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- Represiunea religioas n Romnia comunist.

Studiu de caz: Rugul

aprins, (Religious Repression in Communist Romania. Case Study:
The Burning Bush), n Analele Universitii Dunrea de Jos din
Galai, fascicula 19 Istorie, tom III, 2004, p. 135 152; ISSN 1583-

- The Lower Danube and the Rio de la Plata Region in the Modern
Age: Contrasted Perspectives on their Economic and Political
Evolution, n Transylvanian Review, Vol. XXII, supplement no. 2,
2013, p. 218-229; ISSN: 1221-1249 (long version)

- Amestecul puterii politice n alegerea ierarhilor Bisericii Ortodoxe

Romne, n Arhivele totalitarismului, nr. 1-2/2004, p. 7 33;

Lect. Dr. George Enache , "Biseric societate naiune stat n

Romnia interbelic I. Explorri n orizont liberal ", Revista Teologica,
nr.2/2010, p.166-202

Prof. Assist. Dr. George Enache, "Eglise, socit, nation, tat en

Roumanie pendant lentre-deux-guerres. LEglise Orthodoxe
Roumaine et la tentation du totalitarisme droitiste", Revista
Teologica, nr.2/2012, p.301-326

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