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a) verb regulat = to require, to be in need of

Verb + substantiv
Verb + ing
Verb I (infinitiv)
I need a book.
The window needs washing. = Fereastra trebuie sa fie spalata. ( inteles de pasiv)
They don’t need to hurry.

b) verb modal = to have to = a trebui

- numai pentru interogativ si negativ
Need I get up early ? (I expect, negative answer)
(Trebuie sa ma scol devreme?)
No, you needn’t. = Nu, nu trebuie.

You needn’t go there. = Nu trebuie sa te duci acolo. (nu este nevoie)

- la forma afirmativa este insotit de hardly / scarcely si se traduce cu negativul
She hardly need mention his name.

- Do I need …?
- Exprima o actiune obisnuita , repetata , caracteristica pentru subiect. (habitual
Do I need to go there every day? = Trebuie sa am duc acolo in fiecare zi?

- Need I …?
- folosit pentru o ocazie speciala, iesita din obisnuinta cotidiana a subiectului
Need I show my I.D.?

- didn’t need to + verb I

- actiunea nu a fost necesara si nu a fost indeplinita.
I didn’t need to knock at the door, it was open

- needn’t have + verb III

- actiunea nu a fost necesara dar a fost indeplinita.
I needn’t have gone there, as he was not at home.

- must needs
- subliniaza ideea de necessitate impusa din exterior sau ideea de obligatie.
You must needs see him today. = Trebuie neaparat sa-l vezi.

- needs must
- are un inteles sarcastic puternic
She needs must ring me now when I’m having a bath. = Chiar acum sa ma sune, cand fac

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