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Renuntarea la consumul inutil de resurse:
I. Eliberarea a 20% din network bandwidth ...
- daca v-as spune ca WindowsXP-ul by default isi aloca nu mai putin de 20% din l
egatura din LAN si(sau) Internet ptr update-urile proprii, ce ati zice? Naspa fa
za nu? Ca sa scapati de acest mic inconvenient, urmati pasii acestia
Da-ti un Start->Run->gpedit.msc ... se va deschide o noua fereastra tip Windows
Explorer si o sa vedeti in stanga sub Computer Configuration o chestie numita Ad
ministrative Templates ... aici selectati Network -> QoS Packet Scheduler ... du
pa ce selectati QoS-ul, in dreapta o sa vedeti o chestie numita Limit Reservable
Bandwidth ... dati un dublu-click pe ea ca sa deschideti proprietaile, treceti-
o de la Not Configured la Enabled, si inlocuiti valoarea default care apare un p
ic mai jos si care e 20 cu 0. Restart si asta-i tot ... nu garantez cresteri ext
raordinare de performanta, dar per total tot ce tine de networking o sa se miste
mai bine ... la viteza din LAN o sa se simta cel mai mult.
II. Sa facem loc pe hdd
- toate programele care le folosim mananca spatiu pe hdd ... unele chiar destul
de mult ... insa si Windows-ul binevoieste sa pape niste GB fara sa ne ajute in
vreun fel ... ce e de facut?
a. Mai intai, duceti-va in Start->Settings->Control Panel->Power Options, iar in
fereastra de Power Options, selectati tab-ul Hibernate si debifati casuta care
e acolo ... tocmai v-ati eliberat spatiu pe hdd egal cu memoria voastra disponib
ila ... ori daca aveti 512 sau mai mult, asta e ceva.
b. Da-ti un click dreapta pe My Computer, apoi pe properties ... in noua fereast
ra care s-a deschis, selectati tab-ul System Restore si binevoiti sa dezactivati
acest minunat serviciu, care mananca estimativ vreo 20-30% din HDD ... nu de al
ta, dar ce-i frumos la XP e ca atunci cand e sa crape, crapa de tot :fadein: ..
nu va mai ajuta nici System Restore-ul, nici nimic ... poate doar un Norton Ghos
t ... insa important e ca e bine sa dezactivati acest serviciu.
c. Tot aici aveti un tab numit Windows Updates pe care e bine sa-l dezactivati .
.. valabil ptr cei care au XP-ul luat pe cai ,,oculte"
Si inca o groaza de servicii ce pot fi dezactivate in functie de necesitati,( in
cazul meu toate pot sa le reseteez conform acesteia)
-Alerter (DISABLE) -Notifies users of administrative alerts Not really required
under normal circumstances.
-Automatic Updates (DISABLE) -Used to check up to see if there is any critical o
r otherwise updates available for download. You can go to windowsupdate.microsof to update, and I would rather do that!
-Background Intelligent Transfer Service (MANUAL) -Used to transfer asynchronous
data via http1.1 servers. Who need's it? (UPDATE)More people than you know! I g
ot an email from Crystal, the person I told you about a few mins ago, and she sa
y's disabling the Background Intelligent Transfer Service is not necessarily wis
e as more programs than you realize actually use this service. As well, RPC Loca
tor That is important.
-ClipBook (DISABLE) -Used to store information (cut/paste) and share it with oth
er computers.
-COM+ Event System (DISABLE) -I am unaware of any application that uses COM+ but
if set to Manual, many services report to it, so it will start anyway.
-COM+ System Application (DISABLE) -Same as COM+ Event System
-Computer Browser (DISABLE) -Maintains a listing of computers located on the net
work This service is not needed on a standalone system. If you go to a lan party
or you share files on your home network you might want to turn this on.
-Cryptographic Services (DISABLE) -Basicly it confirms signatures of Windows fil
es You may always get a dialog box complaining about uncertified drivers if this
is disabled.
-DHCP Client (DISABLE) -Receives a Dynamic IP address from your DHCP server. If
you have a static ip (An ip that doesn't change) then you could turn this servic
e off. If your on 56k or have a dynamic ip, leave it as it is.
-Distributed Link Tracking Client (DISABLE) -Maintains links with NTFS files wit
hin your computer or across a domain. I don't think many people would have a use
for this.
-Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DISABLE) -Takes care of transactions that
span multiple resources. Don't ask, because I don't know I have had it disabled
without any problems though.
-DNS Client (Automatic) -Resolves DNS names and Active Directory domain controll
er functions. I have found that surfing the web is slower with this disabled. ie
. takes longer to look up dns names with this off. It might just be my computer,
you can test it for yourself if you would like.
-Error Reporting Service (DISABLE) -Phone homes to Microsoft when application er
rors occurs. I think it's a security and privacy breach. Disable this!
-Fax Service (DISABLE) -Not installed by default, so don't enable it leave it di
-FTP Publishing Service (DISABLE) -Used to provide a FTP server on your network.
-Help and Support (DISABLE) -ah I hate this uses a lot of resources.. di
sable it! Also, it will enable itself if you click on Help in the start menu or
if you hit F1, so watch it.
-Human Interface Device Access (DISABLE) -If some of your peripherals stop worki
ng, set this to automatic.
-Message Queuing (DISABLE) -Not installed, leave it like that, or disable it.
-Message Queuing Triggers (DISABLE) -Not installed, leave it like that, or disab
le it.
-Messenger (DISABLE) -Sends messages between clients and servers.
-MS Software Shadow Copy Provider (DISABLE) -Used in conjunction with the Volume
Shadow Copy Service.
-Net Login (DISABLE) -Used for logging onto a Domain Controller.
-NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (DISABLE) -Bad Bad Bad! Big security risk if
you ask me!
-Network DDE (DISABLE) -Unless you use Clipbook service, don't enable it
-Network DDE DSDM (DISABLE) -Same as above
-NT LM Security Support Provider (DISABLE) -Not needed unless you are running Me
ssage Queuing or Telnet server
-Performance Logs and Alerts (DISABLE) -Collects performance data on a schedule
and sends the information to a log or triggers an alert.
-Portable Media Serial Number (DISABLE) -Retrieves serial numbers from portable
music players connected to your computer. Disable it unless something of yours c
eases to function properly.
-Protected Storage (DISABLE) -Allows for the saving of local passwords or even w
eb sites information (AutoComplete.) Don't disable if you use Autocomplete, othe
rwise for increase performance and extra security disable it!
-QoS RSVP (DISABLE) -Provides traffic control on a network using IPSEC and appli
cations that support QoS, plus have an adapter that supports it.
-Remote Access Auto Connection Manager (DISABLE/Manual) -Creates a connection to
a network when a program requests a remote address. If things cease to function
after disabling this service, put it to manual. (UPDATE) I have gotten word tha
t this service along with the service below, are needed for 56k and dailup conne
ctions. If you have a dailup connection set this to manual. If you have problems
, set it to automatic.
-Remote Access Connection Manager (DISABLE/Manual) -Same as above.
-Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (DISABLE) -This is a security risk, turn it
-Remote Procedure Call (RPC) (Automatic) -Critical! Leave this set to Automatic.
Just about everything depends on this service to be running.
-Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator (DISABLE) -Manages the RPC name service dat
abase. I have not found a reason to keep this service running. If something on y
our network breaks after you disable this service, put it back to Manual or Auto
-Remote Registry Service (DISABLE) -Yet, another security risk. Turn this off! T
his allows remote users access to your registry!
-Removable Storage (DISABLE) -Used for managing removable media. Disable this se
rvice if you do not have items like tape backup devices, etc. If your CD ROM/DVD
Drive starts acting funny, place this service into Automatic. Normally, this se
rvice is not needed.
-Routing and Remote Access (DISABLE) -Nobody needs this, turn it off unless you
know what it is.
-Secondary Logon (DISABLE) -There is no use for this really..
-Security Accounts Manager (DISABLE) -This is like Protected Storage, it's a sec
urity risk and needs to be turned off.
-Server (DISABLE) -If you share files, internet, or printers across a network, l
eave this alone. Otherwise disable it.
-Shell Hardware Detection (DISABLE) -Used for the auto play of devices like memo
ry cards, etc. Some laptops need this, for their docking station.
-Smart Card (DISABLE) -If you do not have a "Smart Card," or you do not know wha
t a Smart Card is, you do not need this service running.
-Smart Card Helper (DISABLE) -Read above
-SSDP Discovery Service (DISABLE) -DISABLE IT! Even Microsoft says it's a securi
ty risk!
-System Event Notification (DISABLE) -Used in conjunction with COM+ Event System
, this service notifies particular services when system events, such as logon an
d power events occurs.
-System Restore Service (DISABLE/Automatic) -Choice is your's. I have had mine e
nabled.. but it's disabled now. If you use it, then leave it alone. (Remember we
made a backup earlier with System Restore, so keep this enabled for now!)
-Task Scheduler (DISABLE) -Disable this, it uses resources.. If you have some An
ti-virus software like Norton, it may depend on this service to run auto virus s
cans, every week or something.. So the choice is yours.
-TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service (DISABLE) -Legacy support for NetBios over TCP/IP
. If your network does not use NetBios, disable this function. (This is a securi
ty risk, disable it)
-Telephony (DISABLE/Automatic) -If you dialup to the Internet like with 56k, ect
.. Leave this alone. However if you got Cable, DSL with router, LAN connection d
isable it. A guy named Craig, emailed me and told me that if your dsl is PPPoE,
then you need to turn this service on. However, if your DSL goes thru your route
r, like myself, you can disable this service.
-Telnet (DISABLE) -Allows remote login to the local computer via the telnet func
tion. DISABLE this! Security risk!
-Uninterruptible Power Supply (DISABLE) -If you don't know what it is, disable i
t! I never hook my UPS up to my box :/
-Universal Plug and Play Device Host (DISABLE) -Used in conjunction with SSDP Di
scovery Service, it detects and configures UPnP devices on your home network. Di
sable it for security reasons!
-Upload Manager (DISABLE) -No real need for this..
-Volume Shadow Copy (DISABLE) -Used in conjunction with the MS Software Shadow C
opy Provider Service. MS Backup also uses these services.
-WebClient (DISABLE) -No need for it, disable it.
-Wireless Zero Configuration (DISABLE) -Automatic configuration for wireless net
work devices. If you do not have any wireless network devices in use, Disable th
is service. If your not sure, then you probably don't need this service.
-WMI Performance Adapter (DISABLE) -I have not found a use for this service. It'
s safe to turn it off.
Cele exemplificate mai sus nu-mi apartin , ci sant preluari dupa forumul Xtrem P
C, ale unor useri cu mare experienta in software.(@Bossman si @Allex )
Later edit:
Si inca cateva:
How to: Windows Services
Customizarea serviciilor XP pentru o performanta maxima si consum minim de memor
ie. Valabil pentru Windows XP Service Pack 2 cu updateurile la zi pana in noiemb
rie inclusiv. Incarcarea memorie dupa boot, fara nimic rezident, e de aproximati
v 75 mb RAM. Configuratia care urmeaza e data pentru o statie singura sau aflata
intr-un workgroup, pastrand insa cat mai multe din facilitatile sistemului de o
Unele dintre sugestii pot fi modificate, dar deja riscati sa aveti surprize si s
a nu stiti de la ce se trage. Aceasta este cea mai redusa configuratie sigura.
In caz ca ceva merge prost, pentru ca se mai intampla, puteti reveni la setarile
default cu acest fisier reg
.net runtime optimization service
Necesar pentru aplicatiile scrise in .net
Necesar pentru a primi alerte din partea administratorului de retea intr-un dome
niu NT
Application layer gateway service
Necesar pentru addonuri pt Windows Firewall, nu am auzit sa fie folosit vreodata
Application management
Folosit de ?Add/remove control panel?
Manual state service
Folosit de aplicatiile scrise in .net
Automatic updates
Necesar pentru Windows Update. In mod normal mananca memorie inutil. Prefer sa-l
tin disable si sa-l trec pe automatic si sa-l pornesc atunci cand fac update, a
dica o data pe luna. Nu, nu ajunge sa-l porniti, trebuie sa-l setati si ca autom
atic (pt. ca asa vrea Microsoft), dupa ce updateul e gata setati totul la loc pe
Disabled (vezi nota de mai sus)
Background intelligent transfer service
Necesar pentru Windows Update si alte cateva aplicatii care-l folosesc (vreo 2-3
antivirusi, posibil si altele).
Clipboard partajabil in retea, inutil
COM+ event system
Obscuritati, dar daca ii dati disable mai rau veti blestema, asa ca lasati-l cum
COM+ system application
Identic cu cel de mai sus.
Computer browser
Mentine lista computerelor din retea pentru a le face vizibile in Network Neighb
ourhood. Daca aveti un singur computer nu aveti nevoie de ea si preferati stilul
sanatos cu map network drive dati-i un disable sanatos.
Cryptographic services
Mentine si actualizeaza lista certificatelor pentru drivere, aplicatii si altele
. Nu musca, nu cere de mancare, e mai sanatos de lasat pe automatic
DCOM service process launcher
Anonim dar necesar.
DHCP client
Face cereri, aloca si actualizeaza IP-ul in cadrul retelelor cu DHCP. A nu se op
ri daca aveti dial-up, ADSL cu DHCP, LAN cu DHCP, VPN, PPPoE, PPPoA. Daca aveti
IP fix il puteti opri definitiv, personal ma enerveaza pentru ca daca e oprit, W
indowsul da un mesaj de eroare in cazul folosirii ?repair connection?. Si e mai
comod de apasat butonul ala decat sa dati manual in command prompt flush la DNS,
Automatic (Disabled daca nu va deranjeaza ce am zis mai sus)
Distributed link tracking manager
Urmareste stergerea, mutarea si redenumirea fisierelor pe o partitie NTFS. In te
orie e bun, in practica merge bine doar daca statia face parte dintr-un domeniu
NT. Asa ca?
DNS Client
Daca faceti parte dintr-un domeniu NT, lasati-l in pace, Daca nu, il puteti opri
linistit, pe o statie obisnuita face doar DNS cache. Daca e insa oprit veti ave
a mai multe requesturi catre serverul DNS, ceea ce uneori e deranjant si produce
incarcarea mai lenta a paginii, insa destul de greu sesizabil. Oprirea lui prod
uce acelasi mesaj de eroare ca si oprirea DHCP service.
Error reporting service
Enervant si degeaba
Event log
Lasati-l asa cum e
Fast user switching compatibility
Daca folositi mizeria aia de ?switch user?, lasati-l in pace, daca nu, aia e - k
ill it.
Help and support
Porneste gluma de Help and Suport din XP. Puteti sa-i dati disable definitiv, pr
efer sa-l las pe manual ca sa nu ma impiedic de mesaje de eroare cand apas din g
reseala F1.
Lasati-l in pace, dar pe manual
Human interface device access
Pretinde ca e necesar pentru gamepaduri, mousi, tastaturi multimedia d-alea cu z
eci de butoane in plus. Nu-l credeti, minte, merge bine si fara el.
IMAPI CD burning COM service
Este modulul care permite scrierea de cd-uri direct din explorer (drag-n-drop).
Daca sunteti un om serios deja aveti un soft de scriere adevarat.
Indexing service
Desi teoretic e util, in realitate mai mult enerveaza decat face ceva.
IPSEC services
Necesar pt conexiuni VPN sau in domenii NT. Necesar pentru functionarea Windows
Update. Teoretic puteti face un firewall interesant din reguli de IPSEC, eu m-am
plictisit repede de el si i-am dat?
Logical disk manager
Lasati-l in pace, se ocupa de HDD-uri voastre, fizice sau logice.
Logical disk manager administrative service
Anonim, inodor si incolor
Machine debug manager
Apare dupa ce instalati MS Office, foloseste la debuggingul scripturilor Visual
Basic. Adica total inutil.
E bun doar ca sa primiti spam de la toti imbecilii din retea sau direct de pe in
ternet. Nu, nu are legatura cu Windows Messenger sau MSN Messenger.
MS software shadow copy provider
Anonim si degeaba, dar unele chestii pot functiona ciudat fara el
Net Logon
Pentru autentificarea intr-un domeniu NT. Nu aveti, e clar.
Net Meeting remote desktop share
Sigur ca da? Foloseste oare cineva Net Meeting ala? Pana si pinball.exe e mai in
teresant ca el.
Network Connections
Numele zice tot
Network DDE
Spune ca face niste chestii, in realitate nu va intalniti cu el
Network DDE DSDM
De aceeasi teapa cu cel dinainte.
Network location awareness
Network provisioning service
E mai sigur sa fie lasat sa mearga cand vrea
NT LM security support provider
Cica e mai sanatos pe manual. Posibil
nVidia display driver service
Apare evident in cazul instalarii unei placi video nVidia si a driverelor aferen
te. Uneori provoaca shutdownuri faorte lente, desi nu e bun de nimic
Office source engine
Apare daca instalati MS Office, foloseste pentru add/remove components
Performance logs and alerter
Bun pentru a colecta diverse informatii despre performantele computerului, inuti
Plug and play
Opriti-l si veti plange in pumni
Portable media serial number service
Folosit pentru digital right management. Yeah, sure, whatever
Print spooler
Fara el nu merge imprimanta. Daca nu aveti imprimanta, puteti merge voi fara el
Disabled (vedeti ce scrie mai sus)
Protected storage
Are grija de informatiile vitale gen parole din computer. Daca ii dati disable,
singura chestie ciudata pe are o veti remarca e faptul ca nu mai merge ?save pas
sword? in nici un program care foloseste API-uri Windows: Internet Explorer, Out
look Express, etc. Cum nu folosesc asa ceva.
Disabled (vedeti ce scrie mai sus)
Folositor in cazul aplicatiilor care au habar de quality of service. Nu am intal
nit nici una pana acum
Remote access auto connection manager
Lasati-l acolo ca sta bine
Remote access connection manager
Lasati-l in pace, nu face nimic dar e util
Remote desktop help session manager
Pentru remote desktop assistance. Scart, scart, cine-l foloseste?
Remote procedure call
Nu atingeti, musca
Remote procedure call locator
Idem ca cel de sus
Remote registry
Personal il consider periculos, denumirea zice clar ce face.
Removable storage
Lasati-l in pace, e util, dar pe?
Routing and remote acces service
Daca nu folositi computerul ca router sau dial-up server, nua veti nevoie de el
Secondary logon.
Security accounts manager
Leave it alone
Security center
Are grija de placinta aia din tray care va zice ca nu aveti antivirus si alte pr
ostii similare.
Nu atingeti, pericol de diverse chestii
Shell hardware detection
E folosit atat pentru autoplay la CD si DVD cat si pentru camere digitale
Smart card
Aveti? Atunci automatic e OK. daca nu?
SSPD discovery service
E legat de UPnP, prefer sa nu folosesc chestia asta niciodata.
System event notification
Lasati-l acolo ca sta bine
System restore service
Daca aveti impresia ca e bun de ceva, folositi-l. Eu nu il consider bun de nimic
, so?
Task scheduler
Folosit de diverse aplicatii pentru programarea de actiuni, Norotn Antivirus de
exemplu se bazeaza pe el. daca ii dati disable, functia de prefetch din Windows
va deveni si ea disable. E singurul motiv pentru care il tin pornit.
TCP/IP NetBIOS helper
Mai bine nu.
Folosit de diverse chestii legate de dial-up sau adsl. In general nu e necesar,
insa uneori da. Cel mai sigur e?
Neah, inutil si periculos
Terminal services
Folosit de remote desktop, remote registry si alte balarii. teoretic ati putea s
a-i dati diable, dar veti constata ca e mai sanatos pe automatic
Daca folositi interfata Luna din XP, lasati-l in pace. Daca nu, puteti sa-i dati
disable linistiti.
Uninterruptible power supply
Aveti asa ceva conectat la computer va USB sau serial? Daca da, alsati-l pe auto
matic pentru managementul lui, daca nu?
Universal plug and play device host
Am o antipatie profunda pentru UPnP. Daca iesiti printr-un router care are UPnP,
folositi-l ca sa aveti o viata mai simpla. daca nu, nu
Volume shadow copy
Aberatie inutila
Windows Audio
Dati-i disable daca vreti sa ramaneti fara sunet.
Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
Daca folositi vreunul din ele, aia e, automatic. Daca nu?
Windows image acquisition (WIA)
Folosit de scannere, webcamuri si camere digitale
Windows installer
Asa cum e, e bine
Windows management instrumentation
Serviciu critic, lasati-l in pace
Windows management instrumentation driver extensions
Companion pentru cel dinaintea lui
Windows media connect (WMC)
Folosit de deviceuri media UPnP, inutil daca nu aveti un asa zis multimedia home
Windows media connect (WMC) Helper
La fel ca cel de mai sus
Windows time
Daca va place ca Windowsul XP sa-si sincronizeze ora cu un timeserver de pe inte
rnet, lasati-l in pace
Windows user mode driver framework
Habar n-am ce face exact
Wireless zero configuration
Daca aveti ceva wireless pe acolo, poate e bun la ceva. Eu nu am.
WMI performance adapter
Doar Microsoft stie clar ce face

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