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Astzi s-a nscut Hristos

Astzi s-a nscut Hristos Mesia chip luminos Ludai i cntai i v bucurai. Mititel in eel !n scutec de bumbcel Ludai i cntai i v bucurai. #ntul bate, nu-l rzbate Neaua nin%e, nu-l atin%e Ludai i cntai i v bucurai. i de-acum pn-n vecie Mila "omnului s ie Ludai i cntai i v bucurai&

Iat, vin colindtori

Iat vin colindtori, Florile dalbe, Noaptea pe la cnttori, i ei vin mereu, mereu, Florile dalbe, i-l aduc pe "umnezeu, "umnezeu adevrat, Florile dalbe, $oare-n raze luminat.

Jingle Bell Rock

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun Now the jingle hop has begun Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square In the frosty air !hat a bright time, it"s the right time #o rock the night away Jingle bell time is a swell time #o go gliding in a one$horse sleigh %iddy$up jingle horse, pick up your feet Jingle around the clock &i' and a$mingle in the jingling feet #hat"s the jingle bell, #hat"s the jingle bell, #hat"s the jingle bell rock

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