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TEL.: 0758.498.935
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Promovarea unei noi profesii
Promotion of a New Profession
Pag. 5
Cum s abordm personalitile
How to Approach Difficult
Pag. 6
Cteva aspecte privind medierea,
ca metod alternativ de
soluionare a conflictelor
Several Aspects Regarding the
Mediation, as an Alternative
Dispute Resolution
Pag. 11
De la triburile locale i consiliile
btrnilor la satele globale i
judecatorii primitivi: evitarea
From Local Tribes and Elders
Councils to Global Villages and
Savage Judges: Avoiding Babylon
Pag. 16
2020 Vision. Unde va fi
medierea n 10 ani la nivel
2020 Vision. Where in the
World Will Mediation be within
10 Years?
Pag. 24
Peer Mediation
din perspectiva vestic
Peer Mediation
a Western Perspective
Pag. 35
mugur mitroi mediation training
organizes mediation training courses
as follows:
Bucureti, Piteti, Braov, Cluj-Napoca,
Tulcea, Constana, Mangalia
Drobeta Turnu Severin, Brila, Galai,
Bucureti, Bacu, Tulcea
more details on the calendar of courses
and the registration form can be found
seriousness | experience | results
coala de formare n mediere
mugur mitroi
organizeaz cursuri de formare n me-
diere dup urmtorul program:
Bucureti, Piteti, Braov, Cluj-Napoca, Tul-
cea, Constana, Mangalia
Drobeta Turnu Severin, Brila, Galai,
Bucureti, Bacu, Tulcea

mai multe detalii asupra calendarului
cursurilor i formularului de nscriere gsii
seriozitate | experien | rezultate
+40 753 103 613
medierea, tehnic i art

3 | |
Mugur Mitroi coordonator, Mdlina Calcan redactor ef
Lucia Ana Maria Zaharia magistrat, coordonator seciunea Magistraii despre mediere
conf. univ. dr. Gabriela Pohoata dr. n flosofe, Universitatea Cretin Dimitrie Cantemir
drd. Camelia Gagu mediator, avocat, Universitatea Cretin Dimitrie Cantemir
Alina Bdulescu mediator, avocat, Dorin Bdulescu preedinte Centrul de Mediere Buzau, avocat
Elena Necula traductor
Valentin Rdulescu layout i tehnoredactare
Tipar: Euro Print Company S.R.L. Buzu | 0338.101.253 |
S.C. FMMM S.R.L. | Centrul de Mediere Buzu | Centrul Mediatorilor Profesioniti Bucureti
Conferina Asociaiei Internaionale de Arbitraj .... 4
Vali Staicu
Promovarea unei noi profesii ......................................5
Daniela Bobaru
Cum s abordm personalitile dificile .............. 6
Gheorghe Nstase
Cteva aspecte privind medierea, ca metod alterna-
tiv de soluionare a conflictelor (partea 1) ............ 11
Cristina Florescu
De la triburile locale i consiliile btrnilor la
satele globale i judecatorii primitivi: evitarea
Babilonului (partea a 3-a) ........................................ 16
Gabriela Clbureanu
Medierea n Marea Britanie azi. O analiz com-
petent a scenei medierii din Marea Britanie
astzi, din perspectiva CMC (partea a 3-a) .......... 22
Sir Henry Brooke
2020 Vision. Unde va fi medierea n 10 ani la nivel
mondial? (Partea a 2-a) .............................................. 24
Michael Leathes
Negociere. Facilitare. Conciliere. Mediere. Arbi-
traj..................................................................................... 28
Lucia Ana Maria Zaharia
Evitarea insolvenei: medierea sau concordatul .....32
Marius Corad
Mediere si conflict. (1) Analiza conflictului
sume de dispute .............................................................. 33
Mugur Mitroi
Peer Mediation din perspectiva vestic ............... 35
Dana Mardare
Comunicat ....................................................................... 38
Mihail Neagoe
Hotrre ......................................................................... 38
Mihail Neagoe
The A.I.A. Conference ................................................... 4
Vali Staicu
Promotion of a New Profession .................................5
Daniela Bobaru
How to Approach Difficult Personalities ............ 6
Gheorghe Nstase
Several Aspects Regarding the Mediation, as an
Alternative Dispute Resolution (Part 1) ............. 11
Cristina Florescu
From Local Tribes and Elders Councils to Glo-
bal Villages and Savage Judges: Avoiding Baby-
lon (Part 3) ..................................................................... 16
Gabriela Clbureanu
Mediation in the UK Today. An Authoritative Re-
view of the UK Mediation Scene Today from the
CMCs Perspective (Part 3) ........................................ 22
Sir Henry Brooke
2020 Vision. Where in the World Will Mediation
be within 10 Years? (2
Part) .................................... 24
Michael Leathes
Negotiation. Facilitation. Conciliation. Mediati-
on. Arbitration. ........................................................... 28
Lucia Ana Maria Zaharia
Avoiding Insolvency: Mediation or Concordat . 32
Marius Corad
Mediation and Conflict. (1) Conflict Analysis
Disputes Summum .......................................................... 33
Mugur Mitroi
Peer Mediation a Western Perspective ............. 35
Dana Mardare
Press Release .................................................................. 38
Mihail Neagoe
Decision ........................................................................... 38
Mihail Neagoe
medierea, tehnic i art
e 25 Martie, Curtea de Apel
Belgian a gzduit Confe-
rina Introducerea Aciunii
Colective n Belgia. Evenimentul
a fost organizat de ctre Asociaia
International de Arbitraj (A.I.A.)
i a fost destinat universitarilor,
avocailor, experilor, autoritilor
belgiene i celor ai Uniunii Europe-
ne. Scopul acestei conferine a fost
acela de a identifca necesitatea in-
troducerii instituiei aciunii colec-
tive n legislaia belgian.
Subiectul conferinei a declanat
numeroase discuii, cu argumente
pro si contra introducerii aciunii
colective n sistemul de drept belgi-
an. Pe de o parte, avocaii i repre-
zentanii asociaiilor de protecie a
consumatorilor s-au declarat n fa-
voarea acestei aciuni n cazurile de
daune colective artnd care sunt
avantajele acestui tip de aciune.
Din contra, vorbitorii reprezentnd
asociaiile patronale, sindicatele,
sistemul bancar i cel de asigurri,
s-au pronunat net mpotriva ne-
cesitii introducerii acestui sistem,
argumentnd c aciunea nu nu-
mai c nu va benefcia pgubiilor,
dar va crea confuzie i va compli-
ca i mai mult sistemul. n timpul
discuiilor, opozanii introducerii
aciunii colective s-au pronunat,
aproape n unanimitate n favoa-
rea utilizrii metodelor alternative
clasice de rezolvare a confictelor n
cazurile cu daune colective.
Mult disputata propunere de
lege belgian cuprinde dispoziii
referitoare la posibilitatea prilor
de a apela la o metod extra-judi-
ciar(out-of-court method), n
vederea negocierii unui acord de
reparaii colective (art. 15). Prile
pot apela la o forma alternativ de
rezolvare a disputelor (inclusiv me-
dierea), att naintea nceperii pro-
cesului n instan, ct i pe durata
procesului; la cererea acestora, ju-
dectorul suspend judecarea cau-
zei i indic data la care se reia pro-
cesul, perioada de suspendare nu
poate f mai mare de trei luni. Acor-
dul ncheiat de ctre pri trebuie s
fe aprobat de judecator pentru a-l
nvesti cu formula executorie.
O particularitate n cadrul pro-
ceselor colective este aceea a repre-
zentativitii. Metodele alternative
de rezolvare a confictului pot f fo-
losite fe individual, de ctre fecare
dintre victime, ori de ctre un grup
de victime. Grupul de victime i
desemneaz un reprezentant (poate
f una dintre victime sau o asociaie
de protecie a consumatorilor) care
l va reprezenta att n instan, ct
i n mediere. Reprezentatul va avea
mandat s negocieze pentru i n
numele grupului de victime.
Fr a f explicit menionat n
textul propunerii de lege, medierea
este vazut i preferat de majori-
tatea experilor i reprezentanilor
prezeni la aceast conferin. Ca
alternativ, medierea este o soluie
mai simpl i mai puin costisitoare
pentru victime.
Vali Staicu
L.L.M., Bruxelles
n March25, the Belgian
Court of Appeal hosted the
Conference Te Introduc-
tion of Class Action in Belgium.
Te event was organized by AIA
Association of International Arbi-
tration and was designated to aca-
demics, legal professionals, experts,
Belgian and EU ofcials. Te aim of
this conference was to identify the
necessity of introducing the class
action mechanism in Belgian leg-
The subject raised intense
discussions, pros and cons, re-
garding the opportunity of in-
troducing the collective action
in the Belgian legal system. On
one side, speakers representing
legal professionals and consum-
ers associations manifest in favor
of class action in cases of mass
harm, presenting the advantages
of such action. On the contrary,
those representing the employ-
ers associations, unions, bank-
ing and insurance companies in
Belgium contested the necessity
of introducing this system, argu-
ing that class action will not only
bring any benefits to victims but
will create confusion and aggra-
vate the system. Moreover, during
the discussions, the opponents of
class action affirmed unanimous-
ly their preference for classical
ADR methods in solving cases
related to mass harm.
Te disputed Belgian draf law
on class action incorporates pro-
visions regarding the possibility of
parties to turn to an out-of-court
procedure, in order to negoti-
ate a mass harm agreement. Te
alternative method of dispute
resolution (including mediation)
can be used before or during the
trial; if requested, the judge shall
suspend the judicial proceedings
and indicates the date when trial
is resumed. Te suspension could
not be more than three months. If
parties reach an agreement, the
judge must approve it, make it ex-
A particularity of class action
is the representation of victims.
ADR methods could be used ei-
ther individually, by each of the
victims, or by a group of victims.
The group of victims will desig-
nate a representative (it could
be one of the victims or an as-
sociation for the protection of
consumers). The representative
will have mandate to negotiate
for and on behalf of the group
of victims.
Although not explicitly men-
tioned in the draf law, mediation
is seen and preferred by most of
the experts and representatives
present in the conference. As an
alternative, mediation is a simpler
and less expensive solution for
Vali Staicu
L.L.M., Bruxelles
medierea, tehnic i art
m decis s abordez acest su-
biect din dorina de a atrage
atenia asupra unei realiti,
anume difcultile n promovarea
profesiei de mediator sau mai bine
zis a modului greit n care se face
cunoscut aceast profesie n Ro-
Dup o experien de trei ani de zile
n profesie, am constatat c mediato-
rul nu este perceput ca o profesie dis-
tinct, ci mai degrab ca o anex la o
alt profesie, aceea din care provenim.
Bunoar, personal m-am con-
fruntat cu aceast situaie i m
confrunt n continuare, majorita-
tea dintre cei care m cunosc m
asociaz cu exercitarea profesiei de
cadru universitar i ntr-o mic m-
sur cu cea de mediator, cunoscnd
faptul c de trei ani exercit aceast
nou profesie, am un birou indivi-
dual i promovez constant att n
media, ct i n mediul academic
noua mea ocupaie.
Mediatorii cu experien afrm
c acest lucru este fresc, o profe-
sie nou n peisajul juridic necesit
timp pentru a f recunoscut, atta
ct este necesar pentru ca celelalte
profesii juridice s capete ncrede-
re n persoana mediatorului, i mai
apoi n profesie.
n momentul de fa ne confrun-
tm cu nencrederea n mediator,
aceasta pentru c, n opinia mea,
accesul n profesie se face prea uor,
neexistnd dovada unei bune repu-
taii. Aa se face c unii mediatori
care solicit Consiliului de Mediere
autorizarea de a profesa, vin cu o
reputaie care nu corespunde prof-
lului moral al unui mediator, i din
acest punct de vedere consider c
trebuie aduse corecturi legislaiei
din domeniul medierii.
De asemenea, lipsa unui corp
profesional al mediatorilor consi-
der c d o doz de nencredere n
instituia medierii. Att justiiabilii,
ct i practicienii dreptului nu sunt
lmurii cine are competen n a so-
luiona confictele departe de sala de
judecat: centrele de mediere, asoci-
aiile neguvernamentale care au ca
obiect de activitate prestarea servi-
ciilor de mediere, societile comer-
ciale de mediere, diverse categorii
profesionale (medici, consultanii n
asigurri, funcionarii bancari, in-
spectorii de munc) care n calitate
de mediatori (neautorizai de Con-
siliul de Mediere) soluioneaz con-
fictele ce apar n relaia dintre ace-
tia i clieni, avocaii care sub plria
soluionrii unei cauze prin tranzac-
ie, pretind c sunt mediatori.
Personal, n cei trei ani de acti-
vitate ca mediator, am ncercat s
promovez mediatorul i nu persoa-
na mea, am pus pe primul plan rolul
mediatorului n soluionarea unui
confict i principiile pe care acesta
le utilizeaz n procedura medierii.
Considernd c mediatorul tre-
buie privit distinct de alte profesii
am abuzat de prezena pe orice for-
m de promovare (cri de vizit, ar-
ticole de specialitate, alte nscrisuri
cu caracter ofcial i neofcial) a pro-
fesiei Mediator, i nu Asistent uni-
versitar doctorand, cu toate c am
observat la nenumrai mediatori c
nscrierea profesiei de mediator pe
crile de vizit, la sediul birourilor
individuale sau la fnalul articolelor
de specialitate lipsete, acetia uti-
liznd numai profesia de baz. Din
punctul meu de vedere i acest lucru
creeaz o serie de confuzii, ndoieli,
nencredere n profesia de mediator.
Mergnd mai departe, am n-
tlnit nenumrai practicieni ai
dreptului care mi-au recomandat
intrarea ntr-o alt profesie juridi-
c liberal, pentru a m promova,
proftnd de o alt profesie pentru
a soluiona confictele prin mediere.
Desigur, c dup o susinut mun-
c de promovare i autoeducaie
n domeniul medierii, fr s ad-
ugm investiiile materiale, acest
lucru m-a nfuriat foarte tare, dar
mi-a dat de gndit vis-a-vis de per-
cepia pe care magistraii i cei cu
profesii juridice liberale o au despre
mediatori, ba mai mult m face s
cred c aa se ntmpl lucrurile n
realitate, n slile de judecat.
Sunt experiene personale, care
mi-au dat de gndit i care fac par-
te din istoria unei profesii. n ceea
ce m privete sunt ncreztoare n
mine, n forele pro-
prii, n experiena
de peste douzeci
de ani n munc i
n domenii diferite.
Consider c promo-
varea unei profesii
noi se realizeaz
greu, dar trebuie cu
toii s facem un
efort n acest sens, i
nu n aezarea me-
diatorului n spatele
altor profesii.
Mediatorii cu experien spun
c avem o profesie minunat, c
trebuie s fm mndri c exercitm
o asemenea activitate, i c trebuie
s privim cu ncredere ctre viitor,
ncredinai cu cea mai elegant
profesie care exist pn n acest
moment n lume.
Mediator Daniela Bobaru
Membru n Comisia de promova-
re a Consiliului de Mediere
Director relaii cu publicul i
presa - Centrul de Mediere Gorj
Asistent universitar - Universitatea
Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu
have decided to approach this
topic as I wanted to draw atten-
tion upon a certain reality, namely
the difculties in promoting the me-
diator profession, or better said the
wrong way in which this profession
is made known in Romania.
Afer a 3-year experience within
this profession, I noticed that the
mediator is not seen as a distinct
profession, but rather as an appen-
dix to another profession, the one
we come from.
Indeed, I faced this situation my-
self and I am still coming across it,
most of the people who know me as-
sociate me with the university staf
profession, rather than the mediator
one, although they know I have been
practicing this new profession for
three years now, I have an individual
ofce and I constantly promote my
new occupation both in media and
the academic environment.
Experienced mediators claim
this is a natural fact, a new profes-
sion in legal area needs time to be
recognized, for other legal profes-
sions to gain trust in the mediator
person, and aferwards in the pro-
fession itself.
We currently need to face the
lack of confdence in mediator, be-
cause, in my opinion, the access to
the profession is made too easily,
without holding the evidence of a
good reputation. Tat is why some
mediators who request the authori-
zation from the Mediation Council
come with a reputation that does
not match the moral profle of a
mediator, therefore I believe legis-
lative corrections
need to be brought
in mediation feld.
Also, I believe
that the absence of
a professional body
of mediators gives
certain doubts as
regards to the me-
diation institution.
Both litigants and
law practitioners
are not made clear
about who has the
competence to solve conficts out-
side the court of law: the mediation
centers, the non-governmental as-
sociations with a mediation activity,
mediation frms, diferent profes-
sional categories (doctors, insur-
ance consultants, bank ofcers, la-
bor inspectors), who, as mediators
(not authorized by the Mediation
Council) resolve the conficts be-
tween them and clients, lawyers
who pretend to be mediators due to
solving some cases through trans-
Personally, during the three years
as mediator, I have tried to promote
the mediator, not my own person, I
put frst the role of mediator in
confict resolving and the princi-
ples that he uses in the mediation
Considering that the mediator
needs to be seen distinctively of
other professions, I abused of my
presence on any kind of promo-
tion means (visit cards, specialized
articles, other ofcial and unof-
fcial written papers) as mediator
and not as PhD university assistant,
although I have noticed that many
mediators do not mention the
mediator profession on their visit
cards, at individual ofces or at the
end of specialized articles, only us-
ing the core profession. From my
point of view, this too creates a
series of confusions, doubts, lack
of confdence in the mediator pro-
Further on, I have met numer-
ous law practitioners who rec-
ommended me to join another
liberal legal profession, in order
to promote myself, taking advan-
tage of another profession to solve
conficts through mediation. Of
course, afer a constant promotion
work and self-education in media-
tion feld, without adding the mate-
rial investments, this got me really
furious, but also made me think
about the perception that magis-
trates and liberal legal professions
have about the mediators, and
makes me think that things hap-
pen exactly like this in reality, in
the courts of law.
Tey are personal experiences,
that made me wonder and which
are part of a profession history. As it
concerns me, I am confdent in me,
in my own forces, in the experience
of over 20 years in labor and difer-
ent areas. I believe that the promo-
tion of a new profession is done
harshly, but we all need to make
an efort in this respect, instead of
putting the mediator behind other
Experienced mediators say that
we have a wonderful profession,
that we should be proud of prac-
ticing such activity, and that we
should look with confdence to-
wards the future, being entrusted
with the most elegant profession
that exists in the world.
Mediator Daniela Bobaru
Member in the Promotion Com-
mission of the Mediation Council,
PR Manager- Gorj Mediation
University assistant - Constantin
Brncui University of Trgu Jiu
medierea, tehnic i art

n aceast lume deosebit de

stresant, ca mediatori avem
de-a face cu oameni sensibili,
suprai, nemulumii, nervoi, or-
golioi, apatici, insisteni, de aceea
este important s cunoatem bine
oamenii i s facem fa personali-
tilor difcile cu care vom relaiona
inevitabil n mediere. O personali-
tate este difcil atunci cnd unele
trsturi ale caracterului su sunt
prea accentuate, rigide, inadaptate
situaiilor, cauznd astfel suferin-
e propriei persoane sau celorlali.
Dei indivizii cu astfel de persona-
litate nu sunt considerai ca avnd
probleme psihice, totusi acetia ne-
cesit un mod specifc de abordare.
Franois Lelord i Cristophe Andr,
n lucrarea Cum s ne purtm cu
personalitile difcile, Editura trei,
1998, 2003, ne nva cum este re-
comandabil s abordm tipurile de
personaliti difcile. Voi prezenta,
n continuare, cteva personaliti
difcile, mpreun cu unele reco-
mandri n ceea ce privete moda-
litile de abordare a lor:
Se caracterizeaz prin:
hiperactivitate a sistemului ner-
vos vegetativ, palpitaii, transpi-
raii, bufeuri, nevoia de a merge
la toalet, senzatia de ,,nod n
i face foarte multe griji, att
pentru sine, ct i pentru cei
apropiai, fr a avea motive n-
temeiate i legate de ntmplri i
situaii cotidiene;
tensiune fzic, adesea excesiv,
fr a putea preciza sursa acestei
tensiuni ce dau adesea senzaia
de oboseal;
este extrem de atent i vigilent
la tot ce se ntmpl n jur i cal-
culeaz n permanen potenia-
lele riscuri care pot aprea, chiar
dac mprejurrile nu trdeaz
prezena unui risc iminent, di-
fcultate de concentrare, iritabi-
Se recomand:
inspirai-i ncredere i artai-i c
se pot baza pe dumnevoastr;
tratai-o cu un umor binevoitor,
fr ironii i etichetri;
ajutai-o s se relativizeze, s nu
Nu se recomand:
s v lsai subjugai, infuenai
de punctul ei de vedere;
s o luai prin surprindere, deoa-
rece la elementele imprevizibile
triete o puternic emoie;
s-i mprtii propriile dum-
neavoastr neliniti, deoarece i
aa are prea multe griji;
s abordai n discuii subiecte cu
ncrctur emoional mare, ge-
neratoare de temeri i nelinite;
Se caracterizeaz prin:
nencredere, suspiciune;
se protejeaz n permanen,
foarte atent la ceea ce se petrece
n jur;
pune la ndoial loialitatea altora,
chiar a celor apropiai;
caut energic i n detaliu dovezi
n jurul bnuielilor lor, fr a ine
seama de situaie n ntregul ei;
se simte ofensat i trece rapid la
este preocupat de propriile
drepturi, ca i de problemele de
rigiditate, rceal;
se arat raional, logic i rezis-
t oricaror argumente ce vin din
partea celorlali;
fr simul umorului, manifest
cu greutate tendine ori emoii
tendine de putere, succes, valo-
inta lor este ascensiunea, iar de-
viza lor puterea;
difculti interrelaionale, de in-
tegrare i armonizare n grupul
familial i socio-profesional.
Se recomand:
s v exprimai limpede motivele
i inteniile;
s respectai convenientele cu
s meninei un contact regulat
cu aceasta;
s facei referiri la legi i la regu-
s le lsai unele mici victorii, dar
gndii-v bine care;
s v cutai aliai n alt parte.
Nu se recomand:
s renunai la a lmuri nenele-
s le atacai imaginea pe care o au
despre ei i punctele lor de vedere;
s comitei greeli;
s le brfi, cci vor afa;
s discutai politic;
Se caracterizeaz prin:
atragerea ateniei celorlali, nu
agreeaz situaiile n care nu sunt
obiectul ateniei generale;
cutarea permanent i strui-
toare a afeciunii propriului an-
dramatizarea i exprimarea pro-
priilor emoii, care sunt adesea
stilul discursului ei, care este mai
degrab emoional, evoc im-
presii i sunt lipsite de precizie i
n this very stressing world, we,
the mediators, deal with sensi-
tive, upset, nervous, pride, in-
diferent, insisting people, that is
why we need to know people very
well and cope with the difcult per-
sonalities that we eventually come
across during mediation process. A
personality is difcult when some
features of its character are too
stressed out, too rigid, not adapted
to certain situations, causing suf-
ferance to own person or people
around. Although individuals with
such personality are not considered
to have mental problems, yet they
need a special approach. Franois
Lelord and Cristophe Andr, in
their work How to behave with
difcult personalities, Trei Pub-
lishing House, 1998, 2003, teach us
how is proper to approach the types
of difcult personalities. Further on,
I will present few difcult person-
alities, together with some recom-
mendations towards their approach.
Is characterized by:
Hyperactivity of the vegetative
nervous system, palpitations,
sweat, sense of going to the toilet,
the lump in ones throat,
Tey worry a lot, both for own
person and close people, without
having grounded reasons related
to everyday facts and situations;
Physical tension, ofen excessive,
without being able to mention
the source of this tension, which
leads to the sense of tiredness;
Tey are extremely careful and
vigilant about everything that
happens around, even if circum-
stances do not indicate the pre-
sence of an imminent risk, con-
centration difculty.
Te following are recommended:
Inspire them confdence and
show they could count on you;
Treat them with a well-intended
humor, without ironies and la-
Help them in making things rela-
tive, without dramatizing;
Not recommended:
To let yourself subordinated, in-
fuenced by their point of view;
To take them by surprise, beca-
use of the great emotions when
experiencing unpredictable;
To share your own fears, as they
have already got a lot of worries;
To approach high emotional to-
pics, which generate fears and
Is characterized by:
Lack of confdence, suspicion;
Self-protection all the time, very
careful about whatever happens
Tey doubt others loyalty, even
close people;
energetic and detailed search of
proofs about their suspicions,
without taking into account the
situation as a whole;
they feel ofended and immedia-
tely start revenge;
they are preoccupied with own
rights, as well as priority pro-
rigidity, coldness;
they are rational, logic and resist
to any argument that comes from
the others;
no sense of humor, show positi-
ve tendencies or emotions very
power, success, valorization ten-
their focus is ascension, and their
slogan is power;
inter-relational difculties, inte-
gration and harmonization wi-
thin the family and socio-profes-
sional group difculties.
clearly express your reasons and
respect conventions scrupulously;
maintain a regular contact with
the persons;
mention law and regulations;
let them experience small victo-
ries, but think well at the type of
search for allies somewhere else.
Not recommended:
to give up clearing misunder-
to attack their image of themsel-
ves and their points of view;
to make mistakes;
to gossip them, because they will
fnd out;
to talk politics;
Is characterized by:
they draw the attention of the
others, do not agree with the
situations in which they are not
the object of general attention;
they permanently and insistently
search the afection of own ento-
they dramatize own emotions,
which are ofen changing;
their discourse is rather emotio-
nal, they evoke impressions and
lack precision and details;
the tendency to idealize, or the
contrary, to depreciate the per-
sons around them.
medierea, tehnic i art
tendina de a idealiza sau, dim-
potriv de a deprecia excesiv per-
soanele din anturajul lor.
Se recomand:
s v ateptai la tot felul de exa-
gerri si dramatizri;
s le lsai din cnd n cnd spa-
iu de aciune stabilind totui
unele limite;
artai-le interes de cte ori au un
comportament normal;
ateptai-v s trecei de la statu-
tul unui erou la cel al unui infam,
i invers.
Nu se recomand:
s v amuzai pe seama ei;
s v lsai impresionai de tenta-
tivele de seducie;
s v lsai prea tare nduioai.
Se caracterizeaz prin:
perfecionism, este exagerat de
atent la detalii, proceduri, reguli
i la organizare, adesea n detri-
mentul rezultatului fnal;
obstinaie, ncpnare, struie
cu nverunare ca lucrurile s fe
fcute dup cum consider ea i
respectndu-se regulile;
n relaiile cu ceilali, este rezer-
vat, i exteriorizeaz cu greu
emoiile pozitive, adesea foarte
formal, glacial i timid;
nehotrre, i este greu sa ia deci-
zii din teama de a nu comite vreo
greeal, tergiverseaz lucrurile
i cuget exagerat de mult;
rigoare moral;
este extrem de contiincioas.
Se recomand:
s-i artai c i apreciai simul
ordinii i al rigorii;
s-i respectai nevoia de a preve-
dea i de a organiza totul;
cnd merge prea departe, adu-
cei-i critici precise i motivate;
s-i artai c suntei previzibili
i c se poate bizui pe dumne-
s o facei s se destind;
s-i ncredinai sarcini pe msu-
ra sa, n care defectele s fe tot
attea caliti.
Nu se recomand:
s o ironizai pe tema maniilor lor;
s v lsai antrenat prea departe
n sistemul su;
s o copleii cu prea mult afec-
iune, recunotin sau cu daruri.
Se caracterizeaz prin:
autoevaluare exagerat, nerealis-
t, fantezist, i supraapreciaz
calitile, disponibilitile i re-
zultatele aciunilor sale;
aviditate pentru titluri, demni-
ti, situaii, onoruri, ranguri;
preocupare exagerat fa de
propria aparen fzic i vesti-
n relaiile cu ceilali se ateapt
s li se acorde atenie, privilegii,
far a se simi, ns, obligate la
i exploateaz i i manipuleaz
pe ceilali pentru a-i atinge sco-
disponibiliti empatice reduse,
superfciale i inautentice, fapt
care o face insensibil la proble-
mele altora, la suferinele, dole-
anele i aspiraiile lor;
avnd convingerea calitilor sale
particulare, chiar excepionale,
ca i a importanei persoanei sale,
narcisisticul se comport distant
i arogant.
Se recomand:
de cte ori este sincer, artai-v
s-i explicai reaciile celorlali;
s respectai cu scrupulozitate
nu-i aducei critici dect cnd
este absolut necesar i atunci fi
extrem de precii;
s pstrai discreia asupra pro-
priilor voastre reuite i privilegii.
Nu se recomand:
s v opunei sistematic;
nu cedai puterii de seducie i
fi ateni la tentativele de mani-
s-i facei vreodat o favoare pe
care nu dorii s-o reiterai;
s v ateptai la recunotin din
partea ei.
Se caracterizeaz prin:
introversie marcat - la prima ve-
dere linitii i fegmatici, aceti
oameni sunt, de fapt, reci, retrai,
distani, nchii, nesociabili;
nu sunt ntreprinztori, implicai,
angajai, find indifereni chiar
fa de propriile lor interese;
are puini prieteni apropiai,
deseori chiar din cercul familial;
nu leag prietenii cu uurin;
prefer activitile solitare;
nu caut compania celorlali;
pare s fe indiferent la elogiile
sau criticile celorlali.
Se recomand:
s-i respectai nevoia de singu-
s-i punei n situaii pe msura lor;
s-i ascultai lumea interioara;
s-i apreciai felul de a f.
Nu se recomand:
s-i cerei s-i manifeste emo-
s insistai pentru conversaii n-
s ncercai s o scoatei din izolare.
Se caracterizeaz prin:
faptul c, n orice situaie s-ar
afa, vede doar latura sumbr i
posibilele riscuri;
este trist i posac de obicei
chiar i atunci cnd evenimen-
tele nu determin o asemenea
incapacitate de a tri satisfacia,
realizarea, succesul, refuzndu-i
bucuria sau chiar relaxarea;
judectori exigeni, uneori ne-
expect all kind of exaggerations
and dramas;
let them, from time to time,
some action space, however im-
posing limits;
show them interest every time
they have a normal behavior;
expect to change from the hero
statute to the villain one, and vi-
Not recommended:
to make fun of them;
to let yourself impressed with
their seduction attempts;
to let yourself too touched.
Characterized by:
perfectionism, exaggeratedly ca-
reful about details, procedures,
rules and organization, ofen to
the detriment of fnal outcome;
infexibility, stubbornness, insist
on things to be done as they con-
sider and obeying the rules;
in relation with others, they are
reserved, difcult exteriorization
of positive emotions, very formal,
cold and shy;
undecided, they take decisions
with difculty, fearing possible
mistakes, postpone things and
think exaggeratedly long;
strict morals;
extremely scrupulous.
show them you appreciate their
sense of order and strictness;
respect their need to predict and
organize everything;
when going too far, bring precise
and well-grounded criticism;
show them you are predictable
and that they could count on you;
make them feel relaxed;
entrust them with proper tasks,
where defects equal qualities.
Not recommended:
to make irony about their mani-
to let yourself driven too far in
their system;
to overwhelm them with too
much afection, gratitude or gifs.
Characterized by:
they are exaggerated, unrealistic,
full of fantasies, overestimate
own qualities, availabilities and
results of own actions;
avid for titles, dignities, situati-
ons, honors, ranks;
exaggerated preoccupation with
own look and clothing styles;
in relationship with the others,
they expect to be given atten-
tion, privileges, without how-
ever feeling obliged to give so-
mething back;
exploit and manipulate the
others in order to achieve their
low, superfcial empathic availa-
bility, which makes them insensi-
ble to others problems, suferan-
ce, complaints and aspirations;
being convinced of their parti-
cular, even exceptional qualities,
the narcissists behave distantly
and arrogantly.
show your agreement whenever
they are sincere;
explain them the others reacti-
scrupulously respect conventi-
do not criticize them, unless is
absolutely necessary, and try to
be as precise as possible when
doing so;
keep discretion about your own
successes and privileges.
Not recommended:
to oppose systematically;
to give in to their decision power
and be careful about their mani-
pulation attempts;
to make them a favor that you
dont plan to repeat it again;
to expect gratitude from them.
Characterized by:
marked introversion- at frst
look, they seem very calm and
phlegmatic, but in fact they
are cold, solitary, distant, wi-
thdrawn, unsociable;
they are not enterprising, invol-
ved, engaged, being indiferent
even with their own interests;
have few close friends, ofen
among the family members; do
not make friends easily;
prefer solitary activities;
do not search for others com-
seem to be indiferent to others
appraisal or criticism.
respect their need for loneliness;
put them in situations that are
suitable for them;
listen to their interior world;
appreciate their way of being.
Not recommended:
to ask them to manifest their
to insist on long conversations;
to try pull them out of their iso-
Characterized by:
regardless the situation they fnd
themselves in, they only see the
dark side and possible risks;
they are sad and gloomy, even
when events do not indicate such
a mood;
Incapacity to experience satisfac-
tion, accomplishment, success,
refusing joy and even relaxation;
Exigent, sometime ruthless
judges of others behavior and
activity, to whom they apply the
same rigorous standards;
Live the present under the sense
of doubt and skepticism, in spite
of contradictory clues;
medierea, tehnic i art
crutori, ai comportamentului
i activitii celorlali, crora le
aplic aceleai riguroase stan-
trirea prezentului sub aura n-
doielii i scepticismului, n po-
fda indiciilor i constatrilor
nutrete sentimente de inaptitu-
dine ori de culpabilitate, chiar i
atunci cnd ceilali l apreciaz.
Se recomand:
s-i atragei, prin ntrebri, aten-
ia asupra laturii pozitive a orica-
rei situaii;
antrenai-o n activiti agreabile,
care s fe pe msura sa;
artai-v consideraia ntr-un
mod adecvat;
Nu se recomand:
s-i facei moral;
s v lsai marcat de nelinitile
i tristeile sale;
s-i repetai s se strduiasc mai
mult s ias din starea n care se af.
Se caracterizeaz prin:
nevoia de a f ajutai i susinui
de ceilali;
reticen cnd este vorba sa ia
decizii singur;
de multe ori evit sau i las pe
ceilali s ia decizii importante n
numele su;
nu-i place s fe izolat, ori s
fac singur unele lucruri;
teama de a nu strica relaiile cu
prefer s-i urmeze pe ceilali
dect s vin cu unele iniiative;
afectat i anxioas atunci cnd
este criticat i dezaprobat;
aprob cu mult uurin, pen-
tru a f pe placul lor, ceea ce spun
teama de a f abandonai de per-
soanele de care sunt ataai.
Se recomand:
s-i ludai iniiativele, s o aju-
tai s banalizeze eecurile;
cerei punctul su de vedere,
atunci cnd v solicit un sfat;
vorbii-i de ndoielile i slbiciu-
nile voastre, nu ovii s-i cerei
voi niv sfatul i ajutorul;
convingei-o c sunt o mulime
de lucruri pe care le putei face
fr ea, dar aceasta nu nseamn
c o respingei.
Nu se recomand:
s luai decizii n locul ei, chiar
dac v-o cere, nu le srii n aju-
tor de cte ori sunt ntr-un impas;
s-i criticai iniiativele, chiar
dac sunt ratate;
s-i abandonai cu desvrire,
pentru a o nva s se descurce
s-i lsai s v invadeze.
Se caracterizeaz prin:
rezistena la exigenele celorlali,
att n domeniul profesional, ct
i n viaa personal;
discutarea excesiv a ordinelor,
indicaiilor i msurilor efului,
criticnd superiorii;
faptul c se plnge c ar f nene-
leas, desconsiderat, insufcient
apreciat, marginalizat, st m-
bufnat, uit anumite lucruri i
tergiverseaz rezolvarea sarcinilor;
sentimente de invidie fa de
colegii care au obinut succese,
situaii favorabile sau un statut
socio-profesional superior;
defect de relaionare i integrare,
datorit egoismului, indiferenei,
lamentativitii i heteroatribui-
rii insucceselor, insatisfaciilor i
frustrrilor proprii;
Se recomand:
fi amabil;
cerei-i prerea de cte ori este
ajutai-o s se exprime direct;
s-i reamintii regulile.
Nu se recomand:
s v prefacei c nu i-ai remar-
cat opoziia;
s o criticai la fel ca un printe;
s v lsai antrenai n jocul re-
presaliilor reciproce.
Se caracterizeaz prin:
hipersensibilitate, criticile i iro-
niile o nspimnt, i este team
de ridicol;
evit s intre n relaii cu cei-
lali, ct vreme nu este sigur
de bunvoina necondiionat a
evit situaiile n care i se pare c
ar putea f jignite sau s-ar simi
stinghere: noi cunotine, un
post important, o relaie intim;
au stim de sine redus i de cele
mai multe ori i subestimeaz
capacitile i reuitele;
din teama de eec, opteaz dese-
ori pentru un rol mrunt sau
pentru posturi mult sub capaci-
tile sale.
Se recomand:
s-i propunei obiective de dif-
cultate progresiv;
s-i artai c v intereseaz p-
rerea sa;
artai-i c acceptai s fi con-
dac vrei s o criticai, ncepei
printr-un elogiu mai general i
apoi aducei critici unui compor-
tament anume;
s o asigurai de sprijinul dum-
neavoastr constant;
Nu se recomand:
s o ironizai;
s v enervai;
s-i artai nencredere.
Se caracterizeaz prin:
lupta mpotriva timpului: fexibil,
preocupat s mearg totul ct
mai repede;
simul competiiei, orientarea
spre realizri profesionale;
Have feelings of inaptitude or
culpability, even when others
appreciate them.
draw their attention to the posi-
tive side of any situation by qu-
Involve them in nice activities,
suitable to them;
Show your consideration in an
adequate way;
Not recommended:
To lecture them;
To let yourself marked by their
sadness and anxiety;
To repeat them to try harder
getting out of the mood they are in.
Characterized by:
Need to be helped and supported
by the others;
Reticence when taking decisions
by themselves;
Avoid or let the others take im-
portant decision on their behalf;
Tey dont like to be isolated, or
to make some things by them-
Fear of not ruining the relations-
hip with the others;
Prefer to follow the others in-
stead of coming up with own
Afected and anxious when being
criticized and disapproved;
Approve very easily what others
say, just to please them;
Fear of not being abandoned by
the persons they care about.
praise their initiatives, help them
in making failures a normal
request their point of view, when
they ask you for advice;
Tell them about your doubts and
weaknesses, dont hesitate to ask
for their advice and support;
Convince them there are things
you could do without them, but
this does not mean you reject
Not recommended:
to take decision for them, even if
asked, dont rush in helping them
every time they are in difcult si-
To criticize their initiatives, even
if they are failures;
To abandon them completely, in
order to teach them how to make
it on their own;
To let them invade you.
Characterized by:
Resistance to others exigencies,
both professionally and perso-
Excessive discussion over orders,
indications and measures taken
by chiefs, criticizing their supe-
Complain about being uncom-
prehended, insufciently appre-
ciated, disregarded, margina-
lized, they are gloomy, forget
things and delay resolving tasks;
Envy for colleagues who have
success, favorable situations or a
higher socio-professional statute;
Difculties in establishing re-
lations and integration, due to
selfshness, indiference, compla-
ints, lack of successes, satisfacti-
on and due to own frustrations;
Be kind;
Ask for their opinion each time
is possible;
Help them express directly;
Remind them the rules.
Not recommended:
To pretend you have not obser-
ved their opposition;
To criticize them as a parent;
To enter the game of reciprocal
Characterized by:
Hyper-sensibility, terrifed by
criticism and ironies, afraid of
ridiculous situations;
Avoid relationships with others
when not being sure of uncon-
ditioned willingness from the
Avoid situations in which they
might be ofended or might feel
awkward: new acquaintances, an
important job, an intimate relati-
Low self-esteem, most of the
time underestimating their capa-
cities and success;
Fearing failures, they ofen opt
for a small role or for posts that
are under their real capacity.
Propose them objectives with a
progressive difculty degree;
Show them you are interested in
their opinion;
Show them you accept being
If you want to criticize them,
start with a general appraisal and
then bring criticism to a certain
Assure them of your constant
Not recommended:
To make ironies about them;
To become nervous;
To not show them confdence.
Characterized by:
Fight against time: fexible, pre-
occupied that everything goes as
fast as possible;
Sense of competition, orientati-
on towards professional achieve-
Involvement in action: work very
hard, very dedicated.
Be punctual and show them they
could count on you;
medierea, tehnic i art
implicarea n aciune: muncete
enorm i pune sufet.
Se recomand:
s fi punctual i s-i artai c
se poate bizui pe dumneavoastr;
de cte ori ncearc s v impun
punctul su de vedere, susinei-l
pe al dumnevoastr;
s o ajutai s relativizeze;
s o ajutai s descopere bucurii-
le adevratei destinderi.
Nu se recomand:
s negociai cu aceasta la cald;
s v lsai antrenai n competi-
ii inutile;
s dramatizai confictele cu
Personaliti difcile mai sunt,
ns cele prezentate sunt cele mai
des ntlnite. Cunoaterea peronali-
tilor difcile ne poate ajuta s ne-
legem atitudinile i comportamen-
tul unor persoane, la un moment
dat fa de disputa creat sau fa
de noi. Dac vom reui s identif-
cm i s abordm corespunztor
trsturile personalitilor difci-
le, vom avea mai multe anse de a
relaiona fr tensiuni i chiar de a
purta o discuie civilizat cu astfel
de persoane. S nu uitm c n so-
cietatea n care trim sunt i astfel
de oameni i care trebuies nelei
i tratai ca atare, cu mult rbda-
re, tact i diplomaie. Este necesar
s ne adaptm cu uurin la astfel
de situaii, s stpnim foarte bine
tehnicile de comunicare i negoci-
ere, pentru a ne putea face nelei
de orice tip de personalitate.
Gheorghe Nstase
Mediator, Buzu
Each time they try to impose
their point of view, stick with
Help them make things relative;
Help them in discovering the joy
of true relaxation.
Not recommended:
To negotiate with the, when
things are hot;
To let yourself involved in useless
To dramatize the conficts with
Tere are other difcult person-
alities, but the presented ones are
met very ofen. Knowing difcult
personalities might help us under-
stand the behavior and attitudes of
certain people towards the dispute
itself or towards us. If we manage
to identify and approach correctly
the features of difcult personali-
ties, we will have more chances to
a relationship without tensions and
we would even be able to hold a
civilized discussion with such per-
sons. Lets not forget that our so-
ciety includes these people as well,
and they need to be understood
and treated properly, with a lot of
patience, tact and diplomacy. It
is necessary to adapt ourselves to
such situations easily, to master the
communication and negotiation
techniques very well, in order to
make ourselves understood by any
kind of personality.
Gheorghe Nstase
Mediator, Buzau
Str.Iedului nr.2, bl.148B, sc.1, apt1, parter, sector 6
CIF 24940659
tel.: 0722.831.823; 0752.217.004
In atenia d-nei Preedinte ANCA ELISABETA CIUC
i d-nei Vicepreedinte KATALIN BARBARA KIBEDI
Spre tiina COMISIEI CON-
Referitor la MODIFICAREA
BUCURETI, prin reprezentantul
su legal Preedinte Mediator
CAMELIA GAGU i membru m-
puternicit MARINA-IOANA ALE-
XANDRU (conform mputernicirii
nr.06/11.03.2011), cu privire la Mo-
difcarea Regulamentului de Orga-
nizare i Funcionare al Consiliului
de Mediere, v nvederm cteva
aspecte care in de legalitatea ex-
clusiv a modifcrilor ce se doresc
aduse acestui ROF, avnd n vedere
i solicitarea pe care ne-ai adre-
sat-o n a v sprijini cu argumente
juridice competente exprimate de
persoane avizate n acest sens :
A. n Regulamentul de Organiza-
re i Funcionare al Consiliului de
Mediere nu au ce s caute preve-
deri care s reglementeze, dicteze
i cenzureze activitatea asociaii-
lor din domeniul medierii, pentru
urmtoarele motive:
1. Regulamentul de Organizare i
Funcionare, prin nsi denumi-
rea lui, reprezint un set de reguli
i instruciuni care asigur bunul
mers al unei instituii, conform
defniiilor date de dicionarele
de termeni juridici;
2. Consiliul de Mediere este o
instituie autonom, persoan de
drept public, aparut prin efec-
tul unei legi speciale, Legea nr.
192/2006 i funcionarea sa se
realizeaz cu respectarea strict
a principiilor legalitii, indepen-
denei, libertii, descentralizrii,
pstrrii secretului profesional,
responsabilitii sociale subor-
donate scopului promovrii i
aprrii drepturilor, libertilor
i intereselor legitime ale persoa-
nelor care formeaz Corpul Pro-
fesional al Mediatorilor, consti-
tuit din totalitatea mediatorilor
autorizai i nscrii n Tabloul
3. Consiliul de Mediere are atribu-
ii exclusiv administrative cu pri-
vire la organizarea i exercitarea
profesiei de mediator;
4. Asociaiile sunt persoane de drept
privat, constituite prin voina ex-
pres a membrilor asociai care au
un scop legal comun si precis;
5. Asociaiile sunt subordonate ex-
clusiv membrilor asociai i voin-
ei legale a acestora;
6. Aderarea i nscrierea mediato-
rilor la una sau alta dintre aso-
ciaiile din domeniul medierii,
este un drept pe care persoana
n cauz l are, drept ce se poate
exercita numai prin acordul de
voin liber exprimat al acestuia;
7. Obligativitatea sau sugerarea
obligativitii mediatorului
de a se nscrie la una sau alta
dintre asociaiile din domeniul
2 Iedului street, bl.148B, sc.1, apt.1, GF, district 6
CIF 24940659
tel: 0722.831.823; 0752.217.004
For the notice of Chairwoman ANCA ELISABETA CIUCA
For the information of the
Te undersigned CENTRUL
ISTI BUCURESTI, through its
legal representative - Chairwoman
Mediator CAMELIA GAGU and
empowered member MARINA-
cording to empowerment paper
no.06/11.03.2011), concerning
the modifcation of the Mediation
Councils internal rules and regula-
tions (ROF), we present you some
aspects related to the exclusive le-
gality of the modifcations that are
intended to be brought to this ROF,
also considering your request for
support with competent legal argu-
mentation from persons trained in
this matter:
A. Te Mediation Councils in-
ternal rules and regulations should
not contain stipulations which
regulate, dictate and censor the
activity of associations in media-
tion feld, because of the following
1. Te internal rules and regula-
tions, as shown by the name,
represent a set of rules and in-
structions intended to provide a
good progress of an institution,
according to defnitions from le-
gal dictionaries;
2. Te Mediation Council is an
autonomous institution, public
legal entity, which appeared un-
der a special law, Law 192/2006
and functions through strict
obeying of legality principles,
independence, freedom, decen-
tralization, preservation of pro-
fessional secret, social respon-
sibility subordinated to the goal
of promoting and defending the
rights, freedoms and legitimate
interests of the persons that set
up the Professional Body of Me-
diators, including all mediators
authorized and listed in the
Mediators Panel;
3. Te Mediation Council holds
exclusively administrative attri-
butions concerning the organi-
zation and performance of the
mediator profession;
4. Te associations are private legal
entities, established through the
expressed will of associate mem-
bers, who have a common preci-
se legal purpose;
5. Te associations are exclusively
subordinated to the associate
members and their legal will;
6. Afliation and registration
of mediators in one mediation
association or another, is a right
that the person has, a right that
can be exerted only through his/
her free will;
7. compulsoriness or suggested
compulsoriness for a mediator
to join one mediation associati-
medierea, tehnic i art
medierii, reprezint constrn-
gere, care n termeni juridici se
numete viciu de consimmnt
obinut prin mijloace dolosive.
n acest mod s-ar nclca fagrant
dreptul la liber asociere garantat i
statuat n mod imperativ de chiar
Constituia Romniei, ceea ce este
B. Presupunnd prin absurd ca
R.O.F.-ul ar f promulgat n forma
propus, efectele generate n mod
fresc prin noul act, ar f de-a dreptul
contrare principului legalitii (i nu
numai) care st la baza funcionrii
Consiliului de Mediere i anume:
1. Din acel moment, Consiliul de
Mediere ar nclca drepturile, li-
bertile i interesele legitime ale
persoanelor care formeaz Corpul
Profesional al Mediatorilor, adic
ale mediatorilor, care nu-i vor
mai putea exercita dreptul la vot,
iar dreptul de a alege i de a f ales
urmeaz s fe ngrdit de norma
de reprezentare a asociaiei;
2. S-ar crea confuzii grave, att la
nivel teoretic, ct i practic fa
de noiunea de Corp Profesio-
nal al Mediatorilor, care este
format exclusiv din mediatori
i nu din asociaii;
Mediatorul este cel prin interme-
diul cruia se desfoar procedura
medierii n condiii stricte de conf-
denialitate, etc., NU asociaia.
Actul public care apare n Mo-
nitorul Ofcial este TABLOUL
Asociaiilor/Organizaiilor din do-
meniul medierii care, din punct
de vedere legal, reprezint o evi-
den facultativ pe care Consiliul
de Mediere o ine, aceasta nefcnd
parte din atribuiile Consiliului.
este actul public care ajunge la cu-
notina oricrei persoane fzice sau
juridice care dorete s apeleze la
procedura medierii.
este actul public care cuprinde
mediatorii ce fac parte din Corpul
Profesional al Mediatorilor i care
au optat pentru una sau alta din for-
mele de exercitare a profesiei, care
sunt n numr de patru:
a. Biroul de Mediator;
b. Birouri asociate de Medi-
atori care ar trebui s se
numesaca birouri grupa-
te deoarece asocierealor
este strict administrativ,
juridic pstrndu-i auto-
c. Societate Civil de Media-
tori i
d. Mediator angajat la una
dintre formele anterioare.
este actul public care cuprinde nu-
mele mediatorului, forma de exer-
citare a profesiei i datele de contact,
pentru a putea f solicitat.
Rubrica n care este trecut apar-
tenena mediatorului la o asociaie
este inutil i are drept efect indu-
cerea n eroare a celui care se adre-
seaz profesionistului.
Susinerea imixtiunilor dintre
Corpul Profesional al Mediato-
rilor i Asociaiile din domeniul
medierii, denot o lips de profesi-
onalism care nu trebuie evideniat
deoarece nu este de bun augur pen-
tru profesia noastr.
Deci Consiliul de Mediere, prin
deciziile ce urmeaz a f adoptate,
nu trebuie s ncurajeze asemenea
3. Un alt efect negativ ar f impu-
nerea subordonrii asociaiilor
fa de Consiliul de Mediere,
mpiedicndu-se n acest mod
atingerea scopului asociaiilor
care sunt nfinate prin voina
expres a asociailor i NU prin
voina Consiliului de Mediere ;
4. Ar urma s apar imposibilita-
tea promovrii i implement-
rii medierii ca profesie liberal,
ceea ce paralizeaz activitatea n
acest domeniu;
Evident c efectele negative
ce pot aprea ca urmare a adop-
trii unui asemenea regulament
pot continua, or, cu siguran, nu
aceasta este voina conducerii Con-
siliului de Mediere, mai cu seam
c poate surveni chiar pericolul ca
mediatorii (nscrii sau nu n aso-
ciaii) s nceap s cread n exis-
tena unor interese ``oculte`` care
au drept scop destabilizarea att a
profesiei care abia se contureaz n
societatea noastr, ct i a Consiliu-
lui ca instituie.
Cu toii tim i suntem de acord
c medierea, cu ct este mai promo-
vat i devine o profesie proftabil
pentru mediatori, cu att cei care se
ocup de formarea viitorului profe-
sionist mediatorul, vor avea bene-
fcii tot mai mari.
Scopul nfinrii i existenei
asociaiilor din domeniul medierii
este exclusiv acela de a promova i
implementa medierea n societatea
Temeiul legal al scopului asoci-
aiilor din domeniul medierii este
chiar legea medierii.
Asociaiile din domeniul medi-
erii existente pn n prezent, sunt
avizate prin hotrri judectoreti
emise de magistrai care au verifcat
legalitatea nfinrii unei asemenea
Suntem convini c toate pro-
punerile care ne-au fost prezentate
de ctre Consiliul de Mediere n
vederea modifcrii R.O.F.-ului au
aprut dintr-o eroare i ca urmare
a unei suprasolicitri n activitatea
pe care o desfurai, cum de altfel
ne-ai i mrturisit.
Tocmai de aceea apreciem n-
crederea pe care ne-o acordai de
a veni n sprijinul dumneavoastr,
cu opinii juridice avizate care pro-
vin i dintr-o experien practic n
domeniul promovrii i implemen-
on or another represents a con-
straint, which in legal terms is
called vice of consent obtained
by wicked means.
Tis would fagrantly violate the
right to free association guaranteed
and decided by the Constitution of
Romania itself, which is out of the
B. Supposing that ROF is prom-
ulgated under the form proposed,
the efects generated by the new
act would be contrary to the legal-
ity principle (and not only) which is
the base of the Mediation Council
functioning, namely:
1. From that moment on, Te Me-
diation Council would infringe
the rights, freedoms and the le-
gitimate interests of the persons
who form the Professional Body
of Mediators, namely the medi-
ators, who would no longer be
able to exert their voting right,
and the right to choose and to
be chosen would be restricted
by the association representation
2. Tere would be serious confusi-
ons, both theoretical and practi-
cal, about the notion Professio-
nal Body of Mediators, which is
exclusively made up of media-
tors, not of associates;
Mediator is the person by which
the mediation procedures carries
on under strict conditions of con-
fdentiality, etc., NOT the associa-
Te public act which appears in
the Ofcial Gazette is the PANEL
ter of Associations/Organizations
in the mediation feld which,
legally speaking, represents facul-
tative records that the Mediation
Council keeps, yet not being part of
the Councils attributions.
is the public act that becomes
known to any individual or legal
entity that wants to turn to media-
tion procedure;
is the public act which gathers the
mediators who are part of the Pro-
fessional Body of Mediators and
who opted for one of the four forms
to perform the profession:
a. Te mediator ofce;
b. the associated ofces of
mediators which should
be called grouped ofces
because their association
is strictly administrative,
legally preserving their au-
c. Civil Society of Mediators
d. Mediators employed by one
of the above-mentioned
is the public act which contains the
name of the mediator, the form of
the profession and the contact data,
in order to be reached.
Te box containing the afliation
of mediators to any association is
useless and only misleads the per-
son who turns to the professional.
Te support of the interferences
between the Professional Body of
Mediators and the mediation As-
sociations shows lack of profes-
sionalism, which puts our profes-
sion in a bad light.
Terefore, the Mediation Coun-
cil, through decisions that are to be
adopted, must not encourage such
3. Another negative efect is that
associations would become
subordinated to the Mediation
Council, thus afecting the pur-
pose of associations, which are
established through express will
of associations and NOT throu-
gh the will of the Mediation
4. Ten, there would be the im-
possibility to promote and im-
plement mediation as a liberal
profession, which actually pa-
ralyzes the activity in this area;
Obviously, the negative efects
that might appear if such regulation
is adopted could continue, but for
sure this is not the will of Mediation
Council management, especially
because of the risk that mediators
(registered or not in associations)
start believing in the existence
of hidden interests, which aim at
destabilizing both the profession
which has just begun to shape up
in our society, and the Mediation
Council as institution.
We all know and agree that the
more we promote mediation to
become a proftable profession for
mediators, the higher are the ben-
efts for those who handle the train-
ing of the future professional the
Te exclusive purpose of media-
tion associations establishment
and existence is to promote and
implement mediation in the Roma-
nian society.
Te legal grounds of mediation
associations purpose is the me-
diation law itself.
Te existing mediation associa-
tions are pre-approved by court de-
cisions issued by magistrates who
verifed the legality of establishing
such organizations.
We are convinced that all pro-
posals that have been presented by
the Mediation Council for ROF
modifcation appeared out of an er-
ror and overloaded activity, as you
Tat is precisely why we appreci-
ate the trust you showed us in sup-
porting you with specialized legal
opinions, coming from a practical
experience in promotion and im-
plementation of mediation in our
Tis way, together with all col-
medierea, tehnic i art
trii medierii n societatea noastr.
n acest mod, vom reui mpreun
i cu toi colegii din ar, care s-au im-
plicat n acest demers de a v sprijini,
s evitm orice posibilitate de apari-
ie a unei stri confictuale ntre Con-
siliul de Mediere i Asociaiile din
domeniul medierii, care nu au avut
cunotin pn n acest moment de
intenia modifcrii ROF-ului.
O asemenea stare confictual ar f
defavorabil, mai ales c nu ar putea
f soluionat dect n faa unei in-
stane de judecat, ceea ce contravi-
ne chiar nsi noiunii i profesiei de
mediator, iar acest aspect este exclus.
n concluzie, reiterm faptul c
n Regulamentul de Organizare i
Funcionare al Consiliului de Me-
diere nu au ce s caute prevederi
care s reglementeze, dicteze i
cenzureze activitatea asociaiilor
din domeniul medierii, deoarece
acestea nu intr n atribuiile le-
gale ale Consiliului.
C. In ipoteza absurd c totui se
insist pentru modifcarea R.O.F.-
ului n direcia n care ne-a fost
prezentat i avnd n vedere faptul
c aceast modifcare eman printr-
un act unilateral de voina al Con-
siliului de Mediere, neexistnd un
temei legal impus de un for superi-
or, v solicitm s luai act de fap-
tul c avei obligaia s ntiinai
toate Asociaiile i Organizaiile
din domeniul medierii, referitor la
faptul c instituia public Consi-
liul de Mediere urmeaz s trans-
fere autonomia entitii Asociaie/
Organizaie (subordonat exclusiv
voinei legale a membrilor asociai
dreptul la libera asociere find ga-
rantat i statuat n primul rnd de
Constituia Romniei) n subordi-
nea Consiliului, indicnd exact i
temeiul de drept n baza cruia se
face acest transfer.
Pentru aceasta se impune o dez-
batere public cu toate asociaiile/
organizaiile din domeniul medierii,
n care acestea s aib posibilitatea
s-i exprime liber punctul de vede-
re, mai cu seam c n site-ul Con-
siliului de Mediere nu a fost fcut
public sensul n care ar urma s se
modifce ROF-ul cu consecinele ce
vor decurge dintr-o asemenea mo-
difcare i nici datele la care sunt f-
xate edinele Comisiei Consultative.
Pentru toate motivele i aspecte-
le nvederate mai sus, v aducem la
cunotin faptul c n continuare
v stm la dispoziie pentru a v
sprijini n aplicarea cu efcien a
principiului descentralizrii care s
asigure o ct mai bun funcionare
a Consiliului de Mediere, principiu
ce guverneaz n solidar i cu cele-
lalte elemente activitatea instituiei
pe care o conducei.
Cu deosebit consideraie
Centrul Mediatorilor Profesioniti
prin Marina-Ioana Alexandru
leagues around the country who
involved in this situation, we will
succeed in avoiding any confict be-
tween the Mediation Council and
the Associations in mediation feld,
which have not been informed so
far on the intention regarding ROF
Such a confict state would
be unfavorable, especially that it
could only be solved before a court,
which challenges even the mediator
notion and profession itself, and
this is out of the question.
As a conclusion, we emphasize
that the Mediation Councils in-
ternal rules and regulations must
not include stipulations that reg-
ulate, dictate and censor the activ-
ity of associations in mediation
feld, because they are not part of
the Councils legal responsibili-
C. However, under the absurd
hypothesis that ROF is modifed
as presented and considering this
modifcation is a unilateral act
from the Mediation Council, in
the absence of legal grounds im-
posed by a higher forum, we urge
you to take notice on the fact that
you have the obligation to inform
all Associations and Organiza-
tions in mediation feld, about the
fact that the public institution Me-
diation Council is to transfer the
autonomy of entity Association/
Organization (exclusively subordi-
nated to the legal will of associate
members the right to free associa-
tion is guaranteed and decided by
the Constitution of Romania) un-
der the subordination of the Coun-
cil, also indicating the exact legal
grounds for this transfer.
For this purpose, there should
be a public debate with all asso-
ciations/organizations in mediation
feld, where they should be able to
freely express their point of view,
especially that the Mediation Coun-
cils website posted no information
about the way in which ROF is to
be modifed and the consequences
of such modifcation, nor the days
when the Consultative Commis-
sions meetings are held.
For all these reasons and aspects
above-mentioned, we let you know
you continue to have all our support
in efcient implementation of the
decentralization principle, which
should provide a proper function-
ing for the Mediation Council, a
principle that governs, together
with the other elements, the activity
of the institution you run.
Bucharest Center of Professional
through Marina-Ioana Alexandru
Cristina Florescu*
unoscut i intens folosit n
dreptul i practica rilor anglo-
saxone, conceptul de metod
alternativ de soluionare a confic-
telor ADR include toate formele
de acorduri extrajuridice a disputelor
prin intermediul unui ter, proce-
dura find o alternativ la litigiu n
instanele de stat i arbitraj. Cu acest
coninut, a gsit expresie n lucrrile
i practicile Uniunii Europene i tinde
ctre un sens general. Pe 21 mai 2008,
a fost adoptat Directiva 2008/52/EC
a Parlamentului European i a Con-
siliului privind cteva aspecte ale me-
dierii comerciale i civile, anunnd
scopul asigurrii unui acces mai bun
la justiie, ca parte a politicii Uniunii
Europene de a stabili o zon de liber-
tate, securitate i justiie.
n aceast privin, medierea
poate furniza mecanisme ADR
avantajoase fnanciar i o rezolvare
rapid a disputelor n cauzele civile
i comerciale prin intermediul pro-
ceselor concepute nevoilor prilor.
Este posibil ca acordurile care re-
zult din mediere s fe respectate
voluntar i ajut la meninerea unei
relaii amicale i sustenabile ntre
prile implicate.
Astfel, s-a acordat o atenie spe-
cial ADR, cernd statelor s o
promoveze n diferite domenii, iar
acum medierea este folosit la scar
larg n toat lumea, n tot felul de
dispute, de la divoruri la procese
civile, la probleme publice de poli-
tic foarte complexe n cadrul dis-
putelor internaionale.
Multe dispute care nu au rspuns
unei ncercri iniiale de negociere
pot f nc rezolvate prin interme-
diul medierii, procesul find dese-
ori foarte efcient. Strategia unei
proceduri de succes este abilitatea
mediatorului de a creea o discuie
mai productiv, pe care prile nu
au putut s o aib singure i de a
obine o soluie benefc pentru a
(PART 1)
Cristina Florescu*
nown and widely used in the
law and practice of Anglo-
Saxon countries, the concept
of Alternative Dispute Resolu-
tion - ADR includes all forms of
extrajudicial settlement of disputes
through a third party, the procedure
being an alternative to litigation in
state courts and arbitration. With
this content, it has found expres-
sion in the works and European Un-
ion practice and tends to a general
sense. On 21 May 2008 was adopted
Directive 2008/52/EC of the Euro-
pean Parliament and the Council on
certain aspects of mediation in civil
and commercial matters, announc-
ing the goal of ensuring better ac-
cess to justice, as part of European
Union policy to establish an area of
freedom, security and justice.
In this regard, mediation can
provide cost-efective ADR mecha-
nisms and quick resolution of dis-
putes in civil and commercial mat-
ters through processes tailored to
the needs of the parties. It is likely
that agreements resulting from me-
diation be complied voluntarily and
help maintaining amicable and sus-
tainable relationship between parties.
Tus, special attention has been
given to ADR issue, requiring
states to promote it in various felds
and now mediation is widely used
worldwide in all kind of disputes,
from divorces and civil lawsuits to
very complex public policy prob-
lems in international disputes.
Many disputes that have not
responded to an initial attempt
at negotiation can still be settled
through mediation, the process be-
ing very ofen efective. Te strategy
of a successful procedure is the abil-
ity of the mediator to create a more
productive discussion than the par-
ties could have had by themselves
and to achieve valuable solution in
order to fnally settle the dispute.
medierea, tehnic i art
rezolva n sfrit disputa. Cteoda-
t, scopul medierii este mai curnd
acela de a mbunti relaiile din-
tre prile care se vor mai confrun-
ta n viitor, sau chiar s le ajute s
nvee cum s abordeze un confict
cu alte pri n viitor.
ADR este acronimul general ac-
ceptat pentru soluionare alterna-
tiv a disputelor i denot toate
formele de soluionare a conficte-
lor, altele dect litigiul sau adjude-
carea prin intermediul curilor de
justiie sau arbitraj. ADR asigur
oportunitatea de a rezolva dispute-
le i confictele prin utilizarea unui
proces care se potrivete cel mai
unui anumit conlict sau disput.
Din aceste motive, muli practicani
de ADR prefer s foloseasc acro-
nimul pentru a denota cuvintele
soluionare potrivit a disputelor
(appropriate dispute resolution)
Astfel, ADR implic nu numai
aplicarea unor metode noi sau di-
ferite de rezolvare a disputelor, dar
i selecia sau design-ul unei proce-
duri care este cea mai potrivit unei
anumite dispute i prilor implica-
te n confict.
Aadar, domeniul ADR acope-
r o gam larg de mecanisme i
procese, anume concepute pentru a
asista prile n rezolvarea dispute-
lor n mod creativ i efcient. n m-
sura n care pot antrena selecia sau
concepia mecanismelor i procese-
lor, altele dect litigiul formal, aces-
te proceduri nu sunt intenionate s
substituie adjudecarea curii, ci mai
degrab s o suplimenteze. Cele
mai comune tipuri de ADR includ
negocierea, concilierea, medierea i
unele forme noi de arbitraj.
Medierea este o metod de rezol-
vare a confictelor cu ajutorul me-
diatorilor profesioniti impariali.
Benefciul major al medierii este
evitarea pronunrii unei decizii ju-
ridice obligatorii de ctre o instan,
care de cele mai multe ori este con-
siderat neplcut cel puin pen-
tru una dintre pri, i care poate
f contestat n instan chiar i n
faza de executare.
Medierea este infnit mai fexibil
n comparaie cu limitele daunelor
judiciare. Acordurile negociate eli-
min sau reduc n mod substanial
* Asistent universitar Senior de drept
comercial n cadrul Universitii Spiru Ha-
ret, Facultatea de Drept Bucureti, Docto-
rand, avocat n cadrul Asociaiei Barourilor
Bucureti, specializat n dreptul comercial,
mediere i arbitraj; arbitru Vienna W.C. Vis
Moot n ultimii ase ani.
1 Recent, aceast metod a fost numit
nu n Romnia, ci n rile care au neles
de mult benefciile medierii o metod po-
trivit de rezolvare a disputelor, Appropria-
te Dispute Resolution. Vezi C. Florescu, Me-
diation - an alternative method for settling
commercial dispute resolutions and the pos-
sibility of using it in banking domain, (Ro-
mania law perspective in Europe Treaty of
Lisbon, Ed. Hamangiu, 2010, 93-108) i C.
Florescu, Modern Alternative Methods for
Settlement of Commercial Disputes, (Roma-
nian Arbitration Journal, 2007, 1 (1), Ren-
trop & Straton, Bucuresti, 25-30)
riscurile i costurile. Medierea este
un proces de rezolvare a disputelor
care este familiar practicanilor de
drept comercial. Medierea, n faz
incipient, este exclusiv folositoare
n unele cazuri neprevzute, cos-
tisitoare pentru a f rezolvate n
instan, deseori foarte tehnice i
nepotrivite rezolvrii judiciare.
Deoarece costurile unui liti-
giu continu s creasc, odat cu
creterea instabilitii economice,
frmele ar putea s ia n considerare
medierea pentru rezolvarea dispu-
telor. Exist un numr de benefcii
n acest caz.
n primul rnd, prile deseori
se mpotrivesc medierii, dar acest
lucru poate f explicat prin tradiie,
educaie i fundal cultural, pe lng
aplicarea rezultatului medierii, care
ar putea necesita constrngerile
statului. n al doilea rnd, mai ales
n cazurile comerciale, care pot f
foarte subiective i unde legea este
deseori contradictorie, medierea
poate deveni cu adevrat efcient.
n cele din urm, natura fexibil
i costurile mici ale medierii, n
comparaie cu litigiul i arbitrajul,
pot permite prilor implicate mai
mult libertate n negocierea unor
acorduri de succes.
n privina naturii procesului,
medierea este un proces n care
prile se ntlnesc cu o persoa-
na imparial i neutr, de comun
acord aleas, care le asist n nego-
cierea diferenelor dintre ele.
Medierea las puterea de deci-
zie exclusiv prilor. Mediatorul
nu decide ceea ce este corect sau
bine, nu analizeaz culpa, i nici
nu furnizeaz opinii n legatur cu
meritele sau ansele de succes n ca-
zul soluionrii n instan. Mai de-
grab, mediatorul acioneaz ca un
catalizator ntre interesele oponen-
te, ncercnd s le aduc mpreun
prin defnirea problemelor i elimi-
narea obstacolelor comunicrii, n
timp ce modereaz i ghideaz pro-
cesul pentru a evita confruntarea i
reaua credin. Totui, mediatorul
va cuta concesii de la ambele pri
n timpul procesului.
Medierea poate de asemenea
s fe descris ca o negociere asis-
Negocierile asistate prin
mediere pot ajuta la umplerea go-
lurilor. Prile pot sau nu s fe re-
prezentate de ctre consultant, dar
mediatorul acioneaz n cadrul
procesului medierii ca o persoan
neutr, pentru a ajunge la o soluie
i pentru a ncerca rezolvarea dis-
putelor care au aprut ntre pri.
De obicei, procedurile discutate
2 Vezi R. Posell, Mediation spells tra-
de dress success, (US: Mediation, Novem-
ber 2008), <
3 Vezi JAMS Mediation Guide, A Gui-
de to theMediation Process for Lawyers and
their Clients,
Sometimes the purpose of media-
tion is sooner to improve relation-
ships among the parties who will
have to deal with each other again,
or even to help them learn how to
best handle confict with other par-
ties in the future.
ADR is the generally accepted
acronym for alternative dispute
resolution and denotes all forms
of dispute resolution other than
litigation or adjudication through
the courts of justice or arbitration.
ADR provides an opportunity to re-
solve disputes and confict through
the utilization of a process that is
best suited to a particular dispute
or confict. For this reason many
ADR practitioners prefer to use the
acronym to denote the words ap-
propriate dispute resolution
ADR thus involves not only the
application of new or diferent
methods to resolve disputes, but
also the selection or design of a
procedure which is best suited to
the particular dispute and to the
parties in dispute.
Te feld of ADR therefore covers
a broad range of mechanisms and
processes designed in particular to
assist parties in resolving disputes
creatively and efectively. In so far
as this may involve the selection
or design of mechanisms and pro-
cesses other than formal litigation,
these procedures are not intended
to substitute court adjudication, but
rather to supplement it. Te most
common types of ADR include ne-
gotiation, conciliation, mediation
and some new forms of arbitration.
Mediation is a method of resolv-
ing disputes through the aid of im-
partial, trained professional media-
tors. Te major beneft of mediation
is avoiding to render a legally bind-
ing decision by a court, which most
of the time is considered unpleasant
at least for one of the parties and
which could be contested in court
even during the enforcement phase.
Mediation is infnitely more fex-
ible in comparison to the limits of
judicial relief. Negotiated agree-
ments eliminate or substantially
reduce risk and cost. Mediation is a
process of dispute resolution that is
familiar to commercial law practi-
* University Senior Lecturer of commerci-
al law at the Spiru Haret University, Bucha-
rest Faculty of Law, PhD Candidate, Bucha-
rest Bar Association lawyer, specialized in
commercial law, mediation and arbitration;
Vienna W.C. Vis Moot arbitrator in the last
six years.
1 Recently this method has been cal-
led - not in Romania, but in countries having
long understood the benefts of mediation -
an appropriate method to settle the dispute,
Appropriate Dispute Resolution. See also C.
Florescu, Mediation - an alternative method
for settling commercial dispute resolutions
and the possibility of using it in banking do-
main, (Romania law perspective in Europe
Treaty of Lisbon, Ed. Hamangiu, 2010, 93-
108) and C. Florescu, Modern Alternative
Methods for Settlement of Commercial Dis-
putes, (Romanian Arbitration Journal, 2007,
1 (1), Rentrop & Straton, Bucuresti, 25-30).
tioners. Mediation at an early stage
is uniquely useful in some com-
mercial cases that are particularly
unpredictable, expensive to litigate,
ofen highly technical and unsuited
to judicial resolution.
As litigation costs continue to
rise in the course of increasing
economic instability, companies
may want to consider mediation to
resolve their disputes. Tere are a
number of benefts to doing so.
First, parties are ofen reluctant
to mediate, but this can be ex-
plained as a tradition, education
and culture background, beside
the enforcement of the mediation
outcome, which may need the state
coercion. Second, particularly in
commercial cases, which can be
highly subjective and where case
law is ofen inconsistent, mediation
may become especially efective.
Finally, the fexible nature and low
cost of mediation, as compared to
litigation and arbitration, can allow
parties more freedom to negotiate
successful agreements.
Regarding the nature of the pro-
cess, mediation is a process wherein
the parties meet with a mutually se-
lected impartial and neutral person
who assists them in the negotiation
of their diferences.
Mediation leaves the decision
power totally and strictly with the
parties. Te mediator does not de-
cide what is fair or right, does not
assess blame nor render an opinion
on the merits or chances of success
if the case were litigated. Rather, the
mediator acts as a catalyst between
opposing interests attempting to
bring them together by defning
issues and eliminating obstacles to
communication, while moderating
and guiding the process to avoid
confrontation and ill will. Te me-
diator will, however, seek conces-
sions from each side during the
mediation process.
Mediation can also be described
as an assisted negotiation.
negotiations through mediation
can help bridge the gap. Te par-
ties may or may not be represented
by counsel but the mediator acts in
the mediation process as a neutral
to meet solutions and attempt to
resolve the disputes having arisen
between the parties. Usually, the
procedures discussed are those
typically followed in the mediation
of a dispute, however, each case is
diferent and fexibility is the se-
cret of the mediation process. Te
mediator is a neutral, unbiased
party hired jointly by the parties
2 See R. Posell, Mediation spells trade
dress success, (US: Mediation, November
2008), <
3 See JAMS Mediation Guide, A Guide
to the Mediation Process for Lawyers and
their Clients, <
medierea, tehnic i art
sunt cele care n mod normal sunt
urmate n medierea unei dispute,
totui, fecare caz este diferit, iar fe-
xibilitatea este secretul procesului
de mediere. Mediatorul este partea
neutr, imparial, angajat de co-
mun acord de ambele pri pentru a
aciona ca facilitator, care ncearc
s asiste prile n atingerea unui
acord acceptabil pentru toi. Ni-
ciun acord sau verdict nu este im-
pus prilor de ctre mediator; n
schimb, prile ncearc s ajung
la un acord comun acceptabil prin
intermediul procesului medierii.
Judectorii sunt cei care dau decizii
prilor i emit ordine, nu mediato-
rii. Mediatorilor li se poate cere, pe
timpul medierii, o evaluare a rezul-
tatului probabil al disputei, n cazul
n care ar f adus n instan sau
la curtea de arbitraj. Dac exist o
astfel de evaluare, ea este fcut la
cererea prilor, dar nu este obli-
gatorie, dect dac prile cer acest
lucru i sunt de acord. Procedurile
formale din instan sau curtea de
arbitraj nu sunt prezente n cadrul
medierii. Nu exist reguli de mr-
turie sau proceduri stabilite pentru
prezentarea faptelor sau poziiilor.
nainte ca medierea s nceap,
prile i mediatorul hotrsc asu-
pra procedurilor care vor f urma-
te. Sunt procedurile prilor; le pot
contura n orice fel pentru a avea
sens pentru ei i mediator. Aceast
absen a formalitilor asigur o
discutare deschis a problemelor i
permite schimbul liber de idei. Ast-
fel, devine mai uor s determini in-
teresele prilor i s confgurezi o
soluie care satisface acele interese.
Este foarte important de neles
c mediatorul nu are autoritate s
furnizeze o opinie executorie sau
s constrng prile ctre o deci-
zie, aa c devine misiunea prilor
s identifce un acord angajant n
acest proces al medierii. n cazul
n care medierea eueaz, prile se
pot angaja n oricare alt recurs le-
gal disponibil, inclusiv mecanisme
obligatorii, litigiul sau arbitrajul.
Dac mediatorul reuete s con-
ving prile c ncheie un acord
scris, acesta are fora unui contract
juridic angajant i aplicabil direct
4 Ibidem.
5 Directiva Medierii a UE recunoate
importana aplicrii ei i menioneaz n
paragraful 19 c medierea nu ar trebui s
fe privit ca o alternativ mai slab a pro-
cedurilor judiciare, n sensul c ndeplini-
rea acordurilor rezultnd din mediere ar
depinde de bunvoina prilor. Totui, n
timp ce Directiva UE asupra Medierii re-
trage articolul 6 potrivit cruia statele mem-
bre se asigur c e posibil ca prile s fac
un acord scris rezultat din aplicarea medi-
erii, las mecanismul s fe angajat statelor
membre, dup cum poate f impus de ctre o
instan sau alt autoritate competent ntr-
o judecat sau decizie sau ntr-un instru-
ment autentic n concordan cu legea sta-
telor membre. Vezi i: Edna Sussman, Te
Final Step: Issues in Enforcing the Mediati-
on Settlement Agreement, 6 (1-24), <http://
Medierea este un proces
confdenial, care se desfoar ntr-
un cadru limitat ales de ctre pri,
n timp ce audierile din instane sunt
publice. Confdenialitatea proce-
durilor medierii ncurajeaz prile
s supun disputa lor medierii.

Mediatorul este cel care faciliteaz
crearea unui coridor al comunicrii
ntre pri, prin care acestea trebuie
s gseasc cel mai bun mod de a
rezolva confictul dintre ele. Me-
diatorul folosete tehnici potrivite
i trebuie ntotdeauna s ncerce s
mbunteasc i s extind dialo-
gul dintre pri, pentru a ajunge la o
nelegere. Neutru find, mediatorul
nu ofer sfaturi juridice, ci conduce
prile n procesul de rezolvare a pro-
blemelor, pentru a ajunge la o posibil
soluie la disput. Aadar, o soluie ac-
ceptabil pentru amndou prile va
f mai degrab respectat, iar prile
pot s reia relaia nainte de escalarea
n consecin, mediatorul este o
resurs neutr fr de pre pentru
toi participanii n procesul medierii.
Avocaii, practicanii i orice fel de
profesionist implicat n soluionarea
disputei prilor i clienii lor fo-
losesc expertiza, nelepciunea,
experiena i abilitile unui me-
diator neutru pentru a interpreta
strategii de negociere i a dezvolta
soluii pentru acordul lor. Medi-
atorul menine procesul focalizat
i l face s avanseze. Este, aadar,
nevoie ca persoanele neutre, cum
sunt mediatorii, care includ avocai,
foti judectori, psihologi i alii, s
fe profesioniti experimentai, cu o
pregtire foarte bun.
n cele ce urmeaz, vom rezu-
ma cteva observaii generale asu-
pra principalelor caracteristici ale
procesului de mediere.
1. Formele medierii difer n
funcie de domeniul n care medi-
erea este aplicat. n rile vestice, i
mai ales n SUA, procesul medierii a
fost mai nti implementat n drep-
tul de familie i n relaiile munc-
management i apoi pentru proteja-
rea drepturilor consumatorilor. Cu
siguran, domeniul comercial, pe
care ne axm prezentarea, a fost i
continu s fe cel mai important
domeniu n care procesul medierii
este cel mai potrivit.
2. Medierea poate f dezvoltat
n relaiile internaionale ori locale,
pentru probleme publice sau pri-
Medierea are o istorie lung n
relaiile internaionale i a devenit
i mai folosit datorit avantajelor
i benefciilor, n paralel cu dezvol-
tarea sistemului de stat. Practicanii
au ajuns s considere medierea
parte a arsenalului lor, iar cteva
6 J.M. Grossman, Clarifying the conf-
dentiality of mediation evidence, (Los Ange-
les Lawyer, April 2004), 14-20
7 Vezi JAMS Mediation Guide.
to act as a facilitator who attempts
to assist the parties in reaching an
agreement that is acceptable to all
of them. No agreement or ruling
is imposed upon the parties by the
mediator; instead, the parties try to
reach a mutually acceptable agree-
ment through the negotiation pro-
cess. It is judges and arbitrators that
render decisions for the parties and
issue orders, mediators do not. Me-
diators may be requested during the
course of mediation to provide their
evaluation of the probable outcome
of a dispute were it to be litigated or
arbitrated. If there is such an evalu-
ation, it is done at the request of the
parties but it is not binding upon
them unless they request and agree
to it. Te formal procedures found
in court or arbitration proceed-
ings are not present in mediation
proceedings. Tere are no rules of
evidence or set procedures for the
presentation of facts or positions.
Before mediation commences, the
parties and the mediator agree
upon the procedures that will be
followed. It is the parties proceed-
ing; they can fashion it in any way
that makes sense to them and the
mediator. Tis absence of formal-
ity provides for open discussion of
the issues and allows the free inter-
change of ideas. Tus, it becomes
easier to determine the interests of
the parties and to fashion a solution
that satisfes those interests.
It is very important to compre-
hend that the mediator has no au-
thority to render a binding opinion
or bind the parties to a decision,
so it becomes the parties mission
to identify a binding agreement in
this process of mediation. In case
the mediation fails, the parties
may engage in any other recourse
legally available to them, including
binding mechanisms, such arbitra-
tion and litigation. If the mediator
succeeds to persuade the parties to
conclude a written agreement, the
latter has a force as a legally binding
and directly enforceable
Mediation is a confdential pro-
cess that is under way in a limited
frame chosen by the parties, while
4 Ibidem.
5 Te EU Mediation Directive recogniz-
es the importance of enforcement and states
in paragraph 19 that mediation should not
be regarded as a poorer alternative to judi-
cial proceedings in the sense that compliance
with agreements resulting from mediation
would depend on the good will of the parties.
However, while the EU Mediation Directive
calls in Article 6 for Member States to ensure
that it may be possible for parties to make
a written agreement resulting from media-
tion enforceable, it leaves the mechanism to
be employed to the Member State as may be
made enforceable by a court or other compe-
tent authority in a judgment or decision or in
an authentic instrument in accordance with
the law of the member state. See also Edna
Sussman, Te Final Step: Issues in Enforcing
the Mediation Settlement Agreement, 6 (1-24),
the hearings in front of the state
courts are public. Confdentiality
of mediation proceedings encour-
ages the parties to submit their dis-
pute to mediation.
Te mediator
is the one that facilitates the crea-
tion of a corridor of communica-
tion between the parties through
which the latter have to fnd their
best way to resolve the confict be-
tween them. Te mediator uses ap-
propriate techniques and needs to
always try to improve and enlarge
the dialogue between the parties in
order to reach an agreement on the
dispute. As a neutral, the mediator
does not ofer legal advice but leads
the parties in the problem solving
process in order to reach a possible
solution of the dispute. Terefore,
an acceptable solution for both
sides will be rather respected and
the parties can resume the relation-
ship before the confict escalation.
Consequently, the mediator is a
priceless neutral resource to all par-
ticipants in the mediation process.
Lawyers, practitioners and all kind
of professionals involved in solving
parties disputes and their clients
use the expertise, wisdom, experi-
ence and skills of a neutral media-
tor to construe negotiation strate-
gies and develop solutions for their
settlement. Te mediator keeps
the process focused and moving
forward. It is therefore necessary
that neutrals as mediators, which
include lawyers, former judges,
psychologists, and others, be highly
trained, experienced professionals.
In the following we will sum-
marize some general considera-
tions about the main features of
the mediation process.
1. Te forms of mediation difer
according to the feld where the
mediation process is applied. In
western countries, and especially
in the USA, the mediation process
was frst implemented in the feld of
family law and the labour-manage-
ment relationships and aferwards
also in order to protect the con-
sumers rights. Certainly, the com-
mercial feld, on which we focus our
presentation, was and continues to
be maybe the most important do-
main in which the process of me-
diation most appropriate.
2. Mediation can be developed in
international or local relationships,
in private or public matters.
Mediation has a long history in
international relations and has be-
come increasingly used thanks to
its advantages and benefts, paral-
lel to the development of the state
system. Practitioners have come
to consider mediation as part of
their arsenal, and some of the early
6 J.M. Grossman, Clarifying the conf-
dentiality of mediation evidence, (Los Ange-
les Lawyer, April 2004), 14-20
7 See JAMS Mediation Guide.
medierea, tehnic i art
lucrri timpurii asupra practicii
medierii sunt dovezi puternice
ale experienei i nelepciunii
lor. n aceast sfer, medierea
internaional este deseori prestat
de ctre un reprezentant formal al
unui stat, al unei organizaii regi-
onale sau al Naiunilor Unite, ulti-
mele dou ajungnd s predomine
n a doua jumtate a secolului XX.
n acelai timp, intervenii informa-
le realizate de ctre persoane res-
pectate i de intermediari religioi
au nceput s aib o importan
crescut n medierea internaional.
Munca depus de ctre fostul
preedinte american Jimmy Car-
ter i diplomaia calm neofcial
a organizaiilor Quakers servesc
drept exemplu.
3. Este de asemenea esenial de
recunoscut o diferen fundamen-
tal ntre medierea din minile
autoritilor publice i formele
obinuite de mediere, care sunt
realizate de ctre instituii private
specializate (cum ar f Centrul de
Mediere a Disputelor Comerciale
din Romnia - CMDC) sau de c-
tre mediatori privai numii direct
de ctre pri n timpul acordului
trecut, potrivit Legii Medierii nr.
4. Procesul medierii poate f obli-
gatoriu sau facultativ.
Sunt unele ri (SUA, Slovenia)
unde medierea n cauzele comer-
ciale i nu numai este organizat
obligatoriu de ctre lege i curtea de
justiie a statului este direct implica-
t n acest proces. Numai n cazul
n care disputa nu poate f rezolvat
prin aceast mediere obligatorie, de
obicei condus de judectorii de stat
direct, prile au dreptul s depun
cauza la jurisdicia competent.
Cea mai frecvent activitate de
mediere utilizat are un caracter fa-
cultativ i este prestat de ctre me-
diatori privai numii prin acordul
prilor direct sau prin intermediul
unei instituii, cum ar f CMDC.
Sunt cteva contracte comerciale
internaionale importante n care
prile, pentru nceput, numesc,
printr-o clauz compromisorie, un
mediator neutru, bine cunoscut i
respectat de ctre acestea, sau in-
dic n contract instituia care va
realiza medierea, cum ar f CMDC.
Acest tip de mediere este similar
n unele privine procedurii ad-
judecrii, ce confer n principal
mai mult putere adjudectorului,
care este obligat dup discuiile
cu prile s dea o soluie. Aceast
soluie nu este executorie i rmne
ca o sugestie dat prilor, care au
dreptul s accead instana de stat
8 R.J. Fisher, Methods of Tird-Party
Intervention - Towards Confict Transfor-
mation, Berghof Handbook for Confict
Transformation, (Berghof Research Cen-
ter for Constructive Confict Management,
April 2001), 6 (1-27), <http://www.berghof-
competent sau curtea de arbitraj,
pentru a obine o decizie obligato-
rie, care mai departe poate f aplica-
t prin mijloace legale.
5. Medierea poate f aplicat n-
tre dou pri pentru a soluiona
anumite dispute n cadrul relaiilor
bilaterale, dar poate de asemenea
s implice mai multe pri i mai
ales n cazurile n care partea neu-
tr este chemat pentru a asista n
litigiile multilaterale sau negocieri.
Complexitatea mai mare i pro-
vocrile unor astfel de intervenii
multilaterale au devenit de abia de
curnd subiectul ateniei teoretice
i practice n domeniul medierii.

6. Este de asemenea posibil ana-
liza a diferite forme de mediere n
relaie cu momentul i perioada
cnd acest proces este prestat.
Ca regul, medierea poate f folo-
sit pentru rezolvarea disputelor. n
ultimii ani, implicarea mediatorilor
a fost din ce n ce mai mult accep-
tat n fazele incipiente ale negoci-
erilor complexe, implicnd multe
pri, incluznd nu numai dezvolta-
re de proiecte, dar i societi mixte,
fuziuni i achiziii i alte contracte
Dac este acceptat de toate
prile, un specialist neutru deseori
poate face diferena ntre ncheie-
rea unui acord sau nu. Un mediator
de acorduri este un simplu consilier
neutru, de obicei un avocat speci-
alizat pe comercial, funcionnd
ca intermediar sau facilitator.
consecin, n faza de negociere a
unui contract de afaceri important,
va f folositor dac prile apeleaz
la un ter, un mediator specializat
pentru a gsi cea mai bun for-
mul n cazul clauzelor majore din
contract, acceptabile pentru toate
prile implicate.
De multe ori, un mediator ne-
utru poate facilita managementul
procesului de negociere, ajutnd
prile s-i neleag poziiile i sti-
mulnd gndirea creativ, pentru a
ajuta prile s ajung la o soluie
ctig-ctig. n acest rol mai activ,
mediatorul neutru devine ce este
din ce n ce mai recunoscut ca me-
diator de tranzacii.
Utilitatea medierii, axat
pe diagnosticarea potrivit i
mbuntirea relaiilor, ine de ro-
lul complementar foarte folositor
pe care l joac, n special n aceas-
t faz de pre-negociere, n care
terul acioneaz pentru facilitarea
9 Ibidem.
10 M. Hager, R. Pritchard, Deal Medi-
ation: How ADR techniques can help achie-
ve durable agreements in the Global Markets,
(Transnational Dispute Management, Volu-
me I, issue 01, February 2004), <http://www.
11 Vezi de asemenea n aceasta privin-
, M. Daiker, No J.D. Required: Te Criti-
cal Role and Contributions of Non-Lawyer
Mediators, (Te Review of Litigation, July
2005), <
works on the practice are powerful
testimonials to their personal expe-
rience and wisdom. In this sphere,
international mediation is ofen
performed by a formal representa-
tive of a state, regional organization,
or the United Nations, with the
latter two coming to predominate
in the second half of the twentieth
century. At the same time, informal
interventions by esteemed persons
and religious intermediaries have
come to be of an increasing impor-
tance in international mediation.
Te current work of former U.S.
President Jimmy Carter and the
quiet unofcial diplomacy of the
Quakers serve as illustrations.
3. It is also essential to recognize
a fundamental diference between
mediation in the hands of public
authorities and ordinary forms
of mediation which are realized
by specialized private institutions
(such as CMCD - Centre of the
Mediation of Commercial Dis-
putes - in Romania) or by private
mediators appointed directly by the
parties throughout their previous
agreement, according to the Media-
tion Law no. 192/2006.
4. Te process of mediation could
be a mandatory or a facultative one.
Tere are some countries (USA,
Slovenia) in which the mediation
process in commercial and other
matters is organized mandatorily by
law and the state court justice is di-
rectly involved in this process. Only
if a dispute cannot be settled by this
mandatory mediation, usually con-
ducted directly by state judges, the
parties have the right to submit the
matter to the competent jurisdiction.
Te most frequently used media-
tion activity has a facultative char-
acter and is performed by private
mediators appointed by agreement
of the parties directly or through a
mediation institution such as the
Romanian CMCD.
Tere are some important inter-
national commercial contracts in
which the parties, for the beginning,
appoint by a compromisory clause
a neutral mediator, well-known
and respected by them, or they in-
dicate in the contract the institution
which will realize the mediation,
such as CMCD.
Tis kind of mediation is similar
in some way to the adjudication
procedure, which confers in princi-
pal more power to the adjudicator,
who is obliged afer the full discus-
sions with the parties to render a
solution. Tis solution is not man-
datory and remains as a suggestion
to the parties which have the right
8 R.J. Fisher, Methods of Tird-Party
Intervention - Towards Confict Transfor-
mation, Berghof Handbook for Confict
Transformation, (Berghof Research Cen-
ter for Constructive Confict Management,
April 2001), 6 (1-27), <http://www.berghof-
to accede to the competent state
court or to an arbitration tribunal
in order to obtain a mandatory de-
cision, which could be further en-
forced by legal means.
5. Mediation can be applied be-
tween two parties in order to set-
tle some disputes in their bilateral
relationships, but can also involve
multiple parties and especially in
the case when the neutral party is
called upon to assist in multilat-
eral litigations or negotiations. Te
greater complexity and challenge
of such multilateral interventions
have only recently become the sub-
ject of theoretical and practical at-
tention in the mediation feld.

6. It is also possible to analyze
diferent forms of mediation in re-
lation with the moment and period
when this process is performed.
As a rule, mediation may be used
for resolving disputes. In recent
years, the involvement of mediators
has been more and more accepted
in the earliest stage of complex, mul-
tiparty negotiations, including not
only project development, but also
joint ventures, mergers and acquisi-
tions and other multiparty contracts.
If accepted by all parties, a neu-
tral specialist can ofen make the
real diference between concluding
an agreement or not. A deal media-
tor is simply a neutral adviser, usu-
ally a specialized commercial law-
yer, functioning as an intermediary
or facilitator.
Consequently, in the
negotiation stage of an important
business contract, it will be useful
that the parties apply to a third spe-
cialized mediator in order to fnd
the best formula for some major
clauses of the contract, acceptable
for all the involved parties.
Ofen a neutral mediator can
facilitate managing the negotiating
process, helping the parties to un-
derstand each others positions and
stimulating creative thinking in
leading the parties to reach a win-
win solution. In this more active
role, the neutral mediator becomes
what is increasingly recognized as a
deal mediator.
Te utility of mediation, with its
focus on proper diagnosis and im-
provement of relationships, resides
in the very useful complementary
role that it can play, especially in
this pre-negotiation stage, in which
the third-party works to facilitate
a negotiated settlement on sub-
9 Ibidem.
10 M. Hager, R. Pritchard, Deal Medi-
ation: How ADR techniques can help achie-
ve durable agreements in the Global Markets,
(Transnational Dispute Management, Volu-
me I, issue 01, February 2004), <http://www.
11 See also in this respect, M. Dai-
ker, No J.D. Required: Te Critical Role
and Contributions of Non-Lawyer Media-
tors, (Te Review of Litigation, July 2005),
medierea, tehnic i art


unui acord negociat prin folosirea
raiunii, persuasiunii, controlului
efcient al informaiei i sugerarea al-
ternativelor. Aici nenelegerile sunt
clarifcate, aspectele emoionale
sunt separate de cele fundamentale,
i este construit un sentiment de
ncredere, pe care prile l pot ad-
opta n cadrul negocierilor.
important de luat n considerare c
mediatorul nu reprezint interesele
nici uneia dintre pri. Mediatorul
ghideaz prile printr-o discuie
preliminar a procesului, apoi le
ajut s defneasc aspectele care
trebuie adresate n vederea atingerii
unei soluii, apoi faciliteaz explora-
rea factorilor relevani ai fecruia
dintre aceste aspecte, i n fnal asis-
t prile s conceap opiuni i s
ajung la o soluie efcient.
Pare evident c exist unele
combinaii de negociere i mediere
care reduc riscul de blocaj al ne-
gocierilor, pot anticipa confictele,
previn disputele i de aceea conduc
prile n sondarea de aranjamente;
astfel exist bune motive pentru
o promovare activ a unui spe-
cialist legal nou - mediatorul de
tranzacii neutru care acioneaz
pentru toate prile implicate.
Medierea poate interveni n
timpul unui litigiu n ateptare (n
faa instanei sau a unui tribunal de
arbitraj) sau nainte de nceperea
oricreia dintre acele proceduri. n
prima situaie, procedura se va sus-
penda potrivit codului de procedu-
r civil; n a doua situaie, potrivit
Regulilor Procedurii de Mediere
(art. 12 (5).
7. n general, n majoritatea ca-
zurilor, sistemul judiciar este su-
prancrcat, copleit i aspir la mai
mult modernitate. Exist o lips
de confort n ceea ce privete siste-
mul judiciar, ceea ce este o refecie
a societii noastre.
Medierea este o msur de paci-
fcare a confictelor, care are scopul
unei justiii califcate, mai fexibil
i mai modern.
Prile se pot reconstrui, relaiile
viitoare se pot pstra, confictele
pot f pacifcate; prile, care i-au
asumat responsabilitatea, i g-
sesc propriile soluii, pe ct posibil
aproape de interesele lor i departe
de violena i publicitatea dezbate-
rilor juridice.
Sunt rare situaiile n care con-
fictele sunt limitate numai la prile
implicate n proces: confictele cu-
plurilor care divoreaz afecteaz
ntreaga familie, litigiile de munc
au repercusiuni asupra a ceea ce-l
nconjoar pe cel demis i asupra
ntregii afaceri, procesele comerci-
ale implic toate prile din afacere
i atrag cu sine terminarea relaiilor
comerciale, i n unele cazuri chiar
nchiderea defnitiv a afacerii.
Criza autoritii morale, care re-
12 R.J. Fisher, Methods of Tird-Party
Intervention, 11,12.
zolv majoritatea confictelor dintre
oameni, a produs o explozie de liti-
gii n majoritatea statelor europene,
care a condus la incapacitatea de
rezolvare a confictului fr a recur-
ge la judector. Dar n zilele noastre
cutm o evoluie a actului judec-
toresc. Concilierea condus de ctre
un judector i medierea nsrcinat
unui ter sunt unelte adiionale date
sistemului, pentru a permite nde-
plinirea misiunii sale. Aceste unel-
te sunt destinate regndirii rolului
tradiional al mediatorului, care de
obicei decide cazul ca un judector,
n concordan cu statul de drept,
adugnd o perspectiv mai distan-
t i mai obiectiv, astfel contribu-
ind la pacea social i prosperitate.
Rezolvarea unui confict pe alte
ci dect cel clasic judiciar a deve-
nit indispensabil ntr-o societate
care este slbit de complexitatea
regulilor sale de funcionare i de
individualismul membrilor si.
Concilierea i medierea permit,
prin favorizarea nelegerii comune
a prilor afate n litigiu, s rezolve
disputele ntr-un mod permanent.
8. Rezultatul fnal al unei
nelegeri este consecina litigiului,
dar aceasta nu ar trebui s fe nvin-
s de principala cauz a litigiului.
Mediatorul nu trebuie s se pla-
seze n centrul litigiului i s deci-
d asupra aspectelor confictului
n urma propriei percepii, ci este
necesar ca prile s fe plasate n
centrul litigiului.
Medierea ia n considerare toate
aspectele confictului gndit ca un
ntreg. De asemenea, aduce laolalt
toi actorii participani n confict. Va
permite prilor s nu uite acordul
lor sau s uite de trecut, ci s recreeze
ntre ei alte relaii, n care va f pstrat
tot ceea au trit. Medierea a permis
pacifcarea confictelor, iar singurul
regret verbalizat de ctre pri la
sfritul medierii e acela c medierea
nu li s-a propus mai devreme.
Numai prin abandonarea poziiei
de a ti cine a avut dreptate i cine a
greit, cine a fost executantul i cine
a fost victima, se ajunge la satisfa-
cerea nevoilor i intereselor funda-
mentale ale prilor, i s-a putut gsi
un rspuns care a rezolvat confictul.
Medierea permite prilor s se
elibereze de termenii litigiului i s
gseasc un acord potrivit interese-
lor lor. n timp ce soluia litigiului
prin aplicarea statului de drept este
rigid, soluia gsit n mediere este
fexibil, inovatoare i pragmatic,
de aceea, mai bine adaptat inte-
reselor fecreia dintre pri. Inte-
resele ambelor pri pot f aprate,
deoarece o judecat nu ar f putut
ajunge la o astfel de soluie, pentru
c judectorul este constrns de
termenii i condiiile litigiului i
de ctre lege. De aceea, n medie-
re, imaginaia prilor de a gsi un
acord este fertil.
9. Ceea ce o persoan ar trebui
stantive issues through the use of
reasoning, persuasion, efective
control of information, and sugges-
tion of alternatives. Here misunder-
standings are cleared up, emotional
issues are separated from the sub-
stantive ones, and a sense of work-
ing trust is built which the parties
can then take into negotiations.

It is important to take into consid-
eration that the mediator does not
represent either partys interests.
Te mediator guides the parties
through a preliminary discussion
of the process, then helps them de-
fne the issues that need to be ad-
dressed in order to reach a resolu-
tion, then facilitates an exploration
of the factors relevant to each of
those issues, and fnally assists the
parties to brainstorm options and
develop an efective solution.
It seems clear that there are some
combinations of negotiation and
mediation which reduce the risk of
blocking the negotiation, may an-
ticipate conficts, prevent disputes
and therefore lead the parties to
sounder contractual arrangements;
hence there are good reasons for an
active promotion of a new legal spe-
cialist - the neutral deal mediator -
who acts for all the involved parties.
Mediation could intervene dur-
ing a pending litigation (in front of
a court of law or arbitral tribunal) or
before any kind of those procedures
commences. In the former case, the
procedure will suspend according to
the civil procedure code; in the latter,
through in a minute (art. 12 (5) of
the Rules of Mediation Procedure).
7. In general, in most cases, the ju-
dicial system is overwhelmed, stufed,
and aspires to more modernity. Tere
is discomfort in the judicial system,
which is a refection of our society.
Mediation is a measure of paci-
fcation of conficts, which has the
purpose of a qualifed justice, more
fexible and more modern.
Te parties can reconstruct
themselves, future relations can be
preserved, conficts may be paci-
fed; the parties, who have taken
their responsibilities, fnd their own
solution, as close as possible to their
interests and far from the violence
and publicity of the judicial debates.
It is rare that conficts are limited
only to the parties in the trial: the
conficts of couples who divorce af-
fect all the family, labour litigation
has repercussions on the surround-
ings of the fred employee and the
whole business, the commercial tri-
als involve all the parties in the busi-
ness and bring about the termina-
tion of the commercial relationship,
while even, in some cases, resulting
in the defnite closing of the business.
Te crisis of the moral author-
ity solving most conficts between
people has produced an explosion
12 R.J. Fisher, Methods of Tird-Party
Intervention, 11,12.
of litigation in most European
countries that led to the incapac-
ity to settle the conficts without
recourse to a judge. But nowadays
we are seeking for an evolution in
the act of judging. Te conciliation
led by a judge and the mediation
entrusted to a third party, are ad-
ditional tools given to the system to
permit fulflling its mission. Tese
tools are meant to rethink the tradi-
tional role of a mediator, which usu-
ally decides the case like the judge,
according to the rule of law, while
adding thereto a more distant and
objective perspective, thus contrib-
uting to social peace and prosperity.
Settlement of conficts in some
other way than the classic judicial
one has become indispensable in a
society, which is weaken by the com-
plexity of its functioning rules and
by the individualism of its members.
Conciliation and mediation allow,
by favouring the mutual compre-
hension of the litigating parties, to
settle disputes in a permanent way.
8. Te fnal outcome of a settle-
ment is the consequence of the litiga-
tion, but this should not be overcome
by the principal cause of the litigation.
Te mediator should not place
himself at the centre of the litiga-
tion and decide the issue of the
confict following his own percep-
tion, but it is necessary to place the
parties at the centre of the litigation.
Mediation takes into considera-
tion all the aspects of the confict tak-
en as a whole. It brings also together
all the actors in the confict. It will
permit the parties not to break their
agreement or forget their past, but to
recreate between them some other
relationship where all that they have
lived through will be preserved. Me-
diation has permitted pacifcation
of conficts and that the sole regret
verbalized by the parties, at the end
of the mediation, could be that it had
not been proposed to them earlier.
It is by abandoning the position
of knowing who was right and who
was wrong, who the executioner
was and who the victim was, that
satisfaction of the parties funda-
mental needs and interests was
reached, and an answer which set-
tled their confict was found.
Mediation permits the parties to
free themselves from the terms of the
litigation and to fnd an agreement
consistent to their interests. While the
solution to the litigation by the appli-
cation of the rule of law is rigid, the
solution found in mediation is fexible,
innovative and pragmatic and there-
fore, better adapted to the interests
of each of the parties. Te interests of
both parties could be safeguarded, be-
cause a judgment could not have come
to such solution as the judge is bound
by the terms and conditions of the liti-
gation and by the law. Tat is why in
mediation the imagination of the par-
ties to fnd an agreement is fertile.
medierea, tehnic i art


s caute pentru a-i rezolva disputa
este (i) un acord uor executat i (ii)
un proces fexibil i adaptat.
(i) se poate spune c nu are nici
un rost s livrezi decizii ce nu sunt
executate, sau care sunt executa-
te cu difcultate pentru c nu sunt
acceptate i c nu este folositor s
emii judeci pentru un litigiu care
va continua apoi ntr-un nou litigiu.
n rile care aplic aceast meto-
d alternativ de rezolvare a dispu-
telor, medierea a artat c n cauzele
comerciale i civile exist acorduri
n aproximativ 80% dintre cazuri, i
c au fost executate fr difcultate
i foarte rapid.
Suntem de prere
c i sistemul romnesc trebuie s
13 B. Blohorn Brenneur, Vice Preedin-
te Fondator al GEMME (European Associa-
tion of Judges for Mediation), la First Inter-
national Conference of Judicial Mediation
(Mediation, the universal language of con-
fict resolution), (Paris, Palais du Luxembo-
urg, October 16-17, 2009).
Statisticile Camerei Sociale a Curii de
Apel de la Grenoble, care a ncercat un expe-
riment pe mediere i a ordonat mai mult de
1.000 de medieri ntre 1996 i 2005, demon-
streaz c n 15% dintre cazuri, angajatorul
a propus n mediere un numr mai mare
dect numrul condamnrilor din prima
instan la care apelase, i c n 45% din ca-
zuri, numrul a fost egal cu condamnrile n
instan. Este, deci, nepotrivit s meninem
ideea c medierea foreaz angajatul s ca-
pituleze. ntre 70 la 80% dintre medieri
a dus, n trei luni, la acorduri ctig-ctig
care sunt executate n mod spontan pentru
c sunt acceptate. Cvasi-totalitatea celor 700
de acorduri pe care Curtea de Apel de la Gre-
noble le-a omologat au fost deja executate la
audierile pentru omologare.
se adapteze la aceast practic i c
ar trebui s schimbe Codul Civil i
Codul de Procedur Civil pentru a
putea include o procedur special
care s dea acordului de mediere
fora legal a unei sentine.
Medierea permite ncheierea de
acorduri la care prile ader i n
consecin, o justiie mai rapid i
mai efcient. Departe de costurile
judiciare n cretere i pierderea de
timp, medierea, din contr, permi-
te salvarea de timp i bani, atunci
cnd acordurile sunt obinute n
mai puin de 3 pn la 5 luni i exe-
cutate voluntar.
(ii) datorit metodelor sale spe-
cifce care autorizeaz mediatorul
s aib discuii separate cu fecare
parte, medierea permite tergerea
tensiunii i aduce fexibilitate pro-
cesului juridic. Procedurile contra-
dictorii nu sunt de obicei aplica-
bile n mediere. Mediatorul poate
s vorbeasc singur cu una dintre
pri i s nu dezvluie coninu-
tul acestei discuii celeilalte pri.
Aceast fexibilitate nu poate f de
imaginat n procedurile juridice.
Totui, se cer garanii cu privire la
etica mediatorului. De aceea este
important ca mediatorii s adere
la Codul de Etic. Medierea nu tre-
buie s fe un obstacol la un proces
drept, n accepiunea Seciunii 6 a
Conveniei Europene.
- Continuarea in numarul urmator -
9. What one should look for in
order to settle its dispute is (i) an
agreement easily executed and (ii) a
fexible and adapted process.
(i) One could say that there is no
point in rendering decisions that are
not executed, or that are executed
with difculty because they are not ac-
cepted, and that it is not useful to ren-
der judgments for a litigation that will
continue thereafer in a new litigation.
In the countries that apply this
alternative method of solving the dis-
putes, mediation showed that in com-
mercial and civil matters, there were
agreements in approximately 80% of
the cases and that they were executed
without difculty and very rapidly.

13 B. Blohorn Brenneur, Founding
Vice President of GEMME (European Asso-
ciation of Judges for Mediation), at First In-
ternational Conference of Judicial Media-
tion (Mediation, the universal language of
confict resolution), (Paris, Palais du Luxem-
bourg, October 16-17, 2009).
Te statistics of the Social Chamber of the
Court of Appeal of Grenoble, which has at-
tempted a mediation experience and ordered
more than 1,000 mediations between 1996 and
2005, demonstrate that in 15% of the cases, the
employer proposed in mediation an amount
greater that the amount of the conviction in
frst instance which he had appealed, and that
in 45% of the cases, the agreed upon amount
was equal to the conviction in the judgment. It
is therefore inaccurate to maintain that mediati-
on forces the employee to surrender. 70 to 80%
of the mediations gave rise, in three months, to
win-win agreements that are spontaneously
executed because they are accepted. Te quasi
totality of the 700 agreements that the Court of
Appeal of Grenoble has homologated were al-
ready executed at the hearing for homologation.
We are of opinion that also the Ro-
manian system has to adapt to this
practice and should change the Civil
Code and Civil Procedural Code in
order to include a special procedure
giving the mediation agreement the
legal force of a judgment.
Mediation permits the conclu-
sion of agreements to which the
parties adhere and consequently, a
more rapid and efcient justice. Far
from increasing judicial costs or in-
ducing waste of time, mediation, on
the contrary, permits saving time
and money when the agreements
are obtained in less than three to fve
months and executed voluntarily.
(ii) Tanks to its specifc methods
that authorize the mediator to have
separate discussions with each party,
mediation permits tension to fall
and brings fexibility to the judicial
process. Contradictory proceedings
usually are not applicable in media-
tion. Te mediator may speak alone
with the party and not reveal to the
other the content of the discussion.
Tis fexibility cannot be imagined
in judicial proceedings. However
guarantees are required as to the
ethics of the mediator. Tat is why it
is important that mediators adhere
to Codes of Ethics. Mediation must
not be an obstacle to a fair trial in
the meaning of Section 6 of the Eu-
ropean Convention.
- To be continued -
Gabriela Clbureanu

justitia nu este legea. Justitia
este ceea ce ne da impulsul, forta sau
miscarea de a mbunatati legea

B: Postmodernismul ju-
ridic mprtseste caracteristici
asemanatoare acelora care au aparut
n domenii sociale diferite.
ticienii de drept au subliniat inadec-
varea crescuta a ierarhiilor juridice
moderne, care nu mai pot cuprinde
complexitatea practicilor si com-
portamentelor globale. Trebuiau sa
fe, la fel ca oricare alta institutie
moderna, un pic descentralizate,
deconstruite si dezorganizate. Inte-
1 Deconstruction in a nutshell: o con-
versaie cu Jacques Derrida editat de John
D. Caputo, pag. 125
2 Brendan J. Edgeworth, Legal Postmo-
dernization, in Consequences of Modernity
in Contemporary Legal Teory (Dunker &
Humblot, Berlin, 1998), pag. 117
lectuali ca Le Moigne vad pierderea
ordinii si a unitatii ca momente
necesare si creative n evolutia legii.
El se refera la: capacitatea pe care
sistemele legale ar trebui sa le aiba
n tolerarea - si chiar n crearea
anumitor ambiguitati si echivocuri,
redundante si chiar dezordini n ca-
drul articulatiilor sale interne, dar si
externe, pentru a facilita conditiile
pentru anumite momente inovatoa-
re de organizare proprie.

Structurile sociale rigide tre-
buiau sa se dezagregheze si sa se
re-organizeze pentru a refecta mis-
carea catre globalizare. Conditia
post-moderna a devenit fundalul
cultural al globalizarii, si de aici, a
nsasi societatii vestice. Globali-
zarea erodeaza Statul si pretentiile
sale teritoriale de suprematie legala.
3 Citat n Legal system between or-
der and disorder, de Michel van de Kercho-
ve and Franois Ost, Oxford University Pre-
ss, 1994 (retiparit 2002)
(PART 3)
Gabriela Clbureanu

...justice is not the law. Justice is
what gives us the impulse, the drive, or
the movement to improve the law

B: Legal postmod-
ernization shares characteristics
analogous with those which have
occurred in the various social
. Legal theorists had
emphasized the increasing inad-
equacy of the modern legal hierar-
chies unable to contain any longer
the increased complexity of the
global practices and behaviours.
Tey needed to be, just as the other
modern institutions, decentred, de-
1 Deconstruction in a nutshell: a con-
versation with Jacques Derrida edited by
John D. Caputo, page 125
2 Brendan J. Edgeworth, Legal Postmo-
dernization, in Consequences of Modernity
in Contemporary Legal Teory (Dunker &
Humblot, Berlin, 1998), page 117
constructed and disorganized a bit.
Scholars like Le Moigne see the loss
of order and unity as necessary and
creative moments in the evolution
of the law. He refers to: the capac-
ity that legal systems should have,
to tolerate and even create- some
ambiguities and equivocations,
some redundancies and even some
disorders within their internal as
well as external articulations, so
as to facilitate the conditions for
some innovative moments of self-

Rigid social structures needed to
disaggregate and re-organise as to
refect the movement towards glo-
balization. Te postmodern con-
dition became the cultural back-
ground of the globalization and
thus, of the Western society itself.
3 Cited in Legal system between or-
der and disorder, by Michel van de Kercho-
ve and Franois Ost, Oxford University Pre-
ss, 1994 (reprinted 2002)
medierea, tehnic i art


O lume globalizata si interdepen-
denta n crestere...a condus la limite
teritoriale stricte asupra jurisdictiei
din ce n ce mai inefciente.
gea nu poate f continuta n cadrul
granitelor nationale; este acum fara
Stat. n perioada postmodernismu-
lui, unitatea si ierarhia sistematica a
legii, caracteristici ale modernizarii
sale, se rup.
Numele marelui paradoxofer
nu este nici Jacques Derrida, nici
Niklas Luhmann. Numele sau este
globalizare. Dubiile frecvente n le-
gatura cu ierarhia legii, care au fost
att de usor reduse la tacere n tre-
cutul statelor nationale nu mai pot f
acum trecute la tacere. Explodeaza
n fata caracterului de fara stat a
lex mercatoria si alte practici care
produc legi globale fara stat. Globa-
lizarea legii este ceea ce omoara tatal
suveran (...) .
(citari omise)
Singurul acum mpovrat- Su-
veran s-a dizolvat ntr-o multitu-
dine de suverani forme valide
ale producerii legii, ceea ce face
ca Unicul Rege sa aiba doua, trei,
patru...multe corpuri!
juridic emergent are o pluralitate
nesistematica de surse de drept.

Metaforele moderne ale dreptului
referitoare la autonomie, unitate si
nchidere fac loc pluralitatii si des-
Limitele dintre public
privat, stat reguli reguli au-
to-impuse, subiectiv obiectiv
devin imprecise. Sistemul juridic
ca un tot devine de-diferentiat:
normele prin care se rezolva dis-
putele sunt acum mult mai greu de
clasifcat cu precizie, deoarece dis-
cursurile juridice si non-juridice
devin interconectate institutional.

Diversifcarea surselor juridice
s-a suprapus informalismului cres-
cnd al procedurilor juridice. Mai
multe cazuri sunt acum rezolvate
la masa medierii. Normele juridice
ale surselor multiple sunt luate n
serios de catre ofcialii instantelor.
Procesele n instanta sunt acum
percepute ca medieri esuate: ()
curtile traditionale impun partilor
obligatii dintre cele mai extinse
spre conciliere nainte de a se pre-
zenta n instanta. Aceasta poate lua
forma unei trimiteri catre un nego-
ciator specialist sau catre mediere
directa condusa de judecatori.

Aceasta reprezinta o ruptura de
credinta moderna, conform ca-
reia dreptul obiectiv formal este
forma suprema de justitie si ca ar
trebui extins ct se poate de depar-
4 Kal Raustiala, Te Geography of Justice,
73 Fordham L. Rev. 2501, (2005) la pag. 2512
5 Gunther Teubner, Te King's Many
Bodies: Te self-deconstruction of Law's hi-
erarchy, Supra note 22, la pag. 769
6 Idem, la pag. 777
7 Brendan Edgeworth, Law Modernity,
Postmodernity, la pag. 203
8 Idem, la pag. 165
9 Idem, la pag. 165
10 Idem
Pacea este acum restabilita n
principal prin moduri alternative
de rezolvare a disputelor, fundatia
noii pax americana. Dreptul post-
modern minimizeaza rolul jucat de
paix bourgeoise,
ncifrata in siste-
mele juridice ierarhice si n codu-
rile de legi.
Astfel, judecatorul postmodern
este un mediator, propovaduitor
al pax americana bazat pe moduri
alternative de rezolvare a disputelor.
Este un bricoleur, reconstruieste
precedentul si presteaza diferite
sarcini de constructie juridica cu
orice fel de materiale la ndemna.
n timp ce inginerul executa sarci-
nile si proiectele ghidat de un set
de postulatii si cunostinte practi-
ce, bricoleurul este orientat catre
obiectiv. Judecatorul bricoleur are
o minte primitiva (Levi-Strauss),
n sensul ca nu urmeaza reguli ex-
plicite restrictive sau tehnici proce-
durale. El se ocupa cu procedurile
rapide, fexibile si efciente vezi
de exemplu art. 46 al Codului de
Procedura Civila al Quebec: instan-
tele si judecatorii au toat puterea
necesara pentru exercitiul juris-
dictiei lor. Ei pot, n orice moment
si orice privinta, indiferent daca e
vorba de prima instanta sau cea de
apel, sa emita ordine de aparare a
drepturilor partilor, pentru perioa-
da si n conditiile pe care ei le pot
determina. De asemenea, acestia
pot, n cazurile prezentate lor, sau
chiar din proprie initiativa, sa emi-
ta sanctiuni sau avertismente, ho-
trri de retinere sau sa le declare
nefondate, si sa faca astfel de ordi-
ne potrivite pentru cazurile n care
legea nu mentioneaza o solutionare

n mod traditional, judecatorul
este chemat sa gaseasca un numitor
comun ntre valori aparent irecon-
ciliabile, cum ar f libertatea viola-
ta a cuiva si valoarea ei baneasca
(compensare baneasca). Cum su-
gera si Kant, daca lucrurile au ori
11 Helen M. Stacy, Postmodernism
and Law (Ashgate Dartmouth, 2001)
12 Andr-Jean Arnaud,Du jeu fni au
jeu ouvert: vers un droit post-moderne, n:
Le jeu: un paradigme pour le droit, sub
ndrumarea lui Franais Ost et Michel van
13 Art. 46 of Quebec Code of Civil Pro-
Globalization erodes the Nation
State and its territorial pretensions
of legal supremacy. An increasing-
ly interdependent and globalized
world... rendered strict territorial
limits on jurisdiction increasingly
Law cannot be con-
tained within the national borders;
it is now without a State. During
the postmodernism the unity and
systematic hierarchy of the law,
characteristics of its modernization,
Te name of the great paradoxi-
fer is neither Jacques Derrida nor
Niklas Luhmann. Its name is glo-
balization. Te recurrent doubts
about laws hierarchy so easily si-
lenced in the nation-states past can
be silenced no more. Tey explode
in the face of the statelesness of
lex mercatoria and other practices
that produce global laws without
the state. It is globalisation of law
that is killing the sovereign-father
(...) .
(citations omitted)
Te one single now over-
whelmed - Sovereign dissolved into
a multitude of sovereigns - equally
valid forms of law producing that
made Te One King to have Two,
Tree, Four, ... Many Bodies!
emergent legal landscape has an
unsystematic plurality of sources of
Te modern laws metaphors
of autonomy, unity and closure
give way to plurality and openness
Limits between public pri-
vate, state rules self-imposed
rules, subjective objective be-
come blurred. Te legal system as
a whole becomes de-diferentiated:
norms by which disputes are re-
solved are now much more difcult
to classify with precision as legal
and non-legal discourses become
institutionally intermeshed.

Te diversifcation of legal sourc-
es matched the increased informal-
ism of legal procedures. More cases
are now solved at the mediation ta-
4 Kal Raustiala, Te Geography of Justice,
73 Fordham L. Rev. 2501, (2005) at page 2512
5 Gunther Teubner, Te King's Many
Bodies: Te self-deconstruction of Law's hi-
erarchy, Supra note 22, at page 769
6 Idem, at page 777
7 Brendan Edgeworth, Law Modernity,
Postmodernity, at page 203
8 Idem, at page 165
9 Idem, at page 165
ble. Legal norms of plural sources
are taken seriously by the court of-
fcials. Trials before the courts of
law are perceived now to be failed
mediations: () the traditional
courts are imposing ever-widening
obligations on parties to conciliate
their diferences before coming to
court. Tis may take the form of
reference to a specialist negotiator
or direct mediation by judges.

Tis represents a break with the
modern belief that the formal ob-
jective law is the supreme form of
justice and that it should be extend-
ed as far as possible
. Peace is now
restored primarily by alternative
modes of dispute resolution, foun-
dation of the new pax americana.
Te postmodern law minimizes the
role played by the paix bourgeoise

encrypted in hierarchic legal sys-
tems and codes of laws.
Tus, the postmodern judge is
a mediator, the apostle of the pax
americana based on alternative
modes of dispute resolution. He is
a bricoleur, reconstructs the prec-
edent and performs various legal
construction tasks with whatever
materials happen to be at hand.
While the engineer executes tasks
and projects guided by a set of
theoretical postulates and practi-
cal knowledge, the bricoleur is
goal oriented. Te judge bricoleur
has a savage mind (Levi-Strauss)
in a sense that he does not follow
explicit restrictive rules or proce-
dural techniques. He is in charge
of fast, fexible and efcient proce-
dures - see for example at. 46 of the
Quebec Code of Civil Procedure:
Te courts and judges have all the
powers necessary for the exercise of
their jurisdiction. Tey may, at any
time and in all matters, whether in
frst instance or in appeal, issue or-
ders to safeguard the rights of the
parties, for such time and on such
conditions as they may determine.
As well, they may, in the matters
brought before them, even on their
own initiative, issue injunctions or
reprimands, suppress writings or
declare them libellous, and make
such orders as are appropriate to
deal with cases for which no spe-
cifc remedy is provided by law.

Traditionally, the judge is called
to fnd the common denominator
between apparently irreconcilable
values, such as somebodys violated
freedom and its value in money
(monetary compensation) . If, as
Kant suggests it, things have either a
10 Idem
11 Helen M. Stacy, Postmodernism
and Law (Ashgate Dartmouth, 2001)
12 Andr-Jean Arnaud, Du jeu fni
au jeu ouvert : vers un droit post-moderne,
dans : Le jeu : un paradigme pour le dro-
it, sous la direction de Franais Ost et Mi-
chel van Kerchove
13 Art 46 of Quebec Code of Civil Pro-
medierea, tehnic i art


un pret ori o demnitate,
sarcina pare aproape de imposi-
bil. Totusi, ntr-un climat juridic
postmodern, un judecator este mai
potrivit sa ndeplineasca aceasta
sarcina, din moment ce judecatorul
este (si) mediator. Dupa cum este
si unicul curier, comunicator al
legii pe care partile o identifca sin-
gure: n conditiile postmodernita-
tii...analistul social si va abandona
rolul legislativ n favoarea unui rol
de mediator ntre lumile sociale...,
interpret al culturilor straine.
Daca legea este, n esenta, un
proces de discutie rezonabila (pu-
blica si n zilele noastre privata),
atunci nu este deloc surprinzator
sa gndim ca, confictele din cadrul
societatii necesita abilitati de co-
municare pentru rezolvarea lor. i
probabil ca lucrurile stau asa mai
ales ntr-un climat juridic global,
unde fragmente de societate trans-
guvernamentala creeaza propriile
regimuri juridice, si, n afara ariilor
sociale, orice consens n legatura
cu continutul normelor este de
neatins. La nivel global, o ierarhie
de norme fundamentale generale,
universale este de neimaginat. Un
singur sistem juridic local nu este
sufcient pentru a reglementa, de
exemplu, tranzactiile de export,
pentru a aloca drepturi si responsa-
bilitati participantilor la o tranzac-
tie internationala de vnzare, pen-
tru a coordona tranzactii bancare
transnationale etc.
i n timp ce un acord privind nor-
mele fundamentale este de neimagi-
nat n acest peisaj mult diversifcat,
oamenii pot macar sa fe de acord
cu mecanisme procedurale, insti-
tutii sau practici care iau n serios
. unitatea dreptului
global nu mai este bazata pe structura,
ca n cazul statului national, n cadrul
unei consistente normative proteja-
te institutional; ci este mai degraba
bazat pe proces, derivnd n mod
simplu din modurile de conectare a
operaiunilor juridice

Atunci cnd accentul este
schimbat de pe unitate pe dife-
renta, de pe structura pe proces,

14 Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of
the Metaphysics of Morals tradus i edita-
t de Mary Gregor [NY: Cambridge, 1998],
pp. 42-43. Citat i de Franois Ost n Dire
le droit, faire justice , Bruylant, Bruxelles,
2007, Obiter Dicta, XX
15 Te Postmodern Turn, editat de
Steven Seidman, pag. 14 (Introducere)
16 Paul Schif Berman, Global Legal
Pluralism, Southern California Law Review,
[Vol. 80: 1155], la pag. 1164
17 Gunther Teubner & Andreas Fis-
cher-Lescano: Regime Collisions: Te Vain
Search for Legal Unity in the Fragmentation
of Global Law, 25:4 Mich. J. Intl. L. 999-1046
(2004) , pag. 1007
18 Ghunter Teubner, Global Bukovi-
na: Legal Pluralism in the World Society,
n Global Law Without a State, Dartmo-
uth, Aldershot, 1997, pag. 13. Vezi i Paul
Schif Berman, Supra note 61, la pag. 1164,
1166, 1168.
oportunitatile de voci multiple

se deschid. Mecanisme procedura-
le, institutii si practici sunt mai po-
sibil sa extinda gama de voci auzite
sau luate n considerare. Odata ce
s-a hotart asupra lor, procedurile
pot ajuta n controlarea (sau chiar
disciplinarea) confictului norma-
tiv prin aducerea actorilor multipli
mpreuna ntr-un spatiu social
n acest spaiu comun,
golurile normative din cadrul
comunitilor sunt negociate
mediate, discutate. Dialogul social
este asadar posibil, deoarece comu-
nicarea se petrece n concordanta
cu norme procedurale recunoscute
n mod general. n acelasi timp, un
spaiu social comun (unde goluri-
le normative sunt negociate) ofera
mediul cel mai bun pentru coordo-
narea fragmentelor colective.

Judecatorii s-au gndit sa fe me-
diatorii golurilor normative ntre
fragmentele colective opuse. Tre-
buie, de asemenea, sa fe gardienii
unui proces de comunicare corect
si norme procedurale care leaga
lumi separate contradictorii.
nfruntnd o pluralitate de nor-
me fundamentale care emana din
practici comerciale foarte particu-
larizate, extrem de detaliate si teh-
nice, este de negndit sa astepti de
la terti, un judecator, sa nteleaga
toate aspectele, legale, economice
sau sociale legate de tranzactiile
internationale mari. Totusi, ei pot
garanta integritatea procesului de
comunicare si normele sale proce-
durale. Acesta este motivul pentru
care vedem ca institutia amici cu-
riae creste n popularitate. ntr-o
societate pluralista guvernata de
tehnocrati, judecatorii arata din ce
n ce mai multe diferente fata de
cunostintele expertilor. Judecato-
rii nu mai stabilesc ei legea. Rolul
lor este oarecum redus la asigura-
rea unui proces de comunicare si
procedurile lui corecte. Judecatorii
trebuie sa comunice semnele si me-
sajele juridice schimbate ntre par-
ticipantii la discursul juridic.
Sensul unui mesaj este depen-
dent n mare masura de cultura n
care acesta este trimis. Orice obiect
de uz devine codifcat cu functia sa
sociala astfel nct obiectul nsusi
este o functie semn, o stratifcare de
sensuri care trebuie sa fe nedezva-
luite (Roland Barthes). ntre emita-
tor si receptor, zgomotul (cultura,
tabuuri, valori) intervine si compli-
ca procesul, distorsionnd sensul.
Jocul Telefonul fara fr este un
exemplu bun: o persoana ncepe
cu un anumit mesaj, care poate f
distorsionat pna cnd ajunge la
ultimul jucator - si de acolo nfo-
19 Paul Schif Berman, Supra note 61,
la pag. 1166
20 Idem, la pag. 1167
21 Idem, la pag. 1168
22 Gunther Teubner & Andreas Fis-
cher-Lescano, Supra note 62, la pag. 1017
price or a dignity
, this task seems
close to impossible. However, in a
postmodern legal climate, a judge
is better suit to accomplish the task
since the judge is (also) a mediator.
As such he is only the carrier, com-
municator of the law that parties
identify themselves: Under condi-
tions of postmodernity the social
analyst will abandon his legislative
role in favour of a mediator role be-
tween social worlds, interpreter
of alien cultures.
If law is, essentially, a process of
reasonable (public or, nowadays,
private) discussion, then it is not
altogether surprising to think that
conficts within the society require
communication skills to solve them.
And perhaps even more so in a
global legal climate where trans-
governmental fragments of society
are creating their own legal regimes
and, outside the social compart-
ments, any consensus on the con-
tent of the substantive norms is
beyond reach. At the global level a
hierarchy of general, universal sub-
stantive norms is unthinkable. A
single domestic legal system is not
sufcient to regulate, for instance,
the export credit transactions, to
allocate rights and responsibilities
among participants in an interna-
tional sale transaction, to coordi-
nate transnational banking transac-
tions, etc.
And while agreement on sub-
stantive norms is unreachable in
this much diversifed landscape,
people may at least acquiesce in
procedural mechanisms, institu-
tions or practices that take hybrid-
ity seriously
. the unity of
global law is no longer structure-
based, as in the case of the Nation-
State, within institutionally secured
normative consistency; but is rather
process-based, deriving simply
from the modes of connection be-
tween legal operations

When focus is shifed from unity
to diference, from structure to
opportunities for plu-
ral voices
open up. Procedural
14 Immanuel Kant, Groundwork of
the Metaphysics of Morals translated and
edited by Mary Gregor [NY: Cambridge,
1998], pp. 42-43. Quoted also by Franois
Ost in Dire le droit, faire justice, Bruylant,
Bruxelles, 2007, Obiter Dicta, XX
15 Te Postmodern Turn, edited by
Steven Seidman, page 14 (Introduction)
16 Paul Schif Berman, Global Legal
Pluralism, Southern California Law Review,
[Vol. 80: 1155], at page 1164
17 Gunther Teubner & Andreas Fis-
cher-Lescano: Regime Collisions: Te Vain
Search for Legal Unity in the Fragmentation
of Global Law, 25:4 Mich. J. Intl. L. 999-1046
(2004), page 1007
18 Ghunter Teubner, Global Bukovina:
Legal Pluralism in the World Society, in Glo-
bal Law Without a State, Dartmouth, Alder-
shot, 1997, page 13. See also Paul Schif Ber-
man, Supra note 61, at pages 1164, 1166, 1168.
19 Paul Schif Berman, Supra note 61,
at page 1166
mechanisms, institutions, and
practices are more likely to ex-
pand the range of voices heard or
considered. Once agreed upon,
procedures can potentially help to
channel (or even tame) normative
confict by bringing multiple actors
together into a shared social space

Within this common space, nor-
mative gaps among communities
are negotiated
, mediated, dis-
cussed. Te social dialog is then
possible because communication
happens according to generally ac-
knowledged procedural norms. On
the same time, a shared social space
(where normative gaps are negoti-
ated) ofers the best environment
for the co-ordination of societal
Judges thought to be the media-
tors of the normative gaps between
competing societal fragments. Tey
must also be the guardians of fair
communication process and proce-
dural norms linking separate, con-
ficting worlds.
Facing a plurality of substan-
tive norms emanating from highly
particularized trade practices, ex-
tremely detailed and technical, it
is unthinkable to expect from a
third party, a judge, to comprehend
all the legal, economic or social
aspects involved by large interna-
tional transactions. However, they
can still warrant the integrity of
the communication process and its
procedural norms. Tis is why we
see the institution of amici curiae
growing in popularity. In a plural
society governed by technocrats,
judges show more and more defer-
ence to the knowledge of experts.
Judges do not set the law anymore.
Teir role is somehow reduced to
ensuring the fairness of the com-
munication process and its proce-
dures. Judges have to communi-
cate the legal signs and messages
exchanged between participants to
the legal discourse.
Te meaning of a message is
greatly dependent on the culture
in which it is transmitted. Every
object of use became encoded
with its social function so that the
object himself is a sign function, a
layering of meanings that have to
be unrevealed (Roland Barthes)
. Between the sender and receiver
noise (culture, taboos, values) gets
in the way and complicates the pro-
cess distorting the meaning. Te
game of Chinese Whisper is a good
example: a person starts of with a
particular message which may get
distorted by the time it comes to
the fnal player and from there
conficts spring. Ten, the judges
role is to translate the law, to de-
code it, to say it without distorting
20 Idem, at page 1167
21 Idem, at page 1168
22 Gunther Teubner & Andreas Fis-
cher-Lescano, Supra note 62, at page 1017
medierea, tehnic i art


resc si confictele. Apoi, rolul jude-
catorului este sa traduca legea, sa o
decodeze, sa o spuna fara a o distor-
siona prea mult. Orice eticheta care
ar putea sa contina un sens implicat
trebuie sa fe evitat. Mesajul pe care
un judecator l transmite jucatori-
lor afati n confict trebuie sa fe un
mesaj juridic de gradul zero. Min-
tile trebuie sa se ntlneasca.

Ca si legendarul Hermes,
cinat cu comunicarea dintre lumi
incompatibile, judecatorul postmo-
dern trebuie sa fe responsabil cu
trecerea mesajului ntre lumi con-
fictuale. Daca muntele sau Pirami-
da ar f de acord cu splendoarea lui
Jupiter, iar plnia cu pragmatismul
lui Hercule, Legea lui Hermes ia
forma unei retele. Mesagerul zeilor,
tot timpul n miscare, Hermes se
gaseste n rai, pe pamnt si n iad.
Zeul negustorilor, el conecteaza
viii si mortii. Este zeul marinarilor,
calatorilor, mereu strabatnd necu-
noscutul. Hermes este mediatorul
universal, marele comunicator. Ni-
cio alta lege de dinainte nu a cunos-
cut o asa circulatie a discursului ju-
ridic, asa cum se ntmpla n cazul

Dar, daca Hermes, mesagerul zei-
lor si zeu al negustorilor, este si zeul
hotilor, cum se poate atunci apara
moralitatea lui Hermes, corelata (aso-
ciata) unei anumite (chiar efemera,
trecatoare) autoritati juste (stabilita,
recunoscuta), fara a-i distruge rolul?
Acesta este probabil, Clciul lui Ahi-
le n dreptul postmodern: incompati-
bilitatea cu orice discurs al autoritatii.
Aici intra n joc demnitatea si etica n-
alta, asociate institutiei judecatorului.
Etica juridica este promisiunea solida
ca dreptatea procedurala va f men-
tinuta de-a lungul comunicarii reci-
proce a asteptarilor, normelor fun-
damentale si propunerilor de acord
ntre prtile implicate. Acesta este un
motiv n plus pentru care judecatorii
sunt cei mai n masura sa-si asume
rolul de mediatori, comunicatori.
Am vazut ca n dreptul postmo-
dern, deconstructia si dejudiciari-
zarea sistemului juridic nseamna
ca, ntr-un fel, Statul si ofcialii sai
(judecatorii) nu intervin pentru
a impune norme si a aplica sanc-
tiuni acolo unde obisnuiesc sa o
faca. Asta nu nseamna ca, n post-
23 One cannot doubt that, as an or-
dinary rule of law, an acceptance of an ofer
made to be notifed to the person
who makes the ofer, in order that the two
minds may come together. Unless this is
done the two minds may be apart, and the-
re is not that consensus which is necessary
according to the English law - I say nothing
about the laws of other countries - to make
a contract." n Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball
Company [1893] 1 QB 256, Bowen LJ
24 Vezi Franois Ost, Dire le droit, fai-
re justice, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2007, Chap-
ter Two: Jupiter, Hercule, Herms : trois
models du juge, pages 33-61
25 Idem
modernism, Statul si abandoneaza
rolul. nseamna doar ca Statul nu
mai dicteaza care sunt regulile, ci,
ntr-o anumita masura, permite
participantilor sa-si faca propriile
reguli. n aceasta privinta, judeca-
torul postmodern este chemat sa-si
asume o mare responsabilitate: pre-
starea rolului de mediator, de co-
municator, el devenind designerul
lumii juridice postmoderne: adju-
decarea confictului juridic este cea
mai potenta capacitate a legii, fe de
a nchide, fe de a extinde posibilita-
tile identitatii juridice.

Termenii postmoderni trebuie sa
fe folositi pentru a se adresa medi-
erii judiciare. Deoarece medierea
judiciara opereaza n cadrul unei
culturi postmoderne, este impor-
tant sa-i ntelegem termenii, asta
daca nu vrem, ntr-o buna zi, sa ne
nstrainam medierea judiciara toc-
mai din cauza nentelegerii limba-
jului si conceptelor sale: Sugestia
ca postmodernismul este potrivit
pentru analiza juridica este nca o
afrmatie contestata n cadrul juris-
prudentei conventionale. Nu toti
membrii lumii academic juridice,
si cu siguranta foarte putini avo-
cati, au o ntelegere profunda (sau
macar trecatoare) a criticii postmo-
derne. Multi considera ca postmo-
dernismul confrunta prea mult ipo-
tezele fondatoare care garanteaza
propriul lor rol n cadrul sistemului
juridic... Pentru a ngreuna lucru-
rile, limbajul postmodernismului
este asa de diferit de limbajul juri-
dic traditional ca este inaccesibil...
avocatilor, judecatorilor, reforma-
torilor dreptului si academicienilor
de drept, care sunt partizanii cheie
ai schimbarii juridice.

Trebuie subliniat ca abordarea
traditionala la rezolvarea confictelor
ramne deocamdata optiunea com-
pleta. De cele mai multe ori, judeca-
torii sunt nca functionari publici ai
instantelor si gardieni ai legii poziti-
ve si aplicarea ei corecta. Dar trebuie
spus ca modul alternativ de rezolva-
re a disputelor este si el o optiune
completa, de exemplu n Canada, n
jurisdictia provinciei Quebec
Participantii la administrarea
sistemului justitiei pot, binenteles,
sa continue sa se joace cu si n noul
peisaj juridic, sa ignore schimbarile
culturale si cauta sa nege ca rolul
lor, obligatiile, responsabilitatile
s-au schimbat oricum. Dar faptul
ca unul continua sa joace jocul nu
spune nimic despre valoarea sau
natura jocului care este jucat.

26 Idem, la pag. 17
27 Helen M. Stacy, Postmodernism
and Law, la pag. 14
28 n Quebec (Canada) Judectoarea
Louise Otis deschide ci procedurale de pio-
nierat pentru litigani. Vezi http://www.lou-
29 Pierre Schlag, Te dediferentiation
problem, Cont Philos Rev (2009) 42:3562,
la pag. 59
it too much. Any labels that might
carry an implied meaning must be
avoided. Te message that a judge
transmits between conficting play-
ers must be a Degree Zero legal
message. Minds have to meet
Like legendary Hermes

charged with the communication
between incompatible worlds, the
postmodern judge has to be in
charge of passing the messages
between conficting worlds. If the
mountain or the Pyramid agreed
to the majesty of Jupiter, and the
funnel to the pragmatism of Her-
cules, Hermes Law takes the form
of a network. Te messenger of the
gods, always in motion, Hermes
is in heaven, on earth and in hell.
God of merchants, trade chairs, he
connects the living and the dead.
He is the god of sailors, travellers,
always crossings the unknown.
Hermes is the universal mediator,
the great communicator. No other
law before knew such a circulation
of legal discourses as it is done by
the judge-Hermes
But, if Hermes, messenger of
gods and god of merchants, is also
the god of thieves, how then de-
fend the morality of Hermes, cor-
relate (associate) it to some (even
ephemeral, passing) righteousness
(established, recognized) authority,
without distorting his role? Tis
is, maybe, the Achilles heel, of the
postmodern law: its incompatibil-
ity with any discourse of authority.
Here it comes into play the dignity
and high ethics inextricably asso-
ciated to the institution of a judge.
Judicial ethics is the solid promise
that the procedural fairness would
be maintained throughout the mu-
tual communications of expecta-
tions, substantive norms and settle-
ment proposals between the parties.
Tis is one more reason why judges
are the most suitable to assume the
role of mediators, communicators.
We saw that in the legal post-
modernism the deconstruction and
dejudiciarisation of the legal system
means that, in a way, the State and
its ofcials (judges) do not inter-
vene to impose norms and apply
sanctions there where they use to
do it. It does not mean that along
with the postmodernism the State
23 "One cannot doubt that, as an ordi-
nary rule of law, an acceptance of an ofer
made to be notifed to the person
who makes the ofer, in order that the two
minds may come together. Unless this is
done the two minds may be apart, and the-
re is not that consensus which is necessary
according to the English law - I say nothing
about the laws of other countries - to make
a contract." in Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball
Company [1893] 1 QB 256, Bowen LJ
24 See Franois Ost, Dire le droit, fai-
re justice, Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2007, Chap-
ter Two : Jupiter, Hercule, Herms : trois
models du juge, pages 33-61
25 Idem
abandons its role. All that means
is that the State does not dictate
anymore what the rules are, but, to
a certain extent, allows the partici-
pants to make their own rules. In
this respect, the postmodern judge
is called to assume great responsi-
bility: in performing the role of a
mediator, communicator, she/he
becomes the designer of the post-
modern legal world: Adjudication
of legal confict is the site of laws
most potent capacity to either close
down or expand the possibilities of
juridic identity.

Postmodern terms need to be
used in order to address judicial
mediation. Because judicial me-
diation operates within a post-
modern culture, it is important to
comprehend its terms if we do not
wish to, some day, fnd judicial me-
diation alienated because of lack
of understanding of its language
or concepts: Te suggestion that
postmodernism is appropriate for
legal analysis is still a contested
claim within conventional jurispru-
dence. Not all legal academics, and
certainly very few lawyers, have a
deep (or even passing) understand-
ing of the postmodern critique.
Many have found postmodernism
too confronting to the foundational
assumptions that underwrite their
own role within the legal system
[T]o make matters harder, the lan-
guage of postmodernism is so un-
like traditional legal language that it
is inaccessible to lawyers, judges,
law reformers and legal academics
who are the key proponents of legal

It should be noted that the tradi-
tional approach to solving conficts
remains for now a full option. Most
of the time judges still are public of-
fcers of the Court and guardians
of the positive law and its proper
enforcement. But it also needs to
be said that the alternative dispute
resolution mode is a full option
as well, for instance in Canada, in
particular in the jurisdiction of the
province of Quebec
Participants in the administra-
tion of justice system can, of course,
continue to play games with and
within the new legal landscape, ig-
nore the cultural changes, and seek
to deny that their role, obligations,
responsibilities have in any way
changed. But the fact that one
can continue to play the game says
nothing about the value or nature
of the game being played.

26 Idem, at page 17
27 Helen M. Stacy, Postmodernism
and Law, at page 14
28 In Quebec (Canada) Justice Loui-
se Otis is opening pioneer procedural ave-
nues for the litigants. See http://www.loui-
29 Pierre Schlag, Te dediferentiation
problem, Cont Philos Rev (2009) 42:3562,
at page 59
medierea, tehnic i art


By Sir Henry Brooke
Chairman of the
Civil Mediation Council
CMC Academic Seminar,
20th January 2010
Against this background the
Department devoted most of its
available resources to small claims
mediations. It decided to recruit,
frst ten, and then 25 fairly seni-
or HM Courts Service managers
to act as mediators free of charge,
and it provides most of them with
an administrative assistant as well.
Mediation of very low value clai-
ms was not really economic for the
private market, unless a lot of court
resources were put into making the
old court-based schemes work, and
those resources simply were not
there. Te department believes that
quality control could be more easily
achieved if salaried employees were
Whether or not what happened
can properly be described as me-
diation in a purist sense is open
to question, but on the face of it,
and in the absence of independent
academic research fndings to the
contrary, these arrangements ap-
pear to be working well. I met a
number of these new mediators
when I was doing a tour of the co-
urts for Lord Phillips in 2008, and
they were all very enthusiastic and
committed. Tis is a most interes-
ting experiment which deservedly
won awards for innovation both
here and in Europe, but I am sure
that the time has come to subject it
to rigorous academic review. Quite
apart from the very heavy emphasis
on telephone mediations, generally
conducted on a sequential and not
a concurrent basis, I am worried
that local judges do not always feel
a sense of ownership in the scheme,
and I am not at all sure that better
use could not be made of the glut
of mediators trained in the private
market who are eager and willing
to conduct pro bono mediations as
a means of building up experience.
In his 2007-8 annual report, for in-
stance, Judge David Mitchell, the
DCJ for the London courts, wrote
about the desirability of engaging a
second small claims mediator beca-
use demand was so high. He did not
mention the idea of going to Law
Works (or other private providers)
to see what they can do to help.
In the fast track and the multi-
track NMH mediations are avai-
lable to the private market at fxed
fees for time-limited mediations
for claims up to 50,000. Above
that value the fees are negotiable.
I began my mediation practice by
doing a number of these. Te sche-
me as devised needed to be quite
heavily policed from the centre if
it was to work well, but this was
not possible because of cuts made
in the number of people running
the scheme. In contrast to the bur-
geoning numbers of small claims
mediations, the number of NMH
referrals to the private market has
remained stubbornly static. Part
of the reason is the general pro-
blem of awareness-raising among
judges and lawyers who do not take
easily to change, coupled with the
reduction in the occasions where
the judges see lawyers face to face.
Another part of the reason is that
once local solicitors are happy with
a local provider organisation they
will deal with it direct in future
rather than go through the NMH.
I have said that in January 2005
there were 19 provider members
of the CMC. Today there are 71.
50 of these have also sought and
obtained CMC accreditation. Tese
fgures do not include 19 workpla-
ce provider members who are not
accredited for civil and commercial
mediation. I understand that this
large increase belongs in the world
of unintended consequences. To a
considerable extent it is the result
of giving the same rights to receive
NMH referrals to a provider with
fve mediators on its panel as to a
provider with 50. Unsurprisingly
there was every incentive for smal-
ler panels to mushroom up, and for
mediators to join a number of dife-
rent panels in the hope of work.
Te CMCs Accreditation Sche-
me was launched in January 2006,
very much on a pilot basis. In fact
the pilot is still with us, because
Board members were unable to
agree on what should take its pla-
ce. On retrospect it was a mistake
for the Board to attempt to launch
a diferent scheme, based on self-
certifcation, in January last year,
because our proposals contained
elements which clearly should have
De Sir Henry Brooke
Preedinte al Consiliului
Medierii Civile
Seminarul academic al CMC,
20 ianuarie 2010
n ciuda acestor date, Departa-
mentul a implicat majoritatea re-
surselor sale disponibile ctre me-
dierile de reclamaii mici. A decis s
recruteze la nceput zece, apoi 25 de
magistrai seniori ai HMCS (Servi-
ciul Majestii Sale pentru Instane
Judectoreti) care s funcioneze
gratis ca mediatori, asigurndu-le f-
ecruia dintre ei cte un asistent ad-
ministrativ. Medierea reclamaiilor
cu valoare foarte mic nu ar f eco-
nomic pentru piaa privat, dect
dac ar f implicate numeroase re-
surse ale instanelor, pentru a face
vechile scheme bazate pe instane
s mearg, dar acele resurse pur i
simplu nu se gseau. Departamen-
tul crede c un control al calitii ar
putea f obinut mai uor dac se fo-
loseau angajai remunerai.
Dac ceea ce s-a ntmplat poate
sau nu s fe descris ca find medi-
ere n sensul pur al cuvntului r-
mne o problem deschis, dar n
absena unor cercetari academice
independente care s ateste con-
trariul, aceste aranjamente par a
funciona bine. Am ntlnit civa
dintre aceti noi mediatori atunci
cnd fceam turul instanelor
pentru Lordul Phillips n 2008, i
toi erau entuziasmai i implicai.
Acesta este un experiment cu ade-
vrat interesant, care ar trebui s
ctige premii pentru inovaie att
aici ct i n Europa, dar sunt sigur
c a venit vremea s-l supunem
unei analize academice riguroase.
Exceptnd accentul puternic pus pe
medierile prin telefon, de obicei re-
alizate secvenial i nu concomitent,
sunt ngrijorat c judectorii locali
nu simt mereu senzaia proprietii
n cadrul schemei, i nu sunt deloc
sigur c aceasta nu se poate utiliza
mai bine prin excesul mediatorilor
formai pe piaa privat, care sunt
dornici s conduc medieri pro
bono pentru a ctiga experien.
De exemplu, n cadrul raportului
su anual pe 2007-2008, David Mit-
chell, Judectorul Civil Desemnat
pentru instanele londoneze, scria
despre dorina de a angaja un al
doilea mediator pe reclamaii mici,
pentru c cererea era foarte mare.
Acesta nu a menionat ideea de a
merge la Law Works (sau ali fur-
nizori privai) pentru a vedea cum
pot ajuta.
Pentru procedurile fast track i
multi-track, medierile Liniei Nai-
onale privind Medierea (NMH Na-
tional Mediation Helpline) sunt dis-
ponibile pieii private contra unor
taxe fxe n cazul medierilor limitate
ca i timp pentru reclamaiile pn
n 50.000 . Peste aceast valoare,
taxele sunt negociabile. Mi-am n-
ceput practica n domeniul medierii
cu astfel de cazuri. Schema, aa cum
era gndit, trebuia s fe puternic
monitorizat de la centru dac se
vroia s funcioneze bine, dar acest
lucru nu era posibil din cauza re-
ducerilor de personal implicat n
schem. n opoziie cu numrul n
cretere al medierilor reclamaiilor
mici, numrul transferurilor de la
NMH ctre piaa privat a rmas la
fel. n parte, motivul este problema
contientizrii printre judectori i
avocai, care nu se schimb uor, la
care se adaug i reducerea ocazii-
lor n care judecatorii se ntlnesc
cu avocaii fa n fa. Un alt motiv
este c, odat ce avocaii locali sunt
mulumii de o organizaie furni-
zoare local, vor apela la ea i n
viitor, mai degrab dect s apeleze
la NMH.
Am menionat c n ianuarie
2005 existau 19 furnizori, membri
ai CMC. Astzi exist 71. 50 din-
tre acetia au cerut i au obinut
acreditarea CMC. Aceste cifre nu
includ 19 membri furnizori la locul
de munc, i care nu sunt acreditai
pentru medierile civile i comercia-
le. n mare msur, aceast situaie
este rezultatul faptului c s-au dat
aceleai drepturi de primire a tran-
sferurilor NMH de ctre un fur-
nizor cu 5 mediatori i altul cu 50
de mediatori. Deloc surprinztor,
a existat premiza ca tablourile mai
mici s se extind i mediatorii s
se alture mai multor tablouri, cu
sperana de a obine cazuri.
Schema de Acreditare a CMC
a fost lansat n ianuarie 2006, n
mare parte ca i variant pilot. De
fapt, variant pilot este i acum
prezent, deoarece membrii Con-
siliului nu au putut decide asupra
formei care s-o nlocuiasc. Privind
medierea, tehnic i art


been more clearly thought through
and subjected to discussion with
members frst. Afer the elections
last February, the new Board de-
cided to devote the whole of its
two-year term of ofce to carefully
considering the best way forward,
with plenty of dialogue with mem-
bers. We are now half way through
that process. Last year we engaged a
full-time registrar for the frst time,
and with her help we have overha-
uled the accreditation scheme for
providers. We have also helped the
Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to make
much needed adjustments to the
NMH scheme. Providers are now
to be given an incentive to raise
awareness of mediation in their
local areas, and arrangements have
been agreed whereby providers can
on a collective basis arrange mee-
tings with local judges and court
staf in an efort to regain some of
the personal contact that was lost
when the court-based schemes
were abandoned.
Tere cannot be any room for
doubt that public and professional
enthusiasm for civil and commer-
cial mediation is growing. Our sta-
tistics for 2008, for what they are
worth, appeared to show that the
number of civil and commercial
mediations had doubled in a sin-
gle year. We await the 2009 outturn
with interest and some trepidation.
Tese fgures do not include the
10,000 small claims mediations. In
the personal injuries market, on a
micro sale I conducted 17 p.i. me-
diations myself last year, ofen me-
eting quite senior p.i. lawyers who
had never attended a mediation
before. Te small expert p.i. medi-
ation provider company I helped
to form two years ago has incre-
ased its volume of cases from two
a month to more than two a week,
with an 80% success rate for 63 me-
diations. When I go and talk to lo-
cal providers, they are usually brim-
ful with enthusiasm about the way
their business is expanding, and the
possibilities they see in the future.
At least two small providers have
recently merged, to form a stronger
combined unit. In 2009 the CMC
launched a quarterly news sheet
for its members. It gave practical
guidance to its members about the
efect of Mr Justice Ramseys deci-
sion in First Assist (No 2) and more
recently about the efect of Lord
Justice Jacksons Costs Review. It
gave both oral and written eviden-
ce to Lord Justice Jackson, and it
helped to open his eyes to all that
is now happening, and could well
happen in future in the parts of the
market that lie between the very
heavy commercial and constructi-
on cases at the top and small claims
at the bottom. We have a broad-ba-
sed Communications Committee
that is teeming with ideas about the
best way to promote mediation in
all spheres of our national life. And
we have the 500 responses to our
Questionnaire to assimilate. Te
lively AGM in December 2008 has
been followed by two well attended
general meetings which both ten-
ded to show that members appreci-
ated the eforts we are making. And
attendance at our annual conferen-
ce last May exceeded all our expec-
tations and our Treasurers most
optimistic dreams.
Looking forward, I want to tou-
ch on three main issues, and to say
something about our relationships
with academics active in this feld.
I have already mentioned the
delicate exploratory work we need
to do in relation to the world of
community mediators to see if the-
re are points of common interest
on which we could build. An even
more important issue is to decide
on the new minimum standards we
should set for what we might pro-
perly call CMC-recognised trai-
ning providers. Of course we want
to see training standards develop,
possibly with the introduction of
the equivalent of badges on the
Scottish model for those who have
successfully passed specialist cour-
ses (like the workplace conversion
courses) or more advanced courses.
We also need to decide what mini-
mum standards we should requi-
re for pre-practice observerships,
CPD and in-practice continuing
experience. For 2010-11 our Sche-
me prescribes:
(1) An Accredited Mediation
Provider must require its new me-
diators to have observed at least
three mediations over the last 12
months before they are eligible for
appointment as a lead mediator.
One of these observerships may be
of a role-play nature.
(2) All the Providers mediators
must have observed or conducted
at least two mediations in the 12
months prior to its accreditation
(or re-accreditation) in order to en-
sure that they have current practice
experience. Tis mediation practi-
ce requirement can be met by sub-
stituting two simulated mediation
practice sessions of at least 1 hour
each, or one community mediation,
or two telephone mediations for
one of the two actual or observed
mediations that are required.
My own view, afer the thorough
debates last year, is that the CMC
should only concern itself with
minimum standards for mediators
on our accredited providers panels.
On the other hand we should fa-
cilitate a much wider discussion
involving training organisations
and academics as well as mediators
and mediation providers, on ways
of achieving more sophisticated
retrospectiv, a fost o greeal a Con-
siliului ncercarea de a lansa o alta
schem, bazat pe propria certif-
care in ianuarie anul trecut, deoa-
rece propunerile noastre conineau
elemente care n mod clar trebuiau
mai bine gndite i discutate mai
nti cu membrii. Dup alegerile
din februarie, noul board a decis
s-i dedice cei doi ani de mandat
eforturilor de a gsi cel mai bun
drum n continuare, pe baza unui
dialog consistent cu membrii si.
Ne afm acum la mijlocul acestui
proces. Anul trecut, pentru prima
dat, am angajat un arhivar cu nor-
m ntreag, iar cu ajutorul aces-
tuia am revizuit lista acreditrilor
pentru furnizori. De asemenea, am
ajutat Ministerul de Justiie s fac
ajustrile att de necesare la sche-
ma NMH. Furnizorilor li se va da
acum o motivaie pentru a crete
contientizarea asupra medierii n
ariile lor locale, i au fost stabilite
acordurile prin care furnizorii pot
stabili ntlniri cu judecatorii locali,
pentru a ncerca s rectige o parte
din contactele personale care s-au
pierdut atunci cnd schema bazat
pe instane a fost abandonat.
Nu exist dubii c entuziasmul
public i profesional pentru me-
dierea civil i comercial este n
cretere. Statisticile noastre pentru
anul 2008 par s arate c numrul
medierilor civile i comerciale s-a
dublat ntr-un singur an. Ateptm
rezultatele anului 2009 cu interes
i oarecare emoii. Aceste cifre nu
includ i cele 10.000 de medieri
ale reclamaiilor mici. Pe piaa da-
unelor personale, eu nsumi am
condus 17 medieri anul trecut, de
multe ori ntlnind avocai cu ve-
chime pe daunele personale care
nu participaser la nicio mediere
n trecut. Mica frm furnizoare de
mediere n cazul daunelor persona-
le pe care am ajutat-o s se formeze
n urma cu doi ani a crescut volu-
mul de cazuri de la dou pe lun la
mai mult de dou pe sptamn, cu
o rat de succes de 80% pentru 63
de medieri. Cnd merg i vorbesc
cu furnizorii locali, acetia sunt
foarte entuziasmai n legtur cu
modul n care afacerea lor se ex-
tinde i posibilitile pe care le vd
n viitor. Cel puin 2 furnizori mici
au fuzionat recent, pentru a forma
o unitate mai puternic. n 2009,
CMC a lansat o revist trimestrial
pentru membrii si. Aceasta ofer
indicaii practice membrilor si n
legtur cu efectul pe care l are
decizia Lordului Ramsey n First
Assist (Nr. 2) i mai recent efectele
analizei costurilor emis de Lordul
Jackson. Aceasta a constituit o do-
vad oral i scris pentru Jackson,
i i-a deschis ochii n legtur cu lu-
crurile care se ntmpl n prezent,
i care la fel de bine se pot ntm-
pla n viitor pe segmentele de pia
care se ntind de la cazurile co-
merciale mari pn la reclamaiile
mici. Avem un Comitet extins al
Comunicaiilor, care abund de
idei n legtur cu modul cel mai
efcient de a promova medierea n
toate sferele vieii noastre naionale.
i mai avem cele 500 de rspunsuri
la Chestionarul nostru. ntlnirea
dinamic a AGM din decembrie
2008 a fost urmat de dou ntlniri
generale, care tind s arate c mem-
brii aprecieaz eforturile pe care le
facem. Iar participarea la conferina
noastr anual din luna mai a anu-
lui trecut a depit toate ateptrile
noastre i cele mai optimiste visuri
ale Trezorierului nostru.
Privind nainte, vreau s abor-
dez trei aspecte principale, i s fac
referire la relaia noastr cu mediul
academic activ n acest domeniu.
Am menionat deja munca ex-
ploratoare delicat pe care trebuie
s o depunem n legatur cu lumea
comunitii mediatorilor, pentru a
vedea dac sunt puncte de interes
comun pe care s ne putem dezvol-
ta. Un aspect chiar mai important
este s decidem asupra unor stan-
darde minime care trebuiesc stabi-
lite pentru ceea ce am putea numi
furnizori de training recunoscui
de CMC. Bineneles c ne dorim
ca standardele de training s se
dezvolte, posibil prin introducerea
echivalentului de marcare exis-
tent n modelul scoian, pentru cei
care au absolvit cu succes cursuri
de specialitate (cum ar f cursuri-
le de conversie la locul de munc),
sau cursuri i mai avansate. De
asemenea, trebuie s decidem care
sunt standardele minime pe care
ar trebui s le cerem pentru stagiile
de asistare pre-practic, dezvoltare
profesional continu si practic
continu. Pentru 2010-2011, Sche-
ma noastr prevede:
(1) un furnizor de mediere acre-
ditat trebuie sa cear noilor si me-
diatori s f asistat la cel puin trei
medieri n ultimele 12 luni nainte
de a f eligibili pentru numirea ca
mediator principal. Unul dintre
aceste stagii de asistare poate f de
natura role-play-urilor.
(2) toi mediatorii Furnizorului
trebuie s f asistat sau s f condus
cel puin dou medieri cu 12 luni
nainte de acreditare (sau re-acre-
ditare) pentru a se asigura c au
experien practic. Aceast cerin
legat de practic poate f ndepli-
nit prin nlocuirea cu dou sesiuni
de practic a medierii simulate de
cel puin o or fecare, sau o medie-
re de comunitate, sau dou medieri
prin telefon pentru una dintre cele
dou medieri reale sau asistate care
se cer.
Prerea mea personal, dup
dezbaterile aprinse de anul trecut,
este aceea c CMC ar trebui s se
preocupe cu minimul de standard
medierea, tehnic i art


arrangements for badging and pos-
sibly something equivalent to the
Scottish Standards Board, if means
can be found to pay for it. Discussi-
ons with the College of Mediators,
with their track record of setting
standards in other felds of media-
tion, might well prove to be fruitful.
Debbie De Girolamo has kindly un-
dertaken a fact-fnding study for us
of what is currently being provided
or planned by each of the training
institutions. Once this is completed
in mid-March there needs to be a
very thorough debate along the
lines I have indicated. We are cur-
rently searching for more informa-
tion about the training standards
for mediators in other comparable
Te third important issue stems
from a request from most of those
who responded to our Questionna-
ire that we should provide on our
website a searchable list of all those
of our paid up members who wo-
uld like to have their mediator CVs
and contact details available to the
market. An idea along similar li-
nes encountered strong opposition
12 months ago, particularly when
it was suggested that registration
might serve as some kind of kite-
mark and that those who did not
wish to register might eventually
be excluded from publicly funded
work. Te present suggestion is far
more modest, although it continues
to encounter opposition from tho-
se who see no need for it and who
fear that this might be the start of
a creeping form of regulation. My
own view is that if we can work out
a satisfactory scheme we should
provide it. It is what most of the res-
pondents to our survey want us to
do, and it falls within our power to
collate and ofer appropriate infor-
mation about the means of access
to practitioners.
Finally, we face the challenge of
continuing to build strong links
with the academic community.
Te arrangements for having two
elected academic members on the
Board have never really worked,
and I have not yet detected any gre-
at enthusiasm for this. On the other
hand the invigorated Academic
Committee, initiated by Professor
Simon Roberts and currently led
by Professor Loukas Mistelis, se-
ems to be working well. We now
meet three times a year, combining
a two-hour committee meeting
with a two-hour seminar, like this
one. Tese meetings, which any
academic can attend, are providing
a valuable bridge between the aca-
demic and the practitioner world.
Te Academic Committee has al-
ready agreed to undertake a study
of what is being done to teach ADR
and particularly mediation - at
undergraduate, graduate, and BVC
and LPC level. It is well on the way
to revamping the Library section
of our website, which their pre-
decessors initiated four years ago;
and there are some very interesting
suggestions being made about di-
ferent types of collaboration in the
Tis is the snapshot I promi-
sed you in the title to this talk.
We are involved in some very
interesting times. And we look
forward with gratitude to the
help I know we are going to re-
ceive from academics in working
out the best way forward.
pentru mediatorii listai pe tablou-
rile noastre de furnizori acreditai.
Pe de alt parte, ar trebui s facili-
tm o discuie mult mai complex,
care s includ organizaii de trai-
ning i membri ai lumii academice,
precum i mediatori i furnizori de
mediere, n legtur cu modul de
obinere a acordurilor mai sofsti-
cate pentru marcare i posibil ceva
echivalent cu standardele Consi-
liului de Standarde scoian, dac
se gsesc mijloace de plata pentru
acest demers. Discuii cu Colegiul
Mediatorilor, care are experien n
stabilirea standardelor n alte arii
ale medierii, pot f de asemenea
folositoare. Debbie De Girolamo
realizeaz un studiu de constatare
a situaiei prezente. Odat ce acest
studiu este ncheiat la mijlocul lunii
martie, trebuie s existe dezbateri
foarte aprinse n legtur cu aspec-
tele semnalate. n prezent, cutm
mai multe informaii n legtur cu
standardele de training pentru me-
diatori aplicabile n alte ri.
Al treilea aspect important de-
riv dintr-o cerere a majoritii
respondenilor chestionarului nos-
tru, i anume c ar trebui s punem
la dispoziie pe website-ul nostru
o list cu toi membrii pltii, care
ar vrea s aib CV-urile i detalii-
le de contact disponibile pieii. O
idee asemntoare a ntmpinat o
opoziie puternic n urm cu 12
luni, n special atunci cnd s-a su-
gerat c nregistrarea ar putea servi
ca un fel de marc Kitemark i c
aceia care nu vor s se nregistre-
ze ar putea f exclui pn la urm
de pe lista celor fnanai din bani
publici. Sugestia curent este mult
mai modest, dei continu s n-
tmpine opoziie din partea celor
care o consider inutil i care se
tem c aceasta ar putea reprezen-
ta nceputul pe furi al unei forme
de reglementare. Prerea mea este
c, dac am reui s realizm o
schem satisfctoare, ar trebui s
o furnizm. Este ceea ce majorita-
tea respondenilor vrea s facem, i
cade n responsabilitatea noastr
s strngem i s oferim informaii
corespunztoare despre modul de a
accesa practicanii medierii.
n cele din urm, ne confruntm
cu provocarea de a continua con-
struirea unei legturi puternice cu
comunitatea academic. Acorduri-
le de a avea doi membri academici
alei n cadrul board-ului nostru
nu au dat cu adevrat rezultate, i
nici nu am detectat un mare entu-
ziasm n legtur cu acest aspect. Pe
de alt parte, Comitetul Academic
revigorat, iniiat de ctre profesorul
Simon Roberts, n prezent condus
de ctre profesorul Loukas Mistelis,
pare s funcioneze bine. Ne ntl-
nim acum de 3 ori pe an, combinnd
ntlnirile de dou ore cu seminarii
de dou ore, ca acesta. Astfel de n-
tlniri, la care poate participa orice
membru academic, construiesc un
pod valoros ntre lumea academic
i cea a practicanilor. Comitetul
Academic a decis deja s iniieze
un studiu asupra a ceea ce se face
pentru predarea ADR - i n mod
particular medierea. De asemenea,
se reconstruiete seciunea Biblio-
tec de pe website-ul nostru, care a
fost iniiat acum 4 ani de zile; n
plus, se fac nite sugestii foarte inte-
resante n legtur cu tipuri diferite
de colaborare n viitor.
Aceasta este imaginea despre
care am promis n titlu s vorbesc.
Traversm nite vremuri foarte
interesante. i privesc n viitor cu
recunotin spre ajutorul pe care
tiu c o s l primim de la lumea
acdemic, pentru a gsi drumul cel
mai bun pe viitor.
Michael Leathes
(Reprodus cu permisiunea Institutului
Internaional al Medierii)
n timp ce brokerii imobiliari recita
dogma Locaie, Locaie, Locaie, im-
1 Michael Leathes este director al Insti-
tutului Internaional al Medierii (I.M.I.) i
fost consilier n cadrul mai multor companii
internaionale. Opiniile exprimate aici apar-
in autorului, dar acesta invit la comenta-
rii de la toi acionarii din domeniul medi-
erii pentru ncurajarea dezbaterilor privind
dezvoltarea medierii ctre o profesie inter-
naional. Michael poate f gsit prin inter-
mediul rubricii Contact Us de pe portalul
nul companiilor, agentiilor guverna-
mentale si al altora care trebuie sa dea
socoteala actionarilor este Rezultate,
Rezultate, Rezultate. Am mentionat
deja trecerea de la Informatii catre o
Educatie Bazata pe Rezultate prin in-
termediul unui numar n crestere de
scoli, universitati si institutii profesio-
nale, dar n defnitiv cererea este cea
care conduce la astfel de schimbari.
Profesia juridica, portarul majori-
tatii disputelor, se schimba si ea drept
rezultat. Ceea ce descrie profesorul
Julie Macfarlane de la University of
Windsor, Ontario ca find Noul Avo-
, si face aparitia pe scena prag-
matic, nerabdator, ndraznet, orientat
Michael Leathes
(Article reproduced with the
permission of International Institute of
While real estate brokers recite
1 Michael Leathes, is a director of the
International Mediation Institute (IMI) and
a former in-house counsel with a number
of international companies. Te views ofe-
red here are the authors alone but he invites
comments from all stakeholders in the me-
diation feld to encourage debate on the pro-
gression of mediation towards an internati-
onal profession. Michael can be reached via
Contact Us at the IMI portal www.IMI-
the dogma Location, Location, Lo-
cation, the mantra of companies,
government agencies and others
that need to account to their stake-
holders is Outcomes, Outcomes,
Outcomes. I have already men-
tioned the shif from Inputs towards
more Outcome Based Education by
an increasing number of schools,
universities and professional insti-
tutions, but ultimately it is the de-
mand side that drives such changes.
Te legal profession, gatekeeper
of most disputes, is changing as a
result. What Professor Julie Mac-
farlane at the University of Windsor,
Ontario so aptly describes as Te
medierea, tehnic i art


catre solutii si rezultat, intolerant la
proces, favoriznd (si experimentat
n) negocierea, medierea, practica
colaborativa si justitia recuperativa.
CV-urile se rescriu. Acesti Noi Avo-
cati sunt pe piata pentru joburile din
companiile globale si guverne. Ei sunt
cei care vor conduce din ce n ce mai
mult portofoliile de dispute zilnice,
actionnd n felul lor si schimbnd
practica legii. Apare acum si un nou
tip de client, cu noi prioritati, nevoi si
. Programele guvernamen-
tale de austeritate taie costurile justiti-
ei civile n scop public, ducnd la un
interes judiciar n crestere pentru re-
zolvarea disputelor nainte de proces.
Un fel de mediere obligatorie este la
doar ctiva pasi distanta. Toate acestea
vor alimenta o crestere a dreptului co-
laborativ, unde avocatii vor f instruiti
sa rezolve un caz n afara instantelor,
dar sunt n mod expres exclusi de la
reprezentarea clientului n instanta
daca negocierile esueaza. Medierea va
f bine nteleasa de catre Noii Avocati,
care vor f fost bine instruiti n aceste
domenii la coala de Drept, indepen-
dent sau intern.
Vor f mai selectivi n legatura cu
abilitatile si atitudinile pe care le apre-
cieaza n consilierea externa. Se vor
astepta la mai putine analize juridice
si vor f mai energici n orientarea
catre rezultat. Vor avea instrumente
la ndemna pentru a determina ce
proces sa urmeze, cum ar f medierea
administrata sau neadministrata, si
vor f experti n selectarea mediatoru-
lui potrivit pentru ca au fost instruiti
pentru asta. Aceasta noua clasa este
prea nerabdatoare pentru a pierde
vremea cernd informatii; daca ceea
ce trebuie sa stie despre un mediator
oarecare nu sare pur si simplu din
monitoarele lor ntr-un mod convin-
gator si credibil, vor cauta un altul
care furnizeaza informatiile n mod
deschis. Institutiile care restrictionea-
za accesul anumitor vizitatori, cum ar
f membrii care trebuie sa se nregis-
treze si sa furnizeze detalii ale parolei,
sau cei care folosesc instrumente web
nvechite, si mediatorii care nu ofera
informatii si feedback credibile si usor
de digerat, vor f marginalizati de mul-
ti utilizatori.
Va exista de asemenea o crestere a
inovatiilor implicarea mediatorilor
n realizarea tranzactiilor, hibrizi, in-
termediari interculturali, avocati al
carui client este tranzactia, nu o parte
din ea. Oportunitatile pentru mediere
sunt imense.
Pentru ca viitorul sa se scurga e
nevoie de o taiere n realitatile de
azi: o apreciere a principalilor condu-
, prezumtia ca actionarii din
aria de servicii (mediatori, furnizori
si formatori) vor actiona ntr-un mod
care serveste intereselor lor pe termen
scurt si mediu, n conditiile unei piete
n schimbare, iar cei de pe partea cere-
rii (utilizatorii, adjudecatarii, educato-
rii si guvernele) si vor exprima nevoi-
le n mod clar. Putem de asemenea sa
presupunem ca va continua sa existe o
crestere ferma n incidenta de dispute,
o dorinta continua a utilizatorilor de a
pune mai presus de proces rezultatele,
si o baza a utilizatorilor mai educata si
mai informata.
O alta realitate este aceea ca medi-
erea este un domeniu foarte fragmen-
tat. Furnizorii de servicii se afa ntr-o
competitie puternica. Aceasta inhiba
dialogul potrivit despre viitor si abili-
tatea jucatorilor importanti sa se puna
de acord n legatura cu tinte concrete
pentru acest domeniu. Medierea, ca
oricare alta ntreprindere, si are scep-
ticii ei cei care sunt dezamagiti prea
devreme de viitor si incapabili sau
nedoritori de schimbare, precum si
vizionari si conducatori, care deja au
strabatut teritorii neexplorate, care au
considerat ca viitorul apartine celor
care se pregatesc acum, si sunt dispusi
sa urmareasca tinte mai mari, n lipsa
unei misiuni profesionale complete.
Acest domeniu balcanizat este tras
n directii diferite, nesigur daca este o
ramura a dreptului sau psihologiei, o
arta sau o stiinta, ADR sau negociere,
si daca are nevoie de o flozofe, o te-
orie, valori, caracteristici, practici, sau
toate, sau doar o parte dintre aceste
lucruri. Pentru a continua dezbate-
rea, dar a stopa evitarea, medierea
are nevoie de organisme profesionale
furnizoare, non-ierarhice, bine fun-
damentate, nfintate pe principiile
Conducerea Slujitorului
, asa cum e
explicat de catre gurul organizational
Robert K. Greenleaf n acest caz, sta-
bilirea si implementarea transparenta
a standardelor nalte de training si
practica, explicnd si promovnd n
mod obiectiv medierea catre utiliza-
tori, convocnd toti actionarii, facnd
informatiile disponibile, ncurajnd
conducerea deliberata si cele mai
bune practici, dezvoltnd si propa-
gnd instrumente, si inspirnd creste-
rea medierii n mod convingator.
n mod evident, astfel de organis-
me vor f conduse nu de catre medi-
atori practicanti, furnizori sau forma-
tori, ci de catre manageri full-time,
recurgnd la sustinerea si contributia
din ambele parti: cerere si oferta. Gu-
vernele au interese ca si un utilizator
si un rol vital n furnizarea de fonduri
credibile, astfel nct noua profesie sa
nu fe perceputa ca autoservire.
Odata nfintate, aceste institutii
profesionale vor f mputernicite sa
stabileasca standarde nalte, sa nu per-
mita mediocritatea si sa asigure trans-
parenta. Vor aplica, asa cum a estimat
deja profesorul Sander, standarde
stricte pentru formatori. Examinarea
independenta va deveni o parte cheie
a acelor standarde. n timp ce multi
mediatori vor f avocati la origini, din
ce n ce mai multi profesionisti vor
intra si mbogati domeniul. Pna in
2020, astfel de organisme vor f fost
nfintate n multe tari la nivel nati-
New Lawyer
is arriving onto the
scene pragmatic, impatient, crea-
tive, daring, solution and results-
orientated, process-intolerant, fa-
vouring (and skilled in) negotiation,
mediation, collaborative practice
and restorative justice. Resums are
being re-written.
Tese New Lawyers are in the
market for jobs in the worlds com-
panies and governments. Tey are
the ones that will increasingly be
running day-to-day dispute port-
folios, instructing counsel their way
and in so doing changing the prac-
tice of law. A diferent type of client
is now emerging, with new priori-
ties, needs and expectations
Government austerity programs
are trimming the cost of civil jus-
tice to the public purse, causing
sharply increased judicial interest
in the resolution of disputes before
trial. Almost mandatory mediation
is just around the corner.
All this will fuel a rise in col-
laborative law, where counsel are
instructed to resolve a case outside
the courtroom but are expressly ex-
cluded from representing the client
in court should negotiations fail.
Mediation will be well-understood
by the New Lawyers, who will
typically have been well-trained in
those areas at Law School, indepen-
dently or in house.
Tey will be more selective about
the skills and attitudes they value in
outside counsel. Tey will expect
less legal analysis and more ener-
getic outcome orientation.
Tey will have tools at their fn-
gertips to determine what resolution
process to pursue, such as adminis-
tered or non-administered media-
tion, and will be adept at selecting
the right mediator having been
trained in that skill. Tis new breed
is too impatient to waste time asking
for information; if what they need to
know about a given mediator does
not jump out of their screens in a
convincing and credible way, they
will simply look to another mediator
who provides that information open-
ly. Institutions that restrict informa-
tion access to certain visitors, such
as members who must login and
provide password details, or those
that use outdated web tools, and me-
diators who do not ofer credible and
easily digestible and feedback, will be
marginalized by many users.
Tere will also be a rise in inno-
vations engagement of mediators
in dealmaking, hybrids, inter-cul-
tural intermediaries, counsel whose
client is the deal, not a party to it.
Te opportunities for mediation
are immense.
For the future to leak out re-
quires a cut into some of todays re-
alities: an appreciation of the main
, an assumption that stake-
holders on the service side (media-
tors, providers and trainers) will act
in a way that serves their short and
medium term interests in light of a
changing market, and that those on
the demand side (users, adjudica-
tors, educators and governments)
will express their needs clearly.
We can also assume that there will
continue to be a steady rise in the
incidence of disputes, an ongoing
user desire to rank outcomes above
process, and an ever more educated
and informed user base.
Another reality is that mediation
is a highly fragmented feld. Service
providers are in strong competi-
tion. Tis inhibits proper dialogue
about the future and the ability
of the main players to agree con-
crete goals for the feld. Mediation,
like any other endeavour, has its
sceptics -those prematurely disap-
pointed in the future and unable
or unwilling to change -as well as
visionaries and leaders who have
already beaten a path through un-
charted territory, appreciated that
the future belongs to those who
prepare now, and are willing to pur-
sue bigger targets in the absence of
an overall professional mission.
Tis balkanized feld is pulled in
diferent directions, unsure whether
it is a branch of law or psychology,
an art or science, ADR or nego-
tiation, and whether it needs a phi-
losophy, a theory, values, charac-
teristics, practices or all or some of
these things. To continue the debate
but stop the dithering, mediation
needs strong, well-funded, non-
hierarchical nonservice-providing
professional bodies, founded on the
principles of Servant Leadership
as explained by the organizational
guru Robert K. Greenleaf -in this
case establishing and transparently
implementing high training and
practice standards, objectively ex-
plaining and promoting mediation
to users, convening all stakeholders,
making information freely available,
encouraging thought leadership
and best practices, developing and
disseminating tools, and convinc-
ingly inspiring mediations growth.
Conspicuously, such bodies will
be run not by practicing mediators,
providers or trainers, but by full-
time managers, drawing on support
and contributions from both the
demand and supply sides. Govern-
ments have an interest as a user and
a vital role in providing credible
seed funding so that the new pro-
fession is not perceived as purely
Once established, these profes-
sional institutions will be empowered
to establish high standards, disallow
mediocrity and ensure transpar-
ency. Tey will apply, as Professor
Sander has already predicted, strict
standards for trainers. Independent
medierea, tehnic i art


onal, si vor f legate de un organism
international care va ajuta la globali-
zarea profesiei.
n timp ce actionarii medierii se
axeaza pe calitate, transparenta si sta-
tut profesional, multe alte schimbari
se vor produce.
Deoarece impactul tehnologiilor
de comunicare creste, cauzele mici
vor f rezolvate folosind ODR
. Me-
diatorii si furnizorii care se ocupa de
dispute mai mari si cele care implica
factorul emotional vor avea la dis-
pozitie teleprezenta, sali de ntlnire
online si alte instrumente IT pentru
a face medierile mult mai efciente,
atractive si accesibile, reducnd tim-
pul de calatorie si grbind negocierile.
Deoarece utilizatorii devin mai
bine informati despre felul n care
medierea functioneaza si de ce, cere-
rea pentru procese mai putin conven-
tionale, mai personalizate va creste;
hibrizi de elemente facilitatoare si
evaluative, incluznd analiza de caz
timpurie si opinii neobligatorii va
creste. Multi formatori nca predau
un model de mediere pur facilitator,
dar mediatorii trebuie sa nvete cum,
unde si daca sa stabileasca tehnici eva-
luative sau transformative, asa cum se
cere. Treptat, trainingul se va adapta
pentru a include aceste nevoi.
Mai multe comitete ale mediato-
rilor vor f orientate pe proces sau/si
pe subiect-continut, cernd mediato-
rilor sa demonstreze, n plus fata de
competentele n mediere, cunostinte
n domeniul tehnic, diagnosticarea
confictelor, constructia proceselor si
comunicare interculturala.
Medierea nu va ma f vazuta ca o
forma alternativa de rezolvare a dis-
putelor, ci va ajunge prima varianta.
n arena comerciala, un management
bun al confictului va f considerat ca
parte a Bunei Guvernari Corporative,
iar companiile si vor concepe propri-
ile lor sisteme de evaluare, adminis-
trare si solutionare a disputelor
. Va
aparea, de asemenea, un nou utiliza-
tor, mai informat si mai circumspect.
Actionarii din aria serviciilor vor:
colabora mai mult pe partea de
training, examinare independen-
ta si feedback
f de acord si vor aplica cel putin
standarde nalte ale calitatii
ncuraja transparenta competen-
telor mediatorului si experienta
mpartasi platforme tehnologice
pentru asigurarea securitatii si
concepe scheme pentru a per-
mite noilor mediatori sa cstige
experienta si sa se dezvolte pro-
insista asupra unor coduri de eti-
ca riguroase si analize indepen-
dente cu sanctiuni, si
combina resurse pentru a promo-
va medierea ca o profesie credibila.
Codurile de Etica vor f reconce-
pute, pentru a mparti principii co-
mune ntregului domeniu. Vor f de
asemenea mai putin stricte si generale.
Codurile de etica care nu sunt obiec-
tul unei analize independente vor f
vazute ca inutile; tablourile de confor-
mitate vor f asociate cu institutii pro-
fesionale, nu cu furnizori, colegi sau
grupuri de practica voluntara. Utiliza-
torii se vor astepta ca fecare mediator
practicant sa detina o asigurare profe-
sionala de indemnitate si sa specifce
si asiguratorul si care este acoperirea.
Utilizatorii vor vrea, de asemenea,
dovezi ferme ale aptitudinilor medi-
atorilor pentru a le permite sa ia de-
cizii pertinente. Citate oarecare din
utilizatori (de obicei) neidentifcati
nu vor avea credibilitate. Utilizatorii
vor vrea un CV pregatit independent,
care sa contina pareri de la alti utili-
zatori, nu numai pentru reasigurarea
competentei, dar si pentru a indica
potrivirea n ceea ce priveste stilul si
personalitatea. Mediatorii care pos-
teaza videoclipuri n care si explica
direct CV-urile vor avea asigurate mai
multe medieri, deoarece utilizatorii
devin mai meticulosi si mai personali
n alegerea mediatorului.
Dupa cum OBE devine mai ras-
pndit, aceia care avanseaza n cariera
n companiile profesioniste si guver-
ne vor avea o atitudine diferita fata
de predecesorii lor, cautnd training
de specialitate n cadrul programelor
de furnizare a solutiilor. Formatorii
de mediere se vor adresa acestei piete
prin segmentarea cursurilor lor; pro-
gramele de training dedicate tuturor
vor disparea. Cei care aspira sa devina
mediatori profesionsti vor avea nevo-
ie de traininguri mult mai aprofunda-
te, care se materializaeza n califcari
si certifcari, plus dezvoltare profesi-
onala continua. Firmele profesionale,
la fel ca si guvernele si utilizatorii cor-
porate, vor cere cursuri pentru repre-
zentarea clientilor n mediere; adjude-
catorii si altii vor cauta cursuri despre
arta ndreptarii partilor catre mediere;
mediatorii practicanti vor vrea cur-
suri de mediere intercultural si alte
practici mai aprofundate. Utilizatorii
majori vor invita din ce n ce mai mult
formatorii, pentru a le furniza cursuri
customizate interne. Formatorii vor
colabora pentru a stabili standarde
transparente nalte de furnizare si
evaluare, bazate pe evaluare inde-
pendenta, sau vor suferi consecintele
introducerii de catre guverne a acelor
standarde prin ordonante.
Departamentele si Ministerele de
Justitie vor cauta oportunitati de a
reduce costurile contribuabililor cu
programele de justitie civila. Medie-
rea va f ncurajata de catre guverne
si justitie, de multe ori pna ntr-acolo
nct medierea devine sine qua non
nainte, n timpul si chiar dupa litigiu.
Initiative precum Comisia C.E.D.R.
pe Arbitraj International
vor stimula
utilizatorii sa exercite presiune asu-
pra institutiilor de arbitraj pentru a
include medierea n procesele lor. Fo-
rumurile de solutionare a disputelor
internationale, cum ar f Organizatia
assessment will become a key part of
those standards. While many media-
tors will be lawyers by background,
increasingly other professionals will
enter and enrich the feld.
By 2020, such bodies will have
been established in most countries
on a national level, and will link to
an international body that will help
the profession to globalise.
While mediations stakeholders
address quality, transparency and
professional status, numerous other
changes will occur.
As the impact of communications
technology grows, small claims will
typically be commoditised using
. Mediators and providers
handling larger disputes and those
involving emotional issues will fnd
telepresence, online caucus rooms
and other IT tools to make media-
tions more efective, attractive and
afordable, reducing travel time and
speeding up negotiations.
As users become better informed
about how and why mediation
works, demand for less conven-
tional, more tailored processes will
increase; hybrids of facilitative and
evaluative elements, including early
case assessment and non-binding
opinions, will grow. Many train-
ers still teach a purely facilitative
model of mediation, but mediators
also need to learn how, when and
whether to deploy evaluative and
transformative techniques as need-
ed. Gradually, training will adapt to
include these needs.
More mediation panels will be pro-
cess and/or subject-matter oriented,
requiring mediators to demonstrate,
in addition to their mediation compe-
tencies, knowledge of technical felds,
confict diagnostics, process design
and inter-cultural communications.
Mediation will no longer be
viewed as an alternative form of
dispute resolution and will elevate
to become the primary form. In the
commercial arena, good confict
management will be considered
part of Good Corporate Govern-
ance and companies will design
their own systems for evaluating,
managing and resolving disputes
A more informed and circumspect
user will emerge.
Service-side stakeholders will:
collaborate more on issues like
training, independent assess-
ment and feedback
agree on, and apply, minimum
high-level quality standards
encourage transparency into
mediator competency and prior
user experience
share technology platforms for
ensuring security and confden-
devise schemes to enable new
mediators to gain experience and
develop professionally
insist on rigorous ethical codes
and independent reviews with
sanctions, and
pool resources to promote me-
diation as a credible profession.
Codes of Ethics will be re-draf-
ed to share common principles
throughout the feld. Tey will also
be less legalistic and general. Ethics
codes that are not subject to inde-
pendent review will be seen as mean-
ingless; compliance panels will be
associated with professional institu-
tions, not provider, peer or voluntary
practice groups. Users will expect
every practicing mediator to carry
professional indemnity insurance
and to specify both the underwriter
and extent of cover on their profle.
Users will also want hard evi-
dence of a mediators skills to enable
them to make informed decisions.
Cherry-picked quotations from
(usually) unidentifed users will
lack credibility. Users will expect an
independently-prepared summary
of prior user feedback not only
for reassurance about competency
but to indicate suitability in terms
of style and personality. Mediators
posting video clips of themselves
explaining their resums direct to
camera or in interview mode will
secure more mediation assign-
ments, as users become increasing-
ly meticulous and personal in their
choice of mediator.
As OBE becomes more prevalent,
those moving into careers in profes-
sional frms, companies and govern-
ments will exhibit a diferent attitude
to their predecessors, seeking spe-
cialist training in solution-providing
programs. Mediation trainers will
address this market by segmenting
their courses; one-size-fts-all train-
ing programs will fade away.
Tose aspiring to become profes-
sional mediators will need more
in-depth training resulting in quali-
fcation and certifcation, plus pro-
fessional development follow-up.
Professional frms as well as gov-
ernment and corporate users will
demand courses on representing
clients in mediations; adjudicators
and others will seek courses on
the art of referring parties to me-
diation; practicing mediators will
want courses on inter-cultural me-
diation and other in-depth practice
areas. Major users will increasingly
invite trainers to provide tailor-
made courses in-house. Trainers
will collaborate to set transparent
high level delivery and assessment
standards based on independent
assessment, or sufer the conse-
quence of governments introducing
those standards through regulation.
Justice Departments and Minis-
tries will seek out opportunities to
reduce the cost to taxpayers of civil
justice programs. Mediation will
become increasingly encouraged
by governments and judiciaries, of-
ten to the point of making media-
tion a sine qua non before, during
medierea, tehnic i art


Mondiala a Comertului (OMC) si
Conferinta Natiunilor Unite privind
Comertul si Dezvoltarea (UNCTAD)
vor adopta si ele medierea ca proces
major. Aceste dezvoltari vor revoluti-
ona practica medierii si i vor inspira
pe utilizatori sa nteleaga mai bine
medierea si sa o accepte mai deschis.
Asadar, medierea va creste si toata
lumea cererea si oferta va avea
de cstigat. Litigiul va face schimb cu
medierea, pentru a deveni noua def-
nitie a metodelor alternative de solu-
tionare a disputelor. Nici una dintre
aceste actiuni nu este difcila, costisi-
toare sau consumatoare de timp, dar
toate necesita o viziune mpartasita
asupra viitorului si dorinta de a-l obti-
ne. Daca aspiram la el azi, standardele
de calitate ale medierii vor f universa-
le pna n anul 2020.
Actionarii, cum ar f guvernele si
companiile vor fnanta studii pentru
a scoate la iveala noi instrumente si
statistici care sa dovedeasca valoarea
medierii. ncrederea utilizatorului se
va revarsa asupra medierii.
Cel mai important lucru este sa
pastrezi lucrul cel mai important
drept cel mai important lucru.
Stephen Covey a vndut 15 milioa-
ne de exemplare din Te 7 Habits of
Highly Efective People
(Efcienta n
7 trepte. Un abecedar al ntelepciunii),
plus alte carti. Treapta nr. 3 spune sa nu
pierzi din vedere imaginea de ansamblu.
Cu cuvintele lui Covey: Concen-
trarea nereusita este principalul motiv
pentru care oamenii esueaza. Nu e
sufcient numai sa ncepi pe drumul
cel bun; trebuie sa eviti cu succes dis-
tractiile inutile si atractiile vietii care
tintesc sa te abata din drum Cel
mai important lucru este sa pastrezi
lucrul cel mai important drept cel mai
important lucru.
Aici, lucrul cel mai important este
sa obtii statutul profesional. Aceasta
se poate ntmpla prin intentie, nu
prin accident. Partea de servicii me-
diatorii, furnizorii si formatorii tre-
buie sa colaboreze la aceasta intentie.
Trebuie sa se axeze pe cresterea ntre-
gii placinte, nu sa se rezume doar la
bucatica lor. Cresterea placintei aduce
benefcii tuturor, dar aceasta presupu-
ne o colaborare puternica si dialog.
Daca se ntmpla 7 lucruri, atunci
placinta va creste:
1. Mediatorii, furnizorii si forma-
torii, cu ajutorul guvernului, creeaza
un organism profesional. Liderul nu
este un mediator, formator sau fur-
nizor activ. Board-ul sau Consiliul de
Supraveghere include reprezentanti ai
tuturor grupurilor de actionari. Toata
lumea participa pro bono n dezvolta-
rea profesionala si mpartasirea celor
mai bune practici.
2. un plan realist de fnantare pe
cinci ani este pus n practica. Guver-
nul furnizeaza granturile. Cheltuielile
sunt tinute la un nivel scazut si biro-
cratia evitata. Internetul este mijlocul
de infuenta.
3. organismul profesional nu are
niciun venit din furnizarea de servicii.
Este complet non-proft si nregis-
trat ca o institutie caritabila, daca este
4. mai degraba dect reinventarea
rotii, ar trebui sa existe o adaptare
Se nvata lectii, care sunt mparta-
site cu alte organisme profesionale
din alte domenii, toate organismele
profesionale nationale sunt legate la
nivel mondial. Transparenta si cali-
tatea caracterizeaza acest organism
si toate celalalte organisme nationale
profesionale pentru mediatori. Exista
o misiune puternica de a ncuraja si a
dezvolta tinerii mediatori.
5. standarde nalte de training si
evaluare independenta sunt stabilite
si aplicate.
Competenta nalta este acreditata/
certifcata. Se cere feedback de la uti-
lizatorii anteriori.
6. organismul profesional este des-
chis tuturor celor care ndeplinesc
criteriile de calitate, indiferent de alte
califcari profesionale sau profesia de
baza. Se aplica testul Wilensky.
7. exista un cod de etica important
si un organism independent de anali-
za pentru aplicarea lui.
Cu mult nainte de 2020, medierea
poate f prima profesie globala adevarata.
Haideti sa colaboram pentru a pas-
tra lucrul cel mai important drept cel
mai important lucru.
Noiembrie, 2010
9 Te New Lawyer How Settlement is
Transforming the Practice of Law de Julie
Macfarlane, UBC Press 2010
10 Vezi: International Arbitration and
Mediation A Practical Guide de Michael
McIlwrath i John Savage, 2010
11 Ca mai sus: Outcomes Based Educa-
tion; Training and Learning; Technology;
Quality Standards
Transparency; Collaboration and a Free-
Standing Profession.
12 Vezi:
13 Vezi, de exemplu: http://kluwer-
arbitrationblog. com/blog/2010/10/31/
ant i - ar bi t r at i on- comi ng- s oon- t o- a-
14 Designing Confict Management
Systems Creating productive & healthy
organizations de Cathy Costantino, 1995 si
Handbook of Human Confict Technology
creating win-win success without conficts
de Tina Monberg, 2008 i Building ADR
into the Corporate Law Department: ADR
Systems Design de CPR Institute www.cpra- Vezi i Studiul AAA Dispute-Wise
Business Management
15 Vezi:
16 Stephen R. Covey, Te 7 Habits of Hi-
ghly Efective People (1989), Te 8th Habit
from efectiveness to greatness (2006) i Te
Speed of Trust the one thing that changes
everything (2006) toate publicate de Simon
& Schuster.
and even afer litigation. Initiatives
such as the CEDR Commission on
International Arbitration15, will
prompt users to exert pressure on
arbitration institutions to build
mediation into their processes. In-
ternational dispute resolution fo-
rums such as the World Trade Or-
ganization (WTO) and the United
Nations Conference on Trade &
Development (UNCTAD) will also
adopt mediation as a prime process.
Tese developments will revo-
lutionise the practice of mediation
and inspire users to better under-
stand mediation and accept it more
readily. Mediation will therefore
grow and everyone -supply and de-
mand -will beneft. Litigation will
trade places with mediation to be
the new defnition of Alternative
Dispute Resolution. None of these
actions is difcult, costly or time-
consuming. But they all require a
shared vision of the future and the
will to achieve it.
If we reach for it today, media-
tion quality standards will be uni-
versally high by 2020. Stakeholders
such as governments and compa-
nies will fund research to surface
new tools and statistics proving
the value of mediation. User conf-
dence will fow into mediation.
Te main thing is to keep the
main thing the main thing
Stephen Covey has sold 15 mil-
lion copies of Te 7 Habits of High-
ly Efective People plus other books.
Habit no. 3 is not to lose sight of the
big picture. In Coveys words:
Broken focus is the number one
reason people fail. Its not enough
to start of on the right track; you
must successfully avoid the unnec-
essary distractions and attractions
of life that aim to sidetrack you
Te main thing is to keep the main
thing the main thing.
Te main thing here is to achieve
professional status. Tat can only
arise by design, not by accident.
Te service side -mediators, pro-
viders and trainers needs to col-
laborate in that design. Tey must
focus on expanding the total pie
and not merely their own slice. Pie
expansion benefts everyone, but
demands strong collaboration and
If seven things happen, pie ex-
pansion will happen:
1. Mediators, providers and
trainers, with the help of govern-
ment, create a professional body.
Te leader is not an active mediator,
trainer or provider. Te supervis-
ing Board or Council includes rep-
resentatives of all the stakeholder
Everyone participates pro bono
in professional development and
best practice sharing.
2. A realistic fve-year funding
plan is put in place. Government
provides seed funding. Overheads
are kept low and bureaucracy
avoided. Te Internet is leveraged.
3. Te professional body does
not earn any income from the pro-
vision of services. It is entirely non-
proft and registered as a charitable
institution if possible.
4. Rather than re-invention of
the wheel, there should be cultural
Lessons are drawn from and
shared with professional bodies in
other felds. All national profes-
sional bodies are linked up globally.
Transparency and quality charac-
terise this and all other national
professional bodies for mediators.
Tere is a strong mission to encour-
age and develop young mediators.
5. High-level training and inde-
pendent assessment standards are
set and applied.
High competency is accredited/
certifed. User feedback summaries
are required.
6. Te professional body is open
to all who meet the quality criteria
set, irrespective of background and
other professional qualifcations.
Te Wilensky test is applied.
7. Tere is a strong code of ethics
and an independent review body to
apply it.
Well before 2020, mediation
can be established as the frst truly
global profession.
Let us all work together to keep
the main thing the main thing.
November, 2010
9 Te New Lawyer How Settlement is
Transforming the Practice of Law by Julie
Macfarlane, UBC Press 2010
10 See: International Arbitration and Me-
diation A Practical Guide by Michael McIl-
wrath and John Savage, 2010
11 As discussed above: Outcomes Based
Education; Training and Learning; Technol-
ogy; Quality Standards;
Transparency; Collaboration and a Free-
Standing Profession.
12 See:
13 See, for example: http://kluwer-
arbitrationblog. com/blog/2010/10/31/
ant i - ar bi t r at i on- comi ng- s oon- t o- a-
14 Designing Confict Management Sys-
tems Creating productive & healthy organiza-
tions by Cathy Costantino, 1995 and Handbook
of Human Confict Technology creating win-
win success without conficts by Tina Mon-
berg, 2008 and Building ADR into the Corpo-
rate Law Department: ADR Systems Design
by CPR Institute Also see
the AAA Dispute-Wise Business Management
15 See:
16 Stephen R. Coveys Te 7 Habits of
Highly Efective People (1989), Te 8th Hab-
it from efectiveness to greatness (2006)
and Te Speed of Trust the one thing that
changes everything (2006) are all published
by Simon & Schuster.
medierea, tehnic i art


1. Reglementare
2. Concepte
3. Procedur
4. Avantaje
5. Asemnri. Deosebiri.
vnd n vedere eecul sistemu-
lui judiciar instituionalizat de
a face fa multitudinii de ca-
uze cu care se confrunt, precum i
limitele i incovenientele pe care le
implic (proceduri formaliste, ter-
minologie specifc, durat i soluie
imprevizibile), s-a ncercat de-a lun-
gul timpului s se creeze modaliti
alternative de rezolvare a litigiilor.
Vom prezenta n continuare cte-
va aspecte de ordin general cu privi-
re la fecare dintre aceste proceduri.
Aceast modalitate alternativ de
rezolvare a ltigiilor a fost reglemen-
tata prin Legea nr. 192/2006 privind
medierea i organizarea profesiei de
mediator, modifcat prin Legea nr.
370/2009 si Legea nr. 202/2010.
La nivelul Uniunii Europene a
fost adoptat Directiva 2008/52/CE,
ce se aplic n cazul litigiilor trans-
frontaliere, n materie civil i co-
Medierea reprezint o modalitate
opional de soluionare a conficte-
lor pe cale amiabil, cu ajutorul unei
tere persoane specializate n calitate
de mediator, n condiii de neutralita-
te, imparialitate i confdenialitate.
Astfel, prile unui confict sau al unui
litigiu, apeleaz la o persoan strin
de acestea, pentru a ajunge la o rezol-
vare a situaiei.
Mediatorul este orice ter chemat
s conduc procesul de mediere ntr-
o manier efcace, imparial i com-
petent, indiferent de denumirea sau
de profesia terului i de modul n
care terul a fost numit sau i s-a so-
licitat s efectueze medierea.
Sarcina mediatorului este de a cla-
rifca contextul confictului i al discu-
iilor, problemele i interesele implica-
te, atitudinea i percepiile prilor cu
privire la acesta, pentru a le permite
acestora s ajung la concesii recipro-
ce i s sting starea de tensiune.
ntr-o societate in care buna n-
elegere, dialogul, ntrajutorarea,
compromisul nu mai funcioneaz
ca instrumente de modelare a con-
fictelor, oamenii nemaifind capabili
s comunice cu uurin i n mod
natural, se dovedete necesar insti-
tuionalizarea unei proceduri care s
faciliteze apropierea ntre prile n
confict i gsirea unei soluii care s
rezolve disputa.
Din iniiativa proprie sau la reco-
mandarea instanei/avocatului, par-
tea contacteaz unul din mediatorii
menionai n tabelul mediatorilor
publicat n Monitorul Ofcial sau
pe site-ul Ministerului Justiiei i
Libertilor Ceteneti (www.just.
ro), respectiv pe site-ul Consiliului
de mediere ( Va
avea loc o ntlnire ntre parte i me-
diator, ocazie cu care se vor furniza
informaii cu caracter general despre
mediere, principiile care guverneaz
aceast procedur, solicitndu-se
relaii despre cauz i datele de con-
tact ale prii adverse. Mediatorul va
trimite acesteia o invitaie i datele
sale de contact, pentru a se putea
stabili de comun acord ziua n care
s-ar putea desfura sesiunea de me-
diere. Dac partea nu rspunde, se
va reveni, dup care se va ncheia un
proces-verbal care atest imposibili-
tatea realizrii medierii, ca urmare a
refuzului prii de a se prezenta. n
situaia n care prile sunt de acord
s apeleze la mediere, cu ocazia n-
tlnirii comune, sunt informate cu
privire la procedur i principiile ce
o guverneaz, regulile sale de baz.
n funcie de necesiti, vor avea loc
una sau mai multe sesiuni, comune
sau individuale, ce se vor fnaliza fe
prin realizarea unui acord total/par-
ial, fe prin eec.
Avantajele medierii pentru pri
Un prim benefciu se refer la re-
stituirea taxei de timbru, n cazul n
care cauza a ajuns pe rolul instanei
i s-a achitat o asemenea tax. Trebu-
ie precizat c, n urma abrogrii art.
23 ind. 1 din Legea nr. 146/1997, ce
prevedea restituirea taxei judiciare,
n situaia n care prile ncheiau o
tranzacie, prin Legea nr. 202/2010
(cunoscut ca legea micii reforme),
n prezent, recuperarea sumelor
pltite cu acest titlu poate avea loc
numai dac respectivul confict se
soluioneaz pe calea medierii.
De asemenea, aceast procedur
este una informal, confdenia-
l, civilizat. Aceast nseamn c
ntrunirea prilor are loc ntr-un
cadru privat, cu respectarea demni-
tii umane i a normelor de bun
conduit, orice informaie adus la
cunotina mediatorului sau orice
document prezentat neputnd f
dezvluite judectorului dect cu
acordul prilor.
Nu este deloc de neglijat faptul c,
prin intermediul medierii, persoane-
le afate n confict lucreaz, n mod
activ, pentru ajungerea la o soluie
care s satisfac nevoile tuturor, i nu
ateapt pasiv o soluie impus de un
ter (instana de judecat).
Totodat, medierea poate con-
duce la o rezolvare cu celeritate a
litigiului, ntruct nu se mai impune
1. Regulation
2. Concepts
3. Procedure
4. Advantages
5. Similarities. Diferences
onsidering the failure of the in-
stitutionalized juridical system
in coping with the tremendous
number of cases, as well as the limits
and inconveniency involved (for-
mal procedures, specifc terminol-
ogy, length, unpredictable solutions),
over the time people tried to create
alternative modes to solve litigations.
Further on, we will present few
general aspects regarding each of
these modes.
Tis alternative dispute resolu-
tion mode was regulated by the
Law 192/2006 regarding mediation
and organization of mediator pro-
fession, modifed by Law 370/2009
and Law 201/2010.
At European Unions level, the
Directive 2008/52/CE was adopted,
being applied to trans-border civil
and commercial cases.
Mediation is an optional mode to
solve conficts amiably, with the help
of a third person, specialized as me-
diator, under the conditions of neu-
trality, impartiality and confdenti-
ality. Tus, the parties of a confict
or a litigation1, turn to a stranger to
reach a solution.
Mediator is any third party called
to lead the mediation process in an
efcient, impartial and competent
way, regardless the name or the
profession of third party and the
way in which the third party was
appointed or requested to conduct
the mediation.
Te mediators task is to clarify
the context of confict and discus-
sions, problems and interests in-
volved, the parties attitudes and
perceptions, in order to allow the
parties reach reciprocal conces-
sions and terminate the tension.
In a society where good under-
standing, dialogue, help, compro-
mise no longer function as confict
molding instruments and people
are incapable to communicate eas-
ily and naturally, there is need for
the institutionalization of a proce-
dure to facilitate the closeness be-
tween the parties in confict and to
fnd a solution to the dispute.
At own initiative or at the rec-
ommendation of court/lawyer, the
party contacts one of the mediators
mentioned in the Panel published
in the Ofcial Gazette or on the
Justice Ministrys website, (www., or on the Mediation Coun-
cils website (
Tere will be a meeting between
the party and the mediator, where
general information on mediation
will be supplied, the principles that
govern this procedure, requesting
information about the case and the
contact data of opponent party. Te
mediator will send to this party his/
her contact details in order to com-
monly decide on the day when me-
diation could happen. If the party
does not answer, it will be called
again, aferwards an ofcial note
will be set, mentioning the impossi-
bility to accomplish mediation, due
to partys refusal to present. In case
both parties agree to turn to media-
tion, in the joint meeting they are
informed about the procedure and
the principles that govern it, its
basic rules. Depending on necessi-
ties, there will be held one or more
sessions, common and individual,
which will be fnalized either by
achieving a total/partial agreement
or by failure.
Mediations advantages for parties
A frst beneft is the restitution
of the stamp fee, if the case has
reached the court and such fee was
already paid. Its worth mention-
ing that, following the abrogation
of art. 23 ind 1 of Law 146/1997,
which stipulates the restitution of
the legal tax in case parties con-
cluded a transaction, the current
Law 202/2010 (known as the law of
small reform) mentions that the re-
cuperation of the sums paid for this
fee can happen only if the confict is
solved through mediation.
Also, this procedure is an infor-
mal one, confdential, civilized. Tis
means that the meeting of parties
takes place in a private place, where
human dignity and good behavior
norms are respected, and any docu-
ment that is presented to the me-
diator cannot be revealed before the
judge without the parties consent.
Its also worth mentioning that,
through mediation, people in con-
fict work actively in reaching a
solution to satisfy everyones needs,
instead of waiting passively for a
solution imposed by a third party
(namely the court of law).
Also, mediation could lead to a
fast resolution of the litigation, as
it does not impose the fulfllment
of the formal and tetchy proce-
dure regulated by the Civil Proce-
dure Code (hearings to take note
on the trials papers, other witness
hearings, interrogation of parties
hearings etc). Yet, we must men-
tion that the high length of judicial
medierea, tehnic i art


respectarea procedurii formaliste i
anevoioase reglementate de Codul
de Procedur Civil (acordarea de
termene pentru a se lua cunotin
de actele procesuale, audierea de
martori, luarea de interogatorii pr-
ilor e.t.c). Trebuie precizat c durata
mare a procedurii judiciare este ine-
vitabil n cadrul anumitor tipuri de
litigii, ntruct este necesar admi-
nistrarea probei cu expertiza, care
poate dura luni de zile (fe datorit
complexitii, fe a nepregtirii co-
respunztoare a experilor, ce duce
la nlocuirea acestora sau la efectu-
area unei contraexpertize), astfel n-
ct realizarea unei nelegeri pe calea
medierii ar scurta perioada litigiului
i ar aduce benefcii tuturor prilor.
Ca o consecin a reducerii tim-
pului necesar soluionrii cauzei, se
vor diminua i cheltuielile pe care le
implic un proces n instan.
Nu n ultimul rnd, procesul me-
dierii poate ajuta ca prile s gseas-
c soluia care s satisfac nevoile i
interesele reale ale acestora, niciuna
dintre ele nepierznd totul. Prile
trebuie s contientizeze faptul c
recurgerea la intervenia instanei
prezint riscuri, n sensul c partea
poate cheltui timp, bani i energie
fr a ctiga nimic (este situaia
respingerii aciunii) sau s obin o
soluie nesatisfctoare (n cazul ad-
miterii n parte a unui capt, dar care
nu mplinete interesele prii).
Avantajele medierii pentru avocai
Dei muli membri ai baroului
sunt reticeni n ceea ce privete fo-
losirea acestei proceduri, fe datorit
nencrederii, fe a temerii legate de
pierderea clienilor, totui medierea
aduce benefcii i acestei categorii
n primul rnd, prile pot f asis-
tate de avocai n cursul edinelor
de mediere, prestaia acestora find
la fel de util i apreciat ca i cea
din faa instanei, prestaie care este
De asemenea, o component a
onorariului ar trebui s aib n vede-
re i aspectul referitor la durata pro-
cedurii. Cu alte cuvinte, onorariul ar
trebui s fe mai mare dac partea va
obine mai rapid o soluie favorabil
sau acceptabil, iar nu invers, astfel
cum se petrece n prezent, ntruct
cu ct se stinge mai devreme confic-
tul, cu att mai mici vor f pierderile
nelese ca ansamblul cheltuielilor pe
care le suport partea (de timp, ener-
gie, bani).
Satisfacia profesional i uman,
ca urmare a soluionrii litigiului pe
aceast cale, nu este cu nimic mai
prejoas dect cea rezultat din c-
tigarea procesului, ntruct avocatul
poate avea, n cadrul medierii, un
rol cu mult mai activ, dezvluindu-i
aptitudinile de negociator.
Avantajele medierii pentru siste-
mul judiciar
Este nendoielnic c medierea a
fost gndit ca o justiie alternativ,
pentru a degreva instanele de vo-
lumul mare de activitate. Totodat,
contribuie i la reducerea cheltuieli-
lor pe care statul trebuie sa le suporte
(i n fnal noi toi), pentru a pune n
funciune aparatul judiciar, mai ales
n cauzele minore.
Dei se reproeaz acestei pro-
ceduri c ar periclita principiului
egalitii de tratament i dreptul de
a f ascultat, ntruct, audiate separat,
prile nu mai au acces la toate infor-
maiile i, prin urmare, pierd contro-
lul asupra procesului, aceste incon-
veniente pot f depite cu ajutorul
ncrederii ce trebuie s existe ntre
pri i mediator, care i desfoar
activitatea sub semnul echidistanei,
al imparialitii i al neutralitii.
De asemenea, avantajele incontesta-
bile ale medierii, n fruntea crora se
numr aceea c justiiabilul gsete
o soluie adaptat situaiei sale, ar
trebui s elimine orice reticen i
nencredere n aceast procedur.
Nu exist un act normativ care
s reglementeze cu caracter general
aceast modalitate de soluionare
a confictelor. Excepia o constituie
negocierea colectiv n materia con-
fictelor de interese, al crei cadru
normativ este stabilit prin Legea nr.
Prin negociere se nelege orice for-
m de confruntare, prin care dou
sau mai multe pri cu interese i po-
ziii contradictorii, dar complementa-
re, caut s ajung la un aranjament
reciproc avantajos.
Negocierea este o constant n
relaiile interumane, de ordin privat
sau profesional. Presupune, ca pre-
mis, existena unor interese opuse,
ns, pentru a se evita ruperea rela-
iilor sau confictul deschis, prile
discut asupra concesiilor i com-
promisurilor reciproce.
Prile stabilesc de comun acord
obiectul negocierii, timpul disponibil,
spaiul i locul de desfurare, num-
rul prilor negociatoare, modalitatea
propriu-zis de desfurare (contacte
succesive, schimb de mesaje, cores-
ponden), fecare parte folosind pro-
priile strategii i tactici de negociere.
Rezultatul negocierii, n cazul n care
este pozitiv, se concretizeaz n acor-
dul de voin al prilor.
Negocierea colectiv, n situaia
confictelor de interese n legtur cu
ncheierea sau modifcarea contrac-
tului colectiv de munc se desfoar
potrivit regulilor instituite prin Legea
nr. 168/1999. Astfel, sindicatele repre-
zentative sau reprezentanii alei ai sa-
lariailor (dac nu exist organizat un
sidicat) vor sesiza unitatea, preciznd
revendicarile salariailor, inclusiv mo-
tivarea acestora, precum i propuneri-
le de soluionare. Conducerea unitii
are obligaia de a-i exprima punctul
procedure is inevitable in some
types of litigations, as there is need
for an expertise, which might take
months (either due to its com-
plexity, or improper experience of
experts, who could be replaced or
a counter-expertise is necessary),
thus an agreement through me-
diation would shorten the litigation
period and would bring benefts to
As a consequence of time cut in
solving the confict, the expenses
will also be diminished.
Nonetheless, the mediation pro-
cess might help parties in fnding
the solution to satisfy their real
needs and interests, none of them
losing everything. Parties must be
aware of the fact that turning to
court intervention might have risks,
meaning time, money and energy
could be spent without gaining any-
thing (its the case when the action
is rejected), or an unsatisfying solu-
tion is given (when a count is partly
admitted, but partys interests are
not fulflled).
Mediations advantages for
Although many members of the
bar are reticent to the use of this
procedure, due to lack of conf-
dence or the fear related to the loss
of clients, mediation brings benefts
to this professional category as well.
First of all, parties can be assisted
by lawyers during the mediation
meetings, their performance is as
useful and appreciated as in court,
performance which is paid.
Also, a part of the fee should take
into account the aspect referring to
the length of procedure. In other
words, the fee should be higher if
the party obtains a favorable or
acceptable solution faster, not the
other way around as happens to-
day, because the sooner the confict
is solved, the fewer are the losses
seen as overall expenses the party
must bear (time, energy, money
Professional and human satisfac-
tion, following the resolution of liti-
gation through this manner, is not
lower than winning the trial, be-
cause the lawyer could have a more
active role in mediation course, de-
veloping his negotiation skills.
Mediations advantages to legal
No doubt mediation was de-
signed as an alternative justice, to
relieve the courts from their high
volume of activity. Also, it contrib-
utes to the reduction of expenses
that the state needs to bear (all of
us in the end), to put in function
the judicial machine, especially in
minor cases.
Although this procedure is said
to jeopardize the principle of equal
treatment and the right to be heard,
because, heard separately the par-
ties no longer have access to all
information and therefore they
lose control on the process6, these
inconveniences can be overcome
with the help of the confdence that
needs to exist between parties and
mediator, who performs under the
sign of equidistance, impartiality
and neutrality. Also, incontestable
advantages of mediation, of which
the most important is the fact that
the litigant fnds a solution that is
adapted to his case, should elimi-
nate any reticence and lack of conf-
dence in this procedure.
Tere is no normative act to gen-
erally regulate this mode of solving
conficts. Te exception is repre-
sented by the collective negotiation
in the area of interest conficts,
whose normative framework is set-
tled by Law 168/1999.
Negotiation is represented by any
form of confrontation, by which two
or more parties with contradicting
but complementary interests and po-
sitions, seek an arrangement that is
reciprocally advantageous.
Negotiation is a constant in
inter-human relationships, private
or professional. Its premise is the
existence of opposed interests, but,
in order to avoid the rupture of re-
lationship or open confict, parties
discuss over reciprocal concessions
and compromises.
Te parties commonly establish
the object of negotiation, the avail-
able time, space and location, the
number of negotiating parties, the
way negotiation is carried on (suc-
cessive contacts, change of mes-
sages, correspondence), each party
using their own negotiation strate-
gies and practices. Te result of ne-
gotiation, if positive, materializes in
the parties agreement of will.
Collective negotiation, in the
case of confict of interests about
the conclusion or modifcation of
the collective labor contract, is per-
formed according to regulations
of Law 168/1999. Tus, unions or
elected representatives of employ-
ees (if there is no union organized)
will inform the unit, mentioning
the employees claims, including
their motivation, as well as resolu-
tion proposals. Te units manage-
ment has the obligation to express
its point of view about each of the
claims, in two business days afer
receiving the notifcation. If the
unit did not response to all claims
or the unions do not agree with the
point of view, the confict of inter-
ests is considered commenced.
Te procedure is informal, conf-
dential, designed to restore the dia-
logue and communication between
parties. Tey choose the person
medierea, tehnic i art


de vedere cu privire la fecare dintre
revendicri, n termen de dou zile
lucrtoare de la primirea sesizrii. n
situaia n care unitatea nu a rspuns
la toate revendicrile sau sindicatele
nu sunt de acord cu punctul de vedere
precizat, confictul de interese se con-
sider declanat.
Procedur este una informal,
confdenial, menit s restabileasc
dialogul i comunicarea ntre pri.
Prile i aleg persoanele care le
reprezint n cadrul negocierii. De
esena negocierii sunt lipsa unor re-
guli i proceduri prestabilite i obli-
gatorii sau lipsa unei autoriti afate
deasupra prilor, care s impun o
anumit soluie. De asemenea, acest
mod de soluionare a confictelor nu
implic efectuarea de cheltuieli.
Aceast modalitate de rezolvare a
confictelor este prevzut de o se-
rie de acte normative: art. 720 ind. 1
Cod Pr. Civ. n materie comercial;
legea nr. 168/1999 privind conficte-
le de interese n materia dreptului
Concilierea reprezint o alt meto-
d alternativ de solutionare a con-
fictelor, prin care prile de comun
acord convin s se ntlneasc la o
dat fxat sau neleg s apeleze la
serviciile specializate ale unui concili-
ator profesionist, care s se ntlneas-
c fe separat cu ele, fe n cadrul unei
edine comune, n vederea soluion-
rii litigiului .
Concilierea aplic, n principal,
strategia de soluionare a litigiului
prin compromis. Prin conciliere,
prile aparent i salveaz relaia de
colaborare sau ajung la o nelegere
pe termen scurt.
Este un proces n care a treia
parte, neutr, care are un rol pasiv,
acioneaz ca un comunicator ntre
pri, aducnd la cunotin poziia
fecruia i posibilele opiuni pentru
a se ajunge la o nelegere ntre pri.
Exist i o form de conciliere
judiciar, ce presupune implicarea
judectorului n ncercarea de solui-
onare amiabil a litigiului dintre pri,
temeiul acestei instituii find art. 131
alin. 1, cu aplicabilitate i n
materie penal, n cazul infraciunilor
pentru care este posibil retragerea
plngerii prealabile sau mpcarea
prilor, n baza aceleiai dispoziii
legale care constituie dreptul comun
n materie, dup cum reiese din dis-
poziiile art. 721
Partea care pretinde recunote-
rea unui drept de crean lanseaz
o invitaie, stabilind data i ora cnd
va avea loc ntlnirea, comunicnd
actele n baza crora i formuleaz
preteniile. n cazul n care se fo-
losete un conciliator profesionist,
acesta va stabili de comun acord
data ntrevederii. ntlnirea poate
avea loc separat sau n comun, pri-
le/conciliatorul cutnd s i lmu-
reasc poziiile i obiectivele,
Conciliator poate f un ter-per-
soan fzic/juridic-, un avocat,
arbitrii nscrii pe lista Camerelor
de Comer (a se vedea n acest sens
regulamentul Camerei de Comer
i Industrie Mure, pe site-ul http://
ment/07.html). Conciliatorul (con-
ciliatorii), dup ascultarea prilor,
studierea actelor i efectuarea, dac
este cazul, a altor investigaii, poate
face recomandri prilor cu pri-
vire la o soluionare echitabil a
diferendului. n practic, n mod
uzual, punctul fnal al concilierii l
reprezint momentul ncheierii unui
proces-verbal de conciliere, nsuit
de pri sub semnatur, care con-
semneaz desfurarea procedurii i
voina expres a acestora. nelegerea
prilor, exprimat n limitele dispo-
ziiilor legale, se va impune prilor
cu fora legii, ns nu sunt executorii.
n cazul confictelor de interese
(n raporturile salariai-angajator),
una din modalitile de soluionare
este i concilierea, astfel cum preve-
de Legea nr 168/1999.
Astfel, sindicatul reprezentativ
sau, dup caz, reprezentanii salari-
ailor sesizeaz Ministerul Muncii
i Proteciei Sociale, prin organele
sale teritoriale direciile generale
de munc i protecie social-, n ve-
derea concilierii. n termen de 24 de
ore de la nregistrarea sesizrii, Mi-
nisterul Muncii i Proteciei Sociale
are obligaia de a desemna delegatul
su pentru participare la concilierea
confictului de interese, care are obli-
gaia s comunice sesizarea unitii
n termen de 48 de ore de la desem-
narea sa i s convoace prile la pro-
cedura de conciliere la un termen ce
nu poate depi 7 zile de la nregis-
trarea sesizrii. La ntlnire particip
mputernicii ai prilor n confict.
Susinerile prilor i rezultatul dez-
baterilor se consemneaz ntr-un
proces-verbal, semnat de ctre pri
i de delegatul Ministerului Muncii
i Proteciei Sociale. Dac se ajunge
la un acord cu privire la soluiona-
rea revendicrilor formulate, prile
vor defnitiva contractul colectiv de
munc. n situaiile n care acordul
cu privire la soluionarea confictu-
lui de interese este numai parial, n
procesul-verbal se vor consemna re-
vendicrile asupra crora s-a realizat
acordul i cele rmase nesoluionate,
mpreun cu punctele de vedere ale
fecrei pri referitoare la acestea
din urm. n ipoteza unui eec, pr-
ile pot hotr, prin consens, iniierea
procedurii de mediere.
Procedura este una informal,
confdenial, menit s restabileasc
dialogul i comunicarea ntre pri.
Prile aleg conciliatorul sau per-
soanele care s le reprezinte. Poate
who represent them in the negotia-
tion. Te essence of negotiations is
the fact that there are no predeter-
mined and binding rules and that
there is not authority above parties,
to impose a certain solution. Also,
this mode to solve conficts does
not infer expenses.
Tis way of solving conficts is
stipulated by a series of normative
acts: Art. 720 ind 1 of the Civil Pro-
cedure Code in commercial mat-
ters; Law 168/1999 about conficts
of interests in labor rights area.
Conciliation represents another
alternative mode to solve conficts,
by which parties jointly agree to
meet at a fxed date or decide to
turn to the specialized services of a
professional conciliator, who should
meet them either separately or in a
joint meeting, in view of solving the
Conciliation mainly applies the
strategy of solving the confict
through compromise. Trough
conciliation, parties apparently save
their collaboration relationship or
reach a short-term agreement.
It is a process here the third party,
neutral, passive, acts as a commu-
nicator between parties, informing
about the position of each party
and possible options to reach an
Tere is also a form of judicial
conciliation, which infers the in-
volvement of the judge in the at-
tempt to amiably solve the litigation
between parties. Tis type of con-
ciliation is based upon the art. 131
alin. 1 of the Civil Procedure Code,
which extends its applicability over
criminal cases, felonies where with-
drawal of complaint is possible or
in the case when parties appease,
based upon the same legal stipula-
tions that represent the common
law, as shown by the stipulations of
art. 721 of Civil Procedure Code.
Te party that pretends the rec-
ognition of a claim right launches
an invitation, setting the day and
hour when the meeting is to hap-
pen, communicating the docu-
ments which led to its claims. In
case a professional conciliator is
used, he will jointly decide the
meeting date. Te meeting can take
place separately or jointly, parties/
conciliator trying to clear their po-
sitions and objectives.
Conciliator may be a third party
individual/legal entity, a lawyer,
arbitrators listed by the Chamber
of Commerce and Industry (see the
regulation of the Mures Chamber
of Commerce and Industry, on the
traj/regulament/07.html). Te con-
ciliator (conciliators), afer hearing
the parties, studying the papers and
performing other investigations, if
needed, could make recommenda-
tions to parties about a fair resolu-
tion of the confict. In practice, the
fnal point of conciliation is usually
represented by the signing of a con-
ciliation protocol, signed by the par-
ties, who agree with the procedure
progress and their express will. Te
parties settlement, expressed under
the limits of legal stipulations, will
be imposed to parties by the law,
however they are not binding.
In the case of conficts of inter-
ests (within the employees-employ-
er relationship), one of the resolu-
tion methods is conciliation, as
shown by the Law 168/1999.
Tus, the representative union,
or, depending on the case, the
employees representatives, notify
the Ministry of Labor and Social
Protection, through its territorial
bodies the general labor and so-
cial protection directorates about
conciliation. In 24 hours afer reg-
istration of the notifcation, the
Ministry of Labor has the obliga-
tion to appoint its delegate to par-
ticipate in the conciliation of the
conficts of interest. Tis delegate
needs to communicate the notif-
cation to the unit in 48 hours afer
his selection and to convoke par-
ties to the conciliation procedure,
in a term that cannot exceed 7 days
afer the registration of the notif-
cation. Te meeting is attended by
persons empowered by the parties
in confict. Te parties claims and
the result of debates are mentioned
in a protocol, signed by the parties
and by the Labor Ministrys del-
egate. If an agreement about the
resolution of claims is concluded,
the parties will fnish the collective
labor contract. If the agreement re-
garding the resolution of conficts
is only partial, the protocol will
register the claims that were agreed
to and those remained unsolved,
together with the points of view of
each party. In case of a failure, the
parties can commonly decide the
initiation of the mediation proce-
Te procedure is informal, conf-
dential, planned to restore the dia-
logue and communication between
parties. Tey choose the conciliator
or the persons who represent them.
It can result in fnding a solution to
satisfy the parties interests and po-
sitions and to consolidate the rela-
tionship between them. It does not
involve costs.
Tis way to solve litigations is
stipulated in Book IV of the Civil
Procedure Code, art. 340-370. Also,
the procedural framework is regu-
lated by the Arbitration Procedure
medierea, tehnic i art


avea ca efect gsirea unei soluii
care s satisfac interesele i poziiile
prilor i care s salveze relaiile
dintre acestea. Nu presupune chel-
Acest mod de rezolvare a litigiilor
este prevzut n Cartea a IV a din
Codul de Pocedur Civil, art. 340-
370. De asemenea, cadrul procedu-
ral este reglementat prin Regulile
de Procedur Arbitral ale Curii de
Arbitraj Comercial Internaional,
publicate n Monitorul Ofcial, Par-
tea I nr. 197 din 29 martie 2010.
Anumite dispoziiii sunt cuprinse n
Legea nr. 168/1999.
Arbitrajul const n soluionarea
unui litigiu de ctre un ter/teri sau de
un organism instituionalizat (tribunal
arbitral), n baza unei proceduri care
rezult din acordul prilor, pronun-
ndu-se o hotrre obligatorie.
Arbitrajul este instituionalizat sau
Arbitrajul se organizeaz potrivit
conveniei arbitrale (clauze compro-
misorii sau compromis), prile sta-
bilind normele privind constituirea
tribunalului arbitral, numirea, revo-
carea i nlocuirea arbitrilor, terme-
nul i locul arbitrajului, normele de
procedur pe care tribunalul arbitral
trebuie s le urmeze, repartizarea n-
tre pri a cheltuielilor arbitrale, con-
inutul i forma hotrrii arbitrale,
orice alte norme privind buna des-
furare a arbitrajului. n lipsa unor
asemenea prevederi, tribunalul arbi-
tral va putea reglementa procedura
de urmat, iar, n cazul arbitrajului
instituionalizat, se vor avea n vede-
re normele de procedur edictate de
aceast instituie, precum i normele
imperative ale Codului de Procedu-
r Civil n aceast materie.
Partea reclamant depune la Re-
gistratura Curii de Arbitraj o cerere
n care indic preteniile sale i mo-
tivarea n fapt i n drept a acestora
mpreun cu actele pe care se nte-
meieaz, precum i numele arbitru-
lui propus. Secretariatul transmite
cererea celeilalte pri n litigiu, prin
asistentul arbitral cruia i-a fost re-
partizat n responsabilitate litigiul,
care, n termen de 10 zile de la pri-
mirea ntiinrii, va nominaliza ar-
bitrul. n situaia n care prile nu
se neleg asupra unui arbitru unic
sau nu indic numele unui arbitru,
tribunalul arbitral va f desemnat de
Curtea de Arbitraj.
Aadar, tribunalul arbitral poate f
constituit dintr-un arbitru unic sau
din 3, cte unul nominalizat de pri
i un supraarbitru desemnat, ntot-
deauna, de Curtea de Arbitraj.
Tribunalul arbitral trebuie s pro-
nune hotrrea n termen de cel mult
6 luni de la data constituirii sale.
Partea prt are obligaia de a de-
pune ntampinarea cu 5 zile nainte
de data primului termen.
Examinarea cauzei, ncuviinarea
i administrarea probelor, dezbate-
rea pe fond au loc n condiii de con-
Deliberarea are loc n edin se-
cret, iar soluia i motivarea sunt
cuprinse ntr-o sentin arbitral,
ce este obligatorie, constituind titlu
executoriu, dup nvestirea cu for-
mul executorie.
Prile au posibilitatea de a-i alege
arbitrii, aspect ce a fcut ca aceast
form de soluionare a confictelor s
fe considerat o justiie privat.
Ofer posibilitatea soluionrii ra-
pide a cauzelor.
Cheltuielile arbitrale sunt mai reduse.
Datele litigiului, inclusiv hotr-
rea arbitral, sunt confdentiale.
Pot face obiectul arbitrajului li-
tigiile comerciale i civile, interne
sau internaionale, precum i cele
derivnd din confictele de interese
(cele legate de ncheierea/modifca-
rea contractelor colective de munc,
caz n care arbitrii sunt desemnai
de pe lista stabilit prin ordin al
ministrului muncii i proteciei so-
ciale, dintre specialitii n domeniul
economic, tehnic, juridic i din alte
profesii, cu acordul Consiliului Eco-
nomic i Social).
Nu exist un act normativ care
s reglementeze cu caracter general
aceast modalitate de soluionare a
Facilitarea este procesul prin care
o persoan neutr, acceptat de toate
prile n confict i care nu are putere
de decizie, ajut prile s identifce
problemele, s gseasc soluii i s ia
decizii ntr-un mod efcient.
Facilitarea este menit s fac
prile s dialogheze fe n situaia
n care nu exist o relaie anterioa-
r, fe atunci cnd exist pericolul
declanrii unui confict. Facilita-
torul - persoan neutr - asigur
iniierea dialogului, ajut prile s
discute aspectele-problem, s iden-
tifce punctele comune i s realizeze
consensul n vederea lurii deciziilor
reciproc avantajoase. Facilitarea in-
tervine atunci cnd nu exist confict
ntre pri, ci doar diferende asupra
unor subiecte.
Facilitatorul, de comun acord cu
prile, stabilete data i locul ntl-
nirii, fxeaz obiectivele i agenda
discuiei, pune n dezbatere temele/
subiectele, toi participanii urmnd
s aib ocazia de a-i exprima opini-
ile i de a oferi informaii. Finalitatea
este gsirea unui plan de aciune co-
mun. Se ntocmete un proces-ver-
bal al edinei i o list cu cei care au
regulations of the International
Court of Arbitration, published
in the Ofcial Gazette, Part I, no.
197 on March 29, 2010. Certain
stipulations are gathered in the Law
Arbitration consists in resolution
of litigation by a third party/par-
ties or by an institutionalized body
(arbitration tribunal), based on a
procedure which results from parties
agreement, pronouncing an enforce-
able decision.
Arbitration is institutionalized or
Arbitration is organized accord-
ing to the arbitration convention
(arbitration clauses or compro-
mise), parties establishing the
norms related to the establishment
of the arbitration tribunal, appoint-
ment, revoking and replacement
of arbitrators, the day and place of
arbitration, the procedure norms
that the arbitration tribunal must
follow, distribution of costs, the
content and the form of the arbitra-
tion decision, any other norms for
the proper progress of arbitration.
If these stipulations are missing,
the arbitration tribunal will regu-
late the procedure and in case of
institutionalized arbitration, there
will be taken into consideration
the procedure norms proclaimed
by this institution, as well as the
imperative norms of the Civil Pro-
cedure Code.
Te claimant submits to the Reg-
ister of the Arbitration Court a re-
quest showing its claims and their
motivation papers, as well as the
name of the arbitrator proposed,
the secretariat sends the request to
the other part of litigation, through
the arbitration assistant that was
appointed the case, who will nomi-
nate the arbitrator in 10 days afer
receiving the notifcation. If the
parties do not agree upon a sole ar-
bitrator or do not indicate the name
of an arbitrator, the arbitration tri-
bunal will be appointed by the Ar-
bitration Court.
Terefore, the arbitration tribu-
nal can consist in a sole arbitrator
or three, each appointed by both
parties and a super-arbitrator, al-
ways appointed by the Arbitration
Te arbitration tribunal must
pronounce a decision in 6 months
afer being established, at the most.
Te accused has the obligation to
submit the reception 5 days before
the frst hearing.
Te examination of the case, ac-
ceptance and presentation of evi-
dence take place in contradictory
Deliberation takes place in a se-
cret meeting, and the solution and
motivation are gathered in an arbi-
tration sentence, which is binding.
Parties have the possibility to
choose the arbitrators, which made
this alternative confict resolution
method be considered a private
justice. It ofers a fast resolution of
Arbitration costs are lower.
Te date of litigation, including
the arbitration decision, are con-
fdential. Te following may be
the object of arbitration: civil and
commercial litigations, internal or
international, as well as those de-
riving from the conficts of interest
(related to the conclusion/modif-
cation of labor collective contracts,
in this case arbitrators are appoint-
ed according to the list established
through the order of Labor Minis-
ter, out of the economic, technical,
legal and other professions special-
ists, with the agreement of the Eco-
nomic and Social Council.
Tere is no normative act to ge-
nerally regulate this mode of solv-
ing conficts.
Facilitation is the process by whi-
ch a neutral person, accepted by all
parties of a confict and who does
not have decisional power, helps
parties in identifying the problems,
in fnding solutions and taking de-
cisions efciently. Facilitation is
intended to make parties hold a di-
alogue, both when no relationship
existed before nor when confict is
about to start. Te facilitator ne-
utral person initiates the dialogue,
helps parties in discussing the is-
sues, identifes the common points
and comes to a consensus in view
of taking a common advantageous
decision. Facilitation intervenes
when there is no confict between
parties, but only some divergences
over certain issues.
Te facilitator, together with the
parties, establishes the day and lo-
cation of meeting, sets the talks to-
pics and agenda, debates the issues/
topics, all participants having the
opportunity to express their opini-
ons and ofer information. A proto-
col of the meeting is concluded and
a list of attendants.
Tis alternative confict resolu-
tion method permits the avoidance
of a confict, which might lead to a
litigation. Te facilitator, as being
uninvolved, can help parties to see
things from a new and balanced
perspective, in order to reach a fast
and durable solution.
Similarities. Diferences
Mediation, like negotiation,
conciliation, facilitation and arbi-
tration, is based upon a voluntary
participation, the procedure be-
ing private and confdential (in
medierea, tehnic i art


Aceast modalitate alternativ de
rezolvare a disputelor permite evita-
rea declanrii unui confict ce poate
duce la litigiu. Facilitatorul, find o
persoan neimplicat, poate ajuta
prile s priveasc lucrurile dintr-o
perspectiv nou i echilibrat, astfel
nct s se ajung la o soluie rapid
i durabil.
Asemnri. Deosebiri.
Medierea, ca i negocierea,
concilierea, facilitarea i arbi-
trajul, se bazeaz pe o participare
voluntar, procedura find privat i
confdenial (n cazul arbitrajului,
n faza desfurat n faa arbitrilor).
Medierea, concilierea, facilitarea, ar-
bitrajul si negocierea sunt proceduri
facultative, excepia find concilierea
n materia comercial, ce are caracter
obligatoriu, sau arbitrajul, n situaia
n care prile au prevzut n con-
tract obligativitatea acestui mod de
soluionare al confictului.
Spre deosebire de mediere, ne-
gociere, conciliere i facilitare, care
presupun o procedur informal,
fexibil, arbitrajul se desfoar dup
o procedur formal, prevzut de
lege, de la care nu se poate deroga.
n cazul negocierii i concilie-
rii sunt prezente doar prile sau
reprezentanii lor, n schimb facili-
tarea, arbitrajul i medierea implic
participarea unei tere persoane (fa-
cilitator, arbitru, respectiv mediator).
Negocierea i concilierea duc
la obinerea unei soluii bazat pe
poziii i interese, ce ar obliga prile,
fr a avea caracter executoriu. Me-
dierea are ca scop gsirea unei soluii
bazat pe nevoi i interese, aleas de
pri, ce nu dobndete caracter exe-
cutoriu dect dac este acceptat de
instan sau autentifcat de notar (n
situaia unor creane certe, lichide,
exigibile). Arbitrajul se fnalizeaz cu
o soluie impus, cu for obligatorie
i executorie.
Prin noiunea de confict, se are n
vedere o nenelegere sau ciocnire de
interese, care nu a ajuns n faa unui
judector. Noiunea de litigiu, dim-
potriv, se refer la confictul ajuns
n faa instanei.
Lucia Ana Maria Zaharia
arbitration case the phase held
before the arbitrators). Mediation,
conciliation, facilitation, arbitra-
tion and negotiation are facultative
procedures, except for commercial
conciliation, which is obligatory, or
arbitration, when the contract stip-
ulates the compulsoriness of this
way to solve the confict.
Unlike mediation, negotiation,
conciliation and facilitation, which
infer an informal, fexible proce-
dure, the arbitration takes place
following a formal procedure, stip-
ulated by the law, which cannot be
In negotiation and conciliation,
only parties or their representatives
are present, while facilitation, arbi-
tration and mediation involve the
participation of a third person (fa-
cilitator, arbitrator, mediator).
Negotiation and conciliation
result in a solution based upon
positions and interests, which are
binding on parties, yet without an
executory character. Mediations
purpose is to fnd solutions based
upon needs and parties, chosen by
the parties, which becomes execu-
tory only if accepted by the court
or legalized by a notary public (in
case of frm, liquid, exigible claims).
Arbitration results in a solution im-
posed, enforceable and executory.
Notion of confict refers to a dis-
sension or a clash of interests, that
have not reached a judge. On the
contrary, the notion of litigation
refers to the confict that already
reached the court of law.
Lucia Ana Maria Zaharia
untem deja n 2011, al treilea
an al crizei economice, iar
n cei doi ani anteriori, mai
ales n 2009, s-a nregistrat un nu-
mr impresionant de cazuri noi
de insolven. Dei insolvena nu
nseamn ntotdeauna faliment, n-
truct exist posibilitatea redresrii
fnanciare prin reorganizarea judi-
ciar, imaginea i prestigiul unei
companii pot avea de suferit.
Firmele insolvente, care au un
plan de redresare fnanciar, se
pot reorganiza i i pot desfura
n continuare activitatea. Planul
de reorganizare trebuie ns agreat
de creditori i poate presupune re-
strngerea activitii, restructurarea
personalului i valorifcarea unor
active din patrimoniul societii.
Modul n care frmele insolven-
te prezint creditorilor planul de
reorganizare este hotrtor pentru
acceptarea planului.
Din nefericire, procedura concor-
datului preventiv prevzut de legea
381/2009 se realizeaz tot n instan,
n Tribunalele Sindice. Aici exist
proceduri anevoioase strict regle-
mentate. De exemplu, conciliatorul
este ales din rndul practicienilor
n insolven. Aceste aspecte tergi-
verseaz redresarea i ngreuneaz
realizarea cadrului de ncredere,
ntruct creditorii vor asocia proce-
durile de realizare ale concordatului
cu insolvena iminent a debitorului.
Medierea este o cale mai rapid
i care poate oferi ncredere credi-
torilor. Medierea asigur mai ales
confdenialitate pentru prezentarea i
acceptarea planului de redresare de c-
tre creditori. De asemenea, soluiile de
redresare sunt hotrte de partenerii de
afaceri n concordan cu interesele lor
reale. Experiena medierii n rile cu
un mediu de afaceri performant arat o
efcien de 80% n litigiile comerciale.
Medierea este o soluie n litigiile
de insolven i n Romnia. Prile
pot evita procedura concordatu-
lui i hotr mpreun un acord cu
ajutorul mediatorului. Acordul la
mediere se realizeaz ntr-un timp
extrem de scurt, la un pre rezo-
nabil i n condiii de ncredere i
confdenialitate. S-a stabilit ca me-
dierea s fe o procedur prealabil
obligatorie n litigiile comerciale.
Att criza economic, ct i crizele
individuale ale fecrei afaceri sunt
realiti care oblig mediul de afaceri
s se adapteze. St n puterea oameni-
lor de afaceri s aleag cum s rezol-
ve situaiile difcile. Evitarea litigiilor
lungi i costisitoare vor face diferena
dintre supravieuitori ai pieei libere
i victime ale falimentului.
Marius Corad
Director Serviciul de Mediere la
Centrul Regional de Facilitare i
Negociere Iai.
Pentru mai multe informaii despre
medierea comercial putei contacta
Centrul Regional de Facilitare i Ne-
gociere, Str. Lascr Catargi nr. 42, Iai,
Tel: 0232-254502, Fax: 0232-254503,
e are already in 2011, the
third year of the economic
crisis, and an impressive
number of new insolvencies was
reported the previous years, espe-
cially in 2009. Although insolvency
does not always mean bankruptcy,
as there is the possibility for fnan-
cial recovery through judicial reor-
ganization, the image and prestige
of a company might sufer.
Insolvent frms, which have a
fnancial recovery program, can re-
organize and continue to carry on
their activity. Te reorganization
plan however needs to be agreed by
creditors and might imply the limi-
tation of activity, personnel restruc-
turing and sale of some assets. Te
way in which the insolvent compa-
nies present the reorganization plan
is decisive in accepting this plan.
Unfortunately, the preventive
concordat procedure, stipulated by
Law 381/2009 is also achieved in
court, at the Syndic Tribunals. Here,
harsh procedures are strictly regu-
lated. For instance, the conciliator
is chosen among the insolvency
practitioners. Tese aspects delay
the recovery and harden the accom-
plishment of the trust framework,
as the creditors will associate the
accomplishment procedures with
the imminent insolvency of debtor.
Mediation is a faster way and can
ofer trust to creditors. Especially,
mediation provides confdentiality
in presenting and accepting the re-
covery plan by the creditors. Also,
the recovery solutions are decided
by the business partners in accor-
dance with their real interests. Te
mediation experience in countries
with a developed business environ-
ment shows an efciency of 80% in
commercial litigations.
Mediation is a solution in insol-
vency cases in Romania too. Parties
may avoid the concordat procedure
and can decide an agreement to-
gether, with help from the mediator.
Te mediation settlement is achie-
ved in a very short period of time,
for reasonable costs and in full con-
fdence and confdentiality. It was
decided that mediation would be
a compulsory initial procedure in
any commercial litigation.
Both the economic and the indi-
vidual crisis of any business repre-
sent realities that make the business
environment to adapt itself. It is
in businessmen power to choose
how to solve difcult situations.
Avoidance of long and expensive
litigations will make the diference
between the survivors of the free
market and the bankruptcy victims.
Marius Corad
Director within the Mediation
Service at the Iasi Negotiation and
Facilitation Regional Center.
For more info about the commercial
mediation, you can contact the Regional
Facilitation and Negotiation Center, 42
Lascr Catargiu, Iai, Tel: 0232-254502,
Fax: 0232-254503, e-mail:,
medierea, tehnic i art


1 Bucharest, published by Rotech Pro, 2010, ISBN 978-973-8285-61-3
Decrypting codes and systems
e have the following qu-
estion: What could cor-
relate the systems, syn-
chronizing them in order to make
them more efcient and connected
Te system represents: 1) ensem-
ble of elements (material or ide-
al) with certain common features,
which form an organized whole ~
nervous. ~ solar. ~ philosophic.
2) way of organizing a process, an
activity ~ electoral. 3) government
form; regime, system. ~ feudal. 4)
coordinated ensemble of procedu-
res, utilized for obtaining a positive
outcome ~ treating a disease. 5)
succession of layers formed within
a geological period. 6) ensemble of
associated installations ~ technical.
~ energy. /<lat. systema, it. sistema,
fr. systeme, germ. System Sour-
Worldwide tendency is to har-
monize all systems, maintaining
their dominant features.
Tis issue represents a challen-
ge, considering the elements that
compose the systems, in relation to
creation, development and systems
Te rule is that the best-shaped
system includes through absorpti-
on the similar systems less efcient.
Mediation is the alternative way
to solve a confict, needs/necessities
surfacing to the disadvantage of af-
frmed positions, when implemen-
ting and developing the procedure.
Te diferent systems that ma-
nage confict worldwide are based
upon sources and strategies that are
specifc and individual, determined
by the state organization forms
government systems.
In order to harmonize and syn-
chronize the judicial systems in
view of creating a global confict
resolution system, there was iden-
tifed the generating element of the
system, namely the identifcation,
compatibilization and satisfaction
of needs/necessities, being repre-
sented by the individuals basic
attitudes and actions, which can be
projected at organization level, seen
as a system.
Tus, by establishing mediation
procedure as common language
in confict resolution, it is tried in
fact the identifcation of a universal
decrypting code, which should no
longer raise the problem of compa-
As a consequence, a common
system based upon a universal in-
terpretation code represents the
ideal structure built at world level,
whose main link is the identifcati-
on of needs and satisfaction of the-
se needs.
Te systems developed through
concepts, which are based upon the
implementation of the recipe of this
alternative confict resolution are
viable, efcient and do not repre-
sent the risk of implosion through
consumption of own resources.
Defnition: the interdependency
relationship between two subjects,
which becomes incompatible due
to perception diferences or limited
Conficts elements:
subjects are persons, individu-
als or legal entities, which, through
interaction, voluntary or involun-
tary, determine connections which
produce shortcuts at perception or
resources level;
interdependency relation repre-
sents the interaction between sub-
jects, established by the attempt to
interconnect their needs;
perceptions represent the de-
terminant images of subjects, de-
rived from the accumulation of
framework information, supplied
by the social interaction and their
processing through individual ar-
limited resources fnite raw
material, with an accentuated de-
gree of reporting, conventionally
determined as intrinsic value.
Perceptions represent a sum of
information which generates axi-
omatic images that determine the
development of entity, but also the
construction of concepts with a
high degree of infexibility, genera-
ting socially-determinant attitudes.
Proportional to perceptions,
entities have a diferent degree of
social behavior and inconsistent re-
action which develop multiple mo-
dalities to put an end to conficts.
Resources represent the base of
perceptions formation or deforma-
tion, generating individual or col-
lective attitudes and reactions, fna-
lized as types of confict responses.
It is necessary to analyze confict
in order to establish its dynamics,
as related to the dynamics of the
1 Bucureti, Editura Rotech Pro, 2010, ISBN 978-973-8285-61-3
Sisteme i coduri de decriptare
e pune ntrebarea: Ce poate
corela sistemele, sincronizan-
du-le n vederea efcientizrii
lor i nglobrii la nivel mondial?.
Sistemul reprezint: 1) Ansam-
blu de elemente (materiale sau ide-
ale) cu anumite trsturi comune
care formeaz un tot organizat. ~
nervos. ~ solar. ~ flozofc. 2) Mod
de organizare a unui proces, a unei
activiti. ~ electoral. 3) Form de
guvernmnt; regim; ornduire. ~
feudal. 4) Ansamblu coordonat de
procedee, folosit pentru a obine
un rezultat pozitiv. ~ de tratare a
unei boli. 5) Succesiune de straturi
formate n decursul unei perioade
geologice. 6) Ansamblu de instala-
ii asociate. ~ tehnic. ~ energetic.
/<lat. systema, it. sistema, fr. systeme,
germ. SystemSursa:NODEX
Tendina la nivel mondial este
aceea de armonizare a tuturor sis-
temelor, pastrnd caracteristicile
determinante ale acestora.
Problema reprezint o provocare,
avnd n vedere elementele compo-
nente ale sistemelor determinante
n crearea i dezvoltarea acestora i
n impunerea ritmului de efcien
(dinamica sistemului).
Regula este c cel mai bine con-
turat sistem nglobeaz prin ab-
sorbie sistemele similare mai puin
Medierea reprezint modalitatea
alternativ de soluionare a confic-
telor, la implementarea i dezvol-
tarea procedurii accentundu-se
nevoile/necesitile n detrimentul
poziiilor afrmate.
Diversele sisteme care gestio-
neaz confictul la nivel mondial se
bazeaz pe izvoare i strategii care
sunt specifce i individuale, deter-
minate de formele de organizare
statal sisteme de guvernmnt.
Pentru armonizarea i sincro-
nizarea sistemelor judiciare n
vederea crerii sistemului global
de soluionare a confictului, s-a
identifcat elementul generator al
sistemului, i anume identifcarea,
compatibilizarea i satisfacerea
nevoilor/necesitilor, acestea re-
prezentnd atitudinile i aciunile
primare, fundamentale ale indivi-
dului, care se pot proiecta la nivel
de organizaie privit ca sistem.
Astfel, prin stabilirea procedurii
medierii ca limbaj comun n vede-
rea soluionarii confictelor, de fapt
se ncearc identifcarea unui cod
de decriptare universal care nu mai
ridic problema compatibilizrii.
Pe cale de consecin, un sistem
comun bazat pe un cod de interpre-
tare universal reprezint structura
ideal construit la nivel mondial
care are drept liant identifcarea ne-
voilor i satisfacerea acestora.
Sistemele dezvoltate pe concepte
care se bazeaz pe aplicarea reetei
acestei proceduri alternative de
soluionare a disputelor sunt via-
bile, efciente i nu prezint riscul
imploziei prin consum de resurs
Defniie: relaia de interdepen-
den dintre doi subieci, devenit
incompatibil din cauza diferen-
elor de percepie sau resurselor
Elementele confictului:
subiecii reprezint persoane,
entiti fzice sau juridice care prin
interaciune, voluntar sau invo-
luntar, determin stabilirea de co-
nexiuni care produc scurtcircuitri
la nivel de percepii sau resurse;
relaia de interdependen re-
prezint interaciunea dintre su-
bieci, stabilit prin ncercarea de
interconectare a nevoilor acestora;
percepiile constituie imaginile
determinante ale subiecilor, izvo-
rte din acumularea de informaii
cadru, furnizate de interaciunea
social i prelucrarea acestora prin
arbitrariul individual;
resursele limitate materie pri-
m fnit, cu un grad accentuat de
raportare, determinat convenional
ca valoare intrinsec.
Percepiile reprezint o sum de
informaii care genereaz imagini
axiomatice care determin dezvol-
tarea entitii, dar i construirea de
concepte cu un grad mare de infe-
xibilitate, genernd atitudini deter-
minante social.
Raportat la percepii, entitile
au un grad diferit de comporta-
ment social i o reacie neuniform
care dezvolt modaliti multiple
de stingere a confictelor.
Resursele constituie baza form-
rii sau deformrii percepiilor, ge-
nernd atitudini i reacii individu-
ale sau colective fnalizate n tipuri
de rspuns la confict.
Este necesar s analizm confic-
tul n vederea determinrii dinami-
cii acestuia, raportat la dinamica
prilor care contribuie la dezvol-
medierea, tehnic i art


parts that contribute to its develop-
If the basic confict generation
sources are limited resources and
perceptions, they are intrinsically
linked to the entity that manages
them and promotes them as values
with absolute character.
Tus, the parties, subjects of con-
fict, could react highly depending
on the stimulation degree genera-
ted by the argumentation and the
level of perception generated by the
position identifed in the value hie-
rarchy perceived.
We state that a confict repre-
sents the interdependency relation-
ship, spontaneous or historic, born
between two or more subjects, rela-
tionship that is perceived as being
incompatible due to limited resour-
ces or diferent perceptions.
Analyzing the previous statement
backwards, one could deduce that,
by optimizing the interdependency
relationship, by making it compa-
tible at the level of resources and
perceptions, the confict vanishes
or does not appear.
How can the mentioned relation-
ship be made compatible?
Based upon the same judgment,
both resources and perceptions
need to be made compatible.
Compatibilization of resources
needs to go deep in the areas that
shape the conficts subjects, namely
the individual history, emotions,
values, identity, the understanding
of the message received, communi-
Tus, proportional to percepti-
on and resources, we distinguish
among fve types of reactions to
confict, namely: competition,
collaboration, avoidance, concili-
ation and compromise (Tomas-
Te competitive person repre-
sents the maximum opponent, who
reacts, who destroys, the one who
thinks that, through his attitude,
benefts from maximization of pro-
ft to third parties prejudice.
Competitive persons are asserti-
ve and non-cooperating and focus
on their own interests to the disa-
dvantage of others. Tis is an atti-
tude guided towards power, using
each authority that might help in
securing own position (quarrel,
function, economic sanctions).
Tis attitude can be translated as
protecting own rights, protecting
the position you fnd it correct or
simply trying to win.
Te collaborating person is
willing to have a cooperation attitu-
de, thinks that a common solution
proposed and resulted through the
identifcation of convergent points
in both sides represents the optimal
thing in ending a confict.
Collaborating persons are both
assertive and cooperating at the
same time and totally oppose the
avoidance of the problem. Coope-
ration involves the attempt to work
with the other in identifying certain
solutions which should meet all the
claims of both sides. Tis entails a
detailed analysis of a situation, in
order to surface the preoccupati-
ons of the two persons that have a
problem and fnding an alternative
to the preoccupations of both sides.
Collaboration between two per-
sons can materialize in letting the
confict start, in order to expose the
inner feelings of the other, in solv-
ing some aspects that, lef unsolved,
would be a waste for both sides or
in confronting and trying to reach
a creative solution to the interper-
sonal problem.
Avoidance, indiference based
upon interests without immediate
appliance, represents a tactic whi-
ch does not solve the confict, the
confict state holding no relevance
to the individuals perception, the
stake being of low importance, thus
consumption of resources is not
Avoidance is both non-assertive
and non-cooperating, the person
does not pursue his own interes-
ts or others. Such persons do not
approach the confict. Avoidance
can take the form of a diplomatic
postponement until a moment that
is good for confict resolution or
simply of a withdrawal from a thre-
atening situation.
Conciliating person is willing to
borrow from the values of others,
is fexible and open in accepting
solutions proposed by third parties
as being optimal, his perceptions
being modifed depending on the
source of arguments proposed by
the participants in the confict, his
attitude being generated by a lack of
information or by an excessive in-
dolence, which place the decisional
elements to others responsibilities.
Conciliation is non-assertive and
cooperating and is the opposite of
the competitive style. In concilia-
tion case, the person neglects own
interests in favor of others, proving
self sacrifce. Conciliation can take
the form of generosity and chari-
table actions, the person may obey
the orders of other person or may
adopt other persons point of view.
Compromise, based on opti-
mizing the proft and lowering the
consumption of resources in both
directions, represents the fexible
attitude, whose result is the avoi-
dance of interacting the percepti-
ons of the subjects in confict.
Tomas-Kilmann scheme
Compromise is a middle way
tarea lui.
Dac sursele primare de gene-
rare ale confictului sunt resursele
limitate i percepiile, acestea sunt
legate intrinsec de entitatea care le
gestioneaz i le promoveaz ca va-
lori cu caracter absolut.
Astfel, prile, subieci ai con-
fictului, pot reaciona n strns
legtur cu gradul de stimulare ge-
nerat de argumentaia expus i de
nivelul de percepie generat de po-
ziia identifcat n ierarhia valoric
Afrmm c un confict repre-
zint relaia de interdependen,
spontan sau istoric, nscuta ntre
doi sau mai muli subieci, relaie
perceput ca find incompatibil
din cauza resurselor limitate sau
percepiilor diferite.
Analiznd n sens invers afrma-
ia anterioar, se poate deduce c,
prin optimizarea relaiei de inter-
dependen, prin compatibilizarea
la nivel de resurse i percepii, con-
fictul se stinge sau nu apare.
Cum se poate compatibiliza rela-
ia menionat?
n baza aceluiai raionament,
trebuie compatibilizate att resur-
sele, ct i percepiile.
Compatibilizarea resurselor ne-
cesit aprofundarea domeniilor
care contureaz subiecii confic-
tului, i anume istoricul individual,
emoiile, valorile, identitatea, gra-
dul de nelegere a mesajului recep-
ionat, comunicarea.
Astfel, raportat la percepii i
resurse, distingem cinci tipuri de
reacie fa de confict, i anume:
competiia, colaborarea, evitarea,
concilierea i compromisul (To-
Competitivul reprezint opo-
zantul maxim, reacionarul, di-
structivul, cel care consider c
prin atitudinea sa benefciaz de
maximizarea proftului n detri-
mentul terilor.
Persoanele competitive sunt
asertive i necooperante i i urm-
resc propriile interese n defavoarea
celorlali. Aceasta este o atitudine
ghidat spre putere n care se folo-
sete orice autoritate care poate aju-
ta la fxarea propriei poziii (cear-
ta, funcia, sanciuni economice).
Aceast atitudine se poate traduce
prin a-i apra drepturile, a-i
apra poziia pe care tu o consideri
corect sau pur i simplu a ncerca
s ctigi.
Colaborativul este dispus la o
atitudine de cooperare prin care
consider c o soluie comun pro-
pus i rezultat n urma identifc-
rii de puncte convergente n ambele
pri reprezint optimul n stinge-
rea confictului.
Persoanele colaborative sunt i
asertive i cooperante n acelai
timp i se opun total evitrii proble-
mei. Cooperarea implic ncercarea
de a lucra alturi de cellalt pentru
a gsi anumite soluii care s nde-
plineasc n totalitate doleanele
ambelor pri. Aceasta presupune
s analizezi detaliat o situaie pen-
tru a scoate la suprafa preocup-
rile celor dou persoane care au o
problem i s gseti o alternativ
care s ias n ntmpinarea preo-
cuprilor ambelor pri.
Colaborarea dintre dou persoa-
ne se poate concretiza prin a lsa
confictul s izbucneasc pentru a
releva tririle interioare ale celuilalt,
prin a rezolva anumite aspecte care,
nerezolvate, ar f o risip pentru
ambele pri sau prin a confrunta i
a ncerca s gseti o soluie creati-
v la o problem interpersonal.
Evitarea, indiferena bazat pe
interese lipsite de aplicare imediat
constituie o tactic care nu soluio-
neaz confictul, starea confictual
find lipsit de relevan n per-
cepia individului, miza find de o
importan redus care nu justifc
consumul de resurse.
Evitarea este att neasertiv, ct
i necooperant, persoana n cauz
nu urmrete imediat nici intere-
sele proprii, i nici pe ale celorlali.
Astfel de persoane nu abordeaz
confictul. Evitarea poate s ia for-
ma unei amnri diplomatice pn
la un moment mai propice de rezol-
vare a confictului sau pur i simplu
a unei retrageri din faa unei situaii
Conciliantul este personalitatea
dispus s mprumute din valorile
celorlali, fexibil i deschis n a
accepta soluiile propuse de teri
ca find optime, percepiile acestuia
find modifcate n funcie de sursa
argumentelor propuse de partici-
panii la confict, atitudinea find
generat de o lips de informaii
sau o comoditate excesiv care de-
plaseaz elementul decizional n
sarcina celorlali.
Concilierea este neasertiv i co-
operant i este opus stilului com-
petitiv. n cazul concilierii, persoa-
na n cauz i neglijeaz propriile
interese n favoarea celorlali, dnd
dovad de sacrifciu de sine. Conci-
lierea poate lua forma generozitii
i a actelor caritabile, poate nsem-
na s asculi ordinele unei persoane
cnd ai prefera s nu sau s adopi
punctul altcuiva de vedere.
Compromisul, bazat pe opti-
mizarea proftului i diminuarea
consumului de resurse n ambele
direcii, constituie atitudinea fexi-
bil i are ca rezultat evitarea inter-
acionrii percepiilor subiecilor
din confict.
Schema Tomas-Kilmann
Compromisul este o cale de mij-
medierea, tehnic i art


between assertiveness and coopera-
tion. Its goal is to fnd a quick solu-
tion, accepted by both parties, which
should satisfy their claims partially.
Compromise can be found between
competitiveness and conciliation.
Te person who makes compromi-
ses gives away more than the compe-
titive person, yet less than the conci-
liating individuals. Also, he is more
direct in approaching the problem
that the person who avoids it, but he
does not treat it as deep and the coo-
perating people. Compromise could
mean to separate disagreements, to
make change of concessions or to
fnd a quick middle position.
Te fve types of response to confict
are the result of perceptions accumu-
lation, by taking over and interpreting
the information from external envi-
ronment, its processing and optimizing
depending on the framework images,
axiomatic information which build up
the social, the consequence being the
synthesizing at individuals level.
- To be continued-
Mugur Mitroi
loc ntre asertivitate i cooperare.
Obiectivul este gsirea unei soluii
rapide i acceptat de ambele pri
care s le satisfac parial dole-
anele. Compromisul se af ntre
competitivitate i conciliere. Cel
care face compromisuri las de la
sine mai mult dect competitivul,
dar mai puin dect conciliantul.
De asemenea, este mult mai direct
n abordarea problemei dect cel
care o evit, dar nu o trateaz la fel
de profund ca n cazul cooperrii.
Compromisul poate nsemna s
separi dezacordurile, s faci schimb
de concesii sau s gseti o poziie
rapid de mijloc.
Cele cinci tipuri de rspuns la
confict sunt rezultatul acumulrii
de percepii prin preluarea i inter-
pretarea informaiilor din mediul
extern, prelucrarea acestora i op-
timizarea lor raportat la imaginile
cadru, informaii axiomatice, care
construiesc socialul, consecina find
sintetizarea la nivel de individ.
- Continuarea in numarul urmator -
Mugur Mitroi
onfictul este o parte normal,
natural a vieii noastre. Din
momentul n care vom lua pri-
mele contacte cu societatea, prin par-
ticiparea la grupurile de joac, grdi-
nie i coli, suntem expui la tot felul
de dispute i nenelegeri. Acestea pot
f cauzate de lucruri simple, precum
refuzul unui copil de a-i mpri
jucriile, dar i probleme mai grave,
precum hruirea, minciuna i nel-
toria coal. Confictele vor f mereu
prezente, dar depinde de noi cum ale-
gem s le rezolvam.
Confictele nerezolvate i prelungite
duc frecvent la violen, interfernd cu
productivitatea i calitatea vieii n co-
munitile noastre. Dar un confict nu
trebuie s aib ntotdeauna rezultate
negative. Totul depinde de felul n care
acesta este abordat. Fr ndoial, n-
varea metodelor de rezolvare a con-
fictelor pe cale panic de la o vrst
ct mai fraged ne ajut s abordm
viitoarele dispute ntr-un mod potrivit.
Astzi, mai mult dect oricnd,
educatorii din toat lumea neleg im-
portana vital a programelor de gesti-
onare a confictelor care ajut la com-
baterea violenei n coli. n SUA, de
exemplu, administratorii de coal au
implementat o gam larg de msuri
de securitate costisitoare care s-au do-
vedit inefciente; au fost descurajai de
ncercrile lor zadarnice de a gestiona
confictele interpersonale n rndul
studenilor, exclusiv prin metode de
disciplin, precum trimiteri la biroul
directorului, detenia, suspendarea i
chiar expulzarea.
Nemulumirea fa de aceste pro-
cese tradiionale i-a determinat s
ncerce noi modaliti de rezolvare a
confictelor. Una dintre aceste moda-
liti este medierea. Spre deosebire de
metodele vechi, medierea este singura
care nva elevii metodologia necesa-
r i competenele de rezolvare a pro-
blemelor i soluionare a confictelor.
Acestea i pot ajuta n mod real s-i
rezolve disputele ntr-un mod pro-
ductiv, non-violent, chiar i dincolo
de porile colii.
Unul dintre tipurile de mediere
aplicate cu succes n colile din Marea
Britanie i SUA este peer mediation
sau medierea de la egal la egal. n
timpul acestui proces, elevii din ace-
eai grup de vrst asist i faciliteaz
soluionarea litigiilor ntre doi elevi de
aceeai vrst sau din ani mai mici din
cadrul colii.
Peer mediation este un concept
nou pentru sistemul colar romnesc,
dar a fost implementat cu succes n
Statele Unite ncepnd din anii 1960
i n Marea Britanie ncepnd cu anii
nainte de a detalia, haidei s de-
fnim ce este medierea: Peer Medi-
ation in the UK: a guide for schools,
publicat de organizaia NSPCC din
Marea Britanie defnete medierea ca
find ... procesul prin care persoanele
implicate ntr-un litigiu intr voluntar
ntr-un aranjament pentru a rezolva
problema prin colaborare. Stabilind
reguli de baz convenite pentru desf-
urarea medierii, un mediator neutru
permite participanilor s identifce
problemele, s-i expun situaia din
punctul lor de vedere, s fe auzii de
ctre ceilali participani i s spun ce
soluie doresc s obin mpreun. La
fnal, participanii elaboreaz i sem-
neaz un acord scris.
n timpul acestui proces, media-
torul nu d sfaturi, nici nu impune o
soluie, responsabilitatea i controlul
revin exclusiv participanilor.
n cadrul colilor, peer mediati-
on este o modalitate de punere n
aplicare a programelor de rezolvare
a confictelor. Aici, la fel ca n lumea
adulilor, aceste programe i nva pe
elevi s rezolve dispute n care sunt
implicai ali elevi, sub supravegherea
unui coordonator profesionist. Rolul
mediatorului este de a obine o soluie
n care toate prile s aib de ctigat
n urma unui proces voluntar pentru
a evita probleme viitoare.
onfict is a normal, natural
part of our lives. Te moment
we take our frst steps in the
society, by attending playgroups,
nurseries, and schools, we are
exposed to all kinds of disagree-
ments and disputes. Tey can be
triggered by simple things such as
the unwillingness of a toddler to
share a toy or more serious issues
like bullying, lying and cheating
in school. Conficts will always be
present, but it is up to us how we
choose to deal with it.
Unresolved and lingering con-
fict frequently leads to violence, in-
terfering with the productivity and
the quality of life in our commu-
nities. But confict doesnt always
have to have negative outcomes.
It all depends on the manner it is
dealt with. Undeniably, the greater
our opportunity to learn efective
skills in resolving conficts peace-
fully from an early stage, the better
our approach to disputes will be.
Today more than ever, educators
all over the world understand the
vital importance of confict mana-
gement programmes that can tackle
violence in schools. In the USA for
instance, school administrators
have witnessed the inefectiveness
of a wide range of costly safety
measures implemented; they got
discouraged by their futile attempts
to manage interpersonal conficts
among students, solely through
models of discipline such as refer-
rals to the principals ofce, detenti-
on, suspension and even expulsion.
Dissatisfaction with these traditi-
onal processes has led educators to
try new ways of confict resolution.
One such way is mediation. Unlike
none of the old methods, mediati-
on teaches pupils problem-solving
and confict resolution skills that
can help them solve disputes in a
productive, non-violent way, even
beyond the school gates.
One of the mediation types that
schools in the UK and the US
found benefcial for the overall lear-
ning environment is peer mediati-
on. During such a process, students
of the same age-group facilitate re-
solving common disputes between
two children or small groups wi-
thin the school.
Tis is a new concept for the Ro-
manian school system, but has been
successfully implemented in the US
starting from the 1960s and in the
UK since 1980s.
Before going into more details,
lets defne what mediation is: Peer
mediation in the UK: a guide for
schools published by the UK or-
ganization NSPCC is defnes me-
diation as ... the process whereby
people involved in a dispute enter
voluntarily into an arrangement to
resolve the problem collaboratively.
By establishing agreed ground rules
for the conduct of the mediation, a
neutral mediator enables the par-
ticipants to identify the issues by
talking about the situation from
their own point of view, to be heard
by the other participants and to say
what their preferred outcome wo-
uld be. Together, the participants
draw up a written agreement.
During this process the mediator
does not give advice, nor he impo-
ses a solution; responsibility and
control rests solely with the parti-
Within schools, peer mediation
is one way of implementing confict
resolution programmes. Here, just
like in the adult world, these pro-
grammes train pupils to resolve dis-
putes involving other pupils, under
the supervision of a professionally
trained coordinator. Te mediators
simple role is to work towards a
win-win situation in a voluntary
process in order to avoid further
During peer mediation sessions,
medierea, tehnic i art


n timpul sesiunilor de peer medi-
ation, elevii afai n confict i spun
povetile, n timp ce mediatori instru-
ii i ajut s ajung la un acord reci-
proc acceptabil. Ei nu i foreaz pe cei
afai n disputa sa adopte o anumit
soluie i acest lucru i face polemiti,
s se simt puternici, n msur s-i
asume responsabilitatea pentru pro-
priile aciuni i s abordeze n mod
constructiv dezacordurile lor.
Programele de peer mediation nu
sunt menite s nlocuiasc sistemul
disciplinar utilizat in coli, ci pur i
simplu s-l complementeze. Ele ofer
o alternativ la practicile tradiionale
disciplinare care pot ajuta colile s
devin locuri mai sigure. Scopul lor
este de a reduce confictele i de a n-
zestra copiii cu abiliti de soluionare
a problemelor pe care le pot folosi i n
viaa lor n afara porilor colii.
Confictele care pot f soluionate
de peer mediation includ problemele
de prietenie, hruire verbal, rs-
pndirea de zvonuri, agresiuni fzice
minore, sau alte comportamente
uor agresive. Probleme grave, cum
ar f abuzul sexual, sinucidere, abuz
de droguri, posesie de arme i orice
fel de atacuri i activiti criminale
nu sunt adecvate pentru medierea la
egal la egal i necesit sesizare profe-
Potrivit feedback-ului profesorilor
din colile britanice, australiene si
americane, n care astfel de programe
au fost implementate, peer mediation
schimb modul n care elevii neleg
i soluioneaz confictele din viaa
lor. Aceste schimbri includ mbun-
tirea respectului de sine, ascultarii i
abilitilor de gndire critic, o ame-
liorare a mediului colar general de
nvare, precum i reducerea vizibil
a numrului de msuri disciplinare
aplicate i a btilor.
Diverse studii din literatura de spe-
cialitate american i britanic atest
faptul c studenii transfer tehnicile
de mediere nvate n coal, n viaa
lor, n afara slii de clas, folosind abili-
tile lor de mediere pentru a soluiona
conficte cu fraii lor i cu prietenii din
comunitate. Ele arat un nivel crescut
de auto-control, ncredere n sine, i
abiliti mrite de rezolvare a proble-
n afar de nsuirea acestor abili-
ti de rezolvare a problemelor, elevii
nva de asemenea cum s fac rezu-
mate corecte, cum s conduc o dis-
cuie, cum s scrie i s coordoneze
discuii semnifcative ntre polemiti.
Ei nva, de fapt, cum s planifce
efcient pentru viitor, nva despre
responsabiliti, drepturi, consecine
i alegeri.
De cealalt parte, polemitii nva
multe din aceleai lecii, precum i g-
sirea unor modaliti non-violente de
rezolvare a confictelor. Nu n ultimul
rnd, ei i dezvolt capacitatea de a
empatiza cu ceilali.
n Marea Britanie, soluionarea
confictelor este predat unui ntreg
an de studiu din coal. Cei intere-
sai sunt invitai s aplice pentru a-i
aprofunda studiul n peer mediation.
Elevii au rolul de mediatori de la egal
la egal n clasa lor sau n alte clase de
la nivelul lor.
Un al doilea model este modelul de
ntreaga clas, care instruiete fecare
student ntr-o clas in peer mediation.
Atunci cnd doi elevi nu se pot decide
cu privire la o soluie rezonabil pen-
tru o problem, ali elevi din clas pot
ajuta la mediere.
Al treilea model este un program
la nivel de coal, unde studenii re-
prezentnd diverse niveluri de an i
grupe sunt alei pentru a participa la
formare. Cei care fnalizeaz cu suc-
ces cursul, vor deveni mediatori pe
coal timp de un an.
Oricare dintre cele trei modele poa-
te f utilizat la nceputul unui program,
dar pentru ca procesul de mediere
s aib succes, toat lumea n comu-
nitatea colar va trebui s nvee n
cele din urm abilitile implicate n
medierea confictelor. Mediere de
succes nseamn la un nivel mai larg,
schimbarea modului de a vedea i de
a rspunde la confict, precum i m-
buntiri specifce n disciplina cola-
r i comportamentul elevilor.
Mediatorii trebuie s refecte diver-
sitatea colii, inclusiv de cultur, sex,
comportament, academic, social
i de ras. Selectarea lor este foarte
important, deoarece ei vor f modele
pentru ali elevi. n unele programe,
copiii nominalizeaz mediatorii din-
tre colegii lor n urma unei discuii
despre ce nseamn a f un bun peer
mediator. De obicei, mediatorii sunt
demni de ncredere, sritori i respec-
t diferenele individuale.
Voluntariatul, precum i propu-
nerile venite din partea profesorilor
i administratorilor de coli sunt, de
asemenea, luate n considerare. Res-
pingerea sau amnarea ar trebui s
fe explicate cu mult grij. Este n-
totdeauna recomandabil ca studeni-
lor refuzai s li se ofere alte opiuni
care s le permit participarea n alte
moduri n programul de soluionare a
confictelor din coal.
Prinii trebuie s se implice n
proces i s fe informai cu privire la
rolul copilului lor ca peer mediator, la
responsabilitile copilului i la pro-
gramul de formare.
La nceput mediatorii colari sunt
instruii n abilitile de comunicare i
de mediere prin intermediul unor se-
minarii practice cu jocuri i situaii n
care copiii nva aplicat i activ des-
pre probleme i soluii. Acestea sunt
monitorizate ndeaproape de ctre un
coordonator, deoarece elevii sunt lip-
sii de maturitate i experien, att n
gestionarea confictelor, ct i n abili-
disputing students tell their stories
while the trained mediators help
them reach a mutually acceptable
agreement. Tey do not force a so-
lution on the students, and this ma-
kes the disputants feel empowered
to take responsibility for their own
actions and to deal constructively
with their disagreements.
Peer mediation programs are
not meant to replace the discipli-
nary system the schools use, but
simply to complement it by offe-
ring an alternative to traditional
disciplinary practices that can
help schools become safer places.
Their goal is to reduce conflict
and provide children with pro-
blem-solving skills that they can
use in their lives outside the scho-
ol gates.
Te conficts that lend them-
selves to peer mediation include
interpersonal disputes like frien-
dship issues, verbal harassment,
spreading rumours, minor physical
aggression, or other mild bullying
behaviours. Serious problems such
as sexual abuse, suicide, drug abuse,
weapon possession and any kinds
of assaults and criminal activities
are not appropriate for peer me-
diation and require professional
According to teachers feed-
back in schools from the UK,
Australia and the US where such
programmes were implemented,
peer mediation changes the way
students understand and resolve
conflict in their lives. These chan-
ges include improved self-esteem,
listening and critical thinking
skills, overall improved school
learning environment, as well as
reduced disciplinary actions and
less fights.
Various studies from the Ameri-
can but also the British literature at-
test that students transfer the medi-
ation techniques learned in school
to their lives outside the classroom,
using their mediation skills to solve
disputes at home with their siblings
and with friends in the community.
Tey show increased self-control,
self-confdence, and problem-solv-
ing skills.
Along learning problem-solv-
ing skills, students also learn how
to summarize accurately, how to
lead, write and manage meaning-
ful discussions among disputants.
Tey efectively learn how to plan
for the future, learn about respon-
sibilities, right, consequences and
On the other side, disputants
also learn many of these lessons
along with fnding non-violent
ways to resolve conficts and deve-
loping their capacity to empathize
with others.
In the UK, a whole year group
of children is trained in confict re-
solution skills. Tose interested are
invited to apply to continue additi-
onal peer mediation training. Te
students serve as peer mediators in
their own class or in other classes at
their grade level
A second model is the whole
class model that provides every stu-
dent in a classroom with training
in peer mediation skills. When two
students cannot decide on a reaso-
nable solution to a problem, other
students assist by facilitating the
mediation in the classroom.
Tird model is a school-wide
program, where students represen-
ting various grade levels and groups
are chosen to participate in training.
Tose who successfully complete
the course serve as school-wide
peer mediators for a year.
Either approach may be used
at the start of a programme, but
for the mediation process to be
successful, everyone in the school
community will need to eventu-
ally learn the skills involved in the
mediating disputes. Successful peer
mediation means at a broader level,
changing ways of thinking about
and responding to confict as well
as specifc improvements in school
discipline and student behaviour.
Mediators should refect schools
diversity including cultures, gender,
behaviour, academic, social and
race. Teir selection is very impor-
tant, since they are role models for
other students. In some programs
classmates nominate the mediators
following a discussion about what
it means to be a good peer media-
tor. Usually the mediators are trus-
tworthy, helpful, and respect indivi-
dual diferences.
Self-referrals as well as those
made by teachers and school admi-
nistrators are also subject to con-
sideration. Rejection or deferral
should be sensitively explained. It
is always advisable for the students
to be ofered other options allowing
him to participate in the broader
confict resolution programme in
the school.
Parents need to be involved in
the process and informed of their
childs role as a peer mediator, the
childs responsibilities, and schedu-
le of the training.
At frst peer mediators are trai-
ned in communication and medi-
ation skills through workshops on
role-playing, problem-based lear-
ning and active-learning. Tey are
closely monitored by their coordi-
nator, since they lack maturity and
experience, both in confict mana-
gement and negotiating skills.
medierea, tehnic i art


tile de negociere.
De obicei, coordonatorul progra-
mului este un profesor sau consilier
colar cu competena n formarea de
mediatori. El are rolul de liant ntre
grupurile majore: conducerea colii,
echipa de mediere, administratorul
grupului colarilor, grupurile de p-
rini i formatori externi.
Atribuiile sale includ:
Supravegherea selecionrii, in-
struirii, sesiunilor, motivaiei, de-
briefng-ului mediatorilor i follow
up cu polemitii
Informarea celorlali studeni i a
personalului colii despre program
prin intermediul newsletter, pagina
web, etc
Organizarea unor ntlniri sp-
tmnale, bi-lunare, lunare n ca-
drul crora mediatorii colari i
mprtesc experienele, discut
situaii difcile i primesc training
Stabilirea unui protocol pentru re-
comandri de admitere
Informarea la zi din literatura de
specialitate i de cercetare, dezvol-
tarea i meninerea sprijinului din
partea grupurilor strategice, inclu-
siv prinii.
Studiile confrm faptul c un pro-
gram de succes de peer mediation va
reduce pedepsele disciplinare n ca-
zul n care are un suport puternic din
partea personalului colii i formare
continu de mediatori care s repre-
zinte populaia colar. Prin urmare,
coordonatorul de program joac un
rol important n monitorizarea i eva-
luarea impactului programului prin
pstrarea unei evidene a numrului
i naturii incidentelor disciplinare i
prin meninerea evalurilor profesor/
Formarea mediatorilor dureaz, de
obicei, dousprezece sau mai multe
ore n care elevii particip la activiti
i jocuri de rol care s promoveze em-
patia, respectul de sine, auto-discipli-
na, responsabilitatea, contientizarea
prtinirii, rbdarea i respectul. Ei do-
bndesc o nelegere a confictului i
nva strategii de combatere a furiei.
Elevii practic urmatoarele tehnici
de mediere i competene:
Comunicarea verbal i nonverbal
Ascultarea activ
Analiza problemei
Identifcarea intereselor comune
Planul de aplicare
Empatia i dorina de a ajuta seme-
nii n rezolvarea problemelor
Rbdarea i abordarea prietenoas
Mediatorul va nva c niciodat
nu trebuie s:
i constrng fzic colegii
Dea vina i s ia partea cuiva
nvinoveasc sau s absolve de
Decid o soluie
Foreze polemitii s adopte o so-
Pentru ca programul de mediere
s fe de succes, este nevoie de imple-
mentarea unui program de soluiona-
re a confictelor la nivelul ntregii coli.
n conformitate cu ghidul NSPCC,
introducerea tehnicilor de rezolvare
a confictelor va avea un efect pozitiv
numai dac inclusiv adulii din comu-
nitate vor ti cum s caute rspunsuri
creative pentru a aplana confictele.
De asemenea, ei trebuie s nu se sim-
t ameninai de participarea activ a
elevilor n acest proces.
Prin urmare, ghidul avertizeaz c
peer mediation va face puine progre-
se ntr-o coal unde stilul de predare
este prea didactic sau n cazul n care
politica de management este n ntre-
gime bazat pe comportamentul auto-
ritar i punitiv.
Peer mediation prosper ntr-un
mediu care promoveaz relaii poziti-
ve, ncrederea, comunicarea deschis,
respectul reciproc, tolerana i coo-
perarea. Ea nu funcioneaz n coli
n cazul n care exist o abordare mai
ierarhic i punitiv a confictului.
n plus, profesorii nii trebuie s
se modeleze pe valorile inerente solu-
ionrii confictelor i medierii colare,
deoarece ei joac un rol vital n succe-
sul unor astfel de programe.
Conform ghidului, soluionarea
confictului trebuie s fe integrat n
programa colar, metodologia lui s
fe aplicat n subiecte precum geo-
grafe, istorie, studii religioase i limba
englez sau chiar n studii sociale, ti-
in, matematic i literatur.
Alternativ, soluionarea confictelor
i peer mediation ar trebui implemen-
tate n estura colii. Specialitii
susin c un sistem de peer mediation
trebuie s fac parte din politica co-
lii ca ntreg privind disciplina. Peer
mediation ar trebui s fe inclusa n
planul de dezvoltare al colii, precum
i n politicile privind managementul
Mediere la egal la egal n Marea
Britanie:: NSPCC un ghid pentru
ermediationintheuk_wdf48055.pdf Soluionarea confic-
telor n coli - http://www.vadr.asn.
Ghiduri de studiu i strategii: Peer
Mediation - http://www.
Kelly Bear: Soluii prin
intermediul Peer Media-
tion http://www.kellybear.
cherTip13.html Mediere
Dana Mardare
Senior Consultant
Human Toolkit
Usually a teacher or school
counsellor, who has training in me-
diation skills, serves as a program
coordinator. He acts as a liaison
between the major groups: the
school leadership, the mediation
team, the student body adminis-
tration, parent groups and outside
His duties include:
Overseeing selection, training,
sessions, motivation, debriefng
of mediators and follow up with
Keeping the other students and
school staf informed about the
program via newsletters, websi-
te, etc.
Scheduling weekly, bi-monthly,
or monthly meetings where peer
mediators share experiences, re-
view difcult situations, and re-
ceive additional training.
Establishing protocol for intake
Keeping up-to-date with litera-
ture and research, developing
and maintaining support from
strategic groups, including pa-
Studies confrm that a successful
peer mediation program will redu-
ce discipline referrals if it has strong
staf support and ongoing training
for the mediators who represent
the school population. Terefore,
the program coordinator plays an
important role in monitoring and
evaluating the programs impact by
keeping a record of the number and
nature of the disciplinary incidents
and by maintaining teacher/partici-
pant assessments.
Te student training usually lasts
twelve or more hours during whi-
ch students participate in activities
and role plays that promote em-
pathy, self-respect, self-discipline,
responsibility, bias awareness, pati-
ence and respectfulness. Tey gain
an understanding of confict and le-
arn strategies for dealing with anger.
Students practice the following
mediation techniques and skills:
Communicating verbally and
Active listening
Problem analysis
Identifying common interests
Plan development
Empathy and willing-
ness to help peers solve
their problems
Being patient and
Te peer mediator
will learn that he sho-
uld never:
Physically restrain
Place blame and
take sides
Judge guilt or innocence
Make decisions regarding a so-
Force a solution on disputants
For the peer mediation program-
me to be successful, a whole-school
approach to confict resolution sho-
uld be implemented.
According to the NSPCCs guide,
introduction of confict resolution
techniques will be unsuccessful
unless the adults in the community
know themselves how to seek cre-
ative responses to confict and do
not feel threatened by the active
participation of pupils.
Terefore, according to the guide,
peer mediation will make very little
progress in a school where teaching
styles are overly didactic or where
the behaviour management policy is
entirely authoritarian and punitive.
Peer mediation thrives in an en-
vironment that promotes positive
relationships, trust, open commu-
nication, mutual respect, tolerance,
and cooperation. It does not work
in schools where there is a more
hierarchical and punitive approach
to confict.
In addition, teachers themselves
need to model the values inherent
in confict resolution and peer me-
diation because they play a vital role
in the success of such programmes.
According to the guide confict
resolution should fnd its ways into
the curriculum and be applied to
subjects such as geography, histo-
ry, religious studies and English
or even in social studies, literature,
science and maths.
Alternatively, confict resolution
and peer mediation programmes
should be implemented into the
fabric of the school. Te specialists
argue that a peer mediation system
needs to be part of a whole-school
policy on discipline and pastoral
care. Peer mediation should be in-
cluded in the school development
plan as well as in policies on beha-
viour management.
NSPCC: Peer mediation in the
UK: a guide for schools http://
ationintheuk_wdf48055.pdf Confict Resolution
in Schools - http://www.vadr.asn.
Study Guides and Strategies: Peer
Mediations - http://www.studygs.
Kelly Bear: Solutions throu-
gh Peer Mediation http://www.
Dana Mardare
Senior Consultant
Human Toolkit
medierea, tehnic i art


Referitor la hotrrile Consiliului Director al Federaiei Uniunea
Centrelor de Mediere din Romnia adoptate n cadrul edinei care a
avut loc la Ocna Sibiului, jud. Sibiu,
n data de 10.04.2011
Consiliul Director al UCMR ntru-
nit n edina din data de 10.04.2011,
la Ocna Sibiului, jud. Sibiu, a hotrt
1. Convocarea Congresului UCMR
pentru data de 7 mai 2011 la Bu-
2. Componena Comitetului de or-
ganizare a Congresului UCMR:
Antonio Iordan- vicepreedinte
UCMR, Dan Sfrn-secretar ge-
neral UCMR, Dorin Bdulescu-
preedinte Centrul de Mediere
Buzu, Camelia Gagu preedinte
Centrul Mediatorilor Profesioniti
Bucureti, Mugur Mitroi - membru
Centrul Mediatorilor Profesioniti
3. Organizarea Adunrii Generale
Constitutive a Asociaiei Profesio-
nale Uniunea Centrelor de Medie-
re din Romnia, n aceeai zi, dup
fnalizarea lucrrilor Congresului
UCMR, Adunare General la care
s poat participa orice mediator
autorizat din Romnia.
De asemenea, n cadrul edinei
Consiliului Director al UCMR s-a
concluzionat cu privire la necesita-
tea organizrii alegerilor Consiliului
de Mediere ca urmare a deciziei nr.
447/07.04.2011 a Curii Constituio-
nale a Romniei.
Referitor la articolul Actualii mem-
brii ai Consiliului nu renunta la func-
iile pe care le dein Centrul Media-
torilor Profesioniti postat pe internet
joi 14.04.2011, ca urmare a discuiilor
purtate n cadrul edinei Consiliului
Director al UCMR, facem urmtoarele
Congresul UCMR nu va f urmat
de nicio Conferin Naional a
Adunarea General Constitutiv
care va f organizat dup fnaliza-
rea lucrrilor Congresului UCMR,
din data de 07.05.2011, are ca scop
nfinarea unei asociaii profesio-
nale n domeniul medierii care s
corespund actualelor condiii ale
medierii din Romnia.
Adunarea General Constitutiv
NU are ca scop alegerea de ctre
participani a membrilor care vor
constitui un nou Consiliu de Medi-
ere i nici NU i propune s fe un
factor de presiune asupra membri-
lor actualului Consiliu de Mediere.
Facem precizarea c, nc de la
nfinarea sa din vara anului 2005,
Federaia Uniunea Centrelor de
Mediere din Romnia, format din
46 de asociaii legal nfinate n do-
meniul medierii din ara noastr, a
adoptat o atitudine constructiv ba-
zat pe echilibru i respect colegial
i i propune s continue aceast
strategie profesional pentru pro-
tejarea statutului membrilor si i a
imaginii profesiei de mediator.
Av. Mihail Neagoe

14 aprilie 2011
Regarding the decisions taken by the Board of the Union of Mediati-
on Centers in Romania Federation, taken in the meeting held at Ocna
Sibiului, Sibiu County,
on April 10, 2011
UCMR Board, met on April
10, 2011, in Ocna Sibiului, Sibiu
County, decided the following:
1. Convening the UCMR Congress
on May 7, 2011 in Bucharest;
2. Structure of the Organization
Committee of UCMR Congress:
Antonio Iordan- vice-president
UCMR, Dan Sfrn-secretary
general UCMR, Dorin Bdules-
cu- chairman of the Buzau Me-
diation Center, Camelia Gagu
chairman of the professional
Mediators Center, Mugur Mitroi
member of the professional Me-
diators Center Bucharest;
3. Organization of the Constitutive
General Assembly of the Union
of Mediation Centers in Roma-
nia Professional Association, the
same day, afer the fnalization
of the UCMR Congress works,
a General Assembly that may be
attended by any authorized me-
diator in Romania.
Also, the meeting of the UCMR
Board decided over the necessity to
organize elections of the Mediation
Council, following the decision no.
447/07.04.2011 of Romanias Con-
stitutional Court.
Referring to the article Te cur-
rent members of the Council do
not give up the positions they hold
Te Center of Professional Medi-
ators, posted on the internet on
Tursday, April 14, 2011, following
the talks held in the UCMR Board,
we make the following remarks:
the UCMR Congress will not be
followed by any National Confe-
rence of mediators.
the purpose of the Constitutive
General Assembly, which will be
organized afer the fnalization
of the UCMR Congress, on May
7, 2011, is the establishment of a
professional association in medi-
ation feld, to match the current
conditions in Romanias media-
Te Constitutive General
Assemblys purpose is NOT the
election by participants of the
members that will establish a
new Mediation Council, NOR is
a pressure factor on the members
of the Mediation Council.
We mention that, since its esta-
blishment in the summer of 2005,
the Union of Mediation Centers in
Romania Federation, made up of
46 associations legally established
in Romanias mediation feld, adop-
ted a constructive attitude based on
collegial balance and respect and
plans to continue this professional
strategy to protect the statute of its
members and the mediator profes-
sion imagine.
Lawyer Mihail Neagoe

April 14, 2011
Nr. 1 din 10 aprilie 2011
onsiliul Director al Uniunii
Centrelor de Mediere din Ro-
mnia, decide:
Art. 1 - Se convoac Congresul
Uniunii Centrelor de Mediere din
Romnia la data de 7 mai 2011, ore-
le 1000 la Rin Grand Hotel, Bucureti
Art. 2 Ordinea de zi este urmtoarea:
1. prezentarea Raportului de acti-
vitate al Consiliului Director al
UCMR pentru anul 2010
2. Raportul Comisiei de cenzori
3. descrcarea de gestiune a Consi-
liului Director pentru anul 2010
4. aprobarea Proiectului de BVC
pentru anul 2011
5. primirea de noi membri (asociaii)
6. alegerea Preedintelui UCMR i
validarea membrilor Consiliului
7. alegerea membrilor Comisiei de
8. tabilirea unui punct de vedere al
UCMR cu privire la modalitatea
de alegere a membrilor Consiliu-
lui de Mediere
9. stabilirea candidailor i strategi-
ei UCMR pentru alegerea mem-
brilor Consiliului de Mediere
10. dezvoltarea la nivel naional
a Programului de informare a
magistrailor, personalului au-
xiliar al instanelor i parchete-
lor, poliitilor, personalului de
specialitate din cadrul peniten-
ciarelor, desfurat de Asociaia
Centrul de Mediere Craiova n
judeul Dolj.
Avocat Mihail Neagoe
No. 1 of April 10, 2011
he Board of the Union of Me-
diation Centers in Romania
Art. 1 Convocation of the Con-
gress of the Union of Mediation Cen-
ters in Romania on May 7, 2011, 1000
a.m., at Rin Grand Hotel, Bucharest.
Art. 2 Te agenda of the mee-
ting is the following:
1. the presentation of the Activity
Report of UCMR Board for 2010
2. the Report of Audit Committee
3. the discharge of the UCMR
Board for 2010
4. the approval of the project
budget of income and expenses
project for 2011
5. the acceptance of new members
6. the election of UCMR Presi-
dent and the validation of Board
7. the election of the members of
the Audit Committee
8. the setting of UCMR standpoint
regarding the method of election
of Mediation Council members
9. the setting of candidates and
UCMR strategy for the election
of Mediation Council members
10. the national development of the
Program regarding the informa-
tion of the magistrates, the staf
of Courts and Prosecutors Of-
ce, policemen, specialized per-
sonnel of prisons, developed by
Association Mediation Center of
Craiova in Dolj County.
Lawyer Mihail Neagoe
The Mugur Mitroi Mediation
Training School and The Lord Slynn
of Hadley European Law
Foundation organise between
02.06.2011-05.06.2011 the following
course: Advanced techniques in
mediation in Buzu, Buzu County.
The course is held with direct support
from the Buzau Association of Mediation
Center and is dedicated to mediators and
trainers in the feld. The trainers are:
Sir Henry Brooke, Paul Randolph
and Spenser Hilliard. The training
module is held with 15 attendants.
Details on the course:
coala de Formare n Mediere
Mugur Mitroi i Fundaia The Lord
Slynn of Hadley European Law
Foundation organizeaz n perioada
02.06.2011-05.06.2011 cursul Tehnici
avansate n mediere la Buzu, judeul
Buzu. Cursul se desfoar cu sprijinul
direct al Asociaiei Centrul de Mediere
Buzu i se adreseaz mediatorilor i
formatorilor n domeniu. Formatorii
sunt: Sir Henry Brooke,
Paul Randolph i Spenser Hilliard.
Modulul de pregtire
se realizeaz cu 15 cursani.
Detalii asupra cursului la:
Buzu, Str. Panduri, Nr. 3 (sediu Direcia Silvic)
Telefon: 0730.510.765, Fax: 0238.727.952
Email:, Web:
Str. Iedului, Nr. 2, Bl. 148B, Sc. 1, Ap. 1, Parter, Sector 6, Bucureti
Tel: 0722.831.823, 0752.217.004; E-mail:
Web: www.
ISSN 2069-1378 10,00 LEI
Birou de mediator
Trgu Jiu, Bdul General Gheorghe
Magheru, Bloc 2, Parter
Telefon: 0723.147.474,
Fax: 0353.807.614
Birou de mediator
Brila, str. Calea Galai, bl.F,
parter, ap.3,
Tel. 0722.388.132;;
Birou de mediator
Braov, str. Iuliu Maniu,
nr. 43, et. 2, birou 211
Tel. 0268.543.720; 0740.071.540
Birou de mediator
Galati, str. Nae Leonard,
nr. 3, bl. C3A, parter, birou 2-3
Tel: 0757.033.797
Birou de mediator
Cmpina, b-dul Carol I, nr. 44,
bl. 12D2, sc. A, et.1, ap, 5, jud. Prahova
Tel: 0727.988.265
Fax: 0244.333.465
Birou de mediator
Bucureti, str. Leonida Varnali,
nr. 29, sect. 1
Tel: 0753.103.613
Birou de mediator
Bucureti, sector 1,
str. Leonida Varnali, nr. 9
Tel: 0724.246.753
Birou de mediator
Str. Unirii, bl. 21 AB I, etaj 5,
ap. 24, Buzu
Tel: 0745.534.109
Birou de mediator
Cart. Brosteni, bl. G5, ap. 1, Buzu
Tel./Fax: 0338.107.597,
Birou de mediator
str. Horea nr. 7, ap. 4, Satu Mare
Tel: 0720.109.345
Birou de mediator
Bucureti, strada Sofa, nr. 10,
sector 1
Tel: 0745.136.637
e-mail: forentina.stanescu@
Birou de mediator
Adresa: Buzu, str. Unirii, Bl. 3B
Tel: 0722.426.405

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