi organizim excursii in {ard si peste ho- tare. Nu ma pot decide dac& sd merg la mare sau Ja munte. VA intereseazi si schi- afi si sa face{i alpi- nism? I'm a regular viewer of the variety _pro- grammes/football matches, I particularly like the television trans- missions on Saturday. He spoke on television last week. “What make is this ra- dio set/television set? I can’t manage wire- less sets/TV-sets, The T\-set/radio has broken down, Th call in the radio serviceman set Going on a Trip What places do you advise me to visit? Are there any cheap excursion tickets to...? Have you made any plans for the holidays? Where sre you going to spend your holi- days this year? We run trips to vari- ous parts of the coun- try and abroad, I can’t decide whether to go to the seaside or to the mountains, Are you at all inter- ested in skiing and climbing? 159 aim. 4 reghiula viu:a av 04 varaisti préu- greimz/iutbo:l meciz, al pitichiulall laic 6a telivijan teensmizinz on setidi. hi. spaue_ on la:st_ uize. tellyijan uot meic iz dis reididu set/telivijin set? al ca:nt manigi uaid- les sets/ti:vi: sets. OA ti:vi: set/reididu set hez._brducinm daun, ail col in 04. reididu Sd:vismin. gduiy on a trip uot pleisiz du iu ad- vaiz mi ta . vizit? a: Jed eni cl:p icsed:sin tichits t& 1.2 hey iu meld éni plenz fa 64 holadiz? ued a: iu géuiy ta spend jo: holddiz dis {4? ui ran trips tA vedriis pats ay 64 cantri and abro-d. cant disaid ueda ta gau ti ba sir- said 0; ta 6& maun- unz, fu at o:] intristid in schiip dn. claimip? ai a Prietenul meu inten- My friend is planning fioneazi si fach o to go on a cruise croazieri pe Marca on the Mediterra- Mediterana. nean. _ Nu stat: niciodat# mul- I never stay in one tA vreme Intr-un loc, _ place for long. Putem petrece noap- Can we spend-the night tea la um motel? at a motel? Exista si posibilit@{ide Are there any facili- camping? ties for camping? Stifi sd mergefi pe bi- Can you ride a bicycle? cicleta? Tinell bine Ja drum? Are you a good walker? Cit de departe credeti How far do you think ce ajungem intr-o zi? we can get in one ‘ day? VA intereseazi floraf Are you interested ‘in fauna {drii ‘moastre? the flora/fauna of - this country? Exist& vreun monument Are there any ancient vechi/vreun santier monuments /archacol- arheologic/vreo for- ‘ogical sites/fortresses tareafa pe aceasta ru- on our way? ta? . Tabira’se afd cale de The camp is at a two doud ore de mers pe hours’ walk/an hour’s josfla.o ora. de mers — drive from here. ca masina de aici. VA place privelistea? Do you like the scen- ery? Cum s¢ ajunge In How does one get to munfi? the mountains? Putefi merge cu masina You can drive as far ping la .., aS ou. Incetro mergem? Which way do we go? Cunoastefi drumul, nu-i You. know the way, aga? don’t you? Vreau sure astizi pe I want to climb the munte, mountain today, Ce priveliste frumoasi! What a beautiful sight! Putem campa/ridica We can camp/put up cortul aproape deriu. the tent near the river, 160 maf frend {z pleni, ta giu on 4 ¢ru:z on 04 moedilareiniin, ai nevi stei in uan pléis fA lop. ein ul spend 0a nait at & mautel? | a: Get ent fsilitiz £4 compiy? can iu taid & baisicl? aiiu & gud no:cx? ” hau fa: du iu Qipe ui cin ghet in uan dei? a: iu intiistid in 54 flor8/fo:na ay dis can- tri? a: ded eni cinsant mo- niumnts/a:chia- logical saits/fo:tri- siz on aud uei? Oa comp iz at & tu quiz uo:e/ain audz draiy fram hid. du iu laic Ja si:mazi? hau daz uan ghet tai 04 mauntinz? ju cin draiv 4% fa: Az... uicf uel du wi gau? iu nau 64 uel, ddunt iu? ai uont ti claim 08 mauntin tadei, uot A biu:tifl salt! ul cin cemp/put, ap BA tent nia 04 riva/ Abia astept si merg ta mare. x Merg multi turisti la mare? Ce statinne dé pe lito-. ral mi-afi tecomanda? Care parte a plajel vi place mai mult? MA tom ci asttizf nu se poate face bale. Grede\i cl putem urea pe falezd? Vrefi si thotdin pusin? Nu sia sit Inot, Nu ya departati de yirm, Marea’ este. calma, Vreau si m& bronzez, Na stat prea mult la soare, Sinteli ars de soare, Prefer si stau pe sez- Tong. Viv se jupoaie pielea. Am putea Inchirla o bares? . Eu jthu si vistesc/clr- mese, AS yrea si. merg tn regiunea. lacuriior, MA due Intr-o calitorie: eu autocarul prin fara. Cit timp dureac¥ ¢a- Tatoria? Cfldtoria dureazii cinci alle. Cu ce tncepe cilitoria? y-—un Pm looking’ forward to going to the sea- side. Do many tourists go to the seaside? Which seaside place do you recommend? ‘Which part of the beach. do you Ike best? No bathing today, I'm afraid, Do you think we can go to the top of the clit?” Shall we swim a little? T cannot swim, Keep near the’ shore. The sea is smooth. T want to get tanned/ a sun tan, Don't stay in the’ sun too long. ‘You are sunburnt. I prefer sitting in a ideck-chatr. Your skin is peeling. Could we hire a boat? I can row/steer a boat, I'd likes to. go) to: the lake district, Pm going ow a) coach tour reund the coun- “trys How long does” this tour take? It's a five-day trip, What does the trip start with? 381 aim luchig forudd te gduin td O% stisald. du_ment tudrists giu tA 84 si:said? uict sissaid plets du iu recSmend? uct pat av 6% biel du iu tafe best? nau beidig tidel, “alm ditreld, du iu Oipe ul cin giu’ ta 84 top ay 8a clit? sal ul sulm a UT al cenot sulm, chip nid 08 50:. Oa si: iz smu:0. al vont t& ghet tend/ @ san ten, diunt stei in 0& san cid ui hati A pant? al clin riujstlé & baut, pid Inic: ti gam ta 4 leic district, alm géuly on A educt (aA raund 64 cantri, hau Toy daz dis fuk telc? its & faly dei. trip, uot daz a trip sta:t uid? Autocarul pleacd din centrul oraguful. Ce mai e de vazut? Saptimina trecutt am vicitat un oras nou Atl venit cu masina tot drumul? Am vrea_ sd petrecem clteva zile la o sla- jlune termala, Ce stajiune are izyoare sulfuroase? AMl fost Ia...? Eu {in si vad totul, Im! place sd-mi petree limpul_ mergind din loc in loc. As vrea s4 vizitez insu- Jele de lingé coast. Acela este un golf? M3 due intr-o edlatorie in regiunea de fron- tier’ a Scoffel. Cind vi inapolagi? Cred c& ma vol intoarce cam in doud sipta- mini. ‘Trebuie si yedeti si... Calatorie placuta! Fotografia Va pricepe|f 1a foto- grafie? Practical! fotografiatul? Se poate fotografia alcl? Vre{i simi face{i un instantaneu? Zimbiyi, va rogt The coach leaves from the centre of the city. What else is there to soe? I visited a new town Jast_ week. Have you driven all the way? ‘We should like to spend a few days at a spa. At what resort are there sulphur springs? Have you been to ,,.? T'm an avid sightseer, J like to spend my. time going places, Td like to visit. the islands off the coast. Is that a gulf? T'm going on a trip to the Border country. ‘When will you be back? I expect to be back in about a fortnight, ‘You mustn't miss... Have a good trip! Taking Pictures Are you good at photo graphy? | Do you go in for photo- graphy? Can we take pictures here? ‘Will you take a snap- shot of me? Smile, please! 162 08 cduci lirvz fram a sent av OA sith, uot els is Sed ta si:? al yizitid & niu: taun last ube, hev iu drivn o: 64 uei? ul sd lale t& spend & flu: detz at A spa:. » At uot rizo:t a: ded salts sprigz? hev fu bin ta... alm in wvid sails al laic th spend mal taim gduip pleisiz. ald lac ta yizit Stailindz of Ba chust. dz bet & galt? alm gé@uly on & trip: ts 84 bo:da cantrl, wen ull iu bf bac? al lespect t& bi bat in about & fo:tnait fu mésnt mis .. hey & gud trip! telehig piceidz a: Ju gud at fautograi? du tu giu in £& futo- gral can ui teie picciiz hii? ull fu tele & snepgot ty mil? small, pli:z! Eu pu sint fotogenic. Prietena mea este foto- genic’, Afi fieut poze In orag? Am ficit o mulfime de poze in’ orag, ‘Mi 6-a torminat filmul, Developali si faceti sin- gur copiile fotografi Hor av, ‘Am nevoie de patcu copit dupa acest ne- gativ, . Ag dort o copie maritd dupS aceasta foto- grafic. Aveli un oparat de fotografiat foarte bun, Ce marci este? ‘Mi-a{i putea Imprumata aparatul dy,? SURE Sir minuiyi? Cred eo da, INvAPAMiNTUL gt CERCETAREA THNFIFICA Ma inteneseazi sis- teinul de invatamint ‘din ara’ dv, InyajAmintul este obti- \_gatoria in fara dy? Exist taxe seolare Ce fel de institutii de Invitémint exista? I photograph badly. My friend photographs well (she has a photo- genle face), Did you take any plo- tures in the town? T made a Tot of snaps ef the town, Pye run short of film, Do you develop and print your snapshots yourself? I want four printsf copies of this nega- tive, Td tike to have this photo enlarged. You have a first class camera, What make fs it? Could you lend me your camera? Do you know how to handle it? 1 think so, EDUCATION AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH I'm interested in» the educational system of your country, Js schooling compulsory in this country? Are there any school fees? What kinds of educa tional establishments are there? 163 al fdutdgra:t bedi, mal frend féutagraits uel (si tier & fauta- ginle fels), did tu tele ail plcctdz tn ba taun? al meld alot Av sneps ay 0a taun. aly ran jo:t av film, du fu diveltp an print lo: mepsots forself? ai yout fo: prints/copiz fy Oly negitiy, ald Yale ti hav dis fautay tnlagtd, ju hey &@ fest elas camara, uot mele iz it? cud tu lend mt to camari?. du lu ndu hau ta wend it? al Bie sau, ediuchelsan an salantifie risd:ct alm intristid in Of edtu- cheigna! sistdim av to cant Je acu:tiy edmipolstiel tn dis cantri? ar Gel ent seul {:2? uot eaind: fy edtichei - gnal Islebiismdints as dea? Care youll shit obliga + toril, st care taculta- tive? ipl fetele tnvaja {mipreunad? Cum este organizat In. Vatimintul In dura dy.? Cif ans duredad “inva. Atmiutul sccundar/ ‘superlor? Ce materii se predau in ‘geoaia primarajseeun- Garé? EM clovi Sint datr-o clasi? us Limbile strZine sint dnéluse ‘in programul de inva{amint? Exista cursumt seraie/ {28 treeven pa? Ce sint scotile publice? Care stnt condjtiile de admitere in inyaja- mintul ‘superior? Cind. tneepe/se ‘ter- mina anni scolar? Totiebsotventit seolitor secundare iutrd in tn- val Amtntul superior? Cif studen{i sint tn fora dv.? Cif! studengi/eleyi pri mese bursa? Cite cadre didactice avell? Wich schools axe kompulsory and which optional? Do boys and girls study Reaper? How Is public cduca- ‘tion organized in this cauntry? How qmany. years are spent on secondary/ higher education? What subjects are taught in the primary/ secondary schod!? How smany pupils are there in a class? Does the curriculum include foreign lan- guages? Do you glso “provide for evening ‘classes/ extramural eden tion? What are Publie Schools? What are the entrance requirements to the higher ‘sclioo!? ‘When does the ‘school/ academic year begin) end? Do allschoo} graduates enter higher schools? How many students are there in your ‘coun- try? How many students} __Puplls recelve grants? How large ds the staff? 164 ufel scu.t2 0, cdimpalsar “Gnd wlel oppanal?, y du bolz an _gi:lz stadt tagneda? hau iz pablic ediuchel- san o:ganaizd in ls, canes? hau ment fiz a: ons edhicteigan? uot .sabgicts a: toit. th 8 praimdirl/secin- Orb scu:l? hau-menl piu:plz a: dea in 4 elas? daz Mi cirichiullim dn elu:d forin legguiglae du fu o:k&u privaid TA T'vnly, cla:sizfes trae miu:rAl edluchelsan? uot a: pablic seule? + uot a: di entrins rieuaia- mints ta 04 hdta, soul? nen az 08 ‘sen /moa- demic 18 ‘bighin/end? duo: sow] grediults venta haiti sscu:iz? haw’ met stlu-dants a: Bedi to coniteh? hau meni stiusdiats) “piasple risi-y goasnts? how lagi tz Si stat? Uare este cea mal veche r universitate dim fara dv.? Seolite sectindare sint - g mixte? La ce ord se tin cursuri- te? Afi studiat fe univer- sitate? Ce studiati? Cit dureaza studiul? As vrea si vizitez 0 coal primara/o uni- versitate, Seoali. primtard/seeun- dara ‘48 ce virstdl mergy copili Ja scoala primara? Copili merg tn scoala Primard la virsta de gase, ani, Flevii trebuie sé.dea un examen 1a. sfirsitul geolli. primare? Sint multe soli cu internat In fara dv.? Copii Invatt Ia geoaki pind la virsta de 18 ani, ‘Taxele scolare sint mari? Ce $tiinje se studiazd In coli? ‘What is the oldest uni- uot iz i duldist funivd:- versity in this coun- siti in dis cantri? ty? Are secondary schools a: sectindrl scu:tz belzd based on eo-edaea- on otiu ediuchclytin? ‘tion? What time are the uot taim a: dA lesina/ lessons/lectures? ecetiiz? Have you attended heey fu atendid lunivd:- university? sith? What's your subject? nots fo fabject? (uot “(What are you read- az fu risdig?) ing?) How long fs the course nau Joy iz 04 cos (av (of study)? stad)? I should like to visit a al sid late t& vizit & primary school/a unt- — praimari scu:l/A iunt= versity. vaisiti, Primary/secondary raimiri/secdndarl School 2 seul . At what age do children at uot eligi du cildm ge to primary giu 14 praimari schools? ‘scul2? Children are sent to cildrn a: sent td primary schools at praiméri scu:lz Bt Ot the age of six. digi ay six, Do children have to du cildrn hev tA tele take an exam at the an igzam at 8 end end of the primary iv d praimael school? sen:1? Are tnere many board- a; dei meni bo:dly ing schools in your — sculz ta to cautri? country? ‘The children remain at 34 cildrn rimcin at school till’ they are scu:l til Jel a: elti:m 18 years old, ikz auld, Are the fees very high? a: 04 fi:z veri hal? What sciences do they | uot saidnsiz du del stadt study at schools? at scu:lz? 165. Cxista sf cursurl serale? Tine} cursuri dimineata sau dupd-amiaza la seoala dv.? Cind se Intrerup eursu- le? Ge discipline vA intere- seaz in mod deose- vil? imi place matematica/ chimia/fiziea, Trebute 64 spun cd nu sint prea tare/stut destul de tare la Isto ne s1 trancexd, Ce discipline obligatortt se predaa in scoala dy In scoala dy, se preda yreo discipiina faculg tativa? Ce cursurl freeyentezi? Sut intro clasa in care Se predau sliiu{ete exact2, In ce clasd esti? Sint in ultima’ clasd, Doresti s% eontinul stux diile 1a universitate? La sfirsitul anulit va Uebul sa sus{in exa- menul. final, Va doresé succes ta examen, Un mare numie de eley! freeventeazh cursurlle serale. ytd multi devin scolile profesionale? Do you also have even- ing claseec? Do you have morning or afternoon classes at your school? When does school break up? What subjects are you specially interested in? Tm-rather fond of mae thematies/chemtstry/ physics, T admit 1am ratuer poor/quite good at history and French, What compulsory £ub- Jects are taught at your school? Are there any optional subjects (ight in your school? What classes are you atlending? 1am in a-form special- izing in sclence, ‘What form are you in? Lam in my final year. Do you want to go on to university? At the end of the year Til have to sit for the school-leaving exam- ination. T hope you'll do well in the examination, Quite a number of pu- pils attend. evening classes, Do many pupils: enter Vocational training? 166 du iu o:sau hey éynly dasic? du iv hev monty or ~aiftinun cla:siz ait to seul? uen daz scit:] brete ap? uot sabgects a: Iu spesall dutristtd in? aim ra:3& fond av mefimatics/chemis- triffizies, al admit ai wm ra:da pudjouit gud at histari in frenci. uot caimpalsirt sabgects a: to:t at fo seul? a: ded eni opsinal sab- gects tot in io Seasl? s uot ela:siz a: iu itendip? ai em in 4 fo:m spesilal- zig in suidns. uot form a: fu in? al wm in mai fainal 1%, du iu wont t4 gau on tu Sunivdistti? at di end av 6a 1a ail hev ta sit fi da seul Levin igzemai- netg&o, ai dup fol du uel tn di igzzmineisin, cuait & nomba av plu:plz atend é:vnig elasiz, du meni pia:plz ent vauchelgnal treinip? El are note bune aproa- pe la toate disciplinele. A’ sunat? Suna. Cine lipseste? Stergeti tablat Ce tema ali avut pen. tru asta? Vino ta tabla, Du-te la tabla! Cum se serfe cuvintul pstorey"? Cum se traduce acest eavint? Inchidelt oirtitet Deschidet! cirjile 1a pa gina opt! Scrie{i ingrijitt Unde este buretele? Unde este ereta?. Vedeti tabla? Nu sufta({i)! S& cites? Mai tare, te (vii) rog! Universitatea La ce universitate vett studia? Cind are loc examenul de admitere? Se cer anumite conditil Pentcu a intra Ia universitate? Cite semestre aureazt specializarea studen- “quor? He has good marks in nearly every subject. Has the bell gone? ‘There goes the bell. Who Is absent? Clesn the blackboard, ‘What was your home- work for today? Come to the black- beard. Go to the blackboard! How do you spell the word “storey”? How do you translate this word? Closs/shut your books! Open your books to/at page eight t Write neally! Where is the duster? Where Is the chalk? Can you sce: the blek- beard? E Don't prompt!/Stop prompting! Shall I read? A little loudery please t Untversity What university you going to study at? ‘When will the entrance examination take place? Are there certain stan- dards required for en- tering university? How many terms do the students special ize? 167 hi haz gud mazes in nidif evel sabgect. haz 64 bel_gon? Sei ginz BA bel. hu: tz wbstnt? alin Bi blacho:d. not uz fo hdumuace 1a tadel? cam ti 44 Dliecbo:d, giu t4 B84 blecbo:d! haw du in spel 38 ud:d wStori*? hou du fu trensict dis ud:d? elduz/gat fo: bues! dupin fo: bucs ta/at ‘peigt cit! ralt néstiit ued Iz Ok dasta? ued iz 64 clo:e? ‘e&m tu st: 88 blecho:d? aunt prompt ! /stop promptig! gal al rig? @ Ut lawda, piczt lustyasstth uot iusniva:sitt a: te gduly 4 stadi wt? ven vil ot entriins Igzeminetyzin_ tele plels? a Oe& siktn stendids ricualid far entirig Aucnivd:sitt? hati_ment tims da 3a stlu:diints spesdlaiz? Vel intra Ja univers! tate, Studiez biologla, een En stint student Ja me- diein3/drept, Ea este student Ia ft Varul meu’ este tn ulti- mul an Ja untyerst- tate, Aff fost admis Ia unl- versitatea din Ox- ford? El nu a fost admis @a untyersitate), Vreau s& urmez un curs de Istorie. prin co- responden a, Ctnd sperafi si abscl- ijt? Eu imi termin stuaiile enul vitor, Eu termin_studiile Ia unfversitate, Ctng intenflonay 5a Tuas! doctoratul? fini scriu, teza de doce, torat,. Vreau s& mi ocup de cercetare, Am trecut examient?, Am cézut la examen, Stut absolvent al facul- tafit de fialed, Tl enter university. Pm biology, Tm going to take up tay stuies in Oetor me m8 etisalat sits & student of phys- tes, 1 want to take up econ- omleo/philosophy, My cousin is in his last ‘year at university, Haye you-been accept- ed at Oxford Univer- Pe He's been refused admission. I want to take up a correspondence course in history. ‘When do you hope to graduate? I go down next year, Tam leaving University. When are you going to take your doctor's degree? Tim yriling my doctor's thesis, YU do some research work, Pye passed my examin. ation, Pye fatled in my examine auion, Tm a graduate of the Faculty of Physics, 1468 ail entar Innivassits. aim rédiy baloidgl, aim ganiy t& tele ap mai stadiz in octdubé, aim & mediedi/to: ae dint. siz & stlu:daint av” fizies, al wont 18 tele ap toa- omics/fitosati. mai cazn iz in bis last 44 At iusalydie sity. lev fu bin dieseptid at oxfid u:miyd:sid? hiz binriliuzdadmigain, al uont 1 teic ap & corispondins co:s 9 histarl, uen du in haup ti gradinelt? ai gdun daun next a, al wm) divig dumiva: siti, wen a: ju gauip ta tele fo doctiz digri? alias aaa mal doctdz ain ie sam risd:cl ud:c, aiv past mal igzmmin- elgain,- aiy felld in mai igeem. ineigan, aim a grediuit ay 05 fachiultl dy fizics, Deriti s% deveniti ing ner? As putea neista Ja nite ‘eursuiri/vizita un ed min studenjese? ‘Sint cureurl allt pentrw Ineepitori cit sf pen- tru avansati? Avett mul{i post-unt- versitari? Dr. B. este lector/eon- ferenjiar In chimie. E1 fine prelegeri despre mecantcs, ‘Avefiio catedri de en- alexa? Cite’ eadre didactice ayefl? Citi studenti revin Ia ‘en cadra didactic? Cite colegit are wviver- sitatea? Gind totreyi in yacantar Avell mutt stugentt ‘ateaint? Studentil a. efectueaza pregalire practie’/ mines pe teren? Studen {il primesé um post dopa -absolvire? Organtzali. cursunt de Perfectionare? Corceturen stiingiticd Stnte(t" certetator? Luera{i ia tm fistitut de cercetirt? Ciivee vereatirl va cous pati? Do you want ‘to be- ‘come an egineor? Could ¥ attend some Jectures/visit a ctu~ dent hostel? Are there sources. fof beginners “as ‘well as advanced students? Dovyou have many post- graduate students? Dr. B. is a Jecturer/ reader in chemistry. He — on mech- antes. Do: you have a depart- ment of Engtish? Now many staif do you have? ‘What's the student-staff retio? does the university have? ‘When do you break up for holidays? Do you have many to- reign ‘students? Do your students do amy” practical train- ingytiele ‘work? Do the students get a job after graduation? Do you run refresher courses? Sclentifie Research Are! you! a researcher? Do yotr work in a te. search institute? Whet sort of) research are you engaged in? du fu vont ta bicom tn enginii? cud af ttend stim lec eibe/olelt & stlncaint as oe eats 418 bighinae Aguel kz fir ddvacnst stiusddats? , dada hey meni paust~ grediult stiu:daints? doctd bi: iz & leccliri/ ti:d% Ja chemistri, hl leceliiz on micenics. du fu haw 4 dipastmant ay igalis? hag meni stat du ta bay? nots 84 sthudant stat retsliu? hau ineni coligiz daz da tinivesitt hey? ven du lu brele ap 44 hokidt? du fa hav: ment turin stiusdtints? du fo stlu:daints du ent prectical tretniy/tt:ld Baie? du 24 sitesdants ghet 4 giob afta grediu. sin? du fu ram rifresaco:siz? ie “rise saidn| S alin # rsd:eta? du fw uae In a tisdict institiu:t? voto soitediv Title) ar iu ingbetgid in? Efeetuati atit, ceree- Lari teoretice elt gf aplicative? De cind va ovupalt de cereetarea stilntified? Universitajile efectuea- zi cereetirt gtiin i fice? Ce posibilitéti de aftr mare li secferd tine- rilor cereetatori? Jn acest institut. lu- ereazi un marenumar de tineri cercetator!, Cine conduce institutul? Ce for patroneazi ceree- tarea stiin iffed “in fara dv.? Sint multe institute de cercetare In oras? Institutul nostru a fost Infiinjat acam dowa- zeci de onl ind puter yizita un Institut de prolectari? Folosim metodele cele mal moderne, = El ‘a elaborat 9 nouk metoda de objinere a combustibilalut. Lea}f cunoscut pe profesorul ... care este un sasant renu- mit? Tocmal a fost ales membru al unel aca~ demil straiae, Veli participa la con- gresul intemational de...? $1 eu sint cercetitor. Do you carry out theor- etic’ as well as ap- plied research? How long have you been doing research? Do. universities carry out research? ‘What opportunities are olfered to the young researchers? There are quite a few young researchers in Ihis institute. Who's director of the institute? What authority spon- sors research in your country? Are there many research institutes in the town? Our institute was set up twenty years ago. When can we visit a design institute? We use the most up-to- date methods. He's worked out a new method of obtaining fuel. Haye you met professor ~Who is a well-known scientist? He's just been elected member of 9 foreign Academy. Are you going to attend the international congress on..,? Iam a researcher my- salt. 170 du iu carl aut @iaretic az uei az aplaid ri- sizci? hau lop hav iu bin duip risd:cl? du junivécsitiz cari aut risii-ci? uot opatu:nitiz a: ofid th 0% fay risd:cliz? Sekr a: enalt. 4 fin: jag, risdeldz in dis institiu:t, huw2z direclA Ay di insti- tiust? uot o:Ooritl sponsiz risd:el in to: ents? a: Bek ment riscicl instie tints in da taun? aud institiu:t uaz set ap tuenti iz figau. uen cin ui viait a dizain institiu:t? ul fuzz O4 miust ap t& deit medadz_ hiz ud:et aut & niu: mefid dy Abteinig ual, hay fu met pritesd ... hu: iz 2 uelndun saldntist? hiz giast bin ilectid membi dy & forin Aewddimi. a: iu gduig tu atend OL imtanesant congres on? al em & risd-el maiself. Am_ putea” stabili un Could we work out an plan de schimburi'ca exchange scheme Institutul dv.? with your institute? SANATATEA SI ASIS- HEALIW AND MEDI- TENTA MEDICAL CAL aD - Cum va ‘simqifi2 How are you? Ma simt foarle bine, I'm very ‘well, thanks, mullumese. Din pAcate, nw prea Not too well, I'm sorry bine. to say. fn ultima vreme am I hayen't been very well fost cam bolnay, lately. ‘Am fost bolnav sapti- I was ill for a werk. mini, VA sim{i{f mat bine Aré you feeling’ any asta? better today? Sinteji cumya bola?) Are’ you ill, or some- = thing? Nu ariita(i prea bine! You don't look too good. ‘Ma simt bine, I feel all right, Am fost foarte bonay “I wan very ill but E dar acum o duc bine. M& doare ‘capul/ste- I macal, MA doare aicl, In spate/ I have a pain here, in Ja brat/la pictor/in my back/arm/legy piept. chess. Tupesc mult, T have a (bad) cougns In ultima vreme nu pot T can’ si dorm, Va doare gitul? Does your throat hurt? Am dureri in tot cor- Im aching ail over. pul. sleep these days. Ave! temperatura? Got temperature? V-aji luat temperatura? Did you take your tem- perature? Sinteti patid. You look pale. 171 cud ui wae ixceing! seh fo: institiu:t? aut din uid hel in medical eid fiaw a: jut aim veri uel, Oxpes, not tui wel, aim sori ti set. ai heey vit a ule WH far a uice, nt bin veri wel a: ju félip ent beta det? fw ily 0: samoty? iw diunt toe tus gua, “ai M1 ol rait. aj ude yer Mf bat at seem ghetly cn” natsti nau, aj hey a hedete/4 stom ae ele, ai hey # pein hia, tn mal bee/a:m/leaf cest, al bev a (ed) cor, al caint sip! Ok:z deta, daz: io Grint, ha-t? aim eiehig 0:1 duva. got -tempricia? did iu teic fo ternpricia? fu lue pel. Am febri/temperatura mare, Se pare efi sinteti foarte sensibit In riceala Sper ef mu e nimic serlos, Crede{i ci or trebul si stau elteva 2ile in pat? Aveli niste aspirin? Mi simt deja thai bine: Mi-am stricat stomacul Stan prost cu digestia, Sint constipat. Am adesea ametell, Nasul imi curge/este fnfundat de tot, Nu am pofti de min- care, Trebule s& tin regim? Veatii ranit? Mina dy. singereaci, ‘Nu este 0 lezlune grav, e doar o agivieturd Mi-am serintit, ineheie- tura miluli/glecnay, S-a umflat tere, Ea s-a ars/s-a oparit, Cind’ y-a{f imbolndvit? Atl -luat pledturi/ta- blete? Sofia dv, a fost operata? Ar trebui si consultatt un medic. T have @ feversa high temperature. You seem to be sory sensitive to cold I hope it's nothing Do you thmk fought to stay in bed fer a few days? Haye you got some as pirin?, I feel better already. I bave spoiled my stom- ach. My digestion is mot good. I am costive, I often have giddy turns, My nose is running/is all clogged up. My oppetite is not good. Must I go ona diet? Did you get injured? You're bleeding on your hand. Iws not a rerio jury, it’s only a ‘scratch I have sprained: my wilst/ankle It's badly swollen. She has got a burn/a scald. ‘When did you fall ill? Have you taken -any drops/pills? Has your wile been operated on? You ought to. ste/con- sult a doctor. in 72 al bay @ ff yaja hab tempricia. in sim ta bi vern sensi- tly ta eduld. ai hiup its nediy. du in Dige at ot t& stei in hed far & fiw deiz? hay fay got sdm vespirin? ai fil bel olredi. ai hiv spoild mal,stem. ie, 2 my daigescin iz not gud. — ai em costiv. af of her ghidi t&:nz, mal nd fz ranigliz 0:1 clogd_ a rather poor show, rail pud gu. Care este rezultatul? What's the result? nots 88 rlzalt? in favoarea’ cul? In whose favour? in hue, telva? (Peutru cine?) Echipa gazdijoaspete 9 The home/visiting team 0a“ haum/vizitiy tm clsigat_ mectul. has won the game, haz ua 0A ghelm, EJ an fost tnvingi cu They were beaten three Bel ua bi:tn Ork: 14 nll. trel Ia zero, te nil, Pecasta a fost o vic That was’ a hard- bet uiz “8 had and torie gren cistigat’, corned victory, victari, Crichet Cricket “erichit Englezilor le place The English are yery 31 (pglis a veri chi:n on foarte mult crichctul. keen on cricket, , _crichit. Ce dimensluni are te- What's the size of a uots 0a stiz av A crichit renul de ctichet? cricket field? fisla? Aceasta este prima ‘This is the first innings. Sis iz 84 fist inipz. turi. Sinteff la bitaie sau Do you bat or bowl? du4u beet o: baul? “da{i mingea? El este Ia batale, He’s batsman, hiz betsman, Are si portarul un bas- Does the wicket keeper daz 04 uichit chi:pa ton? carry a bat? cari & bet? Arbitrul se offi aproape The umpire is near the Oi ampsii iz nl& ba de poarta. wicket. uichit, 18) Tenis gi tenis de mash Unde este tereniul de joc? a El a etstigat zece puncte din servieiu, Eta dstigat doua puncte consecutive. Ea a ftrimis mingea inspol. place serviciul. Cire serveste? FI primeste Este avantaj servielu/ prinire. Un set. const din gase ghemurl, Seorul este de 30 Ja zerojegal 40, Mingea a lovit plasa, Asa glcu mine am fucat fa doblu mixt, Ay vrea 0 alt racheta palet’, Juctm don seturi. Natagle. Canotaj ‘Va place inotul? Ce stil va place cel mal mull? Imi place cel mat mult tnotul pe spate, Ge Int practicali? Eu_ practic bras/ fluture/eraul Vreau si vislese, ‘Unde este barca? Vee} simi da(i visla? Lawn Tennis and Table Tennis Where fs the court? He took ten points off his serves. He won two points in succession. She returned the ball. I Uke the service. — Who's serving? He's recelving. It’s advantage server/ receiver. A set is composed of six games. The score Is 30-love/ 40-211, The ball hit the net, Ann apd T played in the mixed doubles, V'd Uke nother rac- quet/bat. We'll play two sets. Swimming. Rowing Do you like swimming? What style do you like best? I like ickstroke best, What is your style? T go in for breast stroke/butterily/ crawl. I want ‘0 row. ‘Where {s the rowing boat? Would you give me the oar? 182 lon tenis an telb tenis ued fz 38 co:t? hi tue ten polrits of hiz sav, hi uan tu: points fm sliesesiin. si ritd:nd 04 box. al late 8a s2:vis. huz sdivig? hiz risé-vip. {ls Jdvamntigh savvt/ ristvi. a set iz cimpduzd ity six gheimz. Ba sco: iz Oa: lav food 85 bo:t hit ba net. fen find af pleld in Bi talest dablz, ald laie nada revehity bat. uil plei tu: sets. suimiy: raving du tu tale sucmly? uot stall du iu late best? ai slnle beestraiue best, uot iz fo stail? ai gin in [4 brest strduc/hataflai/ero:. ai _uont 1 rau, ued iz 64 rduin baut? ud iu ghiv mi ot oat Iiox Boxtny Loxiy Aseari am vazut un I saw a boxing match al so; 4 boxiy meect mecl de box, last night, laist_nait, Ge cstegorie erau-con- What weight were the uot ucit ui 0a climpett- euren ii? competitors? tz? — mused — fly. weight — fai vet = cocos — bantam’ welght — bantim welt = pana — feather. weight = feda vet — usoara — light weight — lait weit — seminijiocia — Welter weight = elt nett — mijlocie — middle weight — midi ueit — semigrea — light heavy weignt — lait nevi ueit — grea = — hevtuelt He's . hig dun, He's got up. hiz got ap, A fost ficut cnocaut, He was knocked out, he uaz noct aut. El a cijligat la punete, He won on points. hi ucn on points, Cite reprize se joact? How many rounds will, han meni raunds wil there be? ded DIT V-a plicut Jovitura? . Did you like the punch. did u laie 0A panel (nits (nity? 7 Cine este arbitral/ secun- Who's the referee/the huz 6a refiri:/8a dantul? second? secind? sah Chess ces Sa facem o partidd de Let's play a game of Iets plei a gheim By ces. ‘gab. chess, foc cu plesele albe, I play while, you play al plei usit, iu plel blee, dy. jucali cu cele black. ness, All ficeut 0 deschidere You've made a fine iuvy meld @ fain gen frumoasa. garnbit. bit. A trebult 8% sacrific © [had to cacrifice aplece. al had th cweritais & lesa. piss, Ci{l plonl aif pierdut? Mow many pawns are hau meni ponz a la you down? daun? Nu atingett: Don't touch tho: ddunt tact oa ; — regete — King — chiy + regina (dama) — queen — eukn — bishop — biap 183 — tumul — calul, Ela intrat fn ered de timp. Care este miscarea urmatoare? Cind reludm jocul? Cred cd este mal bine sa cedez partida, Bote sah mat/jah etern/ mat. Adettsra E: a parcurs distana fa. trel minute. Cite ture ea fcut? Cine este definktoral ‘tutlulyl? El a sirit 2,20 m, La ce inaljime au ri- dicat bara pentru 0 poud tncercare? El a dobortt bara. Ea a batut recordul. E]_ tml este coechipier. Echipa oaspete/gazda a ‘elstigat, imi. place foarte mult: — siritura tn inngime itura In, indltime — siritura ea prijina — tiiptusalt = aruncaren groutatit — anmearéa sulitel — aruncarea diseulit — arunearea cioeanulat — stafeti. — aastle (rook) — knight. He got into time trouble, What's the next move? Wie anit ‘the game 1 ink Ta. better resign, It’s chockmat, te ugl check/stalemate, Atiletles, He covered the distance in three minutes, How many laps have they covered? ‘Who Is the title-holder? He cleared two metres twenty centimetres, To what helght did they lift the crossbar fora new ty? He felled the bar, She broke the record. He's my team-mate, The visiting/home. team ‘won. Vm very keen ow: — long jump high jamp pole jumping hop, step and jump weight (shot) put- ting javelin throwing diseus throwing hammer theoiwing relay race. 184 — cars] (ruc) — nait. MM got int% tatm trabl. ots 84 next muy? ven gal uf rizhrm 388 gheim? ai Olye aid bet rizain ite coemalt/papetival cce/steltin tt, eOletios hi Cavite’ OA distins tn Gri: mantis, haw ment lope hiv Set eavad? hu: iz 08 taitt haulda? bf clita tu: métae tuenti sentimf:tiz: t& uot halt did dei Itt BA crosba. far A he tral? hf feld 24 _ba: gi braiuc Ga reca:d, iz mai Ui melt, 8 viziligfntum, tim van, aim veh. chin on — loy giamp — hai gamp — paul giamptp — hop, step dn glamp. — neit’ (got) putly bavi Oréulg discds Ordulg hem’ Ordinty vi lel res. Echipa noastra a ocupat, Jocul intti la cros/ cursa cu obstacole, Ce alte probe mai fign- et in programul de azi' Cine a sosit primul? Cine a realizat_timpal eel mal bin? Byea a stabiit um re- cord mondial. Care este restul clasa- mentulul? Ce toc a ocupat echipa av.? Care au fost reultatele ultimulut eampionat \ najfonal? Cine a clstigat, camplo- natul individual? Alte, Jocuri. g1:apectaeh AW jucat Vreodatd..? > Tughi = got — hochei Vreti sii mergem s& ve- dem...? — 0 demonstrajie “de gimnasticd — un concurs, de tnot = un concurs de cictism = un concurs de pati- naj — un conctrs hiple — un concurs de scrima Our team took the first aud thm tuc a fast Place in the race/ pleis in 0a reis/ steeple chase, > stispl cis, ‘What other events are uot adh ivents a on on today? tidel? ‘Who was the first at hu: ndz 0d fist at 0a the finish? Linis? Who made the best hu: meld 34 hest taim? time? Hejshe has set a world record. What are the other placlngs? ‘What place did your team win? ‘What were the results of the last national championship? Who was the indlyidual champion? Other Games and Sports Have you ever played...? — maby — "poi —— hockey Shall we go and watch z — A gymnastics dit. Flay — 4 swimming com- petition — a eyeing compet tion — A skating competi- tion — a horse-racing com- petition — a fencing competl- tion 185 hijel hte set % weld record, uot a Oi oBi pleisiye? uot. ples did lo thm uin? nol wi Bi rizalts iy BA Ja:st nasiin! clempidin« ali Bi individual elempiin? 408 glicimz dn, spots hav iu ed pled? bl — heeht sal nt gta x ued ..2 =a gimnestics displ — A suimig compitijtn di salelin compit isan — & seheltiy compiti- saa — @ hos reisiy compiti- sn — & fensip compitisin — un concurs de schi — un conenis de plano- rism Fata acces face un exer- cijia la bien, Ce control si echilibra remarcablie! Prlvifl felcle noastre Faclnd exeretjit Im- puse/libere, Exist um teren de golf aici? Vreau si tuchirlez ‘schluri/bocanel de schi/bete de schi, Unde le pot objine? Vreau si tau lectil de scht, Sint lncepator/incepa- toare. Am puting experion{a, A cézut multd zapada? Care este cea mal buna pirtie de cobortro pentru un Incepator? Studen{ii nostri prac- tied; = sutomoptismat — Urul — cdlaria — alpinismul — pescuital — patinajal artistic — patinajul vitezd. Cine arbitreazi meciul international de ho- chei pe gheata? Cine este cipitanul echipel? Cine este campionul dv, la haltere? — a skling competition gliding competition That gid ts doing a beam cxercise. What remarkable con- trol and balance! Look at our girls doing obligatory/ tree exer- elses, Is there a golf course here? I want to hire Skis/skt hoots/ski sticks. Where can T get these things? T wish to take skting Jessons, Tam a beginner, 1 have a [little ex perience, Has there been a heavy fall of snow? Which Js the best route down for a beginner? Our stadents go in for: — motor racing — shooting — riding — mountaineering — angling — figure skating — speed skating. Who is refereeing the International tce- hockey match? Who is the captain of the team? Who {s your champion in weight-ufting? 186 — & schily compitisin = ¥ alaidiy compitisin Sot wat ix duig & bm cesdsciz, uot rimeeibl cin tréul Sn betins! Tuc Gt avd giz duly obligitori/frt: cosi- salziz, fy bea d golf cos hia? . At tiont tA lait sehite/ schi- hu:ts/schl’ slice. ued clin al ghet dhz Oty2? af lg ti tele sehiity iesnz, al iim & bighing, at ® Mtl lesptarians,' ‘hae haz Sea bin * hevi fol ay snéiu? uel 12 0a best ru:t daun far & bighind? aud stindénts gau in fa: — mauta reisig = sustip roidiy mauntintariy engity — figiscneitig — spi:d scheitly, iu Le reftrtig inta- neesan} ats hochl meci? hu tz 0&4 captain By G8 tim? hu fz fo ciempiin in welt Léttig? El a clstigat campio- vatul de lupte greco- romane/libere. Jocui/ competitia con- tinud, VA place sehiut nautic/ polo? Acest sportiv a cistigat o medalie de aur/ argint/bronz, EI este camplon mon- aial/olimpie, Care sint cele mat cu- noseute sporturi tn acr liber/de sala practi- eate tn tar dv.? NUMERALE. MASURI $1 GREUTATI. OPE- RAT ARITMET! CiIi, eller AL mulli. prietent aici? Am: = uno — doi — tre — patra — cine! © = sase — gapte = opt — nova = tece — unsprezece — dolsprezece He won the classical/ free-style wrestling championship. The play/competition is still on, Do you like water ski/ polo? This sportsman has won a goldjsfiver/bronze medal. Ue is a World/olympie champion, What are the most Popular —ouldoor/ine door games in voir country? \UMERALS. WEIGUTS AND MEASURES, ARITHMETICAL OPERATIONS ~ How many? Have you got_many friends here? i've got: — one — two three four five sxe seven eight nine ten deven twelve |i od eB 187 bi uan 44 clesicAl) frie stail restlip ciempidn- sip. Bi plelfcompitietin. ta stil on, du in laic nota sel!/ pata? dis spo:tsman hoz ven & gduld/silvd/bronz medi. hi iz & ndsldfotimpte clompsiis, uot a O& manst Spopiuta autdofiado: glelme tn fo emtet? niusmaral. ells fs mejdz, werifmetical ops. reistniz hau ment? hav fu got ment frence | hia? aly got: —uan —Uu fc — six — sevn — eit — nain — ten — dlevn s — tuely — treisprezece — thirteen — paisprezece — fourteen — cincisprezece — fiftees — saisprezece — sixteen ' — saptesprezece — seventee, — sevntin — optsprezece — dghtees = dtén = — nowisprezece — nineteen — naintin = déuazeci. — twenty. — tuenti. Prictennl meu locuieste My friend tives at mai frend live dt namba la nr. number: — doudzeer si unv . _— twenty one — tuenti nan — dowigeci si doi — twenty two — tuenti tue — dowizect si nowd =— twenty nine — tuenti nain — trazeci — thirty — be:t! — treizeet gt niu — thirty one — Batt van — patrazeci — forty — fortis — palrazeci si unu~ — — forty one = — fo:ti uan — cineizect — firty — filth ' — cinzect sf ou - fifty one —fitti van — saixeci — sixty = sixti — saizect si unu — sixty oue _ — sixth nay — saplezeci — seventy — sevnti — sapterecl ¢ unt — seventy, one — sevnti van — optzeci — eighty — itt — el st unu — eighty one — eiti_uan — nousizect — ninety — neint — noniivect si unu. — — ninety one. — nainti uan. Nomarul de fnregistrare The registration num- 34 registrelgin nambt A masnsii mele ¢ her of my car is: diy mal ca: fz: —o sutt — one hundred — wan hendrid —o suta une —one hundred and —uan handrid and one an — 0 suta domizeer —one hundred and = — nan hendrid in tienty tuenti — dows sute — two Inmdred — tu: handrad — tret sute — three hundred = — patru sute — foyr hundred — fo:handrad — inet sute — five hundred — faiv: handréd — sase sute z — six hundred — six handritd —o mie one thousand = uan Oouzind — doua mii + = two thousand — tu: Oavzind — © utd de mil — a hundred thousand — 4 handrad Bauzand = oO mic chrcl’ suite oe — um ea vee Tayjiiea - Sein prima — al dollea, a doa — al treflea, a treia — al patrulea, a patra — al cincilea, a cincea = 8 pasteal spate al saptelet, a saptea — al optulea, a opta — al noulea, a noua |" — al zecclea, a zecea = = nae, a oa scien pe peem/a vita nuyela preferi? — al dolsprezecelea, a a 01 ee — al treisprezecelea, a trelsprezecea — al paisprececeley, @ palsprezecea — al clnelsprezevetea, a clnclsprezecea — BI sdisprezeceica, a saisprezecea — al saplesprezerelea, septesprezecea = 8l optusprezecelea, a optsprezecea — alnoutisprezetetea, a noudsprezeces — ol doudzediea, a doudzecea — al doutzecisi unuiea, a coudzed st una — al oniizect si défica, a doutizecl $i Goua — al trefvectiea, a trei- recon — wan Gonzind taiv poe Yind eit niet iz fo sto Saf ta? “hindred and gy wundred and eighty —a million, Whieh is your son! daugher? — the first — the seventh — the — the ninth — the tenth — the eleventh, Which Sey oe Sie stort do you prefer? — the tweitth ~ a sa — the thirteenth — 38 Bitting 7 the: fourteenth = AB fo:ti nd — the fifteenth — 3A fittend — the sixteenth, — M4 sixtind — the seventeonth —- 0a sevnitiinl — the eighteenth — & ettind — the ninetcenth — Wi netinttn’ — the {twentieth — B tuenti:o — Ba tut fast \ — & tuentl sectna the twenty first the twenty second the thirtieth — 8a Oa:t1:0 ce — al patruzecilea, a patruzecea — al elnclzecilea, a cineizecea — al saizceilea, a saize- cea — al septezectiea, a saptezecea, — al optzecilea, a optzecea — al nondzecilea, a noudizecea —al o sutilea, a o snta Vreau: — jumatate = Un sfert — frei sferturt == 0 treime = doud treimi_din aceasta Care este proventajul? — 03 (zero virgula trel) = 1,25 (unw virgula douizect gi cinci) = 1% (uni ta suta) = 25% (doi virguta cinet la suta). Cite dori\i? — 0 pereche = 6 duzing — 6 Jumatatede auzind Erau prezen{i zeci de oninent, Cit cintaeiti? Eu cintarese 60 kg. ‘Am indil{imea de 1,90 m, — the fortieth — the fiftieth — the sixtieth — the seventieth — the cightieth — the ninetieth — the 1 want = a halt a quar — three quarters a thied What's the percentage? — 0.3 (nought potnt three) — 1.25 (one point two five) — 1%) (one per cent) ‘% (two and a half ‘per cent). How many do want? - a pair ter two thirds of tais. — a dozen present. How much"do sou welgh? T weigh 60 kilos, Tam 190 m halt a dozen Scores of people 190 — 68 111ti:0 — ba sixti-0 — Ba sevuti® — 8 ato — nomti6 — $8 hondraad ai uont : — 4 hat — Ori cuo:ta — 4 ad — tu: Oi:dz dy dis nots di pécentisi? — not point Ori: — tian point tu: faty — nn pa sent — tu: and & hat p& sent. hou meni du iu wont? — 4 pea — ai dam — hat a daz sco:2 dv phpl ua prezn hau mad du tu nei? af uci sixti chdsuz, ai am nan meta in nainti sentimé:taz toil,

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