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Colegiul National Spiru Haret



Testul la limba engleză constă în: PROBA SCRISĂ (1 oră). Aceasta cuprinde:

1. Un exerciţiu de verificare a înţelegerii detaliilor dintr-un text scris (Alegerea raspunsului

corect la o intrebare cu variante multiple de raspuns) – 30 puncte

2. Redactarea unui text de 50 – 60 de cuvinte care să demonstreze însușirea principalelor funcții/

acte de limbaj conform programelor școlare pentru clasele a III-a și a IV-a. - 60 puncte

10 puncte se acorda din oficiu.

Răspunsurile elevilor vor fi apreciate conform unui punctaj între 1-100. La încheierea probelor
de testare, punctajul total obținut de elevi se va afișa în ordine decrescătoare, cu mențiunea
Locurile se vor completa dupa rezolvarea contestațiilor, în limitele prevăzute de planul de
școlarizare. În cazul în care pe ultimul loc admisibil sunt mai mulți elevi cu punctaj egal, vor fi
declarați admiși toți, dar nu mai mult de 30 elevi/clasă. Daca numarul elevilor cu punctaj egal
conduce la depasirea acestei limite, se vor aplica criterii pentru departajare. Primul criteriu
pentru departajare il constituie raspunsurile la primul exercitiu, cu itemi obiectivi. Al doilea
criteriu pentru departajare va fi corectitudinea textului redactat.

La proba scrisă eventualele contestații se depun la secretariatul unitații în termen de 24 de ore

după afișarea contestațiilor.
1 Read the text about Black Friday and for questions 1 to 5, choose the correct option. (6
points x 5 = 30 points)

The day after Thanksgiving has become America’s biggest shopping day. Closed all day on
Thursday, shopping centres all across the nation open early on Friday. Some of them open at 12:01
Friday morning, while others open at 4 a.m. Some “sleepyhead“ shopping centres don’t open their
doors on Friday until 6 a.m.

Reporters from local TV stations interview people who sleep in tents in front of the shops a day or
two before the doors open on Friday. These people patiently wait in queue to get products that are
50 per cent cheaper or more.

“Oh, we have fun,” said one of the persons queuing. “We sometimes bring games to play, we
watch TV and order lots of pizza, and we often meet interesting people. And, most important of
all, we save a lot!” The problem, of course, is that only a very small number of products have big
reductions in their prices.

Not all Americans enjoy shopping. Reverend William Graham wants to change Black Friday’s
name. “We want to call it Remember Jesus Friday. People should start the season with the right
attitude. Christmas has become a Season of Shopping. We want to make it a Season of Giving.
And we don’t mean giving material things. We mean giving your back, your mind, and your hands.
Help an old lady clean up her house. Teach a kid how to read. Visit sick people in the hospital or
in nursing homes. Give food to the Red Cross. Celebrate Christmas by remembering Jesus and
forgetting Santa Claus.”

1. According to the text, the expression “sleepyhead” refers to shops that ...

A. open later than others

B. open early in the morning
C. don’t open at all
2. People sleep in tents

A. because they couldn’t find a hotel

B. for fun
C. to buy products at half the price or less

3. Which of these sentences is TRUE?

A. Most products are reduced by 50%

B. Most products are reduced by 25%
C. Just a few selected products have large discounts

4. Reverend William Graham thinks Black Friday

A. is good for shopping
B. makes people buy things they don’t need
C. needs a new name

5. According to the text, Black Friday is ...

A. the Friday before Christmas

B. the day after Thanksgiving
C. an important holiday in The United States

2. Write about your favourite cartoon character. (60 points)

Write: - what your favourite cartoon character is

- why you like it

- describe your cartoon character

- in what way the cartoon character is special

Write between 50- 60 words.

10 points are granted.


1. 1 answer x 6 points= 30 points

1. A - don’t open their doors on Friday until 6 a.m.

2. C - to get products that are 50 per cent cheaper or more.

3. C - only a very small number of products have big reductions in their prices.

4. C - Reverend William Graham wants to change Black Friday’s name.

5. B - The day after Thanksgiving has become America’s biggest shopping day.

2. text- 60 points

Incadrarea in tema, lungimea textului – 20 puncte

Corectitudinea exprimarii: ortografie, utilizarea structurilor gramaticale -30 puncte
Vocabular – nivelul lexical – 10 puncte

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