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Fereste-ma, doamne de prieteni larry watts

The Great Crash: 1929 - k. galbraight

code book- simon Singh( enigma machine)
Money Than God by Sebastian Mallaby
House Of Morgan by Ron Chernow
The Big Short by Michael Lewis
Istoria loviturilor de stat in Romania - vol.I - Alex Mihai Stoenescu
Armata, Maresalul si evreii -Alex Mihai Stoenescu
Istoria ilustrata a primului razboi mondial - Antonella Astori Patrizia Salvador
Razboiul rece-John Lewis Gaddis
Resistance. Razboiul nostru - Agnes Humbert
Dresda - Frederick Taylor
Mossad. Fabrica de fantome Eric Frattini
MI6. Secretele din Legoland Eric Frattini
A Perfect Spy by John Le Carre
The Spy Who Came In from the Cold by John le Carr (autor thinker tailor)
A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal Ben Macintyre
Edgar Allan Poe - SCRISOAREA FURAT (inclusiv pe imdb)
Originile i mrirea, declinul i renaterea lumii informa iilor secrete (Ed. Academiei Na i
onale de Informa ii, Bucureti, 2004), 555 p- Radu Timofte
Reportaje de razboi - Virgil Gheorghiu (viata pe submarinul delfinul)
-Niccolo Machiavelli principele
-goethe faust
-james bond goldfinger -bp hasdeu
from russia with love - blaga
casino royale-bp hasdeu
for your eyes only -blaga
doctor no.- blaga
-Istoria Europei (volumul 4,5) Serge Berstein, Pierre Milza
-Complexul Baader-Meinhof
-mafia s.a

Stefan Aust

william balsamo 488 pag baga

-SVEN HASSEL-general ss


-alexe vladimir-Confruntarea dintre Abwehr si serviciile secrete anglo-americane

n preajma si n timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial (Blaga)
-Operatiunea Walkiria : Complotul care ar fi putut schimbaistoris secolul XX / J
es s Hern ndez (blaga)
-Dennis Deletant Aliatul uitat al lui Hitler Ion Antonescu si regimul sau. 19401944(depozit legal local ?!)
-turnul secretelor victor sheymov (blaga)
-spion contra spion dusko popov (bp hasdeU)

(sediul central)


- Spionii- agenti secreti care au schimbat cursul istoriei, de Ernest Volkman, E
ditura Albatros, 1996, Bucuresti (bp hasdeu )
-Istoria mondiala a serviciilor secrete, de Roger Faligot si Remi Kauffer, ed. N
emira, 2000, Bucuresti.
-Servicii secrete straine, vol. I - II, de Ureche Marian si Rogojan Aurel, ed.
Paco, 2000,
Spionaj-Contraspionaj, de Cornel Tabacu, 1991, Bucuresti.( bp hasdeu)
Victor hugo:Notre-Dame de Paris
Alexandre Dumas: contele de montecristo
Gaston Leroux: Phantom of the opera
Charles Dickens: david copperfield
Maurice Joly: The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu
Colleen McCullough:Masters of Rome
Strindberg :The Red Room
Umberto Eco:The prague Cemetery
pushkin The Captain's Daughter
miscarea legionara romania, "camasile verzi",garda de fier
pe cuvant de onoare-laura hobson(gentleman`s agreement)
Jan van helsing
clubul bildeberg...
mein kampf
testamentul lui hitler
istoria germaniei
1984 george orwell
ernest volkman spionaj
gandirea laterala- edwward de bono
zorba grecul

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