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Sindrom Down

doTERRA Essential Oil Users Have Found The Following To Assist

In Supporting Those With Down Syndrome: S-a constatat c
urmtoarele protocoale sunt de mare ajutor pt sindrom Down
Rub 1-2 drops of Frankincense Oil on bottom of feet & back of neck
daily (all ages-helps with DNA support as well proactive treatment for
leukemia and thyroid issues) Maseaz 1-2 picturi de Tmie pe tlpi i pe
ceaf ajut la orice vrst AND-ul i e i un tratament pentru leucemie i
probleme cu tiroida.
Massage arm & leg muscles with AromaTouch Oil Blend andDeep Blue
Rub regularly. (A little goes a very long way). Maseaz braele i picioarele
(muchii) cu AromaTouch i Deep Blue crema, cu regularitate (puin, o
pictur are effect mare)
Rub 1-2 drops of Balance Oil Blend on on the big toes several times a
day. (This will help with brain function support). Maseaz 1-2 picturi de
Balance pe detegele mari de la picioare de cateva ori pe zi. Ajuta cu susinerea
funciilor cerebrale. (Pe degetele mari de la picioare sunt punctele de reflexo
pentru creier vezi plansele alaturate)
Rub 1 drop DigestZen Oil Blend on abdomen at every diaper change. (if
continues as getting older-can increase up to 2-3 drops once to twice daily).
Pentru constipaie maseaz 1 pictur de Digestzen pe abdomen la fiecare
schimbare de scutec. Dac situaia continu i cnd copilul e mai mare, atunci
crete la 2-3 picturi de dou ori pe zi.
Sinus & Lung Congestion: Congestia sinusurilor i Plmnilor
Rub 1-2 drops of Breathe Oil Blend on chest & bottom of feet.(as child gets
older, you can increase dosage & put under nose) Maseaz 1-2 picturi de
Breathe pe piept i tlpi. Pe msur ce copilul crete, poti crete doza i ii poti
pune i sub nas.
Diffuse Eucalyptus or Breathe Oil blend in the air at night Pulverizeaz
Eucalipt i Breathe in aer, pe timpul nopii

Immunity Support: Pt imunitate

Make anti-bacterial spray to disinfect home, car, hand sanitizer and especially
when traveling: F un spray antibacterial pentru a dezinfecta casa, masina,
minile i mai ales pt cltorii
In a glass 4 oz spray bottle mix 6 drops On Guard Oil Blend, 4
drops Purify Oil Blend, 5 drops Wild Orange Oil, 7 dropsLavender Oilfill the rest with distilled water (bottles available
at ntr-o sticl de sticl (nu plastic) de 4 oz
pune 6 picturi de On Guard, 4 picaturi de Purify, 5 picaturi de Wild Orange
(portocal), 7 picturi de Lavand. Umple restul cu ap distilat
Rub 1 drop of On Guard Oil Blend on bottom of each foot nightly (as child
gets older, can increase up to 3-4 drops per foot and/or take in capsule form)
Maseaz 1 pictur de On Guard pe fiecare talp nainte de culcare, ajut mult
imunitatea. Pe msur de copilul crete, crete i doza la 3-4 picturi per talp
i/sau luate intern n capsul.
For other complications: see treatments on this blog for that
specific issue or email me at
Pentru alte complicaii, scrie-mi la emailul

Additional Help:
These children respond greatly to massage experiment with different oils &
blends to see which ones your child has the best response. (back, arms &
legs) Aceti copii rspund foarte bine la masaj experimenteaz cu diferite
uleiuri i amestecuri i vezi la care copilul reactioneaz cel mai bine (spate,
picioare, mini)
As for the tongue, if it hangs out all the time, then the roof of the mouth
doesnt develop a nice arch, which makes for a smaller mouth and crowded
teeth. To try to work on this, keep the child smiling! A smiling child keeps
their tongue in. Also, dont use a sippy cup as this doesnt encourage the
correct tongue movement. Try to teach the child to move from a bottle to a
straw. A good way to do this is to insert a straw into a honey bear container
(empty of honey and filled with water). Let the straw only protrude just a bit.
You squeeze the liquid into their mouth and they eventually catch on to suck

on the straw to get the liquid. Once taught, they are good with straws, which
strengthens their tongue.
As child gets older, add the Lifelong Vitality Pack supplements to daily
routine (for increased DNA and Brain Function support) Pe msur ce copilul
crete, LLV suplimente folosite zilnic pentru a susine funciile creierului i
Concluzie: Lifelong Vitality Pack (cele trei cutii), tmia, Balance pt funciile
creierului i echilibru emotional, concentrare. Lifelong Vitality Pack este bun pentru
foarte multe alte afeciuni.
Pentru congestia sinusurilor, plmnilor: Breathe i eventual Eucalipt, n diffuser.
Breathe se pune si pe piept i pe spate.
Pentru a omor agenii patogeni: On Guard, Oregano (ulei fierbinte, se ia numai n
capsul, altfel arde esofagul), Melaleuca
Pentru a reduce mucusul: Citruss Bliss (amestec de uleiuri din coaja de citrice),
Menta, Grapefruit, Lmie
Pentru somn (adormit repede, somn profund, fara apnee i ntreruperi):
- un aparat de pulverizat cu abur rece (Diffuser)
- Serenity amestec de uleiuri pt linitire se poate pune n diffuser, dar i
extern, pe piele : pe tlpi (intr mai repede n snge), pe ceaf, pe inim, la
tmple, dup urechi
- Lavanda tot efect de linitire, aplicat ca Serenity
- Breathe amestec pentru respiraie i linitire (conine cardamon). Hraneste
plamanii si sinusurile. Se foloseste in diffuser peste noapte pentru o respiratie
sanatoasa, desfunda sinusurile. Aplica 2 3 picaturi pe piept si pe talpa
piciorului in caz de disconfort respirator (chiar i pt tuse). Pune in palma o
picatura, freaca palmele impreuna si inhaleaza facand din palme o cupa.
- On Guard se poate dormi bine cu el (n diffuser), este un amestec pentru
protectie (protective blend). Se foloseste pentru sistemul imunitar, protejeaz
mpotriva virusurilor si a bacteriilor. Contine cel mai puternic antioxidant
natural: uleiul de cuisoare (clove). Pulverizat, elimina virusii din aer. Se aplica
2 3 picaturi pe talpa piciorului sau pe coloana (dimineata si seara) sau pe
coloana. Cand simti ca esti racit sau gripat, se pun 4 picaturi Oregano cu 4
picaturi de OnGuard intr-o capsula goala si se ia pe stomacul plin.

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