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CONTROLUL EMOTIILOR NRGATIVE Numele meu este Marius Simion dar nu asta este acum important ci faptul ca Andreea

are incredere in mine si i-am promis un articol practic despre cum poti sa modifici emotiile negative si sa le tiI sub control sau chiar sa le transformi in emotii pozitive. Cum de a cerut de la mine o metoda pentru asta? Pentru ca asta este ceea ce fac! Munca mea consta in ai ajuta pe oameni sa isi dezvolte autocontrolul emotional. Fac asta deja de mai multa vreme asa ca am vazut oameni care veneau la mine cu stari de depresie sau cu stari de panica si pesimism cronic. Ce fac eu in acele situatii? Pai ti-am aratat ca mintea ta este cea care iti creaza aceste stari, apoi iti arat cum sa iti controlezi mintea sa faca altceva ceva care sa te conduca spre o stare pozitiva. Sa iti dau un exemplu clar! Gandeste-te la faptul ca mintea ta si corpul tau sunt permanent intr-o discutie despre cum te simti tu Ca doi batrani prieteni, corpul si mintea ta vorbesc despre tine, despre starile tale emotionale din ziua care tocmai trece pe langa tine si tu nu participi la ea! Asa ca atunci cand tu stai cu capul plecat si cu privirea in jos, cu umerii lasati si cu barbia in piept corpul tau ii spune creierului fi atent ca acum trebuie sa produci o stare de tristete! Daca insa ai o pozitie cu spatele drept, umerii ridicati, barbia ridicata, privirea ridicata spre in sus Corpul tau ii spune creierului fi atent ca trebuie sa bagi carbuni pe foc ca azi suntem veseli! Stiu ca nu ma crezi inca dar incearca sa stai trist si sa ti corpul drept si privirea ridicata, pieptul in fata si umerii drepti o sa vezi ca in cateva minute starea ta emotionala se va schimba. Da, cauza tristetii va ramane! Acum nu vorbim despre schimbarea lumii exterioare ci despre schimbarile pe care le poti tu face in lumea ta interioara. Da, partenerul te-a parasit/ seful te-a dat afara de la servici / guvernul a marit taxele, etc si tu TREBUIE sa fi deprimat. Cine naiba zice asta? Tu poti sa alegi cum sa te simti nimic din exterior nu iti poate dicta ai invatat numai ca in unele situatii TREBUIE sa simti anumite stari si chiar le simti. Ce prostie! Sa vin eu si sa iti zic ca atunci cand esti parasit sa iti vina sa razi, e logic ca suferi bineinteles DACA ASTA ITI DORESTI!

Dar poti sa iti doresti sa nu suferi pentru ceva ce nu poti modifica! Poti sa inveti sa iti controlezi creierul sa genereze emotiile pe care le doresti tu. Nimeni nu decide in locul tau ceea ce e bine pentru tine sa simti intr-un anumit moment. Dar daca esti gata sa accepti ca poti sa simti ceea ce tu vrei nu ceea ce iti dicteaza instinctul, eu pot sa te invat cum sa faci asta! Metoda de a te simti trist si fraier in numai 10 minute! Cum iti ziceam, te invat sa simti orice emotie doresti! Prima lectie este despre cum sa te simti deprimat si trist la vointa! Incearca daca nu ai ce face! 1. Ca sa incepi sa simti starea de deprimare si tristete, in primul rand trebuie sa iti amintesti un moment in care te-ai simtit ca nu valorezi nimic. Aminteste-ti ce faceai atunci, inchide ochii si adu-ti aminte tot ce ai vazut in acele clipe. Cum stateai? Cum vorbeai? Pe ce ton si cu ce intensitate? Ce iti ziceai atunci in mintea ta? Unde simteai in corpul tau aceasta stare? 2. Dupa ce ai scanat acel moment din trecutul tau incepe sa il reproduci acum intocmai. Gandeste-te la exact aceleasi lucruri, vorbeste in mintea ta cu exact aceleasi cuvinte si pe exact acelasi ton deprimat sau nervos ca atunci, stai cu corpul in exact aceeasi postura, respira la fel 3. Felicitari! Ai reusit sa iti creezi la vointa o stare de depresie! Ti-ai dat seama ca metoda de mai sus am folosit-o in gluma, dar etapele sunt exact aceleasi si pentru o stare pozitiva. Mintea ta are talentul de a relua obsesiv amintirile de care nu poate sa se detaseze. De fapt tristetea este cauzata de una sau mai multe amintiri pe care mintea ta nu le lasa sa fie pozitionate in sertarul cu amintiri al mintii, ci le tine tot timpul in prim plan, ca si cum evenimentul s-ar fi petrecut ieri. Din cauza asta ai vie in minte imaginea negativa care te tortureaza. Azi nu o sa lucram cu aceasta metoda, ci numai am amintit-o! Azi o sa trebuiasca sa iti faci o fotografie mentala a corpului tau in starile de fericire pe care le ai! Aceasta fotografie o sa iti prinda bine cand o sa simti o stare de tristete sau depresie. Atunci o sa sti exact cum sa o combati. Gandeste-te asa, daca in mintea ta sunt ganduri care produc tristetea (nu ne ocupam acum direct de ele) imediat dupa asta corpul tau reactioneza si isi schimba pozitia:

Umerii iti coboara Respiratia devine agitata Ochii cauta in podea Mainile si picioarele se racesc Te apleci spre in fata si spatele devine curbat

Toate aceste modificari sunt un efect al gandurilor de tristete din mintea ta, dar sunt si un mesaj al corpului ca a inteles prin ce treci. Este ca un circuit care se tot amplifica. Creierul transmite mesajul sunt trist/trista iar corpul spune si eu sunt trist/trista asa ca cele doua elemente se influenteaza una pe alta si isi dau comenzi una alteia. Atata timp cat aceasta influentare reciproca continua nu o sa reusesti sa iesi din starea respectiva. Tot ce ai de facut este sa rupi acest cerc vicios de comenzi negative. Nu poti sa ii dai creierului comanda sa nu mai gandeasca negativ asa ca o sa iti poti modifica pozitia corpului astfel incat sa intrerupi cercul de comanda! Daca creierul va primi de la corp o comanda opusa starea de tristete va fi anulata sau cel putin micsorata asa de mult incat o sa iti vina usor sa o controlezi. Daca corpul in loc sa transmita creierlului sunt trist - o sa transmita un mesaj de genul sunt foarte entuziasmat si fericit , creierul o sa fie derutat! El stia ca parca era in actiune sa te tina trist si corpul ii zice altceva Cum se poate una ca asta? Ce stare sa iti genereze? Ce hormoni sa elibereze? L-ai derutat! Divide et impera! Asta ai facut! Divide si stapaneste! Ai rupt alianta dintre creier si corp! O alianta care iti amplifica depresia si tristetea si alte stari negative la care nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc acum. Ce ai de modificat ca sa iti schimbi starea emotionala! Uite aici cateva elemente care transmit spre creier mesajele: Respiratia gaseste ritmul pe care il are respiratia ta atunci cand esti fericit/fericita! Memoreaza exact cum anume respiri atunci. Poate respiri cu partea de sus, sau cu partea toracica sau cu partea abdominala a plamanilor! Oricum ar fi tu memoreaza exact cum este respiratia ta cand esti intr-o stare pozitiva, pentru ca

va fi nevoie sa o reproduci cat mai fidel ca sa comanzi creierului o stare de fericire cand el ar vrea sa te tina in lant cu o stare de tristete. Pozitia corpului cand esti plin de energie ai cu totul o alta pozitie a corpului decat cand esti coplesit de tristete. Fi atent la tine cand esti intr-o stare de fericire. O sa vezi ca ai anumiti muschi incordati si anumiti muschi relaxati. Studiaza-te cu atentie. Invata sa te observi. Trebuie sa devi propriul tau cercetator, sa iti iei in mainile tale destinul emotional. Nu o sa fie nimeni langa tine sa iti noteze modul in care stai pe scaun sau in picioare, nici modul in care iti ti mainile sau umerii cand esti fericit/fericita. Poate ti picioarele intinse sau poate le ti incrucisate toate detaliile conteaza. Trebuie sa le memorezi ca sa le poti reproduce. Gandurile fi atent/atenta la ce anume gandesti si in ce mod gandesti in imagini? Vizualizezi ceva in minte? Gandesti sonor? Auzi sunete? Iti spui in minte cuvinte care te-au facut fericit pe moment? Ce intensitate au acele cuvinte? Ce sunete auzi? Imaginile pe care le ai in minte le vezi clar? Ti le poti aminti oricand? Toate aceste amanunte sunt importante pentru ca ele fac parte din comenzile pe care mintea ta le va percepe venind dinspre corp. Cand o sa fi trist o sa vezi ca toate aceste elemente sunt diferite de cum le simti cand esti vesel/vesela. Vocea cum ai vocea cand esti fericit? Ai o voce puternica sau slaba? Vorbesti rapid sau lent in acele momente? Care este timbrul vocii tale atunci? Cat de melodioasa este vocea? Cum sunt pauzele dintre cuvinte? Lungi sau scurte? Mare atentie la vocea pe care o ai cand vorbesti in mintea ta! Acolo se transmit cele mai intense mesaje catre creierul tau. Retine exact ce voce folosesti cand vorbesti cu tine, atunci cand esti intr-o stare pozitiva. Dupa ce ai facut aceste evaluari personale poti sa mergi mai departe. Aceasta etapa de evaluare se face in timp de 1-2 saptamani, perioada in care ai macar de cateva ori stari de fericire si poti sa te verifici de cateva ori. O sa vezi ce anume se repeta dintre aceste elemente, ce anume te influenteaza mai mult. In timp ce faci evaluarile iti recomand sa iti ti un jurnal in care sa iti notezi tot ce observi despre tine. O sa le uiti altfel. Plus de asta, ceea ce eu iti propun acum este sa incepi sa lucrezi cu tine ca un specialist. Orice specialist ia notite despre studiul pe care il face, asa fa si tu de acum inainte. Cu aceste metode o sa inveti sa te studiezi pe tine. Eu spun tot timpul ca o persoana care se cunoaste mai bine pe sine are mai multe optiuni, poate sa aleaga sa fie fericita sau deprimata in cazul de azi. Dar optiunile nu se reduc la atat, poti invata despre tine lucruri complet diferite decat ceea ce stiai tu pana in prezent. E suficient sa inveti sa privesti cu alti ochii propria minte!

Sa revenim la ale noastre! Dupa ce ai invata exact cum stai, cum gandesti, cum vorbesti, cum respiri atunci cand esti fericit e momentul sa treci la actiune! Cu prima ocazie cand simti ca te prinde o stare de tristete, cand creierul trimite comanda spre corp fi trist tu adopta cat mai multe elemente din lista cu fericire. Incepe sa schimbi pozitia corpului, stai ca si cum ai fi fericit, respira ca si cum ai fi fericit, vorbeste pe acelasi ton ca si cum ai fi fericit, in mintea ta vorbeste ca si cum ai fi fericit. Ce crezi ca se va intampla? Creierul primeste de la corp mesajul sunt fericit pentru ca el asa stie ca face corpul cand este fericit. Asta o sa slabeasca rapid intensitatea tristetei, apoi e de ajuns un simplu act de vointa ca sa schimbi complet emotia in una pozitiva dar despre asta o sa vorbim cu alta ocazie. Am incercat aceasta metoda cu persoane care nu stiau nici nu auzisera cuvantul psihologie. Acele persoane sufereau de depresie cronica si totusi a functionat in doua zile. Dupa doua zile starile de depresie erau asa de slabe ca intensitate incat una din persoane mi-a spus ca si-a dat seama ca nu a mai ras de luni de zile. Avea un copil cu mari probleme de sanatate! In aceea stare de depresie nu mai era in stare sa ia nici o hotarare, nu stia in ce directie sa se indrepte. Faptul ca am scos-o din aceasta stare a ajutat la gasirea de alternative pentru copil, mama era acum capabila sa analizeze rational ce are de facut. Iti spun asta ca sa iti arat ceva ce stiai deja: emotiile negative te impiedica in propria ta dezvoltare. Emotiile pozitive iti aduc acel plus necesar ca sa ai succes in orice iti propui. De fapt, oamenii au doua dorinte cand vine vorba de dezvoltare personala: - sa isi tina emotiile sub control - sa isi tina comportamentele sub control Mi-am propus sa te introduc incet incet in acest domeniu, sa te invat ca mintea este servitorul tau si tu esti stapanul. Emotiile sunt numai etape in dezvoltarea ta, sunt condimente ale zilelor tale, trebuie sa ti sub control cantitatea si intensitatea lor prin autodisciplina si autocunoastere. Apoi o sa ti se deschida in fata ta drumuri pe care nu ai fi fost in stare sa mergi daca nu ai fi facut acest pas de a te cunoaste mai bine pe tine. Emotiile sunt combustibil pentru visele tale, trebuie sa inveti sa le ti sub control. Uneori ai nevoie si de manie, alteori ai nevoie de calm, alteori ai nevoie de teama ca sa supravietuiesti toate sunt bune, atata timp cat tu esti stapanul lor! Pe curand,

HOW TO CONTROL YOUR NEGATIVE EMOTIONS ! What I do in those situations? Well you've shown that your mind is what you create these feelings, then show you how to control your mind to do something ... something to lead you to a positive state. Give you a clear example! Think that your mind and your body are constantly in a discussion about how you feel ... Like two old friends, your mind body and ... talk about yourself, your emotional status of the day just pass away and you do not participate in it! So when you sit with head bowed and eyes down, his shoulders and let your chin in your chest ... your body tells the brain "now must be careful to produce a state of sadness! But if you position with your back straight, shoulders lift, chin high, eyes raised to the top ... Your body tells the brain "must be careful to put coal on the fire today we are happy!" I know I do not think yet ... but trying to stay sad and your body straight and look high, chest forward and shoulders straight ... a few minutes to see that your emotional state will change. Yes, because sadness will remain! Now talk about changing the world outside but about changes that you can make your inner world. Yes, you left your partner / boss you fired from work / government increased taxes, etc. ... and you must be depressed. Who the hell said that? You can choose how you feel ... anything from the outside you can not dictate you learn that in some cases but must feel some states and even feel them. What nonsense! I come and tell you that when you left you come to laugh, have ... of course it makes sense - IF what you want! But you can not suffer you want something you can not change! You can learn to control your brain that generate emotions you wish. Nobody decides your place which is good for you to feel a certain time. But if you're ready to accept that you can feel what you want - not what your instinct dictates, I can teach you how to do that! Method of feeling sad and loser in just 10 minutes!

What you thought, you want to learn to feel any emotion! The first lesson is about how you feel depressed and sad at will? ... If you do not try to do it! 1. As you start to feel a state of depression and sadness, first you have to remember a time when you felt it not worth anything. Remember when you were doing, close your eyes and remember everything you saw in those moments. How are you? How talking? What tone and with what intensity? What I have said it in your mind? Where you feel in your body this state? 2. After you have scanned in your past that time begins now reproduce it exactly. Think of exactly the same things, talking in your mind the exact same words and the exact same tone as when depressed or nervous, sit with the body in exactly the same position, just breathe ... 3. Congratulations! Have you managed to create at will a state of depression! Did you realize that the above method we used it in jest, but the steps are exactly the same and a positive state. Your mind has the talent to resume obsessive memories that can not be detached. The sad fact is caused by one or more memories not let your mind be positioned drawer with memories of the mind, but keep them always in the foreground, as if the event could have happened yesterday. Because This negative image of living in mind that you torture. Today no one to work with this method, only I remembered it! Today you'll have to make a "picture" of your body in the mental states of happiness that you have! This photo will catch you right when you feel a state of sadness or depression. Then I know exactly how to fight. Think so, if in your mind are thoughts that cause sadness (we do not now live with them) immediately after that your body reacts and changes its position: - Your shoulders down - Breathing becomes agitated - Search the floor eyes - Hands and feet are cool - I lean to the front and back is curved

All these changes are a consequence of the sad thoughts in your mind, but a message body that has got through the pass. It's a circuit that is still growing. Message brains "are sad sad" and the body says "I'm sad sad ... so the two elements influence each other and give their orders to one another. As long as the mutual influence continue to succeed ... not get out of that state. All you do is to break this vicious cycle of negative controls. You can not command you give your brain to stop thinking negative so you can change her posture so as to interrupt the circle of order! If brain-body receives a command from the opposite state of sadness or will be canceled at least lowered so much that you will come easy to control. If the body - instead of transmitting creierlului "are sad - one to transmit a message like" are very excited and happy, the brain will be confused! He knew that like to keep you in action was sad ... and his body says something else ... What is that? What are you able to generate? What hormone releasing? Did you confused! "Divide and rule!" That you did! Divide and conquer! You broke the alliance between the brain and body! An alliance to enhance your depression and sadness and other negative feelings that do not want to think now. What changed that you change your emotional state! Here some elements that transmit messages to the brain: Breathing - find the rhythm that you have your breath when you're happy / happy! Remember exactly how breathing time. Can breathe with the top or side of the chest or abdominal lungs! Either way you memorize exactly as your breath when you're in a positive state, because you will need to reproduce as faithfully as you buy a state of bliss brain when he would like to keep you in chains with a state of sadness. Posture - full of energy when you're quite a different posture than when you are overwhelmed by sadness. Be careful when you're in a state of happiness. I see you have some muscles tense and relax certain muscles. Study yourself carefully. Learning to observe. Must become your own researcher, to get your fate in your hands emotionally. There will be one near you to write down how you sit on a chair or standing, or how your hands or shoulders when you're happy / happy. Maybe your legs stretched out or you cross them ... every detail counts. You have to remember that you can replicate them. Thoughts - be careful / carefully to what you think and how they think in pictures ...? Visualize something in mind? Sound thinking? Hear sounds? You say

to mind words that you have made happy now? What intensity are those words? What sounds you hear? Pictures you have in mind to see clearly? You can remember them ever? All these details is important because they are part of the commands that your mind will perceive coming from the body. When will a be sad to see that all these elements are different as you feel when you are joyful / cheerful. Voice - voice like you when you're happy? You have a strong or weak voice? Talk fast or slow in those moments? What is the timbre of your voice then? How is melodious voice? How are breaks between words? Long or short? Pay attention to that voice when you speak your mind! There is most intense forward messages to your brain. Remember right voice to use when talking with you when you're in a positive status. After you have made these personal evaluations can move on. This evaluation phase is done for 1-2 weeks time when you at least several times a state of happiness and you can check out a few times. I see what repeat of these elements, what affects you more. While I recommend that you make your evaluations a journal to write down everything you notice about yourself. I forget them otherwise. Plus this, what I suggest you now start to work with you to a specialist. Any specialist takes notes about the study you do, and you do so from now. With these methods you'll learn how you study. I always say that a person who knows better himself has several options, may choose to be happy or depressed for today. But options are not reduced to that, you can learn about things completely different than what you knew until now. It is enough to learn to look with fresh eyes own mind? Let us return to our own? After you learn exactly where you are, how you think, how you talk, how you breathe when you're happy ... it's time to take action! The first time you feel like you catch a feeling of sadness, when the brain sends the command to the body "being sad" You take as many items from the list of happiness. Begins to change posture, sit as if you were happy, as if you were breathing happily talking on the same tone as if you were happy to speak your mind like you happy. What do you think will happen? The brain receives the message body "are happy" because he just knows that when the body is happy. That will quickly lose intensity sadness, then a simple enough act of will that has been completely changed in a positive emotion - but about this an opportunity to talk with another.

I tried this method with people who did not know nor heard the word "psychology". Those individuals suffering from chronic depression and still functioned in two days. After two days depression was so weak in intensity that one person told me that he realized he had not laughed for months. Having a child with serious health problems! In that depressed state was no longer able to take any decision, not knowing which direction to take. The fact that I removed it from that state helped to find alternatives for the child, the mother was now able to rationally consider what to do. I say this to show you something you already knew: negative emotions stop you in your own development. You get that positive emotions also need to succeed in anything you suggest. In fact, people have two wishes when it comes to personal development: - To hold her emotions under control - To hold her behavior under control I wanted to slowly introduce you to this area, you learn that your mind is your servant and you're the owner. Emotions are just steps in your development are spices of your life, you must control the amount and intensity through selfdiscipline and self-knowledge. Then you'll open up in front of you on roads that have not been able to go unless you have made this step to get to know you better. Emotions are fuel for your dreams, you have to learn to control them. Sometimes you need and anger, sometimes you need calm, sometimes you need fear to survive ... all are good, as long as you are their master! Long,


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