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hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Era oda
t\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?ntr-o oaste trei c\uc1 \u259 ?tane. Ele era b\uc1 \u25
9 ?tute \uc1 \u537 ?i chinuite \uc1 \u238 ?n toate zilele, pentru c\uc1 \u259 ?
nu putea face mustrul}{\cs27 \b1 \fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \af5 \lang104
8 \langnp1048 \cf1 \super1 \chftn {\footnote \pard \plain \s37 \qj \li0 \ri0 \sa

0 \sl240 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \

fs20 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \af5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfen
p1041 {\cs27 \b1 \fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \af5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \c
f1 \super1 \chftn }{\fs20 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048
\langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \uc1 \u160 ?M\uc1 \u250 ?str\uc1 \u259 ?, mustre, s. f
. (\uc1 \u206 ?nv. \uc1 \u537 ?i pop.) Exerci\uc1 \u539 ?iu militar; instruc\uc1
\u539 ?ie, manevr\uc1 \u259 ?.}}}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang10
48 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 . Un c\uc1 \u259 ?prari mai milos
le-au chemat \uc1 \u238 ?ntr-o parte \uc1 \u537 ?i li zise:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \h
ich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\p
ard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \t
ql \tx660 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \l
angfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp
1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?\uc1 \u536 ?ti\uc1
\u539 ?i ce? Nu-\uc1 \u539 ?i fugi voi cu mine? Nu pentru mine, c\uc1 \u259 ? mi
e mi-i bine aice, dar\uc1 \u259 ? pentru voi, c\uc1 \u259 ? iat\uc1 \u259 ? cum
v\uc1 \u259 ? chinuiesc \uc1 \u537 ?i v\uc1 \u259 ? strop\uc1 \u537 ?esc \uc1 \u
238 ?n toate zilele, \uc1 \u537 ?i tot nu pute\uc1 \u539 ?i deprinde mustrul, \u
c1 \u537 ?i are s\uc1 \u259 ? fie vai de capul vostru de ve\uc1 \u539 ?i r\uc1 \
u259 ?m\uc1 \u226 ?ne \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1 \u259 ? mult aice \uc1 \u238 ?n oaste!}
{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfe
np1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidc
tlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx660 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lan
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f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160
?Foarte bucuro\uc1 \u537 ?i! - r\uc1 \u259 ?spunser\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1 \u259 ?tan
ele - Dumnezeu s\uc1 \u259 ?-\uc1 \u539 ?i deie s\uc1 \u259 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?tate,
pentru c\uc1 \u259 ? tot se mai afl\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1 \u226 ?te-un suflet de om
\uc1 \u238 ?n oaste, care s\uc1 \u259 ? se \uc1 \u238 ?ndure de patimile \uc1 \u
537 ?i de suferin\uc1 \u539 ?ile noastre!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi
284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \
af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24
\dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041
\cf1 Cum era \uc1 \u238 ?mbr\uc1 \u259 ?ca\uc1 \u539 ?i de mustru, a\uc1 \u537
?a au \uc1 \u537 ?ters-o pe nev\uc1 \u259 ?zute \uc1 \u537 ?i s-au cam mai dus p
in lume. Merg\uc1 \u226 ?nd ei amu c\uc1 \u226 ?t au mers, au ajuns la o ap\uc1
\u259 ? neagr\uc1 \u259 ?, foarte mare, \uc1 \u537 ?i v\uc1 \u259 ?z\uc1 \u226 ?
nd un pod de ceea parte, s-au rugat lui Dumnezeu s\uc1 \u259 ? vie acel pod la d
\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u537 ?ii, \uc1 \u537 ?i au venit. \uc1 \u206 ?ndat\uc1 \u259
? s-au suit pe d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul \uc1 \u537 ?i au trecut de cealalt\uc1 \u259 ?
parte, \uc1 \u537 ?i apoi s-au dus \uc1 \u537 ?i s-au tot dus peste ni\uc1 \u537
?te c\uc1 \u226 ?mpuri mari \uc1 \u537 ?i au dat de o cetate \uc1 \u238 ?mpreju
rat\uc1 \u259 ? cu zid de piatr\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i cu por\uc1 \u539 ?ile
de piatr\uc1 \u259 ?, \uc1 \u537 ?i au venit la poarta cea mai mare \uc1 \u537 ?
i s-au rugat lui Dumnezeu s\uc1 \u259 ? li se descuie poarta \uc1 \u537 ?i li sau descuiat. Cum au intrat \uc1 \u238 ?nl\uc1 \u259 ?untru, \uc1 \u238 ?ndat\uc1
\u259 ? li s-au \uc1 \u238 ?ncuiat poarta \uc1 \u238 ?nd\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u259
?pt \uc1 \u537 ?i au r\uc1 \u259 ?mas a\uc1 \u537 ?a \uc1 \u238 ?nchi\uc1 \u537
?i. Merg\uc1 \u226 ?nd ei pin cetate \uc1 \u537 ?i-ncolo \uc1 \u537 ?i-ncoace,
au aflat toate \uc1 \u238 ?mpietrite, \uc1 \u537 ?i cur\uc1 \u539 ?i \uc1 \u537
?i oameni \uc1 \u537 ?i dobitoace \uc1 \u537 ?i ierburi \uc1 \u537 ?i toate c\uc
1 \u226 ?te numai se afla \uc1 \u238 ?n cetatea aceea. V\uc1 \u259 ?z\uc1 \u226
?nd ei aceast\uc1 \u259 ? minun\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?ie \uc1 \u537 ?i poarta \
uc1 \u238 ?ncuiat\uc1 \u259 ? dup\uc1 \u259 ? d\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u537 ?ii, au z
is cu jale:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe
1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slm
ult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx659 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \lo
ch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212

?\uc1 \u160 ?Hei! vai de noi! Aice o s\uc1 \u259 ? perim, c\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u2
38 ?ncotro te ui\uc1 \u539 ?i, nu-i nimic\uc1 \u259 ? viu, toate-s de piatr\uc1
\u259 ?!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe104
1 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult
1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx659 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch
\af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af
5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Ei se mira foar
te, pentru c\uc1 \u259 ? nu \uc1 \u537 ?tia ce s\uc1 \u259 ? fie aceasta, \uc1 \
u537 ?i cum de sunt toate \uc1 \u238 ?mpietrite.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \l
och \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain
\qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22
\dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041
{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langf
enp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u206 ?mbl\uc1 \u226 ?nd ei \uc1 \u238 ?n toate p\uc1 \u259 ?r
\uc1 \u539 ?ile pin cetate au dat peste o cas\uc1 \u259 ? cu 12 chei \uc1 \u238
?n u\uc1 \u537 ?\uc1 \u259 ?, dar\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i acestea de piatr\uc1
\u259 ?. Ei au privit mult la d\uc1 \u226 ?nsele \uc1 \u537 ?i dup\uc1 \u259 ?
aceea au \uc1 \u537 ?i descuiat u\uc1 \u537 ?a. Intr\uc1 \u226 ?nd \uc1 \u238 ?n
l\uc1 \u259 ?untru, au aflat toate \uc1 \u238 ?mpodobite \uc1 \u537 ?i m\uc1 \u2
26 ?ndre, dar\uc1 \u259 ? ce folos, c\uc1 \u259 ? era toate de piatr\uc1 \u259 ?
. S-au dus dintr-o c\uc1 \u259 ?mar\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?n alta, p\uc1 \u226
?n\uc1 \u259 ? ce-au venit \uc1 \u238 ?ntr-o sal\uc1 \u259 ? foarte m\uc1 \u226
?ndr\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i frumoas\uc1 \u259 ?. Aice era ni\uc1 \u537 ?te me
se \uc1 \u238 ?ntinse cu feli de feli de bucate pe ele. Ei s-au a\uc1 \u537 ?\uc
1 \u259 ?zat la una \uc1 \u537 ?i dau s\uc1 \u259 ? m\uc1 \u259 ?n\uc1 \u226 ?nc
e din bucatele cele gustoase, dar\uc1 \u259 ? vai! c\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i e
le era \uc1 \u238 ?mpietrite, m\uc1 \u259 ?car c\uc1 \u259 ?-\uc1 \u539 ?i p\uc1
\u259 ?rea acuma aduse de pe vatr\uc1 \u259 ?. Ce s\uc1 \u259 ? fac\uc1 \u259 ?
ei, c\uc1 \u259 ?-i curmase foamea de fl\uc1 \u259 ?m\uc1 \u226 ?nzi ce era? Au
prins s\uc1 \u259 ? se roage lui Dumnezeu ca s\uc1 \u259 ?-i scoat\uc1 \u259 ?
\uc1 \u537 ?i din nevoia aceasta \uc1 \u537 ?i s\uc1 \u259 ? li deie ceva de m\u
c1 \u226 ?ncare. Dumnezeu li-au ascultat ruga \uc1 \u537 ?i au grijit de d\uc1 \
u226 ?n\uc1 \u537 ?ii. Dup\uc1 \u259 ? ce-au osp\uc1 \u259 ?tat bine, s-au sf\uc
1 \u259 ?tuit s\uc1 \u259 ? str\uc1 \u259 ?juiasc\uc1 \u259 ? fiecarele c\uc1 \u
226 ?te-o noapte s\uc1 \u259 ? vad\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1 \u259 ? ce-i aice.}{\fs24 \
dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \
cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \l
in0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \l
angfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp
1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u206 ?n}{\b1 \fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \a
f5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 }{\fs24 \dbch
\af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1
noaptea dint\uc1 \u226 ?i s-au pus o c\uc1 \u259 ?tan\uc1 \u259 ? de acelea de s
traj\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i au r\uc1 \u259 ?mas p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ? sp
re miezul nop\uc1 \u539 ?ii. Atuncia au venit la d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul o m\uc1 \u259
?guea\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ? neagr\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i foarte fioroas\uc
1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i se tot v\uc1 \u226 ?ria la el. El se fere\uc1 \u537 ?te,
se mai d\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?ntr-o parte; dar\uc1 \u259 ? m\uc1 \u259 ?guea
\uc1 \u539 ?a cea neagr\uc1 \u259 ? tot la d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul, tot la d\uc1 \u226
?nsul. Atuncia l-au \uc1 \u238 ?mplut frica \uc1 \u537 ?i au fugit la ceialal\u
c1 \u539 ?i \uc1 \u238 ?n cas\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i le-au spus ce-au v\uc1 \
u259 ?zut. Ceialal\uc1 \u539 ?i s-au cam sp\uc1 \u259 ?riat deodat\uc1 \u259 ? \
uc1 \u537 ?i s-au mirat, c\uc1 \u259 ? ce s\uc1 \u259 ? fie aceasta! A doaua noa
pte s-au a\uc1 \u537 ?\uc1 \u259 ?zat alt\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1 \u259 ?tan\uc1 \u259
? de straj\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i c\uc1 \u226 ?nd s-au ar\uc1 \u259 ?tat ace
a m\uc1 \u259 ?guea\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ? neagr\uc1 \u259 ? pe la miezul nop\u
c1 \u539 ?ii \uc1 \u537 ?i se tot b\uc1 \u259 ?ga la d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul, s-au \uc
1 \u238 ?nfrico\uc1 \u537 ?at foarte \uc1 \u537 ?i au fugit \uc1 \u537 ?i el la
ceialal\uc1 \u539 ?i abia apuc\uc1 \u226 ?ndu-\uc1 \u537 ?i sufletul de spaim\uc
1 \u259 ?. Tot a\uc1 \u537 ?a au p\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?it \uc1 \u537 ?i a tre

ia c\uc1 \u259 ?tan\uc1 \u259 ?.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang104
8 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0
\ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich
\af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \a
f3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 A p
atra noapte au sosit r\uc1 \u226 ?ndul c\uc1 \u259 ?prariului. El s-au pus de st
raj\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i c\uc1 \u226 ?nd era amu spre miezul nop\uc1 \u539
?ii, iar\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u537 ?i au venit acea m\uc1 \u259 ?guea\uc1 \u539 ?\uc
1 \u259 ? neagr\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i se apropia spre d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul. C\u
c1 \u259 ?prariul au prins a striga:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lan
g1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \
li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx659 \itap0 \fs22
\dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041
{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langf
enp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Cine-i?}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch
\f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj
\fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \db
ch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\
fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp
1041 \cf1 M\uc1 \u259 ?guea\uc1 \u539 ?a \uc1 \u238 ?ns\uc1 \u259 ? n-au r\uc1 \
u259 ?spuns nimic\uc1 \u259 ?. El mai strig\uc1 \u259 ?, dar m\uc1 \u259 ?guea\u
c1 \u539 ?a tace; el strig\uc1 \u259 ? la d\uc1 \u226 ?nsa, ea tot tace. Atuncia
au r\uc1 \u259 ?cnit c\uc1 \u259 ?prariul deodat\uc1 \u259 ?:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3
\hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par
}\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0
\tql \tx667 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \lan
gnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?St\uc1 \u259 ?i
tu, m\uc1 \u259 ?guea\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ? neagr\uc1 \u259 ?, ori duh necurat
ce e\uc1 \u537 ?ti, c\uc1 \u259 ? de nu mi-i r\uc1 \u259 ?spunde-ndat\uc1 \u259
?, te-mpu\uc1 \u537 ?c pe loc!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048
\langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \
ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich
\af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af
3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Acum
a i-au r\uc1 \u259 ?spuns m\uc1 \u259 ?guea\uc1 \u539 ?a zic\uc1 \u226 ?nd:}{\fs
24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp10
41 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpa
r \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx667 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang103
3 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \
lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?M\u
c1 \u259 ? rog s\uc1 \u259 ? nu m\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?mpu\uc1 \u537 ?ti, c\u
c1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u539 ?i-oi spune ceva!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \
lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi28
4 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af
3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \
dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \
cf1 El \uc1 \u238 ?ns\uc1 \u259 ? i-au zis:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \
f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \
fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx667 \itap0
\fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langf
enp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041
\langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?St\uc1 \u259 ?i pe loc \uc1 \u537 ?
i-mi spune de departe ce-mi ai de spus, c\uc1 \u259 ? de nu, pe loc \uc1 \u238 ?
\uc1 \u539 ?i dau foc!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1
048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0
\sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loc
h \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \
af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 M\uc1 \u259 ?
guea\uc1 \u539 ?a s-au mai rugat s\uc1 \u259 ? vie la d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul ca s\uc1

\u259 ?-i spuie de-aproape, pentru c\uc1 \u259 ?-s lucruri tainice, dar\uc1 \u2
59 ? el nu s-au \uc1 \u238 ?nvoit nicidec\uc1 \u226 ?t. Pe urm\uc1 \u259 ? i-au
spus ea de departe:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048
\langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl
240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx667 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich
\af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af
3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1
\u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Pe locurile acestea au fost o \uc1 \u238 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?r\u
c1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?ie foarte mare. \uc1 \u206 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?ratul era tare p
uternic \uc1 \u537 ?i toate popoarele se temea de d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul \uc1 \u537 ?
i i se \uc1 \u238 ?nchina lui. V\uc1 \u259 ?z\uc1 \u226 ?ndu-se el temut \uc1 \u
537 ?i m\uc1 \u259 ?rit de to\uc1 \u539 ?i, au socotit c\uc1 \u259 ? nu este alt
ul mai mare \uc1 \u537 ?i mai puternic dec\uc1 \u226 ?t d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul \uc1 \
u238 ?n toat\uc1 \u259 ? lumea \uc1 \u537 ?i au \uc1 \u238 ?nceput a nu \uc1 \u5
39 ?ine sam\uc1 \u259 ? nici de oameni, nici de Dumnezeu, \uc1 \u537 ?i se \uc1
\u238 ?mprotivia iui. Atuncia \uc1 \u537 ?i Dumnezeu l-au pedepsit pentru m\uc1
\u226 ?ndria lui \uc1 \u537 ?i l-au prif\uc1 \u259 ?cut pe d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul \uc
1 \u537 ?i toat\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u539 ?ara lui \uc1 \u238 ?n piatr\uc1 \u259 ?.
Noi \uc1 \u238 ?ns\uc1 \u259 ? suntem patru fete de \uc1 \u238 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?r
at, pe cari ne-au luat patru draci - cruce de aur \uc1 \u238 ?n cas\uc1 \u259 ?!
- \uc1 \u537 ?i acuma trebuie s\uc1 \u259 ? li facem \uc1 \u238 ?n toat\uc1 \u2
59 ? luna c\uc1 \u226 ?te doi copii, \uc1 \u537 ?i vai de noi bietele! ce munc\u
c1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i chin mai tragem noi de la d\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u537 ?ii!
Fereasc\uc1 \u259 ? Dumnezeu \uc1 \u537 ?i pe puiul de \uc1 \u537 ?erpe! Dar\uc
1 \u259 ? ia voi, precum sunte\uc1 \u539 ?i patru, de ve\uc1 \u539 ?i vre, ne-\u
c1 \u539 ?i scoate din m\uc1 \u226 ?na lor \uc1 \u537 ?i ve\uc1 \u539 ?i \uc1 \u
238 ?nvia \uc1 \u537 ?i sufletele acestea \uc1 \u238 ?mpietrite, numai de-\uc1 \
u539 ?i fi cu credin\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ? tare.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plai
n \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx667
\itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041
\langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \lan
gfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Da cum s\uc1 \u259 ? putem n
oi face un lucru ca acesta? - \uc1 \u238 ?ntreb\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1 \u259 ?prariul
.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \lang
fenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowi
dctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx667 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \l
ang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch
\f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u16
0 ?Ascult\uc1 \u259 ? numai - zise m\uc1 \u259 ?guea\uc1 \u539 ?a cea neagr\uc1
\u259 ? - noi om veni \uc1 \u238 ?n patru nop\uc1 \u539 ?i la voi \uc1 \u537 ?iom \uc1 \u537 ?\uc1 \u259 ?gui cu voi. V\uc1 \u259 ? vom h\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u25
9 ?\uc1 \u539 ?i, v\uc1 \u259 ? vom vorbi \uc1 \u537 ?i v\uc1 \u259 ? vom ademen
i, dar\uc1 \u259 ? voi s\uc1 \u259 ? nu ni face\uc1 \u539 ?i nimic\uc1 \u259 ?,
nici s\uc1 \u259 ? nu gr\uc1 \u259 ?i\uc1 \u539 ?i nimic\uc1 \u259 ? cu noi, c\u
c1 \u259 ?ci, cum \uc1 \u238 ?\uc1 \u539 ?i c\uc1 \u259 ?lca sfatul acesta, \uc1
\u238 ?ndat\uc1 \u259 ? v\uc1 \u259 ? ve\uc1 \u539 ?i priface \uc1 \u537 ?i voi
\uc1 \u238 ?n piatr\uc1 \u259 ?!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang10
48 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0
\ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hic
h \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \
af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Du
p\uc1 \u259 ? ce-au vorbit ea aceasta, s-au f\uc1 \u259 ?cut nev\uc1 \u259 ?zut\
uc1 \u259 ? dinaintea c\uc1 \u259 ?prariului.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch
\f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj
\fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \db
ch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\
fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp
1041 \cf1 C\uc1 \u259 ?prariul, cam \uc1 \u238 ?nfierb\uc1 \u226 ?ntat cum era,
au mers \uc1 \u238 ?n cas\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i li-au spus \uc1 \u537 ?i cel

orlal\uc1 \u539 ?i so\uc1 \u539 ?i, ce-au v\uc1 \u259 ?zut el \uc1 \u537 ?i ce i
-au vorbit acea m\uc1 \u259 ?guea\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ? neagr\uc1 \u259 ?. Cu
to\uc1 \u539 ?ii \uc1 \u537 ?i-au propus s\uc1 \u259 ? urmeze sfatul ei. A doaua
zi c\uc1 \u226 ?nd au \uc1 \u238 ?nnoptat, au ie\uc1 \u537 ?it c\uc1 \u259 ?pra
riul afar\uc1 \u259 ? de straj\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i cele trei c\uc1 \u259 ?
tane au r\uc1 \u259 ?mas \uc1 \u238 ?nl\uc1 \u259 ?untru. A\uc1 \u537 ?a au a\uc
1 \u537 ?teptat ei p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ? spre miezul nop\uc1 \u539 ?ii, c\u
c1 \u226 ?nd atuncia au venit acolo patru fete. Ele era negre ca \uc1 \u537 ?i d
racii. Trei din ele au intrat \uc1 \u238 ?n cas\uc1 \u259 ? la cei trei c\uc1 \u
259 ?tane, iar\uc1 \u259 ? una au r\uc1 \u259 ?mas la c\uc1 \u259 ?prari afar\uc
1 \u259 ?. Dup\uc1 \u259 ? ce s-au a\uc1 \u537 ?\uc1 \u259 ?zat ele c\uc1 \u226
?te pe l\uc1 \u226 ?ng\uc1 \u259 ? unul dintr-\uc1 \u238 ?n\uc1 \u537 ?ii, au \u
c1 \u238 ?nceput a-i z\uc1 \u259 ?d\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u238 ?, a-i h\uc1 \u259 ?r
\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?i, a-i smomi s\uc1 \u259 ? vorbeasc\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u5
37 ?i s\uc1 \u259 ? se apuce de d\uc1 \u226 ?nsele, dar\uc1 \u259 ? ei au r\uc1
\u259 ?bdat toate, nici nu li-au gr\uc1 \u259 ?it, nici nu li-au f\uc1 \u259 ?cu
t nimica. \uc1 \u536 ?\uc1 \u259 ?z\uc1 \u226 ?nd ele p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?
\uc1 \u238 ?ntr-un timp de noapte tot, ned\uc1 \u226 ?ndu-li pace, v\uc1 \u259
?zur\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1 \u259 ? nu ispr\uc1 \u259 ?vesc nimica \uc1 \u537 ?i s-au
dus toate de la d\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u537 ?ii.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loc
h \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \q
j \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \d
bch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {
\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfen
p1041 \cf1 A doaua noapte au venit ele iar\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u537 ?i, dar\uc1 \u2
59 ? acuma nu mai era de tot negre, ca mai n\uc1 \u259 ?inte, ci fa\uc1 \u539 ?a
li se f\uc1 \u259 ?cuse alb\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i frumoas\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1
\u226 ?t tot de-a dragul s\uc1 \u259 ? te fi uitat la ea! \uc1 \u536 ?i acuma a
u \uc1 \u537 ?\uc1 \u259 ?guit \uc1 \u537 ?i i-au cosor\uc1 \u226 ?t ele \uc1 \u
537 ?i mai tare, dar\uc1 \u259 ? ei nu li-au r\uc1 \u259 ?spuns nimic\uc1 \u259
?. C\uc1 \u226 ?nd li-au sosit timpul, numai ce s-au f\uc1 \u259 ?cut toate nev\
uc1 \u259 ?zute deodat\uc1 \u259 ?.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang
1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \l
i0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \h
ich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch
\af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1
A treia noapte au venit ele albe \uc1 \u537 ?i frumoase p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u821
7 ? la br\uc1 \u226 ?u, \uc1 \u537 ?i s-au pus pe l\uc1 \u226 ?ng\uc1 \u259 ? d\
uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u537 ?ii, \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1 \u259 ? cu mai t\uc1 \u259 ?rie,
ca s\uc1 \u259 ?-i \uc1 \u238 ?nduplece s\uc1 \u259 ? gr\uc1 \u259 ?iasc\uc1 \u2
59 ? cu ele, sau s\uc1 \u259 ? li fac\uc1 \u259 ? ceva, dar\uc1 \u259 ? ei au r\
uc1 \u259 ?mas st\uc1 \u259 ?tornici; niciunul nu s-au l\uc1 \u259 ?sat ademenit
de vorbele lor cele dulci \uc1 \u537 ?i de \uc1 \u537 ?\uc1 \u259 ?gile lor cel
e pozna\uc1 \u537 ?e.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp10
48 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \
sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch
\af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \a
f5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 A patra noapte
au ie\uc1 \u537 ?it iar\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u537 ?i c\uc1 \u259 ?prariul afar\uc1
\u259 ? de straj\uc1 \u259 ?, iar pe ceialal\uc1 \u539 ?i trei i-au l\uc1 \u259
?sat \uc1 \u238 ?nl\uc1 \u259 ?untru. A\uc1 \u537 ?tept\uc1 \u226 ?nd aceste tre
i c\uc1 \u259 ?tane sosirea fetelor, s-au sf\uc1 \u259 ?tuit \uc1 \u238 ?ntre si
ne, ca \uc1 \u238 ?n ast\uc1 \u259 ? noapte s\uc1 \u259 ? rump\uc1 \u259 ? t\uc1
\u259 ?cerea \uc1 \u537 ?i s\uc1 \u259 ? vorbeasc\uc1 \u259 ? cu d\uc1 \u226 ?n
sele, fiind ele acuma a\uc1 \u537 ?a de frumoase \uc1 \u537 ?i de dr\uc1 \u259 ?
g\uc1 \u259 ?la\uc1 \u537 ?e, c\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u539 ?i se ducea inima dup\uc1
\u259 ? d\uc1 \u226 ?nsele, c\uc1 \u226 ?nd le vedeai. N-au \uc1 \u238 ?nt\uc1
\u226 ?rziat mult \uc1 \u537 ?i au venit \uc1 \u537 ?i ele. Acuma era albe p\uc1
\u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ? la genunchi; mai trebuia \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1 \u259 ? noapte
a aceasta, \uc1 \u537 ?i atuncia le-ar fi fost sc\uc1 \u259 ?pat din m\uc1 \u226

?na dracilor \uc1 \u537 ?i ar fi \uc1 \u238 ?nviat \uc1 \u537 ?i \uc1 \u539 ?ar
a. \uc1 \u536 ?i acuma au r\uc1 \u259 ?mas o fat\uc1 \u259 ? la c\uc1 \u259 ?pra
ri afar\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i celelalte au intrat \uc1 \u238 ?nl\uc1 \u259 ?
untru la c\uc1 \u259 ?tane. Ele au \uc1 \u238 ?nceput iar\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u537
?i s\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?\uc1 \u259 ?guiasc\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i s\uc1
\u259 ? se h\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?easc\uc1 \u259 ?, ca \uc1 \u537
?i mai n\uc1 \u259 ?inte. Dar\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1 \u259 ?tanele, p\uc1 \u259 ?tru
nse de frumuse\uc1 \u539 ?ea lor, au vrut s\uc1 \u259 ? se culce cu d\uc1 \u226
?nsele, \uc1 \u537 ?i au gr\uc1 \u259 ?it. Atuncia \uc1 \u238 ?ndat\uc1 \u259 ?
au \uc1 \u238 ?mpietrit ei pe pat. Iar ele s-au f\uc1 \u259 ?cut toate negre. Ca
fulgerul au ie\uc1 \u537 ?it ele la c\uc1 \u259 ?prari \uc1 \u537 ?i i-au zis:}
{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfe
np1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidc
tlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx673 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lan
g1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \
f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160
?Vezi! a\uc1 \u537 ?a v-a\uc1 \u539 ?i \uc1 \u539 ?inut cuv\uc1 \u226 ?ntul? Acu
ma nu numai c\uc1 \u259 ? iar\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u537 ?i ne-a\uc1 \u539 ?i dat pe
m\uc1 \u226 ?na dracilor, de la carii \uc1 \u238 ?ncepur\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?
i a ne scoate, ci \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1 \u259 ? s-au \uc1 \u238 ?mpietrit \uc1 \u53
7 ?i so\uc1 \u539 ?ii t\uc1 \u259 ?i!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \la
ng1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284
\li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx692 \itap0 \fs22
\dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp104
1 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \lang
fenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Eu nu-s de vin\uc1 \u259 ?! - r\uc1 \u259
?spunse c\uc1 \u259 ?prariul - eu mi-am \uc1 \u539 ?inut cuv\uc1 \u226 ?ntul, \
uc1 \u537 ?i \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1 \u259 ? l-oi \uc1 \u539 ?ine \uc1 \u537 ?i mai a
lte patru nop\uc1 \u539 ?i ca s\uc1 \u259 ? v\uc1 \u259 ? scot!}{\fs24 \dbch \af
3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par
}\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin
0 \tql \tx692 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp103
3 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \la
ngnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Hei! - ziser\uc
1 \u259 ? ele - acuma-i pace de to\uc1 \u539 ?i! Tu nu ne-i mai scoate! Dar\uc1
\u259 ? de un ficior al t\uc1 \u259 ?u om ave noroc. Deci dar\uc1 \u259 ?, ie\uc
1 \u537 ?i din cetatea aceasta pustie \uc1 \u537 ?i mergi la apa cea neagr\uc1 \
u259 ?; acolo \uc1 \u238 ?i afla un pod \uc1 \u537 ?i \uc1 \u238 ?i trece pe d\u
c1 \u226 ?nsul. De ceea parte li \uc1 \u238 ?nt\uc1 \u226 ?lni un om, \uc1 \u537
?i te cere la d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul peste noapte; el te-a primi bucuros. La acesta
s\uc1 \u259 ? te n\uc1 \u259 ?ime\uc1 \u537 ?ti pe un an; el are o fat\uc1 \u259
?, \uc1 \u537 ?i ea a \uc1 \u537 ?\uc1 \u259 ?gui cu tine, a vorbi, s-a h\uc1 \
u259 ?r\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?i, dar\uc1 \u259 ? tu s\uc1 \u259 ? nu-i zici nim
ica de r\uc1 \u259 ?u, nici s\uc1 \u259 ? nu te anini de d\uc1 \u226 ?nsa, c\uc1
\u259 ? la anul te-i \uc1 \u238 ?nsura cu ea \uc1 \u537 ?i-i face un ficior, \u
c1 \u537 ?i acela ne-a izb\uc1 \u259 ?vi pe noi!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \l
och \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain
\qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22
\dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041
{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langf
enp1041 \cf1 Dup\uc1 \u259 ? ce-au vorbit ele acestea, au pierit din\uc1 \u259 ?
intea lui \uc1 \u537 ?i nu s-au mai ar\uc1 \u259 ?tat!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \
af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \
plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0
\fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfe
np1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041
\langfenp1041 \cf1 C\uc1 \u259 ?prariul au ie\uc1 \u537 ?it afar\uc1 \u259 ? din
cetatea aceea \uc1 \u537 ?i s-au tot dus p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ? ce-au ajuns
la apa cea neagr\uc1 \u259 ?. Aice au aflat podul acela \uc1 \u537 ?i au trecut
pe d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul. Merg\uc1 \u226 ?nd a\uc1 \u537 ?a pe l\uc1 \u226 ?ng\uc1

\u259 ? ap\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?ntr-o parte, iat\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1 \u259 ? au
dat peste un om \uc1 \u537 ?i i-au zis:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi2
84 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx692 \itap0 \f
s22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp
1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \l
angfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Bun\uc1 \u259 ? calea!}{\fs24 \dbch \a
f3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \pa
r }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \ri
n0 \tql \tx692 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp10
33 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \l
angnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Mul\uc1 \u539
?\uc1 \u259 ?mesc dumitale! - \uc1 \u238 ?i r\uc1 \u259 ?spunse omul - da de und
e e\uc1 \u537 ?ti, dragu-meu?}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \
langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri
0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx692 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \
af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24
\dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041
\cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Ia din lume, de la \uc1 \u539 ?ara Neagr\uc1 \u25
9 ?! - zise c\uc1 \u259 ?prariul - \uc1 \u537 ?i \uc1 \u238 ?mblu \uc1 \u537 ?i
eu numai izbindu-m\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?n toate p\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u539 ?ile
, ia ca un biet s\uc1 \u259 ?rman!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1
048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li
0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx692 \itap0 \fs22 \d
bch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {
\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfen
p1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Ai tat\uc1 \u259 ?? - \uc1 \u238 ?l \uc1 \u2
38 ?ntreb\uc1 \u259 ? omul mai departe.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \
lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi28
4 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx692 \itap0 \fs
22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1
041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \la
ngfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Z\uc1 \u259 ?u, nu \uc1 \u537 ?tiu, c\u
c1 \u259 ?ci a\uc1 \u537 ?a m-am trezit de mic s\uc1 \u226 ?ngur s\uc1 \u226 ?ng
urel, str\uc1 \u259 ?in \uc1 \u537 ?i f\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u259 ? de nime! - \uc1
\u238 ?i r\uc1 \u259 ?spunse c\uc1 \u259 ?prariul.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5
\loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \pla
in \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs
22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1
041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \la
ngfenp1041 \cf1 Omului i s-au f\uc1 \u259 ?cut mil\uc1 \u259 ? de d\uc1 \u226 ?n
sul \uc1 \u537 ?i l-au \uc1 \u238 ?mbiat la sine peste noapte.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3
\hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par
}\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0
\tql \tx692 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \lan
gnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Foarte bucuros!
Dumnezeu s\uc1 \u259 ?-\uc1 \u539 ?i de ie s\uc1 \u259 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?tate! - zis
e c\uc1 \u259 ?prariul - c\uc1 \u259 ? tot n-am unde s\uc1 \u259 ? m\uc1 \u226 ?
n aiuria!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe10
41 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmul
t1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1
033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Dup\uc1 \u259 ? ce-au veni
t acas\uc1 \u259 ?, au osp\uc1 \u259 ?tat omul bine pe c\uc1 \u259 ?prari \uc1 \
u537 ?i pe urm\uc1 \u259 ? s-au mai dat la vorb\uc1 \u259 ? ba despre una, ba de
spre alta. \uc1 \u206 ?n toate i-au pl\uc1 \u259 ?cut omului c\uc1 \u259 ?prariu
l foarte \uc1 \u537 ?i l-au \uc1 \u238 ?ntrebat pe urm\uc1 \u259 ?, ori de nu sar n\uc1 \u259 ?imi la d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul? C\uc1 \u259 ?prariul, bucuros, au luat
\uc1 \u537 ?i s-au n\uc1 \u259 ?imit pe un an de zile. El era foarte harnic \uc

1 \u537 ?i cuminte \uc1 \u537 ?i se pricepea tare bine la orice lucru.}{\fs24 \d

bch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \c
f1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \li
n0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \la
ngfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1
048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u206 ?n anul acesta s-au \uc1 \u238 ?nt
\uc1 \u226 ?mplat c\uc1 \u259 ? omul a f\uc1 \u259 ?cut mai mult\uc1 \u259 ? str
\uc1 \u226 ?nsoare dec\uc1 \u226 ?t avea \uc1 \u238 ?n to\uc1 \u539 ?i anii de m
ai n\uc1 \u259 ?inte, \uc1 \u537 ?i-i mergea ales de bine. C\uc1 \u226 ?nd au fo
st la sf\uc1 \u226 ?r\uc1 \u537 ?itul anului, s-au sf\uc1 \u259 ?tuit omul cu fe
meia s\uc1 \u259 ? deie fata dup\uc1 \u259 ? d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul. Una c\uc1 \u259
?-i foarte harnic \uc1 \u537 ?i cuminte \uc1 \u537 ?i alta c\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u
537 ?i fata se cam trage dup\uc1 \u259 ? d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \h
ich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\p
ard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \t
ql \tx679 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \l
angfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp
1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?C\uc1 \u259 ?ci tot
anul - zise omul - i-am v\uc1 \u259 ?zut unul pe l\uc1 \u226 ?ng\uc1 \u259 ? al
tul \uc1 \u537 ?i n-am auzit niciun cuv\uc1 \u226 ?nt r\uc1 \u259 ?u din gura lu
i, m\uc1 \u259 ?car c\uc1 \u259 ? uneori \uc1 \u238 ?l z\uc1 \u259 ?d\uc1 \u259
?ria ea prea tare: se vede dar\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1 \u259 ? se lovesc am\uc1 \u226
?ndoi \uc1 \u537 ?i s-or \uc1 \u238 ?nvoi tare bine \uc1 \u238 ?n via\uc1 \u539
?a lor! Noa! Ce soco\uc1 \u539 ?i \uc1 \u537 ?i tu, femeie, s-o d\uc1 \u259 ?m o
are dup\uc1 \u259 ? d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul?}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \l
ang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284
\li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx4267 \tql \tx45
63 \tqr \tx5660 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1
033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \
langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Ea s-au \uc1 \u238 ?nvoit prea bucuroa
s\uc1 \u259 ?, pentru c\uc1 \u259 ? nu o dat\uc1 \u259 ? au fost privit \uc1 \u5
37 ?i ea \uc1 \u537 ?\uc1 \u259 ?gile lor \uc1 \u537 ?i au v\uc1 \u259 ?zut c\uc
1 \u259 ? se au tare dragi.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \la
ngnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0
\sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2
\loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \h
ich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Dup\uc1
\u259 ? aceea au \uc1 \u238 ?ntrebat omul pe c\uc1 \u259 ?prari, cum \uc1 \u238
?i place \uc1 \u238 ?n sat la d\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u537 ?ii \uc1 \u537 ?i ori de
nu s-ar c\uc1 \u259 ?s\uc1 \u259 ?tori acolo. C\uc1 \u259 ?prariul i-au r\uc1 \u
259 ?spuns c\uc1 \u259 ? toate-i plac foarte \uc1 \u537 ?i c\uc1 \u259 ? s-ar c\
uc1 \u259 ?s\uc1 \u259 ?tori \uc1 \u537 ?i aice, c\uc1 \u259 ? tot n-are ce s\uc
1 \u259 ? fac\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i \uc1 \u238 ?ncotro s\uc1 \u259 ? mai mea
rg\uc1 \u259 ?, numai dac\uc1 \u259 ? ar pute g\uc1 \u259 ?si undeva vreo fat\uc
1 \u259 ? care s\uc1 \u259 ? voiasc\uc1 \u259 ? a merge dup\uc1 \u259 ? d\uc1 \u
226 ?nsul, c\uc1 \u259 ? el n-are nimica, nici mo\uc1 \u537 ?ie, nici bani.}{\fs
24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp10
41 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpa
r \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp103
3 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \la
ngnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Atuncia-i zise omul:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \
hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\
pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \
tql \tx679 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \
langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langn
p1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Hei, dragul meu! N
u mo\uc1 \u537 ?ia, nici banul nu face pe om, ci mintea \uc1 \u537 ?i h\uc1 \u25
9 ?rnicia lui! \uc1 \u536 ?i pe tine te v\uc1 \u259 ?d \uc1 \u537 ?i harnic \uc1
\u537 ?i cuminte! De aceea \uc1 \u537 ?tii una? De-\uc1 \u539 ?i place \uc1 \u5
37 ?i de voie\uc1 \u537 ?ti, eu \uc1 \u238 ?\uc1 \u539 ?i dau fata mea, \uc1 \u5

37 ?i te-nsoar\uc1 \u259 ? aice \uc1 \u537 ?i te f\uc1 \u259 ? mo\uc1 \u537 ?ina
\uc1 \u537 ? \uc1 \u238 ?n locul meu, c\uc1 \u259 ? precum v\uc1 \u259 ?d eu, te
pricepi foarte bine \uc1 \u238 ?n trebile casei \uc1 \u537 ?i-i pute tr\uc1 \u2
59 ?i \uc1 \u238 ?n bine!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \lang
np1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \s
a0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \
loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hic
h \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 C\uc1 \u25
9 ?prariul n-au a\uc1 \u537 ?teptat s\uc1 \u259 ?-l mai \uc1 \u238 ?mbie \uc1 \u
537 ?i a doua oar\uc1 \u259 ?, ci s-au \uc1 \u238 ?nvoit \uc1 \u238 ?ndatamare,
una c\uc1 \u259 ?-i pl\uc1 \u259 ?cea fata, \uc1 \u537 ?i alta pentru c\uc1 \u25
9 ? \uc1 \u537 ?tia c\uc1 \u259 ? ea \uc1 \u238 ?i ursita lui.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3
\hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par
}\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0
\itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041
\langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \lan
gfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Dup\uc1 \u259 ? aceea au adus p\uc1 \u259 ?rin\uc1 \u
539 ?ii \uc1 \u537 ?i pe fat\uc1 \u259 ? de fa\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ? s-o ascul
te ce va zice \uc1 \u537 ?i ea. Fata au primit m\uc1 \u259 ?riti\uc1 \u537 ?ul a
cesta foarte bucuroas\uc1 \u259 ?, c\uc1 \u259 ? prin aceasta \uc1 \u238 ?\uc1 \
u537 ?i vedea \uc1 \u238 ?mplinite numai dorin\uc1 \u539 ?ele sale.}{\fs24 \dbch
\af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1
\par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0
\rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langf
e1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048
\langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Acum au \uc1 \u238 ?nceput s\uc1 \u259 ? se g\uc
1 \u259 ?teasc\uc1 \u259 ? de nunt\uc1 \u259 ?. C\uc1 \u226 ?nd au auzit oamenii
din sat c\uc1 \u259 ? cutare om \uc1 \u238 ?\uc1 \u537 ?i d\uc1 \u259 ? fata du
p\uc1 \u259 ? un venetic, n-au vrut nicidec\uc1 \u226 ?t s\uc1 \u259 ?-l lase, c
i-i zicea s-o deie dup\uc1 \u259 ? un mo\uc1 \u537 ?ina\uc1 \u537 ? din sat, c\u
c1 \u259 ? doar\uc1 \u259 ? se afl\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i la d\uc1 \u226 ?n\u
c1 \u537 ?ii fl\uc1 \u259 ?c\uc1 \u259 ?i buni, dup\uc1 \u259 ? care \uc1 \u537
?i-ar pute m\uc1 \u259 ?rita fata.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1
048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li
0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hi
ch \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch
\af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 V
\uc1 \u259 ?z\uc1 \u226 ?nd c\uc1 \u259 ?prariul at\uc1 \u226 ?ta \uc1 \u238 ?mp
rotivitur\uc1 \u259 ?, s-au dat deocamdat\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?nd\uc1 \u259 ?
r\uc1 \u259 ?pt, dar\uc1 \u259 ? nevr\uc1 \u226 ?nd p\uc1 \u259 ?rin\uc1 \u539 ?
ii, nici fata altmintrelea, s-au \uc1 \u238 ?nvoit \uc1 \u537 ?i oamenii, mai al
es dup\uc1 \u259 ? ce s-au \uc1 \u238 ?ncredin\uc1 \u539 ?at \uc1 \u537 ?i ei c\
uc1 \u259 ? acest flec\uc1 \u259 ?u, m\uc1 \u259 ?car c\uc1 \u259 ?-i venetic, d
ar\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u539 ?ine cu d\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u537 ?ii ca \uc1 \u537 ?i
cel mai bun flec\uc1 \u259 ?u din sat, \uc1 \u537 ?i c\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i
de altmintrelea \uc1 \u238 ?i foarte de treab\uc1 \u259 ?. Deci cu \uc1 \u238 ?
nvoirea tuturora s-au cununat c\uc1 \u259 ?prariul cu fata omului \uc1 \u537 ?i
au f\uc1 \u259 ?cut o nunt\uc1 \u259 ? frumoas\uc1 \u259 ?. La anul, nevasta c\u
c1 \u259 ?prariului i-au f\uc1 \u259 ?cut un ficior cu p\uc1 \u259 ?rul de aur \
uc1 \u537 ?i cu picioarele de m\uc1 \u259 ?rg\uc1 \u259 ?ritari, pe la c\uc1 \u2
26 ?ntatul cuco\uc1 \u537 ?ilor; \uc1 \u238 ?n zori de ziu\uc1 \u259 ? l-au bote
zat. El au crescut a\uc1 \u537 ?a de tare, \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1 \u226 ?t pe-a pr\u
c1 \u226 ?nz au zis c\uc1 \u259 ?tr\uc1 \u259 ? tat\uc1 \u259 ?-s\uc1 \u259 ?u:}
{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfe
np1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidc
tlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx662 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lan
g1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \
f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160
?Tat\uc1 \u259 ?! Cump\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u259 ?-mi carte, c\uc1 \u259 ? eu m-oi
duce la \uc1 \u537 ?coal\uc1 \u259 ? la \uc1 \u238 ?nv\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?\u

c1 \u259 ?tur\uc1 \u259 ?!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \lan
gnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \
sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2
\loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hi
ch \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Tat\uc1 \
u259 ?-s\uc1 \u259 ?u i-au cump\uc1 \u259 ?rat carte \uc1 \u537 ?i l-au grijit d
e toate c\uc1 \u226 ?te-i trebuia. Ficiorul au luat cartea \uc1 \u537 ?i s-au du
s la \uc1 \u537 ?coal\uc1 \u259 ?, numai rug\uc1 \u259 ?ciunile Sf\uc1 \u226 ?nt
ului Vasile \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1 \u259 ? nu le \uc1 \u537 ?tia, dar\uc1 \u259 ? \u
c1 \u238 ?n doau\uc1 \u259 ? zile le-au \uc1 \u238 ?nv\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?at
\uc1 \u537 ?i pe acestea. Nici nu era de-o s\uc1 \u259 ?pt\uc1 \u259 ?m\uc1 \u2
26 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?, \uc1 \u537 ?i el \uc1 \u537 ?tia toate, era \uc1 \u238 ?nv\uc
1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?at cumsecade. \uc1 \u206 ?ndat\uc1 \u259 ? au \uc1 \u238 ?n
trebat de tat\uc1 \u259 ?-s\uc1 \u259 ?u:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi
284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx662 \itap0 \
fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfen
p1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \
langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?T\uc1 \u259 ?tu\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259
?! Ce feli de cetate este ia acolo, pe dealul acela, peste apa cea mare?}{\fs24
\dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041
\cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar
\lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033
\langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \lang
np1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Tat\uc1 \u259 ?-s\uc1 \u259 ?u \uc1 \u537
?tia despre d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul toate, pentru c\uc1 \u259 ?-i \uc1 \u238 ?mp\uc1 \
u259 ?rt\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u537 ?iser\uc1 \u259 ? fetele cele patru, dar\uc1 \u25
9 ? n-au vrut s\uc1 \u259 ?-i spuie acuma \uc1 \u537 ?i lui, socotind c\uc1 \u25
9 ? nu li-a pute ajuta nimic\uc1 \u259 ?, fiind \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1 \u259 ? crud
la trup \uc1 \u537 ?i brudiu la minte, \uc1 \u537 ?i au prins a c\uc1 \u226 ?rni
\uc1 \u537 ?i-n-colo \uc1 \u537 ?i-ncoace. Dar\uc1 \u259 ? ficiorul n-au \uc1 \
u238 ?ncetat, ci au tot zb\uc1 \u259 ?tut \uc1 \u238 ?n tat\uc1 \u259 ?-s\uc1 \u
259 ?u ca s\uc1 \u259 ?-i spuie ce cetate este aceea? Tat\uc1 \u259 ?-s\uc1 \u25
9 ?u n-au avut, de la un timp, \uc1 \u238 ?ncotro, \uc1 \u537 ?i i-au spus toate
c\uc1 \u226 ?te au \uc1 \u537 ?tiut el despre acea cetate.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \h
ich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\p
ard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \i
tap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \l
angfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe
1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Auzind ficiorul aceasta, \uc1 \u537 ?i-au luat c\uc1 \u2
59 ?rticica subsuoar\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i s-au cam mai dus. Dup\uc1 \u259 ?
ce-au ajuns la ap\uc1 \u259 ?, au v\uc1 \u259 ?zut un pod de ceealalt\uc1 \u259
? parte \uc1 \u537 ?i au strigat pe d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul s\uc1 \u259 ? vie \uc1 \u
238 ?ncoace, \uc1 \u537 ?i podul l-au ascultat. Ficiorul s-au suit pe el \uc1 \u
537 ?i i-au zis:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \l
angfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240
\slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx662 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af
2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \
hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u
8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?S\uc1 \u259 ? nu se afle, podule, c\uc1 \u259 ? te clatini cu
mine, c\uc1 \u259 ? te tai \uc1 \u238 ?ndatamare!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \
loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain
\qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22
\dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp104
1 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \lang
fenp1041 \cf1 Podul i-au r\uc1 \u259 ?spuns s\uc1 \u259 ? nu aib\uc1 \u259 ? gri
j\uc1 \u259 ?, c\uc1 \u259 ? nu s-a cl\uc1 \u259 ?tina, ci l-a trece lin de ceea
parte.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041
\langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1
\nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang103

3 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \
lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 El au ie\uc1 \u537 ?it bine
la \uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ?rm \uc1 \u537 ?i au venit p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?
la poarta cet\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?ii. Cum au pus m\uc1 \u226 ?na pe poart\uc1
\u259 ?, \uc1 \u238 ?ndat\uc1 \u259 ? s-au \uc1 \u537 ?i descuiat, \uc1 \u537 ?
i \uc1 \u238 ?ntr\uc1 \u226 ?nd \uc1 \u238 ?n cetate, s-au dus p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc
1 \u259 ?-n curtea aceea, unde fusese mai n\uc1 \u259 ?inte tat\uc1 \u259 ?-s\uc
1 \u259 ?u cu cele trei c\uc1 \u259 ?tane. Aice au \uc1 \u238 ?ngenunchiat l\uc1
\u226 ?ng\uc1 \u259 ? o mas\uc1 \u259 ? jos \uc1 \u537 ?i au prins a citi, \uc1
\u537 ?i cite\uc1 \u537 ?te \uc1 \u537 ?i cite\uc1 \u537 ?te, p\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc
1 \u259 ? ce afar\uc1 \u259 ? s-au f\uc1 \u259 ?cu \uc1 \u238 ?ntuneric; apoi au
aprins o lum\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?ric\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i au citit mai
departe. \uc1 \u206 ?ntr-un timp de noapte iat\uc1 \u259 ? c\uc1 \u259 ? au sos
it o mul\uc1 \u539 ?ime de draci - cruce de aur \uc1 \u238 ?n cas\uc1 \u259 ?! cu zic\uc1 \u259 ?tori feli de feli \uc1 \u537 ?i au \uc1 \u238 ?nceput \uc1 \u
238 ?mprejurul lui a zice \uc1 \u537 ?i a c\uc1 \u226 ?nta \uc1 \u537 ?i a face
un vuiet \uc1 \u537 ?i ni\uc1 \u537 ?te groz\uc1 \u259 ?vii ca acelea, ca doar\u
c1 \u259 ? l-or abate de la citit, dar\uc1 \u259 ? n-au putut nici \uc1 \u238 ?n
tr-un modru; el nu se uita nici \uc1 \u238 ?ntr-o parte, ci \uc1 \u537 ?edea aco
lo \uc1 \u537 ?i tot citia necurmat. A doaua noapte au venit \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1
\u259 ? mai mul\uc1 \u539 ?i draci - Dumnezeu cu noi! - cu cuptioare de foc \uc1
\u537 ?i cu o mul\uc1 \u539 ?ime de lemne \uc1 \u537 ?i tot \uc1 \u238 ?l \uc1
\u238 ?nfrico\uc1 \u537 ?a c\uc1 \u259 ? l-or arde, c-or turna j\uc1 \u259 ?rate
c peste d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul, ba c\uc1 \u259 ? l-or azv\uc1 \u226 ?rli \uc1 \u238 ?
n cuptiorul cel de foc, ca s\uc1 \u259 ?-l frig\uc1 \u259 ? acolo; ba c\uc1 \u25
9 ? or face a\uc1 \u537 ?a, ba pe dincolo cu d\uc1 \u226 ?nsul. Dar\uc1 \u259 ?
el au r\uc1 \u259 ?mas st\uc1 \u259 ?tornic \uc1 \u537 ?i au citit tot \uc1 \u23
8 ?ntruna f\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u259 ? ca s\uc1 \u259 ?-\uc1 \u537 ?i iaie ochii d
e pe carte!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe
1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slm
ult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lan
g1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \
f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 A treia noapte au venit
ucig\uc1 \u259 ?-i-crucea cu iadul \uc1 \u238 ?ntreg \uc1 \u238 ?naintea lui \uc
1 \u537 ?i cu \uc1 \u238 ?nfrico\uc1 \u537 ?\uc1 \u259 ?ri \uc1 \u537 ?i mai cum
plite dec\uc1 \u226 ?t \uc1 \u238 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?inte, dar toate acestea n-au \uc
1 \u238 ?ngrozit pe voinic, nici nu l-au stingherit din citire; el au r\uc1 \u25
9 ?mas totuna lipc\uc1 \u259 ? cu ochii pe carte. Deodat\uc1 \u259 ? se fac ucig
\uc1 \u259 ?-i-crucea nev\uc1 \u259 ?zu\uc1 \u539 ?i. Voinicul r\uc1 \u259 ?dic\
uc1 \u259 ? ochii de pe carte \uc1 \u537 ?i se uit\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?mprej
urul s\uc1 \u259 ?u. \uc1 \u536 ?i ce minune! Toate s-au fost despietrit, toat\u
c1 \u259 ? cetatea \uc1 \u537 ?i tot \uc1 \u539 ?inutul ei, \uc1 \u537 ?i to\uc1
\u539 ?i oamenii \uc1 \u537 ?i toate dobitoacele \uc1 \u537 ?i toate ierburile
au fost \uc1 \u238 ?nviat! \uc1 \u536 ?i acele patru fete \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1 \u2
59 ? au sc\uc1 \u259 ?pat curate \uc1 \u537 ?i foarte frumoase din m\uc1 \u226 ?
na dracilor.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langf
e1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \sl
mult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \la
ng1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch
\f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Diminea\uc1 \u539 ?a c\
uc1 \u226 ?nd au ie\uc1 \u537 ?it voinicul afar\uc1 \u259 ?, au g\uc1 \u259 ?sit
toate vii. Toat\uc1 \u259 ? cetatea foia de via\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ?, ca cum
cet\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?enii nici n-ar fi fost \uc1 \u238 ?mpietri\uc1 \u539
?i, unii mergea \uc1 \u238 ?ntr-o parte, al\uc1 \u539 ?ii \uc1 \u238 ?n alta, f
iecare dup\uc1 \u259 ? trebile \uc1 \u537 ?i trebuin\uc1 \u539 ?ele sale. De o p
arte de cetate b\uc1 \u259 ?tea dobele s\uc1 \u259 ? se str\uc1 \u226 ?ng\uc1 \u
259 ? osta\uc1 \u537 ?ii la mustru, \uc1 \u537 ?i cum au auzit c\uc1 \u259 ?tane
le cele trei, cari \uc1 \u238 ?nviaser\uc1 \u259 ? acum, sunetul dobelor, au soc
otit c\uc1 \u259 ? le strig\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i pe d\uc1 \u226 ?nsele la m
ustru \uc1 \u537 ?i, \uc1 \u238 ?mbr\uc1 \u259 ?cate cum era, au alergat \uc1 \u

238 ?ndatamare \uc1 \u238 ?ntr-acolo, pentru c\uc1 \u259 ? uitaser\uc1 \u259 ? a
cuma ce s-au fost \uc1 \u238 ?nt\uc1 \u226 ?mplat cu d\uc1 \u226 ?nsele. Dup\uc1
\u259 ? ce-au \uc1 \u238 ?nviat \uc1 \u238 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?ratul, au venit iute
\uc1 \u537 ?i au \uc1 \u238 ?ngenunchiat \uc1 \u238 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?intea ficiorul
ui, \uc1 \u537 ?i au \uc1 \u238 ?nceput a-i mul\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ?mi pentru
binele ce au f\uc1 \u259 ?cut el cu \uc1 \u539 ?ara lui \uc1 \u537 ?i cu d\uc1
\u226 ?nsul. Atunci ficiorul i-au r\uc1 \u259 ?spuns aspru:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \h
ich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\p
ard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \t
ql \tx646 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \l
angfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp
1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?Scoal\uc1 \u259 ? d
e din\uc1 \u259 ?intea mea, afurisitule \uc1 \u537 ?i bl\uc1 \u259 ?st\uc1 \u259
?matule! \uc1 \u537 ?i-mi spune cum de-ai putut tu, \uc1 \u238 ?n orbia ta, s\u
c1 \u259 ? nu bagi \uc1 \u238 ?n sam\uc1 \u259 ? dorin\uc1 \u539 ?ile \uc1 \u537
?i trebuin\uc1 \u539 ?ile oamenilor. \uc1 \u536 ?i \uc1 \u238 ?nc\uc1 \u259 ? s
\uc1 \u259 ? te pui cu Dumnezeu \uc1 \u238 ?n ceart\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i a\
uc1 \u537 ?a s\uc1 \u259 ? st\uc1 \u226 ?rne\uc1 \u537 ?ti urgia lui asupra unei
\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ?ri \uc1 \u238 ?ntregi \uc1 \u537 ?i s\uc1 \u259 ? os\uc
1 \u226 ?nde\uc1 \u537 ?ti at\uc1 \u226 ?ta lume \uc1 \u537 ?i at\uc1 \u226 ?ta
amar de suflete! Ridic\uc1 \u259 ?-te acuma de dinaintea mea \uc1 \u537 ?i aceas
t\uc1 \u259 ? pedeaps\uc1 \u259 ? s\uc1 \u259 ?-\uc1 \u539 ?i fie \uc1 \u238 ?nv
\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ?tur\uc1 \u259 ? pentru tine \uc1 \u537 ?i pe
ntru to\uc1 \u539 ?i urma\uc1 \u537 ?ii t\uc1 \u259 ?i din s\uc1 \u226 ?nge \uc1
\u238 ?n s\uc1 \u226 ?nge!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \la
ngnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0
\sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2
\loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \h
ich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1 \u2
06 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?ratul s-au sculat ru\uc1 \u537 ?inat de jos \uc1 \u537 ?i, lu\
uc1 \u226 ?nd coroana de pe capul s\uc1 \u259 ?u, au pus-o pe al ficiorului \uc1
\u537 ?i i-au zis:}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048
\langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl
240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \tql \tx663 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich
\af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af
3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \uc1
\u8212 ?\uc1 \u160 ?V\uc1 \u259 ?d c\uc1 \u259 ? e\uc1 \u537 ?ti mai cuminte \u
c1 \u537 ?i mai \uc1 \u238 ?n\uc1 \u539 ?\uc1 \u259 ?lept dec\uc1 \u226 ?t mine
\uc1 \u537 ?i c\uc1 \u259 ? te pricepi mai bine ce se cuvine lui Dumnezeu \uc1 \
u537 ?i oamenilor, de aceea s\uc1 \u259 ?-mi fii urma\uc1 \u537 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i
s\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u238 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u259 ?te\uc1 \u537 ?ti tu \uc1 \u
238 ?n locul meu!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \
langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl24
0 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af
2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \
loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Apoi l-au \uc1 \u2
38 ?nsurat cu fata sa cea mai mare \uc1 \u537 ?i i-au dat toate \uc1 \u238 ?n st
\uc1 \u259 ?p\uc1 \u226 ?nire. Pe celealalte trei surori le-au luat cele trei c\
uc1 \u259 ?tane, cari veniser\uc1 \u259 ? de la mustru acas\uc1 \u259 ?, \uc1 \u
537 ?i pentru c\uc1 \u259 ? ele \uc1 \u537 ?tia cum merg trebile \uc1 \u238 ?n l
ume, s-au f\uc1 \u259 ?cut de-acuma sfetnici la \uc1 \u238 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?ratul
cest nou.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe10
41 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmul
t1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1
033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5
\lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Dup\uc1 \u259 ? ce s-au \u
c1 \u238 ?nsurat ficiorul \uc1 \u537 ?i au pus toate \uc1 \u238 ?n r\uc1 \u226 ?
nduiala cea mai bun\uc1 \u259 ?, au trimes soli dup\uc1 \u259 ? tat\uc1 \u259 ?s\uc1 \u259 ?u ca s\uc1 \u259 ?-l aduc\uc1 \u259 ? la curtea sa. Dar el n-au vru
t. Ficiorul au mai trimes de vro dou\uc1 \u259 ?-trei ori al\uc1 \u539 ?i soli \

uc1 \u537 ?i mai mari, dar v\uc1 \u259 ?z\uc1 \u226 ?nd c\uc1 \u259 ? tot nu vin
e, au poruncit s\uc1 \u259 ? fac\uc1 \u259 ? un pod de aur de la curte p\uc1 \u2
26 ?n\uc1 \u259 ? acas\uc1 \u259 ? la tat\uc1 \u259 ?-s\uc1 \u259 ?u. Dup\uc1 \u
259 ? ce-au fost podul gata, s-au luat \uc1 \u238 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?ratul \uc1 \u53
7 ?i \uc1 \u238 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u259 ?teasa \uc1 \u537 ?i to\uc1 \u539 ?i
sfetnicii \uc1 \u537 ?i curtenii s\uc1 \u259 ?i \uc1 \u537 ?i s-au dus cu to\uc1
\u539 ?ii la tat\uc1 \u259 ?-s\uc1 \u259 ?u ca s\uc1 \u259 ?-l roage s\uc1 \u25
9 ? vie la d\uc1 \u226 ?n\uc1 \u537 ?ii \uc1 \u537 ?i s\uc1 \u259 ? petreac\uc1
\u259 ? apoi \uc1 \u238 ?mpreun\uc1 \u259 ?. Abia acuma s-au \uc1 \u238 ?nduplic
at p\uc1 \u259 ?rin\uc1 \u539 ?ii \uc1 \u238 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?ratului ca s\uc1 \u2
59 ? se str\uc1 \u259 ?mute la curtea lui, pentru c\uc1 \u259 ? s-au \uc1 \u238
?ncredin\uc1 \u539 ?at c\uc1 \u259 ?-l pofte\uc1 \u537 ?te cu tot adinsul \uc1 \
u537 ?i din toat\uc1 \u259 ? inima, \uc1 \u537 ?i c\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i cu
rtenii \uc1 \u537 ?i sfetnicii lui \uc1 \u238 ?l doresc.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich
\af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard
\plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap
0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \lang
fenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe104
1 \langfenp1041 \cf1 De aici \uc1 \u238 ?n\uc1 \u259 ?inte au tr\uc1 \u259 ?it c
u to\uc1 \u539 ?ii necurmat \uc1 \u238 ?mpreun\uc1 \u259 ?, \uc1 \u238 ?n\uc1 \u
539 ?\uc1 \u259 ?leg\uc1 \u226 ?ndu-se foarte bine \uc1 \u238 ?ntreolalt\uc1 \u2
59 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i lucr\uc1 \u226 ?nd cu to\uc1 \u539 ?ii, pe \uc1 \u238 ?ntrecu
te, pentru binele oamenilor din acea \uc1 \u238 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1
\u539 ?ie. A\uc1 \u537 ?a de bine tr\uc1 \u259 ?ia \uc1 \u238 ?mpreun\uc1 \u259
?, c\uc1 \u226 ?t li ie\uc1 \u537 ?ise vestea \uc1 \u238 ?n lume, c\uc1 \u259 ?
\uc1 \u238 ?mp\uc1 \u259 ?r\uc1 \u259 ?\uc1 \u539 ?ie mai bine \uc1 \u238 ?ntoc
mit\uc1 \u259 ? \uc1 \u537 ?i mai fericit\uc1 \u259 ? nu se afl\uc1 \u259 ? alta
!}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \lang
fenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qj \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowi
dctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \lan
gnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang10
48 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qr \fi284 \li0
\ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \slmult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hic
h \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\fs24 \dbch \
af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Io
n G. Sbiera,}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langf
e1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain \qr \fi284 \li0 \ri0 \sa0 \sl240 \sl
mult1 \nowidctlpar \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \la
ng1033 \langnp1033 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\i1 \fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \l
och \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 Povesti poporale ro
m\uc1 \u226 ?ne\uc1 \u537 ?ti}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \
langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 , 1886.}{\fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \
loch \f5 \lang1048 \langnp1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }\pard \plain
\li0 \ri0 \sa200 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin
0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs22 \dbch \af3 \hich \af2 \loch \af2 \lang1033 \langnp1033 \lan
gfe1041 \langfenp1041 {\b1 \fs24 \dbch \af3 \hich \af5 \loch \f5 \lang1048 \lang
np1048 \langfe1041 \langfenp1041 \cf1 \par }}

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