Modal Verbs

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15. Modal Verbs www.gapol.

Can/could Need/ be to/ dare


Must/ought to



Verbele Modale au urmatoarele caracteristici:

1. Nu primesc –S la persoana a III-a singular:

he cans / she wills

he can / she will/ he must

2. Sunt urmate de un verb la Infinitiv Scurt, cu exceptia lui OUGHT TO si HAVE TO

(e.g. You ought to study more. - Trebuie sa inveti mai mult.)

She must go to school now. (Ea trebuie sa se duca la scoala acum.)/ Ican tell lies if I
wish. (Pot sa spun minciuni daca vreau.)

3. Isi formeaza singure negatia si interogatia la fel ca verbele auxiliare:

e.g. Can you speak louder, please ? No, I cannot/ can’t speak louder. (Poti vorbi mai tare te
rog? Nu, nu pot sa vorbesc mai tare.)

4. Un Verb Modal poate exprima mai multe lucruri in functie de context:

e.g. I can read in German. (ability) (Pot sa citesc in limba germana.)

Everybody can make mistakes. (possibility) (Toata lumea poate sa faca greseli.)

Can I help you? (offer) (Pot sa te ajut?)

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15. Modal Verbs
Can I come in? (asking for permission-informal) (Pot sa intru?)

We can go in the park today if you wish. (suggestion) (Putem sa mergem in parc azi daca

5. Verbele Modale nu primesc terminatii ca -ed sau -ing, prin urmare nu au forma de trecut
sau viitor. Nu se pot folosi ca atare la alte timpuri decat la prezent.

e.g. I will can go.

He musted learn.

They canning read.

DACA vrem sa folosim Verbele Modale la alte timpuri atunci exista doua posibilitati: pot
fi inlocuite cu o expresie echivalenta sau pot fi folosite in structuri fixe.

I. Folosirea unei expresii echivalente:

a) CAN cand exprima abilitate se poate inlocui cu -> to be able to

e.g. Prezent: I can drive a car. (Pot sa conduc o masina.)

I am able to drive a car. (Pot sa conduc o masina.)

Trecut: I was able to = managed to drive a car when I was 13. (Am fost in stare/ am
putut sa conduc o masina cand aveam 13 ani.) (eveniment realizat cu succes)

I could drive a car when I was 18. (Puteam sa conduc o masina cand aveam 18
ani.) (abilitate in general in trecut)

Prezent Perfect: I have been able to drive a car. (Am putut sa conduc o masina.)

Viitor: I will be able to drive a car. (Voi putea sa conduc o masina.)

!!! ATENTIE: Atunci cand folosim was able to inseamna ca actiunea s-a realizat cu succes
iar daca folosim could atunci inseamna ca exista abilitatea de a face ceva in general dar
actiunea nu s-a realizat neaparat in realitate.

e.g. She ... this mountain two years ago and now she boasts about it all the time. (Ea a
fost in stare sa urce acest munte acum doi ani si acum se lauda tot timpul.)

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15. Modal Verbs
a) was able to climb

b) could climb

c) has been able to climb

d) can climb

He ... mountains when he was younger, that's how fit he was. (El putea sa urce munti
cand era mai tanar, atat era de in forma.)

a) was able to climb

b) could climb

c) has been able to climb

d) can climb

He ... Japanese fluently. (El poate sa vorbeasca japoneza fluent.)

a) cans speak

b) can speak

c) might speaking

d) can to speak

He ... very fast if it is quiet. (El poate sa citeasca foarte repede daca este liniste.)

a) may read

b) must read

c) can read

d) ought to read

!!! ATENTIE: can poate face negatia in doua feluri: can't sau cannot scris intr-un singur
cuvant. "can not" nu este corect!!!

b) MAY cand exprima permisiune se poate inlocui cu –> be allowed to

e.g. Prezent: I may go to the party. (Am voie sa merg la petrecere.)

I am allowed to go to the party. (Am voie sa merg la petrecere.)

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15. Modal Verbs
Trecut: I was allowed to go to the party. (Am avut voie sa merg la petrecere.)

Viitor: I will be allowed to go to the party. (Voi avea voie sa merg la petrecere.)

e.g. I ... on the trip if I get good grades at school. (Am voie/ pot sa merg in excursie daca
iau note bune la scoala.)

a) will allow to go

b) was allowed to go

c) may go

d) will may go

c) MUST cand exprima obligatie se poate inlocui cu –> to have to

e.g. Prezent: I must help her (Trebuie sa o ajut - pentru ca asa consider eu) - cand folosim
MUST la prezent inseamna ca este o obligatie interna.

I have to help her because my parents asked me to. (Trebuie sa o ajut pentru ca
m-au rugat parintii mei.). - cand folosim HAVE TO inseamna ca este o obligatie externa.

Trecut: I had to help her. (A trebuit sa o ajut.)

Viitor: I will have to help her. (Va trebui sa o ajut.)

e.g. They ... more or their parents will get upset. (Ei trebuie sa invete mai mult sau
parintii lor sa vor supara.)

a) must study

b) have to study

c) must be studying

d) had had to study

II. Folosirea unei structuri fixe:

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15. Modal Verbs

Daca vrem sa exprimam ceva la Prezent Simplu sau Viitor Simplu folosim structura: Modal
Verb + Vb. Short Infinitive

e.g. O propozitie la Prezentul Simplu fara verb modal: She cooks every day. (Ea gateste in
fiecare zi.)

O propozitie la Prezentul Simplu cu Verb Modal: She can cook every day. (Ea poate
sa gateasca in fiecare zi.)

She may cook every day. (Este posibil

ca ea gateste in fiecare zi.)

She must cook every day. (Ea probabil

ca gateste in fiecare zi.)

She should cook every day. (Ea ar

trebui sa gateasca in fiecare zi.)

O propozitie la Viitorul Simplu fara verb modal: She will arrive tomorrow. (Ea va sosi

O propozitie la Viitorul Simplu cu Verb Modal: She may arrive tomorrow. (E posibil
ca ea sa soseasca maine.)

She must arrive tomorrow. (E probabil ca

ea sa soseasca maine.)

She should arrive tomorrow. (Ea ar trebui

sa soseasca maine.)

Daca vrem sa exprimam ceva la Prezent Continuu sau Viitor Continuu folosim structura:
Modal Verb + BE + VB-ing

e.g. O propozitie la Prezentul Continuu fara verb modal: She is sleeping now. (Ea doarme

O propozitie la Prezentul Continuu cu Verb Modal: She may be sleeping now. (E

posibil ca ea sa doarma acum.)

She must be sleeping now. (Probabil ca

ea doarme acum.)

O propozitie la Viitorul Continuu fara verb modal: She will be sleeping at 5 tomorrow.
(Ea va dormi maine la 5.)

O propozitie la Viitorul Simplu cu Verb Modal: She may be sleeping at 5 tomorrow.

(E posibil ca ea va dormi maine la 5.)

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15. Modal Verbs
She must be sleeping at 5 tomorrow.
(Probabil ca ea va dormi maine la 5.)

Daca vrem sa exprimam ceva la Trecut Simplu, Prezent Perfect Simplu sau Trecut Perfect
Simplu folosim structura: Modal Verb + HAVE + VB III/-ed

e.g. O propozitie la Trecutul Simplu fara verb modal: She was there yesterday. (Ea a fost
acolo ieri.)

O propozitie la Trecutul Simplu cu Verb Modal: She may have been there yesterday.
(E posibil ca ea sa fi fost acolo ieri.)

She must have been there yesterday.

(Probabil ca a fost acolo ieri.)

Daca vrem sa exprimam ceva la Trecut Continuu, Prezent Perfect Continuu, Trecut
Perfect Continuu folosim structura: Modal Verb + HAVE + BEEN + VB– ing

e.g. O propozitie la Trecutul Continuu fara verb modal: She was sleeping when you called.
(Ea dormea cand ai sunat.)

O propozitie la Trecutul Continuu cu Verb Modal: She may have been sleeping when
you called. (E posibil ca ea dormea cand ai sunat.)

She must have been sleeping when you

called. (Probabil ca ea dormea cand ai sunat.)

Perhaps they were watching TV. (Poate ca se uitau la televizor.)

a) They may be watching TV. (Verb Modal + BE + vb.-ing => Prezent Continuu sau Viitor

b) They may have been watching TV. (Trecut Continuu => Modal Verb + HAVE + BEEN +
VB– ing)

c) They may have watched TV. (Verb Modal + HAVE + Vb. III/ -ed => Trecut Simplu, Prezent
Perfect Simplu sau Trecut Perfect Simplu)

d) They may watch TV. (Verb Modal + Vb. Infinitiv Scurt => Prezent Simplu sau Viitor

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15. Modal Verbs
Functii ale Verbelor Modale si expresii/ cuvinte modale

Verbele modale pot exprima urmatoarele lucruri:

Ability/ Abilitate

- can (prezent): I can speak German well./ I am able to speak German well. (Eu pot sa
vorbesc germana bine.)

- could (trecut): I could speak German well. (Puteam sa vorbesc germana bine.)

I was able to (managed to) go on a trip last year. (Am reusit/ am fost in stare
sa ma duc intr-o excursie anul trecut.)

e.g. My sister ... very beautifully. (Sora mea poate sa deseneze foarte frumos.)

a) must draw b) can draw c) may draw d) mustn’t draw

Possibility/ Posibilitate

-Can (90% certain): Everybody can make mistakes. (Toata lumea poate face greseli.)

-Could (50% certain): She could be at home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie acasa.)

-May (50% certain): She may be at home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie acasa.)

-Might (30% certain): She might be at home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie acasa, dar nu este sigur.)

Posibilitatea se poate exprima si prin cuvinte sau expresii care pot inlocui verbul modal.
Sensul ramane acelasi.

-it is likely: It’s likely she is at home.=> She may/could be at home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie

-it is possible: It’s possible she is at home.=> She may/could be at home. (E posibil ca ea sa
fie acasa.)

-Perhaps: Perhaps she is at home..=> She may/could be at home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie


-Maybe: Maybe she is at home. => She may/could be at home. (E posibil ca ea sa fie acasa.)

!!! ATENTIE: Atunci cand avem intrebari, posibilitatea se exprima cu might, could sau
will, DAR NU CU MAY:

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15. Modal Verbs
-Will/ could/ might: May/ Will/ Could/ Might it rain later? = Is it possible to rain later? (E
posibil sa ploua mai tarziu?)

!!! ATENTIE: atunci cand exprimam posibilitatea in limba engleza, trebuie sa tinem cont de
gradul de certitudine. Unele verbe modale exprima un grad de certitudine mai mare decat
altele si deci sunt folosite in functie de cat de siguri suntem ca actiunea este posibila sau nu.
De aceea avem gradul de certitudine aratat in paranteza dupa fiecare verb modal care exprima

!!! ATENTIE: could/ couldn't se folosesc cu adjective la comparativ pentru a exprima

posibilitate sau imposibilitate:


e.g. She is the nicest girl I’ve ever met. (Ea este cea mai draguta fata pe care am intalnit-
o vreodata.)

a) The girl couldn’t be nicer.

b) The girl may not be nicer.

c) The girl might be nicer.

d) The girl shouldn’t be nicer.

e.g. They ... be sleeping, but I am not so sure. (E posibil ca ei sa doarma, dar nu sunt

a) may b) must c) ought to d) might

It’s possible he likes her. (E posibil ca el o place.)

a) He must like her.

b) He will like her.

c) He may like her.

d) He should like her.

... it rain tomorrow, do you think? (Crezi ca e posibil sa ploua maine?)

a) May b) Can c) Will d) Must

Probability/ Probabilitate

- Will (100% certain): He will be on the plane by now. (El este in avion acum cu siguranta.)

- Should (90% certain): He should be there. (El trebuie sa fie acolo.)

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15. Modal Verbs
- Ought to (90% certain): She ought to be at work now. (Ea trebuie sa fie la munca acum.)

- Should have +vb.III/-ed: He should have arrived by now. (El ar fi trebuit sa soseasca de

- Ought to have + vb.III/-ed: The course ought to have started by now. (Cursul ar fi trebuit sa
inceapa pana acum.)

!!! ATENTIE: probabilitatea tine de asemenea cont de gradul de certitudine.

e.g. It’s 9:30 so my parents ... at work by now since they always start at 9. (E 9:30 asa ca
parintii mei sunt la munca de acum din moment ce intotdeauna incep la 9.)

a) may be b) can be c) might be d) will be

Logical assumption; deduction/ Presupuneri logice sau deductii

-Must (positive) = I’m sure/certain +vb. positive:

I’m sure you are tired after working all day. (Sunt sigur ca esti obosit dupa ce ai muncit toata

You must be tired after working all day. (Probabil ca esti obosit dupa ce ai muncit toata ziua.)

!!! Expresia I'm sure/ certain urmata de un verb pozitiv se poate reformula cu verbul modal

-Can’t (negative) = I’m sure/certain + vb. negative:

I’m sure she isn’t serious. (Sunt sigur ca ea nu este serioasa.)

She can’t be serious. (Ea nu se poate sa fie serioasa.)

!!! Expresia I'm sure/ certain urmata de un verb negativ se poate reformula cu verbul modal

-Couldn’t (negative) = I don’t think/ believe:

I don’t think they are on a trip. (Nu cred ca ei sunt intr-o excursie.)

They couldn’t be on a trip. (Nu se poate ca ei sa fie intr-o excursie.)

!!! Expresia I don't think/ I don't believe urmata de un verb negativ se poate reformula cu
verbul modal COULDN'T.

e.g. That ... Mary because she hasn’t returned from her holiday abroad yet. (Nu se poate
sa fie Mary pentru ca nu s-a intors inca din vacanta din strainatate.)

a) mustn’t be b) shouldn’t be c) will be d) can’t be

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15. Modal Verbs
You’ve been yawning for the last 10 minutes. You ... very tired. (Casti de 10 minute.
Probabil ca esti obosit.)

a) can’t be b) must be c) may be d) could be

I’m sure she is driving that car. (Sunt sigur ca ea conduce masina aceea.)

a) She must have driven that car.

b) She must be driving that car. (Probabil ca ea conduce masina aceea.)

c) She must have been driving that car.

d) She must drive that car.

Permission/ Premisiune (giving or refusing permission) -> atunci cand exprimam permisiunea
se tine cont de gradul de formalitate

- Can (informal, giving permission): You can go to that party. (Poti sa mergi la petrecerea

- Could (more polite, asking for permission): Could I be excused? (As putea sa fiu scuzat?)

- May (formal, giving permission): You may come in. (Puteti intra.)

- Might (more formal, asking for permission): Might I inconvenience you with a question? (As
putea sa va inoportunez cu o intrebare?)

- Can’t/ mustn’t (informal, refusing permission): I’m afraid you can’t stay out after ten./ You
mustn’t go there.(Ma tem ca nu poti sa stai in oras dupa ora 10./ Nu ai voie sa te duci acolo.)

- May not (formal, refusing permission): Customers may not smoke in the public areas.
(Clientii nu au voie sa fumeze in locurile publice.)

- Was/were not allowed to (past, refusing permission): He wasn’t allowed to enter. (Lui nu i s-
a permis sa intre.)

- Was/were allowed to (past, giving permission): He was allowed to enter. (Lui i s-a permis sa

e.g. Mom, ... I go out with my friends tonight? (Mama, pot sa ies cu prietenii mei?)

a) can b) should c) might d) will

Obligation/ Obligatie

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15. Modal Verbs
- Must (obligatie interna): I must eat less or I’ll gain weight. (Trebuie sa mananc mai putin sau
o sa ma ingras.)

- Have to (obligatie externa): I have to do my homework or I’ll get a four. (Trebuie sa imi fac
tema sau o sa iau un 4.)

- Ought to (folosit cand vrem sa spunem ca este lucrul corect de facut, dar nu il facem
intotdeauna): You ought to help the poor more. (Ar trebui sa ii ajuti pe saraci mai mult.)

- Had to (past): I had to get more exercise because I was out of shape. (A trebuit sa fac mai
multa miscare pentru ca nu mai eram in forma.)

e.g. I think I ... her the truth as she is my sister. (Cred ca trebuie sa ii spun adevarul
pentru ca este sora mea.)

a) have to tell b) must tell c) must have told d) would tell

Necessity/ Necesitate

- Must: I must read this book. (Trebuie sa citesc cartea asta - pentru ca asa consider eu)

- Have to: I have to read the book for the test. (Trebuie sa citesc cartea pentru test- sunt
obligat de circumstante externe)

- Need: The flowers need watering/ to be watered./ The flowers needed watering/ to be
watered. (Florile au nevoie/ aveau nevoie sa fie udate.)

- (Don’t) Doesn’t have to/ doesn’t need to (folosit cand altii spun ca nu e nevoie)/ needn’t
(folosit cand tu spui ca nu e nevoie):

She doesn’t have to/ doesn’t need to be there at five. (others say so, I just give the
information)(Ea nu trebuie sa fie acolo la 5 - altii spun asta, eu doar dau informatia)

She needen’t be there at five. (I say so, I made the rule/ decision) (Ea nu trebuie sa fie
acolo la 5 - eu spun asta, eu am facut regula sau am luat decizia)

- Ought to: We ought to reply to her invitation. (Noi trebuie sa raspundem invitatiei ei.)

- Didn’t have to/ didn’t need to (folosite cand nu era nevoie sa facem ceva si deci NU AM
FACUT acea actiune): She didn’t have to work on Sunday. (Nu a trebuit sa munceasca
duminica - si nu a muncit.)

- Needn’t have +vb. III/-ed (folosit cand nu era nevoie sa faci ceva, DAR AM FACUT acea
actiune): You needn’t have helped me but thank you. (Nu era nevoie sa ma ajuti, dar

e.g. You ... to help us, but thank you. (Nu era necesar/ nu era nevoie sa vii sa ne ajuti,
dar multumesc.)

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15. Modal Verbs
a) mustn’t have come

b) didn’t need to come

c) needn’t have come

d) needn’t have to come

Advice/ Sfat

- Must (strong advice): You must try this pie. It is delicious. (Trebuie sa incerci aceasta
placinta. Este delicioasa.)

- Should (general advice): You should try and study more. (Ar trebui sa incerci sa inveti mai

- Ought to (most people believe this): You ought to respect the traffic signs. (Trebuie sa
respecti semnele de circulatie.)

- Had better (advice on a specific situation): You had better take the pill. (Mai bine ai lua

- Shall (asking for advice): Shall I take this road? (Sa iau drumul asta?)

- Should have + vb. III/-ed (advice in the past): You should have read the book. (Ar fi trebuit
sa citesti cartea.)

- Ought to have + vb.III/-ed (advice in the past): She ought to have booked earlier. (Ea ar fi
trebuit sa rezerve mai devreme.)

- Would have been better (advice in the past): It would have been better if you hadn’t said
that. (Ar fi fost mai bine daca nu ai fi spus asta.)

e.g. We think you ... more if you wish to pass the exam. (Credem ca ar trebui sa inveti
mai mult daca vrei sa treci examenul.)

a) may study b) can study c) ought study d) should study

Criticism/ Critica

- Could (present): She could at least help me. (Ar putea macar sa ma ajute.)

- Should (present): They should tell us the truth. (Ar trebui sa ne spuna adevarul.)

- Ought to (present): He ought to be more polite. (Ar trebui sa fie mai politicos.)

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15. Modal Verbs
- Could have + vb. III/-ed (past): You could have told me the truth. (Ai fi putut sa imi spui

- Should have + vb. III/-ed (past): You should have learned more. (Ar fi trebuit sa inveti mai

- Ought to have + vb. III/-ed (past): You ought to have been more polite. (Ar fi trebuit sa fi mai

e.g. You know, you ... a longer skirt. What you have on is a disgrace. (Sti, ai putea sa
porti o fusta mai lunga. Ce ai pe tine e o rusine.)

a) could be wearing b) may wear c) must be wearing d) can be wearing

Requests/ Cereri - se tine cont de gradul de formalitate

- Can I use your cellphone? (informal) (Pot sa iti folosesc celularul?)

- Could I use your cellphone? (polite) (As putea sa folosesc celularul dumneavoastra?)

- May I use your cellphone? (formal) (As putea sa folosesc celularul dumneavoastra?)

- Might I use your cellphone? (very formal) (Ar fi cumva posibil sa folosesc celularul

- Will you give me a helping hand? (very friendly) (Imi dai o mana de ajutor?)

- Would you mind helping us? (polite) (V-ar deranja daca ne-ati ajuta?)

Offers/ Oferte - se tine cont de gradul de formalitate

- Can I do anything for you? (informal) (Pot sa fac ceva pentru tine?)

- Shall I help you? (informal) (Sa te ajut?)

- Would you like me to help you? (more polite) (Ati dori sa va ajut?)

- Will you have some more pie? (Ati dori mai multa placinta?)

e.g. ... we give you a hand with that? (Sa te ajutam cu asta?)

a) May b) Shall c) Must d) Need

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15. Modal Verbs
Suggestions/ Sugestii

- Shall we see a movie? (Ce-ar fi sa vedem un film?)

- We can see a movie if you wish. (Putem vedea un film daca vrei.)

- We could see a movie if you wished. (Am putea vedea un film daca ai vrea.)

Alte expresii care exprima sugestii sunt:

- Let’s see a movie! (Hai sa vedem un film!)

- How about seeing a movie? (Ce-ar fi sa vedem un film?)

- What about seeing a movie? (Ce-ar fi sa vedem un film?)

- Why don’t we see a movie? (De ce n-am vedea un film?)

e.g. How about going in the park? (Ce-ar fi sa mergem in parc?)

a) Should we go in the park?

b) Must we go in the park?

c) We could go in the park.

d) Can we go in the park?

Prohibition/ Interdictie

- Can’t: You can’t wear jeans at the office. (you are not allowed to) (Nu poti/ nu ai voie sa porti
jeansi la birou.)

- Mustn’t: You mustn’t light a match near gas. (it’s forbidden = este interzis) (Nu ai voie/ e
interzis sa aprinzi un chibrit lianga gaz.)

- May not: You may not cheat during the exam. f(ormal) (Nu aveti voie sa copiati in timpul

- Could not (past): We couldn’t go because we were too young. (Nu am avut voie sa ne ducem
pentru ca eram prea tineri.)

e.g. Pupils ... during exams. (Elevii nu au voie sa copieze in timpul examenelor.)

a) shan’t cheat b) mustn’t cheat c) oughtn’t cheat d) may cheat

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15. Modal Verbs

Reproach/ Repros

- Might have +vb. III/-ed: You might have told me the party started earlier. (Ai fi putut sa imi
spui ca petrecerea a inceput mai devreme.)

- Could have +vb. III/-ed: You could have told me the party started earlier. (Ai fi putut sa imi
spui ca petrecerea a inceput mai devreme.)

e.g. She ... me that my boyfriend was cheating on me since she was my best friend.

(Ar fi putut sa imi spuna ca prietenul meu ma insela din moment ce era peietena mea ce
mai buna.)

a) must have told b) may have told me c) should have telld) might have told

Habit/ Obicei

- in the present - Will: She will break things all the time. (=she is in the habit of + vb.-ing) (Are
obiceiul sa strice lucruri tot timpul.)

- in the past - Would: He would bring flowers every day. (= he used to) (Obisnuia sa aduca
flori in fiecare zi.)

e.g. They are in the habit of going to parties.(Ei au obiceiul sa meraga la petreceri.)

a) They would go to parties.

b) They will go to parties.

c) They shall go to parties.

d) They can go to parties.

We used to ride in the park when we had horses. (Obisnuiam sa calarim in parc atunci
cand aveam cai.)

a) We would ride in the park when we had horses.

b) We could ride in the park when we had horses.

c) We should ride in the park when we had horses.

d) We will ride in the park when we had horses.

Moral duty/ datorie morala

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15. Modal Verbs
-Ought to: Children ought to listen to their parents. (Copiii trebuie sa asculte de parintii lor.)

Assumptions/ Presupuneri

-Will (must/ should) (in the present):

The telephone rings: - That'll be Frank./ That must be Frank./ That should be Frank./That
could be Frank./ That might be Frank./ That may be Frank.

(Suna telefonul: trebuie sa fie Frank.)

-Would have + vb.III/-ed (in the past):

Someone was here an hour ago. (A fost cineva aici acum o ora.)

That would have been Sally. (Trebuie sa fi fost Sally.)

Willingness/ Vointa

- Will (present): The doctor will see you in a minute. (Doctorul va va vedea intr-un minut.)

- Would (past): He said he would help us. (El a spus ca ne va ajuta.)

Typical action/ Actiune tipica

- Would: It's typical of her to lie. => She would lie. (E tipic pentru ea sa minta.)

Refusal/ Refuz

-Won’t (present): The car won’t start. (Masina nu vrea sa porneasca.)

-Wouldn’t (past): He said he wouldn’t do it for me. (El a spus ca nu vrea sa faca asta
pentru mine.)

e.g. He refused to help me. (El a refuzat sa ma ajute.)

a) He won’t help me

b) He can’t help you.

c) He wouldn’t help me.

d) He couldn’t help me.

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15. Modal Verbs

Threat/ Amenintare

- Shall (2nd and 3rd person pronouns): You shall be sorry. (O sa iti para rau.)

e.g. You ... sorry if you don’t obey me. (O sa iti para rau daca nu ma asculti.)

a) will be b) may be c) should be d) shall be

Rules and regulations; orders and instructions/ Reguli, ordine si instructii

- Shall: The referee’s decision shall be final. (Decizia arbitrului este finala.)

e.g. You ... kill! That is one of God’s commandments. (Nu ai voie sa ucizi! Aceasta este
una din poruncile lui Dumnezeu.)

a) will not b) shall not c) cannot d) may not

Surprise/ Surpriza

- Should: se foloseste idiomatic cu "who", "where", "what" in expresii care exprima

surpriza: (trebuie sa avem o INVERSIUNE)

e.g. I open the door and who should I see but Tom. (Am deschis usa si pe cine vad, pe

e.g. And in the middle of the forest … come across but this enormous bear. (Si in
mijlocul padurii peste ce dau, peste ursul asta enorm.)

a) what I should

b) what should I

c) what I might

d) what might I

Irony/ Ironia

- Might have + known/ imagined/ thought/ realized + S + WOULD (se foloseste cand
vrem sa exprimam in mod ironic actiuni tipice)
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15. Modal Verbs
e.g. I might have known that he would tell a lie. (Ar fi trebuit sa stiu ca va spune o minciuna.)

Urmatoarele expresii se pot reformula cu verbele modalemay (daca avem prezent) si might
(daca avem trecut):

Although I try hard => Try as I may (Desi incerc din greu => Oricat incerc)

Although I tried hard => Try as I might (Desi am incercat din greu => Oricat am incercat)

e.g. Although I tried hard, I couldn't smile. (Desi am incercat din greu, nu am putut sa

a) Try as I might, I couldn't smile.

b) Try as I may, I couldn't smile.

c) Try as I could, I couldn't smile.

d) Try as I should, I couldn't smile.

It would be all the same => May (as) well/ Might (as) well (Imi este egal/ Tot aia e)

e.g. It would be all the same if you left. => You might as well stay. (Poti la fel de bine sa

To be sure/ to be certain => to be bound to (E sigur sa se intample)

e.g. It’s sure to rain tomorrow. (E sigur ca va ploua maine.)

a) It’s bound to rain

b) It may rain tomorrow.

c) It must rain tomorrow.

d) It should rain tomorrow.

!!! ATENTIE: SHOULD se foloseste in fata verbelor de gandire - think, imagine, believe,

e.g. I should imagine she is very rich. (Imi imaginez ca ea este foarte bogata.)

!!! ATENTIE: may/ might se folosesc in Concesive:

e.g. Although she is nice, I don't like her. => She may be nice, but I don't like her. (Desi este
draguta, nu o plac.)

She ... your mother, but this doesn’t mean she can order you when you are 40.(O fi ea
mama ta, dar asta nu inseamna ca poate sa iti ordone cand ai 40 de ani.)

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15. Modal Verbs
a) can be b) will be c) may be d) must be

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