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Conferina Naional de Comunicri tiinifice

,,Dunrea i Marea Neagr n spaiul euroasiatic.
Istorie, Relaii Politice i Diplomaie
- ediia XX Constana, 27-29 octombrie 2016
28 octombrie 2016
Deschiderea oficial a conferinei:
Decebal FGDU,
primarul municipiului Constana
Dr. Magdalena TI,
directorul executiv al Direciei Judeene pentru Cultur
Contraamiral de flotil Daniel CPN,
comandantul Garnizoanei Constana
Comandor dr. Octavian TRBU,
rectorul Academiei Navale Mircea cel Btrn
Comandor Marius Laureniu ROHART,
directorul Muzeului Marinei Romne
Fotografie de grup
Pauz de cafea

Lansri de carte/semnale editoriale:
1. Anuarul Muzeului Marinei Romne-tom XIX, Editura
Muzeului Marinei Romne, Constana, 2016 i Dunrea i
Marea Neagr n spaiul euroasiatic. Istorie, relaii politice
i diplomaie, coord. dr. Andreea Atanasiu-Croitoru, Editura
Muzeului Marinei Romne, Constana, 2016: prezint prof.
univ. dr. Marian COJOC (Universitatea Ovidius din
2. Dr. Vasile MRCULE, Imperiul Bizantin la Dunrea de
Jos n secolele VI-XII. Organizarea militar-administrativ,
Editura Muzeului Marinei Romne, Constana, 2016: prezint
colonel (r) dr. Alexandru BUCUR (Asociaia Naional Cultul
Eroilor Regina Maria-filiala Sibiu);
4. Comandor (r) dr. Marian MONEAGU, Uniformele
Forelor Navale Romne, Editura Centrului Tehnic-Editorial al
Armatei, Bucureti, 2016; efii Statului Major al Forelor
Navale. Enciclopedie, Editura Centrului Tehnic-Editorial al
Armatei, Bucureti, 2016; Romnia la bicentenarul S.U.A.
Primul voiaj transatlantic al navei-coal Mircea (4
martie-30 august 1976), n coautorat cu contraamiral de flotil
(r) Niculae TEFAN, Bucureti, Editura Militar, 2016:
prezint prof. univ. dr. Valentin CIORBEA (Universitatea
Ovidius din Constana);
5. Valentin CIORBEA, Contraamiralul Horia Macellariu
(1894-1989). Autobiografii din temni. Miscellanea, Editura
Academiei Oamenilor de tiin din Romnia, Bucureti, 2016:
prezint comandor (r) dr. Marian MONEAGU;
6. IN MEMORIAM: Virgil Coman, Aromnii i
meglenoromnii din Banat (1945-1951). Demografie,
societate, izvoare, Editura Etnologic, Bucureti, 2016:
prezint dr. Andreea ATANASIU-CROITORU (Muzeul
Marinei Romne).

Pauz de cafea
Comunicri n plen
1. Expert dr. Carmen-Irne ATANASIU
(Liga Naval Romn)
Marinari romni pe tancurile societii Steaua Romn n
Al Doilea Rzboi Mondial. Prizonieratul - un destin;
2. Lect. univ. dr. Florian BICHIR
(Consiliul Naional pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securitii)
Cum s-a nscut mesianismul rusesc Avem menirea de a
nva Europa o mulime de lucruri, pe care ea nu le poate
nelege altfel;
3. Prof. univ. dr. Valentin CIORBEA
(Universitatea Ovidius din Constana)
Subiect rezervat
4. Dr. Gheorghe DUMITRACU
Din nou despre Armat i ar
5. Dr. Delia BLICAN
(Biblioteca Academiei Romne)
Proiectul Repere culturale bazate pe manuscrise bizantine i
postbizantine BYZANTION, 218/2012, realizat de Biblioteca
Academiei Romne n parteneriat cu Institutul pentru Tehnic
de calcul, cu finanare UEFISCDI
Pauz de cafea

Lucrrile conferinei (prima parte)

Dr. Vasile MRCULE
(Colegiul Tehnic Mediensis, Media),
Dr. Constantin BJENARU
(Muzeul rii Fgraului Valer Literat)
1. Ovidiu Mihail STNG (Radio Romnia Cultural)
Rdcini. Dacia veche
2. Dr. Vasile MRCULE (Colegiul Tehnic Mediensis,
Disputa vlaho-bulgaro-latin din 1205. Btlia de la
3. Drd. Bogdan RUSU (Universitatea Dunrea de Jos din
Gurile Dunrii la sfritul secolului XVII: aspecte privind
comerul, navigaia i construciile navale
4. Petre MARAVELA (Liga Naval Romn-filiala Brila)
nceputurile comerului n portul dunrean Brila
5. Dr. Constantin BJENARU (Muzeul rii Fgraului
Valer Literat)
Un ofier fgrean pe nedrept uitat: generalul baron Ioan

6. Dr. Iulian BOOGHIN (Centrul de Studii i Pstrare a

Arhivelor Militare Istorice Piteti)
Reconstituiri biografice: cpitanul Constantin Biberi sau
scurt povestire despre destinul unui comandant de port fluvial
7. Drd. Cristian CONSTANTIN (Universitatea Dunrea de
Jos din Galai)
Rivalitatea dintre porturile dunrene i Odessa: comerul
internaional cu cereale (1878-1882)
8. Diana-Cristiana LUPU (Revista Gndirea Militar
drd. Daniel-Silviu NICULAE (Universitatea Naional de
Aprare Carol I Bucureti)
Arab-Tabia caz ilustrativ al jocurilor de putere la Dunre i
Marea Neagr
9. Dr. Marian BOZA (coala Militar de Maitri Militari a
Forelor Navale Amiral Ion Murgescu)
O poveste american interesant
10. Colonel (r) dr. Alexandru BUCUR (Asociaia Naional
Cultul Eroilor Regina Maria-filiala Sibiu)
Tilicanul Dionisie Miclu (1894-1957) prin Rusia i Uniunea
11. Drd. Gabriel-George PTRACU (Serviciul Istoric al
Roiorii principesei Missy
12. Dr. Delia BLICAN (Biblioteca Academiei Romne)
Turtucaia (1916) un caz de mediatizare controlat a eecului

Dr. Luminia GIURGIU
(Serviciul Istoric al Armatei),
(Muzeul de Istorie Naional i Arheologie Constana)
1. Dr. Stelua CHEFANI-PTRACU (Muzeul Judeean
Bulgari i srbi fondatori de orae pe meleaguri teleormnene
2. Drd. Andreea NAIDEN (Autoritatea Naval Romn)
Regimul de navigaie maritim al Romniei nainte de cel deAl Doilea Rzboi Mondial
3. Dr. Lavinia DUMITRACU (Muzeul de Istorie Naional
i Arheologie Constana)
Gheorghe L. Dimitriu magistrat al Constanei primei
jumti a secolului XX
4. Dr. Gabriel-Felician CROITORU (Liga Naval Romnfiliala Constana)
Cteva precizri privind activitatea lui Alexandru Daia n
cadrul Ligii Navale Romne
5. Drd. Sibel JINDI-ALEXANDRU (Universitatea Valahia
din Trgovite)
Evoluia Siriei i Libanului sub influen francez
6. Drd. Alina PAPOI (Revista Gndirea Militar
Reflectarea domeniilor tiinei i artei militare n publicaiile
Statului Major General - Trecerile peste Dunre n Campania
din 1916

7. Dr. Nicolina URSU (Constana)

Dobrogea n preocuprile iredentei bulgare dup izbucnirea
Primului Rzboi Mondial
8. Dr. Luminia GIURGIU (Serviciul Istoric al Armatei)
Aciunile Diviziei 1 Cavalerie bulgare n Dobrogea (19-21
octombrie 1916)
9. Dr. Alexandrina CUUI (Muzeul Bucovinei Suceava)
Aspecte privind situaia preoilor ortodoci romni din
Imperiul Austriac n Primul Rzboi Mondial
10. Dr. Andreea ATANASIU-CROITORU (Muzeul Marinei
1916. Despre eroi
11. Comandor conf. univ. dr. habil. Olimpiu Manuel
GLODARENCO (Muzeul Militar Naional Regele
Ferdinand I Bucureti)
Negocierile internaionale privind problema submarinelor n
perioada interbelic
12. Dr. Doina ANGHEL (Centrul de Studii i Pstrare a
Arhivelor Militare Istorice Piteti)
Tratativele Runciman. Acte oficiale i coresponden personal

Pauz de mas

Lucrrile conferinei (a doua parte)
Comandor (r) dr. Marian MONEAGU
Comandor (r) dr. Ioan DAMASCHIN
(Liga Naval Romn-filiala Constana)

1. Dr. Dan PRISCARU (Ministerul Aprrii Naionale)

Grigore Gafencu i meninerea politicii externe a Romniei
de ,,balans ntre marile puteri (decembrie 1938 mai 1940)
2. Drd. Roxana GSC (Muzeul Naional de Istorie a
Rzboiul Sfnt n terminologia otoman din sec. XIX-XX
3. Dr. Silvia IONI (Muzeul Marinei Romne)
Unele aspecte privind romnizarea bunurilor din sectorul
naval n timpul regimului lui Ion Antonescu
4. Ion Mihai IONESCU (Liceul Teoretic Stephan Ludwig
Roth Media)
Dilemele unei ameninri nedefinite: escadra naval Royal
Navy de la Singapore 1941
5. Drd. Traian-Constantin DUMBRVEANU (Muzeul
,,Casa Mureenilor Braov)
Participarea piloilor romni pe frontul de est, Grupul 8
Vntoare i comandantul su, Eugeniu ,,Puiu Prvulescu.

6. Drd. Dan-Drago SICHIGEA (Muzeul Marinei Romne)

Prezena naval german la Marea Neagr n timpul celui deAl Doilea Rzboi Mondial
7. Comandor (r) dr. Ioan DAMASCHIN (Liga Naval
Romn-filiala Constana)
Un erou al Marinei Regale Romne cpitan-comandorul
Alexandru Dumbrav
8. Dr. Teodora GIURGIU (Serviciul Istoric al Armatei)
Consecinele semnrii Conveniei de armistiiu (1944) i a
Tratatului de pace (1947) asupra Marinei Romne (iulie 1947)
9. Teodora MANOLE (Muzeul Militar Naional Regele
Ferdinand I Bucureti)
Domnitorul Unirii i monarhia romneasc, roluri n filme
10. Locotenent colonel (r) dr. Petre OPRI (Varovia,
Cteva planuri privind fabricarea unor avioane de pasageri n
Romnia (1972-1982)
11. General de flotil aerian (rtr) veteran de rzboi Radu
THEODORU (Bucureti),
comandor (r) dr. Marian MONEAGU (Constana)
Din culisele participrii navei-coal Mircea la
bicentenarul S.U.A. (4 martie-30 august 1976)

(Serviciul Judeean Constana al Arhivelor Naionale),
Dr. Ligia DIMA
(Institutul de Cercetri Eco-Muzeale Gavril Simion Tulcea)

1. Dr. Nicolae C. PAPADOPOL (Complexul Muzeal de

tiine ale Naturii Constana), Alexander A. NESTEROV,
(Atlant NIRO Kaliningrad), dr. Angelica CURLIC
(Complexul Muzeal de tiine ale Naturii Constana), Vasile
(Institutul Naional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Grigore Antipa
Colaborarea ruso-romn n explorarea i exploatarea
resurselor halieutice ale Atlanticului de Sud (1978-1990)
2. Comandor dr. Marian TNASE (Constana)
Centrul 39 Scafandri (1980-1990). Un deceniu de excelen n
domeniul ptrunderii omului sub ap
3. Drd. Florin Dionisi BTRNAC (coala Gimnazial nr.
24 Ion Jalea Constana)
Dimensiunea etnico-religioas a luptelor pentru hegemonie la
Marea Neagr
4. Dr. Marian ZIDARU (Universitatea Andrei aguna din
Balana militar ruso-turc n rzboiul din Siria

5. General maior (r) prof. univ. dr. Neagoe VISARION

(Universitatea Naional de Aprare Carol I Bucureti),
colonel ing. drd. Valentin MUNTEANU (Batalionul de
Sprijin al Forelor Navale)
Migraionismul realiti i tendine evolutive
6. Drd. Daniel-Cornel TEFNESCU (Academia Forelor
Aeriene Henri Coand Braov)
Este rzboiul hibrid tipul de confruntare armat a viitorului?
7. Colonel ing. drd. Valentin MUNTEANU (Batalionul de
Sprijin al Forelor Navale)
Operaiile maritime ale gruprilor navale pentru
contracararea ameninrilor asimetrice
8. Dr. Constantin CHERAMIDOGLU (Serviciul Judeean
Constana al Arhivelor Naionale)
9. Drd. Simona Violeta GHEORGHE (Muzeul Olteniei
Ceramic Cultura Grla Mare abordare difereniat n
10. Dr. Ligia DIMA (Institutul de Cercetri Eco-Muzeale
Gavril Simion Tulcea)
Conservarea i restaurarea tezaurului Uzun Bar din
Colecia de Numismatic a Muzeului de Istorie i Arheologie
11. Aurora-Florentina ILIE, (Muzeul Militar Naional
Regele Ferdinand I Bucureti)
Restaurarea drapelului Regimentului 28 de Infanterie, model
1922 studiu de caz
Dezbateri i concluzii pe seciuni


29 octombrie 2016

Vizitarea expoziiei permanente a Muzeului Marinei Romne

Vizitarea Portului Militar Constana
(Fregata 221 Regele Ferdinand, Nava coal ,,Mircea,
Submarinul ,,Delfinul)


ale articolelor i studiilor publicate n volumul:
Dunrea i Marea Neagr n spaiul euroasiatic.
Istorie, Relaii Politice i Diplomaie, ed. a 4-a,
Editura Muzeului Marinei Romne, Constana, 2016.


Ovidiu Mihail STNG, Roots. Ancient Daciae

The old Dacia from Carpathian Danubian Pontic area, was
laid by the great goddess Gaea, on the geographical coordinates of
converging assembly of the four cardinal points crossing upon axes.
In other words, when the East wanted to shake hands with the West
and the North was doing the same thing with the South, here was
located by representatives of major powers of the time the green
table of talks between them.
Dr. Vasile MRCULE, The Vlaho-Bulgarian-Latin
Dispute of 1205. The Battle of Adrianople
On April 13th 1204, the participants at the fourth crusade
were occupying Constantinople. The Byzantine Empire was
dissolved, it place been token by the Latin Empire of Constantinople
which set itself as the heir of Byzantium. From this position the Latin
power instituted at Constantinople issued domination claims upon all
the territories that once belonged to the Byzantine Empire. On the
Balkan Peninsula, the Latin Empire of Constantinople encountered
the Vlaho-Bulgarian Kingdom which under the rule of King Ioanitsa
Asan became the main force of the region. The final confrontations
between the two parts took place on July 14th 1205 at Adrianople.
In a short and bloody battle the Vlaho-Bulgarian-Cuman
army commanded by Prince Ioanitsa Asan crushed the Latin forces.
The first Latin Emperor Baudouin I was captured and a large number
of knights (approximately 300 of those who participated in battle)
headed by Louis of Blois were murdered. Hardly, the rest of the
Latin forces, saved from disaster, commanded by Geoffroy of
Villehardouin, return to Constantinople. The victory of Adrianople
strengthened the position of the Vlaho-Bulgarian Kingdom as the
main power of the south-east of Europe. After the blow received the
Latin Empire of Constantinople survived and was rebuild but only
with great difficulty (Translated by Theodora Mrcule ).
Drd. Bogdan RUSU, The Danube mouths by the end of
XVII century: aspects regarding the commerce, navigation and
naval constructions


The paper aims to investigate the navigation at the Danube

mouths at the end of the seventeenth century, pursuing the evolution
of ships typology, different changes in political and economic
interests of the major powers of the above mentioned period, and
also the navigation influence on the evolution of the Romanian
Principalities. The investigation aimed both qualitative and
quantitative aspects of trade through the ports of the Lower Danube,
political and economic disputes of the European powers,
characteristics of different types of vessels transiting the Danube
ports and ships built in the danubian shipyards.
The research is based on the accounts of foreign travelers
who passed through the Romanian countries in this period,
information filled with data from modern historiography, collections
of documents, data from local and central archives.
Petre MARAVELA, Beginning of commerce in the Danube
port of Brila
During the good economic times, the Port of Braila
managed to send some of the country's wealth worldwide, only
supported by its 2-3 km of quays, carts, porters, wharves and
outdated facilities. Everything was exported quickly and efficiently.
Braila holds the oldest commercial privilege granted by a Romanian
prince. Later, it would become one of the oldest urban medieval
centers in the Lower Danube region, the first free port.
The Wallachian tribute to the Porte was being loaded in
here, the first commercial newspaper in the country was published
here, the first trade bank was set up here too and even the first strike
in the country took place in the port of Braila. The military and the
border-police navies came into being at Braila. The proposals for the
ships flag had their origins here. The Constatinopole maritime line
reached the port. The march of the Romanian Army towards the
reunited Dobrogea passed through the port.
Dr. Constantin BJENARU, An officer from Fgra
undeservedly forgotton: General Baron Ioan Boieriu
Sometimes, the contemporary society has the tendency to
bury in oblivion some personalities, either national or local, who had
a great importance during our history. Taking this into consideration,


I have decided to relate few life aspects of a Romanian soldier with

an outstanding career General Ioan Boeriu (1859 1949).
Born in Recea-Fgra, he made his way towards military
from his youth, quickly advancing through military ranks to GeneralMajor and Field Marshall, being the first and the only Romanian in
Austro-Hungarian army who reached these superior ranks. For his
ability, bravery and courage acquired at the beginning of World War
I, he earned the title of Baron and many Austrian military awards.
He was also one of the artisans of the Great Union on 1 st of
December 1918 and had been amongst the superior officers who
dealt with the reorganization of the Romanian army. After retirement
he actively distinguished himself especially by promoting and
sustaining cultural activities initiated by ASTRA.
Dr. Iulian BOOGHIN, Biographical reconstruction:
Captain Constantin Biberi or short story about the fate of a river
port commander
Reconstitution biography of Captain Constantin Biberi is, in
fact, one of the return of millions of the biographical sequences of
the unimportant, who, by making personal sacrifices contributed to
the writing of the history of our people.
Like countless anonymus people of the past, Biberi
Constantin is not one of the characters canonized in the book of the
Romanian nation. But, by his actions in those years of heavy
moments for the country, Constantin Biberi is among hundreds of
thousands of Romanians who, have fought, as they could, for the
endurance of the Romanian Kingdom, during the fulfillment of
Greater Romania.
In this article, the author outlined that this sailors destiny
was not different from that of the thousands of Romanian sailors who
lived in that period. Some of them managed to survive whole mind
and body, others crippled, but many of them died.
Drd. Cristian CONSTANTIN, The rivalry between the
Danube ports and Odessa: International Grain Trade (18781882)
From the 18th century, a large part of the world grain trade
was controlled by certain intermediate ports. The grain was stored


for lengthy periods and sold when market conditions seemed

favourable. After the gaining of state independence in 1878 the
process of nation building in Romania included a major economic
component. The elimination of the Ottoman pressure after the 1878
was to be followed by the dismantling of the fold bad habits, the
removal of the medieval and feudal remains in society and economy,
a compulsory step on the countrys road to civilization and material
prosperity. In this new economic contest, Romanias port-cities of
Galai and Brila, the outlets of the rich grain surplus of the
Danubian plains, were to play a significant role.
Starting from these premises, this paper analyses the main
aspects related to rivalry from the Romanias and Russia's ports in
the battle of integration in the international grain deposit-ports. The
core issue relates to the movement of the ports (Brila, Galai and
Odessa) and their roles to the exploitation, growth and the connexion
the agricultural hinterlands to the routes of the world trade. Profound
changes in the structure of the Danubian ports of Brila and Galai
were introduced in 1883, when he was abolishing the free port
regime, and the liberal government in Bucharest started to impose its
intention of constructing warehouses at Brila and Galai. This study
is based on some documents preserved in the British Diplomatic
Diana-Cristiana LUPU, drd. Daniel-Silviu NICULAE,
Arab-Tabia-a telling case of power games at the Danube river
and the Black Sea
The paper presents the case of the fort of Arab-Tabia,
Silistra, as an illustration of the power game played by the important
actors in the 19th century Europe in relation to the Danube and the
Black Sea. First, the geopolitical and geostrategic context in Europe
and the Balkans following the Crimean War and the Russo-Turkish
War of 1877-78 is analysed. Then, several aspects related to the
establishment of the border between Romania and Bulgaria in
compliance with the provisions of the Treaty of Berlin are discussed,
including the issue of Arab-Tabia. In conclusion, the reasons why the
mentioned issue can be considered an illustration of power game are
provided, the most important of them being that in the final drawing


of the border Romania received Arab-Tabia but not Silistra itself,

which remained part of Bulgaria.
Dr. Marian BOZA, An interesting American story
When talking about the US NAVY, you can say - the most
powerful military fleet in the world, but was this the case a hundred
years ago? The answer to this question can be found in this
document. No, up to a hundred years ago the American fleet was
almost nonexistent, however the impetuous development of the
American economy and the chance of some great people, such as
Alfred Thayer Mahan and Teddy Roosevelt, led to the development
of the well-known fleet, between 1880 and 1914.This is the subject
of a short but beautiful story about the American dream materialized,
this time, in many impressive war ships.
Dr. Delia BLICAN, Turtucaia (1916) a Case of
Controlled Coverage of Failure
Romania entered the First World War along with the
Quadruple Alliance on 14/27 August 1916, in order to achieve the
aspiration of national unity. After the imposition of curfew in
Romania among the first steps taken by the government was
censoring the media.
In these circumstances the usual formula of informing
citizens on the situation on the front were the bulletins of Romanian
General Staff, published in the Official Gazette. This was an
inaccurate way of reflecting real facts on conducting battles. The
article analyzes, based on press articles and testimonies of
contemporaries, the impact of this censored coverage of the conflict
on the change in mentality and vision of the population on the
political class.
Colonel (r) dr. Alexandru BUCUR, The Experiences of
Dionisie Miclaus (1894-1957) from Tilisca in Russia and Soviet
Dionisie Miclaus, along with other youngsters from
Transylvania, wishing a better life, left his home in Tilisca and
emigrated to Crimeea, Russia. After 1917 Revolution, his career


knew a spectacular evolution. The hard time spent in Central Asia,

determined him to return home after 28 years, together with his
family, in 1938 (Sultana Veronica Avram).
Drd. Gabriel-George PTRACU, Princesss Missy 4th
Rosiori Regiment
Named after the first sovereing of Great Romania, 4 th Rosiori
Regiment Quen Mary was fully affirmed by participating in
campaigns of the First and Second World War. Knowed in her family
under the pseudonym Missy, passionate equestrian, Queen Mary was
strongly attached by the cavalry unit from which herd-control she
has been part of for 42 years (1896-1938). At her death, the entire
regiment attended the funeral organized on the occasion and the
officers from regiment bore coffin witch her body lifeless. As a sign
of mourning and homage to those who have been their Honorary
Commander, regiment soldiers wore on their left arm a mauve
armlet, being the colour the queen.
Dr. Stelua CHEFANI-PTRACU, Bulgarians and serbsfounders of cities on Teleorman lands
The whole article is based on documents detailing its origin
and founders city Alexandria city Teleorman County Cuza. Local
historians, but also illustrious names (Nicolae Iorga) have
overlooked this historical fact canceling it or minimizing it. Giving
life of a city on a desert territory and the actual conditions of the
nineteenth century means an approach was incredibly hard.
Bulgarians and Serbs had two advantages: education and money.
Merchants who could write and read in several languages and Milos
Obrenovic, for whom money is not an issue, were the ones who built
the city of Alexandria and the ephemeral city Cuza.
Interesting to see how they knew how to juggle rigor
introduced by the Russian administration and later to the rules
imposed by introducing the first constitution Oraganic Regulation
(1831) giving rise to the first free town in Country RomanianAlexandria. It took up an own constitution in 1862 which was
coordinated throughout the life of its founders, without any
interference from the central government. The city Cuza was a
personal ambition, with all the benefits granted by the prince, not


lasted, leaving only to endure over centuries and the church's plan.
Important for those who read history is to know the truth, leaving
each of us to note the effort, ambition and intelligence of our
ancestors regardless of origins.
Drd Andreea NAIDEN, Maritime navigation regime in
Romania before World War II
During the years before the Second World War Romania has
seen a great development in the commercial navigation sector. There
were many regulations and documents concerning shipping and
Romania was alligned in these matters with other European nations.
Romania was also a signing partner of international treaties like the
Montreux conference.
Dr. Lavinia DUMITRACU, Gheorghe I. DimitriuConstanas magistrate in the first half of the Twentieth Century
This paper is the start of a larger documentation concerning
Constantas important figures in the first half of the twentieth
century. Gheorghe I. Dimitriu occupied the post of magistrate in
different commissions after the First World War. Before the war he
was leading the Tribunal in the coast city. He was heavily involved in
the social life of Constana and was a pillar of the community.
Dr. Gabriel-Felician CROITORU, A Few aspects
concerning the activity of Alexandru Daia in the Romanian
Naval League
Sometimes we know only few things about some grate
persons. On their activities, these persons bring unknown but grate
contributions. One of these persons is Alexandru Daia member of an
important intellectual family, with origins from Vlasca, person about
we think that are known very few information.
With strong and active personality, Alexandru Daia,
connected in harmony his wishes with the capacity of full fill them.
His important activity from the Scout movement from Romania was
doubled with another one, in the Romanian Naval League. Also,
Alexandru Daia was water and nautical sports diviner and he practice
nautical sports and develop in Romania this activity.


Drd. Sibel JINDI-ALEXANDRU, The Development of Syria

and Lebanon under the French influence
France has influenced the Arabic shores of the Mediterranean
culturally, economically and politically, in order to institute itself as a
great power. French political decisions have influenced
developments in Syria and Lebanon both positively and negatively,
beginning from the end of the First World War until the end of the
Second World War.
This paper takes into account the Syria and Lebanon of
today, over which the French spirit -as well as French political plans
have been manifested, France playing an important role in the
development of Syria and Lebanon, starting from the Ottoman
Empire and up to their independence. French mandate over Syria and
Lebanon, as an intermediate step, was met with hostility from the
outset, it being a turnover that nationalists saw non-compliant with
their wishes. Almost 20 years of French mandate seemed to
strengthen this stage as the final one. But independence will not
remain ideational and will materialize in 1946 for both states. French
element yet found a common denominator in the region by the
support of the Maronite community, or the Francophiles, and my
paper aims to follow the manner in which France got involved in the
region, as well as the outcome of that decision.
Drd. Alina PAPOI, Un modle de rflexion des domaines
de la science et de lart de la guerre dans les publications de
lEtat major gnral le passage des troupes sur le Danube dans
la Campagne de 1916
La Campagne de 1916 a t, pour la Roumanie, un pisode
avec une finalement dsolante. Mon approche vise mettre en
vidence les principales ides et les opinions du colonel C.
Drgnescu dans son tude, apparu en 1941 dans la publication
Roumanie Militaire Ltude stratgique-tactique et technique
sur les passages des troupes sur le Danube en 1916. Il se concentre
sur le passage des troupes roumaines sur le Danube, nomme la
manuvre de Flmnda.
Au-del de son opinion subjective, lauteur prsente les
vnements historiques et politiques de celle poque, la performance


aussi, mais pas durable, des troupes roumaines, et un certain nombre

de dysfonctionnements constats au cours de laction, les unes
causes par les conditions atmosphriques, dautres causes par une
mauvaise logistique de larme l'poque.
Dr. Luminia GIURGIU, Bulgarian Division 1 Cavalry
actions in Dobrogea (October 19-21, 1916)
After the development of the First World War military
actions, the military analysts were interested in studying the
information that was written in their Operations Journals. Such a
document is the one prepared by the Bulgarian Division 1 Cavalry
which operated on Dobrogea territory in the fall of 1916.
Dr. Alexandrina CUUI, Aspects regarding the situation of
orthodox priests in the Austro-Hungarian Empire during World
War I
During World War I, Orthodox priests played an important
role to Romanian soldiers from Bucovina and Transylvania, who
fought for a cause that was not theirs. The priests were designed to
hold church services for soldiers, to confess and commune soldiers,
they heartened soldiers in moments of despair. The military priests
were present in campaign hospitals, supporting doctors and nurses.
Not enrolled in the army Bucovinean priests had a hard mission to
keep the Romanism flame lit , also bearing Austrian repression.
In the First World War, the Navy loses many ships and
remains with many damaged ships. Also, he looses many young boys
in the enemy confrontation or in the explosion of the Romanian
mines. Soldiers and ships were recompensed with medals after the
Great War and some ships received the name of the heroes.
The Romanian Navy loose in the first conflagration: 17
officers, 19 petty officers and 353 soldiers.


Comandordor conf. univ. dr. habil. Olimpiu Manuel

GLODARENCO, Interwar international negotiations regarding
After World War I the issue of armaments reduction was a
major concern on the international agenda. This paper discusses
different accords on naval disarmament and agreements on naval
issues. On the forefront was the conflict of interests between Japan
and the U.S., most obvious during the Washington Treaty
negotiations in 1922. Despite the Briand-Kellog agreement on
banning war, naval programs continued to be an important element in
the arms race.
Dr. Doina ANGHEL, Runciman negotioations. Official
acts and personal correspoondence
Negotiations between the Ministry of Air and Marine
Romanian and Runciman (London) Limited Company to establish a
joint navigation took place during 1938-1939. In addition to official
documents, the evolution of negotiations is described in personal
letters of Commander George Dumitrescu, naval military attached in
London, and Admiral Caesar Boerescu, Chairman Board of the
Romanian Maritime Service.
Dr. Dan PRISCARU, Grigore Gafencu and the
preservation of Romania's foreign policy of "balance" between
the Great Powers (December 1938-May 1940)
During his term as head of the Ministry Foreign Affairs (21
Decembr 1938-1 June 1940), Grigore Gafencu, one the best
Romanian interwar diplomats, acted diligently to keep Romania out
of the totalitarian power blocs of Europe: Nazy germany and Soviet
In this regard, he put in place meritorious foreign policy
operations like the Eurpean diplomatic tour during April-May 1940
(visits to Berlin, Brussels, London, Paris, Rome and Vatican) and the
steps to create the Balkan Block and the Block of Neutrals during the
autumn of 1939. Wehrmachts swift victories on the Western Front in
May 1940, led the leadership in Bucharest to abandon, starting with
28 May 1940, the policy of neutrality and ,,balance between the


Great Power, wich was promoted by Gafencu, and to adopt to the

new political and geostrategic realities of the continent.
Comandor dr. Marian TNASE, The 39 Divers Center
(1980 1990). A decade of exceptional activity in the underwater
At October 1st, 2016, the 39 Divers Center celebrated 40
years of existence. This Center is a great elite unit of the Romanian
Navy Forces and 35 years from the first simulated diving executed
by the Romanian divers in which was used the Hyperbaric
Laboratory. In the same time, in 2016, the Romanian divers
celebrated 110 years from the official introduction in the Navy,
through Royal Law, of the diver specialty.
Drd. Roxana GSC, The Holy War in the Ottoman
terminology (19-20 centuries)
One of the three monotheisms, Islam, knew a quick and
massive expansion and the mobilization of the military force led to
the conquest of new territories in a very short time that also meant a
powerful islamization and armed conflicts with neighboring states.
Regarding the warlike nature of Ottoman Islam, the sources
can offer us a fine variety of informations about every aspects of
war itself, militancy and how, both of them, war and peace put a
mark on the diplomatic relations of the Ottoman Empire with
European states and not only, during its entire existence.
Dr. Silvia IONI, Aspects regarding the expropriation of
naval private sector assets during the Antonescu Regime
The Problem of the Jews manifested at European level in the
most brutal way in the mid-twentieth century through the holocaust,
translated in our country in time of Antonescu regime through the
process of expropriation, it was and will remain a sensitive issue for
both historians and for specialists and researchers from other fields.
The role of this analysis, is not to cause the onset of debates on antiSemitism. Injustice done the Jews is still evident and recorded
permanently in the pages of history. Through this analysis we are
trying to bring some additions to the overall image of the Romanian
naval policy practiced during the Second World War.


Ion Mihai IONESCU, Dilemmas a Threat

Undertermined The Royal Navy Naval Squadron from
Singapore 1941
The situation in the Far East was complicated after the
resignation of 16 October Konoye government has not accepted that
the war between Japan and the Western powers was inevitable. At the
Tokyo office of Prince moderate Fumimaro Konoye he was replaced
by militaristic government led by Lieutenant General Hideki Tojo.
Following this event, Anthony Eden Secretary of the British
Foreign Office (FO), sent a memorandum to Prime Minister Winston
Churchill calling for military forces to be sent urgently Asia
Southeast to deter a possible Japanese invasion. Eden recalled in its
statement that only such a factor could discourage Japanese
territorial expansion as demonstrated by the recent occupation of
French Indochina. Six British warships, Battleship HMS Prince of
Wales, battle cruiser (interceptor) HMS Repulse and 4 destroyers
arrive without on December 2, 1941 at Singapore.
Drd. Dan Drago SICHIGEA, German naval presence on
the Black Sea during World War II
The German Black Sea Admiralty was formed as a part of
the German Military Mission in Romania. It was tasked with the
training of romanian crews pending the invasion of the Soviet Union.
During the four years it operated at the Black Sea, the Admiralty
emconpased many navy units brought by Germany to assist in
defeating the Soviet fleet. German naval presence was based around
on a U-boat flotilla, a S-boat one, some minesweeping flotillas and
auxiliary vesseles, which in total made up a consistent fleet, simillar
to those in the Baltic and the Mediteranean.
Drd. Traian-Constantin DUMRVREANU, Romanian pilots
on the Eastern Front-8th Fighter Group and its commander,
Eugeniu Puiu Prvulescu 1941-1942
Hunting Group 8 it was established on 22 February 1941 as
part of Flotilla 2 Hunting. The first commander of 8 Hunting Group
was Lieutenant Commander George Bordeanu aviator. At that time
the group was composed of 59 squadrons and 60, stationed at


Ramnicu Sarat. On June 22, 1941 Hunting Group 8 have 23 available

aircraft , which were tackled successfully Soviet aircraft type
Polikarpov I-15 , I-16. Hunting Order Group 8 will be taken on 1
July 1941 by aviator captain Commander ,,Puiu Prvulescu , one of
the most awarded Romanian Royal Air Force pilots , being a pilot
was distinguished by exceptional courage, competence and
dedication maximum flight and they have to fulfill missions.
Comandor (r) dr. Ioan DAMASCHIN, A hero of the
Romanian Royal Navy Captain-Commander Alexandru
Alexandru Dumbrav was a type of navy officer who
demonstrated all of the qualities of a hero. He participated in all of
the major naval confruntation against the Soviet fleet during World
War II. He also was part of the events during and after August 23
1944, when the situation in Constanta was explosive.
Dr. Teodora GIURGIU, The consequences of signing the
Truce Convention (1944) and the Peace Treaty (1947) on the
Romanian Navy (July 1947)
Signing by Romania at September 12, 1944 the Truce
Convention and at February 10, 1947 the Peace Treaty had a
significative impact on the ulterior evolution of our country on
internal and international plan. For adapting at the new situation,
Romania will pass through important changes at political and
institutional level. It was also the case of the Romanian Navy which
had to face multiple problems related to its organization.
Teodora MANOLE, The Prince of the Union and the
Romanian royal family,roles on the big screen
Prince Alexander Ioan Cuza and his greatest achievement,
the Union of Walachia and Moldavia, the Romanian royals with
theirs, the Independence, the great war, the Union of all Romanian
territories have had a weak portray in the Romanian cinema.
However there is a handful of movies that touch these great and
promising subjects and they are presented here.


Locotenent-colonel (r) dr. Petre OPRI, Some plans to

make airliners in Romania (1972-1982)
In the last two decades, various people have said about the
former General of Securitate Ion Mihai Pacepa that he was involved,
among other things, for drawings the planes of the short-haul airliner
"Fokker VFW-614" in order to make it in Romania. That aircraft
should replace the An-24 airliner, owned by "Tarom" company. This
topic has sparked many controversies and we intend to present the
situation at the time and how it was finally possible to make nine
British BAC 1-11 airliners in Romania (renamed ROMBAC 1-11 at
In our opinion, the statements of the former General of
Security Ion Mihai Pacepa on plans to make the VFW-614 airliner in
Romania must be used very carefull because the documents which
were discovered so far in the Romanian archives dont confirm his
General de flotil aerian (rtr) veteran de rzboi Radu
THEODORU, comandor (r) dr. Marian MONEAGU, From the
backstage of school-ship Mircea participation in the U.S.
bicentenary (March 4-August 30, 1976)
Mircea was and still is Romanias school-ship, a
monument of Romanian patrimony. It was the ship that represented
Romania in the 200 years celebration of the founding of the United
States of America. The journey itself was a true adventure, some
controversial incidents, which are all depicted in this paper. The
ideological components made interaction with the hosts difficult.
Despite all of these, the trip was a succes and represented a major
event in the long life of this famous ship.
Nicolae C. PAPADOPOL, Alexander A. NESTEROV, Viktor
Russian-Romanian cooperation in the exploration and usage of
fishing resources in Southern Atlantic (1978-1990)
During the period in case Romania and the U.S.S.R.
pooled resources in order to explore and analyze fishing resources in
Southern Atlantic. This cooperation lasted until 1990 and consisted


of joint missions and research programs involving scientists and

experts in their respective fields. There were other communist
countries involved like Bulgaria, Cuba and others.
Dr. Carmen-Irne ATANASIU, Romanian sailors on the
Steaua Romana (The Romanian Star) in the Second World
War. The captivity a destiny
The inmates return homes after the second world war find a
different world than they left 6 years ago. Now they confront a world
changed with soviet impact and the sailors couldnt find equilibrium
any more.
An example is the destiny of the Alexandru Dragos captain.
Even he was a very good commercial ship captain he suffered
because of the new politic regime. He believe in his country and in
his profession but he was persecuted. In his paper-work we present
few fragments from his daughter Alexandra Drago Keneres
Lect. univ. dr. Florian BICHIR, How was the Russian
Mesianism born "We aim to teach Europe a lot of things that she
can not understand otherwise."
Russia, from Peter the Great, fervently desired to become a
European Russia, the political, social and especially economic policy
created a veritable complex European giving birth in the nineteenth
century favorable current Western civilization, and one opus
"Europeanization" of Russia - Slovofiliei. But the purpose of both
trends had the same goal, to make Russia a powerful state in the
world arena.
Drd. Florin Dionisi BTRNAC, The Ethno-religious
dimension in the struggle for hegemony in the Black Sea
The Black Sea has always been an area of convergences and
contradictions regarding major interests political, economic, and,
therefore, strategic and military and also an area of cultural
interference. The Black Sea, beyond geographical considerations, is
a geopolitical paradox the explanation consists in the long history
of this maritime area. The Black Sea both unites and separates two
religions, two great cultures and mentalities The Northwestern


Orthodox, and the Islamic South. Mitigating ideological

confrontation between liberalism and socialism in the late 20 th
century caused the crisis of political and social identity, which in turn
favored the resurgence and muster of religious and ethnic identities,
especially around religious doctrines, that culminated, as did
Yugoslavia and regions in the Caucasus, with armed ethnical and
religious conflicts, that to this day remain unresolved, leading to the
sentiment of insecurity for countries around the Black Sea.
Conf. univ. dr. Marian ZIDARU, The Russian-Turkey
military balance in the Syrian war
Turkeys downing of a Russian Su-24 underscored the long
standing clash between geopolitical interests. If more such incidents
occur, Turkey would enjoy certain advantages so long as the fighting
remained limited. Yet it would encounter existential shortfalls if the
situation if the situation escalated incontrollable. While Turkey's
numerical advantages and other factors would seemingly give it the
upper hand in limited clashes with Russia, Moscow could bring
overwhelming force to bear if the conflict escalated -- a development
that would invite NATO intervention. Our paper explores the military
capacities of the two countries and some scenario in the case of
military clashes.
Prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe DUMITRACU, Again about Army
and Country (Documentary contribution)
This paper was supposed to be a part of a bigger research,
which the author didn't find the time for. It comprises interesting
documents about the losses suffered by Romania during the wars,
especially in the Army. The article is comprised of some documents
selected from different volumes of the author regarding the Army
and its lost but not forgotten heroes.
General-maior (r) prof.univ. dr. Neagoe VISARION, colonel
ing. drd. Valentin MUNTEANU, Migrations realities and trends
Therefore, migration is a complex phenomenon, but not a
complicated one, involving more than the simply move from one
place of origin to one destination. Associated with this movement,
the study identifies a number of issues with direct impact on national


security arising in areas such as social, demographic, psychological,

economic, political, military and environmental ones. Globalization
has led to the multiplication of opportunities for development and
cooperation and to an exponential increase in the number of entities
that act on the global scene. Besides the demographic and economic
changes brought by the current population movements (real or
virtual) there is also a noticeable cultural change which affects the
depths of societies and which refer to the birth or the consolidation
of a lifestyle based on the aspiration to prosperity, personal freedom
and democracy, beyond racial, ethnic, religious, etc. differences.
Drd. Daniel-Cornel TEFNESCU, Is hybrid war the type
of armed confrontation of the future?
The current geopolitical and geostrategic environment is
characterized by a variety of actions and manifestations, a
combination of asymmetric threats and instability. Consequently, war
is no longer declared in the XXI century. The definition of war has
changed. The current form of confrontation is a mix of conventional
and unconventional combat capabilities, a smart and sophisticated
blend of media outlets, exploiting the economic dimension and the
emotional vulnerability of the enemy, whether its a state or group of
Hybrid war - the war of tomorrow - will focus on a number
of tactics, more or less conventional, many of them affecting us
individually and in a more general aspect: propaganda,
disinformation, economic destabilization, deployments, cyberattacks.
It will be up to us to deal with this "controlled chaos".
Dr. Constantin CHERAMIDOGLU, Considerations
regarding the contemporary documents description
The quality of archives documents description is a subject of
great interest for both the arhivists who stock and preserve the
archive documents created by the private and state institutions and
for those researchers who will study these documents in the study
hall of National Archives.The debate is in full development in all
archives world because of the great amount of archive created by
the contemporary institutions. On the other hand, the introduction of
computers in the system of archives calls for modern and accesible


standards to all the researchers from all over the world. This article
presents the problem through the light of romanian archive tradition
and authors personal experience also.
Colonel ing. drd. Valentin MUNTEANU, Naval forces
maritime operations to meet asymetrical threats
Approximately 80% of world trade currently travels by sea,
representing around 93,000 merchant vessels, 1.25 million seafarers,
and almost six billion tons of cargo. When appear some disturbing
factors, that affect the transfer of goods and the free transit on sea
routes for civilian ships involved in trading, disorders of all specific
processes are inevitable, starting from the delays to financial losses,
lack of confidence and not the least occurrence of critical conditions
that can culminate in life lost.
Contemporary maritime challenges have diversified and
multiplied beyond the narrow military environment, becoming more
diverse, complex, unpredictable, and interconnected. Asymmetric
threats are usually used by non-state actors such as terrorist groups,
guerrilla, insurgency and organised crime. These threats are put in
practice both by conventional and unconventional military means
and by non-military symmetric and asymmetric methods.
Asymmetric threats are used especially by non-states actors, but state
actors do not hesitate to use them if needed. These threats frequently
form by coupling some asymmetric with symmetric, conventional
threats, but also by appealing to unconventional military and nonmilitary actions
Drd. Simona Violeta GHEORGHE, Grla Mare culture
ceramic - differential aproaches in restoration
The paper presents conservation methodology of Garla Mare
ceramic. According to data provided by the physic-chemical and
biological investigations can be established a method of restoration,
but there is a possibility that we can intervene through several
operations. Conservation and restoration of Garla Mare ceramic
depend on accurate diagnosis of the health and qualitative and
quantitative composition of the support material. Conservation
methodology included also ultrasonic cleaning and pressure steam


Dr. Ligia DIMA, Conservation and restoration of UZUN

BAR treasure from numismatic collection of the Museum of
History and Archaeology Tulcea
Numismatic Collection of the Museum of History and
Archaeology Tulcea is made up of a number of 52 419 bronze, silver
and gold coins. Almost half of the collection is represented by the
treasure discovered at Mihail Koglniceanu, Tulcea county, on Uzun
Bar hill. The treasure is called by the place where it was discovered
by chance in October of 1962.
The Uzun Bar treasure, one of the greatest treasures in
Europe, is composed by a number of 23.440 silver dirhams (Tatar
coins), of which only 21.935 in the museum collection, 195 gold
hyperpara, 103 silver ingots, of which only 75 in the museum
collection, two bracelets, one made of gold and one made of silver,
one pair of gold earrings, three bronze pots, three pottery pots, of
which only four out of six are in the Tulcea museum collection (the
other ones are in the collections of National Museum of History,
The author presents some aspects of the stages of restoration
and conservation of Uzun Bar treasure.
Aurora-Florentina ILIE, Restoration of the flag of the 28th
Infantry Regiment, model 1922. Case study
By presenting this flag we want to argue, once again, the
immense importance of restoration interventions made in time to
stop the degradation, is thereby contributing to the rescue of
specifically military inestimable historical value inherited.
Investigation procedures and techniques used have not
endangered the physical and informational integrity of this piece and
restoration methods used are reversible and nondestructive.


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