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Prepozitii Prepositions

Prepozitia (Preposition) este o parte de vorbire neflexibila (fixa) care descrie

legatura dintre doua cuvinte din aceeasi propozitie. Prepozitiile nu au un inteles de
sine statator, ele capata diferie sensuri puse in legatura cu alte cuvinte.
Cateva exemple de observare a prepozitiilor (cuvintele evidentiate):
You can sit before the desk. - Puteti s stati n faa biroului.
He can bump into the table. - El se poate lovi in masa.
The bird flies toward the tree. - Pasarea zboara spre pom.
I sit on the armchair. - Eu stau pe fotoliu.
- Verbe precedate de prepozitii iau forma n "-ing".
He's good at remembering peoples names. - El isi aminteste cu usurinta numele oamenilor.
Exceptii: but si except sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt.
They did nothing but laugh. - N-au facut nimic (altceva) dect sa rda.
De retinut:
In limba engleza nu se va termina niciodata o propozitie cu o prepozitie.
1. Prepozitii de loc: at, on, in
At se foloseste cu adrese exacte.
James lives at 78 English Street in London. - James locueste la nr. 78, Strada English in Londra.
On desemneaza numele de strazi, sosele, bulevarde, alei, etc.
Her house is on Camp Street. - Casa ei e pe strada Camp.
In se foloseste cu numele regiunilor (orase, judete, tari, state, continente).
She lives in Braila. - Ea locuieste in Braila.
Braila is in Romania - Braila e in romania.

2. Prepozitii de timp: at, on, in

At se foloseste pentru a desemna ora exacta.
The teacher is leaving at 5:15 p.m. - Profesorul pleaca la 5:15 p.m.
On indica zilele si datele calendaristice.
My brother is coming on Monday. - Fratele meu vine luni.
We're having a training on the Fourth of October. - Avem un antrenament pe patru octombrie.
In se foloseste pentru a desemna ore imprecise din timpul zilei, cat si luna, anotimpul,
She likes to jog in the morning. - Ei ii place sa alerge (sa faca jogging) dimineata.
It's too cold in winter to run outside. - E prea frig iarna ca sa alergi afara.
He started the english course in 2010. - El a inceput cursul de engleza in anul 2010.
He's going to come in August. - El are de gand sa vina in august.

3. Prepozitii de timp: for si since

For se foloseste atunci cand se masoara timpul (secunde, minute, ore, zile, luni,
He held his breath for seven minutes. - El si-a inut respiraia timp de apte minute.
She's lived there for seven years. - Ea a trait acolo sapte ani.
Since se foloseste cu data sau ora exacta.
He's worked here since 1976. - El a lucrat aici din anul 1976.
She's been sitting in the waiting room since six-thirty. - Ea statea in camera de asteptare de la

4. Prepozitii de miscare: to si lipsa prepozitiei

To se foloseste pentru a exprima deplasarea, miscarea catre un loc.
They were walking to work together. - Ei mergeau la (spre) munca impreuna.
She's going to the dentist's office this morning. - Ea se duce la dentist (cabinetul dentistului) in
dimineata asta.
Toward si towards exprima de asemenea miscarea spre ceva.
Acestea doua prepozitii sunt doar variantele ortografice ale aceluiasi cuvant si se pot
folosi indiferent.
We're moving toward the light. - Ne miscam spre lumina.
This is a big step towards the project's completion. - Acesta este un mare pas spre finalizarea
Cu urmatoarele cuvinte: home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs,
upstairs, nu se folosesc prepozitii.
Grandma went upstairs Grandpa went home. - Bunica sa dus la etaj bunicul a plecat acasa.
They both went outside. - Amandoi au iesit afara.

5. Prepozitii cu substantive, adjective si verbe

Numeroase substantive, adjective si mai ales verbe se folosesc corect numai
insotite de prepozitiile care le intregesc sensul.

Prepozitii si:
Substantive Adjective Verbe
approval of - aprobarea afraid of - frica de apologize for - a cere scuze (iertare)
awareness of - gradul de angry at - furios la pentru
contientizare a aware of - constient de ask about - a intreba despre
belief in - credinta in capable of - capabil sa ask for - a cere [ceva]
concern for - preocuparea careless about - neatent la /cu belong to - a apartine [cuiva]
pentru familiar with - familiarizat cu bring up - a aduce
confusion about - confuzie cu happy about - fericit in legatura care for - a avea grija de
privire la cu find out - a afla
desire for - dorina de interested in - interesat give up - a renunta
fondness for - toleran pentru jealous of - gelos grow up - a creste
grasp of - stapanire de made of - facut /fabricat in (din) look for - a cauta [ceva]
hatred of - ura fata de married to - casatorit /a cu look forward to - a astepta cu
hope for - speranta pentru proud of - mandru de nerabdare sa
interest in - interes in similar to - asemanator cu look up - a privi in sus
love of - dragostea de sorry for - imi pare rau pentru ...
make up - a alcatui, a nascoci, a
need for - necesitatea /nevoia sure of - sigur de prepara
de a tired of - obosit de (satul de) pay for - a plati pentru
participation in - participarea worried about - ingrijorat de / in
prepare for - a se pregati pentru
la legatura cu study for - a invata pentru
reason for - motiv pentru talk about - a vorbi despre
respect for - respectul pentru think about - a (se) gandi la
success in - succes in trust in - a avea incredere in
understanding of - intelegerea work for - a lucra pentru
worry about - a fi ingrijorat de, a-si
face griji pentru
- Combinatia dintre verbe si prepozitii se numeste verb frazal.
6. Expresii idiomatice cu prepozitii
Intre folosirea prepozitiilor n limba engleza si limba romna exista numeroase
diferente. Aceeasi prepozitie poate implica frazelor din care face parte un inteles
diferit de cel obisnuit, formand expresii idiomatice. Unele dintre acestea sunt:
in the street (Engl. americ. - on the stret) - pe strada
in the playground - pe terenul de sport
in the sky - pe cer
in the sun - la soare
in the open air - la aer curat
on the way to - n drum spre
on the 1st floor - la etajul 1
round the corner - dupa colt
at present - n prezent
at the some time - n acelasi timp
at this moment - n acest moment
at last - n sfrsit
in a year`s time - peste un an
in my opinion - dupa parerea mea
beyond control - independent de vointa ...
in all probability - dupa toate probabilitatile
by my watch - dupa ceasul meu
by heart - pe de rost, pe dinafara
by mistake - din greseala
to go on a trip / on holiday - a merge n calatorie / n vacanta
to go (out) for a walk - a merge la plimbare
lo look out of the window - a privi pe fereastra
to get in through the window - a intra pe fereastra
he`s the tallest in the class - e cel mai nalt din clasa
outside the garden - n fata gradinii

7. Prepozitii inutile
In vorbirea de zi cu zi se folosesc incorect prepozitii acolo unde ele nu isi au
rostul. Observati urmatoarele exemple:
She met up with the new coach in the hallway. - Ea sa ntlnit cu noul antrenor pe hol.
The book fell off of the desk. - Cartea a cazut de pe birou.
He threw the book out of the window. - El a aruncat cartea pe fereastr.
She wouldn't let the cat inside of the house. (sau folositi "in") - Ea nu ar lasa pisica in casa.
Where did they go to? - Unde s-au dus ei?
Put the lamp in back of the couch. (se va folosi "behind") - Pune lampa n spatele canapelei.
Where is your college at? - Unde este colegiul dumneavoastra?
Prepozitii - Exercitii si teste engleza incepatori

- Recunoasteti si scrieti prepozitiile din urmatoaarele propozitii.

1. What photos are they looking at? (La ce fotografii se uita?)

2. This is a good firm to work with. (Aceasta este o firma buna cu care sa lucrezi.)
3. Many documents are kept within the drawer. (Multe documente sunt pastrate in


4. He is in school. (E in scoala.)

5. I am at home. (Sunt acasa.)

6. There is a book beside the bed. (E o carte langa pat.)

7. Mary is standing by the window. (Maria este in picioare la fereastra.)

8. The bookcase is against the wall. (Biblioteca este rezemata [lipita] de perete.)

9. The dog is under the chair. (Cainele este sub pat.)

10. The cat is over the roof. (Pisica este pe acoperis.)

11. The book you need is underneath those papers. (Cartea de care aveti nevoie este sub

acele hartii.)

12. There is a tree in front of our house. (E un copac in fata casei noastre.)
13. There was a dictionary amoung these books. (Era un dictionar printre aceste


14. They went into the house. (Ei au mers in casa.)

15. They sailed across the ocean. (Au navigat peste ocean.)

16. She came out of the room. (Ea a venit din camera.)

Completati urmatoarele propozitii cu prepozitiile care lipsesc, in acord cu traducerea din


1. The apple fell ___ the table. (Marul a cazut de pe masa.)

2. He came straight home ___ school. (El a venit direct acasa de la scoala.)

3. We meet ___ 8 o'clock. (Ne intalnim la ora 8.)

4. Let's meet ___ the garden. (Hai sa ne intalnim in gradina.)

5. I talked to him ___ noon. (Am vorbit cu el inainte de pranz.)

6. Ring me up ___ the meeting. (Suna-ma dupa intalnire.)

7. She stayed with us from January ___ April. (Ea a stat cu noi din ianuarie pana in


8. We worked ___ noon. (Noi am lucrat pana la pranz.)

9. I prayed ___ two hours. (M-am rugat timp de doua ore.)

10. We went to the mountains ___ the weekend. (Am mers la munte la sfarsit de


11. She spoke ___ confidence. (Ea a vorbit cu incredere.)

12. You are ___ my uncle. (Tu esti la fel ca unchiiul meu.)

13. He goes to work ___ bus. (El merge la munca cu autobuzul.)

14. I go to school ___ foot. (Eu merg la scoala pe jos.)

15. They talked ___ their childhood. (Au vorbit despre copilaria lor.)

Traduceti propozitiile urmatoarele. Pentru cele care sunt in limba romana scrieti
traducerea in engleza, iar cele care sunt in limba engleza traduceti-le in romana

1. She was looking at him.

2. Locuiesc la numarul 25 strada Galati.

3. La ce te uiti?

4. He is looking out of the window.

5. Pe cine astepti?

6. Hai sa mergem la plimbare.

7. He has been in the park for two hours.

8. De ce ti-e teama?

9. El e intotdeauna amabil cu mine.

10. Ii sunt recunoscator.

11. I congratulated him on his success.

12. Tremura de frig.

13. Nu ma minti.

14. In the afternoon they stayed at home.

15. Cursul a durat o luna intreaga.

16. Noi mergem la scoala pe jos.

17. Jucaria este sub masa.

Exercitii engleza prepozitii

Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. Some gaps might not require a preposition.

1. Jane is arriving ...... January 26 ...... 2 oclock ...... the afternoon.

2. We have DSL Internet access ...... work, but I dont have a high-speed connection ......
3. Fred loves to go camping ...... the desert, but Kyle prefers to camp ...... the moun-
4. It snows here every year ...... December. We always go outside and play in the snow
...... Christmas day.
5. Michael is leaving ...... next Friday.
6. The post office is just ...... the street ...... the left near the hospital.
7. Normally, ...... New Years Eve, its tradition to kiss the one you love ...... midnight.
8. Dont be ridiculous; there were no telephones ...... the seventeenth century! The telephone
was invented ...... the 1870s.
9. Our customer service center will help you solve that problem. Just walk ...... the hall and
take the elevator ...... the second floor.
10. The plane leaves ..... tomorrow morning ...... 8:00 AM.

A: Elementar.

344 Completai spaiile punctate cu prepoziiile from

sau of:

1. This house is made ... brick.

2. The city... Bucharest is situated in the Danube plain.

3. This train starts ... Jassy at five oclock sharp.

4. You know, Tommy is a friend ... mine.

5. Three ... them have failed in the examination.

6. He likes to sit at the back ... the classroom.

7. What country do you come ... ?

8. He learns ... morning till night.

9. My daughter comes to see me ... time to time.

10. That painting is a real work ... art.

11. Do you know the history... the Tower ... London?

12. Have you heard anything ... Mary lately?

345 Completai spaiile punctate cu una din

prepoziiile in, into:

1. Translate this text ... Romanian.

2. He was carrying a book ... his hand.

3. He read that ... a book.

4. He walked ... the room ... which we were sitting.

5. Tell me ... one word what is the matter with you.

6. Come ... the garden, John.

7. I began work here ... October 1958.

8. He lives ... Bucharest.

9. If I were ... your place, I should wait for a time.

10. My friend John ran ... the school building as fast as he could.

11. We followed him ... his room.

12. While playing on the bridge, one of the children fell ... the river.

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