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FIA CURSULUI / COURSE OUTLINE / FICHE DU COURS 2012/2013 Titlul cursului / Course title / Intitul du cours : SP 1111/LS 1010

SOCIOLOGIE POLITIC POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY SOCIOLOGIE POLITIQUE Tipul cursului / Course type / Type du cours : obligatoriu / compulsory / obligatoire Numele i prenumele responsabilului de curs / Name of the person in charge of the class / Nom et prnom du responsable de cours : Georgeta Ghebrea Gradul didactic / Academic title / Titre acadmique : profesor / professor/ professeur Semestrul / Semester / Semestrul II

Descriere sintetic a cursului / Brief description of the course / Description synthtique du cours Cursul definete specificul (teoretic i metodologic) sociologiei politice. Principalele teme : viziunea sociologic despre putere ; structuri politice ; instituii i organizaii politice ; interaciunea politic ; cultura politic ; comportamente politice ; schimbarea politic. Obiective cursului: - Cunoaterea dimensiunilor eseniale ale teoriei i metodologiei sociologice - Clarificareaa conceptelor-cheie - Exersarea imaginaiei sociologice - Formarea capacitilor necesare pentru realizarea unei cercetri tiinifice n sociologia politic - Stimularea interpretrii personale i a creativitii. Bibliografie general / References / Bibliographie gnrale Adorno, T., E. Frenkel- Brunswik, D. Levinson, N. Sanford: The Authoritarian Personality, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1964. Alexe, C.: Substratul reprezentrii politicului i prezumiile de autoritate n gndirea colectiv , n Calitatea Vieii, nr.1-2/1991. Almond, A.G., Verba, S.: The Civic Culture. Political Attitudes and democracy in Five Nations, Sage, Newbury Park, CA, 1989 (Cultura civic (Atitudini politice i democraie n cinci naiuni), CEU Press, Ed. Du Style, Bucureti, 1996). Adorno, T., E. Frenkel- Brunswik, D. Levinson, N. Sanford: The Authoritarian Personality, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1964. Argyris, C.: Personality and Organization, Harper and Row, New York, 1957. Aron, R.: Dix-huit leons sur la socit postindustrielle, Gallimard, Paris, 1962. Aron, R.: Les dsillusions du progrs. Essai sur la dialectique de la modernit , Calman-Lvy, Paris, 1969. Bdescu, G.: Miza politic a unor forme de ncredere in : Sociologie romneasc, no.2/1999. Bahro, R.: Je continuerai mon chemin, Maspero, Paris, 1979. Bailey, F.G.: Les rgles du jeu politique, PUF, Paris, 1971. Bajuk, T. et al.: Cultural consequences of economic transition, Fates, Troyes, 1994. Barnes, S.H., Kaase, M. (eds.): Political Action. Mass Participation in Five Western Democracies , Sage Publications, London, 1979. Baudrillard, J.: Societatea de consum. Mituri i structuri (trad. Alexandru Matei),, Bucureti, 2005. Bell, D.: The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. A Venture in Social Forecasting, New York, Basic Books, 1973. Berger, P., T. Luckmann: The Social Construction of Reality, The Penguin Press, Allen Lane, 1967. Berger, P.L.: Incertul triumf al capitalismului democratic, in: Polis, 3/1994. Berindei, M., Combes, A., Planche, A. : Roumanie le livre blanc. La realit dun pouvoir no-communiste, La Dcouverte, Paris, 1990.

Bernstein, B. : Studii de sociologie a educaiei (trad. de Rola i Fred Mahler), Editura didactic i pedagogic, Bucureti, 1978. Blau, P.: Exchange and Power in Social Life, .New York: Wiley and Sons, 1964. Bogardus, E.S. : Measuring social distances , in : Attitude, theory and measurement , John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1967. Boia, L : Mitologia tiinific a comunismului, Humanitas, Bucureti, 2005. Boia, L. : Istorie i mit n contiina romneasc, ed. a 4-a, Humanitas, Bucureti, 2005. Borgatta, E.F.; Borgatta, M.L.(eds.): Encyclopedia of Sociology, vol. 4, Macmillan, New York, 1992. Boudon, R. : Rflexions sur la logique des modles simuls, in : Archives europennes de sociologie, VI, 1965. Boudon, R. : Lingalit des chances. La mobilit sociale dans les socits industrielles , Armand Colin, Paris, 1973. Boudon, R., F. Bourricaud, Dictionnaire critique de la sociologie, Paris, PUF, 1982. Boudon, R., P. Besnard, M. Cherkaoui, B.-P. Lcuyer: Dicionar de sociologie (trad. M. uuianu), Univers enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1996. Boudon, R.: Effets pervers et ordre social, P.U.F., Paris, 1977. Bourdieu, P.: Questions de sociologie, Les ditions de Minuit, Paris, 1980. Bourdieu, P.; J.-C. Passeron: La reproduction, Les ditions de Minuit, Paris, 1970 Bouthoul, G.: Sociologie de la politique, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1971. Bulai, A.: Victoria socialismului ? , n Revista de Cercetri Sociale, nr. 2/1995. Campbell, A., Converse, P.E., Miller, W.E., Stokes, D., American Voter, University Of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1980. Cmpeanu, P., Combes, A., Berindei, M.: Romnia nainte i dup 20 mai, Humanitas, Bucureti, 1991. Caplow, T. : Deux contre un: Les coalitions dans les triades, Librairie Armand Colin, Paris, 1971. Cesereanu, R.: Imaginarul violent al romnilor, Humanitas, Bucureti, 2003 Chean, O., Sommer, R (coord.): Dicionar de filozofie, Editura politic, Bucureti, 1978. Chombart de Lauwe, P.H: Pentru o sociologie a aspiratiilor, Dacia, Cluj, 1972. Chombart de Lauwe, P.H.: La culture et le pouvoir, Stock, Paris, 1975. Culic, I. : Ctigtorii.Elita politic i democratizare n Romnia 1989-2000, Limes, Cluj-Napoca, 2002. Clit, R.: Cadru totalitar i funcionare narcisic, Fundaia Generaia, Bucureti, 2004. Coman, M.: Piaa Universitii : dimensiunile unui ritual liminal, Revista de cercetri sociale, no.4/1994, pp.30-40. Corcuff, P.: Noile sociologii (traducere i postfa de Ion I. Ionescu), Institutul European, Iai, 2005. Crossman, R.H.: New Fabian Essays, The Turnstile Press, Londra, 1952. Crozier, M ; Friedberg, E. : Lacteur et le systme. Les contraintes de laction collective , Seuil, Paris, 1977. Crozier, M.: Le phnomne bureaucratique, Seuil, Paris, 1963. Culic, I.: Ctigtorii. Elita politic i democratizare n Romnia 1989-2000, Limes, Cluj-Napoca, 2002. Dahl, R.: Despre democraie (trad. de R. Lupacu, A.M. Turcu, M. Bordea, A. Bargan traub), Institutul European, Iai, 2003. Dahrendorf, R.: Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 1959. Dahrendorf, R.: Dup 1989. Moral, revoluie i societate civil ( Mona Antohi), Humanitas, Bucureti, 2001. Dncu, V.S.: Socializarea politic i achiziia vocabularului politic , in : Sociologie romneasc, no. III/1999. Datculescu, P.: Cum a votat Romnia, n : Revista de cercetri sociale, nr.1/1994. Denni, B., Lecomte, P.: Sociologia politicului (trad. Marta Nora rnea), Eikon, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, vol. 1-2. Drgan, I., C. Beciu, I. Dragomirescu, V. Marinescu, N. Perpelea, S. tefnescu: Construcia simbolic a cmpului electoral, Institutul European, Iai, 1998. Durand, G. : Les grands textes de la sociologie moderne, Bordas, Paris - Montral, 1969. Durkheim, E.: Diviziunea muncii sociale (trad. de Cristinel Pantelimon), Albatros, Bucuresti, 2001. Durkheim, E.: Formele elementare ale vieii religioase, Antet, Bucureti, 2005. Durkheim, E.: Regulile metodei sociologice (trad. C. Sudeeanu), Editura tiinific, Bucureti, 1974. Durkheim, E.: Despre sinucidere (trad. Mihaela Calcan), Institutul European, Iai, 1993. Duverger, M.: Introduction la politique, Gallimard, Paris. Duverger, M.: La Rpublique des citoyens, Paris, Ramsay, 1982. Duverger, M.: Les Partis politiques, A. Colin, Paris, 1967. Duverger, M.: Sociologie Politique, PUF, Paris, 1966. Eliade, M.: Aspecte ale mitului, Univers, Bucureti, 1978. Eckstein, H. (ed.): Internal War, Free Press, NY, 1964, p.52. Etzioni, A.: Modern Organizations, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs. Fiedler, F.E: A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness, Mc Graw-Hill, New York, 1967. Field, W.: On the Americanization of Electioneering, in Electoral Studies, no. 1/1994. Flynn, N: The New Right and Social Policy, Policy and Politics, vol. 17, no.2, 1989. Foran, J. (ed.): Teoretizarea revoluiilor (trad. Radu Pavel Gheo), Polirom, Iai, 2004.

Forsyth, D.R.: Group Dynamics, third edition, Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, 1999. Foucault, M.: A supraveghea i a pedepsi. Naterea nchisorii, Paralela 45, 2005. Fukuyama, F.: Sfritul istoriei i ultimul om, Paideia, Bucureti, 1992. Furet, F. : Lnigme de la dsagrgation communiste, Fondation Saint-Simon, Paris, 1990. Gamson, W. A.: SIMSOC: simulated society, Free Press, New York, Collier-Macmillan, London, 1969. Garfinkel, H.: Studies in ethnomethodology, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1967. Gerth, H.H., & C.W. Mills (eds): From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, Oxford University Press, 1946. Ghebrea, G.: Regim social-politic si via privat, Editura Universitii din Bucureti, Bucureti, 2000. Ghebrea, G.: Metamorfoze sociale ale puterii, Renaissance, Bucureti, 2008. Giddens, A.: Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 1991. Girardet, R: Mituri i mitologii politice, Institutul European, Iai, 1997. Goffman, E.: Aziluri: eseuri despre situaia social a pacienilor psihiatrici i a altor categorii de persoane instituionalizate, Polirom, Iai, 2004.. Goffman, E.: Viaa cotidian ca spectacol (trad. de Simona Drgan i Laura Albulescu),, Bucureti, 2003. Golubovic, Z.: Social change in 1990s and social character (The case of Yugoslavia) , in : Sociologija, no. 4/1995, p. 441. Grawitz, M.: Trait de science politique, vol. I, P.U.F., Paris, 1985. Grmion, P.: Le pouvoir priphriques. Bureaucrates et notable dans le systme politique francais , Le Seuil, Paris, 1967. Grix, J.: Demystifying Postgraduate Research, The University of Birmingham Press, Birmingham, 2001, p.133. Grunberg, G., N. Mayer, P.M. Sniderman (eds.) : La dmocratie lpreuve, Presses de sciences po, Paris, 2002. Habermas, J.: Sfera public i transformarea ei structural. Studiul unei categorii a societii burgheze, (trad. Janina Ianoi), Univers, Bucureti, 1998. Gusti, D : Cunoatere i aciune n serviciul naiunii, II, Fundaia cultural Principele Carol, Bucureti, 1937. Hadenius, S.: Swedish Politics During the 20th Century. Conflict and Consensus, Svenska Institutet, Stockholm, 1997. Havel, V.: The power of the powerless: citizen against the state in central-eastern Europe, M.E. Sharpe, New York, 1985. Heath, A., G. Evans, I. Mrginean: Politici i clase sociale, in: Revista de cercetri sociale, nr.2/1994. Heitman, K.: Cultul personalitii: Nicolae Ceauescu, in: 22, no. 6/2001. Heper, M.: The State and Debureaucratization, Bilkent, Ankara, 1988. Hirschman, A.: Abandon, contestare i loialitate (trad. Radu Carp, Laura Cucu, Simona Pop ; prefa de Daniel Barbu) Nemira, Bucureti, 1999. Hofstede, G: Cultures Consequences, Sage Publications, London, 1980. Inglehart, R.& Abramson, P.R.: Economic Security and Value Change in: The American Political Science Review, vol.88, 2/1994. . Jenkins, J.C.: Resource mobilization theory and the study of social movements, in Annual Review of Sociology, 9/1983. Johnson, A.J.: Human Arrangements, HBJ Publishers, Orlando, FL, 1989. King, G., R. Keohane, S.Verba: Fundamentele cercetrii sociale, Polirom, Iai, 2000. Kipnis, D.: Does power corrupt?, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 24, 1972. Kornblum, W.: Sociology in a changing world, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1988. Kuhn, T.S.: Structura revoluiilor tiinifice, Editura tiinific i enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1976, pp. 53-65 (cu un studiu introductiv de Mircea Flonta). Lagroye, J. : Sociologie politique, Presses de la fondation nationale des sciences politiques, Paris, Dalloz, 1993. Lazarsfeld, P.F., M. Rosenberg (eds.): The language of social research, The Free Press, New York, 1966. Lazarsfeld P.F., Berelson B., Gaudet H.: Mecanismul votului : cum se decid alegtorii ntr-o campanie prezidenial (trad. Simona Bogdan),, Bucuresti, 2004. Lazic, M. (ed.): Society in crisis. Yugoslavia in the early 90s, Filip Visnic, Belgrade, 1995. Lzroiu, S.: Barometrul de opinie public: o analiz retrospectiv, n: Revista de cercetri sociale, nr. 1/1998. Le Bon, G. : Psihologia mulimilor (trad. Mariana Tabacu), Antet, Bucureti, 2006. Lefort, C.: lments dune critique de la bureaucratie, Gallimard, Paris, 1971. Lenin, V.I., Imperialismul, stadiul cel mai nalt al capitalismului, n Opere alese, Editura politic, 1970. Lenski, G.E. : Status Crystalization: A Non-Vertical Dimension of Social Status, in American Sociological Review, no. 19/1954. Lvi-Strauss, C.: Antropologia structural (trad. I. Pecher), Editura politic, Bucureti, 1978. Lvi-Strauss, C.: Gndirea slbatic, Editura tiinific, Bucureti, 1970.

Lvi-Strauss, C.: Tropice triste (trad. E. Schileru i I. Pislaru-Lukacsik), Editura tiinific, Bucureti, 1968. Lvi Strauss, C.: Le regard loign, Plon, Paris, 1983. Lindon, D.: Marketing Politique ,Dalloz, Paris, 1986.. Linton, R.: The cultural background of personality, Appleton-Century, New York, 1945. Lipset, S., Rokkan, S.(eds.): Cleavage, Structure, Party Systems and Voter Alignments, The Free Press, New York, 1967. Lipset, S.M.: Political man, John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1981. Lovinescu, E.: Critice, Ancora, Bucureti, 1928. Lukacs, G: Histoire et conscience de classe. Essais de dialectique marxiste (trad. de Kostas Axelos), Les ditions de Minuit, Paris, 1960. Maiorescu, T.: Critice, Editura pentru literatur, Bucureti, 1966. March, J.G. (ed.), Handbook of Organizations, Rand McNally, Chicago, 1965. Mariet, F.: Psychosociologie daujourdhui, Bordas, Paris, 1975. Martin, O.: Linternet des 10-20 ans. Une ressource pour une communication autonome , Rseaux, no.123/2004. Mrginean, I. (ed.): Tineretul deceniului unu. Provocrile anilor90, Expert, Bucureti, 1996. Mrginean, I. : Suportul social pentru democraie, in: Sociologie romneasc, no.2/1999. Mrginean, I., C. Mureanu: Consolidarea democraiei, n: Revista de cercetri sociale, 1/1998. Marx, K.: Capitalul. Critica economiei politice, Cartea I, Vol. I, n: Marx Engels: Opere, vol. 23, Editura politic, Bucuresti, 1966. Marx, K.: Teze despre Feuerbach, n: Marx, K., Engels, F. : Opere alese, II, Editura de stat pentru literatur politic, Bucureti, 1955. Maslow, A.: Motivation and personality, Harper & Row, New York, 1970. McAdam, D.: Political process and the development of black insurgency 1930-1970, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1982. McClelland, D.C.: The Achieving Society, D. Van Nostrand, Princeton, NJ. 1961. McLuhan, M.: Galaxia Gutenberg (trad. L. i P. Nvodaru), Editura Politic, Bucureti, 1975. Mny, Y. (ed.): Idologies, parties politiques & groupes sociaux, Presses de la fondation nationale des sciences politique, Paris, 1989. Merton, R.K.: Social Theory and Social Structure, The Free Press, New York, 1968. Merton, R.K. : The role set: problems in sociological theory, British Journal of Sociology, vol. 8/1957. Merton, R.K.: Social structure and anomie, American Sociological Review, 3/1938. Merton, R. K. : The Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action , The American Sociological Review, 1936. Michaud, Y. : Violence et politique, Gallimard, Paris, 1978. Mihilescu, V.(ed.): Sondajele de opinie. Mod de utilizare. Alegerile 2000. Prezentare i analiz, Paideea, Bucureti, 2001. Michels, R.: Les partis politiques: essai sur les tendences oligarchiques des dmocraties , Flammarion, Paris, 1971. Mills, C. W. : The Power Elite, Oxford University Press, New York, 1970. Mills, C. W.: Imaginaia sociologic (trad. de Petru Berar), Editura politic, Bucureti, 1975. Neculau, A.; de Visscher, P.(eds.): Dinamica grupurilor.Texte de baz, Polirom, Iai, 2001. Newcomb, T.M., Turner, R.H., Converse, P.E.: Social Psychology: the study of human interaction, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1965. Noelle-Neumann, E.: Spirala tcerii. Opinia public nveliul nostru social (trad. Vlad Cucu-Oancea), Editura Comunicare. ro, Bucureti, 2004. Olson, M.: The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1971. Panebianco, A.: Modelli de partito, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2000. Parsons, T. : Structure and Process in Modern Society, Free Press, New York, 1960. Parsons, T. : The Structure of Social Action, Free Press, NY, 1949. Parsons, T., Platt, G. : The American University, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1974. Parsons, T.: Societies: Evolutionary and Comparative, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1966. Pasti, V., M. Miroiu, C. Codi: Romnia Starea de fapt. Volumul I Societatea, Nemira, Bucureti, 1996. Pasti, V.: Romnia n tranziie. Cderea n viitor, Nemira, Bucureti, 1995. Punescu, G. (ed.) : Abuzul i neglijarea copilului, Ars Docendi, Bucureti, 2000. Percheron, A. : La socialisation politique, A. Collin, Paris, 1993. Pugh, D.S., Hickson, D.J.: Contribuii la studiul organizaiilor (trad. G. Bdic, L. Bologea, T. Cherea, O. Ciuciuc, I. Dumitriu, D. Popescu, L. Suciu), CODECS, Bucureti, 1994. Putnam, R. D.: Cum funcioneaz democraia, Polirom, Iai, 2001.

Rawls, J.: A Theory of Justice, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1971. Revel, J.-F.: Comment les dmocraties finissent, France Loisirs, Paris, 1983. Rokkan, S.: Citizens, Elections, Parties. Approaches to the Study of the Processes of Development , Universitesforlaget, Oslo, 1970. Rose, R., Haerpfer, C.W.: Reacia maselor la transformrile din societile post-comuniste, in: Revista de Cercetri Sociale, no.4/1994, pp. 72-96. Sandu, D. : Status Inconsistency as Predictor of Public Action Attitudes in Romania , in Current Sociology, vol. 52, no.6/2004.. Sandu, D. : Sociabilitatea n spaiul dezvoltrii, , Polirom,Iai, 2003. Sandu, D.: Sociologia tranziiei, Staff, Bucureti, 1996. Sandu, D.: Spaiul social al tranziiei, Polirom, Iai, 1999. Sartori, G.: Tecniche decisionali e sistema dei comitati, n: Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, IV (1974). Sartori, G.: Teoria democraiei reinterpretat (trad. Doru Pop), Polirom, Iasi, 1999. Sartori, G.: Homo Videns. Imbecilizarea prin televiziune si post gandirea, Humanitas, Bucureti, 2005. Sartori, G: Parties and Party Systems. A Framework for Analysis, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1970. Schaefer, R.T., Robert P. Lamm: Sociology, McGraw-Hill, International Edition, 1995. Sekely, L.: Yugoslavia: change without transformation, in : Sociologija, no. 4/1995. Selznick, P.: Organizational Weapon, The Free Press, New York, 1960. Shils, E.: Centre and Periphery, in: The Logic of Personal Knowledge: Essays Presented to Michael Polanyi, Routledge &Kegan Paul, NY, 1961. Simmel, G. : Sociologie. Studii privind formele socializrii, Sigma, Chiinu, 2000. Skocpol, T. : States and Social Revolutions : A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Smelser, N.J.: Theory of collective behavior, The Free Press, New York, 1962. Smelser, N.J. (ed.): Sociology: An Introduction, Wiley, Hoboken N. J., 1967. Sorokin, P.: Social and cultural dynamics, Porter Sargent Publisher, Boston, 1957. Spengler, O.: Le Dclin de lOccident, Gallimard, Paris, 1948. Stoetzel, J., A. Girard: Sondajele de opinie public,(trad. I. Pecher), Editura tiinific i enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1975. Suleiman, E. ; Mendras, H. : Recrutarea elitelor n Europa (trad. de Beatrice Stanciu), Amarcord, Timioara, 2001. Sulek, A.: The Functions of Public Opinion Polls in New Democracies, comunicare prezentat la conferina Asociaiei mondiale pentru cercetarea opiniei publice, Public Opinion Research in a Period of Democracy Building, Varovia.. Sumpf. J., Hugues, M.: Dictionnaire de sociologie, Larousse, Paris, 1973. Tarde, G.: Les lois de limitation, Flix Alcan, Paris, 1890. Tarde, Opinia i mulimea, (trad. Nicoleta Corbu),, Bucureti, 2007 Tilly, C.: Revoluiile europene (1492-1992), Polirom, Iai, 2002. Tismneanu, v. (ed.): Revoluiile din 1989 ntre trecut i viitor, Polirom, Iai, 2005. Tocqueville, A. : Despre democraie n America, Humanitas, Bucureti, 2005. Tocqueville, A.: Vechiul regim i revoluia, Humanitas, Bucureti, 2000. Toffler, A.: ocul viitorului, ( Leontina Moga i Gabriela Mantu), Editura Politic, Bucureti, 1973. Touraine, A., Dubet, F., Wieviorka, M. : Une intervention sociologique avec Solidarnosc , Sociologie du travail, XXIV, 3/1982. Turner, R.H. Killian, R.: Collective behavior, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987. Ucen, P (ed.).: A Guide to Understanding Polls, International Republican Institute, Bratislava, 2003. Vrga & Vrga: Provocrile managementului. Puterea si conflictul, Sedona, Timisoara, 1999. Veblen,T.: The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions, Macmillan New York, 1928. Vlsceanu, L., A. Miroiu : Democraia ca proces. Alegerile din 2000, Editura Trei, Bucureti, 2001. Voslensky, M.: La Nomenklatura, Belfond, Paris, 1980. Vroom, V.H.: A New Look at Managerial Decision Making, n Organizational Dynamics 5/1974. Wallerstein, I.: The capitalist world-economy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983. Weber, M.: conomie et socit, tome premier, Plon, Paris, 1971. Weber, M.: Economy and Society (ed. by Roth, G.& Wittich, C.), vol.1-2, University of California Press, Berkeley, LA, 1978. Weber, M.: Etica protestant i spiritul capitalismului (trad. Ihor Lemnij), Humanitas, Bucureti, 2003. Weber, M.: Parties in Economy and Society. An Outline of Interpretation Sociology (ed. by Roth, G., Wittich, C.), Bedminster Press, New York, 1968. Weber, M.: The Theory of Social and Economic Organization (ed. by Talcott Parsons, Oxford University Press, 1947. Wilensky, H.: Comparative Social Policy, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1985.

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Forme i criterii de evaluare / Requirements and evaluation / Formes et critres dvaluation Nota final va fi obinut dup formula urmtoare : 60% proba scris (surse: cursurile, seminariile, readerul, bibliografia recomandat) 30% asiduitate (intervenii active la cursuri i seminarii) 10% frecven. NOTA : Studenii sunt obligai s cunoasc politica de probitate intelectual a Facultii: plagiatul, copiatul, neltoria, multipla utilizare a unui referat, recursul nemrturisit la surse bibliografice sau la internet vor conduce la anularea notei i a creditelor alocate cursului. Students should be aware of the Departments policy of academic integrity: cheating, falsification, forgery, multiple submission, plagiarism, complicity and computer misuse will result in the invalidation of both grade and credits Les tudiants sont tenus connatre la politique de la Facult en matire dhonntet intellectuelle : le plagiat, la contrefaon, le dpt multiple des travaux, la falsification, le recours inavou aux sources bibliographiques et lInternet entranent lannulation des crdits et de la note du cours. Programul cursurilor / Courses outline / Programme des sances : I. Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Perspectiva sociologic. Specificul viziunii sociologice. Obiectul sociologiei politice - Postulatele viziunii sociologice - Fondatorii sociologiei - Marile paradigme sociologice - Puterea : surse, mecanisme, funcii - Putere, politica, autoritate, legitimitate in viziunea weberiana. - Efectele metamorfice - Rolul politic al sociologiei politice Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : ETZIONI, A. : Modern organizations, Prentice-Hall, 1964, pp.58-61. GIDDENS, A.: Power in the recent writings of T. Parsons, Sociology, vol.2, 1968, pp.257-270. MILLS, C.W. Imaginatia sociologica , Editura Politica, 1975, p. 32-33; 36-37;40-41. NECULAU, Adrian : Liderii in dinamica grupurilor, Editura stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1977, pp. 182-187. Lecturi suplimentare: DURKHEIM, E. : Regulile metodei sociologice, Editura tiinific, Bucuresti, 1974, p. 57-68. WEBER, M.: Economy and society, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1978, p.333-340. Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Specializarea rolurilor politice Apariia rolurilor politice Distribuia rolurilor politice Evoluia rolurilor politice Teoria modernizrii politice Guvernarea i alte forme de reglementare ale vieii politice Politica si economie Politica si cultura Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : BERGER, P.L.: Incertul triumf al capitalismului democratic, in Polis, nr.3/1994. DURKHEIM, E. : Diviziunea muncii sociale, Albatros, Bucuresti, 2001, pp.57, 87, 88, 89, 128-133, 146-149.


III. -

HABERMAS, J : Sfera publica i transformarea ei structurala, Univers, 1998, pp.93-105 WEBER, M. : Etica protestant i spiritul capitalismului, Humanitas, Bucureti, 2003, pp. 25-45.

Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Politicul ca sistem Paradigma holist Organizatii si institutii Birocratie si democratie Perspective teoretice asupra institutiilor politice Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : DURKEIM, E.: Regulile metodei sociologice, Editura stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1982, pp.68-83 ;180-183. MERTON, R.K.: Social Theory and Social Structure, Free Press, Glencoe, IL, 1957, pp. 195-206. MICHELS, R.: Oligarchy, in Grusky & Miller: Sociology of Organizations: Basic Studies, FreePress, New York, 1970, pp. 25-43 (volumul se gsete i la Biblioteca Central Universitar). WORLSEY, P., : Modern Sociology, Penguin Books, Londra, 1982, pp. 361-365; 376-377 (texte de J. March, H. Simon, A. Stinchcombe, E. Goffman, M.Weber) WEBER, M.: Economy and society, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1978, p.333-340.


Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Sisteme i structuri politice - Sisteme politice - Statul - Partidele politice - Alte organizaii politice - Tendine recente de evoluie a organizaiilor politice Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : LIPSET, S.M., ROKKAN, S.: Cleavages structures, party systems and voter alignments, in: Lipset, S.M., Rokkan, S.: Cleavages structures, party systems and voter alignments, n: Lipset, S.M., Rokkan, S. (eds.): Party Systems and Voter Alignments, Free Press, New York, 1967. DUVERGER, M.: Les partis politiques, A. Colin, Paris, 1967, p.87. BADIE, B.: Lanalyse des partis politiques en monde musulman: la crise des paradigms universels, in: Mny, Y. (ed.): Idologies, parties politiques & groupes sociaux, Presses de la fondation nationale des sciences politique, Paris, 1989, p.271. PANEBIANCO, A.: Modelli de partito, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2000, p.133-140. WEBER, M.: Parties in Economy and Society. An Outline of Interpretation Sociology (ed. by, G., Wittich, C.), Bedminster Press, New York, 1968, p.284. Michels, R.: Les partis politiques: essai sur les tendences oligarchiques des dmocraties , Flammarion, Paris, 1971. SARTORI, G: Parties and Party Systems. A Framework for Analysis, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1970, p.96. SCHONFELD, W.R.: Les partis politiques. Que sont-ils et comment les tudier? in: : Mny, Y. (ed.): Idologies, parties politiques & groupes sociaux, Presses de la fondation nationale des sciences politique, Paris, 1989, p.195. V. Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Politicul ca interaciune - Paradigma interactionist - Teoriile interactiunii politice (interacionismul simbolic; perspectiva dramaturgica; etnometodologia; teoria schimbului; fenomenologia sociologic) - Principalele aplicaii ale paradigmei interacioniste n sociologia politic- actorul politic, sistemul politic local, cmpul politic, politicile publice, instituiile totale Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : DOUGLAS, M. : Cum gndesc instituiile, Polirom, Iai, 2002, pp. 24-37. GOFFMAN, E. : Asylums. Doubleday, 1961, pp. 3-12. Lecturi suplimentare:

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BOUDON, R.: Tratat de sociologie, Humanitas, Bucuresti, 1997. p.257-270. CROZIER, M., FRIEDBERG, E.: Lacteur et le systeme, Seuil, Paris, 1977, p.196-227. FOUCAULT, M.: Surveiller et punir, 1975, Gallimard, Paris, p. 238-240. GOFFMAN, E. : The Presentation of Self in EverydayLife. New York: Doubleday, 1959, pp. 208-212. GREENWALD, C. : Group Power. Lobbying & Public Policy, Praeger, NY, 1977, p.3-25. (Bibl. Facultii de tiine politice) HABERMAS, J.: Ecrits politiques, Les Editions du Cerf, Paris, 1990, p. 165-169. SIMMEL, G. : Sociologie, PUF, Paris, 1999, p.161-170 sau Kurt Wolff (Trans.) The Sociology of Georg Simmel. New York: Free Press, 1950, pp. 402 - 408.

Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Politic i grupuri sociale (I) Grupuri si relatii politice Status si rol social. Conflictul de rol (Merton) Inegalitate si stratificare. Clasele sociale. Avere, putere, prestigiu. Marx vs. Weber. Elite si mase Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : DOGGAN, M. : Clasa politic francez , Revista de cercetri sociale, no. 3/1995, pp. 12-13. MILLS, C.W. Imaginatia sociologica , Editura Politica, 1975, p. 292-293. WORSLEY, P. (ed.): Modern Sociology, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1982, pp. 533-545 [texte de Marx, Engels (Manifestul Partidului Comunist, Capitalul, Lupta de clasa n Frana, 18 Brumar al lui Ludovic Bonaparte) i Weber (The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, ed. T. Parsons i Essays in Sociology, ed. C. Wright Mills]. Lecturi suplimentare: BOUDON, R.: Tratat de sociologie, Humanitas, Bucuresti, 1997, p.220-248. ORTEGA Y GASSET : Revolta maselor, Humanitas, Bucuresti, 1994, p.41 52. ROUQUETTE, M.L. : Despre cunoasterea maselor, Polirom, 2002, p.90-97. SULEIMAN & MENDRAS : Recrutarea elitelor n Europa (trad. de Beatrice Stanciu), Amarcord, Timioara, 2001, p.9-25. VEBLEN, T.: The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions (New York: Macmillan, 1902), pp.68-101. PARETO, V.: The Mind and Society, ed. Arthur Livingston trans. Andrew Bongiomo (New York: Harcourt, Brace &Co., 1935), Vols. III and IV, Sections 2026 - 2029 and Sections 2233- 2236. Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Politic i grupuri sociale (II) Mobilitate sociala (Boudon).Hidden curricula. Teoria reproducerii (Bourdieu, Bernstein). Cauzele inegalitatii sociale (Marx vs. Parsons). Stratificare si mobilitate in socialismul real-existent (Bahro, Djilas, Voslenski). Stratificare si mobilitate sociala in Romania, dupa 1989. Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : BOUDON, R.: LIngalit des chances. La mobilit sociales dans les societs industrielles, p.217-219 ; 239-241. BOURDIEU, P., PASSERON, J-C: La reproduction, Les ditions de Minuit, Paris, 1970, pp. 18-21 ; 3637 ; 46-51 ; 234-249. VOSLENSKY, M. : La nomenklatura, France Loisirs, Belfond, Paris, 1980, pp. 100-101 ; 130-131. Lecturi suplimentare: CULIC, I. : Ctigtorii. Elit politic i democratizare n Romnia, Limes, Cluj, 2002, pp. 128-129 ; 144-145. PASTI, V.: Romania in tranzitie. Caderea in viitor, Nemira, Bucuresti, 1995, pp. 248-251. SANDU, D : Sociologia tranzitiei , Staff, Bucuresti, 1996, pp. 20-30. SCALAT, L. : Patterns of Political Elite Recruitment in PostCommunist Romania, Ziua, Bucharest, 2004, pp. 262-263.

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Sptmna / Week / Semaine Tema / Topic / Thme : Cultura politic - Idei, norme, valori, atitudini - Rituri, ritualuri, ceremonii, mituri - Tipologia culturilor politice - Culturi politice n Romnia Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : BAJUK, T. et alii : Cultural consequences of economic transition, Fates, Troyes, 1994, pp.123-133 ; 182189. BOIA, L. : Mitologia tiinific a comunismului, Humanitas, Bucureti, 2000, pp. 9-13. EDELMAN, M.: Politica si utilizarea simbolurilor, Polirom, Iasi, 1999, p. 95-115 HOFSTEDE, G.: Cultures consequences, Sage, London, , 1980, p.13-39. ROSE, R., C. HAERPFER: Reacia maselor la transformrile din societile post-comuniste, Revista de cercetri sociale, 4/1994. SANDU, D : Sociologia tranziiei , Staff, Bucuresti, 1996, pp.66-73. Lecturi suplimentare: ALMOND, G.A. & VERBA, S. : Cultura civica, Ed. DuStyle, Bucuresti, 1996, p.186-208. PASTI, V.: Romania in tranzitie. Caderea in viitor, Nemira, Bucuresti, 1995. p.172. Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Socializarea politic Rolul modelelor in socializare. Grupul de referinta. Rolul limbajului in socializare. Rolul ideilor culturale in socializare. Socializarea in decursul vietii. Rites de passage (Lvi-Strauss). Conceptele de devianta si de control social. Institutiile controlului social (Foucault) Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : DANCU, V.S. : Socializarea politic i achiziia vocabularului politic . Sociologie Romneasc, no.3/1999. WORLSEY, P., : Modern Sociology, Penguin Books, Londra, 1982, pp. 372-375; 615-622 (texte de E. M. Lemert i R.K. Merton). Lecturi suplimentare: ANDERSON, B. : Limaginaire national, La Dcouverte, Paris, 2002, p. 119-140 PERCHERON, A. : La socialisation politique, A. Collin, Paris, 1993, pp. 18-21 ; 27-32 ; 60-61 ; 103-117 ; 173-191. SIMMEL, G. : Sociologie, PUF, Paris, 1999, p.266-307 Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Opinia publica Natura comportamentelor colective spontane. Tipologia comportamentelor colective: multimi, mase, miscari sociale. Teoriile macrosociale despre comportamentele colective. Opinia public: definitie, formare, rol social Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : BOURDIEU, P. : Questions de sociologie, Les Editions de Minuit, Paris, 1980, p.222-236. CHAMPAGNE, P. : Opinia public i dezbaterea public , in : Paillart, I.(ed.) : Spaiul public i comunicarea, Polirom, Iai, 2002, pp. 19-25. NOELLE-NEUMANN, E. : Spirala tcerii,, Bucureti, 2004, pp. 114 -119 ; 278-291. VLASCEANU, Lazar : Metodologia cercetarii sociale, Editura didactica si pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1986, pp. 18-23 ; 168-171. MILLS, C.W. : The Power Elite, Oxford Press, 1956, cap. The Mass Society Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Participarea politic

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Cetatenie si participare politica. Forme de participare Participarea politic n societile contemporane Mobilizri politice Participarea politic n Romnia Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : ALMOND, G.A. & VERBA, S. : Cultura civic, Ed. DuStyle, Bucuresti, 1996, p.1-45 COMAN, M.: Piaa Universitii : dimensiunile unui ritual liminal, Revista de cercetri sociale, no.4/1994, pp.30-40. HABERMAS Cunoatere i comunicare, Editura politic, Bucureti, 1983, p. 40-53. MRGINEAN, I.: Suportul social pentru democraie, Sociologie romneasc, II, 1999, pp.15-17 ; Revista de cercetari sociale, pp.83-88. PUTNAM, R. D. : Cum funcioneaz democraia, Polirom, 2001, cap. 6. SANDU, D : Spatiul social al tranzitiei , Polirom, Iasi, 1999, cap.3. Lecturi suplimentare: GRUNBERG, G. et alii : La democratie a lepreuve, Presses de sciences po, Paris, 2002, p.51-69 HELLBRIEGEL, SLOCUM, WOODMAN: Organizational Behavior, 1976, West Publishing, St. Paul, pp.100-115.


Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Comportamente electorale - Studiul electoratului : dimensiuni, metode, surse - Modele explicative ale comportamentelor electorale - Analiza abstenionismului Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : MIHAILESCU, V. (coord.) : Sondajele Electorale. Mod de folosire, Paidea, Bucuresti, 2001, p.30-50 LAZARSFELD P.F., Berelson B., Gaudet H.: Mecanismul votului : cum se decid alegtorii ntr-o campanie prezidenial (trad. Simona Bogdan),, Bucuresti, 2004, pp.80-91 ; 200-208. LINDON, D.. : Marketing Politique, Dalloz, Paris, 1986, cap.1. SANDU, D : Spatiul social al tranzitiei , Polirom, Iasi, 1999, cap.2. Lecturi suplimentare: NEWMAN, B: Handbook of Political Marketing, Sage, London, 1999., pp. 506-509 Sptmna / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Thme : Schimbarea politic Teoriile modernizarii si dezvoltarii. Teorii cu nivel mediu de generalitate Modelul ciclic (Spengler). Modelul conflictual (Marx) Modelul functionalist (Parsons). Modelul antropologic (Turner). Sociologia tranzitiei. Emergena unor noi fenomene politice n societile contemporane Lecturi / Readings / Lectures : BAUDRILLARD, J. : Societatea de consum. Mituri i structuri (trad. Alexandru Matei),, Bucureti, 2005, pp. 224-239. LIJPHART, A. : Modele ale democraiei, Polirom, Iai, 2000, cap.9. SANDU, D : Sociologia tranzitiei, Staff, Bucuresti, 1996, pp.14-31; 130-204 WICKHAM-CROWLEY, T.P. : Teorii structurale ale revoluiei, in Foran, J.: Teoretizarea revoluiei, Polirim, Iai, 2004, pp.47-80. WORLSEY, P., : Modern Sociology, Penguin Books, Londra, 1982, pp. 579-597; (texte de D. Lockwood i J. Rex). Lecturi suplimentare: GIDDENS, A. : Consecintele modernitii, Univers, Bucuresti, 2000, p.56-77.



HABERMAS, J.: Legitimation Crisis, (translated by Thomas McCarthy), Beacon Press, Boston, 1975, pp. 68-75.


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