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Ziua Nasterii 30 Iunie

Rac, Treizeci iunie - Ziua motivatiei

Este foarte greu sa convingi o persoana nascuta pe 30 iunie sa faca ceva daca nu are o motivatie serioasa. Cei nascuti in aceasta zi se impart in doua categorii: introvertiti si extrovertiti. Ambele tipuri de indivizi sunt animate de idealuri personale inalte. Lumea lor este intr-adevar privata si foarte putini sunt cei care sunt admisi in ea. Indivizii introvertiti nascuti in aceasta zi manifesta preferinta pentru un stil de viata care este in stransa legatura cu caminul lor (uneori prefera sa munceasca acasa). Vietile lor sunt atat de bine circumscrise caminului, incat pasiunile acestor nativi nu sunt decat simple extensii ale vietii casnice. Aceste pasiuni isi insusesc si ele calitatile vietii nativilor zilei - sigure, familiare, lipsite de risc. Indivizii extrovertiti nascuti in aceasta zi pot parea ca au un temperament linistit, dar asta se va intampla pana in momentul in care vor fi confruntati cu o situatie deosebita. Atunci isi vor dezvalui adevarata personalitate. Nativii ar trebui sa isi mai tempereze atitudinea excentrica pentru ca uneori poate scapa de sub control.

Aproape toti cei nascuti in aceasta zi au foarte bine dezvoltat simtul tehnic. Uneori, acesta este atat de dezvoltat incat nativii devin virtuosi ai domeniului. Sunt oponenti formidabili, rareori pierzand o disputa. In general, aceasta calitate se manifesta in plan fizic sau in plan psihic. Introvertitii trebuie sa fie atenti sa nu isi reprime prea mult latura agresiva. De multe ori, persoanele nascute pe data de 30 iunie sunt incapabile sa isi exprime sentimentele. Se tem de multe ori sa nu isi faca rau lor insisi sau sa nu faca rau celorlalti spunand ceea ce simt.

Persoanele nascute pe data de 30 iunie care sunt mai extrovertite isi exprima agresivitatea printr-un accentuat spirit competitiv. Trebuie sa fie atente, insa, la riscul de a deveni violente. O astfel de persoana este un adversar fascinant, dar foarte periculos. In mod paradoxal, atunci cand acesti indivizi extrovertiti se afla singuri alaturi de prieteni sau familie pot parea pasivi sau chiar docili.

Ambele tipuri de nativi se manifesta diferit, in functie de situatie. In realitate sunt diferiti fata de atitudinile pe care le afiseaza. Acestea depind de starea lor de spirit. Barbatii nascuti in aceasta zi sunt mult mai schimbatori decat femeile. Aceasta calitate le confera un anumit mister. Nativii sunt un mister chiar si pentru ei insisi. De aceea, ar fi bine sa incerce mai mult sa se autocunoasca.

Cei nascuti in aceasta zi sunt extrem de priceputi in ceea ce priveste manevrarea banilor, indiferent daca sunt ai lor sau daca sunt ai altora. Calitatile lor privitoare la acest domeniu ii atrag pe ceilalti. Sunt persoane cautate pentru sfaturile pe care le ofera. Sunt foarte corecti in ceea ce priveste calculul costurilor. Isi vor maximiza profitul si isi vor minimiza cheltuielile.

Motivatia personala a persoanelor nascute pe data de 30 iunie in ceea ce priveste meseria este de fapt un hobby. Acest hobby este in mod sigur ceva deosebit si ii intereseaza pe nativii mult mai mult decat profesia. Ei nu vor ezita sa investeasca energie in mod nelimitat in acest domeniu. Atunci cand sunt constienti de mediul in care se afla si de dorintele celorlalti, pot aduce o contributie nepretuita societatii. Cei nascuti in aceasta zi ar trebui sa caute sa se implice in activitati ce includ increderea in oameni. Pentru ca nativii permit unui numar mic de persoane sa patrunda in universul lor, cei alesi ca prieteni se pot considera privilegiati.

SFATURI: Invata sa te placi mai mult pe tine insuti. Vezi cum poti sa ii ajuti pe ceilalti. Daca este posibil, canalizeaza-ti agresiunea in obiective constructive. Descopera-ti temerile si invata sa le tii piept. Nu-ti permite sa te retragi in tine.



Abil in ceea ce priveste banii

Cu aptitudini tehnice





Your greatest challenge is

dealing with your insecurity

The way forward is

to understand that you are not alone. Everyone has doubts and fears, and building selfesteem is a lifetimes work-in-progress for all of us.

Youre drawn to people born on

October 24 to November 23

You are both hungry for love and closeness, and, if you are both honest, this union has incredible potential.

Luck maker

Never give up on yourself

Lucky people understand that the darkest time is just before dawn. So when the going gets rough, never give up on yourself, knowing that you can and will feel happy and joyous again.

To those who dont know them well, people born on June 30 present something of a mystery. On the one hand they are driven and imaginative with a quirky sense of humor and flashes of fire when challenged; on the other hand, their tendency to keep their feelings to themselves puts them in the introvert category.

These people are indeed complicated, often appearing to be something they are not. It isnt just others who find it hard to second-guess them; they are often a mystery to themselves and unsure of their true identity. Despite their elusiveness, they have two distinctive personality traits. First, they are ambitious and highly motivated individuals with all the intelligence, imagination and tenacity to take them right to the top. Second, although they dislike public displays of affection, they are extremely giving and loving to their small group of friends.

They may incline more toward introversion in their early life, but around the age of twenty-two they may undergo a transformation of their power, creativity and confidence. Once they understand that strong emotional bonds of intimacyso important to their feelings of self-worthcannot be forged unless they open themselves up to others, these are the years when they are likely to achieve their personal and professional ambitions. After the age of fifty-two they tend to use their abilities to provide practical and inspirational service to others.

Often working hard to fulfill the expectations of others, be they employers, partners or family members, they may surprise people with bouts of apparent laziness. Its important that others allow them this time out and dont try to push them back into action prematurely. They need to recharge their batteries, and when they feel ready they will get back in the driving seat. When they reconcile the diverse aspects of their personality they have the potential not just to achieve outstanding personal and professional success, but to empower others with a sense of confidence and creativity.

On the dark side

Enigmatic, Inconsistent, moody

At your best

Giving, motivated, interesting Love Not in public

People born on June 30 easily attract people with their wit and social skills but tend to prefer people who are genuinely intelligent, hardworking and caring. They prefer to focus their energies on a small number of close friends rather than a large number of acquaintances. Partners will know them as affectionate and loving in private but less demonstrative in public. Health Balance is important

People born on this day have a tendency to worry needlessly about their health, although upsets of the digestive system and lungs are common. They may also be prone to bouts of depression when they dont allow themselves the time and space to reflect on their motivations. Self-examination is crucial to their emotional health and they might benefit enormously from counseling and therapy. As far as diet is concerned, they should aim for a balanced diet, rich in fresh, natural products such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and oily fish. Mild to moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, ballroom dancing, low-impact aerobics, swimming, and cycling, is recommended. Wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to look within themselves for answers. Career Born trainers

These people have a flair for the dramatic and are well suited to careers in the world of art, music, writing, theater, film, or design, but they may also become leading teachers, trainers, lecturers, athletes, agents, or promoters, as well as excelling in public relations and the world of entertainment. Their intelligence may also draw them toward science, medicine, alternative healing, or business, and their natural humanitarianism may incline them to counseling and community or charity work. Destiny To motivate and inspire others with compassion, commitment, affection and loyalty

The life path of people born on this day is to try to understand themselves and their motivations better. Once they have learned the importance of self-examination, their destiny is to motivate and inspire others with their compassion, commitment, affection and loyalty.

Power Thought

When I listen to my inner wisdom I find the answers I need

June 30

Signs & symbols

Sun sign: Cancer

Ruling planet: Moon, the intuitive

Symbol: The Crab

Birth date ruler: Jupiter, the philosopher

Tarot card: The Empress (creativity)

Favorable numbers: 3, 9

Lucky days: Monday and Thursday, especially when these days fall on 3 and 9 of the month

Lucky colors: Cream, purple, lilac

Birthstone: Pearl

June 30 Cancers have an exceptionally well-balanced nature. They are materialistic in a good sense because they wish to help others. They are sensible yet fun-loving. They strive for success yet never lose sight of their personal commitments. Friends and Lovers

Although they love people, June 30 natives understand that before they can establish worthwhile personal relationships, they first have to work on themselves. They are usually lucky in love. They have a positive attitude about romance and refuse to be drawn into routine arguments and disagreements. Children and Family

These people may be on the phone every other day to a sibling, and they never forget to put that Mother's Day or Father's Day card in the mail. As parents, they are "hands on" and leap and romp with their kids. Health

June 30 individuals have big appetites. For their own health and the health of their families, they need to organize and monitor their nutritional habits. They also should be aware of which illnesses are prevalent in their family history in order to choose the best health habits. Career and Finances

June 30 natives make great entrepreneurs because they can see the big picture and the small details. They need a lot of money, because they are constantly spending it. They'll work hard to maintain the lifestyle they want, but they are not willing to cut into important family time in order to do it. Dreams and Goals

June 30 natives believe they can achieve whatever they want in life. This positive attitude is a selffulfilling prophecy, because the dreams of these folks often come true. If one of their dreams is not realized, they have the resilience to adopt a philosophical attitude.

Ziua nasterii 25 octombrie

Scorpion, Douazeci si cinci octombrie - Ziua formei substantiale

Nativii acestei zile simt nevoia de a da o expresie concreta ideilor lor. Sunt indivizi extraordinar de inventivi, dar visurile si viziunile lor nu vor insemna nimic pentru ei daca nu vor avea o proiectie reala, fizica. In general, nativii au un comportament exterior foarte solid si normal. Desi, de multe ori sunt linistiti si tacuti, vor oferi un suport substantial familiei si prietenilor atunci cand vor avea nevoie. Sunt un important punct de sprijin pentru toti cei din jurul lor. Colegii, ucenicii sau angajatii se pot baza pe nativi fara a le fi frica ca vor fi dezamagiti.

Indivizii mai evoluati nascuti in aceasta zi nu se vor multumi doar cu dezvoltarea laturii lor psihologice. Ei vor dori sa generalizeze sentimentele lor substantiale pentru forma si structura. Marea provocare pentru toti nativii va fi reprezentata de felul in care vor da glas fanteziilor lor si deci de modul in care isi vor face productiva intensa activitate psihica. Ar trebui sa se preocupe in mod frecvent de arta, politica,

literatura, ecologie sau de orice alta activitate in care natura lor solida si substantiala poate oferi rezultate tangibile. Uneori, isi vor face cunoscute creatiile care vor fi cu adevarat originale. Aceste activitati vor implica sfere mai abstracte si teoretice ale vietii. In cele din urma, vor reusi sa progreseze. Intotdeauna vor fi nevoiti sa evite tendintele puternice de a-si pierde controlul si de a se orienta spre activitati autodistructive sau imorale.

Persoanele nascute pe data de 25 octombrie urasc haosul. In schimb, le place sa detina controlul asupra lucrurilor. Uneori, nativii sunt intoleranti cu acele persoane pe care le vor considera superficiale, obscure si lipsite de esenta. Ei pot fi chiar foarte severi cu acest gen de oameni. Atunci cand vor fi in jurul varstei de 20 de ani vor face eforturi mari pentru a-si inlatura incertitudinile. Vor intreprinde cautari indelungate intr-un domeniu oarecare si se vor stradui in mod deosebit pentru a reusi sa stapaneasca acel domeniu. In cele din urma, vor reusi sa isi construiasca o personalitate solida, dar actionand in acest fel isi vor pierde din sensibilitate. Ar trebui sa incerce sa nu mai fie atat de critici cu cei pe care ii considera mai imaturi decat ei.

O mare provocare pentru nativii acestei zile este incercarea de a nu se plafona. Ar trebui sa fie atenti incepand de la cea mai elementara manifestare fizica a personalitaii si pana la cel mai indepartat pas din evolutia lor. Obiceiurile, repetitia, confortul si siguranta financiara ii vor tenta sa devina linistiti si calmi. Vor ceda in fata dorintei de a avea parte de lux si de a vegeta. Astfel, isi vor neglija idealurile si planurile. Cei nascuti in aceasta zi s-ar putea sa fie confruntati si cu un alt pericol. In tinerete, vor incerca sa obtina reusite cat mai importante in plan fizic. Atunci cand vor imbatrani si aceste puteri vor incepe sa scada, nu vor mai sti cum sa reactioneze in legatura cu ei insisi. Vor avea posibilitati concrete de a evolua spre pozitii mai importante, dar vor trece cativa ani de lupte pana cand vor ajunge in aceste pozitii. Cei nascuti in aceasta zi sunt extraordinar de mandri de ei insisi, dar ar trebui sa invete sa ceara ajutor atunci cand au nevoie de el. De asemenea, este important sa invete sa le acorde si celorlalti sansa de a ocupa pozitia cea mai importanta, cel putin din cand in cand.

SFATURI: Atentie la tendinta de a lasa lcrurile sa treca pe langa tine. Nu te plafona. Pastreaza-ti obiectivele in vedere. Nu renunta le idealurile pe care le ai. Nu incerca sa te izolezi si nici sa te ascunzi.




Demn de incredere




Impacat cu situatia

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