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VII - VIII Grades

± Subiectele de la 1 la 10 valoreazã câte 3 puncte, cele de la 11 la 30 câte 4 puncte, iar cele de la 31 la 40 câte
5 puncte. Se acordã 40 de puncte din oficiu.
± Elevii trebuie sã rãspundã la maximum 30 de întrebãri, dar nu mai mult de 5 întrebãri de 5 puncte. În caz
contrar, se puncteazã în ordine descrescãtoare maxim 5 întrebãri de 5 puncte ºi maxim 30 de întrebãri în total.
Exemplu: Dacã un elev rãspunde la 34 de întrebãri: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,..., 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
40, atunci se vor puncta 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10,..., 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40.
Fiecare întrebare are un singur rãspuns corect. Orice rãspuns greºit scade punctajul concurentului cu
un sfert din valoarea întrebãrii. Subiectele la care nu se indicã niciun rãspuns sau se indicã 2, 3 sau 5 rãspunsuri
nu se puncteazã.
Dacã vrei sã anulezi rãspunsul la o întrebare, bifeazã încã un rãspuns. Dacã intenþionezi sã schimbi un
rãspuns deja bifat, bifeazã toate celelalte rãspunsuri în afara celui pe care l-ai ales în final.
± Dacã nu ai bifat limba germanã, se considerã implicit limba englezã.
± Pentru a vizualiza, pe Internet, analiza în detaliu a lucrãrii tale, completeazã parola pe foaia de rãspuns.
Dupã ce vor fi afiºate rezultatele concursului, vei gãsi pe analiza rãspunsurilor tale.

Read the following text and answer questions 1-5:

Tom and John went out hunting. They were just bedding down in their tents one night when a huge
snarling bear lumbered onto their campsite. Tom quickly knelt down and started lacing up his trainers.
“What good will that do? shouted John, “You can’t outrun a bear.” “I only have to outrun you!” replied
his friend.
Limba englezã – clasele VII-VIII

1. What were the two friends doing when the bear came?
A) They were hunting. B) They were going to sleep. C) They were putting up the tent.
D) They were having dinner. E) They were kneeling.
2. What did Tom start to do?
A) put on his shoes B) fasten his belt C) button his shirt
D) put on his trousers E) put on his sweater
3. John was sure that ........... .
A) the bear would shot both of them B) they could run faster than the bear
C) they could run as fast as the bear D) they couldn’t bite the bear
E) they couldn’t run faster than the bear
4. Tom wanted to outrun John because in this way ........... .
A) the bear wouldn’t destroy the tent B) the bear wouldn’t eat them
C) the bear would return into the forest D) the bear would catch John first
E) the bear would remain in the campsite
5. When you go hunting, you do not need ........... .
A) a compass B) a rifle C) a license D) a rod E) a first-aid kit
6. Choose the right missing word in the following sentence:
............ finished their homework?
A) Whose B) Who C) Who’s D) Who is E) Whom
7. What can you catch but not throw?
A) a ball B) a cold C) a dog D) a stone E) a book
8. Which word is the odd one out?
A) wavy B) slim C) straight D) spiky E) curly
9. Sally is very determined to buy the car. She won’t ........... no for an answer.
A) refuse B) accept C) take D) receive E) get
10. If you want to open a bottle of wine, you need ........... .
A) a corkscrew B) a grater C) a squeezer D) a toothpick E) a scoop
Read the following text and answer questions 11-13:
A journalist was interviewing a gnarled, wrinkled, white-haired peasant as he sat quietly rocking on
his front porch. “Sir,” said the journalist, “I’d like to know the secret of your long life.” “Well, son,”
replied the peasant, “I drink a gallon of whisky, smoke ten cigars and stay out partying every night of
the week.” “That’s amazing,” said the journalist, “And how old are you?” “Twenty-six,” replied the

11. How did the peasant look?

A) young B) childish C) sad D) aged E) happy
12. What was the peasant doing on the porch?
A) He was listening to rock music. B) He was dancing. C) He was working.
D) He was reading. E) He was swinging.
13. The peasant didn’t look his age because ........... .
A) he lived a terrible lifestyle B) he worked a lot C) he lived in the countryside
D) he rested a lot E) he worked in open air
14. Which of the following is not a character in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?
A) The Cheshire Cat B) The Mad Hatter C) The Caterpillar

Limba englezã – clasele VII-VIII

D) The Queen of Hearts E) The Scarecrow
15. Which word is a synonym for the underlined word in the sentence?
My parents were a bit anxious about the safety of the machinery.
A) miserable B) furious C) delighted D) worried E) relaxed
16. You are running in a street marathon and you overtake the person in the second place. What place are you
in now?
A) second B) first C) last D) third E) fourth
17. Match the container with its contents:
1. bin a. cash, documents, jewellery
2. trunk b. rubbish
3. safe c. clothes and personal things
4. purse d. water, milk
5. jug e. coins
A) 1b/ 2a/ 3e/ 4c/ 5d B) 1b/ 2c/ 3a/ 4e/ 5d C) 1c/ 2a/ 3e/ 4b/ 5d
D) 1c/ 2b/ 3d/ 4e/ 5a E) 1e/ 2d/ 3c/ 4a/ 5b
18. To get drugs from the chemist’s or pharmacy, you need a ........... .
A) bill B) recipe C) prescription
D) receipt E) recommendation
19. Put the following sentences in the right order:
1. Go two blocks down this street .
2. Excuse me, how do I get to the nearest bank?
3. Stay on that road.
4. Turn right when you get to Manchester Road.
5. After about half a block it’s on the left hand side.
A) 2/ 4/ 3/ 1/ 5 B) 2/ 3/ 4/ 1/ 5 C) 2/ 1/ 4/ 3/ 5 D) 2/ 5/ 1/ 3/ 4 E) 3/ 2/ 1/ 4/ 5
20. If anything goes wrong, you ........... responsible.
A) are being held B) are to be held C) will be held
D) will have been held E) were held
21. If you run ........... of sugar I can give you any quantity you want.
A) up B) down C) away D) behind E) out

22. I opened the wardrobe door and then stood in front of it ........... .
A) petrified B) to petrify C) petrifying
D) having petrified E) have been petrified

23. Your stepsister is your ........... .

A) uncle’ s daughter B) father’ s sister C) cousin
D) stepmother’s daughter E) best friend’s sister

24. Lambeth Country Show, in South London, is a festival where you can meet up with friends, have a picnic,
listen to ........... music and try the local food and drink.
A) alive B) lively C) live D) life E) living

25. Ambulances have traffic priority as most of the time they deal with some kind of ..... .
A) urgency B) crisis C) emergency D) extremity E) revolt

26. I wondered what was ........... in the backyard.

A) succeeding B) doing up C) going up D) going on E) making out
Limba englezã – clasele VII-VIII

27. Everyone arrived too soon, ...........?

A) did they B) don’t they C) didn’t they D) do they E) weren’t they

28. ‘Brunch’ is the name given to ........... .

A) a hamburger B) a small tree C) a meal D) a piece of jewellery E) a stray dog

29. Tom’s mother has 3 children. One is named April, one is named May. What is the third one named?
A) Tom B) James C) June D) July E) March
30. You shout Eureka if you are ........... .
A) successful B) thirsty C) sad D) angry E) hungry

31. Match the person with the correct definition:

1. a shoplifter a. breaks into houses
2. an offender b. takes people away
3. a burglar c. steals from shops
4. a kidnapper d. helps a criminal
5. an accomplice e. breaks the law
A) 1b/ 2a/ 3e/ 4c/ 5d B) 1c/ 2e/ 3a/ 4b/ 5d C) 1c/ 2a/ 3e/ 4b/ 5d
D) 1c/ 2b/ 3d/ 4e/ 5a E) 1e/ 2d/ 3c/ 4a/ 5b

32. Sorrow looks ..........., worry looks ..........., and hope looks ........... .
A) around / back / up B) back / around / up C) up / around / back
D) back / up / around E) around / up / back

33. You can’t ........... the past, but you can ........... the present by ........... over the future.
A) worry/ ruin/ changing B) ruin/ worry/ change C) change/ ruin/ worrying
D) change/ ruin/ worry E) worry/ ruin/ change

34. It was very difficult to see the road through the ........... fog.
A) deep B) clear C) strong D) thick E) bleak
Read the text and answer questions 35-40:

A photographer for a national news magazine was assigned to take photos of a big forest fire. The
smoke at the scene was too thick to get any good shots, so he frantically called his home office to hire a
plane. “It will be waiting for you at the airport!” he was assured by his editor.
As soon as he got to the small, rural airport, a plane was warming up near the runway. He jumped into
it with his equipment and yelled, “Let’s go! Let’s go!” The pilot swung the plane into the wind and soon
they were in the air. “Fly over the north side of the fire,” said the photographer, “and make three or four
low level passes.” “Why?” asked the pilot. “Because I’m going to take pictures! I’m a photographer, and
photographers take pictures!” said the photographer with great exasperation and impatience.
After a long pause the pilot said, “You mean you’re not my instructor?”

35. Who was flying the plane?

A) An experienced pilot. B) An instructor. C) An inexperienced pilot.
D) A photographer. E) An editor
36. Which word is the odd one out?
A) wing B) runway C) railway D) crew E) flight attendant
37. “Frantically” means ….... .

Limba englezã – clasele VII-VIII

A) calmly B) rudely C) impatiently D) madly E) kindly
38. Why couldn’t the photographer take the pictures in the beginning?
A) Because of the smoke. B) Because of the weather.
C) Because he had no camera. D) Because he didn’t know how.
E) Because of the wind.
39. “You mean you’re not ...........?” means:
A) Are you sure that you are not ...........? B) You are mean when you say that you are not ...
C) Do you wish you were ...........? D) Are you saying that you are not ...........?
E) Why aren’t you ...........?
40. How many nouns are there in the following sentence?
“The swing swung and swung and the fly and the flock flew.”
A) four B) two C) one D) three E) five

Întrebãrile I, II, III se gãsesc la pagina 27. Acestea nu se puncteazã ºi au scopul de a ne semnala interesul
manifestat pentru Cangurul Lingvist. La aceste întrebãri elevii pot bifa una sau mai multe opþiuni.


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