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Monasteries and Churches of Romania
M~n~stiri [i biserici din Romnia
Walachia and Oltenia
Muntenia [i Oltenia
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Na]ionale a Romniei
Gheorghiu, Mihai
M~n~stiri din Romnia. Oltenia [i Muntenia / foto.: Dan Ioan Dinescu,
Mircea Savu, tefan Petrescu; text: Iustin Marchi[; trad.: Alina Crc-Bucure[ti:
NOI Media Print, 2005.
ISBN: 973-7959-23-X
I. Dinescu, Dan Ioan (foto.)
II. Savu, Mircea (foto.)
III. Petrescu, tefan (foto.)
IV. Marchi[, Iustin (text)
V. Crc, Alina (trad.)
M~n~stirea Antim
M~n~stirea Arnota
M~n~stirea Bistri]a
M~n~stirea Brncoveni
M~n~stirea C~ld~ru[ani
M~n~stirea Cernica
M~n~stirea Ciolanu
M~n~stirea Corbii de Piatr~
M~n~stirea Cozia
M~n~stirea Curtea de Arge[
M~n~stirea Dealu
M~n~stirea Dintr-un Lemn
M~n~stirea Govora
M~n~stirea Hurez
M~n~stirea N~m~ie[ti
M~n~stirea Polovragi
M~n~stirea Sinaia
Biserica Stavropoleos
M~n~stirea Surpatele
M~n~stirea Suzana
M~n~stirea Tismana
M~n~stirea Zamfira
The Antim Monastery
The Arnota Monastery
The Bistrita Monastery
The Brancoveni Monastery
The Caldarusani Monastery
The Cernica Monastery
The Ciolanu Monastery
The Corbii de Piatra Monastery
The Cozia Monastery
The Curtea de Arges Monastery
The Dealu Monastery
The One Wood Monastery
The Govora Monastery
The Hurez Monastery
The Namaiesti Monastery
The Polovragi Monastery
The Sinaia Monastery
The Stavropoleos Church
The Surpatele Monastery
The Suzana Monastery
The Tismana Monastery
The Zamfira Monastery
Monasteries and Churches of Romania
M~n~stiri [i biserici din Romnia
Walachia and Oltenia
Muntenia [i Oltenia
Este binecunoscut faptul c~ att romnii ct [i
str~inii care ne viziteaz~ ]ara sunt ndemna]i pe c~i
oficiale, guvernamentale sau diplomatice, dar [i prin ini-
]iative private, s~ viziteze Bucovina cu renumitele sale
m~n~stiri. Cunoscnd [i recunoscnd unicitatea [i valoa-
rea acestora, ca transilv~nean [i monah, nu ncetez, de
30 de ani, s~ cred [i s~ afirm c~ Oltenia [i mai ales
m~n~stirile vlcene merit~ o aten]ie cel pu]in egal~.
De Oltenia [i mai ales de m~n~stirile Vodi]a,
Tismana [i Cozia, adic~ de ctitoriile din ara Rom-
neasc~, se leag~ nceputurile organiz~rii vie]ii mona-
hale la romni. Dar nu trebuie s~ uit~m a-i aminti mai
nti pe monahii din Dobrogea, renumi]ii Dionisie cel
Mic [i Sfntul Ioan Casian, pe monahii transilv~neni,
schismatici din Cenad-Morisena [i pe cei mara-
mure[eni de la Sfntul Mihail din Peri.
Cel care a organizat monahismul [i a fondat
primele m~n~stiri n ara Romneasc~ este Sfntul
Nicodim (1406), ctitor la Vodi]a [i Tismana. Ucenicii
s~i au zidit M~n~stirea Cozia (1391) a c~rei biseric~ s-a
p~strat pn~ n zilele noastre, fiind cel mai vechi a[e-
z~mnt monahal, cu via]~ nentrerupt~ de la noi. La
Cozia a tr~it [i fostul logof~t al lui Mircea cel B~trn,
Filos, devenit monahul Filotei [i socotit primul poet
Tot din secolul al XIV-lea dateaz~ [i m~n~stirea
arge[ean~ Corbii de Piatr~, cu a sa biseric~ rupestr~
p~strat~ pn~ n zilele noastre. n zona Buz~ului, n
apropierea M~n~stirii Ciolanu, se g~sesc multe pe[teri
[i schituri n care s-au nevoit pustnici. O alt~ biseric~
rupestr~ p~strat~ pn~ ast~zi este cea a M~n~stirii
N~m~ie[ti din Arge[. Le-am numit pe toate acestea
gndindu-ne la primele bazilici [i chilii rupestre ale
m~n~stirilor din Dobrogea. Ruinele acestora se mai
p~streaz~ pn~ n zilele noastre, amintind de
Capadocia [i de vechile a[ez~minte rupestre din
Romanians and foreigners who visit Romania
receive private, official, governmental or diplomatic
recommendations to visit Bukowina and its renowned
monasteries. Knowing and acknowledging their unique
character and worth, as a Transylvanian and a monk
these last thirty years I have never stopped believing
and maintaining that Oltenia and the monasteries of
Valcea in particular deserve at least the same attention.
The swaddling days of monastic life with Roma-
nians are related to Oltenia, to the monasteries of Vodi-
ta, Tismana and Cozia in Wallachia. We should also
mention here the monks of Dobruja, the famed Dio-
nysius Exiguus (Denis the Little) and Saint John Cassian,
the Transylvanian schismatic monks of Cenad-Mori-
sena, and the Maramures monks of Saint Michael of
Saint Nicodemus (d. 1406) organized monasticism
in this country and laid the foundations of the first
monasteries in Wallachia: Vodita and Tismana. His
followers erected the Cozia Monastery (1391) the
church of which is still standing and is the oldest
settlement of uninterrupted monastic life in Romania.
Philos, former steward of Ruler Mircea the Old, deemed
the first Romanian poet, became monk Philotei and
lived at Cozia.
The Arges Monastery of Stone Ravens with its rock
church also dates back to the 14
century, and has
been preserved to this day. In the area of Buzau, near
the Ciolanu Monastery there are several caves and
sketes where hermits led a reclusive life. Another rock
church preserved to this day is that of the Namaiesti
Monastery of Arges. I have recalled all these names
having in mind the first basilicas and rock cells of the
monasteries in Dobruja. Their ruins, visible even
nowadays, remind one of Cappadocia and the old rock
settlements in the Christian Orient that bespeak the
A Few Landmarks of History and
Religious Architecture
Cteva repere de istorie [i arhitectur~ sacr~
Orientul cre[tin, care ne trimit la nceputurile
monahismului r~s~ritean ale primelor secole cre[tine,
unde [i are originea [i monahismul romnesc. n istoria
sa ulterioar~ el va r~mne strns legat de Muntele
Athos, pn~ ast~zi centrul monahismului ortodox.
n timp ce, n Moldova, tefan cel Mare este
considerat ca fiind cel mai mare ctitor de m~n~stiri [i
biserici, n ara Romneasc~, Matei Basarab a ctitorit
cele mai multe a[ez~minte biserice[ti [i monahale, fiind
cel mai mare ntemeietor de l~ca[uri sfinte din istoria
romnilor. n vremea lui Matei Basarab apar [i primele
manuscrise muzicale [i miniaturi, monahii caligrafiind [i
nfrumuse]nd manuscrise [i c~r]i liturgice.
Dac~ am pomenit de mari ctitori nu trebuie s~ l
uit~m pe Radu cel Mare [i biserica M~n~stirii Dealu, dar
nici pe Neagoe Basarab cu M~n~stirea Snagov [i
Biserica Episcopal~ de la Curtea de Arge[, care a
adunat la sfin]ire, n 1517, n ziua de Sfnta Maria
Mare, al~turi de patriarhul Constantinopolului, ierarhi
[i clerici din ntreaga ortodoxie. Nu-l uit~m ns~ nici pe
mai pu]in cunoscutul Radu Paisie, ctitorul bolni]ei
Coziei, socotit~ bijuteria arhitecturii muntene[ti a seco-
lului al XVI-lea. Prin construirea acestui l~ca[ se adaug~
o nou~ dimensiune vie]ii monahale: ocrotirea [i
t~m~duirea celor afla]i n suferin]~. Tot de numele lui
Matei Basarab se leag~ [i M~n~stirea Arnota, unde este
[i nmormntat, dar [i m~n~stirile C~ld~ru[ani, Brn-
coveni, Dintr-un Lemn.
Pe lng~ domnitori, numero[i boieri, stare]i [i
monahi au zidit sau au ref~cut m~n~stiri [i biserici ale
unor m~n~stiri: schiturile Cornetu [i Crasna,
M~n~stirea Gura Motrului n secolul al XVI-lea,
schiturile Iezeru [i Ostrov [i m~n~stirile Topolni]a,
Surpatele [i Turnu, n secolul urm~tor.
Domnitorul martir Constantin Brncoveanu a
ctitorit M~n~stirea Hurez, f~r~ putin]~ de t~gad~
complexul m~n~stiresc cel mai reprezentativ pentru
]ara noastr~, care cuprinde, pe lng~ biserica mare [i
early days of eastern monasticism in the first Christian
centuries when Romanian monasticism took shape. Its
subsequent history will stay closely connected to
Mount Athos, the center of Christian orthodox
While in Moldavia Stephen the Great emerged as
the greatest founder of monasteries and churches, in
Wallachia, it was Matei Basarab who built the most
numerous religious abodes, being considered the most
arduous constructor of holy places in Romanias
history. His epoch also saw the printing of the first
musical scores and illuminations, as monks used to pen
and decorate liturgical volumes.
Among the conspicuous founders of religious
abodes in this country mention should also be made of
Radu the Great and the church of the Dealu Monas-
tery, Neagoe Basarab and his Snagov Monastery and
Episcopal Church of Curgea de Arges that was
hallowed in 1517 on Virgin Marys Day, in the presence
of the patriarch of Constantinople, and of clergy from
the entire Christian Orthodox world. A less known
name is that of Radu Paisie, founder of the Cozia
hospital, seen as the jewel of 16
century Wallachian
architecture. The erection of that establishment gave a
fresh dimension to religious life: treatment and cure of
suffering persons. The monastery of Arnota, where
Matei Basarab is buried, is another foundation of this
worthy Prince, alongside those of Caldarusani, Bran-
coveni, Dintr-un Lemn.
Besides princes, there were also numerous boyars,
abbots and monks who built or remade various
monasteries and churches. To mention only the sketes
of Cornetu and Crasna, the Gura Motrului Monastery
of the 16th century, the Iezeru and Ostrov sketes, the
monasteries of Topolnita, Surpatele and Turnu, the
Martyr Ruler Constantin Brancoveanu founded the
Hurez Monastery, undoubtedly the most representatives
paraclisul din incint~, biserica [i ruinele bolni]ei, pre-
cum [i schiturile Sfntul tefan, Sfin]ii Apostoli [i
Sfntul Ioan. Al~turi de alte ctitorii ale lui Constantin
Brncoveanu, m~n~stirea este reprezentativ~ pentru
stilul brncovenesc, sintez~ arhitectural~ original~ ntre
Orient [i Occident, pe care me[terii epocii sale l-au
izvodit, avndu-l ca pov~]uitor chiar pe duhovnicul
domnitorului, Ioan Arhimadritul.
Importante sunt [i m~n~stirile zidite n veacul al XVIII-lea,
cum a fost de pild~ M~n~stirea V~c~re[ti, cea mai mare
din spa]iul balcanic al epocii, d~rmat~ ns~, mpreun~
cu bisericile Cotroceni, Sfntul Pantelimon [i alte bise-
rici din Bucure[ti n deceniul nou~ al secolului trecut.
Tot din aceast~ epoc~ dateaz~ [i m~n~stirile Stavro-
poleos, Antim, Suzana, Polovragi, Surpatele, St~ni[oara.
A[ez~mintele monahale din acel timp, ca de altfel
dintotdeauna, nu sunt doar l~ca[uri de rug~ciune, ci [i
centre de cultur~ n care arhitectura, pictura, icoana,
tip~riturile [i muzica liturgic~ continu~ [i mbog~]esc
Cel mai de seam~ eveniment al acestei perioade
este mi[carea paisian~, dup~ numele Sfntului Paisie
Velicicovski de la Neam] (1794). Ea a nceput cu
stare]ul Vasile de la Poiana M~rului (Buz~u), renviind
astfel tradi]ia isihast~ proprie dintotdeauna monahis-
mului oriental [i r~spndit~ prin stare]ul Gheorghe la
Cernica [i C~ld~ru[ani [i prin Sfntul Calinic pn~ la
M~n~stirea Fr~sinei din Vlcea.
Trebuie s~ spunem r~spicat c~ n 1864, prin legea
seculariz~rii, monahismul ca [i Biserica primesc o grea
lovitur~, singura m~n~stire a c~rei avere a r~mas
nesecularizat~ fiind M~n~stirea Fr~sinei, acest lucru
datorndu-se sfin]eniei ctitorului ei, Sfntul Calinic, a[a
cum reiese dintr-un act semnat chiar de domnitorul
Alexandru Ioan Cuza.
Greu ncercat~ prin legile lui Al.I.Cuza, via]a
monahal~ se revigoreaz~ la nceputul secolului al XX-lea,
dup~ ce n secolul al XIX-lea s-au zidit m~n~stirile
religious compound in Romania, which features a big
church, the precincts chapel, the church and the ruins
of the hospital, as well as the Saint Stephen, the Holy
Apostles and the Saint John sketes. Next to other
foundations by Constantin Brancoveanu, the
monastery is characteristic of the Brancovan style, an
original architectural synthesis between the West and
the east created by the masters craftsmen of the epoch,
having as spiritual guide John the archimandrite, the
confessor of the ruler.
Other important abodes are those of the 18
century, the Vacaresti Monastery, the biggest in the
Balkans at the time, but pulled down together with the
churches of Cotroceni, St. Pantelimon and others in
Bucharest in the eighth decade of the 20
The monasteries of Stavropoleos, Antim, Suzana,
Polovragi, Surpatele, and Stanisoara also date back to
the 18
The monastic settlements of the time and of
always are not merely places of devotion but also
centers of culture where architecture, painting, icons,
printings and liturgical music continue to enrich the
The most important event of the time was the
movement led by Paisie (Saint Paisie Velicicovski of
Neamt, 1794). It began with monk Vasile of Poiana
Marului (Buzau) who revived the hesychast tradition
proper to Eastern monasticism and established by
monk Gheorghe at Cernica and Caldarusani and by
Saint Calinic at the Frasinei Monastery of Valcea.
It must be clearly showed that in 1864 the law of
secularization dealt a heavy blow at monasticism and
the Church. Only the monastery of Frasinei preserved
its wealth and that was due to the holiness of its
founder, Saint Calinic, as revealed by a document
signed by Ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza.
Seriously tested following the laws promoted by
Al.I.Cuza, monastic life gained again impetus in the
Ghighiu, Pas~rea, Zamfira, ultima fiind zugr~vit~ de
tn~rul Nicolae Grigorescu, ca s~ fie apoi [i mai greu
ncercat~ n timpul regimului totalitar, printr-un decret
din 1959, ce a redus drastic att num~rul schiturilor [i
m~n~stirilor ct [i pe cel al monahilor [i monahiilor ce
se nevoiau n ele.
Dup~ 1989, monahismul, ca de altfel ntreaga
via]~ bisericeasc~, cunoa[te o rena[tere f~r~
precedent. Dar nu trebuie s~ uit~m c~ n r~stimp, n
jurul M~n~stirii Antim din Bucure[ti, s-au adunat
monahi [i oameni de cultur~ ca niciunde n Europa
acelor vremi, mai ales n spa]iul st~pnit de sovietici.
Aici renvie, pilduitor, sub ndrumarea unui monah rus
de la Optina, rug~ciunea inimii, a[a cum la Smb~ta
F~g~ra[ului este renviat duhul filocalic prin lucrarea
unui monah [i a unui teolog. Toate acestea, dup~ ce
m~n~stirile parc~ disp~ruser~, fiind considerate doar
monumente istorice.
Ieromonah Iustin Marchi[
early 20
century. The 19
century saw the building of
the monasteries of Ghighiu, Pasarea, Zamfira, the last
being painted by young Nicolae Grigorescu, and then
awfully oppressed by the totalitarian system under a
decree of 1959 that drastically cut down the number of
sketes and monasteries and of the clergy serving them.
After 1989, monasticism, like the entire church life
witnessed an unprecedented rebirth. Still, before this
date it should be noted that around the Antim
Monastery of Bucharest monks and men of culture
gathered like nowhere in Europe in the area under the
Soviet umbrella. Under the guidance of a Russian monk
from Optina there came to life, exemplarity, the prayer
of the heart, just as at Sambata Fagarasului the
philokalia spirit is called to life by the works of a monk
and a theologian. And all this after a time when
monasteries had vanished, being deemed mere
historic monuments.
Hieromonk Iustin Marchis
Este ctitoria mitropolitului Antim
Ivireanul, din anii 1713-1715. Biserica,
avnd hramul Duminica Tuturor Sfin]ilor,
este construit~ n plan treflat [i apar]ine,
prin concep]ie arhitectonic~ [i decora]ie,
stilului brncovenesc. Iconostasul, din
piatr~ sculptat~ (unic n arta rom-
neasc~), ca [i u[a bisericii, bogat mpo-
dobit~, sunt atribuite chiar lui Antim.
n anul 1912, n incinta m~n~stirii s-a
construit Palatul Sfntului Sinod al
Bisericii Ortodoxe Romne, care ad~-
poste[te [i biblioteca. Acesta, n urma
sistematiz~rii zonei pentru construc]ia
Centrului Civic, n 1984 a fost mutat pe
o distan]~ de 25 m, cu o rotire de 13
M~n~stirea a fost restaurat~ n anul
1950. Ea de]ine un muzeu cu obiecte de
cult [i o expozi]ie dedicat~ vie]ii [i
activit~]ii mitropolitului Antim Ivireanul,
canonizat n 1992 de Sfntul Sinod, fiind
nscris n calendar n data de 27 sep-
Biserica m~n~stirii, v~zut~ dinspre vest
The monastery church seen from the west
It is founded by metropolitan Antim
Ivireanul between 1713 and 1715. Dedi-
cated to All Saints Sunday, it has a
trefoiled design and its architecture and
decoration is in the Brancovan style. The
iconostasis, in sculpted stone, (unique in
Romanian art) as well as the richly
adorned church door, are attributed to
Antim himself.
In 1912, the palace of the Holy
Synod of the Romanian Orthodox
Church was built within the monastery
precincts, also housing a library. Follo-
wing the development of the area for
the erection of the Civic Center it was
moved on a distance of 25 meters, at a
13-degree rotation.
The monastery was restored in
1950. It houses a museum of religious
articles and an exhibition dedicated to
the life and activity of metropolitan
Antim Ivireanul, canonized in 1992 by
the Holy Synod, and celebrated in the
calendar on September 27.
The Antim Monastery
M~n~stirea Antim
Sfntul Ierarh Nicolae [i
Sfntul Alexie
Mozaicuri din pridvorul bisericii.
Saint Hierarch Nicholas
and Saint Alexie
Mosaics on the church porch.
Founded in 1634 by Ruler Matei
Basarab on the spot of older churches,
it is dedicated to Saints Archangels
Michael and Gabriel. The specific
Wallachian architecture features a trilo-
bate design, with apses and porch. The
last mentioned, together with the tu-
rret it supports is the work of Ruler
Constantin Brancoveanu, added in
1705-1706, when the painting was
touched up and the iconostasis and the
door were changed. Ruler Barbu Stirbey
renovated the church between 1852 and
1856, making new cells, and between
1954 and 1958 the entire abode was
consolidated and modernized.
The tomb of the founder, Ruler
Matei Basarab and of his father are laid
in the church pronaos.
A fost ntemeiat~ n 1634 de
voievodul Matei Basarab, pe locul
unor biserici mai vechi [i are hramul
Sfin]ii Arhangheli Mihail [i Gavriil.
Arhitectura este specific~ ~rii
Romne[ti: plan trilobat, cu abside [i
pridvor. Acesta din urm~, mpreun~ cu
turla de pe el, a fost ad~ugat n 1705-
1706 de voievodul Constantin Brn-
coveanu, care a renovat pictura [i a
schimbat iconostasul [i u[a. Biserica a
fost renovat~ n 1852-1856 de
domnitorul Barbu tirbei, care a con-
struit [i cl~diri noi pentru chilii, iar n
anii 1954-1958 ntregul a[ez~mnt a
fost consolidat [i modernizat.
n pronaosul bisericii se afl~ mor-
mntul ctitorului, voievodul Matei
Basarab, [i cel al tat~lui acestuia.
The Arnota Monastery
M~n~stirea Arnota
Biserica m~n~stirii
Vedere dinspre nord-vest.
The monastery church
View from the northwest.
Vedere general~ a m~n~stirii
Imagine de la sfr[itul
secolului al XIX-lea.
General view of the monastery
Photo from the late 19
Voievodul Matei Basarab
Naosul bisericii, tablou votiv.
Ruler Matei Basarab
Naos of the church, votive painting.
Incinta m~n~stirii [i biserica
Vedere dinspre nord-vest.
The precincts of the monastery
and the church
View from the northwest.
Doamna Elina
Naosul bisericii, tablou votiv.
Princess Elina
Naos of the church, votive painting.
The abode was founded between
1492 and 1494 by the Craiovescu
brothers: Barbu (who became monk
Pahomie), Parvu, Danciu and Radu.
Pulled down by Mihnea the Evil in
1509, the church was rebuilt and
painted during the reign of Ruler
Neagoe Basarab (1515-1519) by the
Craiovescu boyars. Ruler Constantin
Brancoveanu had it repainted in 1684.
As the 1838 earthquake seriously
damaged it, the church and its annexes
were consolidated between 1846 and
1855 under Ruler Gheorghe Bibescu
and Barbu Stirbei. The painting is the
work of Gheorghe Tattarescu. Dedica-
ted to The Dormition, the monastery
houses the relics of Saint Gregory the
Decapolite, brought over by Barbu
Craiovescu in 1497. He also built the
infirmary of the church (1520-1521),
still standing.
Close by, in the Bistrita cave there
are two sketes: Vovidenie and Holy
Archangels Michael and Gabriel. The
first printing house in the Romanian
Lands operated in this Bistrita monastic
establishment, where Macaries Missal
was printed in 1508.
The Bistrita Monastery
M~n~stirea Bistri]a
A fost ctitorit~ n anii 1492-1494
de fra]ii Craiove[ti: Barbu (devenit
monahul Pahomie), Prvu, Danciu [i
Radu. D~rmat~ de Mihnea cel R~u n
1509, biserica a fost recl~dit~ [i zugr~-
vit~ n timpul voievodului Neagoe
Basarab (1515-1519) de boierii Craio-
ve[ti. Voievodul Constantin Brncovea-
nu a repictat-o n 1684.
Dup~ avarierea lor la cutremurul
din 1838, biserica [i cl~dirile au fost
rezidite ntre 1846 [i 1855, sub
domnitorii Gheorghe Bibescu [i Barbu
tirbei; pictura a fost executat~ de
Gheorghe Tattarescu. Biserica, avnd
hramul Adormirea Maicii Domnului,
ad~poste[te moa[tele Sfntului Grigo-
rie Decapolitul, aduse n 1497 de Barbu
Craiovescu. Acesta a construit [i
biserica-bolni]~ (1520-1521), care exis-
t~ [i azi.
n apropiere, n pe[tera Bistri]ei, se
afl~ dou~ schituri: Vovidenie [i Sfin]ii
Arhangheli Mihail [i Gavriil. n a[ez~-
mntul monahal de la Bistri]a a fun-
c]ionat prima tiparni]~ din ~rile Ro-
mne, aici fiind tip~rit Liturghierul lui
Macarie, n 1508.
Biserica m~n~stirii, v~zut~ dinspre
The monastery church seen from
Vedere panoramic~ a
m~n~stirii dinspre sud
Imagine de la sfr[itul
secolului al XIX-lea.
Southern panoramic view
of the monastery
Photo from the late
Schitul Vovidenie
Biserica rupestr~, pictur~ mural~
n naos.
The Vovidenie Skete
Rock church, mural paintings in
the naos.
Sfntul Mucenic Mina
Pictur~ mural~ n naosul bisericii, de
Gh. Tattarescu (1820-1894).
Saint Martyr Mina
Mural painting in the church naos
by G. Tattarescu (1820-1894).
Sfntul Mucenic Eusta]iu
Pictur~ mural~ n naos, de
Gh. Tattarescu.
Saint Martyr Eustatiu
Mural painting in the naos by
G. Tattarescu.
Iisus Pantocrator
Biserica bolni]ei, calota turlei,
pictur~ mural~.
Christ Pantocrator
The church of the infirmary, the
vault of the turret, mural painting.
Sfntul Eftimie
Pictur~ mural~ n naos de
Gh. Tattarescu.
Saint Eftimie
Mural painting in the naos
by G. Tattarescu.
Sfntul Grigorie
Pictur~ mural~ n naos,
de Gh. Tattarescu.
Saint Gregory
Mural painting in the
naos by G. Tattarescu.
A[ez~mntul monahal existent aici
din secolul al XVI-lea a fost ref~cut n
1640 de voievodul Matei Basarab. Din
aceast~ epoc~ se mai p~streaz~ st~re]ia,
turnul-clopotni]~ [i o parte din zidul de
incint~. Voievodul Constantin Brnco-
veanu a construit biserica actual~, cu
hramul Sfntul Nicolae (1699), n locul
celei vechi, biserica bolni]ei (1670). n
biserica m~n~stirii este nmormntat
Papa Brncoveanu, tat~l voievodului.
n timpul r~zboiului turco-austriac
din 1716-1718 m~n~stirea a fost ars~
par]ial, cutremurul din 1838 a avariat-o
grav, secularizarea din timpul lui A.I.Cuza
a transformat-o ntr-un a[ez~mnt
modest (al c~rui curator a fost vestitul
Popa apc~).
Ref~cut~ par]ial de episcopul Varto-
lomei St~nescu, a fost desfiin]at~, ca [i
altele, n 1959. Abia dup~ 1980 au nce-
put lucr~ri ample de repara]ii, consolid~ri
[i renov~ri.
n beciul mare de sub st~re]ie s-a
amenajat un lapidariu model, unde au
fost ad~postite [i sculpturi ale unor bise-
rici demolate din Bucure[ti.
Incinta m~n~stirii [i biserica, v~zute
dinspre sud-vest
The precincts of the monastery and the
church seen from the southwest
The Brancoveni Monastery
M~n~stirea Brncoveni
Turnul-clopotni]~, v~zut din
pridvorul biericii
The belfry tower seen from the
porch of the church
The monastic establishment existing
here since the 16
century was recon-
structed in 1640 by Prince Matei Basarab.
The abbey, the belfry, and part of the
precincts wall have been preserved to this
day. Prince Constantin Brancoveanu
erected the present church dedicated to
Saint Nicholas (1699) on the spot of the
old one, the hospital church (1670). Papa
Brancoveanu, the princes father, is
buried in the monastery church.
The church was partly burnt down
during the Turkish-Austrian war of 1716-
1718, then damaged by the 1838 earth-
quake. Prince A.I.Cuza turned it into a
modest secular establishment (having the
famous Priest Sapca as curator). Partly re-
furbished by bishop Vartolomei Stanescu,
it was shut down in 1959, like many
others religious abodes. Only after 1980
ample repair, consolidation, and reno-
vation works were undertaken.
A lapidarium has been set up in the
extensive cellar under the abbey, which
also shelters carvings and sculptures from
churches that have been demolished in
A fost ctitorit~ de domnitorul
Matei Basarab n anul 1638, pe locul
unui vechi schit de lemn, n forma unui
careu de chilii ap~rate de un zid [i un
turn de straj~ (actuala clopotni]~).
Biserica, avnd hramul Sfntul
Dumitru, zidit~ n 100 de zile, n form~
de trefl~, este o combina]ie de stiluri
arhitectonice, ca [i cea de la M~n~stirea
Dealu. Pictura a fost ref~cut~ de mai
multe ori, n secolele XVIII-XX. coala
de pictori biserice[ti, care a existat aici
din 1778, a fost frecventat~ [i de
Nicolae Grigorescu n anii 1854-1856.
Tot aici, n 1825 s-a nfiin]at o tipogra-
fie. M~n~stirea de]ine una din cele mai
valoroase colec]ii muzeale: ve[minte,
obiecte de cult, tip~rituri, icoane
(cteva pictate de Nicolae Grigorescu).
Incinta m~n~stirii [i biserica, v~zute
dinspre sud-vest
The precincts of the monastery and the
church seen from the southwest
Founded by Ruler Matei Basarab in
1638 on the spot of an older wooden
skete, the establishment is square, with
cells protected by a wall and a watch
tower (the present belfry).
Dedicated to Saint Dimitry, the
church was erected in 100 days on a
trefoiled design, and is a combination of
architectural styles, just like the Dealu
Monastery. The painting was remade
several times in the 18
Between 1854 and 1856, Nicolae Grigo-
rescu, too, studied at the school of reli-
gious painting existing here from 1778.
A printing house was also opened here
in 1825. The monastery boasts one of
the most valuable museum collections of
religious attire, articles, printings, icons (a
few painted by Nicolae Grigorescu).
The Caldarusani Monastery
M~n~stirea C~ld~ru[ani
Vedere panoramic~ a lacului [i a
m~n~stirii dinspre sud-est
Panoramic view of the lake and of
the monastery from the southeast
Sfin]ii Gheorghe [i Dimitrie
Icoan~ de Nicolae Grigorescu (muzeul
Saints George and Dimitry
Icon by Nicolae Grigorescu (museum of the
Sfin]ii tefan, Stelian [i Pantelimon
Icoan~ de Nicolae Grigorescu (muzeul
Saints Stephen, Stelian and Pantelimon
Icon by Nicolae Grigorescu (museum of the
Iisus [i Samariteanca
Icoan~ de Nicolae Grigorescu,
1854-1855 (muzeul m~n~stirii).
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
Icon by Nicolae Grigorescu, 1854-
1855 (museum of the monastery).
Iisus mp~rat
Icoan~ de Nicolae Grigorescu, 1855
(muzeul m~n~stirii).
Christ Enthroned
Icon by Nicolae Grigorescu, 1855
(museum of the monastery).
O parte din incint~, v~zut~ dinspre vest
A part of precincts seen from the west
Conform hrisovului existent n
muzeul m~n~stirii, aceasta a fost
ntemeiat~ n 1608 de Cernica tirbei,
mare vornic al domnitorilor Mihai
Viteazul [i Radu erban. A[ez~mntul e
situat pe dou~ ostroave, care [i-au luat
numele de la hramurile bisericilor
construite pe ele: Sfntul Nicolae [i
Sfntul Gheorghe.
M~n~stirea a fost fondat~ pe
ostrovul Sfntul Nicolae, biserica [i
cteva case d~inuind pn~ la sfr[itul
secolului al XVIII-lea. Biserica actual~ a
fost construit~ n 1815.
Sfntul Calinic, stare] al m~n~stirii n
anii 1818-1850, a zidit biserica Sfntul
Gheorghe pe cel~lalt ostrov (1831-
1842), mutnd aici ntreaga ob[te a
monahilor. Numai ostrovul Sfntul
Gheorghe r~mnea accesibil pentru
credincio[i, unde c]iva c~lug~ri ]ineau
serviciile religioase.
La Cernica a existat o [coal~ de
pictur~ [i de copi[ti. Numeroase persona-
lit~]i ale culturii romne (Gala Galaction,
Tudor Arghezi, Ion uculescu [i al]ii) au
tr~it aici, au avut leg~turi strnse cu
m~n~stirea sau [i dorm somnul de veci
n cimitirul acesteia. Biserica Sfntul Laz~r
din cimitirul m~n~stirii dateaz~ din 1804.
According to the document existing
in the monastery it was founded in 1608
by Cernica Stirbey, great justiciar of
Rulers Michael the Brave and Radu
Serban. The establishment is situated on
two isles taking their names from the
churches built on them dedicated to
Saint Nicholas and Saint George.
The monastery was founded on isle
Saint George, its church and a few
houses standing until the end of the
century. The present church was
erected in 1815.
Saint Calinic, who was abbot of the
monastery between 1818 and 1850 built
the Saint George Church on the other
isle (1831-1842), moving there the entire
community of monks. Only the isle of
Saint George could be visited by the
faithful and a few monks said mass
At Cernica there was once a school
of painting and copyists. Numerous
personalities of the Romanian culture
(writer Gala Galaction, poet Tudor
Arghezi, painter Ion Tuculescu and
others) lived here, had close ties with the
monastery and now rest unto eternity in
the cemetery of the monastery. The Saint
Lazarus Church from the monastery
cemetery dates back to 1804.
Ostrovul Sfntul Gheorghe
Vedere aerian~ cu biserica, corpurile
de chilii [i muzeul m~n~stirii.
The Saint George Isle
Birds eye view with the church,
cells and monastery museum.
The Cernica Monastery
M~n~stirea Cernica
Vedere general~ a m~n~stirii,
latura de nord
General view of the monastery,
the northern wing
Casa memorial~ Sfntul Calinic
The Saint Calinic memorial house
M~n~stirea Cernica
Interiorul bisericii.
The Cernica Monastery
Inside view.
Izvorul T~m~duirii, aflat la
intrarea n m~n~stire
The Spring of Healing at the
entrance to the monastery
The name of the monastery comes
from the hill on which it stands. The
church, formerly a skete, dedicated to
Saint George, dates back to 1590 (the
present painting was done in 1860). In
1828, bishop Chesarie built the big
church dedicated to Apostles Peter and
Paul, and painted by Nicolae Teodo-
rescu Pitaru. Remade in 1862 after the
fire of 1854, the church was decorated
with frescoes by the same Nicolae
Teodorescu. In 1934 an oil painting
was achieved on top of the former, and
then was restored in 1984.
After 1970, new storied-houses we-
re erected instead of the former cells
on the three sides of the precincts
square, one of them opening as the
monastery museum. The collection
includes icons, old books, religious
items, a.s.o. The iconostasis in the big
church features three icons painted by
G. Tattarescu in 1886.
Starting with 1970 the stone
sculpture camp of Magura is organized
in the meadows in front of the mo-
nastery, an event that has grown larger
with every passing year.
Numele m~n~stirii vine de la cel
al dealului pe care se afl~. Biserica,
avnd hramul Sfntul Gheorghe,
dateaz~ din 1590 (pictura actual~
fiind realizat~ n 1860), cnd aici era
un schit. Acesta ulterior s-a extins,
episcopul Chesarie zidind n 1828
biserica mare, cu hramul Sfin]ii
Apostoli Petru [i Pavel, pictat~ de
Nicolae Teodorescu Pitaru. Ref~cut~
n 1862, dup~ incendiul din 1854,
biserica a fost repictat~ n fresc~ tot
de Nicolae Teodorescu. n 1934, peste
aceast~ pictur~ s-a suprapus o alta n
ulei, iar n 1984 s-a f~cut ultima
restaurare a picturii.
Dup~ 1970, pe locul fostelor chilii
de pe trei laturi ale careului de incint~, s-
au construit case noi, cu etaj, ntr-una
din ele amenajndu-se muzeul m~n~s-
tirii. Colec]ia muzeal~ cuprinde icoane,
c~r]i vechi, obiecte de cult [.a. Trei
icoane pictate de Gh. Tattarescu n 1886
se afl~ n iconostasul din biserica mare.
n poienile din fa]a m~n~stirii s-a
organizat, ncepnd din 1970, tab~ra
de sculptur~ n piatr~ de la M~gura,
care s-a extins apoi, an de an.
Vedere general~ dinspre vest,
de pe Dealul M~gura
General view from the west,
from the Magura Hill
Incinta m~n~stirii, vedere
dinspre sud-vest
n prim-plan, Biserica Sfin]ii
Apostoli Petru [i Pavel.
The monastery precincts,
view from the southwest
Close-up of the Saint Apostles
Peter and Paul Church.
The Ciolanu Monastery
M~n~stirea Ciolanu
Primul document ce atest~ exis-
ten]a acestei m~n~stiri este datat 23
iunie 1512, existnd ns~ informa]ii
sigure conform c~rora l~ca[ul de cult
luase fiin]~ cu mult nainte de aceast~
dat~. Tipologic, biserica rupestr~ de la
Corbi deriv~ din bisericile sal~, cu dou~
altare, fiecare dedicat unui alt hram, stil
tipic lumii bizantine de secol X. Ea este
nrudit~ arhitectural cu bisericile rupes-
tre capadociene, ns~ altarul dublu, ra-
cordat la o singur~ nav~ e o caracteris-
tic~ unic~ n Romnia.
n 1512, l~ca[ul a fost renfiin]at ca
m~n~stire domneasc~, avnd hramul
Adormirea Maicii Domnului, fiind nchi-
nat domnitorului Neagoe Basarab.
n secolul al XVIII-lea, m~n~stirea
devine biseric~ de mir, iar la nceputul
secolului urm~tor [i cap~t~ imaginea
pe care o are ast~zi. n ultimul deceniu,
prin grija Prea Sfin]iei Sale Calinic
Arge[anul, l~ca[ul [i-a reluat via]a mo-
nahal~ dup~ o ntrerupere de mai bine
de 200 de ani.
Stnca [i intrarea n biserica
The rock and the entrance to
the rock church
Biserica rupestr~
Rupestral church
The Corbii de Piatra Monastery
M~n~stirea Corbii de Piatr~
The first document attesting to this
monastery is dated June 23, 1512 but
reliable information says that the religious
abode was erected earlier. The Corbi
church, built in rock, is inspired from the
hall churches with two altars, each
differently dedicated, characteristic of the
century Byzantine world. In point of
architecture it is related to the rock-cut
churches of Cappadocia but the double
altar connected to a single nave is
distinctive for Romania.
In 1512, the abode was reopened
as a princely monastery dedicated to
The Dormition of the Virgin by Prince
Neagoe Basarab.
In the first half of the 18th century,
it became a church independent from the
monastery, and in the early 19
it acquired the present looks. In the last
ten years, under the care of His Holiness
Calinic Argesanul, the abode resumed its
monastic life after a hiatus of more than
200 years.
Numit~ asfel dup~ muntele din
vecin~tate, M~n~stirea Cozia este
ctitoria voievodului Mircea cel B~trn,
din anii 1387-1388. Biserica mare, cu
hramul Sfnta Treime, a fost constru-
it~ n plan trilobat, cu ornamenta]ie
bogat~, de me[teri din Moravia. A
fost pictat~ n 1390-1391, dup~ sfin-
]irea ei la 18 mai 1388.
A fost restaurat~ n 1517, n vre-
mea lui Neagoe Basarab, cnd a fost
construit~ [i fntna din fa]~, care i
poart~ numele. n 1706-1707, pahar-
nicul erban Cantacuzino i-a ad~ugat
pridvorul [i i-a ref~cut pictura; tot el a
ad~ugat cerdacuri cl~dirilor cu chilii
din incint~. Pictura originar~ se p~s-
treaz~ nc~ n naos. Catapeteasma
(iconostasul sau tmpla) originar~, din
lemn, a ars [i a fost ref~cut~ din stu-
catur~ n 1794.
Cl~dirile au fost ref~cute de dom-
nitorii Gheorghe Bibescu [i Barbu
tirbei n anii 1850-1856, de cnd
dateaz~ [i pavilionul de pe latura nor-
dic~, fosta re[edin]~ domneasc~ de
Taking its name from the neigh-
boring mount, Cozia Monastery was
erected by Ruler Mircea the Old
between 1387 and 1388. The big
church, dedicated to The Holy Trinity
has a trefoiled design and a rich orna-
mentation realized by masters from
Moravia. It was painted between
1390 and 1391 after its hallowing on
May 18, 1388.
It was restored in 1517 at the time
of Ruler Neagoe Basarab when a
fountain was also dug in front bearing
his name. In 1706-1707 cup bearer
Serban Cantacuzino added the porch
and had the painting remade. He also
constructed the porches of the build-
ings with the cells within the precincts.
The original painting has been preser-
ved in the naos. The initial wooden
altar screen (iconostasis) caught fire
and burnt down, therefore had to be
redone in stucco in 1794.
Ruler George Bibescu and Barbu
Stirbey rebuilt the complex between
1850 and 1856, the period from which
M~n~stirea Cozia
Acuarel~ de A. Preziosi, 1869.
Cozia Monastery
Water color by A. Preziosi, 1869.
Vedere aerian~ dinspre sud a
Birds eye view of the monastery
seen from the south
The Cozia Monastery
M~n~stirea Cozia
var~. ntregul complex a fost restaurat
n ntregime n anii 1958-1962, lu-
cr~rile continund [i dup~ 1970.
M~n~stirea are dou~ paraclise
Adormirea Maicii Domnului (1583) [i
Duminica Tuturor Sfin]ilor (1710) [i,
n apropiere, este amplasat~ biserica
bolni]ei, Sfin]ii Apostoli (1543).
n pronaosul bisericii se afl~
mormntul voievodului Mircea cel
B~trn [i cel al monahiei Teofana,
mama lui Mihai Viteazul. Muzeul
m~n~stirii con]ine valoroase obiecte [i
podoabe de cult, tip~rituri vechi,
printre care un epitaf din 1396,
Evanghelia mitropolitului Varlaam
(1644) [i Psaltirea n versuri a lui
Dosoftei (1673).
also dates the pavilion on the northern
wing, the Rulers former summer
residence. The whole compound was
fully restored between 1958 and 1962,
the works continuing after 1970. The
monastery has two chapels The
Dormition (1583) and All Saints
Sunday (1710) and close by stands
the church of the infirmary, The Holy
Apostles (1543).
The tomb of Ruler Mircea the Old
and of nun Teofana, mother of Ruler
Michael the Brave lies in the church
pronaos. The monastery museum con-
tains valuable religious items and deco-
rations, old prints, among which an
epitaph of 1396, The Gospel of
Metropolitan Varlaam (1644) and
Dosofteis Rhymed Psalter (1673). Vedere general~ a m~n~stirii
Imagine dinspre est, de pe malul
stng al Oltului.
General view of the monastery
Image from the east, from the
left bank of the Olt river.
Biserica bolni]ei cu hramul
Sfin]ii Apostoli
Fa]ada sudic~.
The church infirmary, dedicated
to the Holy Apostles
The southern faade.
Biserica mare, v~zut~
dinspre nord-vest
n dreapta, fntna lui
Neagoe Basarab (1517).
The big church seen
from the northwest
On the right, the fountain
of Neagoe Basarab (1517).
Judecata de Apoi
Pridvorul bisericii, pictur~ mural~ pe
peretele estic.
Last Judgement
The porch of the church, painting on
the eastern wall.
Pridvorul bisericii m~n~stirii
The porch of the monastery church
Voievodul Mircea cel B~trn [i
fiul s~u Mihai
Biserica mare, peretele vestic al
naosului, tablou votiv.
Ruler Mircea the Old and his
son Michael
The big church, the western
naos wall, votive painting.
Na[terea lui Iisus [i
Prezentarea la templu
Dou~ icoane praznicare pe
lemn, 1668 (muzeul m~n~stirii).
The Birth of Jesus and The
Presentatiounto the Temple
Two wooden icons of religious feasts,
1668 (the monastery museum).
U[i mp~r~te[ti, secolul al XVIII-lea;
Royal Doors, the 18
The Annunciation
Maica Domnului n slav~
Pictur~ mural~ n conca absidei de nord a naosului.
The Virgin in Glory
Mural painting on the northern apse of the naos.
Sfin]i anahore]i
Pictur~ mural~ pe peretele
nordic al pronaosului.
Hermit Saints
Mural painting on the
northern wall of the pronaos.
Biserica episcopal~, cu hramul
Adormirea Maicii Domnului, a fost re-
cl~dit~ de voievodul Neagoe Basarab,
n anii 1512-1517, pe locul unei bise-
rici mai vechi ctitorit~ de Vlad Dracul.
Pictura a fost realizat~ de zugravul
Dobromir n 1526, n timpul domniei
lui Radu de la Afuma]i. Ulterior, Matei
Basarab [i erban Cantacuzino au
reparat biserica [i turnul por]ii. Ava-
riat~ de cutremure n 1802 [i 1838,
apoi de incendiu n 1867, biserica a
fost restaurat~ n 1875-1886 de
arhitectul Lecomte de Nouy (care a
f~cut modific~ri, nlocuiri [i ad~ugiri) [i
pictat~ de fratele acestuia (din vechea
pictur~ din secolul al XVI-lea p~s-
trndu-se cteva fragmente).
n pronaosul bisericii sunt mor-
mintele voievozilor Neagoe Basarab
(cu Despina Doamna) [i Radu de la
Afuma]i, ale regilor Carol I [i Ferdi-
nand [i ale reginelor Elisabeta [i Maria.
ntr-un pavilion de lng~ biseric~ au
fost aduse, n anul 2002, osemintele
Regelui Carol II.
Cl~dirile de pe latura estic~ ad~-
postesc re[edin]a Episcopiei Arge[ului,
paraclisul [i anexele m~n~stirii.
The bishopric church dedicated to
The Dormition of the Virgin was rebuilt
by Ruler Neagoe Basarab between
1512 and 1517 on the spot of an older
church founded by Vlad Dracul. The
painting is the work of master Dobro-
mir, achieved in 1526, during the reign
of Radu of Afumati. Matei Basarab and
Serban Cantacuzino subsequently re-
paired the abode and the gate tower.
Shattered by earthquakes in 1802 and
1838, then by a fire in 1867, the
church was restored in 1875-1886 by
architect Lecomte de Nouy (who made
some changes, replacements and addi-
tions), and painted by his brother. (Only
a few fragments have been preserved
of the 16
century painting).
The church pronaos houses the
tombs of Ruler Neagoe Basarab with
Princess Despina, of Ruler Radu of
Afumati, of Kings Carol I and Ferdinand
and Queens Elisabeth and Maria. In
2002, the remains of King Carol II were
put to rest in a neighboring pavilion.
The buildings on the eastern side
shelter the residence of the Arges
Bishopric, the chapel, and the annexes
of the monastery.
The Curtea de Arges Monastery
M~n~stirea Curtea de Arge[
Vedere aerian~ dinspre est
Birds eye view from the east
Biserica episcopal~
Acuarel~ de A. Preziosi, 1869.
The bishopric church
Water color by A. Preziosi, 1869.
Biserica episcopal~
Imagine din perioada interbelic~.
The bischopric church
Photo from the interwar period.
Mormntul Regelui Carol I [i al Reginei
Biserica episcopal~, pronaos.
The tomb of King Carol I and Queen
The bischopric church, pronaos.
Funeraliile Reginei Maria (iulie 1938)
Patriarhul Miron Cristea l ntmpin~ pe
Regele Carol II n biserica m~n~stirii
Curtea de Arge[.
Queens Mary funerals (July 1938)
The Patriarch Miron Cristea welcomes
King Carol II to the church of Curtea de
Arges Monastery.
Biserica episcopal~, turle pe
The bischopric church, turrets
on the pronaos
Paraclisul m~n~stirii, v~zut
dinspre sud-est
The chapel of the monastery
seen from southeast
Aghiazmatarul bisericii
The holy waterfont of
the church
Attested by a document dating to
1431, the church, dedicated to Saint
Nicholas was founded by Ruler Radu the
Great between 1499 and 1501, and was
finished by Ruler Vladut (1510-1512).
Having its walls covered in stone plates,
and built on wooden pilasters, the
church is a paragon of harmonious
proportions. It was painted with golden
colors by Dobromir of Targoviste, in
1514, in the reign of Neagoe Basarab. By
care of Ruler Constantin Brancoveanu
the painting was retouched round 1713,
and then again, much later, in 1985, by
care of archimandrite Sofian Boghiu. Ion
Grigore signs the painting of the chapel.
In the church lie six voivodal tombs, from
Radu the Great, 1508, to Michael Movi-
la, 1608. The head of Ruler Michael the
Brave was brought here in 1603. The
marble sarcophagi of Radu the Great
and Michael the Brave are the creations
of sculptor Frederic Storck, 1912-1913.
The establishment was a monks
monastery until 1863, and then for
nearly 90 years it housed various military
institutions. Fully restored (the church
and the cells crumbled in the 1940
earthquake) between 1955 and 1958, it
became a sanatorium for old monks and
priests, in 1988. At present it is a
monasteries of nuns.
Este atestat~ documentar din 1431.
Biserica, avnd hramul Sfntul Nicolae,
este ctitoria voievodului Radu cel Mare
din anii 1499-1501 [i a fost terminat~ de
Vl~du] Voievod (1510-1512). Cu pere]ii
acoperi]i cu pl~ci de piatr~ [i cl~dit~ pe
piloni de stejar, biserica este un model
de armonie [i echilibru al volumelor. A
fost pictat~ cu vopsele de aur de
Dobromir din Trgovi[te, n 1514, n
vremea lui Neagoe Basarab. Pictura a
fost ref~cut~ n jurul anului 1713, prin
grija voievodului Constantin Brnco-
veanu [i, dup~ 1985, de arhimandritul
Sofian Boghiu. Paraclisul a fost pictat de
Ion Grigore. n biseric~ sunt amplasate
[ase morminte voievodale, ncepnd din
1508 (Radu cel Mare) pn~ n 1608
(Mihai Movil~); n 1603 a fost adus aici
capul lui Mihai Viteazul. Sarcofagele din
marmur~ ale lui Radu cel Mare [i Mihai
Viteazul au fost realizate de sculptorul
Frederic Storck n 1912-1913.
A[ez~mntul a func]ionat ca
m~n~stire de c~lug~ri pn~ n 1863,
dup~ care, timp de cca. 90 de ani, a
ad~postit diferite institu]ii militare. A
fost restaurat~ n ntregime biserica [i
chiliile d~rmate la cutremurul din
1940 n anii 1955-1958, devenind
pn~ n 1988 sanatoriu pentru c~lug~ri
[i preo]i b~trni. n prezent este
m~n~stire de maici.
The Dealu Monastery
M~n~stirea Dealu
Biserica [i incinta m~n~stirii,
v~zute dinspre nord
The church and the monastery
precincts seen from the north
Vedere panoramic~ a m~n~stirii,
dinspre sud-est
Birds eye view of the
monastery from the southeast
Pe locul unei biserici de lemn de
la sfr[itul secolului al XVI-lea, Preda
Brncoveanu a zidit, n 1634-1635,
actuala biseric~, cu hramul Na[terea
Maicii Domnului. n 1684, erban
Cantacuzino i-a ad~ugat acesteia
pridvorul, iar n 1707 i s-a ad~ugat
turla de pe pronaos. Din acela[i an
dateaz~ pictura, executat~ de me[-
terul zugrav Constantinos.
M~n~stirea a fost ref~cut~ [i
completat~ cu noi cl~diri n secolele
XIX-XX, iar restaur~ri [i mbun~t~]iri
importante s-au f~cut ncepnd din
1955. n biseric~ se afl~ mormintele
so]iei [i fiului lui erban Cantacuzino.
Biserica-bolni]~ din lemn, cu hra-
mul Adormirea Maicii Domnului, a
fost construit~ n anii 1810-1814, pe
locul unui legendar stejar [i pe
temelia altei bisericu]e de lemn din
secolul al XVI-lea.
M~n~stirea are o valoroas~ colec-
]ie de obiecte vechi biserice[ti, ca de
exemplu o Evanghelie din timpul lui
Constantin Brncoveanu [i icoana
Maica Domnului cu Pruncul, ferecat~ n
argint, despre care tradi]ia spune c~ a
fost g~sit~ n stejarul din care s-a
construit bisericu]a de lemn.
On the spot of a wooden church
from the late 16
century, between
1634-1635, Preda Brancoveanu erected
the present church, dedicated to The
Birth of the Virgin. In 1684, Serban
Cantacuzino added a porch, and in 1707
the turret on the pronaos. The painting,
made by master Constantinos, dates
from the same year.
The monastery was redesigned and
completed by new buildings in the 19
and 20
centuries, and since 1955 it has
been undergoing important restoration
works. The church houses the tombs of
Serban Cantacuzinos wife and son.
The wooden infirmary church dedi-
cated to The Dormition of the Virgin was
built between 1810 and 1814 on the
spot of a legendary oak tree and the
foundations of another wooden church
from the 16
The monastery boasts a valuable
collection of old religious articles, such as
a Gospel from the epoch of Constantin
Brancovan, and The Madonna with
Infant, wrought in silver. Tradition has it
this icon was found in the oak from
which the wooden church was built (a
translation of its name would be the
One-Wood Church).
Bisericu]a de lemn (bolni]a) din
cimitirul m~n~stirii
Vedere aerian~.
The Wooden church (the infirmary)
in the monastery cemetery
Birds eye view.
Vedere aerian~ panoramic~ a
m~n~stirii, dinspre sud-est
Panoramic birds eye view of the
monastery seen from southeast
The One Wood Monastery
M~n~stirea Dintr-un Lemn
Bisericu]a de lemn
(bolni]a) din
cimitirul m~n~stirii
The wooden church
("the infirmary)
in the monastery cemetery
Maica Domnului
Icoan~ pe lemn
ferecat~ n argint, din
naosul bisericii (secolul
al XVI-lea).
The Madonna
Wood icon wrought in
silver from the church
naos (16
Matei Basarab voievod [i Doamna Elina
Pridvorul bisericii, peretele estic, tablou votiv.
Ruler Matei Basarab and Princess Elina
The church porch, the eastern wall, votive painting.
Biserica m~n~stirii v~zut~
dinspre sud-vest
The monastery church
seen from the southwest
A fost construit~ n secolele XIV-
XV, par]ial de voievodul Vlad epe[,
par]ial de Vlad C~lug~rul [i Radu cel
Mare. Exteriorul bisericii (cu hramul
Adormirea Maicii Domnului) este
decorat cu un bru median pictat, iar
ferestrele au ancadramente de piatr~
Pictura dateaz~ din 1711. Iconos-
tasul este [i el valoros, cu icoane pictate
pe fond aurit. M~n~stirea a fost
reparat~ n ntregime de voievodul
Matei Basarab n anii 1640-1645, n
vederea instal~rii tiparni]ei d~ruite de
mitropolitul Petru Movil~ din Kiev.
La nceputul secolului al XVIII-lea
au fost construite clopotni]a [i cl~dirile
de pe latura nordic~, iar n 1775, tra-
peza. M~n~stirea a fost renovat~ n anii
n tiparni]a de la Govora, n anii
1636-1642 s-au tip~rit c~r]i biserice[ti
n slavon~, prima carte de legi n
romne[te, dup~ tip~riturile lui Coresi
din Transilvania.
Erected in the 14
it is the joint work of Ruler Vlad Tepes
(The Impaler), Vlad Calugarul (The Monk)
and Radu the Great, and is dedicated to
The Dormition of the Virgin. The exterior
of the church is decorated with a painted
mid girdle, and the windows have
frames of carved stone.
The painting dates to 1711. The
valuable iconostasis features icons pain-
ted on a golden background. The mo-
nastery was fully refurbished by Ruler
Matei Basarab between 1640 and 1645
in view of having installed a printing
machine given by metropolitan Peter
Movila of Kiev.
The belfry and the buildings of the
northern wing were put up in the 18
century, and the refectory in 1775. The
monastery was renovated between
1957 and 1969.
The Govora printing house publi-
shed religious books in Old Church
Slavonic, the first code of laws in
Romanian after Coresis printings in
Col]ul de nord-est al incintei, cu
The northeastern corner of the
precincts with the belfry tower
The Govora Monastery
M~n~stirea Govora
Biserica [i incinta m~n~stirii, v~zute
dinspre vest
Imagine din perioada interbelic~.
The church and the precincts of the
monastery seen from the west
Photo from the interwar period.
Maica Domnului
Icoan~ din iconostasul
Madonna Hodegetria
(She who points the way)
Icon of the church
Biserica [i incinta m~n~stirii
The church and the precincts of
the monastery
Biserica, bolta pridvorului: Iisus
The church, vault of the porch:
Jesus Immanuel
Biserica, absida de sud a
naosului: Sfin]i mucenici
The church, the south apse of
the naos: Martyr saints
Este ctitoria domnitorului Constan-
tin Brncoveanu, terminat~ n 1697.
Biserica (1690-1693), avnd hramul
Sfin]ii mp~ra]i Constantin [i Elena, este
construit~ n plan trilobat, cu pridvor
specific stilului brncovenesc, decorat~
n exterior cu panouri dreptunghiulare,
firide ornamentale cu cercuri [i avnd un
ancadrament de marmur~ sculptat~ la
u[a de la intrare. Pictura, de o mare
valoare artistic~, pe lng~ scenele
religioase are [i o galerie de portrete ale
Brncovenilor, Basarabilor [i Cantacu-
zinilor. Catapeteasma este sculptat~ n
lemn de tei [i suflat~ cu aur. A[ez~-
mntul a fost reparat [i restaurat n
secolele XIX-XX.
M~n~stirea Hurez mai cuprinde:
biserica bolni]ei, ctitorit~ de Maria
Brncoveanu n 1696-1699, biserica-
paraclis, ctitorit~ de Constantin Brnco-
veanu n 1696-1697, schiturile Sfntul
tefan (ctitorit de tefan, fiul domni-
Paraclisul m~n~stirii, v~zut din pridvorul
bisericii mari
The chapel of the monastery seen from
the porch of the big church
Incinta m~n~stirii [i biserica mare
v~zute dinspre sud-vest
The monastery precincts and the
church seen from the southwest
A foundation of Ruler Constantin
Brancoveanu, the construction was fini-
shed in 1697. The church (1690-1693),
dedicated to Saints Emperor Constantin
and Empress Elena is built on a trefoiled
design, with a specific Brancovan porch,
decorated on the outside with rectan-
gular panels, niches ornamented with
circles, and a carved marble frame on
the entrance door. The highly valuable
painting presents religious scenes as
well as several portraits of the
Brancoveanu, Basarab and Cantacuzino
families. The altar screen is sculpted in
lime tree and gilded. The establishment
was repaired and restored in the 19
The Hurez Monastery also includes
the church of the infirmary, founded by
Maria Brancoveanu in 1696-1699, the
chapel-church, founded by Constantin
Brancoveanu between 1696-1697, the
Saint Stephen skete, built by Stephen,
The Hurez Monastery
M~n~stirea Hurez
M~n~stirea Hurez
Acuarel~ de A. Preziosi, 1869.
The Hurez Monastery
Water color by A. Preziosi, 1869.
Biserica mare, bolta pronaosului:
sfin]i din calendar (Sinaxar)
The big church, the pronaos vault:
calendar saints (Synaxarium)
Biserica bolni]ei
Peretele estic al pridvorului, cu
pisania [i icoana de hram
(Adormirea Maicii Domnului).
The infirmary church
The eastern wall of the porch with
the votive inscription and dedication
icon (The Dormition of the Virgin).
torului, n 1703), Sfin]ii Apostoli [i
Sfntul Ioan (1698). De asemenea, m~-
n~stirea cel mai complet [i reu[it an-
samblu brncovenesc are o bogat~
colec]ie de obiecte de cult, unele datnd
de la ntemeiere, precum [i o valoroas~
La 20 iunie 1992, Sinodul Bisericii
Ortodoxe Romne a hot~rt cano-
nizarea, ca sfin]i martiri, a lui Constantin
Brncoveanu, a celor patru fii ai s~i
(Constantin, tefan, Radu [i Matei) [i a
sfetnicului Ianache, uci[i la Istambul, la
16 august 1714.
the Rulers son, the Saints Apostles and
Saint John Skete (1698). The monastery,
the most accomplished and complex
Brancovan ensemble, also boasts a rich
collection of religious articles, some of
them dating to the foundation days, as
well as a valuable library.
On June 20, 1992, the Synod of the
Romanian Orthodox Church decided to
canonize as martyr saints Constantin
Brancoveanu and his four sons (Cons-
tantin, Stephen, Radu and Matei), and
counselor Ianache, all killed in Istanbul
on August 16, 1714.
Voievodul Constantin Brncoveanu,
Doamna Maria, fiii [i fiicele lor
Biserica mare, tablou votiv.
Ruler Constantin Brancoveanu, Princess
Maria, their sons and daughters
The big church, votive painting.
Biserica mare, tablou votiv.
The Cantacuzinos
The big church, votive painting.
Incinta m~n~stirii v~zut~
dinspre sud-vest
The precincts of the monastery
seen from the southwest
Existen]a m~n~stirii este atestat~
documentar n anul 1547, n vremea
domnitorului Mircea Ciobanu. A[ez~-
mntul era ntemeiat ns~ mai nainte,
n jurul unei biserici s~pate n stnc~
(dup~ unii, fosta catacomb~ cre[tin~ n
perioada roman~), n grota c~reia
tradi]ia spune c~ s-ar fi g~sit, n vremea
lui Negru Vod~, o icoan~ a Maicii
Domnului f~c~toare de minuni, pictat~
de nsu[i Sfntul Evanghelist Marcu.
Icoana respectiv~, ferecat~ ulterior n
argint, se p~streaz~ n biseric~ [i n
zilele noastre.
Biserica rupestr~, cu hramul Intra-
rea n Biseric~ a Maicii Domnului, a fost
l~rgit~ [i extins~ n anul 1843. ntregul
a[ez~mnt a fost restaurat n 1918-
1921, dup~ stric~ciunile grave f~cute
de artileria german~ n 1916. M~n~s-
tirea are o colec]ie muzeal~ cu obiecte
de art~ feudal~ bisericeasc~ [i popular~
[i carte veche romneasc~.
The monastery goes back to 1547
as attested by documents, to the time of
Ruler Mircea Ciobanu. Nonetheles, the
establishment was founded earlier,
around a church dug in rock (according
to some a former Christian catacomb
from the Roman times) in a grotto
where tradition says that a miracle-
working icon of the Madonna was
found, painted by the very Saint of the
Gospel, Mark. The respective icon,
subsequently wrought in silver, has been
preserved to this day.
The rock church dedicated to The
Entrance into the Temple of the Virgin
was extended and enlarged in 1843.
The entire abode was restored between
1918 and 1921 as it was heavily dama-
ged by the German artillery in 1916. The
monastery displays in a museum a
collection of religious and folk feudal art
items and old Romanians books.
The Namaiesti Monastery
M~n~stirea N~m~ie[ti
Stnca n care a fost construit~
biserica rupestr~
The rock in which the church
was built
Biserica semi-rupestr~ (fa]ada vestic~)
Clopotni]a [i corpul de chilii cu muzeul.
The part-rock church (western faade)
The belfry and the cell building with
the museum.
Dup~ cercet~rile istorice, vechi-
mea acestei m~n~stiri ar ncepe pe la
anul 1505. Actuala biseric~, cu hra-
mul Adormirea Maicii Domnului, a
fost ctitorit~ la 1645 de logof~tul
Danciu Prianu, care a nzestrat
m~n~stirea cu bunuri, nchinnd-o
ns~ Sfntului Mormnt de la Ieru-
salim, ceea ce a dus la ruinarea sa
material~. Voievodul Constantin Brn-
coveanu a r~scump~rat-o n 1693 [i a
restaurat-o n 1703-1712, fiind pic-
tat~ de me[teri zugravi din [coala de
la Hurez. Biserica bolni]ei a fost con-
struit~ n anii 1731-1732 [i conserv~
nc~ pictura din 1738.
M~n~stirea a fost renovat~ la
sfr[itul secolului trecut. Ea ad~pos-
te[te o colec]ie muzeal~ [i un depozit
de carte veche [i icoane cu valoare de
Historical research has found this
monastery to originate round 1505.
The present church dedicated to The
Dormition of the Virgin was erected in
1645 by chancellor Danciu Paraianu,
who endowed the monastery with
various articles but dedicated it to the
Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, which
resulted in its material downfall. Ruler
Constantin Brancoveanu bought it
back in 1693 and restored it between
1703 and 1712, when it was painted
by masters of the Hurez school. The
infirmary church was erected between
1731-1732, and to this day it has pre-
served some of the paintings of 1738.
The monastery was refurbished at
the end of the 19
century, and now
it also features a museum storing old
books and highly valuable icons.
Fa]ada vestic~ a bisericii [i col]ul
de nord al incintei
The western faade of the church
and the northen corner of the
The Polovragi Monastery
M~n~stirea Polovragi
Biserica bolni]ei, vedere
dinspre sud-vest
The infirmary church, view
from the southwest
Adormirea Maicii Domnului,
icoan~ de hram
Pridvorul bisericii, peretele
estic, pictur~ mural~.
The Dormition of the Virgin,
dedication icon
The porch of the church,
eastern wall, mural painting.
Scene din via]a Maicii Domnului
Biserica, pridvor, pictur~ mural~.
Scenes from the life of the Virgin
The church, porch, mural painting.
Adormirea Maicii Domnului
Icoana mp~r~teasc~ n
iconostasul bisericii.
The Dormition of the Virgin
Main icon from
the church iconostasis.
Biserica bolni]ei, peretele nordic
al naosului
Picturi murale: Sfin]ii mp~ra]i
Constantin [i Elena, Sfin]i
militari, nvierea Domnului [.a.m.d.
The infirmary church, northern
wall of the naos
Mural paintings: Holy Emperor Constantin
and Empress Elena, Military Saints, The
Resurrection of the Lord a.s.o.
The abode was founded by Spat-
harius Mihail Cantacuzino after a visit
paid to the monasteries on Mount
Athos. Between 1690 and 1695 the
little church was built (The Dormition of
the Virgin) painted by Parvu Mutu as
well as the citadel around it, with cells
and chapel. The big church (dedicated
to the Holy Trinity) and the cells on the
northern and southern sides were put
up between 1843 and 1846. The belfry
and the museum building (the first
museum of religious art) were con-
structed in 1896.
The cells and the big church, with
specific ornamentation of glazed bricks
and painted niches were restored
between 1898 and 1903. On the west-
ern wall of the naos stand the pictures
of King Carol I, Queen Elisabeth and
their daughter, Maria. The crypt of
Tache Ionescu, a renowned Romanian
politician, was arranged in the old
precincts in 1922.
A fost ntemeiat~ de sp~tarul
Mihail Cantacuzino, dup~ o vizit~ la
m~n~stirile de la Muntele Sinai. n
anii 1690-1695 s-a construit biserica
mic~ Adormirea Maicii Domnului,
pictat~ de Prvu Mutu, [i cetatea din
jurul ei, cu chilii [i paraclis. Biserica
mare, cu hramul Sfnta Treime, [i
chiliile de pe laturile de nord [i sud au
fost construite n 1843-1846. n 1896
s-a construit clopotni]a [i cl~direa
muzeului primul muzeu de art~
n anii 1898-1903 au fost resta-
urate cetatea de chilii [i biserica
mare, prezentnd ca elemente speci-
fice ornamenta]ia exterioar~ cu
c~r~mid~ sm~l]uit~ [i ocni]ele cu
picturi. n naos, pe peretele vestic,
sunt picta]i Regele Carol I, Regina
Elisabeta [i fiica lor Maria. n 1922, n
incinta veche s-a amenajat cavoul lui
Tache Ionescu, cunoscut om politic.
The Sinaia Monastery
M~n~stirea Sinaia
Biserica mic~, pridvor
Pictura mural~ de pe
peretele estic [i bolta.
The small church, porch
Mural painting on the eastern
wall and the vault.
Biserica mare, vedere general~
dinspre sud-vest
The big church, general view
from the southwest
Col]ul de sud-est al
incintei cet~]ii
Chiliile, st~re]ia.
The southeastern corner
of the citadel precincts
The cells, the abbey.
Biserica mare: detaliu
din pridvor
The big church: the portal,
Biserica mare:
pridvorul [i portalul
The big church: the
porch and the portal
The founder of this abode was the
Greek monk Ioanichie, settled in Bucha-
rest around 1720, and turned Stavro-
pole metropolitan in 1726, hence the
name of the ensemble (church and inn-
monastery) he erected between 1722
and 1730.
The initial church (of the inn) was
finished in 1724 as a rectangular
construction. In 1730, bishop Ioanichie
decided to alter it on a trefoiled design
by extending the altar apse, adding
lateral apses and an open porch on
sculpted stone columns, specific for the
architecture of Brancovan monastery
churches. That also proves the enlarged
function of the abode, turned into a
monastery church. After the earth-
quakes of 1852 and 1858 it was resto-
red, and in 1861 the inner murals were
covered with paint, and most of the
altarpiece (initially boasting gilded deco-
rations) was painted in yellow.
In 1904, the reputed architect Ion
Mincu started restoration works of the
entire complex, remaking the turret
(removed in 1841) and designing the
present precincts on the spot of the
former inn-monastery (demolished in
1863-1871). The altar screen was res-
tored in 1999-2001 and afterwards
ample works of restoration of the church
and of the entire ensemble began.
Este ctitoria c~lug~rului grec
Ioanichie, stabilit n Bucure[ti prin anul
1720, devenit n 1726 mitropolit al
Stavropolei, de unde numele ansam-
blului (biseric~ [i han-m~n~stire) pe care
l-a construit n perioada 1722-1730.
Biserica ini]ial~ (a hanului), termi-
nat~ n 1724, era o construc]ie n plan
dreptunghiular. n 1730, episcopul Ioa-
nichie a decis modificarea ei ntr-una de
plan treflat, prin lungirea absidei alta-
rului, ad~ugarea absidelor laterale [i a
unui pridvor deschis pe coloane din
piatr~ sculptat~ tr~s~turi specifice
arhitecturii bisericilor m~n~stirilor brn-
covene[ti, ceea ce demonstreaz~ [i
extinderea func]iei l~ca[ului la cea de
biseric~ m~n~stireasc~. Biserica a fost
restaurat~ dup~ cutremurele din 1852-
1858, iar n 1861 a fost acoperit~ cu
zugr~veal~ pictura mural~ interioar~ [i
cu vopsea galben~ o mare parte din
tmpl~, care ini]ial avea decor aurit.
n 1904, arhitectul Ioan Mincu a
ntreprins lucr~ri de restaurare a n-
tregului complex, reconstituind turla
(ndep~rtat~ n 1841) [i proiectnd pe
locul fostului han-m~n~stire (disp~rut n
1863-1871), actuala incint~. n anii
1999-2001 s-a restaurat tmpla [i dup~
aceast~ dat~ s-au ini]iat lucr~ri ample de
restaurare a bisericii [i a ntregului
The Stavropoleos Church
Biserica Stavropoleos
Incinta de tip chiostro, proiectat~ de
arhitectul Ion Mincu (1904)
The chiostro type precincts designed
by architect Ion Mincu (1904)
Pridvorul bisericii
The porch of the church
Biserica Stavropoleos
Acuarel~ de A. Preziosi, 1869.
The Stavropoleos Church
Water color by A. Preziosi, 1869.
U[ile mp~r~te[ti cu Bunavestire
Royal Doors with the Annunciation
M~n~stirea Surpatele
Acuarel~ de A. Preziosi, 1869.
The Surpatele Monastery
Water color by A. Preziosi, 1869.
Turnul-clopotni]~ [i fa]ada
sudic~ a bisericii
The belfry tower and southern
faade of the church
Biserica, avnd hramul Sfnta Tre-
ime, a fost ntemeiat~ la nceputul
secolului al XVI-lea, ref~cut~ apoi de
boierii Buze[ti, reparat~ n secolul al
XVII-lea, apoi reconstruit~ din zid de
doamna Maria Brncoveanu n 1703-
1706, reparat~ [i repictat~ n 1815. Are
o catapeteasm~ [i u[i n stil brn-
covenesc minunat sculptate.
Din 1872 m~n~stirea a fost nchis~
pn~ la restaurarea din 1927-1935. n
1958-1959 s-au f~cut alte lucr~ri de
restaurare [i, ulterior, de modernizare.
Dedicated to The Holy Trinity the
church was founded in the early 16
century, remade by the Buzesti boyars,
repaired in the 17
century, built in
brick by Princess Maria Brancoveanu in
1703-1706, repaired and painted again
in 1815. It features a beautifully carved
altar piece and Brancovan-style doors.
In 1872, the monastery was closed
until its restoration in 1927-1935.
Other repairs were undertaken bet-
ween 1958-1959, when the esta-
blishment was modernized.
The Surpatele Monastery
M~n~stirea Surpatele
The first monastic establishement
featuring a wooden church was foun-
ded in 1740 by Stanca Arsica of Sacele,
a nun under the name of Suzana. In
1840, the wooden church was
replaced by a brick one which was
tumbled by an earthquake. The present
church dedicated to Saint Nicholas was
erected between 1880 and 1882 at the
time of mother superior Natalia Perlea.
The oil painting was achieved by Petre
Nicolau, a student of G. Tattarescu and
was restored in 1976 by G. Vanatoru.
The monastery has a small church dedi-
cated to The veil of the Virgin, erected
in 1911, where mass is said in winter.
Primul a[ez~mnt monahal, cu o
biseric~ de lemn, a fost fondat aici n
1740, de Stanca Ar[ica din S~cele,
c~lug~rit~ cu numele Suzana. n 1840,
biserica de lemn a fost nlocuit~ cu una
de zid, care s-a d~rmat la un
cutremur. Actuala biseric~, cu hramul
Sfntul Nicolae, a fost construit~ n
1880-1882, n timpul stare]ei Natalia
Perlea. Pictura n ulei este opera lui
Petre Nicolau, ucenic al lui Gh.
Tattarescu, restaurat~ n 1976 de Gh.
Vn~toru. M~n~stirea mai are o bise-
ric~ mic~, cu hramul Acoper~mntul
Maicii Domnului, construit~ n 1911,
unde se fac slujbe n timpul iernii.
The Suzana Monastery
M~n~stirea Suzana
Biserica m~n~stirii
Vedere general~ dinspre sud-vest.
The monastery church
General view from the southwest.
Case monahale
Col]ul de nord-est al incintei.
Monastic houses
The northeastern corner of the precincts.
ntemeiat~ de cuviosul Nicodim
(a c~rui chilie, n stnc~, se afl~ n apro-
piere), n secolul al XIV-lea, avndu-i
drept ctitori pe Radu I [i fiii s~i, Dan I [i
Mircea cel B~trn, M~n~stirea Tismana
a fost sfin]it~ n anul 1378. A fost
reconstruit~ ulterior de Radu cel Mare
(1485-1508), p~strnd arhitectura spe-
cific~ secolului al XIV-lea.
Biserica, cu hramul Adormirea
Maicii Domnului, a fost pictat~ n
1564, repictat~ n 1735 (naosul) [i
1766 (pronaosul), ultima pictur~ fiind
decapat~ n 1955-1956, cnd s-a
restaurat pictura originar~. La reno-
varea din 1980-1989, s-a ref~cut, n
forma sa ini]ial~, [i pridvorul bisericii.
M~n~stirea are o bogat~ colec]ie
muzeal~: icoane, obiecte [i c~r]i de
cult, ve[minte [i fragmente din pictura
executat~ n 1766.
Founded by priest Nicodim
(who had a cell in a rock close by) in
the 14
century, the abode was
actually erected by Radu I and his sons,
Dan I and Mircea the Old, being
hallowed in 1378. Subsequently rebuilt
by Radu the Great (1485-1508), it
preserves the specific architecture of the
Dedicated the The Dormition of
the Virgin, the church was painted in
1564, and repainted in 1735 (the naos)
and 1766 (the pronaos), the last paint-
ing being retouched in 1955-1956
when the original frescoes were resto-
red. During the 1980-1989 restoration
works the church porch was also
brought to its initial shape.
The monastery has a rich museum
displaying icons, religious articles, old
books, religious vestments and frag-
ments of painting made in 1766.
M~n~stirea Tismana
Litografie de Benesch Ladislau,
secolul al XIX-lea.
The Tismana Monastery
Lithograph by Benesch Ladislau,
the 19
Vedere general~ a m~n~stirii
General view of the monastery
The Tismana Monastery
M~n~stirea Tismana
Pila[trii arcului triumfal
Picturi murale: Sfntul Estavie [i
Sfntul Nicodim.
The pilasters of the triumphal arch
Mural paintings: Saint Estavie and
Saint Nicodemus.
Absida nordic~ a naosului
Pictur~ mural~: Sfin]i
Northern apse of the naos
Mural painting: Military
U[i mp~r~te[ti, Buna Vestire
Royal Doors, The Annunciation
Cruce cu picior lucrat~ n filigran,
1781 (muzeul m~n~stirii)
Cross with foot in filigree, 1781
(museum of the monastery)
Sfin]ii prooroci Daniel [i Aaron
Fragment din pictura mural~ executat~ n
1766 (muzeul m~n~stirii).
Prophets Daniel and Aaron
Fragment of the mural painting made in
1766 (museum of the monastery).
Sfin]i martiri
Fragment din pictura mural~ din
1766 (muzeul m~n~stirii).
Martyr saints
Fragment of the 1766 mural painting
(museum of the monastery).
Pomelnicul M~n~stirii Tismana,
1840 (muzeul m~n~stirii)
The diptych of the Tismana
Monastery, 1840 (museum of
the monastery)
Adormirea Maicii Domnului
Fragment din pictura mural~ de la
1766 (muzeul m~n~stirii).
The Dormition of the Virgin
Fragment of the 1766 mural painting
(museum of the monastery).
The abode was founded by archi-
mandrite Elefterie, abbot of Ghighiu
Monastery. The church, dedicated to
The Entrance in the Temple of the
Virgin was erected between 1855 and
1857 and painted by Anton Chladek
and Nicolae Grigorescu between
The name of the monastery comes
from the wife of a merchant who in
1743 erected a small church in the
cemetery, dedicated to The Holy Trinity.
Five members of the family of the great
Romanian historian, journalist and
politician Nicolae Iorga are buried in this
graveyard. The big church was badly
damaged by the earthquakes of 1940,
1977, and 1986 and had to be repaired
and restored several times, the last
works (1986-1989) being made to
restore the original painting. The mo-
nastery boasts a collection of valuable
religious articles.
A fost ntemeiat~ de arhimandri-
tul Elefterie, stare]ul M~n~stirii Ghi-
ghiu. Biserica, cu hramul Intrarea n
Biseric~ a Maicii Domnului, a fost
construit~ n anii 1855-1857 [i
pictat~, n 1856-1857, de Anton
Chladek [i Nicolae Grigorescu.
M~n~stirea [i-a luat numele de la
cel al so]iei unui negustor, care n
1743 a construit biserica mic~ din
cimitir, cu hramul Sfnta Treime. n
cimitir se afl~ mormintele a cinci
membri din familia marelui istoric,
publicist [i om politic Nicolae Iorga.
Biserica mare, avariat~ de cutremurele
din 1940, 1977 [i 1986, a fost repa-
rat~ [i renovat~, n mai multe rnduri,
la ultima restaurare (1986-1989), fiind
nl~turate interven]iile f~cute anterior
asupra picturii originare. M~n~stirea
are o colec]ie de obiecte biserice[ti de
The Zamfira Monastery
M~n~stirea Zamfira
Iconostasul bisericii
Icoane pictate de Nicolae Grigorescu.
The church iconostasis
Icons painted by Nicolae Grigorescu.
Biserica Sfnta Treime din
cimitirul m~n~stirii
Vedere dinspre sud-vest.
The Holy Trinity Church in the
monastery cemetery
View from the southwest.
Sfin]ii Arhangheli Mihail [i Gavriil
Icoane din iconostas, pictate de Nicolae Grigorescu (1856-1857).
Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel
Icons of the iconostasis painted by Nicolae Grigorescu (1856-1857).
Sfntul Nicolae
Icoan~ din iconostas pictat~ de Nicolae Grigorescu.
Saint Nicholas
Icon of the iconostasis painted by Nicolae Grigorescu.
Iisus Pantocrator
Fresc~ de Nicolae Grigorescu n
calota turlei bisericii.
Jesus Pantocrator
Fresco by Nicolae Grigorescu in
the vault of the church turret.
Sfin]ii mp~ra]i Constantin [i
Fresc~ de Nicolae Grigorescu,
n absida de nord a naosului
Saint Emperor Constantin and
Empress Elena
Fresco by Nicolae Grigorescu
in the northern apse of the
church naos.
Portalul cu pisania al bisericii din
Portal with the votive inscription of
the cemetery church
Judecata de Apoi (fragment)
Pictur~ mural~ pe peretele estic al
pridvorului bisericii din cimitir.
Last Judgement (fragment)
Mural painting on the eastern wall of
the porch of the cemetery church.
B-dul. Nicolae B~lcescu nr. 18
Bloc Dalles, Bucure[ti
Tel. 021 222 79 72
Fax: 021 202 91 82
Hieromonah Iustin Marchi[
Valeriu Cimpoeru
Alina Crc
Dan Ioan Dinescu
tefan Petrescu
Mircea Savu
Funda]ia ARTEXPO
NOI Media Print
Colec]ii private
Ovidiu Morar
(MECENA Consult srl.)
Roxana Enciu
Adrian Sorin Georgescu
(MECENA Consult srl.)
Arpad Harangozo
Ovidiu Morar
Graphic Design
Archive images
Photograph Credits
English version
Selection of the images and captions
Introduction Introducere
Selec]ie imagini [i legende
Versiune englez~
Imagini de arhiv~
Concep]ie grafic~
Coordonator proiect
Cover Design
Project co-ordinator

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