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Greetings - Cum salutam

hello/hallo! Buna!
(Good) morning! Buna dimineata!
(Good) afternoon! Buna ziua!
(Good) evening! Buna seara!
How do you do? Buna ziua!
Im very glad to see you. Ma bucur foarte mult sa te/va vad.
How are you?
Ce mai faci/faceti?
Very well, thank you!
Foarte bine, multumesc!
Farewell Cum ne luam la revedere
La revedere!
Bye/Bye-bye! Pa!
Good night!
Noapte buna!
Im sorry but I have to go now. Imi pare rau, dar trebuie sa plec.
Its getting late.
E tarziu.
Till tomorrow then!
Atunci pe maine!
Ill ring you tomorrow. Te sun maine.
See you tomorrow.
Pe maine.
Introductions Cum ne prezentam
My name is
Numele meu este
Allow me to / let me introduce myself Permiteti-mi sa ma prezint
Nice to meet you!
Ma bucur sa va cunosc!
Ive heard so much about you!
Am auzit atat de multe despre dumneavoastra
Whats your name?
Cum va cheama?
Could you tell me your name please? Ati putea sa-mi spuneti numele d-vs, va rog?
Where are you from?
De unde sunteti?
I am a pupil/a student.
I play to french horn.
My schools name is George Enescu College

Age Varsta
How old are you?
Ce varsta aveti?
I am 20 (twenty).
Am 20 de ani.
You are younger than me. Esti / suneti mai tanar/tanara decat mine.
I am older than you.
Sunt mai in varsta decat tine.

Language Limba
Do you speak English?
Yes, I do.

Vorbiti engleza?
Da, vorbesc.

Accommodation - Casa
Where do you live?
I live in a beautiful flat.
I live on the second floor.
I live in the centre of town.
I live in a very quiet/noisy street.
I like living in the city

Unde locuiti?
Locuim intr-un apartament frumos/ o casa frumoasa
Locuiesc la etajul doi.
Locuiesc in centru.
Locuiesc pe o strada foarte linistita/zgomotoasa.
Imi place sa locuiesc la oras/tara.

Cum vorbim despre vreme

Its mild/cold for this time of the year. Este cald/rece pt aceasta perioada a anului.
Its a lovely morning/day!

Este o dimineata/ zi placuta

They say its going to snow/be sunny. Se spune ca va ninge/va fi soare.

Its supposed to turn colder.

Se presupune ca vremea se va raci.

Its an early spring.

Este o primavara timpurie.

Its a hot summer.

Este o vara torida.

Its a dry/ wet autumn.

Este o toamna secetoasa/ ploioasa.

Its a severe/ mild winter. Este o iarna grea/ usoara.

Its sunny.

Este soare.

Its windy. Bate vantul.

Its foggy.

Este ceata.

Its cloudy. E innorat.

Its cold.

E frig.

Its warm.

E cald.

Its hot.

E arsita.

Its snowing. Ninge.

Its raining. Ploua.
Im hot.
Mi-e cald.
Im cold.

Mi-e frig.

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