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MONITORUL OFICIAL ROMANIEI FARTEAG - aud 103 OO) Ne 748 cect pecnerd ABTickm gi alte agte Wieran, 7 oats te Ne Pagina HOTARARI ALE GUVERNULUI ROMANIE! 1762. — Hotfrdre privind dedlansaraa procedurllor de expropriare 3 imobllelor proprietate privaid eliuste pe amplassmentul ouplimentar al Wuertrll de utilise publlck de interes. national Autosirada Sebeq— Tunda” — Lot... nm BT ACTE ALE ORGANELOR DE SPECIALITATE "ALE ADMINISTRATIEI PUBLICE CENTRALE — Ordin gf minlstrulul o8nét8| pent aprobaraa (Ghidulul matodologie de implemantare a Progremulul national’ da pravenire, supravaghere 51 control sl tuberculoma 2 MONITORUL OFICIALAL ROMANIEL, PARTEA |, Nr 7A07-X.2015 HOTARARI ALE GUVERNULUI ROMANIE! GUVERNUL ROMANIEL HOTARARE privind declangarea procedurilor de expropi amplasamentul suplimentar al lucrarii de ut »Autostrada Sebeg — Turda” — re a imobilelor proprietate privatd situate pe tate publica de interes nafional Lot 4 ‘in temeiul art. 108 din Consttulia Romani, republicst, al art. 5 alin. (1) din Leges nr. 55/2010 privind exproprierea peniry cauza de ulitate public’, necesard realizar unor obiective de interes national, judeteen i local, cu modificirile gi completirile ulterioars, avind in vedera pravedarila Hotérérii Guvemul nr. 234/2008 pentru aprobarsa indisstorilor tahnica-sconomici ai objectivului de investi Autostrada Sabes—Turda”, cu modificirile ulterioare, Guvernul Romani adopt prazenta hotardre. ‘Ast, 1. — Se aproba amplasamentul suplimentar al lucrarli de ulilitate publicd de interes nalional Autostrada Sebe: Turda’ — Lot 4, potrivit planului da amplasament prevézut in ‘anaxa ne. 1*} ‘Ar. 2. — (1) Se aprobé declangares procadurilor ds ‘expropriere a imobilelor propriatata privat situate pe amplasamentul suplimantar al lucrérii de wutilitate public’ de intares nafjonal Aulostrada Sebes—Turda’ — Lot 4, prevéizut la art. 1, expropriator find statul romén reprezertat de Ministerul Transporturilor, prin Gompania National de Autostriz! §/ Brumuri Nationale din Romania — S.A (2) Lista cuprinzdnd imobilele supuse exnroprierii potrivit alin. (1), situate pe raze localitailor Unirea gi Mirésl&u din judetul Alba, respectiv Moldovertesti, Mihai Viteezu si Célaragi din jude{ul Cluj, proprietarii sau deyinatorii acestora, précum si sumele individuale afarente despagubirilor este prevazut in fanexa nr. 2. Art 3. — Suttele individuale estimate de cars expropriator, aferants despagubiri pentru imobilele propristats privaté, situats pe amplasementul suplimentar al luer&ri de utitate publicg do interes nafional .Aulostrada Sabes—Turde"— Lot 4, pravézuts laar. 1, aflata pe raza localitiilor Unireacsi Mirdslau din judeful ‘Alba, respectiv Moldoveresti, Mihai Viteezu gi Gélatagi din finantare din e'fonduri axteme nerambursabile (FEN) pastaderare", rticolul $8.03 Programe din Fondul de Coaziune (Fey. ‘Act. 4, —Ministorul Transporturilor, prin Compania National do Autostrazi si Drumuri Nationale din Romania — S.A, rSspund® do realitatea datolor inserice in lista cuprinzind imotilsie proprietate privaté sttuata pe amplasamentul suptimentar al luerSri de utitate publicS de intares national, da cofectitudines datelor inscrise in documentele care au stat la baze stabiliri acastora, precum gi de modul de utilizar conformitate cu dispoziile legele, a sumei alccete potrivit prevederior prazentei hotir ‘Act. 5. — Sumele individuals pravizute la art. 3 se viraaz’ de catre Ministerul Transperturilor, in termen dé cal mut 30-da zie de la data solicit acestora, intr-un cont bancar deschis p= humele Companiei Nafionsla de Autostrézi si Drumuri Nafionale din Romania — S.A., la dispozitia praprietarilor de imobile situate pe amplasamantul suplimentar al lucrérii de utiftate Publicd do interes national, prevézut ta art, 1, in vederoa efactudii daspSgubitlor in cadrul procadurilor de expropriare, in condijile leg Art. 6.— Planul cu amplasamantul suplimentar al lucrdrii da Utitate publica de interes nafional se aduce la cunastinta judeful Cluj, sunt in cuantum total de-779 mii Iei gi se aloo’ de publicd prin afigarea la sediul consillor locale implicate si, la bugetul de stat, prin bugetul Ministerului Transporturilor, in respectiv, prin afigare pe pagina proprie da intemet a limita prevederiior anuala aprobste prin Legs bugstului de stat axpropriatorului. pe anul 2015 nr. 186/2014, cu modificirila si complatéiiie Art. 7.— Anexelernr. 1 si 2 fac parte integranta din prazenta Uteriosre, la capitolul 84.01 .Transporiur’,titlul 56 Projects cu hatirare. PRINCMINISTRU. VIGTOR-VIOREL PONTA Bucuresti Ne. 762. 16 septembrie 2015, Miniararf finanjaior publica, Eugen Orlando Teodoroviei ) Anda ni. 1 ae comunicd perecanelr fice gijuiciceinerasate, a eclictares scestors, de edie Compania Nojonsla de Aust pi Drums National a unin Se ee Sapa Sai, rome pubis onan Gra Rie, Paes 8 PV apogee danas impedimanta de natu ihr ara MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 TWORIA NWTIIN¥OI WSO sous usineaxe | ootusy | oocors | — | — | ew | oziseez | om | whvivNvs"THOIAWaNdo | conn caw "NWR WERIIO ole oo'oorer [= =e ented WNLINOST ¥dOd vem aay ovat | ovroorzs | — | — | eufea VNUNOSTHdOd mn aw oo'rez | oo'ooror | — co eunted ‘WNILNOSTNNVOR vom Pay wor | ovary | — | — | mew NUNS vdGd vomin vay worwt | oooore | — | — | mew Ann Ls eam ay paws | coors | — | — | oméra Anan LS eomun Pay “eazy [| cowez | — | EN Wave even amr bay come | odes | — | — | rey TEROIA Yau earn eae cost |eoroose | — | — | sew TSUN VERIO amin ay cove | odooes | — | — | ev Nyon wvanova amu ay oor | ooze — | — | mPN voIugs ¥30108 ase | ay ooze | ooowe | >| — | BRN BISINIGISONM Tessa | Saw rf oss | coves | — 7 — | mew ae mn | cay ozs | oozes | — | | — | mew TMONVSAW DISS Ea a ‘0 wenemo | o'or | ovcoos | — dr — | sew ‘VORIOIA NOIDA waar ie ‘0% wanes | oor | oooos | — | <>] sew WNGON WORT rom oe oer weneme | oooe: | ovo | — | — [oQaew Nui nave ‘eon e wore weneme | oooz | oooos | — | — | meN, TINS GHW rom « SVS uence | ooiss | ooo | — | — eA THWIGH NVEROOWD Eu zk sreioy | vaweme | cores | ooons | — | — | mew | emer | on | NWalSnauNNanwS =a = sya wawere | oreo | oooocy | — | — | rev evscezs | ont viNow NIONs vom = 9086 veweme | ore ~ | om | emisa | tee |] 08 | yo sayavoon risiNoD rom e "Sh worvaao ores uewems | oo | oo'ooze | eeu} — | sew | yeeez | on | Willdqun'WiNoUIvsido | comn se “THROHA Wael YIP ANYEOID ad veweme | ooocz | oo'oce | — | — | mew | suze | on | WVIVHIW SINSDY vom vay | ze Vid 'STISWA WakidO ‘oo'6H vere | oor | ovcore | — | — | ev | overce | ont rom wav [te bho vewems | ooo | ovcorze | — | — | mew | sume | on om way | oe were veweme | ooziz | oooore | — | — | mew | eamierz| on em way | @ 08581 veneme | oor | oooows | — | — | sev | zener | on =m way | a ere veneme | coun | ooooms | — | — | sme | easisetz| om | vNVSSIOM AMMVOSON =m eav | oe'elz veneno | oro | ovcorr | — | — | men | zeuoeez | on | S80NMOGVEHO vuliaT om vay | oz e | ¢ ® z fe MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIEI, PARTEA |, Nr, 748/7.X2015 weieieest yoouynmpD TwS— Woe gan OS yoodvRTD Tws— Wo aNT os yoodvRTND Tes — Wo aN os ‘VRIINN aon ONOS 30 VIVO TMISINGD YGHINN wavioNn GNOs 30 YTYOOTHISINGD wriniunse | be byes annse [ve snnse |e znnsa | bh ennsa | el zrmniese | be j znniese | be HULTER (ONOS 30 YTV501 VISINOD VNYSNIS Vdd “IME WdOd WITS NVECVeeWN VARINA setviONns NOS 30 VAY2O1 VISINOD es ‘pieESE zal S/e] 2) & |) 8 |s/syaje & (2/2) 2) 2) 2 /8/8/2\8)2)2/)2)8) 8) 8 HERASE EEE EVE) E|RREM ETE) ET EE] E 3)3/9/2)/3/8]3] # | 23/3) 2) 3 d/ilalajal a4 a oo'o1e veaneseee amet | za vay | oo sa'eab weyneaste eieese | Zeb way | 6 id weypesO wszoa | zat vay | 99 z's vepnesre erizoz | Lab vay | us sves vente ‘evizosz | 8b ea | ws Oeht ENE apinoez | 8b av | 35 ete ueyneaRte spite | 2a way | + vay | oo aR Tvdod VORIGIA WED wR YdOd MIA VEVOON Wha AWOL "STISWA NVAOTION THIEL ‘WRivN aOR Tauny NISUNID WSN Wow TUATIE WdOd INT YdOd THEY sant 'NITWO SONP "SVT WdOd Weta WOd TSU NYSORILSd “EEN dO TENOI SWNOI WIVZOUVSUINE ‘viv Row @/8|/8|5|a]a]a/8|8| & |8/8/8/5/2/8| 3 | 8/8/12 MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 “ANG AME ASRS) § S/S SSSR ENE) Sag) g/g8) S/R EE ~|a}5/a}a/alals|a/aia] 3 |4]3)2/3]2]3] 4/3] 3 |a]/3)a/3|a 2 |2|a/3|4 oP'uah woyemc | ao'esl = = 8 oe'ese wepene | Wee = = 8 sveze wemene | OObae i — 58 svuah weno | Weal = = 8 ‘OL b0z wemene | Oo'et = = oO SoOVe wemene | O06th = = 2 Seve wees | OO'sre = _ 8 00'66Z wewerc | 00'0ae = = | oniea geese | bl WOR OA ONVE 8 Ca weyers | Ores i i doug eeess | pe SISA UWL 6L oe'shs opens | oece = = sours oviese | pe MIHONY ISN we 39°09 wep | O0ESS = = deus irese | pL SHOYOSHO WN 7 & 4 0 zh e ee LANE eae Ea LANA eR ay wre VO MYL any ser VOI BV Pay WIENS NG were ssahoikvarioo TOA oy N09 ‘NWO! VANIOS YITENHOD Navel anes ‘“WLREVSITS SACKS “TBHOIA VENHOD “TOMA YANUOD 'NYOLYENYOD SES STSYA MeL 0828 SnSvA WL Eau WISBVEITS NVINOW ‘oaeere Wea NVEORSd 2aja/g/a) & oo'sore "BHOWOSHS WaOd TUANIOU ded ‘ooroorz g YLNNYNVSEHYO: “DITNL ones "WITS LL. “TUN ONVeid "TENHOD AONWEH "STW ONVE 4 WAVEEVING MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIEI, PARTEA |, Nr. 748/7.X.2015 oe'ezor yxoaono winowa ed ‘ozo BOLIANVaORILEE vay worst Wena ved ay oshe __ WHS av NV ORS ay os ee = egcee VINSLS NYSORE Pay ‘ooee IANS WOe x ay ‘ofa BRIVIEOd vay ‘O09 “Ean nisanio =n av = a ete sears mossuywovivenas | | ev cae VUSYONTdOd cay sree SRN OTST vay on VERN AVONTE ay GND 30 YIVIOT VISINOD. MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 e SE es o ‘BRIT VIE ay =e a WORMOIA ONVE eam say | ear Sei a BRIVT WdOd Panu ay | 2b Sel EJ YIAISOTSYT oom cay | 19h a eo oF NVaSULS BVAVL eon cay | 08 == a VOI SWE eau cay | 63) =-|[- SISA aL womur ay | gor 00088 veweaxe | dolbog sl) vanes | 68 sem sav | 25 WHI BWL¥ "VRS WI WdOd egoee usar | o9'009 SS vores | 8 Tr ave, com say | 961 ‘00088 a =e = cares | 68 ‘VIaRIINO NVSAOS¥UE eam sav | s5 ‘og 089 arene | 9009 =o eueee | 69 TWH VaNOOIN eam cay | eh ‘e089 usnen | 09°09 =sh — sures | oF Teeny NOUN eon say | er 07088 ueaneaxs | 00°008 = * wees | 68 TENOISYNOI amu aw | ZL ‘07058 ueweae | 00°08 =a ovece | 6a TEnvvdGd eau ay | 1st ogee uegneaxe | on'o0e sees suece | 60 anya nown eomur, ay | 021 ‘sez01 ueaneaxe | oc =| = cuece | eo Taunw NOUN amu wav | er soe vewege | conc | ovr | — | — Secs | oo com say | er sezeh veEneR eo -|- eumce |B. vomun vay | ze ogo wegneRO omer | — | - a eon way | ori ae288 UBENERKO cows | — | — a wenn wav | Sb ogerh VORRE comes | — | — a oom ay | HL SE 0GL vane omer | — | — oe eam ay | ere Ed UBINERS cows | — | — cy eam saw | zh Sr 1e9 vee coos | — | — a amu sav | bp veh id omer | — | — EJ WOLOIA NYSED eam cay | ori or bes UBINEAS oozes | — | — cy MOLOIA NYSE. mun pa _| eer ca URINE oowes | = [= 6a_| SISA H¥LVL NyOIuMLWL eau ea | ee oxoRe UEyNER comes | = | = eo | asvAwiv. Mor. amu ay | ze 0786, UeaNERXO ooooe | — | — a ‘SRIVT WdOd wom, aw | 98h og76t UREA oroe | — | — a ‘SRIVWdOd Som way | Se 8 £ * ' TEEN NIOENID TORRE MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 seus veweace | ons | ovooss | — | — | pew | soocr | ze | TACOS lone vomun vay | 16 ‘oer vemeaxe | ovroor | ovooss | — | — | eX | seo | oF YNVSTE NISUND Senn cay | 06t VUSXONTVENOO ‘over ueaneaxe | ontop | ooeost | — | — | ew | onvor | zp 'VIONOITE Vaod won vay | eo ‘USOT VALI 2S vewseaxe | oo'osy | oocors | — | — | mW | so0er | oF UOIDIA NYSORLLSa mn say | 33 ScoeY veweyxs | oo'sey | ovoors | — | — | mex | coe | a Teeny evese Sern cay | Ze Coo vewesxs | cover | ooooss [ — [| = | mex | once | a BOLO NYOOE oi) cay | 98 a 7 = uAcIS: NVaCIRLL BE sez veaveaxo | og'eot | ogoors ey | uionoer | ar SeareO nivae vomun vay | se 308 veweaxe [oor | oocoss | — | — | mew | tnoer | or NVOL SVAN mn sav | veh . . =| = yavaannd scab ueaneaxe | oo'ezt | oo'oreze eunfes | 1009 | or | ogeine woRasia eomun way | ce . a wavering age veers | ooze | ooroceze emies | 1000 | or | xogcine VoRaSIS vom way | zo ; 0 : a WaUINA VION ma sooo | emmeaxe | ooteere | ov'o0vo wen | zsor | ct | anoaaaywooTvisInNo: a cay | ie a a wave. gos veweace | oore | ooroogor new ser | er | ogame yorwasre venn vay | oa A i _ To wAvEEANa ore veweace | oo'ves | ooroogor wey usr | co | ogomovonase vem say | eu ; a WAVING 8 ueyneaxs | o's | 0o'OPL ema | user | er | wooo voRasia eomun eaw | ub * * =| wav ogeuy weaeaxe | oo'Zly | o0'00urs aunted se6r or ‘yxouomo vorasra vomun way | 2b ‘ 7 =| = WAVEaIANG soot | uewneaxe | co's | odears ants | zee | cr | ognmevonase eomun vaw | ou " — | — | ami WSUINN «VION S906 vewewe | cotter | oosere ed | onsee | 69 | ayn iad yIvoOTVISIMIOD vom vay | $4 ; WaRINN «AVION ease — | - | am oon ueanen? oor | oosere ee ae ee wamn way | pat oo uanene | o'er | coor | — | — | ama | ence | oo “WERIA WAIVOON amin ea | cub S51 ueweaxe | oover | ooooe | — | — | mew | ence | 68 VIATS BIW eamun way | zit ozo weinvaxe | ogee | ovoos | — | — | mew | ieee | 69 | WANSLOSINVSORISA mun ay | ib ‘a0 26e ueinenxo | oottre | ovoos | — | — | men | omc | 60 NWO! MOLSIN eomun ea | out oes weareas | ooze | ovoor | — | — | ames | somes | 60 grav NVZCRULS eamun way | eo ones od wore ‘voor = a untied rises oo ‘MOLOIA NYSED, vom way | eo. ogee veaneaxo | odor | odor [ — | = | mew | cme | oo | susvama wwonmw om vay | Zo ‘ovr veweaxo | oes | ovcors [ — [| — | men | cece | 60 Taunw noun eamn pay | 201 Ea veweaxe | ozs | ooooss [| — | — | BRN uses | 69 WiaavSTTS NYOW vom vay | so 10 MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 z € oer Une = — | ew a WOLIASORIVE eav E50 aes ee Gi NOUOSL SOREVE ean cay | nz see Uae = [= [ew Gg THOUY NVSORAISa =n ea | 91 ‘Orer eRe == | & wunISA OND mn vay _| siz YANO TRVLOENID var agree — | - | sex | cour | a | vratavwu‘siouosHo | — =emn vay | oz wort | ee == | _|_ ane [ ar VINES BHR mn vay | oe ‘Wee eRe = [= [een _| aoe [ar NVaSIS BIL ann way | zz wees waeRe = [= [ew _ | bene [ar BOIBIA SORE enn ray | nz aoe Tape == [ew aor [ar WNZOu ENN =n vay | oz 3008 ene = [= [ew | nezcer [er | viannonvanosnra enn cay | ez ooze oo = [= [wen | ciozoer [ar TWIN vavOoIN eam say | a0 | ‘VInWH FSAWVOWE ogasa veneers wen | zor | ar GRY vom vay | sz Ero ane es ee WRIWeNYEGrALSE eon cay | 300 “oes ana = [= ere | or [er TSUnWNVSRISa =n way | soz ogzee VENER = | = [ mew [| tizwer [er THOU NVIORISd eam vay | Hz Ed DeeRe = =| Fen Oh creer [er BISWA VaNOO conn wav | 20 HISVAIGYEONTIO TOMA | gan samp uses wen | “Gengy | cy | Suswaicwuonn ical in say | zoz 0 wut eon sgais vee wey | soo “Pte | eres rte acer a way | sz oe waneace | ooee | ovoos | — | — | wear | wezeer | er ‘VEVWWdOd anh wav | oo wean wane | ove | ove | — | — | rw | euzoer | er Wawro Wes enn eav_| eer coe veyeace | oo'sos | ooooet | — | — | sqev | anor | zr vay | 961 oeea vusareaxe | o'er | oooozr | — | — | mae | coor | zr way | 61 wee wane | oozez | ove | — | — | ew | woooe | e vay | 86 waz unease | ovo | ove | — | — | mev | concer | er eay_| 6h coe woeae | oo'zer | ovary | — | — | mw | sooer | ar | creo to ttny olan in cay | +61 ‘ovale were | ovo | ovoors | — | — | wmv | ence | a TBUNW¥adOd eon vay | eo 3197 waren | over | ovr | — | — | Sew | coca | e | SOIOIANVaORIBa comin wav] Zor = | 2 * 7 MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 TauOO TERNY NLA vnv2cd VANHOD WNULNSHOTS MVLML “INSU WaNOS Whwaou ‘VaNHOO "WNLLNSHOTA YL. THOU Y WANYOD Te Bay ey or oay ‘oore'| | Ueaneaxe a ee 6 IHDY VNIOD von vaw | zee ocecez | vane =-[- |] ee Teeny NON enn cay | Hz ‘oe at Eee —|- |= et oomn way | oz ‘Oe ObL UeENeaE = [= [= g eam waw | ez Ed UeINeaS =| = | wy ee emu way | az OFS enna —|- |= er amin wav | ae ret =e “ep ~ | © | esr iHowvnvacmow | NF ame | Oe: . " BIS¥A NVAGGTON VidNITTO " —|& amu ores ueaveaxs | oo'oss | ooze wey 6 | a oe ae nm caw | sez ore einen | ogre | oocoze | — | — | egw ee dna unW ONY omin vaw | rez sezy urineaxe | orese | oocore | — | — | mRA ee dria Tn SAVE amin vay | sez sve) vewene | ods | ows [| — | — | mew or conn caw | ez ‘overt vewene | oor: | oss | — | — | BRN & eomn vay | Hz er ueaneaxe | 00% | oocost | — | — | MEN & amin vay | oF sees vewene | ooecr | coors | — | — | mew ee enn cay | ex Eid urea | ova | oocore | — | — | mRN et eemun way | azz or a ae ce ee ee amin waw | iz ee ip ueineno | ov'ezs | oocozs | — | — | KRM & emu vay | ez SUGEL eineaxe | oor: | oocozs | — | — | mW oF amin wav | sz ‘Oe vewerss | oven | oocozs | — | — | meN of eamin caw | vz sieet veweae | oven | oor | — | — | mew er camun vay | exe wel eaneaxo | 00% oooowe | — | — | mew ee amin waw | cz svuz venene onoove | — | — | mew er emu vay | iz ‘Oe ENS ove | — | — | ev ee al way | oz wet UERNERE goes | — | — | mew ee ean vaw | az 2 MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 ‘WOM NYSSRINO wey | ereusrele | ee BODWIVEOd eaw | Wz wey | ewurese | tr ‘VINYL NVFIENS amin caw | oz wen | zuuzer | 2 |ovewnystayaeinvens| 2 eaw | es mew | enineey | or | anolagyivoorrienoo comin eaw | ssz wen | ue |e | wean avon | coma eaw | s9 ew | oer | ee BOOWIKEOd vemin vaw | 28z wey | evel | e BODWIEOd een eaw | S82 ey Wee iv waives eam bay | vz we hiv nS eamun eaw | ca ey ‘vRviN NGA conn caw | zz ey Manu SnGuve =n vay | He = oe, | nn [ow ee ey, 8 | awosaavwoorviainos | smn | wav | ose wey oe RTT NYE oomn cay | az wen | Seow | oo VRIVIN NERD eomin vaw | sz wen | tenepl oc IRVIN NOTED ean eaw | 82 wew | izessr | 6 SHOWOSHO VSI mun wav | $52 mew | ozser | ot oINWVSTH emu waw | v8 ns Wao sey | ouesor | ee | ‘niaryaowine wunnaT vena vay | es DOGZO NYO! YaOUIN mew | user | oF emir eaw | zz we | eieiser [oe emu waw | sev | viesor | or vom vay | osz ev | vevensr | oF enn cay | az wen | zesensr | oe wemin vay | are mew | case, | oF IMLSIA Va ean vaw | 22 Y arnvaT sey | uvesor | ce | “oMAET waWnO ww. | eon vay | oz 3 * v € MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 ovezo | uewnenxe — | - | mew womn | cay | ez oo vee = = rey som Say | 967 socorh | uaaneane = [= [ew eemn | av | ce weze'l USENEAXE = - ey eau ea | 287 ‘overs | ueaneace = [= | ew wamun | wav | sez seo | wanwae | = | = | ew VEMVinliveoovivaM | eamun | av | rez se08 veanegs | == ey ‘wrRnvit RESIN earn eay_| csc 02206 USENERX = Sead bere WW HSIN eam ea | 78z os'gs'l UREA AX = = ey BOW! 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NVZOVTYS sort | venene | over | ogooos | — | — | sew | cue | te ‘vray wou eomin caw | ace O1'e0b es Ore 00000") ag ate rey BLSE te REIN Od comury cay | Zee sere UPENEEXE oot 001000") = ot rey Ouse 1 WLUGHON WOO eamuny cay | sec ecece | wana | corse | ovooor | — | — | mew | veooe | te MAIS ORUVD wemn | wav | soe 56'901 UBENERX oes 0000s" = ae ren EZR i (WRI NWSE: samn caw | +t we | wwene | oe | ove | — | — | mv | rue | oe ASTON NINERS ern | cay | oe seit | urweaxe | oo'ser | oosere | — | — | mew | sro | or | ay uymoorgmoo | Pama | sav | zee coast | ueaneaxe | ooore | oococs | — | — | mew | ater | oF Fano ane conn | av | ee crow | veeae | cover | overt | — | — | BRN | one | or ROIS ANCE conn | cay | ont 16 MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIEI, PARTEA |, Nr. 748/7.X.2015 rp ry Sy rp ep ed ed edeprpapepepapapapapapaya “/EPE/S E/E) 2/ 2/9/98] 8/8] 9/8) 8/9) 8/ 3) 9/9/3) 3 *|S/S/S/5/S)/S/ S/S) 8) 8/5) 8/5)/s)5)/5)/5/5)/s)/s)/s] & 3 o/s 3 29005 958 > 4/3/89) 9) 9/2) 9)9/9) 8] 8) 8] 8/8 |B/a) 8 /8)0/ 9] ea aa] ry efshipryafepap ape farsprpefefapep a ysfayesyefayayys S/S S) S/S) S/S) S/S S/S) 5) 5) s /s/S| es S/s/S/s/s/ssisis ZF IZ) TF/FI/FIZ ZI TFIZl\ Zl ZL ZF) FIZZ ZIFIFIFIFIFIZIZIZIE S/S /d)s)5]o o/s S]so]s S/5|S [S/S /Slslolalalals 5/8 [8/8] 8/8 (8/318 | 8/8] 8] 8] 8 | 8 [8/8] 8 |8 | 8/8/3818 /8 8/8 18 5/38/38 MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 (evennt2n9 “eu 2nD) °) 8/3) 9) 8) 8) 8 EAE E THA] 3] a) E) 9) 9) 2/0 aH ~/s/3/s]s]/3]/5|5)/5/5|p)5/8/2/ala]e|e|]@|)e]/e)a)alela| alee RSEUNODIO WN DOT “EUG. € 3 o 5 /2/e/8|s/5| a] o 6 08 5 e & Es e 3 S/S) S/S] S/S 3 3) 2/3) 3/5/3)2)2)3) 3) 3/8/32] 2) 2/2] 8) 2) 2) 2) 2) 2 2/8)2)3] 2/2 8/8 /s/s/s/slels B) B |R| 8/8) B)a\ 8) es) a) alee) a) e)e)a) ae) a) ae) e\e)eia\aja) ale ZIFF ZF ZZIZ ZZ ZZ ZF) 2) FZ FZ /ZL FZ) Z| PZ ZZZZ FLT S/S lSlS/o/S/SlS/olS/alsja/s} a) alas S/S) S)s/slolsjo} a] sa B/ 8 18/3/8/8/8/3]3/F/ 5/918] F] F | 8 | 8/8] F | S| S| SS] eis] 89] 8] 8 20 8 {8128/3 /8| 8] 8 E/ SB/BR a] s/s 8 MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 4 /8/3) 8) £8) 8/8) 8]8) 3] 2] 218) 2}2)8) 2] 2] 2) 8/82/28] 22 |i ») %) %/8/8|8|/8]/5/6/2/e/e/8| e) @ |s/slalal s «| 2) B/S /9/8/8/S/e\e)e)aie) ge) e )e)ajaja) a) e) a) es leiaiaja) ale o/ 8] [8/8 /3/ 8/88/2818 MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 05 105 308 ee ueaneaxo | 00'6 RED uonep FERESOH maT =uED ‘808 se vuenneaxs | 0089 auntie Ld 0s aszet vewegxs | oo'trP stevrs 8g | Ra svenopO VY EO] M=vOD 0s sient | waren | oveevz aioe a 08 wee | wees | oveio views 38 103 woah veweaxe | o0'zor shoves 8 0s OvERE veweaxs | 00'Crr hound ES ear 3002 Ueaneaxe | o0tpoe iota a 36 more uewneaxe | oo's90 BEN es | niyerorortrescimesvea Ler we vewens | over wey a ee ed 6P 1198 ewer | oosirs eles = ED ‘oney vewens | 00050 eles = er Zeist ueineaxe | o0roRe ioe « er Leu wea | over oles = er sh vevepe | ovat ey = ter Eo urine | OOTIZy Te & 08 az, uewneaxe | 00's waeiy er veo vueanesxe | ootst mew id MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 22 799 ovis are e008 co's Wg oer ov'eeg ovg Lane oo'asr'e ees e0r ones = aes 8085 [cosas =e 285 ‘SEE cr — [= aes ied o0'e8a. -|- og ohh nese = |[- eg Ons oo'oez -|- og 08 o's Sas] = wes Ori Oo 20 = Pr 1s zeore oo'ezs -|- oes sere Ci = [= eS 4 co's -|- wes eee oo'ole ouez | 082 es SeOL ova = [= 328 zoe ooze -|- see ogee ove eave, eh o'r bores ovoue oo'ost bores aver 00°50 i oes ovreie i wee ov'ees i weiss, on'e0e = oly ones = EPO oo'ese = ze oF ® z fafafal} faa g 2/2) 9/8/83) 8/8 i g PEPE EE [aaa [ala io EY zh ov usananomon) Fro | 295 RNY zu or LLSSNIACCON| id | 2e5 ey 1 or ugananomen| Fo | s39 Zz meny aoiL. ob Liganarociow) mo | #89 a = ad wo | ee uidananomon| fo | ces g ey on | oF ugananomon) Fo | zs 2 ey ‘80h Ea Lisananomow| imo | 195 ¢ Key gl or LLSSNIAOTION| id | os z 8 wey zor | oF lugananomon| io | es ; ew = + igsnanomon| fio | as seis : aunt ei or LLSSNIAOTION) id | fos sosiey vemeaxe | Oost Ol ound, = or 1 mo | org eee ek ueqnegxe | oo'pee'4! te anid = in fo | ors ov zpl it Uegneaxe PL" ley unit - - iia | +e erect | veaneno | 00’ ieee | cloves | tao | oF fo | os MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 zziz | veueae | ovzer | ovoaze | cima] cima] RRA az | © ru SD LLESNGAOTIOM] IO] Fee eaz | wanee | ove | ovocze | eima| cima] eR az | « ur Sm tigananomion| Io | 669 Srey BERN soo wore | oor: | oooors | — | sacze| ee sz | at | rrutey dog eo ed “omen | idananomion| fo | zoe (eg "EUL Weg "euBENg dom 4 Tapa WED egg WEEE Oe ooo + - goers ey 4 Be | Rufey dog ‘eue9) red “HHIND | (LSANSAOTION| [1D 46s (p5g "ewurg reg “euesng dom ‘za0sz BENE AXE 00'255 oooor's | 99675 | S875 KEN a aE UgUSe A UESE! 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AZVALIA HIN YLIGNWHHOO NI BL¥LaIOOS: YINFMON ONY ETE 2S. ZVALIA WHI YITYZOM OOM, i MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIEI, PARTEA |, Nr. 748/7.X.2015 wey Gad wey ‘ebngewoo 0 Ebngeuco ano rey wey prey prey wey imey, wey wry wen wey wey wey ey wey wey rey ney 2/3/3/8/8/2/8|] 8 [8] 8 MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 28 oo'ssve AZVSLIA HIN | & orsee'+ | usaneaxe | Oo'SH OL OZvaLA rH | fio, we'LZ0'S | UBENeAx® | OO'676'OL Loe ZVALIA Ive | BS web's | ueENeRKS | OO'L00'L Ose AZWALIA WHIM | BID pe'zpe's | upgneaxe | oo'sro'LL et ZVALIA IH | BIS. ovesez | waren | vee we TavaUARHN | TO Selle» | ueENeaxe | “Od'tEs'OL ist ZVALIA IVHIE | BS weno | wwe | ovewer a azesoz | winrar | covers se ei'seczz | uesseaxe | oo'crs'er wo es'sizoo | ursneaxe | oo'ereoct ‘BH LeTRE | Uemnegxe | QOTTL IG NZWELIA HIN | PID ss'avriz | vemese | ogeesr nzyaLiA pHW | FIO: rewoo: | uses | ov'auze evecst | vemexxe | og'iere aveiee | vewesxe | ootters ovaoe's ogooe'e oorooroz ortiz | uearesxe | oo'oes | oo'oug 9: aero, | uemnene | ootiess | ocoooe & |8| 8 |3/8|8] 8 | 8 | 8 |3]8)3| & |3)8|2| F/B) 8 axe, | uereso | og'erst | ocgors ge'sue | veep | og'eost zvezz't | veareaxe | og'zuoz suse: | vewesxe | oo'sare zieez | uegreaxe | oo'zze aozeo': | ueaneaxe | oo'ePee vrs | veaneaxe | oor avece': | ueaneaxe | oo'eosz aveoe: | vewnesx | avenge zr | uewene | oozore evzge't | vemesxe | og'uzoy zh mn oF onroor tz on'or tz o's! 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ZANSuSAdOTN WIVZO 0 ADVIS TaN YOINVNVPGISHS VOI NOT AZWALIA WHI TOOTTNNISNOD TZVALIA WHI TWOOTTNTISNOD nzwaLin HIN | & Tus AHNOT OS ZVALIA WHI ‘YNID VLEUVERVIN NYSRIOD “NVOSTISWA NYDUOD OZWSLIA HIN | & MIND VLUVOUVH NYOUOO “NYOSTIBWA NYEXOO WNW DERUSDI “THAN DISH NaveNWS MLV MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 VINSON VORUNY SaTaH "BVTDOIN N¥Ridy 8STISH ALINE) ISOIOZS AVALIA WHI ny SVT ISBU3A "WNW EWN TOW AZVALIA HI TW SVEN OZWLIA HI UNCC TION WHOS ZVALIA WHI WAHOSV UVa LNITWS, OVSLIA HIN | & ey prey ney Gad rey Gad wey Cad rey ae wey wey ey me. prey ey wey ney wey wey wey wey wey rey ey wey prey FP S/F) S/F) Sl Fe) se) Ss) es] s/s Fs sps/sie) es) sysie| Fs] sys WiavavNVOWwEYE ‘mn WeyOIvEys: nzwaLin Han | & MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIEI, PARTEA |, Nr, 748/7.X2015 30 we L ere bbe 2/8/2/2| 2/8) 2 |2]2 B ERE zeeRe ooreroz 8 ‘sv6ro ooLLyL wus over wrss oo'r20z g vl Be |B Ov 8OL OO'OreE score ooery wveoe oo'eugt EE ores s098e ooteen 3) s/s) F jes) + ogee, oo'oar see g eZee al a] alalalalalal a /aald’ g lA] & LB] R IER RE a MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nt. 7AB/T.X:2015 8 1OETURP! 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WWSTOL NZvaLIAWHIN | fia | ser we | wwwae | overt | oot | — | 1 | mew 0L & WHOOG 1WuvO AZVaLAWHIN | TIO _| 782 weooor | urweme | overs | ome | — rey i o MMIMIG LOL NavaLAnHN | FO | ez ores | uewnence | cost | oogerT BN ¥ & ‘vOr"aO005 TZVALIARHIN | FD | ZSZ wou | umes | oot | ooceot EN a Gg ‘VRS NOWW AAGLUARHI | —O_| 192 go'clr =| Uenveaxe | oo'e6e og'68 ey ‘BE er NYIaIS ANYSREO NZWALIA THIN | fia | ose wie | wane | ozer | ozzy | — FW a & Wrearaao TEVELAWHIN | IO | are ser | mene | oss | wes | — ey @ & NVSLS WOE TZVELIAWHIN | FIO | tz versa | ueaneaxe | oovor | oor | — ey e Gg INTE TZONRES | AZvaLIAHIN | fo | Z¥e gor | ues | ooo | ovo | — | — | sew - | yaw rmonnisnos | zvauianmin | fio | ore a MONITORUL OFICIAL AL ROMANIE!, PARTEA |, Nr. 748/7.X:2015 ACTE ALE ORGANELOR DE SPECIALITATE ALE ADMINISTRATIEI PUBLICE CENTRALE MINISTERUL SANATATI ORDIN pentru aprobarea Ghidului metodologic de implementare a Programului national de prevenire, supravaghere si contral al tuberculozei \Vazfind Referatul de aprobare ne. N.B. 9.550/2018 al Agonijoi nationale pentru programe de sfiritate din cadrul Ministorului ‘Sanat, avand Tn vedere pravederile Strategiai Nafonale de Control al Tuberculozei in Romania 2015—2020, aprahata prin Hotérarea Guvecnului nr. 121/2015. in temeiul art. 7 alin. (4) dim Hott cu modificérile gi complatétile ulterioare, ministrul séndtfi ‘Art. 1. — Se aprobl Ghidul metodologic de implamentara 2 Programului national de prevanira, supraveghers gi control al tuberculozei, previtzut in anexa*) care face parta infegrant din prazentul ordin ‘Art. 2. — Anoxa se posta acoaca pe sito-ul Ministorulul SANS, la adresa, rubrica .Ghiduf clinioa’. ‘Agt. 3. — La data igoare ‘a prazentului ordin £9 ‘abroga Ordinul rrinistrulul s8nétai publice nr. 1.577/2008 pentru ‘aprobaree Normealor matodologice de implementara & Progremului emita urmatorul ordin: rea Guvecnului nr. 144/2010 privind organizaraa 3ifunctionaraa Ministerului Sandia, National da control al Giberculozei, publicat in Monitonul Oficial at Roménisi, Partea |/int. 766 din 13 noiembrie 2008, Art. 4. — Dirgctile de specialitate din Ministerul SBnataji, diractila de sanatats publica, fumizorii de. servieii madicale, precum si institufile publice cara deruleaz’ Programul national da pravenirg, supraveghers si contro! al tuberculazei vor duce la Indeplinire provederils prezentului o Art.’5: — Prazentul ordin 88 publica in Monitorul Oficial al Roriaitiei, Partea 1 p. Ministrul santa Franeisk lulian Chiriac, sacrelafde stat Bucuresti, 21 septambrie 2015 Ne 4.474. "| Anes publi th Mowitord Ofc a Romi, Pas I i. 74S bit, cave: poate achisfona de la Cenul pent rela cu pubicul al Regist ‘Autonome ‘onion Ofei, Bueureg, gos, Pandur r. 1. EDITOR: GUVERNUL ROMANIEL _Moniiond Ofc’ RA. St. Parco. 65, saci 1 eareagti CLF. ROA?7262, IBAN: ROBSRNCBN082006711100001 Banca Comersials Romina —SA.— Sucursala Uniea’ Gucuvasl ©, MONITORUL ‘ten pentru palate: Centr slIBAN: ROTZTREZTON606200400062" Dimojia de Trezore i Cantabile Pubes a Munioniuls Gueuregt (alocat nurnai persoanclar jardie bugetare} “Tel 021 :318.51 207180, fae, eal:, ntemet: wavwmeniiorloiciala relafi cu publicu, Guourest, gas. Panduri ne. 1, J ‘loa PSS, parter, sector 6, tel, 021.401.0070, fax O21 A0%.00-71 =i 021 404.00.72 UM “pari: Manan Ofc" R.A, Monitorul Oficial al RamSniel, Partaat, nr. FAB/7X.2016 confine 32:de pagint Preps 0,40 et ssw 14534495

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