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Gramatic i Vocabular (Grammar and Vocabulary)

Gramatic (Grammar)
Sunetele limbii engleze; alfabetul limbii engleze; clasificarea
verbului, diateze, aspect, moduri, timpuri verbale;
Prezentul simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerciii
Trecutul simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerciii
Prezentul Perfect simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerciii
ai mult ca perfectul simplu i continuu form i utilizare;
!iitorul form i utilizare; Exerciii
odul "ondiional i If clause form i utilizare; Exerciii
"oncordana timpurilor form i utilizare; Exerciii
odul Sub#onctiv form i utilizare; Exerciii
odul $mperativ form i utilizare; Exerciii
%iateza pasiv form i utilizare; Exerciii
!erbe modale $ form i utilizare; Exerciii
!erbe modale $$ form i utilizare; Exerciii
$nfinitivul form i utilizare; Exerciii
&ormele 'n $ng utilizare; Exerciii
!erbe care primesc infinitive sau forma 'n $ng; Exerciii
!erbe complexe form i utilizare; Exerciii
!orbirea indirect form i utilizare; Exerciii
Prepoziii, "on#uncii form i utilizare; Exerciii
Substantivul form i utilizare; Exerciii
(rticolul form i utilizare; Exerciii
(d#ectivul form i utilizare; Exerciii
Pronumele form i utilizare; Exerciii
(dverbul form i utilizare; Exerciii
Vocabular (Vocabulary)
T*e car and +n t*e road
,olida-s. Sta-ing in a *otel
&ood. (t t*e restaurant
,ealt* service
Postal and telep*one service
oravec/+campo; (., &arrugia, (. 0imba Englez gramatica
de baz, Editura Teora, 1ucureti, 2333
Paidos, "onstantin 4ramatica limbii engleze !erbul, $nstitutul
European, $ai, 2335
4leanu/&6rnoag, 4eorgiana; Sac*elarie/0ecca, %oina / 0imba
Englez 'n conversaie, Editura tiinific i enciclopedic,
1ucureti, 2375
4leanu, 4eorgiana Exerciii de gramatic englez, Timpurile
verbale, Editura (lbatros, 1ucureti, 2383
9ranu, ariana 0imba englez, Exerciii pentru nivelul
superior, Editura "orint, 1ucureti, 233:
inisterul Educaiei i ;nvm6ntului, <niversitatea 1ucureti
0imba Englez, Exerciii pentru admiterea 'n 'nvm6ntul
superior, Editura %idactic i Pedagogic, 1ucureti, 2387
isztal, ariusz Test -our vocabular-, Editura Teora,
1ucureti, 233=
isztal, ariusz Test -our Englis* grammar, Editura Teora,
1ucureti, 2333
T*e >e? $nternational @ebster As PocBet 1usiness %ictionar- of
t*e Englis* 0anguage Trident Press $nternational, 2338
Pa?lo?sBa, 1arbara; CempinsBi, Dbignie? Teste de limba
englez, Editura Teora, 1ucureti, 2333
Timar, Eszter 0imba englez 'n teste i exerciii, Editura Teora,
1ucureti, 2333
"*iriacescu, (driana; urean, 0aura; 1arg*iel, !irginia;
,ollinger, (lexander "oresponden de afaceri 'n limbile
rom6n i englez, Editura Teora, 1ucureti, 233E
4eog*egan, ".4.; 4eog*egan, F.G. Engleza pentru negocieri,
Editura Teora, 1ucureti, 5HHH
Ioland, arie/"laude; ast/4rand, art*a "! 'n limba
englez, un pas spre anga#are, Editura Teora, 1ucureti, 5HHH
%a-an, (.; 0indsa-, @.,.; FanaBie?icz, (.; arc*eteau, .
Engleza pentru marBeting i publicitate, Editura Teora, 1ucureti,
1anta, (ndrei; Poreanu, Iodica 0imba englez pentru tiin i
te*nic, Editura >iculescu, 1ucureti, 233E
0aun, &lavia E. 1irotics and Telecommunication Explanator-
%ictionar-, Editura %acia, "lu#/>apoca, 233:
nil, %.; Popa, ".; Popa, %.; Popescu, $..; !lad, !.$. ic
dicionar poliglot de fizic, te*nic i matematic, Editura (cora
Press, 1ucureti, 233E
"otton, %avid Ce-s to management, 0ongman, 233:
"otton, %avid; Iobbins, Sue 1usiness "lass, >elson Englis*
0anguage Teac*ing, 0ondon, 233)
0e %ivenac*, Jloi Engleza 'n pres, Editura Teora, 1ucureti,
arc*eteau, ic*el 1erman, Fean/Pierre Savio, ic*el,
Engleza comercial 'n =H de lecii, Editura >iculescu, 1ucureti,
I. Sunetele limbii engleze alfabetul limbii engleze
cla!ificarea "erbului moduri diateze a!#ect tim#uri
$%Sunetele limbii engleze
Simbolul fonetic Exemplu Transcrierea fonetic
2. iK sea [siK]
5. i it [it]
). e ten [ten]
=. L man [mLn]
E. aK part [paKt]
:. o dog [dog]
8. oK s*ort [oKt]
7. u booB [buB]
3. uK moon [muKn]
2H. sun [sn]
22. : first [fKst]
25. a []
2). ei name [neim]
2=. ou *ome *oum]
2E. ai nine [nain]
2:. au no? [nau]
28. oi bo- [boi]
27. i *ere [*i]
23. t*ere [M]
5H. o door [do]
52. u poor [pu]
55. ai fire [fai]
5). au flo?er [flau]
5=. # -es [#es]
5E. ? ?ell [?el]
5:. b big [big]
58. d da- [dei]
57. v ver- [veri]
53. g garden [gaKdn]
)H. z zero [zirou]
)2. pleasure [ple]
)5. d #am [dLm]
)). M t*is [Mis]
)=. r red [red]
)E. l lost [lost]
):. m man- [meni]
)8. n not [not]
)7. t*ing [Ni]
)3. p pen [pen]
=H. t too [tuK]
=2. f five [faiv]
=5. B caBe [BeiB]
=). s sa- [sei]
==. s*e [iK]
=E. t c*ild [taild]
=:. N t*in [Nin]
=8. * *orse [*oKs]
Vocala [i:] este o vocal lung. Este aproape identic cu i
rom6nesc din cuvintele 'n care accentum aceast vocal 'n mod
deosebit, ca de pild 'n exclamaiaK biine! O'n sens de concesieP.
Vocala [i] este o vocal scurt, un sunet intermediar 'ntre i i e din
limba rom'n.
Vocala [e] este o vocal scurt i foarte apropiat de e rom6nesc,
fiind 'ns ceva mai desc*is. Ea seamn 'ndeosebi cu e din limba
rom6n, c6nd acesta e urmat de r, ca de exemplu 'n cuvintele
mere, pere etc.
Vocala [)] este o vocal scurt i ocup o poziie intermediar
'ntre a i e; [L] nu se poate compara cu nici un sunet din limba
rom6n. Se obine desc*iz6nd gura pentru a i pronun6nd e.
Vocala [a:] e o vocal lung i se formeaz 'n partea din fund a
gurii, ceea ce 'i d o rezonan de sunet profund. Pronun6nd un a
rom6nesc prelungit i din fundul gurii vom obine un [aK]
englezesc corect.
Vocala [o] este o vocal scurt. Ea nu poate fi comparat cu nici
un sunet existent 'n limba rom6n. Pentru cine cunoate 'ns limba
mag*iar, sunetul englez este uor de pronunat, el fiind foarte
apropiat de vocala o din aceast limb. [o] este un sunet
intermediar 'ntre sunetele a i o i se pronun mult mai din fundul
gurii dec6t o rom6nesc i cu gura mult mai desc*is.
Vocala [o:] este o vocal lung. Ea se deosebete de vocala [o]
care este mult mai desc*is spre a. Pronun6nd un o rom6nesc
lung i din fundul gurii vom obine un sunet foarte apropiat de [oK]
Vocala [u] este o vocal scurt, foarte apropiat de u rom6nesc.
Se pronun cu buzele mai puin rotun#ite dec6t 'n cazul lui u din
limba rom6n.
Vocala [u:] este o vocal lung i seamn foarte mult cu un u
rom6nesc prelungit.
Vocala [] e o vocal scurt i seamn foarte mult cu un a
rom6nesc scurt. Pentru pronunarea lui [] este necesar s
'ntindem puin buzele lateral i s ponunm un a retrg6nd limba
puin 'napoi.
Vocala [:] este o vocal lung, asemntoare lui rom6nesc
prelungit. Pentru a o rosti corect trebuie s inem maxilarele
apropiate i buzele 'ntinse lateral. Este absolut necesar ca 'n
timpul pronunrii lui [K] buzele s fie numai uor 'ntredesc*ise.
Vocala [] este o vocal scurt, niciodat accentuat i
corespunde vocalei din limba rom6n.
&iftongul [ei] se aseamn cu diftongul rom6nesc din cuvintele
mei, tei, lei etc. Elementul al doilea al diftongului este sunetul [i]
scurt englezesc.
&iftongul [ou]. Primul element al acestui diftong este o vocal
'nc ne'nt6lnit, vocala [o]. + obinem rotun#ind buzele pentru o i
pronun6nd . (l doilea element al diftongului este [u], despre
care reamintim c este un sunet scurt.
&iftongul [ai] se apropie foarte mult de diftongul rom6nesc din
cuvintele mai, cai, dai etc., cu deosebirea c elementul al doilea al
difotngului este sunetul [i] scurt englezesc.
&iftongul [au] se apropie de asemenea foarte mult de diftongul
rom6nesc din cuvintele dau, sau etc. Elementul al doilea al
diftongului este sunetul [u] scurt englezesc.
&iftongul [oi] se apropie de diftongul rom6nesc oi din cuvintele
ca noi, doi, voi etc. Totui primul element, [o], e mai desc*is dec6t
'n limba rom6n, iar cel de/al doilea element este [i] scurt
&iftongii [i] i [u] conin sunete cunoscute. 0a pronunarea lor
trebuie s avem 'n vedere sunetele specific englezeti [i] i [u].
&iftongul [] conine o vocal nou, []. (ceast vocal este
mai desc*is dec6t [e] i mai 'nc*is dec6t [L].
&iftongul [o]. Primul element al acestui diftong este vocala
scurt [o] urmat fr efort de [] Oamintim c avem de/a face cu
un o desc*is spre aP. (cest diftong tinde s fie 'nlocuit de vocala
lung [oK].
'riftongul [ai] Pronunai 'ntr/o singur silab acest triftong,
in6nd seama de caracterul vocalei englezeti [i]K fire [fai], tired
'riftongul [au] este format din sunete cunoscute. 0a
pronunarea lui trebuie s inem seama de caracterul vocalei
englezeti [u].
>u/l pronunai pe [u] din triftongul [au] cu emitere puternic de
aer, pentru a nu/l transforma 'n semivocala [?]. +binei o
pronunie corect a acestui triftong dac rostii 'ntr/o singur
silab grupul de sunete rom6neti a.
Semi"ocala [*] se pronun ca un u foarte scurt, cu puternic
emitere de aer printre buze, semn6nd cu sunetul u pe care 'l
adugm 'n pronunare la 'nceputul unor cuvinte ca oal, oaie etc.
Semi"ocala [+], cea de/a doua semivocal din limba englez, se
poate compara cu un i foarte scurt, cu rezonan consonantic. Ea
se 'nt6lnete i 'n limba rom6n 'n cuvinte caK este, ei, iarn,
iertare etc.
(on!oana [d] prezint o particularitate fa de limba rom6n, 'n
sensul c la articularea ei v6rful limbii se spri#in pe alveole Ope
rdcina dinilorP.
(on!oanele [b], ["], [g], [z], [m], [n] pot fi considerate ca fiind
identice cu consoanele corespunztoare din limba rom6n.
(on!oana [] este aceeai ca i consoana rom6neasc din jar,
ajun etc. Ieinei semnul [] pentru sunetul j rom6nesc;
reamintii/v c semnul [#] reprezint o semivocal asemntoare
sunetului i din cuvintele rom6netiK iarn, chiar, iat etc.
(on!oana [d] este corespondenta sonor a consoanei surde [t].
+ 'nt6lnim 'n rom6nete 'n cuvinte caK gimnastic, geam, legi etc.
+bservai c 'n limba rom6n aceast consoan poate fi urmat
numai de vocale e sau i. Trecerea la oricare din celelalte vocale Oo,
a, uP se face cu a#utorul unui i sau e de legtur. %e exempluK
geam, George, giulgiu. ;n limba englez, trecerea de la [d] la
oricare dintre vocale se face direct. %e exempluK John [don],
George [doKd]. >u pronunai deci cuv6ntul John ca gion. ;n
limba englez, sunetul [d] termin cuv6ntul. %e exempluK
Geroge [doKd], judge [dd]. >u pronunai giorgi i giagi.
(on!oana [-] este o consoan sonor Oca b, g, m, z etcP pe care o
putem rosti corect pronun6nd un d Osau zP rom6nesc cu v6rful
limbii 'ntre dini. Exerciiul trebuie repetat de foarte multe ori 'n
faa oglinzii pentru a controla poziia limbii.
(on!oana [r] se deosebete fundamental de consoana
rom6neasc r, fiind de fapt cu totul alt consoan, dei e
reprezentat de aceeai liter a alfabetului. (stfel, 'n timp ce r
rom6nesc este o consoan vibrant, [r] englezesc se rostete fr
vibraie Oca i consoanele s i j, de pildP. Pentru a obine [r]
englezesc, pronunai j cu gura mult desc*is. P6n c6nd v
deprindei cu pronunarea fireasc a lui [r], cutai s rostii un r
rom6nesc c6t mai ters i fr ca v6rful limbii s ating cerul gurii.
(on!oana [l] / 'n limba englez exist dou variante ale
consoanei [l]. ;nainte de vocal, [l] este identic cu l rom6nesc; de
exemplu 'n cuvintele live, lily. ;n poziie final sau 'nainte de
consoan, [l] este un sunet voalat. 0a rostirea lui, partea
posterioar a limbii se ridic spre cerul gurii. ;ntr/un cuv6nt ca
apple, [l] este precedat de un foarte scurt. Pronunai deci [Lp'l]
i nu [Lpl'].
(on!oana [] este asemntoare cu consoana rom6neasc n din
cuvintele 'n care n este urmat de c sau de gK nc, nghel,
singular, unde n devine 'n parte gutural.
(on!oanele [#], [t], [.] sunt consoane surde. Spre deosebire de
consoanele corespunztoare din limba rom6n, ele sunt urmate
c6nd nu sunt precedate de alt consoan i sunt 'n silab
accentuat de un uor sunet h. "onsoana [t] se pronun cu
v6rful limbii spri#init pe alveole Ope rdcina dinilorP.
(on!oanele [f] i [!] pot fi considerate ca fiind identice cu
consoanele corespunztoare din limba rom6n.
(on!oana [] este aceeai ca i consoana rom6neasc !.
(on!oana [t] este aproape identic cu consoana rom6neasc din
cuvinte caK cine, ceas, cel etc., i se pronun cu o uoar aspiraie,
ca i [B], [p], [t].
"onsoana englezeasc rm6ne 'ns perfect surd i poate fi urmat
direct de orice vocal, fr a necesita un e sau i de legtur, ca 'n
limba rom6nK child [taild].
%e semenea, consoana [t] final, spre deosebire de consoana
corespunztoare din limba rom6n, nu este urmat de un i asilabic
Ocare nu formeaz silabP ca 'n cinci, pleci etc. %e exempluK much
[mt]. Este necesar s dm o deosebit atenie pronunrii
acestei consoane c6nd este urmat de alte vocale dec6t i i e, sau
c6nd este 'n poziie final. %eci pronunai [taild] i nu ciaild,
[mt] i nu maci.
(on!oana [/] este perec*ea surd a consoanei [M], care se
deosebete prin aceea c la pronunarea ei coardele vocale nu
vibreaz. Pentru a pronuna sunetul [N], vom ine v6rful limbii
'ntre dini i vom articula un t Osau sP rom6nesc, fr efort. "a i 'n
cazul lui [M], exerciiile trebuie fcute 'n faa oglinzii. "onsoanele
[M] i [N] sunt reperezentate 'n scriere prin grupul th.
(on!oana [0] se pronun cu aspiraie Oemitere de aerP mai
puternic dec6t 'n limba rom6n.
1% '0e Al#0abet
a [ei] n [en]
b [bi:] o [ou]
c [!i:] # [#i:]
d [di:] 2 [.+u:]
e [i:] r [a:]
f [ef] ! [e!]
g [d3i:] t [ti:]
0 [eit] u [+u:]
i [ai] " ["i:]
+ [d3ei] * [dbl+u:]
. [.ei] 4 [e.!]
l [el] y [*ai]
m [em] z [zed]
5% (la!ificarea Verbelor
Q "on#ugarea verbelor engleze se bazeaz pe trei forme principale.
(cestea sunt formele de dic6ionar ale verbelor englezeK
7 form a 778a form a 7778a form
OtoP ?orB ?orBed ?orBed
OtoP give gave given
Q !erbele engleze se clasific 'n verbe obinuite i !#eciale. "ele
obinuite pot fi regulate sau neregulate, iar cele speciale sunt
'mprite 'n "erbe au4iliare i "erbe modale.
Verbele obinuite au un sens propriu i pot avea funcia de predicat 'n
Verbele !#eciale nu au un sens propriu i a#ut la formarea timpurilor
verbale compuse.
a% Verbe regulate
!erbele regulate formeaz past tense i past participle prin adugarea
terminaiei "#$. ExK %or&ed; cleaned; closed
b% Verbe neregulate
!erbele neregulate formeaz past tense i past participle neregulat i
aceste forme trebuie 'nvate.
!erbele neregulate se 'mpart 'n ) categoriiK
- grupa verbelor care nu suport nici o modificare
cut cut cut
put put put
- grupa verbelor care suport o modificare
bring broug*t broug*t
meet met met
- grupa verbelor care suport dou modificri
do did done
ring rang rung
c% Verbe au4iliare
Sunt formatori temporali, a#ut la formarea timpurilor verbale
- &9 se folosete la present tense simple i past tense simple /
forma interogativ i negativ; Odo, does, didP
- B: se folosete la formarea diatezei pasive i a timpurilor
verbale continue; Oam, are, is, ?as, ?ereP
- ;AV: se folosete la formarea timpurilor verbale perfecte;
O*ave, *as, *adP
- S;A<<, =7<< se folosesc la formarea timpurilor verbale de
- S;9U<&, =9U<& se folosesc la formarea lui &uture/in/t*e/
Past i a modului "ondiional;
- <:' se folosete la formarea $mperativului pentru persoana $/a
sg i pl i persoana a $$$/a sg i pl.
d% Verbe modale
Sunt o clas special de verbe care exprim permisiunea, abilitatea,
probabilitatea, obligaia, necesitateaK (G, $4,T, "(>, "+<0%,
<ST, >EE%, S,+<0%, +<4,T T+, ,(!E T+, >EE% T+.
> ?ormele Verbale se 'mpart 'n #redicati"e pot forma predicatul 'n
propoziie i au un subiect / i ne#redicati"e nu pot forma
predicatul 'n propoziie Oinfiniti"ul, #artici#iul, gerund8ulP.
> Modul 'nseamn maniera sau modul 'n care aciunea este exprimat
de verb. odurile limbii engleze suntK 7ndicati", 7m#erati",
Sub+oncti" i (ondi6ional.
> &iateza este forma verbului care indic dac o persoan sau un
lucru face aciunea sau o sufer. ;n limba englez sunt 5 diatezeK
- &iateza acti" ne indic faptul c o persoan sau un lucru care e
i subiectul propoziiei face aciunea. (ceasta poate fi suferit de o
alt persoan sau lucru sau de acceai persoan care o realizeaz
Oac'iune refle(ivP.
ExK ,er grandparents brought *er up.
$ )ash myself ever- da-.
- &iateza #a!i" ne indic faptul c persoana sau lucrul care este
subiectul gramatical al propoziiei sufer aciunea fcut de
altcineva Osubiectul logicP.
ExK Englis* is spo&en all over t*e ?orld.
,e )as educated in "ambridge.
> A!#ectul indic durata, realizarea complet sau incomplet a unei
aciuni. A!#ectul !im#lu / aciunea este vzut ca un fapt general,
obinuit sau particular. A!#ectul continuu exprim o aciune 'n
proces, 'n desfurare la un anumit moment 'n timp.
ExK @e get up at six ever- morning.
$t is beginning to rain.
> 'im#urile "erbale ('en!e!) sunt construcii verbale care exprim
diverse relaii temporale. ( nu se confunda time cu tenseR >oiunea de
timp OtimeP este universal i independent de orice limb. Timpurile
verbale Oten!e!P difer 'n funcie de fiecare limb 'n parte.
Timpurile 'n limba englez indic dac o aciune este realizat 'n
prezent, 'n trecut sau 'n viitorK
- Timpuri verbale legate de presentK
@re!ent 'en!e Sim#leK T*e teac*er comes in.
@re!ent 'en!e (ontinuou!K @*at are ?e doingS
@re!ent @erfect Sim#leK $ *ave been ill for t?o ?eeBs.
@re!ent @erfect (ontinuou!K @e *ave been ?riting for *im for *alf
an *our.
- Timpuri verbale legate de trecutK
@a!t 'en!e Sim#leK @*en did -ou come *omeS
@a!t 'en!e (ontinuou!K $t ?as raining all da- -esterda-.
@a!t @erfect 'en!e Sim#leK ,e said *e *ad spent t?o mont*s t*ere.
@a!t @erfect 'en!e (ontinuou!K 1- t*at time $ *ad been learning
Englis* for five -ears.
- Timpuri verbale legate de viitorK
?uture 'en!e Sim#leK @e s*all meet t*em at seven.
?uture 'en!e (ontinuou!K T*e- ?ill be travelling all nig*t.
?uture @erfect 'en!e Sim#leK $ s*all *ave done it b- four oAclocB.
?uture @erfect 'en!e (ontinuou!K 1- t*e first of Fanuar- t*e- ?ill
*ave been ?orBing *ere for t*en -ears.
II. ';: @R:S:A' ':AS: S7M@<: B ';: @R:S:A'
':AS: (9A'7AU9US
';: @R:S:A' ':AS: S7M@<:
&ormai prezentul simplu folosind indicativul. (dugai ! sau e!
pentru persoana a $$$/a singular la afirmativ.
$ T -ou T ?e T -ou T t*e- ?orB
,e T s*e T it ?orB!
$ T -ou T ?e T -ou T t*e- do not ?orB
,e T s*e T it doe! not ?orB
&o 8 $ T -ou T ?e T -ou T t*e- / ?orBS
&oe! *e T s*e T it ?orBS
&o $ not ?orBS &o -ou not ?orBS &oe! *e not ?orBS Etc.
?orma contra!:
%o not U donAt
%oes not U doesnAt
Prezentul simplu se foloseteK
$% #entru acti"it6i re#etate, obinuite, #ermanente%
@e go to sc*ool ever- morning. OrepetatP
&at*er smo&es too muc*. OobinuitP
Fane )or&s in a big factor-. OpermanentP
1% #entru ac6iuni care !unt ade"ruri general "alabile%
$ce melts in t*e sun.
T*e sun rises in t*e East and sets in t*e @est.
5% cCnd !e "orbete de!#re orare i #rograme fi4e, cu !en! de
T*e film starts at 2H.)H. O?ill startP
T*e c*ampions*ip starts next Saturda-.
T*e train leaves at 7.HH. O?ill leaveP
D% #entru a introduce un citat En comentariile !#orti"e En
#ro"erbe, zictori En #ro!#ecte de medicamente, re6ete i
in!truc6iuni de folo!ire a di"er!elor a#arate%
S*aBespeare saysK V>ot marble, nor t*e gilded monumentsT of
princes s*all outlive t*is po?erful r*-me.W OSonnet EEP OcitatP
T*e goal/Beeper passes to aradona, but ,agi intercepts; ,agi to
0ctu and *e shoots and itAs a goalR Ocomentarii sportiveP
%espair gives courage to a co?ard. OproverbP
&irst, $ ta&e t*e potatoes and slice t*em. T*en, $ slice t*e tomatoes,
fry t*e onionX. OreeteP
(dverbele de frecven sunt deseori folosite pentru a sublinia
repetarea. "ele mai comune adverbe de frecven suntK u!ually,
al*ay!, ne"er, e"er, often, !eldom, rarely, !ometime!, generally,
Pentru a sublinia repetarea unei aciuni se mai poate folosi adverbul
e"ery 'n combinaie cu anumite cuvinte ce definesc momente 'n timpK
e"ery dayT*ee.Tmont0Tyear etc.
';: @R:S:A' ':AS: (9A'7AU9US
&ormai prezentul continuu cu to be F Ging
$ am ?orBing
Gou are ?orBing
,e T s*e T it i! ?orBing
@e T -ou T t*e- are ?orBing
$ am not ?orBing
Gou are not ?orBing
,e T s*e T it i! not ?orBing
@e T -ou T t*e- are not ?orBing
Am $ ?orBingS
Are -ou ?orBingS
7! *e T s*e T it ?orBingS
Are ?e T -ou T t*e- ?orBingS
Am $ not OarenHt 7P ?orBingS Are -ou not OarenAt -ouP ?orBingS 7!
*e not OisnAt *eP ?orBingS
?orma contra! este uzual 'n engleza vorbit.
$ am U $Am
Gou are U -ouAre
$t isT *e isT s*e is U itAsT *eAsT s*eAs
$t is not U it isnAt sau itAs not
@e are not U ?eAre not sau ?e arenAt
T*e- are not U t*e-Are not sau t*e- arenAt
Prezentul continuu se foloseteK
1. #entru ac6iuni care !e #etrec En momentul "orbirii%
Cate is at sc*ool. S*e is reading a booB.
Pete is at *ome ?it* mum. ,e is playing.
2. #entru ac6iuni care !e #etrec En #rea+ma momentului "orbirii,
dar nu nea#rat En momentul "orbirii cu today, these days,
this term, at the moment etc%
1eatrice isn*t studying Englis* t*is -ear. S*e ?ants to concentrate
on anot*er foreign language.
3. #entru a e4#rima un aran+ament anume Entr8un "iitor
@*at are -ou doing tomorro?S
4. #entru a e4#rima "iitorul, En !#ecial cu "erbe de micare: to
come+ arrive+ go+ leave.
+ur friends are arriving tomorro?.
,e is going to 0ondon on &rida-
5. cu al)ays (En!emnCnd I#rea multJ) #entru a e4#rima iritarea%
Gour c*ildren are al*ay! running on m- la?n.
$ canAt stand *im; *eAs al*ay! interupting me.
6. #entru a e4#rima o ac6iune tem#orar%
@e usuall- go to ?orB b- bus, but toda- ?e are going b- cab.
7. #entru ac6iuni En de!furare Entr8o #erioad limitat En
#rea+ma momentului "orbirii%
Fo*n is loo&ing for a #ob.
8. #entru ac6iuni care indic o !c0imbare !au trecerea de la o
!tare la alta%
,s -our Englis* improvingS
T*e traffic is getting ?orse and ?orse in ToB-o.
T*e c*ildren are gro)ing up ver- fast.
"u prezentul continuu se folosesc adverbele no* i +u!t, dar ele nu
sunt menionate c6nd sensul lor este sub'neles.
0ooB, t*e c*ildren are sleepingR
Verbe care nu !e folo!e!c la tim#ul continuu:
$% verbe de percep'ieK to feel, 0ear, notice, !ee, !mell, ta!te.
"6nd verbele de percepie 'i sc*imb sensul, ele pot fi folosite la
timpul continuu.
'o !ee
( avea o 'nt6lnire fixat, un interviu.
$ am seeing m- dentist on &rida-.
Fane is seeing t*e manager no?.
( face o vizit.
ar- is seeing t*e sig*ts so s*e ?ill be a little late.
To see about Oa face aran#amenteP.
+ur form master is seeing about t*e trip to t*e mountains.
To see to Oa aran#a ceva, a verificaP.
T*e mec*anic is #ust seeing to t*e engine of our car.
To see somebod- offTupTdo?nToutT Oa conduce pe cinevaP.
Tom is seeing *is grandfat*er off at t*e rail?a- station no?.
( avea *alucinaii.
$Am seeing t*ings.
'o 0ear
( primi tiri despre ceva sau cineva.
$Am *earing interesting t*ings about our ne? neig*bour.
( audia O'n cadrul #udectorieiP.
T*e #udge is *earing t*e ?itness.
'o feel
( avea o anumit senzaie.
T*e doctor is feeling t*e patientAs arm.
'o !mell B to ta!te
(ciune voluntar
T*e girl is smelling t*e flo?ers in t*e garden no?.
- mot*er is tasting t*e soup as s*e ?ants to feed t*e bab-.
1% verbe care e(prim activit'i mentaleK to agree, belie"e, di!tru!t,
doubt, find, fore!ee, forget, gue!!, imagine, .no*, mean, mind,
remember, recognize, recollect, regard, !u##o!e, t0in. t0at,
tru!t, under!tand.
'o forget
+ pierdere gradual a memoriei.
$Am forgetting figures.
'o t0in.
( se g6ndi la ceva O nu se exprim nici o opinieP.
@*at are -ou t*inBing aboutS $Am t*inBing about our ne?
'o mind
( avea gri# de cineva Oto looB afterP.
(t t*e moment (nn is minding *er sicB mot*er.
5% verbe care e(prim dorin'aK to de!ire, intend, *ant, *i!0%
D% verbe care e(prim atitudini+ sentimente+ stri emo'ionaleK to
ab0or, adore, dete!t, di!li.e, di!#lea!e, li.e, lo"e, 0ate, #lea!e,
K% verbe care e(prim posesiuneaK to belong to, 0a"e, 0old, .ee#,
o*e, o*n, #o!!e!!.
L% verbe care e(prim o stare+ o condi'ieK to a##ear, be, con!i!t of,
contain, differ, de!er"e, e2ual, re!emble, !eem, !uit
M% verbe diverseK to com#are, e4#ect, matter, re!ult from, !uffice.
@une6i "erbele din #arantez la #rezentul !im#lu !au continuu%
2. $ OgoP out to get t*e evening paper. 5. X.. t*is booB ObelongP to
-ouS ). Gou Oal?a-s, beatP me at c*eesR =. @*at time Ousuall-, get upP
-ouXS E. Ever-bod- OliBeP summer. :. @e OgoP to t*e circus t*is
evening. 8. $ O*aveP an appointment ?it* m- dentist at E oAclocB. 7.
Fane OmaBeP all *er clot*es *erself. 3. (ll t*e students in t*is class
OreadP Englis* ?ell. 2H. $ OBno?P ?*at -ou OmeanP. 22. T*e parB
OlooBP beautiful in spring. 25. ,e-R Gou OdrinBP from m- glassR 2). $
must go, mot*er O?aitP for me. 2=. T*e train OarriveP at t*e >ort*
Station at :.)H. 2E. %onAt disturb *er, s*e OfeedP t*e bab-. 2:. $ canAt
go a?a-; $ OseeP t*e anager at t*e beginning of next ?eeB. 28.
%uring t*e ?eeB ?e generall- Oget upP earl-. 27. $ O*opeP our sc*ool
team ?ill ?in t*e football matc*. 23. +ur aunt OcomeP to see us t*is
afternoon. 5H. $ Onot approveP of -our be*aviour. 52. @e OgetP a lot of
sno? in t*e mountains in ?inter. 55. ,e Ofl-P from 1uc*arest to Sibiu
tomorro?. 5). Fo*n Oforever, boastP of ?*at *e *as done. 5=. T*e-
O?antP to see -ou for a minute. 5E. ,e O?alBP to *ospital ever- da-.
5:. S*e OmoveP *er booBs into *er ne? booBcase. 58. ,e usuall-
OspeaBP *is mot*er tongue, but toda- *e OspeaBP Englis*. 57. Gou
OdrinBP coffe or teaS 53. Gou OunderstandP t*e Present Tenses in
Englis*S )H. ,e Opla-P t*e piano liBe a professional musician. )2. Gou
canAt speaB to ar- no?; s*e OsleepP. )5. $ Onot *earP ?*at -ou Osa-P.
)). $tAs autumn. T*e leaves OturnP -ello? and OfallP do?n. )=. $ O?earP
a raincoat because it OrainP. )E. Somet*ing OburnP in t*e oven, $ OseeP
t*at smoBe OcomeP out of it. ):. @e Onot drinBP tea ?it* milB in our
countr-. )8. @e OspendP next ?eeB ?it* our parents; ?e OgoP on a trip
?it* t*em. )7. Gou OgoP to to?n t*is afternoonS )3. - friend OcomeP
to see us next mont*. =H. ,ere OcomeP our long ?aited for teac*erR
(0eia e4erci6iului:
2. am going 5. does t*is booB belong ). are al?a-s beating =. do -ou
usuall- get up E. liBes :. are going 8. am *aving 7. maBes 3. read 2H.
Bno? mean 22. looBs 25. are drinBing 2). is ?aiting 2=. arrives 2E.
is feeding 2:. am seeing 28. get up 27. *ope 23. is coming 5H. do not
approve 52. get 55. is fl-ing 5). is forever boasting 5=. ?ant 5E. ?alBs
5:. is moving 58. speaBs; is speaBing 57. are -ou drinBing 53. do -ou
understand )H. pla-s )2. is sleeping )5. donAt *ear; are sa-ing )). are
turning; are falling )=. am ?earing; is raining )E. is burning OcanP see;
is coming ):. do not drinB )8. are spending; are going )7. are -ou
goingS )3. is coming =H. comes.
III. ';: @AS' ':AS: S7M@<: B ';: @AS' ':AS:
';: @AS' ':AS: S7M@<:
;n funcie de modalitatea de formare a trecutului i a participiului
trecut, verbele engleze se 'mpart 'n regulate i neregulate Ovezi pagina
Reguli de ortografieK
2. c6nd infinitivul scurt se termin 'n e mut, se adaug numai d Oto
dance " danced; to recite " recitedP.
5. c6nd verbele dintr/o silab se termin 'n con!oan Ocu excepia
lui c, w sau xP #recedat de o "ocal, consoana final este
dublat i se adaug ed Oto drop " dropped; to pat " pattedP.
). verbele care se termin 'n c, primesc un k 'nainte de sufixul ed
Oto panic " panic&ed; to picnic " picnic&edP.
=. c6nd un verb format din mai multe silabe se termin nt!"#
singu!$ c#ns#an$ p!ecedat$ de # %#cal$, consoana final se
dubleaz dac silaba final este accentuat Oto omit " omitted; to
occur " occurredP. ExcepiiK to &idnap " &idnapped; to handicap "
E. c6nd infinitivul scurt se termin 'n & precedat de o vocal, "& nu
se sc'im($. $ac & este precedat de o consoan, se sc'im($ n
i )i se adaug$ ed Oto play " played; to try " triedP.
&ormai afirmativul trecutului simplu al verbelor regulate adug6nd
terminaia Bed infiniti"ului fr to.
7nfiniti": 'recutul !im#lu regulat:
To ?orB ?orBed O?orB Y edP
>egativul se formeaz cu did not F infiniti"
$nterogativul se formeaz cu did F !ubiect F infiniti"
$ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- )or&ed
$ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- did n#t ?orB
*id $ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- ?orB S
Se folosete aceeai form pentru toate persoanele.
&orma contras a lui did n#t este didn+t.
7nterogati" negati"K did t*e- n#t Odidn+t t*e-P ?orBS
&ormarea afirmativului verbelor neregulate nu urmeaz nici o regul.
!erbele neregulate trebuie memorate.
7nfiniti" 'recutul !im#lu neregulat
To go ?ent
To speaB spoBe
To bring broug*t
Trecutul simplu se foloseteK
$% #entru o ac6iune finalizat En trecut cCnd e!te men6ionat
momentul ac6iunii:
Tom arrived -esterda-.
"olombus discovered (merica in 2=35.
(dverbele sau expresiile de timp pot fi o marc a trecutului simpluK
ye!terday, la!t *ee., t*o year! ago, la!t !ummer, a mont0 ago etc.
1% #entru o ac6iune finalizat !igur En trecut c0iar dac tim#ul nu
e!te men6ionat:
1rutus assassinated Fulius "aesar.
$id -ou ever see @inston "*urc*ill in personS
5% #entru o obinuin6 din trecut:
S*e al?a-s )o&e up earl- on sc*ool da-s.
Sara* never ate liver as a c*ild.
D% #entru o nara6iune En trecut:
$ stopped to bu- a ne?spaper and t*en sat do?n on a benc* to
read it. T*e ne?s )as Zuite depressing. So $ got up and too& a
?alB and tried to t*inB *app- t*oug*ts.
Trecutul simplu folosit pentru aciuni obinuite din trecut este adesea
'nsoit de adverbe de frecvenK !ometime!, al*ay!, often, u!ually,
rarely, !eldom etc.
Traducerea lui Past Tense Simple 'n limba rom6nK
1. pe!fectul simplu, pe!fectul c#mpus-
@*en *e opened t*e door, *e sa? t*e dog.
"6nd a desc*is ua, vzu c6inele.
2. impe!fect-
T*e little bo- ?as ver- tired.
1ieelul era foarte obosit.
3. c#n.uncti% p!e/ent-
,elen said s*e felt lonel- before s*e met *im.
Elena a spus c se simea singur 'nainte s/l fi 'nt6lnit.
4. c#ndii#nal p!e/ent-
$ ?ould read t*at booB if *e gave it to me.
( citi cartea aceea dac el mi/ar da/o.
5. p!e/ent-
$ didnAt Bno? s*e loved music.
>u tiam c/i place muzica.
6. %iit#!-
T*e girl said t*at s*e ?ould come *ere ?*en s*e ?as free.
&ata a spus c va veni aici c6nd va fi liber.
';: @AS' ':AS: (9A'7AU9US
&ormai trecutul continuu cu forma de trecut a lui to be F 8ing
$ T *e T s*e T it was ?orBing
Gou T ?e T -ou T t*e- we!e ?orBing
$ T *e T s*e T it was n#t ?orBing
Gou T ?e T -ou T t*e- we!e n#t ?orBing
0as $ T *e T s*e T it ?orBingS
0e!e Gou T ?e T -ou T t*e- ?orBingS
7nterogati"8negati": 0as *e n#t Owasn+t *eP ?orBingS 0e!e t*e- n#t
Owe!en+t t*e-P ?orBingS
&e re6inut N
<nele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpurile continue. Ovezi pagina 27/
Trecutul continuu se foloseteK
$% #entru ac6iuni trecute cu o anumit durat, dar ale cror
limite #reci!e En tim# nu !unt cuno!cute:
$t )as raining and getting colder.
1% #entru ac6iuni trecute care au Ence#ut i au continuat #robabil
du# un anumit moment dat:
(t noon t*e sun )as shining.
(t ten oAclocB at nig*t Ferr- )as studying.
Momentul dat #oate fi e4#rimat i de o e4#re!ie de tim# la
trecutul !im#lu:
@*en Tom arrived, t*e sun )as shining.
5% #entru de!crieri En trecut:
T*e flo?ers )ere blooming, t*e birds )ere singing and t*e breeze
)as blo)ing softl-.
D% #entru a indica o ac6iune care !e de!foar ca fundal
(bac.gorund) En momentul En care o alt ac6iune, !curt, mai
im#ortant (foreground), are loc:
@*ile ar- )as crossing ObacBgorundP t*e road -esterda-, s*e
sa) OforegroundP a fl-ing saucer in t*e sB-.
K% #entru a indica dou !au mai multe ac6iuni care !e de!foar
!imultan, En trecut:
@*ile mot*er )as coo&ing, fat*er )as reading a ne?spaper and
t*e c*ildren )ere playing in t*e garden.
L% #entru a indica o ac6iune re#etat, care El irit #e "orbitor, !e
folo!ete Em#reun cu ad"erbul al)ays:
T*e t?o pupils )ere al)ays laughing during m- classes.
+bservai diferenaK
Q @*en t*e bell !ang, Sam was 'a%ing breaBfast. OSam ?as in t*e
middle of breaBfast ?*en t*e bell started to ringP.
Q @*en t*e door bell !ang, Sam !an to open t*e door. OSam ran to t*e
door as soon as t*e door bell rangP.
@une6i "erbele din #arantez la trecutul !im#lu !au continuu:
2. ,e OgoP to sc*ool b- bic-cle last -ear. 5. - friends O?atc*P
television ?*en $ p*oned t*em. ). T*e- OinviteP me to see t*e film
?*en $ p*oned t*em. =. 1ob O?riteP t*e letter in ten minutes. E. &at*er
OreadP t*e ne?spaper ?*en $ came *ome. :. @*ile *e O?riteP t*e letter,
*is sister laid t*e table. 8. S*e OasBP me about m- *olida-s ?*en ?e
met. 7. $ OreadP a travel broc*ure ?*en ?e met. 3. @e OseeP a ver-
good film -esterda-. 2H. T*e sun Os*ineP ?*en ?e arrived. 22. ,e
OdriveP all t*e ?a- to 0ondon. 25. $ sa? ar- #ust as s*e OgetP into t*e
classroom. 2). T*e- OspendP a beautiful *olida- at t*e seaside last
-ear. 2=. S*e OrunP to t*e door t*e moment s*e *eard t*e bell. 2E.
@*en s*e reac*ed t*e door, t*e bell OringP still. 2:. T*e- Ofl-P to
"onstantza last nig*t. 28. ic*ael missed t*e flig*t. T*e plane OtaBe
offP ?*en *e arrived at t*e airport. 27. T*e *ouse OburnP ?*en ?e
came out. 23. ar- OtalBP al?a-s about fas*ion and t*is anno-ed *er
friends. 5H. T*e 4rants OliveP in 1raov ?*en $ met t*em.
52. &ire at 4rand ,otel last nig*t. @illiam 1arnes OseeP it as *e O?alBP
past. 55. ,e O?aBeP t*e porter and t*en Op*oneP t*e fire brigade. 5).
(fter t*at t*e- O?aBeP t*e *otel guests ?*o OsleepP in t*eir rooms. 5=.
argaret %avidson ?*o Osta-P in a room on t*e first floor, OgetP
frig*tened and O#umpP out of a ?indo?. 5E. ar- Stevens, from t*e
same room, OgetP badl- burnt ?*ile s*e OrunP do?n t*e stairs and ObeP
taBen to *ospital. 5:. Soon t*e fire brigade OarriveP. 58. +ne fireman
ObreaBP *is leg ?*en *e Otr-P to get into t*e building. >obod- else ?as
*urt. 57. &inall- t*e- OputP out t*e fire. 53. 4eorge and ,arr- Opla-P
tennis -esterda- ?*en it started to rain. )H. 4eorge ?ent *ome, but
,arr- OdecideP to go out in t*e car. )2. ,e ?as driving along t*e street
?*en *e OseeP argaret, a friend from ?orB. )5. @*ile argaret
OlooBP at a s*op ?indo?, ,arr- called *er name. )). argaret OgetP
into t*e car and t*e- talBed for a long time. )=. T*e- Ostill, talBP ?*en
a policeman arrived and s*o?ed ,arr- t*e V>o ParBingW sign. )E. Fust
as t*e policeman O?riteP do?n t*e number of ,arr-As car *e O*earP a
scream. ):. ,e looBed up and OseeP an old lad- ?*o OcrossP t*e road.
)8. ( big dog ObarBP at *er fiercel-. )7. (s t*e policeman OcrossP t*e
road to c*ase t*e dog a?a-, ,arr- and argaret OdriveP a?a- in t*e
)3. @*at X -ou OdoP -esterda- afternoon ?*en $ Op*oneP -ouS =H.
@*at time X -ou Op*oneP meS
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. ?ent 5. ?ere ?atc*ing ). invited =. ?rote E. ?as reading :. ?as
?riting 8. asBed 7. ?as reading 3. sa? 2H. ?as s*ining 22. drove 25.
?as getting 2). spent 2=. ran 2E. ?as still ringing 2:. fle? 28. @as
taBing off 27. ?as burning 23. ?as al?a-s talBing 5H. ?ere living 52.
sa?, ?as ?alBing 55. ?oBe, p*oned 5). ?oBe, ?ere sleeping 5=. ?as
sta-ing, got, #umped 5E. got, ?as running, ?as 5:. arrived 58. broBe,
?as tr-ing 57. put 53. ?ere pla-ing )H. decided )2. sa? )5. ?as
looBing )). got )=. ?ere still talBing )E. ?as ?riting, *eard ):. sa?,
?as crossing )8. ?as barBing )7. ?as crossing, drove )3. ?ere -ou
doing, p*oned =H. did -ou p*one
I1. ';: @R:S:A' @:R?:(' ':AS: S7M@<: B ';:
@R:S:A' @:R?:(' ':AS: (9A'7AU9US
';: @R:S:A' @:R?:(' ':AS: S7M@<:
&ormai perfectul prezent cu prezentul lui 0a"e F #artici#iu trecut
Participiul trecut al verbelor regulate are aceeai form ca trecutul
simpluK infiniti" F 8ed.
Participiul trecut al verbelor neregulate variaz i trebuie memorat.
$ T -ou T ?e T -ou T t*e- 'a%e ?orBed
,e T s*e T it 'as ?orBed
$ T -ou T ?e T -ou T t*e- 'a%e n#t ?orBed
,e T s*e T it 'as n#t ?orBed
2a%e $ T -ou T ?e T -ou T t*e- ?orBedS
2as *e T s*e T it ?orBedS
7nterogati" negati": 2a%e t*e- n#t O'a%en+t t*e-P ?orBedS 2as s*e
n#t O'asn+t t*e-P ?orBedS
?orme contra!e
$ *ave $Ave; -ou *ave -ouAve; *e *as *eAs; s*e *as s*eAs; *ave
not/ *avenAt; *as not *asnAt
+ aciune anterioar momentului prezent poate fi exprimat at6t prin
Past Tense c6t i prin Present Perfect Tense. %ar, 'n timp ce Past Tense
prezint o aciune fr nici o referin la momentul prezent, Present
Perfect leag aciunea din trectut cu prezentul. Prezentul perfect
simplu se foloseteK
1. #entru o ac6iune En trecut, nu ne intere!eaz momentul En care
a a"ut loc ci rezultatele ei En #rezent:
$ have visited an interesting museum. O$ still remember t*e t*ings
seen t*ereP
2. #entru o ac6iune care continu En #rezent i, #oate, "a
continua i En "iitor:
an- pupils have learnt in t*is sc*ool. Oin t*e past, some c*ildren
learnt *ere, in t*e present ot*ers are learning and, of course, in t*e
future, ot*er pupils ?ill learn *ere, tooP
3. #entru a e4#rima o ac6iune com#let Entr8un trecut foarte
a#ro#iat de #rezent% Se folo!ete cu: just, lately, recently+ of late,
latterly, till no), up to no), so far, up to the present, during the
last )ee&, the last fe) days, these t)enty minutes+ etc.
T*e train has just left.
@e have not seen FacB lately.
4. #entru a de!emna o ac6iune care !e de!foar Entr8o #erioad
de tim# incom#let% Se folo!ete cu: today, this )ee&, this
month, this year, all day, all night, this night, etc.
0ast ?eeB ?e ?rote t*ree letters, but t*is ?eeB ?e have )ritten
onl- one.
%ac t'is m#!ning, all nig't, all e%ening exprim o perioad de
timp complet, atunci folosim Past TenseK
$ have seen a good film t*is morning. O?e are before 25 oAclocB at
$ sa) a good film t*is morning. O?e are in t*e afternoon or in t*e
5. cu ho) long #entru a e4#rima o ac6iune care !e e4tinde #Cn En
-o) long have -ou been illS O-ou are still illP
%ar c6nd este vorba doar de o aciune 'n trecut, avemK
-o) long did -ou sta- in 0ondon last -earS
-o) long *ad -ou Bno?n *im ?*en *e diedS
6. cu ade"erbe de frec"en6: ever, never, often, seldom, al)ays,
several times:
@e have never visited >e? GprB.
-ave -ou ever been to t*e >ort* PoleS
7. cu ad"erbele already i yet
<a interogati" #ot a#rea amCndou, lready e4#rim
!ur#riza c ac6iunea !8a de!furat de+a:
-ave -ou got up alreadyS
(u yet "rem ! aflm dac ac6iunea !8a terminat !au nu:
-ave -ou got up yetS
lready #oate ! a#ar En #ro#ozi6ii afirmati"e:
T*e student has already translated t*e lesson.
On #ro#ozi6ii negati"e, yet are sensul de nu nc:
(lbert has not learnt t*e poem yet.
8. cu since i for%
Since arat momentul, #unctul, cCnd Ence#e ac6iunea care !e
e4tinde #Cn En #rezent% Se traduce En limba romCn #rin din+
de la+ de cnd:
T*e- have not seen (lice since 2373 T "*ristmas T s*e ?ent to
.or e4#rim #erioada de tim# care continu #Cn En #rezent%
On limba romCn !e traduce #rin de atta/timp:
T*ese bo-s have been *ere for *alf an *our.
3. #entru ac6iuni trecute, fr men6ionarea tim#ului:
-as Peter had lunc*S
14. En ziare, tiri de tele"iziune, #entru a introduce o ac6iune care
"a fi de!cri! #rin @a!t 'en!e:
( terrible accident has happened; a car ran into a group of
c*ildren and &illed t*ree of t*em.
Go i be sunt diferite ca sensK
Ton- 0a! gone to GorB. Oa plecat i e 'nc plecatP
Ton- 0a! been to GorB. Oa fost 'n vizit 'n GorB i acum s/a 'ntorsP
';: @R:S:A' @:R?:(' ':AS: (9A'7AU9US
&ormai timpul perfect prezent continuu cu #erfectul #rezent al lui to
be F 8ing
$ T -ou T ?e T -ou T t*e- 'a%e (een ?orBing
,e T s*e T it 'as (een ?orBing
$ T -ou T ?e T -ou T t*e- 'a%e n#t (een ?orBing
,e T s*e T it 'as n#t (een ?orBing
2a%e $ T -ou T ?e T -ou T t*e- (een ?orBing
2as ,e T s*e T it (een ?orBing
7nterogati" negati": 2a%e $ n#t O'a%en+t $P (een ?orBingS 2as s*e
n#t O'asn+t s*eP (een ?orBingS
?orme contra!e: $ *ave $Ave; *e *as *eAs; $ *ave not *avenAt; *e
*as not *asnAt
&e re6inutN
<nele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpurile continue.
$ have &no)n Fim for five -ears.
S*e has loved -ou since t*at da-.
Prezentul perfect continuu se foloseteK
$% #entru ac6iuni care au Ence#ut En trecut i continu #Cn En
momentul #rezent:
$ have been )aiting for an *our and t*e museum *as still not
1% #une accentul #e durat, #e continuitatea ac6iunii En #rezent:
ar- has been )atering t*e flo?ers for *alf an *our. Os*e is still
doing t*e #obP
<rmtoarele verbe se folosesc frecvent la perfectul prezent
continuuK e4#ect, learn, 0o#e, li"e, !lee#, loo., !it, rain, !tand,
!tay, teac0, !tudy, *or., *aitK
$ have been learning Englis* since $ ?as a c*ild.
(om#ara6i urmtoarele #ro#ozi6ii:
$ *ave been drinBing tea since E oAclocB. Oaciune ne'ntreruptP
$ *ave drunB t*ree cups of tea since E oAclocB. Oc6te ceti de ceai
@une6i "erbele din #arantez la trecutul !im#lu !au #rezentul
2. $ OliveP in t*is cit- all m- life. - parents come O*ere ?*en t*e-
?ere ver- -oung. 5. $t OrainP ver- muc* in t*is region in t*e spring,
but it Onot rainP muc* ever since. ). @e OseeP t*e famous ,eroesA
onument several times so far. T*e last time ?e OseeP it ?as t?o
?eeBs ago. =. r. artin Oteac*P Englis* from t*ree oAclocB to six
oAclocB. ,eAs no longer in t*e sc*ool. ,e OleaveP *alf an *our ago. E.
@e O*aveP a test almost ever- da- t*is ?eeB. @e O*aveP t*e first test
on onda- morning. :. T*e ?eat*er ObeP terrible ever since last
Sunda-. $t OrainP ever- da- t*is ?eeBR 8. T*e plumber ObeP *ere for t*e
past t?o ?eeBs. ,e OrepairP t*e radiators in all t*e rooms. 7. @e
OlearnP a great deal of Englis* since ?e OcomeP to t*is sc*ool. 3. +ur
grandmot*er ObeP ?it* us for t*e last t*ree mont*s. S*e OgoP a?a- t*is
morning. ot*er O*elpP *er ?it* *er pacBing before s*e left. 2H. $
OreadP man- booBs on cooBing and no? $ can cooB a lot of dis*es. 22.
r. 4rant O*aveP a car for -ears but *e Onever driveP at nig*t. 25. ar-
OmaBeP a lot of friends recentl-. 2). Tom al?a-s Opla-P in t*e parB in
front of *is *ouse ?*en *e ?as -oung. 2=. r. Plumb O*aveP a lot of
trouble ?it* *is car latel-. ,e OrepairP it t?ice so far. 2E. VGou OmeetP
(nnSW VGes, ?e OmeetP at t*e sc*ool festival t?o ?eeBs ago.W 2:. r.
1arton is not *ere. ,e OgoP out of to?n for t*e ?eeBend. 28. T*is
famous ?riter O?riteP several novels and last -ear *e O?riteP a
successful pla-. 27. T*e guests O*aveP a good time ever since t*eir
arrival. T*e- OarriveP b- plane t*ree da-s ago. 23. T*e students OstartP
t*e exercise at 7 oAclocB. T*e- Onot finis*P it -et. 5H. $ OtaBeP a lot of
p*otograp*s t*is *olida- but t*e- are not as good as t*ose $ OtaBeP last
*olida-. 52. argaret Obu-P a prett- dress for *er birt*da- part-. S*e
Obu-P it at t*e <nirea department store. 55. - friend ic*ael is in
*ospital because *e ObreaBP *is legK *e ObreaBP it t?o ?eeBs ago in a
car accident. 5). $Am sorr-, $ OforgetP *is telep*one number. 5=. $
OreadP nearl- all $vasiucAs novels. 0ast ?eeB $ OstartP to read [T*e
@aterA and $ nearl- Ofinis*P it no?. %uring t*e ?inter *olida- $ OreadP
[T*e 1irdsA. 5E. <p to no? $ OunderstandP ever- lesson in t*e booB.
5:. >o one OfindP 1arbaraAs glasses -et. S*e OloseP t*em during t*e
P*-sical Education lesson. 58. @e OreceiveP *is telegram at six oAclocB
-esterda-. @e Oalread-, sendP *im a special deliver- repl-. 57. $ Opa-P
t*e telep*one bill at t*e beginning of t*e mont*. 53. 4randfat*er
Onever, fl-P in a plane before. T*is mont* *e Ofl-P t?ice. )H. r.
artin is m- Englis* teac*er. ,e Oteac*P in our sc*ool for five -ears.
,e OgraduateP from t*e <niversit- in 238H.
@une6i "erbele din #arantez la trecutul !im#lu, #rezentul #erfect
!im#lu !au continuu:
2. Since ic*ael last OvisitP me, *e ObeP to man- places. 5. %an O?aitP
for ,enr- since eig*t oAclocB. $tAs no? *alf past eig*t, but ,enr- Onot
arriveP -et. ). @*ere O-ou, beP all t*is morningS $tAs nearl- noon no?.
=. @*ere ObeP Paul t*is morningS $ rang *im up several times before
noon. E. $ Onever, readP suc* a good booB as t*is. :. r. 1ro?n OtellP
@illiam to go to t*e grocerAs since breaBfast, but *e Onot goP -et. 8.
O-ou, ever, seeP an- bearsS 7. (s soon as $ OdoP m- *ome?orB $All
?atc* television and t*en $[ll go to bed. 3. $ OBno?P Peter for -ears; as
a matter of fact $ OBno?P *im since $ ObeP a little c*ild. 2H. Please
excuse t*e disorder in t*e *ouse. $ OmoveP furniture. 22. ,o? long
O-ou ?atc*P televisionS @e O?atc*P television since eig*t oAclocB, but
?e OtalBP most of t*e time. 25. $ still Onot mendP t*e dress $ OtearP last
?eeB. 2). $ Op*oneP -ou for at least t?o *ours. @*ere O-ou, bePS 2=.
@e O?atc*P t*e T! programme several times t*is ?eeB. 2E. O-ou,
meetP %oris at five oAclocB on onda-S Ges, $ OdoP, but $ Onot meetP
*er since. 2:. T*e bab- Ocr-P for at least t?ent- minutes. ,e Ocr-P a lot
recentl-. 28. @e Onot receiveP an- letter from *im -et but ?e Oalread-,
getP a p*one call. 27. @*at O-ou, doP ?it* m- *andbagS $t ObeP *ere a
moment ago. 23. Fim Ooften, tr-P to #ump over t*e ?all. 5H. r. 1ro?n
O?orBP on *is report since *e OcomeP in.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. *ave lived, came 5. rained, *asnAt rained ). *ave seen, sa? =.
taug*t, left E. *ave *ad, *ad :. ,as been, *as rained 8. *as been, *as
repaired 7. *ave learnt, came 3. *as been, ?ent, *elped 2H. *ave read
22. *as *ad, *as never driven 25. *as made 2). pla-ed 2=. *as *ad, *as
repaired 2E. *ave -ou met, met 2:. *as gone 28. *as ?ritten, ?rote 27.
*ave *ad, arrived 23. started, *avenAt finis*ed it -et 5H. *ave taBen,
tooB 52. *as boug*t, boug*t 55. *as broBen, broBe 5). *ave forgotten
5=. *ave read, started, *ave finis*ed, read 5E. *ave understood 5:. *as
found, lost 58. received, *ave alread- sent 57. paid 53. *as never
flo?n, *as flo?n )H. *as taug*t, graduated
2. visited, *as been 5. *as been ?aiting, *as not arrived ). *ave -ou
been =. ?as E. *ave never read :. *as been telling, *asnAt gone 8. *ave
-ou ever seen 7. *ave done 3. *ave Bno?n, *ave Bno?n, ?as 2H. *ave
been moving 22. *ave -ou been ?atc*ing, *ave been ?atc*ing, *ave
been talBing 25. *avenAt mended, tore 2). *ave been p*oning, *ave
-ou been 2=. *ave ?atc*ed 2E. did -ou meet, did, *avenAt met 2:. *as
been cr-ing, *as cried 28. *avenAt received, *ave alread- got 27. *ave
-ou done, ?as 23. *as often tried 5H. *as been ?orBing, came
1. ';: @AS' @:R?:(' ':AS: S7M@<: B ';: @AS'
@:R?:(' ':AS: (9A'7AU9US
';: @AS' @:R?:(' ':AS: S7M@<:
&ormai mai mult ca perfectul cu 0ad F #artici#iul trecut
$ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- 'ad ?orBed.
$ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- 'ad n#t ?orBed.
2ad $ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- ?orBedS
7nterogati" negati": 2ad $ n#t O'adn+t $P ?orBedS
?orme contra!e: $ *ad, -ou *ad $Ad, -ouAd; *adn not *adnAt
ai mult ca perfectul simplu se foloseteK
$% ca ec0i"alentul trecut al @rezentului #erfect B e4#rim o
ac6iune care are loc Enaintea unei alte ac6iuni din trecut:
T*e bo- explained t*at *e had seen somebod- in t*e garden.
@*en fat*er came *ome, %icB had done *is *ome?orB.
+bservai folosirea adverbelor *0en, before, no* t0at, a! !oon
a! i after 'n unele propoziii care conin mai mult ca perfectul.
%icB had done *is *ome?orB before fat*er came *ome.
1% #entru a e4#rima durata #Cn la un anumit moment En trecut:
0y the time t*e rain started, ?e had dug t*e ?*ole garden.
5% cu just, al!ead&, hardly, barely, scarcely i no sooner #entru a
arta c o ac6iune !8a terminat c0iar Enaintea unei alte ac6iuni
din trecut:
ar- told us t*at *er brot*er had just left.
$ had hardly1scarcely entered t*e room ?*en somebod- BnocBed
at t*e door.
D% cu since i for cCnd #unctul de referin6 e!te En trecut:
$n 237H $ had been a teacher for ten years.
$ Bne? s*e had not seen *im since 2hristmas.
K% #entru a e4#rima o ac6iune "iitoare care are loc Enaintea unei
alte ac6iuni e4#rimate de ?uture8in8t0e #a!t:
$ told m- friend t*at $ ?ould lend *im t*e booB after $ had read it.
L% cu "erbe ca to e(pect, to hope, to intend, to mean, to thin& #entru
a e4#rima o !#eran6, inten6ie, din trecut care nu !8a
$ had hoped1 intended1 meant to find ticBets for t*at performance
but $ ?asnAt able to.
';: @AS' @:R?:(' ':AS: (9A'7AU9US
&ormai mai mult ca perfectul continuu cu 0ad been F 8ing
$ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- 'ad (een ?orBing.
$ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- 'ad n#t (een ?orBing.
2ad $ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- (een ?orBingS
7nterogati" negati": 2ad $ n#t O'adn+t $P (een ?orBingS
?orme contra!e
$ *ad, -ou *ad $Ad *ad, -ouAd *ad; *ad not *adnAt
&e re6inutN
<nele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpul continuu. Ovezi pagina 27/23P
ai mult ca perfectul continuu se foloseteK
2. #entru a !ublinia continuitatea unei ac6iuni din trecut #Cn la
un alt moment din trecut !au doar #Cn foarte a#roa#e de el:
T*e pupils had been reading t*e lesson for five minutes ?*en t*e
sc*ool master entered t*e classroom.
:4#rimarea unor ac6iuni obinuite !au re#etate En trecut
(ciunile obinuite sau repetate legate de o perioad de timp din trecut
se pot exprima folosindK
$% trecutul !im#lu:
- fat*er al?a-s got up at da-breaB.
1% u!ed to F infiniti":
- fat*er used to get up at da-breaB.
5% *ould F infiniti":
- fat*er )ould get up at da-breaB.
D% mai mult ca #erfectul #oate e4#rima o ac6iune din trecut
re#etat, care a durat #Cn la un moment dat:
- fat*er had been getting up at da-breaB until *is accident.
Aten6ieN B Au confunda6i used t# 5 infiniti% cu t# (e used t# 5 "ingN
%r. >elson used to )or& late. Oobicei 'n trecutP
%r. >elson is used to )or&ing late. Oobicei 'n prezentP
@une6i "erbele din #arantez la trecutul !im#lu, mai mult ca
#erfectul !im#lu !au continuu:
2. 1- t*e time ,elen Oreac*P t*e store, s*e OforgetP ?*at s*e ?anted to
bu-. 5. T*e ground ObeP ?et because it OrainP for five da-s. ). &irst t*e
?eat*er ObeP fine. 0ater it OstartP to rain. T*en ?e OdecideP to go bacB
*ome. =. ic*ael OfeelP rat*er un?ell for a fe? da-s so *e OgoP to see
*is doctor. E. 1- t*e end of last -ear t*e- Ostud-P Englis* for six -ears.
:. Gesterda- ar- OtellP *er mot*er about a beautiful dress s*e OseeP a
fe? *ours earlier. 8. @*en Step*en t*e 4reat OdieP in 2EH=, *e OreignP
for =8 -ears. 7. T*e part- ?as a great success. Tom OfeelP *appier t*an
*e Oever, feelP before. 3. 1ill OgoP to t*e police station ?it* a purse *e
OfindP on t*e pavement. 2H. @e O?aitP for more t*an *alf an *our but
t*ere ?as still no sign of ar-. 22. @*en $ Op*oneP 4erald, *e Onot
finis*P *is *ome?orB -et. 25. ,e O?riteP to sa- t*at *e O#ust, bu-P a
car. 2). (fter t*e- Opla-P records for an *our t*e- Ogo outP for a ?alB.
2=. Sall- ?as still singing at noon -esterda-. S*e OsingP all morning.
2E. Patricia OdesignP *erself a summer dress -esterda-. S*e Onever,
designP clot*es for *erself before. 2:. $ OseeP (lice -esterda-
afternoon. S*e OtellP me s*e O#ust, comeP bacB from *er *olida-. 28.
T*e telep*one OringP again a fe? minutes ago. $t OringP several times
during t*e da-. 27. T*e brass bands Opla-P ever since t*e first people
OgetP into t*e parB. 23. 1- t*e time ?e OgetP to t*e cinema, t*e film
Oalread-, beginP. 5H. r. @ood OdriveP a fe? Bilometers before *e
OrealizeP t*at one of *is t-res ?as flat. 52. (lice ?as reading ?*en *er
parents OcomeP *ome from ?orB. S*e OreadP for t?o *ours. S*e OreadP
fift- pages.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. reac*ed, *ad forgotten 5. ?as, *ad been raining ). ?as, started,
decided =. ,ad been feeling, ?ent E. *ad been stud-ing :. told, *ad
seen 8. died, *ad reigned 7. felt, *ad ever felt 3. ?ent, *ad found 2H.
*ad been ?aiting 22. p*oned, *adnAt finis*ed 25. ?rote, *ad #ust
boug*t 2). pla-ed, ?ent out 2=. *ad been singing 2E. designed, *ad
never designed 2:. sa?, told, *ad #ust come 28. rang, *ad rung 27. *ad
been pla-ing, got 23. got, *ad alread- begun 5H. *ad driven, realized
52. came, *ad been reading, *ad read
1I. ';: ?U'UR7'P
Exist mai multe modaliti de exprimare a aciunilor viitoare.
(legerea unei anumite modaliti depinde de felul aciunii viitoareK
planificat, intenionat, ateptat, iminent sau dac face parte dintr/
un program.
$% ';: S7M@<: ?U'UR:
&ormai viitorul cu !0all T*ill F infiniti" fr to
$ T ?e s'all ?orB
-ou T *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- will ?orB
$ T ?e s'all n#t ?orB
-ou T *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- will n#t ?orB
6'all $ T ?e ?orBS
0ill -ou T *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- ?orBS
7nterogati" negati": 6'all $ n#t Os'an+t $P ?orBS 0ill -ou n#t Ow#n+t
-ouP ?orBS 0ill *e n#t Ow#n+t *eP ?orBS
?orme contra!e
$ s*all $All; -ou ?ill -ouAll; *e ?ill *eAll; ?e s*all ?eAll
%eoarece 'n limba vorbit will 'l 'nlocuiete pe s'all, tendina actual
este de 'nlocuire a lui s'all cu will c*iar i 'n scris.
!iitorul simplu se foloseteK
$% #entru a e4#rima o reac6ie !au decizie !#ontan !au
ne#lanificat, fcut la momentul "orbirii:
ar-, t*e p*one is ringing. +*. $s itS ,*ll ans)er it.
$Am too tired to go out tonig*t. $ t*inB ,*ll stay *ome.
Pentru deciziile neplanificate, fcute 'n momentul vorbirii, se folosete
viitorul simplu. Pentru referirile ulterioare la aceste decizii se folosete
prezentul continuu cu sens de viitor sau forma cu g#ing t# 'n locul
viitorului cu will.
1% #entru e"enimente #robabile En "iitor: #entru a tran!mite ceea
ce "orbitorul )tie, c!ede, spe!$, p!esupune, se teme, se nd#ie)te,
se a)teapt$ s$, se nt!ea($ dac$ )tie c !e "a EntCm#la:
(fter t*is rain- summer, $ e(pect t*e *arvest )ill be good.
$ *ope 0ucB- Fim )ill )in, $Ave bet 2HH \ on *im.
5% #entru a #rezice e"enimente "iitoare:
1- t*e -ear 5HEH ?e )ill all be driving electric cars.
D% #entru a te oferi ! faci ce"a:
$ canAt do m- *ome?orB. %onAt ?orr-. ,*ll help you.
#entru a acce#ta !au refuza ! faci ce"a:
"an -ou give me a lift to t*e station tomorro? morningS +f
course, ,*ll pic& you up at 7.)H.
#entru a #romite c faciQ nu faci ce"a:
,*ll say hello to Cat*- for -ou.
, )on*t tell an-bod- about ?*at *appened last nig*t.
#entru a cera cui"a ! fac ce"a:
$Am tr-ing to do some ?orB. %ill -ou be 3uiet, pleaseS
0ill n#t Osau w#n+tP se folosete adesea pentru a exprima o
intenie negativ foarte clarK
,e )on*t move *is car U ,e !efuses to move *is car.
0ill se folosete cu adverbe de probabilitate, cum suntK p!#(a(l&,
pe!'aps, ce!tainl&K
T*e factor- ?orBers )ill probably get a pa- increase t*is -ear.
6'all se poate folosi pentru sugestii sau oferte la persoana $
singular i plural s'all I 78 6'all we 78
@*ere shall , put t*ese boxesS OU ?*ere do -ou suggest $ put
Shall )e go no?S
R!#un!uri !curte i interoga6ii di!+uncti"e
Pentru a forma rspunsuri scurte, lui &es sau n# li se poate aduga
structura su(iect 5 will
@ill it breaB if $ sit on itS Ges, it will.
1% ';: ?U'UR: (9A'7AU9US
<neori se mai numete i viitorul progresiv.
&ormai viitorul continuu cu !0all Q*ill be F Ging
$ T ?e s'all (e ?orBing
GouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- will (e ?orBing
$ T ?e s'all n#t (e ?orBing
GouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- will n#t (e ?orBing
6'all $ T ?e (e ?orBingS
0ill -ouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- (e ?orBingS
7nterogati" negati": 6'all $ not Os'an+t $P (e ?orBingS 0ill -ou n#t
Ow#n+t -ouP (e ?orBingS 0ill *e n#t Ow#n+t *eP (e ?orBingS
!iitorul continuu se foloseteK
$% #entru a e4#rima ac6iuni En de!furare En "iitor, cCnd tim#ul
e!te men6ionat !au dedu!:
argaret )ill be )earing *er usual red dress at t*e part- on
Saturda- nig*t.
T*is time next ?eeB ,*ll be lying on a *ot sunn- beac*. @*at )ill
you be doingS
1% #entru a e4#rima ce"a care a fo!t de+a #lnuit !au deci!, fr
inten6ia "orbitorului i fr a !e men6iona un tim# anume:
,*ll be going to t*e ne?sagentAs soon. "an $ get -ou a ne?spaperS
5% #entru a Entreba #olitico! de!#re #lanurile altora% Acea!t
form !ugereaz c dorim ! ne #otri"im cu #lanurile
celeilalte #er!oane, nu ! le !c0imbm:
%ill you be using -our car t*is eveningS >o, ?*-S "ould $ borro?
5% ';: ?U'UR: @:R?:(' S7M@<:
&ormai viitorul perfect cu !0all Q *ill F 0a"e F #artici#iul trecut
$ T ?e s'all 'a%e ?orBed
GouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- will 'a%e ?orBed
$ T ?e s'all n#t 'a%e ?orBed
GouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- will n#t 'a%e ?orBed
6'all $ T ?e 'a%e ?orBedS
0ill -ouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- 'a%e ?orBedS
7nterogati" negati": 6'all $ n#t Os'an+t $P 'a%e ?orBedS 0ill -ou not
Ow#n+t -ouP 'a%e ?orBedS 0ill *e n#t Ow#n+t *eP 'a%e ?orBedS
!iitorul perfect se foloseteK
$% #entru a e4#rima o ac6iune care !e "a fi #etrecut de+a #Cn la
un anumit moment din "iitor% :!te im#ortant men6ionarea
$ )ill have retired from ?orB (& t'e time $Am :E.
FacB is running for t*e 7.2H train. ,e looBs at *is ?atc*; itAs no?
7.25. ,e t*inBs to *imself, itAs useless running, t*e train )ill have
left (& n#w.
D% ';: ?U'UR: @:R?:(' (9A'7AU9US
&ormai viitorul perfect continuu cu !0all Q *ill F 0a"e been F Ging
$ T ?e s'all 'a%e (een ?orBing
GouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- will 'a%e (een ?orBing
$ T ?e s'all n#t 'a%e (een ?orBing
GouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- will n#t 'a%e (een ?orBing
6'all $ T ?e 'a%e (een ?orBingS
0ill -ouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- 'a%e ?orBedS
7nterogati" negati": 6'all $ n#t Os'an+t $P 'a%e (een ?orBingS 0ill
-ou n#t Ow#n+t -ouP 'a%e (een ?orBingS 0ill *e n#t Ow#n+t *eP 'a%e
(een ?orBingS
!iitorul perfect continuu se foloseteK
$% #entru a e4#rima fa#tul c o ac6iune !e "a afla Enc En
de!furare la un anumit moment En "iitor:
T*e- )ill have been building t*at *ouse for 5 -ears next
%iferena dintre timpurile perfect prezent i timpurile viitoare
9e!fect p!e/ent simplu-
r. Y rs. &ox have &no)n eac* ot*er for 8 -ears.
1iit#!ul pe!fect simplu-
r. Y rs. &ox )ill have &no)n eac* ot*er for 7 -ears next (pril.
#a!t no*
GGGGGGGGGGG%% M year! GG R year!
#a!t no* ne4t A#ril
9!e/ent pe!fect c#ntinuu-
r. Y rs. &ox have been living toget*er for 8 -ears.
1iit#!ul pe!fect c#ntinuu-
r. Y rs. &ox )ill have been living toget*er for 7 -ears next (pril.
K% ';: ?U'UR:87A8';:8@AS' S7M@<:
&ormai viitorul 'n trecut simplu cu !0ould Q *ould F infiniti"ul !curt
$ T ?e s'#uld ?orB
GouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- w#uld ?orB
$ T ?e s'#uld n#t ?orB
GouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- w#uld n#t ?orB
6'#uld $ T ?e ?orBS
0#uld -ouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- ?orBS
7nterogati" negati": 6'#uld $ n#t Os'#uldn+t $P ?orBS 0#uld -ou n#t
Ow#uldn+t -ouP ?orBS
!iitorul 'n trecut se foloseteK
$% #entru a e4#rima o ac6iune "iitoare "zut dintr8un #unct de
"edere trecut% Se folo!ete En #ro#ozi6ii !ubordonate
com#leti"e directe:
S*e told me t*at s*e )ould go t*ere soon.
L% ';: ?U'UR:87A8';:8@AS' (9A'7AU9US
&ormai viitorul 'n trecut continuu cu !0ould Q *ould F be F
#artici#iul #rezent
$ T ?e s'#uld (e ?orBing
GouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- w#uld (e ?orBing
$ T ?e s'#uld n#t (e ?orBing
GouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- w#uld n#t (e ?orBing
6'#uld $ T ?e (e ?orBingS
0#uld -ouT *e T s*e T it T -ou T t*e- (e ?orBingS
7nterogati" negati": 6'#uld $ n#t Os'#uldn+t $P (e ?orBingS 0#uld
-ou n#t Ow#uldn+t -ouP (e ?orBingS
!iitorul 'n trecut continuu se foloseteK
$% #entru a e4#rima un "iitor continuu dintr8un #unct de "edere
T*e ?oman assured us t*at, in less t*an *alf an *our, *er bab-
)ould be sleeping.
M% '9 B: '9 ?U'UR:
!iitorul cu t# (e t# se foloseteK
$% #entru ce"a care e!te de!tinat ! !e EntCm#le:
T*e famous tennis pla-er began t*e matc* in ?*ic* he )as to
brea& *is arm.
1% #entru un #lan !au un aran+ament oficial:
T*e President )as to arrive at 2H oAclocB.
5% #entru "oin6a unei #er!oane, alta decCt "orbitorul:
T*is bad ne?s is to be given to *im after *is exam.
D% #entru o datorie:
@*at exercises are )e to doS
K% #entru o #o!ibilitate, #robabilitate:
Prices are to be muc* *ig*er soon.
R% '9 B: AB9U' '9 ?U'UR:
!iitorul cu t# (e a(#ut t# se foloseteK
$% #entru a e4#rima ce"a care e pe punctul de a !e EntCm#la:
+ur guests are about to leave.
$ am about to go to t*e seaside
S% '9 B: G97AG '9 ?U'UR: ('0e Aear ?uture)
Se formeaz cu to be F going to F infiniti"
$ am T -ou a!eQ *e, s*e, it isT ?e, -ou, t*e- a!e g#ing t# ?orB
$ am T -ou a!eT *e, s*e, it isT ?e, -ou, t*e- a!e n#t g#ing t# ?orB
:m $ T are -ou T is *e, s*e, it T a!e ?e, -ou, t*e- g#ing t# ?orBS
7nterogati" negati": :m $ n#t Oa!en+t $P g#ing t# ?orBS :!e -ou n#t
Oa!en+t -ouP g#ing t# ?orBS Is *e n#t Oisn+t *eP g#ing t# ?orBS
&orma cu g#ing t# se foloseteK
$% #entru a e4#rima inten6ia de a face En "iitor ce"a ce nu a fo!t
aran+at dar #robabil !e "a EntCm#la:
Fim and Sue are going to move to 0iverpool ?*en t*e- finis* t*eir
Sara* and Fo*n are going to get married next -ear.
1% #entru a #rezice o EntCm#lare En "iitor:
(cest timp se folosete pentru a exprima ceea ce credem c se va
'nt6mpla, 'n special atunci c6nd ceva din situaia prezent indic
un rezultat 'n viitorul imediat. Timpul nu este de obicei menionat.
0ooB *o? fast t*ose cars are moving. T*ere is going to be an
T*at little girl isnAt looBing ?*ere s*eAs going. S*e is going to
)al& into t*at tree.
5% forma cu ?asT?ere going to e folo!it #entru a e4#rima o
inten6ie din trecut care nu !8a realizat:
$ )as going to phone -ou last nig*t but $ fell asleep in front of t*e
- parents )ere going to go to Scotland for t*eir *olida-s but
t*e- c*anged t*eir minds and ?ent to $reland instead.
@une6i "erbele din #arantez la forma corect folo!ind will !au
g#ing t#:
2. T*e fire *as gone out. +*, -esR $ OgoP and get some ?ood. 5. @*at
are -ou doing ?it* t*at panS $ OgetP lunc* read-. ). r. %o-le *as #ust
arrived. +*, good, $ OmeetP *im at t*e lift. =. $ *avenAt boug*t an-
cigarettes because $ Otr-P to give up smoBing. E. $Ave got a *ole in m-
trousers. 4ive t*em to me. $ OmendP t*em for -ou. :. 0ooB ?*at $
boug*t at t*e auction t*is morningR ,o? nice, ?*ere O-ouT putP itS 8.
%id -ou post t*at letter for meS $ completel- forgot. $ OdoP it no?. 7.
@*at ?ould -ou liBe to drinBK red or ?*ite ?ineS $ O*aveP red, please.
3. $ see -ou are ?earing -our overalls. XO-ouTfixP -our carS 2H. ,ave
-ou booBed t*e flig*tS >ot -et, $ OdoP it tomorro?. 22. $ OgoP s*opping
later. Ieall-, $ OcomeP ?it* -ou. 25. @*at O-ouTdoP ?*en -ou leave
universit-S $ donAt Bno? -et; per*aps $ OtravelP around Europe for a
-ear. 2). Gou looB ex*austed. Sit do?n and $ OmaBeP -ou a cup of tea.
2=. @*en O-ouTbu-P a ne? carS T*is one is falling to pieces. $ canAt
afford it no?, $ Oc*angeP it next -ear ?*en $ get a pa- rise. 2E.
O-ouTpassP me t*e salt, pleaseS 2:. O-ouTparBP m- car for meS 28. $
OmaBeP a cup of coffee, if -ou ?is*. 27. O-ouTdecorateP t*e ?*ole
*ouse -ourselfS 23. %o -ou ?ant me to *elp -ou ?it* t*at mat*s
exercisesS >o, t*anBs $ OsolveP it m-self. 5H. $ Onot bu-P an- more ne?
clot*es until $Ave lost five Bilos.
@une6i "erbele din #arantez la "iitorul !im#lu !au continuu:
2. T*e ?eat*er Oprobabl-, beP fine tomorro? so ?e OgoP on a trip to
t*e seaside. 5. @e OlieP on t*e beac* and Os?imP in t*e ?ater bet?een
2H and 25 in t*e morning. ). (t noon ?e O*aveP lunc* in a restaurant
on t*e pier. =. T*en ?e O?alBP along t*e s*ore and OlooBP at t*e s*ips
for a ?*ile. E. @e OeatP ice/creams and OlistenP to t*e brass band
bet?een = and E in t*e afternoon. :. (bout E oAclocB in t*e afternoon
?e OgoP to our car and OdriveP bacB *ome. 8. $n t*e evening ?e OsitP
round t*e table in t*e living/room and OtellP #ocBes. 7. @e OgoP to bed
about 2H oAclocB. $Am sure ?e O*aveP a good time tomorro?.
@une6i "erbele din #arantez la forma corect: #rezent, "iitor !au
"iitor #erfect:
2. 1- t*e time t*e ?riter OmeetP *is readers, *e O?riteP 5HH pages of
*is novel. 5. $ OgiveP "at*- -our message before -ou OseeP *er. ). r.
1ro?n Oteac*P our class until 2H oAclocB. 1- 2H.HE *e OleaveP t*e
classroom. =. @*en fat*er OreturnP from *is trip, ?e Oalread-, leaveP
on *olida-. E. T*e cooB OprepareP t*e dinner before t*e guests OarriveP.
:. T*e next time -ou OmeetP 4eorge, *e ObeP an engineer for t?o
mont*s. 8. @*en -ou OgoP into t*e office, t*e post Oalread-, arriveP. 7.
T*e- OcloseP t*e s*op b- t*e time -ou OgetP t*ere. 3. T*e compan-
OdeliverP t*e materials until t*e beginning of t*e a-. T*e- OdeliverP
ever-t*ing b- t*e first of a-. 2H. @*en -ou OseeP FacB next mont*,
*e Oalmost, finis*P *is militar- service.
@une6i "erbele din #arantez la #rezent, #rezentul #erfect, "iitor
!au "iitorul #erfect (!im#lu !au continuu):
2. @*at O-ou, doP ?*en -ou OgraduatePS 5. 1- next %ecember, ,enr-
O?orBP in t*is factor- for t?o -ears and *e OlearnP a lot of useful
t*ings. ). r. 1ro?n Ofl-P to (merica tomorro?. ,e OeatP *is lunc*
?*ile *e Ofl-P over t*e ocean. =. rs. 1arton O?aitP in t*e car ?*ile
*er *usband OgetP t*e petrol. E. >ext ?eeB m- friends OlieP on t*e
beac* ?*ile $ O?riteP examination papers. $ O?orBP *ard for a ?eeB;
?*en $ Ofinis*P, $ ObeP ex*austed. :. $ Oalread-, *aveP lunc* b- t*e time
-ou OarriveP. 8. $ OgoP to bed as soon as $ Ofinis*P m- ?orB. 7. $ O#ust,
comeP bacB from sc*ool b- seven oAclocB tomorro?. 3. @*en $ OliveP
in t*is district for a fe? mont*s, $ OBno?P t*e names of all t*e streets.
2H. T*e doctor OoperateP from eig*t to ten in t*e morning; donAt let
an-one get into t*e operating t*eatre.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
Q2. $All go 5. $Am going to get ). $All meet =. $Am going to tr- E. $All
mend :. are -ou going to put 8. $All do 7. $All *ave 3. are -ou going to
fix 2H. $All do 22. $ am going to go, $All come 25. are -ou going to do,
$All travel 2). $All maBe 2=. are -ou going to bu- 2E. ?ill -ou pass 2:.
?ill -ou parB 28. $All maBe 27. are -ou going to decorate 23. $All solve
5H. $Am not going to bu-
Q 2. ?ill probabl- be fine, ?eAll go 5. ?ill be l-ing, ?ill be s?imming
). ?ill be *aving =. ?ill be ?alBing, ?eAll looB E. @eAll be eating,
?eAll be listening to :. @eAll go, ?eAll drive 8. @eAll be sitting, ?eAll
be telling 7. @eAll go, ?eAll *ave
Q 2. meets, ?ill *ave ?ritten 5. $All give, see ). ?ill teac*, ?ill *as left
=. returns, ?ill alread- *ave left E. ?ill prepare, arrive :. meet, ?ill
*ave been 8. go, ?ill alread- *ave arrived 7. ?ill *ave closed, get 3.
?ill deliver, ?ill *ave delivered 2H. See, ?ill almost *as finis*ed
Q 2. are -ou going to do, graduate 5. ?ill *ave been ?orBing, ?ill *ave
learnt ). $s fl-ing, ?eAll be eating, ?ill be fl-ing =. ?ill be ?aiting,
gets E. ?ill be l-ing, $ am ?riting, $All ?orB, $All finis*, $All be
ex*austed :. $All alread- *ave *ad lunc*, arrive 8. $All go, finis* 7. $All
#ust *ave come bacB 3. $Ave lived, $All Bno? 2H. ?ill be operating
1II. ';: (9A&7'79AA< M99& AA& ';: I; <=:>6?
';: @R:S:A' (9A&7'79AA<
&ormai condiionalul prezent cu verbul *ould Q !0ould F
$ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- *ould / ?orB
$ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- *ould not / ?orB
=ould $ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- ?orBS
=ould $ not T *ouldnHt $ T ?orBS =ould -ou not T *ouldnHt -ou T
?orma contra!
$ ?ould U $Ad T -ou ?ould U -ouAd
,e ?ould not U *e ?ouldnAt T t*e- ?ould not U t*e- ?ouldnAt
S0ould poate fi folosit pentru toate persoanele pentru a exprima
'ndatorirea sau sugestiaK
$ s*ould ?orB toda- but $Am too tired. OdatorieP
(lan s*ould ?orB *arder to earn more mone-. OsugestieP
';: @:R?:(' (9A&7'79AA<
&ormai condiionalul perfect cu *ould Q !0ould F 0a"e F
#artici#iu trecut
$ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- *ould 0a"e / ?orBed
$ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- *ould not 0a"e / ?orBed
=ould $ T -ou T *e T s*e T it T ?e T -ou T t*e- 0a"e / ?orBed
=ould $ not 0a"e O?ouldnAt $ *aveP ?orBedS
Timpurile condiionale se folosescK
1. la fel ca "iitorul !im#lu (future8in8t0e8#a!t) cCnd "erbul
#rinci#al e!te la trecut:
$ thin& *e )ill come. $ thought *e )ould come.
2. #entru a face referiri la ac6iuni obinuite din trecut:
@*en ?e lived in (frica ?e )ould often spend our ?eeBends in
t*e bus*.
@*en Elena ?as a bab- s*e )ould cry all nig*t long.
3. En #ro#ozi6ii !ubordonate du#: ad%ise, ag!ee, a!!ange, ask,
(eg, c#mmand, decide, demand, dete!mine, insist, #!de!,
p!#p#se, !ec#mmend, !e@uest, suggest, (e anxi#us, (e
T*e doctor decided Ot*atP t*e patient should *ave *is appendix
r. @alBer is an(ious Ot*atP *er son should get t*e #ob.
4. cu it is A was 5 ad.ecti% 5 t'at7 s'#uld
,t*s essential t*at t*e students should get to t*eir lesson on time.
,t )as strange t*at *e should sa- t*at.
5. du# can+t t'ink, d#n+t kn#w w'& !au see n# !eas#n w'&
$ see no reason )hy ?e should ?orr-.
$ don*t &no) )hy m- neig*bour should do t*at.
$ can*t thin& )hy &ranB should apologise.
6. cu oferte i cereri:
%ould -ou prefer tea or coffeeS
%ould -ou li&e to see m- stamp collectionS
=ould rat0erG 'nseamn a p!efe!a sa
$ )ould rather *ave coffee t*an tea.
@e )ould rather taBe t*e bus t*an ?alB.
7. En #ro#ozi6ii condi6ionale
Exist trei tipuri de propoziii condiionale O$& "luaseP
7? (lau!e B 'i#ul 7: #entru a indica #robabilitatea
&ormai primul tip de propoziie condiional cu If 5 p!e/ent simplu
i will A p!e/ent simplu A impe!ati% 5 infiniti% scu!t (En #ro#ozi6ia
,f $ run, $ )ill catc* t*e train.
S*e smiles if -ou greets *er.
4ead t*at booB, if -ou find it.
&orma contras este cea uzual 'n engleza vorbit.
,f &ranB doesn*t come, )e*ll start ?it*out *im.
Este posibil inversarea subordonatei cu propoziia principalK
,f $ get *ome earl-, ,*ll phone -ou.
,*ll phone -ou, if $ get home earl-.
"ondiionalul de tip $ se folosete astfelK
2. cCnd !itua6ia din #ro#ozi6ia condi6ional e!te #robabil !au !e
#re!u#une c !e "a EntCm#la% %ei sensul poate fi de prezent sau
viitor, verbul din propoziia condiional este 'ntotdeauna la
timpul prezent.
T*e vase )ill brea&, if -ou drop it.
%ill -ou get me some milB, if -ou go to t*e supermarBetS
1% "erbele modale #recum can, may, mu!t, !0ould El Enlocuie!c #e
*ill En #ro#ozi6ia #rinci#al:
Gou can enter t*e stadium, if -ou *ave a ticBet.
$f *e isnAt in, -ou may leave a message.
Fo*n must ?orB ver- *ard, if *e ?ants to get elected.
$f -ou ?ant to ?ear t*at dress t*is summer, -ou should lose some
5% cu dou tim#uri #rezente (unul En fiecare #ro#ozi6ie) #entru a
indica rezultate automate !au obinuin6e:
$f -ou push t*at button, it comes on.
$f -ou mi( red and blue, -ou get purple.
6'#uld poate fi plasat du# sau En loc de if c6nd vorbim despre o
posibilitate mai puin probabil. >otai c subiectul este aezat dup
$f $ should visit $ndia, $All go and see t*e Ta# a*al.
Should $ visit $ndia, $All go and see t*e Ta# a*al.
Pentru a indica sfatul, comanda sau cererea, 'n propoziia principal se
pot folosiK could, *ould, 0ad better, oug0t toK
1ill had better get *is *air cut, if *e ?ants to get t*at #ob.
$ )ould pa- t*e fine, if -ou donAt ?ant to get into trouble ?it* t*e
D% cu tim#uri #rezente alternati"e (continue !au #erfecte) En
#ro#ozi6ia condi6ional:
$f -ou are ma&ing a cup of coffee, $All have one too.
$f t*e c*ildren have finished dinner, $All )ash up.
Unle!! U 7f G not
5nless itAs a sunn- da- tomorro?, ?e ?onAt go on t*at picnic U ,f it is
not a sunn- da- tomorro?, ?e ?onAt go on t*at picnic.
9t0er*i!e U or el!e
$f -ou donAt stud-, -ouAll fail t*e exam U -ou must stud-, other)ise
-ouAll fail t*e exam U -ou must stud-, or else -ouAll fail t*e exam.
7? (lau!e B 'i#ul 77 : #entru a indica im#robabilitatea !au i#oteza
&ormai al doilea tip de propoziie condiional cu If 5 past simple i
w#uld 5 infiniti%ul scu!t (En #ro#ozi6ia #rinci#al)
$f -ou invited *er s*e )ould come.
$f -ou did not invite *er s*e )ould not come.
Tipul $$ de condiional se refer la prezent sau la viitor. Trecutul din
subordonata condiional nu are sens de trecut. Este un con#unctiv
care indic improbabilitatea sau ipoteza.
"ondiionalul de tipul $$ se foloseteK
$% cCnd !itua6ia din !ubordonata condi6ional e!te #u6in #robabil
! !e #etreac !au re#rezint e4#rimarea unei #o!ibilit6i
$f $ )on t*e lotter-, $ )ould stop ?orBing. Obut $ donAt belive $
1% cu referire la o !itua6ie #rezent !au "iitoare, foarte
im#robabil !au ireal:
$f $ )ere you, $Ad buy a bigger car. Obut $Am not -ouP
$f t*e distance to t*e train station )ere shorter, $Ad )al& t*ere. Ot*e
distance is unliBel- to c*angeP
"on#unctivul verbului to be este we!e pentru toate persoanele. Totui,
'n engleza vorbit auzim uneori was la persoana $ i a $$$/a.
,f , )as to visitX
,f it )as a nice da-X
5% #entru a face o !uge!tie #oliticoa! !au #entru a e4#rima o
i#otez #erfect realizabil:
$f ?e go in t?o cars, ?eAll be more comfortable.
$f ?e )ent in t?o cars, ?eAd be more comfortable.
"ondiionalul de tipul $$ este considerat mai politicos pentru a face o
sugestie sau a da un sfatK
@ill $ catc* t*e s*ops open, if $ runS
Gou )ill catch t*em open, if -ou )al&. Sau mai politicosK
Gou )ould catch t*em open, if -ou )al&ed.
D% "erbele modale la un tim# trecut El #ot Enlocui #e *ould%
Sen!urile !e modific En mod core!#unztor:
$f r. 0-nc* applied for t*e #ob, *e )ould get it. Osigur 'n mod
$f r. 0-nc* applied for t*e #ob, *e might get it. OposibilP
$f r. 0-nc* got t*e #ob, *e could start next onda-. OabilitateP
K% cu forme continue fie En !ubordonata condi6ional, fie En
#ro#ozi6ia #rinci#al:
$f $ )eren*t at ?orB toda-, $ )ould be at *ome mo)ing t*e la?n.
$f $ )ere giving a presentation, $Ad use slides.
7? (lau!e B 'i#ul 777 : #entru a indica im#o!ibilitatea
&ormai al treilea tip de propoziie condiional cu If 5 mai mult ca
pe!fect i w#uld 'a%e 5 pa!ticipiu t!ecut (En #ro#ozi6ia #rinci#al)
$f t*e- *ave invited %avid *e ?ould *ave gone.
&orma contrasK at6t I 'ad c6t i I w#uld U I+d
$f t*e-Ad in%ited %avid, *eAd 'a%e g#ne.
Tipul $$$ de condiional se refer la trecut i indic im#o!ibilitatea%
Este imposibil 'ndeplinirea aciunii din #rinci#al pentru c aciunea
din !ubordonata condi6ional nu s/a petrecut.
"ondiionalul de tipul $$$ se foloseteK
$% cCnd !itua6ia din !ubordonata condi6ional e!te En trecut, deci
$f ?e had ta&en an umbrella ?it* us last nig*t, ?e )ould not have
got ?et. O@e didnAt taBe an umbrella last nig*t so ?e got ?et.P
1% cu c#uld (cu referire la abilitate !au #ermi!iune) i mig't (cu
referire la #o!ibilitate) En locul lui w#uld En #ro#ozi6ia
$ could have made a caBe, if -ou had told me it ?as -our
*usbandAs birt*da-. OabilitateP
$ might have )on t*e sZuas* game last nig*t, if $ hadn*t eaten suc*
a big meal before pla-ing.
5% cu forme continue fie En !ubordonata condi6ional fie En
$f t*e driver hadn*t been going slo?l-, *e )ould have crashed into
t*e car in front.
,e )ould have been driving faster, if *e hadn*t realised t*e
;n engleza vorbit tipurile $$ i $$$ de condiional apar amestecateK
0ucBil- it didnAt rain. $f it had rained, $ )ould be )et no?.
$ didnAt pass m- driving test. $f $ had passed it, $ could be driving m-
car no?.
7? 9A<P
If #nl& se poate folosi la toate cele trei tipuri de condiional pentru a
sublinia sperana sau regretul
,f only t*e ?ind blo)s in t*e rig*t direction, ?eAll get bac& to t*e
s*ore safe ans sound. Op!e/ent B spe!an$P
,f only ?e had an engine on t*is boat, ?e could get bac& in no time.
Ot!ecut simplu B d#!in$P
,f only ?e had ta&en a siren ?it* us, ?e could have sent an S.+.S.
Omai mult ca pe!fectul B !eg!etP
=ill Q *ould Q could Q !0ould i alte verbe modale nu se folosesc de
obicei 'n #ro#ozi6ia condi6ional. Exist i excepiiK
$f -ou w#uld ask *im for me, $ w#uld (e g!ateful. Osolicitare
$f m- brot*er w#uld tell me ?*- *eAs so upset, per*aps $ c#uld 'elp.
Opentru a indica voinaP
$f -ou will eat so muc* all t*e time, -ou a!e (#und to get fat. Opentru a
indica voina, 'ncp6nareaP
If 'e 'ad t*e time, *eX
2ad 'e 'ad t*e time, *eX
Alege6i s'#uld !au w#uld #entru a com#leta !#a6iile En acea!t
$t is onl- fair t*at -ou X.O2P Bno? about ,arr-As past before -ou
marr- *im. @*en *e ?as a c*ild *e X.O5P al?a-s get *imself into
trouble and *is fat*er al?a-s insisted t*at *e X. O)P tell us ?*ere *e
?as going. +nce *e ?ent do?n to t*e river to fis*, *e said. 1ut $ could
see no reason ?*- *e X.O=P taBe *is air/rifle ?it* *im. $ ?as so
?orried t*at $ begged t*at *is fat*er X.OEP follo? *im; *e did #ust
t*at and to *is surprise *e sa? t*at ,arr- ?as s*ooting at t*e fis*
instead of catc*ing t*em ?it* a rod. ,is fat*er ?as so furious t*at *e
ordered t*at ,arr- X.O:P *and *is rifle over to t*e police. ,e said *e
X..O8P but ?e suspect *e Bept it *idden a?a- some?*ere because ?e
X..O7P *ear s*ooting in t*e fields ever- no? and t*en. @ell m- dear, it
is better t*at -ou X..O3P *ear t*ese t*ings before maBing an important
decision. X..O2HP -ou per*aps prefer to meet ,arr-Ad older brot*erS
>o? *e is a completel- different personR
@une6i "erbele din #aranteze la forma corect: condi6ionalul 7, 77
!au 777:
2. @e OdriveP out of to?n after dinner unless -ou are too tired. 5. $f $
ObeP able to spell correctl-, $Ad be so *app-R ). $f -ou *ad arrived in
t*e da-time $ OmeetP -ou at t*e station. =. $f -ou Beep calm, -ou
OrememberP ?*at to do. E. $f r. 1ro?n OdriveP more carefull- *e
?ouldnAt *ave *ad t*e accident. :. S*e ?ould get too *ot if -ou
OcoverP *er up. 8. ,e ?ould *ave Bno?n ?*at ?as ?rong if *e OlooBP
at t*e engine. 7. $f t*e engine *ad been repaired *e Obe ableP to use t*e
car. 3. T*e- ?ill send -ou t*e spare parts -ou need on condition t*e-
OgetP -our order. 2H. (n interpreter O*elpP -ou if -ou cannot
understand t*e "ustoms officer.
@une6i "erbele din #aranteze la forma corect: #rezent, "iitor,
2. <nless 1ett- O*aveP enoug* mone-, s*e Onot be ableP to bu- t*e
s?eater. 5. T*e bo-s Onot goP up t*e mountain tomorro? if it ObeP
fogg-. ). $f t*e television programme ObeP good on Sunda-s, m-
parents al?a-s Osta-P at *ome and O?atc*P T!. =. S*e Obu-P a large car
provided s*e O?inP t*e lotter-. E. $f -ou OputP sugar in ?arm ?ater, it
@une6i "erbele din #aranteze la forma corect:
2. $f -ou ?ould come ?it* me, $ Os*o?P -ou t*e to?n. 5. $f $ ?ere -ou
$ ObeP more careful. ). S*e OgetP a #ob as an interpreter on condition
s*e Bne? t?o languages ?ell. =. ,e ?ouldnAt start ?orB on t*e pro#ect
unless *is manager OagreeP to t*e plan. E. $f $ OBno?P t*is language
?ell, $ could translate t*e booB into Iomanian.
@une6i "erbele din #aranteze la forma corect:
2. !eraK T*anB goodnessR $ t*oug*t -ouAd missed it. 0auraK $ ver-
nearl- did. @*at O-ou, doP if $ OmissP itS 5. !eraK $ t*inB $ OgetP out of
t*e train. T*en $ O?aitP for -ou on t*e platform. ). 0auraK $f $ Onot,
findP a taxi $ Onot, getP *ere in time. =. !eraK $ t*oug*t -ou ?ere
coming b- bus. 0auraK $ ?as, but it broBe do?n ?*en ?e ?ere
*alf?a- *ere. $f $ O?aitP for anot*er one, $ Ocertainl-, missP t*is train.
E. !eraK ,o? lucB- t*at -ou found a taxi. 0auraK +*, -es. $t ObeP a
nuisance if ?e OmissP t*e train.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
Q 2. S*ould 5. @ould ). S*ould =. S*ould E. S*ould :. S*ould 8.
@ould 7. @ould 3. S*ould 2H. @ould
Q 2. @eAll drive 5. @ere ). @ould *ave met =. GouAll remember E. ,ad
driven :. "overed 8. ,ad looBed 7. @ould *ave been able 3. 4et 2H.
@ill *elp
Q 2. ,as, ?ill not be able 5. @ill not go, is ). $s, sta-, ?atc* =. @ill
bu-, ?ins E. Put, dissolves
Q 2. @ould s*o? 5. @ould be ). @ould get =. (greed E. Bne?
Q 2. ?ould -ou *ave done, *ad missed 5. @ould *ave got, ?ould *ave
?aited ). ,adnAt found, ?ouldnAt *ave got =. ,ad ?aited, ?ould
certainl- *ave missed E. @ould *ave been, *ad missed
1III. ';: S:TU:A(: 9? ':AS:S
"oncordana timpurilor 'n limba englez se aplic la trei tipuri de
propoziii subordonateK subordonata completiv direct, subordonata
condiional i subordonata temporal.
;n continuare ne vom referi doar la dou din cele trei tipuri de
subordonate, cea condiional fiind tratat 'n capitolul ]$$.
&7R:(' 9BU:(' (<AUS:
OPropoziia Subordonat "ompletiv %irectP
MainQRegent (lau!e Subordinate (lau!e
OPropoziia principalP OPropoziia subordonatP
$% @rezent 9rice tim# "erbal cerut de
@rezentul @erfect !en!ul !ubordonatei
ar- e(plainsThas e(plainedT)ill e(plain t*at s*e goesT)ill goThas
goneT)entThad gone to 0ondon.
1% 'im#ul trecut 'recutul #erfect
pentru o aciune anterioar
,e said t*at *e had seen t*e movie.
'im#ul trecut
pentru o aciune simultan
$ thought t*at t*e- )ere at *ome.
pentru o aciune posterioar
T*e- promised t*e- )ould )rite
t*at exercise again.
Exist i c6teva excepiiK
2. !erbele t# ask, demand, insist, #!de!, !ec#mmend, !e@ui!e, u!ge,
'n propoziia principal, sunt urmate de Sub#onctivul (nalitic
O1ritis* Englis*P i de Sub#onctivul Sintetic O(merican Englis*P
S*e demands t*at -ou should arrive in time.
S*e demands t*at -ou arrive in time.
5. Pentru adevruri general valabile i ireversibile
$t )as proved t*at ?ater boils at 2HH "elsius degrees.
$ &ne) t*at s*e is a )ido).
'7M: (<AUS:
OPropoziia Subordonat TemporalP
Regul de bazK 'n propoziia temporal nu se poate folosi %iit#!ul.
MainQRegent (lau!e Subordinate (lau!e
OPropoziia principalP OPropoziia subordonatP
$% Viitor 'im#ul @rezent
pentru aciuni simultane
ar- )ill tell us t*e trut* ?*en s*e &no)s it.
@rezentul @erfect
pentru aciuni anterioare
T*e bo- )ill translate t*e lesson after *e has learnt t*e ne? ?ords.
1% 'im#ul 'recut 'im#ul 'recut
?uture8in8t0e8@a!t pentru aciuni simultane
ar- visited us ?*enever s*e )as free.
$ promised mot*er $ )ould buy t*at booB ?*en $ sa) it.
'recutul @erfect
pentru aciuni anterioare
T*e c*ildren )ent to bed after t*e- had done t*eir lessons.
@e understood t*at t*e- )ould come *ome after t*e- had finished
t*eir ?orB.
;n alte tipuri de subordonate se folosesc acele timpuri verbale care
sunt cerute de sensul subordonatei respective, fr nici o constr6ngereK
Gesterda- $ bought a booB ?*ic* is very interestingT, )ill read this
)ee&T, have been loo&ing for since pril. Op!#p#/iie at!i(uti%$P
FacB played tennis t*at da- as he )ill never be able to play again.
Op!#p#/iie c#mpleti%$ de m#dP
0ast -ear ar- spo&e Englis* better than her sister does no).
Op!#p#/iie c#mpleti%$ de c#mpa!aieP
- brot*er finished *is ?orB in t*e morning because he )ill go to a
party this evening. Op!#p#/iie c#mpleti%$ cau/al$P
@une6i "erbele din #aranteze la forma corect (@rezent, tim#ul
trecut, #rezentul #erfect, trecutul #erfect, "iitor):
(. 2. (rnold Oto beP born in a village and *e Oto spendP *is c*ild*ood
t*ere. ,e Oto moveP to 0eeds ?*en *e Oto beP fifteen -ears old and *e
Oto liveP t*ere since *is sister Oto getP married. 5. (t present, *e Oto
?orBP in an office but *e Oto useP to ?orB at a banB before. ) .next
-ear *e Oto goP to 0ondon to stud- at t*e <niversit-, but onl- after *e
Oto finis*P ?riting t*e novel *e Oto ?orBP at no?. =. $ Oto ?riteP to *im
a long letter several da-s ago and Oto asBP *im *o? man- c*apters *e
alread- Oto ?riteP. E. (rnoldAs daug*ter *opes t*at *er fat*er Oto finis*P
*is booB b- t*e end of (ugust. :. $ Oto seeP *er -esterda- ?*ile s*e Oto
crossP t*e street. 8. @*en $ Oto talBP to *er, s*e Oto tellP me t*at s*e Oto
beP ver- tired because s*e Oto t-peP all t*e morning.
1. 2. (s soon as s*e Oto seeP us, s*e Oto stopP singing. 5. T*e tailor Oto
promiseP me t*en t*at m- suit Oto beP read- in a ?eeBAs time. ). @*-
didnAt -ou explain to t*em ?*en -ou Oto beP able to give t*em t*e
mone- bacBS =. $ ?ondered ?*ere *e Oto stud-P and *o? man- -ears
before *e Oto taBeP *is degree. E. 1efore paper Oto beP invented, people
Oto ?riteP t*eir t*oug*ts upon various ot*er materials. :. ,istor- Oto
beP engraved on stone monuments and our Bno?ledge of ?*at ancient
people Oto doP, Oto beP c*iefl- taBen from t*e stone tables and
buildings ?*ic* t*e- Oto erectP.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
(. 2. @as, spent, moved, ?as, *as been living, got 5. $s ?orBing, used
to ?orB ). @ill go, *as finis*ed, is ?orBing =. @rote, asBed, *ad
alread- ?ritten E. @ill finis* :. Sa?, ?as crossing 8. TalBed, told, ?as
*ad t-ped
1. 2. See, stops 5. Promised, ?ould be read- ). @ere able =. ,ad
studied, tooB E. @as, *ad ?ritten :. $s, *ave done, is, erected
IC. ';: SUBUUA('7V: M99&
"on#unctivul a disprut aproape complet 'n englez. Se mai pstreaz
anumite forme mai ales la trecut pentru a exprima 'ndoiala,
regretul sau situaiile ireale.
A% Sub+oncti"ul !intetic #rezent
Sub#onctivul prezent are aceeai form ca Infiniti%ul f$!$ DE. (re
aceeai form pentru toate persoanele.
4od save t*e BingR
T*e- be damnedR
6e f#l#se)teK
1. pent!u a exp!ima d#!ine, u!$!i sau exclamaii de%enite exp!esii
,eaven help us allR
0e t*at as it ma-R
4od forgiveTbless -ouR
$amn -ouR
4od bless -ouR
2. n p!#p#/iiile c#ndii#nale
$f t*is be true, ?e must inform t*e aut*orities.
3. n p!#p#/iiile su(#!d#nate int!#duse de D2:D cFnd n
p!#p#/iia p!incipal$ se exp!im$ # d#!in$, # ce!e!e, # #(ligaie,
# necesitate
- 'n propoziii completive directe dup urmtoarele verbeK t#
suggest, #!de!, demand, u!ge, !ec#mmend, insist, c#mmand,
p!#p#se, a!!ange, decide, ag!ee, a!!ange, dete!mine
$ insist t*at *e go. O,nsist s se ducP
S*e urged t*at *e sit do?n and listen crefull-.
- 'n propoziiile subiective dup urmtoarele construcii
impersonaleK it is natu!al, imp#!tant, ad%isa(le, necessa!&,
p#ssi(le, imp#ssi(le
$t is important t*at *e go.
$t is necessar- t*at -our friend arrive t*ere first.
B% Sub+oncti"ul !intetic trecut
Sub#onctivul trecut are aceeai form ca i trecutul simplu. !erbul be
are forma ?ere pentru toate persoanele.
$tAs time ?e )ent *ome.
$ ?is* *e )ere nicer.
(% Sub+oncti"ul !intetic mai mult ca #erfect
Sub#onctivul mai mult ca perfect are aceeai form ca mai mult ca
@e ?is*ed ?e had had better ?eat*er.
6e f#l#se)te-
1. n p!#p#/iiile c#ndii#nale pent!u a exp!ima un <#ndii#nal
p!e/ent sau un <#ndii#nal t!ecut
$f $ )ere -ou, $ ?ould tr- to talB to *er.
T*e c*ildren ?ill liBe t*is film if t*e- sa) it.
$ ?ould *ave boug*t t*at booB if $ had found it.
2. pent!u a exp!ima i!ealitatea dup$ wis', as ifAt'#ug', e%en
ifAt'#ug', w#uld !at'e!As##ne!, it+s 'ig' time, supp#se Gt'atH
0is' 5 0#uld 5Infiniti% Gnu este un su(.#ncti%IH exp!im$ #
d#!in$ n %iit#!
$ ?is* *e ?ould ?rite to me.
0is' 5 9ast Dense 6imple
- pent!u a indica # situaie ne!eal$ n p!e/ent G!eg!et pent!u #
aciune sau situaie ca!e se p!#duce sau nuH
$ )ish t*e- agreed to m- proposal.
- wis' 5 c#uld
@*at a pit-R $ )ish -ou could sing.
- cu !efe!i!e la #(iceiu!i, st$!i p!e/ente )i aciuni !egulate
$ )ish $ got up earl- in t*e morning.
- wis' 5 past tense c#ntinu#us cu !efe!i!e la aciuni ca!e se
desf$)#a!$ la m#mentul p!e/ent sau aciuni ca!e c#ntinu$ pe #
pe!i#ad$ ca!e include )i m#mentul p!e/ent
$ )ish *e )ere playing in t*e parB.
- wis' 5 was g#ing t# pent!u !efe!ine n %iit#!
$ )ish $ )as going to do t*e *ouse?orB tomorro?.
wis' 5 9ast 9e!fect cu !efe!i!e la situaii d#!ite da! ca!e nu se
p#t !eali/a sau pent!u aciuni n t!ecut
,e )ishes *e had bought *is ne?spaper.
wis'ed 5 9ast Dense " cele d#u$ aciuni sunt simultane
S*e )ished s*e )eren*t ill.
wis'ed 5 9ast 9e!fect cFnd aciunea d#!it$ se p!#duce sau nu
nainte de m#mentul t!ecut exp!imat de wis'ed
ar- )ished s*e hadn*t been ill during *er *olida-.
Main (lau!e Sub+uncti"e ?orm
7 *i!0 U a vrea 2. Gou came U s vii
7 *i!0ed U a fi vrut w#uld c#me no? U ce n/a da s vii
'ad c#me -esterda- U s fi venit
AS 7?Q';9UG;
:s ifAt'#!ug' 5 9ast Dense 6imple " pent!u a indica nesigu!ana
sau du(iul n p!e/ent Gaciuni c#nt!a!e faptului p!e/entH
,e be*aves as if *e )ere a teac*er.
:s if 5 9ast Dense #f J#ing t# pent!u situaii ip#tetice n %iit#!
,e talBs as if it )ere going to rain.
:s if 5 9ast 9e!fect pent!u a indica nd#iala, ince!titudinea n
leg$tu!$ cu # aciune t!ecut$ Gaciune c#nt!a!$ faptului t!ecutH
S*e talBsT talBed as if1 as though s*e had bought it.
Main (lau!e Sub+uncti"e ?orm
,e isT?as ?alBing a! if *e did not Bno? / simultan
a! t0oug0 *e *ad alread- Bno?n /anterior
=9U<& RA';:R Q S99A:R
0#uld !at'e! 5 Infiniti% Gpe!s#ana ca!e exp!im$ p!efe!ina este
aceea)i cu su(iectul aciunii ca!e u!mea/$H
1ill )ould rather play tennis t*an football.
0#uld !at'e! 5 Infiniti% pe!fect Gacela)i su(iectH
S*e )ould rather have travelled b- plane.
0#uld !at'e! 5 9ast Dense 6imple Gsu(iectul lui w#uld !at'e!
este dife!it de su(iectul aciunii ca!e u!mea/$H
$ )ould rather -ou got up earl-.
0#uld !at'e! 5 9ast 9e!fect Gsu(iecte dife!iteH
$ )ould rather t*e- had left on time.
0#uld !at'e! 5 w#uld 5 infiniti% Gcu !efe!i!e la un e%eniment
d#!it n %iit#!H
$ )ould rather -ou )ould come tomorro?.
7? 9A<P
If #nl& 5 9ast Dense pent!u d#!ine ca!e se !efe!$ fie la p!e/ent
fie la %iit#!, n special cu %e!(e ca!e exp!im$ aciuni #(i)nuite,
#(iceiu!i sau st$!i
,f only s*e didn*t eat so muc*R
If #nl& 5 9ast Dense <#ntinu#us pent!u a indica # d#!in$ ca!e
se !efe! la %iit#! sau p!e/ent
$f onl- $ ?ere leaving, too.
If #nl& 5 9ast 9e!fect pent!u a exp!ima un !eg!et pent!u #
aciune ca!e nu s"a p!#dus
,f only t*e- had come, t*is ?ouldnAt *ave *appened.
If #nl& 5 0#uld 5 Infiniti% pent!u a exp!ima # d#!in$ n
leg$tu!$ cu %iit#!ul da! f$!$ spe!an$
,f only *e )ould buy me a ?atc*R
If #nl& 5 9!esent A ;utu!e Dense ca unec'i%alent
pent!up!#p#/iiile ca!e ncep cu 2E9?
$ hope s*e )ill come in time.
,f only s*e comes in timeR
7'HS '7M:
It+s Dime 5 9ast Dense 6imple
,t*s time -ou finished reading t*e ne?spaper.
It+s time 5 9ast Dense <#ntinu#us pent!u a accentua natu!a
p!#g!esi%$ a aciunii
,t*s time -ou )ere decorating -our *ouse.
It+s time 5 ;#! 5 Infiniti% a s#sit timpul s$ faci ce%a
,t*s time for -ou to have lunc*.
It+s time 5 9ast Dense este de.a cam tF!/iu s$ mai faci ce%a
,t*s time -ou had -our lunc*.
Main (lau!e Sub+uncti"e ?orm
7 *ould rat0erQ!ooner U a prefera *e left no? U s plece
7f only U mcar dac
Su##o!e U dac cumvaR ,e *ad arrived U s fi sosit
7t i! 0ig0 time U e vremea s
&% Sub+oncti"ul analitic
Sub#onctivul analitic este mai des folosit dec6t cel sintetic i poate
aprea at6t 'n subordonat c6t i 'n propoziia principal.
Este format dintr/un verb modal s'all, s'#uld, will, w#uld, ma&,
mig't, can, c#uld )i Infiniti%ul 9!e/ent sau 9e!fect.
6e f#l#se)te-
6'all 5 Infiniti%
Shall $ help -ou ?it* -our *ome?orBS
T*e- *ave decided t*at -ou shall go t*ere. O-ou must goP
6'#uld 5 Infiniti% in main clauses
@*- s*ould t*e- come so earl-S
6'#uld 5 Infiniti% dup urmtoarele construc'ii6 it isAwas
imp#!tant, necessa!&, natu!al, su!p!ising, ad%isa(le
,t*s necessary t*at -ou should be present.
6'#uld 5 Infiniti% " dup urmtoarele verbe6 t# demand, insist,
c#mmand, p!#p#se, !e@uest, suggest
T*e- suggested t*at -ou should tell t*em t*e trut*.
6'#uld 5 Infiniti% " n propozi'ii subordonate de scop introduse
de lest, f#! fea! Gt'atH, in case
@e left in a *urr- lest s*e should see us t*ere. OU ca s nu ne vadP
@*ere ?ould -ou sleep in case -ou should miss t*e trainS
6'#uld 5 Infiniti% " n propozi'ii subordonate atributive
,is desire t*at no one should enter t*at room surprised us.
6'#uld 5 Infiniti% " n propozi'ii concesive introduse de t'#ug',
alt'#ug', w'ate%e!
@*atever s*e should say, donAt contradict *er.
Ka&A Kig't 5 Infiniti% " in main clauses
7ay all -our dreams come trueR
Fust imagine, next -ear ?e might have a carR
Ka&A Kig't 5 Infiniti% " n propozi'ii subordonate dup
urmtoarele construc'iiit isAwas p#ssi(le, p!#(a(le, likel&
,t is probable t*at our friend might have &no)n -ou.
,t is possible t*at s*e may come toda-.
Ka&A Kig't 5 Infiniti% " n propozi'ii subordonate de scop
introduse de t'at, in #!de! t'at, s# t'at
,e tooB a seat in t*e first ro? so that *e might hear t*e actors
Ka&A Kig't 5 Infiniti% " n propozi'ii subordonate concesive
introduse de t'#ug', alt'#ug', '#we%e!, w'ate%e!, n# matte!
-o)ever painful it may be to -ou, -ou must Bno? t*e trut*.
8o matter *o? expensive t*at car might be s*e still ?ants to bu-
0#uld 5 Infiniti% " n propozi'ii completive directe dup wis'
T*e- )ish ?e )ould pay t*em a visit.
0#uld 5 Infiniti% " n propozi'ii subordonate de scop
S*e learnt all t*e ne? ?ords so that s*e )ould be able to translate
t*e text.
<#uld 5 Infiniti% " pentru a e(prima scopul+ ca o alternativ la
may1might+ avnd un grad mai mare de certitudine
S*e studied a lot so that s*e could pass t*e difficult exam.
@une6i "erbele din #aranteze la forma corect: #a!t ten!e !im#le,
#a!t #erfect !au *ould F infiniti":
2. @e *ad lots of fun at t*e part-. $ ?is* -ou ObeP t*ere, too. 5. T*e
plants need a lot of ?ater at t*is time of t*e -ear and it *asnAt rained
for a long time. $ ?is* it OrainP no?. ). $ ?is* m- mot*er ObeP *ere
no? to *elp me. =. Tom forgot to bu- t*e sports ne?spaper t*is
morning. ,e ?is*es *e Obu-P it, as *e doesnAt Bno? t*e football
results. E. @e ?is* t*e teac*er OexplainP t*e grammar rules again next
?eeB. :. $Ad liBe to go to t*e concert, but $ *avenAt got a ticBet. $ ?is* $
Obu-P one t*is morning. 8. T*e lecturer is alread- *alf an *our late. @e
?is* *e OcomeP. 7. $ didnAt liBe t*e film -esterda-. $ ?is* $ Onot sta-P
up to t*e end. 3. $ ?is* -ou Opa-P more attention to -our spelling in
t*e future. 2H. $ ?is* $ Ofollo?P t*e doctorAs advice. $ ?ouldnAt be so
ill no?. 22. T*e teac*er ?is*es someone OofferP to bring some
coloured c*alB to sc*ool tomorro?. 25. $ ?is* -ou OinformP me about
t*is matter several mont*s ago.
'raduce6i urmtoarele #ro#ozi6ii En limba romCn:
2. $ ?is* -ou ?ould listen more carefull- to -our teac*er. 5. %o -ou
?is* t*e- *ad sent -ou a cardS ). $ ?is*ed s*e *ad posted t*is letter
for me. =. %onAt -our friends ?is* -ou ?ould go on t*e trip ?it*
t*emS E. ot*er ?is*es $ got better marBs at sc*ool. :. T*e little bo-s
?is*ed t*e- ?ere allo?ed to s?im in t*e laBe. 8. %onAt -ou ?is* it
?ere summer no?S 7. %oesnAt -our teac*er ?is* -ou ?ould improve
-our pronunciationS
@une6i "erbele din #aranteze la forma corect:
2. ,e is speaBing as if *e Oans?erP an examination. 5. $ al?a-s get
seasicB ?*en $ travel b- sea. $f onl- $ Onot taBeP t*e boat and OcomeP
b- planeR ). $f onl- -ou OgiveP me a c*ance to tr- again, "ecil-
begged. =. $ ?is* -ou Osta-P ?it* me for a ?*ile. $ feel ver- lonel-. E.
S*e ?ent on talBing as if s*e Onot *earP ?*at $ *ad said. :. $tAs time
-ou OstopP maBing a nuisance of -ourself. 8. $tAs a pit- -ou left so
earl-. $Ad rat*er -ou Osta-P a little longer. 7. &or t*e first time in *is life
*e felt as if *e ObeP in a *urr- to get ?*ere *e ?as going. 3. S*e acted
as t*oug* s*e ObeP born an actress.
'raduce6i urmtoarele #ro#ozi6ii En limba englez:
2. (na ar dori s nu fie at6t de ocupat sptm6na asta. 5. !a trebui s
ateptm 5H de minute p6n la sosirea trenului. "e pcat c am plecat
de acas at6t de devremeR ). 1ieelul ar dori ca prinii s/l trimit 'n
tabra de var de la Sinaia, dar sunt sigur c ei 'l vor duce la ar la
bunici. =. >umai de/a putea gsi cuvintele cele mai potriviteR E. Se
luda c a rezolvat singur toate problemele de matematic. >umai de
l/ai fi auzitR :. ( dori ca ea s treac acest examen dificil. 8. ai
degrab m/a duce s vd un film dec6t s/mi pierd timpul atept6ndu/
te. 7. 0una viitoare e primul examen; e timpul s te apuci serios de
'nvat. 3. ( trecut o sptm6n de c6nd ai primit scrisoarea de la
(ngela. E timpul s/i rspunzi la scrisoare. 2H. >umai de nu s/ar opri
motorul c*iar la mi#locul panteiR 22. %iana vorbete de parc n/ar ti
nimic despre conferin. 25. ( fi preferat ca el s spun adevrul. 2).
Se comport de parc el ar fi fcut toate pregtirile pentru serbare. 2=.
Toi prietenii mei #oac *andbal pe terenul de sport. "e pcat c nu
tiu s #oc *andbalR
'raduce6i urmtoarele #ro#ozi6ii En limba romCn:
2. E ciudat c c*eltuiete aa de puini bani c6nd tie c scumpul mai
mult pgubete. 5. E de necrezut c citea c6nd trebuia s lucreze la
teza de doctorat. ). E remarcabil c ei lucrau de dou ore i
terminaser treaba c6nd ai sosit. =. >u i se pare de necrezut s se
strice untul aa de repedeS E. $nsist s treci deoparte, fiindc stai 'n
drum. :. "opilul acesta e bun la toate #ocurile, aa c va #uca orice 'i
ceri. 8. Dise c e competent 'n meseria lui, ca s avem 'ncredere 'n el.
7. E 'nc6ntat de ideea de a merge la mare de parc n/ar ti c/i prea
frig acum acolo. 3. S trieti mult i s fii fericitR 2H. +rice ar fi gtit
c6nd ai sosit tu, trebuia s/i dea o porie.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
Q 2. *ad been 5. ?ere raining ). ?ere =. *ad boug*t E. ?ould explain
:. *ad boug*t 8. ?ere coming 7. *adnAt sta-ed 3. ?ould pa- 23. *ad
follo?ed 22. ?ould offer 25. *ad informed
Q 2. ce n/a da s o asculi mai atent pe profesoar. 5. (i dori s/i fi
trimis o ilustratS ). ( fi dorit s 'mi fi pus scrisoarea la pot pentru
mine. =. >u 'i doresc prietenii ti s mergi cu ei 'n excursieS E. "e n/
ar da mama s iau note mai bune la coal. :. 1ieeii i/ar fi dorit s
aib voie s 'noate 'n lac. 8. >u i/ai dori s fie var acumS 7. >u 'i
dorete profesoara ta s 'i 'mbunteti pronuniaS
Q2. ?ere ans?ering 5. *adnAt taBen, *ad come ). ?ould give =. ?ould
sta- E. *adnAt *eard :. stopped 8. *ad sta-ed 7. ?as 3. *ad been
Q 2. (nn ?is*es s*e ?erenAt T?asnAt so bus- t*is ?eeB. 5. @eAll *ave
to ?ait for te?nt- minutes until t*e train comes in. $ ?is* $ *adnAt left
*ome so earl-R ). T*e little bo- ?is*es *is parents ?ould send *im to
t*e Sinaia summer camp, but $Am sure t*e-All taBe *im to *is
grandparents in t*e countr-. =. $f onl- $ could find t*e most suitable
?ordsR E. ,e boasted *e *ad solved all t*e mat*s problems b- *imself.
$f onl- -ou *ad *eard *imR :. $ ?is* s*e ?ill pass T passes t*is difficult
examinationR 8. $Ad rat*er go and see a film t*an ?aste m- time
?aiting for -ou. 7. Gour first exam is next onda-, itAs time -ou got
do?n to ?orB. 3. $tAs a ?eeB since -ou received (nglaAs letter. $tAs
time -ou ans?ered *er letter. 2H. $f onl- t*e engine ?ouldnAt stop rig*t
in t*e middle of t*e bendR 22. %iana is talBing as ifT as t*oug* s*e
didnAt Bno? an-t*ing about t*e conference. 25. $Ad rat*er *e *ad told
t*e trut*. 2). ,e be*aved as if T t*oug* *e *imself *ad made all t*e
preparations for t*e festival. 2=. (ll m- friends are pla-ing *andball in
t*e sportsground. $ ?is* T if onl- $ could pla- *andball.
Q 2. $t is strange t*at *e s*ould spend so little ?*en *e Bno?s t*at
c*eapest is t*e dearest. 5. $t is unbelivable t*at *e s*ould *ave been
reading ?*en *e s*ould *ave been ?orBing on *is dissertation. ). $t is
remarBable t*at t*e- s*ould *ave been ?orBing for t?o *ours and *ad
finis*ed t*e #ob ?*en -ou arrived. =. %onAt -ou t*inB it unbelivable
t*at t*e butter s*ould go bad so soonS E. $ insist t*at -ou s*ould go
aside because -ou are in t*e ?a-. :. T*e bo- is clever at all games, so
*e ?ill pla- an-t*ing -ou asB *im to. 8. ,e said *e ?as competent at
*is #ob so t*at ?e mig*t trust *im. 7. ,e is delig*ted ?it* t*e idea of
going to t*e seaside as t*oug* *e did not Bno? it ?as too cold t*ere
no?. 3. a- -ou live long and be *app-R 2H. @*atever *e ma- be
cooBing ?*en -ou arrived, *e oug*t to *ave given -ou a *elping.
C. M9&U< 7M@:RA'7V
7m#erati"ul #er!oanei a 778a se formeaz cu Infiniti%ul f$!$ DE,
fr subiect, pentru a face invitaii, cereri sau pentru a da sfaturi,
instruciuni i atenionri. >egativul se formeaz cu *E LED 5
Infiniti% f$!$ DE.
%o not goR
7m#erati"ul #er!oanei 7 se formeaz cu =?D 5 K?A>6 5 Infiniti%
f$!$ DE pentru a da sugestii i a face oferte. >egativul se formeaz cu
*E LED 5 Infiniti% f$!$ DE.
0et me *elpR
0et us danceR
0etAs goR
Impe!ati%ul pe!s#anei a II"a se f#l#se)te-
1. pent!u a ce!e ce%a
Give Fo*n t*is letter ?*en -ou see *im.
$on*t tell ar- ?*at $ said last nig*t.
2. pent!u a face in%itaii
2ome to m- part- on Saturda- nig*t.
$on*t as& *im to sta- over t*e nig*t.
3. pent!u a da sfatu!i sau a ateni#na
9a&e an umbrella ?it* -ou, itAs raining.
#at -our vegetables. T*e-Are good for -ou.
4. pent!u a da indicaii
9urn t*e engine off, open t*e bonnet and unscre) t*e cap slo?l-.
5. cu inte!#gaii dis.uncti%e- )ill1)on*t1)ould you: !i
can1can*t1could you:
-ave somet*ing to drinB, )ill youS
Se poate folosi *E pentru a sublinia sensul imperativ
$o help -ourself to an-t*ing -ou ?ant.
$mperativele nu au subiect, dei uneori se adaug un substantiv sau
pronume pentru a identifica persoana creia i se vorbete.
-ave anot*er drinB, Bill.
(0ildren, be 3uiet, pleaseR
Impe!ati%ul cu =et se f#l#se)te-
1. cu Ke, pent!u a face #fe!te
;et me explain in more detail.
;et me get -ou a drinB, ,arr-.
2. cu >s, pent!u a #fe!i sugestii
$ t*inB ?e are lost. ;et*s as& a policeman.
;et*s not )atch T! tonig*t. ;et*s go out for a stroll.
3. cu inte!#gaii dis.uncti%e- )ill you: dup let meA let 'im etc. !i
shall )e: dup let us
;et meTlet himTlet them etc. go first for once, )ill youS
;et*s not argue about it, shall )eS
4. cu !$spunsu!i scu!te la sugestii
$Am too tired to ?alB. S*all ?e taBe a taxiS <es+ let*s.
Exist i o form de #er!oana a 7778a im#erati"K =?D 5 6u(stanti%
sau c#mplement p!#n#minal 5 Infiniti% f$!$ DE Ocu sensul de a
;et ever-one come in no? in single file.
;et *im continue.
$on*t let t*em stop -ou, itAs -our decision.
CI. &7A':VA @AS7VW
>umai verbele tranzitive au diatez pasiv.
John cried. 2ry este un verb intranzitiv. >u are pasiv.
John sold the house. Sell este un verb tranzitiv. (re pasiv.
Regul general
Pentru a transforma o propoziie la diateza activ 'ntr/una la diateza
1. complementul direct devine subiect
2. (e are acelai timp ca verbul principal
3. verbul principal devine participiu trecut
4. subiectul devine agentul, precedat de (&
(gentul se exprim de obicei cu (&. %ar c6nd agentul este o substan
sau materie prim folosii wit'.
T*e novel ?as ?ritten by $efoe.
T*e floor ?as covered )ith mud.
(desea nu este necesar specificarea agentului.
T*e burglar ?as sentenced one -ear in prison.
:c0i"alen6ele acti" B #a!i":
,e .ee#! t*e door open. T*e door i! .e#t open.
,e i! !elling t*e car. T*e car i! being !old.
,e clo!ed t*e ?indo?. T*e ?indo? *a! clo!ed.
,e *a! o#ening t*e gate. T*e gate *a! being o#ened.
,a 0a! !0ut t*e booB. T*e booB 0a! been !0ut.
,e 0ad *ritten t*e letter. T*e letter 0ad been *ritten.
,e *ill carry t*e bag. T*e bag *ill be carried.
,e *ould buy t*e pen. T*e pen *ould be boug0t.
,e *ould 0a"e re#aired t*e box. T*e box *ould 0a"e been
,e is t*oug*t to 0a"e arre!ted *er. S*e is t*oug*t to 0a"e been
< t*e safeX T*e safe being loc.edX
;a"ing re!cued t*e bo-X T*e bo- 0a"ing been re!cuedG
;n engleza vorbit, get O'n locul lui beP se folosete adesea pentru
diateza pasiv.
T*e *ouse got sold. U t*e *ouse )as sold.
GouAll get hurt. U -ouAll be hurt.
Reguli !#eciale
Pentru a transforma o propoziie la diateza activ 'ntr/una la diateza
1. 7nfiniti"ul acti" devine 7nfiniti" #a!i"
a. du# %e!(ele m#dale
Acti" @a!i"
Tom may )rite t*e booB. T*e booB may be )ritten.
Gou must tell *im. ,e must be told.
(. du# likeAl#%eAwis'Awant 5 c#mplement di!ect
Acti" @a!i"
S*e li&ed us to )ater t*e S*e li&ed the flo)ers to be
flo?ers at da?n. )atered at da?n.
(lte combinaii %e!( 5 c#mplement 5 infiniti% formeaz 'n mod
normal pasivulK
Acti" @a!i"
T*e- told us to go. @e ?ere told to go.
,e is as&ing Sue to dance. Sue is being as&ed to dance.
$nfinitivele pasive sunt de obieci infinitive cu t#R
T*e- sa) Emm- jump. Emm- )as seen to jump.
,e ma&es Ed rest. Ed is made to rest.
2. folo!i6i t0atG !0ould F infiniti" #a!i"
a. du# ag!ee, decide, a!!ange, demand 5 infiniti% 5
Acti" @a!i"
@e agreed to ta&e 9im. @e agreed that 9im should be ta&en.
T*e- decided to reduce the price. T*e- decided that the price should
be reduced.
(. du# ad%ise, insist, p!#p#se, !ec#mmedn, suggest 5 f#!ma n
ing 5 c#mplement
Acti" @a!i"
S*e adivised finishing the job. S*e advised that the job
should be finished.
%up need folosii un gerunziu sau infinitiv pasiv. Sensul este identic.
(mbele propoziii sunt pasive.
T*e p*one needs repairing.
T*e p*one needs to be repaired.
3. dou forme alternati"e de #a!i" !e #ot folo!i En mod
im#er!onal cu: assume, (eli%e, claim, estimate, find, kn#w,
p!esume, !ep#!t, sa&, supp#se, unde!stand
Acti" @a!i"
9hey say that he is a genius. It is said t'at 'e is a genius.
2e is said t# (e a genius.
4. #re#ozi6iile !unt #la!ate du# "erbul #a!i":
a% "erbe com#le4e (%e!( 5 p!ep#/iie)
Acti" @a!i"
T*e- loo&ed for ". ever-?*ere. ". )as loo&ed for ever-?*ere.
b% "erb F #re#ozi6ie F com#lement
Acti" @a!i"
,e *ad to )rite to *is parents dail-. ,is parents *ad to be )ritten
to dail-.
5. #ro#ozi6iile cu dou com#lemente (com#lement direct i
indirect) au dou forme #o!ibile de #a!i":
Acti" @a!i"
,e told her a lie. She ?as told a lie.
lie ?as told to *er.
T*e- sent him a letter. -e ?as sent a letter.
letter ?as sent to *im.
Pasivul se foloseteK
1. pent!u a su(linia aciunea )i nu agentul
T*e criminal )as arrested.
2. cFnd agentul este necun#scut, neimp#!tant sau e%ident
"linton )as elected president.
,e is said to be a bad/tempered man.
'raduce6i En limba englez urmtoarele #ro#ozi6ii
2. ;n astfel de cazuri se trimite dup doctor. 5. 9i se ofer o 'ng*eat,
de ce n/o ieiS ). ( fost ateptat dou ore asear. =. i se arta casa,
c6nd s/a stins lumina. E. >u 'mi pot 'nc*ipui de c6nd 'i cunoti pe
aceti scriitori. :. >u/mi puteam aduce aminte 'n ce a fost
presc*imbat veveria. 8. !a fi consultat doctorul 'n aceast c*estiune
i sper c va ti ce este. 7. !a fi fost aprat de toi dumanii 'nainte s
cear a#utor. 3. !6ntorul prezise c se va trage 'n vulpe i nu va fi
nimerit. 2H. %ac ai fi 'mpiedicat s/i faci temele, copiii care o fac ar
fi pedepsii. 22. (r fi fost el operat dac nu/l cunotea c*irurgulS
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. $n suc* cases a doctor is sent for. 5. Gou are offered an ice/cream,
?*- donAt -ou taBe itS ). ,e ?as ?aited for for t?o *ours last nig*t.
=. $ ?as being s*o?n around t*e *ouse ?*en t*e lig*t ?ent out. E. $
canAt imagine *o? long -ou *ave been acZuainted ?it* t*ese ?riters.
:. $ could not remember ?*at t*e sZuirrel *ad been c*anged into. 8.
T*e doctor ?ill be consulted on t*is matter and $ *ope *e ?ill Bno?
?*at it is. 7. ,e ?ill *ave been defended from all *is enemies before
*e asBs for *elp. 3. T*e *unter predicted t*e fox ?ould be fired at and
missed. 2H. $f -ou ?ere *indered from doing -our *ome?orB, t*e
c*ildren ?*o did t*at ?ould be punis*ed. 22. @ould *e *ave been
operated on if t*e surgeon *ad not Bno?n *imS
CII. V:RB: M9&A<: 7
(@ermi!iune, #robabilitate, abilitate)
a- i can sunt verbe modale sau a#uttoareK ele sunt verbe defective,
- au numai ) timpuriK indicativ prezent, indicativ trecut i
condiional prezent
- nu primesc ! la persoana a $$$/a singular
- nu primesc do, doe!, did la interogativ sau negativ
- sunt urmate de infiniti"ul fr '9
Timpurile care lipsesc sunt 'nlocuite cuK
- to be able to OabilitateaP
- to be allo)ed to
- to be permitted to OpermisiuneaP
- to be li&ely to OprobabilitateaP
May Q Mig0t
7ay se foloseste la prezent. 7ight la condiional prezent. (mbele
sunt invariabile i sunt urmate de un infinitiv fr To.
?orme contra!e: ma-nAt T mig*tnAt
1. Ka& !e folo!ete cu referire la e"enimente !au ac6iuni #o!ibile
!au #robabile En #rezent, ade!ea cu !en! de "iitor% Kig't #oate
fi folo!it #entru a !ublinia o foarte redu! #o!ibilitate%
T*ereAs a blacB cloud above us. $t may rain.
(lice may get angr- if -ou tell *er.
$f -ou tr- *ard enoug*, -ou might convince *im to come.
&ormele alternative suntK
Maybe it ?ill rain.
$t i! li.ely to rain.
2. #entru a cere, a oferi !au a refuza #ermi!iunea #olitico!
7ay $ open t*e ?indo?S $tAs ver- *ot in t*is office.
Gou may not smoBe in m- car.
7ight indic adesea teama vorbitorului de a nu primi un
rspuns negativ, sau faptul c el cere prea multK
7ight $ borro? -our Iolls Io-ce for t*e ?eeBendS
&orme alternativeK
Am 7 allo*ed to open t*e ?indo?S
Pou are not #ermitted to smoBe in m- car.
3. cu well #entru a indica o foarte mare #robabilitate
$ t*inB it may )ell rain toda-, looB at t*ose blacB clouds.
Put some mone- in t*e box, it might )ell be for a good cause.
&orme alternativeK
$ t*inB it i! "ery li.ely to rain toda-.
Ka& A mig't as well are alt sensK
T*ere is not*ing interesting on T! t*is evening, $ may 1 might as )ell
*ave an earl- nig*t.
4. cu o con!truc6ie #erfect #entru a face referire la o
#re!u#unere En trecut
1ill isnAt in *is office, *e may have gone *ome earl-. O$tAs possible
t*at *e ?ent *ome.P
5. cu o con!truc6ie #erfect #entru a face referire la ce"a care !8
ar fi #utut #etrece En trecut dar nu !8a #etrecut, !e #oate folo!i
numai mig't
Gou might have burnt -our *and ?*ile taBing t*at *ot tra- out of
t*e oven Obut -ou didnAtP.
(an Q (ould
2an se folosete la prezent, adesea cu sens de viitor. 2ould se
folosete la trecut i condiional prezent. (mbele sunt invariabile i
sunt urmate de infinitiv fr To.
?orme contra!e: canAt T couldnAt
$% <an !e folo!ete #entru a cere, a acorda !au a refuza
#ermi!iunea, !imilar cu ma&, dar mai #u6in formal
Gou can drive at seventeen in t*e <C.
2an $ borro? -our pen, pleaseS $Ave left mine at *ome.
Gou cannot go *unting out of season.
&orme alternativeK
Gou are #ermitted to drive at seventeen in <C.
Gou are allo*ed to drive at seventeen in <C.
Gou may drive at seventeen in <C.
0a negativ, could i mig0t au sensuri diferite.
Cen could not be building t*e *ouse b- *imself. O$tAs impossible. $t is
too muc* ?orB.P
Cen might not be building t*e *ouse b- *imself. O,e isnAt building t*e
*ouse *imself. ,e probabl- *as *elp.P
1% #entru a face referire la #robabilitate, #o!ibilitate !au
im#o!ibilitate En #rezent, En trecut !au la condi6ional
0ooB, t*ereAs plent- of sno?, ?e can go sBiing toda-.
0etAs tr- *is office; *e could be t*ere.
5% #entru a face referire la abilitate !au EndemCnare En #rezent,
En trecut !au la condi6ional
2an -ou la- bricBsS
- old car cannot go over 7H Bm an *our.
T*e girl can sing but s*e can*t dance for t*e life of *er.
2ould -ou drinB as muc*S
Pentru alte timpuri se folosete t# (e a(le t#
S*e )ill be able to t-pe 2HH ?ords a minute soon.
D% folo!i6i c#uld 5 infiniti% pe!fect #entru a " referi la o ac6iune
care nu a a"ut loc
$ could have driven -ou to t*e airport, but $ didnAt *ave m- car.
Sau cCnd nu tim dac ac6iunea !8a #etrecut !au nu
,ave -ou seen m- umbrellaS %an could have ta&en it; it ?as
raining ?*en *e left.
&orme alternativeK
Gou mig0t *ave *urt -our bacB lifting t*at *eav- table.
Gou *ould probabl- *ave *urt -our bacB lifting t*at *eav- table.
May T mig0t i can T could se repet 'n 'ntrebri dis#unctive i
rspunsuri scurte.
,e can*t go, can *eS
7ay Sall- come inS Ges, s*e may.
'o be able to exprim abilitatea. Este o alternativ formal pentru can
T could 'n prezent, 'n trecut sau la condiional. Pentru toate celelalte
timpuri putem folosi numai to be able to.
'raduce6i En limba englez urmtoarele #ro#ozi6ii
2. (ceasta este o mas vec*e, pe care n/o poate ridica nimeni. 5. >u
tia s 'noate, aa c atunci c6nd s/a scufundat vasul, s/a inecat. ). >u
ai dreptul s 'naintezi, acest teren e proprietate privat. =. >u ai
dreptul s vinzi ce nu/ti aparine. E. >u se poate s te fi *otr6t s/i
refuzi orice a#utor tocmai c6nd are mai mare nevoie de el. :. $dila lui
cu ea nu poate s fi durat mai mult de o lun. 8. E cu putin s se
#oace c6nd i/am spus s/i fac mai 'nt6i temeleS 7. (i s/i poi face pe
plac, tiind c e aa de sensibilS 3. >iciodat n/am fost 'n stare s in
minte propoziii 'ntregi. 2H. Savantul a spus c tie de mult s numere.
22. Dise c/mi poate da sifon dac mi/e sete. 25. Speram s pot merge
pe #os p6n la gar, dar m/am oprit la o staie de autobuz. 2). 0/ai
putea atepta 'n birou dac ai vrea. 2=. (r fi putut s se aeze pe un
scaun gol, dar a preferat s stea 'n picioare. 2E. Puteai s te uii pe
gaura c*eii, dac erai aa de curios.
2. Pot s te a#ut cu cevaS 5. ;mi permii s te a#utS ). Poate c se
plimb prin grdin, *abar n/am unde e. =. Poate c spune adevrul,
mai bine ai asculta ce are de spus. E. Poate c/mi voi fi terminat
lucrarea p6n vii tu s m a#ui. :. Poate c btr6na sufla greu dup ce
a urcat scrile acelea, fiindc liftul era defect. 8. Poate c voi fi a#uns
la gar p6n va pleca trenul. 7. /am g6ndit c s/ar putea s plou, aa
c mi/am luat umbrela. 3. $/am spus c n/are nimeni voie s intre/n
camera mea c6nd dorm. 2H. S/ar putea s tueasc dac a rcit. 22. 0a/
i putea a#uta s/i duc geanta, dac/l vezi g6f6ind. 25. Puteai s/i
'mprumui nite bani, dac tiai c are greuti.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. T*is is an old table ?*ic* no one can lift. 5. ,e could not s?im, so
?*en t*e s*ip sanB *e dro?ned. ). Gou canAt proceed, t*is land is
private propert-. =. Gou canAt sell ?*at does not belong to -ou. E. Gou
canAt *ave resolved to den- *im all *elp ?*en *e most needs it. :. ,is
romance ?it* *er canAt *ave lasted more t*an a mont*. 8. "an *e be
pla-ing ?*en $ told *im to do *is *ome?orB firstS 7. @ill -ou be able
to please *im, Bno?ing *e is so sensitiveS 3. $ *ave never been able to
remember long sentences. 2H. T*e sc*olar said *e *ad been able to
count for a ver- long time. 22. ,e said *e could give me soda if $ ?as
t*irst-. 25. $ *oped $ could ?alB to t*e station but $ stopped at a bus
stop. 2). Gou could ?ait for *im in t*e stud- if -ou ?ould. 2=. ,e
could *ave taBen a vacant seat, but *e preferred standing. 2E. Gou
could *ave peeped t*roug* t*e Be-*ole if -ou ?ere so curious.
2."an $ *elp -ouS 5. a- $ *elp -ouS ). S*e ma- be ?alBing in t*e
garden, $ *ave no idea ?*ere s*e is. =. S*e ma- be telling t*e trut*,
-ou *ad better listen to ?*at s*e *as to sa-. E. $ ma- *ave finis*ed m-
paper b- t*e time -ou come to *elp me. :. T*e old lad- ma- *ave
been breat*ing *ard after s*e *ad climed all t*ose stairs, because t*e
elevator ?as out of order. 8. $ ma- reac*ed t*e station before t*e train
leaves. 7. $ t*oug*t it mig*t rain, so $ *ave taBen m- umbrella. 3. $ told
*im no one mig*t enter m- room ?*en $ ?as asleep. 2H. ,e mig*t
coug* if *e *as caug*t cold. 22. Gou mig*t *elp *im carr- *is bag if
-ou see *im gasping for breat*. 25. Gou mig*t *ave lent *im some
mone- if -ou Bne? *e ?as in need.
CIII. V:RB:<: M9&A<: 77
MUS', A::&, ;AV: '9, S;9U<&, 9UG;' '9
(9bliga6ie i nece!itate)
Mu!t, need, !0ould i oug0t to sunt verbe modale; ele sunt defective,
- timpuri lips
- persoana a $$$/a singular fr !
- interogativul i negativul prezentului fr do sau doe!
- sunt urmate de infinitiv fr To
Toate timpurile care lipsesc sunt 'nlocuite cu verbe normaleK
'o 0a"e to sau to need to
'o 0a"e to exprim at6t obligaia c6t i necesitatea la timpurile la care
el reprezint !ingura posibilitate Oinfinitiv, trecut simplu, perfect
prezent, viitor, forma 'n ing etc.P.
%ar la prezent, formele alternative nu sunt 'ntotdeauna 'nlocuibile
reciproc. + form poate exprima obligaia, iar cealalt necesitatea.
Fo*n mu!t not s*out. OU Fo*n are obligaia de a nu striga.P
Fo*n doe!nHt 0a"e to s*out. OU >u e necesar ca Fo*n s strige.P
'o need to exprim 'ntotdeauna necesitatea.
,arr- didnHt need to go on a diet. OU >u era necesar ca ,arr- s in
Mu!t Q ;a"e to Q Aeed to
Mu!t este invariabil pentru toate persoanele, 'n timp ce 0a"e to i
need to urmeaz regulile verbelor normale.
?orme contra!e: mustnAt
$% 2a%e t# !e folo!ete Entotdeauna #entru a face referire la
#(ligaie !au necesitate la #rezent afirmati" i interogati",
ade!ea cu !en! de "iitor% Kust !e refer la #(ligaie%
$ must p*one m- *usband before *e leaves t*e office.
T*e builders have to finis* t*e ?orB before ?inter sets in.
Mu!t se folosete de obicei c6nd obligaia vine din partea vorbitorului
care/i exprim propriile sentimente.
;a"e to se folosete c6nd obligaia vine din partea unei a treia
Gou must tid- up -our room before -ou go out. OU ;i ordonP
Gou have to drive on t*e left in 4reat 1ritain. OU (a spune legeaP
1% <a forma negati" must i 'a%e t# au !en!uri com#let diferite:
Kust n#t 'nseamn c eti obligat s nu faci ceva.
*#n+t 'a%e t# sau 'a%en+t g#t t# 'nseamn c nu este necesarK
Gou mustn*t exceed t*e speed limit on t*e motor?a-. OU Eti
obligat de lege.P
Gou haven*t got to go to t*at meeting if -ou are too bus-. OU >u e
necesar s te duci.P
;n general 0a"e to i 0a"e got to se folosesc la fel numai la prezent.
;a"e got to este considerat mai formal.
;a"e to se folosete pentru aciuni repetate, de obicei 'ntrit cu un
adverb de frecven.
"*ris has to visit *er ill mot*er ever- da-.
"*irs has got to do some s*opping for *er ill mot*er toda-.
5% 2a%e t# #oate fi folo!it la toate celelalte tim#uri%
$ have never had to ?orB so muc* before.
T*e police )ould have had to open fire if t*e criminals *adnAt
%educia negativ se poate exprima cu canHt sau canHt 0a"eK
$tAs onl- eleven oAclocB, Tim can*t be *ungr-R
T*e Smit*s are in "*ina. T*e- can*t have sent t*at post/card from
D% Kust !e folo!ete #entru deduc6ii #oziti"e En #rezent%
Kust 5 c#nst!ucie pe!fect$ !e refer la deduc6ii #oziti"e En
T*e bab- is cr-ing. S*e must be *ungr-.
T*ere ?as no repl-; *e must have been ?orBing in t*e garden.
Utilizare: Aeed este considerat at6t verb propriu/zis c6t i auxiliar.
$% Leed t#, ca "erb #ro#riu8zi!, urmeaz formele "erbelor
regulate normale i e!te folo!it #entru a !e face referire la
Gou )ill need flour and ?ater to maBe bread.
$ don*t need to see t*e doctor. $ feel fine.
;a"e to exprim necesitatea, poate fi folosit i la negativ i
@e didn*t have to booB t*e restaurant. T*ere ?as plent- of room.
$o ?e have to rus*S
1% Leed ca au4iliar e!te un "erb modal i are aceeai form
#entru toate #er!oanele% @oate fi folo!it numai la p!e/ent
(ade!ea cu !en! de "iitor) mai ale! En con!truc6ii negati"e !au
"onstrucie negativK Aeed not este similar cu donHt 0a"e to.
(mbele exprim absena unei obligaii sau necesiti.
@e need not rus*. T*ereAs plent- of time.
"onstrucie interogativK
8eed ?e rus*S T*ereAs plent- of time.
5% Leed n#t 5 infiniti% pe!fect !e refer la o ac6iune trecut care !8
a #etrecut fr a fi fo!t nece!ar%
Gou needn*t have told *er about t*e accident. S*e ?ill onl- ?orr-.
Aeed not F infiniti" #erfect difer de did not need to.
FacB need not have gone to t*e dentist. OU FacB s/a dus, dar nu era
FacB did not need to go to t*e dentist. OU >u era necesar ca FacB s se
duc, dar nu tim dac s/a dus sau nu.P
9ug0t to Q S0ould
9ug0t to i S0ould au sens identic i pot fi folosite la fel. Ele sunt
invariabile pentu toate persoanele i pot fi urmate de infinitiv fr 9o.
?orme contra!e: oug*tnAt T s*ouldnAt
$% (u referire la o obliga6ie !au Endatorire%
$ ought to mo? t*e la?n t*is ?eeBend; itAs overgro?n.
0ittle girls shouldn*t tell lies.
Poate urma i forma 'n "ing.
Tim oughtn*t to be )atching T!. ,e ought to be doing *is
@e should be standing in t*at Zueue, not t*is one.
1% @entru a cere i a da !faturi%
%o -ou t*inB $ should *ave m- *air cut s*ortS
iBe ought to see a doctor if it *urts so muc*.
5% (u referire la ceea ce con!ider c e!te corect !au incorect din
#unct de "edere moral%
@e should all *elp t*e poor.
People oughtn*t to treat animals badl-. T*e- belong *ere, too.
D% (u referire la o EntCm#lare #robabil%
$All prepare dinner tonig*t. $ should be *ome Zuite earl-.
$ told *im several times, so *e ought to remember.
K% (u o con!truc6ie #erfect #entru a face referire la ce"a ce
urma ! !e #etreac En trecut, dar nu !8a #etrecut% Sau cu
referire la ce"a ce a con!tituit o greeal%
T*e plane should have arrived at seven oAclocB, but it ?as
dela-ed because of fog.
ic*ael FacBson ought to have started *is tour last nig*t, but *e
?as taBen ill.
2. ( replicat c trebuie s aib gri# de silueta ei. 5. >u tiam c
trebuie s pltesc amend dac/mi parc*ez maina aici. ). >u se poate
s nu stai la masR =. >eaprat s/mi ari roc*ia ta cea nouR E. E
precis la birou, complet6nd formulare, cum face zilnic. :. >u/l vd pe
aici, trebuie c #oac basc*et pe undeva. 8. >u e acas, precis colind
strzile i t6rguiete cu *rnicie. 7. Se vede c cicatricea a fost o ran
grav mai de mult. 3. Se vede c studia la bibliotec atunci c6nd 'l
cutai. 2H. "opiii nu trebuie s vorbeasc cu primarul c6nd e ocupat.
22. ( trebuit s ascult de dou ore vorbele lui suprtoare, dar n/am de
g6nd s mai tolerez acest lucru. 25. &uncionarul declar c a trebuit s
vorbeasc cu nevasta lui despre sc*imbarea slu#bei, fiindc 'nt6rziase
de prea multe ori. 2). E nevoie s vin azi la bibliotec, ori poate
atepta p6n m6ineS 2=. >u era nevoie s vin aa de cur6nd, puteam
atepta. 2E. >u era nevoie s cumpere ea plria, avea el de g6nd s i/
o cumpere.
2. 0ectorul medit unde s/i in urmtoarea prelegere. 5. Pianistului
i/ar fi plcut s i se spun ce s c6nte. ). "6ntreaa de oper nu tia a
cui ofert s/o accepte. =. &otograful vru s tie dac s fac una sau
dou fotografii. E. %e ce l/ai a#uta, dac nu te roagS :. %ac s/ar
'nt6mpla s se 'nt6lneasc 'ntr/o cafenea, i/ar vedea toi 'mpreun i
oamenii ar 'ncepe s b6rfeasc. 8. (r trebui s 'i spun c era exact ce
merita. 7. (r fi trebuit s se logodeasc de mult, dar prinii ei s/au
opus cstoriei. 3. (r fi trebuit s/i mrturiseti 'n cele din urm c i/ai
furat ceasul, fiindc nu vroiai s plece at6t de iute. 2H. Studenii ar fi
trebuit s asculte expunerea asear.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. S*e retorted s*e must taBe care of *er figure. 5. $ did not Bno? $
must pa- a fine if $ parBed m- car *er. ). 1ut -ou must sta- for dinnerR
=. Gou must s*o? me -our ne? dressR E. ,e must be at *is office,
fiiling in forms, as *e does dail-. :. $ do not see *im around, *e must
be pla-ing basBetball some?*ere. 8. ,e is not at *ome, *e must be
roaming t*e streets and s*opping ?it* industr-. 7. T*at scar must *ave
been a bad in#ur- a ?*ile ago. 3. ,e must *ave been stud-ing at t*e
librar- ?*en -ou ?ere looBing for *im. 2H. "*ildren must not talB to
t*e ma-or ?*en *e is bus-. 22. $ *ave *ad to listen to *is offensive
?ords for t?o *ours, but $ am not going to put up ?it* it an- longer.
25. T*e officer stated t*at *e *ad *ad to talB to *is ?ife about
c*anging *is #ob because *e *ad been late too man- times. 2). >eed
*e come to t*e librar- toda- or can *e ?ait untill tomorro?S 2=. T*e-
neednAt *ave come so soon, $ could *ave ?ited. 2E. S*e neednAt *ave
boug*t t*at *at, *e ?as going to bu- it for *er.
2. T*e lecturer meditated ?*ere *e s*ould deliver *is next lecture. 5.
T*e pianist ?ould *ave liBed to be told ?*at *e s*ould pla-. ). T*e
opera singer did not Bno? ?*ose offer s*e s*ould accept. =. T*e
cameraman ?anted to Bno? if *e s*ould taBe one or t?o p*otograp*s.
E. @*- s*ould -ou assist *im if *e does not asB -ouS :. $f t*e- s*ould
meet in a caf^, ever-one ?ould see t*em toget*er and people ?ould
start gossiping. 8. $ oug*t to tell *im it ?as exactl- ?*at *e deserved.
7. T*e- oug*t to *ave been engaged long ago, but *er parents ob#ected
to t*eir marriage. 3. Gou oug*t to *ave confessed to *im eventuall-
t*at -ou *ad stollen *is ?atc* because -ou did not ?ant *im to leave
so soon. 2H. T*e students oug*t to *ave been listening to t*e
exposition last nig*t.
CI1. 7A?7A7'7VU<
&ormele principale de infinitiv suntK
7nfiniti" #rezent to ?orB
7nfiniti" #rezent continuu to be ?orBing
7nfiniti" #erfect to *ave ?orBed
7nfiniti" #erfect continuu to *ave been ?orBing
7nfiniti" #a!i" to be ?orBed
Utilizare: 7nfiniti"ul cu '9
7nfiniti"ul cu to se poate folosi caK
=. Subiect
9o leave t*e front door unlocBed is risB-.
%ar este mai folosit propoziia care 'ncepe cu itK
7t is risB- to leave t*e front door unlocBed.
>. com#lement
principalele verbe urmate de infiniti" cu toK
agree+ appear+ arrange+ as&+ attempt+ be about+ care choose+ consent+
decide+ do one*s best+ decline+ demand+ e(pect+ fail+ forget+ happen+
hate+ hope+ hurry+ learn+ li&e+ love+ manage+ mean1intend+ neglect+
offer+ plan+ prefer+ prepare+ pretend+ promise+ prove+ refuse+ remember+
seem+ tend+ try+ turn out+ volunteer+ )ant+ be able to afford+ ma&e up
one*s mind
T*e couple appears to be *app-.
$ can*t afford to study abroad.
S*e refused to go ?it* *im.
<nele verbe li.e, lo"e, 0ate, #refer, care, mean, intend pot fi
urmate de infiniti"ul cu to i de forma 'n Bing.
S*e liBes to s&ate.
S*e liBes s&ating.
+ri condiionalul
,*d love to see Eve.
%ould you prefer to do it no?S
'0atG !0ould (be) este o construcie care poate urma i dup
agree, arrange, a!., decide, demand.
T*e girls agreed to organize a part-.
T*e girls agreed that they should organize a part-.
T*e girls agreed that a part- should be organized.
7nfiniti"ul continuu urmeaz adesea dup a##ear, 0a##en,
#retend, !eem.
$t seems to be raining.
T*e c*ildren pretended to be hiding.
?. #entru a e4#rima !co#ul:
T*e dog buried t*e bone to *ide it.
In #!de! i s# as #ot fi folo!ite #entru a !ublinia !co#ul:
att is memorizing t*e rules in order to pass t*e test.
@e cut t*e *edge so as to improve t*e vie?.
@entru a e4#rima !co#ul !au func6ia unui obiect, folo!i6i
infiniti%ul cu DE !au f#! 5 "ing
,e used t*e scissors to cut t*e rope.
,e used t*e scissors for cutting t*e rope.
"6nd dou subiecte diferite fac necesar folosirea unei subordonate,
folosii !o t0at pentru a introduce subordonata i a exprima scopul.
$ deposited t*e mone- in t*e banB so that m- son can use it in later
Pentru a exprima nega6ia punei not 'naintea infiniti"ului cu '9.
,e ran in order not to be late.
&olosii and O'n loc de '9P pentru a exprima scopul dup go sau
@e s*ould go and bu- some milB.
"ome and visit usR
@. du# un "erb urmat de '#w, w'at, w'en, w'e!e, w'&%
Principalele verbe suntK as&+ decide+ discover+ find out+ forget+
&no)+ see+ learn+ remember+ understand+ thin&+ )onder
@e ?ondered ho) to do it.
$ couldnAt decide )hat to )ear.
=0et0er F infiniti" cu to poate fi folositK
%up )onder i &no).
(lex ?ondered )hether to &noc& or ?ait outside.
%up formele interogative i negative ale verbelor decide, &no),
%id -ou finall- decide )hether to go camping or notS
A. du# un "erb urmat de com#lement
verbele principale suntK advise+ allo)+ command+ enable+
encourage+ forbid+ e(pect+ force+ invite+ oblige+ order+ permit+
persuade+ remind+ re3uest+ teach+ tell+ li&e+ help+ )ant
Ton- advised me to finish t*e #ob ZuicBl-.
@e invited our friends to s&i ?it* us.
7nfiniti"ul cu to poate 'nlocui o propoziie relativK
%up the only, the last, the first, the second etc.
Foe ?as the first to board t*e submarine. OU Foe a fost primul care s/a
'mbarcat pe submarin.P
%up substantive T pronume, pentru a arta care le este utilizarea.
$ need a pot to ma&e a tea. OU (m nevoie de un ibric 'n care s pot face
4emind, teach i tell pot fi i ele urmate de t0atK
,e reminded Sue to come on time.
,e reminded Sue that s*e *ad to Ts*ould come on time.
%ar tell 'i sc*imb sensul 'n funcie de construcieK
Tod told her to stop. U Tod ordered *er to stop.
Tod told her that t*e ?ater ?as boiling. U Tod informed *er t*at t*e
?ater ?as boiling.
B. du# #a!i"ul "erbelor assume, (elie%e, c#nside!, feel, kn#w,
unde!stand, supp#se
T*e- are assumed to be fair pla-ers.
(ceste verbe pot fi urmate de com#lement F infiniti" cu '9 i
de t0atK
,e assumes them to be fair pla-ers.
,e assumes that they are fair pla-ers.
Su##o!e ii poate sc*imba sensul la pasivK
Gou a!e supp#sed t#7 'nseamn #ste datoria ta s/
C. du# anumite !ub!tanti"e
principalele verbe suntK ability1inability+ ambition+ decision+
demand+ desire+ determination+ effort+ failure+ offer+ plan+ promise+
refusal+ )ish
@e made our )ish to help t*em Zuite obvious.
,illar-As failure to pass t*e exam disappointed t*em.
D. du# anumite ad+ecti"e
principalele ad#ective suntK cruel+ good+ rude+ an(ious+ glad+ &ind+
nice+ pleased+ surprised+ easy+ difficult+ li&ely+ prepared+ ready+
late+ early
S*e ?as pleased to hear from us.
Gou are li&ely to meet t*em.
;n construciile cu it, of F #ronumeQ!ub!tanti", urmeaz adesea dup
$t ?as nice of you to come.
$t ?as rude of the man to slam t*e door.
E. du# t## 5 ad.ecti%Aad%e!( i du# ad.ecti%Aad%e!( 5 en#ug' i
du# 'a%e 5 en#ug' 5 su(stanti%
T*e soup ?as too hot to eat.
T*e ?ater ?asnAt )arm enough to s)im in.
@e didnAt *ave enough time to finish t*e test.
?or F !ub!tanti"Q#ronume pot fi introduse 'n faa infinitivuluiK
,e ran too fast for us to follo?.
7nfiniti"ul fr '9
7nfiniti"ul fr '9 poate fi folosit dupK
1. "erbe modale
may+ can+ must+ shall+ should+ )ill+ )ould
@e may come tomorro?.
2. feel, see, 'ea!, watc', let la forma acti"
"laire heard *im cough.
&orma 'n " ing se folosete adesea dup feel, see, hear, )atch Oat6t
forme active c6t i pasiveP
"laire heard *im coughing. T ,e ?as heard coughing.
3. 'ad (ette! i w#uld !at'e!
%an had better study *arder.
4. make
T*e teac*er made Ellen correct *er errors.
0a forma pasiv ma&e este urmat de infinitiv cu T+K
Ellen )as made to correct *er errors Ob- t*e teac*erP.
5. (ut !au except
FacB and Caren do not*ing but argue.
$Ave done it all e(cept do t*e calculations.
6. w'& !au w'& n#t
%hy )aste -our energ- on suc* a *opeless causeS
%hy not go and asB *im no?S
7. folo!i6i infiniti"ul #erfect fr to:
"u mu!t pentru a exprima deducii pozitive 'n trecutK
T*ereAs (lAs cap. ,e must have come *ome.
"u canHtQcouldnHt pentru a exprima deducii negative 'n trecutK
$ can *ear noise. T*e- can*t have gone to bed -et.
2. ( fost vzut cum fur batista unei btr6ne. 5. Se tie c a 'mbl6nzit
o cprioar. ). Se pare c i s/a terminat za*rul. =. S/a dovedit c *oul
a spus adevrul. E. >/a vrea s fi plecat singur de acas. :. ;i ordon
s pleci c*iar acum. 8. "red c s/a mritat de mult. 7. (tept s pleci.
3. Se zice c s/a 'ntors din strintate. 2H. $ s/a ordonat s uite tot ce a
vzut. 22. %in 'nt6mplare 'nc n/a sosit. 25. "u cine se zice c
seamnS 2). %e ce se zice c e *oS
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. ,e ?as seen to steal an old lad-As *andBerc*ief. 5. S*e is Bno?n to
*ave tamed a deer. ). ,e seems to *ave run out of sugar. =. T*e t*ief
turned out to *ave told t*e trut*. E. $ s*ould not liBe *im to *ave left
alone. :. $ order -ou to leave rig*t no?. 8. $ t*inB *er to *ave got
married long ago. 7. $ am ?aiting for -ou to leave. 3. ,e is said to
*ave returned from abroad. 2H. ,e ?as ordered to forget ever-t*ing *e
*ad seen. 22. ,e *appens not to *ave arrived -et. 25. @*om is s*e
said to looB liBeS 2). @*- is *e said to be a t*iefS
C1. ?9RM:<: OA B 7AG (@artici#iul i Gerund8ul)
%in punct de vedere gramatical, forma En Bing poate fi sau un gerund
sau un participiu. ;n ambele cazuri, forma este aceeai.
?orm: forma En Bing regulat se obine adug6nd Bing infiniti"ului
fr '9. Ogo goingP
4erund/ul poate fi folosit caK
$% !ubiect
Smo&ing is dangerous for -our *ealt*.
1% com#lement
Emil- loves teaching.
5% interdic6ii !curte
>o fishing.
D% du# #re#ozi6ii
Verbele care urmeaz du# #re#ozi6ii trebuie ! fie la f#!ma n
&rancis is interested in learning Polis*.
$ am sorr- for hurting -our feelings.
Verbele care urmeaz du# "erbele com#le4e cu #re#ozi6ie !unt
de obicei la f#!ma n "ing
- fat*er *as #ust given up smoBing.
$ am loo&ing for)ard to seeing -ou soon.
unele "erbe com#le4e cu #re#ozi6ie #ot fi urmate de infiniti"
T*e researc*er set out to prove *is t*eor-.
"uv6ntul '9 este o surs de confuzii. <neori to este o prepoziie
urmat de ing. (lteori to intoduce un infinitiv complet.
Cevin looBed for?ard to seeing *er.
Cevin ?anted to see *er.
$ am used to stud-ing until late. U $ am accustomed to stud-ing late.
$ used to stud- until late. U $ al?a-s studied until late.
K% du# anumite "erbe i e4#re!ii
Principalele verbe i expresii suntK admit+ avoid+ delay+ detest+ enjoy+
finish+ imagine+ mind+ miss+ postpone+ practise+ remember+ resist+ stop+
can*t stand+ can*t help+ be )orth+ be busy+ be no good+ be no use+ deny+
&eep+ ris&
%id -ou mind selling -our *ouseS
$ missed listening to *er pla- t*e piano.
@e stopped studying in t*e summer.
>otai diferena dintreK
,e !emem(e!ed w!iting to us. U ;i amintea c ne/a scris.
T*e- !emem(e!ed t# w!ite to us. U >u au uitat s ne scrie.
,e st#pped eating. U El a terminat de m6ncat.
,e st#pped t# eat. U S/a oprit din alte treburi ca s mn6nce.
:dmit, den&, !emem(e! primesc i pe t0atK
T*e- remembered that t*e- *ad sent us t*e bill.
2ate, like, l#%e, p!efe! pot primi infiniti" F to.
$ love dancing. U $ love to dance.
%ar la condiional ele primesc de obicei infiniti" cu toK
$Ad love to dance.
L% du# anumite "erbe F ad+ecti" #o!e!i"Q com#lement
Principalele verbe suntK disli&e+ dread+ mind+ remember+ resent+ stop+
understand+ object to+ appreciate+ e(cuse+ forgive+ prevent+
FdisGapprove of
$ donAt mind his1him staying ?it* us.
$ trul- appreciate their1them being so *ospitable.
<tilizarea ad#ectivului posesiv este mai formalK
T*e committee resented 'is being so franB.
<tilizarea complementului pronominal este mai rsp6ndit 'n engleza
$ certainl- understand 'im getting upset.
$at c6teva modificri ortograficeK
$% &i!#are Be final%
0ive living
4ive giving
&ar nu #entru:
1e being
(ge ageing
%-e d-eing
4lue glueing
1% ?inala En Bie !e !c0imb En By%
%ie d-ing
0ie l-ing
5% Se dubleaz con!oana final%
Stop stopping
Travel travelling
1egin beginning
&ar nu i #entru:
Iead reading
Peel peeling
Suffer suffering
Participiul poate fi folositK
$% la tim#urile continue%
,e is )or&ing.
Gou )ere singing.
1% ca ad+ecti"e%
annoying+ frightening+ depressing+ embarrassing+ rela(ing+
e(citing+ shoc&ing+ charming+ interesting+ boring
5% En !ub!tanti"e com#u!e%
a )ashing machine+ a diving board+ a se)ing &it+ a )al&ing stic&+
a fishing rod+ a gardening tool
D% du# spend i waste (tim#, bani, effort, energie)%
T*e- spent a fortune building t*at *ouse.
,e )asted all *is energ- getting t*at contract.
K% du# g# i c#me (acti"itate fizic)%
$Am coming shopping ?it* -ou.
Eileen and Paul are going s)imming.
L% du# see, 'ea!, feel, listen t# , n#tice, watc' F com#lement%
T*e entire famil- )atched 9im s&ating.
(celeai verbe pot fi urmate i de c#mplement 5 infiniti% fr DE.
,e heard the baby cry.
M% du# catc', find, lea%e F com#lement%
T*e baBer caught the boy stealing rolls.
R% En locul !ubordonatelor:
A% En locul unei !ubordonate relati"e
@e ?atc*ed t*e bo- )or&ing. OU @e ?atc*ed t*e bo- )ho )as
B% En locul !ubordonatelor%
cCnd dou ac6iuni !e #etrec la acelai moment En tim#%
Smiling ?arml-, s*e s*ooB ,ectorAs *and. OU S*e smiled ?arml- as
s*e s*ooB ,ectorAs *and.P
;earning to sBi, Sam broBe *is leg. OU @*ile Sam ?as learning to sBi,
*e broBe *is leg.P
#entru a Enlocui o #ro#ozi6ie care Ence#e cu since !au (ecause%
9hin&ing Foan ?as *onest, *e lent *er t*e mone-. OU 1ecause *e
t*oug*t Foan ?as *onest, *e lent *er t*e mone-.P
0eing curious, *e looBed t*roug* t*e Be-*ole. OU Since *e ?as
curious, *e looBed t*roug* t*e Be-*ole.P
cCnd ac6iunea unei !ubordonate !e #etrece En mod clar Enainte de
ac6iunea celeilalte !ubordonate !e folo!ete #artici#iul #erfect%
-aving got divorced once, (l decided not to marr- again. OU (fter *e
*ad got divorced once, (l decided not to marr- again.P
C1I. V:RB: (AR: @R7M:S( 7A?7A7'7V: SAU
?orm: !erbele care urmeaz altor verbe au una din formeleK infiniti"
F to sau forma En Bing.
!erbele se 'mpart 'n patru categorii principaleK
$% Verbe care #ot fi urmate numai de infiniti" F '9%
@e agreed to meet at noon.
1% Verbe care #ot fi urmate numai de forma En Bing%
Gou ris& being late.
5% Verbe care #ot fi urmate fie de un infiniti% 5 DE fie de f#!ma
n ing fr a Enregi!tra o modificare de !en!%
$ see ,arr- *as started to play golf again. OU 'n generalP
$ see ,arr- *as started playing golf again. OU 'n general sau numai
'n momentul de faP
D% "erbe care #ot fi urmate de infiniti% 5 t# fie de f#!ma n ing
dar cu o !c0imbare ma+or de !en!%
$ forgot to go to t*e banB -esterda-. OU >u m/am dusP
$ *ave forgotten going to t*e banB -esterda-. OU >u/mi amintesc
s fi fostP
$% 7nfiniti"ul F to se folosete de obicei dupK afford+ agree+ appear+
arrange+ as&+ attempt+ decide+ e(pect+ fail+ help+ hope+ learn+
manage+ mean+ offer+ plan+ prepare+ pretend+ promise+ refuse+
seem+ tend+ threaten+ )ant+ )ish
$ canAt afford to buy a ne? car no?.
$ fail to see t*e point -ou are maBing.
&orma negativ este not to F infiniti".
"live @aston decided not to accept t*e ne? #ob offer.
%up 0el#, '9 este opional.
EmmaAs mot*er al?a-s *elps *er OtoP do *er *ome?orB.
%ar canHt 0el# 'nseamn Va nu putea evitaW i aici se folosete forma
En Bing.
$ can*t help thin&ing about ?*at s*e said last nig*t.
Seem, a##ear i #retend pot primi i un infinitiv continuu Oto be
doingP sau un infinitiv perfect Oto *ave doneP.
1ill seems to be sleeping a lot latel-.
T*e criminal pretended to have lost *is memor-.
%up as&+ decide+ e(plain+ &no)+ remember+ forget+ understand urmate
de cuvinte interogativeK 0o*, *0at, *0en, *0ic0, *0ere, *0et0er
$ donAt Bno? ho) to get to t*e cat*edral from *ere.
T*e teac*er ?ill explain )hat to do tomorro?.
%up as&+ enable+ force+ get+ invite+ order+ persuade+ remind+ teach+
tell+ )arn F com#lement.
"an -ou as& them to leave, pleaseS
$ persuaded Jane to come *iBing ?it* me tomorro?.
%up make 'n propoziii pasive.
@*en $ ?as at sc*ool, $ ?as made to ?ear a uniform.
1% ?orma En Bing este de obicei folosit dupK admit+ avoid+
consider+ delay+ deny+ disli&e+ enjoy+ fancy+ feel li&e+ finish+ give
up+ imagine+ involve+ &eep on+ mind+ miss+ postpone+ practise+ ris&+
stand FHbearG+ suggest+ mention+ recall+ regret
,e admitted stealing t*e #e?els.
,ave -ou considered moving abroadS
&orma negativ esteK not F 8ing
$ en#o- not having to ?orB.
&orma pasiv este posibil i cu being F #artici#iu trecut.
,elen en#o-s being involved in t*e local comunit-.
!erbe caK admit+ deny+ mention+ recall+ regret pot primiK 0a"ing F
#artici#iu trecut cu referire la aciuni finalizate 'n trecut.
Tom no? regrets having moved to Paris.
%upK admit+ deny+ regret+ suggest se poate folosi i t0at.
Sam denied that he had shot *is ?ife.
Sam denied shooting *is ?ife.
%up verbe complexeK carry on+ end up+ give up+ go round+ &eep on+
put off+ set about
Gou carry on thin&ing ?*ile $ eat m- lunc*.
&ranB is al?a-s tr-ing *ard to give up smo&ing.
5% Se pot folosi at6t infiniti"ul F '9 c6t i forma En Bing fr
diferene de sens dup verbeleK begin+ continue+ hate+ li&e+ love+
prefer+ start
$ began to play sZuas* t*ree -ears ago.
$ began playing sZuas* t*ree -ears ago.
orris loves to drive fast cars.
orris loves driving fast cars.
D% 7nfiniti"ul F to sau forma En Bing au sensuri foarte diferite dupK
remember+ forget+ try+ stop+ go on+ regret
,ave -ou forgotten posting t*at letterS OU (i trimis/o dar nu/i
,ave -ou forgotten to post t*at letterS OU >u ai trimis/oSP
$ stopped smo&ing cigarettes because t*e- ?ere bad for me. OU >u
mai fumezP
$ stopped to smo&e a cigarette. OU /am oprit i am fumat o igarP
@une6i "erbele din #arantez fie la infiniti" fie la gerund:
2. ,e used OdanceP a lot but *e *asnAt *ad an- opportunit- of OdoP is
since *e began OprepareP for t*e entrance examination. 5. T*e- ?ere
used to OliveP alone, so t*e- didnAt reall- mind t*e lonel- life t*e- led
on t*e moon. ). $ liBe OsBateP and OsBiP, but it is ver- difficult for me
Osa-P ?*ic* $ liBe better. =. @e got tired of O?aitP for *im OcomeP and
eventuall- decided OgoP out ?it*out OleaveP an- notice to *im. E. $
remember O*earP *er Osa-P t*e flo?ers needed O?aterP. :. @e *ig*l-
appreciate O-ou, ?antP O*elpP our son, but itAs time *e began OdoP *is
*om?orB b- *imself. 8. @e donAt remember O-ou, sa-P before t*at
Fo*n ?anted Obu-P our car. 7. $ ?onder ?*- *e *ated O$, smoBeP at t*e
office since *e often en#o-s OsmoBeP a cigarette *imself. 3. $t is no use
O-ou, asBP me OinsistP on OiBe, comeP in time as *e canAt get rid of *is
bad *abit; *e often tried ObeP punctual but *e al?a-s failed. 2H.
@*erever $ set to ?orB, $ recollect Om- fat*er, sa-P t*at if a #ob is
?ort* OdoP at all it is ?ort* OdoP ?ell.
'raduce6i En limba englez urmtoarele #ro#ozi6ii folo!ind
2. !ara florile au nevoie de ap Ode a fi udateP 'n fiecare zi. 5. ;mi face
mult plcere s/i accept invitaia deoarece ea 'ntotdeauna reuete s
gteasc m6ncruri foarte gustoase. ). $ertai/m c v deran#ez, avei
cumva un c*ibritS =. ;mi place s mn6nc 'ng*eat c*iar c6nd e frig.
E. ! deran#eaz dac desc*id fereastra pentru c6teva minuteS E un
aer foarte inc*is aici. :. >/are nici un rost s pleci miercuri, se
ateapt ca tu s fii acolo s6mbt. 8. (u insistat s le scriu 'n fiecare
zi, dar asta m exaspereaz deoarece mie nu/mi place s scriu scrisori.
7. Ei au refuzat s ne permit s intrm fr a cumpra bilete, dei
fusesem invitai la premier. 3. ( trebuit s ne am6nm plecarea
pentru c Fane era bolnav. 2H. >u/mi place ca cineva s se uite la
mine c6nd 'ncerc s 'nv a merge pe biciclet.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. To dance, doing, to prepare 5. 0iving ). SBating, sBiing, to sa- =.
@aiting, to come, to go, leaving E. ,earing, sa- Osa-ingP, ?atering :.
Gour T -ou ?anting, to *elp, doing 8. Gour T -ou *aving said, to bu- 7.
- T me smoBing, smoBing 3. Gour T -ou asBing, to insist, iBeAs T
iBe coming, to be 2H. - fat*er sa-ing, doing, doing
2. $n summer flo?ers need ?atering ever- da-. 5. $ am ver- pleased to
accept *er invitation as *e al?a-s succeeds in cooBing ver- tast-
dis*es. ). &orgive m- bot*ering -ou, do -ou *appen to *ave a matc*S
=. $ en#o- eating ice/cream even ?*en it is cold. E. %o -ou mind m-
opening t*e ?indo? for a fe? minutesS $tAs ver- stuff- in *ere. :.
T*ere is no need for -our leaving on @ednesda-, -ou are expected
t*ere OonP Saturda-. 8. T*e- insisted on m- ?riting to t*em ever- da-,
but it puts me beside m-self because $ *ate ?riting letters. 7. T*e-
refused to let us in ?it*out bu-ing ticBets alt*oug* ?e *ad been
invited to t*e first nig*t. 3. @e *ad to dela- our departure because of
FaneAs being ill. 2H. $ disliBe being looBed at ?*ile attempting to learn
*o? to ride a bic-cle.

C1II. V:RB: (9M@<:X:
<n verb complex este o combinaie 'ntre un verb Y prepoziie T
particul adverbial.
Sensul unui verb complex fie nu are legtur cu elementele
componente luate separat, fie este rezultatul elementelor componente
Overb Y prepoziieTadverbP luate ca 'ntreg.
!erbele complexe pot fi 'mpite 'nK
$% Verb F #re#ozi6ie
Verb F #re#ozi6ie F com#lement #re#ozi6ional
@e apologise for an- inconvenience caused b- t*e dela-.
Verb F #re#ozi6ie F V G ing
T*e- succeeded in boosting pre/tax profits.
"6nd verbele complexe sunt urmate de un verb, acest verb este de
obicei la forma n "ing.
>u folosim prepoziii dup urmtoarele verbeK
ans)er+ as&+ call+ phone+ ring+ discuss+ enter+ meet+ reach+ suit+ tell
:4em#le de "erbe F #re#ozi6ie:
ag!ee t# somethingI ag!ee wit' somebody1somethingI all#w f#!
somethingI am#unt f#! somethingI ap#l#gise f#! somethingI appl&
f#! somethingI app!#%e #f somebody1somethingI attend t#
somebody1somethingI c#mplain Ft# somebodyG a(#ut
somebody1something, c#nf#!m t# somethingI c#nsent t# somethingI
c#nsist #f somethingI depend #n somethingI 'ea! a(#ut somethingI
'ea! f!#m somebodyI '#pe f#! something, insist #n somethingI l##k
at somebody1somethingI l##k f#! somebody1somethingI l##k f#!wa!d
t# somethingI pa& FsomebodyG f#! somethingI !efe! t# somethingI !el&
#n somebody1somethingI succeed in somethingI t'ink a(#ut
something FH concentrate onGI t'ink #f something FH considerGI wait
f#! somebody1something
1% Verb F com#lement F #re#ozi6ie
1e!( 5 c#mplement 5 p!ep#/iie 5 c#mplement p!ep#/ii#nal
Protect us from unfair competition
1e!( 5 c#mplement 5 p!ep#/iie 5 17 ing
Prevent us from entering t*e Fapanese marBet.
Prepoziia from se folosete dup verbe care exprim refuzulK
prohibit+ restrain+ forbid+ prevent+ ban+ veto+ stop
T*e- prevented us from exporting t*e goods.
%up verbe care exprim acceptul se folosete com#lement F
infiniti"K allo)+ authorise+ help+ permit+ enable+ encourage
T*e- helped us to e(port t*e goods.
:4em#le de "erbe F com#lement F #re#ozi6ie:
accuse s#me(#d& #f somethingI ad%ise s#me(#d& #fAa(#ut
something, c#mpa!e s#me(#d&As#met'ing wit' somebody1somethingI
c#ng!atulate s#me(#d& #n somethingI c#n%ince s#me(#d& #f
somethingI desc!i(e s#met'ing t# somebodyI di%ideAcutAsplit
s#met'ing int# somethingI d# s#met'ing a(#ut somebody1somethingI
explain s#met'ing t# somebodyI inte!est s#me(#d& in somethingI
p!efe! s#me(#d&As#met'ing t# somebody1somethingI p!e%ent
s#me(#d&As#met'ing f!#m somebody1somethingI p!#tect
s#me(#d&As#met'ing f!#m somebody1somethingI p!#%ide s#me(#d&
wit' s#met'ingI !emind s#me(#d& #f somethingI spend m#ne& #n
somethingI tell s#me(#d& a(#ut something
5% Verb F ad"erb (#0ra!al "erb)
1e!( 5 ad%e!( 5 c#mplement 5 !estul p!#p#/iiei
&ill in t*is form in duplicate
Turn up earl- at t*e stand
"ele mai frecvente adverbe folosite suntK about+ along+ a)ay+ bac&+
do)n+ for)ard+ in+ off+ on+ out+ over+ round+ through+ up
<nele dintre phrasal verbs 'i pstreaz sensul individual al verbului Y
cel al adverbuluiK
$Ave brought bac& t*e plans. @ould -ou liBe to see t*emS
(lte phrasal verbs au un sens diferit de cel al elementelor
,e made up a ?onderful stor- about *is adventures in Iotaronga.
OmaBe up U inventP
:4em#le de @0ra!al "erb!:
M!eak d#wn Fstop )or&ingGI (!ing a(#ut FcauseGI call #ff FcancelGI
call !#und FvisitGI cl#se d#wn Fstop the operations ofGI c#me al#ng
FcomeGI fill in Fcomplete by )riting in relevant informationGI find #ut
FdiscoverGI l##k #%e! Fe(amine 3uic&lyGI make up FinventGI m#%e in
Fta&e possesssion of ne) premisesGI put #n Fturn onGI send (ack
FreturnGI speak up Fspea& louderGI speed up Fma&e fasterGI t'!#w
awa&I tu!n d#wn FrejectGI tu!n up FarriveGI walk t'!#ug'I w!ite
'raduce6i En limba englez folo!ind get ca #0ra!al "erb:
2. Tom promise c se va apuca serios de treab dar numai 'ncep6nd de
lunea viitoare. 5. _terge/o. %egeaba 'ncerci s m cucere!ti. ). %e
c6nd i s/a publicat lucrarea nu 'i mai 'ncape 'n piele de m6ndrie. =.
_i/a dat seama c nu po'i rmne nedescoperit c6nd faci o crim. E. i
scpat ieftinR :. _tie cum sJo ia pe mtua ei i s/o fac s/i cumpere
tot ce/i dorete.
'raduce6i En limba englez folo!ind gi%e i ca!!& ca #0ra!al "erb:
2. Talentatul scriitor a luat premiul pentru literatur. 5. _tie s
vorbeasc fr s se trdeze cu nimic. ). fost scos din fire de
obrznicia cu care 'i replica putiul. =. &usese prea sigur c norocul
nuJl va prsi. E. (ceast fereastr d spre malul mrii.
'raduce6i En limba englez folo!ind l##k ca #0ra!al "erb:
2. !a trebui s te descurci fr s te ngrijeasc 7ary. 5. !tept cu
nerbdare s/mi spui c ai e(aminat c*estiunea cu gri#. ). (cum
treburile lui promit s mearg mai bine. =. 9reci s m vezi m6ine
dup ora cinci.
'raduce6i En limba englez folo!ind make i (e ca #0ra!al "erb:
2. "ei doi veri nu se mpac deloc bine. 5. _tiu c nu e perfect, dar
calitile lui 'i compenseaz lipsurile. ). >u 'i pot descrifa scrisul, e
prea necite. =. ;ucrm numai cu materialul clientului. E. &ilmul
acesta ruleaz de o lun, trebuie s fie bun. :. -ai s ne mpcamR
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
Q 2. Tom promised to get do?n to ?orB but onl- beginning ?it* next
onda-. 5. 4et along ?it* -ouR Gou are tr-ing in vain to get round
me. ). Since *e *ad *is ?orB publis*ed *e *as simpl- got above
*imself. =. ,e realized one canAt get a?a- ?it* crime. E. Gou got off
c*eapl-R :. S*e Bno?s *o? to get round *er aunt and maBe *er bu-
*er ?*atever s*e ?is*es.
Q 2. T*e gifted ?riter carried off t*e Prize for 0iterature. 5. ,e Bno?s
*o? to talB ?it*out giving *imself a?a- at all. ). ,e ?as carried a?a-
b- t*e impudence of t*e urc*inAs retorts. =. ,e *ad been too sure *is
lucB ?ould not give out. E. T*is ?indo? gives on OtoP t*e seas*ore.
Q 2. GouAll *ave to manage ?it*out ar- looBing after -ou. 5. $Am
looBing for?ard to -our telling me -ouAve looBed into t*e matter
carefull-. ). ,is affairs seem to be looBing up. =. 0ooB me up
tomorro? after five oAclocB.
Q 2. T*e t?o cousins donAt get on ?ell at all. 5. $ Bno? *e is not
perfect but *is Zualities maBe up for *is defects. ). $ cannot maBe out
-our *and ?riting, it is reall- illegible. =. +nl- customersA materials
made up *ere. E. T*is film *as been on for a mont*; it must be a good
one. :. 0etAs maBe it upR
C1III. V9RB7R:A 7A&7R:('W
!orbirea indirect se folosete pentru a relata cuvintele unei alte
persoane. Principalele categorii ale vorbirii indirecte suntK afirmaii,
interogaii, comenzi.
!orbirea indirect poate avea dou formeK
$% 9 #ro#ozi6ie #rinci#al cu un "erb al relatrii F o #ro#ozi6ie
T*e- say t'at )e )ill receive the confirmation ne(t )ee&.
1% o #ro#ozi6ie #rinci#al cu un "erb al relatrii F un infiniti" cu
T*e- as&ed us to send confirmation as soon as possible.
Iegula de baz pentru a determina timpul verbal din subordonat este
dup cum urmeazK
&ac %e!(ul !elat$!ii e!te la: On "orbirea indirect:
!iitor nici o sc*imbare
Prezent perfect
&ac %e!(ul !elat$!ii e!te la: On Vorbirea indirect:
Trecut present XX. past
Trecut perfect past XX... past T past perfect
present perfectX.past perfect
?ill XXX.. ?ould
"ondiionalele de tipul $$ i $$$ nu se modific 'n vorbirea indirect.
"ondiionala de tipul $ se modific 'ntr/una de tipul $$.
Fo saidK V$f $ listen, $ )ill learn.W
Fo said t*at if *e listened, *e )ould learn.
Verbele modale se modific astfelK
"an could; ma- mig*t; ?ill ?ould; s*all s*ould; must
mustT*ad to; could could; mig*t mig*t; s*ould s*ould; oug*t to
oug*t to; ?ould ?ould; used to used to
@ronumele i ad+ecti"ele se modific astfelK
Vorbirea direct Vorbirea indirect
$ T -ou *e T s*e
@e T -ou t*e-
e T -ou *im T *er
<s T -ou t*em
- T mine *is *er T *is *ers
Gour m- *is *er our t*eir
Gours mine *is *ers ours t*eirs
+ur T ours t*eir T t*eirs
T*is T t*ese t*at T t*ose
"6nd vorbitorul 'i relateaz propriul discurs, pronumele i ad#ectivele
rm6n nesc*imbate.
$ saidK V7 am angr-.W $ said t*at 7 ?as angr-.
Ad"erbele i expresiile adverbiale se modific astfelK
Vorbirea direct Vorbirea indirect
,ere t*ere, in t*at place
>o? t*en, at t*at time
Toda- t*at da-
Gesterda- t*e da- before
T*e da- before -esterda- t?o da-s before
Tomorro? t*e da- after
T*e da- after tomorro? in t?o da-s
(n *ourT?eeBTmont* ago an *ourT?eeBTmont* before
>ext ?eeBT-ear t*e follo?ing ?eeBT-ear
0ast ?eeBTmont* a ?eeBTmont* before
Principalele verbe ale vorbirii indirecte sunt !ay i tell.
9ell cere persoana cu care se vorbete
Say poate funciona singur sau poate primi to Y persoana cu care se
Tom told us t*at *e ?as leaving.
Tom said t*at *e ?as leaving.
Tom said to us t*at *e ?as leaving.
(lte verbe ale vorbirii indirecte pot fiK
accept+ add+ admit+ affirm+ agree+ allege+ announce+ ans)er+
apologieze+ argue+ assert+ claim+ comment+ communicate+ convey+
declare+ demonstrate+ disclose+ divulge+ emphasise+ e(plain+ highlight+
imply+ indicate+ inform+ maintain+ notify+ object+ offer+ promise+ protest+
prove+ recount+ refuse+ remar&+ reply+ report+ restate+ reveal+ sho)+
state+ stress+ suggest+ transmit
Topica verbelor interogative 'n interogaia direct se modific 'n
interogaia indirect devenind topica verbelor afirmative
$ asBedK W@*o did she go ?it*SW
$ asBed ?*o she had gone ?it*.
Exist dou tipuri de 'ntrebri directeK 0'"@uesti#ns i &esAn#
;n vorbirea indirect se menin cuvintele interogative cu %hJ
%hen exactl- ?ill -ou be in PolandS
,e asBed )hen exactl- $ ?ould be in Poland.
Pentru ntrebrile cu yes1no, folosim if i *0et0erK
%oes -our compan- provide investment adviceS
S*e asBed if1)hether our compan- provided investment advice.
!erbe ale relatrii utilizate pentru 'ntrebriK as&+ demand+ e(amine+
in3uire+ investigate+ 3uery+ 3uestion
(omenzi, cerin6e, !faturi
;n vorbirea indirect verbul de la imperativ se tranform 'n verb urmat
de c#mplement 5 infiniti%ul cu DE
,e saidK V"laire, stand upRW
,e told 2laire to stand up.
Pentru o comand negativ, forma indirect primete pe >+T 'naintea
1arbara saidK V%onAt touc*RW
1arbara asBed meTus n#t t# touc*.
"*iar dac 'n comanda direct nu este menionat complementul, la
forma indirect este necesar un complement pronominalR
,e saidK VStand upRW ,e told her1him1us to stand up.
!erbele relatrii folosite pentru comenzi, cerine, sfaturi suntK as&+
beg+ brief+ call for+ command+ direct+ implore+ instruct+ invite+ press+
re3uest+ re3uire+ tell+ urge
(lte verbe folosite 'n vorbirea indirect. <nele dintre aceste verbe cer
o propoziie subordonat O2P, altele un infinitiv cu To O5P, iar altele cer
ambele varianteO2,5PK
convince F=+>G+ encourage F=+>G+ entreat F>G+ indoctrinate F>G+ invite
F>G+ motivate F>G+ persuade F=+>G+ threaten F>G+ urge F=+>G+ )arn F=+>G
Urmtoarele #ro#ozi6ii !unt En "orbirea direct:
%onAt ?ait for me if $Am late.
@ill -ou marr- meS
,urr- upR
"an -ou open -our bag, pleaseS
Please slo? do?nR
%onAt ?orr-, Sue.
ind -our o?n business.
"ould -ou repeat ?*at -ou said, pleaseS
%o -ou t*inB -ou could give me a *and, TomS
Alege6i una dintre ace!te #ro#ozi6ii #entu a com#leta #ro#ozi6iile
de mai +o!% ?olo!i6i "orbirea indirect:
2. 1ill ?as talBing a long time to get read-, so X.
5. Sara* ?as driving too fast, so $ asBed X.
). Sue ?as ver- pessimistic about t*e situation. $ told X
=. $ couldnAt move t*e piano alone, so $ X
E. T*e customs officer looBed at me suspiciousl- and X
:. $ *ad difficult- understanding *im, so $ X
8. $ didnAt ?ant to dela- (nn, so $ X
7. Fo*n ?as ver- muc* in love ?it* ar-, so *e X
3. ,e started asBing me personal Zuestions, so X
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
So $ told *im to *urr- up.
So $ asBed *er to slo? do?n.
$ told *er not to ?orr-.
So $ asBed Tom to give me a *and.
(nd asBed me to open m- bag.
So $ asBed *im to repeat ?*at *e *ad said.
So $ told *er not to ?ait for me if $ ?as late.
So *e asBed *er to marr- *im.
So $ told *im to mind *is o?n business.
CIC. @R:@9V7Y77 Z7 (9AUUA(Y77
@re#ozi6iile sunt 'n mod normal aezate 'n faa substantivelor sau
pronumelor i dup verbe. Ele pot de asemenea preceda verbele 'n
Exist puine reguli referitoare la prepoziiile limbii engleze. &oarte
adesea utilizarea lor trebuie 'nvat pe dinafar. Prepoziiile creeaz
probleme considerabile celor care 'nva engleza deoarece o anume
propoziie care 'n propria sa limb va cere o anumit prepoziie va
avea 'n englez o alt prepoziie.
@re#ozi6ii de micare
1. Ki)ca!e n susAn .#s
&o*n (to) u# (to) on (to) off
&o*n: o micare 'n #os sau scdere a respectului statutului.
Sam broBe *is arm ?*en *e fell do)n t*e slope.
T*e "onservative 4overnment ?ent do)n at t*e last elections
&o*n to: o micare ctre sud.
$ ?as sta-ing in Paris but $ ?ent do)n to >ice to visit an old
friend of mine.
U#: o micare 'n sus sau a dob6ndi respect social.
>ext doorAs cat al?a-s climbs up a tree to *ide ?*enever it
*ears our dog barB.
%r. 1arnard ?ent up in peopleAs estimation ?*en *e
performed t*e first *eart operation.
U# to: o micare ctre nord sau o micare 'n sus a statutului social.
Fo*n ?orBs in Iome no? but *e is being moved up to ilan
next ?eeB.
Foe *as done ?ell in *is career; *eAs been promoted up to
managing director in #ust four -ears.
9n(to): o micare spre o suprafa mai 'nalt.
$ *ad to move t*e booBs onFtoG t*e top s*elf so m- c*ild
couldnAt reac* t*em.
9ff: o micare spre o suprafa mai #oas.
@*en t*e cat sa? a mouse running across t*e floor it #umped
off t*e sofa to c*ase it.
<tilizare special. Este destul de comun folosirea structurilor/tip,
U#Qdo*n t*e street
U# toQdo*n to t*e supermarBet
9nQoff a bus, bic-cle, plane, s*ip, sau orice alt mi#loc de transport.
OdarK intoQout of a carP
2. *eplasa!e p!int!"un spaiu
Acro!! along by #a!t t0roug0 o"er
Acro!!: o micare dintr/o parte spre cealalt, pe sau aproape de
$t taBes a long time to sail across t*e (tlantic.
Along: a parcurge lungimea a ceva
$f -ou ?alB along t*e "*amps El-sees -ou ?ill eventuall-
reac* t*e Eiffel To?er.
By: a se mica de/a lungul sau 'n apropierea a ceva.
$f -ou pass by t*e s*ops toda-, ?ill -ou get me a litre of milBS
@a!t: a se mica de pe o parte a ceva pe cealalt.
$ am sure $ sa? a t*ief move past t*e ?indo?.
'0roug0: a se mica printre lucruri.
T*e gate?a- ?as so narro? t*at t*e trucB driver *ad problems
getting through it.
9"er: a se mica pe deasupra unei suprafee dintr/o parte 'n alta a
$tAs ZuicBer to fl- over t*e (tlantic t*an to sail across it.
3. *i!ecii
Around at a*ay from for into onto out of to to*ard!
Around: micri pe o traiectorie circular.
$ ?ent all around t*e *ouse to find an open ?indo?, but $
At: ctre ceva sau cineva.
,e looBed at me as if $ ?ere a criminal.
A*ay from: a prsi, a pleca de la cineva sau ceva.
@*en $ ?as a bo- $ ran a)ay from sc*ool because $ didnAt liBe
A*ay from poate fi folosit i 'n sens abstractK U free from ever-t*ing.
$ canAt ?ait to get a)ay from it all.
?or: a se mica cu o destinaie precis.
S*erlocB ,olmes left for 4lasgo? as soon as *e received t*e
ne?s of t*e murder.
7nto: a se deplasa ctre interiorul a ceva.
T*e last t*e- sa? of t*e explorer ?as ?*en *e ?ent into t*e
#ungle to *unt for tigers.
9nto: a aeza ceva peste altceva.
T*e professor put *is papers onto t*e lectern and began *is
9ut of: a iei din ceva.
T*e prisoner ?as let out of prison after a ten -ear sentence.
'o: a se delpasa 'n direcia unei anumite persoane sau a unui lucru.
"an -ou give me a lift to ?orB tomorro? morning, pleaseS
'o*ard!: a se delpasa ctre ceva sau cineva
$ t*inB ?e s*ould *ead to)ards t*e mountain; itAs muc* coller
t*ere at t*is time of t*e -ear.
Gou s*out at somebod- Oc6nd eti nervosP
1ut -ou s*out to somebod- Oc6nd vrei s atragi ateniaP
Gou t*ro? somet*ing to somebod- Oc6nd vrei s prind ce arunciP
1ut -ou t*ro? somet*ing at somebod- or somet*ing Oc6nd vrei s
loveti pe cineva sau cevaP
4. Ki)c$!i c#mpa!ati%e
After a0ead of Q in front of be0ind
After: a urma sau urmri
T*e s*op/Beeper ran after t*e bo- ?*o smas*ed *is ?indo?.
A0ead of Q in front of: a preceda pe cineva sau ceva
$All go on ahead of 1 in front of -ou and find a place to camp
for t*e nig*t.
Be0ind: a urmri pe cineva sau ceva, a urma cuivaX
T*e old lad- drove so close behind me t*at, ?*en $ braBed,
s*e cras*ed into me.
@re#ozi6ii de #ozi6ie
1. 9#/iii pe %e!tical$
Abo"e after belo* do*n in on o"er to under(neat0) u#
Abo"e: mult mai sus dec6t altceva, c*iar i figurativ
$ am above *is insults.
After: ceva puin inferior unui alt lucru
"arl 0e?is came in second in t*e 2HH meters after 0inford
Belo*: ceva imediat inferior unui alt lucru, sau mai puin important
$n a compan- structure a sales representative comes belo) a
sales manager.
&o*n: a fi partea inferioar a ceva, i a avea mai puin respect pentru
S*e ?ent do)n in m- estimation ?*en s*e said t*ose t*ings.
9n: similar cu abo"e, dar 'n contact cu ceva
T*ereAs a telep*one on t*e ?all over t*ere.
9"er: similar cu abo"e, dar obiectul este mai aproape de ceva
T*e *orse #umped over t*e obstacles beautifull-.
'o: estimri relative
T*e arBeting anager of $.1.<. reports to t*e 4eneral
Under: similar cu belo*, dar obiectul este mai aproape de ceva
T*at bridge is too lo? for t*at trucB to go under.
Underneat0: la fel ca under dar mai formal
T*e tunnel underneath t*e Englis* "*annel ?as opened in t*e
summer of 233=.
U#: contrarul lui do*n
V$s t*is t*e s*opSW V>o, itAs furt*er up t*e street.W
7n: un spaiu 'nc*is
- little bo- closed *imself in t*e bat*room and couldnAt get
2. 9#/iii !elati%e
Again!t along along!ide around at be!ide by on t0e
rig0t Q on t0e left of near ne4t to to*ard!
Again!t: 'n contact cu altceva sau altcineva
%onAt lean against t*at post. $tAs #ust been painted.
Along: de/a lungul a ceva
(n (venue usuall- *as trees along it.
Along!ide: aezat alturi de ceva sau cineva
T*e ne?l- ?eds ?alBed alongside eac* ot*er do?n t*e aisle.
Around: vecintate
,e must be around *ere some?*ere; $ can see *is footprints.
At: o poziie precis
$f -ou donAt ?ait at t*e bus stop, t*e bus ?onAt stop.
Be!ide: similar cu along!ide
T*e anxious mot*er sat beside *er ill bab- all nig*t.
By: 'n vecintatea
1illAs ver- lucB-; *e *as a summer *ouse by t*e sea.
9n t0e rig0t of Q on t0e left of: aezat la dreapta T st6nga a ceva sau a
T*ereAs a suspicious looBing man standing on the left of t*e
Aear: aproape de ceva sau cineva
$ live near m- office, so $ can ?alB to ?orB.
Ae4t to: 'n direcia a ceva sau a cuiva
>ig*ts get darBer as ?e get to)ards "*ristmas.

3. 9#/iii #puse
Acro!! after before be0ind facing in front of o##o!ite o"er
Acro!!: trecut de o anumit limit
$f -ou looB across t*e field -ouAll see t*e c*urc*.
After: o poziie consecutiv
- best friend *ad five c*ildren, one after t*e ot*er.
Before: a se desfura 'nainte de altceva
Gou must learn to ?alB before -ou run.
( se desfura 'n prezena cuiva
Stand before t*e Fudge and s?ear to tell t*e trut*.
Be0ind: aezat 'n spatele a ceva sau al cuiva
%onAt turn round, FacB. T*ereAs a snaBe behind -ou.
?acing: privind 'n direcia a ceva sau a cuiva
Turn -our seat facing me so $ can see -ou properl-.
7n front of: aezat 'naintea a ceva sau cuiva
T*ereAs a long Zueue in front of me. $ canAt possibl- ?ait.
9##o!ite: similar cu facing
T*e- built a ?are*ouse opposite m- *ouse and blocBed out
m- vie? of onte !ecc*ia.
9"er: ceva aflat de cealalt parte a altceva
%over is over t*e "*annel from "alais.
@re#ozi6ii de tim#
1. Dimpul pe ceas
About around at in on
About: un timp aproximativ
- appointment at t*e dentistAs is at 2H.HH oAclocB, but *eAs
al?a-s about *alf an *our late.
Around: la fel ca about
- dentis is never punctual; *eAs al?a-s around *alf an *our
At: timpul exact
T*e film starts at 7 oAclocB.
At se folosete i pentru a face referiri la perioada din prea#ma
$ al?a-s go sBiing for a ?eeB at "*ristmas.
7n: o parte a zilei, luni, anotimpuri i ani
$ liBe to *ave a big breaBfast in t*e morning.
$t doesnAt rain muc* in 4reece in summer.
9n: cu zile ale sptm6nii T date T zile anumte
T*e road ?orBs ?ill start on onda- and finis* on
$ last sa? *im on Ful- =
Se spuneK
7n t*e morningT afternoon T evening
At nig*t
2. timpul de dinainte )i de dup$7
after before by #a!t to
After: mai t6rziu dec6t un timp sau eveniment dat
(s m- first appointment is after nine, $ can catc* a later train.
Before: 'naintea unui timp sau eveniment dat
0efore ?e start, $Ad #ust liBe to introduce m-self.
By: ceva care se petrece 'nainte sau nu mai t6rziu de un moment dat
(pplications must be sumitted by Fune E
@a!t: similar cu after dar mai colocvial, folosit i pentru a exprima
$Am tired. $tAs past m- bed time.
'o: folosit de asemenea pentru a exprima ora
$tAs a Zuarter to midnig*tK onl- 2E minutes to go before t*e
>e? Gear.
3. *u!ata n timp
About bet*een during for in !ince until
About: durata estimat
T*e pla- ?ill probabl- last about t?o and a *alf *ours.
Bet*een: de la un punct dat 'n timp la un altul
T*e period bet)een leaving sc*ool and going to universit-
?as a stressful one.
&uring: o perioad stabilit 'n timp
$ managed not to do an- ?orB during m- *olida-, t*oug* $
s*ould *ave.
?or: durata unei perioada date de timp
@orld @ar $$ ?ent on for six -ears.
7n: o anumit durat
$Am going to t*e s*ops. $All be bacB in an *our.
Since: de la punctul de 'nceput din trecut p6n 'n prezent
$tal- *as been a republic since 23=E.
Until: durata p6n la un punct dat 'n timp
,ong Cong ?ill belong to England until 2338, ?*en it goes
bacB to "*ina.
Becau!e of: cauza
T*e <C is suffering because of t*e economic crisis.
?or: similar cu becau!e of dar legat 'n general de credine
>adir T-lon lived and died for *is countr-.
( Bnife is used for cutting t*ings.
7n: parte a unui proces
>o?ada-s a lot of aluminium is used in t*e car industr-.
9f: cauza unei aciuni
0ots of people in $ndia are d-ing of *unger.
=it0: un sentiment care determin o aciune
Susana cried )ith #o- ?*en s*e read *er exam results.
folosirea unui instrument
%onAt put t*at scre? in )ith a *ammer. %o it )ith a
By: prin aciunea sau creaia cuiva T a ceva
Fo*n 0ennon ?as Billed by an assassinAs bullet.
<i.e: un anumit comportament
- *usband acts li&e a c*ild ?*en *e canAt get *is o?n ?a-.
pentru a compara fiineTlucruri similare
Even t*oug* t*e- are t?ins t*e- donAt looB li&e eac* ot*er.
A!: profesia cuiva
S*e ?orBs as a nurse in 4u-s ,ospital 0ondon.
But: cu excepia a ceva sau cineva
,e tooB ever-t*ing but t*e Bitc*en sinB. OExpresieP
At: abiliti 'ntr/o anume activitate
- daug*ter, Emma, *as al?a-s been good at dra?ing.
7n: similar cu at, dar nu se poate folosi cu good sau bad
- daug*ter, Emma, *as al?a-s been interested in dra?ing.
?rom: originea
- famil- come from @arrington in "*es*ire.
=it0: legtur, ataament
T*e little girl al?a-s goes to sleep )ith *er cuddl- tedd-.
=it0out: opusul lui *it0
$ al?a-s drinB coffee )ithout sugar.
?or: ceva sau cineva potrivit sau destinat
T*is grammar booB is for foreign students of Englis*.
(on+unc6iile sau cuvintele de legtur se folosesc pentru a lega
(cest capitol se ocup cu perec*i de cuvinte de legtur care ar putea
provoca anumite confuzii pentru cei ce studiaz engleza.
(on+unc6ii de tim#
$% a!, *0en, *0ile se folosesc cu referire la o aciune care se petrece
'n acelai timp cu alta.
%hen m- alarm clocB rings at 8 oAclocB $ get up.
s $ ?as looBing out of t*e ?indo?, $ sa? *im arriving.
%hile -ou ?ere out s*opping, Fo*n rang.
1% after, a! !oon a!, before, *0en se folosesc cu referire la o aciune
care se petrece imediat dup o alta.
fter $ left universit-, $ ?ent to ?orB abroad.
s soon as $ *eard *im speaB on T!, $ c*anged t*e c*annel.
%hen $ finis*ed t-ping t*ose letters, $ posted t*em.
T*e client put t*e p*one do?n before $ could give an explanation.
5% until Q till se refer la durata 'n timp a unei situaii.
$ canAt go out until m- mot*er comes bacB.
$ canAt c*ange m- car till $ *ave finis*ed pa-ing for it.
Uu!t poate fi folosit 'n faa acestor con#uncii pentru a sublinia
apropierea 'n timp a acelor dou aciuni
Just as *e noticed *e ?as being ?atc*ed, *e ran off.
(on+unc6ii contra!ti"e
$% alt0oug0, e"en t0oug0, t0oug0 se folosesc cu referire la afirmaii
opuse sau contraste, 'naintea subiectului sau verbului.
lthough *e is a good ?riter, *e *as never publis*ed a booB.
#ven though t*ereAs a speed limit *e al?a-s exceds it.
'0oug0 este o alternativ mai puin formal pentru although i even
though. ;n engleza vorbit apare de obicei la sf6ritul propoziiei.
4eorge studied *ard. ,e didnAt manage to pass *is exam though.
1% in !#ite of sau de!#ite se folosesc cu referire la afirmaii opuse
sau contrastante, 'n faa unui substantiv, pronume sau gerunziu.
,n spite of the traffic, *e still managed to get *ere in time.
$espite the )eather, ?e decided to go an-?a-.
7n !#ite of i de!#ite pot fi folosite i cu t0e fact t0at.
,n spite of the fact that *e ?as ver- bus-, *e tooB time off ?orB.
5% *0ile, *0erea! se folosesc cu referire la contrastul dintre dou
1rian eats a lot, )hile ,enr- *ardl- eats at all.
- old car ?as ver- slo?, )hereas m- ne? one is muc* faster.
D% 0o*e"er se folosete cu referire la contradicia dintre dou
T*e secret agent ?as told to be at t*e meeting point at : oAclocB
s*arp. -o)ever, ?*en *e arrived, *is contact ?asnAt t*ere.
(on+unc6ii de cauz i efect
$% becau!e, becau!e of, a!, !ince se folosesc cu referire la motivele
de a face o aciune.
T*e bab- cried because it ?as *ungr-.
%ad is not going to ?orB toda- because of t*e striBe.
s itAs raining, -ou *ad better taBe an umbrella.
Since t*e president is abroad, t*e vice/president ?ill taBe *is place
toda- at t*e presentation.
Becau!e, becau!e of, a! i !ince au acelai sens dar folosesc
construcii diferite.
Becau!e se folosete 'nainte de subiect i verb.
Becau!e of se folosete 'nainte de substantiv.
A! i !ince se folosesc am6ndou la 'nceputul propoziiei.
1% !o, t0erefore se refer la rezultatul unei aciuni.
Foe *as exams all next ?eeB, so *e canAt go out in t*e evenings.
T*e a-or *as attend an urgent meeting. 9herefore *eAll *ave to
cancel t*e lunc* engagement.
So i t0erefore au acelai sens. So este mai frecvent 'n engleza
Substantivele au diferite funcii 'ntr/o propoziie.
Ele pot fiK
Subiectul sau com#lementul direct !au indirect al unui verb
Aumele #redicati" al verbelor be, become i seem
(om#lement #re#ozi6ional
;n cazul geniti" O4enitivul saxon sau sinteticP
;n englez substantivele au 'n toate aceste cazuri aceeai form cu
excepia genitivului sintetic.
;n englez toate propoziiile trebuie s aib subiect. Subiectul poate fi
un substantiv sau un pronume.
Substantivele 'n limba englez se pot 'mpri 'n patru tipuriK
Sub!tanti"e #ro#rii: (nn, "*ina, Paris, %r ood-
Sub!tanti"e comune: doll, apple, plate, tree
Sub!tanti"e ab!tracte: *appiness, love, *onest-, fear
Sub!tanti"e colecti"e: famil-, group, *erd, staff
Substantivele proprii se scriu 'ntotdeauna cu iniial ma#uscul.
Substantivele limbii engleze pot varia dup gen i numr.
2. "ele mai multe substantive au aceeai form pentru toate genurile.
friend child doctor cousin baby teenager artist coo&
dancer driver teacher
genul poate fi indicat de un pronume 'nsoitor.
- friend sent 0er son a present.
T*e doctor opened 0i! bag.
2hild i baby pot fi considerate neutre.
T*e bab- closed it! e-es and fell asleep.
>umele de ri sunt i ele considerate neutre.
0atel-, Cen-a *as greatl- improved it! econom-.
5. ulte substantive care denumesc oameni i animale au o form
feminin i una masculin
Son+ daughter nephe)+ niece uncle+ aunt
ctor+ actress )aiter+ )aitress gentleman+ lady
.ather+ mother husband+ )ife man+ )oman
0achelor+ spinster heir+ heir)ss hero+ heroine
7ale+ female bull+ co) rooster+ hen
4enul poate fi indicat combin6nd substantive fr gen cuK boy+
girl+ male+ female+ man+ )oman
0oyfriend+ girlfriend male pilot+ female pilot
7an dentist+ )oman dentist policeman+ police)oman
Iecent, 'n 'ncercarea de a elimina Vdiscriminarea de genW, exist o
tendin de a 'nlocui VterminaiileW man i )oman cu person sau
de a le elimina complet. ;n alte cazuri au fost create alte expresii
sau alte cuvinte lipsite de gen.
Vec0ea folo!ire Aoua folo!ire
Salesman, sales?oman salesperson
"*airman, c*air?oman c*airperson, c*air
Ste?ard, ste?ardess flig*t attendant
;n enlgez substantivele se 'mpart 'n dou categoriiK numrabile i
Sub!tanti"ele numrabile se pot numra, adic au numr. Pot avea
at6t forme de singular c6t i de plural. 0a singular pot fi precedate de
a(n) sau one.
?orme regulate:
2. 0a ma#oritatea substantivelor se adaug B! formei de singular.
1ooB, booBs da-, da-s *ouse, *ouses
%onBe-, donBe-s safe, safes girl, girls
5. Substantivele terminate 'n o, c0, !0, ! sau 4 primesc Be!.
Potato, potatoes c*urc*, c*urc*es brus*, brus*es
1us, buses box, boxes Biss, Bisses
). Substantivele terminate 'n con!oan F y pierd pe y i primesc B
1ab-, babies factor-, factories fl-, flies
Exist excepiiK &ilo+ &ilos photo+ photos piano+ pianos radio+
radios soprano+ sopranos
?orme neregulate
2. <nele substantive elimin Bf Q fe de la final i primesc B"e!.
2alf+ calves )ife+ )ives )olf+ )olves
;oaf+ loaves leaf+ leaves life+ lives
Shelf+ shelves thief+ thieves &nife+ &nives self+ selves
5. <nele substantive 'i modific vocalele.
.oot+ feet tooth+ teeth goose+ geese man+ men
%oman+ )omen mouse+ mice louse+ lice
(tenieR 2hild+ children person+ people
). <nele substantive au aceeai form la singular i la pluralK
Sheep+deer+ aircraft+ trout+ series+ species+ salmon+ means+ fish+
=. <nele substantive exist numai la forma de plural.
2lothes+ pants+ pyjamas+ scissors+ glasses+ scales+ stairs+ savings+
outs&irts+ grounds+ goods+ earnings+ valuables+ surroundings+
arms F)eaponsG+ archives+ belongings+ proceeds+ )ages+ premises+
the 7iddle ges+ braces+ customs+ trousers
Kolice este considerat a fi la plural.
T*e police are inspecting t*eir *ouse.
(ceste substantive nu sunt Aiciodat precedate de numere Oone, t?o,
t*ree etc.P. pentru a indica numrul, folosii !ome, a little, etc. sau
#airQ!et, grou# etc. F of.
9en pairs of pants+ three sets of archives+ a roomful of belongings etc.
E. <nele substantive 'mprumutate pstreaz pluralul greces, italian
sau latin.
2risis+ crises cactus+ cacti phenomenon+ phenomena
$atum+ data libretto+ libretti fungus+ fungi
8ucleus+ nuclei stimulus+ stimuli criterion+ criteria
0asis+ bases thesis+ theses oasis+ oases
(is+ a(es medium+ media bacterium+ bacteria
Engleza modern folosete adesea data, media i bacteria cu sens
plural dar cu un verb la singular
T*e latest data i! *ig*l- encouraging.
:. >umele de familie se pot folosi la plural pentru a indica 'ntreaga
familie. >umelui i se adaug un B!. >u au loc sc*imbri de
9he Lennedys are ?orld/famous.
8. Substantivele colective se refer la un grup de oameni sau lucruri.
Sunt 'n mod normal folosite la singular. ;n engleza britanic se pot
folosi at6t verbe la singular c6t i la plural. ;n engleza american
au 'ntotdeauna un verb la singular.
.amily aristocracy enemy company council
8obility gouvernment group proletariat press
Mpposition gang jury community army public
udience cre) navy staff team committee
T*e jury are about to give t*eir verdict. Oengleza britanicP
T*e public is opposed to t*e ne? tax.
Spre deosebire de substantivele numrabile normale, substantivele
colective nu pot fi direct precedate de numere sau VsomeW.
&ive +& T,E group sta-ed past midnig*t.
Some +& T,E opposition s?itc*ed sides.
+cazional substantivele colective sunt folosite la plural i sunt
Iomeo and Fuliet came from t?o feuding families.
+nl- t?o teams can get to t*e finals.
Sub!tanti"ele nenumrabile nu pot fi numrate, adic nu au numr.
%e obicei au numai form de singular. Au pot fi precedate de a(n) sau
de numere.
Substantivele nenumrabile se 'mpart 'n urmtoarele grupuriK
2. !ub!tanti"e concrete
)ater )ood metal paper grass glass oil
silver gold sand sno) rain bread mil&
coffee butter )ine fire food salt
5. !ub!tanti"e ab!tracte
love beauty hope relief e(perience advice
purity joy freedominformation courage
design duty capacity education evil
time patience reality intelligence
=or. este nenumrabil dar +ob este numrabilK
,arriet is looBing for )or&. Fo*n *as found t?o jobs.
=or.! 'nseamnK fabric, parte mecanic, producie literar, fapte sau
ot*er T*eresa of "alcutta is Bno?n for *er good )or&s.
$at c6teva substantive nenumrabile care 'n alte limbi se pot deseori
dvice baggage luggage furniture
$amage hair shopping home)or& information
Lno)ledge money )eather research progress
0usiness spaghetti ne)s e3uipment
). Substantive verbale Ogerunzii sau verbe 'n ingP.
2amping dancing shopping jogging singing
Smo&ing is bad for -our *ealt*.
=. >ume de limbi
German #nglish 2hinese ,talian Spanish
E. <nele nume de boli, tiine i #ocuri au form de plural dar 'n mod
normal primesc un verb la singular. Sunt considerate
7easles mumps billiards dominoes
Khysics politics ethics acoustics
Statistics mathematics ne)s electronics
7athematics is an important subiect.
<nele substantive sunt at6t numrabile c6t i nenumrabile. %ar sensul
lor e diferit 'n fiecare caz.
numrabile nenumrabile
a paper paper
a light light
a )ood )ood
a glass glass
an iron iron
a hair hair
,e bu-s a paper ever-da-. T*e student *ad ?ritten an interesting
paper on Ceats. Kaper is made of ?ood pulp.
Substantivele nenumrabile nu sunt niciodat precedate de numere Oa,
an, one, t?o, t*ree etcP. $at c6teva expresii folosite pentru a indica
A #iece of informationTfurnitureTadviceTeZuipmentTglassTpaperTne?s
A ty#e of atmosp*ereTbe*aviourTviolence
An item of luggageTne?sTbaggage
A ca!e of mumpsTmeaslesTflu
A ray of *opeTsuns*ine
A lot of streng*tTsecurit-
Ad+ecti"e folo!ite ca !ub!tanti"e
&olosii t0e F ad+ecti" pentruK
2. grupuri de persoane cu aceleai caracteristici. <rmeaz un verb la
9he rich are not al?a-s as *app- as ?e imagine.
5. calitate impersonal. <rmeaz un verb la singular.
9he impossible has strong attraction for some people.
). naionalitate Odac exist un cuv6nt separatP.
9he .rench the 2hinese the #nglish the Japanese
9he Koles the Germans the Scots the .inns
Sub!tanti"e com#u!e
Substantivele compuse sunt formate din dou sau mai multe cuvinte
care, 'mpreun, creeaz un nou substantiv cu un nou sens
0abysitter checJ&up s)imming pool motherJinJla)
Substantivele compuse pot fiK
$% scrise ca un singur cuv6nt, cuvinte separate sau cu cratim. %ac
avei 'ndoieli cel mai bine e s consultai 'ntotdeauna dicionarul.
rmchair can opener coverJup oneJ)ay street
1% numrabile sau nenumrabile
alarm cloc& fast food
compact disc human race
toothbrush drin&ing )ater
)aiting room )elfare state
yello) pages poc&et money
5% compuse din dou substantive. @rimul !ub!tanti" este folosit ca
ad#ectiv i este la !ingular.
2hain factory Oa factor- for c*ainsP
2otton s&irt Oa sBirt made of cotonP
tenJyearJold girl Oa girl ?*o is ten -ears oldP
2ar accident Oaccident involving carsP
t)oJ)ee& cruise Oa cruise lasting t?o ?eeBsP
D% substantivele compuse numrabile formeaz pluralul aplic6nd
regulile normale de plural ultimului substantiv.
ail boxes dis* ?as*ers sleeping bags T/s*irts
<neori Odar rarP substantivele la plural pot fi folosite ca ad#ectiveK
Sports car customs department clothes store
Sales divison savings ban& ne)s item
K% substantivele compuse formate din verbe complexe sau
substantive legate cu of i in au plurale neregulate.
Passers/b- runners/up sisters/in/la?
0ilies of t*e valle-

@o!e!ia: of i geniti"ul !intetic
Posesia se poate exprima folosindK
2. 9?
;n multe cazuri folosim of pentru a exprima posesia.
Substantivele, folosite ca ad#ective, pot i ele uneori indica
$oor of the car car door
.rame of the picture picture frame
-ead3uarters of the company company head3uarters
9he color of the )all the )all color
8eedles of the pine tree pine tree needles
#ngine of the car car engine
(d#ectivele nu au numr. Substantivele care devin ad#ective sunt la
T*e tops of t*e boxes. T*e bo( tops
5. Geniti"ul !intetic
;n cazul persoanelor i animalelor folosim genitivul sintetic pentru
a exprima posesia.
?orm: formai genitivul saxon adug6nd [! sau [ substantivelor
[! [
toate substantivele singulare substantivele plurale terminate
substantivele plurale care 'n s
>< se termin 'n s
8ancy*s the teachers*
James*s the Gallaghers*
-is mother*s the %aleses*
7y children*s his sistersN
Utilizare: folosii genitivul sinteticK
$% pentru a exprima posesia cu referire la #er!oane i animale
-elen*s mot*er is ill.
T*e old horse*s mane is still ver- beautiful.
1% 'n expresii temporale
one )ee&*s pay today*s ne)s a year*s leave
t)o hour*s )ait a month*s holiday yesterday*s partyt*e
T*e plane *ad an hour*s dela-.
$n t?o )ee&s* time $All be l-ing on t*e beac* in 1ali.
5% cu pronume ne*otr6te caK everybody+ someone+ anybody+ anyone+
nobody+ no one mai ales dac sunt 'nsoite de el!e.
$tAs nobody*s fault.
T*at must be somebody else*s bag.
D% cu anumite instituii, grupuri, expresii geografice
T*e government*s decision ?ill be made public tomorro?.
T*e )orld*s laBes and rivers are in a disastruous condition.
K% singur, c6nd al doilea substantiv 'nseamnK store+ shop+ studio+
office+ restaurant+ church sau cathedral.
4o and bu- a loaf of bread at t*e ba&er*s Os*opP.
T*eir ?eeding ?as at St.Katric&*s Ocat*edralP.
L% cu +& Oposesiv dubluP.
and- is a friend of nn*s. U and- is one of (nnAs friends.
+biectul posedat pierde articolele i pronumele care 'l preced c6nd
este folosit cu un genitiv sintetic.
,is c*ild o?ns T,(T bic-cle. $t is broBen. ,is c*ildAs bic-cle is
>< folosim genitivul sinteticK
"u ad#ective folosite ca substantiveK
-e intends to improve the condition of the poor.
"6nd posesorul este determinat de propoziii subordonate sau expresii
,*d li&e you to meet the mother of the boy )ho )on first prize.
Alege6i forma #otri"it a "erbelor% 9b!er"a6i diferen6a de !en! a
!ub!tanti"elor care #rime!c atCt "erbe la !ingular cCt i la #lural.
2. ,is p*onetics isTare muc* better t*an *ers. 5. - trousers isTare
flared. ). T*e scissors isTare lost for ever, $ guess. =. Statistics isTare
*is favourite stud-. E. "od eatsTeat a variet- of food. :. (coustics
isTare a branc* of p*-sics. 8. T*e ne? statistics s*o?sTs*o? a great
increase in manufactured goods. 7. Gout* toda- isTare turning a?a-
from t*e c*urc*. 3. @*at isTare t*e most efficient means of dealing
?it* t*is problemS 2H. T*e pliers isTare on t*e table. 22. T*e acoustics
of t*e >ational T*eatre ,all isTare excellent. 25. Politics isTare t*e art
of t*e possible. 2). Poultr- ?asT?ere expensive t*at ?inter. 2=. @*at
isTare -our politicsS 2E. T*e people of t*e countr- livesTlive be-ond
t*eir means. 2:. ,e *ad no time for visitors ?*ile t*e poultr-
?asT?ere being fed. 28. Ever-bod-As means isTare being tested. 27.
at*ematics isTare given top priorit- no?ada-s. 23. @*at isTare cattle
good forS 5H. T*e police *asT*ave made no arrest -et. 52. &res*/?ater
fis* includesTinclude salmon, trout, carp and eels. 55. 4-mnastics
isTare not given enoug* attention in our sc*ool. 5). T*e $talian clerg-
?asT?ere opposed to divorce. 5=. (dvice isTare readil- given on all
t*e tec*nical aspects.
(ombina6i e4#re!iile #artiti"e din coloana A cu !ub!tanti"ele
nenumrabile din coloana B% 'raduce6i8le En limba romCn%
(n article of sugar
( bar of meat
( caBe of bread
( grain of paper
( *eap of soap
(n item of c*ocolate
( loaf of land
( lump of rice
( pice of rubbis*
( pile of evidence
( s*eet of information
( slice of advice
( strip of luggage
( ?ord of furniture
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. (re 5. (re ). (re =. $s E. Eat :. $s 8. S*o? 7. (re 3. $s 2H. (re
22. (re 25. $s 2). @as 2=. (re 2E. 0ive 2:. @ere 28. (re 27. $s 23.
(re 5H. ,ave 52. $nclude 55. (re 5). @ere 5=. $s
a lump T a piece of sugar Oo bucat de za*rP
a piece of meat Oo bucat de carneP
a slice T loaf of bread Oo felie de p6ine T o franzel, o p6ineP
a s*eet T piece of paper Oo foaie T bucat de *6rtieP
a caBe T bar of soap Oun spunP
a bar T piece of c*ocolate Oun baton de ciocolatP
a piece T strip of land Oo bucat, o f'ie de pm6ntP
a grain of rice Oun bob de orezP
a pile T *eap of rubbis* Oo grmad de gunoiP
a piece of evidence Oo probP
a piece T an item of information Oo informaieP
a piece T ?ord of advice Oun sfatP
a piece of luggage Oun baga#P
a piece T an article of furniture Oo pies de mobilierP
a piece T an item of ne?s Oo tireP
CCI. AR'7(9<U<
?orm: ;n englez articolele au dou formeK ne*otr6t A sau AA i
*otr6t ';:. (rticolele sunt invariabile i nu au gen.
$% A se folosete 'n faa cuvintelor care 'ncep cu un sunet
consonantic c*iar dac prima liter e o vocal. An se folosete 'n
faa cuvintelor care 'ncep cu vocal sau 0 mut. (mbele se pot
folosi numai cu !ub!tanti"e numrabile la !ingular%
( dog a computer
( desB a universit- Osunet consonanticP
( man a *ouse
(n orange a son
(n umbrella an *our O* mutP
(n idea an *onour O* mutP
( building an example
D'e se pronun OM`P c6nd st 'n faa unui substantiv care 'ncepe cu
un sunet consonantic i OMiKP 'naintea unui substantiv care 'ncepe cu un
sunet vocalic.
1% '0e se folosete 'n faa oricrui substantiv numrabil sau
nenumrabil, at6t la singular c6t i la plural.
T*e dog t*e dogs
T*e atmosp*ere t*e ?ine
T*e *ouse t*e time
T*e eggs t*e information
T*e rice t*e apple
"6nd ne referim la acelai lucru sau aceeai persoan pentru a doua
oar, folosim de obicei pe t0e.
T*ere is an apple and an orange for t*e dessert. $All eat the apple.
Utilizare: A sau AA se folosescK
2. 'naintea unui substantiv pentru a ne referi la ceva sau cineva
pentru prima dat.
$Ave received a postcard from a friend of mine in t*e <S.
5. pentru a exprima ce este ceva sau cineva, inclusiv slu#be sau
- next/door neig*bour is a dentist and *is ?ife an architect.
Fenn- doesnAt eat meat; s*eAs a vegetarian.
T*at ?as a &ind thing to sa-.
). dup verbul be sau verbe copulative urmate de un ad#ectiv sau
substantiv sau c6nd este urmat de locuiuni prepoziionale sau
propoziii relative care ofer mai mult informaie despre cineva
sau cevaK
FacBAs son is a talented artist.
$ boug*t a painting that reminded me of my childhood home.
=. cu unele expresii numerice 'nsemn6nd unu sau cu expresii ale
preului, vitezei, raportului i cantitii.
*undred guests ?ere invited.
Petrol costs a 2.EH a litre in England.
,eAs craz- driving at 23H Bilometres an *our.
A Q An i one sunt uneori intersc*imbabile dar nu 'n toate cazurile.
*undred pounds sau one *undred pounds
a lot of T a great deal of
E. cu substantive numrabile la singular pentru a da definiii, a face
afirmaii generale, exclamaii sau c6nd exprimm dorine.
dog is more compan- t*an a cat.
$Ad liBe a nice cool glass of beer.
n apple a da- Beeps t*e doctor a?a-.
Utilizare: ';: se foloseteK
2. 'naintea unui substantiv singular numrabil sau nenumrabil sau a
unui substantiv plural numrabil pentru a face o nou referire la
ceva ce a fost de#a menionat sau la care s/a fcut de#a aluzie.
,e ?anted to go to a ban& to c*ange some mone-, but all the
ban&s ?ere on striBe.
%o -ou remember the fun ?e *ad ?*en ?e ?ere at sc*ool
5. pentru a face referire la cineva sau ceva anume.
$ liBe the painting above the fire place.
9he merican economy is suffering at t*e moment.
). 'n faa unui substantiv reprezent6nd o anume persoan sau un
lucru sau un grup de persoane sau lucruri.
S*all $ drive the carS Oaceast mainP
@ill -ou maBe the tea, pleaseS Oceaiul pe care ne pregtim s/l
=. cu referire la ceva unic 'n mod absolut.
9he sun rises in t*e east and sets in the )est.
9he Kresident of the 5nited States visited the Kope last a-.
E. 'n faa ad+ecti"elor pentru a face referire la un anumit grup sau
clas de oameni. ;n acest caz nu este nevoie de substantiv.
+nl- the strong survive.
Iobin ,ood stole from the rich to give to the poor.
:. 'n faa unui !ub!tanti" la !ingular pentru a se referi la un anume
grup de oameni, animale sau obiecte.
9he ,ndian elephant is smaller t*an the frican elephant.
9he customer is al?a-s rig*t.
Exist excepii.
+ma*a is in 8orth merica.
T*e branc* manager ?as sent to SouthJ#ast sia on a reconnaissance
8. 'naintea unor substantive proprii pentru a denumi zone geografice,
nume de mri i r6uri, lanuri muntoase, grupuri de insule, nume
la plural de ri i deerturi.
9he (tlantic, the 1a- of 1isca-, the iddle East, the nort* of
England, the @est of $reland, the $vor- "oast, the 1lacB "ountr-
9he editerranean Sea, the Englis* "*annel, the Iiver t*ames,
the I*ein, the Straits of 4ibraltar
9he ,imala-as, the Pennines
9he "*annel $slands, the ,a?aiian $slands, the &alBlands
9he <nited States of (merica, the >et*erlands
9he (rizona %esert, the 4ibbon %esert
'0e nu se folosete cu nume de muni izolaiK
0en 8evis is t*e *ig*est mountain in Scotland.
Au se folosete t0e cu nume de lacuri.
;a&e %indermere+ ;a&e Superior+ ;a&e Oictoria
7. 'n faa numelor de instrumente muzicale.
9he guitar *as al?a-s been m- favourite instrument.
%o -ou t*inB -our fat*er ?ill let us pla- the drums in *is garageS
3. 'n faa unor ad#ective naionaliti cu referire la oameni dintr/o
anumit ar/ aici se folosete un verb la plural.
9he &renc* and the 1ritis* *ave ?orBed toget*er to build t*e
9he %utc* are said to be *ard ?orBers.
;n anumite cazuri se pot folosi numai substantive la plural.
9he 4ermans ?ere upset about losing t*e semi/finals.
9he (mericans *osted t*e 233= @orld &ootball "*ampions*ip.
2H. 'naintea ad#ectivelor superlative i a numeralelor ordinale.
>eil (rmstrong ?as the first man to ?alB on t*e moon.
T*at is the silliest t*ing $ *ave ever *eard.
<neori numeralele ordinale pot fi folosite fr t0e atunci c6nd se face
referire la ordinea 'n care se petrec evenimentele.
1rendan came first and "ollin second in t*e 2HH meters.
@e ?ent to an*attan first, t*en on to 1rooBl-n.
Utilizare: Au se folosete articolulK
=. 'n faa substantivelor nenumrabile sau numrabile la plural c6nd
se face o afirmaie general.
Kollution in big cities is ver- ?orr-ing.
$ogs maBe good companions.
(ceste cuvinte sunt adesea precedate de determinani caK some+
any+ a piece of+ a lot of
$s t*ere any bread in t*e Bitc*enS
(re t*ere any apples in t*e bo?lS
$at o list de substantive care sunt de obicei la singular i
nenumrabile 'n englez, dar uneori nu i 'n alte limbiK
;uggage+ baggage+ furniture+ ne)s+ information+ advice+ behaviour+
damage+ permission+ traffic+ )eather+ )or&+ accommodation+ bread+
luc&+ progresss+ hair
>. 'n faa substantivelor abstracte c6nd sunt folosite 'n mod genericK
beauty+ happiness+ fear+ hope+ &no)ledge+ intelligence; cu excepia
cazurilor c6nd sunt folosite cu sens mai bine specificat.
Lno)ledge comes to us t*roug* our senses.
S*e got t*e #ob because s*e *as a &no)ledge of Englis*.
0eauty is in t*e e-e of t*e be*older.
@*at a beautyR
?. 'n faa substantivelor proprii, nume de persoane i numele unei
companii, cu excepia situaiilor c6nd se vorbete de familie ca de
un tot.
,e ?orBs for 5nimotor ;td.
-elene and Geoff Kar&er are coming to dinner tonig*t.
%ar 9he Kar&ers are coming to dinner tonig*t.
@. pentru a vorbi despre sporturi, 'n faa numelor de ec*ipe
,e loves football but s*e isnAt Been of golf.
S*e supports 7anchester 5nited.
A. 'naintea numelor meselor zileiK brea&fast+ lunch+ dinner+ supper.
@*ere did -ou *ave brea&fastS
B. 'naintea cuvintelor home+ church+ university+ prison+ hospital+
mar&et, atunci c6nd ele reprezint o instituie sau o idee general.
9he se folosete totui atunci c6nd se face o referire special la
locul respectiv.
Fo*n 1ragg ?as arrested and put into prison for corruption.
,is ?ife can go to the prison once a ?eeB to visit *im.
Emma and Sam are at school.
T*eir mot*er often goes to the school to talB to t*eir teac*er.
Alege6i articolele: a, an, t0e, \
2. >earl- all X furniture *ad been taBen out of X dining/room. 5. X
big piano ?as put in X corner and t*en t*ere came X ro? of flo?er
pots and t*en t*ere came X gold- c*airs. ). T*at ?as for X concert.
=. @*en Sun looBed in X ?*ite/faced man sat at X piano not
pla-ing, but banging at it. E. ,e *ad X bag of X tools on X piano
and *e *ad stucB *is *at on X statue against X ?all. :. So t*e- ?ent
into t*e dining/room; X red ribbons and X bunc*es of X roses tied
up X table at X corners. 8. $n X middle ?as X laBe ?it* X rose/
petals floating on it. 7. [T*atAs ?*ere X ice/pudding is to beA said X
"ooB. 3. T?o silver lions ?it* X ?ings *ad X fruit on t*eir bacBs.
2H. (nd all X ?inBing glasses and s*ining plates, and all X foodR 22.
[(re X people going to eat X foodSA asBed Sun. 25. @*ile t*e- ?ere
being unbuttoned X ot*er looBed in ?it* X ?*ite t*ing over *er
s*oulders; s*e ?as rubbing X stuff on *er face. 2). [$All ring for t*em
?*en $ ?ant t*em, X >urse.A
Alege6i articolele: a, an, t0e, \
2. +ut of X ignorance *e made X mistaBe after X mistaBe. 5. T*e-
sailed t*roug* X Straits of agellan. ). X sc*ool and X *ome ?ere
far a?a-. =. $All start as X decB bo- at X pound X mont*. E. X
c*ildren of X lane used to pla- toget*er in X fieldK X 1ro?ns, X
Pages, little Tom X cripple. :. T*e- ?alBed along X >ort* Strand
Ioad till t*e- came to X &inlandia ,ouse and t*en turned to X rig*t
along X @*arf Ioad. 8. $ ?ent from X room to X room singing. 7.
(t X !ictoria Station X cro?d of X people pressed to X carriage
doors. 3. T*atAs an order, said X a#or %unn. 2H. X police officer
%an Ta-lor stood guard over *er outside X St. &rancis ,otel. 22. X
#udge Fames Ta-lor ?as not lenient. 25. X "*inese language is totall-
unliBe X Fapanese. 2). X Fapanese *ave transcribed t*eir language
into X Ioman alp*abet as ?ell. 2=. $ t*oug*t about it X da- and X
nig*t. 2E. T*e- transmitted television pictures bacB to X eart*. 2:. X
eart* s*one X brilliant blue green, curved at X *orizon, against X
blacBness of X space, belo? t*e t?o s*ips as X So-uz trailed X
(pollo. 28. S*e settled do?n to sip X tea from X paper cup. 27. X
crocodiles can be bred commerciall- #ust liBe X co?s or X pigs. 23.
X lava and X as* from X erapi !olcano, X "entral Fa?a *ave
forced 28H families to flee t*eir *omes. 5H. X female crocodile la-s
about =H eggs X -ear. 52. X farm life doesnAt agree ?it* t*em. 55.
S*e ?as training for X S?an 0aBe. 5). X lacB of X parBing space
forces X motorists to double/parB reducing X ?ide streets to X
narro? lanes. 5=. T*e- discovered X fossils of X bon- fis*es on X
field trip to X Ellesmore $sland in X (rtic. 5E. T*e fire broBe out
near X 0aBe ,emet, sout* of X mountain resort of X $d-ll?ild, and
burned to X sout*east.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. T*e, t*e 5. T*e, a, a, t*e ). T*e =. a, t*e E. (, b, t*e, a, t*e :. b, b,
b, t*e, t*e 8. T*e, a, b 7. T*e, b 3. b, b 2H. T*e, t*e 22. b, t*e 25. b,
a, b 2). b
2. b, b, b 5. T*e ). b, b =.a, a, a E. T*e, t*e, t*e, t*e, t*e, t*e :. T*e,
b, t*e, t*e 8. b, b 7. b, a, b, t*e 3. b 2H. T*e, b 22. b 25. T*e, b 2).
T*e, t*e 2=. b, b 2E. b 2:. T*e, a, t*e, t*e, b, t*e, t*e 28. b, a 27. b,
b, b 23. b, b, b, b 5H. (, a 52. b 55. b 5). T*e, b, b, b, b 5=. b,
b, a, b, t*e 5E. b, t*e, b, t*e
CCII. A&U:('7VU<
?orm: ad#ectivele limbii engleze sunt in"ariabile. Ele nu au gen sau
(d#ectivele demonstrative sunt S$>4<I( excepie. (ceste ad#ective
sunt "ariabile. 9his+ that se folosesc su substantive la singular. 9hese+
those se folosesc cu substantive la plural.
9his s*irt *as been ironed. 9hat blouse looBs dirt-.
9hese flo?ers are beautiful. 9hose bus*es need cutting.
@ozi6ie: ad#ectivele sunt aezateK
=. 'n faa substantivelor.
$Am reading an interesting booB.
>. dup verbeleK be+ become+ seem+ appear+ feel+ sound+ taste+ ma&e+
&eep+ loo& FH appearG+ get1turn1gro) FH becomeG
$ feel sad.
T*e ?eat*er gre? cool.
,e maBes Fanice happy.
?. dup un complement direct
Fane found t*e programme boring.
S*e painted *er nails bright red.
<nele dintre aceste verbe pot avea alte sensuri atunci c6nd sunt
determinate de adverbeK
4lad-s loo&ed OU appearedP attractive.
4lad-s loo&ed OU examinedP carefull- t*e price tag.
'i#uri: ad#ectivele se 'mpart 'n ase tipuriK calificati"e, #o!e!i"e,
interogati"e, cantitati"e, demon!trati"e i di!tributi"e.
$% Ad+ecti"ele calificati"e
?orm: exemple de astfel de ad#ective suntK young+ empty+ small+
spacious+ blac&+ elegant+ ugly+ strong+ lonely+ intelligent+ round+ happy
T*e old man ?as sitting in t*e sun.
(d#ectivele pot fi folosite ca substantive. Ele cer un verb la plural.
9he young are often impacient.
&acei diferena 'ntre little OU micP, little OU nu multP i a little OU o
cantitate micP.
S*e bab-sits for a little girl.
&is* eat little food.
,e lent me a little mone-.
Participiile prezente Oformele 'n ingP i participiile trecute Oformele
de tipul edP sunt folosite ca ad#ective calificative. Participiile
prezente au sens activ, iar participiile trecute au sens pasiv.
@artici#iu #rezent @artici#iu trecut
1oring bored
(musing amused
$nteresting interested
Tiring tired
&rig*tening frig*tened
T*e student gre? bored during t*e lecture.
SpielbergAs ne? film is frightening.
Kretty este at6t ade#ectiv c6t i adverb.
Ellie is a pretty girl. OU attractiveP
(rnold is pretty ric*. OU rat*erP
(d#ectivele sunt determinate de adverbe.
T*ose boots are very tight.
$ feel totally e(hausted.
Utilizare: ad+ecti"ele i #re#ozi6iile
(d#ectivele sunt adesea urmate de prepoziii.
At to about of
1ad married sad rude
Expert cruel sincere stupid
4ood Bind sorr- Bind
Slo? lo-al sure nice
cuicB polite t*rilled polite
Excited fait*ful ?orried sure
S*ocBed sensitive curious generous
Surprised rude ent*usiastic
(mused anxious
=it0 on in
%elig*ted dependent interested
%isgusted expert
Pleased successful
<nele ad#ective 'i sc*imb sensul c6nd primesc o alt prepoziie.
Todd is good at algebra. TTodd is good to *is sister.
T*e- are al?a-s &ind to us. T $tAs &ind of ,elen to *elp.
"6nd dou sau mai multe ad#ective sunt folosite 'mpreunK
2. ad#ectivele subiective sau de opinie Oboring+ lovely+ lazyP sunt
aezate 'n faa ad#ectivelor obiective sau concrete Oold+ red+
(nn is an active young lad-.
5. ad#ectivele obiective sau concrete stau 'n umrtoarea ordineK
dimen!iune B "Cr!t B form B culoare B origine B material B !co#
a small oval plate T an anti3ue .rench table T a blac& metal )al&ing
sticB T an enormous blac& steel lifting device
). dup un "erb ultimele dou ad#ective sunt legate cu (>%.
Sam gre? bitter and aggressive.
T*e bread smelled fresh+ fragrant+ and appetizing.
(om#ara6ia ad+ecti"elor
A% "omparativul i superlativul ad#ectivelor se formeazK
2. adug6nd Ber i Be!t la sf6ritulK
ad#ectivelor monosilabice
ad#ectivelor terminate 'n By, 8er, 8ly
(d#ectivele de o silab terminate 'ntr/o consoan, dubleaz consoanaK
fat+ fatter+ fattest
(d#ectivele terminate 'n con!oan F yK transfomr pe y 'n iK pretty+
prettier+ prettiest
5. adug6nd more i mo!t 'naintea ad#ectivelor de dou sau mai
multe silabe
(om#ara6ia regulat
Ad+ecti" com#arati" !u#erlati"
%arm )armer the )armest
-appy happier the happiest
2lever cleverer the cleverest
0oring more boring the most boring
#(cited more e(cited the most e(cited
(om#ara6ia neregulat
Ad+ecti" com#arati" !u#erlati"
Good+ )ell better the best
0ad )orse the )orst
;ittle less the least
7uch+ many more the most
.ar farther the farthest
further the furthest
old older the oldest
elder the eldest
late later the latest
the last
near nearer the nearest
the ne(t
Good i *ell au sensuri diferiteK
1et* is good. OU be*aves ?ellP
1et* is )ell. OU s*e is in good *ealt*P
?art0er i furt0er se refer ambele la distan, dar furt0er mai poate
'nsemna i n plus 1 e(tra
1oston is farther 1 further t*an Pl-mout*.
.urther testing ?ill be necessar-.
9lder i elder se refer ambele la v6rst, dar elder se folosete pentru
relaii de familie
T*e cat*edral is the oldest building in to?n.
Fason is the eldest brot*er.
'0e late!t 'nseamn cel mai recent, t0e la!t 'nseamn cel final,
9he latest ne?s ?as broadcast five minutes ago.
9he last ne?s report is at midnig*t.
'0e neare!t se refer la distan, t0e ne4t la timp T cronologie
9he nearest *otel is ten miles a?a-.
9he ne(t train is leaving in *alf an *our.
B% pentru a face comparaii, folosiiK
2. a! F ad+ecti" F a! 'n propoziii afirmative pentru a exprima
a!Q!o F ad+ecti" F a! 'n propoziii negative
Gour e-esig*t is as good as mine.
Peter isnAt as1so short as *is brot*er.
5. ad+ecti"ul la com#arati" F t0an pentru a exprima diferena
T*at ?atc* is more e(pensive than t*is Timex.
Pentru a forma comparaii cu substantive, pronume i verbe 'n ing,
folosii prepoziia li.e
,e ?orBs li&e a dog.
Tr- to be*ave li&e him.
$tAs li&e tal&ing to a bricB ?all.
"omparaiile pot fi fcute cu more c6t i cu le!!
Paris is more interesting t*an ,ouston.
,ouston is less interesting t*an Paris.
Exist o diferen 'ntre engleza formal i cea familiar.
&ormalK t0anQa! F iQ0eQ!0eQ*eQt0ey F "erb
&amiliarK t0anQa! F meQ0imQ0erQu!Qt0em
?ormal ?amiliar
Gou are as tall as , am. Gou are as tall as me.
1ill is older t*an she is. 1ill is older t*an her.
"6nd acelai verb se repet 'n aceeai propoziie, folosii un auxiliar
pentru al doilea verb.
T*is "% sounds better t*an t*at "% sounds. U T*is "% sounds better
t*an t*at "% does.
5% com#arati" F and F com#arati"
pentru a exprima creterea sau descreterea gradat a calitii
T*e bab- is gro?ing bigger and bigger.
$Am feeling more and more irritated ?it* Eric.
D% t0e F ad+ecti" la !u#erlati"G F ofQin
pentru a exprima superioritatea sau inferioritatea
9? se folosete pentru a indica un grup de oameni sau obiecte.
7A se folosete pentru a indica un loc.
T*is is the oldest booB in t*e librar-.
T*is booB is the best of1in t*e series.
5% Ad+ecti"ele #o!e!i"e
?orm: ad#ectivele posesive suntK
7y your his1her1its our your their
7t! este ad#ectiv posesiv.
7tH! este forma contras a lui it Y is.
Utilizare: ad#ectivele se folosescK
2. pentru a face referire la posesor.
$ tooB off my coat.
@e drove our car.
5. cu pri ale corpului i *aine.
T*e c*ildren ?as*ed their *ands before dinner.
Fim puts on his ne? *iBing boots.
). cu o)n, pentru a 'ntri ideea de posesie.
S*e cleaned her o)n room.
(d#ectivele posesive sunt invariabile. Ele au aceeai form pentru
substantive la singular i la plural.
7y boo&+ my boo&s his pen+ his pens
5% Ad+ecti"ele interogati"e
?orm: Exist trei ad#ective interogativeK )hat+ )hich i )hose
Utilizare: (d#ectivele interogative se folosesc astfelK
2. *0at se folosete pentru lucuriK
%hat booB are -ou readingS
*0ic0 se folosete pentru persoane sau lucuri 'n cazul unei alegeri
%hich booB do -ou preferS
*0o!e se folosete pentru persoane i exprim posesiaK
%hose car *ave t*e- borro?edS
(d#ectivele interogative sunt invariabile. Ele au aceeali form pentru
substantive la singular i la plural.
%hat photo+)hat photos 1 )hich pen+)hich pens 1 )hose coat+)hose
5. *0o!e preced substantivul pe care 'l determin.
%hose cat is t*isS
%hose bags are over t*ereS
). c6nd *0atQ*0ic0Q*0o!e F !ub!tanti" #oac rolul de !ubiect al
unei propoziii, verbul este la forma afirmativ.
c6nd *0atQ*0ic0Q*0o!e F !ub!tanti" #oac rolul de com#lement
al unei propoziii, verbul este la forma interogativ.
Subiect (om#lement
%hat team ?onS %hat team did you applaud:
%hich trainarrived lateS %hich train did ar- taBeS
%hose coat lost a buttonS %hose coat did 1en borro?S
D% Ad+ecti"e cantitati"e
?orm: ad#ectivele cantitative suntK much+ many+ little+ fe)+ some+
any+ no i toate numerele.
Utilizare: A% muc0, many, little, fe*
2. many i fe* se folosesc cu substantive numrabile.
muc0 i little se folosec cu substantive nenumrabile.
7any magazines, fe) in*abitants
7uch mone-, little *appines
5. muc0 i many se folosesc de obicei 'n propoziii negative i
interogative. ;n propoziii afirmative folosii a lot of, #lenty of, a
great deal of, a large number of.
Aeagati" i interogati"
T*ere isnAt much ice in t*e freezer.
%o -ou *ave many friendsS
T*e plum tree *as pleanty of plums t*is -ear.
). muc0 i many se pot combina cu 0o*.
-o) much mone- do -ou needS
-o) many birds live in t*at nestS
Muc0 i many se folosesc uneori 'n propoziii afirmative.
7any guests complained.
7uch time *as been ?asted.
;o* muc0 Q many F !ub!tanti" poate fi subiect sau complement.
!erbul din propoziie se modific 'n mod corespunztor.
-o) much mone- did *e taBeS
-o) much is missingS
B% !ome, any, no sunt adesea denumite #artiti"e.
1. !ome i any indic o anumit cantitate
no 'nseamn nici unele+ nici unii+ deloc
Se folosesc cuK substantive la plural.
substantive nenumrabile la singular.
T*ere is some bread but no milB in t*e Bitc*en.
,ave -ou boug*t any biscuitsS
2. !ome se folosete 'nK
propoziii afirmative
@e earned some mone- picBing stra?berries.
;ntrebri, c6nd se ateapt un rspuns afirmativ
,avenAt -ou lost some buttons on t*at #acBetS
+ferte i cereri
@ould -ou liBe some coffeeS
3. any se folosete 'nK
propoziii negative
$ canAt lend -ou any flour.
Propoziii interogative
%oes Sara* *ave any talentS
Propoziii subordonate cu ifQ*0et0er
@e donAt Bno? if t*ere are any survivors.
%up ?it*out
,e left for 0ondon ?it*out any baggage.
Propoziii afirmative cu un substantiv la singular, cu sensul de tot+
oricare+ indiferent care
ny advice is ?elcome.
1u- any brand of toot*paste.
4. no se folosete 'nK
propoziii afirmative pentru a exprima negaia
- *usband speaBs no Spanis*.
8o drinBs ?ere offered during t*e flig*t.
%up )ith
,e left for 0ondon ?it* no baggage.
Some, any, no se combin cu Bone, 8body, 8 t0ing form6nd cuvintele
compuseK someone+ somebody+ something+ anyone+ anybody+ anything+
no one+ nobody+ nothing
(ceste pronume urmeaz aceleai reguli.
%oes anyone ?ant to accompan- meS
T*e- sa? something strange t*at nig*t.
8o one ans?ered t*e p*one.
T*e test flig*t tooB place ?it*out anybody on board.
5. Ad+ecti"ele demon!trati"e: t'is, t'at, t'ese, t'#se
2. %emonstrativele sunt !ingurele ad#ective variabile din limba
englez. Se acord 'n numr cu substantivul determinat.
Singular #lural
9his rug these rugs
9hat tree those trees
5. '0i!, t0e!e se refer la persoane i lucruri din apropierea
'0at, t0o!e se refer la persoane i lucruri aflate mai departe de
9hese pastries are delicious.
9his c*air is rat*er uncomfortable.
9hat airplane is fl-ing too lo?.
9hose clouds looB fluff-.
6. Ad+ecti"e di!tributi"e: eac', e%e!&, all, (#t', eit'e!, neit'e!
Utilizare: A: eac0, all, e"ery
2. eac0 'nseamn Vconsiderat separat sau individualW. E urmat de
substantiv la singular.
#ach c*ild received a prize.
5. all 'nseamn Vconsiderai 'mpreunW, ca grup. Substantivele
numrabile care urmeaz sunt la plural.
ll men are created eZual.
). e"ery poate 'nsemna Vconsiderai 'mpreunW sau Vconsiderai
separatW. <rmeaz un substantiv la singular.
#very girl *ad a red *air ribbon.
(% bot0
bot0 'nseamn Vam6ndoi, am6ndouW
$Ave read both booBs.
&% eit0er, neit0er
eit0er 'nseamn Voricare din ceiTcele doiTdouW. <rmeaz un
substantiv la singular.
#ither dress is suitable for t*e part-.
neit0er 'nseamn Vnici unulTuna din ceiTcele doiTdouW. <rmeaz
un substantiv la singular. !erbul trebuie s fie afirmativ.
8either dress is suitable for t*e part-.
:it0er G or implic o alegereK
Gou can *ave either eggs or bacon for breaBfast.
Aeit0er G nor subliniaz cele dou negaiiK
8either ?omen nor c*ildren ?ere admitted.
;n acest timp de expresie substantivele numrabile sunt la plural.
(d#ectivele sunt adesea urmate de construcii infinitivale.
T*atAs nice to &no)R
$t ?as foolis* to do t*atR
@e found it eas- to memorize.
$t is dangerous to s&i t*ere.
Alege6i forma corect a ad+ecti"ului din #arantez:
2. T*is is t*e X booB $ *ave read for a long time OgoodP. 5. ,e *as
one of t*e X cars on t*e road OfastP. ). T*e ?orB -ou are doing toda-
is X t*an t*e ?orB -ou did -esterda- Oeas-P. =. (nn often ?ears X
dresses t*en *er mot*er OexpensiveP. E. @*ic* is t*e X pla- -ou *ave
latel- readS OinterestingP. :. T*e actress on t*e stage ?as t*e X girl $
*ave ever seen OstriBingP. 8. Tom is X t*an *is friend OtallP. 7. T*e-
*ave a X garden t*an ours Olovel-P. 3. ,e said t*is ?as t*e X da- in
*is life OimportantP. 2H. ,e ?as X t*an *is ?ife ?*en t*e c*ild broBe
t*e ?indo? Oangr-P. 22. ,e ?as t*e X man in t*e ?orld to do t*at
OlateP. 25. (K [@*ic* ?as -our X sub#ect at sc*ool and ?*ic* ?as
-our X Ogood, badPSA 1K [P*-sics ?as m- X and *istor- m- X
Ogood, badP.A 2). $s 1uc*arest or Prague t*e X from 0ondon OfarPS 2=.
Tom is 28 -ears old, *is brot*er FacB is 23 and *is sister Fane is 2E.
T*erefore Fane is t*e X and FacB is t*e X O-oung, oldP.
Alege6i forma corect a ad+ecti"elor din #arantez:
2. @*at is t*e OlateP information -ouAve gotS 5. ,er OoldP brot*er is
called Fim. ). @e ?ere in a *urr- to catc* t*e OlateP bus. =. @*ic* is
OoldP of t*e t?oS E. @*o is t*e OoldP member of t*e studentsA clubS :.
T*e- got do?n to business ?it*out OfarP dela-. 8. $Ave got a still OoldP
edition of t*e dictionar-. 7. T*e OoldP sister ?as t?ent- -ears OoldP
t*en t*e -oungest. 3. T*e OlateP *alf of a- ?as Zuite rain-. 2H. $ ?as
told to ?ait until OfarP notice. 22. $ ?is* $ *ad boug*t it at t*e OnearP
s*op. 25. ,e provided t*em ?it* OfarP information as agreed. 2). T*e
OnearP station is "alea !ictoriei. 2=. Fo*nAs OlateP novel ?as a OgoodP
seller and for sure it ?onAt be *is OlateP one. 2E. ,e is t*e OlittleP ?riter
of t*e t?o. 2:. $ sa? *im meet *er at t*e OfarP end of t*e street. 28. $
s*all need OfarP *elp ?it* t*is.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. 1est 5. &astest ). Easier =. ore expensive E. ost interesting :.
ost striBing 8. Taller 7. ore lovel- 3. ost important 2H. (ngrier
22. 0ast 25. 1est, ?orst, best, ?orst 2). &art*er 2=. Goungest, oldest
2. 0atest 5. Elder ). 0ast =. +lder E. +ldest :. &urt*er 8. +lder 7.
Eldest, older 3. 0atter 2H. &urt*er 22. >earest 25. &urt*er 2). >ext 2=.
0atest, best, last 2E. 0esser 2:. &art*est 28. &urt*er
Pronumele 'nlocuiesc substantive. "ele ase tipuri de ad#ective
Ocalitativ, posesiv, interogativ, cantitativ, demonstrativ, distributivP au
forme pronominale. Ele urmeaz 'n general reguli identice. Exist de
asemenea i pronume personale i refle(ive.
$% Ad+ecti"e (alificati"e F oneQone! ] @ronume
$% ad+ecti" calificati" F oneQone! 'nlocuiete un substantiv care a
fost menionat mai devreme.
$ ?onAt lend -ou m- ne? pen. Gou can borro? m- old one.
1% superlativele i culorile pot fi folosite singure.
Sandra is the best OdancerP.
%onAt ?ear -our blue s*oes. 9he blac& OonesP looB better.
1% @ronume @o!e!i"e
?orm: pronumele posesive suntK
7ine ours
<ours yours
-is1hers theirs
Utilizare: pronumele posesive 'nlocuiesc ad#ectivele posesive.
Substantivul care lipsete a fost menionat 'nainte.
T*is is m- booB. T*is booB is mine.
"ome to m- *ouse, not his.
9f your! 'nseamn one of your F !ub!tanti"
9f mine 'nseamn one of my F !ub!tanti"
Fo*n is a friend of ours. U Fo*n is one of our friends.
5% @ronume 7nterogati"e
Pronumele interogative suntK *0o, *0om, *0o!e, *0at, *0ic0
Utilizare: pronumele interogative se folosesc astfelK
@er!oane <ucruri
Subiect ?*o ?*at
@*ic* ?*ic*
(om#lement ?*om, ?*o ?*at
@*ic* ?*ic*
@o!e!i" ?*ose
Pronumele interogative sunt invariabile. Ele au o singur form.
%ho is t*at girlS
%ho are t*ose menS
=0ic0 se folosete 'ntr/un context cu alegere limitat. ;n rest se
folosete *0at.
%hat do -ou seeS Opoi vedea oriceP
%hich OoneP is singingS Ocare persoan, din grupul respectiv, este cea
care c6ntSP
$% #ronumele interogati"e ca SUB7:('
c6nd )ho+ )hat+ )hose i )hich sunt !ubiectul unei propoziii,
verbul este afirmati".
%ho is calling meS
%hat *appenedS
1% #ronumele interogati"e ca i (9M@<:M:A'
c6nd )ho+ )hom+ )hat+ )hose+ )hich sunt com#lementul unei
propoziii, verbul este la interogati".
%hom did -ou callS
%hat *as *e doneS
;n engleza formal *0om este folosit ca i complement obiect direct.
Engleza vorbit 'l folosete pe *0o.
&ormalK %hom did -ou seeS
!orbitK %ho did -ou seeS
5% #ronume interogati"e ca i (9M@<:M:A'
%hom+ )hat+ )hich ca i com#lemente #re#ozi6ionale.
%ith )hom did eg speaBS
,n )hat are -ou interestedS
9o )hich of t*e t?o addresses did t*e- send itS
Engleza modern prefer s transfere prepoziiile la S&dI_$T<0
propoziiei. ;n acest caz *0om devine *0o.
%ho did eg speaB )ith:
%hat are -ou interested in:
%hich of t*e t?o addresses did t*e- send it to:
=0at F be^ i *0at F be G li.e^ Sunt 'ntrebri diferite.
%hat is r. ParBerS ,e is a la?-er.
%hat is r. ParBer li&eS ,e is s*ort and arrogant.
D% @ronume (antitati"e
Pronumele cantitative suntK muc0, many, little, fe*, !ome, any, none%
Utilizare: muc0, many, little, fe*
$% many i fe* 'nlocuiesc substantive numrabile
muc0 i little 'nlocuiesc substantive nenumrabile
7any are called but fe) are c*osen.
,e didnAt spend much mone-. ;n fact *e spent ver- little.
1% muc0 i many se folosesc 'n mod normal 'n propoziii negative i
interogative. ;n propoziii afirmative folosii a lotQlot! sau a great
T*e bab- isnAt eating much. $t usuall- eats a great deal.
%id -ou bu- many booBsS Ges, $ boug*t lots.
Muc0 i many se pot combina cu 0o*.
-o) much did it costS
-o) many cameS
Some, any, none
2. !ome, any i none 'nlocuiesc substantive la plural sau
nenumrabile la singular.
5. !ome se folosete 'nK
a. propoziii afirmative
b. 'ntrebri c6nd se ateapt ca rspunsul s fie afirmativ
c. oferte i cereri
T*ere are deer in t*e parB. @e sa? some toda-.
Gou need some medicine. %id t*e doctor prescribe -ou someS
$Ave #ust lost all m- mone-. "ould -ou lend me someS
). any se folosete 'nK
a. propoziii negative
b. propoziii interogative
c. subordonate cu if1)hether
d. dup )ithout
$ meant to bu- a dozen eggs but t*e- *adnAt got any.
(renAt t*ere any in t*e fridgeS
$f -ou see any, let me Bno?.
@*at about mone-S ,e left ?it*out any.
=. none se folosete 'nK
a. propoziii afirmative pentru a exprima negaia
b. dup )ith
$f all friends ?ere liBe ,arr-, $Ad rat*er *ave none.
Sam *ates car-ing suitcases. ,e travels ?it* none.
Pronumele somebody+ someone+ something+ anybody+ anyone+
anything+ no one+ nobody+ nothing urmeaz aceleai reguli.
K% @ronumele &emon!trati"e
Pronumele demonstrative suntK t0i!, t0at, t0e!e i t0o!e
2. Pronumele demonstrative se acord 'n numr cu substantivul pe
care 'l 'nlocuiesc.
9his OumbrellaP is mine. 9hat is *is.
5. t0i!, t0e!e se refer la obiecte din prea#ma vorbitorului.
t0at, t0o!e se refer la obiecte aflate mai departe de vorbitor.
9his OoneP is *ere, that OoneP is t*ere.
). t0i! se folosete pentru a face prezentrile sau la telefon.
rs Fones, this is m- friend, (lison ,ug*es.
L% @ronumele &i!tributi"e:
:ac0, all, e"eryoneQe"erybody, e"eryt0ing, bot0, eit0er, neit0er
Utilizare: eac0, all
2. eac0 'nseamn Vconsiderai individualW. <rmeaz un verb la
#ach c*ose t*e colour *e preferred.
5. all 'nseamn Vconsiderai 'mpreunW. <rmeaz un verb la plural.
ll are ?elcome.
). eac0 i all pot fi urmate de +& Y substantiv T pronume.
#ach of the boys felt as*amed.
ll of the trees are d-ing.
:"eryone, e"erybody, e"eryt0ing
2. e"eryone i e"erybody 'nseamn Vtoat lumeaW
#verybody in t*e room applauded.
5. e"eryt0ing 'nseamn Vtoate lucrurileW
#verything ended ?ell.
2. bot0 'nseamn Vcei doiTcele douW
0oth refused t*e invitation.
5. bot0 poate fi urmat de +& Y substantiv T pronume
0oth of *is grandparents are still living.
ll i both se pot folosi pentru a 'ntri subiectul pronominal. ;n acest
caz ele sunt plasate 'n faa verbului principal.
Gou *ave all been ver- Bind to me.
@e both came.
:it0er, neit0er
2. eit0er 'nseamn Vunul dintre cei doiW.
neit0er 'nseamn Vnici unul dintre cei doiW.
5. eit0er, neit0er pot fi urmate de +& Y substantiv T pronume
#ither of -ou can go.
8either of t*e men ?anted to do it.
M% @ronume @er!onale
?orm: !ubiect com#lement
, me
<ou you
-e him
She her
,t it
%e us
9hey them
2. toate verbele limbii engleze Ocu excepia imperativelorP trebuie s
aib un subiect pronominal.
9hey disliBe inefficienc-.
"ome *ereR
5. complementele pronominale Odirecte sau indirecteP urmeaz o
prepoziie sau verbul Ocu funcie de complemente directe sau
$ spoBe to her -esterda-.
@e sa) them on t*e beac*.
%e obicei complementul indirect preced complementul direct.
S*e sent me a long letter.
%up verbe caK e(plain+ introduce+ translate+ describe+ say+ suggest+
%ac ambele complemente sunt pronumeK
"omplementul direct este primul iar complementul indirect e introdus
printr/o prepoziie.
S*e sent it to me.
$ explained it to them.
). you i one sunt folosite impersonal cu sensul de everyone, no one
sau anyone. Mne are aspect formal. <ou este frecvent folosit 'n
engleza vorbit.
<ou1one s*ould al?a-s tell t*e trut*.
=. t0ey este folosit impersonal cu sensul de Vlumea spuneW, Vse ziceW
9hey sa- *eAs dis*onest. OU People sa- *eAs dis*onest.P
E. it F be se foloseteK
pentru lucruri sau fiine cu genul necunoscut.
@*ereAs m- booBS ,t is on t*e s*elf.
"u un substantiv T complement pronominal pentru a se referi la
@*oAs at t*e doorS ,t*s +livia.
;n expresii despre vreme, temperatur, timp, date, distane
,t*s cold outside.
@*at time is itS ,t*s nine oAclocB.
,t*s t*e fourt* of Ful-.
,o? far is it to "*icagoS ,t*s ten miles.
"u un ad#ectiv pentru a introduce o subordonat infinitival
,t is difficult to understand *er.
R% @ronume Refle4i"e
?orm: !ingular #lural
7yself ourselves
<ourself yourselves
-imself themselves
Exist o diferen 'ntre your!elf i your!el"e!.
%id -ou en#o- yourself at t*e part-S
%id Fo*n and -ou en#o- yourselves at t*e part-S
Utilizare: Pronumele reflexive se folosescK
2. cu verbe reflexive.
"ele mai frecvente verbe reflexive suntK
9o enjoy oneself+ to amuse oneself+ to help oneself+ to hurt oneself+
to trouble oneself+ to cut oneself+ to )ash oneself
T*e little bo- hurt himself during t*e game.
ulte verbe care sunt 'n mod normal reflexive 'n alte limbi ><
sunt reflexive 'n englez. (stfel de verbe suntK to )ash+ dress+
comb+ shave+ meet, etc.
Sue and 1rian met last -ear.
5. cu funcie de complemente prepoziionale
S*e looBed at herself in t*e mirror.
@*- are -ou so angr- )ith yourselfS
). pentru 'ntrire
T*e president himself attended t*e meeting.
By F #ronume refle4i" 'nseamn !ingur
<n pronume reflexiv folosit cu un verb nereflexiv 'nseamn Vfr
a#utorul nimnuiW.
$ live by myself. U $ live alone.
$ fixed it myself. U $ fixed it ?it*out an- *elp.
:ac0 ot0er 'nseamn reciprocitate 'ntre dou persoane.
?olo!i6i it !au t'e!e, acolo unde e nece!ar:
2. X is time to go to bed. 5. X is t*ree miles to t*e Doo. ). X is a
long time since $ gave up smoBing. =. X is so muc* ?orB to do t*at $
*avenAt time to t*inB about m- o?n problems. E. X is time to finis*
t*e cleaning before ?e go. :. X is ver- strange t*at t*e- s*ould *ave
arrived at t*e same time. 8. X is no place liBe *ome. 7. X is t?o
-ears since t*e- married. 3. X is onl- a s*ort ?a- no?. 2H. %onAt eat
t*at X is a poisonous mus*room. X are man- of t*em in t*ese parts.
22. X is a s*ame t*at even toda- X are so man- unBempt gardens
around. 25. X is no time to stop and talB. X is a bus to catc*, X is a
fair distance to t*e stop.
(om#leta6i !#a6iile cu muc', man&, GaH little, GaH few:
2. T*e people involved are onl- as X as *alf a dozen. 5. (sB X to
*ave X . ). X *ave no record at all. =. T*e ?orBers ?ere Zuite upset;
X t*reatened to do?n tools; X c*ose to go on ?orBing. E. T*e- donAt
give -ou X for t*is Bind of ?orB, do t*e-S :. X is being done to la-
t*eir suspicions. 8. @*at about busesS X are broBen do?n, X are in
good repair. 7. Some go for crisps but Zuite X go for popcorn in a big
?a-. 3. (K [(n-t*ing to drinBS T*e pineapple sZuas* is ver- nice
indeed.A 1K [Ges, please, $All *ave XA. 2H. $t ?as Zuite a s*ocB for all
of t*em, but X ?ere seriousl- in#ured.
?olo!i6i eit'e!, neit'e! !au n#ne:
2. a. $ liBe X of t*e t?o. b. $ donAt liBe X of t*e t?o, t*e- are bot* too
fanciful for m- taste. 5. X ?as ?ort* mentioning. ). (K [@*ic* of t*e
t?o paintings did -ou bu-SA 1KAXA. =. $t doesnAt matter ?*ic* -ou
c*oose. a. $ donAt liBe X b. $ liBe X E. (K [@*ic* of *er friends do
-ou liBe bestSA 1K [$ liBe X of t*em.A :. (K [,ave -ou seen m-
*usband or m- sonSA 1K [$Ave seen X of t*em.A 7. (K [,ave -ou read
t*e Englis* of t*e Iomanian versionSA 1K [$ *avenAt read X of t*em.A
(om#leta6i !#a6iile goale cu w'#, w'#se, w'#m, w'ic', t'at:
2. T*e girl X umbrella -ou tooB is raging against -ou. 5. T*e apples
X *e sa? on t*e table ?ere not big at all. ). T*e pla- X ?e sa? last
?eeB ?as rat*er dull. =. T*e girl ?it* X -ou sa? me -esterda-
studies Spanis*. E. T*e student to X -ou ?ere talBing looBed ver-
clever. :. T*e bo-s X are pla-ing football under -our ?indo?s are
brot*ers. 8. T*e raft on X *e ?as standing ?as caug*t in a ?*irl. 7.
T*e- *ave cut do?n t*e tree X used to stand *ere. 3. T*e onl-
opponenet X can defeat *im is Foe 1ugner. 2H. T*e onl- opponent X
*e is afraid of is Foe 1ugner. 22. T*e most unusual booB X *as
appeared t*is ?inter is a booB on caterpillars. 25. &ranB is no t*e man
X *e ?as. 2). ,ereAs t*e man X car ?as stolen. 2=. $s t*is t*e box X
-ou tooB it out ofS 2E. $tAs librar- X ob#ect is to serve t*e
neig*bouring villages. 2:. Ever-bod- X one asBs sa-s *e is innocent.
28. T*is is t*e funniest stor- X *e *as ?ritten. 27. S*e is t*e sort of
girl X ?ill do *er best to persuade *im. 23. (ll X t*e- can do is
pacif- *im. 5H. GouAre t*e onl- man X $Ave ever met X can reall-
pla- bridge.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. $t 5. $t ). $t =. T*ere E. T*ere :. $t 8. T*ere 7. $t 3. $t 2H. $t, t*ere 22.
$t, t*ere 25. T*ere, t*ere, it
2. &e? 5. uc*, a little ). an- =. an-, fe? E. uc* :. 0ittle 8.
&e?, man- 7. &e? 3. ( little 2H. &e?
2. >eit*er, eit*er 5. >one ). >eit*er =. Eit*er, neit*er E. >one :.
>eit*er 8. >one 7. Eit*er
2. @*ose 5. T*atT?*ic* ). @*ic*Tt*at =. @*om E. @*om :. @*o 8.
@*ic* 7. T*at 3. @*o 2H. @*omTt*at 22. T*at 25. T*at 2). @*ose 2=.
@*ic*Tt*at 2E. @*ose 2:. OT*atP 28. OT*atP 27. T*at 23. OT*atP 5H.
OT*atP, ?*o
?orm: (dverbele se formeaz 'n diferite feluriK
=. unele adverbe sunt cuvinte independenteK
often+ )hen:+ no)+ very+ soon+ al)ays
>. unele adverbe au aceeai form ca ad#ectiveleK daily+ early+ fast+
lo)+ straight+ )ell+ bac&+ enough+ far+ ill+ little+ long+ pretty+ near+
)rong+ still+ short+ late+ high+ left+ right+ hard
%intre aceste adverbe, unele au i o form 'n 0G dar sensul este altulK
,ard0G U ver- little T*e- ?ere *ig*l- impacient.
0ate0G U recentl- $t *asnAt rained latel-.
>ear0G U almost %inner is nearl- read-.
S*ort0G U soon, briefl- r. Smit* ?ill be *ere s*ortl-.
Pretti0G U attractivel- T*e bab- ?as prettil- dressed.
%up be, become, feel, get, loo., !eem, folosii un ad#ectiv Onu un
S*e felt *app-.
rs. Poole looBs tired.
?. unel adverbe O'n special cele de mod i gradP se formeaz
adug6nd ad#ectivelor terminaia B<PK
Bind, Bindly automatic, automatically slo?, slo?ly
simple, simply *app-, *appily careful, carefully
(dverbul corespunztor lui Good este =ell.
<nel cuvinte terminate 'n 0G sunt ad#ective Onu adverbePR
;onely+ lovely+ li&ely+ friendly+ ugly+ silly
y final se sc*imb 'n BiK merry+ merrily Odar shy+ shylyP
8e final se pstreazK )ise+ )isely Odar true+ trulyP
dac se termin 'n consoan
P Jle, "e dispare i se adaug JyK gentle+ gently
cuvintelor terminate 'n ic scientific+ scientifically
li se adaug all-K Odar public+ publiclyP
Topica adverbelor variaz. Ea depinde 'n primul r6nd de tipul de
adverbe folosit. ;ntrirea poate i ea afecta topica.
Exist trei poziii de baz pentru adverbeK
2. la Ence#ut:
(dverbul e plasat 'nainte de subiect.
5nfortunately, $ couldnAt identif- t*e t*ief.
5. la !fCrit:
(dverbul este plasat dup complement sau, dac nu exist
complement, imediat dup verb.
T*at -oung man liBes elanie very much.
>u plasai niciodat un adverb 'ntre verb i complementR
$ drinB coffee slo?l-. OAu $ drinB slo?l- coffee.P
). la mi+loc:
(dverbul este plasatK
'nainte de verbul principal.
,e usually comes for tea.
dup verbul be%
S*e is al)ays smiling.
dup primul verb auxiliar sau modal.
T*e- *ave rarely come to visit.
'nainte de u!ed to, 0a"e to, oug0t to.
@e certainly oug*t to be more careful.
'i#uri de ad"erbe
(dverbele se 'mpart 'n apte tipuri diferiteK de mod, loc, tim#,
frec"en6, o#inie, grad i interogati"e.
$% Ad"erbe de mod
_indly, ea!ily, *ell, 0a##ily, fa!t, carefully, !ecretly,
beautifully, reluctanty, fooli!0ly, badly etc%
(dverbele de mod arat "< se petrece o aciune.
Poziia lor esteK
de obicei la !fCrit, adic dup verb i complement.
Pavarotti sang beautifully.
;n propoziii cu pasivul, @E00 i 1(%0G sunt plasate 'nainte de
participiul trecutK
T*e booB ?as )ell ?ritten.
'nainte de verb, %("e exist un complement lung.
T*e teac*er carefully picBed up all the e(am papers scattered
over the floor.
(dverbele referitoare la caracter sau inteligen Ofoolish+
generously+ s)eetly+ &indly+ stupidly etc.P 'i sc*imb sensul 'n
funcie de poziie.
$ stupidly replied. OU $t ?as stupid of me to repl-.P
$ replied stupidl-. OU $ gave a stupid repl-.P
1% Ad"erbe de loc
;ere, u#, abroad, out, out!ide, in, a*ay, e"ery*0ere,
!ome*0ere, no*0ere, t0ere etc%
(dverbele de loc arat <>%E se petrece aciunea.
Poziia lor esteK
de obicei la sf6rit, adic dup verb i complement.
T*e- ?ent every)here.
(dverbele de loc funcioneaz adesea i ca prepoziii.
Foe ran do)n t*e stairs.
,EIE T T,EIE Y be T come T go Y !ubiect !ub!tanti"K
T*ereAs ;enryR ,ere comes t0e trainR
,EIE T T,EIE Y !ubiect #ronume Y be T come T goK
T*ere 0e isR ,ere it comesR
5% Ad"erbe de tim#
Pe!terday, no*, after*ard!, !till, !oon, e"entually, t0en, today,
at once, till, tomorro*, !ince t0en etc%
(dverbele de timp arat "d>% se petrece aciunea.
Poziia lor esteK
de obicei la Ence#ut O'naintea subiectuluiP sau la !fCrit Odup
verb i complementP.
9omorro) ?ill begin t*e next lesson.
cu imperativeK la !fCrit
%o it no)R
"u GETK la !fCrit
GET se folosete mai ales la negativ i interogativ. ;nseamn
Vp6n acumW.
r Fones *asnAt finis*ed yet.
,ave -ou asBed *im yetS
"u ST$00K dup 1E i 'naintea tuturor celorlalte verbe.
ST$00 se folosete la afirmativ, negativ, i interogativ. El
subliniaz continuarea unei situaii T stri de fapt.
Step*anie is still un?ell.
"u (0IE(%GK dup 1E sau primul auxiliar i 'nainte de verbul
(0IE(%G se folosete mai ales la afirmativ. ;nseamn Vde#aW.
,e is already fifteen -ears old.
Since t0en se folosete cu timpurile perfecte.
@e *avenAt seen t*e >elsons since then.
%e obicei adverbele au urmtoarea ordineK
M9& B <9( B '7M@
T*e bab- slept )ell yesterday.
arB ?orBed hard at school last year.
D% Ad"erbe de frec"en6
Al*ay!, u!ually, ne"er, e"er, 0ardly e"er, often, t*ice, once,
continually, !eldom, rarely, #eriodically etc%
(dverbele de frecven arat "dT %E %ES se petrece o aciune.
Poziia lor esteK
de obicei la mi+loc, adicK
Enainte de verbul principal i have to+ used to+ ought to
du# verbul 1E i primul auxiliar.
Gou can sometimes parB over t*ere.
T*e little girls are al)ays pla-ing dolls.
2ontinually+ fre3uently+ occasionally+ once+ t)ice+ often+
sometimes+ normally i repeatedly pot fi plasate i la !fCrit Odup
verb i complementP sau la Ence#ut O'nainte de subiectPK
,e comes to see us often.
4epeatedly, t*e pupils made t*e same mistaBe.
Expresiile adverbiale de frecven Oevery day+ once a monthP sunt
plasate la sf6rit sau 'nceputK
+ur c*ildren ?alB to sc*ool every morning.
>E!EI se folosete cu verbe afirmative. ;nseamn VniciodatW.
$ *ave never been to Fapan.
E!EI se folosete 'n special 'n propoziii interogative sau
superlative. ;nseamn Voric6nd T vreodatW.
,as Ted ever studied statisticsS
FacB 4allag*er is t*e best pla-er ?e *ave ever *ad.
>+T Y E!EI U >E!EI
$ *aven*t ever read Pinter. U $ *ave never read Pinter.
K% Ad"erbele de o#inie
@er!onally, ob"iou!ly,, certainly, luc.ily, actually,
#robably, definitely, !urely etc%
(dverbele de opinie exprim opinia vorbitorului.
(ceste adverbe se pot 'mpri 'n dou grupuriK
a. actually+ certainly+ apparently+ clearly+ obviously+ probably+
definitely+ undoubtedly.
Poziia adverbelor din grupul ( este la mi+loc:
T*e c*ild is actually ver- brig*t.
b. perhaps+ maybe+ possibly+ fran&ly+ naturally+ luc&ily+ unluc&ily+
honestly+ fortunately+ unfortunately.
Poziia adverbelor din grupul 1 este de obicei la Ence#utK
Kerhaps ?e can go out tonig*t.
L% Ad"erbe de grad
?airly, 2uite, 0ardly, too, almo!t, #retty, rat0er, barely,
com#letely, enoug0, nearly, really, +u!t, !o , e"en, "ery etc%
(dverbele de grad determin 'n general ad#ective sau adverbe care
indic extinderea sau intensitatea OgradulP.
Poziia lor esteK
'n mod normal c*iar 'naintea ad#ectivului sau adverbului.
,e is entirely rig*t.
T*e s*oes are too ?ide.
E>+<4, urmeaz dup ad#ectiv sau adverb.
- steaB isnAt big enough.
E>+<4, st 'naintea unui substantivK
@e donAt *ave enough mone-.
(dverbele de grad determin uneori verbe. + list parial
includeK almost+ barely+ enough+ hardly+ just+ only+ much+ a lot+
nearly+ 3uite+ rather+ really+ scarcely.
Poziia lor este 'nainte de verbul principal.
<", i E>+<4, sunt excepii i urmeaz dup verb.
F<ST i +>0G se afl exact 'naintea verbului determinat.
T*e- could barel- *ear t*e speaBer.
T*e pianist *asnAt practiced enough.
$ liBed *im a lot.
$ *ave just deposited t*e mone-. OU $ deposited it a little ?*ile
$ deposited just t*e mone-. OU $ deposited t*e mone- and not*ing
!EIG se folosete cu ad#ective i adverbe.
!EIG <", se folosete cu verbe.
@e are very *app- to be *ere.
T*anB -ou very much.
c<$TE poate 'nsemna i VcompletW.
GouAre 3uite rig*tR OU GouAre completel- rig*t.P
(om#ara6i !en!urile a cinci ad"erbe de grad folo!ite cu
ad+ecti"e i ad"erbe%
Slab Puternic
fairly rat0erQ#retty 2uite "ery
T*e boxer is fairly strong. OU *e is moderatel- strong.P
Gour caBe is pretty good. OU it is certainl- not bad.P
T*at music is 3uite loud. OU it is considerabl- loud.P
Gour result is very good. OU it is close to excellent.P
M% Ad"erbe interogati"e
=0en^, *0ere^, *0y^, 0o*^
(dverbele interogative se folosesc 'n 'ntrebri.
Poziia lor este la Ence#ut, 'naintea auxiliarului, subiectului i
verbului principal.
%hy is "ind- cr-ingS
%here does s*e teac*S
%hen did t*e- send t*e letterS
-o) do -ou spell -our nameS
,+@ poate fi folosit cuK
-o) tall is *eS
Kuc' A man&-
-o) much milB does s*e drinBS
-o) often does "*ris go dancingS
(om#ara6ia ad"erbelor
?orm: com#arati"ul i !u#erlati"ul adverbelor se formeazK
$% adug6nd Ber i Be!t adverbelor de o silab
1% pun6nd, more i mo!t 'n faa adverbelor de dou sau mai
multe silabe
#oziti" com#arati" !u#erlati"
fast faster t*e fastest
slo?l- more slo?l- t*e most slo?l-
Earl- earlier t*e earliest
(om#arati"e neregulate
@ell better t*e best
1adl- ?orse t*e ?orst
0ittle less t*e least
uc* more t*e most
&ar fart*erTfurt*er t*e fart*estTfurt*est
?art0er Q fart0e!t se refer numai la distan
,e ran farther t*an planned.
?urt0er Q furt0e!t se folosete mai mult 'n general.
,e inZuired further into t*e matter.
Utilizare: pentru a construi comparaii adverbiale, folosiiK
2. (S Y adverb Y (S 'n propoziii afirmative pentru a exprima
(STS+ Y adverb Y (S 'n propoziii negative.
Pam ,ard- ran as fast as s*e could.
T*e pupp- doesnAt eat as1so )ell as $ *opped.
5. adverbul "+P(I(T$! Y T,(> pentru a exprima diferena.
Eric ?rites better than 1rian.
). T,E Y adverb S<PEI0(T$! pentru a exprima superioritatea
Osau inferioritateaP. T,E este adesea omis. Superlativul poate
fi urmat de +& Y substantiv T pronume.
,e pla-s tennis Ot*eP best of all.
%an sBied Ot*eP fastest Oof all t*e racersP.
"6nd acelai verb apare 'n ambele pri ale propoziiei, folosii un
auxiliar pentru cel de/al doilea verb. (stfel evitai repetiia.
$ donAt t*inB as muc* as -ou do.
(numite adverbe sau expresii adverbiale pot fi plasate la 'nceput
pentru 'ntrire. Subiectul i verbul care umeaz se inverseaz.
$at o list parial a adverbelor i expresiilor adverbiale care se pot
folosi astfelK in1under no circumstances+ neither1nor+ never+ no sooner
/ then+ not only+ only by+ only in this )ay+ only lately+ only then+ little+
so+ seldom+ on no account.
+nl- in t*is ?a- can you master t*e language.
+n no account is Jody to turn on t*e gas.
Seldom *ave , met suc* a fascinating ?oman.
Alege6i cu"Cntul #otri"it:
2. Gou are an excellent cooB. T*e food tastes Ogood, ?ellP. 5. $t ?as a
lovel- da- ?it* birds singing and t*e sun s*ining Obrig*t, brig*tl-P and
girls ?earing Obrig*t, brig*tl-P/ coloured dresses. ). $ *ate taBing
medicine. $t tastes Obitter, bitterl-P. =. $ donAt t*inB *e is ill. ,is voice
sounds Omerr-, merril-P. E. $t rains O*eav-, *eavil-P. :. $t is Onear,
nearl-P five oAclocB. 8. Gou must ?orB O*ard, *ardl-P for -our exams.
7. ,e spoBe so OZuicB, ZuicBl-P t*at ?e could O*ard, *ardl-P follo?
*im. 3. @*en did -ou Olast, lastl-P see *imS 2H. $ am Odirect, directl-P
interested in ?*at -ou t*inB. 22. ,e couldnAt move as *e ?as Odead,
deadl-P tired. 25. ,is e-es *urt *im Obad, badl-P. 2). r Fones *eld it
Otig*t, tig*tl-P. 2=. $t ?as six oAclocB as Onear, nearl-P as *e could
guess. 2E. Olast, lastl-P $ must account for m- sisterAs be*aviour.
@une6i ad"erbele En ordinea corect:
2. Tim and 1ecB- *ad been ?andering Ofor man- *ours, about t*e
caveP. 5. Fim ?as to recite *is poem Ot*at ver- morning, in t*e centre
of t*e examination *allP. ). T*oug* $ ?as ver- bus- $ snatc*ed a
minute to ans?er *is letter O-esterda-, at t*e officeP. =. Tom, ,ucB and
Foe decided to run a?a- Oat da-breaB, from *omeP. E. $ ?is* $ ?ere
Ono?, over t*ereP. :. T*e- returned Oin t*e evening, to t*e camp, lateP.
8. $ *ad t*e pleasure of meeting a fine ?oman of about fift- Ot*e ot*er
da-, in >e? GorB, *ereP. 7. - brot*ers and m- *usband ?ill be
Osoon, *omeP from t*e s*ooting. 3. 1at*ing is ver- good, ?*en t*e sea
is mostl- calm O*ere, in summerP. 2H. T*e great fire broBe out, and
aided b- t*e east ?ind, burnt do?n t*e ?ooden *ouses of ?*ic* a
large proportion of t*e to?n ?as built Oin 2:::, in 0ondon, in a
baBerAs s*op, in SeptemberP.
(0eia e4erci6iilor:
2. 4ood. 5. 1rig*t, brig*tl-/coloured ). 1itter =. err- E. ,eavil- :.
>earl- 8. ,ard 7. cuicBl-, *ardl- 3. 0ast 2H. %irectl- 22. %ead 25.
1adl- 2). Tig*t T tig*tl- 2=. >ear 2E. 0astl-
2. Tim and 1ecB- *ad been ?andering about t*e cave for man- *ours
5. Fim ?as to recite a poem in t*e centre of t*e examination *all t*at
ver- morning ). T*oug* $ ?as ver- bus- at t*e office -esterda-, $
snatc*ed a minute to ans?er *is letter =. Tom, ,ucB and Foe decided
to run a?a- from *ome at da-breaB E. $ ?is* $ ?ere over t*ere no? :.
T*e- returned to t*e camp late in t*e evening 8. T*e ot*er da-, *ere
in >e? GorB, $ *ad t*e pleasure of meeting a fine ?oman of about
fift-. 7. - brot*ers and m- *usband ?ill be *ome soon from t*e
s*ooting. 3. 1at*ing is ver- good *ere, in summer, ?*en t*e sea is
mostl- calm. 2H. T*e great fire broBe out in a baBerAs s*op in 0ondon
in September 2::: and aided b- t*e east ?ind, burnt do?n t*e
?ooden *ouses of ?*ic* a large proportion of t*e to?n ?as built.
CC1. ';: (AR B 9A ';: R9A& B &R7V7AG A (AR
Ba!ic Vocabulary
'raffic circulaie, trafic
'raffic lig0t! semafor, stop
'raffic +am blocare a circulaiei Odin pricina traficului intensP
'raffic #oliceman agent de circulaie
'raffic accident accident de circulaie
'raffic #olice*oman agent de circulaie
'raffic8*arden O'n (ngliaP persoan care controleaz parcarea
mainilor i traficul rutier
@ede!trian pieton
Vebra Q cro!!ing trecere de pietoni
@a"ement trotuar
7!land refugiu pentru pietoni
Road indicator rutier Ope oseaP
_erb bordur, margine a trotuarului
<am#8#o!t st6lp de felinar
Road !ign semn de circulaie
Road condition! condiii de drum, starea drumului
Built8u# area zon locuit
Mile!tone piatr indicatoare de mile Ode/a lungul drumuluiP
&ri"ing licence permis de conducere
_ilometer8!tone piatr de Bilometra#, born de Bilometra#
Ru!080our or de v6rf
&ri"ing te!t examen pentru obinerea permisului de conducere
Road / drum, cale, osea
Motor*ay autostrad
Main !treet strad principal
;ig0*ay osea
Side !treet Q by8!treet strad lateral
Band band de circulaie
Boule"ard bulevard
A!#0alt asfalt
'0oroug0fare fNrfg arter important
(obble8!tone piatr de pava#
A"enue drum, cale, alee Oplantat cu pomiP
<ane 2. drum 'ngust, crare. 5. band de circulaie
(ul8de8!ac Q blind alley fundtur, strad 'nfundat
(foot) #at0 potec, crare
(arriage *ay band de circulaie; parte carosabil, osea
(ar main, autoturism
'a4i Q cab taxi
(ar8#ar. parcare
'ram tramvai
@etrol !tation staie de benzin
'ube Q underground metrou
Bu! autobuz
Sto# staie
(oac0 autocar
<orry camion
Re2ue!t !to# staie facultativ
?are bilet, costul unei cltorii
Van furgonet
(onductor conductor, taxator, vatman
Mobile !0o# auto magazin
'o# dec. O'n (ngliaP partea de sus a unui autobuz cu eta# Odouble
Rail*ay Station gar
?ire Station post de pompieri
Bu! Station autogar
General @o!t89ffice pota central ;all *al, piaa central
'o*n ;all primrie
'ele#0one :4c0ange central telefonic Oa unei localitiP
=0eel roat
S#are *0eel roat de rezerv
:40au!t #i#e eav de eapament
Bonnet capot
Mudguard aprtoare Ode noroiP
Bum#er bar de protecie
Aumber #late plac cu numrul mainii
=ind!creen parbriz
=ind!creen *i#er! tergtoare
;eadlig0t far, faza mare
'raffic indicator lig0t Q trafficator semnalizator de direcie lig0t lumin de poziie
&i##ed lig0t faza scurt
<uggage boot portbaga#
'yre anvelop, cauciuc
:ngine motor
Radiator radiator
Radiator grill masca radiatorului
Battery baterie, acumulator
;orn claxon
(lutc0 ambreia#
Steering *0eel volan
;andbra.e fr6n de m6n
?ootbra.e fr6n de picior
Accelerator accelerator
Gear le"er sc*imbtor de vitez
S#eedometer vitezometru
&a!08board tablou de bord
@etrol tan. rezervor de benzin
@etrol gauge indicator de combustibil
7gnition .ey c*eie de contact
@lug bu#ie
;eater sistem de 'nclzire
(arburettor carburator
Ventilation ventilaie
Su!#en!ion suspensie
'ran!mi!!ion transmisie
?lat tyre cauciuc dezumflat
(onge!ted parca# aglomerat
@uncture pan de cauciuc*n pan de motor
?aulty traffic lig0t! semafoare defecte
Broad Q *ide lat, larg Odespre drumP
=et ud
Aarro* 'ngust
7cy 'ng*eat
Straig0t drept
(ro*ded aglomerat
=inding erpuit
Amber lumina galben a semaforului
@a"ed pavat
Red rou Ola semaforP
Un#a"ed nepavat
Green verde Ola semaforP
'o dri"e / a conduce Oun autove*iculP
'o cro!! a traversa
'o *atc0 out (for) Q to loo. out a fi atent OlaP
'o !lo* do*n a 'ncetini
'o gi"e *ay a ceda trecerea
'o o"erta.e a depi
'o *arn a avertiza
'o bra.e a fr6na, a pune fr6n
'o o"erturn a se rsturna
'o run into a intra 'n
'o 0a"e a cra!0 a avea T a suferi un accident
'o come into a colli!ion *it0 a se ciocni de
'o #ar. a parca
'o in+ure a rni
'o endanger a pune 'n pericol
'o catc0 (a bu!) a prinde autobuzul
'o get on (a bu!) a se urca 'n autobuz
'o get off (a bu!) a se cobor' din autobuz
'o turn t0e ignition .ey a porni maina, a face contact
'o #um# u# t0e tyre! a umfla cauciucurile
'o ea!e out t0e c0o.e a trage ocul
'o relea!e t0e 0andbra.e a da drumul la fr6na de m6n
'o de#re!! t0e clutc0 a apsa pe ambreia#
'o #re!! t0e accelerator a apsa pe accelerator
'o !elect fir!t gear a bga 'n viteza 'nt6i
'o !ound t0e 0orn a claxona
'o re" t0e engine a ambala motorul
'o run out of #etrol a i se termina benzina
'o fill u# t0e car a umple, a alimenta maina
'o c0ec. t0e tyre #re!!ure a verifica presiunea cauciucurilor
'o dri"e under t0e influence of alco0ol a conduce sub influena
'o e4ceed t0e !#eed limit a depi viteza legal
'o #ay a fine a plti amend
'o be c0arged *it0 motoring offence a fi acuzat de o contravenie
de la legea circulaiei
'o 0a"e oneH! dri"ing licence endor!ed a i se 'nregistra 'n permis
contravenia comis
;ig0*ay (ode Iegulamentul de circulaie
Bend to rig0t curb la dreapta
Sli##ery road drum alunecos
Side road intersecie cu un drum fr prioritate
(ro!!road! intersecie, 'ncruciare de drumuri
Road *or.! a0ead lucrri
' +unction interesecie 'n form de T
Roundabout sens giratoriu
'*o8*ay traffic zon de circulaie 'n ambele sensuri
9ne8*ay traffic sens unic
@ede!trian cro!!ing a0ead atenie, trecere pentru pietoni
Une"en road drum cu denivelri
<e"el cro!!ing *it0 gate or barrier trecere la nivel cu bariere
<e"el cro!!ing *it0out gate or barrier trecere la nivel fr bariere
_ee# !traig0t on mergei drept 'nainte
7tH! ne4t door toG / e alturi deX
'urn rig0t Q left facei la dreapta T la st6nga
7tH! o##o!iteG / e vizavi deX
9n t0e corner / pe T la col
Aot far from nu departe deX
At t0e end of tocmai la captulX
;o* can 7 get toG^ cum pot s a#ung laXS
(ould you tell me t0e *ay toG^ putei s/mi spunei care e drumul
spreXT cum s a#ung laXS
:4cu!e me, doe! t0i! bu! go toG^ scuzai/m, autobuzul acesta
merge laXS
:4cu!e me, can you tell me *0ere to get off^ scuzai/m, putei s/
mi spunei unde s coborS
(AR 'A<_
Gou donAt need to c0ange gear! Os schimbi vitezeleP. T*is is an
$tAs reall- *ot. +pen t*e !unroof, please.
$f -ou donAt mind, $All turn on t*e air conditioning Oaer
T*is car is ver- manoevrable and reall- ea!y to #ar.. $tAs got
#o*er !teering OservoJdirec'ieP.
$Am afraid -ouAll *ave to climb in t*e bacB. T*is is a t0ree8door.
T*is is an (merican car. $tAs got crui!e control Odispozitiv de
control automat al vitezeiP. T*atAs ?*- $ *avenAt got m- foot on
t*e acceleratorQga! #edal.
&i# -our 0eadlig0t! Oa mic!ora lumina farurilorP. GouAre
blinding t*e cars on t*e ot*er side of t*e roadR
T*e ?indo?s are all fro!ted o"er Onghe'ateG. $All turn on t*e
0eated rear *ind!creen.
%onAt bot*er locBing your !ide. $tAs got central Osistem
central de nchidere al u!ilorP.
%onAt ?orr-, itAll fit in t*e boot. T*ereAs loads of luggage !#ace.
@e can parB *ere and *ave a game of cards. T*e front !eat!
!*i"el round Oscaunele frontale sunt rotativeP, -ou Bno?. T*e- do
on #eo#le carrier!.
T*ereAs so muc* 0eadroom and legroom. $tAs reall- comfortable.
@o?R $ #ust love t*e leat0er u#0ol!tery Otapi'erie din pieleP and
t*e *alnut da!0 Obord din lemn de nucP
T*e interior trim Ocptu!eala interioar a ma!iniiP is so st-lis*R
$t 0andle! Oa se manevraP liBe a dreamR
@*at a !moot0 ride and reall- lo* road noi!e Ozgomot de drum
Ges, itAs got fully inde#endent !u!#en!ion.
$ ?anted a reall- smart car, so $ opted for alloy *0eel! Oro'i legate
ntre eleP as an o#tional.
@*at size engine *as t*is car gotS
$tAs a 2,= Oone #oint fourP.
$tAs got great acceleration. $t does H Onoug*tP to :H in 8 seconds
from a !tanding !tart Ode la punctul de pornireP.
T*is is a reall- po?erful engine. @*at in!urance grou# is it inS
>obod- can steal m- car. $tAs got t*e most sop*isticated car
alarm on t*e marBet. (nd if an-one tries to drive it a?a- ?it*out
putting t*e Be- in t*e ignition, itAs got an immobili!er
OimobilizatorP t*at cut! t*e engine off Oa se opri motorulP.
Even if m- car gets stolen $All al?a-s be able to find it. $Ave *ad a
! de"ice Oun sistem de urmrire prin satelitP
$ didnAt ?ant to bu- a foreign car because !#are!Q!#are #art!
Oelemente de rezervP are al?a-s more expensive.
T*is car s*ould .ee# it! "alue. $t doesnAt de#reciate ZuicBl- so $
s*ould be able to trade it in Oa comercializaP for a good price in a
couple of -ears if $ .ee# it in good condition.
T*e on8t0e8road #rice Opre'ul de cumprare+ finalP including
deli"ery and !(T ?as about fifteen t*ousand dollars.
T*is cost a bit more t*an t*e standard version because itAs got
metallic #aint.
$tAs reall- fuel8efficient Ocompetitiv din punct de vedere al
combustibiluluiP. $t does about =H mile! #er gallon OmpgP.
T*is must be t*e most en"ironment8friendly Ocare protejeaz
mediulP car on t*e marBet. $t uses unleaded fuel Obenzin fr
plumbP and *as got a catalytic con"erter Oconvertor cataliticP.
1ut are all t*e bod- parts recyclableS
>o, but itAs got a com#uteri!ed engine management !y!tem and
$ can !*itc0 Oa schimba+ a trece peP from petrol to natural gas
even ?*ile $Am on t*e road.
?9UR8=::<:& =9A&:RS
<ntil 23H=, ?*en t*e <S( tooB t*e lead in car #roduction, &rance
*ad been t*e largest automobile manufacturer OproductorP, giving
us ?ords suc* as c0a!!i! O!asiuP, garage and cou#e. T*e first cars
?ere built b- craft!men Ome!te!ugariP, using t*e same met0od! and
$n 28:3 >ic*olas "ugnot built t*e first self/propelled
ve*icle, a steam/po?ered tractor, but in 277= 4ottlieb
%aimler built t*e ?orldAs first real passenger car. T*is ne?
ve*icle ?as at first Bno?n b- a number of names, suc* as
locomotive, road locomotive, *orse/less carriage or
motorised bugg-; t*e t?o names ?*ic* ?on out are t*ose
?e use toda- automobile and car.
material! as *ad been used to build 0or!e8dra*n carriage! Otrsuri
trase de caiP. T*is *as given us ?ords suc* as coac0*or. Ostructura
e(terioar a ma!iniiP, still sometimes used to describe t*e body*or.
Ocorpul ma!iniiP of a car, and da!0board Otablou de bordP Ot*e #anel
in front of t*e driver ?it* t*e gauge! Oelementele de msur) and
indicator!P OindicatoareleP, ?*ic* ?as originall- t*e board placed at
t*e front of a carriage to prevent dirt and mud fl-ing up onto t*e driver
and #a!!enger! of t*e coac0. Earl- cars ?ere !teered OconduseP liBe a
boat, ?it* a tiller OcrmP rat*er t*an a !teering *0eel.
Road! and ?uel
4raduall- t*e ?orld began to c*ange to accommodate t*e car;
alt*oug* road building ?as at first ver- slo? in t*e <S, in 1ritain t*e
'ar8Macadam "ompan- ?as establis*ed in 23H2, producing t*e
smoot* road !urface ?e no? Bno? as 'armac or a!#0alt O<SP. T*e
first road!ide fuel #um#! Opompe de benzin pe marginea drumuluiP
?ere introduced in t*e <S in 23H: and so t*e filling !tation or ga!
!tation ObenzinrieP ?as born. Motor fuel ?as Bno?n as ga!oline or
ga! in t*e <S, but in 1ritain t*e ne? ?ord #etrol *ad been coined Oa
inventaP in 273). T*is difference in terms still survives, as do man-
'erm! of :ndurance
an- terms ?e still use toda- ?ere coined surprisingl- earl- on. (
blo*out Oe(plozieP, for example, ?as first used in 232E to describe a
bur!t tyre and a -ear later drivers ?ere alread- being told to !te# on
t0e ga! Oa acceleraP Odrive fasterP b- speed/t*irst- passengers. $n
23HE, 1ritis* motorists formed t*e Automobile A!!ociation O((P
expressl- to ?arn eac* ot*er about #olice8o#erated !#eed tra#!
Ocapcane ale poli'iei pentru vitezP. T*e Road ?und <icence Oroad
ta4P ?as first le"ied Oa fi perceputP in 1ritain in 232H. an- famous
names also appeared earl- on in t*e *istor- of t*e carK for example,
(0e"rolet ?as named after a S?iss engineer, ?*o ?as t*en sacBed,
and Ro"er cars ?ere given t*eir name because t*e- ?ould allo? t*e
driver to ro"e t0e country Oa cutreiera prin 'arP; in 2328 t*is name
?as also given to a ve*icle designed to explore t*e moon t*e <unar
US &omination
$n 23H) t*e ?ord motor com#any ?as founded, and t*e <S soon
became t*e ?orldAs biggest car manufacturer. T*e famous model '
appeared in 23H7 famousl- available in Vany colour !o long a! itH!
blac.W. &ordAs ma!! #roduction tec0ni2ue! Otehnici de producere n
masP led to t*e democrati!ation of car o*ner!0i# and car
engineering under?ent rapid development; t*e feature! Oelementele,
trsturileP ?e taBe for granted toda- began to appear electric
*ind!creen *i#er! ?ere introduced in 235), and electric di##ing
0eadlig0t! in 235=. (ar radio! ?ere ?idel- available as earl- as
2358. T*e *uge gro?t* in t*e number of cars during t*e inter/?ar
-ears led to developments in t*e road !afety Osiguran'a drumuluiP and
traffic control Ocontrolul traficuluiP. $n 1ritain, for example, Beli!0a
Beacon! t*e orange flas*ing lig*ts at #ede!trian cro!!ing Otrecere
pentru pietoniP ?ere introduced in 23)E, and t*e same -ear sa? t*e
founding of t*e compan- ?*ic* produced t*e reflective studs called
cat!8eye! Oochi de pisicP Odesigned for nig0t dri"ingP -ou can see
do?n t*e middle of 1ritis* roads. +n t*e do?nside, !#eeding!
Oamend pentru dep!irea vitezeiP also appeared around t*is time in
t*e <S, as did meter!, first used in +Bla*oma "it- in 23)E.
(merica, *o?ever, ?as eagerl- adapting to t*e car. T*e first dri"e8in
cinema Ocinema cu vizionare din ma!inP appeared in 23));
<u4uriou! Grand 'ourer! drove t*e ric* to t*eir countr- estates, and
t*e ,oll-?ood stars ?ere c0auffeured around in fabulous @ac.ard!
or (adillac!. 1ut during t*e Second @orld @ar production s*ifted to
military "e0icle!; one ve*icle ?it* lasting popularit- appeared in
23=H, t*e <S arm-As General8@ur#o!e "e0icle or G@ pronounced
Uee#R (fter t*e ?ar, t*e post/?ar boom in t*e <S meant t*at car
production tooB off again. "*eap petrol, a national mood of
confidence and a fascination ?it* t*e po?er of modern science led to
t*e arc*et-pal fifties cars designed b- ,arle- Earl. T*e most t-pical of
t*ese designs ?as t*e AE3 "adillac after t*is beaut-, de!ign became
less exaggerated and t*e sixties sa? t*e mu!cle car, ?it* t*e
emp*asis no? on t*e brute #o*er and #erformance.
European design, *o?ever, *ad never copied t*e big (merican cars; in
23E3 t*e Au!tin Mini revolutionised !mall car de!ign, and in 238)
t*e big ga!8guzzler! Omari consumatori de benzinP ran into trouble as
t*e +PE" countries rai!ed oil #rice! and precipitated t*e oil cri!i!.
?uel economy became a !elling #oint Oelement al vnzriiP, and ne?
con!umer a*arene!! Ovigilen'a consumatorilorP meant t*at com#act
car!, economical on fuel, ?ere no? in demand. $n t*e <S, a K` mile!
#er 0our !#eed limit ?as imposed to cut fuel con!um#tion. Fapanese
cars made *uge inroad! Oatac, nvalP into t*e auto, offering
economy and reliability.
Green and Safe
Toda-As customers ?ant t*eir cars to be !afe, en"ironment8friendly
and efficient. %esigners reflect t*e desire to Beep fuel consumption
lo? b- minimi!ing aerodynamic re!i!tance Oreducere a rezisten'ei
aerodinamiceP. (s for t*e future, car design is becoming ever more
sop*isticated, but t*e internal combu!tion engine Omotor cu
combustie internP looBs safe for t*e time being alt*oug* cars must
become greener OecologiceP.
T*e common or garden !aloon ?ill lose ground to SUV! OS#ort8
Utility Ve0icle!P, M@V! OMulti8@ur#o!e Ve0icleP #eo#le carrier!
and tin- Micro car!, ?*ic* can co#e *it0 Oa face fa'P cit- traffic and
parBing. 1ut amid all t*is frenzied OfreneticP development, old and
re"ered Ovenerat, adoratP maBes survive and flouris* t*e t*rill and
fascination of t*e car ?ill never disappear.
G:''7AG ';:R:
A!.ing for direction!:
Excuse me, could -ou tell me t*e ?a- to t*e to?n *all, pleaseS
"ould -ou tell me *o? to get to t*e ulberr- ParB?a-, pleaseS
@*ic* ?a- to t*e universit- campus, pleaseS
Excuse me, ?*ereAs t*e nearest garageS
Gi"ing direction!:
4o straig*t onX
4o do?n t*is streetX
TaBe t*e first rig*tTt*e first turning on t*e rig*tX
&ollo? t*e main road, t*en bear rig*t at t*e forB.
Turn left at t*e lig*ts.
4o straig*t acrossTover t*e lig*tsX
4o bacB t*e ?a- -ouAve #ust come.
@*en -ou get to t*e T/#unction, turn left.
Ceep in t*e rig*t/*and lane and -ou canAt go ?rongR
4o straig*t acrossTover t*e roundabout.
TaBe t*e t*ird exit off t*e roundabout.
7n t0e US, many to*n! are laid out on a grid #attern:
4o nort* t?o blocBs, t*en *ang a left.
4o east along ,uron St. t*en turn sout* on %earborn St.
At a ga! !tation (US) or #etrol !tation (U_):
2H gallons, please.
&ill *er upR
<nleaded, please.
&ive gallons of four star, please.
,ig* octane, please.
$Ad liBe a full tanB of diesel, please.
7n t0e US, you may need a .ey if you *ant to u!e t0e toilet:
"an $ *ave t*e Be-s to t*e bat*room, pleaseS
7f you need !omet0ing from t0e #um# attendant in t0e US:
$ need an oil c*ange.
"ould -ou c*ecB t*e t-res please, $ t*inB t*e-Are a bit lo?.
@ould -ou c*ecB t*e s*ocBsS
"ould -ou c*ecB t*e batter-, pleaseS
"an -ou give it a ZuicB rec*argeS
@ould -ou clean t*e ?indscreen, pleaseS
7f t0e #olice !to# you for !#eeding, 0ere are a fe* t0ing! you
mig0t 0ear:
%o -ou Bno? *o? fast -ou ?ere travellingS
%o -ou Bno? t*e speed limit *ereS
%o -ou Bno? t*at -ou ?ere going EH miles an *our in a )H mile
an *our zoneS
@*ereAs t*e fireS
"ould $ see -our licence, pleaseS
7f youHre luc.y, t0e officer *ill !ay:
$All let -ou off ?it* a ?arning t*is time but donAt let it *appen
US Road Sy!tem!
$f -ouAre planning a serious coa!t8to8coa!t road tour, -ouAll probabl-
spend a fair amount of time on t*e 7nter!tate ;ig0*ay !y!tem.
Some of t*ese roads are t0ou!and! of mile! long $nterstate 2H, for
example, goe! from FacBsonville, &lorida, to Santa onica,
"alifornia, t*e entire *idt0 of t*e continentR +n t*e road !ign! and
ma#!, t*e $nterstate ,ig*?a-s are indicated ?it* a ca#ital [7H Ofor
$nterstateP #lu! a numberK for example 78$`. (s t*ese numbers are
extensivel- used, itAs muc* easier to #lan your route b- ?riting
do?n t*e numbers t*an t*e #lace name!K t*e name of -our
destination ma- not even appear on t*e $nterstate road signR <nliBe
1ritainAs motor?a-s, t0e e4it! from t*e $nterstates are often ver- far
apart, so taBe great care not to mi!! -ours. Exits often lead off t*e
fa!t lane Obanda de lng a(ul drumuluiP, so get into t0e rig0t lane
long before -ou need to turn off. $f -ou do o"er!0oot t0e e4it Oa rata
ie!ireaP, on no account t*inB of u# Oa da napoiP. +n
turn#i.e! Obarier a ora!uluiP -ou are given a di!tance card before
entering and -ou pa- ?*en -ou reac* -our exit. Some e4#re!!*ay!,
bridge! and tunnel! also le"y Oa percepeP a small toll Ota(P, so ithA a
good idea to Beep some loo!e c0ange OmonedeP *and-. $n to?ns and
cities, -ou ?ill find t*at streets are laid out according to t*e four
com#a!! bearing! Opunctele cardinalePK :a!t8=e!t and Aort08
Sout0. @*en asBing for directions, -ou are liBel- to be told to [go
Aort0 on 0a 1rea until -ou get to Sunset 1oulevard, t*en go =e!tA,
for example. T*ese instructions are ea!y to follo* as ever- !treet
corner *as a sign indicating t*e bloc. number Onumrul cvartaluluiP
Ot*e *ouse numbers at t*at cornerP and t0e direction it run! in.
'0e Briti!0 Road Sy!tem
@*en deciding *o? to get from cit- to cit- in 1ritain, c*oose t*e
motor*ay OautostradP, if one exists. T*ese are all numbered and
preceded ?it* a ca#ital [MH Ofor motor?a-K for example, t*e MKP
and marBed in blue on road ma#! and road !ign!. :4it!, ?*ic* are
al?a-s from t*e !lo* lane, include t*e de!tination, and are fairly
fre2uent. $f t*ere is no motor?a-, taBe an A road, or main road.
(gain, t*ese are numbered Ofor example, t*e A5LP and are marBed in
red on t*e map Obut not on road signsP. A road! often *ave dual
carriage8*ay! Odou pr'i carosabileP at various points, to allo? -ou
to o"erta.e !lo*er "e0icle! Oa dep!i vehiculele cu vitez redusP.
&ailing t*at, -ou ?ill *ave to taBe a minor road, or B road, again
numbered Ot*e B5$R, for exampleP and marBed in bro*n or yello* on
t*e map. &inding -our ?a- about in to?ns and cities is not al?a-s
Zuite as simple. $n 0ondon, for example, not onl- is t*ere a 1elsize
S2uare Opia'P, 1elsize Road O!oseaP, 1elsize A"enue ObulevardP,
1elsize Me*! OgarajeP, 1elsize @ar. OparcP, 1elsize Gro"e
OpduriceP, 1elsize Street and 1elsize 'errace OterasP; t*ere are
also four 1elsize Ioads and t*ree 1elsize (venues in different areas.
4et a cop- of '0e A to V of <ondon, taBe a deep breat* and give
-ourself an *our more t*an -ou normall- ?ouldR $f -ou get lost, asB a
cab dri"er; t*e-Are usuall- Zuite *elpful.
$n t*e States, lines marBing t*e !e#aration of t*o8*ay traffic are
yello*, ?*ereas lines separating traffic travelling in t0e !ame
direction are *0ite. 0ines along t0e edge of t0e road OdeJa lungul
marginii drumuluiP to guide traffic in #oor "i!ibility are *0ite or, in
certain cases, yello*. $n 1ritain, lines marBing t*e separation of traffic
are al?a-s ?*iteK if t*e line is continuou!, -ou must not o"erta.e
under an- circumstances; if t*e line closest to -ou is bro.en, -ou ma-
overtaBe if it i! !afe to do !o. $n some parts of t*e countr- -ou ?ill
find ?*ite road !tud! O'inte pentru drumP in t*e middle of t*e road
t*at reflect t*e lig*t from -our 0eadlam#! at nig*t. T*ese are
commonl- called cat!H eye!. %o not parB on t*e side of t*e road if -ou
see double yello*! line!. Gou ?ill almost certainl- get a fine or find
-our car clam#ed OblocatP ?*en -ou return. ( !ingle yello* line
means re!tricted #ar.ingK looB for t*e yello* !ign t*at tells -ou
?*en -ou cannot #ar., for example 7 am : pm.
';: <A= B S#eeding, and cra!0ing
$f -ouAre given a !#ot fine Oamend pentru e(cesul de vitezP in t*e
<S -ou ma- find -ourself pa-ing about \EH plus anot*er \E for e"ery
mile an 0our -ou ?ere travelling o"er t0e limit. $f -ou get a Oamend pentru parcare nepermisP in t*e <C, pa- it ZuicBl-
leave it for too long and -ouAll *ave to pa- a lot more. $f -ouAve
parBed -our car in a zone, -ou ma- onl- find a parBing
ticBet, or -ou ma- return to find -our carAs been to*ed a*ay
OremorcatP. $f t*is *appens, -ou go to t*e car #ound OdepozitP and pa-
often after a long ?ait to be able to drive -our car a?a-.
(lternativel-, -our car ma- *ave been clam#ed. $n t*e <S t*is clam#
is called t*e &en"er Boot as it ?as first tried out in %enver. GouAll
find a note on t*e *ind!creen, ?*ic* tells -ou ?*ere to go and pa-
t*e fine. +nce again, -ouAA probabl- *ave to ?ait for some time before
t*e police arrive to unloc. t*e clamp. $n 1ritain and t*e <S t*e police
often sub/contract clamping and to?ing to private companies ?*o get
paid on a #er car basis so t*e-Are ver-, ver- BeenR
'0e @olice
$f -ou get stopped b- t*e police, do be #olite and if ?*en, travelling
in t*e <S -ou see fla!0ing lig0t! be*ind -ou, #ull o"er and ?ait for
t*e police officer to come to -ou. Sta- cool, .ee# your 0and! on t0e
*0eel and donAt maBe an- movements t*at mig*t maBe t*e officer
nervous. %onAt, for example, open t*e glo"e com#artment OtorpedouP
to get -our licence and car document!K t*e officer mig*t t*inB -ouAre
reac*ing for a gunR*n
$f -ou *ave engine #roblem! on t*e road in t*e <S, contact t*e
;ig0*ay @atrol or call t*e Police ?*o ?ill *elp -ou contact t*e
,ig*?a- Patrol. $n 1ritain, contact t*e Police; if -ou are on t*e
motor*ay, ?ait on t*e 0ard !0oulder Obanda de avarie+ refugiuP
until a #atrol "e0icle Oma!in de patrulareP sees -ou or use one of t*e
emergency #0one! along t*e motor?a-.
$f -ou *ave an accidentK
$nform t*e police
Exc*ange name, address and telep*one number ?it* t*e ot*er
Exc*ange in!urance detail!
aBe a note of t*e ma.e and regi!tration number of t*e ot*er
aBe a note of t*e *eat0er condition! and road condition!
%ra? a ma# of t*e situation before and after t*e accident,
s*o?ing di!tance! bet*een "e0icle! and t*e distances from
>ote street names
>ote t*e direction and speed of t*e cars involved
>ote an- !.id8mar.! Osemne de derapajP
4et t*e name and address of an- *itne!!e!.
R9A& SA?:'P B A"oiding accident!
'0e &oH! and &onHt!
1e a?are of ?*atAs going on around -ou !can t0e road a0ead
Ceep an adeZuate !e#aration di!tance from t*e ve*icle in front
follo?ing too close is called tailgating.
<se -our mirror! constantl-, especiall- ?*en -ouAre #ulling out,
o" or c0anging lane!.
Iemember t*at t*e door #illar! and *indo* frame! Otocurile
geamurilorP of t*e car ?ill bloc. your "i!ion of some areas,
creating blind !#ot! Olocuri fr vizibilitateP. %onAt get in ot*er
driversA blind spots.
%onAt tr- to beat t0e traffic lig0t! Oa ajunge la semafor+ dac e!ti
departeP b- accelerating across t*em ?*en -ou t*inB t*e- are
about to c*ange.
%onAt start -our manoeu"re immediatel- after !ignalling.
Gi"e *ay to buses pulling out.
Ceep an e-e out for #ede!trian! appearing from be*ind a
!tationary Ocare sta'ioneazP bus.
&ollo? t*e mirrorT!ignalTmanoeu"re routine if -ou need to turn
or pull outK c0ec. for traffic be*ind -ou in t*e rear"ie* mirror
Ooglinda retrovizoareP, !ignal and t*en *0en itH! !afe, carr- out
-our manoeuvre.
TaBe care ?*en approac*ing a +unction or a bend remember
t*at anot*er ve*icle ma- emerge suddenl-.
S*o? #atience and con!ideration to?ards ot*er drivers.
%onAt #ust looB at ?*atAs *appening act on *0at you !ee.
=atc0 your !#eed al?a-s maBe sure -ouAre able to stop ?it*in
t*e distance t*at -ou can see to be clear a*ead.
Antici#ate ot0er dri"er!H action!.
%onAt use -our 0orn aggressivel-.
4ive -ourself enoug* time to react to an- #otential danger.
Travel at a !#eed, ?*ic* is suitable for t*e road and traffic
Safety c0ec.
Road8craft Omiestria de a conduceP isnAt #ust about being able to
0andle a car *ell it also involves t*e abilit- to t*inB about ?*atAs
going to *appen, to drive according to circum!tance! and to drive
!afely and con!iderately. T*e first step is to c0ec. your "e0icle
before driving off. <se t*e acron-m @898=8:8R to *elp -ou
@etrol maBe sure -our tan. is full enoug* to get -ou ?*ere
-ouAre going; running out can leave -ou !tranded On pan+ aflat
n nevoieP in a dangerous situation.
9il allo?ing -our oil le"el to drop too lo? can lead to*n and can ruin -our engine. <se -our di#!tic. and
c*ecB t*e oil level.
=ater *ave -ou ever been standing at t*e roadside ?it* t*e
bonnet (<CP or 0ood O<SP up, ?it* !team billo?ing ever-?*ereS
"*ecB t*e ?ater before -ou !et offR
:lectric! c*ecB t*e lig0t!, *i#er! and *a!0er! and donAt forget
t*e 0ornR
Rubber all t*ose rubber parts ?*ic* ma- *ear out Oa se uza+ a
se roadeP more ZuicBl- t*an -ou expect *i#er blade! and tyre!;
c*ecB t*ese for adeZuate tread de#t0 Oadncimea !an'urilorP and
$t *appens to t*e best of us someone #ulled out too ZuicBl- in front
of -ou, -ouAve cras*ed into t*em and *ad a colli!ion Oaccident n care
dou sau mai multe ma!ini sJau lovitP, a fender8bender O<SP
Oaccident de ma!in cu avarii minoreP or a !ma!0 Oaccident grav de
circula'ieP. $f itAs a little one itAs onl- a bum# Oun accident n care
ma!ina este lovit+ dar !oferul nu a p'it nimicP, and all t*at itAs done
is leave a dent Ogaur prin lovireP or a !cratc0 OzgrieturP. $t ma- be
?orse t*an -ou t*inB t*oug*, as t*e *0eel ma- be buc.led Ovolanul
curbat+ ndoitP or t*e a4le bent Oosia ndoitP and ?*o Bno?s ?*atAs
come loo!eR Oce se mai poate ntmplaP $f itAs so bad t*at t*e car
cannot be repaired, t*en -our carAs a *rite8off Orabl, hrbP.
Be @re#aredN
(part from selling fuel Ounleaded, four !tar or die!elP, man- garage!
O<CP or ga! !tation! O<SP *ave a s*op ?*ic* ma- sell an-t*ing from
food to fan belt! Ocurea pentru ventilatorP. ,ere are a fe? items t*e
*ell8e2ui##ed dri"er ma- needK a *arning triangle Otriunghi de
avertismentP to place be*ind -our car if -ou brea. do*n on t*e road;
!#are bulb! Obecuri de rezervP in case somet*ing goes ?rong ?it*
-our lig0t!. $f t*ereAs an electrical fault, a ne? fu!e Osiguran'P ma-
do t*e tricB. $f -ou find -ourself ?it* a flat battery Opan de baterieP
and passing motori!t *as stopped to *elp, -ouAll need some +um#
lead! Ocabluri groase folosite pe)ntru a lua curent de la alt baterieP.
$f -ou still canAt start t*e car, a to* ro#e Ocablu de tractareP ?ill be
necessar-. $f -ou donAt ?ear tig*ts, itAs ?ise to carr- a !#are fan belt
Ocurea de rezerv pentru ventilatorP, too. $f -ouAre travelling in ?inter
and t*e *ind!creen is iced u#, -ouAll need a de8icer !#ray. &am#
OumiditateP in t*e engine or tig0t nut! and !cre*! O!uruburi !i piuli'e
blocateP can often be sorted out ?it* one of t*ose magic anti8dam#
!#ray!; asB for @%/=H in 1ritain. ( can or +errycan OcanistrP is
useful for carr-ing petrol and donAt forget t*e bra.e fluid Olichid de
frnP. $f -ouAve got an- mone- left, ?*- not bu- one of t*ose
gadget! OdispozitiveP for -our das*board t*at *olds -our coffee cu#
stead-S (nd -ou t*oug*t -ou ?ere #ust going to get some gasR
CC1I. 'RAV:<<7AG
Ba!ic Vocabulary
'ra"el cltorie
Uourney cltorie, voia# Omai ales pe uscatP
Voyage cltorie, voia# Ope apP
Motoring automobilism
(ycling mers cu bicicleta, ciclism
; f*it*aiBig autostop
'ri# cltorie, excursie, voia# de agrement
9ne8*ay tri# cltorie 'ntr/un singur sens
Round tri# cltorie dus i 'ntors
(ircle tri# cltorie 'n circuit
9fficial, bu!ine!!Q #lea!ure tri# cltorie 'n interes de serviciu, de
afaceriT de plcere
&e#arture Q t0e e"e of t0e de#arture plecare T a#unul plecrii
Arri"al sosire
Sto#o"er escal
&elay 'nt6rziere
(onnection legtur
&e!tination destinaie
'ranzit transit
Mean! of tran!#ort mi#loace de transport
'a4i ran. staie de taxi/uri
<uggage T baggage baga#
<uggage8rac. plas pentru baga#e O'n trenP
;and baggage baga# de m6n
'rolley crucior de baga#e
BagQ !ac.Q net8!0o##ing bag geant, poet, valiz, sacT saco
Suitca!e geamantan
'run. cufr de voia#
Ruc.!ac. rucsac
Briefca!e serviet
String bag plas, saco
' bilet
'ra"el bilet de cltorie
Single bilet pentru o singur cltorie
Return bilet dus/'ntors
?ull tic.etQ 0alf fare bilet 'ntreg, i bilet
=ee.endQ !u##lementary bilet pentru ?eeBend, supliment
?ir!t8cla!! bilet clasa $
Second8cla!! bilet clasa a $$/a
Sea!on abonament
Seat re!er"ation rezervare de locuri
Reduced fare bilet cu pre redus
'imetable mersul trenurilor, avioanelor, etc.
Route rut
'rain tren
:4#re!! trainQ non8!to# train expres
?a!t train rapid, accelerat
Slo* train personal, curs
@a!!enger train tren de pasageri
Good! train marfar
;o"ercraft ve*icol pe pern de aer
<ocal train tren local, curs
<ong8di!tance train tren de curs lung
'0roug0 train tren direct
&o*n train tren care circul din capital sau oraele principale spre
localiti de provincie
U# train tren care circul din localitile de provincie spre capital
sau oraele principale
Rail*ay !tationQ main !tation gar, staieT staie principal
'ra"el agency agenie de voia#
Boo.ing8office cas de bilete Ola garP
7nformation de!. T in2uiry office birou de informaii
<eft8luggage office depozit de baga#e
<eft8luggage recipis pentru baga#ele lsate la depozit
@arcel! office coletrie
Refre!0ment office T buffet bufet Omai ales la garP
Station re!taurant restaurantul grii
@latformQ #latform peronT bilet de peron
Boo.8!tall stand de cri, c*ioc de ziare
Slot8mac0ine / automat
=aiting8room sal de ateptare
:ngine T locomoti"eQ engine dri"er locomotivT mecanic
(arriage T car vagon de pasageri
&ining8car T re!taurant car vagon restaurant
Slee#ing8car T !lee#er vagon de dormit
Buffet car vagon cu bufet vagon pentru fumtori
Aon8! vagon pentru nefumtori
<uggage "an vagon de baga#e
Mail "an vagon potal
Bert0 cuet
(om#artment compartiment
(orridor coridor
<abel etic*et
'ag etic*et, carte de vizit at6rnat de baga#e
Rail! ine
Uunction pod feroviar
(ommunication cord semnal de alarm
Starting !ignal semnal de plecare
?erry8boatQ larboardQ cargo !0i#, freig0ter bacQ babordT cargobot
Sailing8boardQ life aQ ro*ing aQ motor aQ fi!0ing a barc cu p6nzeT
j de salvareT j cu v6sleT j cu motorT j de pescuit
'rain ferry feribot
Pac0t ia*t
9cean liner transatlantic
' petrolier
Submarine submarin
Raft plut
Barge lep
Man8of8*ar vas de rzboi
'ug remorc*er
Sea route rut maritim
Ma!t catarg
Rudder c6rm
@ort0ole / *ublou
&ec.Q main a Q belo* a punteT j principalT j secundar
Bell clopot
<ife8belt colac de salvare
?unnel co de vapor
(0art *art maritim
(raneQ derric. crane macaraT macara turl
(olour! pavilion, steag
Sail p6nz
<og8boo. #urnal de bord
(a#tainH! bridge punte de comand
'an. rezervor
:ngine room sala motoarelor
Starboard tribord
?leetQ na"y flotT flot de rzboi
Merc0ant marine marina comercial
Aa"alQ na"al officer navalT ofier naval
MateQ fir!t mate ofierT ofier secund
Brea.*ater/ dig
<anding !tageQ *0arf debarcader
&oc.Q doc.erQ floating a / docT doc*erT doc plutitor
@ort aut0oritie! autoriti portuare
S0i#*rec.Q *rec.Q !0i#*rec.ed naufragiuT epavT naufragiat
S%9%S% (!a"e our !oul!) S.+.S. Osalvai sufletele noastreP
Beacon!Q flag !ignal! semnaleT semnale cu drapele
AntennaQ antenna of radio beacon! antenT j pentru semnale radio
@ilot pilot
Ve!!el vas, vapor
Steamer vapor
S0i# nav
&e#t0 of t0e !ea ad6ncimea mrii
(oa!t coast
Gulf, bay golf
7!landQ #enin!ula insulT peninsul
Sea!ca#e peisa# marin
<and pm6nt
Strait! str6mtoare
(0annelQ canal canalT canal artificial
@ierQ 2uay c*ei
Buoy! geamanduri
<ig0t0ou!e far
SeaQ oceanQ la.eQ ri"erQ broo., ri"ulet, !treamQ !#ring mareT
oceanT lacT r6uT p6r6uT izvor
;arbourQ !ea#ort portT port maritim
;ydro8electric #o*er !tation / *idrocentral
S0i#yard antier naval
'o !teer a c6rmi
'o go on a crui!e a pleca 'ntr/o croazier
'o land a debarca
'o *eat0er a !torm a 'nfrunta o furtun
'o loadQ to unload a 'ncrcaT a descrca
'o !ail forQ to*ard! a naviga spre, 'nspre
'o rai!e t0e gang*ay a ridica pasarelaT scara
'o !in. a se scufunda
Air#ortQ a"iationQ air force aeroportT aviaieT aviaie militar
Airfield teren de aterizare, aerodrom
Ground pm6nt, teren, sol, pm6nt solid Osub picioareP
'erminal terminus, cap de linie
@laneQ !couting a Q ambulance a avionT j de recunoatereT j sanitar
AircraftQ air liner aparat de zbor, nav OaerianP, avionT avion mare
UetQ !u#er!onic #a!!enger #lane avion cu reacieT avion supersonic
Balloon balon
Air!0ed, 0angar *angar
;elico#terQ 0eli#ort elicopterT aeroport pentru elicoptere
Sea#lane *idroavion
A"iation engineer inginer de aviaie
Aircraft mec0anic mecanic de bord
S#ace boatQ !#ace !0i# nav spaial
@arac0ute paraut
Ground !taff personal terestru
&i"e, no!e8di"e pica#
Automatic #ilot pilot automat
GliderQ gliding planorT planorism
Roc.etQ !#ace rac*etT rac*et cosmic
Radar e2ui#ment ec*ipament radar
=irele!! o#erator radio/telegrafist
Ad+u!tableQ recicling c0air scaun rabatabilT 'nclinat
Undercarriage tren de aterizare
GoodQ #oor "i!ibility vizibilitate bunT redus
?ig0ter #laneQ bomber avion de v6ntoareTavion de bombardament
Seat8belt curea de siguran
(oc.#it carling
?u!elage fusela#
@ro#eller, air!cre* elice
=ing arip
Aerial anten
(ontrol to*er turnul de control
(abinQ com#artment cabinT compartiment pentru pasageri
Sound#roof cabin cabin izolat fonic
<aggageQ baggage 0old cabinT cal pentru baga#e
Blind landing aterizare fr vizibilitate
'o ma.e a forced landing a face o aterizare forat
'o 0i+ac. a deturna, a rpi un avion
'o fly o"er a zbura peste, deasupra
'o refuel a se alimenta
(ommander comandant de aeronav
(re* ec*ipa#
7ntercom sistem de comunicare intern a avionului
?lig0tQ motorle!! aQ blind a zborT j fr motorT j fr vizibilitate
?lig0t numberQ j cou#on numrul zboruluiT talon de zbor
Return re!er"ation rezervare dus 'ntors
?ree baggage allo*ance cantitatea de baga#e permis Opentru care
nu se plteteP
:4ce!! baggage c0arge! tax pentru greutate suplimentar
(0ec.8in time timpul de sosire Ola aeroportP
Sc0edule orar
(afeteria bufet cu autoservire
(urrency e4c0ange sc*imb valutar
(ar80ire 'nc*iriere de maini
@ublic addre!! !y!tem sistem de anunareTinformare a pasagerilor
O'n aeroportP
Baggage reclaim unit locul de colectare a baga#elor care vin de la
(u!tom! formalitie! formaliti vamale
(u!tom! clearence area zona de control vamal
Random c0ec.! verificri prin sonda#
(itizen cetean
@er!onal belonging! lucruri personale
Tue!tionnaire c*estionar
'o fill in a 2ue!tionnaire a completa un c*estionar
Read t0i! li!t t0roug0% 7t mention! t0e article! liable of duty, duty8
free and #ro0ibited citii lista aceasta. (ici sunt trecute articolele
impozabile, scutite de vam i cele interzise
'0e e4ten!ion of your !tay #ermit *a! granted on condition t0at
G / v/a fost aprobat prelungirea permisului de edere cu condiia ca..
@articular! detalii
&ocument!, #a#er! documente, *6rtii
?ragile fragil
:4#ortQ im#ort licence permis, licen de exportT import
(u!tom! regulation! regulament vamal
StrangerQ foreigner strin de locT de ar
(u!tom! dutie! taxe vamale
'o be t0roug0 *it0 t0e cu!tom! a termina cu formalitile vamale
Re!triction! restricii
'ouri!t "i!a viz turistic
'o #roduce t0e #a!!#ort a prezenta paaportul
@a!!enger pasager
(ommuter navetist
Station8ma!ter ef de gar
Guard ef de tren
'ic.et8collector controlor de bilete
'ic.et8in!#ector inspector de tren
@orter *amal
Ae*!#a#er boy v6nztor de ziare
(ler. funcionar
@ilot pilot
Air 0o!te!!Q !te*arde!! stevardes
(ram#ed T cro*ded aglomerat
(omfortable confortabil, comod
(0ea# ieftin
:4#en!i"e scump
&angerou! periculos
?a!t iute, rapid, repede
'o tra"el by land pe uscat
by car cu maina
by train T by rail a c$l$t#!i cu trenul
by air T by #lane cu avionul
by !ea cu vaporul T pe mare
'o go on a tri#, +ourney a pleca 'ntr/o excursie, cltorie
'o ta.eQ ma.e a tri# a face o excursie
'o !et out on foot a pleca pe #os
'o go abroad a pleca 'n strintate
'o boo. (!) T to re!er"e a rezerva bilete
'o 2ueue u# a sta la coad
'o arri"e a sosi
'o de#art a pleca
'o !ee (!omebody) off a conduce pe cineva la gar, aeroport, etc.
'o brea. oneH! +ourney a/i 'ntrerupe cltoria
'o de#o!it luggage a depune Obaga#eleP
'o in!ure t0e luggageQ baggage a asigura baga#ele
'o get onQ off t0e train a se urca 'n trenT a cobor' din tren
'o get into t0e com#artment a intra 'n compartiment
'o !0o* oneH! a prezenta biletul la control
'o !end !omeone to fetc0 t0e baggage a trimite pe cineva s ridice
'o c0ec. a controla, a verifica
'o *eig0 a c6ntri
'o declare a declara
'o in!#ect a controla, a inspecta
'o confirm a confirma
'o reconfirm a reconfirma
'o cancel a anula
'o #o!t#oneQ #ut off a am6na
'o announce a anuna
'o get information a se informa, a obine informaii
'o ta.e off a decola
'o land a ateriza
'o fa!ten a fixa, a lega
'o o#erate on !c0edule a merge conform orarului
'o *ander around a *oinri, a merge fr un scop precis
'o come into o#eration a intra 'n vigoare
'o *al. about to*n a merge, a se plimba prin ora
'o #ac. a 'mpac*eta
'o tra"el lig0t a cltori cu baga# puin
'o be air8!ic. a avea ru de avion
'o be car8!ic. a avea ru de main
'o be !ea8!ic. a avea ru de mare
'0e train i! in trenul a sosit
'0e train i! off trenul a plecat
PouHll 0a"e to 0urry u# va trebui s v grbii
'0e train i! due out in ten minute! trenul trebuie s plece peste
zece minute.
=ill you c0ange !eat! *it0 me^ vrei s sc*imbai locul cu mineS
7 am !orry, did 7 tread on your foot^ scuzai/m, v/am clcat pe
'0e train #ull! out !lo*ly trenul se pune 'n micare 'ncet
&onHt lean out of t0e *indo*, itH! dangerou! nu te apleca peste
fereastr, este periculos
&o you mind if 7 o#en t0e *indo*^ v supr dac desc*id
7tH! rat0er !tuffy 0otQ cold 0ere aerul este cam 'mb6csit Oeste caldT
frig aiciP
7tH! a bit draug0ty trage puin. Este curent.
S0all 7 #ull u#Q do*n t0e *indo*^ s ridicT cobor fereastraS
S0all 7 turn onQ off t0e 0eating^ s desc*idT s 'nc*id 'nclzireaS
=0at time do *e arri"e inQ at ^ la ce or sosim 'nT laS
;urry u# and get 0old of t*o !eat! one facing t0e engineQ one
bac. to t0e engine grbete/te i ocup dou locuri, unul cu faa
spre locomotiv, unul cu spatele la locomotiv
9ur com#any run! 0ome and international route!% societatea
noastr deservete linii interne i internaionale
=ould you li.e to 0a"e any of your luggage regi!tered^ dorii s
predai vreunul din baga#ele %vs. la vagonul de baga#e^
=ill you lend me a 0and to #ut t0i! bo4 on t0e rac.^ m a#utai
s pun cutia aceasta 'n plasS
=ill you .ee# an eye on my luggag *0ile 7 try toG^ vrei s
supraveg*eai baga#ele mele 'n timp ce X.S
&id you 0it any!^ ai 'nt6lnit vreun gol de aerS
'0e #a!!enger! begin to alig0t pasagerii 'ncep s coboare
'0e #lane *a! delayed on account of a 0ea"y !torm avionul a fost
'nt6rziat din cauza unei furtuni puternice
'0e *0ole "ie* i! blotted out 'ntreaga privelite este estompat
=ill you !0o* me to t0e !eat^ vrei s/mi artai care este locul
'0e #ilot !teer! ea!t*ard to*ard!G / pilotul vireaz spre est
'0e #lane begin! to ta4i along t0e run *ayQ to #ic. u# !#eedQ to
climb 2uic.lyQ to gain 0eig0t avionul 'ncepe s ruleze pe pista de
decolareT s prind vitezT s urce repedeT s ia 'nlime
=ill you tell me, #lea!e, t0e name of G^ vrei s/mi spunei
numeleX, v rogS
(an 7 boo. t*o! on t0e #lane bound for Berlin "ia @rague^
pot reine dou bilete la avionul pentru 1erlin via PragaS
7! t0e !0i# bound to Mar!eille!^ vaporul are ca destinaie
7! t0e !0i# !ure to call at Aa#le! on 0erQ t0e *ay to <ondon^
vaporul face sigur escal la >eapole 'n drum spre 0ondraS
=0en doe! t0e Man0attan *eig0 anc0or^ c6nd ridic ancora
vaporul an*attanS
;o* long doe! t0e #a!!age ta.e^ c6t dureaz cltoriaS
=0en can 7 embar. forG^ c6nd pot s m 'mbarc pentruXS
Are *e allo*ed to go a!0ore^ putem s cobor6m pe uscatS
=0at 2uay doe! t0e boat lie^ la ce c*ei este acostat vasulS
7 0a"e !ecured a fir!t8cla!! cabin on board t0e IStarJ am reinut
o cabin de clasa $ la bordul vasului VStarW
=0ere 0a! t0e !0i# been doc.ed^ unde se afl vaporulS
&onHt lean again!t t0e railing nu te rezema de balustrad
'0e !0i# i! #itc0ing 0ea"ily vaporul tang*eaz puternic
Ao* t0e !tern di#!, no* t0e bo* di#! ba se afund pupa, ba se
afund prora
'0i! !0i# !ail! into t0e 0rabourQ dro#! anc0orQ #ic.! u# and dro#!
#a!!enger!, cargoe! and mail vaporul intr 'n portT arunc ancoraT
ia i las pasageri, 'ncrcturiT mrfuri i pota
:4cu!e me, i! t0i! t0e *ay toG^ scuzai/m, acesta este drumul
=ill you .indly !0o* me t0e *ay to Victoria Station^ suntei
amabil s/mi artai drumul spre gara !ictoriaS
(an you tell meG^ putei s/mi spuneiXS
?ollo* t0i! !treet to t0e end mergei pe strada asta p6n la capt
Go !traig0t on mergei drept 'nainte
Pou are going on t0e rig0tQ *rong *ay mergei 'n direcia bunT
;o* long *ill it ta.e me to get toG^ c6t timp 'mi ia s a#ung laXS
7! it a long *ay toQ far^ este departe p6nXS
&oe! t0i! bu! go toG^ autobuzul merge spreXS
7n!ert a #enny into t0e #ay8bo4 introducei un penn- 'n caseta de
'ear off a detaai un bilet
'0ere i! a "acant !eat at t0e front este un loc liber 'n fa
Bag t*o !eat!, *ill you^ ocup dou locuri, te rog
Mo"e u# to t0e front, #lea!e avansai, v rog
&ri"e me to t0e A!toria 0otel du/m la *otelul (storia
&ro# me at t0e corner of t0e !treet las/m la colul strzii
=0atH! t0e fare care este taxaS
<etH! call a ta4i s c*emm un taxi
<9A&9A A7R@9R'
V 1ritis* (ir?a-s brings -ou to ,eat*ro?, 0ondonAs main airport.
,eat*ro? 'andles more inte!nati#nal flig'ts t*an an- ot*er airport in
t*e ?orld, so t*at its passenger arrangements *ave to be good.
De!minal 3, ?*ere intercontinental travellers a!!i%e and depa!t, *as
been muc* enlarged to meet t*e (ig".et era, inaugurated b- t*e 1oeing
%o?n a flig*t of stairs marBed b- -our flig't num(e! is -our (aggage
!eclaim unit. T*e cust#ms clea!ance a!ea is close at *and, and -ou
must decide on t*e red or green c*annel. Ied means -ou *ave
somet*ing to decla!e, and -our baggage ?ill be inspected. 4reen
means not*ing to declare, and t*e cust#ms men maBe onl- !and#m
Gou ?ill probabl- be able to manage -our luggage -ourself, ?it* t*e
*elp of a t!#lle&. Porters are recognizable b- t*eir blue uniforms ?it*
red lapels. +nce troug* customs -ou are in t*e a!!i%al 'all ?it* bar,
cafeteria, toilets, and cu!!enc& exc'ange facilities and t*e desBs of
t?o ca!"'i!e fi!ms. T*e ans?er to ever- problem is to be found at t*e
Inf#!mati#n *esks of 1ritis* (ir?a-s and t*e (irport (ut*orit-.
$f -ou ?ant to announce -our arrival to friends ?*o *ave missed -ou
for some reason, t*e pu(lic add!ess s&stem is at -our disposal.
V9(ABU<ARP @RA('7(:
?ill in t0e blan. !#ace! *it0 t0e *ord! gi"en belo*:
2. @*en arriving at t*e airport, passengers usuall- taBe a trolle- to
carr- t*eir luggage to t*e XX.. to *ave t*eir bags ?eig*ed and taBen
to t*e plane. 5. (t t*e c*ecB/in desB passengers receive a XX ?*ic*
allo?s t*em to get on t*e plane. ). Ever- passenger s*o?s *is passport
for XX.. before going t*roug* Securit- "*ecB. =. (ll passengers
*ave to go t*roug* XX. ?*ere t*e *and luggage is also c*ecBed. E.
Passengers ?ait in t*e XX. for t*eir flig*t to be announced. :. @*ile
?aiting in t*e departure lounge passengers can visit t*e XX. ?*ere
t*e- can bu- goods at c*eaper price. 8. @*en t*e- *ear t*e
announcement for t*eir flig*t, passengers proceed to t*e X.. to board
t*e plane. 7. Gou *ave to follo? t*e X.. sign if -ou are ending -our
#ourne- to 0ondon or transferring to anot*er flig*t ?it*in <C. 3. Gou
must *ave -our passport and an- necessar- visa read- for control
?*en -ou XX. 2H. 4o do?n/stairs to t*e XX to collect -our
baggage; free trolle-s are available for -our bags. 22. "lear "ustoms
b- taBing t*e Ied "*annel if -ou *ave XX and t*e 4reen "*annel if
-ou *ave XX. 25. Gou ?ill t*en be in t*e XX. for transport into
0ondon or transfer to ot*er flig*ts. 2). @*en ?aiting for a flig*t -ou
can parB -our car in t*e XX 2=. +utside t*e airport, t*ere are cabs
and -ou can taBe one if -ou ?ant to go to a *otel. Sa- to t*e driverK
X.. 2E. (t t*e *otel, first -ou ?ant toXX 2:. Gou ma- asB for a X..
if -ou are alone or a X.. if -ou are accompanied. 28. $f -ou ?ant to be
sure t*at -ou ?ill *ave a room on a certain da- in a *otel -ou *ave to
X.. before or maBe XX 27. @*en -ou got into -our room ma-be
t*ere are some t*ings out of order and -ou ?ant to X.. 23. 1ecause
-ou *ave a ver- important appointment in t*e morning, -ou ?ant X..
5H. Gou dial for t*e X.. if -ou ?ant to XX
ca! pa!k, t'ings t# decla!e, c'eck"in, an ea!l& m#!ning call, dut&"
f!ee s'#p, a!!i%al 'all, secu!it& c'eck, d#u(le !##m, passp#!t
c#nt!#l, gate, a!!i%al, #pe!at#!, a !ese!%ati#n, c#uld &#u take me t#
t'e :st#!ia '#tel8, (##k it, (aggage !eclaim, depa!tu!e l#unge,
(#a!ding pass, single !##m, n#t'ing t# decla!e, make a c#mplain,
make a call, <'eck"in desk, g# t'!#ug' <ust#ms.
7A?9 B9X
,eat*ro?, 0ondonAs main airport, *andles more international flig*ts
t*an an- ot*er airport in t*e ?orld. Ever- =E seconds a plane taBes off
or lands *ere and all t*e four terminals are extremel- bus-. (not*er
airport, Stansted ?as built in t*e 237HAs to relieve t*e congestion of
,eat*ro?. T*e airport at 4at?icB also *andles man- international
7A?9 B9X
T*e first underground rail?a- in t*e ?orld ?as 0ondonAs
etropolitan line, built in 27:). 0ondoners call t*eir underground t'e
tu(e. T*ere are 58) different stations no? and t*e deepest station is
,empstead, E7 metres belo? t*e ground.
A' ';: RA7<=AP S'A'79A
,ere ?e are at t*e rail?a- station. +ur friends are going a?a- for
t*eir *olida-s. T*e- *ave (##ked t'ei! tickets in ad%ance, so t*ere is
no need for t*em t# @ueue up at t'e (##king #ffice no?.
(s it is rat*er earl-, and t*eir train *as not arrived -et, t*e- *ave to
?ait in t*e waiting !##m. >ext door to t*e ?aiting room is t*e
!ef!es'ment !##m; and t*ere are ot*er notices over t*e entrances to
offices and roomK stati#n maste!+s #ffice, in@ui!& #ffice, left"luggage
and pa!cels #ffice.
T*e p#!te!s are bus- carr-ing t*e luggage to t*e train or pus*ing it on
t*eir t!#lle&s.
(ll Bind of trains are passing t*roug* t*e stationK passenge! t!ains
express, fast or slo? g##ds t!ains, l#cal and l#ng distance t!ains.
(fter a ?*ile, t*e pu(lic add!ess s&stem announces t*at our friendsA
train is in. T*e- pass t*roug* onto t*e platf#!ms and t*e ticket"
c#llect#! examines t*eir ticBets. O$n 1ritis* rail?a- stations, t*ere is a
gate at t*e end of eac* platforms. T*e ticBet/collector stands at t*e
gate and c*ecBs t*e travellersA ticBets.P
$mmediatel- be*ind t*e engine are t*e f!#nt luggage %an and t*e
gua!d+s %an, follo?ed b- passengers* carriages of t*e first and second
class, ?it* sm#king and n#n"sm#king c#mpa!tments.
T*e train also *as dining ca! and a sleepe! ?it* upper and lo?er
(e!t's. (s t*e- ?alB along t*e platform, t*e- pass t*e (##kstall ?*ere
people are bu-ing ne?spapers and magazines to read during t*e
&inall-, t*e- find t*eir compartment a second/class non/smoBer.
T*e- put t*eir bags on t*e luggage !ack and open t*e ?indo?.
T*e large *and of t*e station clocB points to )H minutes. T*e gua!d
?aves *is flag and blo?s *is ?*istle. D'e t!ain is #ff. T*e travellers
?ave good/b-e to t*e people ?*o *ave come t# see t'em #ff.
T*e train moves slo?l- out of t*e station.
7A?9 B9X
'0e Union Uac. is t*e name of t*e 1ritis* flag. $t consists of t*ree
crossesK of England, Scotland and $reland. T*e +ac. used to be t*e
name of t*e flag, ?*ic* *ung from t*e bacB of a s*ip.
Uncle Sam is t*e nicBname for federal government or t*e t-pical
citizen of t*e <S(. $t arose in t*e neig*bour*ood of >e? GorB about
2725, as a colloZuial ?a- of reading t*e initials <S, freZuentl- used
on government supplies to t*e arm-.
BR7'7S; A7R=APS 7A':R(9A'7A:A'A< '7M:'AB<:
@a!!enger 7nformation
(irlines maBe ever- effort to provide seats for ?*ic* reservations
*ave been made. >evert*eless, no absolute guarantee of seat
availabilit- is denoted b- t*e expression [reservationsA and [booBingsA
and t*e timing attac*ed to t*em.
Pour fare include!
+n 1ritis* (ir?a-s services -our fare includes all meals and gratuities
in flig*t and on t*e ground from t*e departure of t*e aircraft until
arrival at t*e airport of destination s*o?n on t*e flig*t coupon of -our
$n most cases, -ou ma- breaB -our #ourne- at one or more places on
route, and retain t*e benefit of t*e t*roug* fare, provided notice is
given at t*e time of reservation. ,otel expenses at eac* stopover ?ill
be -our responsibilit-.
TicBets issued at normal one ?a-, round or circle trip fares are valid
for one -ear.
Reduced fare!
4roup travel offers big reductions for members of an organization
travelling toget*er. &ull details on reZuest.
;ealt0 regulation!
!alid certificates of inoculation andTor vaccination, issued on a special
international form, are definitel- reZuired b- most countries.
@ortable electronic e2ui#ment
Please do not s?itc* on portable radio receivers, transmitters or
television sets ?*ilst on board as t*e- can cause serious interference
?it* t*e aircraft radio navigation eZuipment. Portable recorders,
*earing aids and *eart pacemaBers ma- be used on board.
@*ile ever- effort is made to ensure t*e punctualit- of our services,
1ritis* (ir?a-s cannot accept responsibilit- for t*e dela- or
suspension of a service, nor guarantee t*at connections ?ill be made
?it* ot*er services.
Baggage free allo*ance
+n &irst "lass services t*e free baggage allo?ance is )H Bilos. +n
Econom- "lass services it is 5H Bilos.
:4ce!! c0arge!
1aggage in excess of t*e free allo?ance is normall- c*arged at 2k of
t*e &irst "lass single fare per Bilo.
Pour de#arture
T*e departure time s*o?n in t*is timetable and on -our ticBet/coupon
is t*e sc*eduled taBe/off time. T*e c*ecB/in time at t*e airport or to?n
terminal s*o?n on -our ticBet/cover allo?s minimum time to
complete all t*e formalities. $n -our o?n interest -ou s*ould plan to
arrive at t*e to?n terminal or airport in good time as t*is ?ill *elp to
ensure t*at -our aircraft operates on sc*edule.
Reconfirmation B cancellation!
$f -ou *old a return reservation, it is necessar- to reconfirm -our
intention to travel ?it* t*e local Ieservations +ffice of t*e "arrier at
least 85 *ours before departure.
'ra"el ad"ice
PacB all -ou need during t*e flig*t in a small cabin bag. (ll ot*er
articles s*ould be pacBed in registered baggage. "arr- -our passport
and *ealt* certificates ?it* -ou. %o not pacB t*em. "arr- an-
valuables, suc* as #e?eller-, personall-. &or furt*er details please see
our booBlet [1efore -ou taBe offW.
CC1II. ;9<7&APS% S'AP7AG 7A A ;9':<
Ba!ic Vocabulary
;oliday concediu, vacan, zi de odi*n
@ac.age 0oliday T all in #rice 0oliday excursie 'n grup organizat,
cu traseu fix, pltit dinainte
S#orting 0oliday excursie cu profil sportiv
Study tour excursie de studii
:4cur!ion excursie
9ff !ea!on sezon mort
@ea. mont0 lun de v6rf
?ortnig0t dou sptm6ni
?i!0ing pescuit
Bat0ing baie, scldat
Sunbat0ing pla#
(limbing mers pe munte, alpinism
(am#ing out 2. drumeie, excursie; 5. "amping
Sand nisip
Sand! T beac0 pla#
Sandca!tle castel de nisip
'ide flux i reflux
Sea*eed alg de mare
S0ell scoic
Roc.8#ool oc*i linitit de ap Oprintre st6nciP
;oliday cam# tabr de vacan
'raining cam# cantonament
Re!t 0ome cas de odi*n
;oliday "illage sat de vacan
;oliday to*n ora de vacan
Re!ort staiune
Sea!ide re!ortQ *inter re!ort staiune pe litoralT staiune de iarn
;ealt0 re!ort staiune de odi*n T balneoclimateric
S#a staiune balneo/climateric Ocu ape mineraleP
;otel *otel
Motel motel
;o!tel 2. "min de studeni; 5. "aban, *otel turistic
Boarding 0ou!e pensiune
Gue!t80ou!e cas de oaspei
7nnQ *anT *angiu
(0aletQ 0ut caban
(ara"an T trailer rulot
'railer cam# camping de rulote
Summer cam# tabr de var
(am#ing !ite loc de tabr, camping
'ent cort
'ent8trailer rulot pentru cort
Slee#ing bag sac de dormit
?olding bed pat pliant
?old8u# table mas pliant
?old8u# c0air scaun pliant
?ir!t8aid .it trus de prim a#utor
Sun8tan lotion loiune pentru bronzarea pielii
S0ort! ort vintiac, #ac*et contra v6ntului
Accomodation cazare
Single room camer cu un pat
&ouble room camer cu dou paturi
Suite apartament
(on"enience! confort
?acilitie! condiii; dotri; posibiliti
<aundry !er"ice spltorie
Air8conditioning instalaie de aer condiionat
'V lounge *ol pentru televizor
Bar bar
Aig0t club bar de noapte
&i!co discotec
<obby *ol de *otel
?ire e4it ieire 'n caz de incendiu
Bac. !tair! scar de serviciu
Garage gara# room fumoar
Rece#tion de!. recepie
;otel office direcia *otelului
Ser"ice bureau biroul servicii
(old and 0ot running *ater ap rece i cald
Bed clot0e!, bedding aternut de pat
Radiator calorifer
Bed !0eet cearaf
S*itc0, !*itc0er comutator
Bed !#read, co"erlet cuvertur de pat
@illo* ca!e, !li# fa de pern
=a!0ing li!t list de rufe pentru splat ptur
(urtain perdea, draperie
@illo*, cu!0ion pern, pern de dormit
Tuilt, counter#ane plapum
@laid pled
'a# robinet
Mattre!!Q !#ring mattre!! salteaT somier
(oat 0anger umera pentru *aine
(andle!tic. / sfenic
Arri"al card fi, formular de sosire
Surname nume de familie
?ir!t name prenume
Aationality naionalitate
&ate and #lace of birt0 data i locul naterii
@ermanent addre!! domiciliu stabil
@ur#o!e of "i!it scopul vizitei, cltoriei
@a!!#ort paaport
7dentity card legitimaie, buletin de identitate
Signature semntur
Rece#tion cler. T rece#tioni!t recepioner
&oorman portar, uier
Bell8boy biat de serviciu
Ste*ard osptar, stevard
;all #orter portar de *otel
<ift8boy liftier
S0oeblac. T bootboy lustragiu
(0amber8maid camerist
Rent c*irie
'rem! condiii
<andlordQ landlady gazd
;o!tQ 0o!te!! gazd, amfitrion
<odger, tenantQ co8tenant locatarT colocatar
Board and lodging mas i cas
Boarder persoana care st 'n pensiune
'0e o*ner of a 0ou!e proprietarul unei case
'o !0are t0e room *it0 a 'mpri casa cu
S0rine racl, morm6nt Omai ales sf6ntP
'omb morm6nt
Memorial monument comemorativ
(roft ferm mic
Scenery peisa#
;eig0t 'nlime
(leanline!! curenie
?riendline!! amabilitate, bunvoin
:ntertainment amuzament, distracie
Sig0t loc, monument, privelite demn de vzut
Sig0t!eeing tur al oraului, excursie
<andmar. punct de reper, loc important
@lace of intere! obiectiv turistic
@ri"ate Od. baie, etcP separat
Tuiet linitit
A"ailable disponibil, liber; la dispoziie
Rela4ed relaxat
Boring plicitisitor
Aagging ciclitor
:nergetic plin de energie, activ
Poung t6nr
Middle8aged de v6rst mi#locie
9ld 'n v6rst, btr6n
;el#ful 'ndatoritor
'o !ign in a se 'nregistra Ola venireP
'o !ign out a se 'nregistra Ola plecareP
'o regi!ter a se 'nregistra, a 'nscrie un nume 'n registru
'o fill in a completa
'o in2uire a se informa, a se interesa
'o "acate a se elibera, a goli
'o c0arge a taxa, a pune la socoteal
'o di!turb a deran#a
'o o"erloo. T to loo. out on a da spre, a avea vedere la
'o crui!e a face o croazier
'o !#la!0 a 'mproca, a stropi
'o !troll a se plimba
'o #lan oneH! 0oliday a face planuri de vacan, concediu
'o 0a"e a !ucce!!ful 0oliday a avea un concediu, o vacan reuit
'o get a*ay a pleca din ora
'o go on 0oliday a pleca, merge 'n vacan, concediu
'o lay out a cam# a aeza o tabr
'o #ut at a 0otelQ an inn a se stabili la un *otelT la un *an
'o go to t0e mountain! a merge la munte
'o go to t0e !ea!ide a merge la mare
'o air t0e room a aerisi camera
'o tidy u# t0e room a face ordine 'n camer
'o loc.Q unloc. t0e door a 'ncuiaT a descuia ua
'o #ut u# for t0e nig0t a 'nnopta undeva
'o rai!eQ lo*er t0e blind! a ridicaT a cobor' #aluzelele
'o lig0tQ #ut out t0e fire a aprindeT a stinge focul
'0e modern lo"e of mo"ing around pasiunea pentru micare a
epocii moderne
'0e ea!e of tra"el uurina de a cltori
'0e need for 2uiet and fre!0 air nevoia de linite i aer curat
'0e lo"e of !olitude dorina de singurtate
Bed and brea.fa!t cazare i mic de#un inclus
?ull board pensiune complet
(an 7 0el# you^ cu ce pot s v fiu de folosS
=ill you !ign t0e regi!ter #lea!e^ semnai 'n registru, v rog
7Hd li.e a room a dori o camer
Mind t0e !te# avei gri# la scar
<ead t0e *ay, #lea!e luai/o 'nainte, v rog
=e are 2uite full at t0e #re!ent nu mai avem nici o camer liber
7Hd li.e to be called in t0e morning at M oHcloc. a dori s m
sculai la ora 8 dimineaa
'a.e your #ic. alegei ce v place
=0at *ill be t0e c0arge #er day^ la c6t revine pe ziS
;o* long *ill you be !taying^ c6t timp intenionai s rm6neiS
=ould you care to !ee t0e room^ dorii s vedei cameraS
Are t0ere any e4tra!^ exist vreo tax suplimentarS
Ste# in, #lea!e% =eHll *al. u#!tair!% Pour room i! on t0e fir!t floor%
intrai, v rog. !om urca pe scri. "amera %vs. este la eta#ul $.
7Hll !0o* you u# to your room% v conduc la camera %vs%
=ill come t0i! *ay, #lea!e^ pe aici, v rog
=0ere doe! t0i! room loo. to^ unde d camera astaS
S0o* me a room facing t0e !treetQ o" t0e #ar. o##o!ite
artai/mi o camer la stradT cu vedere spre parB
=0at *ill it come to all in all^ la c6t se ridic cu totulS
=ould you fill in t0i! formQ cardQ your #articular!^ vrei s
completai acest formularT datele personaleS
(an 7 0a"e my dre!!Q !uit bru!0ed and #re!!ed^ imi putei peria
i clca roc*ia i costumulS
(an 7 0a"e my !0oe! cleaned and #oli!0ed^ 'mi putei cura i
lustrui pantofiiS
(an 7 0a"e my linen *a!0ed and ironed^ 'mi putei spla i cura
=ill you bringQ fetc0 me a ca.e of !oa#^ 'mi aducei, v rog, o
bucat de spunS
'ell me, #lea!e, *0ere i! t0e menH!Q ladie!H room^ putei s/mi
spunei unde este toaleta pentru brbaiT femeiS
7 *ould li.e to .no* if 7 can ma.e a long di!tance call from 0ere^
a vrea s tiu dac pot obine de aici o convorbire internaional.
7 *ould li.e to .no* if 7 can 0a"e my brea.fa!t broug0t u# to my
room a vrea s tiu dac mi se poate aduce micul de#un 'n camer
'0i! door o#en! out on t0e balcony ua asta d pe balcon
Are lig0t, 0eating and !er"ice included^ lumina, 'nclzitul i
serviciul sunt incluse 'n preS
=e 0a"e !#ecial mont0ly rate! avem tarife lunare avanta#oase
;ere i! t0e recei#t avei aici recipisa
Pour luggage *ill be !ent for vom trimite dup baga#ele %vs.
Ma.e your!elf at 0omeQ comfortable facei/v comod
(an 7 mo"e in today^ pot sa m mut astziS
=ill you get a ta4i for me^ vrei s c*emai un taxiS
7Hm e4#ecting a "i!itorG atept un vizitatorX
7Hm *aiting for a tele#0one call atept un telefon
7f anyone call! *0ile 7 am outQ a*ay you may !ay 7Hll be bac. in an
0our dac vine cineva c6t sunt plecat putei spune c m 'ntorc 'ntr/
o or
&id anybody in2uire after me^ a 'ntrebat cineva de mineS
S0all 7 #a!! 0im on t0e #0one or !0o* 0im u# to your room^ s
vi/l dau la telefon sau s/l conduc la camera %vs.S
7 e4#ect to lea"e t0e day after tomorro* cred c plec poim6ine
=ill you, #lea!e, for*ard all my mail to t0i! addre!!^ vrei s
expediai toat corespondena mea la adresa aceastaS
Ma.e out t0e bill, #lea!e v rog s/mi facei nota
7Hd li.e to !ettle it no* a dori s pltesc acum
PouH"e c0arged too muc0 ai 'ncrcat nota
7Hd li.e to !ee t0e manager a vrea s vorbesc cu directorul
<et !omeone carry do*n my luggage cineva s/mi coboare
(an anyone *a.e me u# at !i4 oHcloc. in t0e morning^ poate
cineva s m trezeasc la ase dimineaaS
;9= '9 (;99S: A ;9<7&AP
@*en applied to *olida-s t*e expressions #ac.age and all8in8#rice
mean t*at t*e individual costs of accommodation, tran!#ort and
per*aps e4cur!ion! or ot*er activities *ave been carefull- planned and
#oined toget*er so t*at t*e- ma- be convenientl- boug*t as a complete
>ot onl- does t*is save t*e trouble of inZuiring about eac* item and
booBing separatel-, but t*e cost is often appreciabl- less t*an bu-ing
t*e same services bit b- bit. (n extra advantage ?it* pacBage
arrangements is t*at t*e cost is often reduced for *olida-s outside t*e
peaB summer mont*s.
T*ere are man- interesting pacBage *olida-s available in England.
T*e- range from special interest stud- tours or sporting *olida-s to a
t*oroug*l- laz- fortnig*t canal cruising t*roug* our restful
T*e popularit- of camping and caravanning *as also gro?n over
recent -ears due to t*e appeal of flexible *olida-, combined ?it* t*e
provision of more and better sites, and a ?ide c*oice of eZuipment.
an- organized camping sites offer suc* facilities as s*ops, s*o?ers
and laundr- rooms, as ?ell as t*e essential services. EZuipment
available ranges from sleeping bags, folding beds, cooBing eZuipment,
fold/up tables and c*airs to tents and tent/trailers.
( caravanning *olida- offers t*e same relaxed atmosp*ere of camping
but t*e comfort of a ?arm caravan ma- induce -ou to tr- t*e off/
season spring and autumn mont*s ?*en t*e roads are not so cro?ded.
AA 7&:A< ;9<7&AP
@*en $ ?as a bo- ever- *olida- t*at $ *ad seemed ideal. - parents
tooB me b- car or b- train to a *otel b- t*e sea. (ll da- $ pla-ed on t*e
sands ?it* ot*er c*ildren. @e made sandcastles ?it* *uge -ello?
?alls, and ?atc*ed t*e incoming tide destro- t*em; ?e pla-ed football
?it* a large rubber ball and ?e splas*ed eac* ot*er in t*e ?ater. @*en
t*e tide ?ent out, ?e climbed over t*e rocBs and stared do?n at t*e
fis* and t*e sea?eed in t*e rocB/pools.
$n t*ose far/off da-s t*e sun seemed to s*ine all da- and t*e ?ater ?as
al?a-s ?arm. Sometimes ?e left t*e beac* and ?alBed in t*e to?n,
exploring ruins and visiting museums. T*ere ?ere al?a-s s?eets in
mot*erAs pocBets or places ?*ere ?e could bu- ice cream. Eac* da-
seemed a lifetime.
(lt*oug* $ am no? an adult, m- idea of a *olida- is muc* t*e same as
it ?as. $ still liBe t*e sun and t*e ?arm sand and $ en#o- splas*ing in
t*e ?ater.
$ no longer ?is* to build sandcastles and $ disliBe s?eets intensel-, but
$ love sunbat*ing and $ looB for?ard to sitting do?n to a good meal
and a bottle of ?ine in t*e evening.
$ still need m- companions not, of course, to pla- on t*e sands and eat
ices ?it*, but to drinB ?it* and talB to on ?arm moonlit nig*ts.
Sometimes $ ?onder ?*at m- ideal *olida- ?ill be ?*en $ am old. (ll
$ s*all ?ant to do t*en, $ expect, ?ill be to lie in bed, reading booBs
about c*ildren ?*o maBe sandcastles ?it* *uge ?alls, ?*o ?atc* t*e
incoming tide, ?*o maBe t*emselves sicB on too man- icesX
GR:A' &APS 7A <9A&9A
$magine -ourself in 0ondon. T*ere are so man- t*ings to do and see
on an- da- in 0ondon and itAs possible t*at -our *otel ma- be rig*t
on t*e doorstep of an *istoric sig*t.
TaBe t*e ne? To?er ,otel, for instance. @*en -ou ?aBe in t*e
morning -our first glimpse t*roug* t*e ?indo? ma- be across t*e
road to t*e To?er of 0ondon, built b- Cing @illiam $ in t*e 22
centur-. +r -ou ma- looB do?n on To?er 1ridge, or on t*e no?/
peaceful basins of t*e once cro?ded and bus- docBs.
'a.e your #ic.
(lmost an-?*ere -ou sta- is a good centre for -our sig*tseeing. $f
-our *otel is rig*t in t*e *eart of t*e @est End, -ou ?onAt be far from
Piccadill- "ircus and t*e familiar island statue of Eros, t*eatreland
and some of t*e most famous s*opping streets in t*e ?orld.
Gou can stroll up Iegent Street to +xford Street; or go do?n
,a-marBet to Trafalgar SZuare ?*ere >elsonAs "olumn is one of
0ondonAs prominent landmarBs @*ite*all and Parliament SZuare to
@estminster (bbe-. (nd t*en -ou can go furt*er east from Trafalgar
SZuare, along T*e Strand and &leet Street to 6t. 9aul+s <at'ed!al.
(at0edral and Abbey
(t St. PaulAs -ou can sit under Sir "*ristop*er @renAs massive 27
centur- dome Obuilt in baroZue st-le, after t*e 4reat &ireP; ?alB up to
t*e famous @*ispering 4aller- or go do?n to t*e cr-pt ?*ere some of
1ritainAs *eroes lie buried, including (dmiral 0ord >elson and t*e
%uBe of @ellington, victors at t*e 1attles of Trafalgar O27HEP and
@aterloo O272EP.
0estminste! :((e& ?as founded b- Cing Ed?ard t*e "onfessor, ?*o
died in 2H:E, and facing *is s*rine -ou can see t*e oaBen "oronation
"*air Omade in 2)HHP ?*ic* *as been used at ever- "oronation since
t*at of Ed?ard $$ in 2)H8. T*ere are also t*e tombs of numerous
Vro-alsW, including cueen Elisabet* $ and ar- cueen of Scots
graves of Bings and Zueens, politicians and c*urc*men and in VPoets
"ornerW -ou can see t*e memorials of man- of 1ritainAs literar-
T*e (bbe-As "*apter ,ouse ?as t*e meeting place of t*e ,ouse of
"ommons for 5HH -ears until 2E=8, ?*en t*e members moved round
t*e corner to t*e site of t*e present ,ouses of Parliament ?*ere V1ig
1enW booms out t*e *ours from t*e clocB to?er.
D'e M!itis' Kuseum s*o?s t*e ?orBs of man from pre*istoric times
to t*e present da-. T*ere are permanent displa-s of antiZuities from
Eg-pt, @estern (sia, 4reece and Iome. $t also includes one of t*e
most famous libraries in t*e ?orlds.
D'e Lati#nal Jalle!&, situated on t*e nort* side of Trafalgar SZuare,
*ouses one of t*e ric*est collection of paintings. ost famous are
Ienaissance and $mpressionist ?orBs
Kadame Dussaud+s ex*ibits ?ax models of famous *istorical
c*aracters, Io-alt- international statesmen, film and sports stars,
artists and entertainers.
Ma!(ican :!ts <ent!e is a good example of modern arc*itecture in
1ritain. T*e complex of glass, concrete ObetonP and steel Oo'elP
buildings includes a concert *all, a t*eatre and art galleries.
9iccadill& <i!cus is one of t*e busiest #unctions in t*e cit- and t*e
*eart of 0ondonAs t*eatreland. T*e fountain ?it* t*e statue of Eros on
top is a favourite meeting place for -oung people. (t nig*t t*e "ircus
becomes a mass of coloured c*anging lig*ts.
D#we! M!idge, opened in 273=, is one of 0ondonAs best landmarBs
?it* its t?o neo/4ot*ic to?ers. T*e t?o 2HHH ton dra?bridges used to
be raised to let big s*ips pass. T*e glass/covered ?alB?a-, 2=5ft
above t*e T*ames, gives a splendid vie? of t*e river.
T*e statue of t*e victorious (dmiral, 0ord >elson, dominates
D!afalga! 6@ua!e, named in commemoration of a great Englis* naval
victor-. People and pigeons gat*er *ere to see and en#o- t*e fountains,
t*e lions and t*e ot*er statues.
Mucking'am 9alace ?as made t*e official residence of t*e Sovereign
b- cueen !ictoria ?*ose memorial is in front of t*e palace. T*e
Io-al 4uards c*ange at 22.)H ever- da- muc* to t*e delig*t of t*e
D'e 2#uses #f 9a!liament, also called t*e Palace of @estminster,
range along t*e T*ames ?it* !ictoria To?er at one end and 1ig 1en,
t*e famous bell in t*e "locB To?er, at t*e ot*er.
14 *#wning 6t!eet *as been t*e *ome of t*e 1ritis* Prime inister
since 28)5. $t is t*e s-mbol of 1ritis* political po?er.
7A?9 B9X
$nside @arliament t*ere are t?o large c*ambers. +ne is Bno?n as t*e
;ou!e of (ommon!, and t*is is for Ps Omembers of ParliamentP
?*o represent t*e people. T*e ot*er c*amber is called t*e ;ou!e of
<ord!. Ever-one ?*o sits in t*is c*amber *as to be a 0ord or 0ad-, or
a 1is*op. >o?ada-s t*e ,ouse of "ommons is more important t*an
t*e ,ouse of 0ords, but bot* *ouses must pass an- ne? la?.
T*e ,ouse of "ommons ?as bombed during t*e @orld @ar $$ but it
?as rebuilt in its original form. T*e seating arrangement is ideal for
debate, t*e ro?s of Vbenc*esW Ocovered ?it* green leat*erP enabling
t*e supporters of t*e Prime inister to face t*e +pposition Ps
directl-. 1et?een t*e t?o sides t*ere is a table and a great t*rone/liBe
c*air, made of darB ?ood, in ?*ic* an P called t*e SpeaBer sits.
T*e ,ouse of 0ords is sumptuousl- decorated, ?it* red leat*er
benc*es. ,ere t*e ?*ole Parliament Sovereign, 0ords and
"ommons assembles for t*e State +pening. T*e ,ouse of 0ords is
presided over b- t*e 0ord "*ancellor ?*o sits on t*e 0##lsack
Opern de ln pe care !ade lordul cancelarP in front of t*e t*rone.
,is unusual seat, placed *ere during t*e reign OdomnieP of Ed?ard $$,
s-mbolizes t*e importance ?ool used to *ave for t*e ?ealt*
ObunstareP of t*e nation.
<9A&9A BP &AP AA& A7G;'
D# get a!#und =#nd#n most visitors c*oose t*e +fficial 0ondon
Transport Sig*tseeing Tour, a 3H/minutes ride on an open bus t*at
provides a good orientation to t*e cit-.
0est ?nd t'eat!es are #ust a fe? minutesA ?alB from Piccadill-
"ircus and so is t*e ?orld famous "ovent 4arden, *ome of t*e
ro-al +pera.
$f -ouAd rat*er explore 0ondon on -our o?n, t*ereAs a wide
netw#!k #f pu(lic t!ansp#!tK double/decBers OdonAt forget to
Zueue, ot*er?ise 0ondoners ?ill be irritatedP, river buses or t*e
underground Oif -ou *ave speed in mindP; t*e blacB/cab taxi
service is also available, but it is rat*er expensive.
+ne can also c*oose from t*e man- attractions offered b- t*e
m#de!n a!ts cent!e built on t*e Sout* 1anB of t*e T*ames, ?*ic*
*ouses t*e >ational T*eatre, t*e Io-al &estival ,all, t*e >ational
film t*eatre, ?it* its t?o cinemas, t*e useum of t*e oving
$mage and t*e exZuisite art galler-.
&or t*ose ?*o are fond of s'#pping, Iegent Street and +xford
Street are t*e ans?er. Gou ma- also ?ant to *ave a looB at
a-fairAs elegant !ictorian arcades Ozone comerciale acoperiteP;
for a c*ange, visit Petticoat 0ane, 0ondonAs most famous outdoor
T*e *ot spots of music and dance are located near 0eicester
SZuare. T*ere are fas*ionable discos and nig*tclubs all round and
large variet- of performances given b- street entertainers till late
at nig*t.
T*e numerous pa!ks offer s*elter from t*e noise of t*e big cit-.
>ot*ing more relaxing t*an a Zuiet stroll and refres*ments in St.
FamesAs ParB, near 1ucBing*am Palace. "*ildren ?ill al?a-s
c*oose IegentAs ParB, ?*ic* *ouses 0ondon Doo or Censington
4ardens, ?*ere t*e- can pla- near Peter PanAs statue.
Elegant but expensive !estau!ants and cafes mix ?it* t*e more
familiar sig*t and accessible prices of t*e t-pical Englis* pub
?*ere people en#o- a c*at ?it* friends or game of billiards over a
pint Omsur de Q.AC l+ halbP of beer.
7A?9 B9X
'0e Peoman =arder! (Beefeater!)
Earl- in t*e *istor- of t*e To?er t*e custod- of t*e gates and t*e
safeBeeping of t*e prisoners ?ere entrusted to a bod- of ?arders
OtemniceriP *eaded b- a porter appointed directl- b- t*e Bing. &rom
t*e reign of ,enr- !$$$ a bod- of t*e BingAs -eomen Orze!iP ?*o
?ere members of t*e ro-al guard and ?ere entitled to ?ear t*e ro-al
liver- Olivrea+ uniformP carried out t*ese duties. >o?ada-s, t*ere are
about =H Geoman @arders, ?*o live ?it*in t*e ?alls of t*e to?er.
T*ese former officers ?it* an *onourable service record of at least 55
-ears are better Bno?n as 1eefeaters. +f all t*e traditions at t*e
To?er, one above all evoBes its essential c*aracter as a ro-al palace
and fortress, namel- t*e nig*tl- "eremon- of t*e Ce-s, ?*en, after
locBing t*e gates, t*e c*ief Geoman @arder presents t*em to t*e
monarc*As representative in t*e to?er, t*e Iesident 4overnor. 1-
tradition t*ere *ave been ravens at t*e To?er from its ver- beginnings,
and t*e legend t*at ?it*out its ravens t*e To?er ?ill fall and t*e
Bingdom ?it* it *ave protected t*eir presence. T*ere are usuall- six
ravens in residence cared for b- one of t*e Geoman @arders, ?it* t*e
title of Iavenmaster.
';: '9=:R 9? <9A&9A
+n "*ristmas %a- 1466 0illiam, *uke #f L#!mand&, ?as
cro?ned Cing of England. ,e ordered at once t*e building of an
eart*/and/timber OlemnP castle ?it*in t*e ancient Ioman "it-
?alls. Den &ea!s late! t*is simple fort ?as turned into a massive
palace"f#!t!ess. ( great stone to?er ?as builtK t'e 0'ite t#we!.
$n 1183, ?*ile Nic'a!d t'e =i#n'ea!t ?as a?a- on crusade
OcruciadP, *is c*ancellor OcancelarP began t*e first expansion
Oe(tindereP of t*e to?erAs defences Osistem de aprareP. Iic*ardAs
brot*er, O#'n, ?*o succeeded *im to t*e t*rone in 1133,
completed it.
Fo*nAs son, 2en!& III, gave *is attention to improving t*e to?er
as a ro-al residence. @it*in t*e space bet?een t*e ?*ite To?er
and t*e river a splendid new palace tooB s*ape to replace t*e
@*ite to?er, former ro-al accommodation Ore!edin'P.
,enr- $$$As son, ?dwa!d I, spent in ten -ears t?ice as muc* on t*e
to?er as *is fat*er *ad done during *is entire reign. ,e made t*e
To?er into one of t'e g!eat castle #f 13
centu!& ?ngland.
@*enever monarc*s ?anted to get rid of possible rivals to t*e
t*rone t*e- sent t*ese to t*e To?er and eventuall- On cele din
urmP put t*em to deat*. Suc* ?as t*e tragic fate of t'e infant
nep'ews #f Nic'a!d III O2=7)/2=7EP.
$t ?as during t*e reign of t*e rut*less OnemilosP 2en!& 1II O2EH3/
2E=8P t*at t*e To?er became Bno?n above all as t'e c'ief p!is#n
#f t'e state.
an- prisoners of *ig* ranB entered t*e to?er, never to leave it
alive. T?o of t*e ?ives of ,enr- !$$$ O:nn M#le&n and
<at'e!ine 2#wa!dP ?ere executed on to?er ,ill and so ?as
D'#mas K#!e ?*o refused to acBno?ledge Oa recunoa!teP ,enr-
!$$$ as ,ead of t*e "*urc* of England.
&ollo?ing t'e Nest#!ati#n #f t'e m#na!c'& in 1664, t*e To?er
under?ent ma#or c*anges. <'a!les II *ad a large permanent
garrison *oused in t*e To?er, ?*ile t*e arsenal ?as expanded.
Soon t*e <!#wn Oewels and t*e *istoric arms and armours ?ere
put on public s*o?.
$n t*e time of Pueen 1ict#!ia t*e To?er began to taBe on t*e
c*aracter of a nati#nal m#nument. 1- 23H2 *alf a million people
visited it eac* -ear. >o?ada-s t*e to?er *as become #ne #f t'e
w#!ld+s g!eat t#u!ist att!acti#ns. $t is guarded b- t*e famous
1eefeaters ?*o also taBe part in t*e man- colourful ceremonies
organized t*ere on various occasions.
CC1III. ?99&% A' ';: R:S'AURAA'
Ba!ic Vocabulary
Brea.fa!t mic de#un, masa de diminea
<unc0 2. Pr6nz, de#un Oatunci c6nd masa principal se servete la
pr6nzP 5. 4ustare Oatunci c6nd masa principal se servete searaP
'ea ceai
&inner 2. "in 5. as principal a zilei Opr6nz sau cinP
Su##er cin, masa de sear Odup cinP
Meal m6ncare, mas
(our!e fel de m6ncare
Main cour!e fel principal de m6ncare
&i!0 2. &el de m6ncare 5. &arfurie mare
Snac. gustare
Re!taurant restaurant
(anteen cantin, bufet
Snac. bar bufet expres
@ub Ofrom public *ouseP restaurant, c6rcium
'able dH0ote Q !et lunc0 meniu fix
A la carte a la carte
?i!0 and c0i# !0o# local unde se servete pete cu cartofi pr#ii
Menu card Q bill of fare list de bucate, meniu
;or! dHoeu"re foK dKvrg gustare 'naintea mesei, aperitiv
Bacon and egg! oc*iuri cu slnin
;am and egg! oc*iuri cu unc
Ra* egg ou crud
Soft ou moi
;ard boiled egg! / ou tari, rscoapte
Scrambled egg! ou #umri
@oac0ed egg! oc*iuri rom6neti
?ried egg! oc*iuri
9melette omlet
Sau!age salam
9li"e mslin
Butter unt
(0ee!e br6nz
@re!!ed c0ee!e cacaval
S*i!! c0ee!e vaier
Pog0ourt iaurt
Uellied meat piftie
Uellied fi!0 pete 'n aspic
@ic.led fi!0 zacusc de pete
Minced8meat ball! c*iftelue
Meat cro2uette! / p6r#oale
Vegetable !alad salat de legume
Mayonnai!e dre!!ing maionez
(a"iare icre negre, caviar
Manc0uria 0ard roe icre de anciuria
@atb de foie gra! pateu din ficat de g6sc
(ana#b p6ine pr#it 'n unt
'oa!t p6ine pr#it
Sou# sup
(0ic.en !ou# sup de pui
(lear c0ic.en !ou# sup limpede
'omato (F alte legume) !ou# sup de roii
Aoodle !ou# sup de tiei
SourQ +ulienne !ou# ciorb
Giblet !ou# ciorb de mruntaie
Sou# *it0 meat ball! ciorb de perioare
(on!ommb consomm^
(ream !ou# crem de legume
Brot0Q gra"y !ou# sup concentrat de carne
Vermicelli !ou# sup de fidea
&um#ling !ou# sup cu glute
Vegetable !ou# sup de legume
Meat carne
Minced meat carne tocat
Beef carne de vit
Veal carne de viel
Mutton carne de oaie
<amb carne de miel
@or. carne de porc
@oultry 2. psri de curte 5. carne de pasre
(0ic.en carne de pui
&uc. carne de ra
Goo!e carne de g6sc
'ur.ey carne de curcan
Vegetable! legume, zarzavaturi Oabrev. !egP
Mi4ed "egetable! g*iveci de legume asortate
(old meat !alad salat boeuf
Boiled cartofi fieri
Roa!t cartofi pr#ii
Ma!0ed #otatoe! cartofi piure
(0i##ed cartofi pai
:gg8#lant Q aubergine v6nt
:ndi"e / andive
(abbage varz
Red cabbage varz roie
Bru!!el! cabbage varz de 1ruxelles
Sauer.raut varz acr
@ic.le! / murturi
(arrot morcov
'o!!ed carrot! sote de morcovi
(auliflo*er conopid
'omato !auce bulion
'omato +uice suc de roii
Beetroot sfecl roie
@ea! mazre
Bean! fasole
?renc0 bean! fasole verde
(ucumber castravete
Green8#e##er ardei gras
Red #e##er gogoar
;ot #e##er ardei iute
Mu!0room! ciuperc
Mu!0room! coo.ed in !auce ciulama de ciuperci
<ettuce salat verde
S#inac0 / spanac
9nion ceap
<ee. / praz
S#ring onion ceap verde
Garlic usturoi
Grill grtar, friptur la grtar
Beef!tea. biftec, muc*i 'n s6nge
Rum#8!tea. ramstec, friptur de muc*i de vit
Roa!t c0ic.en friptur de pasre
Roa!t beef friptur de vit
Roa!t li"er ficat pr#it
_idney rinic*i
(0o# cotlet
(utlet cotlet, niel
Stea., rib antricot
@or. !au!age! c6rnai de porc
Roa!t duc.ling friptur de ruc
Ste* tocan
Ste*ed meat carne fiart, 'nbuit
Boiled meat carne rasol
(0ic.en in *0ite !auce ciulama de pui
&i!0 of breaded brain creier pr#it
Goula!c0, !te* gula
S*eetbread momie
<eg of a fo*l picior de pasre
Bri!.et pieptT garf de porc
Sautb sote
Scallo# niel
Veni!on / v6nat
Mint !auce sos de ment
?i!0 pete
?re!08*ater fi!0 pete de ap dulce
Salt8*ater fi!0 pete de mare
;addoc. batog, egrefin
;erring *ering, scrumbie
_i##er scrumbie afumat
Sole calcan
;alibut pete de mare din genul ,ipoglossus
(od cod
@erc0 biban
'rout pstrv
Sturgeon sturion
@laice pltic
(ar# crap
Salmon somon
'unnyQ tunna fi!0 ton
(ra*fi!0 raci
(rab! / crabi
@i.e tiuc
Vander alu
<ob!ter *omar
9y!ter stridie
&e!!ert desert
S*eet desert dulce
(a.e pr#itur
@a!try plcinte, patiserie
A##le8tart tartT plcint cu mere
(0ee!e #ie plcint cu br6nz
@udding budinc
Bi!cuit! biscuii
Muffin brio
@anca.e! cltite
&oug0nut! gogoi
S#onge ca.e pandipan
S*eet bi!cuit picot
'rifle arlot, pr#itur fcut din fric, migdale i biscuii 'nmuiai
'n vin
Gingerbread turt dulce
?ruit !alad salat de fructe
Ste*ed fruit compot de fructe
Gra#e strugure
(urrant stafid mare
@ine8a##le ananas
7ce8cream 'ng*eat
(u!tard crem de ou
Batter aluat
Uam gem, dulcea
Marmalade dulcea sau marmelad de portocale
(ream caimac, sm6nt6n
=0i##ed cream fric
(ereal! m6ncare pregtit din cereale Ofulgi de ovz, porumbP
(ornfla.e! fulgi de porumb
@orridge fiertur din fulgi de ovz sau porumb, cu lapte, caimac, cu
sau fr za*r
9atmeal fin de ovz, ovz pisat
@a!ta! paste finoase
Rice orez
@ilaff (rice) pilaf
S#ag0etti spag*ete
Macaroni au gratin macaroane gratinate
&rin. butur
Soft drin. butur nealcoolic, rcoritoare
<emonade limonad, citronad
Uuice suc
?ruit +uice suc de fructe
9range +uice suc de portocale
Mineral *ater ap mineral
(ider cidru
Mil. lapte
(offee cafea
Blac. coffee cafea neagr
=0ite coffee cafea cu lapte
StrongQ 0ardQ alco0olic drin. butur alcoolic
Beer bere
Mug, a #int of beer o *alb de bere
Bitter bere amar
Stout bere neagr
Ginger ale bere nealcoolic
&raug0t beer bere de la butoi
Ale bere englezeasc
Brandy rac*iu, coniac
=ine vin
=0ite *ine vin alb
Red *ine vin rou
&ry *ine vin sec
S*eet *ine vin dulce
S0erry vin de ]eres
@ort vin de Porto
<i2ueur lic*ior
(0am#agne ampanie
=0i!.y ?*isB- scoian
=0i!.ey ?*isB- irlandez
S#ice! condimente
Salt sare
@e##er piper
Vinegar oet
Mu!tard mutar
&re!!ing sosuri i condimente
'0e di!0e! vesel, vase
(roc.ery vase Ode faian, ceramicP
(u# ceac
Gla!! pa*ar
Uug can, ulcior
Saucer farfurioar
@late farfurie
&inner #late farfurie 'ntins
Sou# #late farfurie ad6nc
Bread #late farfurie pentru p6ine, platou
(utlery tac6muri
S#oon lingur
'ea !#oon linguri de ceai sau de cafea
Sou# !#oon lingur de sup
&e!!ert !#oon linguri
_nife cuit
?or. furculi
Salt cellar solni
Mu!tard8#ot borcan de mutar
@e##er8#ot piperni
(or.!cre* tirbuon
Sauce8boat sosier
Sou#8tureen castron de sup
Sugar ba!in za*arni erveel
'oot0#ic. / scobitoare
'able8clot0 fa de mas
& !tra* pai de sorbit
A!0tray scrumier
=ine8decanter caraf de vin
'ea#ot ceainic
(offee8#ot ibric de cafea
?la"our arom
Vanilla vanilie
Stra*berry frag, cpun
Ra!#berry zmeur
?at Od. m6ncare, carneP / gras
<ean Od. m6ncare, carneP slab
'0in Od. lic*ideP slab, diluat
Underdone 'n s6nge, nefcut
=ell8done Od. fripturP bine fcut
9"erdone uscat, ars
=arm Q *armli.e cald T cldu
?re!0 proaspt
Stale Od. m6ncareP vec*i
Sa* crud
Strong tare
=ea. slab
?izzy gazos, spumos
Bro*n Od. p6ineP / neagr
@lain simplu
S#icy condimentat
Sa"oury Od. m6ncareP picant, srat, piperat
Vacant Od. loc, masP liber
'a.en Od. loc, masP ocupat
Semi8#re#ared semipreparate
Ready8#ac.ed preambalate
Ready8coo.ed food! gata preparate
Ready8bottled 'mbuteliate
?rozen congelate
'inned conservate
A !lice of breadQ 0am o felie de p6ineT unc
A lum# of !ugar o bucat de za*r
A #iece of ca.e o bucat de pr#itur
A #lateful of o farfurie de
'o !team a fierbe
'o roa!t a pr#i, a coace
'o grill a frige la grtar
'o fry a pr#i
'o ba.e a coace
'o boil a fierbe
'o !tir a mesteca
'o #oac0 a fierbe Od. ex. ou fr coa#P
'o 0eat a 'nclzi
'o !mo.e a afuma
'o fla"our a condimenta, a aromatiza
'o !ea!on Od. m6ncareP a asezona, a potrivi
'o eat at 0ome a m6nca acas
'o eat out a m6nca 'n ora Ola restaurantP
'o drin. t0e *ine neat a bea vinul fr sifon
'o lay t0e table a pune masa
'o clear t0e table a str6nge masa
'o *a!0 u#, to *a!0 t0e di!0e! a spla vasele
'o re!er"e a table in ad"ance a rezerva o mas 'n avans
'o be on a diet a ine diet, regim
'o !limQ to lo!e *eig0t a slbi
7Hll ta.e G for t0e fir!t cour!e primul fel o s iau
7Hll 0a"eQ order G / am s comand
=0at *ould you !ay to G / ce/ai zice de X
=ill you #a!! me t0e !alt, #lea!e^ vrei s/mi dai sarea, v rogS
May 7 0a"e anot0er 0el#ing ofG^ pot s mai iau o porie deXS
=ould you li.e !ome moreG^ mai dorii niteXS
;a"e you made your c0oice^ v/ai *otr6tS (i alesS
Ao, t0an. you, 7 donHt care forGQ not for me, t0an. you nu,
mulumesc, nu iau, nu/mi placeX
7Hm afraid itH! off regret, dar nu mai avem
=0at do you recommend^ ce/mi recomandaiS
7 could do *it0 a !nac. a doriT mi/ar prinde bine o gustare
@or. di!agree! *it0 me nu/mi face bine carnea de porc
7H"e 0ad enoug0% '0an. you nu, mulumesc. /am sturat.
Ao more (for me)% '0an. you mulumesc. >u mai vreau
Say *0en spune c6nd s m opresc Odin servitP
7Hm not .een on nu m dau 'n v6nt dup
;el# your!elf toG / servete/te cuX
May 7 offer youG^ pot s v oferXS
&o you fancyG^ v/ar plceaXS
7 canHt !tand it nu suport aceast m6ncare
7 donHt li.e it eit0er nici acest fel nu/mi place
=ill you 0a"eG^ ai dori s serviiXS
:AG<7S; ?99&
&our meals a da- are served traditionall- in 1ritainK breaBfast, lunc*,
tea and dinner.
$n man- countries (!eakfast is a snacB rat*er t*an a meal, but t*e
traditional Englis* breaBfast, served at about eig*t oAclocB in t*e
morning, is a full meal. Some people begin ?it* a plateful of porridge,
?it* milB or cream, and salt or sugar; ot*ers ma- *ave fruit/#uice, or
per*aps cornflaBes or some ot*er cereal. T*en comes at least one
substantial course, suc* as *addocB or fried *errings, or bacon and
eggs boiled, fried or poac*ed , or sausages and bacon, or *am and
eggs. (fter?ards comes toast, ?it* butter and marmalade or #am and
per*aps some fruit. T*e meal is [?as*ed do?nA ?it* tea or coffee.
an- Englis* people no? taBe suc* a full breaBfast onl- on Sunda-
Englis* lunc', ?*ic* is usuall- served at one oAclocB, is based on
plain, simpl- cooBed food. $t starts ?it* soup or fruit/#uice. T*en
follo?s some meat or poultr- beef, veal, mutton, lamb, porB,
c*icBen, ducB ?it* potatoes, boiled or roast, and a second vegetable
Oprobabl- cabbage or carrotsP, and GorBs*ire pudding.
(pple pie is a favourite s?eet, and Englis* puddings, of ?*ic* t*ere
are various t-pes, are an excellent ending to a meal, especiall- in
?inter. $nstead of t*e pudding some people ma- *ave ste?ed fruit or
c*eese and biscuits. 0ast of all coffee blacB or ?*ite.
1ut ?*at s*all ?e drinB ?it* our mealS +f course Englis* beer,
preferabl- bitter or pale ale, or cider.
Dea, t*e t*ird meal of t*e da-, is served bet?een four and five oAclocB.
( pot of tea ?it* a #ug of *ot ?ater, a #ug of milB and a basin of sugar
are broug*t in. T*in slices of bread and butter are *anded round, and
caBes, #am and cream. Tea is not al?a-s served at table, for it is t*e
most sociable meal of t*e da-, and friends and visitors are often
present. T*e members of t*e tea/part- sit round on c*airs.
*inne! is t*e most substantial meal of t*e da-. T*e usual time is about
seven oAclocB, and all t*e members of t*e famil- sit do?n toget*er.
Soup is t*e first course. T*en comes t*e second course, fis* sole,
*alibut, salmon. ( #oint of meat, per*aps t*e roast beef of old England,
forms t*e t*ird course, served ?it* vegetables. T*en comes t*e
dessertK some Bind of s?eet and blacB or ?*ite coffee.
T*is is t*e traditional order of meals. 1ut some people in t*e to?ns,
and nearl- all countr- people, *ave dinner in t*e middle of t*e da-
instead of lunc*. T*e- *ave tea a little later, bet?een five and six
oAclocB, and t*en in t*e evening, before going to bed, t*e- *ave a lig*t
T*us t*e four meals of t*e da- are breaBfast, dinner, tea supper or
breaBfast, lunc*, tea, dinner.
A <7S' 9? BR7'7S; 'RA&7'79AA< &7S;:S AA& &R7A_S
Banger! and Ma!0% Sausages and mas*ed potatoes. Traditional pub
(orni!0 Q &e"on!0ire (ream% T*icB, ric* cream usuall- served over
fruits and desserts.
(orni!0 @a!try% Small pastries filled ?it* meat, onion and potato.
&o"er !ole% T*ere are man- recipes for t*is delicious fis*, but per*aps
it is best ?*en plain grilled.
?i!0 and c0i#!% &ried fis* and potatoes seasoned ?it* salt and
vinegar. ( fine 1ritis* institutionR
Gingerbread% Spic- caBe often made in t*e s*ape of a man and
decorated ?it* currants.
Goo!e% ( "*ristmas favourite.
;am% (s popular for breaBfast as it is for dinner. +ften smoBed.
;erring% %elicious baBed, fried, grilled or smoBed OBippersP.
7ri!0 Ste*% utton, potatoes, carrots and onions.
<amb% Prepared in man- ?a-s, but per*aps best ?*en roasted and
served ?it* mint sauce.
<ob!ter% 4rilled, boiled or bacBed and served in ric* sauce.
Mince @ie!% Small pies filled ?it* currants and spices. ( "*ristmas
9y!ter!% Some sa- t*e real reason Fulius "aesar invaded 1ritain 5,HHH
-ears ago ?as *is attraction to t*e delectable 1ritis* o-ster. Some of
t*e most prized come from "olc*ester.
@orridge% 1oiled oatmeal ?it* milB or cream and flavoured ?it* salt
or sugar. ( Scottis* breaBfast favourite.
Roa!t Beef% T*e most famous of 1ritainAs national dis*es. ( favourite
c*oice for Sunda- lunc*. Served ?it* roast potatoes, green vegetables
and, of course, GorBs*ire pudding.
Salmon% Served *ot, cold or smoBed. Scotc* salmon is t*e best in t*e
Scotc0 Brot0% T*icB, cream- vegetable soup.
Stea. and _idney @ieQ @udding% ( mixture of steaB, Bidne- and
mus*rooms. ( pub favourite.
Syllabub% ( refres*ing dessert made from brand-, fres* fruit, ?*ite
?ine or s*err-, cream and sugar.
'ea% ( 1ritis* ?a- of life. (lt*oug* traditionall- [tea timeA is
approximatel- = p.m. a [nice cup of teaA is liable to be produced at an-
time of t*e da-, usuall- accompanied b- biscuits and T or caBes.
[;ig0 'eaH is a meal -ou ?ould expect to get in a Scottis* or >ort*
"ountr- guest*ouse instead of dinner. $t combines afternoon tea
Obread and butter, caBes, biscuits, etc.P ?it* cold meat and T or a *ot
'rifle% ( dessert of caBe, fruit, and s*err- set in #ell- and topped ?it*
custard, served ?it* ?*ipped cream.
'rout% 4rilled, poac*ed or fried, one of t*e most delicatel- flavoured
river fis*.
Por.!0ire @udding% Savour- baBed batter. Traditional
accompaniment to roast beef.
Bitter% "lear and golden, it is t*e most popular of 1ritis* draug*t
beers. Served b- t*e pint or *alf/pint.
Bro*n Ale% ( darB, s?eet bottled beer.
Mild Ale% %arB, full/flavoured draug*t beer. 0o? in alco*olic content.
Sometimes combined ?it* bitter.
@ale Ale% ( slig*tl- fizz- bottled beer.
(ider% &ermented apple #uice. +ften Zuite strong so be?areR
7ri!0 (offee% ( mixture of coffee, ?*isBe- and sugar drunB t*roug* a
top la-er of cream.
=0i!.y% ello?, golden Scotc* ?*isB- is t*e best in t*e ?orld.
;ea"y greu, gras
Ma!!i"e / masiv
9"er*eig0t / supraponderal
(or#ulent / corpolent
9be!e / obez
Stout solid, gros
Solid / solid
Bul.y mare, voluminos, voinic, greoi
&um#y bondoc
@lum# / durduliu, grsu, rotofei
S.inny / slbnog
Under*eig0t / subponderal
Slender / zvelt
Slim slab
( in!trument! and t0e *ay! of
To steam ca!!erole OcaserolP
To fr- frying #an OtigaieP
To poac* #ot Ooal de gtitP
To grill grill OgrtarP
To boil !auce#an OcratiP
To *eat micro*a"e o"en Ocuptor cu microundeP
7n a !
( box of cereals a carton of milB
( bag of onions a pacB of cigarettes
( can of soup a six/pacB of soda
( bottle of oil a bunc* of flo?ers
( #ar of peanuts a bar of soap
( tube of toot*paste a slice of bread
7n a re!taurant
( box of &renc*/fries a glass of ?ater
( piece of toast a bo?l of cereal
( cup of coffee a cup of ice/cream
( mug of beer
'0e (0anging :ating ;abit! of American!
ost people t*inB t*at t*e t-pical >ort* (merican diet consists of fast
foods *amburgers and &renc* fries. $t also includes convenience
foods, usuall- frozen or canned, V#unB foodW ?it*out muc* food value
cand-, potato c*ips, cereal and so on. T*is diet is ver- *ig* in
sugar, salt, fat but not in vitamins.
,o?ever, eating *abits are c*anging. >ort* (mericans are becoming
more interested in good *ealt* and nutrition is an important part of
*ealt*. People are eating less red meat and fe?er eggs, and t*e- are
eating more c*icBen and fis*. &or *ealt* reason, man- people are also
bu-ing more ra? vegetables. T*e- ma- eat t*em ?it*out cooBing
t*em first or t*e- mig*t cooB t*em ZuicBl- in ver- little ?ater because
t*e- ?ant to Beep t*e vitamins.
T*e Vt-picalW >ort* (merican diet no? includes food from man-
different countries. (t lunc*time, man- people go to et*nic fast/food
places for 7e(ican taco, 7iddle #astern falafel or Khilippine lumpia.
$n t*e future t*e (mericans ?ill still bu- convenience foods but frozen
foods ?ill be better for t*eir *ealt* and canned foods ?ill *ave less
salt and sugar. VFunB foodW is not going to be V#unBW at all because
instead of cand- bars t*ere ?ill be Vnutrition barsW ?it* a lot of
vitamins and protein.
V9(ABU<ARP @RA('7(:
2. (fter -ou *ave *ad a meal in a restaurant -ou asB t*e ?aiter for
t*e XX
a. bill b. recipe c. note d. prescription
5. %o -ou liBe -our steaB ?ell/done, medium or X..
a. blue b. blood- c. ra? d. rare
). Spag*etti is good if -ou X. c*eese over it.
a. mince b. slice c. c*op d. grate
=. S*e liBed t*e dessert so muc* t*at s*e asBed for a second X.
a. dis* b. go c. *elping d. serving
E. $ forgot to put t*e milB in t*e fridge and it *as XX
a. gone bacB b. gone do?n c. gone in d. gone sour
:. X. t*e bread in a *ot oven.
a. grill b. boil c. baBe d. roast
8. "urr- is ver- X..
a. *ot b. pepper- c. salt- d. ?arm
7. X.. t*e mixture into an oven proof dis*.
a. beat b. mix c. salt- d. ?arm
3. Ioast beef is one of m- favourite X.
a. bo?l b. plates c. dis*es d. courses
2H. Gour apple tart ?as absolutel- delicious. "an -ou give me t*e X.
a. instructions b. receipt c. recipe d. formula
22. 4arlic *as a remarBable X.
a. flavor b. garnis* c. *erb d. spice
25. %onAt t*ro? t*e potato X.
a. s*ell b. sBin c. core d. peel
2). 0etAs *ave a salad to start ?it* and fis* for t*e main X.
a. *elping b. course c. dis* d. serving
2=. @*en t*e ?ater comes to t*e X. put t*e vegetables in.
a. boil b. cooB c. *eat d. steam
0ellJshaped1 #ggJ R 1 KearJ R 1 %edgeJ R
Scent1 smell
Smells fruity1 aromatic1 smo&y1 burnt1 bad
;ength1 %idth1 -eight J cms 1 inches
Sour1 S)eet1 0itter J Salty 1 salted
Keppery 1 peppered J Spicy 1 spiced
&ruit and vegetables t*at are crisp are fres* and *ave a firm texture so
t*at ?*en -ou bite t*em t*e- are *ard and crunc*-. E.g. he bought
nice crisp apples at the mar&et.
"ooBed food t*at is crisp *as been fried or toasted until it is *ard, dr-
and crunc*-. "runc*- food maBes a noise ?*en -ou eat it. E.g. he
helped himself to some hot crisp rolls. , can feel the crisp frosty sno)
crunching under my feet. ,t*s the nuts that ma&e this ca&e so crunchy.
?le!0y B peac*, apple, Bi?i fruit
Uuicy B tomato, orange, peac*, *amburger
(runc0y B nuts
(ri!# B biscuits, fried c*icBen, potato c*ips
Smoot0 B tomato, apple
Roug0 B nuts
Bland B spag*etti, *ot dog
'ender B steaB
=atery B lemonade
Stale c*eese sand?ic*
=ilted B salad
?re!0 B milB
&ry B baBed potato
(reamy B macaroni and c*eese
@R9V:RBS B concerning food and eating%
(ppetite comes ?it* eating.
(n apple a da- Beeps t*e doctor a?a-.
Eating an apple going to bed maBes t*e doctor beg *is bread.
4ood brot* ma- be made in an old pot.
T*e proof of t*e pudding is in t*e eating.
%onAt put al -our eggs in one basBet.
Gou canAt *ave -our caBe and eat it.
Too man- cooBs spoil t*e brot*.
+melettes are not made ?it*out breaBing of eggs.
,alf a loaf is better t*an none.
$tAs no use cr-ing over spilt milB.
+ne manAs meat is anot*erAs man poison.
U!e t0e!e e4clamation! to !0o* !ur#ri!e about food:
90N said in surprise or ?onder
90, boyN said in excitement or ent*usiasm
;mmN said ?*en t*e speaBer is t*inBing somet*ing over
=ellN said in surprise or as a preface to a remarB
=ell, *ellN said in mild surprise or ?*en t*e speaBer *as discovered
'!.8t!.N a clucBing sound uttered in disapproval
=o*N said in surprise or admiration
Go!0N said in surprise
GeeN said in surprise
BR:A_?AS', <UA(; AA& &7AA:R B =0atH! on t0e Menu^
$t *as been said t*at to eat ?ell in England, -ou s*ould *ave breaBfast
t*ree times a da- but t*ings are c*angingR >o? t*e standart of
restaurants *as improved tremendousl-, and fe?er people *ave t*e
time to prepare t*e *uge breaBfasts of t*e past. T*ese mig*t- meals
can include kidne&s or kippe!s. ( *otel ma- offer a c#ntinental
(!eakfast, ?*ic* is simpl- a (!ead !#ll or c!#issant, (utte!, .am and
tea or c#ffee. an- people still manage to get t*roug* a c##ked
(!eakfast, *o?ever, even if itAs not ever- da- of t*e ?eeB. T*is ma-
start ?it* p#!!idge Oa traditional Scottis* dis* of (#iled #atmealP or
ce!eal follo?ed b- f!ied eggs, (ac#n, sausages, f!ied t#mat#es and
(lack pudding Oa sausage made from pig+ (l##d ?it* pieces of fatP
follo?ed b- t#ast and ma!malade and accompanied b- a bottomless
pot of st!#ng tea.
T*e earl- (mericans settlers ate 'ast& puddings, a c#!nmeal p#!!idge
?it* m#lasses. 0ater, breaBfast became a ver- generous meal indeed.
>o?ada-s greater concern about diet and 'ealt' means t*at man-
people *ave a f!uit d!ink or eat a cereal ?it* lots of fi(!e but a
t-pical (merican breaBfast ?ould still be eggs, (ac#n and c#ffee,
accompanied b- pancakes and maple s&!up. $n t*e sout*, g!its are a
breaBfast dis*, ?it* (lacke&ed (ean g!a%&. 1iscuits, a Bind of small
(!eadcake, are often made for breaBfast, as are f!enc' t#ast Obread
dipped in eggs t*en friedP, waffles Ofried batterP, Englis* muffins and
(agels. T*ese breaBfast are so delicious t*at in England and (merica
-ou ?ill often see restaurants ?it* sign outside sa-ing V1reaBfast
served all da-W.
<unc0 and &inner
$f -ou are liBel- to go to a cafQ or RcafS G<CP for breaBfast, for lunc*
and dinner or supper O<CP t*e c*oice is vastK (!asse!ies, (ist!#s, (a!s,
pu(s, steak '#uses and salad cent!es are legion in t*e cities,
alongside t*e cu!!& '#uses, <'inese and Oapanese !estau!ants and a
c*oice of international food from =e(an#n to :laska. Italian cuisine
is ver- muc* in favour at t*e moment and *as overtaBen ;!enc'
cuisine in terms of popularit-. Kenus abound ?it* terms from bot*
&renc* and $talian cooBing, ?it* &renc* being used more for
minimalist, n#u%elle cuisine dis*es and $talian for t*e t-picall-
(merican massi%e"p#!ti#n pasta dis'es and meatAfis' and salad
!er- often t*e same restaurant ?ill offer an international menu, ?it*
appetise!s from exico Oa @uesadilla, for exampleP, Spain Oce%ic'e
s'!imps in a cucum(e!, t#mat#, c'ili, ga!lic and #ni#n saladP and
4reece O'umus a c'ickpea paste kalamata #li%es, feta c'eese,
tomatoes, cucumber and pita (!eadP. $f -ou #ust ?ant a snack, t*is
?ill do or -ou could go for an exotic s#up liBe Kulligatawn& or a
slice of t*e ever/popular @uic'e. Slig*tl- more substantial snacBs
mig*t include Italian sausage ?it* !#ast peppe!s. 6#ut'e!n st&le
(a!(ecue p#!k in t*e <S, or a (u!ge! made from natu!all& g!a/ed
(eef, ma!inated c'icken or a %eggie(u!ge! Oa vegetable burgerP for
t*e non/meat/eaters. @*en -ou get onto t*e serious meals, expect
dis*es to be accompanied b- ample sauces and t#ppings p*rases
liBe Vwit' a !#asted ga!lic *i.#n musta!d (utte! sauceW or Vse!%ed
wit' w'ipped 'e!( p#tat#es and t#pped wit' #!ange demi glaceW are
common no?ada-s.
*esse!ts are not usuall- designed for t*e diet"c#nsci#usK alongside t*e
standard c!eme ca!amel, c'eesecake and apple and (lack(e!!& pie,
t*ere is a return to t!aditi#nal fa!e liBe (!ead pudding ?it* a modern
touc* served, for example, ?it* w'isk& custa!d sauce and w'ipped
(ll of t*is and muc*, muc* more is t*ere for -ou to en#o-, but a ?orld
of ?arningK Beep a ?ar- e-e on -our ?alletX and -our ?aistlineR
(n (merican lunc' c#unte! is small, informal restaurant ?*ere -ou
can get simple, ZuicBl-/cooBed meals. $t mig*t also be called a lunc'
stand or lunc'e#nette; if itAs an old rail?a- carriage, t*en itAs a dine!.
T*e language used b- t*e staff at t*ese lunc* counters to describe t*e
orders is vivid and idios-ncratic. Some terms, suc* as M=D O(ac#n,
lettuce and t#mat# sandwic'P *ave passed into ever-da- speec*. ,ere
are some examplesK
:< a sand?ic* ?it* (merican c*eese
:dam and ?%e #n a !aft t?o poac*ed eggs on toast
:xle g!ease butter
Melc' wate! seltzer or soda ?ater
M#tt#m ice cream added to a drinB
M#w (#w a *ot dog
M!eat' an onion
Mu!n #ne put a *amburger on t*e grill
<M c*eeseburger
<it& .uice ?ater
<!#wd t*ree of an-t*ing OVT?oAs compan-, t*reeAs a cro?dWP
0it' c#w t# c#%e! buttered toast
2#ld t'e 'ail no ice
O#e coffee
L#a'+s (#& *am O,am ?as >oa*As second sonRP
EO orange #uice
E%e! eas& fried eggs turned over ?*en cooBing
L# c#w ?it*out milB
6inke!s and studs doug*nuts and coffee
6@uee/e #ne orange #uice
6tack a pile of pancaBes
0a!ts olives
CCIC. S;9@@7AG
Ba!ic Vocabulary
S0o# magazin
S0o#8*indo* vitrin
S0o#8a!!i!tant v6nztor
S0o##ing cumprrturi
S0o##ing8area zon comercial
S0o##er cumprtor
(u!tomer cumprtor, client
&e#artment raion
&e#artment8!tore magazin universal
(0ain !tore filial a unei firme de magazine
:lectrical e2ui#ment aparate electrice
(amera(!) aparatOeP de fotografiat
Record de#artment raionul de discuri
(0inaQ #orcelain porelan
Gla!!*are sticlrie
@ottery ceramic
?abric! esturi
(ounter te#g*ea, raion
(a!08de!. cas O'ntr/un magazinP
(0ec.8out #oint cas O'ntr/un magazin universalP
:!calator scar rulant
:4it ieire
Self8!er"ice autoservire
Bargain cumprtur avanta#oas, c*ilipir
Sale(!) v6nzare Ocu reducere de preuriP, solduri
?a!0ion mod
'rend curent, direcie, tendin
Gift cadou
Acce!!orie! accesorii
&ra#erH! galanterie, textile
'obacconi!tH! tutungerie
GrocerH! bcnie, alimentar
GreengrocerH! aprozar, legume i fructe
Bac.erH! brutrie, p6ine
Butc0erH! mcelrie
?i!0mongerH! pescrie
9ff8licence local unde se v6nd buturi i pentru acas
&ry8cleanerH! curtorie c*imic
'oy8!0o# magazin de #ucrii
Boo.8!0o# librrie
(onfectionery Q !*eet8!0o# magazin de dulciuri, cofetrie
&airy magazin de produse lactate negustor, comerciant Ocu magazinP
'ailor croitor Opentru brbaiP
&re!! croitor de dame, croitoreas
;atter plrier
Milliner modist cizmar, pantofar
(obbler cizmar Ocare face reparaiiP
S#ort! outfitter furnizor de ec*ipament sportiv
Barber frizer
;airdre!!er coafor, coafez
Boo.!eller librar
Ae*!agent v6nztor de ziare Ola c*iocP
7ronmonger negustor de articole de fierrie
?urniture dealer negustor de mobil ceasornicar
=atc0 re#airer reparaii de ceasuri
?lori!t florrie pia magazin universal Ode obicei cu autoservireP
?ood!tuff! alimente
Grocerie! coloniale
&airy #roduce produse lactate
'in cutie de tabl, conserv
'ube tub
Bottle sticl
Bag pung
&ozen duzin
Uar borcan
Bo4 curtie
Bar baton
;ou!e0old good!Q article! Q effect! articole de uz casnic
;ard*are de#artment Q !0o# raion T magazin de articole de uz
casnicT fierrie
Sauce#an crati
?rying8#an tigaie
_ettle ceainic, ibric
(a!!erole tigaie Ocu toartP, crati Ode argil ars i smluitP
Scre* urub
&oor 0andle clan
Gardening tool! unelte de grdinrit
S#are #art! piese de sc*imb
Ue*ellery Oraionul deP bi#uterii
Ring inel
:ar8ring cercel
=edding8ring verig*et
Bracelet brar
Aec.lace colier
Brooc0 bro
(o!metic! Oraionul deP cosmetice
;and cream crem de m6ini
<i#!tic. ru#
Scent parfum, mireasm
@erfume parfum
Varni!0 o#, lac de ung*ii
@o*der pudr
:ye8!0ade fard de oc*i
Ma!cara rimel
Ma.e8u# fard, mac*ia#
;aberda!0ery mercerie, mruniuri
@in ac de gmlie
Safety8#in ac de siguran
Aeddle ac de cusut
_nitting8neddle andrea
'0read fir, a
'a#e panglic Ode p6nz, bumbacP
Ribbon panglic, band
Stationery papetrie
(0emi!tH! farmacie
Medicine(!) medicamentOeP
=ra##ing #a#er *6rtie de ambala#
'oilet !u##lie! articole de toalet
_nitted good! tricota#e
Uum#er tricou
@ull8o"er pulover, flanel
(ardigan #ac*et tricotat
(lot0e! *aine, 'mbrcminte
Ready8made Q ready8to8*ear Q off8t0e8#eg clot0e! *aine de gata,
(lot0e! made8to8mea!ure Q made8to8order *aine de comand
?itting room cabin de prob
Garment! 'mbrcminte, veminte
&re!! 2. Ioc*ie 5. ;mbrcminte
:"ening8dre!! 'mbrcminte de sear
?ancy8dre!! costum de bal
Go*n roc*ie Ode ocazieP, rob
&re!!ing8go*n *alt de cas
Blou!e bluz
S.irt fust
S0irt cma
'rou!er! pantaloni sacou
& smoc*ing
Suit costum
<ounge8!uit *aine T costum de strad
Bat0ing8!uit costum de baie
Beac0*ra# *alat de pla#
Uniform uniform
Anora. *anorac
9"erall! *ain de protecie
Mourning doliu
&i!gui!e costum, masc
Bridal "eil vl de mireas
(oat *ain
=inter8coat palton
?ur8coat *ain de blan
Rain8coat impermeabil, balonzaid, *ain de ploaie
Mac.into!0 impermeabil, manta de cauciuc
Scarf earf, basma
S0a*l al, broboad
Muffler fular
Glo"e! mnui
Mitten! mnui cu un singur deget
(ollar guler
Slee"e m6nec
(uff manet
Brace! bretele
Belt curea
Soc.! osete! ciorapi OlungiP
'ig0t! ciorap pantalon, dres
S0oe! pantofi
9"er!0oe! galoi
Boot! cizme
Rubber8boot! cizme de cauciuc
Sli##er! papuci de cas
Gla!!e! oc*elari
Sungla!!e! oc*elari de soare
Bra sutien
@antie! c*iloi de dam
Ve!t maiou, flanel de corp
@ant! indispensabili
'o do oneH! !0o##ing a face cumprturi
'o go !0o##ing a merge dup cumprturi
'o !ell a vinde
'o buy a cumpra
'o !u##ly a furniza
'o deli"er a livra
'o di!#lay a etala
'o be out of !toc. a nu mai avea O'n magazin, depozitP
'o try on a 'ncerca Oo *ainP
'o fit a se potrivi
'o matc0 a se asorta
'o nail (do*n) a bate 'n cuie, a fixa
'o follo* ne* fa!0ion! a ine pasul cu moda
'o bro*!e a scotoci, a cuta Oprin magazinP
'o lea"e a de#o!it a lsa un acont
'o be on t0e loo.out forG / a fi 'n cutareaX
'o be on di!#lay a fi expus
'o *al. u#!tair!Qdo*n!tair! a urcaTa cobor' pe scri
'o bargain a se tocmi
'o go u# by lift a urca cu ascensorul
'o !ell by t0e #riceQby t0e *eig0t a vinde la bucatTla c6ntar
Budget &re!!e! roc*ii ieftine
Mot0er8to8be Q mot0ercare Q lady8in8*aiting magazinT raion
<ayette Q baby *ear articole pentru nou nscui
Uni!e4 articole potrivite pentru ambele sexe
Mantle! Q coat! *aine, paltoane
Go*n! roc*ii
:arne!t money Q de#o!it acont
=ell8!toc.ed bine aprovizionat
(on!umer good! Q commoditie! bunuri de larg consum
(a!0ier casier, casieri
'rolley Q ba!.et coT crucior pentru trasportat cumprturile
S0ort8*eig0t lips la c6ntar
@rice tag etic*et cu preul
Gro!! *eig0t Q net *eig0t greutate bruto T greutate neto
S0o##ing li!t list de cumprturi
&ri"e8in de#artment !tore magazin 'n care se intr cu maina
@ac.etQ #arcel pac*et
;ire8#urc0a!e plat 'n rate
Size msur, mrime
Un*ra##edQ*ra##ed neambalatTambalat
?i4ed Q firm #rice! preuri fixe
<oo!eG / vrsat Opentru lic*ideP
=0at can 7 do for you^ ce doriiS
7! anyone attending to you^ v servete cinevaS
Are you being !er"ed^ suntei servitS
7Hll attend to you in a moment v servesc imediat
'0e good! are #ut u# for !ale mrfurile sunt expuse pentru
:"eryt0ing 0ere i! !old ready8*eig0ed and ready8#ac.ed aici
totul se vinde gata c6ntrit i gata 'mpac*etat
Pou can #lace your order! by #0one or calling in #er!on putei
face comenzi prin telefon sau venind personal
7Hll !ee t0at t0e good! are broug0t by our fir!t deli"ery voi avea
gri# ca mrfurile s fie livrate cu primul transport
Pour bill come!Qamount! toG / nota %vs. de plat se ridic laX
PouHll find t0e ordered good *ra##ed u# and *aiting for you
vei gsi mrfurile comandate, ambalate i 'n ateptarea %vs.
At *0at time doe! t0e !0o# o#enQclo!e^ la ce or se desc*ideTse
'nc*ide magazinulS
(an 7 get 0ereG^ pot gsi aiciXS
S0o* me #lea!eG / artai/mi, v rogX
'0i!G i! only for !0o*Q itH! not for !ale acestX este numai pentru
decorT nu este de v6nzare
=0at i! t0e #rice of t0i!G^ ce pre areXS
7!nHt it rat0er dear^ nu este cam scumpS
;a"e #rice! gone u# again^ s/au ma#orat iar preurileS
7t i! not *ort0 nu merit, nu face
S0o* me !omet0ing different artai/mi altceva
=ill you gi"e meQ *eig0 for meQ *ra## it u#Q ma.e out t0e bill^
vrei s/mi daiXT s/mi c6ntriiXT s ambalai astaXT s facei
(an you !end t0e!eG to my addre!!^ putei trimite acesteX la
adresa meaS
Aeed 7 #ay in ca!0^ trebuie s pltesc 'n numerarS
7 !0ould li.e to #ay by c0e2ue a vrea s pltesc cu un cec
;a"e you c0ange forQ can you c0ange t0i! ban.note putei s/mi
sc*imbai bacnota aceastaS
7 0a"e no (!mall) c0ange about me nu am mruni la mine
(an 7 e4c0ange t0i!G^ pot s sc*imb aceastXS
&o you !ell al!o by in!talment!Q 0ire8#urc0a!eS vindei i 'n rateS
=0at !ort! of +am 0a"e you got in^ ce gemuri ai primitS
Anyt0ing el!e, Madam^ altceva, doamnS
Ao, t0an.!, t0atH! allQt0atHll do nu, mulumesc, asta/i tot
=0at 0a"e 7 #ay to^ c6t am de platS
&o you .ee# mineral *ater^ inei ap mineralS
;o* muc0 i! a bottle of *ine^ c6t cost o sticl de vinS
;a"e you got any Romanian *ine^ avei vin rom6nescS
7Hm afraid itH! !old out 'mi pare ru, s/a v6ndut tot
?or t0e moment *e 0a"e onlyG / momentan mai avem doarX
'0at #iece i! too fat, 7Hd li.e !omet0ing lean bucata aceea este
prea gras, a dori una mai slab
'0at one *ill do aceea e bun
'0e c0oice i! not too *ide today azi sortimentul nu este prea bogat
@ut on t0e !cale! 0alf a goo!e c6ntrii #umtate de g6sc
=0at !ort! of #ie! 0a"e you got today^ ce sortimente de plcint
avei astziS
?or todayH! dinner 7 needG / pentru masa de azi am nevoie deX
(all at t0e greengrocerH! and !ee if t0ere are any gra#efruit!
treci pe la aprozar i vezi dac au grepuri
'0e !0o# ne4t door .ee#! a *ide a!!ortment of fre!0 "egetable!
magazinul de alturi este bine aprovizionat cu legume
=0at about t0e!eG^ ce spunei de acesteXS
Are t0eG !old by t0e #ound or by t0e #iece^ se v6nd la Bilogram
sau la bucatS
=ill you cutQ*eig0 for meG !ome ten ra!0er! of bacon^ vrei s/
mi tiai X vreo zece felii de costiS
Strea.y^ Ao, a! lean a! #o!!ible / grasS nu, c6t mai slab posibil
<etH dro# in at t0e Victoria de#artment !tore s intrm la
magazinul !ictoria
7t !a"e! you many call! te scutete de multe drumuri
7! t0ere 0ereG / exist aici X
=0at can 7 #re!ent a friend *it0 on 0i! *edding day^ ce 'i pot
drui unui prieten de ziua cstoriei luiS
=e 0a"e nice t0ing! to !uit all ta!te! and #ur!e! avem lucruri care
satisfac toate gusturile i pungile
;ere i! a nice ring iat un inel drgu
<et me !ee t0at gold *atc0 artai/mi ceasul acela de aur
7! t0i! brilliant genuine^ briliantul este veritabilS
7 decided on t0i!G / m/am *otr6t la acestX.
By t0e *ay, do you mount #reciou! !tone!^ apropo, montai pietre
S0o#!% T*ere are some s*ops ?*ere ?e bu- t*ings to eat and ot*er
?*ere ?e bu- t*ings to ?ear. T*e tailor, for instance, maBes clot*es to
measure for men, and t*e dressma&er does t*e same for ?omen. T*e
hatter sells gentlemenAs *ats or cleans old ones; t*e milliner maBes
and sells ladiesA *ats. T*e draper sells tig*ts, stocBings, socBs and
under?ear. T*e shoema&er maBes and sells s*oes and boots, and, if *e
is a cobbler too, *e repairs t*em. T*e sports outfitter sells articles used
in various sports.
+t*er shop&eepers suppl- articles for use. T*ere is, for example, t*e
boo&seller, ?*o sells booBs and magazines; t*e ne)sagent, ?*o sells
ne?spapers; t*e tobacconist, ?*o sells tobacco, cigarettes and cigars;
t*e ironmonger, ?*o sells iron goods or *ard?are saucepans,
Bettles, fr-ing/pan, gardening/tools; t*e furniture dealer, ?*o supplies
articles of furniture. +t*er important s*ops areK t*e stationer*s, t*e
haberdasher*s, t*e chinaJshop, t*e )atchma&er*s and t*e je)eller*s,
t*e chemist*s and t*e photographer*s.
S;9@@7AG 7A <9A&9A
94ford Street is probabl- t*e most famous s*opping street in 0ondon
and is divided into t?o parts, east and ?est. T*e busiest section of
+xford Street runs from +xford "ircus to arble (rc*. $t is *ere t*at
most of t*e ma#or departments stores are grouped, t*e biggest being
6elf!idges, t*e second largest department store in 0ondon. T*e large
food *all, restaurants, Bitc*en?are and cosmetics departments are ver-
T*e largest branc* of t*e Ka!ks T 6pence! c*ain is also situated near
arble (rc*. T*is open/plan store specializes in read-/to/?ear clot*es
for all t*e famil-, food and *ouse*old effects.
&at*er along +xford Street is O#'n =ewis, an excellent s*op for
*ouse*old eZuipment and fabrics.
+xford Street is also reno?ned for its vast selection of s*oe s*ops, as
?ell as fas*ion.
Fust outside +xford "ircus <nderground station, -ou ?ill find t*e
0edgw##d potter- s*op, ?orld/famous for its fine potter-, porcelain,
glass and gifts. ( lovel- s*op in ?*ic* to bro?se for gift ideas.
(not*er famous s*opping area is 'otten0am (ourt Road, reno?ned
for its *ig*/class furniture s*ops and radio and electrical eZuipment.
T*e largest furniture s*op is 2eal T 6#n =td.
+t*ers specializing in t*is field are 2a(itat, a ver- popular s*op ?it*
-ounger people as it sells ultramodern functional furniture and
accessories at ever-da- prices; and N&man ?*o specialize in modern
office furnis*ings and eZuipment.
Totten*am "ourt Ioad is also reno?ned for its *i/fi eZuipment. ,ere
-ou ?ill find an-t*ing from spare parts to t*e ver- latest in stereo and
Zuadrap*onic s-stem. =&#n 2#use and =ask& are t?o largest *i/fi and
electrical eZuipment suppliers.
(not*er s*op specialize, but in a different field, is 9ape!c'aseK a
delig*tful s*op dealing in beautiful ?rapping paper, uniZue greeting
cards, posters and ot*er paper items and a lovel- s*op in ?*ic* to
=:<(9M: '9 B<U:=A':R
$tAs a s*rine, t*e biggest s*opping complex in t*e ?*ole of
Europe. $tAs got )5H different s*ops covering 2HH,HHH sZuare
metres of retail space in t*ree different interconnected malls.
T*ere are 2),HHH parBing spaces, 2,HHH trees, EH,HHH daffodilsX
itAs a s*opping experience liBe -ouAve never *ad before. $t is
1lue?ater, t*e model for future s*opping centres. 1uilt in a
former c*alB Zuarr- in nort*/?est Cent, 1lue?ater resembles a
moonbase, ?it* glass and steel forming a structure t*at looBs
oddl- liBe a vast 4ot*ic cat*edral. $t opened in arc* 2333 and is
alread- establis*ing itself as a model of s*opping to come. T*e
centre ?as built follo?ing an intense period of researc* into ?*at
modern s*oppers ?ant, and it attempts to satisf- all t*eir
People said t*e- liBed natural lig*t so 1lue?ater lig*t is filtered
in from outside and c*anged electronicall- over t*e da-, going
from da-lig*t to sunset to a nig*t/time darBness in order to
simulate realit-.
People liBe fres* air, so giant rotating ventilation units *ave been
installed in t*e roofs to Beep it circulating.
&eel insecure in public placesS 1ule?ater *as its o?n in/*ouse
police station.
%o -ou *ave c*ildrenS T*e 1lue?ater (cadem- is a crlc*e for up
to 5HH -oung c*ildren.
T*ere is no more Zueuing for t*e toilets. T*ere ?ill al?a-s be a
luxurious one ?it*in EH metres of ?*ere -ou are s*opping.
T*ere are also ample cafes and restaurants. 1lue?ater boasts t*at
-ou are never more t*an 8H paces from a cappuccino. (nd if -ou
?ant to avoid t*e s*ops altoget*er t*ere are breaBout areas, ?*ere
-ou can calm -ourself, *ave a meal or go for a ?alB b- t*e laBe.
Gou can ?atc* performance artists in t*e Performance Iotunda
?it* its revolving stage, visit t*e 25/screen ,o-ts "inema or go
c-cling. +r if t*e mood taBes -ou, -ou can even visit 1lue?aterAs
Zuiet room and talB to t*e centreAs o?n c*aplain.
&rom t*e moment -ou arrive -ou Bno? t*e place is different. T*e
5EH trained *osts *ave been taug*t to see -ou as guests rat*er t*an
s*oppers and treat -ou accordingl-. T*ereAs valet parBing, if -ou
?ant it, and a team of mec*anics to *elp fix a flat batter- or t-re
for free.
Gou enter t*roug* one of five ?elcome *alls t*at resemble *otel
lobbies. T*en t*ere is an information point ?it* concierge desBs
?*ere -ou can *ire a bugg-, a ?*eelc*air, a pram or a locBer, as
?ell as some?*ere to relax ?it* a cup of coffee on a comfortable
(nd t*en -ou can start looBing at t*e s*ops. (nd even t*ese are
different. 1lue?ater s*ops are not t*e Bind usuall- associated ?it*
s*opping centres. $nstead, t*e- are t*ose a consumer mig*t expect
to find in t*e up/marBet environs of 0ondonAs "ovent 4arden,
1ond Street or Cings IoadK 0C 1ennett, &iorelli, Faeger, Space
>C, I @illiams and Dugi.
(nd *ere -ou are not a s*opper an-more, -ou are a guest.
1lue?ater needs to attract )H million guests a -ear if t*e- are to
en#o- success and, #udging from t*e 25H,HHH ?*o teamed into it
on its opening da-, t*e- are ?ell on target to ac*ieve it.
+f course, itAs all a clever tricB to maBe -ou spend more.
T*roug*out t*e centre t*ere are beautiful sculptures and plants
t*at *elp -ou relax. 0ines of poetr- from Cipling, Ceats and
@ords?ort* are carved into t*e ?alls and maBe t*e experience
seem cultural. $t all maBes t*e place looB lovel-, but it also sends
out an effective subliminal messageK VEn#o- -our s*opping
experience, and bu-, bu-, bu-W. (nd it ?orBs.
,o?ever inviting 1lue?ater is as a leisure destination, it is almost
impossible to visit t*e place ?it*out spending mone-, and usuall-
a great deal more mone- t*an -ou *ad intended, too. (fter all, t*e
researc* on ?*ic* t*e building ?as constructed ?asnAt simpl-
asBing people ?*at t*e- liBed or disliBed about conventional
s*opping. $t ?as finding out *o? t*e- could be tempted to spend
A (;A@':R 9? A((7&:A'S
@*ere *ave -ou been, Fo*nS 4oodness me, *o? smart -ou looBR Gour
*airAs lovel-, and ?*at *ave -ou done to t*e rest of -our clot*esS
@ell, $ ?as doing t*e s*opping, as -ou asBed me. $ got t*e leg of lamb
from t*e butc*erAs, t*e bacon and eggs from t*e grocerAs, t*e bread
and caBes from t*e baBerAs and t*e beer from t*e off/licence, ?*en $
remembered $Ad promised to bu- -ou a bottle of perfumeX
So -ou ?ent to t*e c*emistAs
T*atAs rig*t. $ got a bottle of perfume, put it in m- pocBet, and, as t*e
sun ?as ver- brig*t, $ t*oug*t $Ad get a pair of sunglasses as ?ell, onl-
as $ left t*e s*op
Gou couldnAt see,
(nd $ ?alBed into a man ?*o ?as delivering inB to t*e stationerAs.
So -ou ?ere scared of ?*at $ ?ould sa-, and ?ent to *ave -our
trousers cleaned.
T*atAs rig*t. @ell, after $ left t*e dr-/cleanerAs, $ tripped over
1ecause -ou ?ere too laz- to *ave t*e loose sole repaired on -our
rig*t s*oe.
(nd $ broBe one of t*e eggs, ?*ic* ?ent on m- #acBet.
So -ou *ad to go bacB to t*e cleanerAs.
Ges, and t*en, after $Ad left m- #acBet and t*e bag of groceries t*ere, $
?ent to t*e ironmongerAs for t*at ne? door/*andle ?e need and a bag
of scre?s an-?a-, as $ ?as going out of t*e door, $ tripped again
(nd broBe
- ?atc*. 1ut first of all $ ?ent to t*e cobblerAs, and *ad m- sole
nailed do?n, t*en $ tooB t*e ?atc* to t*e ?atc* repairerAs and *ad a
ne? glass fitted, t*en $ ?ent to t*e ironmongerAs and b- t*e time $
came bacB, t*e-Ad cleaned and pressed m- #acBet for me.
T*at ?as all rig*t t*en
Ges, but ?*en $ put t*e t*ings $Ad boug*t from t*e ironmongerAs into
t*e s*opping bag
Gou put t*em on t*e top of t*e eggs
$ looBed in t*e bag and tooB out t*e t?o $Ad broBen, but $ ?as so upset
$ put m- *ands to m- *ead
(nd -ou got egg all over -our *air
So $ ?ent to t*e barberAs and *ad a s*ampoo.
@ell, allAs ?ell t*at ends ?ell, and -ou did need smartening up. Gou
boug*t me some perfume, too ?*at sort of scent *as it gotS
@ell, smell m- rig*t/*and #acBet pocBet, but donAt put -our *and in,
because itAs full of broBen glassR
CCC. ;:A<'; S:RV7(:
Ba!ic Vocabulary
9rgan organ
;ead cap
:ye oc*i
:ye!ig0t vedere, vz
:ar urec*e
Ao!e nas
'oot0, pl. teet0 dinte
Mout0 gur
'ongue limb
'0roat g6t
'on!il! amigdale
Bronc0ial tube! bron*ii
<ung plm6n
(0e!t piept
Bac. spate
;eart inim
Stomac0 stomac
<i"er ficat
_idney rinic*i
A##endi4 apendice
;and m6n
Arm bra
<eg picior
?oot, pl. feet laba piciorului
An.le glezn piele
Blood s6nge
;aemoglobin *emoglobin
(ilia cili
&i!ea!e! boli
a of t0e eye boli de oc*i
a of t0e ear, no!e and t0roat boli de nas, g6t i urec*i
a of t0e !.in boli de piele
7llne!! boal, ru, maladie
'rouble Q com#laint afeciune, suferin
Ailment indispoziie, suferin
@ain durere, suferin
Ac0e durere Ode cap, dini, stomac etc.P
;eadac0e durere de cap
Bac.ac0e durere de spate
Stomac08ac0e durere de stomac
'oot0ac0e durere de dini
(ram# cramp, c6rcel, #ung*i
Aeuralgia nevralgie
S#lee#le!!ne!! Q in!omnia insomnie
Attac. Q fit criz, atac
7ndige!tion indigestie
(ut tietur
Sym#tom simptom
@re!cri#tion reet
'reatment tratament
:#idemic epidemie
(ure 2. Iemediu, leac, 5. Tratament, cur
(are 'ngri#ire
:4erci!e exerciii OfiziceP, micare
Recreation recreere, odi*n
Re!t odi*n
:mergency caz urgent, urgen
Ambulance ambulan, salvare
Stretc0er targ
Stet0o!co#e stetoscop
Aeedle ac
7n+ection in#ecie
Sur"ey studiu, statistic
;azard risc, pericol
=arning avertisment
<onge"ity longevitate
(0ill Q !0i"er! rceal, frisoane, friguri
(old rceal, guturai
?lu grip
'on!iliti! amigdalit
@0aryngiti! faringit
Bronc0iti! bronit
Scarlet fe"er scarlatin
Mea!le! po#ar
Mum#! oreion
=0oo#ing coug0 tuse convulsiv
(0ic.en #o4 vrsat de v6nt, varicel
Arterio!clero!i! ateroscleroz
Ga!triti! gastrit
Ulcer ulcer
Anaemia anemie
&iabete! diabet
A!t0ma astm
'uberculo!i! tuberculoz
:m#0y!ema emfizem
R0eumati!m reumatism
Sciatica sciatic
Aer"ou!*n nevroz, astenie
(ancer cancer
Malaria malarie
'y#0oid fe"er febr tifoid
(0olera *oler
Small8#o4 variol, vrsat
@lague cium
Ab!ce!! abces
Giddine!! ameeal
A#o#le4y apoplexie
Art0riti! artritism
A!t0enia astenie
(ataract cataract
(ri!i! Q 0eart attac. Q fit of ner"e! Q 0y!teria criz
&iarr0oea diaree
&i#0teria difterie
&y!entery dizenterie
<i"er com#laint Q !ore eye! durere de ficat T de oc*i
:czema eczem
:#ile#!y epilepsie
Gout gut
;e#atiti! *epatit
;ernia Q ru#ture / *ernie
7nfection infecie
Sun8!tro.e insolaie
<umbago lumbago
<u4ation luxaie
Migraine migren
Boil furuncul
@al!y Q #araly!i! #olio paralizie; paralizie infantil
@leuri!y pleurezie
@neumonia pneumonie
@ro!tatiti! prostatit
@u! puroi! ra*itism
7tc0 r6ie, m6ncrime
Sciatica sciatic
Sy#0ili! sifilis
;iccu# sug*i
'y#0u! tifos
'uberculo!i! Q con!um#tion tuberculoz
Varico!e "ein varice
Veneral di!ea!e boal veneric
Surgery 2. "abinet medical 5. "*irurgie
(0ildrenH! !urgery cabinet medical pentru copii
;ealt0 centre dispensar
;ealt0 re!ort staiune climateric
;o!#ital spital
Maternity 0o!#ital maternitate
(linic clinic
Sanatorium sanatoriu
=ard salon Ode spitalP
(a!ualty de#artment secia de urgen
9#erating t0eatre sal de operaii
&i!#en!ary dispensar
Vi!iting 0our! ore de vizit OspitalP
@atient / pacient
7n8#atient Q out8#atient pacient intern T extern
@la!tic !urgery c*irurgie plastic
Analy!i! Q blood te!t analiz T analiz de s6nge
(<ocal) anae!t0etic anestezie OlocalP
Blood!0ot coongestionat
(ontagiou! Q catc0ing contagios, molipsitor
(on"ale!cence convalescen
(urable Q incurable curabil T incurabil
Sen!ation of nau!ea senzaie de grea
Bleeding Q 0aemorr0age *emoragie
7nfirm Q infirmity infirm T infirmitate
7n"alid Q in"alidity invalid T invaliditate
?aint lein
7n+ury leziune, ran
Ma!!age masa#
Metaboli!m / metabolism
Mad Q in!ane B madne!! Q in!anity nebun / nebunie
@oi!oning / otrvire
@al#itation Q t0robbing palpitaie
(oncu!!ion of t0e brain comoie cerebral
?ir!t aid primul a#utor
X8ray! raze ]
?ir!t8aid man sanitar
Sym#tom simptom
Blood tran!fu!ion transfuzie de s6nge
Vaccine Q "accination vaccin T vaccinare
Viru! virus
;ealt0 !er"ice asisten medical
&rainage canalizare
Sanitation igien, salubritate public
=ater8!u##ly alimentare cu ap, sistem de distribuire a apei
&octor medic, doctor
@0y!ician doctor 'n medicin, persoan autorizat s practice
medicina Odar nu c*irurgiaP
(0ildrenH! doctor Q #ediatrician doctor de copii
General #ractitioner Q G%@% medic generalist
Senior #ractitioner medic cu experien
S#eciali!t (doctor) medic specialist
Aer"e !#eciali!t Q neurologi!t specialist 'n boli de nervi
'0era#euti!t medic internist
Stomatologi!t medic stomatolog
&enti!t dentist
9culi!t Q eye8!#eciali!t Q o#0t0almologi!t oculist, specialist de oc*i
9#tician optician
Gynaecologi!t ginecolog
Urologi!t / urolog
<ocum doctor care ine locul unui coleg
Surgeon c*irurg
Mid*ife moa
Aur!e asistent medical
Si!ter asistent principal
Matron asistent ef
Medical officer doctor de salon
Su#erintendent medic ef
&i!#en!ing c0emi!t farmacist autorizat s execute reete
Medicine 2. edicin 5. edicament
&rug 2. edicament 5. %rog
@ain8.iller sedativ, calmant
&ro#! picturi
@ill pilul
'ablet tablet
@o*der praf
'onic Q #ic.8me8u# tonic
Mi4ture mixtur, poiune
9intment alifie, pomad
(ream crem
;erb plant medicinal
(otton vat
@ad of cotton*ool tampon de vat
&re!!ing pansament
94ygen !u##ly cantitate de oxigen
A##liance aparat, instrument
@la!ter g*ips
Soot0ing effect efect calmant
<ac. of "itamine! lips de vitamine
&ental #late, denture protez dentar
&ental bridge punte OprotezP dentar
Good Q bad, #oor Q feeble, uncertain 0ealt0 sntate bun T ubred
T precar
;ealt0y sntos
Sic. bolnav Ofolosit atributivP
7ll bolnav Ofolosit predicativP
(ommon obinuit, frecvent
Mild uoar
Seriou! grav
(0ronic cronic
(urabile di!ea!e boal curabil
7ncurable incurabil
(ontagiou! contagioas
7nfectiou! infecioas
@ulmonary pulmonar
Re!#iratory respiratorie
&ige!ti"e digestiv
Surgical / c*irurgical
=0ole!ome Od. m6ncareP *rnitor, nutritiv
Regular Od. via, meseP regulat, ordonat
Strict Od. regimP sever, strict
'0oroug0 minuios, amnunit, serios
Urgent urgent
<ong8!ig0ted prezbit
S0ort8!ig0ted miop
(ro!!8eyed saiu
Blind orb
(olour8blind suferind de daltonism, daltonist
&eaf surd
&umb mut
&eaf and dumb surdomut
<ame c*iop
;unc0bac. cocoat
Mentally deficient deficient mintal
9ne8armed ciung
9ne8eyed c*ior
'o !it in a draug0t a sta 'n curent
'o catc0 a cold a rci
'o 0a"e a !ore t0roat a avea dureri 'n g6t; a/l durea g6tul
'o 0a"e a running no!e a/$ curge nasul
'o 0a"e a clogged no!e a avea nasul 'nfundat
'o 0a"e Q run a 0ig0 tem#erature Q to feel fe"eri!0 a avea
temperatur T febr
'o feel giddy a avea ameeli
'o coug0 a tui
'o !neeze a strnuta
'o !*eat a transpira
'o be !eized by cram# a fi apucat de, a avea crampe T c6rcei T un
'o feel a se simi
'o feel *ell a se simi bine
'o feel un*ell a nu se simi bine
'o feel !lig0tly un*ell a nu se simi prea bine
'o !uffer from a suferi de
'o die of a muri de
'o afflict a face s sufere, a afecta
'o be liable to a fi predispus la
'o cut (oneH! arm) a/i tia T a se tia la ObraP
'o !#rain a suci, a/i scr6nti Oo 'nc*eietur, gleznaP
'o brea. (oneH! leg, an.le) a/i fractura Opiciorul, gleznaP
'o !li# a aluneca
'o fall Q to be ta.en ill a se 'mbolnvi
'o regi!ter *it0 a G@ a se 'nscrie, a fi luat 'n eviden Ola o
policlinic, doctor etc.P
'o ma.e an a##ointment a fixa o or de consultaie
'o go to t0e doctorH! !urgery a merge la cabinetul medical
'o !end for t0e doctor a trimite dup doctor, a c*ema doctorul
'o get medical 0el# a primi a#utor medical
'o e4amine a examina, a consulta
'o ta.e Q to feel !omebodyH! #ul!e a lua pulsul cuiva
'o !ound !omebodyH! c0e!t a asculta plm6nii cuiva
'o ta.e !omebodyH! blood #re!!ure a lua cuiva tensiunea
'o be o#erated on forG / a fi operat deX
'o undergo an o#eration a fi supus unei operaii
'o #erfom an o#eration Q to o#erate (on !omebody) (for
!omet0ing) a opera Ope cinevaP Ode cevaP
'o clean u# Q to dre!! a *ound a cura T a pansa o ran
'o be in+ured in an accident a fi rnit 'ntr/un accident
'o dro# Q t0e tem#erature i! dro##ing a scdea temperatura
'o be treated forG a fi tratat deX
'o #er!#ire a transpira
'o "accinate, to inoculate a vaccina
'o cure Q to be cured a OseP vindeca
'o 0a"e a toot0 filled a/i plomba un dinte
'o 0a"e a toot0 #ulled out a/i scoate un dinte, a face o extracie
'o 0a"e (!omet0ing) out a se opera de, a/i scoate
'o recommend a recomanda
'o #re!cribe a prescrie
'o *rite a #re!cri#tion a scrie o reet
'o ma.e u# a #re!cri#tion a prepara o reet
'o !tay in bed a sta 'n pat
'o go to t0e 0o!#ital a merge la spital
'o ta.e medicine a lua medicamente
'o gargle a face gargar
'o in0ale a face in*alaii
'o .ee# one!elf *arm a sta la cldur
'o get o"er*or.ed Q o"ertired a se surmena, a se extenua
'o get o"er8e4cited a avea emoii puternice
'o .ee# a diet a ine regim
'o .ee# t0e *eig0t do*n a/i menine greutatea, a nu se 'ngra
'o lead a regular life a duce o via regulat
'o reco"er a i reveni, a se 'nsntoi
'o !u#er"i!e a supraveg*ea
'o loo. after a avea gri#, a 'ngri#i
'o go on oneH! round! a face vizita O'n spitalP
'o re#ort on a #atient a raporta despre starea unui pacient
'o gi"e an in+ection a face o in#ecie
'o 0a"e an X8ray ta.en a face o radiografie
'o !titc0 a coase
'o !mo.e a fuma
'o gi"e u# ! a renuna la fumat
'o #ollute a polua
'o #araly!e a paraliza
'o lig0t (u#) (a cigarette) a aprinde o igar
'o #uff a pufi
Routine e4amination Q c0ec.8o"er examen OmedicalP obinuit
Medical certificate certificat medical
Sic. Q maternity Q re!t lea"e concediu de boal T de maternitate T de
Um#teen cure! nenumrate leacuri
;o* are you^ cum te simiS "e mai faciS
=0atH! t0e trouble^ ce s/a 'nt6mplatS "e te doareS "e aiS
;o* are you getting on^ cum te simiS
;e 0a! #oor eye!ig0t are vederea slab
'o en+oy good 0ealt0 / a se bucura de o sntate bun
BR7'A7AHS AA'79AA< ;:A<'; S:RV7(:
&or t*irt- -ears no? t*ere *as been a national *ealt* service
in 1ritain.
T*e aim of t*e >ational ,ealt* Service is to give free medical
advice and treatment to an-bod- and ever-bod- ?*o needs it.
T*e care and t*e advice provided is compre*ensive; it covers
t*e services of a general practitioner, *ospital specialists, *ospitals for
t*e c*ronicall- and t*e mentall- ill, opticians, mid?ives, dentists
also t*e drugs and appliances prescribed.
1ut t*e general practitioner t*e famil- doctor is t*e Bing
pin. $t is on *im t*at t*e ?*ole s-stem pivots.
Ever- person of sixteen -ears of age and over can register
?it* a general practitioner Oparents and guardians register for t*e
>o? letAs looB at a t-pical patient. r Smit* is feeling slig*tl-
un?ell ?it* a *eadac*e, but is not ill enoug* to sta- in bed. ,e
decides to go to see t*e doctor.
r Smit* can eit*er p*one t*e doctorAs receptionist to maBe
an appoinment to see t*e doctor at a particular time during t*e da- or,
if t*e doctor doesnAt operate an appoinment s-stem, *e #ust turns up at
t*e doctorAs surger-.
$f r Smit* ?as so ill t*at *e *ad to sta- *ome in bed, *e
?ould telep*one t*e doctorAs receptionist and arrange for t*e doctor to
come and see *im at *is *ome Vafter surger-W, ?*en t*e doctor goes
Vout on *is roundsW.
$f r Smit*As ailment is a minor one, t*e doctor ?ill prescribe
accordingl-, sign a medical certificate for r Smit* if *e is too ill to
go to ?orB, and probabl- arrange to see *im again.
r Smit* taBes t*e prescription to t*e nearest c*emist. (t t*e
c*emist *e ?ill for t*e first time bring out *is mone-. ,e ?ill pa- 8E
pence per item on t*e prescription, no matter *o? expensive t*e item.
,o?ever, people under t*e age of fifteen or over sixt-Tfive or pregnant
?omen are exempt from pa-ment. +t*er people ?*o are also exempt
from pa-ment include some people ?*o *ave ver- lo? incomes or
?*o are suffering from a c*ronic illness.
$f it is a Zuestion of a serious operation andTor *ospital
treatment, r Smit* ?ill be ?ell provided for.
ost 1ritis* *ospitals are o?ned b- t*e State and maintaned
b- contributions from t*e >ational ,ealt* Service.
1esides 4eneral ,ospitals for in#ured persons and t*ose
suffering from different diseases, t*ere are maternit- *ospitals for
expectant mot*ers; and special *ospitals, for diseases of t*e e-e,
diseases of t*e ear, nose and t*roat; diseases of t*e sBin; as ?ell as for
pulmonar- tuberculosis OT1P and cancer.
4eneral ,ospitals provide accommodation and treatment for
in/patients, ?*o all t*e time t*e- are ill remain ?it*in t*e *ospital and
?*o are allo?ed to see t*eir relatives and friends onl- at fixed *ours.
(t t*e same time t*e- provide for out/patients, ?*o attend for
treatment at stated times and at regular intervals.
T*e rooms in a *ospital in ?*ic* t*e patients sta- are called
?ards. ( sister is in c*arge of t*e nurses and patients in a ?ard, and
looBs after ever-t*ing in it including its proper ventilation and
*eating. S*e goes ?it* t*e medical officer on *is rounds of t*e ?ard,
and reports on eac* patient. S*e notes t*e doctorAs instructions and
taBes subseZuent action. $n all *er ?orB s*e is *elped b- a staff of da-/
nurses and nig*t/nurses. T*e ?*ole of t*e *ospital nursing staff is in
t*e c*arge of t*e matron.
T*e superintendent *as c*arge of t*e ?*ole *ospital. ,e is a
senior practitioner of ?ide experience. ,e taBes special care of t*e
operating t*eatre, ?*ere surgical operations are performed. ,e is
*elped b- a staff of p*-sicians and surgeons.
&7A<9GU:S A' ';: &9('9RHS
$t looBs as if -ou ?ere going to faint.
Gou oug*t to see T consult a doctor.
%r. 1 sees *is patients on Tuesda- and &rida- bet?een = p.m. and
8 p.m.
0etAs call T *ave t*e doctor in.
( doctor must be sent for. Otrebuie s chemm doctorulP
Iing for t*e ambulance.
TaBe a seat in t*e ?aiting/room, t*e doctor ?ill see -ou directl-.
Olua'i loc n sala de a!teptare+ $l. $octor v prime!te imediatP
,o? long do -ou t*inB $ am liBel- to ?aitS $t all depends. $t ma-
taBe an *our.
>o? itAs -our turn. @ill come into t*e surger-Tconsulting roomS
@*at do -ou complain ofS Oce v supr:P
$ *avenAt been feeling at all ?ell t*e last da-s.
$ often *ave gidd- turns. Oam adesea ame'eliP
$ coug* at times. $ *ave got a fit of sneeze.
- nose is all clogged up. Onasul este nfundat de totP
$ *ave freZuent *eadac*es. @*at can $ do to get rid of m-
$ *ave a sore t*roat; $ am Zuite *oarse. Om doare gtul+ sunt tare
$ got c*ilblains on m- *andsTfeet. Oam degerturi la
$ *ave spoiled m- stomac*. OmiJam stricat stomaculP
$ *ave got a stomac* ac*e. $ feel a pain in m- bell-.
$ feel a pain in t*e c*est ?*en $ breat*e.
$ *ave s*arp pains in t*e bacB. Oam dureri violente n spateP
T*e loins *urt me. Om dor !aleleP
$ often suffer from *eart troubles.
- ears tingle. Omi 'iuie urechileP
$ am badl- *urt. T*e ?ound is still bleeding.
$ *ave sprained m- anBle; it is s?ollen. OmiJam scrntit glezna;
este umflatP
$ *ave cut m- finger ?it* a s*arp Bnife. $ *ope itAs not a serious
in#ur-. >o itAs onl- a scratc*.
$ *ave got a burnT a scald. "an -ou prescribe somet*ing for me to
cure t*e ?oundS OmJam oprit1 ars+ mi pute'i prescrie ceva
pentru aJmi vindeca rana:P
$ am losing m- *air. $ am getting bald.
@*atAs ?rongS ,o? long *ave -ou been illS @*en ?ere -ou
taBen illS ,o? long *as it been *urtingS
S*o? meTsticB out -our tongue. Fust as $ t*oug*t. $t is Zuite
+pen -our mout*. T*e uvula is s?ollen. (nd ?*at a state -our
teet* are inR O$eschide'i gura. Mmu!orul este inflamat. Si n ce
stare sunt din'ii dv.!P
TaBe off -our coat. <ndo t*e buttons of -our s*irt. OScoate'iJv
haina. $eschide'i nasturii de la cma!P
Strip to t*e ?aist. Odezbrca'iJv pn la mijlocP
1reat* in and out deepl-. ,old -our breat*.
$All taBe -our temperature. Ceep t*e t*ermometer under -our
armpit. Om s v iau temperatura. Tine'i termometrul la
%oes it *urt -ou ?*en $ press *ereS OO doare cnd aps aici:P
,ave -ou ever suffered from XS
$ *ad m- tonsils removed. OmiJau fost scoase amigdaleleP
Gou seem to be ver- sensible toX
&or t*e time being $ am not prescribing -ou an-
medicineTtreatment. TaBing t*ose pills ?ill do more *arm t*an
good. OKentru moment nu v prescriu nici un
medicament1tratament. 7edicamentele acelea v fac mai mult ru
dect bineP
( c*ange of air ?ill do muc* good. OM schimbare de aer v va
face mult bineP
Ceep indoors for a fe? da-s. OSta'i n cas pentru cteva zileP
TaBe t*is medicine t*ree times a da- after meals.
%rinB t*is on an empt- stomac*.
Smear t*e bruiseT?ound ?it* t*is antiseptic ointment. O5nge'i
vntaia1rana cu acest unguent antisepticP
"*ecB up -our blood pressure and *ave t*e *aemogram made.
O2ontrola'iJv tensiunea arterial !i face'iJv hemogramaP
T*a pains mig*t be due to aOnPX as ?ell as to aOnPX Odurerile sJ
ar putea datora unui1unei/ ca !i unui1unei/P
$ cannot deal ?it* -our case, $All recommend -ou to a specialist
inX O8u m pot ocupa de cazul dvs. O voi recomanda unui
specialist n/P
GouAll be completel- restored provided -ou sticB to t*e treatment
$Ave prescirbed for -ou. OO ve'i vindeca numai dac ve'i urma cu
stricte'e tratamentul ce vi lJam prescrisP
"ome and see me in a ?eeBAs time if -ou donAt feel an- better.
$Am sorr-, doctor, but t*e medicine *asnAt done me an- good.
$ feel muc* relieved. "an -ou give me a certificate to sa- t*at $Am
fit to ?orB T $ can get t*e situation $ am appl-ing forX O7 simt
mult mai u!urat. Kute'i sJmi da'i un certificat care s ateste c
sunt apt pentru munc 1 pot ocupa serviciul pe care l solicit/P
@*atAs t*e matter ?it* -ouS Gou looB rat*er seed-. O2e sJa
ntmplat: r'i cam indispusP
See, m- c*eeB is s?ollen. O5ite+ mi sJa umflat mseauaP
Sit do?n on t*is c*air and lean -our *ead bacB. O;ua'i loc pe
scaun !i lsa'i capul pe spateP
Sit still, please. @*at toot* is it t*at *urts -ouS OSta'i lini!tit+ v
rog. 2are dinte v doare:P
Gou *ave also a *ollo? molar in t*e upper #a?. O7ai ave'i o
msea cariat n ma(ilarul superiorP
T*e fillingTstopping *as come out. O czut plombaP
$ s*all clean out t*e cavit- and fillTstop it. OOoi cur'a !i plomba
Iinse -our mout* ?it* t*is antiseptic mout* ?as*. O2lti'iJv
gura cu antisepticP
S*ould -ou *ave an- troubles, put a little cotton dipped in et*er
into t*e *ollo? of t*e toot*. O$ac ve'i avea vreo suprare+ pune'i
pu'in vat nmuiat n eter n cavitatea dinteluiP
$f t*e toot* Beeps ac*ing come again. $All *ave to Bill t*e nerve.
O$ac dintele continu s v doar+ reveni'i. Oa trebui s omor
(void sitting in a draug*t or -ouAll be *aving an earac*e on t*e
top of t*at. O#vita'i s sta'i n curent ca s nu cpta'i pe
deasupra !i o durere de urechiP
CCCI. @9S'A< AA& ':<:@;9A: S:RV7(:S
Ba!ic Vocabulary
<etter scrisoare
9rdinary letter scrisoare simpl
Regi!tered letter scrisoare recomandat
:n"elo#e plic
@o!tcard carte potal
@icture card ilustrat
Stam# timbru
'elegram Q *ire telegram
7nland telegram telegram intern
Greeting! telegram telegram de felicitare
Money8order Q #o!tal order mandat potal
@arcel pac*et, colet
Scale! balan, c6ntar
@rinted matter imprimate
Radio licence abonament radio
'ele"i!ion licence abonament T!
9ld8age #en!ion pensie de btr6nee
Allo*ance pensie OalimentarP, a#utor Ode boal etc.P
@o!tmar. tampila potei
?orm formular
Recei#t c*itan, recipis
(0e2ue cec
@o!t8office oficu potal
;ead #o!t8office pota central
Branc0 #o!t8office oficiu potal secundar, filial
&ead8letter office servicul scrisorilor fr adres
'elegra#0 office oficiu telegrafic
7nland #o!tal !er"ice servicii potale 'n interiorul rii
Sa"ing! account cont de depuneri
<etter8bo4 cutie de scrisori
@illar bo4 cutie de scrisori O'n (ngliaP
Mail pot, scrisori
Mail collection ridicarea scrisorilor
Mail deli"ery distribuirea scrisorilor
Mail "an furgonet potal
@o!tman / pota
@o!t8office cler. funcionar la pot
@o!tma!ter diriginte de pot
9#erator telefonistOP
Sender expeditor
Addre!!ee destinatar
Addre!!ee*n adresantul necunoscut
Return addre!! adresa expeditorului
@%9% Bo4 Q @%9%B% csu potal
Under#aid francat insuficient
S#ecial i!!ue marc emisiune special
Re#ly #re8#aid rspuns pltit
<o*er rateQ reduced c0arge tax redus
&eclared "alue valoare declarat
:4#re!! deli"ery expediie express
@ayee primitorul unui mandat potal
Sub!criber abonat
'ele#0one telefon
@ri"ate line tele#0one telefon necuplat
@arty8line tele#0one telefon cuplat
Re!idential Q 0ome tele#0one telefon la domiciliu T acas
Bu!ine!! tele#0one telefon la serviciu
'ele#0one e4c0ange central telefonic
'ele#0one bo4 Q call8bo4 Q boot0 cabin telefonic
:4ten!ion interior
'ele#0one directory carte telefonic
(all convorbire telefonic
<ocal call convorbire local
'run. call Q long8di!tance call convorbire interurban
'ran!ferred c0arge call convorbire cu tax invers
Alarm call apel la ora indicat de abonat
:mergency call convorbire 'n caz de urgen
?i4ed8time call convorbire cu 'nelegere
?igure cifr
(ode number prefixul telefonic al unei localiti
&ial disc de telefon
Recei"er receptor
@ay tone ton dup introducerea monedei
@i# semnal intermitent
@urring semnal continuu
:n2uirie! $nformaii
Maintenance &e#artment %erana#amente
(all8!er"ice! servicii telefonice
?ee tax Opentru un serviciuP
(0arge pre, cost, tax
:4tra c0arge Q additional c0arge tax suplimentar
(0ange rest
<o!! pierdere
&amage stricciune
(om#en!ation compensaie
Record eviden, dovad
@articular! detalii
'o !end by !urface mail a trimite simpl
a letter by air mail o scrisoare par avion
by regi!tered #o!t recomandat
by recorded deli"ery cu confirmare de primire
'o #o!t a trimite, a expedia Oprin potP
'o carry a duce
'o reac0 Q to arri"e at a a#unge la
'o return a trimite 'napoi
'o *rite Q to !end 0ome a scrie T a trimite acas
'o deli"er a distribui
'o collect a str6nge, a ridica
'o !ort a sorta
'o !tam# a timbra
'o !tic. a !tam# a lipi un timbru
'o co!t a costa
'o !eal a sigila
'o *ire Q to cable a telegrafia; a telegrafia peste ocean
'o ta.e a letter to t0e #o!t8office a duce o scrisoare la pot
'o *eig0 a c6ntri
'o claim #ayment a pretinde T cere despgubiri
'o !a"e a economisi
'o de#o!it a depune Obani etc.P
'o *it0dra* a scoate, a retrage Obani etc.P
'o (tele)#0oneQ ring u#Q call (u#)Q to ma.e a (tele#0one) call a
suna T a c*ema la telefon, a telefona
'o loo. u# t0e number a cuta numrul
'o dro# Q #re!! Q #ut t0e coin in(to) t0e !lot a introduce moneda
'o dial a forma numrul
'o connect Q to #ut t0roug0 / a face T a da legtura
'o lift Q to #ic. u# t0e recei"er a ridica receptorul
'o 0ang u# t0e recei"er a pune receptorul 'n furc
'o gi"e Q to con"ey a me!!age a transmite un mesa#
'o call Q ring bac. a suna mai t6rziu
'o get t0e *rong number a grei numrul
'0e #er!on re2uired persoana cutat
'0e directory concerned cartea de telefon respectiv
'0e line i! bu!y Q engaged firul este ocupat
'0e line i! free Q clear firul este liber
;old t0e line, #lea!eN rm6nei la aprat, v rog
'0ereH! !omet0ing *rong *it0 our #0one Q our #0one i! out of
order telefonul nostru este deran#at
=rong number ai greit numrul
=0o i! t0at !^ cine e la telefonS
Mary ! la telefon ar-
Pou are *anted on t0e #0one v caut cineva la telefon
?orgi"e my troubling you iart/m c te deran#ez
May 7 ma.e u!e of t0i! tele#0one^ pot s folosesc telefonulS
7 donHt .no* 0o* to manage t0i! automatic tele#0one. nu tiu
cum s m6nuiesc acest telefon automat
All you 0a"e to do i! to #ic. u# t0e recei"er, dro# t0e coin into t0e
!lot, lift it to your ear, *ait for t0e toneQ!ignal, dial your numberG
/ tot ceea ce trebuie fcut este s ridici receptorul, s introduci fisa 'n
aparat, s/l duci la urec*e, s atepi tonul, s formezi numrulX
@ut t0e recei"er do*n pune receptorul #os
@re!! t0i! button to get your money bac. apas pe acest buton
pentru a primi banii 'napoi
'0e coin *ill be returned fisa va fi 'napoiat
'ryQ dial again 'ncearcT formeaz numrul din nou
7 0ear a #rolonged buzzling aud un b6z6it prelungit
'0atH! all rig0t% ;old t0e line, your number *ill an!*er in a
moment (if t0ere i! anybody in t0ere) foarte bine. Iam6i la
telefon, persoana va raspunde imediat Odac acolo este cinevaP
'0e #0one i! out of orderQdead telefonul este deran#atTWmortW
=0at if t0ere i! a non8automatic #0one^ cum procedez dac nu
este un telefon automatS
'0e #rocedure i! almo!t t0e !ame but in!tead of t0e buzzzing
youHll 0ear t0e o#erator calling: [Aumber #lea!eH, in!tead of
dialling t0e numeral! you 0a"e to a!. for your number procedeul
este aproape acelai dar 'n locul b6z6itului vei auzi operatoarea
spun6ndK [>umrul v rogA, 'n loc de a forma tu numerele trebuie s
ceri s i se dea numrul.
'0e moment you 0ear t0e o#eratorH! "oice +u!t gi"e t0e number
you *ant to call 'n momentul 'n care auzi vocea telefonistei indici
@lea!e connect me *it0 numberG / dati/mi, v rog, numrulX
(an you #ut me t0roug0 to Mr @H! office^ :4ten!ion one8!e"en
#lea!e 'mi putei da legtura cu biroul %/lui PS $nterior 28, v rog.
=ill you boo. t0e call^ doreti s dai un aviz telefonicS
=0at i! t0e rate for a t0ree8minute call to @ari!^ care este taxa
pentru o convorbire de trei minute cu ParisulS
7 !0ould li.e to #ut t0roug0 a trun.8call toG / a dori s efectuez o
convorbire interurban cuX
7Hm #utting your call t0roug0 rig0t no* v fac legtura c*iar
Berlin i! on t0e line% Go a0eadN avei legtura cu 1erlinul. !orbiiR
=0en can 7 get you o"er t0e #0one^ c6nd te pot gsi la telefonS
=ill you ta.e do*n my number^ vrei s/i notezi numrul meuS
By t0e *ay, *0en you ring t0roug0 to my office, a!. t0e o#erator
e4ten!ion four8!i4 apropo, dac 'mi telefonezi la birou, cere/i
telefonistei interior =:
;ello, i! t0at Mr% Uo0n!on^ Pe!, *0o i! !^ A%A% !
(lo, %/ul F.S %a, cine e la telefonS >.>. la aparat
7 canHt 0ear youG 7 canHt under!tand youG 7 canHt under!tand a
*ordG nu v aud bineX. >u v 'nelegX nu 'neleg nici un cuv6nt
Someone i! interferingG !omeone el!e cut inG e cineva pe firX a
intrat altcineva pe fir
=ould you li.e lea"e a me!!age^ dorii s lsai un mesa#S
';: @9S'89??7(:
T*e Post/+ffice *as man- duties and *as *undreads of
t*ousands of officialsK postmasters ?*o are in c*arge of post/offices,
postJoffice cler&s and man- postmen. $t is t*e postman ?*o brings
man- items of ne?s to ever-bod-, going round from *ouse to *ouse,
and droppping t*e letters into our letterJbo(es.
T*e Post/+ffice not onl- delivers and sends letters and ot*er
mail, but also controls the telegraphs and telephones, issues television
and radio licences and registers t*em, and pays out pensions and
%o -ou ?ant to send a telegramS Fust asB for a telegram form
at t*e counter and fill it in. ( telegram reac*es t*e addressee in t?o or
t*ree *ours. IememberK t*e charge depends on t*e number of ?ords;
so tr- to conve- -our message in as fe? ?ords as possible. Gou can
also dictate a telegram over t*e telep*one.
$f -ou ?ant to post an ordinary letter, a postcard or a small
parcel, -ou neednAt go to t*e post/office, -ou can drop it into t*e
nearest letterJbo(.
$n 1ritain t*ese boxes are eit*er fixed in t*e ?all, or t*e- are
iron c-linders painted red, called pillarJbo(es, standing b- t*e
Berbstone. T*e time of t*e next collection is indicated on a little plate,
?*ic* is c*anged b- t*e postman ever- time *e comes to collect
letters. $n cities pillar/boxes are emptied several times a da- , but in
villages t*ere ma- be onl- one or t?o collections.
T*e letter ?*ose receivers are unBno?n are eit*er returned to
the sender or carried to the deadJletter office.
$f -ou ?ant -our letter to arrive more ZuicBl- t*an b-
ordinary post, -ou can send it by ir 7ail.
@*en -ou send a parcel, -ou *and it to t*e assistant, ?*o
)eights it on the scales. Gou pa- according to t*e ?eig*t of t*e parcel
and t*e clerB gives -ou a receipt. T*en, if t*e parcel is lost or stolen,
-ou can claim pa-ment from t*e post/office.
%o -ou ?ant to *ave a conversation ?it* a friend of -ours
?*o lives in anot*er to?nS T*en -ou maBe a longJdistance call. Gou
eit*er asB t*e operator to connect -ou, or, if -our friend lives in a
bigger to?n -ou ma- dial t*e call -ourself. Gou dial first t*e code
number for t*e to?n t*at -ou are calling and t*en the number of the
$f -ou ma&e a local call, -ou go into t*e telephoneJbo( and
lift the receiver. @*en -ou *ear t*e dialling tone indicating t*at
not*ing is ?rong on t*e line, dial the number -ou ?ant. @*en -ou
*ear rapid pips, -ou press in t*e coin, and t*en -ou can speaB.
<etter!. $n 1ritain letters are broug*t from pillarJbo(es to a -ead
or 0ranch KostJMffice ?*ere t*e- are sorted. T*en t*e- are carried to
their destination and delivered. $n to?ns t*ere are several collections
and deliveries a da-. T*e letters ?*ose receivers are unBno?n are
eit*er returned to the senders or carried to t*e deadJletter office. T*ere
are also registered letters and printed matter.
0etters arrive more ZuicBl- b- registered post and compensation is
offered in case of loss or damage.
%ocuments and papers of little or no monetar- value ma- be sent
b- recorded delivery. Iecorded deliver- is particularl- suitable ?*en
a record of posting and deliver- is needed rat*er t*en compensation
for loss.
'ele#0one% @*en -ou are not a telephone subscriber, -ou must
go to a callJbo(. $f -ou cannot use t*e dial telephone, t*e e(change
puts you through to your correspondent, but -ou must not forget to sa-
-our number figure b- figure and remember t*at t*e figure o Onoug*tP
is read as t*e letter [oA.


S-ar putea să vă placă și