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De la ce au pornit

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Primii 10 ani

Compania Orange initial fondata sub numele France Telecom in anul 1988 fiind o companie
multintionala franceza de telecomunicatii.

( 16 Ianuarie 2007 si-a schimbat numele in Orange )

Cifra de afaceri:

2010: 45,5 miliarde euro

2008: 53,5 miliarde euro - creștere cu 2,9% față de 2007.

Pentru a pregăti deschiderea Telecomunicațiilor la concurență la 1 ianuarie 1998, France Telecom și-a
schimbat statutul de operator public la cel al unei societăți pe acțiuni, din care statul francez este unicul
acționar, în iulie 1996.

Franța Telecom sa născut oficial la 1 ianuarie 1991.Cu toate acestea, este necesar să se aștepte până la 1
ianuarie 1991 pentru ca France Telecom să devină un operator independent de drept public.

În 2000, a achiziționat operatorul britanic de telefonie mobilă Orange, la un preț de 40 miliarde de euro,
pentru a face o filială numită Orange SA.Este a doua rețea de telefonie mobilă din Europa..

În septembrie 2004, statul francez a vândut o parte din acțiunile sale, iar France Telecom a devenit o
companie privată.În 2006, majoritatea activităților grupului intră sub brandul și logo-ul Orange.

Extract of the document

The contemporary economic context shapes the consumption habits of societies. In a world where
speed is the key to success, technologies have had to meet the ever-increasing need for instant access
to information.

The place of the operators within these mutations is essential since they are the vectors of the
interpersonal exchanges. In order to provide a response to the emergence of new uses and consumer
issues, they must implement specific strategies in line with market developments. The same goes for the
loyalty of their customers, the conquest of new users and, by that, the very viability of their structure.

In order to align with practices in the European Union, adapt to domestic demand and increase the
purchasing power of the French, the government launched on August 1, 20091 a call for tenders for the
arrival of a fourth player on the mobile phone market.

This new data with which will have to count the three current real operators that its France Telecom -
Orange, SFR2 and Bouygues Telecom announces itself as an upheaval in the current base of these.

It is therefore interesting to focus on the strategy that one of them is currently deploying and the
necessary changes that it will have to put in place to maintain or even increase its position. In order to
highlight the problematic that it generates in the most convincing way possible, the study will focus on
the incumbent operator and the current market leader: France Telecom - Orange.

The highlighting of these upheavals will therefore involve a current analysis of the market and then a
study of the opportunities and threats to it as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the company to
meet the demand. It will then be important to determine the competitive position of the company. The
synthesis of the collected data will lead to the definition of a global strategy responding to the recent
problem raised by the arrival of this new player which will have to be translated into operational actions.

Plan (36 pages)

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