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neltoria bombei atomice 1945-

70 de ani de minciuni propagandistice din mass media pentru a
speria oamenii i de ce este ilegal s informezi lumea n
privina asta
de Anders Bjrkman, M.Sc.
Mass Media i ali cititori nu prea inteligeni de pe paginile mele web despre bombele atomice din 45, cltoriile pe Lun din 69, despre
incidentul de pe feribotul M/S Estonia1994 i prbuirea turnurilor de la 11 septembrie suntei avertizai. Voi suferii probabil de
disonan cognitiv i nu putei suporta informaiile mele fr a fi tulburai mental cu grave consecine.

Faptele dovedite de mine sunt simple i corecte. Bombele atomice nu funcioneaz. Oamenii nu pot cltori pe Lun, M/S Estoa pierdut
prora, zgrie norii nu s-au prbuit de sus n jos. Toate argumentele aduse contra celor spuse de mine sunt minciuni propagandistice sau
teorii ale conspiraiei promovate de mass media.


1. Hiroshima i Nagasaki nu au fost distruse de bombe atomice n 1945. Japonezii din cocioabele lor fcute din lemn i hrtie au fost ucii i ari cu
bombe cu napalm carpet. Japonezii bogai locuiau n suburbii.

2. Acele dou bombe ce au explodat n Japonia n 1945 au fost doar propagand de rzboi american (informaie fals) pentru a impresiona
Uniunea Sovietic, dar Stalin nu a pus botul. El (sau deputatul lui, Beria) au inventat (falsificat) propria lor bomb atomic n 1949.

3. Miniciunile vechi de 70 de ani continu bineneles i astzi, cu putere, susinute de cteva guverne, generali nebuni i o mulime de fizicieni,
incluznd aici ctigtori de Nobel care nu pot obine nicio slujb mai bun n afar de a mini pentru efii lor din corporaii, guverne sau mass
media care public false informaii pentru a v spla pe creiere, singura slujb real pe care majoritatea fizicienilor o pot obine n afar de a fi
nite profesori de coal prost pltii.

4. SUA folosete miliarde de dolari pentru a menine neltoria. Rusia nu folosete nicio rubl sau copeic pentru a menine oul n continuare.

5. Frana i China i-au falsificat i ele bombele atomice n anii 60.

6. nc din 1964, 10 000 de bombe atomice au fost construite, transportate de colo colo, scpate pe jos, lovite din greeal de soldai
incompeteni, dar niciodat , niciuna nu a explodat. Motivul este faptul c bombele atomice nu pot exploda. Este fizic imposibil aa cum voi
arta n acest articol.

7. Focoasele balistice intercontinentale ICBM, nu funcioneaz nici ele. Un rzboi termonuclear nu este posibil!

8. Armele nucleare sunt foarte sigure i sntoase! Ele nu pot face ru la nimic! Dar este ilegal s spui asta!

9. Iranul ncearc de 30 de ani s falsifice o bomb atomic pe care Stalin a reuit s o fac n 4 ani , acum 65 de ani, asistat de prizonierii din
Gulag i de Wismut AG de Aue, Saxony.

10. Agenia Energiei Atomice Internaionale, IAEA , eful ei Yukiya Amano i dictatorul Coreei de Nord sunt parte din neltorie. Doar
ntrebai-i despre asta. Ei sunt pltii s mint n legtur cu bombele atomice.

11. Vestea bun este c bombele atomice , bombele A, nu funcioneaz i nu este nimic de care s ne temem. Trebuie ns s ne temem de
politicienii i militarii care cred n acestea.

Avertisment pentru pseudotiin

Ai auzit de Trofim Lyssenko? El a fost inventatorul pseudotiinei n jurul anilor30! Stalin l-a iubit.
Stalin este un uciga n mas care mpreun cu Hitler a pornit Al Doilea Rzboi Mondial (CDDRM) atacnd
Polonia, statele baltice i Finlanda n 1939, un om pe care preedintele american Roosevelt l-a plcut
foarte mult. Stalin a putut s dein Polonia i statele baltice dup CDDRM.

Bombele atomice erau doar minciuni de propagand i nu exist nicio dovad c ele au funcionat n
1945 sau mai trziu. Bomba atomic a fost inventat de Robert O Lyssenko un vr al lui Trofim dar
asistat de A. Einstein!

Cnd ficiunea istoric devine mai adevrat dect faptele istorice, asta te face s te ntrebi cine
conduce manipularea maselor. Cie i promoveaz pe toi aceti Lyssenkoi ai bombelor atomice nc din
1942? Ce fel de oameni sunt cei care creaz astfel de mizerii? i de ce? Rspunsul: banii (i controlul
prostimii, n.n.) !
Bine ai venit!
6 August 2015 SUA a celebrat USA (sic) cele dou bombe atomice care au fost aruncate peste Japonia acum 70 de ani.
Conform Pew Center 56% dintre americani nc mai cred c a fost justificat s se tearg de pe faa pmntului 70000 de
oameni, n mare parte civili, cu cele dou bombe atomice de la Hiroshima i Nagasaki. Ei nc nu tiu c totul a fost doar
propagand. Cnd ziarul de mai jos a fost publicat n August 6, 1945, editorii ziarului au urmat pur i simplu ordinele de mai
sus i nu au mai verificat dac informaia este adevrat. Cu siguran niciun reporter al NYT nu a fost prezent pentru a verifica
nimic. Cititorii nu au suspectat c era o neltorie.
Mass Media trebuie i acum la 70 de ani mai trziu, s publice vechiile minciuni care au fost o invenie fantastic a unor
ingineri i savani occidentali foarte foarte inteligeni, care au salvat milioane de viei: co-pilotul bombardierului Robert Lewis
a fost un pic ngrijorat (Ce am fcut ?) etc, etc, blah, blah. Doar acest site i va spune adevrul despre acest nonsens al bombei
atomice, a prostiei nucleare, de care vi s-a vorbit n coli i vi s-a repetat cu regularitate n mass media, o chestie inventat i
ncropit de un nebun american asistat de altul, un fizician occidental prost pltit, n numai 3 ani 1942/5.

Ideea era ca ei s creeze n timpul CDDRM o super arm, secret, terorist care s nspimnte oamenii, o arm fcut cu banii
armatei. Arma nu va funciona (acesta este secretul), dar cu ajutorul propagandei de toate tipurile, poi impresiona cu uurin
prietenii i dumanii. Muli politicieni au adorat aceast idee.

Publicul prost nu va trebui s tie c a fost o mnrie nc din start. Familia mea i eu nsumi am fost ngrijorai i prostii de

Dup falsa, dar eficienta bombardare A din Japonia (oamenii clar au crezut ce s-a ntmplat) nebunii, dar nc corecii
fizicieni s-au pus pe treab serios i au nceput s cread propria lor propagand i minciun i au nceput s le predea ca fiind
adevr la universiti. Critica intern nu a mai fost posibil. Trebuia s crezi altfel nu mai fceai parte din gaca de mafioi.

Sau dup cum spune "Brabantian":

Norul ciuperc Tianjin ne indreapt ctre argumentele detailiate ale inginerului suedez Anders Bjrkman care ne spune n detaliu faptul
c nu a existat vre-o bomb nuclear care s explodeze sau s existe:

(a) Pozele i videourile cu norii ciuperc sunt explozii chimice, iar noi am fost Pavlov-dizai s credem c sunt nucleare.

(b) Hiroshima & Nagasaki au fost pur i simplu locuri cu furtuni de foc chimice asemntoare cu cele din Tokyo, Dresda, Hamburg.
Oelul, crmizile i betonul din zona zero au rmas n picioare. Deeurile radioactive au putu fi aruncate cu chimcalele.

(c) Majoritatea caselor japoneze erau din lemn aa c au ars.

(d) Mass Media ascunde faptul c au fost martori care au vzut mai multe bombardiere, etc.
Teroarea bombelor nucleare a adus triliarde pentru cabal din 1945 ncoace, iar din anii 60 a fost o unealt major de terorizare a
Israelului mpotriva arabilor i a lumii ntregi, n rzboaiele din anii 1967 i 1973, opiunea Samson etc. Mordechai Vanunu este un
posibil falsificator al nuclearelor Israeliene (atunci cnd a dezvlut ceea ce a spus despre arsenalul israelian ctre MI5-MI6 London
Times, i poate c a fost pe o plaj israelian i nchis pentru pentru poze, un falsificator ca Snowden sau Assange. Putem vedea de
asemenea de ce toate aceste aa zise 10 naiuni ce au bomba nuclear au susinut aceast neltorie:

1945 SUA bombele chimice de la Hiroshima & Nagasaki (ca i cele din Tokyo, Dresda, Hamburg...), unde au aruncat de asemenea
chestii radioactive generatoare de boli. Mass media i martorii japonezi care au vzut flota de avioane li s-a spus s tac din gur.
Povestea nuclear s-a vndut prin adugarea de chmicale explozive generatoare de nori ciuperc n filme i fotografii.

1949 Uniunea Sovietic accept nelegerea conform creia elitele Rusiei devin i mai bogate prin intrarea n Rzboiul Rece i n
teroarea nuclear global.

1952 - UK & centrul financiar din Londra nu vor s fie mai prejos, deoarece totui, imperiul Englez nc domin lumea. Aa c UK
are bomba.

1960 Frana nu vor s fiela clasa a 2-a sub britanici i accept nelegerea s devin for nuclear dac se prefac c sunt cei care
le ofer Israelului tehnologia nuclear - FRANA & DE GAULLE au bomba

1964 - China este ajutat s-i actualizeze arsenalul pentru a se justifica astfel escaladarea cheltuielilor militare n SUA CHINA ARE

1966 - Israel intr i ea n club dup nelegerea cu Frana tocmai la timp pentru a-i teroriza i intimida pe arabi n rzboaiele din 1967 &
1973 IUDEII AU BOMBA i n consecin pt amenina pe toi cu Opiunea Samson, dup cum a confirmat mai trziu bravul
informator din interior Vanunu celor de la MI6 London Times

1974 - India accept nelegerea de a nceta s mai fie aa de nealiniat i izolat de marile puteri, care insultau motenirea Indiei
numindu-le programul lor de arme de foc 'Budha Zmbreul INDIA are i ea bomba

1979 Africa de Sud guvernul alb de apartheid primete o compensaie pentru tot abuzul din mass media Occidental, dar este de
acord n prealabil s dezactiveze orice bomb atomic nante de venirea lui Mandela sau a oricrui guvern negru pentru ca acetia s
nu afle neltoria astfel se altur Israelului & Taiwan n testul bombelor. Astfel Rasiti Albi din Africa de Sud au bomba i sunt gata
s omoare negrii artnd astfel c oricine poate avea bomba, dar toate bombele au fost luate i transportate departe de guvernul lui

1998 - Pakistan este juctorul central n noua tem Occidental Anti-musulmani, pentru a putea renvia rzboiul contra terorii, iar
Pakistanul i actualizeaz arsenalul pentru a fi o pereche egal vechiului rival India. Aadar, musulmanii pakistanezi au bomba, iar
Osama sau teroritii pot pune mna pe ea. n plus Pakistan vinde bombe Arabiei Saudite ca extra bonus.

2006 - North Korea, face mereu afaceri cu ultimile produse de consum ale familiilor elitei conductoare, i actualizeaz arsenalul i
intr n clubul nuclear. Acum Coreea de Nord devine o ameninare real.

Indiferent c aceste bombe sunt reale sau nu, sunt cu siguran nite afaceri bune!

Implicaiile politice ale acestei neltorii nu sunt chiar aa de mari . Asta nseamn c doar SUA a nelat lumea la sfritul
CDDRM mpreun cu USSR, UK, Frana, China, India, Pakistan i Israel care s-au alturat mai trziu. Trdarea lui Julius i
Ethel Rosenberg a fost probabil parte din spectacolul american ei nefiind executai ci li s-au oferit noi identiti. Informatorul
izraelian Vanunu este de asemenea parte a showlui prin expunerea armelor nucleare israeliene dei nu exist aa ceva. De
asemenea afirmaiile i ngrijorrile Israelului legate de o posibil bobm nuclear Iranian este de asemenea show biz, tiind
c nicio astfel de bomb nu a existat i nu poate fi construit.

Criza rachetelor din Cuba din 1962 a fost de asemenea o fctur cinic i total n care att Khrushchev ct i Kennedy erau
contieni c erau angajai ntr-un conflict de faad cu bombe atomice inexistente. Puin mai devreme ei deciseser s
porneasc o fals curs spaial folosindu-se astfel de clovnul cosmic Gagarin care cic n 1961 a zburat n jurul Pmntului n
mai puin de 2 ore!

Cum de o super arm costnd miliarde de dolari este astzi compatibil cu reala democraie este dinclo de nelegerea mea.
Bineneles, bomba atomic a fost construit n secret n timpul CDDRM ca un truc ieftin de ctre oameni tineri i sinceri care
evitau astfel serviciul militar de pe front inventnd poveti sf despre bomba A ca parte a propagandei de rzboi, dar te-ai fi
ateptat ca dup rzboi ei s spun adevrul = totul a fost o neltorie.

Dar ei nu au putut s fac asta.

n SUA este mpotriva legii s spui adevrul despre bomba A!
Semnificaia bombei A pentru scopuri militare este clar conform legii Atomic Energy Act din 1946 (Public Law 585, 79th
Congress). Aceast prostie, US Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (i revizuirile ei) determin apariia Atomic Energy Commission
(AEC), i mai trziu a Department of Energy (DoE), unde exist un strict control al informaiei.

Mai exact - cenzur! Clauza datelor restricionate din legea Atomic Energy Act specific c toate informaiile referitoare la
bombele atomice sunt secrete i clasificate, cu excepia cnd sunt declasificate n mod explicit i nu se face diferena unde a
fost creat aceast informaie, fie c ea apre ntr-un laborator al unui om de tiin guvernamental sau oriunde n lume de
anumii ceteni privai (sic). Astfel informaiile despre armele nucleare sau propaganda este nscut n secret conform legii
SUA. Deci nu exist alegere pe acest subiect i astfel toate informaiile conform crra bombele A sunt false sunt efectiv
cenzurate n SUA. Se pare c i aceast pagin a fost cercetat de DoE ... i se pare c ncalc legea (dar numai n SUA) aa c i
voi cititorilor avei grij: citii informaii clasificate.

Trebuie inut secret!

A funcionat super n Japanonia 1945-1953 atunci cnd aceasta era ocupat de SUA i se aplica stricta cenzur i era astfel
interzis s pui la ndoial bombele A din 1945. Erai arestat, ncarcerat i chiar executat dac spuneai c acele bombe erau doar
propagand i c nu a existat nicio dovad c ele au avut loc. Cnd am locuit n Japonia ntre 1971-1975 am fost perplex de
acest aspect. Bineneles, SUA nc are baze n Japonia aa c, neleg de ce Japonia tace pe marginea minciunilor din 45.

Iar neltoria funcioneaz i astzi 70 de ani mai trziu deoarece menine o mulime de oameni prostui i oportuniti ocupai
peste tot deoarece bomba A este vorba aceea o ameninare criminal. Teroritii o pot folosi! Ce lume cretin! Pi oricine
folosete sub orice pretext i oricine are aceast bomb este terorist.

Pentru a elimina odat pentru totdeauna aceast ameninare global i pentru a elimina i provocarea catastrofic potenial
la adresa securitii globale o s v explic mai jos de ce armele nucleare create de magicieni ntunecai i de proti nu
funcioneaz i sunt false.

Mass Media este rugat s publice acest pont. A fi foarte fericit s vd ce s-ar ntmpla dac mcar 5 canale TV majore ar
explica c ceea ce s-a ntmplat n 6 Aug 1945 n Japonia a fost doar propagand.

Iranul i puterile globale au fost de acord n 3 Aprilie 2015 cu 'parametrii cheie' ale unei noi nelegeri nucleare false. Iranul poate contin
fals bomb A dup acea dat ns cu un numr redus de centrifuge false. Asta nlocuiete nelegerea din 23 November 2013
dedesubt. Congresul SUA va avea drept de veto n legtur cu orice dezvoltare legat de falsele bombe A 2015. Pe 14 July 2015 o nou nelegere
oul iranian cu bombe A merge mai departe. Nimeni nu ndrznete s spun c acestea nu funcioneaz.

Exist 8.420.000 de siteuri web care promoveaz bombele atomice gsite de Google in 0.19 seconds. Se pare ca aceste
siteuri sunt doar o stupid propagand . Exist o mulime de articole impresionante pe tema armelor nucleare dar niciunul
nu ar sugera vreodat faptul c totul este o neltorie prosteasc.

Eu fiind un sceptic care folosete gndirea critic, nu neleg cum o fiin inteligent i civilizat mai poate susine n 2015
arme care vaporizeaz oameni. Voi?

Aadar, urmtorul articol este mprit pe seciuni, dar va lua ceva timp s fie studiat:

1.1 Prezentarea neltoriei Bombei Atomice 1942-2015 ... fcut de un inginer oarecare

1.2 Bomba atomic B61 Silver Bullet din 1963 va fi actualizat de Obama n 2015

1.3 Bombe atomice cu dispozitiv de ncetinire cu paraut

1.4 Creterea Preciziei bombelor A dup 50 de ani de funcionare sub Obama

1.5 Bomba B61 Silver Bullet va vaporiza Bomb will vaporize the Plane dropping it - does Obama know?

1.6 The US War on Terror 2014 - lost by Obama

1.7 Manne Siegbahn, 1924 Nobel prize (physics) winner

1.8 How to be politically correct - support atomic A-Bombs or H-bombs vaporizing Children
2.1 Atomic bombs - just Propaganda to scare you

2.2 The one million C Heat and one thousand bar Pressure Blast Wave with its positive and negative Phases

2.3 Einstein

2.4 June 1942 Work started on Bomb to vaporize everything

2.5 A Plane dropped the A-bomb 6 August 1945 - No Parachute Retarder

2.6 Napalm Carpet Bombing by Terrorists

2.7 Klaus Fuchs

2.8 The Soviet atomic Bombs

2.9 Wismut AG

2.10 - 300 Stalin Prizes

2.11 A-bomb Radiation

2.12 The French A-bombs ... and H-bombs

2.13 The China A-bomb 1964

2.14 The US propaganda machine 2015

1.1 Introduction to the atomic bomb hoax 1942-2015 ... by a random engineer
Here I, a random engineer, describe why atomic bombs do not work and that everything to the contrary is simple propaganda.
There are four basic reasons, in my opinion, why atomic bombs do not work:

1. Stalin, the Soviet dictator 1928-1953 and inventor of pseudoscience and creator of Lyssenko, is said to have built a Soviet
atomic bomb in only four years 1945-1949 using

(a) stolen information of the US A-bomb research Manhattan/Los Alamos project and

(b) Uranium metal extracted from ore mined by Wismut AG of Saxony, East Germany using German slave labor 1945-1947
and minimally paid German mine workers later under top secret conditions.

But Wismut AG was just propaganda and no Uranium was ever extracted from the German ore. It was just a typical
Stalin/Beria stunt, like the Soviet A-bomb itself. Stalin just copied/pasted the US A-bomb nonsense to impress the world
proletariat. And USA and Germany played along to keep the free world frightened. According German sources (2015) Wismut
AG had 43 000 employees 1989 and had 1946-1991 produced 220.000 tons of Uranium until it was closed 1991, etc, etc. How
you can produce 220.000 tons of pure Uranium from ore that only contains 0.02% Uranium oxide is just silly propaganda.

2. Manne Siegbahn, Swedish 1924 Nobel prize winner physics was 1945 asked by the Swedish government to become head of
military research to develop a Swedish A-bomb. Manne agreed under the condition that all A-bomb info was first peer reviewed
and then made public. The Swedish government decided not to appoint Manne that got US$ 1 million from the Rockefeller
foundation to develop his cyclotron instead and to shut up. Manne didn't recommend me physics as a career 1965.

3. The Islamic Republic of Iran has according US propaganda plans of to build an A-bomb since the 1970's. The Islamic
Republic since kicking out the US marionette shah 1979 is governed by a president elected by the Iranian members of the
priesthood (imams) and by a parliament and prime minister elected by the people. The Iranian presidents are against the A-
bomb and deny any designs to build one. However the USA maintains that the Islamic Republic is secretly building an A-bomb
which can be ready in two to 15 years, etc, etc. I explain more below.

4. Mushroom clouds! An atomic explosion is allegedly only fission (see below) producing clean, pure energy - a flash. It does
not produce gases or anything else visible. An atomic bomb cannot produce a dirty, hot gas mushroom cloud .
53 countries and 4 observing organizations and their leaders of the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit headed by U.S.
President B. "Bomb"Obama apparently still believe that two metals (!) Highly Enriched Uranium and Plutonium can be
used to manufacture nuclear weapons. They should study this web page.

As of mid-2014 Mr. Hans M. Kristensen and Mr. Robert S. Norris estimate that there are approximately 16.300 nuclear
weaponslocated at some 98 sites in 14 countries. Roughly 10.000 of these weapons are in military arsenals; the remaining
weapons are retired and awaiting dismantlement. USA controls a substantial part of them:

As of early 2015, the authors estimate that the US Defence Department maintains about 4,760 nuclear warheads. Of this number, they
estimate that approximately 2,080 warheads are deployed while 2,680 warheads are in storage. In addition to the warheads in the
Defence Department stockpile, approximately 2,340 retired but still intact warheads are in storage under the custody of the Energy
Department and awaiting dismantlement, for a total US inventory of roughly 7,100 warheads. Since New START entered into force in
February 2011, the United States has reported cutting a total of 158 strategic warheads and 88 launchers. It has plans to make some
further reductions by 2018. Over the next decade,it also plans to spend as much as $350 billion on modernizing and maintaining its
nuclear forces.

They should also study this web page. Imagine spending $350 billion on something that doesn't work.


According Wikipedia:

"Fission chain reactions occur because of interactions between neutrons and fissile isotopes. The chain reaction requires both (A) the
release of neutrons from fissile isotopes undergoing nuclear fission and (B) the subsequent absorption of some of these neutrons in fissile

When an atom undergoes nuclear fission, a few neutrons (the exact number depends on several factors) are ejected from the reaction.
These free neutrons will then interact with the surrounding medium (sic - i.e. other fissile isotopes), and if more fissile fuel (sic - isotopes) is
present, some may be absorbed and cause more fission. Thus, the cycle repeats to give a reaction that is self-sustaining.

Nuclear power plants operate by precisely controlling the rate at which nuclear reactions occur, and that control is maintained through
the use of several redundant layers of safety measures. Moreover, the materials in a nuclear reactor core and the Uranium enrichment
level make a nuclear explosion impossible, even if all safety measures failed.
On the other hand, nuclear weapons are specifically engineered to produce a reaction that is so fast and intense it cannot be
controlled after it has started. When properly designed, this uncontrolled reaction can lead to an explosive energy release."

Do you follow? There are two fission chain reactions; one precisely controlled and one that cannot be controlled - after it has
started. Let's repeat!

Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts (lighter nuclei). A nuclear
fission process produces, apart from energy, free neutrons.

Nuclear fission therefore produces energy for nuclear power. Nuclear power is possible because certain substances called
nuclear fuels undergo fission, when struck by fission neutrons, and in turn emit free neutrons, when the nuclear fuel breaks
apart. This makes possible apeaceful, self-sustaining, moderated (or precisely controlled - the neutrons are slowed down)
nuclear chain reaction that releases pure energy/heat at a controlled rate in a nuclear reactor. Nuclear fission in a nuclear power
plant just produces energy, heat. No smoke! The nuclear fuel becomes other, lighter atoms/molecules.

But can an uncontrolled nuclear fission chain reaction drive the explosion (sic) of nuclear weapons as suggested
by Wikpedia and others (even if the Wikipedia description is changed all the time)?

A very rapid, uncontrolled, exponential rate of fission by fast neutrons of a critical mass of pure metal Uranium
235 or Plutonium being suddenly mechanically compressed in a nuclear weapon to get it started, i.e. an atomic bomb - an A-
bomb - is physically not possible and a silly idea in my honest opinion.

It is only foolish propaganda created by some idiots 1942/5 and still in force 2015, e.g. here! There is no evidence
that mechanical compression of two pieces of pure Uranium or plutonium metal assisted by a mysterious 'initiator' will
suddenly start a fission chain reaction that cannot be controlled.

The hoax is today promoted by, apart from the people mentioned above and by the people here, by journalist Eric Schlosser in
his book Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety published in
September 2013 and by US history professor Alex Wellerstein. The latter has actually understood (or must have understood)
that A-bombs and critical masses are just simple, silly, magic tricks or illusions to impress the audience of the show but will not
really admit it and thus preaches the opposite.Wellerstein can be reached at . Wellerstein said 7
January 2015 that:

"I'm a firm believer in the idea that sometimes non-academic historians stumble onto interesting things and interesting questions ( John
Coster-Mullen is a great example of this), and I don't discriminate unless people show themselves to be going down truly untenable
paths (like that small segment of the Internet who believes that all nuclear weapons are a hoax, which is just a truly silly "theory").3"

John Coster-Mullen is an American truck driver that has built his own atomic bomb with parts bought on eBay! It evidently
does not work.

Footnote 3 about "that small segment of the Internet who believes that all nuclear weapons are a hoax" is interesting:

"For those who are curious: The "all nukes are a hoax" theory seems to stem from a couple different sources.

The technical argument is that fast neutron chain reactions are impossible, because the fission cross-section of U-235 is small for fast
neutrons. The cross-section is indeed small for high-energy neutrons, which is why reactors use a moderator to slow the neutrons
down and increase the likelihood of their capture by the small amounts of U-235 in the nuclear fuel. What is weird is that the people
making this argument don't seem to realize that this is exactly why you use 80-90% enriched material in a bomb - it is to overcome this
low probability of fissioning by just putting a ridiculous number of targets in the area. It is also why there are tampers, neutron
reflectors, and the like, and also why even a relatively sophisticated weapon like the Fat Man only fissioned something like 13-18% of its
fissile material, and the Little Boy bomb only fissioned around 1% of its fissile material.

They also have weirdly interpreted the "Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not that different from the firebombing of Tokyo" argument (to a
rather absurd conclusion, that it was just a firebombing, despite the fact that firebombing and atomic bombing have really different
outcomes), believe that the photographs of the mushroom clouds are all faked (despite the fact that such a level of fakery was really
quite beyond the technology of the 1940s - similar to the "Apollo moon hoax," it would have been easier to make an atomic bomb in the
1940s than to fake an atomic bomb convincingly on film, at least to the degree of documentation that we have on them from the time),
and believe that every scientist in the entire world (except for the random engineer who came up with this dumb theory) is in on the
secret and has reasons to propagate it indefinitely (and I am apparently in on the hoax as well, to my surprise). "

It seems Wellerstein has studied this web page, which is the only one on the Internet that mentions in one go that
(A) nuclear fission is not possible without a moderator or some sort of control to slow down the free neutrons,

(B) Hiroshima/Nagasaki damages are typical Tokyo/Yokohama napalm firebombing damages and

(C) all atomic A-bomb explosion mushroom photos are faked, and on another page suggests that

(D) Apollo 11 was a hoax.

Wellerstein thinks it was easier to build an A-bomb in secrecy than to produce the propaganda 1945 and later. Well, I ... the
random engineer who came up with this dumb theory ... do not agree. Wellerstein thinks in e-mail to me 4 February 2015 all
info below isnonsense and a dumb theory by a crank (me)! Well, I consider Wellerstein not serious. He is just a full-time US
propagandist of US correct political thinking and part of the gang(s...s). I feel sorry for him wasting his life on it and getting
upset of my findings gathered as a hobby.


Killing poor, unarmed civilians were common practice during WW2 by terrorists on both sides but the allies were in the lead. A
typical US bomber run on a civilian, non-military Japanese town, and there were many, would be made at night, at low altitude
and deliver a mixture of high explosive and incendiary bombs. The objective was to turn the closely-packed, wooden homes
and buildings prevalent in Japanese cities into raging infernos and ultimately into the most destructive of all weapons - the fire
storm. Tokyo on the night of March 9-10, 1945 is a typical example. A force of 334 B-29s was unleashed - each plane stripped
of ammunition for its machine guns to allow it to carry morefire bombs. The lead attackers arrived over the city just after dark
and were followed by a procession of death that lasted until dawn. The fires started by the initial raiders could be seen from 150
miles away. The results were devastating: almost 17 square miles of the city were reduced to ashes. Estimates of the number of
defenceless civilians, mostly elderly, women and children killed range between 80 000 and 200 000. The young men were
evidently not at home but served in the armed forces. The industry was located far away. The military value of the fire
bombing raids was zero.

General Crawford Sams, one of the six men who ran Japan under MacArthur 1945-1952, believed the A-bomb propaganda but
thought the A-bombs themselves were not very effective. He didn't understand why.

Further down are photos/text from Hiroshima 'ground zero' autumn 1945 after the streets had been cleared of
debris (Source: ). It is clear to me that there was no 'ground zero' and that
no atomic bomb exploded here at all and destroyed buildings, bridges, inhabitants and everything as suggested by US military
authorities. It seems that all, one or two storeys wooden/paper buildings housing mostly poor people were simply burnt down
by napalm carpet bombing (exactly like Tokyo March and Yokohama May 1945 - a city I know very well) leaving steel
bridges and the external walls/roofs of all brick/concrete office buildings intact. When I arrived at Yokohama May 1972 (!) I
wondered about all still damaged, abandoned bank buildings and empty plots between Yamate and Yokohama Station and was
told it was all burnt down May 1945 ... not to be talked about.

It is common knowledge that 1945 central Hiroshima and Nagasaki was 95% wooden/paper one storey houses with simple
roofs for accommodation and simple stores/shops and only 5% concrete buildings, banks, insurance companies, trading
companies offices, etc. And all had quite bad fire protection. The heavy industry and any military compounds were located
outside the city centre.
Aerial view of central Hiroshima before fire bombing

Major Alexander P. de Seversky, who 1945 inspected the bombed towns of Japan, testified:

In Hiroshima I was prepared for radically different sights. But, to my surprise, Hiroshima looked exactly like all the other burned-out
cities in Japan.

There was a familiar pink blot, about two miles in diameter. It was dotted with charred trees and telephone poles. Only one of the cities
twenty bridges was down. Hiroshima's clusters of modern buildings in the downtown section stood upright.

It was obvious that the blast could not have been so powerful as we had been led to believe. It was extensive blast rather than intensive.

I had heard of buildings instantly consumed by unprecedented heat. Yet here I saw the buildings structurally intact, and what is more,
topped by undamaged flag poles, lightning rods, painted railings, air raid precaution signs and other comparatively fragile objects.

At the T-bridge, the aiming point for the atomic bomb, I looked for the "bald spot" where everything presumably had been vaporized in
the twinkling of an eye. It wasn't there or anywhere else. I could find no traces of unusual phenomena.

What I did see was in substance a replica of Yokohama or Osaka, or the Tokyo suburbs - the familiar residue of an area of wood and
brick houses razed by uncontrollable fire. Everywhere I saw the trunks of charred and leafless trees, burned and unburned chunks of
wood. The fire had been intense enough to bend and twist steel girders and to melt glass until it ran like lava - just as in other Japanese

The concrete buildings nearest to the center of explosion, some only a few blocks from the heart of the atom blast, showed no structural
damage. Even cornices, canopies and delicate exterior decorations were intact. Window glass was shattered, of course, but single-panel
frames held firm; only window frames of two or more panels were bent and buckled. The blast impact therefore could not have been

Then I questioned a great many people who were inside such buildings when the bomb exploded. Their descriptions matched the scores
of accounts I had heard from people caught in concrete buildings in areas hit by blockbusters. Hiroshima's ten-story press building,
about three blocks from the center of the explosion, was badly gutted by the fire following the explosion, but otherwise unhurt. The
people caught in the building did not suffer any unusual effects.

Professor Alex Wellerstein disagrees with above in an email to me 4 February 2015 and suggests:

"The Hiroshima/Nagasaki damages are in fact (sic) not typical of napalm damages. They are phenomenologically distinct. There are
evidences of high pressure and high thermal flux, to say nothing of induced radioactivity from neutrons, at the atomic bombing sites.
Napalm does not produce these kinds of effects. The similarities between the two are mostly superficial -- firestorm, for example. But
they have drastically different mortality rates (Hiroshima/Nagasaki were 2-4X more deadly per square mile than the Tokyo bombing, and
the Tokyo bombing was itself considerably more deadly than any later firebombing, much less firebombings on cities of the size and
makeup of Hiroshima and Nagasaki)."

But Wellerstein is probably born around 1980, i.e. 35 years after the events and influenced or brain washed by US propaganda.
2.1 A-bombs - just propaganda to scare you

Many people today, 2015, apart from being afraid of terrorists, are also curious how a military, atomic A-bomb functions. "The US d
than end
I am happy to inform that A-bombs do not function at all and are nothing to fear!
New Scientis

It is evidently a military secret that military A-bombs do not function, but I am not a professional military. I have of course done "A lie ge
military service and learnt how to kill ... enemy soldiers. But not civilians. I am not a terrorist. I am a structural engineer and Winston Chu
naval architect but with good knowledge of physics. Below I explain why military, A-bombs used by terrorists do not work.
Media (newspapers, radio, TV, Hollywood, etc.) will never tell you this, because it seems media is under some sort of military or Additiona
terrorist control. It was very easy to fool the US public 1945 and is still easier today 2015. Take an isolated school building and a destructi
fake fire brigade station and fake a terror show. Americans believe anything shown on TV or printed in newspapers and
Henry Stims
repeated by politicians.
"Look at
We are all told at school or reading books or learn one way or another, e.g. from the Trinity atomic Web Site (no pictures), that partners"
a first A-bomb - a Weapon of Mass Destruction, WMD - was dropped by US Air Force terrorists on Hiroshima (plenty on), in a
pictures), Japan, in the morning of August 6, 1945, to end the 2nd World war. A terrorist kills innocent civilians in lieu of
military soldiers. A second A-bomb was dropped on a poor suburb of Nagasaki a few days later by the same terrorists to really When the
can order
stop the war. BBC suggests it happened like this! Oliver Stone also believes in the terror A-bomb and should study this are someh
article. North Korea thinks it also can explode an A-bomb 2015 (1 000 m below surface) - but it is also just nice propaganda - States at
and keeps the North Korean nomenclatura terrorists in power. Western propaganda media copies it at once without thinking, of putrescen
course. Western media loves the A-bomb dropped on civilians by terrorists.
Edwin Vieira

Defense S
action, i
Leon Panetta

In order to hide the truth about the A-bombs USA, when occupying Japan, immediately created the Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) wit
taking photos of the ruins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and suggesting, e.g. that the two A-bombs were fake was simply arrested and maybe e
America's general Charles A. Willoughby. If Charles had remained in Germany, where he was born 1892, he would probably have had the

If you today 2015 still believe in being vaporized by an A-bomb explosion the 135 pages US Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclea

"A nuclear detonation in a modern urban area would impact the medical system more than any disaster previously experienced by the nation. Large numbers
there are opportunities to save tens to hundreds of thousands of lives."

But do not worry too much. It is just a joke.

2.2 The one million C heat and one thousand bar pressure blast wave with its positive and negative ph
According the paper Blast Loading and Blast Effects on Structures - An Overview, by T. Ngo, P. Mendis, A. Gupta & J. Ramsay, The Un
"An explosion is defined as a large-scale, rapid and sudden release of energy. In a nuclear explosion, energy is released from the formation
of different atomic nuclei by the redistribution of the protons and neutrons within the interacting nuclei (sic), whereas the rapid oxidation of fuel
elements (carbon and hydrogen atomics) is the main source of energy in the case of chemical explosions. The detonation of a condensed
high explosive generates hot gases under pressure up to 300 kilo bar and a temperature of about 3 000-4 000C. The hot gas expands
forcing out the volume it occupies. As a consequence, a layer of compressed air (blast wave) forms in front of this gas volume containing most
of the energy released by the explosion. Blast wave instantaneously increases to a value of pressure above the ambient atmospheric pressure.
This is referred to as the side-on overpressure that decays as the shock wave expands outward from the explosion source. After a short time, the
pressure behind the front may drop below the ambient pressure (Figure 1). During such a negative phase, a partial vacuum is created and air
is sucked in. This is also accompanied by high suction winds that carry the debris for long distances away from the explosion source".

A chemical explosive is thus a compound or mixture which, upon the application of heat or shock, decomposes or rearranges with extreme ra
cloud rising in the sky after the explosion.

It is suggested by many 'experts' that a nuclear explosion, if it really can take place, generates pure energy and no hot gases of a chemical ex
up 1 kg of new atomics and 60 kg of unsplit Uranium atomics and 4 360 kg of scrap metal making up the bomb ... and the surrounding air. N

The pure energy of the exploding A-bomb, we are told, heats up and increases the pressure of the surrounding atmosphere air so it ex
wave displacing outwards in the cool outside air (seen on many fake US propaganda films) at a very high velocity and with an initial

Such an expanding high pressure and temperature fireball and blast wave would evidently cause more damage than a simple chemical bomb
360 directions - and destroy anything being hit. If the bomb goes off 600 meters up in the air, the pure energy escapes in all directions and t
and temperature of the blast wave are reduced with time elapsed and distance travelled.

Nuclear detonations produced high above the ground do not create mushroom clouds!

US official propaganda has a slightly different description of the devastating blast wave:
"The (blast) wave travelled out in all directions from the explosion. The blast effects produced were uniform and essentially those of conventional large hig
panel, entire buildings were crushed or distorted as units.

The blast pressure, as with high explosives, rose almost instantaneously (?sic?) to a peak, declined more slowly, and then fell below atmospheric pressure for a
was greater than atmospheric--was of much greater peak pressure than the succeeding, or negative phase. Short though the positive phase was--probably onl
was usually that of a powerful push, which shoved buildings over or left them leaning, whereas high explosive (chemical) bombs strike sharply and much more
phase. Comparatively few evidences were found of failures of members during the longer but less intense negative phase; window shutters blown outwards tow
So the peak, side-on overpressure of an A-bomb blast may be one thousand bars and the blast wave travels ~100 meter in 0.016
seconds or 6.250 m/s at the beginning according photographic evidence (see below). The blast wave hits ground after about 0.1
second, if the bomb explodes at 600 m altitude. An area with radius 3 000 meters, like central Hiroshima, was then destroyed,
blown away outwards, in less than ten seconds assuming an average blast wave velocity of 300 m/s during that time. The
positive phase was one second, the blast wave was then say 1.000 meters away, assuming average blast wave velocity 1.000
m/s during that time, when reduced pressure below one bar developed, the negative phase started, and cool air was sucked into
the vacuum for say three seconds. That anything should remain standing and catch fire within 1 000 meters during the four
seconds, maybe longer, passage of the blast wave and its positive and negative phase appears unlikely. The temperature of the
heat wave associated with the blast wave probably also fell from 1 million C to 6.000C after a second or 1.000C after 10
seconds but still high enough to vaporize objects being in the way. The amount of energy released in the combined blast and
heat wave was evidently enormous. Any office building in the vicinity would evidently ... disappear! Wiped away. See photo

Bank of J
alleged ato
After the blast wave has destroyed everything in its way on the ground, amushroom cloud was developed (picture right) above
the target, we are told. But mushroom clouds only form due to chemical explosions.

In order for the mushroom cloud to rise into the sky - and to be photographed as evidence of an atomic explosion - violent
winds are supposed to blew to the point of atomic burst, etc, etc. Only fools believe this nonsense. All the energy of the alleged
atomic explosion was distributed in all directions as a heat/blast wave and there was no time for a mushroom cloud to be formed
rising in the sky. Evidently air was sucked in after the explosion but it was also from all directions. Nuclear
detonations produced high above the ground do not create mushroom clouds! Nuclear detonations cannot take place at
all! Let's see what really happened at Hiroshima and what could not have happened starting with a short, historical overview:

2.3 Einstein
Experts suggest:

Einstein's equation, E = mc, shows that matter that is transformed intoenergy may yield a total energy equivalent to the mass multiplied
by the square of the velocity of light.

It is evidently a stupid, unscientific interpretation. A mass m of 1 kg of any substance cannot become (299 792 458) or 89 "The mushr
875 517 873 681 764 Joule energy E just because the speed of light c is 299 792 458 m/s. Theexperts have totally
misunderstood what Einstein and many physicists long before Einstein really meant. If 1 kg of TNT releases 4 100 0004 602
About 30 s
000 or say 4 400 000 Joule of energy, energy of 1 kg of matter mcorresponds to 20 426 254 062 kg of TNT and that is really a
lot - 1 kg matter m has energy E corresponding to 20,4 million tons of TNT that explodes! And the Hiroshima bomb was only a
mass of 61 kg ofUranium-235 + a mass of 4 339 kg of scrap!
But those experts or nuclear physicists are simply military men lying or making propaganda for a little salary to keep their dropped an
jobs. They evidently call me an idiot but when I ask them to prove how clever they are they always fail. Every time!
Any physicist suggesting A-bombs can explode is lying.

They all fail my simple Challenge.

2.4 June 1942 work started on the A-bomb to vaporize everything

US president Franklin D Roosevelt had allegedly ordered the atomic bombs to be designed (or created) and built by clever US scientists and
even started tipped off by a stupid, foolish letter by no other than Albert Einstein that an atomic bomb would work? Can we believe that? N
been smart enough to understand that chain reaction fission without moderation was impossible. But USA started early: the very secret Brigg
only seven weeks after WWII started and discussed Making Uranium (fission) chain-reaction bombs. Imagine that! What Briggs & Co foun
June 1941? When Hitler attacked USSR and it looked like Hitler would conquer the world with US looking on? No. US public
(opinion) was still against any war and vaporizing people. Better to negotiate with Hitler? Or 1942 after Japan had attacked Pearl
Harbour and Hitler had declared war on USA in December 1941? Self defence! Why not? Can Japan bomb Pearl Harbour, USA can
vaporize Japan! Iraq had the A-bomb according US intelligence already 2000 but found nothing after destroying the country and
the Islamic Republic of Iran is apparently struggling making an A-bomb since 20 years, while the USA did it in only three years
1942-1945. Fantastic! Fantasy.

According US propaganda 2013:

In 1939, the Nazis were rumoured [sic] to be developing an atomic bomb. The United States initiated its own program under the Army Corps
of Engineers in June 1942. America needed to build an atomic weapon before Germany or Japan did [which they never did].General Leslie R.
Groves, Deputy Chief of Construction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, was appointed to direct this top-secret project.

Suddenly $2 billion were available + plenty brains to vaporise the enemy! It was probably 1942 - Oak Ridge, Tennessee was
allegedly built then to accommodate 75.000 poor persons that got a job in the arms industry. Nice propaganda! But most of the
work was apparently done on Manhattan, New York City, NY, USA. That's why it was called the Manhattan project. It was all
propaganda like much info presented as news by the New York Times 2001. It was said that 500.000 persons in the USA were
working to build the bomb!

And only three (!) years and one month later (much much faster than the JFK order 1961 to, propaganda wise, put Americans on
the Moon 1969, which took 8 years), after Hitler had shot himself April 1945, the Roosevelt atomic bombs were ready to be used to
vaporize Japan, we are told, at a cost of $2 billion (1945). Imagine spending $2 billions ... all secret! In three years!

The first A-bomb caused a lot of damage apart from vaporizing innocent people and many children:

"The fire damage (sic) in Hiroshima (due to the atomic bomb explosion) was much more complete; the center of the city was hit and everything but
the reinforced concrete buildings had virtually disappeared. A desert of clear-swept, charred remains, with only a few strong building frames
left standing was a terrifying sight. ... In Hiroshima, 4,400 feet from X, multi-story brick buildings were completely demolished. ... Because
the explosion was well up in the air, much of the damage resulted from a downward pressure. This pressure of course most largely affected
flat roofs. Some telegraph and other poles immediately below the explosion remained upright while those at greater distances from the center
of damage, being more largely exposed to a horizontal thrust from the blast pressure waves, were overturned or tilted. Trees underneath the
explosion remained upright but had their branches broken downward. " Map of
Source: THE atomic BOMBINGS OF HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI by The Manhattan Engineer District, June 29, 1946.
The above is pure propaganda without any evidence at all of an atomic attack. Only fire damage? You are not informed that central Hiroshim
Japan concrete/brick buildings, of course fairly earthquake proof, at Rijo Dori street, Kamiya-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima city centre and si
1945, ... and open for business a few days later after the fires had been extinguished and the streets had been cleared. The BoJ building is st

Quite amazing how easy it is to fool people with propaganda!

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