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Arhitectura star versus arhitectura sustenabil /


tefan Mihilescu
Asist. drd. arh. / Teaching Assist. PhDc Arch.

Rezumat Abstract

Analiznd atent cldirile realizate n ultima perioad se Using a critical examination of the buildings raised late-
poate trage concluzia c acestea sunt n mod evident ly it can be concluded that they are obviously influenced
influenate de trei factori: materiale noi, experimentarea by three factors: new materials, experimenting with new
formelor noi i utilizarea unor principii de sustenabili- forms and use of sustainability principles. Star architect
tate. Star arhitect este un neologism care are rolul de a is a neologism which is intended to link the term super-
lega termenul superstar care se aplic n mod general star that is generally applied to a creative profession,
unei profesii creative, de profesia de arhitect. Elementul like the profession of architect. Common to all defini-
comun al definiiilor studiate este modul n care este pri- tions studied, is the way in which the production of a
vit produsul unui arhitect star, un element simbolic, deo- star architect is perceived, as a symbolic element, spe-
sebit, unic, iconic pentru care elementele de noutate re- cial, unique, iconic element and fact that the main fea-
prezint principal caracteristic. Acest termen definete ture for it is novelty. This term defines an architect with
un arhitect cu o mare influena n mediul construit att great influence in the built environment from the point
din punct de vedere al proiectelor propuse dar i al of view of the proposed projects and the great influence
influenei mari pe care o are asupra dezvoltatorilor i a he has on developers and local authorities.
autoritilor locale. Today, star architects are called to bring more aesthetic
Astzi, arhitecii star sunt chemai s aduc un plus de and practical design knowledge, and at the same time
valoare estetic i practic pe baz cunotinelor de to mediate the relationship between the developer and
proiectare, i n acelai timp s medieze relaia dintre the existing legal framework, not least for the extra me-
dezvoltator i cadrul legal existent i nu n ultimul rnd, dia provided their names.
pentru plusul mediatic asigurat de numele acestora.
Keywords: sustainable architecture, architecture star,
Cuvinte cheie: arhitectur sustenabil, arhitectur star, efficiency, aesthetics
eficien, estetic

Studii i cercetri tiinifice de arhitectur i urbanism / Architectural and Urban Research Studies / ARGUMENT 119
Terminologie Terminology

Analiznd atent cldirile realizate n ultima perioad se Taking a very close look at the buildings completed in
poate trage concluzia c acestea sunt n mod evident the last years, one can definitely come to the conclu-
influenate de trei factori: materialele noi, experimenta- sion of those being influenced by three elements: new
rea formelor noi i utilizarea unor principii de sustena- materials, the experience of new shapes, and the em-
bilitate. Sustenabilitatea este strns legat de realizarea ployment of some sustainability. The Sustainability has
formelor noi (n coresponden cu nevoile generate a very close connection to the creation of new shapes
de sit) i de utilizarea materialelor de ultim generaie. (corresponding to the general necessities of the site) and
Legtura dintre cele trei elemente poate s fie foarte pu- the usage of the last generation materials. There can be
ternic, coroborarea lor asigurnd o arhitectur corelat a very strong connection between the three elements,
cu nevoia de transformare a societii consumiste ctre their corroboration providing the kind of architecture
o societate care s-i raporteze nevoile la resursele exis- correlated with the need to transform the consumer
tente. Principiile de realizare a cldirilor pasive, implic society to a society that needs to relate to the exist-
corecta amplasare a construciei pe sit, amplasare func- ing resources. Principles of passive buildings involve a
ie de punctele cardinale i de influenele vnturilor i proper location of the building on the site, according to
de topografia locului ales. nsumate aceste aspecte con- the cardinal points, the influence of winds, and topog-
duc arhitectul la experimentarea continu a formelor raphy particularly. All these aspects lead the architect to
corecte pentru a realiza o cldire care prin design s im- continuous experimentation of proper forms to achieve
plice un minim de consum al resurselor neregenerabile. a building that, by its design, involves a minimum con-
Utilizarea materialelor moderne, de ultim generaie, sumption of non-renewable resources. Using modern
sunt n general mijloacele prin care majoritatea arhitec- materials of the latest generation, means that most ar-
ilor i a investitorilor aleg s satisfac cerinele stipu- chitects and investors choose to meet the requirements
late n programele de certificare energetic (BREEAM1, of the energy certification programs (BREEAM1, LEED2).
LEED2). Star Architect a very famous architect, especially one
Arhitect star un arhitect foarte faimos, n mod speci- who has designed a well-known building in the recent
al unul care a proiectat o construcie foarte cunoscut past; Star Architecture a style of building design which
n trecutul recent; Arhitectura star un stil de design al

1 BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) reprezin- 1 BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) is a method for
t o metod de evaluare a performanei ecologice a cldirilor. assessing the environmental performance of buildings. This method
Aceast metod a fost elaborat n UK de ctre Building Research was developed in the UK by the Building Research Establishment
Establishment (BRE). BREEAM reprezint un standard pentru pro- (BRE). BREEAM is a standard for sustainable design and has become
iectare durabila si a devenit instrumentul principal de evaluare a the main tool for assessing the environmental performance of a buil-
performanei ecologice a unei cldiri. BREEM este aplicabil att ding. BREEM is applicable both to existing buildings and to new ones
pentru cldirile existente ct i pentru cele noi. as well.
2 LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) 2 LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a cer-
reprezint un sistem de certificare pentru proiectarea, construcia, tification system for design, construction, operation and maintenan-
exploatarea si ntreinerea cldirilor verzi dezvoltat de ctre U.S. ce of green buildings, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council
Green Building Council (USGBC), inspirat i bazat pe BREEAM. (USGBC), inspired and based on the BREEAM.

120 Universitatea de Arhitectur i Urbanism Ion Mincu / Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning
unei cldiri care a devenit n mod particular faimos.3 has become particularly famous.3
Arhitect star este o combinaie de dou cuvinte utili- Star Architect is a portmanteau used to describe ar-
zate pentru a denumi acei arhiteci pe care celebritatea chitects whose celebrity and critical acclaim have trans-
i tratamentul criticilor de arhitectur i-au transformat n formed them into idols of the architecture world and
idoli ai lumii arhitecturale i care se bucur de o oareca- may even have given them some fame among the gen-
re faim n rndul publicului larg. Statutul de celebritate eral public. Celebrity status is generally associated with
este n general asociat cu un grad mare de avangardism avant-garde novelty.4
i noutate.4 Star architect is a neologism which has the role to bind
Star arhitect este un neologism care are rolul de a lega the term superstar, applying generally to a creative
termenul superstar care se aplic n mod general unei profession, by the profession of architect. The common
profesii creative, de profesia de arhitect. Elementul co- element of these definitions is the way the product of a
mun al acestor definiii este modul n care este privit star architect is represented: a symbolic item, special,
produsul unui arhitect star, un element simbolic, de- unique, iconic for which the innovations are the main
osebit, unic, iconic pentru care elementele de noutate feature. This term defines an architect with a great influ-
reprezint principala caracteristic. Acest termen defi- ence in the built environment both in terms of proposed
nete un arhitect cu o mare influen n mediul construit projects and the great influence he has on developers
att din punct de vedere al proiectelor propuse dar i and local authorities. An architect is part of this gallery
al influenei mari pe care o are asupra dezvoltatorilor i thanks to the fame gained by his projects, if he is a popu-
a autoritilor locale. Un arhitect face parte din aceast lar person, and if he appears in media, promoting new
galerie, datorit faimei dobndite prin proiectele sale, and innovative discourses - the element of surprise be-
dac este o persoan foarte cunoscut n rndul publi- ing very important.
cului larg, i dac apare n media promovnd discursuri Today, Star Architects are called to bring more aesthetic
noi i inovative - elementul de surpriz fiind foarte im- and practical value based on design knowledge, while
portant. mediating the relationship between the developer and
Astzi, arhitecii star sunt chemai s aduc un plus de the existing legal framework, not least for the publicity
valoare estetic i practic pe baza cunotinelor de pro- provided by their names.
iectare, n acelai timp s medieze relaia dintre dezvol- The term star architect is tied more closely to the rela-
tator i cadrul legal existent, i nu n ultimul rnd pentru tionship between the architect and the economic / po-
plusul mediatic asigurat de numele acestora . litical environment than the merits special recognition
Termenul de arhitect star este legat n mai mare msu- for design, which are enhanced by winning awards and
r de relaia arhitect i mediul economic / politic dect recognition in professional organizations. The Bilbao
de recunoaterea meritelor deosebite de proiectare Moment (1997) demonstrated that targeted interven-
i design care sunt ntrite prin ctigarea unor premii tion through a special architectural work, now iconic,
i recunoaterea n cadrul organizaiilor profesionale. can reword the investor with a gain which exceeds the

3 Surs definiie: 3 Definition source:

buzzword/entries/starchitect.html buzzword/entries/starchitect.html
4 Surs definiie: 4 Definition source:

Studii i cercetri tiinifice de arhitectur i urbanism / Architectural and Urban Research Studies / ARGUMENT 121
Momentul Bilbao (1997) a demonstrat c intervenia initial investment. Zaha Hadid showed the importance
punctual, printr-o lucrare de arhitectur deosebit, of this moment because he demonstrated to investors
devenit iconic poate aduce investitorului un ctig that it is possible to accomplish an innovative and suc-
care depete cu mult investiia iniial. Zaha Hadid a cessful project in a historical site.5, and this proves that
evideniat acest moment ca fiind extrem de important the focus is on innovation and new, more than being in
pentru c a demonstrat investitorilor c este posibil s accordance with following a particular context. From
realizezi un proiect inovativ i de succes ntr-un centru that moment on, both cities and major corporations
istoric.5, iar acest fapt dovedete c accentul se pune searching for a new identity and promotion by the me-
pe inovaie i nou, mai mult dect pe raportarea la un dia, have partnered with famous architects, and have
context dat. Pornind de la acel moment, att oraele ct established star architect and architecture expression.
i marile corporaii, aflate n cutarea unei noi identiti In order to qualify in this category, the suggested items
i a promovrii pe toate canalele media, au realizat un must have unique qualities, mainly aesthetical, to indi-
parteneriat cu arhitecii n vog, i au pus bazele terme- vidualize the investment comparing with the rest of the
nului de arhitect i arhitectur star. Pentru a se califica built environment. This movement, strongly supported
n aceast categorie, obiectele propuse trebuie s aib by emerging economic forces, has worked very well in a
caliti unice, n general de ordin estetic, s individua- growing consumer society - a society heavily preoccu-
lizeze punctual obiectul de investiie n raport cu restul pied with individual needs, fashion and the social status
mediului construit. Aceast micare, susinut puternic expressed by look. The moment of economic crisis was
financiar de forele economice emergente a funcionat a real obstacle for this particular type of real estate de-
foarte bine n cadrul unei societi de consum n plin velopment, stopping many projects that could be classi-
dezvoltare, o societate puternic preocupat de nevoile fied as star architecture, whereas both the local authori-
individului, de mod i de nevoia de exprimarea a sta- ties and the investors went into limited budgets. After a
tusului social prin look. Momentul crizei economice a first period when using investment funds was extremely
reprezentat un obstacol deosebit n calea acestui tip de difficult to justify, Bilbao effect has brought up hope for
dezvoltare imobiliar, oprind foarte multe proiecte care custom and precise investments, to draw public atten-
se puteau nscrie n categoria arhitecturii star, ntruct tion and generate fast profits.
att autoritile locale ct i investitorii au intrat sub
semnul austeritii i al bugetelor limitate. Dup o prima
perioad n care justificarea utilizrii fondurilor de in-
vestiii a fost extrem de dificil, efectul Bilbao a reaprins
sperana investiiilor punctuale, de efect, care s atrag
atenia publicului i s genereze ctiguri rapide.

5 Jacobs, E. (2013). Unlikely pushover who doesnt play safe. 5 Jacobs, E. (2013). Unlikely pushover who doesnt play safe.
Financial Times, Financial Times,
b906-00144feab49a.html. b906-00144feab49a.html.

122 Universitatea de Arhitectur i Urbanism Ion Mincu / Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning
Cum relaioneaz arhitectura star How star architecture and sustainability relate
cu sustenabilitatea
Since sustainability in architecture requires a complex
Avnd n vedere c abordarea sustenabilitii n arhitec-
communication between the designed object and the
tur presupune o relaie complicat ntre designul de
site (natural environment), social and economic envi-
obiect i relaionarea cu situl (natura), mediul social i
ronment, one can see several design approaches. Within
cel economic, se pot observa mai multe direcii de pro-
iectare. n cadrul proiectului de arhitectur, elementele
the architecture design project, the space defining ele-
ce definesc spaial se coreleaz cu dimensiunea social ments correlates with social and cultural dimension of
i cultural a societii, n timp ce procesul propriu-zis de society, while the building itself is directly affected by the
construire este direct influenat de tiin i tehnologie. science and technology. Considering the design being
Avnd n vedere c proiectarea este iniial influenat de first influenced by the needs of society, and technology
nevoile societii iar tehnologia este un mijloc ce facili- enables the implementation, it should be understood
teaz punerea n practic, trebuie neles c aceasta din that the latter cannot be the main element of sustain-
urm nu poate fi elementul principal al sustenabilitii, ci ability, but only a very important mean to achieve this
doar un mijloc (foarte important) pentru obinerea aces- goal.
tui deziderat. There is a feeling that the performance of a building
Exist sentimentul c msura n care o cldire este per-
can reach its aesthetic qualities in a negative way, this
formant poate s ating negativ calitile estetice ale
acesteia, acesta fiind deseori motivul pentru care o parte
reason leading some of the architects to choose not to
a arhitecilor au preferat s nu se lase influenai de sus- be influenced by sustainability. At the same time there
tenabilitate. n acelai timp exist un dublu limbaj al sus- is a double meaning of sustainability: there is a perfor-
tenabilitii: exist problema performanei care se poate mance problem that can be solved generally by techno-
rezolva n mare msur prin mijloace tehnologice i pro- logical means, and there is a design problem according
blema designului funcie de sit, locaie i necesitai, care to the site, location and necessities, that must be taken
trebuie luat n calcul de la nceputul proiectului. into account from the beginning of the project.
Exist arhiteci pentru care designul este primordial, There are architects for whom the design is absolute im-
obiectul creat trebuie s atrag atenia, s fie deose- portant, the object must be created to draw up atten-
bit, nou i surprinztor, motiv pentru care abordarea tion, to be very new and fascinating, therefore sustain-
sustenabilitii este privit ca oprelite n calea libertii
ability approach is considered to be a hindrance in the
absolute asumate.
n final, exist i acei arhiteci, apropiai probabil i cu- way of absolute freedom assumed.
rentului de regionalism critic, care caut s neleag Finally, there are those architects, probably close to cur-
locul n care se amplaseaz cldirea i impactul pe care rent critical regionalism, looking for understanding the
aceasta l genereaz. Sunt acei arhiteci care consider c place of the building and the impact that it generates.
proiectarea de arhitectur este un experiment continuu, These are the architects who believe that architectural
i care caut mai mult dect elementul de design sau de design is an ongoing experiment, and who are looking
noutate, promovarea unei arhitecturi care s corespund for more than the design or novelty, like promoting the
nevoilor reale. architecture that meets the real needs.
Din pcate, sustenabilitatea a beneficiat de o reclam Unfortunately, sustainability has enjoyed a very strong
mult prea puternic pe o perioad scurt de timp (10 ani) advertisement for a short period of time (10 years)

Studii i cercetri tiinifice de arhitectur i urbanism / Architectural and Urban Research Studies / ARGUMENT 123
fapt care a condus la o acceptare foarte rapid de ctre which led to be very fast accepted by the people, and
populaie, ceea ce nu a implicat i nelegerea acesteia. not being understood in the same time. Weve become
Weve become kind of green architects all of a sudden6 kind of green architects all of a sudden6 - says archi-
afirm arhitectul Thom Mayne, ctigtor n 2005 al pre- tect Thom Mayne, winner of the Pritzker prize7 in 2005.
miului Pritzker7. Conceptul de sustenabilitate presupu- The concept of sustainability requires changing the way
ne schimbarea modului n care societatea de consum consumer society works, then use different assets by de-
funcioneaz, nseamn utilizarea diferit a bunurilor nying the existing linear cycle. That requires production,
prin refuzarea ciclului linear existent, care presupune use and disposal to a circular cycle involving in the end
producie, utilizare i eliminare ctre un ciclu circular care recycling of goods and to extend the life of these ones.
implic la final reutilizare bunurilor pe scar larg i pre- The sustainability is suffering from a critical institution-
lungirea perioadei de via a bunurilor. Sustenabilitatea alization, standardization and normalization which
sufer de o instituionalizare fr precedent, de stan- only lead to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide
dardizare i normare care o reduce doar la micorarea emitted. Sustainability is, however, more than that, and
cantitii de bioxid de carbon emis. Sustenabilitatea involves a conversion of society to reducing consump-
este ns mai mult dect att, i presupune o transfor- tion, according to the existing resources. The architec-
mare a societii ctre diminuarea consumului, i rapor- ture, in most cases, fails to pass in front of society and to
tat acestuia direct la resursele existente. Arhitectura, n promote real sustainable models, remaining attached
marea majoritate dintre cazuri, nu reuete s treac n to some elements apparently measurable that confer
faa societii i s promoveze modele sustenabile rea- a belonging in this global movement. It is often called
le, i rmne legat de o serie de factori aparent cuan- upon technology to reduce energy consumption, but is
tificabili care s-i confere apartenen la acesta micare not taken into account that the design itself contains
global. Se face des apel la tehnologie pentru a diminua factors that can minimize losses by correct orientation
consumul energetic, dar se ine seama puin n designul or the use of window wall report depending on the car-
propriu-zis de acei factori care pot minimiza pierderile dinal points.
printr-o corect orientare sau printr-un raport plin gol Star architecture and sustainable architecture share the
funcie de punctele cardinale. same moment when starting to be worldwide known
Arhitectura star i arhitectura sustenabil au n comun through the media, in the 1990s. From this point on, the
momentul de la care ncep s fie cunoscute publicului two separate, although a number of elements that de-
larg prin intermediul media, respectiv perioada anilor fine sustainability are taken over by buildings searching
1990. De aici cele dou se despart, dei o serie de ele- to provide the status of star architecture. Unfortunately,
mente punctuale ce definesc sustenabilitatea sunt pre- the main expression that defines star architecture is
luate n tot mai mare msur de cldirile ce caut s-i novelty, and for such buildings the image is the most
asigure statutul de arhitectur spectacol sau arhitectur important element, so that on this image context fails

6 Stephens, J. (2009, Nov 1) Starchitecture and Sustainability: 6 Stephens, J. (2009, Nov 1) Starchitecture and Sustainability:
Hope, Creativity, and Futility Collide in Contemporary Architecture, Hope, Creativity, and Futility Collide in Contemporary Architecture,
Planetizen site oficial Planetizen official site
7 Planetizen site oficial 7 Planetizen official site

124 Universitatea de Arhitectur i Urbanism Ion Mincu / Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning
star. Din pcate, termenul principal ce definete arhitec- to reveal its influence. Star architecture must stand out,
tura star este acela de noutate iar n designul unei astfel theres no benefit when approaching an existing cur-
de cldiri imaginea este cel mai important factor astfel rent, but on the contrary, it has to set up a particular
nct asupra acestei imagini contextul nu reuete s-i movement, to generate new architectural canons. In
fac simit influena. Arhitectura star este obligat s terms of design, it is very difficult to relate to a given
ias n eviden, i nu are de ctigat atunci cnd intr context when the focus is on standing out. This aspect
ntr-un curent existent, ci din potriv ea are rolul de a largely justifies why star architecture slightly approach-
iniia o anumit micare, de a genera noi canoane n ar- es the principles of sustainability, and when doing it,
hitectur. n ceea ce privete designul este foarte greu s only takes over those elements that are efficient, such as
te raportezi unui context dat cnd principalul el este de affiliation to energy certification programs.
a iei n eviden. Acest aspect justific n mare msur Another impediment for architects to make real steps
de ce arhitectura star, se apropie n foarte mic msur towards sustainability is the necessity to design build-
de principiile de sustenabilitate, i prefer atunci cnd o ings that generate the Wow factor (Dietrich, 2005),
face s preia doar acele aspect care sa-i aduc beneficii, the feeling of an amazing item being bound up with
respectiv afilierea la programele de certificare energetic. the need for visibility and uniqueness. These issues dont
Un alt factor ce mpiedic arhitecii titrai s fac pai need limitation imposed by the principles of sustainabil-
veritabili ctre sustenabilitate este nevoia de a pro- ity, the symbolism and the aesthetic pushed to extremes
iecta cldiri care s genereze factorul Wow!(Dietrich, cant take into consideration the cardinal points, the
2005), impresia de obiect extraordinar fiind ataat de different concept of facades or other aspects that can
nevoia de vizibilitate i unicitate. Aceste aspecte nu au improve a building, located in a certain location, since
nevoie de limitarea impus de principiile de sustenabi- its design stage.
litate, simbolistica i esteticul mpins la extreme nu pot
ine cont de puncte cardinale, de tratarea difereniat a Star Architecture generates objects, whiles sustainable
faadelor sau alte aspecte care pot aduce mbuntiri architecture generates a system, preferably in cycle,
din stadiul de proiect pentru o cldire amplasat ntr-o which is able of self-sustaining.
anume locaie.

Arhitectura star genereaz obiecte n timp ce arhitectu-

ra sustenabil genereaz un sistem, de preferin ciclic,
care este capabil s se ntrein / susin singur.

Studii i cercetri tiinifice de arhitectur i urbanism / Architectural and Urban Research Studies / ARGUMENT 125

Proiecte selectate: Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid, Richard Rogers, Rem Koolhaas (OMA).
Amplasament extrem de important pentru New York: centru business i strad comercial lipsit de inserii
urbane noi de aproximativ 50 de ani. /
Selected projects: Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid, Richard Rogers, Rem Koolhaas (OMA).
Important location for New York City, Business Centre, and Commercial Avenue but missing new urban lines for
nearly 50 years.
Sursa fotografiilor care ilustreaz acest concurs:


(2000 Pritzker Prize)

Propunerea sculptural pornete de la gridul ortogonal Sculptural proposal is based on an orthogonal grid of
din Manhattan, pe care l pstreaz la primele niveluri Manhattan kept at the top level - 25% of the existing
25 % din cldirea existent, dup care preia dinamismul building, afterwards it resembles the streets dynamic in
strzii ntr-o rotire a nivelurilor superiore. Rotirea are loc a rotation of the upper part of the building, at a 45 de-
la un unghi de 45 pentru a respecta restriciile urba- grees angle to keep up with the urban restriction which
nistice care impun micorarea pe nlime a suprafeei imposes a decrease on height of the actually built sur-
construite i, n acelai timp, reuete astfel s scape de face and manages to escape the restraints of pyramidal
imaginea piramidal impus prin aceste reglementri. image imposed by those regulation.
Anvelopa de sticl mbrac cele trei cuburi de dimen- The glass-cover dresses all three different cubes on verti-
siuni diferite, aezate ascendent i realizeaz o form cal and achieves an artistic shape, a combination of a
artistic, o mbinare ntre o nou imagine simbolic new image symbolic of the city and the maximum eco-
pentru ora i maxima rentabilitate economic n ceea nomic efficiency regarding the indoor space. The orien-
ce privete spaiul interior. Orientrile faadelor sunt re- tations of the facades are the result of calculations that
zultatul unor calcule ce prevd o mbuntire a consu- provide an improvement in energy consumption due to
mului energetic ca urmare a rotirii faadei. n continuare the rotation of the faade. Next there is the question of
exist ntrebarea dac respectiva form aparine sau nu whether or not that shape belongs to the city.

126 Universitatea de Arhitectur i Urbanism Ion Mincu / Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning
nlime / Height: 197.51m;
Niveluri / Levels: 38

Surs fotografii:

Studii i cercetri tiinifice de arhitectur i urbanism / Architectural and Urban Research Studies / ARGUMENT 127
(2007 Pritzker Prize)

Cldirea propus caut s evadeze din forma piramidal Proposed building looks to escape the pyramid shape
impus de legislaie, prin mprirea pe mai multe nive- as required by law, by dividing on several levels, using a
luri, ce utilizeaz ca element de deconectare o serie de range of suspended gardens as a cut-off key. The struc-
grdini suspendate. Structura turnului rmne vizibil ture remains visible on the outside of the tower, to give
pe exterior, pentru a da unitate celor 3 segmente de cl- unity to the 3 building suspended segments.
dire suspendate. Permeability is a key element of the approach, the ac-
Permeabilitatea este un element cheie al demersului, cess being cleared to achieve an urban open space.
zona de acces fiind eliberat de sub cldire pentru a rea- The urban gardens are functionally connected to the of-
liza un spaiu urban deschis. fice building but visually are opened to the pedestrians
Grdinile urbane, sunt prezentate ca spaii ce aparin too.
funcional cldirii de birouri ns vizual sunt deschise i
ctre pietoni.
nlime / Height: 202.69 m; Niveluri / Levels: 44

128 Universitatea de Arhitectur i Urbanism Ion Mincu / Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning
(2004 Pritzker Prize)

Cuvintele cheie ce definesc cldirea propus de echipa The building proposed by the Zaha Hadid team is de-
Zaha Hadid sunt din faza de prezentare urmtoarele: scribed from the presentation stage: an icon building, a
cldire icon, landmark, elegan nou, ceea ce putem landmark, a new elegance, a now can do, a sculptural
face astzi (now can do), identitate sculptural, imagi- identity, a strong image, and silhouette. The render force
ne puternic, siluet. Fora randrilor prezint o cldire expresses an out-of-context building with great artistic
desprins din context, cu o mare putere de expresie ar- impact, specific to Zaha Hadid.
tistic, specific proiectelor Zaha Hadid. The explanations regarding the shape are scarce, focu-
Exist foarte puine explicaii privind motivaia formei, sing on object identity and functional performance, the
accentul fiind pus pe identitatea obiectului i pe perfor- actual space available for rent. In terms of mass, the
manele funcionale, respectiv spaiul pus la dispoziie example proposed ignores actual urban rules, keep-
pentru nchiriere. Din punct de vedere al volumetriei, ing constant surface height, and relates to the origi-
forma propus ignor regulamentul actual de urbanism, nal building through a gentle connection marking the
pstrnd suprafaa constant pe nlime, i se raportea- corners of the site, on an ageless formula. From the ar-
z la cldirea iniial printr-un racord foarte lent i fin, chitect point of view there are four key elements of the
care marcheaz colurile sitului, ntr-o formul conside- project: functionality, design, culture and value, and the
rata fr vrst / ageless. Din punct de vedere al pro- harmonious way of unifying the four features.
iectantului, exist patru caliti fundamentale ale pro-
iectului: Funciune, Design, Cultur i Valoare, iar meritul
conceptului de arhitectur este de a unifica cele patru
caracteristici ntr-un mod armonios.
Propunere ZAHA HADID
nlime / Height: 203,91 m;
Niveluri / Levels: 40

Studii i cercetri tiinifice de arhitectur i urbanism / Architectural and Urban Research Studies / ARGUMENT 129
(1999 Pritzker Prize)
De la Stonehenge ncoace, arhitecii au fost ntotdeauna Since Stonehenge, architects have always been at the
la limita de sus a tehnologiei. i nu se poate separa tehno- cutting edge of technology. And you cant separate
logia de coninutul uman i spiritual al unei cldiri. (Foster, technology from the humanistic and spiritual content
N. (1999) Interviu difuzat pe postul de radio BBC Radio n of a building. (Foster N. (1999) BBC Radio interview in
data de 4 Mai). May 04).
Cldirea ctigtoare pare s lege dou perioade de The winner proposal seems to connect two different
timp diferite, prelund din imaginea modernist a tur- time periods taking over from the modern view of near-
nurilor din imediata apropiere i adugnd un plus de by towers and adding a nowadays feeling by the visible
actualitate n special datorit sistemului structural vizi- structure system which allows large openings. Thanks
bil ce permite deschideri de mari dimensiuni. Datorit to the structural system, almost all used spaces can re-
sistemului structural, majoritatea spaiilor utilizate pot main open spaces, only outline sustained. A clear layout
rmne spaii deschise / open space primind susinere and appropriate enlightened surfaces to provide a free
doar perimetral. Eliberarea planului i obinerea unor and easy restructured space has been a real challenge
suprafee luminate corespunztor pentru a pune la for architects and structure engineers.
dispoziie un spaiu liber i uor de recompartimentat The connection between the building and the city takes
a constituit o provocare pentru proiectant i echipa de into account the need for a public space at the ground
ingineri de structur. floor, and the necessity to retract the built-space to allow
Relaia dintre cldire i ora tine cont de necesitatea de a pedestrian access from several directions. The ground
realiza un spaiu public pe zona parterului i de obligaia floor is additional elevated in order to have a pleasant
de a retrage suprafaa construita pe sit pentru a permite space thus becoming a welcoming space for the public.
accesul pietonilor din multiple direcii. Pentru a realiza Indoor space quality and the buildings envelope ge-
un spaiu primitor la parter, acesta este nlat suplimen- ometry are improved by separating the office buildings
tar, devenind o baz permeabil publicului larg. with 2 rows of open gardens, these allowing users to
Calitatea spaiului interior i geometria anvelopantei enter a leisure space, and visually dividing the building
sunt mbuntite prin segmentarea corpurilor de biro- from the outside.
uri cu dou rnduri de grdini deschise, acestea permit It can be noticed for this contest, involving both ar-
accesul utilizatorilor ntr-un spaiu amenajat pentru rela- chitects interested in promoting sustainability and
xare, iar din exterior segmenteaz vizual cldirea. architects being totally uninterested in this topic that
Se poate observa i n cazul acestui concurs, la care among the core elements of green standards, energy,
au participat att arhiteci interesai de promovarea water, and materials efficiency remain the primary
sustenabilitii ct i arhiteci total dezinteresai de acest goals, with sustainability and pollution avoidance sec-
subiect, c printre elementele de baz ale standardelor ondary. (Hollister, 2011)
proiectrii cldirilor verzi, eficiena utilizrii energiei,
apei i materialelor rmne scopul primordial, alturn-
du-se acestuia sustenabilitatea i evitarea polurii ca
scopuri secundare. (Hollister, 2011)

130 Universitatea de Arhitectur i Urbanism Ion Mincu / Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning
nlime / Height: 209.39 m;
Niveluri / Levels: 41

O not definitorie a arhitecturii este capacitatea de
a aduce inovaie ntr-un domeniu extrem de vast i
de a merge n paralel cu idealurile societii n care se
desfoar. La baza inovaiei st ntotdeauna teoria,
dezvoltat ca fundament pentru demersul arhitectural, Conclusions
teorie care se regsete att n arhitectura star ct i n
arhitectura sustenabil. One thing that clearly defines architecture is the ability
n concluzie, energia curat nseamn mai puin ener- to bring innovation into a wide knowledge area and to
gie. Magia energiei alternative a consumat n mare m- keep up with the ideals of the society holding it. Theory
sur imaginaia publicului n ultima decad, astfel nct is always the core of innovation, developed as a basis for
cele mai importante i durabile resurse de mediu au fost the architecture design, theory that is found both in star
trecute cu vederea i au rmas insuficient cercetate. architecture and sustainable architecture.
(Zehner, 2012 p. 341) As a conclusion, ultimately, clean energy is less energy.
Alternative-energy alchemy has so greatly consumed
the public imagination over recent decades that the
most vital and durable environmental essentials remain
overlooked and underfunded. (Zehner, 2012 p. 341)

Studii i cercetri tiinifice de arhitectur i urbanism / Architectural and Urban Research Studies / ARGUMENT 131

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