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THE WOODWORKERS BOOK OF WOODEN TOYS Vance Studley How to make toys that whirr, bob& make musical sounds ISBN O-442-27915-1 FPT THE WOODWORKER’S BOOK OF WOODEN TOYS Vance Scudley ‘Wooden toys bring out the child in people of any age. Remember the delight of running your fingers along the smooth wooden edges of your first play blocks? This feeling is re- born when you lovingly handcraft a block of wood into a functional and long-lasting toy. Ranging from the classic top to the mysteri- ous gravity-defying ball box, Vance Studley shows you how to make over twenty splen- did wooden toys that are sure to please children and adults with their musical sounds and antic movements. You will need only a few tools and some pieces of wood to make any of these toys. The author carefully details the work pro- cedures involved for each toy—from choos- ing the best wood and proper tools to apply- ing the final varnish. Among dozens of pro- jects for which you will find clear, step-by- step directions are push-and-pull locomo- tive and bin cars, a helicopter, a marble and maze game, a truck with bobbing heads, and a peg the block game. In a section entirely devoted to woods, Mr. Studley explains how to use a wide variety of hardwoods and softwoods, including ash, balsa, and birch and such exotic woods as zebrawood and padouk. He provides basic guidelines for eliminating guesswork in choosing suitable wood for toys, then dis- cusses how to set up a working area and assemble materials. All the basic wood- working tools are illustrated and described by name and function. Besides hand tools and power tools, ranging from rules, saws, (continued om back Map) THE WOODWORKERS BOOK OF WOODEN TOYS

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