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Notebook practice for


Advisor Student
Lecturer Gabriel Oprisan Lianca Roxana-Loredana
Parlamentul Romaniei
Legea nr. 90 din 12 iulie 1996
Legea protectiei muncii

Republicat in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei nr. 47 din 29 ianuarie 2001

CAP. 1
Dispozitii generale
ART. 1
(1) Protectia muncii constituie un ansamblu de activitati institutionalizate
avind ca scop asigurarea celor mai bune conditii in desfasurarea procesului de
munca, apararea vietii, integritatii corporale si sanatatii salariatilor si a altor
persoane participante la procesul de munca.
(2) Normele de protectie a muncii stabilite prin prezenta lege reprezinta un
sistem unitar de masuri si reguli aplicabile tuturor participantilor la procesul de
(3) Activitatea de protectie a muncii asigura aplicarea criteriilor ergonomice
pentru imbunatatirea conditiilor de munca si pentru reducerea efortului fizic,
precum si masuri adecvate pentru munca femeilor si a tinerilor.
ART. 2
(1) Prevederile prezentei legi se aplica tuturor persoanelor juridice si fizice
la care activitatea se desfasoara cu personal angajat pe baza de contract individual
de munca sau in alte conditii prevazute de lege.
(2) In sensul prezentei legi, prin persoane juridice si fizice se intelege:
agentii economici din sectorul public, privat si cooperatist, inclusiv cu capital
strain, care desfasoara activitati pe teritoriul Romaniei, autoritatile si institutiile
publice, precum si agentii economici romani care efectueaza lucrari cu personal
roman, pe teritoriul altor tari, in baza unor conventii internationale sau contracte
ART. 3
Normele de protectie a muncii se aplica salariatilor, membrilor cooperatori,
persoanelor angajate cu conventii civile, cu exceptia celor care au drept obiect
activitati casnice, precum si ucenicilor, elevilor si studentilor in perioada efectuarii
practicii profesionale.
ART. 4
(1) Ministerul Muncii si Protectiei Sociale si Ministerul Sanatatii, prin
organele lor de specialitate centrale si teritoriale, organizeaza, coordoneaza si
controleaza activitatea de protectie a muncii.
(2) Ministerul Apararii Nationale, Ministerul de Interne si Ministerul
Justitiei - Directia generala a penitenciarelor, Ministerul Finantelor Garda
financiara, precum si Serviciul Roman de Informatii, Serviciul de Informatii
Externe, Serviciul de Telecomunicatii Speciale si Serviciul de Protectie si Paza
organizeaza, coordoneaza si controleaza activitatea de protectie a muncii din
unitatile proprii, prin organele acestor ministere si servicii, pe baza prevederilor
prezentei legi.
(3) Cercetarea, inregistrarea si evidenta accidentelor de munca si a bolilor
profesionale, precum si autorizarea, din punct de vedere al protectiei muncii, a
unitatilor din subordinea ministerelor si serviciilor mentionate la alin. (2) se
efectueaza de catre organele proprii.
ART. 5
(1) Ministerul Muncii si Protectiei Sociale emite norme generale, normative
si alte reglementari de interes national privind securitatea muncii si alte domenii
ale protectiei muncii, potrivit legii, pentru toate unitatile, coordoneaza programul
de elaborare a normelor specifice pe activitati si avizeaza normele, standardele si
orice alte reglementari, initiate de alte organe, care contin prevederi sau au efect in
acest domeniu, in scopul prevenirii accidentelor de munca si a bolilor profesionale.
(2) Normele generale de protectie a muncii cuprind reguli si masuri
aplicabile in intreaga economie nationala.
(3) Domeniile pentru care se elaboreaza normele generale de protectie a
muncii sint cuprinse in anexa nr. 1 la prezenta lege.
(4) Comisia Nationala pentru Controlul Activitatilor Nucleare elaboreaza
norme specifice activitatilor nucleare si exercita controlul cu privire la respectarea
(5) Activitatile din economia nationala pentru care se elaboreaza norme
specifice de protectie a muncii sint cuprinse in anexa nr. 2 la prezenta lege.
(6) Persoanele juridice si fizice sint obligate sa elaboreze instructiuni proprii
de aplicare a normelor de protectie a muncii, in functie de particularitatile
proceselor de munca.
ART. 6
(1) Ministerul Sanatatii emite norme obligatorii privind igiena muncii si
avizeaza standarde si acte normative, elaborate de alte organe, care privesc
sanatatea salariatilor la locul de munca.
(2) Domeniile pentru care se elaboreaza normele de igiena a muncii sint
cuprinse in anexa nr. 1 la prezenta lege.
ART. 7
(1) Contractele colective de munca ce se incheie la nivelul unitatilor,
grupurilor de unitati, ramurilor de activitati, precum si la nivel national vor
cuprinde, obligatoriu, clauze referitoare la protectia muncii, in conformitate cu
prevederile prezentei legi, a caror aplicare sa asigure prevenirea accidentelor de
munca si a bolilor profesionale.
(2) In contractele individuale de munca, in conventiile civile, cu exceptia
celor care au drept obiect activitati casnice, precum si in contractele de scolarizare
vor fi stipulate clauze privind protectia muncii, stabilindu-se si raspunderea
(3) Conventiile internationale si contractele bilaterale incheiate de persoane
juridice romane cu parteneri straini, in vederea efectuarii de lucrari cu personal
roman pe teritoriul altor tari, vor cuprinde clauze privind protectia muncii.
ART. 8
(1) In regulamentele privind organizarea si functionarea persoanelor juridice
vor fi stabilite obligatii si raspunderi in domeniul protectiei muncii, in conformitate
cu prevederile prezentei legi.
(2) In functie de natura, complexitatea si riscurile specifice activitatii
desfasurate, precum si de numarul salariatilor, persoanele juridice vor stabili
personalul cu atributii in domeniul protectiei muncii sau, dupa caz, vor organiza
compartimente de protectie a muncii.
ART. 9
Desfasurarea activitatilor de productie sau a prestatiilor de servicii este
conditionata de obtinerea autorizatiei de functionare din punct de vedere al
protectiei muncii, emisa de catre inspectoratele de stat teritoriale pentru protectia
muncii, cu exceptia activitatilor desfasurate de unitatile din subordinea organelor si
a serviciilor prevazute la art. 4 alin. (2).
ART. 10
Cheltuielile aferente realizarii masurilor de protectie a muncii sint finantate
integral din costurile de productie ale persoanelor juridice si fizice sau din sumele
prevazute cu aceasta destinatie in buget, pentru persoanele juridice finantate de la
bugetul de stat, respectiv din bugetele locale.
ART. 11
(1) Activitatile de interes national in domeniul protectiei muncii si sursele de
acoperire a cheltuielilor necesare realizarii acestora se aproba de catre Guvern, la
propunerea Ministerului Muncii si Protectiei Sociale.
(2) Activitatile de cercetare stiintifica in domeniul protectiei muncii, de
interes national, se finanteaza din fondurile prevazute pentru acestea, potrivit legii.
How house construction works?
Steps involved in Building A House

When building a house, ideally, the What we have attempted to do with

weather will be perfect, all the materialsthis web site is give you a step by step
will arrive on time and intact, and theguide to building a house and some idea
trades people will be ready and on time.what each step involves. While certain
Unfortunately this is a very rarethings must happen before others, like
occasion. The weather could take a turnthe foundation goes in before the roof,
for the worse, materials could be late orother things may be completed in a
items missing, the electrician could bedifferent order without creating many
held up at another job, or any number ofproblems. In other words this site is to
things could go wrong. The point is thatbe treated as a general guide to
building a house can be a chaotic event. Construction.

1. Financing: Before you start anything you might want to talk to your bank or
a mortgage company to make sure your are able to get the money needed to
complete the house.
2. Plans: You could either find a suitable building lot and then a plan to suit the
lot, or if money is not a problem and you have your heart set on a specific plan,
first get your plans and then a lot to suit the plan.
3. Subdivision: The developers often control many aspects of what goes into
their subdivision. You must decide if their building scheme is within your
budget and lifestyle. Most subdivisions will have to approve of your building
plan before you may apply for a building permit.
4. Lot: Put an offer on the lot, subject to financing and in certain subdivisions
subject to the building scheme.

5. Estimates: Get cost estimates from all the sub trades needed to complete the

6. Financing: Arrange suitable financing.

7. Building permit: After your plan has been approved by the developer of the
subdivision take your plans and a Plot Plan to City Hall for the building permit.

8. Getting Organized: While you are waiting for the permit you have time to
get organized and start arranging for:

If you are your own General Contractor the first trades to contact are the
Surveyors, Framing crew and Excavator.
Contact the electric company to get temporary power and if this takes to
long, there is usually a friendly neighbor who will let you use their power for a
small fee.
You should contact all the trades you have selected to confirm their
availability, when confirming ask each trade during what stage of construction
they need to come in to do their job.

Footings & Foundations

If you haven't already done so you must soon choose the type of doors,
windows, garage doors, siding or stucco, trim, brick, furnace, fireplace,
cabinets, bathtub & shower.
9. Engineering: In certain conditions an engineer may be required, City Hall,
your General Contractor or yourself may feel there is something about the
house or lot which requires a stamp of approval from an engineer.

When building on a slope you may want an engineer to determine what

it takes to keep your house in place. For example, foundation walls may
require additional steel, or you may have to use a stronger type of concrete.
Using an Engineer might seem a bit costly at times, but it will keep everything
in the proper conditions and you may just end up with one of the happier
houses in the neighborhood.
Any basement that has (backfilled) foundation walls higher then 7'-8'
needs engineering.

10. Excavating: When the framer or the surveyor

has marked where the house will be situated on the
lot the excavator comes in and digs the hole for
the foundation.
Optional: Surveying
Although it may cost a bit more, in a tight
situation you may want a surveyor to mark the
corners of the house. Most areas require a survey
to be done after the foundation is in. If you get
them to come before you start with the footings it
will cost only a little more but it could possibly
save you a lot of money and frustration. Many a
foundation has had to be moved or entirely redone
because it was in the wrong spot. You may want
to dig to the service hook ups at this time. Ask the
Plumber and Electrician about this.
11. Sand & Gravel: Depending on the excavated soil, you will need good
sand, pitrun and drain rock.

All slabs should have a minimum of 6" of gravel fill under it.
In certain conditions you will have to bring in fill. Either to raise the
level of dirt, or because of unstable dirt. This layer ( usually pitrun ) will have
to be compacted and leveled. Do not be cheap with this; make sure you do a
good job. Compacting equipment can be rented from a rental company. Just
make sure that you get the proper size equipment for the job.

12. Foundation: Order the materials

needed for the foundation from the lumber
yard and the Forms from the Concrete
company. When the materials arrive the
framers can begin with the foundation.

13. Plumbing, Heating and Electrical: Contact Plumbing, Heating and

Electrical trades so that they can install anything that is needed before the
concrete is poured.
14. Footings Inspection: When the framers have finished laying the footing
contact City Hall and request a Footings Inspection.

Some framers will pour the concrete for the footings first and then the
foundation, while others will prefer to pour the concrete for the footings and
the foundations at the same time.

15. Concrete: If the footings are poured

first the concrete truck will come twice,
once to pour the footings and then again
after the foundation has been built. Or if the
foundation is built at the same time, the
concrete can be poured for the footings and
the foundation at the same time.
16. Strip Foundation: Usually the day
after the concrete has been poured the
foundation can be stripped. The Concrete
company should be called to pick up their

17. Damp Proofing: Water proofing is

required on the part of the foundation where
the slab or skim coat is below grade level.

18. Drain Tile: Drain Tile will have to be

placed around the perimeter of your house
whenever there is living space below grade
level (ground level). This includes storage
or crawl space.

19. Drain Tile Inspection: Inspector from City Hall.

20. Sewer & Water Hook-Ups: The plumber usually hooks up the sewer and
water. When this is completed the Inspector from City Hall will be called for
an inspection. Also, the local Water Company must inspect the water hook-up
before it is covered.

21. Backfilling & Grading: After the drain tile has been inspected the
backfilling and grading can be done in most cases.
22. Slab or Skim Coat: Weather permitting your skim coat or slab could now
be poured.

Slab or Skim Coat: consists of layer of gravel, poly (which must be

sealed against Radon Gas), and then a layer of concrete.

During this stage of building everything seems to go very quickly -

it is important to be organized and know when each trade is required
and what they might need to complete their job. Have you chosen
your light fixtures, closet organizers and flooring yet?

23. Framing: The materials needed for framing should be delivered by

the lumber yard. If needed any engineered beams should also be delivered
to the building site. These beams are often supplied by the truss company.

24. Trusses: When the framers are ready to place the trusses a crane
should be on site to lift the trusses to the roof. If the plywood for the roof
has not yet been delivered, make sure it is on the site at this time.

25. Heating & Plumbing: Roof vents should be installed before the
roofers go to work.

26. Roofing: Once the Framers are done with the roof and all the vents
have been installed it is time for the Roofers to do their work.
27. Electrical: Electricians start with their wiring.
28. Doors & Windows: When the exterior doors and windows are
installed, the house can be locked up. This is usually when you will
receive your first draw.
29. Inspections: Heating & Plumbing will both have to be inspected by
City Hall and the Electrical by the Provincial Inspector. Each of these
trades will usually call for their own inspections.

30. Framing Inspection: Building inspector from City Hall.

Exterior Finishing

During this phase of Construction the Exterior & Interior can be

worked on at the same time, we will show the steps of the Exterior first.

31. Overhead Doors (Garage Doors): The garage doors can be installed
before the garage floor has been poured but for a happier installer have the
doors installed after the floor has been done. The drywall should be installed
before the garage door but the same applies, the door can be installed before
the drywall goes on but it makes it much harder for the installer.
32. Brick Work: If you have chosen a plan with Brick Work or Rock Face on
part of the house this is the time it should be done. Although it is possible for
the brick to be done after the stucco or siding it is usually better to have it done
before the stucco or siding is applied. Stone veneers (cultured stone) are
applied after a stucco scratch coat.
33. Siding, Soffits & Gutters: Most Siding Companies will also install the
soffits and gutters, but if not these will have to be done after the siding is on.
34. Stucco: Stucco can be started weather permitting.
35. Driveway & Garage Floor: You could start preparing the driveway,
garage floor, and sidewalks as soon as your lot has been backfilled and graded.
You should wait with finishing until all the heavy trucks and equipment are
finished with their jobs.
36. Decking: This should be done after the stucco or siding is up and will
usually be prepared by the Framing Crew for your choice of finishing.
37. Railing: If your deck is 24" or more off the ground it will require a railing.

There are different types of railing to choose from such as, Wooden,
Aluminum, PVC, Tempered Glass, etc.

38. Landscaping: In most subdivisions, at the time of purchase, you must give
a Performance Deposit. According to most Purchase Agreements this deposit
will be returned after you have completed the exterior of the house according
to agreement and this usually includes the front yard landscaping.

Interior Finishing

39. Alarm Prewiring: If you want an alarm system now or sometime in the
future you should have the house pre wired.

40. Built-In Vacuum: The rough-in for a built-in Vacuum System should
also be installed now.

41. Insulation: Insulation may now be installed except for the blown
insulation which is better done after the ceiling has been boarded.

Poly Vapour is placed between the insulation and the drywall and the
insulation is sealed around the windows, doors and all outlets.
Drywall should be delivered after the Insulation is installed.
42. Insulation Inspection: Inspection from City Hall. The blown ceiling
insulation will be inspected during the Final Inspection.

43. Drywall: Drywall may be started after the Insulation has been inspected
and passed.

44. Cleaning: The house must receive a thorough cleaning before the
finishing is begun.
45: Finishing Carpenter: At this stage get all your finishing materials
brought in.
46. Moulding Shops: There are many different types of mouldings to
choose from. Mouldings may be used in many ways and places in your
home to hide or accent a wall, window or doorway.

47. Painting: The Painter will usually paint the kitchen and bathrooms first
so the Cabinets can be installed.

48. Linoleum: The flooring should be installed before the cabinets are
49: Cabinets: When the Painter is finished painting the rooms where
Cabinets are to be installed, the Cabinets should be delivered and installed.
50: Tile Work: Any Ceramic Tile work can now be done.
51. Plumbing: The kitchen and bathroom fixtures should be installed.

At this time they will install the sinks, taps and toilets, they will hook-
up the water tank.

52. Closet Organizers: In each closet you will probably want shelves
and/or rods, there are many types to chose from.
53. Light Fixtures: The Electrician will now hang the Light Fixtures and
put on the wall plates.
54. Blinds: Blinds and/or curtains may be put in after painting is done.

55. Hardwood Floors: Your flooring should be the last thing installed. You
do not want the new floor scratched.

56. Carpet: When the Painting, Cabinets, and Tile are done the carpet may
be installed.

57. Finishing: There are usually some marks on the walls from the
Cabinets or Flooring and the Painter will come back to touch-up those
spots. Also if necessary the finishing Carpenter will finish anything that
still needs doing.

58. Final Inspection: Final Inspection is done by City Hall and when this is
passed you will receive your Occupancy Permit.

SC CARS SA TARNAVENI the project represents a future factory of

bricks, shingles and glazed tile stoves. This will be build-up by S.C. DAFORA
S.A. SUC CONSTRUCTII in association with other enterprises, for different
The project was authorized to start at 03.07.2008 and to be finalized until
03.07.2011. The completion period is for 36 months. At this moment the
authorization is available only for 8 months. After the project was approved, the
enterprise started to work lay-out the construction. Every step of the project was
establish on a strict period of time.
The lay-out of the construction was limited for 10 days. The enterprise
instructed the workers with protection of labour. They have installed a cabin where
the engineers are staying and take care of how the project is evolves.
Near the cabin is a poster showing with the most important protection of
labour, so that the workers have it in view everytime.

Up next is the ground instalation. This is estimated for 81 days. In 15 days were
made the building pits and on 40 days they have placed the concrete into
foundation blocks. They had other 35 days to place the concrete into bearing boxes
and other 25 days to place de concrete into the ground beam. The last 25 days of
this period are for the concrete basements.
After this will be finished, there will be 107 days to build the superstructure which
includes 10 weeks for the main structure, 6 weeks for the secondary structure, 8
weeks for the roof, 5 weeks for the walls, 4 weeks for the flashlihts, 3 weeks for
the accessories wich includes gateways and windows and the last 35 days for the
boarded floor.
In the cabin is the foundation plan.

Finally the factory will look like in the next images:

The strength structure is represented by metallic borders and isolated
ellastic foundations under the pales.
The main structure
It is represented by the ansamble of the structurale elements which transferes
the exteriour charges to the foundations. It includes the intermediar borders, roof
panels and walls, frontal pales, the brackets from the pales, the beams and the
roller path of the overhead cranes and the props.
The secondary structure
The secondary structureof the walls and roof is made of rolled sections at
cold Z-C-U-L type and it is fixed by the main structure by galvanised screws.
The exteriour walls: the exteriour closings are made of sandwich panels
The interiour walls are made of sparry gypsum.
The slate covering will be made of sandwich panels KINGSPAN
KS1000RW type or equivalent having the next specific features: the panels will be
made of 0.6/0.4 mm iron plate, having between the sheets polyurethanes lamina for
thermal isolation having a 120 mm thickness.
The frontal walls and the lateral walls are made of sandwich panels Polar,
KINGSPAN KS 1000SF-RAL 9006 type, with 60 mm thickness, vertically fixed
by the secondary structure with auto-punchers screws. The wall system includes all
the flashings and borders of the sectional doors, windows and screws.

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