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Formele Infinitivului sunt:

Diateza Activa:
Infinitiv: to ask (a intreba)
Infinitiv Continuu: to be asking (a intreba)
Infinitiv Perfect : to have asked (a fi intrebat)
Infinitiv Perfect Continuu: to have been asking (a fi intrebat)
Diateza Pasiva:
Infinitiv: to be asked (a fi intrebat)
Infinitiv Perfect: to have been asked (a fi fost intrebat)
Infinitivul este folosit:
- pentru a exprima un scop folosind: so as to/ in order to (ca sa), to Infinitiv: e.g. You are
studying to pass/ so as to pass/ in order to pass the exam. (Tu inveti ca sa treci examenul.)
- dupa: happy (fericit), glad (bucuros), sorry (scuze), good (bine), delighted (incantat),
loath (potrivnic), etc. e.g. I am glad to meet you. (Sunt bucuros sa te intalnesc.)
- dupa: would like (mi-ar placea)/ would love (as iubi)/ would prefer (as prefera) pentru a
arata o preferinta specifica: eg. I would prefer to watch TV tonight. (As prefera sa ma uit la
televizor diseara.)
- dupa constructii cu too/enough: e.g. I haven’t studied enough to pass this exam. (Nu am
invatat destul ca sa trec examenul.)/ This is too difficult to do. (Asta este prea dificil de
- in constructia: it+be+adjectiv (+ of + substantiv/ pronume): e.g. It was nice of you to
me. (A fost dragut din partea ta sa ma ajuti.)
- cu so + adjectiv + as: e.g. Would you be so kind as to tell me the time? (Sunteti atat de
amabil sa imi spuneti cat este ceasul?)
- cu “only” pentru a arata un rezultat nesatisfacator: e.g. She worked hard only to realise
her life was passing by. (Ea a muncit din greu doar ca sa-si dea seama ca ii trecea viata.)
- dupa: be + the first/second/next/last/best (a fi primul/ al doilea/ urmatorul/ ultimul/ cel
mai bun): e.g. He was the last to leave. (El a fost ultimul plecat.)
- dupa: to be + superlativ si dupa can't bear (nu pot sa suport): e.g. He is the best man to
ever cross my path. (El este cel mai bun om pe care l-am intalnit. (lit. care mi-a trecut in
cale)/ I
can't bear to live like that. (Nu pot sa suport sa traiesc asa.)
- in constructia: for + substantiv/pronume + to-Inf.: e.g. This is for you to say. (Asta este
pentru tine sa spui.)/It’s time for her to go to bed. (E timpul ca ea sa mearga la culcare.)
- in expresii ca: to be honest (sa fiu onest), to tell you the truth (sa-ti spun adevarul), to
begin with (sa incep cu), etc.: e.g. To be honest, I don’t like what’s happening here. (Sa fiu
honest, nu imi place ce se intampla aici.)

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