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Cei care ma cunosc pot conIirma ca sunt un om ghidat dupa principii, asadar sectiunea aceasta nu putea lipsi de
pe blogul meu. De ce? Pentru ca multe principii sunt redate cel mai bine in cuvintele care Iormeaza un citat, sau
de ce nu, intr-o imagine pe aceeasi tema. Asadar, pregatiti-va de o insiruire de texte intre care va aparea din
cand in cand cate-o imagine cu mesaj. Faza cu imaginea este o noutate in blogosIera, din cate stiu eu, sper sa va

'Legacy is greater than currency. |Gary Vaynerchuk|
'What you don`t have, you don`t need it now. |U2|
'You are either part oI the problem, part oI the solution, or part oI the landscape.
'The Iastest way to receive something is to give it to others.
'Enjoy the simplest things as much as the luxuries.
'Good luck is the result oI good planning.
'Keep your Ieet on the ground, no matter how much Iriends Ilatter you.
'Consume less. Share more. Enjoy liIe.
'Daca nu am avea iarna, primavara nu ar mai Ii att de placuta; daca nu gustam si adversitati, prosperitatea nu
ar mai Ii att de dulce. |Anne Bradstreet|
'Aim to be the very best at everything you do. Not second best.
'Try or cry.
'Success is like being pregnant. Everybody congratulates you, but nobody knows how many times you`ve been

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