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Dictionar | Folosire | Gramatica | Conversatie | Carti


- verbe la infinitiv: (a) cauta - in loc de caut, cautam
- fara articol: baiat - in loc de baiatul, baiatului
- la singular: baiat - in loc de baieti, baietii
Nu folositi caracterele romanesti: â ă î ş ţ
Encoding pentru caracterele din alte limbi

Unele limbi straine folosesc caractere diferite de limba romana sau engleza.
Daca la unele limbi straine apar alte caractere decat cele corecte inseamna ca atunci cand
ati instalat Internet Explorer nu ati selectat "Multi-Language Support" : "Language Auto-
Selection" .
Puteti instala din nou Internet Explorer, selectand "Install minimal, or customize your
browser" si apoi "Multi-Language Support" : "Language Auto-Selection"

Sau puteti proceda astfel: pe fereastra de Internet Explorer, apasati "View", apoi
"Encoding". Selectati "Auto-Select". Apasati apoi "View", "Encoding", "More" si alegeti
in functie de limba:

Araba - View, Encoding, More, Arabic (Windows)

Poloneza, Sarba, Ceha, Slovaca, Croata - View, Encoding, More, Central European
Rusa, Ucraineana - View, Encoding, More, Cyrillic (Windows)
Greaca - View, Encoding, More, Greek (Windows)
Limbile din Europa de Vest - View, Encoding, More, Western European (Windows)

Pentru a reveni la limba romana sau engleza - View, Encoding, Western European

Instructiunile de mai sus referitoare la Encoding sunt valabile pentru Internet Explorer 6.
La fel se procedeaza si pentru Internet Explorer 7, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Netscape
Pentru dictionarele in alte limbi care vor fi adaugate in viitor, vor fi adaugate pe aceasta
pagina instructiunile.

Buna dimineata, Domnule
Good morning, Sir
Bonjour, Monsieur
Guten morgen, Herr

Buna ziua, Doamna

Good afternoon, Madam
Bonjour, Madame
Guten tag, Madame

Buna seara, Domnisoara

Good evening, Miss
Bonjour, Mademoiselle
Guten abend, Fraulein

Noapte buna
Good night
Bonne nuit
Guten nacht

Ce mai faceti ?
How do you do ? How are you ?
Comment ca va ? Comment allez-vous ?
Wie geht es ihnen ? Wie geht's ?

Salut ! Buna !
Hello ! Hi !
Salut !
Servus !

Good luck
Bonne chance
Viel gluck . Gruß gott

Pe curand
See you soon
A bientot
Auf bald

La revedere
Good bye
Au revoir
Auf wiedersehen

Au revoir


Pot sa vorbesc/vad pe?

May I talk/see to?
Puis-je parler/voire?
Kann ich ihn sprechen/sehen?

Il caut pe
I am looking for
Je cherche
Ich suche

Come in

Cum mai merg afacerile?

How is your business going on?
Comment vont les affaires?
Wie gehen die geschafte?

Cum va mai simtiti?

How are you feeling?
Comment vous vous sentez?
Wie stehen sie?Wie fuhlen sie sich?

Bine, multumesc, dar Dv?

Well, thanks, and your?
Merci bien, et vous?
Danke, gut., und sie?

Nu prea rau, multumesc

Not bad, thanks
Pas trop mal, merci
Nicht schlecht, danke

Nu prea, asa de bine

Not so good
Pas tres bien
Nicht so sehr

Ati mers/calatorit bine?

Have you had a good trip?
Avez-vous fait bonne route?
Habensie eine gute reise gehabt?

Da, foarte bine, multumesc

Yes very good, thank you
Oui, merci, tres bien
Ja, sehr gut dankeschon

Continuati/mergeti inainte
Keep going
Setzen sie fort.Gehen sie weiter

Va simtiti bine?
Are you feeling well?
Vous vous portez bien?
Wie gehts?

Foarte bine
Very good/well
Tres bien/bonne
Sehr gut

Ca de obicei
As usual
Comme d'habitude
Na, wie ublich

Destul de bine
Quite well
Es geht

Asa si asa
So and so
Comme ci, comme ca
So und so

Treburile merg bine/rau

Things are going well/badly
Tout va bien/mal
Die dinge gehen gut/schlecht

Aveti/nu aveti dreptate

You are right/wrong
Vous avez raison/tort
Sie haben recht/nicht recht

Imi este egal

It is the same to me
Ca m'est egal
Es ist mir egal

Nu este vina mea

It is not my fault
Ce n'est pas ma faute
Es ist meine schuld

Cu atat mai bine/rau

So much the better/worse
Tant mieux/pis
Um so besser/schlimmer

A face tot posibilul

To do one's best
Faire son possible
Alles mogliches zu tun

Este in regula
That's all right
Je vous en pris
Alles in Ordnung

Este minunat/splendid
It is wonderful/spendid
C'est epatente/formidable
Es ist wunderbar/wumderschon

Limbi straine

Vorbiti engleza/franceza/germana ?
Do you speak english/french/german
Parlez-vous anglais/francais/allemand?
Sprechen sie englisch/franzosisch/deutsch

Da, vorbesc
Yes I speak
Oui, je parle
Ja, ich spreche

Nu vorbesc
I do not speak
Je ne parle pas
Ich kann nicht

Do you understand?
Verstehen sie?

Nu inteleg
I do not understand
Je ne comprends pas
Ich verstehe nicht

Repetati, va rog
Will you repeat, please
Veuillez repetez
Wiederholen sie, bitte

Vorbiti mai rar

Speak slowly
Parlez lentement
Sprechen sie langsamer

Vobeste cineva ... aici

Does someoane speak ... here
Parle-t-il quelqu'un ... ici
Spricht hier jemand

Vorbesc putin engleza

I speak some english
Je parle un peu l'englais
Ich spreche ein wenig englisch

Ma intelegeti?
Do you understand me?
Me comprenez-vous?
Vertehen sie mich?

Inteleg totul
I understand everything
Je comprend tout
Ich verstehe alles

Nu am inteles nimic
I understood nothing
Je ne comprend rien du tout
Ich habe nichts vertanden

Ce inseamna asta?
What does it mean?
Que signifie ca?
Was bedeutet das?

Ce inseamna in romanian?
What means in romanian?
Que signifie en roumain?
Wie heißt auf rumanisch?
Vorbesc corect?
Do I speak correctly?
Je parle corectement?
Spreche ich richtig?

Cum se pronunta acest cuvant?

How do you spell that word?
Comment prononcez-vous ce mot?
Wie spricht man dieses wort?

Va rog sa ma corectati daca gresesc

Please correct me if I am wrong
Je vous en prie de me coriger si je me trompe
Verbessern sie mich wenn ich einen fehler mache

Continuati, va descurcati foarte bine

Keep going, you manage very well
Continuez, vous vous debruillez tres bien
Bitte, setzen sie fort, es geht gut

Cum spuneti ... in engleza?

How do you say ... in english
Comment dit-on ... en englais
Wie sagen sie ... auf englisch

Se pare ca nu m-ati inteles

It seems that you did not understand me
Il me parais que vous ne m'avais pas compris
Ich vermute, sie haben mich nicht richtig verstanden

Va rog sa repetati aceasta

Please repeat that
Veuillez repeter ca
Wiederholen sie das bitte

Scuze, va rog, multumiri


Imi cer scuze

I am sorry
Je m'excuse
Ich bitte um Entschuldigung
Imi pare foarte rau
I am very sorry
Je regrette beaucoup
Es tut mir sehr leid

Excuse me

Va cer scuze
I apologise
Je vous demande de excuses
Ich bitte um Entschuldigung

Va cer iertare
I beg your pardon
Je vous demande pardon
Ich bitte um verzeihung

Este/a fost vina mea

It is/was my fault
C'est/a ete ma faute
Es ist/es war mein fehler

Este/a fost datoria/obligatia mea

It is/was my duty
C'est/a ete mon devoir/obligation
Es ist/es war meine pflicht

Scuze pentru deranjul produs

Sorry for the incovenience
Pardonnez-moi pour le derangement/trouble produit
Entschuldigung fur die storung

Scuze ca v-am intrerupt

Sorry for interrupting you
Pardonnez-moi pour l'interruption
Entschuldigung fur die unterbrechung

Va cer permisiunea
I ask your permission
Je vous demande la permission
Erlauben sie
Doresc sa fiu scuzat
I want to be excused
Je veux m'excuser
Ich mochte entschuldigt werden

Regret profund/sincer
I deeplay regret
Je regrette infiniment
Ich bedauere sehr

Sper ca nu va suparati
I hope you do not mind
J'espere que vous n'est pas fache
Ich hoffe sie nehmen mir das nicht ubel

Va rog.Daca vreti
Please.If you please.
S'il vous plait.Si vous voulez
Bitte, wenn sie wollen

Dati-mi voie.Permiteti-mi
Let me
Gestatten sie

Se poate/imi dati voie?

May I?
Est-ce possible/vous me permetez?
Darf man/kann ich?

Este permis/voie?
Is this allowed?
Est-il permis/possible?Est-ce pui-je/possible?
Darf man?Ist es erlaubt?

Puteti sa ma ajutati?
Can you help me?
Porriez-vous m'aider?
Konnen sie mir helfen?

Va rog sa
Will you please
Je vous prie de
Ich bitte um

Va rog sa-mi aratati aceasta

Please show me that
Montrez-moi ca, s'il vous plait
Zeigen sie mir diese/diesen/dieses!

Va rog

sa ma conduceti la
take me to
conduisez-moi chez
fuhren sie mich zum

sa-mi dati
give me
me donner/donnez-moi
geben sie mir

sa-mi aduceti
bring me
bring sie mir

sa-mi spuneti
tell me
me dire /dites-moi
sagen sie mir

sa-mi aratati
show me
me montrer/montrez-moi
zeigen sie mir

unde e/sunt?
where is/are?
ou est-il/sont ils?
wo ist/sind?

Cu ce va pot ajuta?
Can/may I help you?
Que puis-je faire pour vous?
Womit kann ich ihnen helfen?

Ce doriti/vreti?
What do you want?
Que desirez-vous?
Was wunschen sie?
Dati-mi voie
Allow me
Erlauben sie

As dori
I would like
Je voudrais
Ich mochte gerne

Cu placere
With pleasure
Avec plaisir
Gerne.Mit Vergnugen

Multumiri.Va multumesc
Thanks.Thank you
Merci.Je vous remercie
Danke.Danke ihnen

Va multumesc foarte mult

Many thanks
Merci beaucoup

Sunteti foarte amabil

You are very kind
Vous etes tres amiable
Sie sind sehr liebenswurdig

Regret ca va deranjez
Sorry to disturb you
Je suis navre de vous avoir deranger
Es tut mir leid daß ich ihnen so viele muhe gemacht habe

De plaisir
Bitte sehr

Placerea mea
My pleasure
Avec plaisir
Gern geschehen

Deloc/pentru putin/nu aveti de ce

Not at all
Pour rien/pas du tout
Keine ursache

Afirmatii si negatii

Da.Da, va rog
Yes, yes please
Oui.Oui, je vous prie
Ja.Ja bitte

In regula
All right.OK
C'est en regle
In ordnung

Totul este in regula

Everything is OK
Tout va bien
Alles in ordnung

Asa e/este corect

That's correct
Ca va
Es ist richtig

Cu placere
With pleasure
Avec plaisir
Gerne.Mit Vergnugen

Poate/este posibil
May be.Perhaps

Of course
Certainment.Bien entendu

Cred ca da
I think so
Je crois que oui
Ich glaube, ja

De acord.De la sine inteles

I agree/agreed
Oui, d'accord.C'est sous-entendu.
Ja, selbsverstandlich


Foarte bine
Very good
Tres bien
Sehr gut

Nu.Nu, multumesc
No.No, thank you
Non.Non, merci
Nein.Nein, danke schon

Nu desigur.Sigur ca nu
Of course, not
Vraiment, non
Bestimmt, nicht

Nu stiu/cunosc
I do not know
Je ne sais/connais pas
Ich weiß es nicht

Nu am nici o idee
I have no idea
Aucune idee
Keine ahnung


Nu va faceti probleme
Never mind
Pas de problemes
Keine sorge

Not at all
Pas du tout
Gar nichts

Sigur nu
Certainly not
Certainment pas
Kategorisch nicht

Permiteti-mi sa ma prezint
May I introduce myself
Permetez-moi de me presenter
Gestatten sie, daß ich mich vorstelle

Permiteti-mi sa va prezint pe Dl si Dna

May I introduce Mr and Mrs
Permetez-moi de vous presenter Monsieur et Mme
Darf ich sie mit Herr und Frau bekannt machen

Incantat de cunostinta.Imi pare bine.Sunt bucuros sa va intalnesc.

How do you do?I am happy to meet you.
Enchante de faire votre connaissance.
Es freut mich, ihre bekanntschaft zu machen

Incantat de a va vedea
Pleased to see you
Tres heureux de vous voir
Erfreut sie zu sehen

Imi pare bine ca ne-am revazut/intalnit

It is good to meet/see you again
C'est bien que nous nous sommes rencontres/revus
Ich freue mich sie wieder zu sehen/zu begegnen

E mult de cand nu ne-am vazut/intalnit

It is a long time since we have not seen/met
C'est/il y a longtemps depuis quand nous ne nous sommes pas vus/rencontres
Es ist lange her seitdem wir uns nicht mehr gesehen/begegnet haben

Vreti sa ne faceti cunostinta

Will you introduce us
Veuillez vous nous faire connaissance
Wurden sie uns bitte bekannt machen

Ne cunoastem deja
We know only
On se coonait deja
Wir kennen uns schon wom sehen

Care este numele Dv?

What is your name?
Quel est votre nom?
Ihr name?

Numele meu este

My name is
Je m'appelle/suis
Mein name ist

Sa va prezint pe
May I introduce
Vous presentez/connaissez
Kennen sie

Ce varsta aveti?
How old are you?What is your age?
Quelle age avez-vous?
Wie alt sind sie?

Am 30 de ani
I am 30 years old
J'ai 30 ans
Ich bin 30 jahre alt

M-am nascut in ... la ...

I was born in ... at ...
Je suis ne a ... le ...
Ich bin in ... am ...
Gramatica engleza . Gramatica limbii engleze

Articolul nehotarat
Se aseaza inaintea substantivului.
Are forma 'a' daca urmeaza o consoana: a book = o carte
Are forma 'an' daca urmeaza o vocala: an english = un englez
Cand substantivul e la plural articolul nehotarat dispare: books = carti
Se foloseste inaintea substantivelor ce denumesc profesia, nationalitatea, genul persoanei:

I am an engineer = Sunt inginer

I am a romanian = Sunt roman
I am a man = Sunt barbat
I am a woman = Sunt femeie

Articolul hotarat
Articolul hotarat 'the' , se citeste zã, se aseaza inaintea substantivului:
the book = cartea , the books = cartile , book = carte , books = carti
the girl = fata , the girls = fetele , girl = fatã , girls = fete

Adjectivul se aseaza intre articol si substantiv: a good boy = un baiat bun

Adverbul se formeaza adaugand la adjectiv terminatia ly:
bad weather = vreme rea , bad este adjectiv
the weather is badly = vremea este rea , badly este adverb

Pluralul substantivelor
Pluralul se formeaza adaugand dupa singular litera 's' :
boy = boys , baiat = baieti
girl = girls , fata = fete

Substantive cu plural neregulat:

man = barbat , men = barbati
woman = femeie , women = femei
child = copil , children = copii
Exista unele substantive care se termina la plural in 'es'
Pronumele si adjectivul demonstrativ
this = aceasta
that = aceea
these = acestea
those = acelea

Cazul genitiv
Este de doua feluri: of sau 's
the book of the boy = cartea baiatului
the boy's book = cartea baiatului
In aceste exemple the boy inseamna "baiatul" , iar cu of si 's inseamna "baiatului"

1 = one , 2 = two , 3 = three , 4 = four , 5 = five , 6 = six , 7 = seven , 8 = eight , 9 = nine ,
10 = ten , 11 = eleven , 12 = twelve , 13 = thirteen , 14 = fourteen , 15 = fifteen , 16 =
sixteen , 17 = seventeen , 18 = eighteen , 19 = nineteen , 20 = twenty , 21 = twenty-one ,
22 = twenty-two , 30 = thirty , 40 = forty , 50 = fifty , 60 = sixty , 70 = seventy , 80 =
eighty , 90 = ninety , 100 = one hundred , 733 = seven hundred and thirty-three , 1000 =
one thousand , 1975 = one thousand nine hundred and seventy-five , 2004 = two thousand
and four

Pronumele si adjectivele interogative

who ? = cine ?
whose ? = a cui ?
whom ? = cui ? pe cine ?
which ? = care ?
what ? = ce ?

Prepozitii spatiale
from = din , with = cu , in = in , on = pe , to = spre , out = afara , before = inainte , behind
= inapoi , between = intre , across = peste ,
into = inauntru , out of = afara din , through = prin , over = peste , under = sub , up = sus ,
down = jos

Pronume relative
Pentru persoane, animale, lucruri:
who = care
whose = al,a,ai,ale carui,carei,caror
whom = caruia, careia, carora
whom = pe cine, pe care
that = care
Pentru animale, lucruri:
which = car
what = ce
Pronumele personal
I = eu
you = tu
he = el , she = ea
it = el , ea , pentru obiecte sau animale
we = noi
you = voi
they = ei , ele

Adjective posesive
my = meu, mea
your = tau, ta
his = lui , her = ei
its = lui , ei
our = nostru, noastra
your = vostru, voastra
their = lor

Pronume posesiv
mine = al meu, a mea
yours = al tau, a ta
his = al lui , hers = al ei
ours = al nostru, a noastra
yours = al vostru, a voastra
theirs = al lor, a lor

Pronumele la cazul dativ

me = mie
you = tie
him = lui , her = ei
it = lui , ei
us = noua
you = voua
them = lor

Pronumele la cazul acuzativ

me = pe mine
you = pe tine
him = pe el , her = pe ea
it = pe el , pe ea
us = pe noi
you = pe voi
them = pe ei

Pronumele reflexive si de intarire

myself = insumi, insami
yourself =insuti, insati
himself = insusi , herself = insasi
itself = insusi , insasi
ourselves = insine
yourselves = insiva
themselves = insisi , insele

Verbul 'to be' = a fi la prezent

I am = eu sunt
you are = tu esti
he is = el este , she is = ea este
it is = el este , ea este
we are = noi suntem
you are = voi sunteti
they are = ei sunt , ele sunt
Se poate folosi prescurtat: I'm , he's , she's, it's
Pentru negativ se adauga 'not': I am not = eu nu sunt
Pentru intrebari cuvintele se scriu invers: Are you ? = Tu esti ?

Verbul 'to have' = a avea la prezent

I have = eu am
you have = tu ai
he has = el are , she has = ea are
it has = el are, ea are
we have = noi avem
you have = voi aveti
they have = ei au, ele au
Pentru negativ se adauga 'not': I have not = eu nu am
Pentru intrebari cuvintele se scriu invers: Have you ? = Tu ai ?

Verbul 'to be' = a fi la trecut

I was = eu am fost
you were = tu ai fost
he was = el a fost , she was = ea a fost
it was = el a fost, ea a fost
we were = noi am fost
you were = voi ati fost
they were = ei , ele au fost
Negativ: I was not = eu nu am fost
Interogativ: Were you ? = Tu ai fost ?

Verbul 'to have' = a avea la trecut

I had = eu am
you had = tu ai
he had = el are , she had = ea are
it had = el , ea are
we had = noi avem
you had = voi aveti
they had = ei au , ele au
Negativ: I had not = eu nu am
Interogativ: Had you ? = Tu ai ?

Timpul prezent aspectul continuu

I am writing = eu scriu
you are writing = tu scrii
he is writing = el scrie , she is writing = ea scrie
it is writing = el scrie, ea scrie
we are writing = noi scriem
you are writing = voi scrieti
they are writing = ei scriu , ele scriu
Se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune in curs de desfasurare in momentul de fata sau o
actiune care urmeaza sa aiba loc intr-un viitor foarte apropiat

Timpul prezent aspectul comun

I write = eu scriu
you write = tu scrii
he writes = el scrie , she writes = ea scrie
it writes = el scrie, ea scrie
we write = noi scriem
you write = voi scrieti
they write = ei scriu, ele scriu
Negativ: I do not write = eu nu scriu , he does not write = el nu scrie
Interogativ: Do you write ? = Tu scrii ?
La he , she , it , se adauga terminatia s
Exemple de modificari la unele verbe:
to watch = a urmari , he watches = el urmareste
to dress = a se imbraca , he dresses = el se imbraca
to go = a merge , he goes = el merge
to wash = a spala , he washes = el spala

Participiul nedefinit
Se formeaza adaugand terminatia -ing la infinitivul verbului
to learn = a invata , learning = invatand
to play = a juca , playing = jucand
to try = a incerca , trying = incercand
Exemple de modificari la unele verbe:
to translate = a traduce , translating = traducand
to sit = a sta , sitting = stand
to preffer = a prefera , preferring = preferand
to travel = a calatori , travelling = calatorind
to lye = a zacea , lying = zacand
Participiul trecut
Se formeaza adaugand terminatia -ed la infinitivul verbului
to ask = a intreba , asked = intrebat
to play = a juca , played = jucat
Exemple de modificari la unele verbe:
to translate = a traduce , translated = tradus
to stop = a opri , stopped = oprit
to prefer = a prefera , preferred = preferat
to travel = a calatori , travelled = calatorit
to try = a incerca , tried = incercat

Present perfect aspectul comun

I have written = eu am scris
you have written = tu ai scris
he has written = el a scris , she has written = ea a scris
it has written = el a scris , ea a scris
we have written = noi am scris
you have written = tu ai scris
they have written = ei au scris, ele au scris
Negativ: I have not written = eu nu am scris
Interogativ: Have you written ? = Tu ai scris?
Se foloseste pentru o actiune terminata in trecut dar care are consecinte si in prezent:
We have moved into a new house = Ne-am mutat intr-o casa noua.
(Ne-am mutat in trecut, dar in prezent locuim in aceasta casa)
Se foloseste atunci cand propozitia contine: today, this week, this month, this year, ever,
never, often, seldom, already, lately, just, always, yet.
I have been a student for several month = Eu sunt student de cateva luni.

Present perfect aspectul continuu

I have been writing = eu am scris , eu scriu
you have been writing = tu ai scris , tu scrii
he has been writing = el a scris , el scrie , she has been writing = ea a scris , ea scrie
it has been writing = el a scris , el scrie , ea a scris , ea scrie
we have been writing = noi am scris , noi scriem
you have been writing = voi ati scris , voi scrieti
they have been writing = ei au scris , ei scriu , ele au scris , ele scriu
Se foloseste pentru o actiune care a inceput in trecut, si s-a incheiat cu putin inainte de
momentul vorbirii sau este in curs de desfasurare si poate continua si in viitor.
I have been writing since 7 o'clock . Eu scriu de la ora 7.
Negativ: I have not been writing = eu nu am scris, eu nu scriu
Interogativ: = Have you been writing ? = Tu ai scris ? Tu scrii ?

Trecutul aspectul comun

Verbe neregulate. Exemplu: to write = a scrie
write (forma I ) = wrote (forma II ) = written (forma III )
write = prezent , wrote = trecut , written = participiul trecut
I wrote = eu am scris
you wrote = tu ai scris
he wrote = el a scris , she wrote = ea a scris
it wrote = ea a scris , ea a scris
we wrote = noi am scris
you wrote = voi ati scris
they wrote = ei au scris , ele au scris

Verbe regulate . Exemplu: to ask = a intreba

ask (forma I ) = asked (forma II ) = asked (forma III )
ask = prezent , asked = trecut , asked = participiul trecut
Este la fel ca participiul trecut, se adauga terminatia 'ed' la infinitivul verbului
I asked = eu am intrebat
you asked = tu ai intrebat
he asked = el a intrebat , she asked = ea a intrebat
it asked = el a intrebat, ea a intrebat
we asked = noi am intrebat
you asked = voi ati intrebat
they asked = ei , ele au intrebat
Negativ: I did not write = eu nu am scris
Interogativ: Did you write ? = Tu ai scris ?

Trecutul aspectul continuu

I was writing = eu scriam
you were writing = tu scriai
he were writing = el scria , she were writing = ea scria
it were writing = el scria , ea scria
we were writing = noi scriam
you were writing = voi scriati
they were writing = ei scriau, ele scriau
Negativ: I was not writing = eu nu scriam
Interogativ: Were you writing ? = Tu scriai ?

Mai mult ca perfectul aspectul comun

I had written = eu scrisesem
you had written = tu scrisesei
he had written = el scrisese , she had written = ea scrisese
it had written = el scrisese , ea scrisese
we had written = noi scrisesem
you had written = voi scriseseti
they had written = ei scrisesera , ele scrisesera
Negativ: I had not written = eu nu scrisesem
Interogativ: Had you written ? = Tu scrisesei ?

Mai mult ca perfectul aspectul continuu

I had been writing = eu scrisesem
you had been writing = tu scrisesei
he had been writing = el scrisese , she had been writing = ea scrisese
it had been writing = el scrisese , ea scrisese we had been writing = noi scrisesem
you had been writing = voi scriseseti
they had been writing = ei , ele scrisesera
Negativ: I had not been writing = eu nu scrisesem
Interogativ: Had you been writing ? = Tu scrisesei ?

Viitor aspectul comun

I shall write = eu voi scrie
you will write = tu vei scrie
he will write = el va scrie , she will write = ea va scrie
it will write = el va scrie , ea va scrie
we shall write = noi vom scrie
you will write = voi veti scrie
they will write = ei , ele vor scrie
Negativ: I shall not write = eu nu voi scrie
Interogativ: Will you write ? = Tu vei scrie ?
Forme scurte: - in loc de shall si will se poate scrie prescurtat 'll - in loc de shall not se
poate scrie prescurtat shan't , in loc de will not se poate scrie won't

Viitor aspectul continuu

I shall be writing = eu voi scrie
you will be writing = tu vei scrie
he will be writing = el va scrie , she will be writing = ea va scrie
it will be writing = el va scrie , ea va scrie
we shall be writing = noi vom scrie
you will be writing = voi veti scrie
they will be writing = ei , ele vor scrie
Negativ: I shall not be writing = eu nu voi scrie
Interogativ: Will you be writing ? = Tu vei scrie ?

Conditional prezent
I should write = eu as scrie
you would write = tu ai scrie
he would write = el ar scrie , she would write = ea ar scrie
it would write = el ar scrie , ea ar scrie
we should write = noi am scrie
you would write = voi ati scrie
they would write = ei , ele ar scrie
Negativ: I should not write = eu nu as scrie
Interogativ: Would you write ? = Tu ai scrie ?

Conditional trecut
I should have written = eu as fi scris
you would have written = tu ai fi scris
he would have written = el ar fi scris , she would have written = ea ar fi scris
it would have written = el ar fi scris , ea ar fi scris
we should have written = noi am fi scris
you would have written = voi ati fi scris
they would have written = ei , ele ar fi scris
Negativ: I should not have written = eu nu as fi scris
Interogativ: Would you have written ? = Tu ai fi scris ?

Verbe modale: can must may

can = pot, sunt in stare
may = pot, am voie
must = trebuie
Verbul care le urmeaza sunt la infinitiv fara 'to' : I can write = Eu pot scrie
Sunt la fel pentru: eu, tu, el, ea, noi, voi, ei
Negativ: cannot , may not, must not, sau: can't, mayn't, mustn't
Interogativ: Can you write ? = Poti scrie ?

Verbe modale: will shall would should

I will = eu intentionez, eu sunt hotarat
we will = noi intentionam, noi suntem hotarati
you shall = tu trebuie , iti promit
he , she , it , shall = el , ea trebuie , ii promit
you shall = voi trebuie , va promit
they shall = ei , ele trebuie , le promit
you should = tu ar trebui
he , she, it , should = el , ea ar trebui
you should = voi ar trebui
they should = ei , ele ar trebui
you would = vrei te rog
you would = vreti va rog

Timpul verbelor neregulate

forma I = forma II = forma III => prezent = trecut = participiu trecut
be = was = been => fi = fost = fiind
have = had = had => avea = avut = avand
begin = began = begun => incepe = inceput = incepand
bring = brought = brought => aduce = adus = aducand
buy = bought = bought => cumpara = cumparat = cumparand
drive = drove = driven => conduce = condus = conducand
come = came = come => veni = venit = venind
choose = chose = chosen => alege = ales = alegand
do = did = done => face = facut = facand
eat = ate = eaten => manca = mancat = mancand
forget = forgot = forgotten => uita = uitat = uitand
freeze = froze = frozen => ingheta = inghetat = inghetand
go = went = gone => merge = mers = mergand
give = gave = given => da = dat = dand
get = got = got => lua = luat = luand
grow = grew = grown => creste = crescut = crescand
know = knew = known => cunoaste = cunoscut = cunoscand sti = stiut = stiind
learn = learnt = learnt => invata = invatat = invatand
lose = lost = lost => pierde = pierdut = pierzand
make = made = made => face = facut = facand
run = ran = run => alerga = alergat = alergand
say = said = said => spune = spus = spunand
see = saw = seen => vedea = vazut = vazand
send = sent = sent => trimite = trimis = trimitand
sell = sold = sold => vinde = vandut = vanzand
show = showed = shown => arata = aratat = aratand
spend = spent = spent => chetui = cheltuit = cheltuind petrece = petrecut = petrecand
speak = spoke = spoken => spune = spus = spunand vorbi = vorbit = vorbind
stand = stood = stood => sta = stat = stand
take = took = taken => lua = luat = luand
think = thought = thought => gandi = gandit = gandind
tell = told = told => spune = spus = spunand
understand = understood = understood => intelege = inteles = intelegand
win = won = won => castiga = castigat = castigand

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