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Windows 8 Enterprise include o caracteristic numit Windows To Go, care permite instalarea sistemului de operare pe un stick USB prin

crearea unui mediu de lucru portabil. Aceast caracteristic este pstrat i mbuntit n Windows 8.1 prin faptul c permite accesul la Windows Store i din Windows To Go, adic atunci c nd rulm Windows 8.1 de pe stick!ul USB, ceea ce nu este posibil n Windows 8. "n #ersiunea iniial a Windows To Go, Windows Store nu este disponibil pentru c accesul la Windows Store este le$at de contul %icrosoft al utili&atorului. 'e fiecare dat c nd pornim Windows To Go de pe un calculator diferit, acel computer este nre$istrat n pre&ent ca fiind un alt computer pur i simplu, le$at la contul %icrosoft, nefiind fcut diferena c de fapt suntem pe Windows To Go ntr!un mediu temporar. 'e aici probleme cu limitarea instalrilor unei licene de aplicaie la ma(im ) copii, fiecare pe un dispo&iti# separat. Utili&atorii a#ansai pot elimina restricia de acces i pot folosi Windows Store c*iar i n pre&ent, dar utili&atorii obinuii nu au aceast posibilitate, ceea ce limitea& accesul la aplicaii care pot fi utile i n mediul de lucru temporar creat prin rularea Windows To Go. Windows 8.1 re&ol# aceast problem, n sensul c Windows Store este acum acti#at implicit i utili&atorii Windows To Go pot mi$ra pe un numr nelimitat de computere, accesa Windows Store i utili&a aplicaii de acolo.
Currently there are five USB Flash memory devices listed as supported by Microsoft for Windows To Go

+mation +ron,e- Workspace ,in$ston 'ata.ra#eler Workspace S/01US /ortable Workplace S/01US Secure /ortable Workplace 2w3 4ardware Encr-ption5 Super.alent E(press 168

,in$ston, liderul mondial independent n produse de memorie, a lansat dispo&iti#ul USB 7las* 'ata.ra#eler Workspace certificat pentru func8ia Windows .o 9o, disponibil n noul sistem de operare Windows 8. 'ata.ra#eler Workspace permite companiilor s ofere e(perien8a complet a unui desktop, pe un dispo&iti# USB e(tern, permi8 nd astfel utili&atorilor s foloseasc Windows 8 de pe o unitate de stocare portabil. :oul dispo&iti# dispune de interfa8 USB ;.< =i poate oferi o performan8 asemntoare SS'!urilor. 'ata.ra#eler Workspace este conceput special pentru or$ani&a8iile care doresc s utili&e&e func8ia Windows .o 9o din Windows 8 Enterprise. Unitatea USB este proiectat pentru a oferi suportul necesar administratorilor +. care $estionea& o ba& de utili&atori, contractori sau consultan8i. 'ata .ra#eler Workspace a>ut companiile =i or$ani&a8iile s func8ione&e n scenarii de lucru B0?' 2brin$ -our own de#ice5, c t =i n ca&urile de recuperare a informa8iei n ca& de catastrofe.
Caracteristicile i specifica iile dispo!itivului USB Flash "ataTraveler Wor#space Certificat pentru Windows To Go$ administratorii pot implementa cu uurin % un spa iu de lucru complet pe un dispo!itiv USB portabil special confi&urat' ( Capacitate$ )*GB+ ,-GB+ .*/GB 0construit la comand%1 ( 2ite!% ma3im% de citire4scriere$ *564*56 MB4s ( Temperatur% de operare$ 67C to ,67C ( Temperatur% de depo!itare$ 8*67C to /57C

/rincipalul moti# pentru care am ales s instale& Windows 8 Enterprise n locul #ersiunii /1? este le$at de posibilitatea de a crea un stick boot!abil de Windows 8, cu care s rule& sistemul de operare pe orice /6 doresc. /ri#ii!l ca pe @i#e 6'!ul dat de %icrosoft utili&atorilor din &ona enterprise. 'oar #ersiunea Enterprise de Windows 8 are posibilitatea de a crea un stick boot!abil cu Windows 8, pe celelalte fiind imposibil. 6a s putei a#ea un Windows .o 9o e ne#oie de un stick USB de ;A 9B cel puin, un kit de instalare de Windows 8 Enterprise i o instalare $ata fcut. 'e pe sistemul cu Windows 8 Enterprise pornii aplicaia Windows .o 9o, apoi inserai stick!ul USB ntr!unul din porturi. ? s fie ters complet n procesul de creare al kit!ului Windows .o 9o aa c c sftuiesc s a#ei copii de si$uran pentru fiierele de acolo. Se face #erificarea stick!ului i dac e ok #i se cere calea ctre fiierul install.W+% n care e ima$inea de Windows. Are aproape ;9B i se re$sete n directorul sources din kit!ul de instalare. 'up ce e ncrcat, se pornete operaia de creare a ima$ini boot!abile n care setrile actuale de pe sistem sunt inserate n kit!ul ce #a fi pus pe stick. 'urea& ce#a p n se termin, aa c nu # $rbii. 6 nd e $ata, primii mesa>ul de confirmare i putei face un testB mer$ei la orice /6 dorii, boot! ai de pe stick i ateptai s se ncarce Windows 8. C autentificai cu contul de utili&ator folosit pe sistemul Windows 8 pe care ai fcut kit!ul. i D a#ei acces la o sesiune similar de Windows. +nteresant nuE
9di ia portabil% a Windows /+ bote!at% Windows To Go+ p%strea!% aplica iile instalate de utili!ator i toate set%rile personali!ate pe un stic# USB cu capacitatea de )* GB+ astfel :nc;t putem face des#top8ul4home scren8ul oric%rui <C de la care lucr%m s% arate precum cel de acas%' Microsoft recomand% varianta folosirii unei edi ii portabile de Windows /+ rulate de pe un stic# USB+ ca o modalitate simpl% i eficient% de a avea acces la datele cu care lucr%m de pe orice <C+ bucur;ndu8ne :n acelai timp de un sistem de operare personali!at dup% propriile &usturi'

How To Make Windows 8 Go Faster: 8 Tips For Improving Performance

Disable Time-Wasting Animations
Windows 8 2and Windows F5 displa- animations w*en -ou minimi&e, ma(imi&e, open, or close application windows. .*e animations are slick e-e!cand-, but t*e- do introduce a dela-. 0ou can disable t*e animations and window transitions will *appen instantl-, eliminatin$ t*e dela-.

.o disable t*e animations, press t*e Windows ke-, t-pe SystemPerformanceProperties, and press Enter. Unc*eck t*e Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing option. 0ou maalso want to disable some of t*e ot*er animations, suc* as t*e Fade or slide menus into view and Fade or slide ToolTips into view. .*is will make menus and tooltips snap to attention instead of fadin$ in wit* an animation.

Pinpoint Apps Using Lots of Resources

Windows /=s new tas# mana&er allows you to easily pinpoint the pro&rams slowin& down your computer' To open the Tas# Mana&er+ ri&ht8clic# the des#top tas#bar and select Task Manager' Clic# the More details option if you don=t see the full interface'

Improving Performance

W*ate#er -ou t*ink of Windows 8 2at %akeUse?f, our opinions are mi(ed5, itGs certainl- speed-. Windows 8 boots faster t*an pre#ious #ersions of Windows, *as lower memor- usa$e, and *as a desktop t*at feels nice and snapp-. @ike all #ersions of Windows, Windows 8 *as a #ariet- of settin$s -ou can tweak to speed t*in$s up and make it e#en faster. 0ou can learn a w*ole lot about tweakin$ t*e ?S in our Windows 8 $uide. Some of t*e tips *ere also appl- to pre#ious #ersions of Windows, but Windows 8 *as some new tricks up its slee#e. As alwa-s, t*ere are trade!offs w*en usin$ some of t*e below tricks H t*ereGs no ma$ic I9o 7asterJ button.

Disable Time-Wasting Animations

Windows 8 2and Windows F5 displa- animations w*en -ou minimi&e, ma(imi&e, open, or close application windows. .*e animations are slick e-e!cand-, but t*e- do introduce a dela-. 0ou can disable t*e animations and window transitions will *appen instantl-, eliminatin$ t*e dela-. .o disable t*e animations, press t*e Windows ke-, t-pe SystemPerformanceProperties, and press Enter. Unc*eck t*e Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing option. 0ou maalso want to disable some of t*e ot*er animations, suc* as t*e Fade or slide menus into view and Fade or slide ToolTips into view. .*is will make menus and tooltips snap to attention instead of fadin$ in wit* an animation.

Pinpoint Apps Using Lots of Resources

Windows 8Gs new task mana$er allows -ou to easil- pinpoint t*e pro$rams slowin$ down -our computer. .o open t*e .ask %ana$er, ri$*t!click t*e desktop taskbar and select Task anager. 6lick t*e ore details option if -ou donGt see t*e full interface. Applications usin$ a lot of resources will be *i$*li$*ted, makin$ it eas- to see w*ic* pro$rams are usin$ up -our computerGs resources. .*is list also s*ows a simplified list of applications, w*ic* is easier to understand and skim t*an t*e old!st-le processes list 2if -ou prefer t*e old! st-le process list, itGs still a#ailable on t*e !etails tab5.

Manage Your Startup Programs

.*e Windows .ask %ana$er now allows -ou to easil- disable pro$rams t*at start wit* -our computer. 6lick t*e Startup tab in t*e .ask %ana$er to access t*ese options. Windows also anal-&es *ow lon$ eac* pro$ram takes to start and displa-s t*is information in t*e Startup impact column. Select a pro$ram and click !isa"le to pre#ent it from startin$ wit* Windows, speedin$ up -our startup process.

Use Included Securit Programs

+nstead of installin$ t*ird!part- securit- suites t*at often slow down -our computer, tr- usin$ t*e included securit- applications. Windows now includes an anti#irus H w*ile itGs named Windows 'efender, itGs basicall- t*e same as t*e popular %icrosoft Securit- Essentials application.

Windows 8 also includes a SmartScreen feature, w*ic* anal-&es *ow trustwort*- pro$rams -ou download are. As in pre#ious #ersions of Windows, Windows also includes a firewall t*at blocks incomin$ connections. +f -ou want more settin$s and options, -ou ma- want to install a t*ird! part- securit- suite H but most users will find t*at Windows 8Gs included securit- pro$rams are finall- complete enou$* to rel- on.


Po!er Settings

Windows 8 uses power plans to determine w*et*er batter- life or performance s*ould be prioriti&ed, >ust as pre#ious #ersions of Windows do. .o #iew -our power plan settin$s, press t*e Windows ke-, t-pe /ower /lan, click Settin$s, and press Enter. +n t*e default Balanced mode, Windows automaticall- reduces -our 6/UGs speed w*en ma(imi&e speed isnGt needed. .*is sa#es power. .o sKuee&e all t*e performance -ou can out of -our *ardware, -ou ma- want to tr- 4i$* performance instead. +n 4i$* performance mode, -our 6/UGs speed is ne#er reduced. +t runs at full speed all t*e time. 4owe#er, t*is isnGt necessaril- a $ood t*in$. E#en *i$*!performance $amin$ /6s are used for web browsin$ some of t*e time and it doesnGt make sense to run t*e 6/U at full t*rottle w*ile browsin$ t*e web. .*is >ust wastes power and $enerates additional *eat.

W*ic*e#er plan -ou c*oose, make sure -ou arenGt usin$ /ower sa#er. .*is is onl- useful if -ou want to sKuee&e as muc* batter- life out of -our laptop as possible.

Put Your "omputer To Sleep

?ne of Windows 8Gs most contro#ersial aspects is t*e wa- it buries t*e S*ut 'own option in a *idden menu. %icrosoft wants to encoura$e -ou to use Sleep mode instead of s*uttin$ down -our computer. W*en -ou use Sleep, -our computer $oes into a #er- low!power state t*at uses >ust enou$* power to keep -our pro$rams and open files acti#e in -our computerGs 1A%. W*en -ou come back to -our computer, it will resume from sleep almost immediatel-. Usin$ Sleep instead of S*ut 'own can dramaticall- speed t*in$s up w*en -ou sit down at -our computer. 0ouGll find a Sleep option under t*e power button in t*e Settin$s c*arm. 2/ress Windows ,e-L6, click Settings, click Power, and select Sleep5. 0our computerGs power button ma- also be confi$ured to use Sleep automaticall-. 0ou can c*an$e t*is option b- clickin$ t*e #hoose what the power "uttons do option in t*e /ower ?ptions window mentioned abo#e.

#ptimi$e Your %ard Dri&es

Windows 8 includes t*e standard 'isk 'efra$menter, now named t*e $ptimize !rives tool. .o access it, press t*e Windows ke-, t-pe !efragment, click Settings, and press %nter. :ote t*at Windows 8 automaticall- optimi&es 2defra$ments5 -our dri#e once per week b- default. 4owe#er, if -ou mo#e a lot of files around, -ou ma- want to optimi&e -our dri#es sooner. As on pre#ious #ersions of Windows, click t*e Analyze button to see e(actl- *ow fra$mented -our file s-stems are.

"ontrol Windo!s Inde'ing

.*e Windows inde(in$ ser#ice automaticall- scans t*e files on -our computer and monitors t*em for c*an$es, allowin$ -ou to Kuickl- searc* for files wit*out waitin$. +nde(in$ uses some 6/U time 2and uses more 6/U time if -ou freKuentl- c*an$e a lot of files5 so disablin$ it can *elp -ou reduce 6/U usa$e. Bear in mind t*at inde(in$ speeds up searc*es. +f -ou re$ularl- use t*e 7iles searc* feature on t*e Start screen or t*e searc* feature inside Windows E(plorer, -ou wonGt want to disable inde(in$. 0ou s*ould onl- disable inde(in$ if -ou donGt use t*e searc* feature. .o disable Windows Searc*, press Start, t-pe services&msc, and press %nter. Scroll down in t*e list, locate t*e Windows Searc* ser#ice, ri$*t!click it and select Properties&

Set t*e Startup t-pe bo( to !isa"led, click t*e Stop button to stop t*e ser#ice, and click ?,.

+nstead of disablin$ t*e inde(in$ ser#ice entirel-, -ou ma- also want to control w*ic* folders Windows Searc* inde(es. B- default, it inde(es -our Users folders. if -ou *a#e some folders full of files -ou donGt want to searc*, especiall- ones t*at freKuentl- c*an$e, -ou ma- want to e(clude t*ese folders from bein$ inde(ed. .o control t*ese settin$s, press t*e Windows ke-, t-pe 'ndexing, click Settings, and press Enter.

7or more information about Windows 8, be sure to download our free $uide to Windows 8. 'o -ou *a#e an- ot*er tips for impro#in$ Windows 8Gs performanceE @ea#e a comment and s*are t*emM

Windows To Go: ntrebri frecvente

Cu Windows To Go+ pute>i s% crea>i o copie Windows pe o unitate USB+ apoi s% o utili!a>i oriunde mer&e>i' "ac% lucra>i de acas% sau c%l%tori>i+ insera>i unitatea USB :n <C8ul dvs' Windows ?+ Windows /+ sau Windows /'. @i pute>i deschide @i utili!a toate aplica>iile @i fi@ierele de care ave>i nevoie pentru a lucra' Un spa>iu de lucru Windows To Go const% :ntr8un sistem de operare Windows ?+ Windows / sau Windows /'. pe o unitate USB+ dar @i din fi@ierele+ folderele @i aplica>iile care au fost copiate pe aceasta atunci c;nd a fost creat spa>iul de lucru' Usin& a USB drive that has not been certified is not supported AronBey Wor#space W566 0http$44www'iron#ey'com4secure8wor#space4iron#ey8 wor#space8w566'html1 AronBey Wor#space W)66 0http$44www'iron#ey'com4en8US4secure8 wor#space4iron#ey8wor#space8w)66'html1 Bin&ston "ataTraveler Wor#space for Windows To Go 0http$44www'#in&ston'com4wt&41

http$44www'mediadot'ro4memorii8usb4stic#8memorie8usb8#in&ston8datatraveler8 wor#space8)*&b8usb8)68&ri )5*+)/ CDE )*GB "ataTraveler Wor#space 8 Certified for Windows To Go Bul# <ac#

6apacitate +nterfata 1ata de transfer citire 1ata de transfer scriere 'imensiuni 9arantie 2luni5B

;A 9B USB ;.< A)< %B3s A)< %B3s F).AN ( AA.N8 ( 1O.PP mm O<

http$44www'mediadot'ro4stic#8uri8memorie8usb4stic#8memorie8usb8#in&ston8 datatraveler8wor#space8,-&b8usb8)68&ri 5/?+., CDE

Spyrus <ortable Wor#place 0http$44www'spyruswt&'com41 We recommend that you run the Spyrus "eployment Suite for Windows To Go to provision the Spyrus <ortable Wor#place' Spyrus Secure <ortable Wor#place 0http$44www'spyruswt&'com41 Spyrus Wor#safe 0http$44www'spyruswt&'com41 Super Talent 93press CC- for Windows To Go 8and8 Super Talent 93press CC/ for Windows To Go 0http$44www'supertalent'com4wt&41 Western "i&ital My <assport 9nterprise 0http$44www'wd'com4wt&1 We recommend that you run the W" Compass utility to prepare the Western "i&ital My <assport 9nterprise drive for provisionin& with Windows To Go' For more information about the W" Compass utility please refer to http$44www'wd'com4wt& http$44www'ema&'ro4hdd8e3tern8wd8my8passport8enterprise8566&b8*858usb8)868 ne&ru8wdbhe!5666ab#4pd49)6/BBBBM4 PONNN @ei

Medi sig r de ! cr

:u lasa nici o urma de date pe computerul $a&da. "apacitate si performanta pentr Windows to go )<< 9b spatiu de stocare si performante e(ceptionale #apid si sor de config rat +nstalarea poate fi terminata in cate#a minute. 6apacitateB )<< 9B +nterfataB USB A.< USB ;.< Sisteme de operareB %icrosoft Windows F %icrosoft Windows 8 7ormatB A.)Q 'imensiuni 2W ( ' ( 4 mm5B 8A ( 111 ( 1) 9reutate 2,$5B <.1;8

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